#ANYWAY. I hung up on him and then called my mom and my best friend and got comfort food.
fishfingersandscarves · 6 months
nothing better than getting an unexpected call from your elderly friend from temple while you're at the dentist office asking why you've been gone, explaining why, and then the phone call devolving into him telling you that 20k civilian deaths is just collateral damage so then you're crying at the dentist office and the tech has to hand you a full box of tissues bc you're so upset 🤪✌️
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ode2rin · 29 days
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summary. as lines get blurred, hearts get flustered, and a scheme ensues, your brother's best friend suddenly seems way more interesting than he used to be.
content/warnings. 5k+ wc (part 1/3) reader has little to no college friends | reader hates kaiser's guts | PROTECTIVE kaiser lol | | pet names (dollface) & a lot of profanity (it's kaiser) | minimal proofread
💭 masterlist | next part
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“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can go with you anymore.”
Your ears were ringing.
After the words hung over the line, a heavy silence descended, punctuated only by the dull thud of your heartbeat echoing in your ears. The phone line seemed to distort, and the world beyond reduced to a distant murmur as a disorienting ringing filled your ears. Yet, despite the shock rippling through, you managed to maintain a facade.
“Ah, I see. It’s no problem. See you around!” Your chirped voice made you cringe internally, but it was a better front than sounding like a defeated kid whose mom said no over a piece of candy at a grocery store.
Before he could say anything else, you clicked the end button faster than he could spew some tacky excuse. Throwing your phone to the side, you settled onto your bed, lying on your back, staring at the uninteresting ceiling of your room.
Sure, it was no problem at all— the music festival was just six hours away, and your date had just canceled on you over the phone. It’s no big deal facing your college blockmates without a companion as initially planned, and it’s totally not a problem that you will most likely be a third– hell, a seventh wheel, actually, and have them talk behind your back – speculating about why you're going alone or if you were just making it up that you had someone to bring.
Yes, it’s not a fucking problem at all.
You don’t even like the artist lineup, anyway (maybe you’re mildly interested with one band that’s attending).  You wouldn’t bother if you weren’t just a sophomore still trying to find a group of friends you can call your own. It's embarrassing enough that freshmen even had it better than you. It’s not a race, for sure, but in college– the truth lies blatant that support systems help. A lesson you learned the hardest way.
“Y/N? Are you in there?” Three soft knocks on your door and a muffled voice, surely coming from your older brother, interrupted your pity party.
“Yes. Come in,” you confirmed. The door creaked open, revealing a mop of magenta hair leaning over your door frame.
“There’s food downstairs. We ordered your favorite.”
“Kaiser is downstairs.”
Of course, he is. 
Your brother’s best friend must have really taken it to heart when your mom told him he can treat your family as his own. Too deep into his heart, if you could comment. You see him around the house more than you see your parents, and if that wasn’t tiresome enough, he’s literally a damn superstar in your university. Every corner, every room, in halls and library, everyone can’t seem to be over his name like a broken record.
You wouldn’t be this annoyed, hostile even, if said man was just as nice as your brother. But instead, he was far by the most obnoxious, foul-mouthed, arrogant prick you’ve ever known. Alexis should have never kicked some ball with that conceited oaf a decade ago. Life would have been so much better. But no— reality is, the bane of your existence in the form of blonde hair and sharp blue eyes, is in your house’s kitchen, probably gulping down your favorite drinks in the fridge. 
If you can’t seem to have friends, your older brother seems to be goddamn bad at picking his.
“Hey, dollface. Missed me?” Speak of the damn devil and he shall appear.
The first thing you’re met with after coming down is a sight of Michael Kaiser, sitting high and comfortably on one of the counter’s bar stools. Your gaze trails down to his hand where you see a peek of his crown tattoo— and would you look at that? He’s holding a can of your Coke Zero.
“Oh, so that’s why my life was going sideways again,” you feigned a sigh in disappointment, making sure it was loud enough for him to hear, “because you’re back.”
In your unwanted years of knowing this guy, you’ve soon realized that none of your words, no matter how sharp or snarky they get, would ever faze him. Evidence would be how he just openly chuckled at your remark. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I missed you and your smart mouth, too. Don’t worry.”
“Trust me, worry is not in the list of emotions I would ever feel for you.”
“Well, does attraction make it to the list?”
Years ago, perhaps it would have. Not that he needs to know—no chance. Your silly childhood crush on him was your deepest, darkest mistake. You might be overdramatic, but this was Michael Kaiser, and god, you would rather get caught having feelings for anyone but him.
Rolling your eyes at him, you sneer, “You wish.”
“Oh, trust me, I do wish,” he mocks your tone.
“Fuck off.” 
“That won’t get rid of me, I’m afraid,” he shrugs before winking at you. You shook your head in annoyance.
You took the seat across from him and settled. You were about to lean to reach the box of pizza at the other end of the countertop, when Kaiser reached for it first and placed it in front of you.
You turned to look at him, half expecting a smirk or yet another wink from the blonde, but instead, he was preoccupied browsing on his phone as if his body moved on its own to attend to you.
You shrugged off the weird occurrence and turned all attention to the pizza and its heavenly scent sipping through the gaps of its box, just in time for Alexis to take the seat next to his best friend. You drowned the noise of their conversation as they started talking about last away games.
Your brother and Kaiser had been the most valuable players of your university’s soccer team for as long as you’ve remembered. They were two years older, so by the time you entered university, they were already making big names in the field. Rumors had it that there were already offers lining up at their feet.
If you come to think of it, it wouldn’t be this hard making friends if you would just be vocal about being Alexis Ness’ younger sibling, but the limelight and pretentious popularity it came with was something you wouldn’t wish upon yourself. You wanted real and genuine friends, not people who wanted to be around you because it was a step closer to your brother and his best friend.
Like earlier, Alexis’ voice came reaching your eardrums, snapping you out of your thoughts. After hearing what he had to ask, though, you wished you had a way to physically block out his words.
“Are you not going to get ready for the festival?” your brother asked, meanwhile, his dear friend seemed to take great interest in what you’re about to say as both of them peered over you.
“Not going anymore,” you said, as nonchalant as you could to play pretend.
“Why? You’ve been looking forward to it the whole week.”
Heat crept into your ears and cheeks as embarrassment filled you. Sure, you might not be prancing around being all excited about it, but if your brother was able to notice it, your enthusiasm must have been evident then. God, you felt like an utter fool now.
“It got canceled,” you looked away from them.
Alexis looked at you with furrowed brows, “What do you mean? It’s not–”
“My date canceled on me. I’m not going anymore to save face and not make a fool out of myself. There, happy?” you snapped.
Before you could even feel the guilt from bursting out unprovoked to your brother, you swiftly got up from the stool heading back to your room, leaving the two of them in the kitchen looking concerned contrarily. One with worried eyes glancing at your room hesitantly, and the other one with a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes.
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It seemed everyone was testing your patience today, as for the second time, your ears rang—not from a last-minute cancellation this time, but from the persistent sound of your ringing phone.
Your heavy eyes fluttered open, weighed down by the sleep from your ignoring-the-world nap after the exchange with your supposed date and your brother. Disoriented and groggy, you reached out, fingers fumbling to check the caller deserving of your unrelenting fury.
Kaiser, the screen read, and suddenly, the urge to throw your phone at the nearest wall almost overwhelmed your senses.
But you answered the call anyway, because logic says that he was still your brother’s closest, and sometimes, that warranted a call that might be about him.
“I swear to god this better be important–”
“Get ready,” he interrupted.
“Look out your window.”
Groaning, you rose to your feet, moving your drapes aside to see what awaited outside.
Outside your house’s gates, a midnight blue sports car, all too familiar, was parked across the driveway. Its owner leaned lazily over its door, one hand in his pocket while the other held his phone pressed to his ear, looking right back at you with that shit-eating grin.
“What the hell are you on?” you muttered into the phone.
You instantly closed the drapes after meeting eyes with him.
It’s infuriating—He’s infuriating. But damn, does he look good when he smiles like that. And it’s not helping your case that he was clad in loose-fitting denim pants and a black shirt, sufficiently showcasing both his tattoo and his lean yet toned build.
It’s sorcery how he makes simple and ordinary clothing look like it was screaming high-end and luxury. Only he can do that, you admit.
“As I said, get ready,” he repeated over the phone, “We only have less than two hours before your music festival or something starts.”
He’s taking me to it? “Why?”
Only one word in response, yet the two of you understood what you’re pertaining to. Silence filled the line for a moment before you heard a subtle click of his tongue.
“Because you look ugly when you sulk,” and he hung up.
You should be irritated at him hanging up abruptly and calling you ugly, but for some reason you don’t know, it puts a smile on your face. 
The first one today.
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Kaiser wishes he had a bigger car— which one would deem ridiculous, given that his car could easily match the price of two or even three minivans.
But if it meant having you sit not so close that your scent infiltrates his senses beyond his sound judgment, he’d gladly trade his lambo for a minivan any day.
You were intoxicating— not akin to the grip of liquor, because it would be inadequate in comparison. But rather intoxicating in the same way as the irresistible magnetism that beckons a madman to its vices.
And he must be really mad because you weren’t even sitting shoulder-to-shoulder close to him. You’re sitting comfortably at the passenger seat, a good distance in between, and yet he acts like a raging teenager who got locked up with his crush in the utility room. It is absolutely embarrassing, even for someone like him.
“Did Alexis ask you to do this?” you suddenly inquired, your gaze fixed on your side of the car.
Thank heavens you broke the silence first, because who knows what ungodly phrases he would come up with in an attempt of small talk with you?
“No. Though I bet he would have taken you himself,” he snorted, of course your brother would, “If our coach weren’t so pissed at him these days.”
Ah, so that explained why you hadn't seen Alexis around the house before hopping into Kaiser's car.
Momentarily, you turned to him. It was so swift that he might have missed it if he wasn’t so hyper aware of your every move in this damn confined space. “Is he in trouble?” you inquired to the blonde, your voice concerned and hesitant.
“Nothing you have to worry about, doll.”
“Stop with the nicknames,” you hissed, attempting to intimidate. 
Unfazed, he countered with a cheeky “Make me,” under his breath. His smirk practically audible, even without you glancing his way.
Silence overtook between the two of you once more. You fixated on the road ahead, noting the nearing destination as the glow of the festival stage lights peeked into view.
It’s your chance— your chance to release the words that have lingered at the edge of your tongue since he urged you to get ready almost an hour ago. You stole a glance at the man driving beside you. His eyes focused on the road, his left hand steady on the steering wheel while his timepiece-adorned hand rested comfortably on the gearshift. In another frame of mind, you might have found yourself lost in the rhythm of his long, slender fingers tapping against it. You snapped out of it before he could point it out.
You stole one last glance before turning away to whisper, “Thank you… Kaiser.”
Instead of saying welcome like a polite person would, your companion would of course, choose to say something as, “You owe me something now.”
Of course, you thought. Mentally rolling your eyes, you ask, resigning to his antics, “What do you want?” 
“Call me by my name.”
“Did you not hear? I said, thank you Kai–”
“The one you used to call me.”
It was a silly nickname you gave him– back when Alexis first brought him home for snacks nearly ten years ago. He and Alexis were eleven, and you were barely nine.
You remembered the blonde kid, all sweaty in his mud-stained clothes, clutching a worn-out ball by his hip, his gaze fixed on you with curiosity. “This is Kaiser,” your brother introduced, but the blonde stranger approached you, extending his hand.
“I’m Michael.”
“That’s… long.”
“Your name– it’s long,” you echoed, looking up at him, “can I call you ‘Mikka’?”
“What?” Kaiser’s deep voice sliced through your reminiscence. “You had no problem calling me that before,” he pointed out.
“That’s before you beat up the boy you knew I like,” you scoffed at him, a familiar pettiness clouding your mind.
He chuckled at your retort, seemingly lost in his own memories. “Beat him up on the soccer field, you mean,” he corrected, though he wouldn’t particularly mind if it were an actual fight.
“Same thing.”
“Oh, come on! It was highschool!”
“Your point?” you countered.
“He was a snotface, anyway.” he rationalized.
“He was nice to me!”
“I suggest you rather get a dog instead— if nice is all you need. I heard dogs are fun to be around,” he sneered, “What do you think of pomeranians?”
You brushed off his question, preferring the depths of silence over the hypothetical responsibility of tending to a pup that bore more than a passing resemblance to him, both in appearance and, perhaps, in demeanor.
“I knew agreeing to come here with you was a mistake,” you sighed, exasperation lacing your words.
Surprisingly, Kaiser offered no retort. Taking his silence as a cue for your own, you settled into quietness, hoping for a peaceful remainder of the drive. Minutes drifted by until Kaiser broke the stillness with a whisper loud enough for you to catch.
“He was a slimy jerk,” he began, pausing as if hinting his careful choice of words, “and he was nice to you because he was trying to get into your pants.”
“How did you know?” you asked, meek and shy, fumbling with your fingers in your lap.  Seeking love advice and opinions from none other than the mighty Kaiser seemed absurd, but maybe, wisdom might sometimes fare well with age.
“Trust me when I say I know how boys can be,” he scoffed, a displeased furrow settling in his brows. “He wasn't the gentleman you thought he was.”
“And you? Are you a gentleman?”
Before you could stop your thoughts from escaping your rebellious mouth, the words spilled out like water through a breached dam. The lack of response from him compelled you to chew on your lip and fix your gaze on the road, refusing to spare even a glance his way, despite feeling his stare burning into the side of your face.
Meanwhile, Kaiser was aware he might be staring too long at your side for someone controlling a vehicle, but he couldn't help it. Not when you caught him off guard with a simple question, and especially not when you were trying so hard to avoid looking at him, your discomfort palpable in the air. You looked so cute—it made his mouth twitch.
Staring ahead at the road, he contemplated your question, needing no more than a minute to reach his conclusion.
When a man looks at his best friend's younger sibling in a way he shouldn’t, he’s not deserving of the title “gentleman.”
He was far from it, he concluded. With one last glance thrown your way before bringing the car to a full stop, he muttered in an uncharacteristically soft tone.
“Especially not one, doll.”
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“Y/N! Over here!” a familiar voice cut through the cacophony, prompting you to scan the crowd until you finally spotted them.
Relief flooded over you at the sight of a familiar face amidst the crowd. Checking your phone had proven to be a wise decision; otherwise, you might have spent the night searching aimlessly through the vast expanse of the venue.
The venue stretched out before you was a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that danced upon the senses. Laughter and chatter mingled with applause and the occasional roar of approval as performers graced the stage. 
Everywhere you looked there was movement and so much life. Yet amidst the bustling crowd and pulsating music, one figure occupied your thoughts more than anything else.
Kaiser's towering 6-foot frame loomed behind you, his broad shoulders carving a path of confidence through the crowd. He stood behind you like an immovable rock amidst a rushing river. And if your senses weren't deceiving you, you swore you felt the occasional brush of his hand against the small of your back, gently guiding you forward.
He was so close behind you that his breath on your nape soaked into your skin like ointment— warm to the touch, yet icy on your spine.
“Where's your date?” one of your blockmates inquired after the initial pleasantries were exchanged.
The question lingered, and suddenly, all eyes were on you. Mentally counting heads, you realized you were really on track to be the seventh wheel if you attended without a companion. Speaking of companions— you turned behind you with the intention of introducing Kaiser (not that they didn’t know him already), but your intention faltered when you noticed the scowl on his face.
“I’m the date, if you couldn’t tell,” he interjected. 
From his vantage point, he observed the widening of your eyes at his declaration. Yet, when he didn’t hear any immediate retaliation from you, he flashed you— and everyone else watching— a lopsided smirk. He sensed your blockmates’ curiosity lingering, some perhaps wondering if he was truly dating you. But none of them dared to probe further—maybe because he wasn't exactly the approachable type.
After a few murmurs of ‘oh’ and ‘really’ from your blockmates, they returned their attention to the stage, where the next performer was beginning their pre-performance monologue.
You, on the other hand, look like you were out for his blood from how you’re glaring at him. “Are you out of your mind?” you hissed under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear.
Yes. Perhaps he was. Irrationality had seized him upon hearing the question. After all, he was there with you, visible for all to see. Did they not see him? Did he look like a fucking chair to those people? Common sense must be a luxury these days, given its absence in this situation.
Yet, a small voice of reason within him attempted to intervene, suggesting that the question might have stemmed from genuine curiosity.
As his best friend's younger sibling, seeing the two of you together wasn't an unusual occurrence for those who attend the same university. They likely concluded that your presence with him at the music festival was simply a matter of normal friendship (which it was, but they don’t have to know that, nor does he desire for these extras to reduce it to just that).
“I’m helping you save face like you said earlier,” he tells you, still wearing that annoying smirk.
“How does telling them you’re my date help me save face?” If anything, you'd be hiding on campus after his stunt. You could only hope words won’t travel fast.
“Would you rather I tell them I'm chaperoning you because some jerk canceled on you?”
Your words stalled at the base of your throat, unable to counter his remark. That shut you up, much to your chagrin. He was right.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought,” he quipped, grinning at your silence. “Come closer, there’s a lot of people.”
You huffed in irritation and decided to ignore him behind you, determined to make the most of your experience here. You’d let this slide for now. After all, he was here because of you.
But it wasn’t too long before you realized that ignoring him would be as futile as trying to pluck roses without being pricked by the thorns. You knew very well that this man thrives in getting under people’s skin.
“You should be flattered.”
Genuinely appalled, you ask, “I’m sorry?”
If it wasn’t night time and the blaring lights were replaced by the sun, he could have seen the twitch that your eye did at his retort.
At this point, murder is a tempting option. Sure, he’s taller and much bigger in physique terms, but you have the rage for it. Just one more insufferable antic—one more word— from this man and the whole university will be mourning their star player’s demise first thing tomorrow morning. 
You took a deep breath to calm your murderous nerves, “Is that so? What part of telling people— oh wait, our schoolmates who are probably whispering behind our backs— that you’re my date, is flattering to you?”
The asshole had the audacity to shrug, “Calling me yours was.”
“Well then, you should be flattered. Not me.”
“You don’t know how flattered I am to be yours,” he mused.
If you didn’t know any better, his attempt at flirting might have sent warmth to your cheeks. But this was Kaiser— no one can tell when he’s being serious or just being his usual menace self talking shit like he’s employed to do so. Good thing you had better plans than spend it on his guessing games.
Just when you’re about to berate him once more, words halted on your throat because of a sight you least expected to see.
Han— the guy you’ve been talking to for almost a month now. The same guy who was your supposed date, to be more specific.
“What? Cat got your tongue, doll?”
If cats come in the form of a familiar man who’s a few good meters away, clearly having the time of his life dancing with someone, and clearly showing no signs of unavailability to go to a music festival he asked you to, then yes, it got your tongue.
You stayed silent far too long for Kaiser’s patience. Your lack of snarky clapbacks were starting to unsettle him more than he would allow. Shifting closer to you, he followed your line of sight to see what got you stunned in silence.
Recognizing what, or rather who, got your attention, he turns to you, his voice coming out too indignant, “Do you know that guy?”
“Do you?” you counter, picking up on his tone being all too casual as if they’re acquainted. 
“He’s last week’s opposing team’s goalkeeper,” or was it ‘striker’? He couldn’t recall, so he’s more or less incompetent to him. One thing he remembers, however, “and he hates me.”
You threw him a glance, “Not surprised.”
“And do I give a fuck,” he shook his head, “Why do you keep looking at him?” Don’t fucking tell me.
Your answer wasn’t any better to what he was starting to imagine, “He was… supposed to be my date to this music festival,” you mumbled, looking down at your feet.
You didn’t want to see the look on Kaiser’s face, fearing you might see pity, and so you nailed your gaze to the ground. Totally oblivious of the man peering over you rather softly.
“Why can’t he then?” he asks, voice an octave lower.
“He said they had late notice training, so he can’t come.” 
“Well, that better be his fucking ghost yapping with a brunette then,” he scoffs, looking straight to the lying man who canceled on you.
Sick of his face and sloppy dance moves, Kaiser turned his gaze back at you, only to be filled with rage because of it.
You look sad— and it made his blood boil. Not towards you, but for you.
“Y’know what? Let’s go there,” he urged, head pointing at where Han was.
Is he fucking crazy? You immediately shook your head at his scandalous suggestion. You might be feeling a little betrayed and angry, but rationality still had its hold on you— and it’s saying to not let Kaiser go with his idea. 
Instead, you tug on his forearm, eyes still on the floor before looking up at him, “Can we leave, please?” 
Kaiser was taken aback by your sudden meekness. He wasn’t used to this— to you, being all deflated and zoned out. He was used to your deadpan expressions and your eyes that seem to roll every time he utters a single word. He was used to you being, dare he say, feisty. 
And he would rather have you stay like that all day long, even when he’s the receiving end of it.
But this? You, saying please to him, of all people? He doesn’t like it. 
If this is how he gets to make you say please, then he doesn’t want it. Fuck that, and fuck that guy. How dare he.
Kaiser didn’t say anything back at your request, but you felt big calloused hands grasp on your hand still resting on his forearm. The next thing you knew, you were walking with him, shoulder-to-shoulder while his other hand was on yours guiding you to walk out of the scene.
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“If I see one—just one drop of tear, I swear I am turning this damn car around.” 
Your thoughts abruptly halted at the sound of Kaiser’s threat—his ultimatum, rather. It sounded more like a promise than a threat, and you knew this man well enough to understand that he never ate his words.
You shot him a glance and snickered. There was no way in high hell you’d ever cry in the same space where he was. It was the last thing you’d ever do, even if it meant convincing yourself that what you saw earlier was just a mere look-alike of Han.
“It's nothing. We aren’t even a thing,” you dismissed, your voice flat.
“But you thought you could be,” he countered, and damn if he wasn't right. “How do you even know him?”
“We're kind of talking, well, sort of—”
“Kind of? Sort of?” he scoffed.
“God—it's like a talking stage or something casual, Kaiser! There, got it?”
“That's not exclusive,” he remarked, adding insult to injury.
Irritation bubbled in your throat as his interrogation continued. But even before you could unleash your venom, you caught yourself. He was right. And while this man had never brought you good, it wasn't fair to make him the target of your bad.
“Yeah, it's not,” you admitted, a dry, humorless laugh escaping you. You recalled the brunette he danced with earlier. “I wasn't exclusive material for his reputation, I guess.”
What reputation? “That’s bullshit.” He gritted his teeth, his hand itching towards the steering wheel, clearly tempted to turn back to the festival.
“You said it yourself, he’s an athlete,” you pointed out, “You people never like to go exclusive with someone.”
“You people? Oh, please. Do not insult me by comparing me to the likes of him.”
The sass in his voice drew a chuckle from you. It was amusing how he said it with genuine horror, as if the mere idea of being associated with Han was an insult. “Why? Are you telling me you can commit to someone exclusively?”
