#And a guy. Perhaps. Perhaps I knew it was a guy.
You and I, we’re not the same.
Imagine dis…
Corrupted ectoplasm is always the main reason why Jason had a pit rage. I know it was because he was dumped in Lazarus' pits when he was found wandering around.
What if I offer you guys another reason why he rages so much?
Lady Gotham is devastated by her little squire, her beloved child laid to rest. The little boy used to play around her alley as if it was the best playground he ever played in. The little boy whom she shielded personally with her shadows to hide from those who wished harm to her child. The little boy who shines the brightest when he laughs, and that good-for-nothing pest killed him. 
If she had enough strength within her city she would have already dragged that clown’s soul to the deepest and darkest place of her realm but couldn't. She needed whatever ectoplasm and strength she had to bring him back. Her Dark Knight is getting reckless by the day, gone the knight that would protect and see the goodness in this cesspool of a city, was replaced by a man who is still grieving for the loss of his child and taking it out on everyone but mostly himself. 
The boy rose and could dig himself out but his father didn't find him, someone else did.
That day Lady Gotham wailed in devastation. Every Gothamite felt and heard something, from the people who had hidden in the deepest of corners of her city for protection to the labyrinths that hold countless undead Talons all of whom simultaneously shivered as they all seemingly heard a mother’s scream that had just lost her child again.
It was assassins that had found him that was true but they didn't find him in his grave, they had found him wandering around with instincts and muscle memory as his only tool to survive. At first, Ra thought that he was the missing link, the key to everlasting life but after countless research and experiments thought that Jason Todd was a fluke in the greater systems. Seeing that Talia’s leverage on her beloved is about to be disposed of, she immediately throws Jason into the pits as it may have not raised the dead but he is alive enough for the pits to heal.
When Jason Todd was dipped into the green glowing waters of the Lazarus pits they didn't see it…
They didn't see the way the pits seemed to split Jason Todd in half. As if answering a man or a father’s prayer.
I need no other child as long as mine can split themselves in half.
At that moment, deep within the deep waters of the pits, there were two. 
One who looked far too different from what he looked like before, a body that had been fixed by the pits. 
One who had been left behind, the body of a teen who had been too malnourished.
The pits split Jason Todd apart, while the other one started to gasp for air and began swimming to the top, the other continued to sink into the endless pit.
No one was there to witness it but as the other one sank deeper a portal manifested behind the sinking Jason Todd swallowing him whole as if there was no one else.
Jason knew the moment he woke up in the middle of the Lazarus pit, was rage. RAGE for naively believing his birth giver yet she had given him to the Joker for safety, RAGE for not being avenged by his father, RAGE for being replaced before his body even turned cold… 
rage for something, MISSING?!?!?!!?
Jason knew that there was a part of him missing, maybe it was the once young innocent naïve child that loved theater, perhaps it was the once hopeful child to help their home into something more, but it was because deep down he knew that there was something wrong with him.
He had memories missing or even spotty and blurry at best. He knew he used to help Alfred around the kitchen but the feelings and the details behind such core memory vanished. The sense of joy and utter happiness, when DAD Bruce bought a first edition book that he had been eyeing for a while, the fear and dread to open and read, said book in fear of damaging his first ever gift.
He knew that if the rest knew of it he would be kicked out, just when they were both trying to mend their broken bridges. So he kept it all in memories and emotions that should have been present are gone as if someone had cut through him and dragged those out.
But it all clicked in one normal night during patrol.
He was just swinging from one building to another when he felt it, a pulse, calling out to him. Every inch of him is screaming to follow it as if something is begging him to go, so he does.
Upon arriving at, his former rundown apartment. Where he and his mom, Catherine, once shared and called home. 
Slowly entering the said apartment there he saw his old room where he and Catherine slept while cuddling when she had drugs out of her system. 
A teen, looks exactly like him, same eyes that have the same shade of blue that the butler managed to capture before his death. The shape of his eyes, the way his hair was styled, the way he looked at Jason as if he was in danger.
But the moment the two of them met their eyes something clicked inside them.
