#Allie Horton
damnamour · 2 years
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Chanel and Allie / Days of Our Lives (2022)
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kaceyrps · 2 years
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bannersbylinda · 2 years
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#Challie #DaysofOurLives
  (10/25/22 episode)
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the-gershomite · 9 months
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Star Wars Tales #11 -March, 2002-
"Tall Tales"
story by Scott Allie
art by Paul Lee & Brian Horton
colors by Dave Stewart
letters by Michelle Madsen
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pinkberrybff · 2 years
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Snowvember 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Trump's campaign speeches on Wednesday
Trump was not in trial on Wednesday, so he made two campaign appearances. He said many things that were incomprehensible, alarming, and ridiculous. Rather than detail everything, let’s focus on one of the most ridiculous statements: He said he would repeal the Inflation Reduction Act. Doing so would
increase the deficit,
eliminate the $35 per month cap on insulin,
deny access to the Affordable Care Act to millions of Americans,
increase the cap for prescription medications under Medicare D from $2,000 per year to $3,500 per year,
eliminate billions in investments in states and local communities for clean energy projects, and
imperil 150,000+ jobs.
Trump is intent on destroying the accomplishments of the Inflation Reduction Act because it authorized money for the IRS to replace staff that will retire or quit over the next decade. With Trump, it’s always about evading or reducing taxes (and Putin).
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
In his rally in Waukesha, WI, Trump explains the decline and fall of Europe and the rise of Russia—because England and France allowed dark-skinned people to swarm London and Paris, whereas Russia is keeping its Central Asian guest workers in place as serfs and sends them to the meat grinder in Ukraine. It's pure racism. And the MAGA crowd loves it. "Look at Paris. Look at London. They're no longer recognizable. I'm going to get myself into a lot of trouble, but you know what? That's the fact, they are no longer recognizable. We can't let that happen here."
[Robert Scott Horton]
In describing his fever dream of autocratic powers, Trump said he would take (or allow) the following actions:
Allow states to monitor the pregnancies of women to ensure they comply with abortion bans (a grotesque violation of liberty, privacy, and dignity).
Fire US attorneys who refuse to prosecute defendants targeted by Trump (a violation of US norms dating to the creation of the Department of Justice).
Initiate mass deportations of alleged illegal immigrants using the US military and local law enforcement (neither of which are authorized to enforce US immigration law).
Pardon insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol on January 6.
Prosecute President Biden (for unspecified and non-existent crimes).
Deploy the National Guard to cities and states across America—likely those with predominately Democratic populations (presumably under the Insurrection Act, a deployment would violate the terms of the Act and implementing regulations).
Withhold funds from states in the exercise of his personal discretion (a violation of the Impoundment Control Act of 1974).
Abandon NATO and South Asian allies if he feels the countries are not paying enough for their own defense.
Shutter the White House pandemic-preparedness office.
Fire tens (hundreds?) of thousands of civil servants and replace them with Trump acolytes with dubious qualifications (other than loyalty to Trump).
Most readers of this newsletter understand the seriousness of Trump's threats and are working tirelessly to prevent a second Trump term. But tens of millions of Americans seem oblivious or apathetic in the face of an imminent and dire threat.
If elected, will Trump succeed in achieving any of his stated goals? No—not if Democrats continue their resistance in the courts, in Congress, in state legislatures, and in the hearts and minds of most Americans.
However, whether Trump succeeds in achieving his stated objectives is beside the point. He will attempt to do so—and his attempts will tear at the fabric of democracy and destroy legal norms that have served as the bedrock of our republic since its founding.
To be clear, I am not attempting to frighten readers of this newsletter. To the contrary, I believe that we can and will defeat Trump—or outlast him, whatever it takes. But the interview confirms that we are not frantic alarmists exaggerating the threat posed by Trump.
No, far from it.
When we challenge the milquetoast, both-siderism reporting of the media or the normalization of Trump by spineless politicians, we are not overreacting. We are sounding the alarm in a responsible, necessary way. For reasons that defy comprehension, our warnings have been unheeded—often dismissed, minimized, or patronized.
