#Adjustable pedals
bullseyereview2it · 1 year
Discover the Best Racing Wheels for the PlayStation 5 in 2023: Elevate Your Racing Game Experience
Discover the Best Racing Wheels for the PlayStation 5 in 2023: Elevate Your Racing Game Experience
Top 5 Racing Wheels for the PlayStation 5 in 2023 When it comes to racing games on the PlayStation 5, having a good steering wheel can make all the difference in terms of immersion and gameplay. While there are many options on the market, we’ve rounded up the best all-round wheels for the PS5 to help you find the perfect fit for your setup. Best all-round wheel for PS5 Logitech G923 – Amazon…
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rapidhighway · 1 year
leg hurt
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 years
I had to take my dad’s truck to work today and I felt comically small. And yet So Tall. Like I was looking down at everyone and yet I was also like a tiny toddler.
It was also fun to play my sad girl moody rainy playlists. That felt like a fun dissonance. My dad has very typical dad music tastes, I feel like his truck just needed a sad girl music day.
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fagdykebassboy · 8 months
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look at her.
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niconiconwo · 8 months
And They Don't Stop Coming And They Don't Stop Coming And They Don't Stop Coming And They Don't Stop Coming And They-
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misskamelie · 1 year
Driving is much fun! I might understand why americans are obsessed with it
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tunatoge · 10 months
pairing: s. gojo x reader | next part >
when megumi asks gojo to teach him how to ride a bike, he panics–how would he teach a kid how to ride a bike when he doesn’t know how to ride one either? instead of admitting that, however, gojo goes out and buys a kids’ bike with training wheels, reassuring megumi that ‘of course he knows how to ride a bike, he’s the best cyclist in the world’! megumi doubts him the moment gojo’s confident facade falls and he eyes the bike weirdly. 
you’re in the bath at your small apartment when gojo calls you, saying he desperately needs you. you immediately jump out of the tub and dry yourself as you attempt to simultaneously throw on your uniform. when you get to gojo’s place, you quickly look around in fear that something is wrong only to find little megumi and tsumiki crowded around a gaudy blue bike. megumi looks up at you, a bike helmet a size too big pulled over his messy hair. 
“are you going to teach me how to ride a bike?” he asks as he scratches at the velcro straps on his knee pads. 
everything clicks into place when gojo comes around the corner with unnecessary biking equipment piled high in his arms. you grit your teeth. of course gojo would ask you to teach megumi how to ride a bike, you and suguru were the only ones who knew how to ride one in the first place. you didn’t think it was too useful of a skill when you and your classmates were younger, especially after the young gojo clan head had called you a country bumpkin for knowing how to ride a bike, but you suppose it was important enough that gojo would deliberately go out of his way to get you to teach a kid how to bike. 
as gojo deposits everything in his arms, you crouch down to megumi’s height with a smile on your face, pushing your still wet hair out of your eyes. you reach forward and adjust megumi’s helmet. 
“how long have you been biking with training wheels?” you ask, pulling the helmet straps a little tighter and clipping them into place. 
megumi purses his lips as he looks away to think. “a few weeks,” he says, “i want to be the first one in my grade to know how to ride a bike without training wheels, though.” you let out a little laugh as megumi tucks his chin away from you, his cheeks a soft pink. 
“alright, megumi, i’ll make sure that you’re the first person in your grade to ride a bike.” you extend your pinky towards him, “i pinky promise,” you say, tilting your head with a bright smile. megumi shyly links his pinky with yours as your smile widens. 
teaching megumi how to ride a bike is hard. gojo hovers over your shoulder as you run behind megumi as he pedals on his bike, watching with a small unhidden grimace every single time you let go of the back of the blue bike and tell megumi to ‘keep going’! not only does having gojo next to you make it significantly harder to instruct megumi, but you also have to listen to him attempt to console and give wrong advice to the kid. 
you groan outwardly as megumi topples over on his bike a few feet away from you. as gojo begins to walk towards him, you bring your arm up and block him. 
“satoru,” you warn, “if you continue to give megumi wrong advice again i will fucking punch you.” you turn towards him and glare sharply. “let me do this.” 
you walk towards megumi and gojo falters, watching as you take the boy into your arms and pat the dirt off of him and make sure his knee pads are on tightly. the evening wind blows through your and megumi’s hair as you crouch down and pick up the ugly, scratched bike and help megumi settle back onto it. tsumiki stands up from the park bench she’s seated at and makes her way towards gojo, watching as you and megumi begin to race even further down the park’s bicycle only section. you let go and cheer loudly as megumi finally gets the hang of it, jumping up and down before bounding after him as he bikes around and around. 
“i like them,” tsumiki tells gojo, letting gojo reach down and pull her hair out of her face as the wind begins to pick up even more.
“me too,” he admits softly, watching you and megumi turn around, listening as your and megumi’s elated laughter fills the empty park.
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gardengirl222 · 2 months
thinking about rafe, topper, and kelce, helping to teach you how to drive….
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you were about to be gifted a pretty new car for your birthday but you still didn’t know how to drive so the boys said they’d help teach you! you stood in the shade picking at your nails as the boys planned an easy enough route for you to practice on without hitting anything or anyone. 
“can we get going pleaseee, you guys can trust me- i read a car manual once, i know how things work….”
“fine, we should be alright i guess…” rafe mumbles as he opens the drivers side car door for you to hop in, he sticks out his hand for you to grab to help you climb into his truck. with rafe in the passenger seat next you, top and kelce in the back you put on the seat belt and place your hands onto the steering wheel to wait for instructions. 
“i can’t believe you are lettin' her use your car man.” kelce shakes his head with wide eyes 
“it’s better than lettin’er practice in one of yours, mine the safest one if anything were to happen.” rafe turns his head back to you “j’us don’t crash…kay?”
“mmhm…how do i start?”
rafe, with his tendency to stress easily, guiding you through the basics of starting the car and adjusting the mirrors. his hands grip on the steering wheel as he instructs you like a child to put your foot on the brake pedal.
"kay, slow and steady now babydoll" rafe says, his voice stern yet soft, letting go of the wheel so you could try keeping it straight. "we don't want to accelerate too quickly, jus' easeee onto the gas...not too much!" you press down on the pedal with your foot as the car moves forward a few inches then breaks suddenly causing everyone in the car to jolt forward. 
“jesus!!…” topper breathes out, both him and kelce then grip onto the handles on the inside roof of the car.
"oh god, i'm sorry!" you wince
“s’alright s’fine just try- try again…” topper encourages as you place your foot back on the gas pedal again
slowly you start to get the hang of it, cruising slowly down the street at a decent pace, everyone seems to be relaxed as you are gaining confidence behind the wheel. then your phone starts to ring, you look down to were you set it down near the cup-holders which causes you to lose a little control of where you are going and makes the car swerve slightly and speed up. 
“EYES ON THE ROAD!” they all shout boyishly, panicked and clearly stressed. rafe’s hand flies out in front of you to emphasize its importance.
“that might be kie, can i get it?” 
“NO!!!” they all shout again
“jeez, ohkay!”
kelce mutters little prayers under his breath "please, let us survive this.” you let out a nervous yelp when up ahead you see a squirrel just chilling in the middle of the road.
“what do i do!”
“JUST SLOW DOWN!” “EYES ON THE ROAD!” the boys shout overlapping their panicked voices, you scream and squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head away.
“NO HEY! DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY!?” rafe shouts all rambly
“ohkay!” you hit the breaks just before the squirrel scampers off up a tree.
“ALRIGHT OUT.” rafe commands, pushing his hair back out of his face, then unbuckling you. “I’m driving the way back, switch.”
as rafe gets out of the passenger seat and rounds the hood of the car to get into the driver seat as you climb over the armrests to get to your new seat. 
“jesus kid…you know what?...you wanna go somewhere in your new car? call me and i’ll take you wherever you wanna go….s’dangerous havin' you out on the roads like this.” rafe huffs as he starts the car again.
“we almost died!” topper lets scoff almost in disbelief at how things took a turn.
“I got slightly distracted! wasn’my fault.”
