#Also become more of a badass tengu
((I've been thinking about the Kujou Clan after the events in Inazuma, and while Sara is a general, she isstill only an adopted member of the clan and is still very much an outsider. Her older brothers have more sway in the political and other matters regarding the clan.
She also finds herself in turmoil after her adoptive father's betrayal and how that will affect her adoptive family/clan going forward.
Sara also doesn't fully realize that she was only adopted because she would become a powerful and useful tool, so when that is dropped on her, that's going to be a time. Then add on the fact that it wasn't the Shogun (Ei) that gave Sara her electro vision (unlike what Takayuki said), and you have a whole recipe for growth and turmoil (and angst, pain and suffering, probably, because that's how I roll.))
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
I wonder if Scarecrow girl regret pushing away someone that she initially disliked? Given one of the meanings for scarecrow in dreams is wanting to correct negative decisions and realizing the good qualities in a person you dislike?
(give this post a read for context!)
Ok, I'm going to use this question to answer a few of the Ladies related questions I got. Thanks to all of you for the positive feedback on that theory, I really appreciated it!
Starting with you, anon.
1) About Scarecrow
You know, after making a full analysis on the Ladies and getting a good look at each one of their rooms, both in the Residence and in the Nest, I think I agree.
The question now would be, who was she pushing away?
An obvious answer would be (her) Mono. As I previously established: a Lady of the Maw cannot exist unless a Thin Man creates her and a Thin Man cannot exist unless he's betrayed by said Lady. Maybe she regrets leaving him to his fate? The Eye paintings are quite prominent in her section.
Or, this could be referring to the other girl.
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I theorized that Scarecrow may have had a sister who ruled the Maw alongside her. Not only that, it might have been one of the others as well.
The candidates to fit this role would be Tengu and Teapot. I lean more on the latter.
Tengu is tecnically the second in line, following the order we previously reconstructed, yet I also mentioned that she and Scarecrow may have been interchangable because you can choose to retrieve them in either order. They're the only ones to which this rule applies; Fox will always be first and Teapot will always be last. Plus, Scarecrow's pedestal is taller than Tengu's, effectively making her the second.
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Another thing I think is worth mentioning is that, in the way to reach Teapot, we have to pass over the two armchairs. Reminiscent of when Teapot had to sneak past the sisters, perhaps?
Then, when we do get Teapot, to leave the room we have to once again sneak past Tengu (albeit it's her false persona).
Lastly, I wanted to mention that Red and Blue have always been opposites. It would make sense for Scarecrow to dislike Tengu, especially considering how drastically different they behave. For example, while Scarecrow prefers to hide away from the monsters and ignore them, Tengu actively engages with them and pretends to be a monster herself. I could easily see the Lady in Blue be either disgusted or irritated by this way of handling things.
On the other hand, we have our other candidate, Teapot. I do believe it's less likely, but pictures of one of the girls in the paintings (the one with long braided hair) are seen in her area.
Of course, it's also possible that Scarecrow's possible sister is not one of the other Ladies and was someone else entirely.
This lowkey got me thinking though.
If the "Lady & Thin Man coexistence theory" (yes we're naming it lads), is true, then this means that, if there were two Ladies governing the Maw at the same time, then the number of Thin Men wouldn't line up... because one Mono accompanied two Ladies. Consequentially, our Mono would be the fifth Thin Man and not the sixth, and the number 6 on the Thin Man's door was indeed referring to the number of Ladies.
Now I can't help but wonder how such an event would go down. My guess would be that the Thin Man of the time only took one of the girls (maybe only one of them was wearing the yellow raincoat?), awakening her Hunger which would then lead her to become the Lady while her sister helplessly watches and follows.
Mh. I have to think this one through. The concept is really interesting though.
2) About Fox (and Six)
" I wonder if Fox Mask Girl met a gruesome end for being too kind? Given that kindness will guarantee suffering with certain death in the little nightmares world so it won't be too farfetched that she got killed by someone that she offered kindness to. " - anon
" You know given how Fox mask Lady was able to have children be comfortable in her presence and how she likely died a gruesome death, maybe she was the type to continue on being kind and caring despite what she experienced as a kid and becoming the Lady of Maw? Her horrible death is definitely her being punished for still being kind since the world of little nightmares is where kindness will make you suffer and guarantee certain death. " - anon
I do think she met her demise as a consequence of her gentle nature. But in her defense; if the order is correct, then she was the first Lady ever. Maybe she wasn't aware of the cycle/loop. I'm pretty sure she died at the hands of her successor after trying to offer her kindness and shelter.
(Another thing to think about: the rip on her statue kind of looks like a bite.)
People who try to be kind always get the worst possible outcomes in the Little Nightmares universe. Once again, that famous achievement expresses the core belief behind this world: "Kindness will be your undoing!"
And talking about achievements... the other day I was on the wiki reading the achievement list - as one does - and something caught my eye.
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Little fox.
In the achievements, Six is referred as a couple of small animals that relate to her in some way. For example, she's called a "little canary" or a "sneaky rat". Both connections are obvious: the canary is a bird with bright yellow feathers and rats are considered vermins - which is how Six is seen by the monsters.
This only draws more paralleles between Six and Fox, who have been stated to be quite similar in many ways.
3) Additional Color White Meaning - Teapot
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That is absolutely correct! Then again, this begs the question: who or what could the Lady in White be mourning?
Again, maybe (her) Mono? Or perhaps she's mourning her own lost freedom?
Out of all the Ladies, current one included, Teapot really seems to be the most depressed about the whole situation. It's really heartbreaking considering how her coding made her out to be an innocent, pure hearted, happy go lucky soul.
4) About Scarecrow's and Teapot's masks.
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Thank you so much for the kind words!
So, personally I do think they kept wearing their masks, even if they're a little peculiar.
