#And once we get there mikey will be very well aware of that
reallyromealone · 1 year
Someone asked for a part 2 of the reader pretending to be an alpha and Bonten finds out so here it is
🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷☁️🩷(name) was very well cared for during his heat, each man claiming a scent gland and (name) marking them up-- well his Omega did.
They ended up moving him to one of their fancier residences, his items (save for furniture) put into a room in boxes and the omega was put in a pretty cage of Bontens making.
He was their Omega now.
No need for him to do Bonten business anymore.
They watched as (name) made his nest post heat, feral and very aware he was not in his home.
(Name) made a very good nest, the Bonten men giving the slightly hostile Omega items to nest with "fucks sake!" Rindō hissed when he got too close to the best, (name) swiping at him "don't get close to a feral omegas nest, mate or not" takeomi said lazily and went to go leave but was stopped by a heartbreaking whine "so we can't leave but we will die if we go into his nest? Great" Koko grumbled, having an Omega was fucking work...
But he looked so precious when they gave him food, chirping as he ate.
"So what are we going to do once he's back?" Kakucho asked and Mikey sighed "strip him of his Bonten title and keep him as our Omega" be said cooly "he's also house bound as punishment for lying" he was their mate after all and they weren't going to hurt him.
Not like that.
It took two days for (name) to come back and the look of confused horror on his face when he looked at the alphas around him in a place he didn't recognize and the scent of fear and pure distress filled the room "we have much to talk about Omega" Ran said calmly and (name) was very tense but noticed... They didn't enter his nest.
(Name) was in survival mode, he knew what these men could do and what would happen if he threw a fit "what do you want" (name) sat up and watched them intently "well we already got what we wanted per say... But we have questions"
"...fine" (name) could feel the bond marks and knew there wasn't much else he could do in this situation.
He was naked surrounded by the most dangerous men in Asia in a place he didn't know.
The odds didn't even exist at this point.
"Why did you do it?"
"When one sees an opportunity, do they not take it?"
"Opportunity for what?"
The men looked at (name) seriously "I knew if I was in Bonten people wouldn't dare to fuck with me" (name) said "even if I had to pretend to be an alpha, it gave me power and money..."
"I wasn't expecting to catch your eyes, really I was just trying to keep my head down but... Apparently I did too good at my job" (name) laughed without a drop of humour "and look where this got me"
"Mated to the most powerful men in Japan"
"I refuse to be a pack of alphas sex toy" (name) seethed and Mochi chuckled "oh darling, we had been planning on courting you even if you were an alpha, you just made it easier"
"You really think you got those good jobs soley on skill? Yes you were talented at your job but..." (Name) fisted his hands in anger, feeling anger rush through his veins "you are our mate now, you are stripped from your title in Bonten"
"And since we are such kind mates" Sanzu said gently tracing (name)s face "you're on house arrest till we feel you deserve freedom"
(Name) knew they intended to keep him here, keep him in a cage.
"I have conditions... If I am going to be your mate" Sanzu scoffed but Mikey halted him, wanting (name) to continue "only me." (Name) said "and if I say no, it's no"
"That's a reasonable request"
"And we do...things... When I'm ready"
"We did plenty all-" Takeomi was silenced by Koko "we can agree to those terms, welcome to the pack babydoll"
(Name) was ready to slap those smug faces.
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Decided to post the final chapter a day early! No Fun in Fungus chapter 5! I’ve submitted myself to @tmntaucompetition and the submissions close tomorrow if you wanted to submit this au as well! Thank you to everyone for supporting and reading!
“What did we do!?” Leo shouts in confusion.
“I know there’s something you want to apologize for. Even if it’s not your fault.” Mikey insists.
Leo glances away then takes a breath and looks at Donnie.
“I’m sorry about S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.”
“It seems Mikey can apparently tell the future now because I have no idea why you’d apologize for that.” Donnie deadpans.
“I sent him to go protect gram-gram. He was destroyed because of me.”
“He was destroyed because the Krang loves hurting our family and possessed our extra great grandfather. I’m just glad you didn’t try to do something stupid like face him alone. It would have been your parts I’d have to find scattered around.”
“But….Donnie, you loved S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. How are you not upset? You hate when I break your inventions, and he was way more than just an invention.”
“Are you kidding? You’re really asking me that? I can’t rebuild you! You are not easily replaceable, Leo! I know what I say and how we joke around but I thought that’s just what we did! Do you think I mean everything!? That I want you to be like gram-gram!? Like all the Hamato before us!? No! When I told you to sacrifice yourself to buy us time I said it because you like jokes! I-I didn’t say it so you could go jump into a portal to save the world! Screw the world! Screw all of it if it means I lose anyone!” Donnie ends up tearing up at the end.
Leo feels a lot of guilt creep up inside him. He was very aware about how being in the prison dimension and getting so hurt affected everyone.
At least he thought he was.
“I don’t think that, I’ve never thought that! You guys know I don’t just do this kind of stuff whenever, right?” Leo frantically looks between the three of them.
None of them can meet his gaze.
The guilt turns into a bit of hurt.
“Jeeze, you sacrifice yourself for the sake of the world once and suddenly you’re the craving death guy.” He deflects.
“Leo!” Mikey shouts, eyes starting to glow again.
“You’re joking now? Right at this moment? Am I hallucinating again? You can not be serious!” Donnie joins in on yelling.
Leo looks away from them, eyes landing on Raph.
He’s the only one who doesn’t get angry which surprises Leo. The anger was there at first, he could see it, then it flickered to something else.
“You told us and I never thought you were bein serious.”
Donnie raises an eyebrow.
“Told us what exactly?”
“That he jokes to cope. You’re not telling jokes because you don’t care, you’re telling jokes because you’re afraid.”
Leo bites the inside of his cheek.
“I thought I was pretty obvious about it until you guys kept coming after me during the first Shredder situation. If I don’t joke, then I just stop moving and that leaves all of us without portals!”
“Why didn’t you just tell us? It sounds like you were scared the entire time!” Mikey frowns.
“Of course I was! He turned Draxum into a freaking raisin and almost killed dad! How could I not be scared!? What good would telling you I’m scared be? So you could do what? Actually, let me tell you exactly what you’d do. You’d do what you’ve been doing since Mikey rescued me and ignore everything just to make sure I’m okay. We didn’t have the time for that back then.”
“How often do you not tell us how you’re feeling just because it’s inconvenient or a detriment to the mission?” Donnie narrows his eyes.
“Have you considered how much I do say what I’m feeling only for you guys to say I’m being paranoid or messing around? Oh Leo, we should trust the weird spider lady. Leo, stop spraying the bugs to protect this guy from getting mutated. Who cares if we might get hurt during the mutant panic?”
Leo regrets his words as he sees the look of hurt on Raph’s face.
He sighs heavily.
“It’s not on you, big bro. The bigger problem is we kind of all ignore each other? I’m still afraid of bringing up the pizza puffs incident because I’m worried you’ll blow a blood vessel. Donnie got pretty mad about the pizza pigeon too. And then….” He trails off, remembering just how badly he messed up.
“Maybe that’s because we weren’t paying attention to your feelings then either.” Mikey says softly.
“No, what I did was all my fault. You and Donnie could have died.”
“You chose the wrong thing to do, but you were….really messed up, Leo. You didn’t even have much time after your panic attack. We should have taken over for you, or at least try to make you see you weren’t okay.”
“Then….I’m sorry that for as much as I talk, I don’t say what I need to say as much. I’ll try to do better, try to help us all do better.”
Mikey smiles brings him over, nuzzling his cheek against his.
“I suppose it’s my turn now. I am sorry for….a lot of things. I….know how I can be. While I have come to terms with the fact that there are parts of me that I should accept and never change, I do realize what you all put up with sometimes. I don’t always take care in focusing on what you all do for me, small things that can be taken for granted. I want you all to know that no matter what I say or do, I would still personally tear out the still beating heart of anything that comes after us. Then, I would put it on display as a warning.” Donnie says that last part nonchalantly.
There’s a few seconds of silence before Donnie is pulled into the collective hug.
The others are crying.
“Donnie, we love you too!” Mikey sobs.
“That was beautiful, Dee.” Raph sniffles.
“I’ve never heard you say something so emotional, kinda liking the mushy side.” Leo smiles through tears.
Donnie can’t help but tear up too.
He really did love his family more than anything.
Mikey soon lowers everyone down, the chains disappearing as well.
“Can Raph ask how you did all that now!?” Raph grips him by the shoulders.
“I….I don’t even really know. I just thought our family was going to fall apart and it just happened.” Mikey answers.
Donnie glances around.
“Your chains managed to get rid of a lot of the spores. I think the mushrooms must be weak to light like yours.”
Mikey’s eyes light up.
“I can make those things go away?”
“That’s my working theory, but…..I worry about your arms. I’m surprised that they aren’t hurt again now.“
“There is a pretty big difference between chains and opening up a portal to another dimension.” Leo comments, subtly checking over Mikey’s arms.
Mikey hums as he tries to think of a solution.
“Donnie, could you make a weapon?”
He makes a gun and hands it to him.
“Donnie!” Leo and Raph shout.
“Oh calm down, it’s just a dart gun.”
Mikey imbues the weapon with some of his ninpo.
“I need a mushroom to test it out on.”
Raph picks up Leo and Donnie in one arm and Mikey in another.
“Let’s find you one then.”
He carries them all off and together they carefully search for the mushrooms.
Eventually several start making their way towards them and Mikey shoots.
The bodies shrivel up almost right away at the ninpo dart stabbing them.
“Alright Mikey!” Leo cheers.
“If it’s his light that does it….then maybe these will work!” Donnie creates three UV light flashlights.
He hands two to Raph and Leo and wriggles out of Raph’s hold.
“Let’s make these mushrooms which they never evolved.”
The brothers start exterminating every single mushroom they come into contact with.
It feels nice to be able to take out the things that have been torturing them all night.
It’s almost cathartic. They couldn’t truly destroy the source of their fears, but they could waste some crappy mushrooms that triggered their PTSD.
“Do you think that was the last of them?” Raph questions after a lot of walking yielded no more mushrooms.
“When this kind of thing happens in movies, isn’t there usually one big version that controls the others?” Leo answers with his own question.
“I hate where you drew that conclusion from, but I hate that you’re right even more. My goggles picked up a much larger amount of mystic energy in one of the tunnels.” Donnie adds.
“Then we know what we gotta do. Those things aren’t going to hurt anymore people. Everyone on board?” Raph looks around.
Everyone nods with the same look of determination Raph has.
They grab their real weapons for good measure before heading down the tunnel Donnie got the reading from.
He and Mikey walked behind Raph who had Leo using his arm for assistance walking again.
Mikey can’t help but still feel a little afraid of the darkness they leave behind as they walk with their lights.
Donnie gently, purposefully bumps his hand against Mikey’s.
Mikey smiles a bit and holds his hand.
He smiles more when he notices Donnie’s tail wag.
After a good amount of walking, they come across the end of the tunnel that goes to a large opening.
Inside was a colony of the smaller mushrooms surrounding a humongous one.
“Let’s slice him up like he’s going on a pizza.” Raph readies his weapons.
The mushrooms start coming at them all’s
Leo opens up portals to send him and the others to different locations.
Raph mows down the mushrooms with his projection and Donnie supplies some clones with more UV lights.
Mikey jumps and flips around like crazy using mainly his legs as he shoots at the mushrooms. It’s freeing, not focusing on what he can’t do for once.
Donnie made grander, larger weapons with every launch of his ammunition. He let himself go all out. Therapeutic in its own way.
Leo may or may not be taking too much advantage of being able to use his portals again. They were useful in this chaotic fight sure, but it also meant a lot to be able to move around better.
This is the first fight they’ve had since the Krang and each of them felt like they got something back from it.
They keep fighting until the big mushroom finally ends up the same way as all the smaller ones.
The ones that were still alive also followed suit.
Now that the fight was over, they dragged themselves back to their home. It was entirely too late in the night and everything they went through was exhausting in its own right.
Mikey looks up at Raph, eyes almost closing, and makes grabby hands.
Raph feels his heart swell. It’s just like when they were kids.
He lifts him up, cradling him like he did Leo at the beginning of this whole situation.
Leo smiles tiredly at seeing them.
“Remember when you tried to convince me you were older and I said that all big brothers give piggy back rides? I can’t believe you and your big brain fell for that.”
Donnie considers this and suddenly stops right in front of him. When Leo almost falls over on him, Donnie takes the opportunity to get him on his shell.
“I am older.”
Leo rests his chin on Donnie’s head.
“Fine, just this once.”
Raph and Donnie carry their brothers to Raph’s room.
When Donnie, Mikey, and Leo are in the bed, Raph grabs his fluffiest possible blanket out of his collection and pulls it over all them after he’s wrapped himself around.
