#Alessandra stathos
graaaaaayy · 2 months
are most some of my favourite characters morally grey murderers and criminals ? Yes
will I still continue to defend their every action ? Also yes. Leave ‘em alone they’re going thru some stuff.
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romajuliettemai · 8 months
My favorite books are the types where the male mc is an absolute himbo simp and the female mc is a badass I-can-kill-you hot af assassin/murderer bitch ❤️
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shrooomp · 2 years
ruthless women ready to go on a killing spree as soon as someone disrespects their husbands gotta be my favorite gender
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coming-of-age-witch · 2 years
Alessandra sthatos : schemes against a guy (simps on him)
Jude Duarte : schemes against a guy (simps on him)
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throne-of-starlight · 2 years
“You didn’t really know me,” I say. “If you had, you’d know I’ve already killed for love once before.”
-The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller
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euemeuslivros · 1 year
Ela não é nem de longe a mocinha e ele definitivamente não é o vilão
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Título: Coroa de Sombras Autora: Tricia Levenseller Classificação: +16 Avaliação: ★★★★★
Lançado em 2022, Coroa de Sombras é o primeiro romance da escritora Tricia Levenseller a ser traduzido para o português. A autora é conhecida por seus best-sellers dos gêneros fantasia e romance para jovens adultos. Chegando no Brasil através da editora Planeta Minotauro que vem trazendo lançamentos que estão rapidamente conquistando o público, tais como: A Canção de Aquiles, Promessas Vazias, Sombra e Ossos, entre outros. O livro conta com pouco menos de trezentas páginas divididas em trinta capítulos narrados em primeira pessoa. Os capítulos são curtos e focam o tempo todo nos sentimentos e ações da personagem principal.
Dentro deste livro somos apresentados a Alessandra Stathos, uma mulher que por ser a segunda filha nunca teve prioridade nas decisões que o pai tomava para ela, sua mãe faleceu a muito tempo então a única pessoa com quem ela pode contar é consigo mesma. Cansada de ser subestimada, Alessandra decide colocar em ação um plano um tanto quanto ambicioso, ela pretende cortejar o Rei das Sombras, casar-se com ele e então matá-lo para usurpar o trono. Ela está disposta a fazer o possível e o impossível para conquistar seu lugar no mundo e sua ambição logo é recompensada quando após um baile o próprio Rei a convida para fazer parte de sua corte.
Ela acredita ter conquistado a afeição do Rei, mas ele tem planos diferentes para ela, e aparentemente, Alessandra não é a única pessoa querendo matá-lo para conquistar o reino. Ela e o Rei passam a se encontrar em jantares e bailes, tem conversas longas durante as madrugadas e parece que quanto mais ela o conhece, mais ele e Alessandra se aproximam, mas essa proximidade parece fazer com que o coração de Alessandra fique indeciso com relação a seu plano inicial. Mas nem tudo são flores, quando tudo parece ir bem, os fantasmas do passado de Alessandra parecem frequentemente voltar para atormentá-la, sejam antigos amores, seus pecados ou até mesmo sua família tentando atrapalhar seus objetivos.
Coroa de Sombras se prova uma fantasia ao mesmo tempo profunda, intrigante e frenética. A construção de mundo não é objetivo principal da autora, o foco é na personagem principal, em seus sonhos e desejos e como ela pretende lutar para que eles se concretizem, mas nem por isso ela deixa de desenvolver bem os demais personagens, principalmente o Rei. Temos vários personagens adoráveis e na mesma proporção temos pessoas odiosas ao longo da história. Cheio de intrigas, reviravoltas e críticas sociais, principalmente no que diz respeito aos direitos das mulheres em um período que pode ser tido como medieval.
Alessandra é nesse meio uma inspiração, indomável e independente, uma mulher que se destaca não só por sua beleza, mas também por ser fiel a si mesma e insistir para conquistar aquilo que almeja, ela e o Rei se tornam um casal notável, tendo em vista que apesar das diferenças, se complementam de uma forma surpreendente. Sem dúvidas o ponto alto da história é a reviravolta final, chocante e imprevisível seriam as melhores palavras para definir essa experiência.