We must redouble our efforts. Commit the above list to memory. Copy the URL so you can forward this newsletter or the Time Magazine article to friends, colleagues, and complete strangers who doubt that Trump is a danger to democracy. Pick two or three issues and be prepared to discuss them when the moment arises. We have been warned—and we must act accordingly.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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erenspussy420 · 1 year
Until your very end
Warning: My blog is nsfw, be aware if you click on my blog, This post however is not.
PART 1/?
Probably written as imagine series
Rating: Gen for everyone
Reader is not distinctly anyone, may lean towards feminine words as I am used to that.
Prompt: Reader is from a world, where no matter what stage of life you are, you see the Grim Reaper. Based on that Grim Reaper prank. 
In all your life, you have not once thought that crossing worlds to be a reality you face one day. Sure there are those 'true' odd cases of mysteriousness you grew up with and those tales of slips in the gaps
But not fully living in a world where magical people, fairies, mermaids and even animals who can speak back to you— to be real.
You were normal as can be. Average, and have no magic.
Nothing truly special about you- except one little thing. Something special from your world that all beings see.
Grim snores loudly in his sleep, his body round as loaf in your arms as you cradle him. The direcat, flickers his ears, the cute blue flames spark, warm as sunlight when it touches you. Before Grim's flames burned easily and marked your skin in glossy specks but now…it just loves you. His body is warm and soft as you both head home after waving good-bye to your friends. The first-years and yourself had thrown a small party together and after breaking food fights, sharing stories about their lives and about their dorm leaders– Vil and Malleus being the favorites despite varying reasons. 
To goad Sebek you even begin to join him and his one man crusade about Horton making the poor knight weep realizing he had an ally. Ace has never looked so betrayed. Of course a rallied Sebek gets louder and then Ace is loud and next thing you know a food fight starts, Epel climbing Jack like a tree– when Riddle breaks down the door and orders everyone out.
Even getting kicked out, you were laughing and waving good-bye to a bemused Trey and Cater.
You felt content.
You were so happy and alive.
Crossing by the plaza, where they had a map of the campus installed for future tourists, you pass it under the bright lamps. There was nothing extraordinary about it. Just plastic, and guides to the stadium and school grounds. Even your own little Ramshackle has its own spot. 
Perfectly normal. 
Nothing important.
Nothing except the grim reaper who trailed behind you.
Your heart hammers quickly, your arms hug Grim tightly enough he begins to yowl at you. Grim's complaints fall deaf on your ears as your body stays put, and your blood chills. The heavy thumps in your ribs make you want to vomit, but you don't. The night breeze felt like ice as sweat pours down your skin as you stare at the figure who looks back at you through the emptiness of his hood.
Grim wiggles in your arms, swiping at you to get your attention, his yowls now touching uncertainty.
"Henchman?" Grim paw hits your cheek but not once do you bat his hand away. Too focused ahead to look at him. Annoyed Grim follows your gaze and notices you're staring at the new map. Letting out a loud huff, he crawls onto your shoulder and under your chin,"Is that all! Sheesh, henchman you got me scared something bad was happening!"
Grim felt a mixture of annoyance and relief seeing you must have been dumbstruck at the sign. You find your voice.
"You don't see it?" You ask him, breathless.
"Of course I do!" You breathe in harshly thinking of course a magical direbeast—, Grim continues," Look! They finally put us on the map! That nut bird finally recognized us!"
Your heart drops. 
Of course….of course he doesn't see it. Your teeth clench enough you hear small pops in the jaws of your teeth. Helplessly thinking back to the party you had with your friends and no one has blinked at the figure behind you. 
Something you have been dreading to see for years just as everyone back home has.
Swallowing the lump of tears in your throat you pet Grim neck, the ribbon so graciously tied with his little own gem he proudly polished every day.
You taught him that.
You taught him how to polish and groom. 