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You have to keep in mind that people wearing masks is kind of the whole "brand" of the Maw.
When Six gets there every single employee and even some of the guests are wearing masks, with the only exception being the Granny. Then again, the Granny is a contractor, not an employee. She kinda does what she wants and no one can really stop her, which is really funny in my eyes.
Plus, Scarecrow is not the only one we see wearing a sack on her head. We have the Hunter as well! So I wouldn't say it's that uncommon.
Teapot's choice of mask is way more goofy, bc let's be honest. An extremely powerful force of darkness going around with a teapot on her head? But then again, it lines up with her innocent nature.
It's a stark contrast with the current Lady, who is so refined and came right after Teapot.
5) Lady Six design? An headcanon, I guess!
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I actually may have to correct you on one thing before we go though: if the girl in this portrait in the Lady's quarters is infact a younger Lady, then it's safe to assume all Ladies before her wore a yellow raincoat as well.
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Perhaps that's their signature clothing, like Mono's paper bag. Paperbag and yellow raincoat, always together.
Moving on!
Yes, I do agree on Six's kimono being yellow. A darker shade of the Lemon color - like how the Lady's kimono was a darker shade of Tangerine - would be PERFECT. Lemon is usually associated with Awareness, Enlightenment and Alertness, which I think would fit Lady Six. She finally realizes how things work in this world and how she was just a pawn into the Eye's plan all along.
As for the mask, I actually thought about it for a while. I don't think it would be the same as the Lady's, because they're really different from each other, but I still think it would have something to do with Noh masks.
Personally, I settled on the Ja mask. It's badass and scary, something I think Six would definetely wear.
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(Btw, I tried searching for what Noh mask could be associated with the Lady's. I found several, but the Fushikizō may be the best candidate.)
6) Same person from different dimentions?
" Random thought but what if the ladies and Six actually exist similar to the movie "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse", where they are actually a different version of The Lady brought into Mono's dimension to continue the cycle? Some of the masks seem to hint the presence of other worlds, AND Six's connections to previous mask owners. Six herself is also hinted to be from a different world as well, as she is labelled to be "awaking in a world she cannot recognize" " - massive brain anon
And this actually explains why Mono and the Thin Man would be drawn to her! It's still his friend, but a different version of her! Especially after we've established how the human children are all lured from other dimensions in the LN universe... Wow. Good thinking, anon. This way, the selection of the next Lady is not casual and actually makes sense all things considered.
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tsukuyomi-e · 4 years
31 days AU challenge
That may interest some people here, so I’ll copy paste my custom prompt list I did for Inktober 2019 ! :)
Hello ! I didn't know what to draw for Inktober and didn't want to do the official list... I didn't find any list I'd like to do (maybe I'll do a goretober someday), but I felt like drawing some alternate universe, so I did my own list ! So feel free to use it, just don't forget to credit me and notice me, so I can see what you drew ! Or what your wrote, you're free to do it in any media you want :D Also you're free to do it with one and only character or with 31 different characters, or more if you draw several characters a day, or less if you draw a character multiple times :) You can do it with your characters or a character from a show/anime/manga etc :) (If you want to use someone else's character, ask permission before !) And of course you can use it for any 31 days challenge, and not only for Inktober :D And if you can’t finish it or keep up the pace, it’s okay, you’ve done your best, so stop or take your time and continue later or slowlier ! :) If your character already have an official version of an AU, stick to the official version or do your own ! If your character canonically fits to one of these AUs (so it's not an AU anymore...), you have solutions : - Draw its normal version - Have a free space and choose an AU that is not on this list - Do one of the AUs on this list twice, differently if possible - Stick with the trope but do it different as the normal one - Do the opposite of the trope - Any other solution I didn't think of, this prompt list doesn't really have rules ! So here is the list ! 1 - Different hairstyle Longer, shorter, curly, straight, tied, untied, braided, shaved... You can also have fun with facial hair ! 2 - Butler/maid If it doesn't fit your character or feel too outdated, feel free to draw them as a cafe waiter or a bartender instead :) 3 - Artist Your character is now an artist, be it a musician, a painter, a photographer, an actor... Draw them in action, do they do it alone or are they famous ? 4 - Pokemon Draw them with a pokemon that would fit them, or even with a whole pokemon team ! You can draw them as a pokemon trainer if you want, or they can stay with their usual outfit. If you're really not familiar with Pokemon, you can still draw a cute scene with a Pikachu, or at least search a pokemon with a type, with a color, or based on an animal that would fit them. If you really don't know, I can help you :) 5 - Mermaid/Merman Of course you're not forced to stick to fishes, you can mix a human with any aquatic creature if you prefer. 6 - Younger or older / Future or past 7 - Japanese traditional clothing If being a ninja, a samurai, or a geisha would fit your character, it's time ! But Japan is not only those cool types of characters, you can just dress them in a simple yukata, or choose an elaborated type of kimono from a precise era ! 8 - Modern There are other modern AUs in this list, but what would they usually wear if they lived in our world ? 9 - Hot springs More a situation than an AU... But still pretty cool, and depending on the world your chracter is from, they may not have an easy access to it ;) 10 - Angel/Demon Choose one... Or do a mix ;) If your character is already one, it's time to switch ! Unless you want to keep this option for role reversal and race reversal days ^^ 11 - Role reversal/change If you draw, that may be quite difficult to show, so if possible change their looks in consequence. Try not making them too much OOC (there is an OOC AU later), though this change may affect a bit their personality. If you don't have ideas, just make them changes sides, heroes become villains. 12 - Pirate 13 - Suit Be it for an office worker, for a CEO, for an important party/dinner, for a marriage, for a crime syndicate leader... Make them wear it ! Of course for girls (or crossdressers~) it can be a women suit or a pretty dress, any way it's formal wear, choose for which occasion ! 14 - Cosplay Your character dressed as any other character, be it from its show or another ! 