They are each other’s half…
Jason and Danny, after he introduced himself which made him a bit confused and so that there would be no mix-ups seeing both of them are technically Jason Peter Todd, both began exchanging stories to each other seeing that even though they have no idea how and why they were separated better yet they don’t know how come Danny traveled to the past to be raised normally.
As Danny begins to narrate his story Jason can’t help but let his mind wander here he is. Talking to a version of him if Joker didn’t happen. A smart and innocent version of him that has a loving family, and haven’t have any blood in their hands. The perfect son, something Bruce would be ecstatic about. He is ruling over Crime Alley using every dirty trick in the book. Yet a version of him became the perfect vigilante, despite death wanting to do good and see good in everyone. 
I am the sinner, and you are the saint.
I am the sinner, and you are the saint.
Danny thought as he in turn listened to his other part, he knew that that Jason the one in front of him was the one who made it out. While he merely drifted at the bottom, Danny felt envious of Jason despite the two being the same person just different experiences. Yet the moment he regained Jason Todd-Wayne’s memories he can't help but laugh at fate for pulling their strings. A billionaire who wanted to be his son, eccentric parents, dying once again with no mom nor dad within sight… He was laughing deep within his room when he got his memories back. 
Even Clockwork looked at him with pity? Sympathy? sorry? He doesn't care when the ghost visits him for a timely visit.
Here he is looking at the version of him if he ever came back to Bruce. The father had yelled at him about not wanting teenage rebellion from him. When he remembered his memories it was already far too long when the League of Assassins had him and Bruce already had a shinier Robin, a perfect son and the perfect brother to Richard Grayson. So he didn’t reach out despite remembering each code that could verify his identity. Each secret and each whisper that only Jason Todd knew and experienced.
So he stayed, stayed with a family that practically raised him a family that neglected him and their biological daughter. But in the end, he still died, for their cause, he may be considered a trained individual but fought humans, not immortal-like beings that seem to have their version of madness.
His parents whom he grew to love and care for parents despite their shortcomings, still opened him up and explored his insides when they learned the truth.
It made him chuckle, he just never did learn, did he…
He escaped, running from one city to another, never staying for too long as many heroes despite their dislike of him when Grayson made his hatred known for him, learned and still watched him grow into a young teen.
So when he was living from one state to another, to avoid detection, lose his trail, escape his hunters, going back to his training as Robin as well as the memory of being a street kid deep within Gotham’s dirty alley. So when he first entered the city boundaries, Danny could feel it, the way Lady Gotham immediately welcomed him.
He heard it all, how Red Hood controlled crime, how he staking his claim on Crime Alley that even the Bats had forsaken. How within his rule was better than any gang or leader who did try and control that section of Gotham.
Danny can’t help but feel envy, here his other self doing good to the place where he crawled from. His other being the vigilante who made a change, has the drive to fight and protect, the drive to dirty his hands to ensure that the kids in his territory live a somewhat normal life. So when he made eye contact he knew that he was the sinner.
So here he was talking and listening to a grown Jason Todd of him. It made him cringe the moment he saw him, it made him think of Dan, the way he stood, his expressions, and even the tiniest of details. The anger, if Danny and Jason never met again despite one knowing of the other’s identity.
If one looked from outside of their little bubble one would see two beings. Who truly understood, acknowledged, and accepted each other. No matter how different the two are, one would comment that they look like soulmates, who gravitate toward each other and readily accept each other’s edges. One would whisper that the two are brothers, who support each other and rely to each other.
No matter, the Gothamites muttered, Gotham never have felt more content and at home than the day they saw Jason Todd, the supposed right-hand man of Red Hood, and Danny Nightgale, the Gotham’s guardian for the children. Talking and spending time to each other.
Now, if only Batman and Co. stop sneaking in to take a glance at their new resident.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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goodolreliablejake · 2 days
Skelly's new mode of speech and manner feel false, and I think that beard is fake. Which is actually a really cool reflection of his characterization in the first game, where he had an ambiguous, multiple choice past.
