#Also called Vampire Butterfly sometimes
grollow · 1 year
I am going to spread the "this man is a butterfly" agenda.
It is my mission in life to make people agree with me.
Atrophaneura semperi is right there. RIGHT THERE.
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fate-defiant · 1 year
Actually I just remembered this bit in the promotional trailer where there's a brief flash of spider/butterfly imagery associated with Rue and Mytho and like idk I think we could get some mileage out of that if we're creative with it
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nobody0805 · 7 months
First Jasper Hale x Reader Oneshot
I’m trying some things
And had the idea to write this while I was on the bus and just wrote it.
885 Words
Kissing him was not like it’s described in movies, or books, or anything else really.
When kissing him, it isn’t like fireworks going off. It doesn’t feel like it was the one thing missing all along.
It’s not like butterflies going crazy in your stomach, or your head spinning from the intensity.
Instead, kissing him is more like a small moment, one thing amidst the many shared moments in their relationship.
He was always so careful, trying not to hurt her while also making sure she is happy.
His kisses would be soft, short, and more like a peck instead of a kiss.
He would always keep his lips closed, not daring to part them.
He would keep his hands off of her, sometimes gently cradling her cheek or softly running his hand over her arm.
But he would never go further.
It would always go the same way.
A peck in the morning when she wakes up to greet her, a peck when she did something well and he wants to show her he is proud of her, a peck when she looks at him with those eyes he can’t resist, and a peck in the evening to wish her a good night.
But he would never go further.
Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t.
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to kiss her, he really wanted to. He wanted to show her that he loves her, that he needs her in his life and that he doesn’t know what to do without her, but he couldn’t risk the potential consequences.
With every kiss he risks hurting her, and he can’t bear the thought.
It would take only one mistake, only one small injury, only one moment where he isn’t fully concentrating on every single movement of his body.
And she wouldn’t be with him anymore.
She wouldn’t leave him.
She promised that. Over and over again. Every time he showed that he is unsure, that he can’t understand why she would stay with him, him of all people, someone who won’t kiss her, who won’t fully touch her, and someone who would have to take her life to keep her with him.
She would always reassure him that she won’t ever leave him.
And every time he felt the genuine love radiating off of her, overwhelming him and making him briefly forget his worries and doubts.
But he still wouldn’t go further. Never kiss her. Never touch her. Never risk hurting her.
Because if he did, if he managed to hurt her in any way, shape or form, he could never forgive himself.
Every single kiss, every peck, every small hold of her hand, and everytime he cradled her cheek, he had to focus on every small movement he might make.
He had to. If he didn’t, he would risk hurting her.
His strength crushing her, crush those hands that fit so perfectly in his own. Hurt those cheeks he loves so much, that light up with red every time he calls her Darlin‘.
He would risk hurting her.
His lips, so perfect against hers, would reveal his sharp teeth. His teeth would risk injuring her.
His venom would immediately work on her, enter her bloodstream and start transforming her.
And he would be helpless. Unable to prevent the transformation as he can’t risk losing himself in the taste of her blood when he tries to suck the venom out of her bloodstream.
But with every pleading look, every time her hands would go into his hair, her fingers tangling into the blond strands and softly pull on them, urging him closer, to part his lips and deepen their kiss, every single desperate attempt of hers to finally get what everyone else in a relationship receives, every attempt kills him.
Every attempt breaks his unbeating heart.
And every attempt makes him realise that she could do so much better than him, the vampire who won’t turn her, who won’t kiss her, and who won’t hold her.
But after every peck, every small cradle, and every single one of her attempts to deepen their kiss, she would tell him she loves him.
And whenever she lets out those three wonderful words he feels like he is the luckiest man in the world.
That he managed to find someone patient enough to stay with him despite how careful he is made his undead heart almost beat again.
And with every moment where she felt bold enough to kiss him for a change, he would grin like a fool.
She would steal kisses from him whenever she could, silent pecks to his lips when walking past him.
Quiet and soft kisses to his cheeks, his lips, his neck whenever he reads a book.
And the gentle kisses to his scars whenever he feels comfortable enough around her to wear short sleeves.
It all makes him melt in her embrace, makes him forget just how dangerous he could be to her, and makes him wish to hold her close forever.
And once they’re ready, once her heart has stopped beating and her body feels as cold as his, he will properly kiss her.
He will make up for all the missed kisses in their relationship.
And he’s sure he won’t ever get enough of her.
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aria-ashryver · 7 months
Meet my MC - Luca O'Rinn
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Name and Meaning: Luca — Bringer of Light / O'Rinn — Descendant of the Stars
Book: Immortal Desires Love Interests: Cas Harlow and Gabriel Adalhard Pronouns: He/they Birthday: 5th January 1997 Sign: Aquarius Born: Kinloch Rannoch, Scotland Raised: Inverness, Scotland Heritage: Scottish with ancestral roots in Ireland
More under the cut! 🖤✨
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Therese “Terri” O’Rinn (mother) Wayne MacAllister (father — estranged) John “Jock” O’Rinn (grandfather) Esther O’Rinn (grandmother) Morag O'Rinn (great aunt) Phoebe O’Rinn (cousin)
Skills / Hobbies
Dance, drums, butterfly knives, annoying ancient vampires with incessant questions and somehow not being murdered outright
Random Trivia
Luca has an avid curiosity (which often gets them into trouble) and is fascinated by how the world works — in every possible universe, they would have found out about the vampires in Crimson Beech.
He gets bored if he hasn’t learnt something new in a while.
Luca has Combined Type ADHD and frequently needs something to do with their hands — they can often be found flipping small items (pens, drum sticks, balisongs, etc, their phone, if they can’t get their hands on anything else)
...His phone screen is always cracked.
TERRIBLE at replying to text messages if they don’t do it then and there. Cannot make a phone call to save their life.
Has no problem biting ice cream, but sometimes sensory things ( unexplained sticky hands, clothes textures that feel suddenly wrong) with make them explode with sudden rage that comes on fast and goes away even faster. (It always alarms Gabriel whenever it happens. He tries to help and inevitably gets in the way and makes it worse. Cas knows to just ignore him when he’s having a moment.)
Loves playfighting with Cas (despite always losing and probably getting thrown somewhere)
Late. For everything. All the time. Zero time management skills.
Luca's first crush was Howl Pendragon of Studio Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle
He takes his tea/coffee without milk bc he’s forever forgetting to drink it — there is always a small army of half-full, forgotten cups and mugs around his room.
Restless sleeper, abhors early mornings, can’t fall asleep unless he feels safe (which leads to a lot of falling asleep on Gabriel and Cas)
He despises math and still counts on his fingers. Numbers make his brain short-circuit.
Will absolutely eat food off the floor if they drop it.
Forests have always made him feel calm and want to dance.
Luca has had a habit since childhood where, any time they are walking alone through a forest, they’ll slow their pace and hum a gentle tune, trying to see if they can catch sight of any fairies or little fae creatures out of the corner of their eye. (Which seemed like a silly superstition until a few months ago, but now that they know vampires are real? Hey, maybe little Luca was on to something.)
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Education (Scotland)
Rather than traditional schooling, Luca attended a specialised Arts school from the age of 14, in their hometown of Inverness, Scotland. Avalon Academy of the Arts is an alternative educational institution, covering both secondary- and tertiary-level studies in fields such as traditional arts and media, photography, music, theatre, and dance.
At Avalon, Luca trained primarily in ballet, lyrical jazz, contemporary, jazz funk, street dance, and urban hip-hop. Luca does enjoy ballet, but he found most of the ballet students too pretentious, cut-throat, and close-minded to consider pursuing a career in ballet long-term (especially as a non-binary dancer in an extremely gendered environment).
Luca’s main dance style tends toward a unique blend of lyrical, ballet, and street — though in recent years, there is definitely something of a K-Pop influence present in their choreography. They idolise Lee Taemin of SHINee, in part because of his expression and technical precision, but also because of the androgyny and power of Taemin’s dance style. They enjoy watching dance practice videos on YouTube in order to study other dancer’s body lines, transitions, and use of tension.
Education (USA)
In transferring to Crimson Beech High to round out their formal education, it became clear that Luca was very behind in some areas (math, physics, sciences) and very ahead in others (history, literature, anything pertaining to arts studies).
The semesters at Avalon do not align with traditional US schooling system (beginning in February and wrapping up in December to mirror their sister school in Avalon, Australia), so Luca is actually marginally older than many of his current classmates at Crimson Beech High.
(well. Those that aren’t vampires, anyway).
As at the first chapter of ID/SICSIG, Luca is 18, and will be turning 19 in January.
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Luca could have taken music as an elective at Avalon, but he never did. Music is something that is purely for self expression and fun. While he did take drum lessons for about a year as a child, most of Luca’s musical ability comes from the school of fucking around and finding out — he is a kinaesthetic learner, so much of his drumming is self-taught.
Wayne (read: awful person) never really approved of Luca’s dancing and wanted them to quit when they first started taking lessons in primary school, but Terri put her foot down when she saw how happy it made them to have a form of self-expression that really spoke to who they were. As a means of compromise, Wayne suggested Luca take up drumming — something he saw as a suitably “masculine” hobby to “help him man up”.
A lot of the arguments Wayne and Terri had regarding Luca’s hobbies in their formative years were, in truth, veiled conversations about Luca’s sexuality and gender identity. Terri has never been anything but accepting of her child, and Wayne has never been able to get his head out of his own ass around Luca being gay, let alone non-binary. Though Terri tried to shield them from it, Luca often bore the burnt of a tirade of queerphobic verbal abuse, which escalated to physical violence in the years preceding Wayne and Terri’s separation.
There were a whole host of reasons why the O’Rinn household wasn’t the easiest or safest place to be growing up (which I have explored more in Starlight!); understandably, Luca had a lot of energy (and, in the years before Wayne’s arrest, a lot of anger) that he was able to take out on his drum kit.
Drumming on his own has turned into a really therapeutic space for Luca, wherein he can get into a flow state, lose the outside world, and work through a lot of his feelings. As much as Luca despises his father, he loves his drums — and knowing his father was the one to buy him his first ever drum kit is something of a sore spot. To this day, Luca still has mixed feelings about it.
Drumming with Viktor’s band, however, became a space of growth and celebration. Your Bisexual Awakening (as they are currently called — the band's name changes with almost every gig) is made up of other students from Avalon, and is unapologetically queer and in your face about it. They mostly play classic rock, punk, and grunge tracks, but ultimately do not limit themselves by genre.