Pulling Grim back into your arms you walk back down the lonely brick road."Let's have fish stew tonight." You tell him as glimpses of the figure trail behind you in the reflection of the street lamps.
"Oh!! Let's have tuna!" Grim outstretched paw touches your chin childishly," henchmen more meat! No veggies!"
"Okay no veggies, just for you," You tell him. In a second you kiss his head right between his fire ears.
"Gah! W-What was that for!" Grim said trying to sound upset but he ducks his head away, his body feeling much warmer. The flames rise giving away his embarrassment.
"Just felt like it," you tell him as you make it pass the gates of Ramshackle. It makes a heavy creaky noise as you shut it behind you, and no noise is made as you climb the stairs.
You left the lamp outside on, and looking into your reflection of the door's glass panel you see the figure right behind you. Not so close, but enough you know they are there.
"You're so weird," Grim grumbles as he snuggles into your chest.
"No, I just love you a lot." You breathe, your heart still thumping as you unlock your door, the key missing the door knob many times as you open it and go inside.
Turning to close it, the reaper is not there.
But in the reflection of the glass his scythe gleams.
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ivettel · 2 years
so with this weekend being the canadian gp, i'd like to take a moment and bring attention to the indigenous peoples who have suffered immensely at the hands of settler-colonizers on this land. (note that i'm only an ally, so if there are indigenous folks living in what's now considered montreal and/or quebec on f1blr, by all means please take the floor!)
canada is known for its cultural mosaic and for being the friendly country full of nice people who say aboot and use maple syrup with everything. our "origin story" is boring--conferences instead of a civil war? talk about a snoozefest in high school history. anyway, universal health care, moose, hockey, french, et cetera (/sarcasm). so it's understandable that people buy into the propaganda! even most canadians are proud of this image.
but beneath the surface, i think our propaganda is just as, if not more, insidious than that of the united states (our closest and most comparable neighbour). the truth is, canada is complicit in attempted genocide. around this time last year, the bodies of 215 indigenous children were unearthed from a residential school in BC. there are thousands of unmarked graves where residential schools were.
but this isn't history; this is now. the last residential school closed in 1997. still, indigenous peoples in saskatoon are given "starlight tours" where police take them to the middle of nowhere to freeze to their deaths; our laws are such that indigenous peoples and their families cannot claim indian status and gain any benefits if they marry a non-indigenous person; reserves are without basic resources like access to potable water and nigh on unlivable; the rcmp have killed inuit sled dogs; funding to indigenous initiatives has repeatedly been denied by the government; and so, so much more that would take more than a text post on tumblr to convey the horrors of.
montreal, originally tiohtià:ke, is on unceded kanien’kehá:ka territory, which is part of the haudenosaunee nation. it's land under the hiawatha wampum belt and the dish with one spoon agreement, which together promote peace, unity, and responsibility to the land. the dish with one spoon in particular speaks to how we only have one dish--that's earth--and we should only take what we need, leaving resources for others while keeping the earth clean.
as far as being actionable, i can't give a definitive, be-all end-all list of things you can do. but if you're going to the grand prix, i at least recommend trying out the following:
PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF. honour the agreement! we're usually pretty good at about recycling and sorting garbage, and though i've never been to the circuit, i would honestly be surprised if there weren't green bins and paper and plastic recycling along with regular garbage bins. (nb if ur gonna try canadian things: tim hortons coffee cups are NOT recyclable, but their ice capp/frozen drink cups are!)
educate yourself! i'll link a couple sites below where you can get started, but for an introduction, i cannot recommend chelsea vowel's indigenous writes enough. it's a fantastically written guide to first nations, métis, and inuit issues in canada, and it's fairly recent too!
start following indigenous activism!!! for starters and to learn a little bit of the history, you can read up on the idle no more movement.
if you have questions or want to know more, i've got some pdfs and other recommended reading, but really you can learn a lot by going down rabbit holes. again, if someone who is actually indigenous wants to speak on this, i will gladly step aside!
some starter links:
tiotià:ke - réseau de la communauté autochtone à montréal
"Learn about the Land and Peoples of Tiohtià:ke/ Montreal" - mcgill
215 bodies - the guardian
residential schools - ubc indigenous foundations
the indian act - ubc indigenous foundations
orange shirt society / every child matters
60s scoop - ubc indian residential school history and dialogue centre
national centre for truth and reconciliation
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damnamour · 2 years
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insane4fandoms · 1 year
Back with one more for today! And we gained an ally? (Or did we?) @crazy-obsessed-enby @neons-trash-blog
You got saved by Riding Hood (Played by Pamela Horton), and need to fall back to get to the others and away from one of the bounty hunters.