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i luvvvv the kook trio
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sunnebeam · 10 months
"i was hoping i wouldn't have to resort to this."
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
plot: the (mis)adventures of retired gangster min yoongi as he leaves behind the life of the mafia and navigates the way of the househusband.
warnings: the way of the househusband au, marriage au, crack, domesticity, yoongi unintentionally scares people
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: go on tell me d-day!yoongi isn't tatsu I DARE YOU 😤 btw u don't need to watch the way of the househusband before reading this, but i swear u won't regret it if u do lol it's so funny (and it gives great visuals for this fic!). anyways, enjoy!! i'd love to hear ur thoughts so drop by my askbox and let's chat :)
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Water drips down his neck as he washes his face. Droplets fall down his tattooed back, tracing the meticulous lines and bold colors that contrast his pale skin.
After rinsing and drying off, he dons on his outfit for the day – a fitted, white, short-sleeved shirt that shows off the intricate tattoos on both his arms and some black sweatpants – and puts on his signature apron – a beige, cotton apron with a drawing of his brown poodle on the front. Said poodle is staring at him from the bathroom door as he takes one last look at the mirror.
An old, bumpy scar runs down his right eye.
"Perfect," he says to himself before heading to the kitchen with his dog following right behind.
Min Yoongi never used to wake up this early. But these days, he wakes up bright and early at six o'clock because he has an important assignment.
"What do you think, Holly? Too big?"
The poodle barks in response, and taking its opinion into consideration, Yoongi adjusts his gimbap slices accordingly, making them a tad bit smaller and just the perfect size for your lunchbox.
The door to your shared bedroom opens and you run out, already dressed in your corporate attire. You run to the kitchen where your husband is and get a huge glass of water.
"I'm late!" you screech, all while gulping down the whole glass.
"But you still have a few hours," he points out in confusion.
"I forgot I have an early meeting!" you explain in a hurry, putting on your heels before giving your husband a big smooch on the lips and blowing Holly a kiss. "Sorry, Yoonie! I'll see you later!"
And you're out the door.
Yoongi blinks for a few moments before shaking his head. He's chuckling in amusement at your mishap, but if any outsider hears his laughter, it just sounds a bit manic.
"Well, looks like it's just you and me, Holly."
Holly barks.
"Huh? What was that?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi stares at the poodle, then at your Hello Kitty lunchbox he meticulously prepared, then back at the poodle.
"She forgot her lunchbox?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi snaps into action, securing the lunchbox and putting it inside a Hello Kitty cloth bag before running out the door with his cute apron still on. He mounts his bicycle and speeds towards your office – which, if he was driving a car, would have broken numerous traffic regulations but luckily he isn't a stranger to breaking a law or two.
He's almost to your office. He's halfway there.
But unfortunately, there's a bit of a situation.
"What's your occupation, sir?"
The two police officers stare at him hesitantly after flagging him down for pedalling too fast with his bicycle. They're debating on giving him a ticket but then Yoongi answers.
They stare at him.
Yoongi sighs. At this rate, he won't be able to catch you before you clock in.
"Wait a second," one of the officers says, eyeing the tattoos peeking out from Yoongi's shirt and the big scar on his eye. "Are you..."
They stare at the name on the ticket. Min Yoongi.
"...Agust D?"
No way, the other officer thinks. There's a rumor about an infamous gangster called Agust D who used to slaughter his enemies with his own two hands. This guy can't be him. Right? Right?!
They hold a breath when Yoongi reaches into his pocket.
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this," he murmurs.
"Wait, sir. There's no need for violence—"
"Here," Yoongi shuts them up by thrusting one of his most precious possessions.
A gift card for discounts at the local grocery store.
The police officers stare at the gift card, bewildered.
"As much as it pains me to let go of this," Yoongi continues, "take it. Now, I have to go."
And he pedals away, leaving behind one gift card and two very confused cops.
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pianistbynight · 2 years
Ofc typical me writes posts she completely forgets to click "post" on... XD From the first days I attempted ballade no 1...which I have decided to set aside for later after a couple days of technical blocks that felt like they would take too long to overcome... (I did learn some valuable things from the experience tho so it wasn't a complete waste I guess):
Was itching to play with both hands, and maybe this was a bad idea but I had this (Chopin ballade no 1) stuck in my head on-and-off these past...many days since I first heard it as part of the your lie in april soundtrack. So...this is probably gonna be a pretty shoddy first attempt since I have never ever ever dared to seriously dive into a virtuosic piece before and my finger's not completely healed yet so I'm trying to minimize using it while I practice...
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awfcspencer · 3 months
Pedals and Promises || alexia putellas x reader
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prompt: Teaching your daughter to ride with no training wheels
warnings: none!
The sun hung high in the sky casting a warm glow over the suburban neighborhood where you and Alexia stood at the edge of the sidewalk. Your daughter, Sophia, stood beside her new shiny pink bicycle, her eyes wide with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she bounced on her toes. 
Your daughter had been begging to the two of you to teach her how to ride her bike without her training wheels for weeks, claiming that she was a big girl, and she no longer needed the extra assistance. This of course sent Alexia into a major panic for two reasons. One, she wasn’t ready to accept that your baby girl was growing up, and two, her brain immediately pictured Sophia’s small body falling off the bike and getting injured. 
You had accompanied Alexia and Sophia to the bike shop where you let her pick out a new helmet and knee pads after Alexia insisted she needed them before she even looked at the bike. She picked out a pink set that matched her bike and boasted about how excited she was to be a big girl, which only hit at Alexia’s heart more. But the additional protection only helped soothe Alexia’s nerves slightly. 
“What if we just wrap her in bubble wrap and tape and place pillows on the sidewalk?” Alexia said on the drive home. She had been ushering out several ideas to help safeguard your daughter from the “grave danger” she was about to be in. You, of course, found her concern adorable, it was something you had experienced through pregnancy and every step of Sophia’s childhood. Alexia was a protector at heart, it was what had even initially attracted you to the midfielder. So as soon as Sophia started rambling about no training wheels, you knew it was going to send your poor wife into a panic.
“Ale, she is six, the worst thing that will happen if she falls off is maybe pavement burn. She will be okay baby.” You tried to calm the brunette, placing your hand on her thigh while she drove. “Plus, we will be right by her side if anything does occur, god forbid.” You peeked to the back of the car where you saw Sophia holding her tiny new helmet in her hands, patiently waiting to arrive home. Her little legs kicked with anticipation as she looked out the window.
She really was a mixture of the two of you, she had a combination of Alexia’s eyes and hair and your nose and mouth. Her beaming personality was all Alexia though. The terrible twos when Sophia first began speaking felt like you were personally raising a little Alexia, her first word not being Mommy or Mama, but instead was “No”. 
“Are you ready for this, Sophia? You can say no if you want and we can go inside and play with dolls or watch television or build a pillow fort,” Alexia asked, crouching down to Sophia’s eye level on the sidewalk, trying to say anything to get her off this deathtrap that Alexia convinced herself it was instead of just a tiny pink bicycle. 
Sophia shook her head, her small hands gripping the handlebars tightly. “I am a big girl. I want to ride with no wheels, Mommy!” She stomped her left foot on the ground as she began to get impatient at Alexia’s attempts to get her off the bike.
You couldn’t help but smile at the scene, feeling a mix of pride and excitement. Sophia had been eagerly awaiting this day, it was all she had spoken about the past few days. Alexia had been busy with training and you with work, so today was the first day the two of you had time to teach her.
“You know she gets her determination from you Ale.” Placing a soft hand on Alexia’s tense shoulders as you moved to Sophia’s other side. “Okay, sweetie, remember what we practiced,” you reminded her, adjusting her helmet to ensure it was secure. You of course took safety just as seriously as the next person, but you were firm in the fact that this was not a hazard nor dangerous activity, it was just a bike after all. 
Sophia nodded. “I remember, Mama. Keep my eyes forward and my feet on the pedals.”