15 - Animal As an actual animal, as a furry if you prefer, or with animal parts only like ears, tail, wings, scales... Be careful with this last one, because there are mermaids, werewolves, angels and demons and yôkais days ! Or you can draw them with a pet if you prefer. 16 - Genderbend 17 - Chinese traditional clothing 18 - Sports Your character as an athlete ! If they already do a sport, you can make them do a different one ! 19 - Cross-over Your character is now in any other show world you know ! What would their role be, their powers, their outfits... That's different from the cosplay category, because they would have their own outfits and would have been born in this world :D 20 - Vampire 21 - Tattoo Add them a tattoo. If they already have one or some, add them more, or erase them or change their design ! 22 - Military 23 - Beach Swimsuits time ! 24 - Medieval fantasy European medieval times, but you can add magic ! Your character can be from any fantasy race or any role-playing game class you want ! 25 - Werewolf 26 -  Race reversal/change If there is only one race in their universe, draw them as any race from any fictive universe you know :) Or, because with races I mean humanoïds with different powers/abilities, if there is only one race but with different powers between individuals, you can just change their powers :) 27 - Arabian traditional clothing 28 - School Your character as a student, or as a teacher if you want ! 29 - Sci-fi That's pretty large ! But you can draw them as experiments, as zombies, as aliens, as cosmonauts, as cyborgs, as mecha pilots, or mecha itselves, in an intergalactic war, in a devastated world... You have choice ! 30 - OOC Out Of Character. You're not forced to make your character act the exact opposite he usually does, but make him act unusually ! This is the place if you want to draw you character as a tsundere, a yandere, blushing, shy, cold, crual, cute, afraid, badass, agressive... Or you can even give him another character's personality, and/or adding a body swap AU ! 31 - Yôkai Japanese monsters. You have a lot of choice but most famous ones are kitsune, tanuki, kappa, baku, bakeneko/nekomata, yûrei, oni, tengu... Don't forget, let me know if you plan to do this list !
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laughtermagick · 4 years
Okay ! So some context then I’ll ask some questions, I’m doing some world building on the larger cosmology for my world, currently I’ve been focusing on evil spirts or fiends, and I’ve separated them into the different ideas for evil based on different philosophies and teachings, I have spirits that represent Tyranny of which I’m largely pulling from abrahamic myth, your typical soul dealing devils there to represent the evil in human society ...
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Neat project, my dude! I'm interested in how your demons from "Tyranny" will philosophically differ from "Corruption" demons. I’m not sure what you’re exactly looking for, but I can ramble about some Asian mythology...
The oni are extremely iconic (and just look badass) and you might also be familiar already with kitsune and shinigami... A good Googling option for more demons are the yokai. For example, the "Snow Woman" is a yokai that appears in snowstorms, drifting all ghastly-graceful, and she sucks human souls right out the mouth (Harry Potter dementor-style) until the victim's body turns ice-cold rigid.
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Now, this won't be useful at all to your story, but it just makes me giggle: Another type of yokai is the kappa. It's a humanoid frog demon that likes to drown people/livestock and steal life-force from the butt. (Yes, you read that right.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was based on them, I shit you not. They're considered today to be more "cryptid animal" than "folklore beast," which is a troubling thought. A more useful option for you might be the tengu, which typically have wings and sometimes beaks (or abnormally long noses) on otherwise human bodies.
I think a little homage to tengu was in the movie Spirited Away with the witch Yubaba:
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Some Buddhist traditions believed that a dead person's ghost could transform into a tengu with enough powerful malice. If a place/person had bad energy and got too restless without having a chinkon ritual performed (to calm the spirits), then shit got real. The average disgruntled person would become a "small tengu," (a disembodied poltergeist trying to terrorize and/or possess people) but the ones to really look out for were "greater tengu" (supernatural-powered flesh-n-blood creatures) that had been warriors, priests, or even emperors during their mortal lives. In particular, if a priest had learned how to control metaphysical power but hadn't also learned true wisdom and true compassion, then becoming a tengu was much more likely after death. Lots of possibilities with the tengu, I think, for your world-building.
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As for Eastern varieties of hell, three options come to mind: Naraka (Indian/Hindu), Diyu (Chinese/Buddhism), and Yomi (Japanese/Shintoism).
Naraka is a place of darkness, torment, and monsters. It's closer to Catholic purgatory rather than Protestant eternal damnation, because after an appropriate period of punishment, souls are reincarnated back on the earthly mortal plane. It might not be forever-and-ever, but it does take an extraordinarily long time to pay your dues and get sent back up topside. Lots of hellish realms, lots of inventive tortures, just lots to do, ya know? Folklore says there's a god of death chilling on a throne next to a cronie henchman demon keeping detailed records of every living human being's behavior.
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Diyu is basically "Naraku 2.0" or the "Naraku DLC expansion pack" with lots of Chinese folklore add-ons. It's an underground maze with multiple levels of depth and each layer has countless torture chambers. Some traditions say there are 10 courts of hell while others say there are 18 levels. Each specializes in a certain type of torture, and souls will die over and over until they reach atonement and finally get reincarnated. The torture is really, really elaborate and very specific to what the person did wrong during their lifetime. Think of the "Saw" movie series mixed with "American Horror Story: Murder House". The old painting illustrations of Diyu are just... a lot.
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Last up is Yomi, which I like to think of as DepressionLand.™ It's not active torment, but you don't usually get to leave. If you enter alive and you eat some DepressionLand food, it's almost impossible to escape (similar vibe to European folklore about eating fairy food). The hellscape is super-gloomy, all dark and shadowy, and ghosts just wander around being stuck and miserable. Shinto religion is profoundly germaphobic and kinda obsessive-compulsive (closest things to "sin" are literal dirt and breaking taboos), so the freakiest thing about their perspective on hell is that the underworld is tainted/polluted. There's just this disgusting sense of skin-creeping, hair-raising, gut-clenching wrongness about it.