If I recall correctly, one rumor floating around was that he was a thief. Did Hermes say that? I can't recall. Then when he reveals his past as Schelemeus, it turns out to just be a prank he's pulling on Zag. Except then there turns out to be further evidence that Schelemeus actually existed.
When I first saw Schelemeus in Hades 2, I actually wasn't sure it was the same Skelly we knew. I mean, sure he looks the same, but for a moment I wondered if this was a joke more along the lines of "the guy he was pretending to be does actually exist, he was just mocking him for a laugh." But his stories of Zag and events of the past game quickly dispelled that notion.
To me, this all suggests Skelly and Schelemeus as personas that a single trickster uses to his advantage depending on the situation, with Skelly probably closer to who he is behind closed doors, but Schelemeus netter reflecting his heroic nature and motives. Perhaps in life he lived through a Bug's Life/Three Amigos type situation, where an unlikely rogue finds himself pretending to be a noble hero, only to end up becoming one in earnest.
When the Queen of the Underworld was kept secret, the world was frozen by vengeful Demeter, Hades feared war with Olympus, and the Prince tried to escape in a plot for peace orchestrated by Night herself and the Goddess of Wisdom, the best way to help was as a greedy fool, the type no one would suspect. When all out war broke out with a Titan, and the dead were evicted from their eternal resting place, the bigger help was a noble and heroic figurehead to rally those lost souls.
Point being, don't sleep on the comic relief skeleton/training dummy. I legitimately think he's one of the series' most well-developed and interesting characters.
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youcouldmakealife · 8 hours
Sven/Gérard/Yvette; almost home
Another of the Kickstarter fills, for a request for some OG OT3.
“You know,” Blair says. “As a single dude, when your friends start getting married and have kids, usually you start to drift apart.”
Sven blinks at him, feeling slow, as he so often has lately. Blair’s speaking to him, but obviously he’s the married friend with kids in this equation, in which case the single dude is — ah.
“I don’t think we’ve drifted apart,” Sven says, looking over at Gérard. Gérard smiles back, small.
He doesn’t think they’ve drifted apart at all.
“Well, no, you’ve done the exact opposite,” Blair says. “That’s kind of my point.”
“I don’t understand what your point is meant to be,” Sven says.
“Leo?” Blair says. “You want to do that English to Olsen translation for me?”
Gérard smiles again. It looks tired. Sven sympathizes. Empathizes. Whatever the word is.
Usually he’s much better at this, but he hasn’t had an undisturbed night of sleep since little Gerard was born. Well, except on the road, but that’s exhausting in its own way — his first night away from Yvette and the baby, he spent half the night texting her for updates until she told him to sleep so at least someone would.
Sven is a champion sleeper. He’s renowned for it. Or, he was. He misses it. Sleeping in. Lazy mornings in bed. Napping just for the pleasure of it, rather than because it’s the only sleep he can snatch. He knew what he was giving up, but — well, he didn’t know.
“Too tired for translation,” Gérard says.
“Me or you?” Sven asks.
“Both, probably,” Gérard says.
“Okay,” Blair says. “Uh, usually people, you know, quit having shit in common? Instead of uh, literally moving in so they can help take care of the baby? Typically?”
“Well,” Sven says. “Have they considered it? Because I do have to say, it’s significantly easier to handle childcare when you outnumber the baby three to one.”
“Neither of you look like it’s even remotely easy,” Blair says. “Did you sleep at all last night, Cap?”
“I slept six hours,” Sven says. They weren’t all consecutive, but even so, he thinks those are solid numbers for a newborn. “As did Yvette.”
Hers were consecutive, thanks to an eye mask, ear plugs, and a noise machine. He can’t begrudge her any of it; she’s the one at home taking care of little Gerard while they’re here enduring their teammates’ busybodying because the coaching staff is running late. And not just one or two, but all of them. Sven would like to think that implies something scandalous, but most likely they’re in a meeting. He’s glad they don’t have meetings. He doesn’t think he could handle meetings on six hours of sleep. Frankly he doesn’t think he could handle meetings on eight.