“That’s right,” Alexia chimed in, giving Sophia an encouraging smile that tried to mask the sheer panic she felt. “And if you feel wobbly, just keep pedaling. You’ve got this.” You both placed a kiss on both sides of her cheeks and Alexia took her hand off the back of the seat that she had placed a death grip on incase for any reason Sophia changed her mind. 
With Sophia’s confidence bolstered by your words of encouragement, she took a deep breath and pushed off from the sidewalk, her tiny feet pedaling furiously beneath her. Her head stationed upwards to help keep her balance. 
“You’re doing great, Sophia!” You called out, watching her with pride. “See Ale, I told you that she would be fine.” Turning your attention to the Spaniard who was watching your daughter like a hawk, eager to make a quick move if things went even slightly sideways.
“Yeah maybe I was a bit overdramatic.” She told you as she pulled you in to be flush to her chest while the two of you watched Sophia ride. She placed her head in the crook of your neck and shoulder, relaxing for a minute as all of her efforts to ensure safety now seemed over-the-top.
“A bit?” You joked with the brunette as you placed a soft kiss on her cheek. You quickly pulled out your phone to record the accomplishment to look back on when Sophia grows up and show all of your friends and family of your big girl. 
But just as Sophia began to gain speed, her bike hit a bump in the pavement, causing her to lose her balance. With a loud yelp, she tumbled off the bike and landed in a heap on the ground. You and Alexia both quickly ran to her aid.
Sophia’s face crumbled with disappointment as she sat up, rubbing her now scraped hand. “Ow… That hurt.” Luckily, her knee pads had done their job and now just had a few rips in the fabric. You knew she hadn’t hit her head, so you were sure she just gained a few scratches from the sidewalk.
Alexia and you knelt down beside her, concern etched on the midfielder’s eyes as she scanned Sophia’s whole body for even a shimmer of an injury. You were sure that she would probably go as far as calling an ambulance for a simple case of road rash. She would do anything to ensure your daughter was okay and safe.
“Are you okay, sweetie?” You asked, gently brushing a tear from her cheek. You helped assist her up and brushed her off.
Sophia nodded, her lower lip trembling. “I think so. But I don’t want to ride my bike anymore.” She inched farther from her bike into Alexia’s arms as her tears stopped. 
You sent Alexia a knowing glance before she pulled Sophia into a comforting hug. To Sophia, Alexia was like a superhero, and you knew if anyone was going to be able to get Sophia back on the bike, it would be her. Your daughter and Alexia had a very special, close-knit relationship, they really were two peas in a pod, and you knew your daughter looked up to the footballer.
“It’s okay to be scared Sophia. Just like how I was scared of you riding your bike with no training wheels, but you did do it sweetie and you made me not scared anymore. Falling down is just part of learning. You’ll get back up and try again, and we’ll be right here to help you every step of the way.” Alexia tried to convince your daughter to get back on the bike.
You nodded in agreement as Sophia looked at you, offering her a reassuring smile. “That’s right, sweetheart. And hey, how about we go get ice cream to make you feel better?” Ice cream was always the way to make any toddler feel better in any situation and usually it was always Alexia who suggested the sweet treat, but you took the chance to be good cop for a little bit.
Sophia’s eyes lit up at the suggestion, her tears quickly forgotten. “Ice cream? Really?” Looking between the two of you for conformation of the dessert.
Alexia chuckled softly, ruffling Sophia’s hair affectionately. “Absolutely. It is the perfect treat after a tough fall.”
With Sophia’s spirits lifted by the promise of ice cream, she made her way back onto the bike and peddled off. This time she was able to keep balance and even managed to make a sharp turn as she rode back to where you and Alexia were stood. 
“Good job sweetie.” Your wife cooed to your daughter as she made her way off the bike, lifting her high in the sky and spinning her around to celebrate the accomplishment.
“I did it Mama!” Sophia beamed to you with a big grin as Alexia set her down. Her brown eyes were big, and they looked so much like Alexia’s, which only warmed your heart more. The two people who owned your heart stood right in front of you.
“Yes you did baby, and we are so, so proud of you.” You grabbed Alexia and Sophia and pulled them both in for a tight family group hug. Wrapping her arms firm around your girls and giving both of them a peck on the cheek.
As the three of you made your way to a local ice cream parlor that was just a few minute walk from your home, Sophia chattered excitedly about all the flavors she wanted to try. You and Alexia listened to her ramble, intertwining your hands as the two of you walked just slightly behind your energetic daughter. It was a warm summer night, and you were simply basking in the moment and the warmth with your amazing wife and growing daughter.
Once inside the cozy shop, you settled into a booth after ordering all of your favorite flavors. As the group of you savored your sweet treats, Sophia smiled brighter than ever. Her tears and sadness were now replaced with a soft grin. 
“Thanks, Mommy and Mama,” she said, beaming at us from across the table. “I feel much better now.” She had ice cream all over her face and fingers but neither of you really cared much, letting her just enjoy eating the treat. 
“I knew you would sweetie.” You told her as you and Alexia shared a knowing glance, feeling grateful for small moments like these in the business of Alexia’s football schedule and your hectic work life sometimes. 
As you and Alexia tucked Sophia in her bed for the night, she mumbled out, “Can we ride my bike tomorrow?” Her voice was laced with sleep, definitely tired out from the day. 
“Of course we can baby.” You both told her as Alexia placed a kiss on her nose before her exhausted eyes fell shut. Your little girl was growing up day by day right before your eyes.
"She's getting so big," Alexia said in a whisper as you both stared at her little chest rising up and down.
"I know, it makes me sad to think of it. But each day she grows, she becomes smarter and wiser. Each day she becomes a little more of each of us."
Alexia simply hugged you from behind as she interlocked your hands as the two of you watched like a guardian angel over your beloved daughter.
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differentcowboyland · 2 years
Cubii JR1, Under Desk Elliptical, Bike Pedal Exerciser, with LCD Fitness Tracker Screen, Adjustable Resistance, Work from Home Fitness
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doobean · 8 months
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synopsis: You've got everything in life. A happy marriage with the love of your life, a new job, and you have enough savings to buy a new house! Luckily enough, your kind stepbrother offers to come with you to the open house tour while your husband is busy and away. Nothing can go possibly wrong, right?
contents: explicit content, afab!fem!reader, stepbro!isagi, reader is married to sae, reader also wears a dress hehe, cheating, manipulation, dub-con, step cest, isagi is jealous and is a bully, kinda borderline yandere!isagi, hickeys, cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected sex, creampies, pet names/name-calling, dumbification, doggy/missionary/mating press, ass slapping, dacryphilia, light choking, having sex while on a phone call (oral), mirror sex, mdni word count: 3.9K a/n: part 1 of my kinktober event! idk probably the filthiest thing I've ever written in my life idk what to make of it but enjoy (im sorry sae whoops) and i swear im a good girl
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Compared to how most remarriages go, you have to say that your family is part of the lucky ones.
It happened back in high school, where all the weird emotions and hormones of a teenager are at its high but, surprisingly, your stepbrother and stepfather were extremely easy-going people. And they still are. Your stepfather treats your mom with utmost care and grace, something you haven't seen in a while since your biological father stepped out of your life. 
Your stepbrother, now a pro football player, is almost a carbon copy. Growing up, Isagi has always been willing to help out around the house, staying up to help you study for exams throughout undergrad and, even now, he's offering to come with you to do something that'll take up half of his off day. 
"Hey," You shut your phone after sending a brief message to your husband as Isagi hops into the driver’s seat, hair slightly damp and wearing an oversized hoodie with a pair of sweats as he had just gotten out of the shower. "Thanks for coming with me, you didn’t have to."
Your stepbrother shrugs his shoulders in response as he adjusts the side and rearview mirrors before starting the ignition. "I’ve got nothing going on today. Besides," Isagi eyes you playfully and pinches your exposed thighs between your dress leg slits. "Who knows what might happen if I let you go off by yourself?"
You return the favor with a light slap over his head, earning a loud yelp from the male. "It’s just an open house tour, not like I’m going off to war."
He scoffs cheekily, fixing his hair. "Yeah, but the realtor could be a serial killer or worse—" Isagi leans towards you and lowers his voice. "—an undercover clown."