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Hope this gives a few ideas to toss around! But if this didn’t get you anywhere, follow-up questions are welcome.
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cherry-valentine · 5 years
Spring 2019 Anime Season
Here’s what I’m watching: Gunjou no Magmel is definitely my favorite new show of the season. It has a fun setup that lends itself well to lots of different stories: a mysterious new continent suddenly appears one day, full of new animal and plant life and inspiring people across the globe to explore it. Of course, the place is incredibly dangerous, which is why many people work as professional “rescuers” hired to go and retrieve those who have been lost or trapped in the new continent. The protagonists of the series are a pair of rescuers: the highly skilled and unflappable Inyou and his tech genius sidekick Zero (who doesn’t physically go to the continent but instead controls a drone). Right away the series provokes a feeling of adventure that reminded me somewhat of One Piece. The new continent, known as Magmel, is beautiful and teeming with life. The series wisely presents it in a neutral light. There are dangerous creatures there, definitely, with some seriously horrific body horror imagery (much of it veering into nightmare fuel territory), but the series is quite clear about the fact that these creatures are just behaving naturally. There’s no malice there. In fact, the only truly malicious and cruel actions are performed by the humans who go to Magmel to take advantage of the creatures there for their own profit. Inyou understands this, and is generally sympathetic to the animal and plant life, while still prioritizing the preservation of human life. It’s an interesting balance. It’s also interesting that a show with the above mentioned body horror and nightmare fuel is presented with bright, cheerful, cartoony art and peppy, upbeat music. This is an adventure series, not horror, and sometimes there’s even a degree of beauty in the terrors seen in the mostly standalone episodes. The two leads, Inyou and Zero, are entertaining and have a fun dynamic between them. They act more like family than anything else, with no romantic tension at all so far (and I hope it stays that way). Currently sitting at the top of my watch list.
Ace of the Diamond Act 2 is the sequel series I’ve been looking forward to. The original series was a favorite of mine, with a fairly realistic portrayal of baseball and a team of fun, quirky characters, including Miyuki, the only character that springs to mind when I think of the term, “husbando”. He’s a fan-favorite and incredibly popular for a reason. He’s sharp-witted, the most skilled player on the team, and also has a rather twisted sense of humor (he’s the kind of guy who, upon realizing a new member of the team doesn’t like him, is totally delighted and thinks of how fun that’s going to be). Miyuki gushing aside, the show has great art that rarely goes off-model and somewhat smooth animation. The music so far is okay, nothing special (the opening and ending themes were hit and miss in the original series as well). Main character Sawamura is still annoying (like Asta in Black Clover, he tends to scream rather than speak) but his underdog status and genuine love of the sport and his team make him endearing enough to overlook his negative traits. My only real gripe with the show is its tendency to recap that last several minutes of the previous episode in each new episode, making you wait quite a while to get to the new content. This would be a much bigger deal in marathon viewing, but on a weekly basis, I can deal with it.
Hitoribocchi no Marumaruseikatsu is a cute series about cute girls doing cute things. This is a genre I’m generally not fond of, mainly because the girls in these types of shows tend to be sexualized in a creepy way and their “cute antics” tend to be banal and annoying. In this show, however, neither of those two problems are present. In fact, if the show had a male love interest, it would feel very shoujo to me. The focus of the story is on a shy girl with severe social anxiety trying to make friends in her new school. She’s a bit awkward but cute and earnest, so watching her attempt to talk to strangers is funny but also heartwarming. The small circle of friends that begins to form around her is made up of equally cute and funny girls, each of whom have distinct personalities and character designs. Surprisingly, considering this is based on a manga aimed at male readers, none of the girls seem specifically designed to appeal to a male audience. They come across as genuine, well developed characters. The art and music are cute, but not very notable. My only complaint is the subplot involving a young teacher who takes one look at the blonde, tanned Nako and immediately judges her as a juvenile delinquent and is thus afraid of her. It’s meant to be funny, I suppose, but I find it annoying that a teacher would be so judgmental, especially considering Nako is a quiet, well-behaved student who gives absolutely no indication that she’s a delinquent. Ah well, it’s a relatively minor subplot so I can overlook it.
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3 was hotly anticipated after a strong season two and the amazing Dead Apple movie. Following a group of supernaturally “gifted” members of a detective agency and their conflicts with other “gifted” groups (including the ruthless Port Mafia), this show is one of the best series of the past several years. It has a bit of Durarara!!’s cool vibe and style, but with a more straightforward story. This is a series that handles all of its various story elements very well, from the action scenes to the heartfelt moments to the comedy, and looks great doing it. I still prefer the comedy and characterization of season one, but only because they were done SO well. The more serious, plot-driven arcs of late are still fantastic. The music is great too, with my favorite opening theme of the season (and there were some outstanding ones this season, so that’s saying something). 
Kimetsu no Yaiba might just be my second favorite new series. Every season has a new show that gets a lot of hype, and in my experience around half of those shows actually live up to that hype. This show is definitely in that good half. With fluid animation, excellent music, and an interesting setup (a young boy’s family is slaughtered by demons, leaving only one sister behind who has become a demon herself, so he trains to become a demon slayer and find a way to turn her back into a human), this series seems primed to become a hit. The protagonist, Tanjirou, is a fairly standard kind-hearted hero training to join a group and accomplish his goal. The series doesn’t tread a lot of new ground in that respect, but it does everything so well that it’s easy to forgive it for not being the most original story. The most interesting aspect is the sister, Nezuko, who instead of being a delicate young flower for him to constantly protect is a demon herself who, in an early scene, literally kicks another demon’s head clean off. She’s a powerful ally in battle, which is refreshing. The other characters haven’t had much screen time yet, but seem fun so far. Overall, it’s a very well-done, if somewhat unoriginal, show. Highly entertaining and high on my watch list.