“Someone like who? You?” He met your gaze briefly, “Absolutely.”
What the hell. “Stop messing around,” you snorted, effectively ending the conversation.
He was playing a dangerous game, saying that to you. Did he even realize what it did? Did he hear your stupid heart hammering in your chest? It was too loud, too obvious, a frantic drum solo against your ribs. 
And the realization settled— he made your heart flutter. 
His words, so simple, so casually tossed out, had landed like a bomb, sending shrapnel through your carefully constructed walls.
Michael Kaiser, of all people, made your heart flutter.
Suddenly, the air felt thin, the car an echo chamber amplifying the frantic rhythm of your traitorous heart. You knew you should scoff, dismiss it as another one of his infuriating jabs, but the truth was like a hot coal lodged in your throat.
“I’m not though,” he countered, eyes steady on the familiar road ahead. He sounded serious– too serious. 
As you were about to retort back, the car lurched to a stop, announcing your arrival. You glanced out the window, the familiar sight of your house doing little to ease the tension that had coiled tight in your stomach.
“We’re here,” Kaiser announced, his voice a low rumble.
Hurried and flustered by the unexpected shift in the conversation, your clammy hands fumbled with the buckle, the metal cold and unyielding against your sweaty palms. You tugged, then tugged again, frustration building with each failed attempt.
“Easy, doll.” 
Before you could protest, a large hand swooped in, effortlessly unlatching the buckle with a practiced flick. The sudden proximity sent a jolt through you, making your breath hitch. You met his gaze, his eyes a blazing blue as he held your stare for a beat too long before turning away.
Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself. You reached for the door handle, pushing it open and stepping out onto the familiar pavement. Before slamming the door shut, you paused, turning back to Kaiser with a newfound resolve.
Crouching down to meet his gaze, you surprised yourself with the words that tumbled out. “Be careful on your way home and,” you paused, “Thank you... Mikka.”
The nickname slipped out before you could stop it, leaving a blush blooming across your cheeks.
Before Kaiser could react, you slammed the door shut, the sound echoing in the quiet street. 
Mikka. He repeats your words in his mind.
He watched you disappear into your house, a slow grin spreading across his face. Only when you were safely inside did he start the car, the image of your flustered face lingering in his mind.
Damn it, doll.
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Meanwhile, you hurried to your room, clutching your chest where your heart still hammered a frantic rhythm.
Why did I call him that? you asked yourself.
The use of his nickname, a name you rarely uttered now, was a stark reminder that the two of you weren’t as close as you were younger.
It’s not a big deal, you tried to reason with yourself. He literally said you owed it to him, and calling it quits would be in the form of a stupid nickname. It doesn’t mean anything. Right— you were just returning a favor.
Your obvious self-deception was interrupted by the incessant buzzing of your phone, tossed carelessly on the bed. Picking up your phone, you opened one of the notifications, your breath catching in your throat.
It was a post on your university's gossip page, and there, plastered on the screen, was a picture of you and Kaiser. 
The image froze a moment in time, capturing him standing protectively behind you, his arms caging you against a barricade. Panic clawed at your throat. This picture, out in the open, could be misconstrued in so many ways. 
What were people going to think? Who took this photo, anyway?
Your eyes darted down the comment section, scrolling through a sea of unimaginable speculations, desperately searching for clues about the culprit.
Just then, a knock on the door startled you.
“Y/N? Can I talk to you?”
It was your brother— and his voice suggested he needed answers too.
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note. first mini series lmao xD will add cw as i go!
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Someone Borrowed, Someone Blue.
an engagement party, your childhood best friend, one too many glasses of champagne. what could go wrong?
pairing - childhood bestfriend!steve harrington x female reader
warnings - smut. cursing. cheating. alcohol mention. so much angst… i’d apologise but i’m not sorry.
word count - 3.7k
author’s note - get it? like, something borrowed, something blue… because it’s a wedding… I was half asleep when that popped into my head and I thought it was perfect, personally. I don’t condone cheating irl, but also… it’s your life, do what you want ;)
as always, reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics!! so, if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging. thanks, angels <3
masterlist. inbox.
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The moonlight shines down, glinting off the diamond ring settled on your left hand.
Everyone's dancing, singing, laughing, enjoying each other's company in a rare moment of complete happiness. People keep grabbing you, hugging you, reaching for you to offer their congratulations.
Isn't it just so wonderful? Two people completely in love. Ah, to be young again.
The fairy lights twinkle where they're hung across the garden, acres of grass just begging to be decorated. You'd initially protested this venue - a huge country house in the middle of nowhere, with countless rooms and a huge courtyard.
It's just our engagement party, not our wedding. We don't have to be so extravagant.
This isn't extravagant - not for my family, anyway. Just say yes. I'll plan the entire thing, you don't have to worry.
And so you did. Say yes. To his proposal, the venue, anything he suggests. You can't find it in you to say no, to argue, to fight for what you really want. It isn't worth it.
"There you are, my soon to be wife!"
You take a deep breath, pretending the sound of his voice doesn't make you feel sick.
"My soon to be husband."
He can't see the grimace on your face, even though it's there, loud and clear. He can't read you, has never been able to.
"A car has just pulled up. You expecting anyone else?"
You are, but you won't let yourself get your hopes up. So you lie.
"Don't think so."
"Okay, well... you'll save me a dance, won't you? My mom wants to take some pictures."
You nod reluctantly, patting his arm with as much affection as you can muster.
"I think your brother is calling you."
You direct his attention to where his frat boy siblings are, hollering and yelling for him to come over.
"My guys!"
He departs as quickly as he came, leaving a wave of too strong cologne in his wake.
You take a walk from the garden to the front of the house, curiosity peaked. You scan the parking lot, and your heart stops when you spot the car in the corner.
A burgundy 1983 BMW 733i.
He's here.
You spin on your heel, searching almost frantically, when you hear someone clear their throat. You turn around, and there he is.
Leaning against a pillar, stood in a dress shirt and tailored trousers, hair perfectly styled.
Steve Harrington.
You're half convinced you're dreaming. The world moves around you in a daze, crickets chirping and wind blowing gently. You lock eyes with him, and can't fight the grin that spreads across your face.
“Don’t fret, baby. The life of the party has arrived.”
You scoff but almost run towards him, tripping over in your heels. He meets you halfway, arms snaking around your waist to keep you steady as you wrap yourself around him.
He smells the same. Cologne, spearmint, a faint note of diesel from the car. He smells like home.
Past home, you remind yourself. Not anymore. You have a new home now, with a soon to be husband that doesn’t understand you and a soon to be family that is built on morally questionable money and fake niceties. Steve’s a person of your past, a distant memory, a fading dream.
Except he’s stood right in front of you.
He's staring at you with a look in his eyes you can’t quite place. You’ve never seen it before.
"I didn't think you'd come," you whisper, begging yourself to pull away from his embrace. He doesn't let you go far, keeping his arms around your back as if he's worried you'll bolt at any given moment.
"And miss my best friends engagement party? Never."
"Best friends. We're not five anymore, Steve."
You roll your eyes, punching his arm lightly.
"What, I can't call you my best friend anymore?"
He picks you up, spinning you across the gravel of the parking lot. You're dizzy with it, the world passing by you in streaks of shapes and colours.
"What?" he laughs. "You don't like this, best friend? What's the problem, best friend? Are you dizzy, best friend?"
"Put me down!"
Steve throws you over his shoulder as you both spin, strong hands preventing you from falling.
"Put me down, Steve, please - okay, okay! You're my best friend! Call me best friend all you want, please!"
Steve's crying with laughter, out of breath and rosy cheeked. He places you back on the ground, smoothing your hair down with rough palms.
You inhale carefully, grabbing onto his biceps as an anchor as you gauge your bearings. You look up at him, and lose your breath all over again.
Chest heaving, tongue darting over his bottom lip, hair mussed but still perfectly styled. He looks a picture, an ancient painting, a statue carved from the finest marble.
"I never want you to stop calling me your best friend," you whisper, so quietly that the breeze takes it.
"Then I won't."
Your hand slips down Steve's arm and into his, fingers linking gently.
"I missed you."
"I missed you so much, Birdy. You have no idea."
The childhood nickname shoots a lightning bolt through your heart, shiver running up your back involuntarily.
The two of you would sit and watch cartoons for hours on the floor of Steve's living room, pressing your little heads together to see the TV better. He'd joke that you sounded like Tweety Bird, all sweet and lispy. The nickname was born that day, and stuck ever since.
"How was California?"
"So good. I'll tell you all about it later. How's your engagement party?"
"It's good."
You try to sound convincing but your voice cracks, giving you away instantly. Busted.
"Yeah. There's a few people you know back there - from school, the neighbourhood, family. They'll all wanna see you."
"I'll socialise later. Wanna talk to you first."
The intensity in his voice makes you nervous. You realise you're still holding his hand, so you drop it, crossing your arms over your chest.
"You didn't RSVP."
"Didn't get your invite. Travelling."
"I called your mom. She said she'd tell you."
"She didn't."
"She told me she did."
The crickets continue to chirp, gentle breeze blowing your hair into your face. You look at Steve pointedly, unwilling to be the first to break.
"What are you doing here, Steve?"
"It's your engagement party."
"So you've said."
"I haven't seen you in months."
"I tried to call, but you stopped answering."
"I'm just saying, Steve. We haven't spoken in months, I feel like you've been point blank ignoring me, I've had to come to terms with the fact that you probably wouldn't be at this party or the wedding and then all of a sudden you just show up? Unannounced?"
"I know how this looks."
"Do you?"
You're not entirely sure where all of this anger has come from, but you can't seem to tamp it down. It's bubbling, simmering, threatening to spill over the surface dramatically any second.
"I wasn't sure I could do this. Any of it."
"Do what?"
"Stand by and watch you make a mistake."
You scoff, laughing at him in disbelief. He's never been one to sugarcoat things, and usually, it's one of your favourite things about him. But not today.
"Don't you fucking dare, Steve."
"Birdy, be real. The guy is a prick. And you want to marry him? You're a smart girl, the smartest person I know. You've got to see that none of this makes any sense."
"So you showed up here to yell at me? Criticise my life choices? Thanks, Steve. Thanks a million. Some best friend, huh?"
"I've done nothing but support you."
"You ran away! Across the country! How is that support?"
"Fine, maybe I can't support straight up stupidity!"
"Am I smart or am I stupid? Which one is it?"
Steve sighs, running his fingers through his hair as he watches you pace the gravel in front of him. You're vibrating with fury now. It's something he's seen before. Something he knows how to navigate better than anyone. He knows you. He knows you need an outlet here.
He also knows that you're never more hyperaware than when you're mad. So, he takes his opportunity.
"I came here to tell you not to marry him."
You stop dead in your tracks, shaking your head in denial.
"...Why, Steve? Why would you say that?"
"You know why."
You take a deep breath and will yourself not to cry. In the garden, you can hear people laughing, singing along to some 70s pop song you've never liked. You pray silently that no one comes looking for you.
You take a step closer to Steve, standing up straight.
"Say it."
He looks at you incredulously, shocked by your sudden defiance.
"Say it, Steve. If you came all this way to say it, then fucking say it."
Steve steps into you, closing down the space. You don't move, determined not to back down.
"You're going to hate me if I say it, Birdy."
"I don't give a fuck anymore. Say. It."
Steve runs his tongue over his bottom lip, never once breaking eye contact with you. The silence seems to stretch on infinitely, thick and blanketing like fresh snow falling.
"I'm in love with you."
You feel like you've been punched in the gut. You take a deep breath and try to stay on two feet, wobbling where you stand. Finally, you find your voice.
"Fuck you, Steve Harrington. Fuck. You."
He laughs, but there's no humour in it.
"How dare you? How dare you come to my engagement party and start confessing your feelings? You could have told me anytime, but you chose today?"
He goes to interrupt but you hold a finger up, effectively shutting him up.
"How long, huh? How long have you been in love with me?"
Steve's trembling, chest stuttering with the force of his confession.
"For as long as I can remember."
You haven't looked away from him once. You're frozen in place, suspended in the moment.
"No you haven't."
"You're gonna tell me how I feel now, Birdy?"
"Yeah, Steve, I am. Because I don't believe you. You're King Steve, ladies man, notorious player. You were never seen with the same girl twice in high school. Don't you remember? Sneaking into my room at night, whispering under my blankets about your latest hookup, telling me all the dirty details?"
"I remember," he whispers, voice laced with something like sadness. "Of course I remember."
"You don't get to tell me this now. It's not fair, Steve."
"Why not, huh?"
"Because I've always been in love with you! Always."
Steve stumbles backwards, dizzy and disorientated.
"No you haven't."
"You're gonna tell me how I feel now?" you laugh in disbelief. "I've always been in love with you. Everyone knows it. My parents, your parents, all of our friends... I think the goddamn mailman knew, Steve!"
"I didn't."
"Blissful ignorance," you chuckle humourlessly.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I knew it wouldn't change anything."
Steve's eyes go wide as he keels over, as if the wind has been knocked out of him.
"Wouldn't change anything? Birdy, it... I-I can assure you it... It would have changed everything."
You both look at each other, breathless and riddled with confusion. There's something flowing through your veins, something unintelligible, something unrecognisable.
"Why would you do this today?" you choke out, sobs threatening to break free. "Of all the days, Steve."
"Because I'm going insane!" he yells, voice raising. "I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't function knowing that you're going to marry a man you don't love. It's ruining my life, Birdy!"
"You don't think it's ruining mine? Huh?"
You take a breath, very aware that if you shout anymore, multiple people are going to come running from the garden.
"This is selfish, Steve. And you're not selfish."
He looks down at you, bottom lip wobbling.
"I am when it comes to you. Always have been."
"You're breaking my fucking heart, baby."
You choke out the words before bursting into tears, sobs wracking your frame. Steve grabs your hand and guides you to the stone steps, sitting you down next to him. Against better judgment, he slings an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close.
He smells so familiar, so comforting, that it only makes you cry harder. You bury your face in his chest, fingers tangled into his dress shirt, holding on for dear life.
"I'm sorry," he's mumbling. "I'm so fucking sorry. I had to. I really had to."
"I know," you're muttering back. "I know you did. I know."
You lift your head to look at him only to find he's crying too, years of emotion dripping down his face. You wipe his tears with your thumbs, your heart shattering at the sight in front of you.
Steve's only made you cry once before. In ninth grade, you'd stupidly assumed that the two of you would go to the prom together. Steve had made a joking comment about always being your date, and you hadn't questioned it. Then, one Friday night, he'd snuck into your room to tell you excitedly that he'd asked Lizzy Buchanan to the dance, and she'd said yes. You'd burst into tears immediately, much to your teenage embarrassment, willing yourself to play your cards closer to your chest. Steve had crumbled instantly, crying because you were.
That's how it's always been. He cries, you cry. You cry, he cries. He's just not usually the cause of the tears.
"I'm sorry, Birdy," he chokes. "This was the only way."
"I know," you soothe, rubbing circles into his wet cheeks with your fingers. "I know. You're not the villain here, Steve. You never were."
His eyes are trained to yours, silent communication passing back and forth. The two of you have always had the ability to practically read each other's minds.
You're not sure who moves first - perhaps it's the universe, pulling you together by the strings woven into your chests - but suddenly your lips are melded together, moving as if it's the easiest thing in the world. Steve's clinging to you as if you're his life source, a man in the desert without water.
You tangle your fingers into his hair to tug him impossibly closer, eyes fluttering when he groans, deep and visceral. He spreads his legs and pulls you between them, both of you slotting together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Your tears are dancing onto each other's cheeks, mixing like rain water and gasoline.
Suddenly, you yank yourself from his grip, standing up and smoothing down your silky dress. Steve prepares himself for the yelling, the screaming, a slap that he most definitely deserves.
Instead, he's met with you, chest heaving, skin warm, eyes heavy. You're looking at him expectantly.
"Come with me," you croak, voice hoarse and untrustworthy.
You grab his hand and slink through the front door, up the grand staircase and into a room with a heavy oak door. He follows you obediently, confused but completely trusting.
It's your hotel room. A marriage suite. A spacious, windowed room, with makeup scattered across the vanity and suitcases half unpacked on the floor. The bed is still made, which makes Steve breathe a sigh of relief. He hasn't had you here. The room isn't marred.
The minute you shut the door you're back on Steve, shoving him up against the hard wood. He grabs handfuls of your ass and spins you around, backing you into the cold surface behind you for stability. He lifts you easily, wrapping your legs around his waist as he kisses you again.
Steve trails his lips down your neck as you rock your hips, desperate to find some friction. You whine gently, fingers tugging at his hair a little rougher than intended to get your message across.
"What do you need, honey?" he murmurs, afraid to disrupt the atmosphere.
Steve throws his head back as he groans, exposing his throat to you. You waste no time in nipping up the expanse of it, sinking your teeth in with no regard for the consequences. You're too far gone now, not worried about looking back.
Walking backwards, Steve tosses you onto the bed, chuckling when you almost bounce off of it. He unbuttons and strips his shirt, pulling his belt from the loops as he goes. You can only lie there and watch, wondering when your best friend became less of a boy and more of a man. He's all corded muscle and tanned skin, freckled and perfect.
Steve crawls between your legs, kissing you tenderly.
"Wanna take my time with you," he murmurs between kisses. "Can't right now. Will, though. Promise."
You feel as if there's electricity crackling across your skin, pulsing and alive. It's never felt like this with anyone. It never will again.
You can't help the slight insecurity that colours your voice, young and unsure.
"I promise, Birdy. Cross my heart."
He takes your hand in his and places it over his chest, as if to solidify his point.
You nod and kiss him again, desperate to have every inch of his skin on yours.
Steve shimmies your underwear down your legs, tossing them behind him somewhere. Shucking his trousers off, he pushes your dress up and around your waist, groaning when he gets a good look at you.
"Prettiest girl in the world. He doesn't deserve you. Never did."
"And you do?"
"I'll spend every day for the rest of time proving that I do."
With that he's pushing into you, sliding home with one smooth thrust. Both of you gasp, grabbing onto the other person to use them as an anchor.
"Please, Steve," you're whispering. "Give me everything. I want it all."
"You've got no idea how long I've been waiting for this."
"I do," you laugh, "I do. Because I've been waiting just as long."
Steve chuckles and leans down to kiss you, slipping his tongue into your mouth to memorise the way you taste. There's remnants of champagne on your lips, along with the minty lip gloss you've loved for as long as he can remember.
He wastes no time setting a steady rhythm, thrusts deep and measured. You rake your nails down his back, clawing at this skin, praying silently that you leave your mark. Little do you know, you staked your claim on him a long, long time ago.
"S'good, Stevie," you whine. "Fuck, so good."
"Does he make you come? Does he even try?"
You shake your head frantically, closing your eyes when Steve laughs dryly.
"Didn't think so. He can't make you feel the way I can, baby. He'll never be able to."
His words are only pushing you closer and closer to the edge, red hot heat building at the pit of your stomach. Steve places one hand at the base of your throat, the heavy weight of it causing your eyes to roll back.
Your sweat slicked skin is plastered to his, every inch of you pressed together. Steve leans down to rest his forehead against yours, panting into each other's mouths.
"I love you," he breathes, hips getting quicker. "I love you. Fuck, I love you."
"I love you," you sob, back arching as you find your release. Stars dance across your vision as you tighten around Steve, nails leaving crescent moons on the skin of his shoulders.
Steve's right there with you, back flexing and fingers leaving their prints on your hips as he groans. It's the prettiest sound you've ever heard. Your mind loops it for you, playing it on repeat as he collapses his weight on top of your body.
"I meant it," he mutters against your damp chest. "I do love you. Always have."
You kiss his forehead gently, smoothing the hair away from his face.
"I meant it too. I love you. You taught me what love was in the first place, Steve."
He leans up to press his lips to yours, tender and honey sweet.
You realise the gravity of the situation all of a sudden, your heart rate increasing in Steve's ear.
"Hey, hey. Birdy. Don't panic, okay? We'll figure this out."
You think for a moment, weighing up your options in your head. Unexpectedly, you're jumping out of bed, fixing your dress and slipping on your underwear and heels.
"What are you doing, babe?"
You adjust your hair and swipe your fingers under your eyes to salvage your makeup in the mirror, turning to face the man who's now dressing himself frantically.
"Have you had a drink tonight?"
"No, I drove here."
You grab your purse and stand by the door, waiting for him to follow. When he looks at you in pure confusion, you chuckle.
"Let's run away."
"Birdy... what?"
"Steve. You heard me. Let's. Run. Away."
He scans your face for any sign of hesitation, but all he finds is love. Adoration. Assuredness. That's all the confirmation he needs.
He runs at you, picking you up and spinning you around. Grabbing his hand, the two of you sneak down the stairs, slipping out of the front door as quietly as possible.
You throw yourself into the front seat of his BMW, vibrating with adrenaline as Steve starts up the engine. It roars to life, and you're very aware that people are going to come looking for you.
But you don't care.
Steve links your fingers, resting your intertwined hands in his lap as he reverses. You go to look back towards the garden, but you stop yourself.
"Can't move forward if you're always looking back, right?"
Steve laughs, leaning over to kiss your warm cheek.
"Truer words have never been spoken, Birdy."
He brings the car to a stop before you begin down the winding driveway, looking at you carefully.
"You ready?"
You take a deep breath, grinning at him.
"I've been ready since we were five years old."
He smiles at you, bright and blinding, and there's no doubt in your mind that you've made the right choice.
Can't move forward if you keep looking back, after all.
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@enigmaticloki @joekeerysslut @s-trawberryv-eins @wintressoldier36 @mangomastani
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i-heart-marvel · 10 months
Polaroid films | Noah Diaz x fem!reader
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(Not my GIF)
Summary: When your best friend’s mom called you and asked you the babysit Kris while she’s out at work. You didn’t expect to see Noah come back so early from his work. After a while of talking y’all decided to catch up…maybe makes some photographic memories.
Warnings: fingering, making out, voyeurism?, first time writing smut, oral (M receiving), and slight nipple play?
So I haven’t seen the movie in a while so everything is gonna be weird or not right?! This is after the whole ROTB. Also like I said in the warning it’s my first time writing smut. Hope you enjoy!
It was lunch time when my phone rang. I ran from my room to the living room answering the phone on the third ring.
“Hello?” Y/n wasn’t expecting a call at all from anyone. It’s been awhile since her phone rang, or was even used. “Hey Y/n, how are you sweetheart?” Mrs. Diaz asked her voice wavering. Oh how I missed hearing her voice. She was like a second mom to me. I haven’t seen the Diaz family, or talked to them since Noah went and did a job for Reek. It’s not like I didn’t want to go see them or call them but it hurt knowing that Noah didn’t even bother putting effort into our long time friendship. Ever since he did that job he ignored me, didn’t even bother to come to our daily park walks. ‘Those were the most important’ he would say every time my schooling was in the way. I would drop everything and go with him without a question.