Donnie had his arm spread over Mikey and Leo who were cuddled up together.
Mikey also held Raph’s tight in his arms like it was the world’s most comfortable teddy bear.
They all drifted off to sleep, knowing that even if there were more nightmares, they’d deal with them.
None of them would ever be alone.
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rec list (last updated: 10/22/23)
aka 'if you liked [cmh] you might also like [insert other really good fic here]' bc there are So Many amazing fics out there good lird
few things. first off if you see a disaster twins bias no you don't. second i tried to find all the authors' tumblrs but there were some i couldn't - if you know any of the ones i missed let me know!
aaand third, there are just. SO many good fics i ended up splitting things up. this is the rec post for multi chapter fics, here's the one shot rec post
Multichapter Fics
A Twin Thing (@minumi-chan)
Four times Donatello rejects Leo's notion of them being twins, and the once (and future) time he embraces it.
GOD THE TWINS EVER.... funny in parts but also hurts in the best possible way and thankfully has a happy ending to soothe the pain. i literally love them so much
Because We Could Not Stop For Death (@turtleinsoup)
After Leo dies, Donnie builds an android of his twin. After Leo dies, he comes back. He does. And Donnie will not ever let him go again.
very very very very VERY heavy please mind the warnings but god. god. another take on the 'leo dies in the prison dimension' concept that btw WILL make you cry. like a lot. absolutely incredible study of grief. i am never going to be the same person after reading this
coming right on back for you (@taizi)
Rise!Mikey’s portal in the prison dimension takes Leo a little bit farther than he meant for it to. 12!Mikey finds a familiar-looking stranger.
soooo full disclosure i haven't actually watched 2012 tmnt. that said even without that, this fic rules. incredibly soft and heartwarming. i love them
Corrupted Upgrade (@dandylovesturtles)
His brothers think they don't need him anymore? Well, fine. He doesn't need them either. The old Donatello is gone. He'll build a new one. One that will make them regret they ever threw him aside. Building things is what he's good at, after all.
i can't say too much without spoiling the twist, but oh MAN guys it's real good. come get your donnie hurt/comfort juice rn. also for a hurt/comfort fic it has NO RIGHT being so funny so often
Dimensions Apart & Home Again
"Who said I'm hiding?" Leo scoffs. Normally he wouldn't take such a sharp tone, but he's tired and not in the mood for what he feels to be an interrogation in his own bedroom. "You all know where I am. I live here, remember?" “Yeah, very funny. And you know where we live. But nobody's seen you for two weeks.”
ooohhh post movie hurt/comfort my beloved... leo is isolating and donnie kicks his ass. metaphorically. mostly. meanwhile raph and mikey are also having a certified Bad Time but it's okay they all get comfort by the end
Havoc, Thy Name is Donnie
Donnie accidentally turns himself into a child while experimenting with mystic power. It's cute until Donnie gets his hands on his older self's tech and then it's really uncute and Leo and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. are having a heart attack.
child donnie is an absolute MENACE and it's INCREDIBLE. terrorizes leo. terrorizes shelldon. terrorizes some random criminals. terrorizes april. terrorizes draxum. all in the course of a single day. 12/10
how to get very good at juggling (@radishhqueen)
The Krang invasion put a couple of things in perspective for April. One of them was how much she wanted her parents to meet the Hamatos. The only difficult part is…getting her parents to meet the Hamatos.
the turtles meet april's parents! it goes... about as well as can be expected. REALLY good april centric post movie fic
little kid with a big death wish (@remedyturtles)
Leo's mind rebelled against the sensation. The heaviness burst into awareness, body, limbs, lungs, blinking. The middle distance he'd apparently been staring in focused. Leo was awake. Leo was aware. Leo was alive. Being alive wasn't something he thought he'd be.
genuinely don't think i could ever recommend this fic enough. mind the warnings as it does get very heavy but. god. idk how to express how much this fic means to me in just a few sentences but like. you'll understand if you read it (also for. an actual summary: post movie recovery fic with a side of extra leo)
Nothing Haunts Us (like the things we don't say)
The boys learn the hard way that truths can hurt. Well, some of them.
truth spellllll you love to see it! lotta post movie angst + some good comfort at the end + bonus the boys actually being emotionally vulnerable and talking about their issues (even if it's not 100% by choice)
Trial and Error (@apatheticrobots)
Leo ends up in the past. This changes some things.
YES the healing (well. eventually).... big fan of the leos' dynamic in this one. also that One Scene (the one with the animatic. if you know you know) gives me goosebumps EVERY time good god
Unfinished business
When one dies leaving something undone, there's a belief, that they do not go gentle into that good night. They linger on until they've finished what they couldn't while alive. And for four turtles, that business is using the Poltergeist movie as inspiration.
bad future ending but make it HILARIOUS. tldr the future turtles haunt the SHIT out of the krang. that's all i'm giving you because that's all you should need. they fucking rick roll them. please
Use Only For Intended Purpose (me!)
That's probably not how mind melds are supposed to work.
sorry for reccing my own fic do you still love me /j BUT FR if you like post movie disaster twins hurt/comfort with a side of dream sharing. i got u
Where in the World is Neon Leon?
Leo practices portalling on his own. This is not a good idea for many, many reasons.
set over the course of the show + the movie! aka leo trying so so hard to be seen as reliable and getting incredibly fucked up over it. also making new friends
write this down on my headstone (it wasn't what i hoped for) (@bottledovercast)
it’s as he drifts listlessly through the cold-as-shit hellscape that leo’s willing to admit, maybe this wasn’t what raph meant. aka: i do not believe for one second that there were No Problems in between getting leo out of the prison dimension and the final scene of the movie.
i genuinely do not know how to do this one justice with words. it's written impeccably and the hurt/comfort is just. chefs kiss. please read it (+ has a sequel now that's also absolutely incredible!)
In progress
At My Worst (@teainthesnow)
Future Leo ends up back in time, stuck in the body of his younger self, who is still conscious but trapped within his mind.
genuinely LOVE this concept like there's a lot of (really good) future leo goes back in time fics but i'm pretty sure this is the only one i've read with them sharing a body? god the dynamic is. SO good. one of my fave future leo + present leo dynamics ever tbh. just. chefs kiss
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good (@dandylovesturtles)
Leo is cursed by a mystic whatever thingy. But don't worry guys, he's totally got this! Getting back into his body? Easy peasy. (He hopes it will be easy peasy.)
will smith poses fellow ghost(ish) leo fic my beloved! ngl this one kinda has a special place in my heart so i May be biased BUT even aside from that it's just. so good. the premise is so interesting and it's written super well and in character and also i would like to give leo a hug PLEASE GOOD GOD
I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? (@tangledinink)
When Hamato Yoshi is presented with the chance to return to the surface with his sons and give them a 'normal' life as humans, he takes it. He didn't think that they would forget about that whole turtle thing. But it seems kind of too late to tell them now. Surely they won't find out any other way, right?
human au! ... kind of. actually brooches au but they THINK they're human which is fine until, y'know, it's not. currently in the 'not' part of the fic and it's just going really great for everyone! you love to see it
In Which Donnie and Leo Make Themselves Everyone Else's Problem in an NYC That Isn't Even Their Own
It was a huge mistake on the Kraang's part to kidnap the wrong half of the wrong set of brothers and leave behind two very worried twins. And not just any twins. The disaster twins.
another crossover with 12tmnt which. again i have not seen, but like. this fic is just. REALLY good. it's set pre movie so there's not that trauma, it's literally just the twins fucking the 12 kraang up and living up to their nickname while the 12 turtles (and rise mikey and raph) look on in horror
i think i would prefer the prison dimension (@purplecatghostposts)
Leo gets sent to the Kraang Apocalypse Future that he really didn’t want to think about. Future Leo, Mikey, and Donnie are absolutely baffled by him. Nobody is happy.
you've heard of future leo in the present, now get ready for: present leo in the future! he gets dragged into the apocalypse instead of getting pulled out of the prison dimension back to his brothers and boy he is, understandably, Not Thrilled!
Last Grain of Sand in the Hourglass (@last-hourglass)
The one where the Hamato family is freaking the fuck out, Leo is lost in the Prison Dimension, and a very-time-displaced Leonardo refuses to leave his younger self behind. (Oh, and there may be some mystic hauntings afoot. You know, the usual result of messing with the space-time continuum.)
future leo gets saved while present leo stays in the prison dimension! there's A Lot going on in this one and half of it is BIG spoilers but just. oh my god. this shit is SO well written i am eating it
Mikey's Jam-Packed, Guaranteed to Get Donnie's Memory Back, Friendship Tour!
Donnie wakes up without his memory one day and everyone panics. They're just going to have to jog his memory the old-fashioned way! Through the power of friendship! [And a small (I was wrong. A very large) degree of violence and shenanigans]
donnie gets amnesia and SO SO MANY shenanigans ensue. also a tiny bit of angst but it's fine
Minor Interference (@bambiraptorx)
The turtles accept Draxum's offer to train them. Little does he know that they're only going to use it mess with him.
haha draxum accidental dad moments... well okay not entirely just yet but he's getting there! the turtles are PEAK teenager literally just causing problems on purpose and it's incredible
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis (@mutantninjamidlifecrisis)
In the midst of attempting to make peace with his death at the hands of the Krang, Master Leonardo is suddenly yeeted over two decades into the past, courtesy of his little brother.
YEAAHHH another future leo fic! mans gets dropped into the past and IMMEDIATELY kidnapped and brainwashed so things are going great (it's fine he gets better. you know how it is)
odd man out (@threestripeslider)
The one where Future!Leo somehow managed to luck out on a one in a million mere millisecond chance of a freak glitch in the space-time continuum that sends him back into the present, where the Invasion has been successfully driven back. And it looks like it was a one-way ticket travel.
DAD FUTURE LEO MY BELOVED.... he really took one look at these kids and said is anyone else gonna give them a third (3) dad and did not wait for an answer. also big fan of casey's high school adventures LMAO
Power Up
Leo also gets healing hands like his 2k12 counterpart. Sadly, they end up backfiring on him. Who needs to know though?
leo taking 'it's not about me' to the extreme. good god please get this kid some therapy and self worth. the AGONIES
The Lemonade Leak (@turtleinsoup)
The one in which Leo can’t sleep without his swords, because there is a monster in his room, pretending to be Donnie.
oh man. oh MAN. legit one of my fave fics out there. i'm not usually a big thriller person but this one GETS ME + the way the author writes the different perspectives is just. chefs kiss. genuinely has me on the edge of my seat every single update
The Neon Void
Five years. It's been five years. Hamato Leonardo was back. But he was no longer who he once was.
krangified leo! ... sort of. absolutely delicious angst and also i want to rattle leo's brothers. TALK TO EACH OTHER
Three-Sided Coin (@leglessstreetlights)
Highly self-indulgent fic where I put Leo, Future!Leo, and TurtleTot!Leo in the same room until they hug
what the description says! room is a bit of a stretch and present leo is fresh out of the prison dimension So There's That. some really sweet moments in this one though. tiny leo my beloved
this year we lost our dear brother leonardo
The aftermath of the Krang, and of pulling Leo out of the portal. 90% comfort and silly banter.
this is a series not a single wip but i'm saying it counts because i love it a lot. hope this helps <3 yeah what it says on the tin. immediately post movie family hours you love to see it
Times Five
Leo gets struck by a mystic beam that splits him into five parts of himself; literally.
god the TWIST. still losing my mind over it. the whole thing honestly. lotta dealing with leo's complicated emotions about the invasion and himself, really really good tbh
Write Me Well, My Love, Write Me Weird
When stories start popping up on various media outlets of the Turtleman, New York Cities own personal cryptid, most of the world shrugged. To the citizens of New York? fear, excitement, adoration for this odd and lovable creature. Everyone is quick to share stories and memories of their encounters, much to lament of Turtleman's older brother.
leo and donnie get spotted by humans (more than once) and said humans post about it on social media, as humans tend to do. raph is Not Thrilled. angst (and eventual comfort) ensues
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
Hello❤️! So I was wondering if you could create a post about my request that I will tell you now, because I really want to hear your opinion on it.
So my friend and I both watch Tokyo Revengers and we both read the manga and everything and we just love to talk about it. Our opinions and “theories” would mostly be (it includes Mikey), what if Draken was pressured by Mikey into being around Emma, protecting her and in the end loving her.
So our opinion is based on a fact that Draken is doing everything for everyone and putting himself last. First off the nature of Drakens and Mikeys friendship-Draken looked up on Mikey and through the years got the habbit of doing everything he says and doesn't, and now we know that Emma was really important to him as well as her happiness (everyone excluding her as a child, being alone etc.). So what we think was going on is rather in the beggining Mikey was the one pulling the strings between the two and as the years went by-Mikey making Toman and being the leader of it- Draken wasn't in a position to say no as well as the other members of Toman. It was shown that no one has a problem with Emma and even if she was the most likable person ever it is not possible to get along with everyone. basically people couldn't say no to Mikey and couldn't stay on Emma's bad side and in those people we include Draken.