A obra é de fato envolvente e apesar de ter adorado a história, não a divulgaria como um romance entre inimigos que se tornam amantes, pois não é. Creio que muitas pessoas iniciaram a leitura com essa expectativa e eventualmente acabaram se frustrando. Posso finalizar dizendo que recomendo a leitura e que minha única tristeza é o fato de que esse livro acaba, me apeguei tanto aos personagens principais que definitivamente gostaria se ter mais dos dois, mas ao mesmo tempo consigo afirmar que a autora conseguiu criar uma história que se encerra muito bem, sem deixar pontas soltas e com o fim de todos os personagens muito bem encaminhado, sem dúvidas uma ótima opção para quem busca uma fantasia de volume único.
Resenha por: Martha Cristina IG: @eu.e.meus.livros
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slowburnreader · 9 months
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Stars: ★★★
It felt like the author was going up a mountain on a safari jeep, with all of us readers cheering in the back and then suddenly she turned the steering wheel and settled on a paved trafficked route. With a good view, but I preferred the adventurous one. 
This book is confusing. Don’t trust the first line and don’t trust the Slytherin thing. I thought it was going to be a fantasy with a good romance but it turned out to be a romance with some fantasy elements.  
Half my fault, I had the wrong expectation, but even though we still have problems, Houston.
You find the full incredibly long review on my blog: https://slowburnreaderblog.wordpress.com/
(or click the image)
Have you read this book? What you think?
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waldensblog · 1 year
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The Shadows Between Us: Literary Parallels and Fancast
Alessandra plans to woo the Shadow King, marry him, and kill him, becoming Queen of six kingdoms and counting. The novel is described as a “Slytherin Romance”, but I noticed some other literary parallels.
The first one that jumped out to me was Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. Alessandra cannot marry until her elder sister does, but contrary to Shakespeare’s play, Alessandra is the “shrew” - the one who does not follow the codes of her society and does as she pleases. Unlike the play, nobody “tames” Alessandra, however. 
The second literary parallel I found is “Les Liasions Dangereuses”. Alessandra is a cunning, power-hungry woman who exudes confidence and enjoys sex, very much like la Marquise de Merteuil in the novel, or Kathryn Merteuil in the popular adaption, Cruel Intentions. The similarities I found between La Marquise/Kathryn and Alessandra made it so that as I read the novel, I was basically picturing Sarah Michelle Gellar in the role. 
The third literary parallel is probably a very obvious one. The Shadow King. The man who is literally made of and controls his own shadows, who is tall, dark and handsome, a sharp jaw, etc. From the book’s description, you can already see a link to the Darkling, and I know I’m not the first one to point it out. All the same, because of the obvious Darkling parallel, I was picturing Ben Barnes in the role. 
I know Sarah and Ben are technically too old to play them in an adaption, but I think they would 100% be perfect for it and I would very much be at that movie on opening night. 
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incandlescentshop · 1 year
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kallias maheras Coffee Mug by InCandleScent
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stxrslisten · 13 hours
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a study.
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full name : nyx penumbra
name meaning : deadly night, embodiment of the night, night
nicknames : the witch, little nyx ( a lifetime ago )
epithets : the witch of nightmares
titles : third in command in gaea
gender / pronouns : cis woman / she/her
sexuality : biromantic
date of birth : on the twenty four day of the first month
age : thirty-two going on three hundred and two
zodiac : aquarius
place of birth : allyrian camp, the night court, prythian
species : half high fae, half allyrian
languages : common tongue, holy tongue
allegiance : gaea, the royal family, herself
faceclaim : melisa pamuk
height : 5′9″
eye color : silver
hair color : raven black
dominant hand : right hand
abilities : immortality, winnowing, heightened senses, conjure and manipulate nightmares, flying ( previously )
weaknesses : vulnerable to certain magic attacks, individuals with higher level of magic, burn out
positive traits : disciplined & courageous
negative traits : resentful & calculative
hobbies : hand to hand combat, training, sword fighting, archery, sparring
charcater inspiration : calaena sardothien, amren, narcissa black, alessandra stathos, morgan le fay
parents : late war lord arsenio penumbra & lady onora antumbra
siblings : war lord utp penumbra, lady utp antumbra, lord utp antumbra
extended family : n/a
spouse : late lady cielle meeri
children : n/a
born from an affair between an illyrian general and a high fae lady from the court of night, a married lady whom already had a family of her own. unfortunately for nyx her mother does not survive the birth of a half illyrian babe, leaving her alone with a father who never wanted her to begin with. the man hated everything the little babe represented, a woman who he believe to be weaker and a half breed.