Take a guess on who Hansel and Gretel, Rumplestiltskin, and Hatter are. I’ll give you a hint:
Who loves being the more insane characters, who is one who can change reality, and who gives out sibling energy?
Would you choose:
“We need to help Mark!”
“Okay, let’s meet them up!”
Also I may or may not be referencing some OUAT with this whole series lol, and I gotta admit, Pam as Red makes my heart go 😫💕
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kaceyrps · 2 years
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bannersbylinda · 2 years
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#Challie #Days
  07/29/22 episode
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readingsquotes · 6 months
Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions in an October attack in southern Lebanon that injured at least nine civilians in what a rights group says should be investigated as a war crime, according to a Washington Post analysis of shell fragments found in a small village. A journalist working for The Post found remnants of three 155-millimeter artillery rounds fired into Dheira, near the border of Israel, which incinerated at least four homes, residents said. The rounds, which eject felt wedges saturated with white phosphorous that burns at high temperatures, produce billowing smoke to obscure troop movements as it falls haphazardly over a wide area. Its contents can stick to skin, causing potentially fatal burns and respiratory damage, and its use near civilian areas could be prohibited under international humanitarian law. Of the nine injured in Israel’s attack on Dheira, at least three were hospitalized, one for days. Lot production codes found on the shells match the nomenclature used by the U.S. military to categorize domestically produced munitions, which show they were made by ammunition depots in Louisiana and Arkansas in 1989 and 1992. The light green color and other markings — like “WP” printed on one of the remnants — are consistent with white phosphorous rounds, according to arms experts. .... The United States is under an obligation to track the behavior of its partners and allies who receive its assistance in order to comply with U.S. law, humanitarian law experts said. The use of white phosphorus is restricted under such international law because fire and smoke can be spread to populated areas, according to rights groups. “The fact that U.S.-produced white phosphorus is being used by Israel in south Lebanon should be of great concern to U.S. officials,” Tirana Hassan, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, wrote in an email. “[Congress] should take reports of Israel’s use of white phosphorus seriously enough to reassess U.S. military aid to Israel.” The United States is not conducting real-time assessments of Israel’s adherence to the laws of war, Biden administration officials said. A U.S. defense official said they were aware of reports about the attack, described in part by Amnesty International, which concluded the incident should be investigated as a war crime.
Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus in Lebanon attack
By William Christou, 
Alex Horton and 
Meg Kelly
December 11, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST
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equallyshaw · 1 year
would u make a insta edit for bedard?
OC Bedard Twin:
- because he is a minor, I won’t be doing a romantic one.
- and Thankyou for the request- please send in more !!!
@kbedard has posted on private insta story:
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@kent.Johnson has replied to sorry: this has me absolutely dead 💀💀
@masonmactavish: HE SAID SEE U LATER BOY
@masonmactavish: SHE DAID HES A SKATER BOY
@connorbedard: maybe I’ll dye it just piss u off
@kbedard: ohhhhh mom will be pissed
@owenpowers: happy bday to my fav twin 🙅🏻‍♀️
@kbedard: 🥲🥲
@bestfriend: love love love. Blonde Connor was such an era
@kbedard: omg I know !!!
@lhughes_06: youre a bedard ??? I think ur the most famous person in Ann Arbor.