Viktor, the band’s vocalist and frontman, is an OC (and will probably get his own "Meet My OC" profile!) (eventually); the other band members are Easter Eggs from other Choices books: WtD’s Angel on bass, NB’s Cal on keys, and ILITW’s Ava on lead electric guitar.
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You can find out more about Luca via my masterlist, or read about them in my longfic, snow in crimson, starlight in gold on AO3! 🖤(direct link, fic is rated Explicit)
tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations
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dance-bones · 6 months
Love Swarm|Jojo's Villains (Part 2)
Inspired by: Holding a Moth
That's about how your first meeting happened.
You may ask, what is it? And this is a whole little swarm of your new lovers. Anthropomorphic moths are not only firmly entrenched in your house, but also gave you a lot of trouble. Why did you leave them, well, not to say that you had a choice. It's worth introducing you to your new boyfriends, as they call themselves.
°Dio Brando°
Death's Head(Acherontia atropos)
Actually, he was the first person you saw, and who saw you. He told the others about you. Why? Because he wanted to show you off as his future property. Brando never expected that the others would be interested in you too.
He is quite possessive of you and loves physical contact. Dio doesn't even hide it, he just comes up when he wants attention and takes you with one pair of hands and caresses your face and hair with the other. And he frankly doesn't give a damn what you were doing, even if it was important to you. But you made a note that it would be better to allocate time to him, and then you will not be interrupted from business.
You usually talk about the books he borrows from you. You can also philosophize. He likes to listen to your opinion, although sometimes he may disagree with you, just because he wants to hear your arguments.
Since Dio is a butterfly, he has beautiful yellow-black wings, which he often flaunts. He also loves your compliments to his wings, especially if you think he's the best. It caresses his ego, and you probably don't know it-it's huge.
The problems with a blonde are not only in paying attention, but also in eating. You see, he is not only a butterfly, but also a vampire. And he has blood in his preferences. So another reason for Brando to get to you is feeding. But at the first mention of it, he convinced you that he would not take much, although this is an outright lie. Dio not only drinks your blood to dizziness, but also does it on exposed areas of the skin. Pain is also present, but here you can thank him, because the vampire is aware of this and approaches his meal a little more gently.
He sits you on his lap and slowly sinks his fangs into your skin, but at such moments you feel all four hands gently caressing your body. It is distracting and helps not to feel acute pain. He can also resort to pheromones, which work very well, but I'll talk about them later.
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(Hypolimnas bolina)
Another owner on your head. He does not like your absence from home, and often watches you, especially if you return from work late at night.
Just like Dio can grab you without words and put you on the couch next to him. As with the gorgeous hair on his head, Kars has fluffy purple fur around his neck and on his chest. You often fall asleep on it or just lie down. He's soft. And given the fact that Kars doesn't say anything about it, he either doesn't mind, or feels a pleasant feeling about it, but he won't tell you much about it, because he doesn't have to, but you don't have to tell him the whole biography, that's what you were born for.
Kars immediately explained that he did not need food, but you did not mind getting rid of an extra consumer. But that's not the problem, when you cook, he can come to the tasting, and, believe me, he will not stint on criticism. Again, you will get used to it, because Kars criticizes almost everything and everything.
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°Kira Yoshikage°
Hawk moth(Smerinthus ocellatus)
He's taciturn, but that doesn't mean he won't chat with you. Kira loves it. You will be asked about your preferences, about life, about feelings, while turning over your hands in their four.
Yoshikage also watches you a lot, and looks into your eyes during the same conversation. It bothered you at first, but then you kind of started loving it. But what you never want to do again is quarrel with him or annoy him in some way, and it's not because he can do something to you, no. At such moments, this lepidopteran opens its wings, gazing intently into the eyes. His eye pattern on the wings is intimidating and makes him look more gloomy.
Specifically on food. Kira likes to cook with you or you. He is excellent at this. One day, you asked him to teach you how to cook a dish, so he came up to you from behind and took your hands, starting to drive them and comment on the cooking process. You couldn't see his face at that moment, but he was almost ecstatic. Yoshikage will find a couple more recipes and invite you to try to learn how to cook them, under his guidance, of course!
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°Venegar Doppio°
Wine hawkmoth(eilephila elpenor)
The most clingy and cute moth in your house.
Literally constantly flutters next to you and pokes at you with his antennae. They tickle your cheeks, making you giggle. You can be found working or relaxing on the couch, and Doppio will lie on your lap and purr. Yes, you didn't know that moths can purr, but Doppio will reveal to you all the delights of a relationship with an anthropomorphic moth.
Our moth likes sweets or something Italian, because he will assure you that he is from Italy. At such moments, he is happy, especially if you share a plate with him. Venegar can also grab a cutlery and start feeding you, or ask you to feed him.
The only thing that can make him leave you for a while is Diabolo. Doppio loves you, of course, but he doesn't want to annoy his boss.
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Variegated Turkmen (Zygaena truchmena)
He's watching while you're not looking.
First of all, you didn't look at him at the first meeting because he was hiding in the shadows. Your next meeting happened in the attic when you wanted to take some things. Let me explain that the attic is designed as another good and comfortable room, except that it is dark there.
Once inside, the door closed behind you. That's when you heard him. The devil wrapped his wings around you and brought you closer to his soft fur on his chest, which was soaked in his pheromones. It smelled sweet and then you got dizzy. Well, that's probably what he wanted, because he leaned over and kissed you passionately and even in a proper way. Of course, then he let you take the thing you needed, you chatted for a while and left. However, you have remembered that the attic is no longer yours.
By the way, Doppio warned you that his boss is somewhere nearby and that he is always watching.
You thought he was always in the attic until the food on the table began to disappear. Moreover, you found out that it was him, because after your cooking, Doppio comes and asks for Diabolo, specifically the dish from which the sample was taken. So you started bringing him food, and then he started coming himself.
You often come to the attic in the evenings to keep him company. For Diavolo, this is a sweet gesture, although he, like Carse and Dio, believes that it is your duty to devote time to him. He is the emperor, after all.
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°Enrico Pucci°
He cares about you the most.
He almost worships you. You hear compliments from him, and you like to do it in return. Pucci is dependent on your praise, although it greatly embarrasses him. He tries to look strong in front of you.
You can approach him when he is napping on the couch and get under his wing. Enrico is literally a fluffy moth. You also love stroking his mustache. They are quivering very nicely. Well, you also love listening to him, especially when he talks enthusiastically about paradise.
Regarding food, he prefers fruits, but you are sure that he secretly cracks a mulberry tree that grows nearby. But do not bring up this topic, the moth does not really like to be embarrassed in front of you, no matter how often this happens.
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°Diego Brando°
Oleander hawkmoth (Daphnis nerii)
The most unusual lover. Double rituals!
Since Diego is not only an anthropomorphic moth, but also a dinosaur, then get ready for the most exciting consequences of an open window that evening.
They literally hold you in their arms and fly with you. He loves you madly and will kiss your whole face. And yet, Diego loves touching himself and literally melts when you stroke his tail or mustache on his head.
You used to have a fumigator, but you got rid of it because of your lovers. You were very afraid that mosquitoes and flies would interfere with you, but Diego made it easier for you.
You also had special stones in pots, he ate them, and even during the winter, you took flowers from the street, he ate them too..
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°Fanny Valentine°
Comet moth (Argema mittrei)
Literally a moth in your house.
You love his hair, and he loves yours. He allows himself to be braided, because he likes to feel your gentle hands in his hair.
Valentine is punctual and he has a schedule, which he has involved you in, partially so far. Specifically, a 30-minute nap..with him, of course. He usually lies down and pulls you to him, hiding you from the rest in his wings.
It feels like he hasn't come out of the moth larva period. At some point, you found him in a circle of expensive, fabric, napkins that you were looking for so hard. He slowly picked them up and chewed them. When asked why he was doing this, you got something like "It's delicious" and "They smell like you, I can't resist." Now, before you go to work, make sure that you hide napkins and handkerchiefs from him.
In general, he has a sweet tooth, watch his diet, or you will be left without sweets.
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Well, your lovers also have a few principles in common. And one of them is pheromones. They act as something relaxing and sometimes intoxicating, and each has its own smell.
When you first felt them, it felt like expensive perfume. And that's fine, because you no longer need to spend money on perfume. And not to say that you use them like bottles with wings, in any case! They do it themselves. And someone alone. You can come to work every day with a new smell, similar to some Dior. It makes your colleagues think about your earnings, but it doesn't matter.
When you get home and take a shower, the first thing that happened to you was a new batch of pheromones. You literally open the door and you are immediately grabbed and pressed to yourself. Whoever gets there first, that's what you'll smell like until the next shower.
It annoyed you a lot, you could at some point wake up at night and find the same Diego above you, who is trying to rub his scent into you with his antennae.
But after a general conversation, you agreed and made a schedule, just for the sake of them and your peace. Now after the shower, you just go to the one whose turn it is. For example, the Devil. You approach him, climb onto his lap, and you are slowly caressed with tendrils, covered with pheromones. At the same time, in a relaxed state, your butterfly guys can do this for 10-15 minutes.
Another thing you came across a little later is the mating rituals. God, you held back your laughter at first when they opened their wings and started dancing, but then it started to fascinate. They have always tried, they are trying and they will try for you. Their wings and dances are really beautiful, after a while, even you got involved in them.
Your lovers also try to make a nest for you, but you are against it, because they use silk and the like, and you do not welcome it on your clean walls. But, they have found another use for it, now they bind you with it. Just like that, or so that you don't twitch and let them touch you, anywhere, but they're still gentle. Or if you just want it. Silk is quite soft and pleasant to the touch, you found out from Pucci when he was embarrassed by your compliments. In order to comfort him, you decided to take him by one of your hands. And at that moment, you felt the sticky and soft substance of silk. But fortunately, Enrico explained everything and helped to get rid of the clump.
One big problem that you have to face is hygiene, because they can't wet their wings, so they just clean themselves. By the way, it looks funny, especially when cleaning the mustache. But you asked them to do something about it, and they just learned how to take a shower without touching the wings, everything else is solved with a hairdryer.
And probably the last one. If anything, they respect your time for each other, well, or at least they are not jealous of you, no, they can interact with you several at the same time, and this will also be normal for everyone.
And the coolest thing is cleaning! Everyone has 4 hands, most of them are excellent assistants.