Midnight Occult Civil Servants is much better than it seems at first glance. Protagonist Arata joins a particular group of civil servants that deal with mythological creatures called “Anothers”. They range from fairies to gods to Japanese-based creatures like Tengu (this mishmash of mythology actually reminds me of Shin Megami Tensei). Arata quickly realizes that he’s the only member of the team who can understand the languages used by the Anothers, and so he becomes a valuable tool when dealing with them. The show presents a variety of creatures with a variety of behaviors. Some Anothers are friendly to humans and mean no harm, while others are outright malicious. Others still are just indifferent. At first, it seems like the show is going to be about Arata clearing up misunderstandings that his fellow team members have about the Anothers, but then the show lets us know that not all Anothers are friendly, and being able to understand their words doesn’t mean Arata can understand their motivations or can do much to stop them from doing bad things. The episodes are often inspired by real life urban legends, and overall has an air of mystery. The art is fine, with interesting, varied character designs but animation that’s just okay. The music is above average though, with my favorite ending theme of the season. It’s not my favorite new show, but it has a secure spot on my watch list.
Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 really doesn’t need much of a write-up, since it’s just a continuation of a season that was delayed (and that I already wrote about). I’ll just keep it brief and say it’s still great, is finally getting into one of my favorite arcs from the manga, and has a gorgeous opening theme.
Mobile Suit Gundam Origin is the tv series version of an OVA that details the origins of one of the Gundam franchise’s most popular characters (and one of my all-time favorites): Char Aznable. I never watched the OVA (despite intending to for the longest time) so this is all new content for me. What I find most interesting is the visual style, which looks very much like the classic Gundam art style of the original late 70‘s tv series but with more modern, smooth animation and some CGI mixed in. There’s a strange awkwardness to the art style that feels oddly natural. It was present in the old tv series and it’s present here. It’s kind of hard to explain if you haven’t seen it yourself though. Art aside, the story is definitely interesting. While Char’s basic history had already been revealed years ago, we didn’t really know the details. Char is a complicated character, which explains his popularity several decades after his debut. He was ruthless, cold, and calculating even as a child, but he loved his family very deeply and was surprisingly emotional. There are also badass lady characters to enjoy (who also appeared in the original series - I’ve always found it interesting that a show made in 1979 had more complex, strong, and generally well-written female characters than more modern Gundam series like Wing, Seed/Seed Destiny, and Iron Blooded Orphans). The music is fantastic here, and it’s overall a very solid show. Now I wish they’d remake the original series with this kind of animation (and cut out some of the filler).
Shoumetsu Toshi is, honestly, at the bottom of my list. The animation quality is just okay, with questionable character design choices (for the first few episodes, there were two unrelated female characters with such strikingly similar designs that it was very confusing). The story is a bit of a muddled mess. It mostly follows a young girl who survived a bizarre event where a whole city full of people suddenly vanished (later dubbed “The Lost”), and the young man who has been hired to help her return after she receives a message from her father, who was one of the people that vanished, telling her to come back. The setup is actually very interesting and mysterious. The problem is that the series throws too many concepts and ideas at us way too quickly, and explains none of it. It might be because the show is based on a video game, and the writers assumed people watching the anime would be familiar with the game and its various elements. Already in the show we have time travel, undefined magical powers, totally different powers that allow people to summon the souls of the vanished victims to fight for them like Persona, shadowy organizations doing human experiments, fancy artifacts that grant even more abilities, phantom thieves, idol groups, hackers, detective agencies, and double agents that have infiltrated the police. There’s just way too much going on, and as a result, the core plot that was actually interesting gets crowded out and choked. I’m still watching because the show is still entertaining in a strange way, but it’s a shame that it wasted a lot of its potential.
Carry Over Shows From Previous Seasons: Black Clover
Best of Season: Best New Show: Gunjou no Magmel Best Opening Theme: Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3 Best Ending Theme: Midnight Occult Civil Servants Best New Male Character: Inyou (Gunjou no Magmel) Best New Female Character: Nako (Hitoribocchi no Marumaruseikatsu)
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kumo-headcanons · 6 years
What do u think would be a cloud ninjas reaction to being called a tengu? Specifically c, darui, karui, etc?
Right, the tengu thing.
The reaction to getting called “tengu” can vary greatly from Kumonin to Kumonin depending mostly on the respective person’s temper. In general, however, you can expect it to be anything but positive.
The problem with calling a Kumonin “tengu” is that it’s become an incredibly loaded term over the years. What started off as vaguely jocular insult comparing Kumo shinobi to a mythological creature eventually devolved into a slur due to a combination of village politics, changing military tactics and good old civilian gossip.
“Tengu” in referral to Kumonin first came up in the days preceding the First Shinobi World War when tensions between the Five Great Shinobi Countries were on the rise and the number of border violations increased by the day. Usage of the term increased sharply after the failed peace ceremony and the Kingin brothers’ attempt at a coup d’état. A small but vocal minority of Konohans insisted that the peace ceremony had been staged and an attempt to assassinate the Second Hokage had been made. As a result, the stereotype of “untrustworthy Kumonin” began to pervade Konohan civilian opinions of Kumo. Consequently, foreign relations between Konoha and Kumo began to sour even more.