You shrink, back pressing against the car door, and laugh. "The only undercover clown I see here is you.”
"You’re so lame." Isagi huffs before stepping on the gas pedal.
After a quick game of rock, paper, and scissors over who gets possession of the aux, he begrudgingly accepts defeat and allows you to play everything but country. When he manages to get on the highway, he speaks again, turning down the music volume just slightly. "What’s Sae up to these days? I hardly see him come to our family functions anymore."
You stop humming to the current song and break your gaze from the window. There's a small frown that forms, without you realizing it, and you bite your lips. "You know how his schedule usually is. Campaigns and interviews got him busier nowadays. But he should be landing home later." 
"Later today?" Isagi quirks a brow.
You nod, shifting in your seat. "Mhm, he said he’ll call me once the flight lands. Why?"
There’s a long pause before Isagi answers, shrugging his shoulders, and turns at the exit. "No reason."
The drive there is relatively smooth. You guys pass the time with quick snippets of what's going on in your lives since Isagi had just returned overseas from a match and, despite not really knowing the ins and outs of football that much, you're still willing to listen to whatever he's rambling on about. It's one of the small things that you adore about Isagi, he's shamelessly passionate about his career, and oddly enough, the conversation gives you a burst of energy. 
You shoot back with your own life updates, though a bit more mild and mundane to his travels and exciting goals. You briefly mention a new job promotion, your closest friends announcing their pregnancy, Sae's new ad campaigns, and all the other houses you've toured within the past three months. The current house you're viewing today seems promising and within Sae's expected pay range.
From what you've seen online, it's a three-story house built near the edge of a hill with an attached infinity pool, a masterchef-styled kitchen, and a private built-in gym. You don't really need all of that, but who are you to deny your husband's generosity? 
Isagi lets out a long whistle when he pulls up next to the realtor's car on the long, winding driveway. "You're seriously gonna be living here?" He seems to be in disbelief at the size and so are you. It's a lot bigger in person than what the pictures offer. 
"Maybe," You hop out of the car, brushing off any sort of dust collecting to your dress, and adjust your purse straps. "Hopefully, this will be the one."
While you didn’t think the realtor would be a creep, Isagi wasn’t wrong when he suggested tagging along. Upon entering the house, the realtor immediately makes an unwarranted comment about your figure, commenting on how nicely the dress hugs your body before offering his hand. Isagi intercepts smoothly by introducing himself as your boyfriend, which honestly came out of left field, but at least the realtor backed off for the remainder of the tour. After an hour of showcasing, the agent hands his business card to Isagi and nearly stumbles over his feet when leaving the property.
"Is he gone?"
Isagi pulls one of the curtains aside and nods. "Yeah, his car isn’t in the driveway anymore."
"Ugh, it’s a shame but at least the place is nice." You briefly snap a couple of photos of the living room and kitchen. "I think we might put in an offer by the end of the week."
"It's not too far from my place either," Isagi adds. He wanders around the kitchen some more, pulling the cabinet drawers open and playing with the faucets carefree now that the agent is out of sight. "Think I could crash here sometime?" He jokes.
"As much as I love having your annoying ass around, I think not." You giggle when a cute pout forms on his lips. "Okay, maybe like once a month." It's hard to say no to your stepbrother sometimes.
You meet up with him in the kitchen, hands gently gliding across the marble kitchen countertop and stopping when Isagi manages to pull out an unopened champagne bottle from the fridge. He waves it around for a bit before signaling at the glasses in the cupboards. 
Isagi bites his lips thoughtfully. "You wanna?" 
Why not? It's been quite the ride to get here and you like to think of this as an early celebration. You pull out two glasses and eagerly watch as Isagi opens the bottle. He fumbles a bit with the top and a good amount of the liquid starts spilling out, dripping over the countertop and onto the floor.
"Shit, wait let me clean that up—" He rushes to grab a nearby towel though you beat him to it with your own pair of napkins from your purse.
"It's okay, I've got it, Yoichi." You start to bend down but he grabs a hold of your wrist, forcing you back up. 
"No," His tone is firm and you could've sworn there's something fleeting that flashes across his eyes for a moment. "Let me take care of it." 
And for whatever reason, you let him. "Alright..."
Isagi takes his time cleaning up the spill. He's careful like that, maybe because he knows you're insistent on buying this property. Knowing him, he wants to make sure everything is perfect. 
His hands stop when it reaches your shoes and you feel your breath catching in your throat. The sight of him on his knees triggers a reaction you can't quite understand. You shove the thoughts away and cough loud enough once you notice him hesitating. 
"Is there something wrong?" Your voice comes out faint, almost breathy. 
"It got on your dress," Isagi states casually, lifting his head to meet your confused gaze. "Mind if I get that for you?" He whispers the last part as if there's a hidden intention behind his words. 
You're not sure if your dress got wet. You're positive that nothing spilled on it. But, according to your kinder-spirited stepbrother, there are a few spots and you suppose it'll be bad to leave it unattended. 
"Sure," You answer on instinct.
"That's good," Isagi begins dabbing the cloth gently against the fabric, slowly making his way up until he's hovering over your pelvis. 
You have no idea why you're starting to feel yourself burn all over the place. It feels like Isagi is taking mental pictures of your figure, storing them all in his head as you feel his eyes trace your skin. Goosebumps start trailing down your arms and you shift your legs together. "Yoichi—"
Isagi stops his motions and tips his head down, letting his bangs fall over his eyes. He lets the towel fall to the floor and you twitch when you begin to feel his callous palms hiking all the way up your legs. It's strangely hypnotic, watching your stepbrother do this and you're not sure why you're allowing it to happen. Everything begins to feel hazy, surreal, and wrong. 
Your gut twists on itself inside out when his fingers toy with the waistband of your panties. Surely, there are some champagne spills there? Right? Maybe that's why you feel comfortable spreading your legs for him to clean it up. The two of you silently exchange dazed glances when you guide his hands, brushing the panties to the side of your legs as your heat gains exposure to the air.
"Gotta clean this one too," He rasps out. And you take a deep, shuddering breath when Isagi's lips latch onto your folds, wasting no time with his tongue. You feel like your heart is going to pound out of your chest.
A thousand questions flood through your mind. Has he always viewed you this way? How are you going to present this to Sae? Should you even say anything to your husband at this point? They're the wrong questions to be focusing on, you know that better than anyone. In a split second, your healthy relationship with Isagi has opened so many cracks around its edges that it's now something completely irreparable. 
And you're ashamed of just how goddamn good this feels. 
"You're so sweet down here." Isagi's eyes are half-lidded when he looks up at you, already seemingly drunk off of you. 
Your eyes threaten to flutter shut as his tongue traces around, larping up your intoxicating slick. Isagi lets out a low groan when your fingers run through his hair, gripping it just slightly forward enough to allow his nose to brush against your aching nerve.
All of this comes crashing down when a familiar ringtone goes off. You nearly jump at the rapid vibrations from your purse and hastily fish out your phone, heart dropping at the contact that's on the screen. 
"Pick it up, I'll be quiet." The way that easily comes out of his mouth makes you want to throw up.
You swallow back a moan and clench the phone tight in your hands. "Yoichi, I'm being serious...! If he finds out we're both dead!"
"Then make me."
His hot breath hovers over your clit as he looks up, masking his ill intentions behind his seemingly big, innocent eyes. Those very same eyes that would comfort you after a bad day, the same eyes that shine whenever you told him about an achievement—no matter how big or small—, and the very same eyes that are now clouded with something more sinister as he searches for an answer in your own pair.
"If you don't want it then push me away. Make up your mind or else Sae's gonna be worried." Isagi mocks your voice when attempting to say your husband's name. The way it rolls off his tongue makes your stomach churn and the wedding band on your hand suddenly feels unbearably tight.
You shouldn't. You know better. You're in love with Sae Itoshi and this—whatever this is—needs to stop.
"You're turning into a mess down here, sis." You attempt to close your legs together but his grip is like iron. Isagi tilts his head to the side and huffs over your nub. "I said push me, baby."