Or perhaps they’ve all been fired. Sven hopes that isn’t the case. He likes them, but more importantly, he thinks if he had to adjust strategies right now he might malfunction. He’s learning something new every minute, it feels like. There is no room in his brain.
“That seems like a lot for a baby?” Bowie says. “Sleep,” he adds, when Sven blinks at him. He’s lost the thread again.
“Oh,” Sven says. “Yes. That’s my point.”
“Wait,” Dan says. “How many did Gérard sleep?”
“Seven,” Gérard yawns. His were also not consecutive. He’s an unfortunately light sleeper. He’s managed to adjust on the road, so Sven hopes he’ll be able to adjust to the baby too, but it hasn’t happened yet. But it’s only been a month. It feels much, much longer than that.
“Okay,” Scott says, leaning in, his eyes a little wild. His wife’s due any day, so Sven isn’t surprised. “I don’t know if my wife would agree, but you know what? For six hours of sleep, I’m in. Gérard, what do you charge?”
“You have to name your child after him,” Cary says. “Obviously.”
“I would genuinely consider doing that,” Scott says.
“Aren’t you guys having a girl?” Bowie asks.
“Gerardina,” Scott says. “What do you say, G?”
“That sounds like an STD,” Cary says. “You’d do that to your poor kid?”
“For six hours of sleep a night?” Scott says. “Absolutely.”
“Too bad,” Sven says, reaching a hand out. Gérard’s sitting too far away for him to reach, so he lets his hand hover in the air, hoping Gérard knows that Sven’s wrapped a telepathic arm around his shoulders. He might. Gérard is an exceptional individual. “He’s mine.”
“My wife’s a good cook,” Scott says. “Those two don’t cook, do they?”
Sven stands up, walking over to Gérard’s stall so he can not so telepathically wrap a possessive arm around his shoulders. Gérard leans back into him.
“I cook,” Gérard says.
“Free meals, and I’ll name two kids after you,” Scott says. “First name, middle name, everything.”
Sven tightens his grip.
“I don’t think Sven would be willing to give me up,” Gérard says.
Sven’s glad he knows this.
The coaching staff come in then — not fired en masse, Sven is thankful to see — and everyone jumps up, the few who haven’t changed into their gear hurriedly devoting themselves to the task.
Practice is harder than usual, but easier than conversation. There’s muscle memory to it, the literal practice of hockey, broken down into its bare components. Conversation flows, it changes, he has to adapt. That’s true of hockey too, but moreso during games than in practice. He’s only scored two goals in the past six weeks, but practice, that he can do. It’s almost nice, getting to use his body, to know that everything’s still there, that it still knows what to do, especially after he found his phone in the fridge this morning. He hadn’t even realised it was missing.
“I’ve never been more popular in my life,” Gérard says on the drive back. Sven isn’t a fan of driving at the best of times, so they’ve mutually agreed Gérard should be the one behind the wheel. “Everybody wants to name their kid after me.”
Sven grunts.
“Don’t worry,” Gérard says. “I won’t take Scottie up on his offer. I know you wouldn’t know what to do without me.”
Yvette might — she’s very capable, far more comfortable with everything. She’s tired, but not totally at sea. But Sven?
“I wouldn’t have the first idea,” Sven says honestly.
“Sleep for the rest of the drive,” Gérard says.
“It’s only ten minutes,” Sven says, but he closes his eyes, and doesn’t open them again until Gérard’s gently shaking his shoulder, telling him to come inside.
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venusleontios55555 · 2 days
Things I hope the next chapters would cover:
There are some loose threads I hope get covered when Takano and Onodera's dating arc starts:
I am kind of surprised that we as a fandom just kind of glossed over this line. Like Takano never really spoke about his parents, but we know that he has a bad relationship with both of them. It is hinted that he is still in touch with his mother. But we dont really know how involved she is. Makes me wonder if this is going to be a plot later. Like if we ever see his real father.
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Another plot sekaiichi hatsukoi frequently talks about is Ritsu's relationship with his mum, while he is shown to care about her, he hardly ever talks to her on the phone. Like how An says "he is always short on the phone", or he rarely visits home. This also could be a potential plot later.