Another point that I already mentioned a lot is Mikey. Through the story it got shown more then once that Mikey lost respect for Draken, for example when Taiju said how Mikey trust Izana more then Draken, and like he knew Draken since they were like 10? or when they had a meeting about letting Kisaki in and yes Mikey was manipulated but he didn't even consider Drakens opinion, his literal right hand and best friend, and Draken isn't stupid he had to realize it at one point so that rises a question why didn't back away?
Draken has no one. He grew up in a place where he did without good role models and like 1 person that would look at him as a kid. He had Mitsuya but Mitsuya also had his sisters to take care of, and Draken was surely aware if that so the only person he had was Mikey who already lost respect for him and was ready to replace him, the only thing keeping him in his place was always doing things for Mikey and never saying no. Not saying that they didn't love each other, they surely did but deaken surely had a pressure of being replaced and loosing the only person he could be with. So the main question, considering your page, does Draken really loves Emma or is he just pressured by Mikey? It is said that it was Mikeys dream for Emma and Draken to be together and have a family. And also like I said that Draken didnt have anyone so I also think that he sticked around the Sano siblings because he didnt want to be alone. And also in the future where its said like “Takemichi and Hina are married but Emma always spends time at their place, and Emma is pregnant…”, Draken and Emma are almost not even spending time together.
I would love if you could take some of your time to replay ro my request because I really want to hear your opinion on this.
Btw i really love everything you write! Keep it up!❤️❤️
(English is not my first language sorry if there are mistakes)
Oh I've never heard that before, it's an interesting pov! I could definitely see it from the perspective of Draken putting others before himself, Draken is a very selfless guy and we see it a whole lot throughout the series. He's definitely not a pushover to Mikey though and will stand his ground when he thinks Mikey is wrong about something. I'm also not sure Mikey would've even realised that's what was going on, I mean when he first sees Draken and Emma talking, his first response is to think they're gossiping about him. (Lmao)
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He obviously realises their feelings at some point but he definitely doesn't seem perceptive enough to notice that early on, more so in Emma's case here since she seems to be the one who fell first.
I do think that a lot of the toman members were forced to get along with Emma though. Not forced as in it was hard for them but more like before they even met her they knew to never cross the boss's sister. I mean Hina had no reason to get along with her but did so rather quickly so I'm assuming Emma is a nice person who is fairly easy to get along with anyways. There probably were some people in toman who didn't like her or wouldn't like her but we don't really get to see her interact with them or see their pov's.
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I also don't think Mikey lost respect for Draken at those points either, I think it was more like he just had more trust in the others rather then losing trust in Draken. We know family is very important to Mikey so it makes sense that he latched onto Izana to help fill the space his dead siblings had left. With Kisaki although I agree Mikey was in the wrong for not listening to the others here. I understand that he did this because he was desperate, he knew he needed help and cared for the others too much to get them involved so he turned to someone he thought could help. He was scared and people don't always make good choices when they're scared.
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We've never seen Draken have any kind of insecurity about losing Mikey but I like the idea of it. I think it would make sense for him to be worried about losing someone so close, we know he adores Mikey. Though I also think he understands Mikey very well and knows that Mikey probably wouldn't just replace him over something like that.
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As for Emma spending a lot of time at Takemichi and Hina's place in the future, it's not said but I've always assumed it's because Draken is working a lot. He does have a wife and kid on the way to support and I'm not sure how time consuming his career is but it seems like something that would take up a lot of his time. Which would leave Emma alone so she goes to Hina's place instead to hang out with her. This is just speculation though since none of this is mentioned in the last character book.
All in all I do think Draken loves Emma, Draken would do a lot of things for Mikey but marrying his sister and spending the rest of his life with her seems a bit too much. Though just because I think that doesn't mean the hc or anything is wrong. I can definitely see certain aspects of it and it was fun to think about all these different things! It was a cool hc to read about!
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*sigh* 2003 turtles should’ve made a radio station
Did anyone see that one video of Raph and Mikey doing a podcast and answering questions? How neat would it be if they just… had a radio station??
Imagine, right, Mikey reads scary stories and he and Donnie are writing an episodic murder mystery story. Leo does mini-lessons in Japanese language and culture. Raph blasts absolutely banger music and gives updates on any new happenings New Yorkers should watch out for - ongoing gang wars, aliens on the loose, but also charity events outside of Oroku Saki’s work because. Fuck Oroku Saki lol
Whenever they get into trouble and can’t get to their radio station or are too busy fighting something, the few New Yorkers that listen to them worry, and as they worry, they talk, and so ironically anytime the station goes quiet, the awareness of it spreads. The turtles keep coming back to new listeners, and they make more stories, more little lessons, they share little censored bits of their life. Mikey does in-depth analysis of superhero comics and shows like Star Trek, and very often reminds his listeners to Be Fuckin Weird!!! Be you be fun be interesting, your interests and hobbies are so cool I promise you, your outfit is banger and your hair is stylish and you deserve to feel confident in yourselves!!
Donatello shares hacks to make putting together machines easier for yourself, especially encouraging women to not feel intimidated or ridiculed by men for never being taught stuff like car mechanics — once you know where to start and what things look like, it’s easy enough! He researches reliable resources both online and offline, and occasionally rambles about new breakthroughs and what they mean in the bigger scope of all things science.
Leo has little episodes about exploring the soul - learning to understand yourself, meditating on who you are and want to be, but also how to cope with dangerous or traumatizing situations (shoutout to the Ancient One). Lots of queer folk lightheartedly agree that they would come out to him without hesitance because he “would be so so nice about it I bet.”
Raph starts setting up interviews, at first with the humans he knows - the kind Mrs. Morrison, talking about the horribly unfair housing policies making her life harder, the Professor, to humanize the homeless, but then he gets a little braver and starts interviewing nonhumans that live in the city — Leatherhead first, and then Sydney and the other people from the Underground City. A stray Utrom that settled down here and opted to stay when their peers left for home. Professor Honeycutt, when he visits - that interview sort of cements that he’s not making these people up, because, well. Everyone had seen and heard the fugitoid during the invasion. He interviews superheroes, both those that work during the day, and those that work during the night (and yes, he does interview the Turtle Titan). He invites the Battle Nexus Daimyo for a visit. But the interview most beloved by the listeners… is one Raphael conducts with his dad.
They never mention they’re mutants, but I wonder how many people feel something click in their minds when Raph starts the interview by going “so. Just you and four kids, practically homeless, hiding in the shadows. How did you manage, those first few years when we were really little?” And they talk about being a single dad who was “barely an adult” (read: still learning himself how to be a mutant) and all the folks out there who maybe had to deal with having kids too early or at a time where they couldn’t properly take care of them as much as they wanted to, they all lean in, because this man sounds like he’s about sixty now - surely he’ll have some wise words of advice? And he does, Splinter talks about having to learn what kids are even like, never having had interacted with that many people in general before, he often had to guess at what was a serious ailment and what was simply a byproduct of childhood and later puberty, he talks about how visiting his few friends (the Ancient One, and the Daimyo) helped him remember that he’s not all alone to do this, he talks about how what worked for one of his sons didn’t work for the other three and how a parent should always remain flexible and open minded and accepting of change, as change is natural to life and inevitable especially during the early years. And they talk and talk and I bet a bunch of New Yorkers go “wait a minute.. four guys that live on the streets with a dad they occasionally call a ‘master,’ one of them constantly talks about machinery, they all speak fluent Japanese… could these possibly be the fucked up little guys that saved my ass that one time? Could this be the guy I punched that one time cuz I freaked out?’
Like. Just consider it okay. A turtle radio station.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Out Of The Shadows and Into The Neon
Señor Hueso had promised himself, after a chaotic childhood, that he'd life as peaceful and plain a life as he could once he got older. And he'd done pretty well with that until he'd met Hamato Leonardo. Now he can expect anything from dueling crime families to brotherly bonding by stealing from the most dangerous woman either Above or Below.
So when he steps outside int he early morning to sweep the hidden entrance of Run of the Mill and finds a box full of small sleeping turtle creatures, all he does is sigh deeply and bring them inside.
They wake up once he brings them to the back, all yawning and stretching. They're so very small, all four, and nearly identical. Different shades of green, slightly different head shapes, but otherwise identical. Related, probably.
"And how are you this morning?" he asks softly, cutting up some cucumbers and tomatoes. They probably don't understand, and probably can't reply, but with yokai and mutants it's always a possibility. As he offers out the slices of fruits, however, it's clear there's no tricks.
Four abandoned babies. Left on his doorstep.
Turtle babies.
He pulls out his phone. Two rings, and- "Hueso, my main Yokai man! Everything okay? It's kinda early to be asking me for help with staff shortages you know."
"Too early for your tone as well, Pepino. No, there's no big trouble, but ah... your brothers have not been going out having... flings, have they?" A question he's sure he knows the answer to, the group of young twenty-something year olds hadn't ever really pursued any such relationships as far as he was aware (and too aware he was, with Leon's constant gossip-visits for his 'Favorite Uncle').
"What?! Ew, no, I- hhrk-"
Hueso rolls his not-eyes.
"Why would you even ask that?!"
"Well, this morning I found a box of baby turtle abando-"
There's a buzzing sound, a bright blue light, and then five bodies collectively collapsing on his kitchen floor. The smallest one springs up first, grabbing the box off the counter with his tail and looking inside. Splinter's eyes well up as he delicately picks up one of the babies. The baby (the one with the most blue undertone to it's green skin) paps one tiny three-fingered hand onto Splinter's nose.
"We'll take them!" he delcares.
Hueso feels a swell of relief. He really didn't want to raise four babies at once, his precious Hueso Jr had been more than enough. "Well, that was easy."
"We'll also take as many of our regular orders as this will get us," Mikey says, shoving a wad of cash into Hueso's hands. "We'll need lots of leftovers with how busy we'll be!"
"Uh, are we jumping in a little fast here?" Raph points out as the group heads to their usual table in the empty restaurant, Hueso disappearing into the kitchen. "We don't know how to be dads! Even Pops only figured it out a few years ago."
"Almost ten now!" Splinters barks. He puts the box on the table and squishes his own cheeks as he looks inside. "And you boys have more... nurturing instinct, than I did. Look at Future Boy!"
"Ohmigosh, you're right! Casey is an uncle now! Or older brother?" Mikey picks up the very smallest of the babies. "Ooooh, he's got little freckles! I'm naming youuu Mikey Jr!"
Mikey Jr. giggles and throws both hands up, slapping them down with all his baby might onto Mikey's face. Mikey's own eyes well up now, and he kisses the little baby on his head. His heart? Stolen. "Mikey Jr, you are already carrying on that legacy of cuteness!"
"This won't get confusing at all," Donnie mumbles. He sits up straighter, puts a hand to his chest, and speaks louder than he must, "If we're naming them after ourselves I propose we go by alternate nicknames in group settings. I shall be, Othello Vo-"
"First off, you'd be Donald," Leon says with a tsk and a shake of his head, "Secondly my bro, mi hermano, twin of mine, no-one said all the babies will be named after us. I'm totally naming one after Jupiter Jim."
"Really? And, which one would that be?"
Leon leans over the box. "Well, obviously-! Ah, um..."
Raphie plucks the second smallest baby from the box, holding him by the ankle. The baby laughs as he swings around upside-down. "Maybe this one? He looks like he could be a space adventurer!" He lays him down in his other hand, the baby perfectly palm-sized for now well over seven-foot-tall turtle. The baby stares back up with beady all-pupil eyes. "Awww, lookit the little guy! Raphie loves you, yes he does, yes he does!" He wiggles his finger over the baby as he coos.
Suddenly the baby's face pinches, scrunches, and Splinter gasps in fear as-
"No no no little guy! Don't cry, don't cry!" Raphie pulls his hand away and puts the baby back in the box, where the blue-toned one crawls over and snuggles his brother. It doesn't stop the crying baby's tantrum though.
"No, no!" Splinter picks the crying one back up, leaving the blue one confused for a moment before he goes to snuggle the remaining quietest box baby. Quietest because he's sucking on his hand, so who knows if it's an apt descriptor yet. With the crying baby in hand, Splinter carefully uses the other to position Raphie's arms. "Here, like this! You liked this when you were small."
And then he plops the baby into the cradling arms, and the baby begins to settle. Raphie's eyes widen, and he laughs as they begin to shine with tears. "Aw, yeah, little guy. You like this too?"
The baby blinks, his splotchy face still lined with tears, his breath hiccupping, but a smile slowly taking over his little face.