After Tobirama’s death at the hands of the Kinkaku Force, foreign relations took another turn for the worse, Konohans who had previously been neutral on the issue began to align themselves with those who had claimed the peace ceremony had been an assassination attempt, while those who had thought so from the beginning saw their suspicions confirmed. At this point, usage of the term “tengu” saw another sharp increase, this time beyond the borders of Fire Country even. Towards the end of the First Shinobi World War, the Third Raikage becomes aware of the existence of the slur, its use and its connotations and orders the first Tengu Raids. At this point, Kumo’s and Konoha’s civilians generally already had an unprecedentedly low opinion of each other.
Upon ordering the first Tengu Raid, the Third Raikage is said to have uttered the words, “They want to make monsters of us? Then, let them tremble before the terrors they created!” There are no official records backing this claim, however, the Fourth attributed the proclamation to his father back when he gave a speech after his inauguration during Third Shinobi World War.
(Fun fact: According to Wikipedia, tengu were also considered harbingers of war in Buddhism.)
Among Kumonin, the squads carrying out the raids were known as Vulture Corps, though individual members of the squads were often just referred to as Crows (or “Pigeons” if you’re feeling particularly funny. Though that one’s liable to get you decked by one of them).
However, Kumo claiming “tengu” and fashioning a variety of military strategies after it contributed further to the changing connotations of the word and why Shippūden-era (and even more so Boruto-era) Kumonin object strongly to the term. Because at this point, "tengu” isn’t comparing them to actual tengu anymore. Calling someone a Kumo post-Third Shinobi World War is essentially equalling them to kidnappers, bandits, murderers, even war-criminals depending on who you ask.
By the time Darui becomes Raikage, it is frowned upon to call anybody a tengu, especially since most shinobi of Darui’s age group and younger were too young to have participated in Tengu Raids. However, grudges don’t tend to just up and disappear. Altercations between young Kumonin and ninja from other villages, that got sparked by someone hurling an ill-advised insult are more common than anybody’d like.
The reactions are based on someone using the slur in a serious manner who’s really aiming to hurst someone personally, not someone throwing insults left and right without being aware of the context.
Honorary mention of A’s reaction to begin called a “tengu”:Rage. Uncontrollable if the word’s directed at him, but even worse when it’s directed at his subordinates. Expect lots of fist-shaking, stomping and bellowing. Self-awareness has never been his strong suit, he likes to forget that the vast majority of Tengu Raids were carried out under his orders and that he and B participated in their fair share of them under the Third Raikage. The other Kage never fail to remind him of that.
B – He is one of the very few Kumonin who won’t get offended when called a tengu, mainly because he did actually participate in a number of raids and he’s not proud of some of the things that happened back then. He’ll usually respond in a very serious manner and try to empathise and diffuse the situation, before eventually cracking a joke and changing the topic with a rap of his.
C – While C has quite the temper, he considers emotional outbursts utterly unprofessional, nor would he want to give someone the satisfaction of getting him riled up. He’ll narrow his eyes and depending on the situation, the change in demeanour will be quite noticeable. C generally communicates in a precise and succinct manner, but when angry there’s an additional layer of curtness about him that’s hard to miss. If it’s a guest or someone with some kind of appointment he’ll usually ask them to leave without further explanation. Another sensor might notice him keeping tight control of his chakra in situations like this in order to not give himself away too much.
Darui – Darui, too, will go through a noticeable shift in demeanour. His lips tighten, he stops slouching and unconsciously straightens up. Sometimes he glares. He’s doesn’t get offended or angry easily, but for Kumonin of his age group the insult is especially jarring because they’re old enough to remember the Vulture Corps and what happened during the Tengu Raids, but at the same time, they’re also the first generation that was too young to actively participate. Darui himself only narrowly avoided getting recruited towards the end of the war because the war ended before the decision was finalised. He’ll remain just civil enough to not let it interfere with his duty but if he’s somewhat rougher than necessary, then it’s not entirely coincidental.
Karui – Karui is too young to know about the details and the background of the Tengu Raids beyond what is taught at the academy, but she recognises an insult when she hears it and her first instinct is always to go for confrontation. There’s a 50% chance (65% percent if it’s someone from Konoha) that she will be the one to throw the first punch. Someone might have to hold her back. However, once the first wave of anger subsides she’s sometimes put in a somber mood. At the academy, she thought the Vulture Corps had a cool sounding name and admired them for being badasses but once she read up on their history her feelings were mixed at best. She loathes being insulted over crimes she had nothing to do with solely because she made the mistake of being born in Kumo.
Omoi – Omoi takes that insult hard. The other person won’t even have to elaborate because Omoi’s over-active imagination does a fine job extrapolating from that on it’s own. He’ll avoid confrontation as much as possible and start going over the previous interaction trying to figure out what he did to warrant such an insult. However, god help if you insult one of his friends. He’s quick to jump to someone else’s defence, much quicker than even Karui, and while he is of much mellower temper than Karui, he can be just as vicious if need be.
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otakween · 6 years
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.Hack//GU - 35 Hours in Update
For some reason, steam thinks I am 35 hours into this game but the game save file thinks I’m 25 hours into the game. I didn’t realize the discrepancy until I made a bunch of posts so I’m just going to go with what steam says. 
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a GU update and thinking about it there’s a lot I haven’t discussed. That being said, nothing has happened plot-wise since my last post. This is a nothing game. Nothing happens. 
-I’ve been checking the pixiv art for this game and HOO BOY it is steamy. Haseo is one of those versatile characters that you can ship with anyone and people do. I’ve seen him shipped with Atoli, Shino, Ovan, Matsu, Sakaki, Tsukasa, Kite, Tri-Edge etc. etc. and imo...all the ships kind of work? This isn’t really a good thing. They mostly work because Haseo doesn’t have much of a personality/character and that’s why you can just conjure up chemistry between him and anyone else from your imagination. It’s good for some hot fanart but bad from a critical standpoint. 
-I really like the lucky animals and the noises they make <3 
-Getting pretty sick of seeing the same 4 dungeons over and over again. At least it will be exciting when more servers become available?