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People like to say that Takano is a very mysterious character because he is the most poker faced. To which I say nope, I think Ritsu's father is the most mysterious guy. Even though Ritsu is the heir, his father has not yet made an appearence to talk to him about it, instead he interfered with his son's application in marukawa, and that ended up with Onodera in Marukawa. What if he already knew about Onodera and takano?? I hope this is mentioned in later chapters.
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Another one of the biggest plot points in sekaiichi hatsukoi is Ritsu's position in the publishing world. Because Ritsu is uncertain whether he will have to become the heir to Onodera publishing. In the future it is possible that Onodera/or his parents will come to a decision.
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I am not gonna lie, Haitani scares the crap out of me, I mean in sekaiichi hatsukoi every character has a good and bad side. But Haitani is confusing, now I could label him as evil, but he is not really evil (yet), but I can see him taking more of an antagonistic role if he was serious about being Onodera's love rival. AND THAT scares the crap out of me. Not that takano will fall for him, but he will do something to onodera or both of them.
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Onodera has not yet told Takano about the fact that Mutou sensei and her spouse met after ten years, and her wedding will perhaps be a turning point in their established relationship.
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So far we dont know much about Fushijiro except she is a exceptional mangaka, who tends to overwork herself and others around her. Her stories are shown to be unique, and I think she will be one of the people who will indirectly help ritsu become a sucessful editor.
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After Ritsu found out he is temprory worker, he is given an oppurtunity to do a test to become Marukawa's permanent employee. In that Takano mentions that he has to talk to his dad about it one day. Which means there is a potenial that we will see both Ritsu's attempt at being a permanent employee and perhaps an eventual meet between Ritsu's father and Takano.
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lulubelle814 · 1 day
Her Savior
Another hot day.  Another afternoon at Starbucks.  Another day searching for jobs online.  Penny loved coming here.  The baristas were always nice and welcoming.  The more she went, the more they started to recognize her.
“Hey Penny!”  Kaelin greeted her.  She and Gab were working today, two of her favorites.  “Another strawberry acai refresher for ya?”
Penny nodded.  “Yes, please.  And a blueberry muffin?”  They rang her up, and she sat down at her favorite table.  There was no rhyme or reason as to why it was her favorite, but it was where she preferred to sit.  Perhaps it’s because it was in somewhat close proximity to both the register and the restrooms.  Perhaps it’s because it gave her a great view of people coming and going.  
She enjoyed people watching, especially when she first saw him.  He was tall with pale skin and long-ish black hair.  Usually it was down.  Every once in a while though, he had it up in a man bun, giving her a nice view of his neck and jawline.  He usually came in, placed his order, and then left with his drink.  Once in a while, he’d stay for a bit to either do a few things on his computer or read a book.
Hearing the front door open, she glanced to see who it was, hoping it’d be him.  It wasn’t.  There was this strange guy who’d started coming in.  ‘Strange isn’t always bad,’ she’d remind herself.  Well, that was until the day the strange guy decided to approach her.  He sneezed, and she automatically said “bless you.”  It was common courtesy, right?
“I heard you say God bless you.”
Penny nodded.  “Well, I really just said bless you, but yes.”
“I see you have a sticker on your laptop that says ‘one mental breakdown later.’  Do you have mental health issues?”  He sat himself down at her small table.
Something about how he spoke put her on edge.  “Um, yes.”
“What do you have?”
‘What I have right now is the strong desire for you to leave,’ she thought to herself, but she was too nice to say that.  “Um, anxiety, depression, and bipolar.”
“I have depression and schizophrenia.  Do you ever have manic episodes?”
Penny heard the front door open and spotted her crush walking in.
Turning back to the odd stranger, she tried to tell him she was working on applying for jobs, but he kept talking.  It took 3 attempts to make him understand she wanted, no, needed to focus on her job search until he got the hint and went back to his own table to her great relief.
By the time all was said and done, her handsome crush got his order and departed.