So, they stay with you, or you stay with them, it doesn't really matter. It is important that you are surrounded by the love you deserve. Rest assured, no guy will give you as much trouble and happiness at the same time as your love swarm. And believe me, your lovers will still show how good they are in bed.
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lumilasi · 5 months
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Another redesign done, took me a week to figure hers out. I wanted to make her non-japanese in her human life, because all the other moth spirits currently are....purely because I really didn't want to change their names lol, but Mari was a different case.
I honestly like her new design more than the old one, not that the old one was bad.
more info below:
Name: Marisa Marisol-Raye
Nicknames: Risa/Mari-junior/junior (her moms) firecracker/hun/Mari (Gianna)
Age: 21
Height: 155 cm
Friends: She does like hanging out with her GF's brother and his friends as sort of a "big sis" figure. She's also made friends with Max Karuna, a member of a popular rock band, as Marisa has helped working on their stage shows.
Family: adoptive moms Marci Raye and Mariella Marisol
Love interest: Gianna Aquila, a young designer student in the same uni (A siren)
Moth spirits are human souls reborn in new form through what is called a Hive Tree. There used to be 7 of those, but after the Ancient War only 3 are left. Each tree attracts slightly different types of souls with unfinished business:
Amethyst Wisteria:  A purple tree which reminds a massive Wisteria tree in appearance, the spirits manifested by this one are typically those who were in some way significant people in their community, dying unexpectedly. Leaders, warriors, freedom fighters, etc.
Emerald Weeping Willow: A green tree similar in likeness to Weeping Willows, only again much more massive. Souls born from this tree were those with tragic, darker sudden deaths. These souls were typically killed by someone in a non-war setting (I.E victims of crime) or they died of self-inflicted injuries caused by mental distress of some sort.
Blue Lapiz Spruce: A large tree in likeness of blue spruce. The souls that this tree attracts are typically those who died in a freak accident or natural disasters. This tree tends to birth a lot of child moth spirits, given it is more likely for a child to die of a freak accident/natural disaster than be of a level of importance/die due to crime. (Marisa naturally came from this tree)
Moth Spirit abilities: Speedy flight, butterfly poofing like a vampire, spitting webbing, fireproof wings, pocket dimension to store stuff in, de-manifesting her wings if needed.
Fire protection spell: While her wings are fireproof, she needs more, well, proofing than that, and has learned spells to coat her whole body and/or her tools to prevent them from being damaged by potential fires from her work.
Engineering Intelligence: She is studying for an engineer for a reason; Marisa has always been good at learning new things and understanding the fundamentals of how things work, both on the magical side and the physical side.
Marisa can be a tad reckless and push the boundary of what might be the smart approach to her tinkering, resulting in explosions and unnecessary messes.
She is socially a little awkward and doesn't always know how to act in crowds, which often means she'll just tag along her girlfriend during any bigger celebratory events, unless she finds people who are more her vibe, typically those who are up to shenanigans.
Marisa has a fear of the ocean and doesn't like being in large bodies of water; when younger it was even difficult to get her to bathe at first, but by now its only large bodies of water that bother her.
Marisa is very positive and enthusiastic person with never-ending curiosity. She loves trying out new things and testing her hypothesis, whenever it is about her inventions or whenever a flavor combo for food works or not.
While you wouldn't think of it at first glance, Marisa absolutely loves fashion too and enjoys trying out all sorts of different looks and outfits, the only real rule that she follows being "colorful" pretty much.
Due to her social awkwardness, she is sometimes self conscious and wonders if she's being too much, apologizing a lot if she feels she's talking too much for example. She also tends to want to avoid big gatherings of people, unless she gets to actually work with something. Marisa also has the tendency to dwell in any awkward conversations she's had with people for days.
She was taken in by Marci, who happened to be visiting the Blue Spruce area given she is acquainted with the wife of one of the guardians of the tree. She came to stay there for a while to try and recover from a traumatic incident that led her quitting her earlier dangerous job.
At first she felt hesitant adopting the kid, but during her stay it became clear Marisa had already chosen her as her new parent, so she decided to at least try.
They met Mariella two years later, and Marisa "shipped" them from the start, as she could tell instantly the two liked each other, and Marisa liked Mariella.
Marisa was from Mexico when she was a human, and died due to drowning at sea, potentially because she accidentally fell off a boat during a storm. (had there been any foul play, she would've been born a green moth)
Her name meaning "of the sea" refers to her manner of death as is typical for Moth spirits.
She likely died somewhere in the 60:ies
Out of the other moth spirits, she's only met Yoruga personally, given she does go to the cafe sometimes with her moms that he works at.
Marisa is Bi
Because of her thick fluff around her legs, she doesn't need to wear long trousers or leg warmers during winter, still sporting shorts or skirts, just of thicker fabric.
her hair is very epic poofy pile of curls when fully open, making her the fluffiest of all 4 moths in the story.
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harajuku-cookie · 22 days
IkeVamp OC Profile: Carina
The Beloved Songbird “Wherever I may go, the melodies will always follow.”
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Name: Carina Sakamoto Pronouns: She/Her Voice: Nana Mizuki Birthday: May 3 Race: human (becomes lesser vampire later on), half-Mexican/half-Japanese Hair: Long, wavy pink (light mauve) hair Eye: raspberry Skin tone: olive Extra Features: hourglass figure with large bust Orientation: pan
More info about her under the cut!
Notes: •Eldest daughter to a Mexican mother (Milagros Pilar) and Japanese father (Tadashi Sakamoto), both actors/theater performers. Also has a younger brother named Kou, both of them were born in Japan. •Her parents met in Paris for a theater production that they were taking part in and fell in love and eventually got married. It was a whirlwind romance, but it felt like fate to them and to this day they're still deeply in love. Even though it was a little unstable to raise children while traveling, they made it work. So Carina and her brother grew up surrounded by the performing arts while being homeschooled. •She traveled a lot growing up because of her parents' careers and started acting in various productions, movies, and TV shows since she was little. This is also where she developed her love of traveling and learning new languages because she wanted to be able to communicate with others wherever she went. •Classically trained in opera like her mother as well as piano like her father •Knows a little bit of most dances. Usually when a role calls for dance, she works hard to learn the type needed. And sometimes when her family have get-togethers, they all love to dance for fun. Some of her favorites are ballet, paso doble, flamenco, waltz, and ballet folklórico. •Since her brother, Kou, works as a music producer and composer, they tend to work together and collaborate on music •Instead of being a travel agent like the canon MC/Mitsuki, she is a theater performer/actress and singer who doubles as a travel vlogger. She travels a lot for her work, so she loves to save her memories via video recordings and an online blog, especially to share with her extended family back in their home countries. •Grew up in a healthy family, her parents being the best example of a healthy relationship. They always made sure to teach her and her brother how to be kind and respectful of others, to always communicate clearly, to never let anyone talk down to them, and stand your ground. •Her nicknames are "Cari" and "CariBear" because she loves bears (also a play on Care Bear). Some people also like to call her "Cupid" because of her hair and eye color reminding them of the colors of love and how much of a romantic she is. •Knows self-defense and is pretty strong despite her stature. Also has a black belt in taekwondo. •When she goes back in time to the 19th century and decides to stay there, she eventually adopts a Pomeranian and names her Oso ("bear" in Spanish) •Shipped with Isaac. The best way to describe their relationship dynamic would probably be like “golden retriever and black cat”, with Carina being the bubbly social butterfly who helps Isaac out of his shell (but never pushes, always gives him a choice and space when he needs it), while Isaac is the calmer, more introverted of the pair who helps Carina enjoy and appreciate the peaceful quiet moments together. •She does make a contract with Comte to become a vampire within a year of her and Isaac’s relationship. At first Isaac felt really conflicted with Carina's decision to become a vampire. On one hand they would have more time together, which he loves since he loves her so much. On the other hand, he's worried about the possibility of her becoming an aberrant like him. It causes him grief to be one and he doesn't want her to go through the same thing and regret her decision. Although he's unsure, he does realize that ultimately it's her decision. Carina hears Isaac's concerns and understands where he's coming from and offers to come up with a plan in case the "worst" case scenario happens. She reassures him that if she does become an aberrant, she'll find a way to work through it. Plus they have the support of Comte and the others, so they'll be okay. After talking it out some more with each other and then with Comte, Carina finally takes the plunge and becomes a vampire, and to Isaac's relief, is a normal lesser vampire just like the others. It's a bit of an adjustment period to get used to her new form, but he and the others are with her every step of the way.
Extra Note: Outfit is still pending. I may go with the one on the in-game avatar, just in warmer colors. I just wanted to add a picture in for reference.
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
When David first met Angel, it wasn’t a super romantic thing. But as he got to know them, every little thing they did made his stomach erupt in butterflies and put a blush on his face. He began staring at them lovingly and sending them cute messages throughout the day, telling them that he misses them, and taking them on random “Just because” dates. When he found himself in a Jewelry store looking for the perfect ring to propose with, he laughed at himself, wondering when he became so lovesick.
This song has Asher written all over it. Christopher Walken makes it obvisous that he doesn’t care how old his partner gets, and that he thinks they’re still the best thing ever. Asher will be in Love with Baaabe no matter how old they get or what they go through, and he’ll make it fun
Milo Greer the Man of the Hour. We all know Milo is super charismatic, his charm is beyond everyone who’s crossed paths with it. He doesn’t throw himself at just anyone though. His personality is generally flirty, but him and Sweetheart both know that THEE Milo Greer is an offer you can’t give up
Reputation. Darlin is infamous for being rough and reckless. They’re not ashamed though, they have no shame in their game, and when people ask what they’ve done, they run down the list of what they’d call accomplishments. And there’s no question that they’re also really hot so not only do they have a story to tell, but looks to keep up with it
If you know the song, it’s pretty self explanatory. Angel is super corny and cute, as we know. Their whole life is a musical in their head. When they met David, they saw potential in a future with him. Now that they’re 4 years down the line and engaged, this song describes their love for him in every way
Absolutely was “The New Girl in Town”. Baaabe is just that bitch. Simple. Perfect in every way and definitely has all kinds of people falling for them left and right. Makes people jealous and upset by just being themself. When they met Asher, they immediately liked him, he didn’t treat them like an object or competition for once, and it was refreshing.