"Y-Yoi—" Your words get stuck in your throat as he 'accidentally' brushes his lips against your heat. Another dark glint flashes across his eyes and he grins.
You pick up the call and clear your throat, but your free hand wanders to your stepbrother's head, giving him the slightest nudge so that his nose brushes against your slick heat.
"Hi babe, how is everything?" You're trying so hard to level your voice.
"Just landed," Sae replies. There are muffled voices in the background, which you assume are his bodyguards and paparazzi. After some awkward shuffling, he asks, "Are you at the property right now?"
"Yeah," You continue to tug at Isagi's hair, suppressing a moan when he flicks his tongue a bit too hard over your sensitive nub. "It's spacious and has a nice backyard, I—I think you'll like it." You're beginning to pant, almost whining, under your stepbrother's touch. 
"Mhm, send over pictures when you can. Is Isagi with you right now?"
You nearly choke out a sob as his fingers begin to edge their way inside. "Y-Yes!" You sputter out, launching forward as your knees begin to grow weak.
"Hey, are you okay?"
You can't stop the twitching and bucking of your legs. Isagi notices and wraps a free arm around the back of your legs, keeping you upright and pressed against his face. "I-I'm fine, why?" You breathe out.
"You sound like you're sick." Sae is concerned. Concerned for your well-being while you are currently getting fingered by your stepbrother. 
You almost cry when you feel Isagi’s fingers slip out of your sloppy folds. He gets up from his knees, gripping your waist as you stumble forward from the loss in pleasure, and grabs a hold of your phone. As if he's playing a game, Isagi holds up a finger to his lips, silently asking you to keep quiet. It’s almost scary how fast you see him transition from being an absolute monster to back to being your loving stepbrother all in a second. 
Even with his mouth covered in your slick, he clears his throat and speaks with confidence to Sae. "She's feeling a bit down now but I'll drive her back once we're done."
"Is that so?" Sae lets out a heavy sigh. "Thanks, Isagi. I should be back before dinner so keep me updated."
"Anytime, we'll see you later!" Isagi grins over the line before twisting his head down at you. "Sis, do you have anything else to say?" There is it. That look again. His smile sends shivers down your legs as he presses the device to your ear, rubbing it firmly against the side of your face. 
You can't find the power within you to break free from Isagi's taunting gaze. The way his lips grow wider as fear washes over yours makes you only fall for his touch just more. It's almost addicting as much as it's wrong.
"I love you, Sae." You force out the words and your stepbrother has the audacity to laugh.
Thankfully, Sae doesn't hear it. "I love you too. I'll talk to you guys later." And the line drops.
Isagi doesn't give you time to recollect your thoughts as he plunges his fingers back into your warmth. Your body staggers under him, hips matching his feverous rhythm, throwing the last of your morals out the window.
"Oh my god—!"
"You love him, yeah?" He hums in the crook of your neck and presses his hardened length against your plush thighs. "Love him more than me?" Isagi coos.
You throw your head into his chest, eyes shut tight, and inhale his stimulating scent. "I love him, y-yes I do...!" You fumble over the words and make a mournful sound.
"Is that so? Well, it doesn't matter either way—" Isagi drags you easily in his arms to the bedroom and positions himself behind you while facing the full-body mirror by the closet. "—because you're going to be screaming out my name." He pulls down your dress straps and starts leaving hungry, sloppy kisses across your neck and shoulder blades.
A shaky breath escapes your lips and you shut your eyes, tilting your head to the side, allowing him even more access. "Yoi..."
"Look at yourself, sis." His sudden sharp tone makes your eyes shoot up. His sweatpants fall down around his thighs and you see him stroking his thick length in the mirror. Isagi presses it against your increasingly wet folds, groaning from how easily your body accepts him, and gives your ass a harsh slap. "Watch how I fuck you."
You can barely recognize yourself in the mirror. Lipstick smeared, tears pooling at your eyes from a mixture of pleasure and guilt, dress straps slipping off your flushed shoulders, and the numerous amounts of hickeys from your stepbrother marred against your skin. And you still have that damn wedding ring on.
Isagi sucks his teeth in as he watches your chest rise and fall when he slowly enters you. The feeling is different compared to Sae's. 
Your stepbrother's cock is thicker and angled more to the right, hitting and stretching out spots that you didn't know existed. Once you bottom him out, Isagi pulls back his hips before snapping them back into place. Just one thrust from him is enough to knock the air out of you. He keeps repeating the motion until you're a writhing mess and a puddle from your heat collects onto the hardwood floor.
"A-Ah—w-wait fuckfuckfuck...!"
Isagi snatches your face in his hand and pulls you up against his chest, making his cock nest deeper into your velvety walls. "Visit me often, yeah? It's not fair that he gets to fuck this pretty pussy every day."
You let out a muffled moan when Isagi collides his lips against yours, his tongue immediately seeking refuge in your mouth. Everything feels so hazy, so intense, nothing like this reminds you of how sweet and gentle Isagi usually treats you.
"Baby," He breathes, relocating his hand on your face to your neck, he gives it a tender squeeze. "I'm better, aren't I?" Isagi lets out a whine when he feels your insides tightening up around him. 
Your eyes are glossed over, drool seeping out from the edge of your mouth as you mumble, "I—I don’t know… I’m—aaah…”
"Huh? What was that?" He pulls back, keeping the tip in, and chuckles when he watches your face twist in disappointment at the loss of feeling. "Say it and I'll give you what you want."
Isagi watches your reflection, paying close attention to the way your lips quiver at your next words. It's almost as if he's getting off at seeing your internal conflict with tears sticking hot against your lashes. Finally, you give in. "Y-You're better, Yoichi... you fill me up more than Sae..."
His eyes widen with glee. "That's what I fucking thought." Within seconds, he adjusts his grip on your hips and snaps back into your puffy folds. "If he ever makes you cry, you know your big brother is going to take care of you, right? No one can take care of you like I can."
You catch your breath when his toned biceps lift you in his arms. The second your back meets the mattress, his length stretches your hot entrance again. 
"Shit, it's like you're made for me," Your legs hang limp over his shoulders as he presses deeper. "You take me in so good."
You pant uncontrollably under him, wanting to start sentences but being unable to finish as his thrusts and the lewd wet sounds from your heat bounce off the walls. You can tell by the dark look in Isagi's eyes that he relishes in the feeling of making you feel overwhelmed and stimulated. Every time when you call out his name, when your moans are forced out by his animalistic thrusts, he clenches his grip harder around you. 
"Get on your knees, baby," Isagi coos and he lets out a dark chuckle when you obediently nod.
You struggle to get on all fours, lower body shaken to its core from the intense raw pleasure. You’re taken aback when you see the sheer amount of sweat and other bodily fluids that stain the mattress sheets beneath you. While you're brain is trying to process how on earth you guys are going to clean this up, Isagi has taken hostage your hips again, lifts your dress up, and is already repositioning himself from behind. With a swift swipe of his tip, he claims his territory once again. 
"Fuck," He hisses, watching the plump of your ass jiggle at every thrust he makes. His other hand twists underneath you, digits finding their home on your clit. "You make the sweetest sounds, you know that?" 
A familiar coil builds in your stomach. A feeling that has brought you and Sae closer dozens of times before. Only, this time, you feel yourself about to come undone by the hands of a different man. As his fingers work their final motion around your throbbing clit, your vision turns foggy, and your body slumps onto the mattress as your orgasm washes over you. Isagi groans as your walls fluctuate and squeeze desperately around his length, sending him close to his own ending. 
His fingers dig deep into the flesh of your ass, leaving half-crescent moons, as he pumps streaks of white inside and pulls out immediately, allowing some to finish dribbling out on your back. The sight of you spasming with the combination of both your and his fluids spewing out causes him to moan in delight.
"Once a month, right?" He repeats your earlier promise, hot breath ticking your wet skin. When he realizes that you're too dumb-fucked to respond back, he reaches over and attempts to wipe the sweat collecting on your face. His normal bright smile comes back and it's like nothing has changed. "Let's get ready to meet up with Sae."
There's a heavy shift in the air when dinner arrives. 