“Oh hey Mrs. Diaz! I’m good just been studying real hard for my classes. Y cómo está usted? Esta bien?” I was concerned plus confused. Normally her voice would be bright and soothing, but now it sounds rushed. “Oh estamos muy vein pequeña. But I have to ask you for a favor” Mrs. Diaz asked her voice now unsure. Mrs. Diaz knew her and Noah haven’t talked in awhile and knew it would be awkward if she came over to do this favor for her. Mrs. Diaz just ran out of options. “Yeah tell me! Que es?” Y/n asked hesitation laced in her words.
“Well I’m going to enter my shift in about an hour, and I need a babysitter for Kirs. Noah can’t make it since he’s working right now.” Y/n heard Kris in the background saying that he doesn’t need one since he’s ‘grown’. I chuckled at that, “Ay Kris you know I would never leave you by yourself. Anyways Y/n I was wondering if you can come and stay with Kris until Noah comes off his shift tonight?” I stayed quiet listening to her words. Many thoughts ran through my mind, ‘what if Noah tries to talk to me? Do I ignore him? What if he ignores me? What would he do when he got there?’. Hearing Mrs. Diaz on line saying my name brought me out of my train of thought. “Mhm… Yes I’m sorry I was just thinking um yeah sure I would love to. I haven’t seen Kris in awhile so why not?”
I honestly need a brake from my studying anyways, so babysitting Kris could be a breather. Just hope nothing awkward would happen. “Oh good I can pay you tomorrow and there’s snacks in the fridge, cabinets, and leftovers in the also in the fridge.” Mrs. Diaz rambling at this point telling me all this information. “Mr-Mrs. Diaz! You don’t have to pay you know? You guys are like family to me I can be there in like twenty or so minutes yeah? I will be there just don’t pay me.” I let out reassuring her that she doesn’t need to pay me. “Okay está vein just bring want you need pequeña. I will meet you here. Okay bye thank you!” Mrs. Diaz hung up the phone. I put the phone back on the wall, I stood there contemplating if I should do this.
I walked out of the living room going into my room getting ready. I put on some comfortable clothes and shoes. I get my book bag and started to grab some VHS tapes knowing what Kris would like. Grabbing my Polaroid camera, I put it in my bag so I can take some photos for my class. After getting everything i need I start heading out the door, but before I close the door, “shit can’t leave without this,” I quickly run back in and get my stashed chocolates. I grab some and put them in my bag. “Couldn’t leave without this,” I finally shut my door and lock it.
When I get there I knock at the door and wait patiently. Hearing footsteps nearing the door I anxiously start to play with my fingers. The door opens and reveals Kris.
“Hey Kris!” I said with a big smile on my face. He comes out and hugs me, “hey Y/n I missed you. Why don’t you come anymore?” Kris looked up at me releasing me. “Oh!” My voice faltering a bit, “I was just busy with my schooling Kris you know it’s very hard once you get older.” I said hands on his shoulder lightly turning him around him. “Okay let’s get on with this hangout bud!” “Yeah!” Kris yelled excitedly. We got into the house and I see Mrs. Diaz. “Hey Mrs.Diaz!” I walked up to her inviting arms and hugged tightly. “Oh hi pequeña! I missed you, but I’m in a rush” Mrs. Diaz quickly let go of the hug and kissed me on the cheek. She was rushing around the kitchen and living room, quickly gathering her things. “Like I said over the phone there’s food leftovers in the fridge and snacks…somewhere anyways I will see you guys later.” Mrs. Diaz went up to Kris and kissed her forehead, “oh mom come on not in front of Y/n” Kris whispered to his mom.
“Okay I’m leaving. Be safe you two Noah will come later okay? Okay bye love y’all” Mrs. Diaz quickly walked out and shut the door.
They stood there staring at the door. “Wow I have never seen her that quick” Kris said eyes wide, “me neither” I said my mouth opened in shock. I close my and turn to Kris, “now do you want to watch some movies” my voice raised a higher octave. I set my bag on the kitchen table getting out the VHS tapes. “We have some different options here” Kris turns around and looks my way and starts to walk up to the table. “We got Hocus-pocus, The Nightmare before Christmas.” I kept listening off the movies I brought and hand them to Kris for him to look at and pick. While he looked I got into the cabinets and start to get the popcorn out and some sugary snacks. I looked up at the clock and see that’s it one thirty. ‘Maybe after a movie I can take some photos.’
“Oh I think I would like this,” he showed me the movie The Snadlot. “Oh that’s a good one. You will love it more than you like it,” I said smiling at Kris and he smiled back. “Okay go put it in and I can get the snacks started!”
“Okay!” Kris exclaimed excitedly going to the tv and putting in. I got the popcorn out of the microwave and put it in to two separate bowls, and I grab the candy’s and bring them to the living room. “Here you go Kris,” I hand him the bowl and he thanks me. I laid the candy down on the coffee table and start to watch the movie with him.
We finished the movie a few minutes ago so I go to get up. “How did you like the movie Kris?” I asked while getting the popcorn bowls and candy wrappers. “I liked it, it was cool!” Kris got up too and got our empty soda cans and threw them away. “Are we gonna watch other one Y/n?” Kris looked at me while I was putting washing the bowls, “yeah we can watch one later.” I looked up at the clock and see that it’s three something in the afternoon.
“Hey wanna go to the park and take some photos? It’s for my class and I think you’re the perfect super star to be in my photos” I asked him smiling leaning my back on the counter with my arms crossed in front of me. “Mhm what do I get if I do be in your photos?” Kris questioned with one eyebrow raised. I looked at him playfully going along with it, “how about free ice cream?” I said while doing jazz hands. “You got yourself a deal Y/n!” Kris smiled and took out his hand for a shake. I shake his hand and start to get my stuff, “okay then Kris go get your shoes and we can leave.” I smiled as he quickly ran for his shoes.
After we went to the park and took some pretty good photos we got ice cream from a little shop.
We made it back at the apartment at six. I opened the door and let Kris in first, “how do you like your ice cream bud?” I asked while he walked passed me I ruffled his hair a bit. “It’s so good!” Kris exaggerated with a smile while putting a spoonful in his mouth. I chuckled at his actions, “yeah it’s very good, but don’t tell your mom I gave you ice cream before dinner.” I walked in behind him shutting the door and locking it behind me. I sat on the couch and looked at the tv that was playing on a random channel. “Hey Kris,” I look beside me to get his attention. “What?” He questioned eyes still focused on the tv, “what do you want from the leftovers? You guys have a different variety.”
“Oh I don’t care what you reheat, just don’t reheat Noah’s leftovers he said that there differently seasoned.” Kris said looking at you making quote on quote hand gestures. “Oh okay, yeah of course!” I said laughing and getting up to the kitchen and getting out the pasta. I see the container that’s says ‘Noah’s leftover’ I chuckled seeing the burnt food. “Okay well I’m reheating pasta” I said while taking two plates and putting pasta on them.
After heating them up I told Kris that it was ready. “Coming” he said while walking to his seat, “thank you Y/n.” Kris smiled at and I smiled back, “oh you’re welcome Kris.” When I was about to put the delicious food in my mouth I hear the door unlock. “Kris I’m home!” The voice yelled out. It was Noah. ‘Shit’ I yelled in my mind. “Oh hey Noah. Y/n’s here mom asked her to babysit me.” Kris said with a big smile looking at his big brother waking through the miniature hallway. I keep my head down avoiding to look at Noah playing with my food. “Oh.” Noah let out looking at the back of my head, “hey Y/n” he let out awkwardly. Noah walked into the kitchen looking at you before opening the fridge and getting a drink. “Hey Noah” I said keeping my head down, too scared to look at him.
Kris was confused his smile faltering a bit. “Why did it get so quiet all of sudden?” Kris asked innocently looking back and fourth between the two of you. I looked at Noah who is leaning on the counter with a soda can in his hand looking at me. “Nothing wrong Kris everything’s fine. Tell Noah what we did today,” I put on a fake smile and turned around to look at him hoping he can’t see through me.
“Oh well.…” Kris began to tell Noah what we did today. I toned him out and played with my food, occasionally I would look up at Noah who has moved to the table sitting right in front of me. We would make eye contact but would break it quickly as it came. After Kris was done he wanted me to show Noah some off the photos I took of him at the park. “They look good, I myself look good Noah” Kris said smiling while looking at Noah. Noah looked at you and began to show a little smile, “can I see them?” He questioned his voice was gentle and soft approaching. I looked up at him and sat there, “um yeah, uh let me get them.” I said dazed a little bit, nodding my head I get up and go to the living room the retrieve my film book.
I get it out and walk back to the table. Noah and Kris were talking about what Noah did today but stop when I got close. “Look they’re going to look so good. You’re pretty good at this Y/N!” Kris smiled excitedly and looked at me, “oh thank you Kris, you look handsome in these!” I said looking back him smiling while sitting down at my seat. I hand Noah my book gently I made eye contact with him and smiled a bit, he smiled back. “Thanks Y/n/n” Noah smiled grabbing my book and opening it.
“I was g-glad there wasn’t such a big crowd today since usually where I go to take those photos I can’t even get a shot.” I was surprised I said a word to Noah. I smiled and look at Kris, “maybe your my lucky charm bud. You should always come with me.” I said while chuckling and ruffling his hair. Kris smiles at me and playfully slaps my hand. “Maybe I should, I can get more ice cream.” He said playfully, “I would give you all the ice cream you would want for helping me out” I said while turning back to Noah who is still looking at them.
“Do you like them?” I questioned softly playing with my fingers, nervous for his response. Kris got up to look at the pictures with him “They look great Y/n” Noah said looking up at you smiling brightly, “you made Kris look pretty good!” I sighed, relieved he didn’t say anything bad. “Why don’t you take photos of yourself Y/n?” Kris asked looking up at you while also Noah does too. “Yeah why don’t you take photos of yourself Y/n/n?” Noah asked too with a teasing smile. I blushed, “I don’t think I would look good in films, and I’m too busy to take photos of myself.” I looked at Noah who is still smiling at me, I smiled back. “How about I take a photo of you?” Noah questioned already getting up and walking to my bag.
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that Noah!” I quickly exclaimed getting up from where I sat. “Wait let him Y/n you barley have any of yourself!” Kris said walking up and facing me, “you look good!” He gleefully said. I see Noah at my bag getting my camera, so I walked up close to him “you remembered how to take one yeah?” I questioned softly, not wanting him to do something accidentally wrong. “Yes I remember Y/n/n” Noah said turning around a getting my camera ready. “Okay now get ready!” He smiled at me, I turn around and look at Kris. I make a come here motion but he shakes his head with a smile and runs to his brother.
“Come on Noah you know I can’t do it myself it’s awkward,” I tried to get out of the situation. “Nope come on Y/n pose!” Noah said smiling and closing one eye, I let out a smile and put my hands behind my back. The flash goes off and blinds me for a bit I hear the Polaroid making my film.
Noah walked up to me with the film in hand shaking a bit so the process is faster. When he showed me I saw my form and my smile. “See you look so great Y/n/n” Noah said softly slightly moving his head down so I can hear him. “Thank you Noah.” I said just as softly looking up at him, I see that his cheeks are covered in red dust so were mine. We made eye contact for a few more seconds before we heard Kris’s footsteps, “see you do look good Y/n. No wonder why Noah said you were made to be in front of the camera.” Kris said smiling down at the picture than at me. “I’m going to put it in your book!” Kris ran off with the photo to the kitchen.
I go to sit on the couch, “you said that about me?” I questioned Noah softly. I sit on the far right of the couch with Noah sitting beside me, but he left us some space. “Yeah every time my ma would bring you and your camera skills up I said you should be in front of it instead.” He said blushing while looking at me. When I see his freckled face I can’t help but remember what he did, they way he ignored me for days. Didn’t call, visit me, or even come to our hangouts. I decided now it’s the time to ask him. “Noah what happened? Why did you ignore me? For like several days!” I examined softly so Kris doesn’t hear.
Noah was taken aback. He was surprised I even brought this up. Noah looked at me with sad eyes, “look Y/n/n-“ he was cut off by Kris yelling out, “Hey can we watch another movie Y/n?” Kris was smiling walking up to you two with more of my VHS tapes. Noah was thankful for Kris Interrupting him, he wouldn’t know how to explain to you that he works for a secret organization that’s nobody knows about.
I looked at him with a look that said ‘this isn’t over’. “Yeah sure bud pick whatever you want!” I got up and went to the tv to change the setup.
After watching the movie Kris had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Noah sat on the opposite side of Kris, his arm laid flat behind Kris’s head his hand almost touching my shoulder.
“Noah,” I said quietly facing him not trying move so much as not wake up Kris. “Can you carry Kris to his room please?” Noah looked at me and nodded, while he was carrying Kris away I was thinking of what happened earlier. I pulled the blanket up to my chest, the one Noah got me. ‘Does he do anything bad? Is he even my best friend anymore? What does he even do for work that he managed to ignore me so much?’
A door shutting brought me out of my thoughts. I see Noah walking into the living room, he looks up at me and sits on the couch. “Look Y/n/n earlier I wanted to say that-“ he stops and takes a deep breath. I turn my whole body to look at him, my knees almost touching his thighs. Noah didn’t know what to say. How can he explain in words what he works for, and that no one has even heard of. “Y/n/n I really can’t explain. If I could I would tell you I would, but I am really, really sorry that I had ignored you for several days. My job is just really complicated I’m dealing with all this shit that probably wouldn’t even make sense to you-“ Noah rambled on talking fast, but I heard every word. “What do you mean your work is fucking complicated? To complicated to call for a minute and say ‘oh hey Y/n how are you? I’m doing fine myself! Wanna go have our daily walks and talk about life.’ You can’t even tell me that you’re safe and fine ugh!”
I jumped up from the couch and let out a groan. “I’m still mad at you Noah. You had me thinking that our friendship didn’t even mean anything to you. I don’t even know if it still means anything!” I said shouting quietly at him as to not wake up Kris. Noah looked up at me and got up and put his hands on my arms. “Our friendship means everything to me Y/n! I didn’t call you because I needed you to be safe!” Noah exclaimed his left hand going to the my cheek, his thumb going back and fourth.
“If I told you what I do you would want to help but I love you too much to lose you to some evil aliens!” I felt his breathe hitting my face. He was breathing hard, I looked into his eyes to see them glossed over by tears. My eyes soften at the sight, “What are you talking about Noah?” I grab his hand that’s on my cheek, gripping it. “Evils aliens? Are you insane?” I drop his hand and back up a little bit not believing one word. “There’s no such thing as aliens Noah. Gosh you do you really think I’m that dumb?” I scoffed and started to walk to the kitchen.
“See this is why I didn’t want to have this conversation cause you wouldn’t believe me Y/n! But trust me please!” Noah begged walking behind me and grabbing my arm making me turn around. “Trust me when I say this I love you! I have always been in love with you Y/n!” Noah said smiling sadly a tear running down his face. He was looking at me with such desperation, he hesitates his next words “befo-before I went to do the job for Reek I wanted to ask you out but I was scared of what you would say, and when I found out a dude from space was going to end the whole world I decided to not tell anyone not even you. I was terrified of what would happen to you.”
Noah brought both his hands and put them back on my cheeks. I started to tear up from his confession. He wiped the fat tears away from my face. “You’re telling the truth?” I whispered still unsure but beginning to trust his every word. He nodded licking his lips still making eye contact with me. “Oh Noah,” I sobbed out hugging him my arms wrapping around his waist. He lets out a breath and hugs you back wrapping his arms around your shoulder tucking his head into your shoulder. “Noah I love you too but you can’t ever do this again. This time you have to me everything please.” Taking my head off his chest I looked up at him, “promise me Noah, promise that we will tell each other everything even if it’s bad or good.”
I said bringing my hand on his cheek. “I promise.” He whispered back his eyes still glossy, I smiled up at him. “Y/n-“ Noah whispered liking the feeling of your warm palm on his cheek, “yes?” “Can I kiss you?” He asked wrapping a his hand around the back of my neck. My eyes widened a little I meekly nodded. He leans in slowly noses touching, I feel his breath on my lips.
Then I feel his lips connecting to mine,kissing me gently, I kiss back. I never imagined kissing my best friend but here we are. The kiss was soft and slow and it feels just like out of a fairytale. I feel his mustache rub on the top of my lip. Our lips fitting like a perfect puzzle piece, but we sadly both pull away for air. I whined at losing contact. Our foreheads connect both of us out of breath. Noah opens his eyes and sees Y/n still has her eyes closed but with a pleasured smile. “You like that Y/n/n?” Noah said teasingly his thumb rubbing the back of my neck soothing me, and I feel his other hand on my hip steadying me.
I opened my eyes again to see Noah looking at me smiling. I pull back a little, “that was…wow.” I chuckled looking at his plumped lips, “can we kiss again?” I sheepishly asked smiling, he nodded and connected his lips with mine once more. The kiss was harder now with more passion.
Noah licks Y/n’s bottom lip asking her to slip in his tongue, so Y/n opens her mouth a little wider and Noah does just that exploring her mouth. Y/n moans at the feeling, loving every second of this. With their lips still connected they move to the couch. Noah sits down first and puts Y/n on his lap, both of her thighs warp around his hips tightly. His hands go to her legs rubbing them up to her thigh. When he gets to her ass he kneads it. “mmm” I moaned out running my hands through his curls. He pulls away kissing my check and heading down to my neck. “You smell good Y/n,” I felt his nose on my pulse point his teeth nibbling at my neck he starts to suck my neck. I throw my head back letting out a moan my hand tugging his curls. “You even taste well,” he swipes his tongue at new forming bruise. Noah let’s out strained breaths every time I tug his hair.
I feel his hands going under my shirt caressing my lower back. His calloused hands give me goosebumps all over my body. He keeps on making deep colored buries all around my neck, “N-mm” he got to my sweet spot, and I couldn’t help but moan loudly. I quickly bring my hand up to my mouth hoping Kris doesn’t hear any of this. He finally pulls away and looks up at me with hooded eyes. “Was I that good?” He chuckled with smile, “y-yeah that was n-nice,” I couldn’t even talk without stuttering. My breathing was hard at this point I was almost breathless, “you look so good like this Y/n/n wish I can take a picture,” he said bring one on his fingers and dragging it around my neck.
I closed my eyes trying to calm down at the sweet new feeling. “Oh I got an idea Y/n,” he said gently shifting me off his lap I get off and sat on the couch opening my eyes back up, “what are you doing Noah?” I see him going through my bag looking for something he takes out my Polaroid camera, “I want to take a picture of your beautiful self! I wanna remember this,” he states coming back to the couch and pulling me back into his lap. I move around in his lap when I do that he lets out a breathless moan. I feel his groin through his pants touching my core, “s-shit Y/n don’t move as much,” he said bring his hand to my hip tightly gripping it.
I blush at the sound he made, “sorry. Noah how are you gonna take the picture,” I looked at him seeing that he smiling at me his thumb going back and fourth. “Well I was thinking-” he went back to kissing my neck this time he kisses each mark, “I hold the camera close while my mouth is on your neck and you just sit there all pretty enjoying every second of it. You’re the new star for the camera.” I looked at him surprised, “we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He started to put the camera down but I stop him, “I would like to,” I said blushing and smiling. He smiles back at me and starts to go back to kissing my neck.
I closed my eyes pleased with all this. His left hand is still on my hip this time making its way to my ass, his other hand holding on to the camera. He raises it up getting ready, but once his lips met my sweet spot again I throw my head back making a o shaped with my mouth. I hear the camera take the shot. Noah pulls away but not without taking one last kiss. I opened my eyes and looked down at him smiling, “does it look good?” I see him shaking the film. He smiles looking down at the processed photo, “yeah it looks very good. You look hot,” Noah looked up at me smirking I blushed again and I grabbed the film.
In the photo I see that my hand is holding on to his curls tightly, my head is pulled back, my mouth opened, half of my face is shown. I can see Noah’s teeth nibbling, and my neck is covered with marks. I smiled at the photo, “I do look hot!” I said chuckling. “Yeah you do,” Noah said grabbing my chin and placing his lips back on mine and we were full on making out. I hear the camera take another film but ignored it and kept going. I guess he ignored it to cause then I feel both of his on my ass.
His fingertips start to mess with the waistband of my pants. “Y/n-” he said bring his right hand to the front, “can I touch you?” He whispers looking down at his hand. I nodded looking at him raising my hand on his cheek I start to lightly kiss it making my way down to his neck. While doing that I feel him rubbing me through my pants, my arousal already seeping through. “mmm f-fuck Noah,” I moaned against his neck I lightly nibble on his tanned skin, “damn Y/n you’re so wet. All this for me?” He said breathless looking at the way his hand is working. I hummed too fucked to form a word.
His fingers start to rub harder putting more pressure. I start to feel the coil tighten in my lower belly, “f-fuck Noah I thi-think I gonna cum” I stammered out pulling my head away. I start to grind into his hand wanting him to go faster, but all of sudden he pulls away I whined missing his fingers. “Oh come on Noah I was about to cum!” I examined looking at him, “oh I know Y/n/n don’t worry. I want to really feel you this time hmm. I wanna feel those walls.” He whispered in my ear kissing under it.
I take in a shuddering breath, “oh Noah. Shit just do it already,” I said whispering desperately. When he hears those last five words his pupils dilate, his eyes full with lust, “oh I will.” He quickly makes us lay down on the couch, he turns me around with my back to his chest my head laying down on his shoulder. I yelped at the sudden move, “I just want you to see how good I fuck you with only my fingers.” He said smirking at me, our eyes meeting and my mouth opened with shock. His hands go under my shirt and starts caressing my stomach. They go up until they meet my breast, he quickly takes the end of my shirt and raises it up to my neck, “mmm they look so good Y/n/n!” Noah groans out kneading both my breast I let out a breathless moan.
I quickly work to take my bra off, but Noah stops me and does it himself. When he’s done he throws it down to the floor and goes back to fondle my breast. I throw my head back to his shoulder closing my eyes, “Y/n I need you to keep those pretty eyes open for me. I want you to see all of this.” He grabs my chin making me open eyes again forcing me to look at his hands. Noah grabs my nipples and starts to rub them, “oh~” I let out closing my eyes but opening just as quickly as I closed them. He let’s go one nipple and brings two fingers up to my mouth, “suck” he simply said.
I opened my mouth letting my tongue stick out, he quickly puts it in my mouth. Closing my mouth around it I start suck on it. He shakily inhales, loving the feeling of your mouth sucking his fingers. Slightly moving my head back and fourth, I swirl my tongue around it, I taste my arousal from earlier. I moaned at the taste Noah pulls them out and goes to my core, I help him pull down my pants and panties. While his other hand is still playing with my nipple, he starts to rub his sucked fingers on my folds rubbing it in circles.