"Raph Jr," Raphie declares in a proud, soft voice. "Look at you! Bet you're gonna be the strongest little guy ever."
"Possibly," Donald says, picking up the baby with the hand in his mouth. "Though I can't tell if they're Yokai or mutants, so I can't confirm or deny if they're genetic weapons like we are."
The baby blinks at Donald, then slowly pulls his hand out of his mouth. He watches Donald for a moment as Donald watches him, both staring in silence, both examining. Then, the baby grins. He grins and laughs, cooing and gurgling with great passion, trying to say all the baby thoughts in his little baby mind. Donald's expression softens, ever so slightly. An arm comes out of his battleshell, and the baby giggles some more as the arm unfolds to widen and cradle him more comfortably.
"Well it's time to learn, and time to rhyme, because the library champ says it's Dewey Decimal Time-"
"I didn't know it was possible to do a rap like a lullaby," Angelo whispers in awe. He scoots closer. "Make mine smart too!"
Leon picks up the final baby, the bluest one, the one who first stole Splinter's heart. He cradles the baby like Splinter showed Raphie. The baby blinks back up at him, silent and blank-faced. Leon grimaces. "Uh, heyyy, little baby."
The baby doesn't react.
Leon makes a silly face, crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. The baby, again, doesn't react. He tries making a silly noise, and while he does get a laugh out of Angelo and Mikey Jr, he gets nothing from the oddly serious baby in his arms. Leon's starting to have flashbacks to Big Mama's Battle Nexus New York incident.
"Here we are. For most, this would be a month's worth of pizza for every meal of the day." Hueso drops the huge stack of boxes, taller than Splinter is by far, onto the table. "For your family? I say a week."
Leon grins. "Well, we'll need the energy! After all, raising four kids will leave us all... bone-tired."
Everyone, including Hueso, groans at the pun-
And the baby in Leon's arms laughs.
His eyes snap down, taking in the screeching sound as the baby's face flushes from the force of the laughter, and the tension he'd felt melts away into unconditional love in an instant.
"Alright, Leo Jr," he says, bringing the baby up to nuzzle not-noses with him. "We'll get started on the one-liner training right away then!"
It's only after they bid farewell to Hueso and steps through a portal back into their home that Angelo gasps. "We've gotta tell April too!"
"You're right!" Raphie hands Raph Jr to Splinter and pulls out his phone. "And Raphie knows exactly how to break the news. Delicately, and totally reasonable sounding..."
Above ground and across the city, April O'Neil's phone chimes. Casey Jr and Cass both lean over her shoulder as she opens the text, ignoring the movie they had been watching in favor of snooping.
Raph-a-doodle: YOU'RE AN AUNT NOW!!!
"What?!" Casey Jr grabs the phone out of her hands as April sits frozen in shock. "But- what did- how-"
"Does this make me an aunt too?" Cass grins. "Because I've been building up a collection of wines in preparation!"
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absolutewhore101 · 2 years
When You Didn't Know I Loved You
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A/N: i'm actually very proud of this one. it also might be a tiny bit self indulgent :)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x GN!Reader (no use of Y/N)
Summary: you and Luke a very much in love and you very much cannot accept it (but you do, of course, in the end)
Warnings: none that i'm aware of
Word Count: ~1.4K
Minors DNI
You watched Luke from across the room – the smile on his face as he talked to Mikey and Calum, the rings on his hand as he held his water bottle, the hair in his eyes as they landed on you.
He smiled wider, if that was even possible, and pushed past the boys to make his way over to you.
You did your best to push the butterflies in your stomach away, averting your eyes as he got closer.
“Hi,” Luke said, nudging your foot with his own, “what’re you up to?”
You looked up, finally meeting his eyes before you responded.
“Just enjoying the vibe. It’s nice to see everyone so happy and relaxed for once.”
He nodded, sitting down beside you and throwing his arm across the couch behind your shoulders.
“Are you relaxing?” He asked you quietly. You shrugged.
“Kind of. I mean, my social battery’s a little dead so I’ve been trying to figure out how to get away for a few minutes, but I haven’t been successful yet.”
Luke smirked at you, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room, loud laughs spilling out of the both of you.
Mikey and Calum watched from across the room, shaking their heads with grins on their faces.
“When do you think they’re going to tell each other?” Mikey asked.
Calum smirked.
“20 bucks they’re together by the end of the week.” Mikey’s eyes widened.
“That soon? No way. I say it takes another 2 weeks before either of them even drops a hint.”
Calum turned to look at him before he held his hand out wordlessly.
Mikey smiled and took Calum’s hand in his own, shaking it firmly.
“You’re on.”
Outside, Luke was opening the door for you to slide into the passenger’s seat of his car, gently closing it behind you before walking around to get into the driver’s side.
“Where are we going?” You asked him, watching as he started the car.
The smirk on his face left your chest tightening and your head cloudy.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.”
You couldn’t take your eyes off him as he backed out of the driveway, and if he knew, he didn’t say anything.
He drove the two of you out of the city, headed straight for the lookout spot that you two frequented when nights became a little too lonely.
“Really?” You asked, surprised. “Here?”
“Hey, you’re the one who said you wanted to get away from the party.” He shrugged.
“Yeah. But I didn’t mean this far away.”
“Do you want to go back?” He asked, slightly uncertain now that he’d done the right thing.
You grinned. “Absolutely not.”
He matched your smile, grabbing a blanket out of the back seat before climbing out of the car. You got out as well, following him to the front of the car.
He laid the blanket out on the hood, climbing up before offering you a hand. You took it, trying your best to ignore the softness of his skin, the warmth of it, how his hand fit perfectly against your own.
You looked up at him, his eyes trained on your conjoined hand and a light pink dusting across his cheeks. Your breath caught in your throat.
You climbed the rest of the way up, resting against Luke’s side as the two of you quietly looked out across the city.
Luke tilted his head slightly, his eyes raking across your face. The shape of your nose, the curve of your lips. He couldn’t always do this; just stare at you this way. The boys would be on him in seconds, and the fear of you catching him kept his eyes down.
“It’s beautiful up here.” You remarked.
“Yeah,” he said, “it is.”
The tone of voice he used made you look up, meeting his eyes.
You were about to open your mouth, ask why he was looking at you like that, if he knew what it did to you.
Your lips parted, and Luke leaned forward, gently pressing his lips against yours.
The kiss didn’t last very long, you barely had time to lean into it before he pulled away. For a few seconds, you just looked at him. Until it processed.
You got off the car, taking a few steps away from him. The look on your face was making Luke’s stomach turn.
Should he really have done that? Did he just ruin it all? Everything he had with you… gone.
“Luke,” you started, “what did you do?”
He opened his mouth, but the words left him.
He could’ve told you he did what he’s been wanting to do for the past two years. He could’ve told you that he just did the best thing he ever did.
Instead, he told you “I don’t know.”
“No, Luke, ‘I don’t know’ isn’t good enough. Not for that.”
“Is it really so bad? That I could look at you like this? That I could feel for you like this?” He desperately asked. “Am I really so bad?”
Your head snapped up.
“No, Luke, absolutely not. This has nothing to do with you.” You told him.
“Uh, I think it kind of does.”
You let out a huff, trying to figure out how to say this to him.
You’d been in love with him since the day you met him. You watched him go through relationship after relationship because it made him happy. You let him go on tour without you, even after he’d invited you, because it made him happy.
You didn’t tell him you loved him because it made him happy.
“I can’t make you happy. Not like you deserve.” You said.
“What are you talking about? You make me happier than I’ve ever been.” Luke said, frustration seeping into his voice.
“You know that’s not true. I’ve seen you happier with other girls. I’ve seen you happier on tour, and making music, and with your family. I’ve seen you happier when you didn’t know I loved you!” You yelled, tears beginning to stream down your face.
Luke’s heart shattered; he could feel the hurt right down to his bones. You thought he was happier without you?
“You have no idea- you just- you can’t tell me what I deserve. You can’t tell me that I’m happier without loving you because I’m not. Because for the last two years, I’ve wanted nothing more than to be yours. Nothing more than to hold you and love you and tell the whole world that I’ve won. That I’m done. That I’ve found the person who I was going to spend the rest of my life with.” His voice cracked.
“You won’t be happy with me. Not for long. No one ever is. People love me, and then they know me, and then they leave. It happens. Every. Single. Time. And I’m not going to lose you, Luke. Not because of this.” You said, chest constricting tightly. “So, if you hate me now, it’s better than if you hate me after you love me.”
For a few moments, the two of you just stared at each other. Luke’s legs itched to move forward, to take you into his arms and whisper promises of his love for you. But he didn’t.
“So that’s it? You don’t even want to try? I don’t hate you. I never could. But I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything or anyone else. More than the music, and the fans. More than life itself. I love you in a way that I’ve never loved before, and, fuck, if that doesn’t scare the shit out of me. It’s terrifying, the way I love you. It’s confusing, and messy, and doesn’t make sense but it does. Because how could I not? How could I not love you, who helped me through breakup after breakup? You, who let me go on tour without you because you didn’t want me to take time away from the boys.” He was moving closer to you now, tears of his own streaming down his cheeks.
You could see the honesty in his eyes. The love he had for you swirling with the passion he had for making you believe him.
“You. It’s never been anyone else, not for me.”
You let out a breath, staring into his eyes as he now stood only a few inches from you. Luke hesitantly lifted his hand, taking hold of your own.
You closed your eyes at the feeling, the weight of his hand bringing you back to reality.
“Luke,” you started, opening your eyes to look back into his, “It’s never been anyone for me either.”
He smiled at you, letting out a breath of relief.
“I will spend every minute for the rest of my life giving you the love you deserve. I promise.”
You smiled back.
“I’ll do just the same.”
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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taizi · 1 year
give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around
chapter three: me and you and the whole town underwater
rise of the tmnt pairing: leoichi (leonardo / usagi yuichi) word count: 3k title borrowed from dark blue by jack’s mannequin post-movie
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read on ao3
Usagi: Good morning Leonardo. Unknown: USAGI Unknown: there are so many snacks in here oh my god Unknown: what the hell 😭😭😭😭 Unknown: im heavily medicated its not fair to do nic ethings ill cry Unknown: tell ur aunt i said THANK YOU!!!!!!! and the blueberry buckle was SO GOOD😭😭 Unknown: i shared some w mikey and he wants the recipe like yesterday Unknown: we actually ate like. all of it in one sitting. raph was pissed lol
Yuichi lays in bed smiling at his phone for a while before he gets around to pulling his braincells together to form a reply.
He starts and stops typing so many times that it’s embarrassing. He’ll pretend he didn’t do that.
Usagi: Those snacks were specifically meant to aid in your recovery. Unknown: so idk how familiar u are w baby brothers but typically mike gets whatever he wants
Yuichi thinks of his youngest cousin Jomei. Tiny and soft, with huge gray eyes, and unfortunately already self-aware at four years old. If Mike—Michelangelo, Yuichi thinks he remembers the boy being called—is even half as powerful as Jomei, then Leonardo’s blueberry buckle didn’t stand a chance.
Usagi: Fair enough.
It’s a good thing he woke up early. He doesn’t get anything else done for hours. Leonardo is an enthusiastic conversation partner at all times, and his texts manage to translate that energy effortlessly.  
Typically, Yuichi lets his friends save their contact IDs in his phone however they want. Leonardo isn’t there to do it himself, but Yuichi makes the rookie mistake of giving him free reign anyway. So Leonardo insists his number go in under ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️ and Yuichi has something to roll his eyes at every time they message each other.
It also makes him feel warm. There’s an affectionate little tug in his chest at this clear proof of Leonardo in his hands.
Now that he has this unfettered access to the very same person he wants to talk to all the time, Yuichi checks his phone a lot more than he used to over the next couple days. He even keeps it in his waist apron pocket at work, which some of the other servers do, which technically isn’t against the rules because none of them have abused the privilege so far.
Yuichi will feel extremely bad and guilty if he’s the one who abuses the privilege and ruins it for everyone. But when it vibrates in his pocket while he’s going outside to dump the trash anyway, he might as well linger for an extra minute and check his messages, right? Right??
Once, Señor Hueso catches Yuichi lingering in the employee lounge after his lunch break is well over, moving at a snail’s pace back toward the dining room with his nose buried in his phone. He almost walks right into his boss’s chest, saved only by the last-minute sense of someone else’s immediate presence that Karasu-Tengu-sensei mercilessly trained into him years ago. So he freezes a few inches away instead and his eyes dart up to the skeleton yokai’s unamused expression.
Oh boy. Señor Hueso is generally a very patient person but he’s no-nonsense about work. Is Yuichi in trouble? Is he going to get fired?
“I’msosorry,” Yuichi whispers.