Isagi had graciously offered his hoodie to cover up the hickeys, knowing damn well that your husband is going to see them regardless when you return to your shared apartment. Still, Isagi believes he's still doing his due diligence as a good stepbrother.
You're sitting across from Sae and have been avoiding both males' gazes throughout the evening. From the second you sat down, to the moment Sae kissed your cheek, it felt so hard to breathe. You're not sure if Isagi is helping or making the situation worse by rubbing his hand back and forth on your thigh. 
It's almost an hour into dinner and you've only taken three bites and are on your third glass of wine. Being the attentive husband he is, Sae picks up on your uneasiness and sets down his fork.
"Everything alright?" Sae eyes the two of you across the table.
"Yeah," Isagi speaks for you and curls an arm around your shoulder. "She's just feeling under the weather, remember?" 
You're too overwhelmed by everything going on, so you lean into his touch, hands gripping your thighs in the process like you're trying to crush something, knuckles white and fingertips bruising. 
You hate how going back to your husband's arms after this, talking about your future together, and potentially starting a family—all of it seems like it's the most daunting feeling in the world.
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@milkistoshi @mareonyan @saenora @blissblossom @wowonamo
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dilemmaontwolegs · 5 months
Harmony || CL16
Summary: Being a musician isn't the easiest way to make ends meet. Aside from being in the local orchestra, you balance being a tutor and a tuner - one Charles hires to tune his piano. Warnings: none, fluffy WC: 1.2k F1 Masterlist
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Of course the city would be busy when you were running late. As much as you might have tried to run, or at least power walk, you didn’t want to damage the precious cargo you were carrying. You managed to make up some time at the sacrifice of your lungs and you were still recovering when you reached the address of your last appointment.
“Sorry I’m late, Mr Leclerc, my violin lesson ran over.”
“That’s okay, and it’s just Charles,” he corrected as he opened his door wider for you to enter his home. It was easy to see where you were going to be working so you headed straight to the upright piano in the light and airy living room. After placing your violin case on the floor beside his coffee table you shrugged off your backpack and opened your tool kit.
“May I?” you asked as you reached for the memorabilia balanced on the top you needed access to.
“Oh, right, sorry.” He rolled his eyes at himself for not preparing the piano for your arrival and helped you clear it off. “Is there anything else you need?”
“No, thank you, Mr- I mean Charles.” You opened the top lid before removing the front panel and sat down on the bench. First you tested the keys and pedals to see if any were sticky but they were in good condition, and you listened to each key to determine how much work was needed. 
“How long have you been learning to play the violin?”
You looked away from the keys as Charles took a seat on the sofa near your instrument. “Oh, no, I teach it. Well, I suppose I am still learning, because there is always room to improve, but my lesson was with a student.”
“So violin tutor and piano tuner,” he said with an impressed nod. “That is quite the niche market.”
“Not as niche as yours,” you pointed out as you pulled a tuning fork out of your tool kit. “There are certainly more than 20 of us in the world.”
The racer cracked a smile that was quite disarming and you had to return to your work as your cheeks warned. “When was she last tuned?”
He chuckled nervously and you winced before he even answered. “When I bought it, two and a half years ago.”
You suppressed the sigh that built and grabbed the adjuster to start moving all the keys up in pitch. “Without regular tuning, you’ll likely find she needs fine tuning again in a few weeks.”
Charles smiled sheepishly and nodded. A comfortable silence fell as you continued your work, moving with confidence through the motions until you were satisfied the piano sounded perfect. Replacing the front panel and closing the top, you took a seat again for the final test. There was already a page of sheet music on the stand so you placed your tablet next to it and opened the app that picked up notes and confirmed if they were in tune or not.
Your eyes scanned the sheet and you heard the melody in your head before you let it flow into your fingers that started their graceful dance across the keys. One page was more than enough to check your work was done but you were a little disappointed that you weren’t able to hear the remainder of the song as you closed the lid.
“I haven’t heard this before,” you said as you picked up the sheet but it had no markings on it. “Who is the artist?”
Charles rose from the sofa and took the page with pink cheeks. “I, uh, I wrote it.”
“It’s beautiful, and sad.” He frowned at the strange compliment and looked away before you placed your hand on his shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with sad music. It is meant to be a way of expressing oneself so it doesn’t fester inside. I tell my students it is a good thing.”
His frown softened and his grip on the paper eased before he reached past you to place it back on the stand. “I wanted to add some other instruments once I recorded it, but I wasn’t sure which ones.”
You nodded to yourself as you replayed the sonata in your head, your fingers drawing invisible notes that could accompany the melody. “Hmm, I think I can help…if you want?”
“Please,” he said as he watched you grab your violin case and unlock it. The lid opened with a creak and his eyes widened as he saw the logo for the Monegasque Royal Orchestra in the velvet lining. “You play for the orchestra?”
“Second chair,” you hummed with a proud smile. “We are playing for Prince Albert’s birthday this weekend.”
“I guess I will see you there.”
Of course he would have an invitation to the Prince’s birthday, all the important people in the principality would be there. “That’s one way to make me nervous. I’ll try not to mess up for you.”
“I think you’ll be great,” he said with a grin as he sat at the edge of the bench and watched you raise the delicate violin to your neck.
“Do you want to play and I will join you?”
“Uh, sure.” He was the one who seemed nervous now and he cleared his throat as he turned on the bench seat, his toes hovering over the pedals. “Here we go, I guess.”
His long fingers were elegant and his wrists remained loose as he began to play. You let the first eight bars open before you closed your eyes and drew your bow across the strings in harmony to him. Charles stumbled over the key as the higher octave caught him by surprise but he recovered with a quiet apology and soon the piece rose into an emotive crescendo that had your chest aching before the last note died out.
You let your arm relax and the warmth from the rosewood rest cooled on your skin as you lowered the bow and violin to your sides.
“That was…incredible,” he said as he turned in his seat.
“You are a very talented man, Mr Leclerc,” you said as you carefully laid the violin back into the bracket and locked it up. “A lot of people can play the piano but very few have the creativity to write their own music.”
His blush spread from his cheeks to his neck and he fidgeted with the ring on his finger. “Thank you, for tuning my piano and playing with me.”
“It was a pleasure.” You packed up your tools and shoved them into your backpack before picking up the violin case and looking at the door. “I hope you enjoy the concert.”
“I’m sure I will,” he said with a genuine smile as he walked with you to the entrance way. “Maybe we can have a drink together afterwards?”
You clutched the handle of the case tighter and tried to control your excitement with a small nod, but your smile was uncontrollable and bright. “I would like that.”
“I’ll see you Saturday.”
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jaeeyaaasworld · 1 year
Trophy girlfriend - CL16
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Featuring: Charles Leclerc x Dancer!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Y/n is a trophy girlfriend and is proud about it, fluff, super sweet Charles
Requested: Yes/No
Charles had a new girlfriend and he was proud of who he pulled.
"I'm telling you. I have more rizz than you think, Pierre"
Pierre scoffed, leaning onto the passenger seat of his friend's Ferrari.
"is that why you made all of us come to this specific club tonight? what is it? she's hanging out with her girlfriends here?"
the driver asked in his cocky tone, turning his gaze to Charles that was driving silently while staring at the street, a small smile making it's way to his lips.
"nah. she works here man"
he replied calmly, not even sparing a glance to Pierre. the french man turned towards his best friend, a shocked expression taking over his face.
"is she a stripper?"
Pierre whisper-shouted, making his best friend's eyes widen at the sudden assumption.
"what the fuck, mate? you think I would let her still do that job after getting with me? and even more let all of you see her get naked?"
Charles said, gesturing with his hands all over the place, to make his point even clearer.
"she dances on one of those cubes that you find into these clubs. she's completely covered"
he added, making Pierre nod and turn back towards the road.
"what are you guys talking about? I was talking with mi mama"
Carlos asked from the back of the car, clueless as always.
"nothing, Charles new girlfriend"
Pierre replied, looking towards the backseat, where the Spaniard was seated.
"oh- I'm actually so excited to meet her"
Carlos added, adjusting the collar of his dress shirt while looking through the rearview mirror.