Two days later, she came in, placed her order, and sat down once more.  There was a new book she’d gotten about lexicology on obscure words (The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows), and Penny wanted to look through it.  She’d started to, briefly, but decided she should spend more time right now looking online for jobs and placed the book just to the right of her computer.
So focused on her online searches, she didn’t realize the strange guy was back until he came up to her and asked if he could look at the book she had on the table as he reached for it.  She tried to say no, politely picked up the book, and held it close to her.  Penny didn’t care for people she didn’t know touching her things.
“It looks interesting.  One quick look?”  
She was becoming more and more uncomfortable, and this guy just didn’t seem to get it.  “Sorry, but no.”
“It’s just a book.  Why won’t you let me see it?”
Before she could respond, she felt someone place a hand on the back of her chair and heard the most beautiful tenor british voice.  “Why are you making my girlfriend uncomfortable?  She said no.  A gentleman knows that when a lady says no, you cease and walk away.”
Looking up, it was her crush.  He was even more handsome up front and smelled delectable.
“Honey, you made it!”  She knew to play along.  “Yes, darling.  Sorry I’m late.”
“Dude, it’s just a book.”  The strange guy persisted.
“Yes, but the book belongs to her.  You have no rights.  I’m going to have to ask you to leave her alone.”
“And if I don’t?”  The creepy guy crossed his arms.
“Then I’ll have to insist you leave.”  The British hottie crossed his arms as he stood up straight.  He was easily over 6 feet tall with lean muscles compared to the strange guy who was more than half a foot shorter than him and scrawny.
This move by her savior finally scared off the creepy guy who went back to his table.
The British gentleman leaned down carefully.  “I will not be offended if you say no, but I could sit at your table for a bit?  Help ensure he leaves you alone?”
Penny nodded.  “Yes, of course.”
He pulled out the chair across from her and put down his bag before placing his own order.  He then came to sit with her and work on his own computer things.  A few minutes into this, he looked up.  “I’m so sorry.  I forgot to introduce myself.  I’m Loki.”  He smiled. 
‘His smile could light up the world,’ she thought.  “I’m Penny.  Thank you so much for your help.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help.  That’s the second time he’s accosted me.”  
“Hopefully he’ll know to leave you alone now.  You shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable coming here.”
They ended up back into a companionable silence, each on their own computer.  Well, that was until she received another rejection email causing her to groan.
“Is everything alright?”  Looking up, she could see he was concerned.
“Sorry.  Just another rejection notice.  I’ve lost count of how many jobs I’ve applied for.”
He gave her a sympathetic smile.  “I understand.  Job hunts are often painful.  What sort of jobs are you looking for, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Mostly clerical work, assistant positions.  That kind of thing.”
He opened his bag and searched until he found it and handed her a business card.  “I have a client who’s looking for an administrative assistant position.  He hates having to post inquiries on job boards.  A number of responses he’s been receiving are nothing more than spam at best.  Give him a call and tell him Loki sent you.”
And that’s exactly what she did the next day.  “I know it’s kind of a crazy ask, but is there any chance you could come in this afternoon for an interview?”  She said she could.  At 3 pm, she arrived at his office dressed impeccably along with a copy of her resume.  They spoke for about 30 minutes, and he was very impressed with her, offering her the job on the spot.  He listed the hourly pay, benefits, and other items to which she agreed and would start the following Monday.
The next day, she went back to the same Starbucks with a book and her laptop, but this time it was to relax, read, and maybe do some writing, something she enjoyed doing in her spare time.  Really, though, she came in hopes of running into Loki again.
20 minutes later, her wish was granted.  When he walked into the lobby, he looked around as if he were looking for someone and then smiled brightly when he spotted her.  “Good afternoon!  It’s great to see you again!”  He gestured to the chair opposite her, silently asking if he could join her, and she nodded.
“Thank you so much for referring me to your friend!”
Loki smiled yet again.  “I’m so glad you called him.  I take it you may have already gone in to interview?”
Penny nodded.  “Yesterday afternoon, actually, and he offered me a job!  I wanted to say thanks.”