-So the implication with the fight between Alkaid and Haseo is that Haseo is losing control right?? I want more context for how avatars work. Skeith was obviously a bad, evil thing in SIGN but now he’s just a weapon but also...maybe evil? I feel like Pi, Kuhn and Yata were just like “Yeah...this is just a thing that some of us have.” .Hack always takes 20 years to explain basic concepts so I guess I’ll just have to be patient.
-I think there was a threesome joke with Kuhn?? I don’t know why but I felt scandalized by that lol 
-I still find Sakaki kinda hot lol. Not sure what his evil scheme is yet, only that he has one. 
-I’m really anticipating seeing game!Tri-Edge at this point more than anything else. Mostly, I want to hear what he sounds like cuz according to all the fanart I’ve been looking at he makes noises in the games :0 Also, I just want to know what he is and see him interact with Haseo more. 
New Character Impressions:
-I forgot to talk about my impression of Gabi in the last post. I think he’s fun but find his lolrandom humor kind of annoying. I like that him being the leader of Kestrel is unexpected and makes Kestrel less than a straight-up antagonistic guild and more of a morally grey group. I feel like they’re more trolls than anything. Anyway, it’s nice to have more beast characters. 
-Antares has a funky design that’s hard to make out. I’m not really sure what they were going for with him...some kind of Tengu? He almost looks like an Okami character. I’m personally not a huge fan of the traditional, Japanese aesthetic so I’m a bit biased against him. Also, he’s basically just Jiraiya from Naruto. His character seems really random to me? Like, he’s supposed to be a mentor to Haseo but Haseo already has like 5 mentors (Ovan, Shino, Yata, Kuhn, Pi). Why is everyone so obsessed with this boy!? 
 -Sirius hasn’t done much yet but I really like him. He’s like this snobby elitist but he’s also really elegant and refined? According to the .Hack wikia he’s supposed to have the head of a jackal but I totally thought he was a gazelle or something?? wtf...
-I was super pumped for Alkaid based on her design and from what I read in the Alcor manga a long time ago. Whenever I play a game with dating aspects I pick out my partner before I start the game based on first impressions. This choice can change but I like to go in with an idea of who I’m aiming for. Alkaid looks super badass and I love her design (hair, outfit, face, weapon are all on point). I was very ready to ship her and Haseo. Now...I’m not so sure. Her dub voice is pretty bad...she sounds like a 10 year old boy. I know they do that a lot with tomboy characters but it doesn’t always work as well in English as it does in Japanese. I hope I can get past it but for now I find her voice very distracting.
-Zelkova! I like him. He cute. The concept for his character is cool too, he’s like this naive figure head kid who is unaware of the corruption of his own guild. I wanna protect him. 
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aceopmari · 7 years
Voltage Honest Trailers: Enchanted in the Moonlight
Thanks for all the love and support from everyone who liked my Gangsters in Love Homest Trailer! Because of you all I will continue to make more of these in the form of a series based on the ones you all request!
Please remember that this is only for humorous purposes.
Also I do not own Voltage and if I did, I’d make badass and more culturally diverse MC’s!
Narrator: Are you ready for a Voltage game that is filled with romance and Asian culture?
Are you willing to spend your paycheck on a story to satisfy your furry obsession?
Then this romance sim about yokai is sure to delight your unhealthy attraction to animals!
(Cue Yokai Anime)
Narrator:…No not those yokai…
Enchanted in the Moonlight!
(Cue Enchanted in the Moonlight Theme)
In eastern Japan, there lives a young MC.
She’s a naive bookworm with a life and a personality that is even shallower and blander than Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
MC: “I have no boyfriend, I’m too serious, and I work too hard…maybe it’s finally getting to me…😓”
Narrator: The MC is so retarded, she thinks closing her eyes in a life threatening situation will save her life.
MC:(I reflexively squeeze my eyes shut as bookshelves tumble down towards me!😣)
MC:(I shut my eyes as a speeding car rushes for me!😣)
Voltage Vlogger Martha: “No girl, that’s not how danger works…😒”
(Slight Beat)
Narrator: The MC lives in a bento box far far away from her parents with her close friend Samon, who is really a spirit from another world sent to stalk the MC since her high school years.
MC: “Samon’s the shrine priest. He’s like a big brother who watches over me.”
Narrator: After waking up from a night terror about a scene from Spirited Away and about hot guys, the MC goes to work and encounters MORE hot guys who stalk and warn her to be cautious of her surroundings instead of outright telling her that demons are out to get her!
Shinra: “I want you to be careful today.😑”
MC:(I wonder why he said that😦)
Narrator: Really…?😒
After the retarded MC risks rabies disease by stripping down and taking a bath with a random fox she found on the street, MC finds out the the fox is actually a beautiful spirit with realistic fox ears and a tail.
MC: “Is he a cosplayer?😦”
Narrator: I said realistic…😒
MC goes back to her living room seeing the same hot guys freeloading. And once learning that they are ayakashi from another world, they each have one request from her to help save their people.
Yukinojo: “We would like to have a child with you.😃”
Narrator: After being attacked by evil ayakashi, MC Is forced to make a dreadful decision of her life…
Lose your virginity…or DIE!
MC: “But I don’t know pleasure…!😰”
Narrator: MC has the option to choose…
The sexy arrogant half breed who makes it no secret that he wants to fuck the MC dry.
He’s a man so perverted, that calling him a fuckboy or a rapist would be a complete understatement!
Miyabi: “Give me your body…😌”
Miyabi: “You’ll be lusting for me from inside your bed😏”
Narrator: His sex drive is so strong, he’d give prostitutes in Vegas a run for their money.
Yukinojo: “Miyabi would sleep with 10 girls in one night!😃”
Narrator: Chikage! The Sasuke of the game!