Determination is Sweetheart’s middle name. They’re a detective, they’ll find a way to do anything. You just can’t stop them. Especially when it comes to their love for Milo. They’ll always make time for him, and would hate to live without him. The past 6 years have been so wonderful with Milo and their life no longer feels right without him
Ohhhh Mr. Collins. He’s been a vampire for a little while now. And knowing him, he probably spent a good majority of it alone in his house, only ever going outside to put gas in his car, pick up blood, or meet with Vincent or William. He’s older than his friends and his mate and he just generally feels real old compared to everyone else. But with the help of his peers, he’s getting into modern stuff that might make him feel younger. Sometimes you gotta get him out of his comfort zone🤷🏽‍♀️
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thinking about how so much of mental health recovery is self forgiveness and allowing yourself to move on and how (having been raised in religious shame structure) not being able to can really trap you into patterns if you don’t. im about to make this about that vampire show lmao. i tried not to. i didn’t even expect this. i was gonna just do a to delete personal post. but whatever. you don’t have to read. but, there’s so much shame in being unwell. all religion teaches you in that anyone of “sin” is deserving of instability, of punishment, unhappiness of hell. then religions tell people to turn that voice inwards and name it their governing god voice. thats so damaging.
my mind is whizzing with religious trauma thoughts in amc iwtv. as well as mental health aspects given how i’ve been and i haven’t really done wtf your call this in a while and i’m really too shrouded in the shame of being unwell to even feel like i should say anything at all anymore. i’m pushing through bc that’s honestly the problem.
that’s what i see reflected in louis. suffering silently bc you might be the hell you can’t escape bc the magnitude you’re experiencing it makes you feel like you must deserve it. if it’s you then what else could there be. doesnt seem like even what’s good can come without hell-in-tow. in his line of work, in his life with his family, in the only way he could be with jonah, in lestat, in claudia. hell is always right there where the good things are. and then everywhere you look the thought is it’s reinforced. religion indoctrinates in you that good is for those who are pure. louis was never afforded pure. even tho it’s actually an injustice and pure is a tool for exclusion and hatred etc. etc. sometimes even when you know that, even when you have the awareness of how unfair it is to be held to a standard never meant for you, it doesnt mean shame isnt effective.
im thinking about shame and self-flagellation in louis. someone on here once pointed out how louis might have thought he was really losing it where lestat was concerned, with all his tricks, and how that was probably why he didn’t want to look at it head on. i get that observation bc of the shame and i also get the appeal and seduction of just letting the mind go with whatever it is if you’re receiving something you’ve been starved of for a long time. bc sometimes losing your mind feels like chains falling and bounds expanding. and it’s all so alluring especially when the state of your mind is as a result of the rigidness of society and life around you. and then the shame that comes for what you perceive yourself to have allowed when things go to hell. especially when it seems like hell is a rapid endless thing with infinite ways to show you all you ever wanted decay before your very eyes bc trauma is death and death is trauma and this is the death and trauma show.
and religions determine what death is in your mind’s eye. and religious shame is a spider cocooning you and telling you to think yourself a butterfly all the while. how do you forgive yourself from there? and if you can’t can you even look at the full scope of your situation? what if the shame is a dead brother, a town burning, estrangement with relatives, abuse/victimhood, a dead sister/daughter all things that were core values to have a certain way. all things that you defined yourself by and the good times (sarcastic) keep on rolling. what hurts the most sometimes is what you did or didn’t do. idk that i have anything else to say. im getting to the point within myself where i keep thinking “who even cares” so imma stop here. bc i’d like to share before i convince myself to delete. but just if your out there struggling with mental health shit i hope you forgive yourself for things you’re holding onto out of shame. not even just as a self kindness but also bc you deserve to and progress is hindered if you dont in my opinion. i am not a professional. this is simply from what i’ve experienced/observed. if you got beef with yourself and you prefer to take it to your grave. do your thing. im just a username on this thing.
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vampirehusbands · 8 months
🔞 headcanons 🔞
Pt 6
16) Oral. As for oral sex Janus is a receiver. Being  woken up by Vicente nestled comfortably  between his legs  and looking at Janus from under his long eyelashes and innocently flapping his eyes as if it wasn't him the night before who was riding Janus, moaning and begging for more and now idly kissing  a path of kisses from his inner thigh to his dick. Truly a magical awakening. Janus only has to bury his long fingers in Vicente's hair, nice and silky from all the cosmetics and shampoos he uses, and lightly take a hold of his it to guide the movements of Vicente's head. Kissing, sucking and taking Janus deep down his throat. He made sure little things like the gag reflex won't stop him from making his lover feel good. And, oh, to be praised by Janus hissing though teeth, closing eyes and whispering in his baritone  'good boy'
17) Favourite position(s). Face to face. This is the main criteria for them. The necessity of facing each other is very important for these two. Seeing each other's reaction and eye contact itself. Janus needs it as a top wih a real big dick. He doesn't want Vicente to get hurt. Remember every time is a first time due to vampires' regeneration. So such positions as: arch,  butterfly and old but gold missionary suit perfectly. Also riding Janus for Vicente is a big turn on. To be  on top but not a top. Here we have: cowboy, inverse missionary, kneeling mastery, lotus,  mastery,  reverse cowboy, seesaw, sideways cowboy and standing mastery. Sometimes they both (especially Vicente) remember that one of them is used to be an assassin. And with a very good acrobatics skill. Very flexible one with a good stretch (looking at breton). Plus the idea of putting your legs on your partner's broad shoulders. Or fold them behind strong back. Hot. So for this we got: folded deck chair, deep impact, deep stick, elevated pirate's bounty, mirror of pleasure, pirate's bounty, side by side, afternoon delight, launch pad, leg glider and sitting bull. You got it. Face to face. Eye contact. No taking from the behind positions. All of them are their favourite positions. And they can't choose one or two. The night is long and they have all time of the world to try 4-6 in one round.
18) Dirty secret. Janus' breeding kink. Okay let me explain. It's sounds crazy but in my headcanons same sex vampire couples can get pregnant and give a birth. So as hetero couples. So as humans. It works differently (I will explain in a bit later) with vampires. And every time they, Janus and Vicente, have sex during a mating season they have all chances that Vicente could get pregnant. Every time they risk a lot to have a so called 'coupling'. If their vampire nature decides that they are both ready to have an offspring they will. If not...okay maybe next time. There chances 60 to 40 that this may happen. And there is no protection and contraception except for not having sex during full Masser. Easy you say? Huh nope. You are absolutely aroused and craving for intimacy. And it's blowing your mind. It's like a heat or ovulation. Call it however you want. So Janus... The thought that coupling will happen... that he will get Vicente pregnant drives him crazy. Every time he thrusts into breton's body they both have no idea if coupling will happen or not. And the release of adrenaline and endorphin from this is enormous. He found it hot and arousel.
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crazy56u · 1 year
Happy season finale day. Let's dance.
Last week on Quantum Leap, Ziggy may or may not have nuked the Project in the future.
Watch as they don't explain Martinez's deal this time, and they save that shit for next season.
Welcome to the future Ben. Nuclear winter's a thing, and according to an episode of the anthology horror series Monsters, vampires are running around now.
And back in the present day, Janis just suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
And Ben is now Missingno.
2051. A horrible year.
"I'm the only one from Quantum Leap who survived." So, yeah, take that everyone who hated Ian.
"Ben told me his final destination is in the past. So don't fucking ask me why he's in the fucking future."
"Time travel changes things." Fucking mic drop.
Okay, so, the series started with the timeline altering. That's actually fucking sick.
Gotta get back. Back to the past, Samurai Ja- wait, no.
I chose to believe Ben forcefully leaping out of 2051 caused another nuke.
Meanwhile, in 2018, one of the last good years.
… … …if they find a way to have Dean Stockwell secretly cameo in this…
And Ben leapt into himself.
"I leapt into myself in the past." I just fucking said-
Okay, Ben somehow managed to memorize the code despite going Code Blue, impressive.
"Okay, cool, future code from Future Me, I don't fucking understand this."
Look, Ian, you took ten years to write that code, it's not like you had time to be clear.
"Why would you help him leap if those were the risks?!" "Because fuck you!"
And there's your meet cute, Ben.
"There's something different about you. Why are you five years older?"
Okay, so, what if it turns out Ben needed to go to Trivia Night?
"Ben, if you fuck up this date, you fuck up history." "But if I don't fuck up history, Martinez fucks this up."
And there's the rub: Ben is doing Back to the Future 1, and this date is the Enchantment Under the Sea dance.
Addison, stop being a third wheel on your 2018 date with Ben.
"You seem nervous." "That obvious, huh?"
Ian invented a dating app while working on Quantum Leap. Maybe that explains why he took 10 years to invent future code.
"I like you, too." And Addison vanishes from the Imaging Chamber-
"Why can't I figure this out?" Hey, look, sometimes I can't decode my own bullshit, it's not that uncommon.
Plot Twist: The key to saving the future is fixing Ian's 2018.
And Ben decides to fuck up 2018.
Welcome to Quantum Leap, what you thought was Back to the Future is actually Terminator Genisys, get fucked.
Addison, you work on Quantum Leap, please understand that Ben isn't lying?
"Dear God, was I really this much of an idiot in 2018?"
"How much damage did he do?" "Yes."
"Look, I know the timeline is imploding, but I gotta figure out my bullshit code."
Butterfly effect. Not even once.
"Ben and Addison don't end up together." And an annoying portion of the audience just pumped their fists into the air.
Ben, I saw the trailer. Addison gets shot. She doesn't listen to you.
"Hey, Magic. Ben may or may not be having a mental breakdown."
Ben is going to lock Martinez in a broom closet.
"Hey, come on, I know I'm breaking the timeline, but don't be a Debbie Downer."
"Look, I think the universe will let one bad date happen." "Surprise, motherfucker."
"Talked to Magic. He said to shoot you."
…what if Martinez leapt into Magic?
Great job, Ben, you made yourself sound insane- and why the fuck is Addison seeing 2023 Addison.
And Ben now has to explain why the Waiting Room no longer exists.
"Wait, why the fuck did I just activate Lockdown?"
And Jenn tag-teams the leap.
That delivery guy indirectly saved Ben's life.
They are going to feel so fucking dumb when they realize the guy who leapt into Ben is Ben.
Okay, no offense, but how much under until the red lights go away.
Also, I fucking called it.
"Addison, shoot Magic!" "Addison, shoot Ben!" "I enough bullets, guys!"
And Ben's bad memory bites him in the ass at the worst possible fucking moment.