“No thanks needed from such a nice and beautiful lady.”  His words made her blush.  “I must admit.  I’ve noticed you here before, and I’ve come to look forward to seeing you here.  I wasn’t sure how to approach you until that man started giving you grief.”
Oh dear heavens.  He noticed her, too!  ‘Play it cool, Penny,’ she thought to herself.  “I’m very glad you did.  Not only did you rescue me, you helped me find a job.  Let me buy you a drink as a thank you?”
He tried to decline, but she insisted, saying it was the least she could do.  This time, instead of doing computer work, they ended up talking, not noticing how much time had passed until it was announced that the coffee shop was closing in 15 minutes.
He tried to apologize to her.  “I’m so sorry.  I’ve taken up so much of your time.”
“Don’t be sorry.  I’ve enjoyed talking to you.”  She tried to reassure him.
“Would I…..I mean, could I maybe get your number?  Maybe we could go for dinner sometime?”
She agreed, and they exchanged numbers.  She had a feeling that this was the start of something incredible.
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Picture by @elfpunk
Taglist: @vbecker10
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drumlincountry · 1 year
people underestimate the degree to which I do NOT know what is going on. E.g. I found out what the Unabomber was YESTERDAY.
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amethystpath-writes · 11 months
Bread and Eggs
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It started with the ringing of Villain’s phone. He wasn’t surprised to see Hero’s name pop up. He admired the too-small circle with her picture on it. It was impossible to tell by looking at the emblem, but Villain knew it was a picture from their first date.
To think it had been five years ago...
Villain’s picture on Hero’s phone had been a more recent photo, one from their engagement. An image of him kneeling with the classic black velvety case. It was warm the day of their engagement- Villain didn’t dare propose on a cold day; it would have led to an obvious refusal.
He used to joke that warmth was the only reason Hero even liked him. “You scorn me constantly,” Villain would tease. “You only like me because of the heat I so generously produce.”
“As if you have any control over it! You can’t help that you’re so warm, but it is definitely a plus,” she would ultimately agree.
Now, they were married- and, oh, hadn’t it been a dream? Looking for homes, buying a home, getting groceries, coming home to one another, holding each other at the end of the day. It was all Villain wanted in life, and for so long, it seemed impossible. Yet, here they were; her joyful face was beaming at his under the name ‘Love of my life’.
Answering the phone, Villain jokingly began, “Yes, honey, I remembered to get the bread and eggs.”
The voice that answered wasn’t Hero’s.
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neil-jostenminyard · 2 months
i know that second chances are a big theme of these books and whatnot
BUT i also feel like andrew or neil should get to kill zane. as a treat.
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tonyglowheart · 4 months
Okay, wait lmao. I got to chap 45 and was surprised too see what I think is That Betrayal that I see some people get so so hung up about. Is this it? in Chapter 45? Chapter 45?? out of 128?? Like the way I saw some ppl cite it as a "I like yanshen except-" or like this is an unforgiveable thing by YWS.... and it's like. idk man, we're not even at the halfway mark yet. YWS is still like in his enacting his theorem on the world to try to get SQ to see it as a proof of concept stage. It also didn't really feel like it came out of nowhere at least not for me lmao, I was like, yeah this makes sense as a next step, like. whatever YWS does has to be an escalation and it has to come from him, and it has to be something that WOULD be personal like this. Especially after SQ called him his friend (even if part of the excuse was that it's easier to explain and etc)
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butchshevik · 6 months
Yall are really gonna get me to watch this hbomberguy vid aren't u
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solipseismic · 4 months
not replying to that post bc im sure op already has a shit ton of ppl in their replies/tags saying this but like. dead doesn't mean "no one knows shit about it" dead means "no one uses it colloquially (and as a result we don't still have the knowledge of nuance and phonology of the language that a native speaker possesses bc we have no more native speakers)"
like old english is a dead language. it's the basis for the english we use today and the basis of many poetic forms and has influenced the the lexicons etc of modern english along w many other languages. but it's a dead language. native speakers of old english simply don't exist; we don't know what it would really sound like being spoken by a native speaker and we don't have native speaker intuitions about semantic or syntactic content. it's dead. same thing w latin and every other language ppl classify as "dead." like yeah, sanskrit is hugely influential on a ton of diff languages and serves as their basis but it's also still ... a dead language. bc there are no more native speakers or ppl who speak it as a primary language!! which is the definition!! of a dead language!!! before you try and argue with the wording and definition of an established term consider ... that it has a meaning that is not purely "well it means what it sounds like haha dead language = not used ever and no one knows anything about it" to call a language "dead" has actual meaning!!!!! beyond that!!!!