But instead of scolding him, Señor Hueso only gives a pointed look to the phone in Yuichi’s hands and says sternly, “You tell Pepino to give it a rest. He’s still recovering from a concussion, he doesn’t need to be staring at a screen all day, madre de dios. Please be a good influence.”
“You don’t know I was talking to Leonardo,” Yuichi says defensively. He has other friends he could be texting! Then he takes a second look at the older yokai’s face and backtracks immediately. “I mean. Uh. Yes, sir. I’ll tell him.”
“Good. Now you have tables seated in your section.”
It’s a dismissal if Usagi’s ever heard one, so he scurries into the dining room with five times his original speed, sending one last message before he shoves his phone away.
Usagi: Señor says no more screen time while you’re recovering from a concussion. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: what?? how even??? ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: he doesn’t KNOW ur taking to me
Thank you, that’s exactly what Yuichi said!
He makes it a point to actually focus for the rest of his shift, but it’s a Wednesday afternoon, and things are slow. Sunita is off for the day, and Qiao is studying at the bar when they’re not actively pouring drinks, and those are the only two coworkers Yuichi is familiar enough to strike up conversation with, so he keeps to his own section and works quietly.
It’s been brought up a couple of times now, in passing—Leonardo’s condition. Apparently, even a month after the invasion, he’s still healing. Yuichi didn’t know the symptoms of a concussion could last whole weeks. He doesn’t really know much about kappa, or whatever manner of creature Leonardo and his brothers are, but for a head injury to be that severe…
Suddenly, the sight of Raphael’s damaged eye jumps to the front of Yuichi’s memory. The clean hole in the big turtle’s rock-solid carapace. What the hell could have done that? What happened to them?
His brain is coming up with nightmare fuel like that’s its job. Something horrible went down behind-the-scenes while Yuichi was completely ignorant—while Yuichi was waiting tables and getting into trouble with Kitsune and Gen and helping with the tomato harvest, Leonardo and his family were in almost certain danger. And Yuichi didn’t know.
He plops down on a stool at the bar at the tail end of his last break for the day, and Qiao wordlessly slides him a cranberry juice on the rocks.
“How do I get my friend to tell me about something that may or may not be a sensitive subject?” he blurts.
“Have you tried asking him about it?” the ram yokai replies in a tone that manages to be both over-exaggerated and monotone.
Yuichi doesn’t even know why he bothers. He taps his phone on the counter a few times, takes a big gulp of cranberry juice that he pretends is something much stronger, then goes for it.
Usagi: I need to talk to you. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: oooooo ominous Usagi: It’s not ominous, weirdo. I have to go now but I’m off at 7.
Any normal person would have taken that last text at face-value, but Yuichi isn’t dealing with a normal person, is he?
So maybe he should have been expecting it when he leaves the restaurant a few hours later and finds Leonardo waiting for him outside. He's leaning heavily on one of his katana, either in an attempt to look cool or because he’s having trouble staying upright.
Yuichi is not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he blurts. His flat tone definitely does not convey his shock, but he’s feeling too much right now to articulate any of it properly.
Leonardo laughs out loud. It’s a different sound than it used to be—hoarse and a little restrained, like he’s trying to remember he doesn’t have to be quiet. But it’s still bright, and it still makes Yuichi’s heart do backflips in his chest.
He’s wearing a hooded sweatshirt that looks way too big to belong to him, a deep maroon color, repaired with clumsy pink stitches along the shoulders. One of the sleeves is hiked up to Leonardo’s elbow, due to the unwieldy cast on his left forearm, covered in doodles and stickers. The hoodie is unzipped down the front, so Yuichi can make out the cracks in Leonardo’s plastron, spiderweb lines cutting cruelly through the armored scutes. It’s hard to imagine the kind of pressure it would have taken to crush his shell—the same kind that drilled that hole through Raphael’s? What happened to them?
The skin around Leonardo’s neck and the side of his face is still discolored from what must have been pretty nasty bruises, and there are puffy red marks where scars haven’t settled yet. He looks older than the last time Yuichi saw him.
But he’s here. And he’s smiling, a footprint of that laughter left on his face. And now he’s—oh boy, now he’s starting to list to the side.
Yuichi crosses the distance between them at a run, catching Leonardo by the arm before he can topple all the way over.
“I don’t see what’s so funny,” Yuichi says waspishly, afraid to let him go.
“You wouldn’t,” Leonardo says cheerfully. He’s leaning heavily against Yuichi’s shoulder, his hand is shaking as he sheathes his katana over his shoulder, seriously, what the fuck is he doing here? “Everyone’s cussed me out at least once since I woke up. Add you to the list.”
Flustered, Yuichi says, “I did not do that.”
“You did! You said the fuck word!”
Yuichi rolls his eyes and begins the process of dragging Leonardo toward the nearest bench, staring down anyone who drifts into their path. The tree yokai already reclining there takes one look at Yuichi’s expression, grabs her bag, and takes off without a word.
Maybe he’ll feel bad about being impolite later. He doesn’t have any room for it in his brain right now. He doesn’t even think he remembers to breathe until Leonardo is safely sitting down, slumping onto the bench seat like someone five times his age.
Yuichi crouches down in front of him, giving him a hard look. If he needs medical attention, Yuichi will kick Run of the Mill’s doors down and drag Señor Hueso out here by his tie. Who needs a part-time job anyway?
But Leonardo seems to be okay now that he’s caught his breath, and he’s still grinning, like Yuichi is the best thing he’s seen in days.
“Do you use your scary face to get what you want all the time, or is this a special occasion?” the turtle asks coyly.
“I am beginning to understand why everyone has cussed you out since you woke up this morning,” Yuichi replies, sitting back on his heels.
Something tight that’s been clenched in his chest like a closed fist has suddenly loosened, a letting go when Yuichi didn’t even know he’d been holding on.
He’s missed Leonardo. Being around him has always been easy, even when looking directly at him is like staring into the sun, even when Yuichi’s words get lost somewhere between his head and his throat and he ends up spending most of their conversations just listening and watching.
“Not since this morning,” Leonardo interjects. “Can you imagine everyone getting on my case like that all in one day? That would just be bullying. I meant since the coma.”
There it is again. Little breadcrumbs, teasing scraps of information.
Yuichi gazes up at him, and has at least a dozen questions he wants to ask. That’s why Leonardo is here, even if he doesn’t realize it. Yuichi’s curiosity inadvertently dragged his friend from the safety of his home and the safe harbor of his family to the chaotic streets of the Hidden City.
The trip itself seems to have been hard on him, when usually it’s little-to-no-effort to step through a portal between one location and the next. His forehead gleams with sweat, and he’s still breathing a little heavily, like he just ran a marathon. He’s a pale shade of the vibrant boy Yuichi first met a year ago. He looks like he regrets bringing up the coma.
But he’s still here.
Abruptly, Yuichi doesn’t want to ask any of his questions. He just wants his friend to be here.
When Leonardo says, “Sooo, what’s so serious you dragged me all the way out here?” Yuichi pushes himself to his feet and takes the seat on the bench beside him with a theatrical sigh.
“Nothing, Leonardo,” he lies. “I just wanted to talk to you. You’re the one who jumped to conclusions.”
Some tense line in Leonardo’s shoulders that Yuichi hadn’t noticed before seems to go lax, even as he rolls his eyes. “I’m a ninja, we jump, it’s a whole thing. Anyway, more importantly, did I see a stall selling dumplings down the street or nah?”
“There’s no way I can convince you to stay on this bench, is there?” Yuichi knows the answer already and he’s getting up before Leonardo has a chance to say anything, offering him his hands. When Leonardo takes them, Yuichi hauls him up onto his feet.
They stand there together for a moment, neither of them letting go. Yuichi doesn’t even feel the usual need to spring away from him before he gets too close because he’s missed this stupid guy. And his stupid face, and his stupid big hands, and the stupid way Yuichi feels around him.
Whatever happened to him, happened. Yuichi can’t change that now. And if Leonardo wants to tell him about it, he will. But Yuichi gets the feeling that what Leonardo really wants right now is to feel normal. To feel like maybe one thing in his life is the same as it’s always been.
“Dumplings,” Yuichi announces, with all the enthusiasm of his little cousins faced with the unjust trial of bedtime. “If you fall on your face, I’m leaving you there.”
“If I don’t, you’re buying,” Leonardo quips back.
Yuichi scowls, remembers he’s still holding Leonardo’s hands, and then sort of forgets how to person for long enough that Leonardo lets go and goes a few steps without him. His brain literally goes offline for a minute. That’s never happened before.
“No it’s okay,” he hears Leonardo saying to someone on the street nearby. “It’s not his fault, he’s never been the same, you know, not since the storm.”
Fur bristling, Yuichi hustles to catch up, hopefully before Leonardo has done any actual lasting damage to his reputation. He has an image to maintain around here! He’s Usagi Miyamoto’s direct descendant, and Miyamoto was never anything but cool!
“Quit making up lore about me!” he hisses.
“Quit being weird!” Leonardo replies, clearly enjoying himself. “Dumplings!”
Yuichi scowls but falls into step beside him anyway. This is the guy he missed so much?
As soon as he has that uncharitable thought, he regrets it.
He thinks about April saying he always seemed pissed off to have Leonardo around, and darts a quick look at the striped turtle ambling along beside him. Leonardo doesn’t seem put off by Yuichi’s prickly attitude, but still—it wouldn’t hurt to make sure.
Yuichi waits until they’ve paid the elderly yokai woman running the food stall for two paper plates of crispy gyoza, so he has something to do with his hands, something to focus on besides his awkward tongue, to say, “I’m glad you’re back.”
Leonardo glances sidelong at him, crunching through a dumpling unselfconsciously. His mouth is full but his expression very clearly says ‘say what now?’
“Here, I mean,” Yuichi tells his plate. “Back here. I didn’t even know you were—I’m just glad you’re better.”
They walk the length of the block before Leonardo replies.
“I wouldn’t worry about us, Usagi. Me and my brothers can take a hit. You could even say we were made for it.” That’s a strange sentiment, and something bitter comes and goes across Leonardo’s face before Yuichi can make sense of it, as swift and darting as the little minnows that flit through the creek that winds past his family’s farm. Then Leonardo adds, sounding much more like himself, “My stupid arm is all that’s slowing me down now.”
“Considering it was broken in eight places, I would take six weeks in a cast as a solid win,” someone says from directly behind them.
Yuichi doesn’t jump in shock, he freezes, rabbit-still. Leonardo doesn’t seem surprised at all—he just groans theatrically.
“Oh nooo, it’s the consequences of my actions.”
Donatello snorts. Because that’s who it is, Yuichi realizes as he turns to get a good look at him.
“You can’t just run off, Nardo,” the purple-masked turtle says. His tone implies that this is not a suggestion. “You get why that’s uncool and unfair, right? Like, I don’t have to explain that very simple, elementary-level concept to you?”
“I left a note,” Leonardo argues in his own defense.
“You sure did,” Donatello replies, so level and calm that it sets Yuichi’s whiskers on edge, because that level calmness is very much a thinly veiled promise of bodily harm. “You left a note on your door that said “Do Not Disturb, Beauty Sleep in Progress.” And then you left one on your empty bed that you just drew a winky face on.”
“I realized I didn’t need any more beauty sleep, Dontron. I decided to save some for the rest of you sad scrubs. You’re welcome.”
“How magnanimous.”
Beyond the color-coded masks and the dramatically different body shapes and skin tones, there’s another easy way to tell the Hamato siblings apart; all of them have brown eyes in varying shades. Michelangelo’s are warm, tempered honey, while Raphael’s are darker and richer, edging into red.
Leonardo and Donatello, the twins, have identical golden eyes, piercing and impossibly bright even in the semi-dark of falling dusk. Under the warm lantern light, with their defining characteristics all but overshadowed, it would probably be easy to mistake them for a perfect mirror of each other.
But Yuichi could never make that mistake. Donatello’s eyes are different, because the way he looks at Yuichi is different.
Especially now. Where Leonardo was delighted to see Yuichi for the first time since before the invasion, Donatello is looking at Yuichi like he’s a clear and present threat.
Yuichi doesn’t know what Donatello has to feel threatened about. He has a good grasp of his own abilities and he’s self-aware enough to admit that Donatello could definitely take him in a fair fight. Any of his siblings probably could, up to and including his sister, out of stubbornness and spite alone. Yuichi is the one who feels hunted, like a tiny fluffy animal that was just sighted by a bored, hungry hawk, all because of the cold, calculating gold in Donatello’s eyes.
Then Leonardo plants his good hand on the side of his twin’s face and shoves it an arm’s length away. Donatello sputters and flails, and Leonardo talks over him with the ease of years of practice.
“Thanks for the dumplings,” Leonardo tells him. “See you when I’m finally un-grounded, someday seven years from now.”