Throwing my head back I moaned trying to keep my eyes opened but it was too good. Noah quickly notices and grabs my chin gently making me bring my head off his shoulder, “look Y/n, or I won’t make you cum.” He whispers into my ear threateningly I nodded my head now focusing my eyes on his slicked fingers. His fingers starts to go down my slit and makes it at the entrance of my aching hole. He teasingly starts to rub it, “please Noah” I whined turning my head a little to look into his eyes, “please what Y/n/n? What do you want?,” he asked slowing his movements.
“P-please I want your fingers inside of me, pumping me until I cum. Please Noah,” I whined gripping his wrist wanting him to do it already. All of sudden he enters without warning making me let out a big gasp. “Ohh~ fuck so tight!” He exclaimed turning his head and kissing behind my ear, his fingers pumping in and out gradually getting faster. I see my slick leaking out me, I hear it squelching every time he meets my folds. He brings his other hand and starts to rub my clit. “Oh f-f-” I moaned not finishing my sentence, his fingers reach the spongy spot that I love so much, “oh ye-yes right there Noah,” I grabbed his wrist making him go faster. I drop my left leg off the couch spreading my legs wider.
You can hear the way he’s pumping so good, the wet noises sounding like heaven to him. I feel his hard breathing hitting my ear, I feel his hard clothe member on my lower back. “Sh-shit I’m gonna cum Noah,” I moaned out quietly looking at the way his hands are working. I bring my left hand and start to knead my breast. Noah feels her walls beginning to tighten, “cum for Y/n/n,” he kisses my cheek and a few more pumps I let go of the coil. I start to come off his fingers, and I turn my head and kiss him to try and cover my loud moans. He pumps a few more times letting me ride my high. I break away and throw my head back breathing heavily, but when I broke away I hear him get my camera from where he left it last.
“Oh that was amazing Y/n/n. You did so good for me,” he said praising me kissing my cheek, “oh look at this beautiful cunt. Wanna take a picture?” He asked me smiling and shaking the camera a bit. I smiled back and agreed, “yeah sure Noah,” his two fingers were still in my hole so he hands me the camera. I try not to move as much since I’m still overstimulated. I bring the camera up to my face and look into the little window, and I saw Noah’s left hand sprawled across stomach his other hand at my core. I feel him move his fingers out a little to show how slicked they’re I whined a bit at the feeling. I take the picture and a flash goes off, I hear the film being processed. When it’s done I take it and look at it admiring it.
Noah fully gets his fingers out and brings them up to his mouth and sucks them dry. “Mmm- told you tasted so good!” Noah moans loving the taste of my sweet slick his eyes rolling to the back of his head, I flushed red at his comment and bury my head into his neck. “Ohh~ don’t get shy on me now Y/n/n!” Noah chuckles bringing his hand onto my head petting my hair, “how can I not?” I asked laughing. He chuckles and shifts a bit.
I still feel his rock hard on my lower back, “Noah?” He looked at me and hummed, “can I return the favor?” I asked looking at him he meekly nods red dusting his cheeks. I sit up and turn around my pants now at my ankles, so I take them fully off. I grab Noah’s hands and make him sit up and turn him so now his back is on the back of couch and his legs are now man spreading. I got on my knees in front of him, “you ready?” I asked smirking putting my hands on his upper thighs, “yes.” He said breathlessly.
I tug his pants and boxers down he raises his hips to help me out. When I fully pull them down his member springs up slapping his stomach pre-cum leaking from his tip. I gently grab it I bring my thumb up to his tip spreading the pre-cum. He lets out a moan and grips the sofa tightly. Bringing my face up I look into Noah’s eyes looking at him through my eyelashes. I kiss the tip going down all the way to his base, and when I get to base I lick my way back up. I feel Noah’s thighs tense up, I opened my mouth and suck on the tip.
Swirling my tongue I go deeper, sucking him with hollow cheeks going up and down. Noah groans and grabs my hair making it into a makeshift ponytail.
I feel every vein in my mouth, and my tongue licking every one. I moaned at the feeling loving him being in my mouth. Noah let’s out a groan, I looked up at him and see that he has his head back and eyes closed his hand still grips my hair tightly. I start to speed up a little closing my eyes, I bring my right hand up and pump what I can’t fit in my mouth. My left hand goes to his balls kneading them. “F-fuck Y-Y/n. Doing s-so good,” Noah stutters out looking at me he brings his left hand and caress my cheek, I opened my eyes again and looked at him his eyelids half closed and dazed. I see him move his hand away from my face and grab the camera that I put down on the couch. I love where he’s going with this.
This time I put him deeper in my mouth, deep throating him, I gagged a little. My salvia is drooling out of my mouth, “Y-mmm~shit~” Noah said pulling my hair making me go up and down. Tears are now pooling in my eyes, “mmm~” I moaned out, I keep on looking at him and see he gets my camera ready so I look straight at it. I bring my lips back up to his tip sucking on it and my right hand working the rest. The flash goes off blinding me making me close my eyes and going back to make him come. “You look so~” Noah groaned out not being able to finish his sentence, “fuck I’m close!” I start to pump him faster. I feel him twitch in my mouth and shoot his load. Noah groaned and tighten his hold on my hair.
I lay my left hand on his abs caressing them. I swallow his load, some of it leaking from the corners of my mouth, I wiped it away. I pull away letting him catch his breathe, I lay my head down on his stomach relaxing my mouth. ““Was I good?” I asked wrapping arms around him”yeah, yeah you were,” he said petting my hair he grabs the film and looks at it. He sees me sucking on his tip, my pupils dilated looking straight at the camera, my right hand on his shaft, my left hand laying in his thigh, and my hair being messy. “You looked so pretty sucking me,” Noah said showing me the film, I blushed while taking it.
“What are you going to do with them, the films I mean?” I asked laying my chin on his stomach looking at him, “well I was going to put it in my own book. For just me and you.” He proclaims, “here wanna take this to my room?” Noah smirks, playfully raising his brows and gently grabbing my arm making me stand up from my position. “How many did we take Noah?” I start to pick up my pants and start to clean up quickly not wanting to be caught by Mrs.Diaz, ‘that would be embarrassing’ I thought.
“We took a few good ones Y/n/n.” He said wrapping his arms around me from behind swaying us a bit. “Mmm okay pretty boy, I’m not waiting on you so let’s go,” I said unwrapping myself from his warm embrace. I tug at his hand eagerly, he quickly gathers the rest of his things and follows me into his room. I pull him in and quickly shut the door, i hear him drop his things and pushes me up against the door, “ready for the real round?” He said teasingly tugging at my shirt wanting me to take it off. I chuckled and kissed him on the lips, “oh I’m so am!” I said pushing him to his bed. We both laughed and enjoyed the rest of our night.
The next morning Noah’s mom woke up early to make the kids breakfast. She was walking into the living room noticing there’s still popcorn kernels and junk so she decides to clean it up. Once’s she got to the couch she sighed,”oh these kids leaving their messes and not cleaning it…up,” she stopped and saw a film. She picks it up and sees the most vile thing. She gasp and yells madly,”Noah!!” The whole house gotten woken up by her scream.
Noah wakes up and thinks shit.
Let’s just say Y/n and Noah were shamelessly embarrassed and forced to clean the whole house while Kris and Mrs.Diaz went out for breakfast.
——————————————<3———————————yeah so that was my attempt to write smut I really hope who ever is reading this likes it. If it disappoints you I am so sorry 💀😭 I was really going to continue this when they got to his room but my phone is legit not handling anything so well. So yeah tell me y’all think and if I should write anything else! 🤭
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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sturn1olo-ffics · 8 months
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- Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader
- Warnings: making out, angst, pining? (if you squint), swearing, use of y/n, Chris and y/n high key hate each other; NOT PROOFREAD
- About: Y/n had always been close friends with Matt and Nick, but she always had a hatred towards Chris. That is, until everything changes one night while sleeping over at the triplets’ house.
(Y/N’s POV):
“Hey y/n! Me, Nick, and Chris were gonna go to Top Golf later today, wanna come with?” Matt called me.
“Uh- yeah sure. What time?” I was hesitant with my answer because I know how competitive Chris gets when it comes to golf and it pisses me off.
“Probably about 5:00, I’ll text you when we’re on the way to your house… don’t worry, if Chris starts getting competitive I’ll make him leave.” He could sense the uncomfortableness in my voice.
“Alright, sounds good. Bye Matt.” I replied before ending the call after he said goodbye.
I was closest to Matt out of all three boys. We just clicked more than I did with anyone else.
I cleaned up the house and got caught up on some homework before finally deciding to get dressed.
“Hey, we’re on the way” Matt texted.
I grabbed my stuff and turned out all the lights before heading out the door when they finally arrived.
“Y/n! What’s up??” Nick asked enthusiastically.
“Hey Nick!” I said, climbing into the backseat.
I never acknowledged Chris. It was a rare occasion that one of us actually cared to say hey to each other. I don’t even have a reason why I hate Chris so much, he just pissed me off and I never knew why. Apparently that was the same for Chris, though. Because he hated me just as much, if not more.
We got to Top Golf and started our game.
To my surprise, Chris wasn’t even being competitive tonight, which was unlike him. He was still being loud as ever, though.
“Chris would you shut the fuck up for 2 seconds so I can think-” I snapped, trying to come up with a response to my mom, who was asking when I would be flying back home next.
“Oh please y/n, like you could think anyway with your smooth brain” he rolled his eyes.
“Chris you’re the dumbest fucking person I know-” I started before I was cut off.
“Hey! Would you two stop? Chris shut the fuck up and y/n just worry about texting your mom.” Matt silenced both of us.
The rest of the night went pretty normal, Matt and I laughing over stupid things, Nick telling stories from the mall trip he and Madi had earlier, and Chris and I bickering ever so often.
Matt and I usually just hung out alone. Mainly because we were best friends, but also to prevent me and Chris from butting heads. But sometimes we wanted to do group things, so we had to deal with it.
On the way back to the boys’ house, Matt had asked if I wanted to spend the night.
Of course I said yes, we always had sleepovers and they were so much fun.
We got to their house and I changed into shorts and a t-shirt that I had left there a while back.
“I’m tired as fuck and I’m going to bed, no one disturb me please.” Nick said, walking up the stairs and into his room.
Me, Matt, and Chris sat on the couch on our phones.
“I’ll be back in a little bit, I’m gonna go shower.” Matt said, getting up and walking towards his bathroom.
I hated being alone with Chris. Even though I knew I hated him, there was always some unbreakable tension between us when we were alone.
A couple minutes passed by of us being on our phones in dead silence when Chris spoke up.
“I’m going to bed.” He groaned, getting up and walking towards the set of stairs that went down to his bedroom.
“Okay?” I replied with a sassy tone.
“Fuck are you always mad at me for anyway?” He turned around, walking back toward me.
“You just piss me off.” It was all I could think of. Like I said, I don’t really know why I even hate him.
Sometimes I look and him and think that maybe it’s my way of suppressing my real feelings because I’m scared of what could happen. But I hated admitting that, so I just went along with the fact that he pissed me off.
“Oh I piss you off?” He said, almost teasingly while continuing walking toward me. I was taken aback.
“Yeah, the fuck?” It was so obvious I was annoyed and wanted to be left alone.
“Is it because you have to look at me every day?” He teased, sitting down next to me.
“Look at what? Your ugly ass face?” I replied, desperately trying to turn the conversation into a normal one we’d have.
“Oh come on y/n. You know you love me.” He said in a low voice, placing his hand on my thigh.
“What the hell are you on about Chris-” I began before he cut me off.
“Wouldn’t it be a shame if I kissed you right now…” he smirked, tracing my jaw with his fingers.
My heart fluttered. Why? Why the fuck was this dumbass making me nervous?
“Christopher I swear to Go-” he continued interrupting me.
“Say my full name again.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear.
Where the hell was this confidence he had coming from?
“What? Christopher?” I questioned.
His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips, which were parted already due to pure shock.
Next thing I know, he leaned in, moving his hand that rested on my thigh to my waist and the other cupping my cheek.
He placed his lips on mine, and before I could speak, our lips started moving in sync.
I practically melted into the kiss, which made Chris giggled when he pulled back before deepening the kiss.
His grip on my waist grew tighter as he guided me to straddle him on the couch.
He pulled away from my lips and began trailing sloppy kisses down my jaw and onto my neck, which definitely left marks.
I let out a small whine as he bit the skin on my neck.
“I wanna hate you so bad.” I stated, breathlessly.
“I know you do.” He pulled away from my neck, smirking.
We heard a door open, signaling Matt could walk in here at any moment, so I hopped off of Chris and he got up, walking toward his room.
“Surprised y’all didn’t kill each other in here.” Matt joked as he walked in the room.
“Yeah I’m leaving for a reason. I cannot be in her presence for too long.” Chris continued walking before turning around and winking at me without Matt noticing.
“Should’ve known nothing changed.” Matt looked down at the ground and laughed before asking if I was ready to go to bed.
I, of course, always shared a room with Matt at sleepovers because he was my best friend.
I got up and me and Matt made our way to bed.
All I can say is thank GOD I was wearing a hoodie which covered the hickies on my neck.
A/N: I know I said this was gonna be multiple parts on the poll, but I changed my idea a little bit and it ended up just being one. If y’all want a second part, you can always send in a request with an idea for it and I’ll totally write one, but otherwise this is it. Sorry to all the Matt girls. I know, me writing so many Chris fics is killing me too, but y’all wanted them first on the poll 💔
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wonusdoll · 10 months
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Synopsis: Jisungs a hopeless romantic and gets jealous easily
Content: fluff! cavity inducing fluff so fluffy i wanna cry
pairing: Childhood Bestfriend!Jisung x reader
notes+ WHY DOES NOBODY WRITE FOR JISUNGGGG i had to take matters into my own hands so here you go :D this was originally gonna contain smut but i couldnt help myself with the fluff anyways, enjoy!!
You and Jisung weren't always friends. When your mom introduced her best friends second grader son, 4th grade you didn't mind. Until he started playing with your stuff, jumping on your bed, stealing your snacks, and blaming you on things he did and getting you in trouble.
Naturally, you started resenting him, dreading when he would come over, and chose to ignore him at school, finding it embarrassing whenever he would go over to you and your friends at the playground and ask to play with them. your friends found him cute, but you, you hated him.
Going into your middle school years, he slowly got more tolerable. He started understanding boundaries but still was the same annoying little kid.
In some point of time, Jisung turned from an annoying little kid who yelled and cried all the time to one of your closest friends. And then when he finally started high school, you guys started hanging out willingly, without his mom forcing him to go over.
Some days you would catch him in your living room watching tv with your dog, or accidentally walking in on him showering in your bathroom, or in your kitchen making ramen. Sometimes he would bring his friends over to your house. You honestly didn't mind that much as long as they never broke anything, or disturbed her in any way, which jisung made sure never happened.
"Jisung?? That you??" You yelled from the top of the stairs after hearing feet shuffling and the front door opening and closing. The two of you made plans to watch horror movies and have a sleepover to celebrate the new season of autumn.
"Nope!" Jisung yelled back, making you go downstairs with a grin. But you immediately furrowed your brows and bit your inner cheek, upon seeing 6 other people. you knew them, jisung would bring them around sometimes but you didn’t know them.
"Jisung, whats going on?"
He grinned annoyingly cutely back and held up some convenience store bags up and nodded towards his friends, "They wanted to hang out but my mom banned us from the house after last time.”
You scoff and look at him like he was crazy, "What- are you kidding me?" You say just above a whisper, flickering your eyes between him and the guys behind him, "I thought we were gonna hang out?? You didn't even ask if it was okay to bring them over? if you wanted to hang out with them instead you should've just told me."
With a smirk, jisung was much closer than you remember him being, he tucked a few stray strands of your hand back, "I'm sorry princess i should have asked, hm? If we're too much of a bother we'll quiet down okay?" He pulled away and looked into your eyes, pleading and begging for uou to say yes.
You mask your flustered state with a sigh and wiping your face with your hand as if annoyed.
"Fine, whatever, just— leave me alone im gonna go study" you warn making him grin and ruffle your hair, juxtaposing his previous act. He's called you princess numerous times before, even when you guys were kids but in that tone, that voice, and devilish smile, it felt different.
You wanted to tell him off for joking around with you like that, making you feel that way. It was something you always felt around him but maybe it was his perfectly messy hair, his oversized hoodie making him look so comfy, his soft plump lips, or his hand in your hair, or the name he called you, but the feeling became overwhelmingly strong, like when a candles been burning for hours and slowly the fire grows bigger and it fills the whole room with its pleasant fumes.
You hung around with them for a bit when you took a break from studying because you couldn't focus. but the reason you couldnt focus was sitting right across from you on the couch, sending lingering glances everybody noticed.
When he catches your gaze you turn away with a light blush but when you catch his, he doesnt shy away, keeping eye contact with you with a look in his eye that you couldnt read for the first time.
In the time you got to formally meet his best friends, you surprisingly got along with all of them. Huang Renjun was the one who stuck out the most out of the 7, other than Jisung who kept eyes on you the whole time.
You got to have a one on one conversation with Renjun about each others favorite music artists, which were quite similar, and art itself. You were already interested in art but with the knowledge and story telling Renjun excitedly provided made you want to learn more. So you guys planned a hang out the next day to an art museum Renjun was fond and familiar with. 
You posted the day out with him on your story with Art Deco - Lana Del Rey in the background.
Jisung always made sure to heart and reply to your story even if it was as simple as an ootd, but this time he didn't. You furrowed your brows and looked at the views and there he was, also active. You tried texting him regularly but you were left on delivered until 7 hours later but all you got was a
"sorry lol"
It hurt your feelings, you couldn't lie. So you texted him again not even 5 seconds later.
"too busy being active to answer? lmfao"
He leaves it on read for a few minutes before replying
"too busy hanging out with renjun? yk we all made plans tgt”
You scoff at his attitude
"whats your problem?? it was HIS choice to hang out with ME. not like you wanted to."
"chill out i just wanted them to meet you, didn't know you were gonna be all over them tho"
"fuck you."
You threw your phone at the end of the bed and hug your pillow against your chest as tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't know why you were so affected by his words, usually you wouldn't even press him so much about not answering, and would just leave him alone but seeing him be so uninterested left a mark on you.
A few nights later you were watching a scary movie in the darkness of your living room when you heard knocks on your front door. you paused the movie to make sure it wasn't from the tv, and when they come again, you look at the time.
"Who's here at 11:30 at night" You whisper to yourself and cautiously approach the door.
Thunder suddenly struck making you whimper and jump back, but you decide to just rip the bandaid off, after all horror movies aren't real right?
"Jisung?!" You exclaim, seeing him standing there out in the pouring rain with his head down ashamed.
You quickly let him in, taking his soaked coat off and telling him to wait while you get a towel.
He was silent while you scolded him for being out in the rain so late without so much as an umbrella.
He finally brung his hands from behind his back, revealing your favorite flowers in an articulated assorted bouquet wrapped in paper.
"Sorry if they're kind of ruined.. I ran all the way here" He sniffles and scratched his nape awkwardly.
You bite your lip remembering your last interaction, "You wanna tell me why?"
"I'm sorry y/n im so sorry im such a fucking loser and a coward for getting mad at you  I never wanted to hurt you i just was so angry that you hung out with Renjun that i took it out on you without thinking and ive been trying to figure out how to apologize to you so i went to the flower shop like 10 times in the past 2 days because i wanted to get you flowers but you have 5 different favorite flowers so i got 5 different bouquets for you then realized that was too much so i just got one with 2 of your favorites but felt bad that i left out the other 3 so i got another one with all of them but they didn't look good so i spent the whole day learning how to make a bouquet to make it perfect for you then realized it was already night and thundering and you hate thunder so i ran all the way here and now they look horrible and ugly and-"
"JISUNG." You put a stop to his rant with a chuckle and put your hands on his pink dusted cheeks. He pants out and looks in your eyes to find any anger or disgust in them but you were smiling, "Hey its okay, i promise its okay," You take the flowers from his hands and bring them up to your face to smell them, "they're beautiful ji, seriously."
He takes another pan over your face to scan your expression to really make sure you weren't mad and one he realized that, he lets out the breath he was holding and chuckles, then laughs a bit harder.
You laugh along with him then card your fingers through his wet hair, "Did you really learn how to make a bouquet of flowers for me? And run all the way here in the rain?" You ask, softly now.
He smiles and takes your hand away to hold it instead, "Yeah.. you know i would swim across the whole ocean just to get these to you. Also whats wrong with learning a new skill, i always wanted to learn how to.. make assorted flowers.." He dryly chuckles at the end.
you could hear your heart thumping out of your chest when you feel the pressure of his eyes staring into your own, as if trying to answer a question he hasn't asked. so you ask your own.
"Jisung," You start making him nod, "Why were you so upset?" You ask, making you swallow thickly.
and suddenly you're hyper aware of everything going on, your breathing, your blinking, the rain and thunder, his facial expressions, his thumb caressing your hand.
Jisung doesnt answer for a second, trying to find the right words. His mouth was drying up, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he gulped.
He was now holding your hand with both of his hands, "I love you." he blurted, "I love you and Im selfish and only want you to myself, I just wanted to treasure you for my myself and not let other people see how amazing and perfect you are because i was scared you'd fall for them and forget about me so when i saw you were with renjun and saw how excited you were to talk to him and hang out with him i felt.. rejected? in a way? like he had something i didn't to make you feel that way. So i was sad and upset and jealous— god, i was so unbelievably jealous, and i know im not allowed to because we're only best friends and you're allowed to be friends and talk to anybody you want to but i just- i just didn't want you to notice anyone else, and leave me.."
He ended his rant with a sigh and closed his eyes shut, mentally preparing for you to laugh in his face and friend-zone him, but it never came.
When he opened his eyes you were just standing there, not saying anything, with a smile on your face.
You giggled as he looked at you with an expectant look.
His brows furrowed and his hand started slipping from yours “That- thats it? Just okay? You couldn’t have let me down any better-“
“Okay, I wont leave you.”
His expression softened, watching as you laughed and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest, “Jisung park, I will never leave you and you can never leave me, if you do i’ll have to kill you.” You tried to threaten him but he just found you adorable, and picked you up in his arms.
You guys laughter filled the room, bouncing around the rooms, sounding almost louder than the rain and thunder.
Suddenly, your enemy turned into your bestfriend who turned into your lover. And you couldn’t have it any other way.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 month
Alrighty! @number-one-shadisper-shipper and I binged the Knuckles series today, so time for thoughts! SPOILER ALERT.
