poems-of-a-lover · 9 months
world-class insomniac everyone
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sketchy-tour · 3 months
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Thank you, Remderem!
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temeyes · 1 month
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fashion studies ft. kei, mwahhh~
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arom-antix · 9 days
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Me? Posting finished art? Ain't no way :O
No but @korruptbrekker reached out to me and asked if I was interested in doing a collab (go check out their piece here, I implore you), and you know I could not say no to such a wonderful artist asking lil ol me to do something fun like this. We ended up doing a swap @laugaheim and I came up with ages ago that I so sussinctly refer to as a moodboard-sketch-lineart-render swap. Rolls right off the tongue, right? Nah but it's exactly what it says. Make moodboards, swap and sketch from the other's, swap again and line the other's sketch, and then swap once again and finish the piece you sketched.
Very big thanks to Brekker for reaching out! This was so fun, I hope we can do something together again in the future!
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squidkid15 · 2 months
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In honor of it being Year of Shadow have some doodles from the last couple days of him being the fuckin' nerd that all Robotniks are.
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biillys · 1 year
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via liv.pollock, 11th december 2022
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derelictheretic · 12 days
almost started rambling about my no cult au in a rb instead I will ramble about it in my own tags like a sane person
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br-uwu-cewayne · 2 years
Thinking about Battinson slowly starting to step out more in his Bruce mask, courtesy of realizing the city needs more than what he had been offering her, getting back to Mayor Réal about what he could do, etc., and as such... kicking off that verse's version of Wayne being the Damsel In Distress Du Jour and needing to LET himself be rescued by the GCPD on occasion.
And when it all first starts he's annoyed, because this is drawing SO much attention to him and also having to LET himself be the hostage when he KNOWS it would be SO EASY is just so frustrating....
...until a few go rounds in, when he starts realizing like oh. another nice dark cool room to wait alone by myself in for a few hours 🥺 this is so nice thank you i was getting so tired and now like
Whenever the strain of Being Bruce Wayne is just graaaating on him, or even just an appointment coming up that he's too burnt out (or just... doesn't want to) attend... maaaaaaaybe he arranges... just... just a little anonymous ransom for himself online so he can get kidnapped soon. As a treat.
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ffc1cb · 2 years
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played thru ys vi back in august, was really surprised with how charming the game is. here’s some doodles
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
getting wigs for characters with the same hair color as myself make me feel like the biggest dumbass around but youd have me fucked thinking im burdening myself with daigos 2000's emo cut just for a weekend
#snap chats#a weekend is generous im only going to the con on saturday#i like how im making it sound like anime nyc is this weekend when its at the end of august LMAO BUT NO LISTEN#unfortunately beauty influencers have finally done their job right and this one guy was reviewing an eyebrow pencil#but the twist is that this pencil was like. SUPPPER STUPID FINE im talkin .08mm and he demonstrated how it could imitate stubble#SO OF COURSE. my ass wanted to see for myself cause as much as i like my sponge-stippling method its not super precise#and that shit gets annoying when most of it looks fine but then i press too hard or i angle the sponge wrong and now i gotta start over#In Any Case the pencil i got did exactly as i hoped and its actually p fun putting on LMAO. i prefer how it looks too#anyway how this all relates to this post. im probably gonna go as y2 daigo again for anime nyc in august#and I Repeat im not cutting my hair for that LMAO so. Wig 😩#i like it when i cosplay him cause i just go by his actual design cause if i even breathe near skinny jeans ill wanna kms#also i just like to be as accurate as i can be yk. plus the leather pants i have are cozy and theyre one of my fave pairs of pants 🤤#in any case. whenever that wig comes in ermmmmm i dont trust myself to take pictures 😞 my selfie game is dick#maybe ill stream yk2 LMAO but anyway. good night i think im gonna force myself to sleep now#i got back to my dorm like four hours ago or whatever and i am not looking forward to doing school shit again. alongside comm shit#OH WELL we ball good night#wait before i Good Night cackling as i have my meds next to my aoki tablet and plush#great reminder honestly. Take Your Meds Or You'l Convince Yourself To Be A Republican#ok goodnight fr now im gonna giggle and kick my feet thinking of cosplay
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wantbytaemin · 4 months
day 2 of bday weekend celebrations was another gorgeous beautiful success 💗💗💗
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kai-atlantis · 1 year
Apparently I have a fucking bird now
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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❝ Hey y’all — first of all, the show was amazing, but back in my room and I’m eating rice now without a fork, so . . . ❞
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the-acid-pear · 7 months
My dreams lately are so fragmented I hardly remember Anything but there was one bit that carried on for a long while while maintaining it's detail today and it happened in a theater with a movie I didn't even went in to watch.
It was this sort of artsy almost silent movie with Willem Dafoe and some girl. In it, Willem was a professor of something like informatic but he was also a magician part time.
During his introduction they showed him standing next to this yellow building (w his head shaved fsr) where a queue was formed of people waiting and there were two guys, like, management? Who let the audience know this was like, an university being just opened and these were the ppl who wanted to go study there, but after Willem did Something (I think he just made a lightbox disappear) everyone STILL FORMING A PRETTY NEAT QUEUE started walking away to the despair of the other guys being like NO DUDE WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!
Then it cut to a scene in a cruise with the aforementioned woman. She was fair skinned and thin except for her pregnant belly and I don't think she ever dressed up. All the scenes here were her and Willem not saying a world but cuddling and looking at each other lovingly. Though something interesting was revealed when they showed she had a penis and dream me was like WHAT⁉️ but then I thought of it and I was like ah of course because he's a magician maybe the belly is fake! Or maybe the penis is 🧐
Didn't get to keep analyzing this for long because the next scene had her jumping off the boat w only a lifebuoy. I think someone was after them. I was watching the movie with my dad and he was like "she better not die" and I was like "no no the shore is near she'll swim but ... Willem will die. He ALWAYS dies in movies" "that's not true he didn't die in [Some Films]" "well yeah true but he almost always does, directors Love killing him" and was everything about this dialogue right because as the woman swam and made it to the shore (I remember saying I'd never been more anxious about this, for some reason her climbing off the water just was freaking me OUT) and she looked around her love was nowhere to be seen but y'all know what she did see? The fucking lightbox.
And then the movie ended. And no one liked it 😭
Oh yeah and later my dentist said something like Hm yeah it's clear that you've multiple fractures on your back which even in dream confused me bc why does SHE know? But oh well she's just Like That ig.
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 year
Y'all, please pray for my brother. Nothing's happened yet, he's just building a cabin by himself working with 1000+ pound logs and I just worry about him. Thank you very much, will report back if he hurts or kills himself
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inkykeiji · 3 months
Ahhhh the fact that you included lucifer in the short list of hazbin characters u like gives me life!!! Such a daddy💓
HE IS SUUUUUUCH A DADDY LIKE !!!!!!!!! HE IS A DAD. HE MAKES ME A LITTLE INSANE TO BE COMPLETELY HONEST he’s so hot and his voice is so insanely sexy, i think out of everyone lucifer’s voice is my ultimate favourite!!!
honestly i like all of the characters; there isn’t one i don’t like, but those three are the ones i’m most likely to write something for!!! <3
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