Yuichi nods, offering a little wave. He watches Leonardo unsheathe a katana and form a bright, spinning blue portal with one swift downward slice through the air. Donatello is griping at him in harsh undertones, and Leonardo is giving back as good as he gets, but it doesn’t escape Yuichi that Donatello has gravitated protectively to Leonardo’s bad side, and Leonardo is leaning his weight against his brother like he’s actually much more tired than he was willing to let on.
Leonardo needs a break. He needs fresh air. He needs to—to not disappear again, even if it probably won’t actually be for seven years.
Before he can second-guess himself, Yuichi blurts, “I’m off on Friday! You should come to the farm. One of our tokage’s nestlings just hatched so we have babies to play with and they’re really cute!”
Donatello makes an antagonistic noise under his breath and hauls Leonardo through the portal. Before he disappears, Yuichi watches Leonardo’s whole body light up, a grin splitting his face in half.
“It’s a date!” Leonardo calls cheerfully in the seconds before he’s gone.
The portal closes. Yuichi stares at the empty space where it used to exist while the word “date” bounces around in his head like a free-floating balloon filled with screaming instead of the more traditional helium.
Usagi: Important time-sensitive HYPOTHETICAL question Usagi: When you make plans with your friend and he calls it a date, how do you ask what he means by that without sounding like an insane person?? SUNA: oh my god!!!!!! ꒰☉ェ☉꒱
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findyourrp · 4 months
hello! I am a twenty-eight-year-old female in the USA who is searching for role-play partners who are well over the age of 21 and okay with dark content and smut in our role-play! time zones don't really matter much either to me nor does gender! 🩷
I do own a totally separate blog from this where I write anime smut so I do prefer it to be nsfw but not the entire plot so don't worry! I am also a sucker for angst and drama and fluff too! I am looking for someone to play a character from either the fandoms down below or someone to play a very dominant male to my female oc!
more than okay to double on the fandoms (I love doubling) but would prefer that we have one thread for the fandomless and please know I am open to a lot and there isn't much I won't write about but there are certain things I will never ever RP!
for fandoms I'm in and characters I'm looking for you to play!
my hero academia (Katsuki. Izuku. Enji.)
jujutsu kaisen (Toji. Shiu. Kento. Sukuna.)
tokyo revengers (Draken. Sanzu. Mikey. Rin. Ran. Baji)
fandomless (again you play the male oc to my female oc)
please be aware for JJK I want it to be modern au (no curses)
the rest you will find out below!
my reply length will always vary, I can max out the word count on discord, or just do a paragraph! I tend to mirror you! while usually, I am a rapid-fast replier I don't require you to be but I ask at least that we keep the RP going, I do know life is busy because I get wrapped up in it as well.
I only will RP on discord, however, I do ask that you please do not use any tupperware or AI because atp I can just use characterchat.ai and I'm not into that.
as for plots I have a ton for any and all! I am a maladaptive daydreamer so I think about plots and our RP (just depends) and will add more plot into things! I do a lot of OOC and love to get to know my partner as well as share inspo for the RP such as clothes and settings, nothing ever personal so if you aren't into that I won't be a good RP!
for my OCs most of them are not fleshed out, I tend to just throw them at you and build them as we go! I use real face claims and anime/drawn ones from Pinterest! just let me know what you prefer and I will have a Google doc filled with the kinks I'm good with!
please I ask and will even beg that if you ever want to stop at some point for whatever reason please let me know, you don't need to go into details but I like to know what's going on, as of late I've been RP with people only to get ghosted or replies once a week which is fine and I understand but I really like and prefer something rapid fire!
we can discuss everything else I suppose? I think I got everything added! I can either send you a DM if you like this or you can add me on discord but please if you do that have your age somewhere like in your bio or send that info to me when I accept please!!
discord: his_headache
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Ur tall, I'm sorry
Warning: male reader, omegaverse, Omega Mikey, alpha reader, fluff
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(name) didn't know what to do.
One moment he was walking home from work and the next he had a tiny Omega clinging to him like a koala.
"Hello, are you alright?" He asked the platinum blond who just snuggled deeper into his chest like he was the softest teddy bear in the world "Alpha..." "the omega mumbled and (name) just stood awkwardly, unsure what to do before the scent hit him.
This was his mate.
"Whats your name?" (Name) asked softly and gently pet the blond omegas hair, getting a better look at the obviously exhausted Omega "Mikey!" A voice yelled out and a group of well dressed men in suits came briskly walking towards them "the fuck you think you're doing with our boss?!" One of them hissed out as (name) looked confused "I don't know what you're talking about" (name) said honestly and explained the events that just transpired "mine..." Mikey hissed out as he clung tighter to his destined mate possessively and (name) just sighed with a half smile "it's pleasure to meet you too"
(Name) couldn't really go anywhere due to the surprisingly strong Omega clinging to him, joining the men to bring Mikey back to their headquarters as they questioned him.
"So where you from?"
"Oh I'm from (country/city)! I'm a bit new to Tokyo"
"What are you here for?"
"Oh I'm studying abroad, I'm learning to become a/an (career/profession)!" (Name)s words were so genuine and kind, clearly unaware of who he was dealing with as Mikey sat in his lap "are you willing to make sacrifices for our boss" Sanzu said seriously as he watched with slight envy at the Alpha who captured Mikey's attention so easily, the blond willingly giving into his instincts and demanding the others gaze.
"Only stare at me" Mikey commanded and (name) just smiled at him like an overgrown puppy "you're mine so only look at me" his voice was serious as he glared at the Alpha and if (name) knew what he was wand what he did he would have been scared but Mikey honestly just looked like an angry kitten to him "of course" (name) said oh so gently and that seemed to satisfy Mikey.
"So you are aware of your new responsibilities yes?" Koko asked as (name) nodded "can we just... Can we take it slow, I'm a little new to dating" (name) said softly and Mikey seemed pleased at his Alphas lack of partners, less people to kill if they tried to woo (name) once more.
"Just don't talk to any other fucking omegas"
"Mikey, I'm gonna eventually talk to some but I promise I will only have eyes for you" (name) gave into this whole thing, he wouldn't outwardly say it but he was very excited that he met his destined mate who was equally enthusiastic about this too even if a little demanding.
Mikey glared at him but (name) stood his ground, feeling no fear "Omega, you are the only one I want don't worry about those other omegas yeah?"
Mikey eventually relented, surprising everything in the room safe for (name) who still didn't really know Mikey's.... temper.
The three Bonten men across from them had one thought and that was: how did he manage to make Mikey comply so easily?
They would be dead instantly if they tried that!
Guess that's the power of a destined mate.
"So can I get to know you more? Maybe go on a date?" (Name) asked gently and Mikey stared at him "you really don't know who I am?"
"You a celebrity or something?" (Name) tilted his head and Mikey just stared back before for the first time in years letting out a laugh.
A real genuine laugh.
And (name) wanted to hear it again, he wanted to see that smile.
"I'm keeping you..." Mikey mumbled and (name) smiled softly "I like being around you too"
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hello hellooo! how about Mikey for the character ask game and 🍄🤔 for the WIP ask game?
Thank you for the ask!
here are the links to the ask games:
My first impression
Typical overpowered goofball that steals the protag's spotlight and who's likely to be interesting once his past gets revealed. Probably has a large part of the fandom having him as their or one of their favorite characters. Don't think he'll be mine tho (I always end up with favorite characters who are (mostly) the ones without a huge fanbase behind them 🥲)
My impression now
He needs a hug. He needs therapy. He needs to cry. He needs Takemichi.
More seriously, he's more complex and important to the story than what I've anticipated. He's just so detrimental to the story. From start to end he's tangled with it. He deserves that happy ending. If I think too long about his dynamic with Shinichiro I sob uncontrollably and ugly.
I love how trauma is depicted with him. It can get so much ugly despite one's unwillingness to be and one's best effort. He's a great character.
Favorite thing about that character
He has no power over his own fate. His life wasn't meant to last as long as it did and so when it continued even though it should've ended, it got set in stone as counterweight. He got cursed by the person he loved immensely and who loved him back immensely as well. He came back wrong and he wasn't aware of it. He's an antagonist despite himself. He was meant to be since the start and Kisaki helped to speedrun it but even without him Mikey would've sunk in darkness. There were clues about that since the start and I love that for him. He's literally cursed to ruin his own life (and lose his loved-ones). Talk about doomed lol gotta love a lil tragic man.
(I'm very happy he got his happy ending tho, don't get me wrong)
Also: he's got a blanket-plushie <33 he's irritable when he wakes up and that's relatable
Least favorite thing
Idk... I don't think there is one? Perhaps when he refuses to apologize because he doesn't see the point to it (in the hospital when visiting Pah's friend's girlfriend with Draken, when meeting Kazutora's father after drop-kicking him, ...) but that's just because it makes me anxious lol I can apologize a bit much
Favorite line/scene
obligatory 'save me' moment mention
It might be a bit cliché, but the whole Manila Mikey scene. It's when Mikey actually started to pique my interest. The whole 'I killed them' bit *chef's kiss* - I needed to know more asap and I knew I wouldn't and it was awesome.
Favorite interaction that character has with another
Mikey stealing Takemichi away for Christmas from Hinata made me chuckle and still do.
I don't think about the trust he puts in Takemichi that much but it does linger on the back of my mind at all times. It's very dear to me.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
I wish we would've seen more of him with Izana and him with Senju. There are a bunch of others, but ultimately I wish his relation with Izana and Senju would've have more elements to it, more dwell on. Also where are the scenes with Kazutora and Mikey being content and happy, Wakui. Wakui. Wakui, I need them.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Loosely, I'd say Ace from One Piece. Damn character smiling to hide their clinical depression
it's when I'm being asked for things like this that my mind goes blank fr, I'm sure I have best examples somewhere
A headcanon about that character
The reason he sleeps so much is because he's supposed to be in a vegetative stage had Shinichiro not messed with the timeline :D!
A song that reminds of that character
I've got a entire playlist for him with +130 songs in it (as for now), how am I supposed to choose.
Imma just put the first song that triggered me doing playlist for TR and sharing them on Tumblr I guess
降伏論 sang by 宮下遊(Miyashita Yuu) (Eng sub in CC)
And take Body And Mind by Girl in Red as a bonus
An unpopular opinion about that character
I don't think I've got one???
Favorite picture
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This panel is just so beautiful.. *sobbing on the floor for several reasons*
I like every lil Mikey as well
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🍄Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Baji as Shinichiro's time trigger + canon compliant up to a certain point = Kazutora still kills Shinichiro
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
AU where Shinichiro (19, living in 1999) and Takemichi (18-19, living in 2010) swap bodies between May 22nd and July 30th. They're both from their original timeline and so the connection cut when their timeline stops having the same course of event. And while Shinichiro lives through original timeline the same way he lived it in canon, Takemichi kinda forcefully got his life together (it's tucked together with tuck tape but he's making it work) because of when Shinichiro was living his life and is now way too attached to the Sano family (&Co) not to try to meet with Mikey from his time period (very bad idea). What could possibly go wrong with Takemichi from the start of canon trying to reconnect with Hinata, Mizo Five, Kakucho at some point bc I want him and S62 here, and saving Mikey when... When it's first canon timeline and they've never met?
It's a fix-it somehow; the time leaping powers plotline remains the same as in canon too, when it concerns Shinichiro (Takemichi's part of the story obviously gets changed)
I haven't written a single word yet but I did brainstrom it xd. Got a handful of other long-fics I want to write first before starting a new one
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Chapter 6 of the reincarnation fic!
The memory world falls away into the real one. April, and basically everyone else, has tears staining their faces. Most of them had stop holding hands. April was wiping her eyes with her free hand while allowing Donnie to still hold her other. His eyes land on the yellow hair ties she has to hold up her hair poofs.
“Donnie? You talking to me?”
“Did you see it? Please tell me you saw it.”
“Saw it? I was it! I was…..her, at the end. You looked exactly like Tomo too!”
He lets go of her hand and nearly barrels into her with a hug. She smiles softly, wrapping her arms tight around him.
“Nerdy pals for life in this one….and twins in the last. How absurdly sentimental.”
“Ha, I get to be older than you in every life.”
“Ohmigosh….April is Haru?” Mikey gasps softly.
“That does makes a whole lotta sense, I don’t think we would have seen what happened ourselves if she wasn’t.” Raph pats his eyes dry with his mask.
“I felt so bad that Tomo didn’t get to see Haru again, but now he can! Or, Donnie already has! Isn’t that cool, Leo?…..Leo?” Mikey turns to him and is immediately concerned by his expression.
Leo is holding himself, gripping hard enough to leave marks on his arms. His gaze is at the floor and his attention probably wasn’t anywhere near the conversation.
Mikey gently reaches out to him only to be met with flinching.
“H-Huh? Oh, yeah, totally Miguel.”
“Are you okay?”
“I….I think dad was right.”
“What!?” Everyone else says at once.