I'll admit the show wasn't perfect. I've seen the negative reviews, and I kinda get where they come from. BUT! I did enjoy this show greatly! And I'm not here to complain. Time for some happy thoughts, y'all! 💙🤩
I think you need to have a love, not just tolerance, for the SCU in order to properly enjoy this show. I do have such, so I had a lot of fun with it.
There were definitely scenes from every episode that had me either squealing, laughing, crying, or flipping out. But my favorite was likely the first episode, because come on, we saw the Wachowski family! Most of them, anyway! While I missed Tom's presence, I was grateful for that comment from Maddie about him being "out of town," so he wasn't just gone for no reason.
The SECOND it showed our three space babies hanging out together in their room?! I SCREAMED. THE BOYS!!!!
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Tails sitting on his bed tinkering with one of his gizmos, Sonic rocking out to music with an air guitar, and Knuckles exercising from one of the ceiling planks. IT'S THEM!!! They're just hanging out, doing their thing, looking oh so much like brothers. And Sonic's narration at the beginning was GOLD. 🤣💙
Even though we didn't get enough of Maddie being a parent, we definitely got a nice chunk for it only lasting part of an episode. Maddie called Knuckles "one of our kids" (that had me SCREECHING). The angry mama vibes were GOLDEN. 🤣 The way she made breakfast for them, the "Boys, breakfast is ready!" I love the normalcy of it! Can't wait to see more in the future! (Her calling to them with "boys" is somehow just the sweetest thing and I'm melting.)
The poor mailman being like "I just wanna go home, man" 🤣
We were right, fellas, Knuckles had no idea what being grounded meant. 🤣 Although the way Sonic piped up with "Oh, I definitely know what it means," has me suspecting that Sonic himself has gotten grounded a decent amount before. 😂
Knuckles trying to talk back, and Maddie going, "ExCUSE ME?!" then just making those tiny, terrifying noises and Sonic being like "Bro don't mess with Mom when she's mad" (okay, he didn't say "mom" and that made me sad, but the mom vibes were 110% there so I'm here for it). 😂 And since Knuckles snuck out and later Wade said, several times, "Aren't you grounded?" seems to confirm that this entire show is basically what Knuckles does when he's grounded. 🤣 Although ... his comment about not being able to be grounded because he had no home made me very sad. 😭
I did not have an issue with so much Wade screentime! Sure, he isn't my favorite SCU character, but I love what this show did with him! I'd already seen his moments in the movies (like nearly shooting Robotnik in the face with an actual handgun). I like how they gave him actual family issues; a dad who abandoned him and his family, a realistic sister, a mom. Bad family memories. Awkward reunions. They could've made it a joke, but they didn't, and I greatly appreciate that. Especially since I've witnessed firsthand how painful family separations can be. 😔
All the emotional talks Wade and Knuckles had caught me off guard in the best way! The way they talked about their different family issues, the way they talked of betrayal from friends, and being left alone, hit way harder than I was prepared for. Especially that talk they had at the burger place in the middle of the night? Oof. Good talk right there.
Also, even though they took a "show don't tell" take with it, I loved how Knuckles relaxed more and more throughout the show. In the beginning, he couldn't rest, he couldn't sit back and have a genuine good time. But the more he hung out with Wade and his family, the more he learned. He learned about music and found "his jam" (that was literally amazing btw). He watched movies with Mrs. Whipple and ate snacks in the hotel room in Reno and watched more movies. He had his teenager moments of rolling his eyes and rebelling, but he was so well portrayed here, I loved it. I felt for him.
Despite the bizarre nature of the episode "Flames of Disaster," (we were cracking up so hard) I'm trying to glean bits of the truth of Knuckles's story from the crazy musical play that Pachacamac put on in Wade's dream. I mean, "Longclaw" and her tribe were there, and ... what the heck was that giant demon thing?! Iblis?! Does our Knuckles Wachowski have an actual history with freaking Iblis?!?! 😱🔥
I was deeply intrigued by the two main antagonists, especially at the implication that G.U.N. did seem to exist before the events of the first movie?! Did it exist, get disbanded after the Maria incident, then get reformed?! My brain is exploding. 🤯 I was even more shocked that they apparently died? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, the Wachowski kids don't seem to have much qualms about getting rid of the baddies for good as the game versions do. That was a terrifying phenomenon, what happened with the two rings. 🫣
And then the Buyer getting crushed by the giant glass ball 👀
Although in those last two episodes, I admit I was freaking out and legitimately near tears at Wade's seemingly having to "betray" Knuckles. Before the reveal that all was in good communication, all I could think was how relaxed Knuckles finally seemed, chilling in the hotel room, being excited about whatever Wade wanted to "show" him, questioning whether it was a song, him declaring that he was going to bring his favorite hat, 🥹 all I could think was of their previous discussions about betrayal from friends and family, and when Knuckles called Wade "my friend" right before the elevator doors closed, I just about sobbed. I was like "please, don't let him be betrayed, don't let him have come all this way and relaxed so much only to get 'betrayed' once again by someone he's come to consider a friend." 😭 We heaved a HUGE sigh of relief when it revealed he was aware of the trap the whole time. 😪
Maternal instincts went nuts when he got so badly hurt in that final battle 😭 I literally reached for the screen several times and was right back to almost weeping 🥲 And someone tell me I wasn't the only one noticing the parallel in that scene with Wade standing in front of his unconscious body the way Tom did with Sonic in the first movie. That, PLUS Knuckles's epic comeback, and his retrieval of his own power?!?! EPIC!!!!
The ending was abrupt, sure, but the pure joy on Knuckles's face after everything as he jumped up to high five Wade was just too sweet. 🥹
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So yes, even though I would have loved just a little more, a return to Green Hills, a reunion with Maddie, Sonic, and Tails, I adored this show. It was a wild ride, full of laughs, tears, excited screeching, etc. 💙💛❤️ I don't care what anyone says, nothing will make me hate it.
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alexfromjersey · 10 months
𝓓𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓥𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓼 & 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
jenna x g!poc
summary: jenna and jah going to the obstetrician. jah asking stupid questions.
warnings: jah being a comedian, mature language, partial smut
a/n: tumblr didn’t save the first draft 😭…anyway enjoy the chapter and a Jenna edit 🤭. also I’m not a medical professional. I tried to look up the actual terminology and stuff to be semi-accurate but I started to lose interest 😂 - 4.3k words
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MAY 2023
You and Jenna were currently on FaceTime, she was in her last fitting for her Met Gala outfit. She was bored waiting for the designer to come and make potential adjustments. So she called you to entertain her someway. She regrets calling you now.
You were doing your due diligence as a baby mama and friend to watch Jenna’s work. You started with The Babysitter: Killer Queen. It was alright in your opinion, you gave it a 7/10. Next, you watched The Fallout. It made you tear up and you applauded Jenna on her work. You considered it her best character.
Then, you watched both Scream movies and now you’re watching X. She tried to get you to not watch the movie by not even telling you about it. You had to look up her filmography to find out about it.
“You’re so lucky I have my headphones in” Jenna rolled her eyes.
“Nah you ain’t tell me this movie like that. I was jumpscared with so much ass and titties and now I gotta see you have sex with Mr. Day N’ Nite. Insane” You stated.
“I told you not to watch it. Actually I specifically remember withholding the information” Jenna said.
“Hm. They did you dirty by pairing you with that white man though” You shrugged and ate a fistful of popcorn.
“Shut up” Jenna mumbled.
Your eyes slowly drifted away from the movie to the phone screen. Jenna was preoccupied fixing the nail polish on her nails. She was doing something so simple yet captivating. You couldn’t take your eyes off her. The feelings you felt for her was starting to scare you.
“So, Nancy helped me book an appointment with the obstetrician not far from you” Jenna spoke bringing you out your thoughts.
“You did it for here? Why not back in your hometown, you know to be closer with your family” You questioned.
“It was the best one and…I always wanted to live in New York. I also want to be far away as possible from my mother when I tell her that I’m pregnant” Jenna smiled.
You laughed taking in the information, “When’s the appointment?”
“Tomorrow morning, 9am” Jenna replied.
“I’ll be there” You playfully salute to her. You turn your attention back to the movie. It was now on the part where the white man get killed by the old lady brutally.
“Speaking of families, how exactly are you going to tell yours?” Jenna asked.
“I’ll just call my brother and tell him. Now, for my mom, I’m gonna need a police riot shield” You huffed.
"You and I are in the same boat. I'm praying for you more though" Jenna said.
Your head snapped toward her, "Nah, don't say that."
Jenna chuckled at the expression on your face. The door behind her opened and the designer walks in. "I have to go. I'll call you later" Jenna said.
"Okay...wait you don't get your back broken like a glow stick anymore in this movie right?" You jokingly asked.
Instead of a verbal response, you got the sound of the FaceTime call ending. You laughed out loud and placed your phone on the charger and turned back to the movie.
Meanwhile with Jenna, she rolled her eyes secretly amused as she hung up on you. It was starting to get hard for her to ignore the growing feelings she had for you. She stalked your Instagram, staring at each photo for at least 10 minutes. She stayed up late last night and watch all your YouTube videos.
“Okay, since you’re not showing yet. The dress still fits perfectly but we will loosen it up around the waist just touch” Thom complimented.
Jenna looked at herself in the mirror, “I feel good in it. It feels good, I’m really happy with it” Jenna smiled.
Thom and Jenna continued discussing the dress some more before Thom had to leave to another client. He bid Jenna a bye and congratulations and left the building. Now, it was just Enrique, Nancy, Hudson, and Big L in the room.
A phone alert has Jenna snapping her head to her phone but unfortunately it was not her phone that made the sound. Enrique snorts at Jenna’s actions. An embarrassed blushed appears on her face.
“Shut up Enrique” Jenna mumbled.
“I’ve never seen like this before. It’s adorable” Enrique chuckled.
“It’s just hormones” Jenna lied.
“Yeah no it’s not. You know it’s okay to like her right. I mean the both of you kinda skipped a couple of steps but it’s good to backtrack” Enrique joked.
Jenna playfully punched his shoulder which made him laugh. Nancy let out a little giggle at the home. Hudson just grumbled something incoherent to himself.
“What does she look like anyway? I wanna see if your baby is going to be ugly or not” Enrique said.
Jenna rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone. She went to Instagram and went to your profile.
“This is the most recent photo” Jenna said.
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liked by jennaortega, davis, and 12,683 people
bronxshiesty no bite marks no scratches and no hickeys
“Oh my….she got a brother?” Enrique asked.
Jenna laughed, “She does actually but he lives in Barbados.”
“I always wanted to go to Barbados. When’s my vacation?” He joked.
Jenna just shook her head while laughing. She carefully took off the dress and Enrique hung it up on the mannequin.
“You know it still hasn’t fully hit me that you’re about to become an actual mother. Shit is wild” Enrique commented.
“You and me both. I downloaded this pregnancy app and currently my baby is the size of a large strawberry” Jenna smiled and placed her hand on her stomach.
“Ain’t all strawberries large though?” Nancy questioned.
“I guess not” Jenna shrugged and sat down in a chair. Her stomach growled loudly.
“Get used to that. You’re gonna wanna eat twice more than usual.” Nancy said.
A text message alert can heard throughout the room. Jenna picked up her phone.
NYC 🩵: yo u got anything else to do today?
Hollywood 🤰🏻: no I’m free for the rest of the day
Hollywood 🤰🏻: why?
NYC 🩵: I want to see you
Jenna’s heart fluttered at the message. She bit her lip and smirked.
Hollywood 🤰🏻: what are we gonna do?
Jenna watched as the text bubbles appear and then disappeared. It happened a few more times before the text bubbles stayed.
NYC 🩵: i mean…whatever you wanna do shawty. I’m down with whatever 😁
“Let me guess, it’s her” Enrique smirked and tried to peek at Jenna’s phone she turned away. “Ohh not y’all sending spicy messages”.
“We’re not sending spicy messages. She just said she wants to see me” Jenna smiled.
“See you as in watching movies or see you as in Neighbors know my name?” Enrique joked.
Suddenly, a loud slam can be heard throughout the room. Everyone looked confused at the sudden sound and disappearance of Hudson. But shrugged it off.
Hollywood 🤰🏻: I’m hungry
NYC 🩵: what u want
Hollywood 🤰🏻: seafood
NYC 🩵: u like seafood boils? I know a banging spot that I can get
Hollywood 🤰🏻: absolutely
NYC 🩵: bet 🫡
“You’re all finished for the day Jenna. Go spend it with your baby momma” Nancy said.
“Thanks guys” Jenna said and grabbed her things. She hugged Enrique and Nancy before walking to the door.
“Don’t get pregnant…oh wait” Enrique joked.
Jenna stuck up her middle finger and Enrique and Nancy’s laugh can be heard as she left the room.
45 minutes later, Jenna finally arrived at your apartment. She texted you that you were here. A couple of minutes later, you came down in a gray tank top, gray shorts, and your slides.
“Yo Hollywood” You greeted and helped her out of the SUV. Jenna smiled and wrapped her arms around your waist. It was unexpected but you wrapped your free arm around her back and hugged her tight.
Jenna looked up you with a certain spark in her eyes. You noticed but decided to look away from her.
“Big L, I got you a boil too. You ain’t allergic to seafood right?” You asked.
“Nah I’m not. Appreciate it though” Big L said appreciative and took the bag of food. You nodded in response.
The two of you then head into the apartment complex. You lived on the 6th floor of the building, the nicest floor out the entire building. When you applied for the place, the landlord tried to stick you in a moldy and roaches infested apartment but one of the neighbors put you on game and helped you get this one.
“Welcome to mi casa” You said as you walked into your apartment. It was two bedroom and one bathroom. Their was music softly playing throughout the apartment from your speaker on the counter.
Jenna looked around the thankfully, clean apartment.
“Not bad” Jenna playfully shrugged.
“Yeah it’s not the high rise, plants in the windows, Hollywood type of apartment but it’s something” You chuckled.
Jenna giggled and sat down at the dining table with the food.
“I didn’t get yours with sauce on it. I got it on the side, it’s a Cajun style sauce and it’s a little spicy. I looked up if pregnant woman can eat spicy stuff, they said it was safe but might cause heartburn or indigestion so I also got a lemon garlic sauce too just in case.” You ranted.
Jenna looked at you with admiration in her eyes, “Thank you. I like spicy stuff so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
You smiled and the two of you engaged in a light conversation as you ate. You took the sausages from her bag and you gave her your corn. You also helped her with cracking the crab legs open and showing her how to get the meat in one piece.
You and Jenna finish your food and clean up before sitting on the couch. You sat in the middle while she sat at the end with her back against the armrest and her feet in your lap.
“Are you wishing for a boy or girl?” Jenna asked.
“I’m wishing for a healthy baby. I genuinely don’t care if it’s a boy or girl” You shrugged.
“Good answer. I want a girl though” Jenna said.
“That’s surprising. Most mothers want boys” You said.
“Girls are more fun in my opinion. But either way I’m going to love our child regardless of gender” Jenna stated.
She then sat up, scooted closer, and looked at the number tattoo on your wrist. “What’s this mean?”
“It’s my angel number. 555. It’s means change. Changes are coming and that I shouldn’t be worry or scared just have trust in the process” You explained.
“What about this one?” Jenna said as she pointed to another tattoo. This one was a small writing.
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. It was my second ever tattoo. Believe it or not I was a shy kid before my junior year. I used to let people walk over me and bully me and take me for advantage. That was until the last day of sophomore year, I was on the yearbook committee and I had a really good idea but I was too scared and one of the other students stole it and took credit for it. My yearbook teacher pulled me aside one day and told me she knew I was the one that came with the idea. She told me, “you’re never going to get what you want if you never speak up. Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes because you never know who could be listening”. It’s a quote that stuck with me ever since” You explained.
“You had a great teacher” Jenna commented.
“Yeah, she reached out to me a couple of months ago and told me she loved my videos. It was wholesome” You smiled. Your hand start to rub her thigh unconsciously. “What about you? You got any ink?” You asked.
“Nope. I want one though. Maybe for my first one I’ll get our baby’s name behind my ear” Jenna answered. You nodded in response and continued rubbing her thigh. Your eyes kept looking down to her soft lips.
You wanted to feel them on yours, it’s been a minute since you felt any intimacy. You were longing for her soft touch.
Jenna’s eyes traveled down to your hand. She was starting to grow hot. Her hormones making it very difficult to keep in check.
“Jah?” Jenna called out.
“Hmm?” You hummed in response.
“Kiss me” Jenna demanded softly.
You leaned in and connected your lips to hers. Jenna immediately deepened the kiss as soon as she could. She climbed into your lap and her hands were placed on your cheeks. You placed your hands on hips. The kiss was starting to get sloppy and eager.
Jenna pulled away and took off her top leaving her in her navy blue bra. Her lips then latched onto your neck.
“You know…we should…talk about our relationship” You struggled to get out due to the pleasure.
Jenna placed butterfly kisses on your neck until her lips found your pulse. She then began to suck on the area. Your hands gripped her waist tighter and a small hiss escaped your lips. She smirked against you, happy that she found your sweet spot. She continued sucking until she felt satisfied with the hickey she left on your skin.
Your lips connect once more, your tongues clash and you slide your right hand up her back. Your fingers find her bra strap and with one hand you undo it. You help her pull it off your body. This time your lips leaves hers and attach them to her sweet spot. A sigh of pleasure leaves her lips and her hand gets tangled in your hair.
Your left hand grabs onto her slightly larger breast and begins to massage them.
Thank god for this pregnancy.
Your fingers rolling and pleasurably tugging at her hardened nub. The hand in your hair start to scratch at your scalp which felt really good. You take your attention away from her hickey littered neck.
Yikes, her make up person is going to have a field day with that.
Your lips clamp around her nub. Your tongue swipe over it a few times before sucking on it.
“Oh my god” Jenna moaned softly.
You let your teeth graze over it just a tad bit before switching your attention to the other breast. While you were giving her breasts attention, Jenna slipped down a little to sit on your knees before her hand found it’s way into your sweatpants. Her warm hand quickly found their prize. The long and girthy beast that was growing in your pants.
You pull away from her breasts and look into her lust filled eyes. You lifted your hips and pushed your sweatpants along with your underwear off your hips. Jenna got up from your legs and pushed the rest of it off your legs. She got on her knees in front of you.
Her small hand wrapped around your third leg. It jerked in her hand at her touch which she smirked at. She placed small kisses up and down your shaft until she got to the tip. Her tongue circled around it, her eyes never leaving yours. You lick your lips as she takes you into her mouth.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your head fell back against the cushions and your right hand tangle themselves in her hair.
One hand at the base of your shaft and the other rested on your thigh. Jenna started to bob her head up and down. Her muffled moans sending vibrations against your member which made you hiss.
“Damn girl” You hissed and licked your lips. You pushed her head down farther. You were deep in her throat, tears were pooling in her eyes. Jenna then took you fully in her mouth, her nose was touching your pelvic area. Your eyes slightly widened, you can feel her uvula grazing across you. She stayed there for a second, flexing her throat until it got hard to breathe and she pulled you out of her mouth. Her hand continuing to pump your length.
Once she got her breath back, she swallowed you while again. You grabbed a fistful of her hair and helped her bob her head up and down at a fast pace.
You were close, the knot in your stomach started to tighten.
“Fuck Jenna” You moaned.
Her nails dug into your thigh, enjoying the way your tip abused the back of her throat. You start to pant as you got closer and closer. Before you knew it, you halted her head before you felt your length twitch as it emptied into her mouth.
You relaxed into the couch, sweat glistening on your face. Jenna milked you for every last drop before she pulled you out of her mouth. She showed you the thick substance in her mouth before closing it and swallowing.
“Me gusta esa mierda extraña (I like that freaky shit)” You spoke.
“You know even though it’s sexy. It’s not fair when you speak Spanish knowing I have no clue what you’re saying” Jenna pouted.
“Chupa para chuparte fraude (Sucks to suck you fraud)” You shrugged with a chuckle.
Jenna sucks her teeth before standing up. She goes to walk away but you grab her hand.
“I’m joking. I’ll teach you Spanish if you want me too” You said. She stood in front of you. You pulled her down and interlocked your lips again. This kiss you guys took it slow, building the mood again, even though it technically never left. You pulled her pants down her legs until she kicked them off somewhere.
You stood up and hoisted Jenna up. She wrapped her legs around your waist. You walked until her back made contact with the wall in your bedroom. Your fingers pulled her underwear to the side and you ran your middle finger through her folds.
Damn, she was mad wet. She got that WAP.
Your middle finger massaged her clit. A whine left her lips as you flicked her clit and her hand gripped the back of your neck.
“Jah…” She moaned.
Unbeknownst to you, she was close to the edge. Usually, she lasts a lot longer than this. You barely touched her and she was already close to the edge. This pregnancy was making everything heightened.
You pull her from the wall and lay her on the bed. You were on your knees to the side of you, you took her underwear off before you slipped your middle and ring finger inside her.
“Fuck!” Jenna gasped.
Your long fingers worked their magic, quickly finding the rough spongy spot inside her. A loud moan ripped through her as she arched her back. Her hands gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“I’m…about to cu-” Jenna choked on her words as a powerful orgasm ripped through her. She stilled with her back arched to sky and eyes squeezed shut. There was a pool under her and your hand was soaked to the max.
You were slightly surprised at how fast she came. You didn’t complain though.
“Holy shit, that was intense” Jenna swallowed harshly. She relaxed her body on your bed, her chest was still rising and falling rapidly.
“I’m good at what I do” You smirked.
Exhaustion creeped in and Jenna struggled to keep her eyes open.
“No way I just fingered you to sleep” You laughed.
“Shut up” Jenna mumbled sleepily.
You chuckled as you grabbed some boxers from your drawer and pulled them on. You grab an old T-shirt from your drawer.
“Here put this on” You said and handed her the T-shirt. Jenna lazily put it on while you changed the blanket on your bed. Jenna crawled into your soft queen sized bed and curled up in your blanket.
You locked up your place and put the blanket and her clothes in the wash. Before going back to your room to see Jenna fast asleep. You climbed in the bed and stared up at the ceiling. As soon as you closed your eyes, you felt Jenna scoot closer to you. You turned your head towards her to see her grabbing your hand. You placed your hand in hers and she placed it on her stomach. You turned your body to her, spooning her. She relaxed into your hold and fell back asleep. You soon followed with a big smile on your face.
It was the next morning, you and Jenna were currently at the obstetrician's office waiting for the doctor to return to do the physical exam. The two of you got to know Dr. Nightngale better and vice versa. Her daughter was a fan of Jenna's which didn't bother or surprise the girl.
When it came down to asking questions about the other parent, Dr. Nightingale was stunned to learn that you were. Questions were thrown at you, which didn't bother you. You were used to people asking questions about being intersex. You were asked questions about it from the minute you could speak full sentences.