"right, in my opinion he's just tricking us into thinking he pulled her and in reality he didn't"
Pierre teased his friend, earning a small chuckle and an eye-roll from Charles. just in that moment, Lewis' car, with Daniel, Lando, Max and George inside, passed them, music blasting through the windows and them singing their hearts out.
"why are we not doing that?"
Carlos asked innocently, making the other two laugh and turning up the volume of the music currently playing and stepping on the pedal to catch up with the other drivers.
meanwhile: Y/n and her coworkers
Y/n was putting on make-up in the back of the disco she works into, chatting and laughing with the other three girls that were supposed to do cubes tonight. Y/n and Andrea were getting ready, while Monica and Vanessa were just chilling on the couch, waiting some time to get ready since they had the second turn.
"Y/n, did you say that you had a boyfriend like the other day? is it still going well or is it like the last one?"
Vanessa asked, raising her eyes from the screen of her phone on the girl that was putting on her eye-shadow.
"why? what happened to the last one? he was a fun guy, he looked like he was pretty chill"
Andrea asked back, not even knowing that Y/n and Nathan broke up a month after she introduced him to them.
"a little too chill. where were you when we talked about how he cheated on her with Katie?"
Monica told Andrea, making her gasp and stop whatever she was doing to turn towards the girl on the couch.
"they didn't. that bitch- I never liked her, I told y'all so many times and you were still like: nah, she looks so cute, how could she be so mean"
the girl said, referring to the new girl that was accepted in the disco as a waitress.
"it's going well, he's coming here tonight. I don't think I will introduce him to you tho, I know for sure that he is going to introduce me to his friends, he told me he was taking them since they had to celebrate anyway"
Y/n said, stopping her actions for a second and gesturing with her hands all around, just to get back to what she was doing, ignoring all the shocked stares that she was getting from her friends.
"is he using you as a trophy girlfriend or am I tripping? girl, how old is he again?"
Monica asked, finally shutting her phone and sitting properly on the couch, almost worried for her friend's safety.
"oh- come on. he's 25, hot as fuck and a millionaire, plus... I love being a trophy girlfriend if this is how he treats me"
the girl added, rolling her eyes at her friends thinking that he got with an old man or something like that. in reality, Charles was only 4 years older than her, so their age gap was completely normal for a couple. she was 21 and he was 25, nothing too bad.
"ooh, treat you how?"
Vanessa asked for details, since they didn't even ever seen this man nor how he treated her or how he looked at her.
"like: he hit me up on tuesday, asked me what I was doing during the day and if I wanted to go shopping. I was busy that day, since I was at my parents, so he just went like: damn, I just landed in your city. anyway, it's okay, hope you have a good day. I'll pick you up by eight fifteen tonight"
Y/n started telling her friends all the detail of her conversation with Charles, eventually stopping to finish her eyeliner, leaving her friends longing for more of the story.
"okayy, and than what?"
Andrea asked, curious just like the other two.
"I told him: you treat me so well. so he said: cashapp or zelle? matter fact, scratch that, I will send you a stack just because you're fine as hell"
the girl earned some loud gasps from her three friends, as she continued telling them what happened some days ago with Charles.
"I told him: well, thank you, baby. and he goes like: anything for my favorite lady. oh- I gotta go and just let me know, that I could pick up my Ferrari"
some squeals left the girls' mouths, as Y/n zipped her beauty case closed and turned on her little stool towards her friends with a proud smile on her face.
"so you basically have unlimited money, and you're still working here? girl- if I were you, I would be depending on his ass so fucking hard"
Monica said, gesturing with her hands and getting up from her place on the couch, just to sit on the stool that was taken by Y/n just a few seconds ago to start doing her make-up.
"yeah girl. quit this shitty ass job, what you waiting?"
Vanessa asked, only getting a sigh in return from the girl.
"I would love to do that, but i don't want to depend on him that much, what if we break up one day? I will be coming to work here just for a bit more, so that I can get a stable amount of money to do fine on my own and then I'm gonna travel back and forth with him"
Y/n said, smiling widely at the thought of supporting her boyfriend in every race he has by being there with him every minute.
"travel back and forth? what the hell does he do?"
Vanessa asked again, getting up from the couch as well, waiting for Andrea to finish closing her beauty case and get up to take the stool and start getting ready.
"I'm just telling you this: his name is Charles Leclerc, look him up if you don't know who he is"
Y/n finished, smiling widely and walking out of the changing room to walk into the disco, still empty. she could hear the gasps coming from the three girls in the changing room for how loud they were, making the girl chuckle as she sat on the edge of the cube, waiting for the disco to open up.
"and he'll be here tonight? with his friends?"
Andrea yelled, as she sat on the cube that was on the other side of the disco, waiting for the disco to open up too.
Y/n yelled back.
"I want to see him later"
Andrea replied, as they both got off the cube to wait on the side as people started entering. the girl on the other side of the disco only got a wink in return.
Charles finally got at the club
"Charles, you really pulled that girl, are you sure?"
Max asked Charles for the tenth time as they walked out of the cars and started walking towards the entrance of the club.
"oh mon dieu (oh my god). why don't you guys believe me?"
Charles asked, a loud laugh coming out of his lips. the bodyguard looked them in the eyes and opened the gate for them to enter, getting a little pat on the back from Charles and returning the gesture with a smile.
the club was rather empty, there weren't a lot of people, maybe also because Charles rented the place for the night and instructed your boss to only let a few people enter, not too many.
he quickly spotted you waiting beside one of the cubes, making his way towards you and ignoring everyone in between. he was dragging the other drivers along with him, as he approched you. his arms circled your waist from behind and his hands gripped your body without any shame.
"hello, mon chéri"
he whispered in your ear, not even thinking about the few guys that were staring at the two of them in shock. you turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, pecking his lips gently.
"hi, handsome"
you replied softly, smiling to him lovingly.
"you really have to work tonight, right?"
Charles asked the girl, hoping that the answer wouldn't be affermative.
"I mean- yeah, I could exchange with Katie and go to the bar if it makes you more comfortable tho"
Y/n said, knowing that Katie would agree with everything you ask her because of the whole lot of guilt that she was feeling.
"would you do that?"
the man asked back, eyes shining in the lights at her words.
"yes, of course. you just got here, is only right that I let you decide what makes you comfortable. and I think I'm gonna quit this job in a few days too so... wait- let me go ask Katie, I'll be back"
you get out of your boyfriend embrace and make your way towards the counter to ask your coworker to swap turns.
Charles turned to his friends, them all staring at him with the same shocked face.
"what? you believe me now?"
the man asked, while laughing soundly at his friend's faces, juat as he turned around to meet his girlfriend's gaze, her hand waving around in the air, gesturing for them to come over to the counter.
"can't believe this shit"
Lando said, a sigh leaving his lips as he followed all the drivers towards the counter, Charles in front of them all.
Y/n walking behind the counter, wrapping the apron around her waist as she leaned eith her hands on the counter.
"hello everyone, I'm Y/n, Charles girlfriend. I'll be here to serve you tonight, ask me anything and I'll get it for you. even my friend's number if you want"
you said with a big smile splitting your face in half. the first driver to come up to the counter was Lewis, extending his hand to shake yours.
"Lewis, can I ask you if you do some type of fancy cocktail?"
the brit asked politely, getting a smile in return as you shrugged.
"I told you, whatever you want"
you said, hands meeting each other in front of your stomach.
"I'll get a Versus (a fancy cocktail made with vodka, strawberry vodka and watermelon) then"
Lewis confidently said, making you frown while staring at the man.
"mmh, are you sure about the Versus?"
the man frowned back at you, a big questioning smile resting on his face.
"why? what's up with that?"
a little chuckle left Y/n's lips, making Lewis chuckle as well.
"I mean- it's so sweet, it's something that I would see Lando drink. I see you more for a Desert storm (a fancy cocktail made with bacardi, vanilla cream, china martini and a lemon peel)"
Lewis was shocked from the girls aknowledge in alcohol, as Lando barged in the conversation since he heard the girl mention his name.