Leo stands up.
“We shouldn’t keep trying to find these memories. If they’re coming through anyways, they can happen on their own.”
“But I’m here now, I can help you guys! That’s why you told me about it in the first place. What’s going on, Leo?” April stands up as well, followed suit by everyone else still on the floor.
“Before you kept it going because you wanted to see more of Aoi, now you’re against it?” Donnie raises an eye brow.
“Nothing’s going on, I just…..changed my mind! You guys can keep doing it if you want, but I won’t.” Leo turns his head away and waves his hand at them.
“You know you can talk to us, if seeing what happened to Haru was too much then you can say so. No one is going to judge you.” Mikey takes a step towards him.
Leo moves away, still not looking at him.
“Okay, it did freak me out, but it’s not only because of seeing her….you know….”
“Then….what is it?”
“I-It’s seeing it and knowing it was April.”
April’s eyes widen.
“Leo, you should have just said so. Of course you’re freaked out! After everything we’ve been through with the invasion, seeing that is a lot.”
He sighs.
“There’s….more. Something I never wanted to tell you guys because it just made me feel like crap and it’s going to make you all feel worse. We moved past so many things about the invasion already!”
“Whatever it is, we can take it. It’s obviously botherin ya. We moved past things because you learned to talk about them. You felt better after telling us last time, didn’t ya?” Raph says gently.
They can all see Leo tense up.
“It did, I swear! It’s not about what you said or did!….I realized….that we’re all eventually going to have to watch each other….die.”
A silence falls over everyone. Of course they had been aware of what having a past life meant, and they had just seen the end of April’s, but they never fully thought about what they were going to see at the end.
April didn’t know it was her before she saw what happened. It probably would have been a different experience in that case.
“When I was thinking about me getting hurt instead of anyone else, it wasn’t because I was being dumb during our Kraang invasion. It’s because in the future we didn’t stop them, you all….died.”
The silence takes on a very tense feel. It’s broken by Mikey.
“How….how do you know that….?”
“When Casey Jr. and I were trapped by rubble, he told me that everyone died fighting the Kraang. He wouldn’t tell me how it no matter how many times I asked. All I can do is guess. I thought I wanted to know, but now that I have a chance with our past lives, I don’t want it.”
“Casey used past tense when referring to me…..” Donnie comments quietly.
Mikey looks down at his arms, the faint marks of his rescue efforts still there.
“He told me I sent him back with my magic hands….if I sent him back, but I didn’t come with….”
Leo’s shoulders start shaking.
“The only thing I know is that I was….I was the last one….what if it happens again? I-I can’t do it! I can’t feel what it’s like!”
Raph quickly goes over to him, moving his face back to see that Leo is silently sobbing. He hugs him as tightly as he can. Leo clings to him, nearly falling apart in his arms. Raph does all he can to hold him together.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry….I love you guys so much, you know that, right? P-Please tell me you know.”
“We always know! Even if you didn’t say it as much as you do, we know. We…knew. I know we did.” Mikey doesn’t expand on that last part, he didn’t need to.
Leo understood what he meant.
“I was scared too.” Donnie suddenly pipes up.
Leo lifts his head to look at him.
“Because the way Tomo felt about losing Haru was the same way I felt when you disappeared through that portal!”
“You were gone! Half of me was gone! I thought I was going to have to live without you! You don’t want to be the last one alive!? Well that’s too bad! I don’t care what you want! Because what I want is to never have to imagine a future you’re not in!”
Leo stares at him in shock before slowly descending into very tearful chuckles.
“How could any of what I said possibly be funny to you right now?”
“We all keep doing this!”
“Doing what?”
“Saving and protecting. Raph jumped off a building to save me, and jumped on top of you to save you from a demon in armor! I sent myself off to another dimension to save you guys and the world. Gram-Gram barely knew us and she still gave everything to protect us over her own evil dad.”
“Leo, we already know that the Hamato weren’t real good at keeping themselves alive.” Raph looks at him with concern.
He lets go of him.
“That’s not want I mean! Think about how many times we haven’t died, or have died or almost died and just kept coming back. Even our whole family power thing is about saving each other with it. Hamato didn’t use it right, but we did. For every sacrifice we also stopped them. We turn into ghosts with the rest of our family when we go. We can see each other whenever we want even when we die! Even when we didn’t have the power, what did we do? We turned into who we are now! The other us is fighting tooth and nail to be back together through memories.”
Mikey’s eyes light up.
“Something about us being a family refuses to give up.”
“Exactly! We’re different. We aren’t martyrs for the world outside our family, we’re protectors for each other. We’ll always fight about who gets hurt, who leads, who tries to take the brunt of the hits, even if it’s all changed around! We don’t even have to be related at all.”
Raph smiles softly and pats Leo on the head.
“I think that’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said.”
Leo smiles back, looking at Donnie.
“Even if we have one future, or a bunch of other ones because of a weird time thing again, I’m always going to be around. So will you. So are all of us. We can be scared, who wouldn’t be? But what matters is that after we see whatever we see, we’re still going to be here. I’m here, Donnie. You don’t have to miss me, and….I don’t have to mourn you either….”
Donnie takes a deep breath, smiling very slightly as well.
“You are becoming just like Raph with these speeches.”
Leo gasps loudly, putting a hand on his plastron.
“That was not a hero speech!”
“Hey, what wrong with a hero speech?” Raph looks between them, slightly offended.
“It’s only wrong when you’re not the one giving them, big guy.” He pats his shoulder.
“Are you two sure you’re okay about everything though? That was a whole lotta emotions at once.” April questions.
“I am severely tired and want to nap but I also don’t want another memory popping up.” Donnie answers.
“Maybe they’ll take it easy on us because of what we just saw?” Mikey says hopefully.
“That’s if the memories have some kind of sentience.”
“The ninpo should a little, right?”
“Now this is exhausting. April, could you help us out while we nap? Maybe try to steer it to something….happier?” Leo smiles awkwardly.
“I’ll try, don’t know how much it’ll help though.”
“You’re still the best for trying.”
They decide to head to the movie room to fall asleep to some Jupiter Jim movies. Splinter wasn’t there for once. Blankets and pillows are brought in. April carefully watches over them as they begin to drop off to sleep, one by one, focusing on the attempt to ease the memories they might get.
The dream they end up having happens to pick up where the Tomo left off in the cabin. It seemed to be after the explanation of what happened to Haru judging by the expressions of everyone else.
Kosuke didn’t seem as surprised as the others though.
“Tomo, I’m….I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have asked you if I knew.” Aoi frowns.
Tomo stares hard at the ground.
“It’s a regret that’s going to follow me no matter what I do. Even if her blood on my hands has been washed away, they’re stained forever.”
“You’re not the only one with stained hands.”
“I don’t find lies comforting, Aoi.”
“I’m not about to lie!”
“Who’s blood is on your hands? You who rushes into everything without thinking if it means protecting this whole group!?”
“In the end it’s only going to be us with your blood on our hands with how you act!”
“Tomo please-“
“Can’t you allow yourself to be a coward just once!?”
There’s suddenly a loud smacking sound.
Tomo’s face is moved back slightly, still in too much momentary shock to realize what just happened.
Once the stinging sets in, he holds his cheek and looks at Tora who’s tearing up heavily and still has her hand outstretched.
“Don’t you ever say that to him again!”
“Tora! We didn’t tell him, he doesn’t know!” Aoi pulls her back.
She struggles against him.
“It doesn’t matter! He thinks he can just say whatever he wants because he’s in pain! Other people can be in pain too even if they don’t show it!”
“What are you even talking about!?” Tomo shouts.
Tora stares hard at Aoi.
“Please tell him. I can’t tell your story for you, but I can’t stand what he’s saying either.”
Aoi sighs.
“I did let myself be a coward, once. That’s why I’m alive and the people from my village….aren’t.”
“The whole village….?” Tomo’s eyes widen.
“We were all raised to be warriors from the moment we could pick up a weapon without falling over. There was always a chance the rival village could attack at any moment. When they did…..I hid. It was at night, it was dark and I was scared. I covered my ears to try to drown out the screams of my parents, my friends, my neighbors as they fought….but that wasn’t the worst part. That came when I finally, finally left my hiding place. It was quiet. No sound coming from anyone. If I had done something, anything, maybe someone else could have survived, but I was a coward. My life mattered more than the people I cared about. I stopped caring about my life after that, I was a mess, I didn’t want to do a single thing because of the guilt I felt.”
He takes a breath, smiling softly as he lets go of Tora, patting her head.
“Then, I met my precious little sister.”
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chidoroki · 6 months
Tokyo Revengers S3EP13
Oh!Tthey’re fighting where Akkun’s car crashed into Hina’s in the future!
Takemichi knocking Kisaki down to the ground not once but twice!
I get the sneaking suspicion that Kisaki gets the idea to kill Hina here in the future because Takemichi just told him it happens, like if he had said nothing then maybe that could’ve changed?
What was that? He touched Kisaki and what? Had a "dimensional scream" kind of vision?
Hold on, did Kisaki try to propose to her? And he goes insane because he got rejected?
Oh shit.. well then, good for her for turning him down! He’s a bastard anyways.
Of course the idiot still had the gun on him..
So, he was so driven to become number one hoodlum in Japan because that’s what a younger Takemichi wanted to be? All for some sort of payback for “stealing” Hina from him? God he’s desperate.
Bitch you’d go through all that trouble just to marry Hina? Even if he succeeded, there’s no guarantee that she’ll accept. Hell, she already rejected Kisaki once in one timeline.
“I love her so much, so why won’t she pay me any attention?” Maybe because you’re batshit insane??
Yooo Takemichi kicking the gun outta his hand with his busted foot! AND SNATCHING IT BACK WHEN IT LANDS THANK GOD.
Okay, well Takemichi certainly doesn’t seem the type to shoot someone and there’s no way he’d do so if Hina’s here now too.
Look at our boy sprinting after the fool despite the hole in his foot!
“‘Return to the future?’ Do you think I’m a time traveler?” I had a feeling he wasn’t!! But then how was he able to plan stuff out like that? I know he just told us his three plans but is he really that clever?
EXCUSE ME????? No way Kisaki just got ran over by a damn fucking truck??
The way that bitch landed in the ground, I’m dying! AHAA!
UM NO?? How in the hell can you be alive after that???
Bro his damn arm and leg are like twisted all the way around holy shit.
Yo they can play these flashbacks all they want but I won’t feel remorse for this idiot, I’m sorry.
Aw, Mikey shielding Hina’s eyes from the scene. He’s such a good boy. For now.. I'm aware he too goes a little crazy eventually, for reasons I dunno exactly.
Damn all that happened and I totally forgot about the Draken vs Hanma fight but I guess we just skip over it anyway. Shame, though Hanma does look good with his hair down like that.
“It ended with the gruesome result of five arrests and three deaths.” Goddamn. That definitely makes up for last season.
“The three dead were Emma Sano, Izana Kurokawa, and Tetta Kisaki.” DOES THAT MEAN KAKUCHO IS ALIVE???
You know, I was all excited to see Sanzu this season but he barely did a thing.
But that’s where we’re ending it? No jump back to the future to see how screwed up the future is due to these deaths or anything? I guess that's okay? At least I don't need to see Chifuyu get headshot again like the last two seasons.. but it does feel like a weaker ending just a little bit. Was kinda hoping to get a sneak peak of next season's characters like we did with Izana for this season, specifically Senju. I want to see that chick so darn badly. Very excited for her! But overall a real good season. The build up to the big fight was stressful in the best way, the actual fight was crazy and Takemichi was at his best through it all too.
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prpfs · 4 months
hello! I am a twenty-eight-year-old female in the USA who is searching for role-play partners who are well over the age of 21 and okay with dark content and smut in our role-play! time zones don't really matter much either to me neither does gender! 🕊
I do own a totally separate blog from this where I write anime smut so I do prefer it to be nsfw but not the entire plot so don't worry! I am also a sucker for angst and drama and fluff too! I am looking for someone to play a character from either the fandoms down below or someone to play a very dominant male to my female oc!
more than okay to double on the fandoms (I love doubling) but would prefer that we have one thread for the fandomless and please know I am open to a lot and there isn't much I won't write about but there are certain things I will never ever RP!
for fandoms I'm in and characters I'm looking for you to play!
my hero academia (Katsuki. Izuku. Enji.)
jujutsu kaisen (Toji. Shiu. Kento. Sukuna.)
tokyo revengers (Draken. Sanzu. Mikey. Rin. Ran. Baji)
fandomless (again you play the male oc to my female oc)
please be aware for JJK I want it to be modern au (no curses)
the rest you will find out below!
my reply length will always vary, I can max out the word count on discord, or just do a paragraph! I tend to mirror you! while usually, I am a rapid-fast replier I don't require you to be but I ask at least that we keep the RP going, I do know life is busy because I get wrapped up in it as well.