And now Ben's in the broom closet.
At least Martinez wants to keep the timeline alteration secret…
If that's the fucking gun Martinez uses to shoot her later…
And the timeline has been cracked in half over her knee.
And now Magic's in the Imaging Chamber, finally…
"I just don't get it. I thought I did everything right!"
"I really messed things up." "No shit."
"Look, I dropped the ball with saving Sam, but I'll be fucking damned if I drop the ball helping you. Vandalize that wall."
"Hey, Ben, see you're talking to Magic."
And now 2018 Ian sees the bullshit code.
"Look, dude, I stabbed you in the neck, why don't you go away?"
"Look, I have to kill everyone to save the future, I am the good guy here!"
If it fucking turns out Martinez killed Sam…
"Wait… cigars?"
"Turtle Time?" "Ben never saw TMNT, this is serious!"
Bet you guys feel stupid now, huh?!
"So, guess what, Magic got leapt into, and he's about to nuke the Project."
"Wait, Ben, this code-" "You wrote it in 2051, I gotta fucking go!"
Plot twist: Ian reinvented the Konami Code.
And Ben comes to save the day!
And now there's a fucking fight scene in the Accelerator, 1993 Quantum Leap wouldn't fucking dare to be this metal.
And now we're just fucking up history entirely, time for a fight scene in a mental hospital!
MORAL OF THE STORY: Cheat codes are always morally acceptable.
If this episode ends by setting the plotline back five years…
And now Ben and Martinez are about to cause World War III.
"Damn, they really are 'the Terminator'." CALLED IT!
Luckily, Ben remembered how to box!
"Luckily, this will fix everything!" "And if Ben dies?" "…everything asterisk."
An error message across two time periods, that might be significant…
"I used cheat codes for a co-op video game I was playing single-player, what of it?"
"We're back where we started, with me shooting you in the Old West."
And Martinez has been removed from the plot.
Meanwhile in 2051, Ian is tripping out.
…was the decision to have each separate time period colored red, white, and blue intentional, because I just realized that…
Addison, that wasn't fucking funny. [I type, as I chuckle.]
"We did it. Now we need to figure out what the plot of Season 2 will be…"
Ben's reward for almost breaking the timeline? A third take on that first meeting.
"Hey, I know we never met yet, but (SMOOOOOOOTCH)"
And everyone applauds. I fucking love this show.
And that's not Ben in the Accelerator. Who is? Well- [END OF SEASON]
Once again: NBC, renew this show for Season 3 already.
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Wildling- werecat trevor
too many vampire/werewolf trevor stories. Why not catshifter? he likes climbing/sleeping in trees, avoiding people, and broke a mans leg once for abusing a cat. 
summery-   Trevor wasn't a social butterfly like Sypha or a classy vampire prince like Adrien, despite being born into lordship. Compared to them Trevor lived like a feral alley cat half his life and often acted as such. One day he was alone the next he had two people he might come to call friends.
Still instinct and habit are hard things to hold back for a stray sometimes, even with how much he's come to trust, maybe love the two. Especially when it came to the three key rules to survival.
1 always be ready for a fight whether it be for defense, a place to sleep, or food, letting your guard down could mean death.
2 if you know you can't win a fight, bluff your way out. Half of the time intimidation was more than enough to suffice against an opponent.
3 injuries should be kept hidden at all costs. Injuries and sickness mean weakness. It makes him a target for an easy meal.
-backstory- Not long after the manor was burned, a witch catches him stealing food, it was supposed to be a punishment, she had a reputation after all, but hopefully the mild curse she gives him should help this child survive long enough to fulfill his part in the prophecy. She didn’t know it would take it upon itself to evolve alongside him afterwards. it was never intended to give him a beast form, semi immortality, or let him bear children alongside their wife. 
-They didn’t leave Alucard after Dracula's death, but Trevor ends up called away for a hunt. After coming home and sleeping off injuries for a week Trevor wakes with a sense of foreboding and the smell of strangers. Meanwhile Alucard allows the twins to explore his family's hold. The conflict awakens something within that has started to wake the need to claim what’s his
-the mirror still works. Sypha uses it to fill her travel urges, and to drag Trevor home when he wanders off and gets hurt.
-Trevor is touch starved but also unused to good touches so he still tenses. Does not like being woken up suddenly because of past experiences and may punch or stab because of it. Can NOT sleep easily without a knife or two under his pillow.
-before the fight with the twins it was very subtle, he had slightly sharper senses especially for magic, reflexes, agility, strength, instincts that were more suited to help in his hunts, awareness focused than anything. Had sharp teeth but not unusually so, kitten noises were very subdued and rare, will either sit still for hours or pace relentlessly depending on the situation, still can't help but pee everywhere though.
-the night the twins try to kill Alucard is when it peaks, the second he smells burning flesh, fuck his wounds he runs to Al and pounces on the threat.
-His full form is only slightly taller, still shorter than Al, his claws ears tail come and go while still trying to learn control, very likely to pop up when hes emotional. more noticeable fangs even without shifting, his little ticks get worse, purrs and growls more openly, is slowly getting comfortable with giving hugs and cheek rubs.
-he can get pregnant cause why not? he's still repressing depression about the whole last Belmont thing and the curse takes advantage of it. But it only after Sypha starts playing with the peen book and they double up on their ‘cute kitten’ which a month latter he spends a week wondering where this mild fever came from and why he’s suddenly extra touch starved and attempting to control his hornyness even though they both have suddenly been looking at him like starved dogs, it doesn't help that he's also somehow lost the ability of human language. No one realizes it for a long while until its kind of obvious. 
-Ot3. sypha gets to be semi immortal too cause magic
And yes the witch is catwoman 
This is as far as I got...
Trever was very much like a cat the two observed.
But considering what little he told them about his life when they first explored the hold, it was sort of understandable that a homeless 12 year old lordling would turn feral.
(after they ask about it)
He didn’t blame her for it, Selina had been one of the kinder ones, and only half trained as he was at the time; it was a lesson of caution in itself. 
It had only been a week after the fire. He still smelled of ash no matter how many rivers he dunked into. He had plenty of practice navigating the wilderness, but before there had always been someone with him. Showing him what to do and never without food. A whip wasnt very good for hunting at his current level of skill.
So when he happened across what he thought was an empty house with a garden and dried meats hanging
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rouge-mukago-73f5j · 8 months
Germany folklore about the Alp! Germany has a rich tradition of folklore creatures, and one such creature is the Alp. According to 1, an Alp is a supernatural being in German folklore that is sometimes likened to a vampire, but its behavior is more akin to that of the incubus. It is distinct from both of these creatures in that it wears a magic hat called a Tarnkappe, from which it draws its powers. The Alp is also known by other names such as trud, mar, mart, mahr, schrat, and walrider. The Alp is said to be a nightmare creature that appears in the middle of the night and is claimed to be a demon. It is notorious for its shapeshifting abilities and can take the form of any animal of its liking, including a cat, dog, pig, snake, or even a white butterfly. The Alp is unique from other creatures in that it wears a magic hat called a Tarnkappe, from which it draws its powers!
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lumilasi · 1 year
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Chouma's update. His BG story is a bit heavy, but doesn't ultimately get referenced that much.
Side note: that red fluff is NOT part of his jacket, but his own moth collar.
Bio below:
Name: Chouma
Name translation: butterfly devil
Original name: Kousai Ryoma (Eye iris & 500-man batallion devil)
Nicknames: Chou-Chou (Youko) Sad fluff (Max) Kou (when human)
Age: He died/manifested around the age of 25, 5 years ago from current date
Height: 183 cm
Occupation: A rockband's vocalist/guitar
Family: he was looked after by a special type of light spirit called Shura & Chimera lady Shika, acts as a big brother figure for Shika's niece called Youko.
Love Interest: Cecil (A bakeneko who works as a hairdresser & is the brother of his bandmate's boyfriend)
Friends: Youko, Sebastian Kravchenko (Wyvern) Max Karuna (A naga) Kaspian Kravchenko (Also a Wyvern) Laurent (A sea serpent) Roman (Half blood lycan/Grimmhound)
Moth spirits are human souls reborn in new form through what is called a Hive Tree. There used to be 7 of those, but after the Ancient War only 3 are left. Each tree attracts slightly different types of souls with unfinished business:
Amethyst Wisteria:  A purple tree which reminds a massive Wisteria tree in appearance, the spirits manifested by this one are typically those who were in some way significant people in their community, dying unexpectedly. Leaders, warriors, freedom fighters, etc.
Emerald Weeping Willow: A green tree similar in likeness to Weeping Willows, only again much more massive. Souls born from this tree were those with tragic, darker sudden deaths. These souls were typically killed by someone in a non-war setting (I.E victims of crime) or they died of self-inflicted injuries caused by mental distress of some sort. (Chouma was born from this tree, he was killed by someone overdozing him with a drug known as devil butterfly, hence his name)
Blue Lapiz Spruce: A large tree in likeness of blue spruce. The souls that this tree attracts are typically those who died in a freak accident or natural disasters. This tree tends to birth a lot of child moth spirits, given it is more likely for a child to die of a freak accident/natural disaster than be of a level of importance/die due to crime. (both are still possible, but rarer)
Moth spirits also correspond to the tree they are born from in color; Wisteria-born are purple with sometimes yellow accent colors, Weeping willow's creations are green with occasionally red accents, and Blue Spruce creates blue spirits with orange accents. Their names also typically indicate how they died in some way, or reference the setting they died in/a significant object related to it.
Born-Adult spirits recall their deaths with often some sort of trauma-related response left in them, whereas children tend to not remember at all; it is a supposed form of mercy by the Hive trees, granted to the youngest souls.
The way moth spirits complete their "unfinished business" is more symbolic, rather than directly going to those this regret is connected to. (Often this'd be impossible given those people may be long gone themselves) For example, they perform the same action/reach the same goal they didn't do during their past life: confessing your love, helping with something you didn't help with, etc. It is in that sense, not a do-over to fix what you already did, but a second chance to not repeat your mistakes.
Basically the entire moth-spirit roster: Flight, butterfly poofing like a vampire, spitting acid or webbing, destructive shriek, stab & fireproof wings, pocket dimension to store stuff in, ability to coat areas into darkness with his butteflies I.E pull something into his pocket dimension. De-manifesting his wings if needed. Sleep inducing vibrations from his antennae.
Excellent singing/songwriting skills: He is a musician, and suspects he was one even in his past life, which is very likely the case.