@kbedard: 💀💀💀 bro u already know lol
(His comment is sarcasm and yes she goes to michigan- she’s a smart ally and skipped a grade)
@ethanedwards: 🥳🥳🥳🥳
@colbydach: surfer con
@adamfantilli: I wanna go to cali w the Bedards :(
@kbedard: you and Luca are always welcome !!
@connorbedard has posted to his private insta story
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@kbedard: OMG I HATE U
@connorbedard: also you committed a crime dawg
@kbedard: unpopular opinion: dunks is better than hortons 😌
@connorbedard: Canadian citizenship revoked🫡
@kentjohnson: her hair looks like a wig in the last piccc
@connorbedard: 😭😭 she won’t be happy about that comment
@ethandelmastro: hehe
@connorbedard: HehEHehE
@colbydach: smartest kid eh? Woulda thought that would have been her 💀
@coltondach: 😘😘😘😘
Hope you guys enjoyed!!!
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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Michael de Adder, Washington Post :: [Robert Scott Horton]
* * * *
Letters From An American
Tonight, just before midnight, the state of Georgia indicted former president Donald J. Trump and 18 others for multiple crimes committed in that state as they tried to steal the 2020 presidential election. A special-purpose grand jury made up of citizens in Fulton County, Georgia, examined evidence and heard from 75 witnesses in the case, and issued a report in January that recommended indictments. A regular grand jury took the final report of the special grand jury into consideration and brought an indictment.  
“Trump and the other Defendants charged in this Indictment refused to accept that Trump lost” the 2020 presidential election, the indictment reads, ”and they knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump. That conspiracy contained a common plan and purpose to commit two or more acts of racketeering activity in Fulton County, Georgia, elsewhere in the State of Georgia, and in other states.” 
The indictment alleges that those involved in the “criminal enterprise” “constituted a criminal organization whose members and associates engaged in various related criminal activities including, but not limited to, false statements and writings, impersonating a public officer, forgery, filing false documents, influencing witnesses, computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, conspiracy to defraud the state, acts involving theft, and perjury.” 
That is, while claiming to investigate voter fraud, they allegedly committed election fraud. 
And that effort has run them afoul of a number of laws, including the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, which is broader than federal anti-racketeering laws and carries a mandatory five-year prison term. 
Those charged fall into several categories. Trump allies who operated out of the White House include lawyers Rudy Giuliani (who recently conceded in a lawsuit that he lied about Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss having stuffed ballot boxes),  John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, Jenna Ellis, and Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. 
Those operating in Georgia to push the scheme to manufacture a false slate of Trump electors to challenge the real Biden electors include lawyer Ray Stallings Smith III, who tried to sell the idea to legislators; Philadelphia political operative Michael Roman; former Georgia Republican chair David James Shafer, who led the fake elector meeting; and Shawn Micah Tresher Still, currently a state senator, who was the secretary of the fake elector meeting. 
Those trying to intimidate election worker and witness Ruby Freeman include Stephen Cliffgard Lee, a police chaplain from Illinois; Harrison William Prescott Floyd, executive director of Black Voices for Trump; and Trevian C. Kutti, a publicist for the rapper formerly known as Kanye West. 
Those allegedly stealing data from the voting systems in Coffee County, Georgia, and spreading it across the country in an attempt to find weaknesses in the systems that might have opened the way to fraud include Trump lawyer Sidney Powell; former Coffee County Republican Committee chair Cathleen Alston Latham; businessman Scott Graham Hall; and Coffee County election director Misty Hampton, also known as Emily Misty Hayes.  
The document also referred to 30 unindicted co-conspirators.
Trump has called the case against him in Georgia partisan and launched a series of attacks on Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Today, Willis told a reporter who asked about Trump’s accusations of partisanship: “I make decisions in this office based on the facts and the law. The law is completely nonpartisan. That's how decisions are made in every case. To date, this office has indicted, since I’ve been sitting as the district attorney, over 12,000 cases. This is the eleventh RICO indictment. We follow the same process. We look at the facts. We look at the law. And we bring charges."
The defendants have until noon on August 25 to surrender themselves to authorities.
Letters From An American
Heather Cox Richardson
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