nyx had an older brother from her fathers first marriage whom she grew up with, the boy although he was only a few years older than her always tried to be the buffer between father and daughter. always tried to distract the man. not having their father's attention was always best.
even though he did not believe nyx would sum up to anything he forced her to train from a very young age, sometimes she felt he did it to punish her. as if she was the one to blame for have been born, and born a woman nonetheless. but she harden like a good warrior. sometimes when she showed progress she could almost see pride in her fathers eyes, but it never truly shown throuhg.
it was a surprise, not just to herself but to her father and brother when she began to move up the ranks of the camps. although nothing she could do would compare to the success of her brother, at least she wasn't looked down like a bother, at least she could pull her own weight.
she had gone to scope the human lands in orders of their high lord, see how the humans were fairing, gather information and things of the sort. that's when she met her, the most gentle woman of bright red hair and eyes as green as the threes in spring. she was taken by her almost instantly in a way she had never know she could, and she relished in it. she escaped there to see her any chance she could, any second she could manage. she was far too in love when she realized an immortal should not love a human.
nyx had planned to take her to the cauldron, if she was made fae they could truly be together. but she did not counted with her father finding out, his already shameful daughter had fallen in love with a human, the kind he detested the most. when nyx had taken her lover to the cauldron they had almost made it, almost however wasn't it making it.
her intersect them, fury in his eyes and going straight for the kill. nyx did everything she could, she was a good fighter but she could never do anything against her father's wrath. by the end of it nyx had lost everything she had ever cared for, her love, her father, and her wings. nyx managed to deliver the final blow to her father filled by the rage of losing her other half, but he had already destroyed her wings and she knew she would never fly again.
she never returned to the camp, nor night court soil. her heart blackened and hardened, she wondered from place to place for years before she settled in the court. at first she had been taken in by the king, but it had been his queen whom had stolen her loyalty without hesitation.
nyx misses flying quite a lot but there is nothing anyone can do for her wings. she has them mostly strapped to her back at all times, although with her being half fae she has mastered hiding them away which she opts for most of the time.
she has sworn off every emotion, and although she is really good at pretending the girl feels too much too strongly.
even in the illyrian camps she was often called a witch, something she enjoyed and has embraced even in the capital.
half older brother; he always tried to protect her from their father, even though her temperament never helped much, she hasn't seen him since the dark day she confronted her father and only she walked away.
half siblings on her mother side; nyx has always known they existed but has never met them, how they feel about her and her origin is upt.
old friends; from the night court, from the camps, or even from the human realms or someone who knew her late beloved
flings; self explanatory, she has a heart of stone but she ain't death
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graaaaaayy · 2 months
just finished The Shadows Between us. Tricia Levenseller has done it again. I’ve heard critiques about her work not having good plot or conflict but everyone needs a light and easy read from time to time that you can just enough without stress or suspense ( or well, too much of it ) and her books are perfect for that
I’m not entirely sure I’m making sense at the moment, I slept for a grand total of 35 minutes in the past 24 hours. But yeah, 8.7/10. Sometimes I feel like stabbing people too, Alessandra
Watching Kallias and Alessandra slowly fall for each other while being in denial about it was actually so entertaining
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tojixzenins · 2 years
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The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller
"Who in the world would steal and then not keep the riches for themselves? That’s just bad business."
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yukiwawasworld · 2 years
Kallias when Alessandra told him she killed her first lover:
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zelenasherwood · 2 years
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lit: the shadows between us
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑼𝒔 🖤🏰
✍🏽: 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
Get the book! 🌟
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
“You know,” Kallias says, his voice dropping a little, “I wouldn’t blame you if you left.”  “Left?”  “The palace. Being close to me puts you in danger, too. You don’t have to stay. I would never force you to remain here.”  I turn my neck, but he won’t meet my eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re not facing this alone.” Besides, when I’m queen, people will be trying to kill me anyway. Might as well get used to it now.
The Shadows between Us (Tricia Levenseller)
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