KNIFE: Chouma is actually pretty good fighter, especially with knives. It is another remnant from his past life, where he was quite notorious even among his own group for being brutal in fights.
His death-induced weakness that majority of moth-spirits have, is his fear towards showing himself in the most vulnerable state to someone he cares about, because he was likely found dead by someone he loved. In turn, he ALSO doesn't want people to catch him off-guard, given his killer was a backstabber who he thought he could trust.
The mere idea of either happening is enough to send him to a panic attack sometimes, which is why seeking help when he really needs it can be extremely difficult for Chouma. Once he starts to awaken his "Grudge" he might also become aggressive towards people during these moments.
Grudge, is something a moth spirit may develop if their regret they are seeking relief from has something extremely negative attached to it, such as wanting revenge as in Chouma/Kousai's case. This can make them act extremely irrational and obsessive, to the point they become a danger to themselves and others.
Chouma is mostly fairly quiet and introverted person, who only shows his flashier side when performing, appearing far more confident in himself on stage than he truly is. He prefers to be left alone and only hang out in small groups, with people he trusts. Lot of his avoidance towards the more typical rockstar life is due to his death as a human, and he's very mindful about his drinking, let alone how he acts in certain situations, such as around kids.
While he tends to come off as calm and maybe even a bit out-of-it/tired on the outside, he's bit of a ball of anxiety, and can be very trigger happy in some situations, where he's accidentally hurt people with his powers. Chouma always feels awful about it, of course.
As Kousai he was much more aggressive but also had genuine confidence. He was also stubborn, impulsive and extremely petty. Both sides do share their tendency for strong loyalty towards their loved ones (and a habit of blushing madly over their bf)
Chouma is often seen hanging out/babysitting his honorary little sister Youko, and her aunt has theorized that Chouma used to have a little sister when he was a human, which is why he took a liking to the kid so fast. (This turns out to be true, although his human sister had passed already by then)
While he is often seemingly the most intimidating looking member of the band, he's actually their Poor Baby Cinnamon Roll (tm)
Chouma's memory of his past life is a bit patchier than Yaguro's, a fellow moth spirit whom he has met through his "caretakers" and has a lot of respect for. His hairstyle was actually inspired by Yaguro's samurai bun.
This patchiness turns out to be because his Grudge was put in deep sleep when he first manifested, hence he couldn't remember much anything.
He likely died somewhere between the 80-90ies.
Chouma is pan
Their band's name, The Showman's Lament, originates from Chouma's musings about his past and tragic death, how while he's thankful of his new chance, he still mourns his old life.
His outfits are typically designed/he chooses outfits so that his fluff collar doesn't have to be stuffed inside them, as he finds it uncomfortable.
He is very careful about his drinking, having the tendency to party much less than his friends. They both understand it, knowing his personal history and don't mind.
Chouma is not typically one for conflict, but he is willing to defend his friends if needed, and has gotten involved in fights alongside Sebastian a lot. People tend to find him the scarier one between the two, despite Wyverns like Bass generally having a more fearsome reputation.
This unconscious unease towards Chouma is very likely caused by his sleeping Grudge, and generally his old personality still lingering
He was born from the Emerald Weeping Willow tree, hence his green color.
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attiredpan · 2 years
Amy being a Cliche Mainer™️/Miscellaneous headcanons
•Knows how to play the whole Mallett Brothers album “The Falling Of The Pine” on bass guitar.
•Knows how to Fire a Shotgun™️ and Shoot a Bow™️ and has her drivers license, though she doesn’t fully divulge how she got it.
•Hockey, ice skating, etc.
•So much old timey(by DS9 timeline standards) stuff.
•”Yeah no, that things all stove to hell.”
•High cold tolerance from the winters
•”Smells like it’s gonna rain.”
•Family Owns a Cabin™️
•Rambles about random Maine historical events while Jake and Nog are stuck listening
•Maine Made Cooking
•Has called someone(Nog) or something(The Pet) cunnin’ at least once(a million times)
•Would mount a moose like a horse if given the chance to
•Has perfected the JFK and Cliche Maine accents
•Unofficial birling/axe throwing champion of her family(mostly for when season six/seven rolls around)
•When Jake was teaching Nog how to read, she suggested Treasure Island and they ended up reading it and watching Treasure Planet(Nog and Amy both cried at Silvers speech to Jim)
•In addition to the above, while Jake is teaching Nog to read, she secretly takes up learning to read and speak in Ferengi and even ends up becoming fluent in the language. She’s also made a few head-skirts like the ones Nog often wears (some, if not most, of which are made as gifts)
•She sings when she’s drawing and alone. Just slaps some headphones on and drowns everything out with music and focuses on the task as hand (Favorite song is a cover of Beyond Antares by Lt. Nyota Uhura) and the boys have walked in on her doing this on more than once.
•Since she did ballet and gymnastics when she was young, she’s very flexible and will freak the boys out by dislocating and bringing her arms up in front of her when her hands are cuffed or tied behind her
•Queen of “You asked about it and you gotta live with the facts” whenever Nog asks her something about human women. Has traumatized him on more than one occasion.
•her canine teeth are the antithesis of that of the average human (though she’s lucky that it’s just a weird quirk with her teeth and not something that needs medical intervention) and she has had them compared to “messed up vampire fangs” and Ferengi teeth. It’s caused her a lot of insecurity around her smile, making her take conscious action to keep them hidden whenever she talks or smiles so as to prevent any further belittlement.
•on a lighter note, her father owns a bakery on the station. So sometimes she and the boys will bop in for a visit and maybe help with some of the bread making. Which always somehow ends up the three walking out covered in flour. Though they do get free snacks.
•Her second favorite Art medium to pens/pencils is ceramic/clay art.
•Her least favorite art medium is anything to do with crayons. Oil pastels get a pass but she despises using crayons. The oiliness makes her feel like her skeleton is trying to hatch from her body like a bloody butterfly.
•Favorite superhero is Batman.
•loves learning about pop culture and art.
•has a few projectors that play images of universes and nebulas. Nog just thinks it’s some sort of nightlight and accuses her of being scared of the dark until she turns the lights off (to which he is made to eat his words on the aforementioned accusations) and puts one on of a violet nebula.
•and to top it all off, she was born the day before Halloween, though she and her dad always celebrate on the holiday.
0 notes
ruki-mukami-dl · 2 years
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Kanji: 無神 ルキ
Rōmanji: Mukami Ruki
Birthday: April 24th
Age: 18 (Physically, Actual Age Unknown)
Sign: Taurus
Race: Vampire (Former Human)
Height: 180 cm (5'11")
Weight: 64kg (141 Ib)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue-Grey
Blood Type: AB
Occupation: 3rd year High School Student
Japanese Voice Actor: Takahiro Sakurai
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Ruki's appearance in anime, game and manga
Ruki is a tall, slender man with a broad torso. He has blue-grey eyes with long lashes and short ruffled black hair. Two large scars are on his back where he was branded as child. They look like the marks of ripped off wings. On his right ear he has three black piercings. Most of the time, he wears black web chokers around his neck.
Usually, Ruki wears a grey jacket with a black long sleeve shirt underneath, black pants and a brown belt. Sometimes, he only wears a black long sleeve shirt with a black butterfly print on the bottom left side, black pants and a black belt.
His school uniform consists of the regular black jacket and black pants. Under the jacket Ruki wears a white shirt which is slightly unbuttoned revealing a black long sleeve shirt. The tie is not tied neatly. Also, he has brown shoes.
The school uniform in Lost Eden consists of the regular red jacket, black pants, a white shirt and a black long sleeve shirt. Here, he is not wearing a tie. His shoes are white.
In Chaos Lineage Ruki wears the clothes of the Orange Family. These consist of a white jacket with orange applications, black pants, an orange waistcoat, a black shirt and a white tie.
For sleeping Ruki wears a regular pair of pajamas. All ones he wears are similar-looking.
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Ruki's outfits
Based on More Blood and Lost Eden
Before Ruki became a vampire, he was a human. Born into an aristocratic family, he lived with a respectable father (name unknown) and a beautiful mother (name unknown) in a manor in a country now known as Romania (Eastern Europe). Growing up surrounded by love and luxury, every day was filled with happiness. Gradually Ruki got tired of these days, slowly and very quietly he was swallowed by darkness. Ruki thought he had everything. All his actions were excused and he was constantly surrounded by servants. He took this for granted. Eventually, he stopped questioning hurting anyone and treated his servants very badly. Disobedience or mistakes were immediately punished by his own hand. Already at this time, Ruki called the people who stood under him "Livestock" and himself "Master".
One day, Ruki woke up and none of his servants had come to spoil him. When he left his room, he noticed that there was a ruckus in the manor. While fighting over the family's belongings, the servants explained to Ruki that his father had failed as a businessman. His mother, who no longer felt love for this kind of man, eloped with her lover, leaving him only a letter. Ruki's father chose the easy way, ended his life and left him alone as an abandoned child.
First Ruki stayed in the manor. But soon thieves seized the opportunity. They stole the last valuable things and destroyed everything. In search of something to eat, Ruki left his home and lived on the street from then on. At some point his will to live disappeared. Suffering from hunger, Ruki just wanted to sleep and preferably never wake up. All lost and abandoned, there was no reason for him to continue living.
But Ruki opened his eyes again in an orphanage. The conditions there were horrible. Malnutrition, abuse and disease were pervasive. On the day of his arrival, Ruki was beaten by the other orphans because of his background. That day Azusa entered Ruki's life and started following him, hoping to be beaten as well if he stayed close to him. At the beginning, Ruki was annoyed and found him creepy. But soon he used Azusa as a pawn and hid behind him to avoid being harmed. After a while, Ruki learned to trust him and they became like brothers. Later the two met Kou and Yuma in the orphanage. Together with his not blood-related brothers Ruki made the decision to escape from the orphanage and thus their personal hell. The four brothers were shot on the run and captured again. As a punishment, Ruki was branded on his back with a fire hook by the owner of the orphanage. Marked like "livestock", he was left to die.
Just before Ruki crossed the bridge of death, Karlheinz showed up. That man offered him to avenge on humanity. With the prospect of a second chance, Ruki agreed and Karlheinz turned him into a vampire and brought him to his new home. Together with his brothers, who also used this opportunity, he lived from then on in Eden (castle in the demon world/Makai). Out of gratitude, Ruki swore eternal loyalty and devotion to his benefactor and accepted the task of taking care of his younger brothers.