"me? you know who I am? hell, I need that thing now"
Lando said, making Y/n nod her head as she let out a chuckle and turned to the other drivers that were listening carefully to the conversation.
"alright so, a Desert storm for Lewis, a Versus for Lando and a champagne glass for the little prince over there. For you guys?"
everyone told Y/n their orders, chuckling softly at her calling Charles 'little prince' and knowing perfectly his order even before he could say anything.
Y/n placed all the cocktails on the counter, as everyone took theirs, the girl waited patiently for the two drivers to give her a response on the fancy cocktail that she gave them.
Lewis was the first to take a sip from his drink, licking his lips right after they left the glass. his eyes widened, looking into the girl's eyes as he drank another sip from the drink.
"dear god, you were right. it is better"
Y/n shrugged, a knowing smile appearing softly on her face as she turned towards Lando, that was waiting for his turn to try his drink. he stopped for a second, eyes a little bit wider than before as they met the girls one.
"how did you know?"
he asked, not even telling her his opinion on the drink, making a little chuckle come out of the girl's lips.
"you know, someone's personality can say a lot about their cocktail choice"
she simply said, leaving the two brits to go towards her boyfriend, that was sitting on a stool at the counter, taking a sip from his champagne from time to time. Y/n leaned on the counter, getting closer to her boyfriend's face, as he was looking her in the eyes, a devilish smile on the girl's face.
Y/n closed the gap between them, placing her lips on her Charles' gently, pulling back in no time, making a sigh escape the monegasque's lips.
"were you saying earlier? that you were going to quit?"
he asked softly, eyes glancing to the small glass of champagne in his hand as he made the liquid twirl around it slowly.
"I think this is my last friday here"
the girl replied, her smile getting wider with time passing.
"have you considered traveling with me full-time like you promised me?"
Charles added, eyes finally meeting Y/n's as he raised his head from the glass, hope still scattered across his emerald eyes.
"not really, darling"
she said sadly, making the man in front of her glance back down at the champagne in is hand.
"you have your flight to Monaco tuesday, right?"
the girl asked, her boyfriend looked up at her, thinking about it for a second and nodding hid head, remaining silent as to express his confused state.
"do you have the seat assignment in your app? could you check it real quick?"
Charles furrowed his eyebrows, getting his phone out of his pocket and placing the glass in his hand on the counter to grip the phone with both his hands. he typed something in his phone as the app finally opened, showing all of the seat placements on the flight.
something catched his eyes quickly, the seat next to his was usually occupied by Carlos or was even empty sometimes, but this time there was a different name over the little seat icon.
"Y/n Y/l"
he read out loud, looking up at his girlfriend with wide eyes, shocked by the sudden news.
"but you said you didn't even consider it"
Charles said, his hands leaving the phone on the counter and a big smile spreading across his face, making you smile just as wide.
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balkanradfem · 24 days
So, I was biking to work this morning, and while I was riding across the bridge, something happened to the bike. The pedals twisted, and turned they were angled the wrong way, I could tell they were no longer straight. I figured they got a little loose and I would simply fasten them back on when I get home, and I continued forward. I went past a mom and a little girl, both on their bikes, who were pedaling carefully together. Then my chain fell off. Annoyed, I grabbed a glove that I keep on my bike at all times, grabbed the chain, and fastened it back on. It's a common thing for my bike to drop the chain, it's something I repeatedly have to dismantle it for and fix, and now the pedals were weird too. I hopped back on, started pedaling, and then the back wheel fell off the bike.
I am not joking, in mid-ride, my bike split into two pieces, back wheel fell off, the bike fell apart, under me, while I was driving it. The mom and little girl behind me caught up to me just in time to witness this, and all three of us just stared in shock in two pieces of bike on the ground that were, seconds before, carrying me to work.
I gasped and laughed in pure shock, feeling dizzy because that is a wild thing to happen. The mother looked concerned and I reassured her that I was fine, I was going slow and was able to just step away from the bike before it crushed to the ground. We stood there in shock for a few seconds, and then I asked 'Well, is there any trash container nearby, I can't leave it here', and she offered to help me carry a piece of it to the nearest trash disposal. The reasn why the bike broke into two became obvious once I inspected it – the metal base broke into two. I have noticed before that the base had some kind of a crack in it, but I didn't think it was a serious issue – the bike still worked, it didn't make any funny noises, I felt good and stable on it, would one expect it to break into two? No. But it was the only possible logical ending to it.
I got a great adrenaline high that morning, first the bike broke into two, which is in my opinion, the best possible way for a bike to go. If there was anything less final wrong with it, I would be fixing it endlessly, refusing to accept that it was over, despite the bike having million of issues and being older than me probably. Then next, I met the great woman who helped me carry it to the trash! She was so sweet and kind to help me, at 8am, while I was crashing on the sidewalk. And the last good thing was that I knew there was no fixing the bike, I wouldn't spend countless hours trying to make it work, it was definitely over.
I left the bike next to the trash, deciding to go back after work and savage the little basket it had, and maybe to collect some parts, like the chain or the bell. I was a little late to work, and I felt like my reason was pretty funny, so I came in and said 'Sorry I'm a bit late! My bike broke into two on my way here!' and I laughed it off feeling thrilled about my adventure. The woman I work for looked at me absolutely horrified, and I laughed more and reassured her I was not upset or injured, and instead had a great time during this fun event.
'You could take my bike.' She suggested, and I laughed this off too, saying I can walk home, it wasn't that far (I did not confess to people at work that I had a neck injury or that I can't walk far). However she said that she had a bike she wasn't using and I could have it, and I shrugged and said well okay, and she went to fetch it.
I still was not taking her very seriously, because acquiring another bike is a serious issue for me, and I never expected someone would just, give me one, but when she came back she explained I could just have it. I assumed she meant 'borrow until I got a new one', but she said 'no I'm not using it', and insisted I should take it. That was a bit surreal for me and it took me a while to adjust to the idea of just getting a new bike for free. It wouldn't be the kind of bike I wanted, but there would be no financial consequences to my bike breaking, which is amazing.
After work, I got to see my new bike! It was in one piece, which is its best feature compared to my old bike. But, otherwise, it is a kind of bike I would never volountarily buy; it has multiple speeds, which makes it difficult to pedal. It's also not made for carrying much weight, which I need a bike to do, for gardening purposes. But, I would never go and criticize a free bike! I could always decide to buy another bike for gardening, this bike is mine now, and it works, and it's so much more functional that my old bike, it's chain doesn't drop, it doesn't have a broken base, the pedals are facing the correct way. What a great thing to have!
I checked in on my old broken bike, it was still there, next to the trash. I tried to dismantle the little basket, and realized I couldn't do it without tools. I decided to bike quickly home, get tools, and then dismantle the usable pieces. My new bike didn't have a working bell, or the way to hold a bag on the back wheel, and I wanted to see if I could transfer it from the old bike to new.
I got back in 20 minutes or less, and my old bike, was gone. Someone already grabbed it to salvage the parts. I wasn't mad, I left it on the trash, it was in two pieces, it was absolutely fair game. I was a bit relieved, because I felt awful disposing of it in such un-proper way, just leavin it next to the public trash containers. It was great that someone found use of it so immediately! Even if they took my little basket, and my little bell that still worked. I hope they cherish those parts, as I did.
I think that bike was the greatest bike in the world. I loved it so much. I had tons of trouble with it, I was always dismantling and fixing it. I ruined some parts of it, and knew it had an expiration date. I learned so much about fixing bikes while working on it. I learned so much about life and how difficult it can be without a bike, when you can't walk for long.  It gave me so much joy riding it around. It was lightweight, with huge wheels that made it so easy to get around. It never tired me out.
I was aware it was an old, used, and close-to-its-end bike, so I usually never took it out to go to trips or for fun times. But I did yesterday. I was inside for too long and I decided to take the bike out and just go around the city, and then ride next to the river for a while, collect some wild flowers. It was the best of times we had together. Now it's going to be my favourite memory of it, our last trip together. Except of course, the breaking in half, that was too iconic to forget. I truly used that bike until the last second of its life.
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