Unlike his privileged friends, he rose up from complete nothingness and earned his spot to become the next hokage of the Tengu clan.
Although he has a soft spot for cute little boys, he’s so emo that it’s clear that he needs pussy in his life.
But he has NO problems flirting with actual crows whatsoever…
Chikage: “Caw caw caw!😄”
Narrator: Okay! SOMEONE needs to take YOU to the strip…😒
The oni who resembles and dresses like a prepubescent middle school kid, and who has an unhealthy obsession with Victoria’s Secret underwear!
Boy: “Tiger print underpants aren’t cool-😒”
Shinra: “YES THEY ARE!😡”
He’s the love interest that no one gives a fuck about. And the one who took over a YEAR to get a season 2 because Voltage forgot his ass.
Although he was first introduced alongside Miyabi and Chikage, he becomes the most unpopular character in the Voltage franchise with his childish personality and annoying and constant blushing behavior that Voltage would make fans believe to be a cute trait.
Miyabi: “You’re as red as an ogre!😏”
Miyabi: “What’s wrong with calling a red oni a red oni?😂”
Shinra: “Grrrrrrr….!😡”
The badass bisexual of the group! And the best dressed!
He’s the only one who treats you like a human being if you choose him.
Although he makes no secret of his attraction for you, it’s more than clear he has a thing for Yukinojo.
Kyoga: “I watched this movie about a Okami man and a Yukibito woman…it made me feel weird…😳”
Kyoga: “You know you’re very beautiful Yuki!😄”
Yukinojo: “Y'know I am a man…😓”
Narrator: That doesn’t excuse the fact that you enjoyed being fed by Kyoga during MC’s date with Kiryu at a restaurant…just admit you’re gay!😒
The other bisexual and the Caitlyn Jenner of the gang!
The one MC literally falls in love with JUST because of his looks!
MC: “You’re so beautiful…😍”
MC: “You have such gorgeous skin!☺️”
Narrator: He’s kindhearted as he is two faced as he even tried to rape MC at one point and is willing to threaten anyone with his power of snow and ice.
Kyoga: “Yuki’s scary when he’s angry…😰”
With his obsession with Bath and Body Works products and being beautiful, Voltage might as well could have made Yuki a female option of the game which…might increase sales for Voltage…
Just look at the amemix line!😃
And Kiryu!
The cynical as fuck, runaway prince of the ryu clan who came to the human world to write fanfiction AND be a total weeaboo for Japanese technology!
Kiryu: “Do you know how much this tablet costs?!😒”
Kiryu: “Did you wreck my cleaning robot?!😤
Kiryu: “Who destroyed my Japanese toilet?!😡”
Narrator: He hates people so much, that he’s even racist towards his own kind.
Kiryu: “I don’t care for the humans or the ayakashi! They irritate me!😒”
As you live your days being the only woman in a household full of men, you are forced to deal with things LIKE:
Perverse Humor!😃
Miyabi: “Have you two been at it every night?😏”
Chikage: “Oh, so that’s it…😏”
Kyoga: “We can smell what you’ve been doing.😏”
Narrator: No longer having privacy!😁
Samon: “Everyone gets to live here!😃”
Shinra: “Dibs on the biggest room!😄”
MC: “Do you have to follow me to work?😓”
Narrator: AND: “Trump like” RACISM!😑
Chikage: “Humans are weak.😒”
Kyoga: “Humans aren’t like us ayakashi who have more strength.😕”
Shinra: You’re weird! A human interested in oni…😒"
Miyabi: “You’re just a human!😠”
Ayakashi: “Stupid human!😡”
Ayakashi: “Yeesh! Humans!😡”
Miyabi: “A regular human wouldn’t be allowed in our world.😏”
Miyabi: “A human an ayakashi can’t be together.😠”
(Slight beat)
Narrator:…Wait a minute! Wait a minute! So humans can’t go to the Mononoke World but Ayakashi can freely roam the human world like rats and mistreat them however they please?!
Trump: "We need to BUILD A WALL to keep those filthy ayakashi OUT from crossing that magical train BORDER! And those clan heads will pay for it!"👌🏻
Narrator:..Trump I hate you but I support that idea!😃🔨
People of color:😡😡😡
Narrator:…Too soon?😅😓
Trump: “CROOKED Miyabi! LYIN’ CHIKAGE!😤😡”
Narrator: Okay we get it! It’s bad enough you were elected…😓
“Teen Wolf”(Kyoga)🐺
“Male Elsa”(Yukinojo)❄️
“Potential Housewife”(Samon)👩🏻
“Blue Eyes White Dragon”(Kiryu)🐉
“Regina Gorge”(Ageha)💁🏼
The Three Stooges(The Omnyoji)👨‍👨‍👦
“Someone who may as well be an ayakashi with her ability to sense things!”(Ikumi)👀
“Ino Yamanaka”(Botan)✳️
“Ultear Milkovich”(Kirikimi)🔮
“Darth Vader”(Kuro Kabuto)👽
“Master Roshi”(Genji)👴🏻
“Jacob Black”(Aoi)👱🏻
“Taylor Swift”(Nishiki)🐍
“As told by a Ginger, I am a Virgin(MC)😔”
“Yokai BAEwatch!!!”
Narrator: Okay seriously?! How is it that ayakashi can’t get arrested in the human world JUST because they aren’t “bound” to human laws! If you GO to another country you HAVE to follow those rules or you get arrested!
Couldn’t the MC just call the cops and tell them their are strange men claiming to be spirits who want to fuck her?
That would be helpful considering how they would be sent to the crazy house! Not to mention charged for frequent harassment!
Mamoru, get over here already!
Mamoru: *sigh* fine…😒🚬
Follow, reblog, and comment if you want more Voltage Honest Trailers!
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