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dashiellqvverty · 7 days
my opinion on season 11 is that ian and mickey were all over the place from episode to episode and i ultimately wasn’t very happy with where it ended for them
#just felt kind of incomplete and boring in terms of their getting an apartment arc#like mickey was still genuinely very unhappy about it and they just left it like that?#and obviously i didn’t love how they did the terry stuff.#i think. there’s something to it because you can never truly predict how you’re gonna feel about something like that#even if it’s a piece of shit who you truly hate like. feelings happen.#and that could have been interesting to explore but it wasn’t done in a way that felt interesting#it just felt like a waste of time when we could’ve been doing other stuff with their screentime#and the beginning was so good i was having sooo much fun when ian was like yeah let’s steal an ambulance and yes we can have guns again.#let’s fuck in the ambulance. etc.#that was so hot and then they ruined it both in that scene that i wanted to SEE and with where they took the story after#like how quickly ian jumps back to ‘well we won’t do crimes then :)’ i thought he was having FUN doing crimes#like are they still doing their security shit? are they still working with stolen equipment?? i want them to do crimes :(#(when i lay it all out like that i’m like perhaps ‘ian being exited about doing crimes’ is not a Good Sign for him. but#it really wasn’t presented that way in context. like i don’t think that’s what they were going for there#and he can be doing better and still have fun doing stupid shit#a la their little outing before he got arrested by the military#yes that was like. 5 years earlier but i’m still like what happened to THAT ian he got boring#and i’m not saying like. him being healthy is boring. i’m saying let him be healthy and also have fun.#anyway.)#also like. signing a lease on the spot against mickeys wishes. kind of fucking impulsive and reckless. but no it’s bc he wants#to have a better life or whatever so it’s fine.#idk i just want to see them steal shit and fuck in an ambulance#and i mean like OVERALL ian has not been as much of a Crime Guy as others. certainly not compared to mickey#like he’s DONE crimes obviously but not in a. it’s his lifestyle way. i guess?#so idk why i’m like i want him to go BACK to that if that wasn’t exactly what he was doing in the first place#but he LIKES doing shady shit with mickey and having fun and idk why they bothered showing us that#if they were gonna drop it by the end of the season that i can only assume they knew would be the final season#it just felt like they didn’t know what to do with the two of them all season and they ended the season in a less satisfying place#than they started#r.txt
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sylvies-kablooie · 19 days
unrelated to my usual loki blogging or history posting but i finished reading dune yesterday and watched the first part of the film trilogy and i'm so torn
because on one hand, i loved the worldbuilding, i thought the plot and themes were interesting if convoluted and often unpleasant, but i cannot stop myself from thinking about the themes and wanting to know where the story goes next even though i'm scared to learn (and i often didn't enjoy certain plot choices, like the 3 year timeskip or what felt like to me was chani being entirely sidelined)
on the other hand, i read the plots of some of the other novels, of which there is over 20, and frankly i think they sound unenjoyable and also there are so many of them- i know that guy turns into a worm- and how on earth could i ever read them all, what if they stop being good, but by that point i'm too invested in canon as has been known to happen- gestures to still keeping up with the mcu for sylvie alone- do i just. trudge along? through the 20 books?
my current course of action: gonna watch part 2 and maybe read dune messiah to understand part 3 when it rolls around but other than that. i shall try and resist any temptation to be called into the void. (can they cover all of dune messiah in one movie? will it be like 4 hours? so many variables)
and also i'm gonna be hard on the jessica and leto ship. peace n love.
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knbposting · 27 days
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
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…are we??? are we thinking of the same song??? violent?? Hello???
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