Wanting to fulfill Karlheinz's greatest wish and to repay him for the new life that the four brothers were given, they moved to Kaminashi City (Japan) as transfer students to pursue their savior's plan. In order to carry out the "Apple of Eden Project" successfully, Ruki did not shy away from resorting to cruel methods. Being a loyal servant to Karlheinz and the awakening of Adam now became the focus of Ruki's life.
In Lost Eden, after Karlheinz's death, Ruki found out that a "devil" named Trismégiste was responsible for his father's bankruptcy. This man suddenly appeared and gained the acting president's trust by healing his sick daughter. Manipulated by Trismégiste, the president dismissed all the people who had supported him. So does Ruki's father.
(Ruki's father suffered so much from the dismissal that he came home drunk and raised his hand to his wife. It could possibly be one of the reasons why Ruki's mother left the family.)
The president began embezzling public funds and imposing heavy taxes on the people. After many years of dictatorship, there was a revolution and the president and Trismégiste were executed. Under unclear circumstances, Trismégiste's body disappeared without a trace.
Ruki discovered evidence that Karlheinz was probably Trismégiste. At that time, he lived in Ruki's hometown as he later stayed in Japan as Tougo Sakamaki.
In Rotigenberg (demon world) Ruki met his living father again. Karlheinz conducted experiments on human corpses to create a new race. The dead body of Ruki's father was also collected for this purpose and the once dead man was turned into a ghoul.
Through these new findings, Ruki came to the conclusion that Karlheinz may have saved him and his brothers in order to redeem himself and to calm his conscience for the terrible acts in Ruki's hometown. Nevertheless, knowing that Karlheinz was responsible for his fate, he makes peace with him. In the end, Ruki is grateful for creating a new family for him and his brothers.
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Ruki's scars
In More Blood, Ruki killed a cat. He did not do this terrible action out of malice. There is a deeper symbolism behind it.
Ruki saw himself in the cat and projected his own experiences on it. It was very bad for him when he was taken to the orphanage. Repeatedly, he mentioned that he would have preferred to be left on the street to die. But his wish was not fulfilled. Instead, he was deprived of his freedom.
Adopting the cat, which was already weakened, felt like imprisonment for Ruki. To save the cat from this fate, he killed it.
His intention was rather to die than to live a life without freedom. In Ruki's eyes, killing the cat was an act of salvation. He thought it was the best he could do.
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As a former human, Ruki is just an incomplete vampire, also called halfblood. Just like pureblood vampires, he is immortal and possesses inhuman abilities, such as increased
regenerative abilities
These abilities are weaker than pureblood's. Due to this fact, it is easier to kill Ruki.
He can
teleport at any time
fly during the full moon
Also, he does not possess his own magic. However, Karlheinz borrows him some and he can summon bat familiars.
Ruki's saliva has healing powers and he is also resistant against all human viruses. His weakness is silver.
Unlike the pureblood vampires, he can see perfectly in the sunlight. All human food nourishes him, but blood is still his main food source.
Since Ruki is a halfblood vampire, he cannot forget the pain he experienced as a human.
Sometimes it is difficult for him to keep his body temperature, which is not entirely absent. It is just different from that of a human.
In addition to the vampire abilities, Ruki also has his own ones, such as
very intelligent
strategical in combat
swordsmanship talent
outstanding knife skills
Ruki can
shoot with a gun
cook and flambé
swim and dive
speak/read Japanese, English, Latin and one of the Nordic languages (possibly Romanian, German and/or Hungarian due to his origin)
skillfully paint a woman's fingernails
play chess, the card game "Old Maid" and darts
play the violin, but only the first few notes
And he knows how to
ride a horse
make fire
tie a tie
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Ruki as child
He is
calm and composed
strict with others
smart and quick-witted
ambitious and strict with himself
a gentleman
a very proud man and will not bow down to others easily (He will choose death rather than get down on his knees and beg)
family oriented
caring for the people he shares a deep bond with
doing the right thing and speaking the truth
He has
leadership qualities
trust issues
He likes to see the laundry and kitchen all tidied up which has to do with stress and catharsis (Catharsis is kind of like emotional relief by doing something)
As a cooking fanatic, he criticizes the food of others (Even the food in the restaurant)
He speaks very formally (But if he loses his composure, he can also speak differently and very vulgarly)
He does not let himself get swayed by his emotions
He always thinks of others first
He needs space and time to himself every now and then and withdraws
He gets jealous easily
He gets impatient quickly and orders to hurry and not to dawdle
He punishes anyone who breaks his rules
He treats humans like livestock (Because he has a grudge against humanity)
He does not want to hold on human feelings, but he acts like one sometimes (Human-like characteristics and feelings were noticed by others)
When he is upset he is punching the wall, clenching his fists while biting down onto his lower lip
He can become yandere when things do not go as planned or how he wants them to go
He hides his slightly perverted side (Under the influence of certain triggers, he shows this side of himself)
He is afraid of succumbing to his instincts and his own desires, which he describes as accepting his "inner beast" (He feels like he is possessed by the devil)
He said he is not a walking dictionary
He does not care about being the centre of attention
He said he is conservative
He describes himself as not being a virtuous man
He thinks he is a dull man
He thinks he is a pathetic man (When he struggles with himself)
He sees himself as someone who always overcomplicates things
He prefers telling the truth (Hiding something is worse than the act itself)
He thinks he is funny and sarcastic
He describes himself as a kind, lenient master with a generous heart
He said he was a narrow-minded iceberg, which slowly melted
He thinks he is rather whimsical
He thinks he has no human feelings or senses
He is not the type of vampire who easily becomes thirsty for blood
He thinks his hands are more tainted than anyone else's
He is
a kind man
a worrywart
a clean freak
a wordly-wise man
a noble man
a hard worker
serious about the duties given to him
slow to express his feelings since he tends to overthink
the type of person who does not open his heart to anyone
good at reading others (But when it comes to himself, it is as if he is suddenly gone blind)
determined to bear each and every burden
attached to Karlheinz (Almost to the point of worshipping him)
He has
a gentle heart
a vulnerable heart
to study like everyone (He is not all-knowledgeable)
He lives only by logic
He hides his weak points
His way of phrasing things is pretty complicated (It makes it difficult to tell if he is serious or if he is only joking)
His demeanor is somewhat elegant
When he sets his mind on something, he does not stop until the very end
He does not trust others
As child he refused to dirty his hands by doing bad things (He stopped his brothers if they tried to do unreasonable things)
He tries to be the ideal son for Karlheinz
He can explode when someone messes up the kitchen
He can be scary
Sometimes he needs a day to relax
After doing the housework he makes a coffee break to regain his strength (While enjoying his coffee, he is looking through a book)
He spends his days off with reading or housework
Before he goes to bed, he is stretching and reading
He goes to bed late, wakes up early in the morning and needs only the bare minimum of sleep, because during his stay at the orphanage he trained his body to be alert at all times (It can be dangerous to touch him when he sleeps, especially when he is having a nightmare)
When he has a nightmare, he always tightly clutches his own chest
Sometimes he does not feel good when waking up from a nightmare (He feels under the weather)
He often has tired eyes (Then he puts something warm like heated cloth on them)
He practices regularly to keep his composure at all times
When he works concentrated, he forgets his meals and skips them
He goes grocery shopping every now and then and only when he really needs something
A fountain pen is his favorite thing (When he is lost in thoughts, he twirls around his pen)
He does not waste food
Before doing the laundry, he checks to see if there is a handkerchief in it
He uses wax after wiping
He has good table manners
He often carries a silver knife with him
He has a spare shirt at school
He fights with Reiji who can cook better
In Lost Eden, Christa said he is similar to Karlheinz
He inspects the body to enjure that his prey is not carrying dangerous objects
He thinks that housework is not that bad
It is important to him to pay attention at school
He pays attention to spending money and tries to save it
He thinks that to wish for material goods is foolish (Because these things are bound to break one day)
He does not pay much attention to appearance
He does not know his age and does not care to know it
He thinks traditional clothing are nice to look at, but calls them not very practical
He does not celebrate Christmas and Silvester/New Year (It has no meaning for him)
He does not believe in God
He thinks his life is dull
He thinks the world is unfair
He said that for a human to become a vampire, it is a sinful redemption – a burden to carry
He thinks fighting over a prey is ridiculous
He does not dig in his fangs like an animal
He said about himself that he is the snake who tempts Eve – not Adam
He cannot bear to hear informations about orphans and their fate (In history class, it made him nauseous)
He does not want to be bitten
He is not a masochist (Just the thought of pain gives him cold shivers)
He thinks that no one can beat him at playing chess
He thinks that a tale from the One Thousand and One Nights is more suitable for women and children
He found assembly line sushi interesting
He is the opinion the more pure someone is the easier it is to corrupt them
He thinks harshly sucking blood while restraining movements is something which fulfills the desire for dominance
Ruki's voice (Japanese)
Reading (Under the shade of a tree every now and then)
Solving puzzles, preferably jigsaw to calm down and to get his emotions sorted out (He owns two completely white; one with 300 pieces and one with 2000 pieces)
Playing chess
Crossword puzzles
Solving mathematical problems
Black coffee (Mandheling Coffee)
Tea (Darjeeling Tea, Russian Tea)
Soup (Miso Soup)
The color black
The idea of sleeping in a coffin
Simple furniture (Something elegant over patterned designs)
Clothes with slim fit that feels comfortable on his body (Ruki thinks oversized clothes do not suit him)
Trying clothes on instead just buying them
Doing housework
Riding the roller coaster
Riding the ferris wheel
The big window in his room, because it gives him a feeling of freedom (To adjust how much light can enter the room from outside, he combined it with dark colored curtains)
Being alone every now and then
Going on the balcony to think
Looking at the moon
Fresh air
Beautiful landscapes like waterfalls
Listening to the rain or the waves at the beach
Meditation under a waterfall
Proper manners like bowing when someone is asking a favor
Eye contact
Humans (He thinks they are traitors and livestock)
Arrogant people
Lazy people
People who try everything within their power to be loved by others
Begging for love
His own humanity
Being pitied
Being touched on his back
Being in his hometown (It is making him feel down)
Noisy places
Parties or festivals
Erotic novels
Mess and dirt
Bad manners (First washing face after waking up and then breakfast)
Smooth talk
Smartphone puzzle games
Shopping clothes
Repeating himself (He expects from others to listen properly)
Raiding the fridge by others (He thinks that are bad manners)
Dirty clothes and shoes
Blood on himself and on his clothes (He makes sure to not tainting himself)
Digging in his fangs like an animal
Fighting over a prey (He thinks it is ridiculous)
Other vampire's marks on his prey (So much that it pisses him off and makes him wanting to cover up them)
Being compared with other vampires (He calls them bloodthirsty beasts)
"I will not play children's game with you."