When you were younger, you used to go into full details but they got boring real quick. So you opted to tell people a quick summary. Which was 'I was an experiment from Area 51. My father was a spy that fell in love with an alien'. Most people didn't find it funny.
“What to expect when expecting?” You read aloud. It was a pamphlet that you picked up from the front desk. All morning you were reading up on anything related to pregnancy. You wanted to at least have a little bit of knowledge of what’s happening. Plus, it was kinda interesting learning about everything.
“Holy shit” You gasped as you were instantly hit with the sight of a stretched-out vagina…not the kind of stretched you want.
You look at the pamphlet with a disgusted look and then over to Jenna. The girl looking at you with an amused expression.
“I’m so sorry” You apologize to the girl.
A knock on the door was heard and Dr. Nightingale came in.
“Alright, Ms. Ortega and Ms. Jimenez are you guys ready to see your little bundle of joy," Dr. Nightingale asked.
Jenna was laid back in the exam chair with a sheet covering her breasts. Her slightly protruding belly was out in the open. You got up to stand next Jenna and also see the screen. You felt a shaking hand grab yours.
"You okay?" You asked the shaking girl.
"I'm nervous. I'm finally realizing how real this is" Jenna gulped.
"It's normal to be nervous. But I'm right here." You reassured the girl. She gave you a smile and a quick squeeze of your hand. Dr. Nightingale smiled at the interaction between the two of you. She put the gel on the medical instrument.
"Okay, this is going to be cold." Dr. Nightingale warned. She put the instrument on Jenna's belly, who flinched slightly at the sudden coldness of the gel. She moved the instrument around a little before a little body appears on the screen. The room was then filled with a rhythmic thumping.
"Oh my god" Jenna gasped at the screen. Her eyes started to fill up with tears at the sight. You, on the other hand, couldn't stop looking at the screen. You had a huge smile on your face.
"Your baby has a strong heartbeat. You are about 11 weeks pregnant. 2 months almost 3 if you like to go by months. Judging by the date of conception, you are due to give birth on November 28. But there's also a possibility that you could give birth in December" Dr. Nightingale said. She starts to take pictures of the baby.
“A Sagittarius baby…oh lord” Jenna joked.
“Better than a Scorpio” You shrugged.
Dr. Nightingale continued the exam. Everything coming up clear for both the baby and Jenna which you were happy about.
“When are we able to know the gender?” Jenna asked.
“By 14 weeks but I like to do it around 19-20 week mark so it can be accurate” Dr. Nightingale asked.
“What about sex?” You impulsively asked.
“Jah” Jenna sighed and rolled her eyes.
“What? It’s a smart question to ask” You defended.
Dr. Nightingale laughed, “One of the most common questions we get. Sex is completely fine to continue doing. It’s actually beneficial, it can ease discomfort or pain, great for physical health, and a good partner bonding experience. But I would highly recommend still using condoms because STI/STDs are still a thing.”
You smirked and nodded at the response. Jenna just smack your arm as she rolled her eyes.
“Any more questions?” Dr. Nightingale asked.
The both of you shook your heads no.
“Okay, well that is it for today. I’ll see you guys next month. Congratulations to you both” The older woman smiled and left the room. You helped Jenna wipe the gel off her stomach and she puts her shirt back on.
“You know…last night I said something to you. We were kind of busy so I don’t know if you heard me” You said.
“What did you say?” Jenna asked.
“I said we should talk about this. You know…us” You gestured to the two of you.
“What’s there to talk about? We’re just two people who had sex and are now having a baby together.” Jenna shrugged.
You furrowed your face, “Is that how you see us? Just two people having a baby?”
“Not just two complete strangers. Like friends” Jenna said. She watched you as you stared at her with no emotion on your face.
“Friends” You muttered and nodded.
Not gonna lie, the statement hurt you. You didn’t want to be just friends with her. You wanted to be more. You liked her and you thought she liked you too but you guess wrong. You respected her decision though despite the mental pain it brought you.
Just friends…
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
Life Sized
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary: After a spell gone wrong, Eddie Munson is stuck with a real life Lucky Lucy doll.
warnings: fluff. slight angst. grump x sunshine reader. cussing. mentions of Eddie dealing. strangers to friends. Reader is a doll, "Lucky Lucy", however because she's made up skin tone, body type, and ethnicity is not mentioned. Eddie calls reader doll/Luce/Lucy Reader does wear Eddie's clothes. Reader and Eddie are around 20 (even though reader is a doll, she's been out for about 20 something years). 90s era.
*if I missed anything please let me know!
a/n: hi my loves! I'm so sorry for the wait but life was hectic for the past few days with schedule changes and birthday plans. I want to let you guys know I am slightly hung over so this might now be the best. Anyway, thank you guys for joining me on this birthday adventure! Love you guys :)
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Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
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“Woah woah woah woah woah,” Eddie waves hand back and forth, eyes closed as he tries to process what he just heard, “You did what?” 
Sighing heavily, Dustin stands up from the well loved couch that sits in the Munson’s trailer. “If you listened the first time you would have heard me. I said, I went to the crazy lady’s store in the hopes of bringing Chews back from the dead because I can’t watch my mom cry anymore. Before I created a monster out of a dead cat, we decided to practice on Mike’s sister’s doll,” Turning his body slightly, Dustin points to the pretty girl that sits in the recliner. 
“It didn’t work but when we woke up this morning she was sitting there.” The curly haired boy stares at the older boy in front of him, semi out of breath from his fast speaking. 
“Let me get this straight, you went to the one place that is off limits to everyone in Hawkins, bought a book of spells, and then brought a doll to life, only to bring said doll to my house?” His voice is loud enough to ricochet off the thin walls. 
“Well you said everything I just said, but yeah pretty much.” The young boy nods causing the curls of his hair to bounce. 
“Nuh uh, no, I don’t want any parts of this.” Shaking his head, Eddie begins to push the younger boy towards the door. 
“Eddie please,”  Will begs from his spot on the couch, “We have no one else to turn to.” 
“Yeah, come on Eddie, we need our dungeon master.” Lucas adds, knocking his shoulder into Mike who stays quiet on the arm of the sofa. 
“Hey don’t bring me into this, I didn’t want to do it.” Mike throws his hands up defensively, only to change his answer when the other two boys give him a stern look. 
“I-I mean, Eddie, we need your help.” It comes out more like a question than a plea but it’s the best they're going to get out of the black haired boy. 
Locking eyes with the older man who still has a hand on his shoulder, Dustin does his best to give the world's cutest puppy dog eyes. 
“Please, Eddie. I need you.” It’s quiet and sincere, and because it’s coming from Dustin it goes straight to Eddie’s heart, tugging tightly on the strings. 
Fuck why did he have to have such a soft spot for the kid. 
“I swear to Ozzy himself, if you don’t fix this in twenty four hours, your ass is grass.” A ringed finger is pointed at Dustin, his eyes going semi cross eyed from watching it wag in his face. 
Turning his body quickly, Eddie points his finger to the other three boys who sit wide eyed on the couch. “And that goes for you three. Your asses will be hanging right next to Wayne’s mugs if it doesn’t get fixed. Capiche?” 
When all four heads nod vigorously, Eddie straightens his posture and releases a sigh so loud it sounds like all the air from his lungs came out.
"Can I just say, you remind me of Lucky Lars! He has cool tattoos and long hair like you too!" You're looking right at him, eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Jesus H. Christ, there's really a talking doll in my house." Eddie's voice sounds like a whining child as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Alright it seems like everything is fine here, so we're gonna go ahead and leave." Before Eddie can stop Dustin or the rest of the younger boys, they're already out the door and gone.
"Great, just fucking great." Slapping a hand down to his thigh, Eddie spins on his heel and heads to the kitchen. He needs a fucking beer, or maybe six, either way he needs something to get him through this nightmare.
Opening the fridge, he grabs a cold can of pbr and gulps it right down without taking one breath. The liquid goes down so smooth and for a minute Eddie seems to forget the predicament he's in. Then you speak and he's instantly brought back to reality.
"Um, excuse me sir," It comes out so graceful and sweet and he hates it.
Without moving his head in your direction, he spits an angry "what" at you - teeth gritting and fist clenching. A part of him regrets being mean with you, it's not your fault this whole shitshow happened.
"I um, just wanted to ask if everything was okay." He hates that your pretty face is scrunched up with so much sadness and that he's the cause of it.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
"Yeah, just peachy." It's forced through his tight lip smile.
"Oh well that's great!" You annoyingly clap your hands together and he winces at the sound. "When can we go shopping?"
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Eddie didn't know who he wanted to kill more, you, Dustin, or himself. Why he even agreed to taking you to Starcourt was beyond him, but God was the whole experience horrible. You commented on every single thing, stopped and looked at mundane objects, and ooh'd and awee'd every time you stepped in a new store.
Every store you walked into, you left with multiple bags, which Eddie had to carry. To make matters worse he had to pay for everything, burning a hole right through his drug dealing money. You're a doll for heaven sake, why the hell would you have money?
On the way home you would not stop talking about the whole experience, comparing everything to Lucy's Lucky Land. To make matters worse, you wouldn't stop touching the radio until you landed on the most ear bleeding pop song.
The moment the two of you arrived back at the trailer, Eddie realized he couldn't escape this nightmare. He was stuck with you until those little shit heads could come up with a solution to the problem.
"Alright, just uh.. put your bags somewhere in the corner." Eddie instructs, pointing in the cleanest corner of his bedroom.
Pink heels step on the brown shag carpet of his room, eyes traveling around as you take everything in. It was completely different from what you were used to, clothes scattered everywhere, cups and dishes stacked up, and posters with names you've never heard of.
It amazes you just like everything else you've seen today. You've never seen a room like this, not even the boy's back home had rooms like this. With wide eyes and agape mouth, you spin around with open arms, just like you did when you walked into the mall.
"Oh, Eddie! This is so beautiful!" With your bags still in hand, you sit down on the mess that is his bed.
"Oh my lucky stars!" You gasp, "Your bed is so soft!" Proving your point, you bounce on your butt causing the springs to creak with every movement.
Eddie watches from the doorway, unamused by your entertainment.
"Ugh yeah, it's a bed. Don't you have those in Lucky Land of Lucy or whatever it's called." Crossing his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow in questioning.
"It's Lucy's Lucky Land," you correct him, still smiling ear to ear, "and yes we do have beds! Our beds are made of plastic though, not bouncy like this one!" Sliding the bags from your arms, you continue to bounce but now you use your arms to make yourself go higher.
"Right, I should've known." He drawls.
Crossing into the room, Eddie starts taking off his vest and leather jacket, followed by his heavy boots. He doesn't realize that you've stopped bouncing, now honed in on his movements.
Turning around from where he stands by his dresser, he's met with the sight of you trying to take your shirt off.
"H-hey now, let's not do that." Turning his head to the side so he doesn't see anything he's not supposed to, he stretches his arms out to stop your hands from moving.
"Did I do something wrong?" You're so sincere when you say it, innocence dripping off of you like raindrops on a flower's petals.
"You can't just start taking your clothes off, Luce." His eyes are still to the floor, cheeks glowing red from the flush that's creeped it's way there.
"But I thought that's what you were doing." It sounds dejected and Eddie chances a look at you and he instantly regrets it.
There you sit on his messy, old, stain ridden bed, glossy pout on your lips and eyes glassy with tears. In that moment he sees you, the girl that's been nothing but sunshine and rainbows all day, the girl that's taken every indirect insult he threw with a smile on your face, now reduced to tears because of him.
"No, sweetheart, I was just taking off my shoes and jacket. When it's ready to change I'll let you do it in privacy." He tried his best to explain to you not wanting to upset you anymore.
"Are you mad at me?" You sniffle.
His eyes study your face, watching the tears roll down the plush skin of your cheeks. The more he looks, the worse his frown gets. "Why would I be mad at you?"
"B-because you d-don't want m-me here. I-I didn't mean to r-ruin your life Eddie." Tears now fall like a stream of water and words are being choked out through hiccups.
Eddie can feel all the blood drain from his body, cemented to the floor of his room. You're reduced to tears and snot because you think he hates you. He made you feel this way through constant eye rolls and loud huffs. You've been nothing but kind to him, trying everything in your power to get him to have one decent conversation with you. Yeah, there were some things he couldn't wrap his mind around when it came to you, especially when you tried to chase down a squirrel in pure curiosity, but you were trying.
Just this afternoon were you dropped off in a stranger's home, new to everything in the world, with not one single clue about life outside of your little playland. You didn't ask to be brought to life, you didn't ask for any of this but Eddie made it your problem the minute you opened your mouth.
He doesn't know what to do or say, he just stands there completely silent watching your shiny exterior crumble to nothing.
"I j-just wanted to be y-your friend b-but you hate me." Your small palms catch your face, your sobs now echoed in the curve of your hands.
"Lucy," Eddie walks over to you, dropping to his knees in front of you, "I don't hate you, okay?"
Separating two of your fingers, you peek at him from the comfort of your hiding spot and quickly retreat when brown eyes peer into yours.
"Lucy,” He calls but you don't move.
"Luuuccy," This time it's sung but still no movement from you.
Releasing a deep breath, he tries to think of something that will make you happy.
"I guess I'll just have to find someone else to play with my hair." Shagging his shoulders, Eddie sighs sadly and drops his head.
"I can play with your hair?" You sniffle, face still shining with the wetness of your tears.
Craning his head back to you, he smiles softly and nods his head. In an instant your jumping up from the bed, clapping your hands together in happiness.
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"So what kind of jobs do they have in Lucy Land?" Eddie asks, wincing slightly from your finger untangling a knot in his hair.
"Oh we have so many! I've been a fashion designer, model, singer, baker, doctor, and a ballerina!" Your fingers continue to intertwine sections of the curly brown hair, trying to be as delicate as possible.
"Then there's Lars, the one you remind me of, and he's an action star. Then there's Lance who is a race car drive. Linda is a teacher, Lorelai is a painter, Lily is a florist, and then there's Larry, he doesn't have a job."
"Why doesn't Larry have a job?" He asks, flinching slightly when you pull a little too hard for his liking.
"Cause he's Larry." You say nonchalantly.
Pulling the scrunchie from Eddie's wrist, you tie off the first braid before moving on to the next one.
"What's your job?" It's an innocent question but it still makes him choke on his drink.
"I ugh, I uh work in sales?" It's the best answer he can come up with, not wanting to explain what drug dealing means to your innocent ears.
You continue to tug on his hair, pulling and twisting strands. "What's that?"
"I sell things." Blood rushes to the tips of his ears and apples of his cheeks.
"Like what?"
Eddie would rather deal with the yanking of his hair than answer this question. He racks his brain for an answer, letting a small pause settle over the conversation.
"I sell brownies to people." Doing his best to shrug, embarrassment sinking to the pit of his stomach.
"Oh my golly!!! I love making brownies," You gasp and then pause for a moment, "but in my world our ovens and food are fake, so I wouldn't know how to do it in your world."
"Wait, so what do you eat?" Eyebrows are pinched together in confusion.
"Oh Eddie, you're so silly." You giggle, reaching for his other wrist that adorns the pink scrunchie.
Tying the end of his braid, you pat his shoulders gently, "All done."
The lanky boy stretches from his position on the floor, knees creaking from the movements. Walking over to his mirror, calloused fingers run over the french braids, shocked by how neat they are.
"Wow," he whispers, "They look really good, doll." Eyes still trailing over his hair, head moving side to side making sure to see every angle.
"They look so good because I had such a pretty model." Your lips are sprawled out into a smile.
Eddie finds himself blushing again, bats swarming around in his tummy and heart skipping multiple beats. Trying his best to shake it off, he claps his hands together and spins to face you.
"How about I make you my famous mac and cheese for payment?"
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"Who knew food could be so good?" A satisfied sigh falls from your lips.
"Yeah, who would've thought?" Eddie snorts, sarcasm soaking his words.
Leaning back onto the couch, your eyes flutter shut in contentment. Your hands sit folded on top of your belly, shoeless feet propped up on the coffee table in front of you.
Eddie lets you enjoy your food coma, picking up the empty bowls and walking them to the sink. He decides it would be better if he washes them now, not wanting Wayne to get home and bitch him out for having a full sink.
Once the dishes are done and dried, he walks back into the small living room and is met with the sight of you sleeping. Long eyelashes fall on the tops of your cheeks, your permanent smile still sits on your pretty glossed lips, and small snores falling from your nose.
For a moment he just looks at you, eyes following the lines of your features for the first time all day. When you first showed up, he could see that you were pretty and during the mall trip he'd find little details he hadn't noticed before, but right now he's really taking his time to admire you.
You're so beautiful, flawless really, and man did he get lucky having you crash into his life. You're a doll, something that's made of plastic, but nothing about you screams fake. You're so sweet and kind, always quick to accept whatever apology he gives you when he's been shitty.
Your spirit and energy shines brightly through you, bringing light to the darkness of his reality like the sun coming out on a cloudy day. You're all pink and sparkles, glitter and fluff, while he's black and spikes. For all the bad in the world, you remind Eddie of all the good.
He doesn't hate you, in fact he likes you and he wants to have you around for a bit longer. He wants to be friends with you, teach you about the real world and everything it has to offer. For the first time today Eddie realizes that this might not be so bad, not when he gets to relive all the cool things in life with you by his side.
Stalking over to you, he gently shakes your shoulder. "Luce, hey Lucy. Come on, s'time to wake up."
Squinting from the harsh yellow lighting of the room, your lips pout slightly from the rude intrusion of your slumber.
"Come on, Luce. We're gonna go to bed now." Holding out a hand to you, Eddie helps you stand up from the couch.
"I don't have jammies." You sound like a small child, voice quiet and hushed from how tired you are.
"What did you get at the mall then?" Leading you to the edge of the bed, he helps you sit down.
"I bought cute clothes to wear during the day." You shrug, rubbing your eye with the back of your hand.
"Of course you did." It's quiet enough so you can't hear, fingers rubbing hard over his forehead. "Alright, well I have something you can wear."
Digging through his drawers, Eddie finds an old Hellfire shirt and a pair of sweatpants from high school he doesn't wear anymore. Walking back over to you, he hands you the clothes and instructs you to change when he leaves the room and to call for him when you're done.
When your groggy voice echoes from behind the closed door, he slowly creeps in. You're still sitting in the same spot now wearing his clothes.
"Everything fit okay?" You nod, eyes growing heavier the longer you're up.
"Good, good. Well let me help you," Eddie leans over you, trying to fluff up the pillows the best that he can. Pulling the covers back, he tucks you into place.
"I'll be sleeping on the couch, so if you need anything just call my name and I'll be back." Giving you a tight lipped smile, he turns to shut the bedside lamp off.
"Eds?" Your voice cuts off his actions. "Can you sleep in here with me?" You blink up at him tiredly, still as beautiful as ever.
"How about I sleep on the floor next to you? Is that okay?" Eddie offers and you quickly accept with a sleepy smile and a lazy nod.
"Okay let me grab some extra blankets from the closet and change, then I'll be in." He reassures and you wiggle around in a tiny dance making his chuckle.
"Hey Eddie," Again you cut his movements short, "Thanks for being my best friend. I like being here with you." Your smile is shy, fingers nervously picking at the frayed edges of the blanket.
"I like being with you too. Thanks for being my best friend." The two of you beam at one another, letting the warmth of your budding friendship sink into both of you.
Leaving the room Eddie makes sure to shut the door behind him. Before he digs for any kind of blanket, he moves to the phone that sits on the wall. Punching the numbers fast, he looks back to make sure you haven't left your spot.
After a few rings, the other line finally picks up to his relief.
"I know it's late but ugh," He checks the door one more time just in case, "Forget what I said earlier. Yeah, she's gonna be staying here for a bit longer."
After hanging up the phone and grabbing whatever he needed, he heads back into the room where you're now sound asleep. Throwing a pillow to the floor, he shuts off the light and lays down.
For a moment it's quiet, the darkness of the room lulling him to sleep quickly. Before his eyes slam shut, your arm snakes out from under the blanket, your awaiting palms sitting there for him. Without hesitation, he grabs on and holds it for dear life.
Yeah, having you around won't be so bad.
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Thank you guys for reading! love you all <3
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
The Guys Overhear You Defending Them on the Phone
Request: Hello my darling friend! Can I please request headcanons for Hotch, Derek, and Reid overhearing their black female S/O arguing with her mom over the phone because she disapproves of their relationship?
A/N: Hopefully this is okay! I tried my best!
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Aaron is used to this by now, he's met your mother several times before and even though on the outside she always pretends to be inviting, it doesn't take a profiler to figure out her disdain for him
He never says anything to her, mostly because it's none of his business and also because he doesn't want to ruin the relationship you have with her
Still, he can tell it's draining for you and it hurts to watch you suffer, especially when the cause of that suffering is in a way him
The two of you had gotten engaged the weekend before and you'd posted pictures of the engagement party the team had thrown for you on social media, where your mom had seen them
That's why she was on the phone with you currently, and even though Aaron was on the other side of the room he could still hear her voice through the phone, saying all these rude things
Your eyes meet across the way, and he mouths that he's sorry
You roll your eyes good naturedly and hang up the phone
"Why don't we go for a drive before Jack gets home."
"She's not going to like that you hung up on her."
"Do I look like I care?"
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Unlike Hotch, not having your mother's approval will bother Spencer a lot. He will devote time to trying to please her, to making her happy, but all of his efforts will be for naught
It's not that she doesn't trust your choice in men, she just isn't keen on him, ironic considering any other mother would be head over heels grateful their child chose a man as clean and educated as Spencer Reid
You try to minimize the amount of time they spend together. It's not like you really care what she thinks anyway. You love Spencer and that's all that matters
Still, you can't help it when he overhears her on the phone. He's clingy and almost always close to you and you answer before you realize that maybe it isn't a very good idea
He is definitely not going to say or do anything while you're on the phone, but the situation will upset him. Even if he doesn't directly say so, you will be able to tell.
Instead of apologizing for your mother or making up some lame excuse, you decide that the best way to handle this is Doctor Who and take out.
He won't forget those harsh words, his memory will make sure of it, but at least you can let him know that you don't agree, that you'll always be in his corner
Derek Morgan
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Unlike the other two, Derek isn't quiet by nature. When he sees/feels injustice, he has to say something
So he will definitely just rip the phone out of your hands and end up in a lowkey screaming match with your mother. You can't even say you blame him because the things she was saying were downright rude and callous
The phone call will end up with Derek hanging up on her
He decides somewhere in his anger that he doesn't want to deal with this and instead just wants to spend time with the person he loves
He jokes you should just cut off your mom and let his own mom adopt you and you consider it, her food is amazing and his mother and sisters adore you
The two of you won't even talk about it or think about it after that, you stop taking calls from her and eventually she just stops calling altogether
Oh well, it's not really a loss in either of your opinions
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letsgetrowdy43 · 9 months
A walk down memory lane—
Jack Hughes x reader
Request: Can we get Jack having to witness the love of his life getting engaged
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He can remember their first kiss, summer of sixth grade, the fourth of July to be precise. Jack was pretty sure he was in love with her, the doe eyes she had sent his way as her mom fixed the bows around her pigtails had his brain foggy as he waited for her to join him.