I only will RP on discord, however, I do ask that you please do not use any tupperware or AI because atp I can just use characterchat.ai and I'm not into that.
as for plots I have a ton for any and all! I am a maladaptive daydreamer so I think about plots and our RP (just depends) and will add more plot into things! I do a lot of OOC and love to get to know my partner as well as share inspo for the RP such as clothes and settings, nothing ever personal so if you aren't into that I won't be a good RP!
for my OCs most of them are not fleshed out, I tend to just throw them at you and build them as we go! I use real face claims and anime/drawn ones from Pinterest! just let me know what you prefer and I will have a Google doc filled with the kinks I'm good with!
please I ask and will even beg that if you ever want to stop at some point for whatever reason please let me know, you don't need to go into details but I like to know what's going on, as of late I've been RP with people only to get ghosted or replies once a week which is fine and I understand but I really like and prefer something rapid fire!
we can discuss everything else I suppose? I think I got everything added! I can either send you a DM if you like this or you can add me on discord but please if you do that have your age somewhere like in your bio or send that info to me when I accept please!!
discord: his_headache
contact if interested!
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ETERNAL HANGOUT (the bug I suppose I should share)
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if you're tired of goodbyes, try it
invite your friend(s) and go to the cable cars (the icons aren't visible during hangout, so it would be easier to tag the place in advance) wait one, get in, get out, then get in again. you'll see the option to use the cable car for $10, do it. and once more if you're not exited of hanging out on the Chilliad peak.
keep in mind that:
- you can't go to the bar or do any other activity (except shops & customs), the map will be empty as if you were on a mission
- you also can't drop your friend(s) off, only abandon them but you'll still be unable to do something else
- the only way to get out is die
- or load. not sure if you can save during that, but it makes sense to try (as you can save during a normal hangout but not with your phone, the bed only)
- you might accidentally abandon them so make sure they aren't stuck. if you do, you won't get a warning notification to come back, they'll just stop following you (still react on bumps and shoves though, if you're into that))
- they might die. from a tank shot or a plane crash (even if you're on a painkiller and made it out alive)
SO WHAT'S THE POINT? well, first, they'll not be scared when shit hits the fan (did you ever get a message "Trevor got scared" when your car went underwater or something exploded nearby? what a nonsense). second, they'll not be wounded so you can bump into them as much as you want and they'll become much more tenacious during shotouts. third, they'll not suddenly leave you with an unavoidable goodbye cutscene after you spend a few days together. kinda satisfying, for T especially)
and now a little background. a few months ago I saw a cute trikey dream where they had a cable car ride together. it wasn't the game's one, more like a ski lift but without skis and without even winter, rather a blossoming spring. it felt sorta "secret after-ending scene which you can get only after fulfilling some conditions" so I was somehow aware of myself as a player and took A HELL LOT of screenshots. they weren't an actual couple there, just chilling buddies with a complicated backstory to talk out, so they talked (it's a shame I didn't remember any dialogues, visual only, but the vibes were like "so everything settled, we're both alive thanks to Frank, he did great and we did great too"), they argued, they laughed, and then Michael almost fell off (for wtf reason), Trevor grabbed him. and held in his arms for the rest of the way, Mikey didn't mind (what surprised me most) and they kept talking. then the cable car stopped (or they just jumped off while it was closest to the ground? more likely) and later they were standing on a cobblestone sidewalk, whispering quietly, without moving even an inch away of each other's faces. I turned on my paparazzi mode again wondering why this scene is so underrated and no one even said a word about that. and when I already was like "omfg, they're so damn close it nearly looks like a kiss!!1!1" they really STARTED KISSING without any "looks like". AND AFTER THAT, I thought sincerely, SOMEONE STILL CLAIMS THEY AREN'T LOVERS? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PPL? ehh it's rather what's wrong with me but ok... more importantly, the one who initiated was Trevor. the view was from his back, so I only could see Michael's face: he wasn't surprised, rather uncertain if he should've done it first. their kiss was long, not really passionate but very affectionate and gentle. like they finally reached their comfort zone and it all worked out the best way possible.
don't recall anything further, guess I just woke up or the dream channel changed to something boring. hmm... probably first.
(just to say, it was long before I learned how to use rockstar editor and started to take these kiss-alike shots, but yeah, I've become obsessed with the idea since that))
next day I tried a cable car with them and detected the bug (or whatever else it is). was playing as Michael and got confused at first, like what do you mean he can't get rid of T now? I suddenly felt trapped. tried a lot of shit to trigger back a normal hangout, with no results. didn't dare to simply abandon Trevor but I knew it can't go on like this. so I just killed Mikey to let him escape lol. such an irony.
so in summary, it's a trap. a gay trap, particularly. maybe you'll find it entertaining ;3
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
Can You Do A Vampire Mikey x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Can You Do A Lemon 🍋 For It Too
142. “Bite me.” 132. “Argue all you want we both know you belong to me.” 5. “MINE.” 89. Mating season 151. “Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?” 96. Making out 58. Turtle bedroom 123. “Don’t hold back.” and Turning Into A Vampire
oh you ain’t know? ….turtles bite!
Bayverse tmnt
🧛‍♂️ 🐢 🧡
this is my first ask, and i honestly hope, i did well.
let me set the scene:
in this world its 2022 , mutants are normal but its rare to see them everyday, some people have accepted them and well…. you know the rest.
a few months Ago you were celebrating a friends halloween birthday party in her penthouse apartment in upstate new York, you went dressed up as a sexy vampires, You were basically in lingerie you had fake fang teeth, wearing a black & burnt orange corset with orange lace boy shorts  black thigh high stockings,strippa heels,with a lace dark orange vail .the party was lit, there was drinking games, stripping games,dance contest starting every 5 minutes. people were really letting loose. you knew your drinking limit, but that night you knew you went a little over bord but you were still very aware of everything that was going on around you,so to sober up you set down on a nearby couch and drank two water bottles. something was telling you to look up so you did & right across the dim lit room, you saw him,A mutant turtle man, One of the 4 brothers that saved New York back in 2016 from aliens. you heard about them but never seen them up close before. man was he handsome. looking back on it you couldn’t remember what his costume was but it might’ve been a police swat team or ninja of sorts . but you honestly didn’t care because his look was so different & those damn baby blue eyes captured you, no literally it’s like as soon as you locked eyes with him without thinking your legs started moving by themselves ,before you knew it he had you wrapped in his arms. BIG MISTAKE
}}}}}}} Y/N get your sexy ass in here!!, you can clean them dishes later, i need you now. y/n is so beautiful, loving, caring. but tonights the night she’ll find out that besides me being a turtle im also a vampire, i was bit by a mutant vampire 2 years ago.
}}}}}}}}} I stopped what I was doing and slowly walk into his room, sometimes I forget that he’s not fully human, his body is godlike,im talking Hercules or Poseidon.  then reality sets in and I remember that he is a mutant, and true to his animal side his turtle room was dark,and humid, starting down his winding steps that were made of mahogany wood, his roomed smelled sweet like citrus fruit, the walls were covered with lush green vines , flowers & jagged rocks that had water trickling down them which led into a beautiful small pond that had a few koi fish in it. on the walls he had Beautiful paintings & sketches that hung, the floors were of marble and leading to his bed there was plush black shag carpet . turning my attention to the turtle man we lock eyes, but something seems different, his eyes seem darker, and so does the room or is it just the atmosphere.
}}}}}}}}} there’s my girl, come hop on my lap with your pretty slef, so i can kiss those lushly plump lips that i love so much.
}}}}}}}}} doin as told, i got on his lap and we start to Makeout heavily. man could he kiss, he had every inch of my body on fire, he grabbed my ass, breasts, and neck, its like once he gets started i cant get enough of him. then out of nowhere he abruptly pins me on my back and takes a huge sniff of the air,& says MINE
}}}}}} her ass, & breasts plump and ready for devouring, taking in the air around me, i could smell that she was ready, her arousal had me seeing colors so to speak, Y/n my love, i say kissing her neck,,,, yes mickey? …..do you know how a turtle takes his mate?…. umm no… no i dont mikey? well your about to find out,i say cooing in her ear, because its mating season
}}}}}}} while mickey was kissing on my neck he started talking about some mating season about turtles, then it hit me…. he wants to have sex! all we’ve ever done was kiss or dry hump. man this was kinda sudden or was it?…. is time slipping away from me that fast. No mikey, i say as i tried to push him away, im not ready… well at least thats what my mind’s telling me but my body craves you some how. why?
}}}}}}}} my love please stop fighting this,Argue all you want we both know you belong to me. you crave me because you love me, this is supposed to be, i make you do nothing you dont wanna do. not being able to hold back on my animalistic instincts any longer, i bite into her neck hard enough to penetrate but gentle enough where I don’t hurt her, taking in her sweet nectar of blood i go numb. stopping to look into her eyes i ask can i continue… y/n?…. umm i guess so mikey, No Y/n! i need a yes or no answer!!! it’s important, i need permission……. okay damn you dont have to yell….y-yes you..m-may continue mikey……good girl cuz thats all i needed.
}}}}}}} before I could say anything else , Mikey bit me, he fucking bit me, immediately my body filled with pain then like a light switch i felt pleasure and it actually felt good, everything heightened, my eyesight smell & touch,but why? why did i now feel so amazing, then mikey latched off my neck and ripped off my shirt and pants, and striped me of my underwear too,i was now in my birthday suit, mikey cupped my face so gently and kissed me so sweetly, and said “ im going to fuck you now” . we made love for hours it seemed. he ate, licked and fucked every hole i had, which left me weak but satisfied.
}} }}}kissing this beautiful lady before me,i couldn’t believe all we had just did in the last few hours, she was all mine & i hers.i stop and just bask before her , but in the back of my mind i know i need to let her know she’s no longer just human,and she needs to eat or she’ll die. y/n my love, do you feel any different?
well, now that you’ve mention it, it’s like all my senses are heightened and I’m feeling weak & strong at the same time, I crave something but I don’t know what it is. ”you crave blood y/n” , what the hell are you talking about Mikey? im human why would i crave blood?  because you’re not just human anymore y/n you’re now a vampire, well Vampires. “wait what!!,, how? i mean when?…Ouch! i just bit my lip!! why are my teeth so sharp!!! ,….this isn’t making any sense…. i cant be a vampire because then that would mean…wait.. w-wait….i-it was you! this whole damn time!!! your the reason!!! thats why i’ve been in a trance like state, not knowing if its night or day ….. fuck you mikey!!!! fuck, fuck, fuck!!!… you turned me into this?!!!! yes y/n but i didn’t make you do anything my love please understand. deep down you must’ve wanted me just the same or it wouldn’t have worked. well at least thats how the rules go… & i’m not just a turtle Im part vampire, I was a bit a while ago now this is my life. i never craved anyone until you. but we’ll have a deeper conversation later because you need to eat.
this is all honestly too much, I’ve been willingly unwillingly turned into a vampire. and im naked, what is to become of me now? I feel weak really weak. im hungry. i need to eat.
Y/n ….your going to have to drink my blood.
what! no are you insane. i’m hungry but I’m not that hungry.
y/n you will die if you dont.
yes, once a vampire bites you, you need to bite them back or bite another person. or you’ll parish
come on y/n Bite me,
man hell nah, im not giving into my vampire desires
baby cakes you’ll die!!, please this is the only way, i promise everything will be okay
looking into mikey eyes, though pissed off i know he’s telling the truth somehow. well how and where do you want my to do it? this is all new to me man.
come, sit on my lap and just go for it, mikey idk about this im nervous, “its okay” you wont hurt me at all… hmmm,,, okay… “sniff” wait whats that smell? its amazing!!! “its blood y/n. now do it, bite!
}}}}}} sitting on his lap, i spread my legs across him , and arch my neck opposite his, welp no going back,, mmmm his blood smells amazing, i cant take it anymore!!!! i bit down and hard,,,, aaagh!!! thats it baby cakes DONT HOLD BACK!!! take whats yours become what you truly are deep inside!!!!
}}}}}} drinking his worm delicious blood, my life flashed before my eyes, i seen past present and future, i seen the wonders of the world and the worst, tears prickling out my eyes, i latch off, then it all went black
}}}}}} angel cakes??…. wake up… y/n please..wake up baby
hmp…..mikey…. wha-what happened to me!
i had a weird …..dream
i dreamt, you turned me into a vampire, and we had some amazing sex. and that i bit & drank your blood
it wasn’t a dream angel face….we are vampires now and are bound together for life,
woah, so all of that was true it really happened!… im no longer just human?
yes y/n are you mad at me?
honestly, not anymore everything that i use to want & be is no longer i crave you, and we’ve you only had regular sex, now i gotta fuck you, vampire style
thats my girl
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