"Getting naked together can provide a very liberating experience."
Seeing her vulnerable as she slowly nods off when she is tired
Hearing her tempting voice
Hearing her purring
Hearing shameless noises
Hearing cries of pain and pleasure (It turns him on even more)
Seeing pleasure-filled expression
Seeing by pleasure caused reactions
Teasing her and giving lewd imagination instead using inappropriate language
Obedience, submissive behavior and no resisting (He does not like to take actions to force someone into submissiveness and thinks it is better to get rid of this kind of prey as soon as possible)
Being dominant
Using the "carrot or stick" method for taming his prey (Metaphor for reward and punishment, often used in a context of taming wild animals)
Pulling her onto his lap
Pinning her down and holding her wrists
Being on top of her
Stimulating her in a special way every once in a while (Controlling her, ordering her around, toying with her as he pleases, putting on a collar and making her to lick his fingers)
Blindfolding, but gets easily bored of it
Seeing her kneeling in front of him
Being called by his name loud and clear
Being called master
Licking over her skin
Scratching with his nails
Seeing his prey stops thinking and lets go (He wants his prey to drown in pleasure and getting rid off humanity)
Enjoying himself slowly and thoroughly
Feeling pleasure and the moment only
Entrusting his body to the heat of the moment, getting carried away by the pleasure
Showing too much affection in the presence of others (He does it behind closed doors in private)
Other men seeing her expression, hearing the noises she makes or witnessing her body
Greedy women
Too shameless women
Knife play
He thinks about blood that it is an intoxicating poison
He thinks blood can corrupt him
The scent is luring him in
He gets intoxicated
He feels a little faint in his head
He gets shacky legs
He can hallucinate
He feels like being drunk
He feels like being reborn
His body is craving for more
He can act rather weird
He can feel irritable, seeing his sadistic desires that make him want to suck her dry
He stops thinking and does not care about other things
He is afraid of the vampire's curse, but sucking blood makes him forget about his fear
It makes him a little submissive and wondering who the master is
Blood can make him dance like a little marionette and can make him lose his reason completely
He can reach a certain point and then he is almost not able to stop sucking even though he is aware of that
He wants blood to the point of insanity
Metaphorically speaking, he is drowing in his prey
He is purring while sucking
Shoulder (His favorite place to bite because it makes a nice sound)
Crook of the neck
Lower back
Inner thigh
Note: This is WIP — At the moment I'm rereading all game and drama CD translations to find more places
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Ruki is the name he got from his biological parents
He owns a family photo of himself with his biological parents (It is all that is left of his past)
In his Dark Fate Brute Ending, he has a son named Adam (Later, Adam turns out to be Shin's son)
When his brothers are not home, he feels a little lonely
His educational policy and basic rule for the family is that each member is responsible for looking after themselves and cleaning up their own mess – every family member has to contribute to the household
He made a family code and everyone has to obey the rules
He has not lost his habits from the time when he was a human (Sitting around the table for every meal with his brothers)
He taught his brothers to read and write
He is not very knowledgeable on music (But he figured classical music would help him to focus on his hobby of solving puzzles when his brothers are making a ruckus)
He scolds his brothers for snacking before a meal
He did not make dinner for his brothers as a punishment
He threatened Yuma that he will make sure his garden gets infected with vermin if he does not take his job seriously (Butler act)
He once drank his tea out of a chippen cup because Kou spent all the household money on clams for Vongole Bianco
He slapped Kou for messing with "Eve"
He cut Azusa, leaving a scar
He hit Azusa, making him flew across the room
He used Yuma as a landmark (Because Yuma is very tall)
He harvested vegetables in Yuma's garden
He adjusts his recipes to fit his brothers personal preferences
He goes with his brothers to the carnival or festivals
He reads while his brothers watch TV
He watches Kou's performances on TV
He calls himself one of Karlheinz's loyal servants
His life belongs to Karlheinz (It is not his own)
In Lost Eden, he said Karlheinz created a new family for him and his brothers (He is their father after all)
He was very sad about Karlheinz death (He was tormenting himself over it)
He does not want to show weakness (He wants to look cool in front of the girl he likes)
He would never say that the woman he loves is a burden
Because of her he learned to accept new things
He is willing to listen to her wishes and grants them if she is obedient
He feels proud being able to buy the things for her
He is gentle and nice when she prefers that, making her melt
He does not want to treat her badly
He does not like forcing himself upon her and he will stop if she does not want
His kisses are gentle
He always cooks too much for her (He is used to cook more because of his brothers)
He cooks with her and teaches her how to cook
He prefers to go to a museum or a library for a date (Talking about the impression afterwards while enjoying a meal)
He enjoys going for a walk with her
He would like to travel to the Strahov Library in Prague with her (A special historical library focused on philosophical writings)
He would like to receive a letter as a gift from his lover to preserve it in his memories
He would give her a poetry collection as birthday gift (So that she can consider each word written down in the poems to be a reflection of his personal feelings)
He would give her a book related to Christmas as a Christmas gift – either a deluxe edition or a picture book that is easy to read (Furthermore, he is looking forward to see her reaction at the moment he will give her the book and then spend the holy night with her alone)
He is afraid of being hated by her
He admires her attitude towards him as a master
He likes when she shows dedication
He likes when she gets jealous
He likes it when she strokes his hair
He wants to hear the words "I will not leave you, no matter what" (He said that many years passed by, until he met a woman who did not just make false promises, but actually stayed with him no matter what he did or said)
He wants her to lie properly in bed and cover herself properly with the blanket
He watches her sleep
He can sleep well and in peace at her side
Holding her hand makes him feel calm (Especially when he had a nightmare)
He does not like when she is pushing herself so that her health is in danger
He has his methods to jolt her awake and to take her to sleep (He forces her to sleep by sucking her blood until she falls unconscious)
He does not want to lock her up in the house so he goes out with her, making sure she does not leave his side for even one second
He wraps his arm around her waist so that everyone can see that she belongs to him
One time, he was jealous because she looked for too long at a man in a magazine and another time, he was jealous because he was not the first man she had tied a tie to (It was her father)
He looks forward to when she makes blunders, because then he can use this as an excuse to suck her blood as punishment
He wants to make her unable to live and survive without him
He tied her with a rope
He choked her
He whipped her hands
He gave her nutritional supplements/medicine to make her to want to have her blood sucked (They work on vampires and have differently effects when a human ingests them)
He poured cold water over her in the dungeon to rinse her and clean her body (Because a random man touched her)
He poured cold water from the shower over her
He mentioned various punishments like whipping, burning at the stake and water torture to punish her
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He is right-handed
His foot size is 27,5 cm
He has a chess board and pieces
He has a phone
He cut a ham with a sword that had no sharp blade
He played with slot machines
He purchased a t-shirt with a skull pattern of an artist Kou admires (Because he liked the design)
He purchased a brand clutch bag and got a doll which he liked
He had a clown costume in his New Years lucky bag
He was wearing matching clothes with her but she forced him into them
He was wearing a yukata
He wanted to order vanilla, chocolate and green tea flavor ice cream at the Carnival
He wants to have a new bookmark (Because he heard that there are many cleverly designed bookmarks these days and he is interested to see which kinds are out there)
He used a kao-moji (⊂(´ー`)⊃)
He cooked on top of a fire
He played beach volleyball by the pool
He had a part-time job at a convenience store
His intuition is disrupted by the nearing eclipse
He tied up Shu
He smacked Shu with a whip
The whip his father used to hang himself is the same one Ruki used to punish his servants
He played dodgeball
Ruki, Reiji, Shu and Kou are in the same home economics class
In More Blood, he had a girlfriend (He called her prey/pawn)
In his Dark Fate Vampire Ending, he became human again
In Lost Eden, he became Shu's advisor
According to Kino, he smells more human than his brothers
According to Yui, his scars look like wing marks (He said he is not an angel and that these are demon wings)
According to Yui, his hair is soft and fluffy
According to Azusa, Ruki would impose punishments like forbidding from eating for a whole week, folding clothes inside out on purpose, spreading green peppers (or something else horrible/disgusting) all over the room while the person is sleeping and then rigging the door's lock with some kind of puzzle that cannot be solved to prevent leaving the room or lecture the person to be punished for a whole day while the one is forced to sit still on the knees (The period will be extended to two days if the person happens to doze off)
The Catcher in the Rye
Tales from the Thousand and One Nights
The Bible
Sonnets to Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke
Anthology of poems written by a French poet
Poem by Ernst Arndt
Collection of proverbs by Francois de La Rouchefoucauld
The Apology of Socrates by Plato
Book written during the Neo–Latin period
Book about Demon World's art history (He has read more of them)
Book of philosophy
Love story (He can read it without thinking about anything)
Recipe book
Magazine geared towards young male man
Magazine from Northern Europe
Vongole Bianco
Aglio Olio
Fried prawn
Fried shrimp
Takikomi-gohan (It is a traditional Japanese dish made with rice, vegetables and fish or meat which all cooked together and then seasoned with dashi, etc.)
Tomato risotto
Pasta with spring cabbage and anchovies
Pasta with eggs and shrimp
Bagna cauda using radish, bell pepper and arugula
Caprese salad
Eggs Benedict
Eggs with bacon
Sandwich with selfmade sauce
Tomato paste
Simmered pumpkin
Kyara-ben (It is a bentou or lunch box featuring popular anime/manga characters made out of different food items)
Pound cake
Cake with peanut sauce mixed into the cream
Tumblr media
Diabolik Lovers More Blood Game
Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival Game
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Game
Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade Game
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Game
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Game
Diabolik Lovers Various Drama CDs
Diabolik Lovers Various Interviews
Diabolik Lovers More Blood Anime
Diabolik Lovers Mangas
Ruki Mukami Official Twitter Account
References translations: @dialovers-translations, @dangereuse-liaison and @otomehonyaku
Screenshots: @afi-mukami
Edits: @cutelih and @ruki-mukami-dl
Written and researched: @ruki-mukami-dl
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