He was a goner when she extended her hand out to his, the wind knocked right out of his lungs as he caught sight of the freckles dusting the bridge of her nose. She led him right to the tree swing that her parents had hung up that summer, on the branch of their favourite tree, "the best one for climbing" as Quinn would say. Her lips quirked into a smile as her hand squeezed his, yelping at the sound of the fireworks going off, his gaze switching between her and the bright lights erupting in the sky.
And with that when she kissed him, a very short, awkward peck followed by a 'sorry' and the girl running to their families who sat on the dock watching the show.
That was just the first of many moments that verified she was it for him.
He remembers the tears she had shed after being stood up for Junior high formal, her pastel yellow dress and chunky Doc Martins made his heartstrings pull as he called his original date saying that he had a 'family emergency' of some sort to take care of. A sad smile on his lips as he snuck into her room, sitting down next to her as she cried into his shoulder.
"I don't get it," she mumbled. "You are too good for him anyways, too good for anyone really," and he meant it, every word of it as he dried her tears and placed a kiss on her cheek.
The image of her smile burned into the back of his brain as he twirled her around, promising to show her off the entire night cause that's what she needed, to feel like the angel she was. Her rhythmic laughter filled his ears as he offered out his hands for the slow dance, a shy smile on her face as he placed his hands on her hips, "You look really pretty," he said, trying his hardest not to stutter as she watched him with adoring eyes. "Thank you J, for all of tonight really," she stood on her tip-toes to place a lipgloss-covered kiss on his cheek, "my prince charming."
That's how his life worked, there was hockey, and then there was her, and she somehow always came first in his mind. Until she was ripped right out of his grasp when the Hughes family made their move to Michigan so he could join the UNSTDP alongside his brother.
He held back tears as she helped pack up his room, laughing through her cries as they packed up all of his room, including the photos of the two of them that adorned his walls. "Don't miss me too much, and especially don't replace me when you go back to school," she cried as she folded up his last sweater. His gaze moved from the box in front of him to look at her, brows pulled together as he reached forward and pulled her into his hold, "No one will ever amount to you."
He cried as she squeezed him, "I'm so proud of you J," she whispered as her face buried deeper into his neck. "I love you Y/N," he said it, almost like a promise, rolling off of his tongue as his cheek pressed against the crown of her head. "Love you too J, my best friend, always"
He didn't see her again until the summer going into their senior year, her parent's work had held them back from the annual Hughes' Michigan trip for the past two years, but this one, this was the summer they were going reunite. She pulled into the driveway, hair a bit shorter, her figure a bit fuller from maturing, and she was so ready to see not only her best friends but the boys she called her brothers.
"Quinn!" she squealed as the older boy turned around with a grin, pulling her into a hug as he smiled at her parents, "you're a canuck! I'm so proud of you," she mumbled as she pulled away to see the other Hughes brothers staring at her.
Jack's face was a bright shade of red as Luke ran over next to say his hello's, the middle child was last to get one of her infamous hugs. "I missed you," he said as she squeezed him tighter. "Me too," she pulled away to get a good look at him, the summer was such a good look on him, admiring how his hair had grown out a little, "It's not the same without you," she pouted and pulled him in again.
Jack could swear just the look of her had him in a puddle on the driveway, innocently staring up at him as she laughed along with his brothers. Her lips pulled into a smile as she looked up at her best friend, Jack's arm wrapped around her shoulder's to pull her into his side, contently leaning against him as Luke continued his rambles.
"You haven't met Jack's teammates yet, you're gonna love them, and probably hate Trevor," Quinn mused as she followed him into the backyard where the Hughes were hosting a barbeque.
She locked eyes with him, the boy who was sat next to the Trevor that Quinn had grumbled about. "You must be Y/n," he said as she sat on the patio furniture right next to him, "Jack talks about you a lot, he forgot to mention how pretty you are," he smooth talked making her cheeks ablaze. "You disgust me, she's like a sister," Quinn gagged as he smacked the guy in the back of the head, "If he or any of the others are being gross come and get me or Brady," Quinn ruffled her hair as he went to find his own friends.
Jack's smile wiped as he looked across the lawn, the girl he'd been dreaming about laughed along with his friend, her face blushing as his teammate leaned in to whisper in her ear, a smile dancing on her lips as she got lost in their own little world.
The boy now kneeled on one knee, the sunset in the background, an array of tulips in the field behind them, and a velvet ring box in his hand as he presented her with the most perfect engagement ring, tears in her eyes as she nodded a silent yes. He got up off of his knee and pulled her in for a slow and emotional kiss as all of their friends and family cheered and appeared out from where they were hiding.
She cried as her mom and Ellen pulled her in for hugs, tears in their eyes as they ogled the ring on her finger. "He picked the most perfect ring," Ellen gushed, "like it was made for your hand,"
Y/n and her now fiancé made their way around the crowd hugging all of their friends and family as others passed out champagne.
"Congrats Mrs. Turcotte," Trevor announced as he pulled her into his conversation with Cole and Jack, "have fun with him." she laughed as Trev hugged her tightly, "I will, can't wait to be his wife," she grinned and looked at Jack who smiled softly at her.
A pang ran through his chest as his heart ached at the irony of it all, Jack Hughes, the pretty boy who has it all, has pretty much everything but the person he wants the most. But he learned to live with it, quietly, and from afar. Just sad smiles and looks of happiness on his face as he watched their relationship flourish.
Alex and the girl were like some sort of a match made in heaven, like Cupid's wet dream, chasing after one another in life until they eventually found each other for good. After her acceptance into CalTech and his one year at UW, they started seeing each other, he moved into an apartment only a few blocks away from her to start his transition into the NHL and the AHL. It seemed that wherever they were in the world the other would show up, proving just how perfect their love for one another was.
It pained Jack, to see her fall so hard and so fast for someone who was like a brother to him. His heart broke when Alex called him with the news of his plans for their engagement. She was once his Y/N, the one who kissed him under their favourite tree and danced with him even when the world seemed against her, and then he realized she was never really his, she would always be someone else’s. From now and forever she was Alex's, Jack would always be in the background, being the best friend.
"Congrats angel," she smiled at the use of an old nickname, her arms lopping around him for a hug, "I hope he's everything and more, cause you don't deserve any less," he mumbled, tears in his eyes as she pulled away to let out a cry. "Thank you, Jack," she smiled, "thank you for always being my best friend." He smiled and nodded, hands squeezing her hand as she took his hand into hers, "of course."
She smiled softly as he pulled her in again, "I'm gonna need a Man of honour, think you could handle the challenge?" "You're not gonna ask your sister?" she shook her head. "Wouldn't be right if I didn't have my best friend up there, right beside me," she cried as he nodded and squished his cheek against the crown of her head. "I'll always be there," he looked over at Alex who watched their interaction, a smile on his face as Jack sent him an approving face.
If Jack couldn't love her the way he wanted, he would suck it up and be the greatest best friend to walk the earth. Cause that's what she deserved. He wouldn't be caught dead loving her any less than she would allow him, because she was his everything, his best friend, and if all she needed was someone to be by her side then he would be there every step of the way.
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bleucaesura · 3 months
“F*ck! Moxxie! Get off my a** already. Unless you want me over there on yours *wink* *wink*” Blitzø sassed into the phone as he sat in his van outside of Stolas’s.
“Ew! No! Satan’s sake, Sir! All I’m saying…” Moxxie started.
“I know what the f*ck you’re saying!” Blitzø cut Moxxie off. “See you tomorrow at work.”
Blitzø hung up the phone. He stared down at the screen.
What f*cking business is it of yours anyway, Mox? Just cuz you and Millie have the perfect f*cking marriage, don't project that sh*t like you know anything about me and my life.
Blitzø sighed, feeling a little guilty about his sh*tty thoughts towards Moxxie. Mox was a good guy. He really needed to cut the guy some f*cking slack.
Blitzø rubbed a hand down his face trying to wipe away his exhaustion. He wasn't ready for this sh*t. He looked at his phone and thought of canceling. Just dropping the grimoire on the front steps and leaving.
Just then a text came in from Loona
“Octavia’s mom is being a c*nt so she's coming over to hang. So don’t f*cking come home. Not that you do on the 🌚🍆💦. I don't want you f*cking embarrassing me”
Blitzø smiled to himself. What a sassy little b*tch his Loony was. She made him so proud.
“Huv fun! ❤️😘❤️😘” he responded. To which he got many middle fingers and eye rolls. Yup. That was his Loony. He beamed inside. Satan, he loved that pup.
He sighed and smooshed his cheek onto his steering wheel. Sulking, he looked across the van, out the passenger window to the looming doors of Stolas’s mansion.
Guess there's no backing out now.
Blitzø grabbed the grimoire, opened his door and practically fell out of his van - junk from inside tumbling after him. He walked around the van, then stood leaning against the passenger door, staring up at the mansion. His heart slamming against his chest.
Stop it you stupid f*ck. He said it was no big deal.
Blitzø felt like he couldn't breathe…
And you brushed it off like you always do. Pretended like it didn't hurt that he rejected you in front of everyone at that club.
It did hurt. But it doesn't matter. He's never cared for me as anything more than a f*ck-doll.
Then why did he come to Earth to save you? Why call you, comment on your photos, ask you how your day was, or laugh at your stupid f*cking jokes when it's not part of your contract? Maybe he does care? Even lo-
It doesn't matter! Everyone I’ve cared for or loved gets f*cked over, hurt, or dies!
Grow a pair you f*cking coward! Just TALK to the guy! Look what happened when you actually f*cking talked with Fizz. He doesn't hate or blame you anymore. You were f*cking honest and you got your best friend back after fifteen years!
That… That's different.
And Moxxie. You opened up to the little f*ck and you finally know he cares and won't leave just cuz you're a chuckle-f*cking idiot.
Mox is a tender little sh*t. He’ll forgive anyone. Except his dad I guess… But that dude is f*cked up. Anyway, Fizz and Mox have nothing to do with Stolas!
If you DON’T say anything to Stolas you could lose him and your ticket to the human world.
F*ck off. It’s not about the book. I’m not that f*cking petty.
Oh? You actually care? And yet he almost died and you weren't there.
Shut the f*ck up.
You almost lost him and you were still too selfish and scared to go see him in the hospital.
“I said, shut the f*ck up!”
Blitzø startled himself out of his panicked spiral when he realized he'd yelled aloud. He'd slid to the ground, knees to his chest, clutching the grimoire, tears streaming down his face. He was gasping for breath.
He quickly stood and brushed himself off. He looked up at Stolas’s mansion.
“F*ck it”
He wiped the tears from his face and eyes then stomped up the steps to the looming gilded doors. He hesitated a moment, remembering he was actually pretty early, then he lifted his fist to knock.
The door cracked open, Stolas’s tiny imp butler stepped back, and gestured for Blitzø to enter. When the butler gestured to Stolas’s study, Blitzø nodded politely and headed in that direction.
Blitzø liked to act like he was better than everyone, but in this place, he certainly didn't like being rude to any of the imps on Stolas’s staff. It felt demeaning. To both him and them. He felt ashamed to be served by them in any way.
Blitzø reached the study doors. Normally he would have just burst in. But today he couldn't breathe. He was nervous. His palms were sweaty. His heart was beating out of his chest.
Swallowing the lump in his throat., Blitzø decided to knock. He waited. He knocked again. Nothing.
He pushed one of the massive doors open a crack.
“Helloooo?” Blitzø called quietly into the study.
He dipped his head inside and called again. No one answered. He pushed the door open further and slipped inside.
Stolas’s desk was straight ahead in the center of the room. It looked like it filled the entire room with the golden rising staircase that led to a platform behind it. The waxing and waning of the moon was a repeated motif gilded across the desk and up the staircase.
What's with this bird and the moon?
Usually, Stolas was seated in the high-backed throne of a chair behind his desk. So it looked strange sitting there so tall, stark and empty.
I wonder where he is?
Blitzø had been in Stolas’s study before, though only briefly, so seeing it now, without Stolas’s room-filling presence felt overwhelming and awe-inspiring.
Busts and intricately framed portraits of the Goetia family lined the walls and door passage that lead into the study proper. Blitzø discovered the room itself was larger than his apartment and office put together.
F*cking rich-a** royals…
Books filled shelves floor-to-ceiling on either side. It was more books than Blitzø had seen in his entire life. Beautifully bound. Well cared for.
Stolas loves his books.
Blitzø thought back to the first time they'd met. The adorable little f*ck had been so excited about all his books. Showing them off like Blitzø actually gave a sh*t about anything he had to say then. Blitzø blushed thinking about how cute Stolas had been as a kid. And how much fun he'd ended up having that day, in spite of himself.
Blitzø smiled to himself as he reminisced and looked blankly up at the books. When he saw a shimmer of light on the spines of the books he turned to the far wall to find its source and he realized it wasn't a wall. It was a floor-to-ceiling stained glass window. It began at the top of the small, balcony? Platform? Blitzø wasn't sure what to call it. Another level of the room that sat behind Stolas’s desk that had two sets of stairs leading up to it that looked as if they were arms protecting Stolas’s desk. It seemed to serve as a platform to reach the crazy a** chandelier that hung in the middle of the room.
As Blitzø’s eyes trained up on the chandelier he almost stumbled and fell backward when he saw the chandelier led up to what he - at first - thought was the night sky. It took a moment for him to realize it was just a painted ceiling. Constellations and the deep blue of space. Blitzø crossed to Stolas’s desk in awe, transfixed, never looking away from the ceiling. He felt like he was falling into the beautiful void of space.
Is this what Stolas does? He said he studies the skies and their prophecies. He never said it was this beautiful.
Blitzø stood in wonder. He began to feel small.
He's so important. To be in charge of something this beautiful… So f*cking powerful.
Blitzø hugged the grimoire tightly to himself like a shield. Remembering Stolas’s rescue and his full demonic manifestation. Blitzø had thought he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. But he'd been terrified at the same time. Not of the fact that Stolas could hurt - even kill - him easily with his power. No. It wasn't Stolas’s power he was afraid of. Blitzø was petrified of how Stolas had made him feel. Safe. Wanted. Worth saving.
How the f*ck could he care for scum like me? When he has all of this?
And then Stolas had rejected Blitzø in front of everyone.
He's ashamed of me. His dirty little f*ck doll…
Tears welled in his eyes. He fought them back as he tore his gaze from the ceiling and the infinite beauty and sorrow he'd found there.
Blitzø’s eyes slammed shut in pain as he remembered Stolas’s tail feathers passing by overhead. The gurney. The hospital. The crowd. The shouting.
“Stolas got hurt bad.” Millie’s words rang in his ears like an echo in a haunted well, beckoning him into its depths.
“He can get hurt?” Blitzø had heard himself say. He’d felt like the earth beneath his feet was sand slowly trying to pull him under. Nothing made sense anymore. Stolas is Goetia. Goetia don’t get hurt. Goetia are basically gods. Weren’t they?
What did I do? Stolas is really hurt. I should have been there. He called me. ME. And I blew him off. I could have rescheduled Loona’s appointment. The f*ck was I thinking?! Oh f*ck. F*ck f*ck f*ck!
Blitzø’s heart hammered in his chest. Remembering that day and every day Stolas had been in the hospital ripped at his heart.
Stop it. Satan f*cking dammit. Get your sh*t together you stupid f*ck. You decided to talk to him so you'll f*cking talk to him you f*cking p*ssy!
Blitzø pried his eyes open and took deep measured breaths trying to calm himself. Once he’d gained his composure, he released the death grip he hadn’t realized he’d had on the grimoire and took another quick look around the room to see if there was anywhere Stolas could be hiding. Or maybe reading and too involved to notice his surroundings.
Blitzø chuckled to himself remembering the times he’d scared Stolas because he’d been too beak deep in one of his books to notice Blitzø sneaking up on him.
But no. Stolas really wasn’t there.
Blitzø stood by Stolas’s desk wondering what to do. Stay there? Go look for him?
Then something caught his eye. A box.
The f*ck is that?
Blitzø looked about the room shiftily. He checked the door to make sure no one was coming. Once he was satisfied, he tiptoed around the desk to get a better look.
It felt strange being on this side of Stolas’s desk. In a strange way it made him feel both smaller in station and yet closer to Stolas.
Blitzø tossed the grimoire on the chair and heaved himself up onto it. For a moment he just sat there. Feeling smug.
So this is what it feels like.
Blitzø ran his palms along the edge of the desk, feeling the richness of it. He felt unworthy.
Sighing, he turned his attention to the box.
There, in the middle of the desk, sat a beautiful blue box. Blitzø reached for it but pulled back abruptly like he’d been stung.
Is that?
Blitzø’s heart began to race as he reached out a shaking hand and picked up the box. He traced the glowing sigil that adorned the lid.
Blitzø’s ears began to ring and the whole world dropped away as his vision tunneled on the box in his hands.
He could hear Verosika whispering in his ear, “I told you what this is.”
Blitzø gulped, hands shaking, cold sweat dripping down the back of his neck.
“You know what it does” Verosika purred with venom.
Blitzø slowly opened the box’s lid.
Please don’t let it be… Please, no…
Blitzø’s eyes stung with tears as he looked down at the Asmodeon crystal nestled inside the silken lined box. One of the Lust Demon Lord Asmodeus’s all-access passes to the human world. Usually reserved for his succu-b*tches to do their lust-sucking work on the humans. Stolas wouldn’t need something like this to traverse realms - Blitzø had seen that himself. That meant…
Verosika cackled “Oh you pathetic f*ck! You know what it means! He’s done with you! Throwing you away like the trash that you are!”
Blitzø shut the box, slamming it onto the desk.
No. No no no no no… This can’t be right. We have a deal…
Blitzø started shaking. He gathered himself onto the chair, trying to make himself as small as possible. He wrapped his tail tightly around himself and looked up at the ceiling as tears stung his eyes.
He doesn’t want me anymore. I can’t believe I ever thought… and now he’s just f*cking throwing me away.?
“No…” Blitzø whispered as he stared wide-eyed and unblinking at the ceiling; letting himself be swallowed by the void.
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perfect-angel-boy · 6 months
Smoking on my Ex Pack
Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
Was listening to SZA and smoking and got an idea. No warnings rly… umm some suggestive content, mostly just fluff, reader gets called a hoe by a shitty ex bf, best friend!mike, friends to lovers, pining, it’s cute and I’m proud of it
“Whatever, you’re a hoe anyway.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, you fuckin bum,” you rolled your eyes as you finished packing another bowl, “delete my number.” You sighed as you hung up, unable to believe that you had wasted nearly an entire year on such a loser.
Your best friend, Mike, sat across from you in your living room, falling backwards with laughter. “I tried to tell you about him, bro.”
“Shut up, dork. I don’t wanna fuckin hear it.”
He over-dramatically wiped his eyes, sitting back up. “I really am sorry though. Breakups are rough.”
You put the bowl to your lips, taking a hit and exhaling before responding, “is it, like, fucked up that I’m not really that sad about it? It’s like, almost a full eleven months with this guy and I don’t even feel like crying. If anything I’m relieved.”
Taking the bowl from you, he nodded, “yeah?”
“Yeah, dude,” you run your hands down your face, “being with him was like being somebody’s fucking mom. Like, we’re fully in our twenties and I have to remind you to wash your fucking ass? Grow up.”
This set Mike laughing hysterically again, “no way he didn’t wash his ass. How come you never shared this with me before?”
“Because I thought that I loved him, and I knew what you’d say.”
“What? That I was right and you should’ve dumped him a long time ago?” He had a smug look on his face as you reached over to snatch the bowl back from him.
“Yeah, exactly, you fuckin dick.” You laughed, too, your shoulders gently shaking as you lifted the bowl to your lips.
“Well, since your relieved, let’s celebrate.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, curious, “what’d you have in mind?”
“I can see if Vanessa can keep Abby for the night, we can get high as shit and watch all of your favorite movies?” He posed it as a question, raising an eyebrow back at you.
You broke into a grin, “I knew there was a reason I kept you around.”
He smiled back at you before getting his phone out and calling Vanessa as you moved to your dvd shelf to pick out what your first watch of the night would be.
Nearly five hours had passed, it was now 10:00 pm, and you and Mike hadn’t moved in at least an hour. The two of you were sunken comfortably into the couch, passing a joint he’d rolled between the two of you. The Craft was playing and you were reciting it word for word. Your eyes were glued to the screen as you exhaled smoke and then picked up on the next line, “you know in the old days, if a witch betrayed her coven… they would kill her.”
Unbeknownst to you, Mike’s eyes were glued to your side profile. He was mesmerized with the way the tv light highlighted your silhouette in the darkness. He kept telling himself that it was just because he was high that he was so captivated with you, but he knew that it was more than that; he always felt this way around you. It was like his insides were all soft moldable goop and you could twist them into whatever shape your little heart desired, and you didn’t even know that you were doing it.
Without removing your eyes from the screen, you asked, “wanna order a pizza or something?”
Mike hummed in response and you rolled your eyes, assuming that he was simply ignoring you. You turned your head to face him and nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw his eyes trained on you.
“Mike?” You reached out, snapping in front of his face.
This seemingly broke him out of whatever weed-induced trance that he was in, as he blinked, suddenly sitting up straighter. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“You good, bro? You were completely spaced out. How long were you like that?”
He took the joint from you, his cheeks turning red as he dodged your eyes, “uh, I don’t know.” He let out a nervous chuckle.
“Are you okay?” You scooted closer to him, resting your hand on his arm. You grew more concerned when he seemed to stop breathing at your touch. “Mike? You good?”
He let out a breath, nodding as he tried to appear more relaxed than he felt. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten caught staring at you. “I’m good, just zoned out I guess.”
You let out a nervous chuckle, getting comfortable in your new spot beside him on the already small couch. “Okay, just don’t freak me out like that again. You looked possessed.”
He felt possessed, but he didn’t say that out loud, instead trying to get comfortable again. As he tried to get comfortable again, he couldn’t help but notice how close you were to him. Since when did you being so close make his heart beat like this? He was worried that if you got any closer, you’d hear it. Of course you just had to lean in closer and rest your head on his shoulder.
“Stop hogging the jay, dickhead.” You were whispering now, though you didn’t really know why.
He whispered back, “sorry,” passing it to you. Your fingers brushed and for a second neither of you moved.
After a moment, you took it from him finally, inhaling deeply. As you exhaled you began to cough, laughing through it as Mike rubbed your back, asking if you were okay.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just got weak ass lungs I guess.”
He let out a small laugh at that, taking the joint from you and taking a hit.
You leaned back into him, smiling up at him as you rested your head against his shoulder, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being here for me, no matter what. I love you,” you said, grabbing the joint back from him, killing it.
There you fucking go again, he couldn’t help but think, twisting around all of his most vital organs, molding them into whatever you felt, and you didn’t even realize that he was putty in your hands. “I love you, too.” You had no idea how much he meant that.
“Awe man,” you muttered under your breath as you looked back at the screen, noticing that the movie was almost over. You’d been so caught up in Mike’s little moment that you’d missed so much of what was arguably one of your top five favorite movies.
“What’s up?” Mike asked, his eyes focused back on you, laced with confusion.
“Movie’s almost over, missed like, some of my favorite parts just now,” you grumbled, upset.
“Oh, sorry,” Mike responded, sounding like he was about to zone out again.
He felt lightheaded, and he was trying to convince himself that it was the weed and not the feeling of you leaned against him, curled up and wrapping both of your arms around one of his. He could smell your shampoo and coffee and weed and everything that made up you and he felt intoxicated by the scent. His head was swimming with thoughts of you. You laughing and smiling, the way your lips wrapped around a blunt, what you’d look like wrapping your lips around him.
You snapped your fingers in front of his face, letting out a laugh that made him smile, still a little daze, “what?”
“You’re staring again,” you giggled, resting your hand on his cheek, more laughter slipping out as you feel it get warm under your palm.
“Am I?” He asked, not taking his eyes off you.
“Yes, doofus,” you said.
You weren’t sure who leaned in first but suddenly you were pressed against him, hands tangling in his curly hair as you pulled on his bottom lip with your teeth, the credits starting in the background.
He pulled away first. “Shit, sorry.”
“For what?” You asked, reaching out for him.
“For kissing you,” he rushed out, “you just broke up with your boyfriend and I’m your best friend and I should be comforting you not taking advantage of you being vulnerable-“
“Mike,” you tried to interject.
“I’ll leave if you want, god I’m such a dumbass-“
“Mike!” You clapped your hand over his mouth. “Shut up for once in your life. Please?” You groaned in disgust as he licked your palm, moving it from his mouth before continuing. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. Unless your apologizing for stopping.”
You rolled your eyes, “yeah, dipshit. I’ve only been waiting for you to do that for about five years now. And you’re not ‘taking advantage of me.’ I’m not ‘vulnerable.’ Right now I’m mostly just high and horny and a little annoyed at you for being such an idiot, and-“
You were cut off by Mike’s lips crashing into yours, the two of you falling back into the couch as you let out a small squeal. Then you felt it, Mike’s fingers tickling at your hips. “Mike!”
He pulled back, grinning at you like a chesire cat, “I’m an idiot?”
His fingers didn’t let up as you began to let out shriek-like giggles. “Yes, you are,” you forced out between laughs, “now unhand me!”
“Unhand you?” He laughed, his hands resting on your hips, “what are you, a fuckin medieval knight?”
You laughed, too, slowly catching your breath, “don’t make me knee you in the balls.”
He looked down at you, “you wouldn’t dare.”
“Don’t test me, you’re in the perfect spot for me to knee you in the balls right now.” You smirked up at him.
He smiled, moving one hand to rest beside your head as he leaned down. His lips brushed against yours as he spoke, “please don’t knee me in the balls.”
You found yourself whispering again, “what’s in it for me if I don’t?”
Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed you again.
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lookwhatitcost · 1 month
How can you love me? Chapter 1 (part two.): Should I regret it?
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x !OFC
Warnings!: Drinking, Swearing, let me know if I need to add more!
Dividers by: @saradika-graphics
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Part 1.
Noah and Adriana both rockstar's, both caring, both don't really believe in love.
They met as children in a park in Richmond, since Noah helped Adriana with a scrape on her knee that day, they'd been inseparable. Even though they do live together and have known each other for almost 20 years they've never even had the thought of being each others other, being their partner, loving each other unconditionally, except as friends of course. Even though they were each others first everything, first friend, first kiss, first time, first home, they would never admit their love for each other because it would ruin their friendship, and especially not now that Adriana is not looking for love and, Noah is in love with his girlfriend Chelsea, right?
Will they let each other break their glass houses or will they stay eternally quiet?
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May 13 2020. Noah's POV. (scene from last chapter.)
"Yeah sure but, I could try to get here before dinner so we can all eat togeth-"
"Noah." I cut him off
"Shut up and go visit your girlfriend."
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I was driving to Chelsea's place while listening to music and thinking 'finally gonna see her, I can just picture her on her knees suc-'
Ring ring ring.
"Hi baby, how are you?" Chelsea said in an almost whisper tone
"Oh hi babe, um I'm good, just driving to your place."
"Okay, do you know how long you're gonna take?" She said in a worrying tone.
"Um maybe in like 5 minutes, baby?" I said wondering why she sounded so worried. "yeah?" She shortly answered. "are you okay?"
"Oh-uh, yeah I'm fine, um Noah I'm gonna have to let you go, I'm getting a call from my mom."
"yeah that's fine, well baby I can't wait to see you and I definitely can't wait for something else." I said insinuating. "Cool, bye babe." Then she hung up on me.
Weird, she would usually respond to the dirty shit I said to her, anyway.
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I knocked on her front door, waiting for her to open it. I don't know what, but something felt off about her, but maybe she could just be in a bad mood. The door swung open revealing Chelsea in a two piece pink silk pajama set, with her hair in a half up half down style. She looked beautiful.
"Hi baby" she said in a soft tone. "Hi" I said leaning in to give her a kiss. "Come in noah." She said as she pulled away, not kissing me.
What the hell is going on with her?
"Noah can we talk?" She said. "Yeah okay." I said worrying about what's to come. we sat down on her couch, she grabbed a pillow putting in up to her chest.
"Noah, I have to tell you something." She said looking at me, I could see the tears forming in her eyes. "Look noah, I love you, but... We need to break up."
"What?" I said whispering.
My heart shattered in that moment, I felt the blood drain from my body, I didn't know whether to cry, ask her why she wanted to, or just leave without saying anything. I opted for the last one.
I got up from the couch and made my way to the door, I hesitated leaving and not asking her why but I decided it was best for me.
"Noah wait!" I heard Chelsea cry after me as I walked to my car.
"Noah I'm sorry, but I have to do this, for you, for me, for us."
I briefly looked at her and told her, "after 2 fucking years there is no us anymore." I got in to my car, trying to keep it all in, and drove, and drove, and drove away, until I stopped in the back of a gas station just to sit there in silence.
Maybe she was over thinking.
Maybe she just was drunk or something.
No. Chelsea can't be over thinking she always knows what she wants, and she can't be drunk, she doesn't drink often.
I decided in my mind that she did actually want to break up, and that's when I thought.
I only have two options.
Either I, break down into tears and tell the one person I can count on, which is adri about this so she can help me, or, I drown my sorrows with alcohol. After little to no thinking I decided the second one would be best.
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Chelsea's POV
What the fuck did I just do?
I just broke up with noah, and I think I'll regret it for the rest of my life well that and the other thing... He was so loving and caring, and especially he was faithful towards me all the time and I had to go fuck it up by doing that.
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At home...
I need tequila. I need to get my mind off of her.
I walked into the house feeling I don't know how many emotions inside of me, I knew I was probably going to get interrogated by the guys right when they saw my eyes, so I had a plan, a simple plan, but a plan, this plan was just walk in get the bottle and walk to my room and lock the door for the rest of the night. I walked into the kitchen expecting it to be empty but there were two people standing there, Adriana and Jesse. I just wanted to avoid them asking anything so I just said.
"If Chelsea calls any of you and asks for me, don't tell her anything. Got it?" I said making my way to get the alcohol. I rushed out of the kitchen and on my way I heard Jesse scream something that I couldn't hear because I was just stuck in my thoughts.
I walked into my room and slammed the door, I immediately just sat on my bed and started drinking. When I was sitting I heard the door open and close softly. Fuck, I didn't lock it.
"Noah what the fuck was that out there?" Adri said slightly suprised, slightly pissed. "Nothing, why?" I said trying to not make the emotions sound. "You want some?" I offered her the tequila.
"No, Noah what happened with Chelsea? Did you guys fight? Or was it something else?"
I decided, fuck it, I'll just tell her. "She broke up with me."
"Noah what do you mean?"
"No, I got to her place and when I said hi to her she asked me if we could talk, when we sat down she just said it, no sugarcoats, she just said, I wanna break up."
"well maybe she was just confused, I mean, you guys have been together for 2 years, that's a lot of commitment and maybe she was just nervous."
Yeah sure, and you're in love with me.
"nah, its fine she's just like any other girl who's dated me, they spend time making me fall in love just so then they can throw me away like some type of garbage."
"Noah, please don't say that, look lets do this, you stop drinking so the hangover isn't as bad in the morning, I will try and call Chelsea tonight and if she doesn't pick up I'll call her tomorrow, and you can get some rest in the meantime ok?" She took the bottle from my hands, and I was about to protest against her but I know she wouldn't stop until she got her way.
"I guess, sure."
Okay, well goodnight Noah I'll tell you if anything happens tomorrow."
Then she kissed my forehead softly, and I muttered a quite thank you, but I wasn't just saying thank you for her helping me with this, I was saying thank you for everything, for the love she's given me since childhood, for all the times she put up with me even when I was being a dick, for all the times she helped me when I wanted to cry, when I needed advice, when I wanted to kill myself, whenever I desperately needed her.
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Noah's POV.
I kinda fucked up.
An hour after Adriana left I went to get more alcohol, I couldn't handle it so by 3AM I was really really fucking drunk. After that point I don't remember anything except me waking up to get water and in my dream I kissed a girl, who was this girl? I have no idea.
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Okay sooooo its out!
This one was shorter just because I wanted to give you guys his POV in the story but the official second chapter will be out soon. And that one will have smut. The next chapter (2) will have more drama filled stuff, remember this is supposed to be a slow burn.
Tags: @xxkittenkissesxx @laurpartyprogram @starsomens @thisbicc
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Scary Movie With Steve
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summary: it’s your first time being left alone with the boy Robin introduced you to only a few weeks prior
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
tw: cursing, sexually suggestive language
a/n: my requests are open. please feel free to send me any stranger things ideas :)
“I just don’t understand why he’s so adamant about hanging out with that guy! I mean, you know Eddie! He’s the guy that supplied the weed at our parties back in high school. He’s not exactly the best influence on these kids!” Steve huffed as he paced around your basement.
“Oh, come on. He’s not that bad,” You shrugged as you watched Robin rewind the movie she rented for you before the end of tonight’s shift. “Eddie’s actually a really good guy. The guy has a heart of gold. Plus, he loves the same things the boys do. If anything, I think it’ll do them some good to hang out with someone who shares common interests.”
“Did you miss the part where I said he’s a drug dealer?” Steve deadpanned, you shake your head as Robing made her way back to the couch. He shifted uncomfortably as a thought dawned on him. “Besides, how do you know so much about him anyway?”
“I don’t know,” You shrugged.
“She spoke to him when he came in to rent Star Wars earlier this week,” Robin smiled. Your eyes widened as you shook your head, silently begging her not to say more. “Apparently, he’s cute and charming.”
“Does shaking my head mean nothing to you?” You deadpanned.
“Charming?!” Steve choked.
“Can we just watch the movie?” You sighed.
“And cute! Don’t forget about cute. She made sure to emphasize just how cute she thought he was after he left,” Robin smiled, looking over at your unamused face. “It’s slipping my mind now. What was it you called cute? His face or butt? You talked so much about both that I feel like I’m getting the story mixed up.”
“Dude!” You laughed. “Come on. Cut me some slack! He’s got the whole eccentric, cool, I-don’t-give-a-fuck thing going for him. What’s a girl to do?”
“Oh, my god! Not you too!” Steve groaned as he plopped himself in front of the couch. “I don’t even wanna watch this stupid movie anymore. I’m that grossed out.”
“That’s interesting way of saying you’re jealous,” Robin snorted as she walked towards to couch you sat on, placing her head on your shoulder as the movie began.
“Jealous? Me? Please,” He blew off. “I’m not the jealous type.”
You both giggled at the statement.
“What?! What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. That’s just a bold statement to make considering you pout every time we hang out without you,” Robin chuckled.
“Wha- No! I-.. That’s not the point of this conversation!” He snapped around, shifting his weight so that he could place his arms on your knees as he spoke. “Just because you find him cute doesn’t mean he’s not a bad influence. What kind of babysitter would I be if I wasn’t a little worried?”
“Okay, fine, Steve. He’s a bad influence,” Robin shrugged, miserably trying to hold back a smirk. “A cute bad influence. One that hides behind his hair when he flirts with Y/N and touches her arm when she giggles at his jokes.”
“Oh, come on! That’s such a typical dude move!” Steve frowned as he looked up at you. “Don’t tell me you actually fell for that.”
“Robin?” Your mother called from the top of the stairs. You silently thanked her for the interruption. “Honey, your mom’s on the phone. She said something about a family dinner?”
“Shoot!” Robin gasped, looking over at her friends. “I’m supposed to be home early tonight! Rain check on movie night?”
“Wait, but-“ Both you and Steve sat up straight as she grabbed her backpack and ran towards the stairs.
“I’m sorry! Bye!” She interrupted before she disappeared behind your mother. An awkward silence fell upon the room. Though you and Steve were good friends, rare were the times you hung out by yourselves. Even if you did, Robin was typically in the next room. She was your mutual friend, the glue to your friendship. Without her, it was just..
“So,” He pursed his lips.
“So,” You shifted uncomfortably.
“Uh,” He cleared his throat before awkwardly taking his arms off of your legs. “Do you still wanna watch the movie or..?”
“I mean,” You shrugged. “Sure, why not? I’m curious to see what she picked out. She told me it was a rom com,” You paused as creepy music began to play.
“Rom com, huh?” He asked, plopping down in the seat beside you and looking over at you skeptically. “What’s this movie called again?”
“I don’t know. She said it won an Oscar for best romance movie in ‘78-“ Your voice trailed off as a haunted looking house appeared on the screen. “That lying bitch.”
Steve threw his head back in laughter as you raised your knees up to your chest and hugged them. “I get the feeling you’re not much of a horror fan.”
“Really? What gave it away?” You asked sarcastically, making him laugh again. “What?”
“Nothing.. It’s just- you’re like the most fearless person I know. It’s kinda funny that you draw the line at horror movies,” He shook his head. “But, if you really don’t wanna watch it, we can just call it a night instead-“
“It’s cool. We’ve seen worse, right? I’m sure I can handle a little- OH MY GOD! DID THAT THING JUST RIP OFF HER ARM?!” You hid your face behind your knees and clenched your eyes shut. Steve dropped his head into his hands as he cackled at your reaction. “Jesus! I was expecting some build up or something before it got to the gruesome parts..”
“Here, I’m a pro at keeping girls calm during horror movies,” He scooted towards you and wrapped an arm around you. “Works like a charm every time.”
“Please don’t tell me this the same move you pull on all those movie dates you tell us about,” You scrunched your nose. “It is, isn’t it?”
“I don’t think you want me to answer that honestly,” He chuckled, making your eyes roll. “Come on, Y/N! We’re both adults. There’s nothing weird about me wrapping an arm around you. It really does help make the movie less scary. I promise I’m not making a move on you. We’re just friends. This is purely platonic.”
Purely platonic. Ouch. Of course you knew he didn’t see you as anything more, but did he have to say it in such an assured manner?
“Right,” You nodded as you remained sitting stiffly.
“That means you can, like, relax, weirdo,” He teased. You rolled your eyes and got comfortable, leaning into his soft and lazy embrace.
“Right..” You muttered, hesitantly adjusting your body so that it was leaning into his own. You were almost taken aback by how warm he was.
“You said that already,” He smirked.
“Do you wanna watch the damn movie or not?” You groaned, pulling away.
“Come back,” He drew out the last word as he pulled you back into him. You’d normally get an explosion of butterflies at his touch, especially with something like that. But you were still reeling in your hurt feelings from the just friends comment. “Okay, I’m sorry. Yes, I wanna watch the movie. I’ll shut up now.”
You both settled into the couch and continued to watch the movie. Much to your dismay, the movie only got scarier from that point on. You had to give credit to the directors for perfectly executing a jump scare after an excruciatingly long build up, it even made Steve wrap his arms around you tighter when each one happened.
“Close your eyes,” He said, covering them for you. “I’ll tell you when this part is over.”
“Did they have to kill the dog?” You mumbled sadly, making him laugh harder.
“It’s just part of the Hollywood magic. I’m sure that dog is still alive,” He reassured you. “.. Most likely.”
“Most likely?!” You frowned, taking his hand off your eyes only to see the killer murder another one. “FUCK! No, I tap out. Go turn the movie off, Steve!”
“No way! We’re almost done anyways. This is the first step to getting over this scary movie phobia!” He protested.
“Is it really considered getting over my fear if I spend the whole movie buried in your chest with your hand over my eyes?” You frowned.
“Baby steps, Y/L/N. Baby steps,” Steve said simply. You turned back towards the movie before he placed his hand on your cheek and moved your face back in his direction. “Wait, you probably don’t wanna turn back around just yet. They’re still at it.”
You glanced over at the hand that caressed your cheek. His own eyes widened, and you could’ve sworn you saw him blush as he pulled away his hand.
“Sorry. Force of habit from the, uh..” He looked down momentarily before his warm, brown eyes were back on your own. He looked up just in time to see your eyes flicker down to his lips. It was a quick, subconscious movement, one he would’ve missed if he blinked at the wrong time. Something about the way you two looked at one another changed in that moment.
Most people who saw each other as just friends wouldn’t hold eye contact for as long as the two of you did. It was as if you both couldn’t look away; you were completely and utterly entranced by one another. A friend wouldn’t reach out to slowly tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear, allowing his hand to linger. A friend wouldn’t caress your cheek so intimately, especially not with that look in his eyes. He licked his lips, desperately trying to distract them from the desire of kissing you. But god, you were making it so hard with that sweet little doe-eyed gaze you gave him. Despite your best efforts, you made it incredibly obvious that you yearned for him in the same way.
We’re just friends. The words kept repeating in your mind as a way to try to find the strength to pull away. Even if he didn’t make that clear earlier, Robin has been very explicit of her disapproval of anything more. We’re just friends. We’re just friends.
Oh, but if that were true, he wouldn’t be fixated on your lips, moving his hand from your cheek to lightly stroke them with his thumb. If that were true, you wouldn’t be tracing circles on his chest, feeling his heart all but pound it’s way out. He wouldn’t be leaning in as if you were a magnet and he were steal- a helpless moth drawn to a flame.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered, so close you felt his breath dance across your upper lip.
You should’ve said no. You should’ve reminded him that Robin wouldn’t approve and that things would just get complicated if you crossed that line.
“Mm, that doesn’t seem very platonic,” You smiled, leaning in further to make sure your lips brushed against his as you spoke. He let out a breathy chuckle.
“Has anything we’ve done tonight seemed very platonic to you?” He closed his eyes as he teased your lips with his own before you finally caved in. Your hand wandered to the back of his head before pulling him in softly.
His lips responded instantly, almost eagerly, as they slowly moved in sync with yours. His other arm snaked around your waist and pulled you in as he deepened the kiss. Your fingers toyed with the bottom of his shirt, sending butterflies to your stomach as you touched his skin. His hair was softer than you imagined, as was his hip. You mindlessly and softly licked at his bottom lip, wanting more.
“Wait,” He said breathlessly. He readjusted your bodies so that you now laid on your back with him on top. He strategically placed a leg between your own as he left a trail of kisses from your collarbone to your ear. You threw your head back, moaning softly as he nibbled at your earlobe and you heard him let out another breathy chuckle. Your hands scratched gently up and down his clothed body, making his breath quiver as he pulled away.
He looked into your eyes for a moment with a soft smile, a look of passion that melted you to your core, before returning to your lips. This time with more hunger than before. He grinded the thigh he placed between your legs rhythmically as he continued to kiss you, only moving back down to your neck when you threw your head back again in ecstasy.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” You moaned.
“Say the word and I’ll stop,” He breathed between kisses.
“Fuck, I don’t think I want you to stop,” You admitted, rolling your hips against his leg.
“Then what do you want?” He asked, pulling away to look into your eyes.
“I want you,” You admitted, making him smile.
“Say it again,” He whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“I want you, Steve. I-“
“Hey, you guys still watching the movie?” You heard Robin call as the door upstairs opened. You both quickly jumped away from one another, fixing your hair and looking back at the movie as if nothing happened. You both watched as she walked down the stairs, smiling. “I convinced my mom to excuse me from the dinner to stay night with you, Y/N. I hope that’s okay.”
“Yeah! That’s fine,” You breathed. She frowned.
“Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah! I just- I hate scary movies,” You chuckled nervously. “I think we left the snacks upstairs. I’m gonna go grab them.”
“I’ll help you!” Steve stood up.
“No, it’s okay. I got it,” You shook your head.
“I insist,” He said, already walking past you.
Robin narrowed her eyes but dismissed the conversation as you both made your way upstairs. You rounded the corner to the kitchen and turned to talk at the same time.
“That was-“
“Maybe we should-“
You both paused and laughed awkwardly.
“You go first,” He smiled, crossing his arms.
“That was stupid of us. We just got carried away in the moment without thinking about Robin. I don’t think she’d be thrilled to learn that..”
“That you want me?” He smirked, making you blush.
“Steve, I swear to God if you hold that over my head, or worse- if you tell Robin about what just happened, I’ll-“ You frowned, poking as his chest.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I swear I won’t ever bring it up again,” He laughed. “To you or to Robin. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, sticking out your hand for him to shake. “So, friends?”
“Yeah, friends,” He placed his hand in yours and shook slowly. You both maintained eye contact before you realized you were falling back under the same spell. His eyes widened as he pulled his hand away. “Shit. Okay, if we don’t want that to happen again, maybe we shouldn’t.. touch.”
“Good idea,” You agreed, looking back at the snacks. He smiled softly at you. “Grab the Pepsi. I got the pizza. And stop looking at me like that.”
“How am I looking at you?” He laughed. You tilted your head with an unamused look.
“Like you wanna kiss me again.”
“But I do wanna kiss you again,” He sighed, grabbing the Pepsi as told. “Especially now that I know what you sound like when I kiss your neck. I can’t help but wonder what other noises I can make you-“
“Steve!” You blushed, feeling like someone kicked the air out of your lungs. “Cut it out! We literally just shook on being friends. Strictly platonic from here on out, got it?”
“Right,” He muttered with a smile as you walked past him towards the basements. “Because that worked out so well last time..”
Part two ->
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