delicatebluebirdruins · 9 months
i am way to fond of the opening for RE9 being Mia at a laptop typing something up we can't see because of the brightness of the screen.
Mia keeps looking around checking her surroundings after she is done she sighs with relief and then hears a hiss or a thud or a very not normal sound and grabs a gun we only just notice off the table near the laptop and screen fades to black with a claw in shot
then boom we swap to Jill looking at something on her phone (again not seeing it yet) and gameplay starts
we don't know it yet but Mia is inside the connections hq after getting intel they were up to something big and she spends time earning back their trust whilst funneling information to Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. it means she doesn't see Rose as much anymore but the alternative would be the connections still being a huge danger to her and yeah Rose is powerful but she is still a child
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genericpoetryblog · 2 years
it is easy to envy the shifter who runs with canid grace and flies on borrowed bones who hears metaphor in whalesong and drinks deep ultraviolet radiance
but what of the loss of such gifts with every shift?
we, landbound, tasting flight with our eyes forever cast skyward mourn every pang of loss upon waking from that dream of wing and loft and break
so how must the shifter feel?
with a thousand phantom limbs a hundred phantom senses mourning loss of seal language when in a form without ears doleful glare at sweet berries while a carnivoran tongue cannot taste its kiss hot tea left un-drunk in a garden where eyes no longer reach the full spectrum
a price must be made for each gift purchased and I know not whether I could stand the strain of a life in such elated grief
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dazai-fan-page · 2 months
oh the urge to write a fic where someone fakes dazais death and chuuya gets to go batshit to get him back is stroooooong
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tbcanary · 1 year
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hey, dc? where is she.
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evilkitten3 · 5 months
team minato modern middle school au where kakashi is the annoying genius who skipped like two grades, rin somehow lives in a hospital (no one's sure which nurse/doctor is her parent but. it's one of them. right? it's gotta be. no way did a bunch of worked-half-to-death medical staff accidentally adopt a baby someone forgot about. definitely one of them is her parent. her birth certificate is around here somewhere i'm sure look i'll get back to you once my shift ends in six hours), and obito is the class clown who lives with his awful anarchist stoner grandpa and calls his house "the cave"
minato is a former student of kakashi's dad's friend and he's their carpool driver bc no way in hell would that man be allowed to teach in real life
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elbiotipo · 11 months
I honestly don't like that Messi is playing in the US and Miami delenda est, but I also like the whole narrative of it, a loser team at the bottom of the leagues gets a semi-retired superstar who teaches them the Power of Friendship and gives them their first win in a long time at the last minute in an epic match, that's the kind of clichéd feel-good yanqui movie they play at 20:00 on Telefé when there's nothing else on, that's nice
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sirmanmister · 1 year
You guys know how the BoS radio signal in Cambridge starts with “to any unit in transmission range” right?
I just realized that they weren’t just yelling into the void hoping for the best, they were trying to contact PALADIN BRANDIS AND RECON SQUAD ARTEMIS in a last ditch effort :(
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dykeomania · 1 year
you know that one scene in 21 jump street where channing tatum and jonah hill are trying to buy off of dave franco's character ("you're the uh.. the dealer????? dealer???????????????? guy???" "yup." "oh cool so like do you make this stuff??? or???" "what do i look like, a fucking scientist? no, i just sell it.") yeah that's dealer!ellie x firsttimeweedbuyer!reader
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carefulfears · 18 days
ohhhh you should talk about the crazy family unit. hank karen becca mia and ... bill? (i cannot remember that man's name lol) or just mia & karen 🥹 whatever you feel ahaha
not you can’t remember the human dial-tone’s name 😭😭😭😭 he’s so absent in that family that he’s defined by it…what stands out to me about bill though is his status as A Father, to the point that we don't see him until he's Mia's Dad. he isn't in the pilot. and hank doesn't know (for plot?? reasons?? i guess??) that he has kids until the pilot, when karen says that becca is out with bill's daughter. even though they've lived with bill and mia for months (a year?) at that point.
by the time the audience sees bill for the first time, he's not just karen's boring "captain fantastic" fiancé- he's mia's dad. and his first scene on the show is annoying hank with parenting advice and trying to relate to him over having daughters.
so in a way, as much as the show wants to portray bill as the anti-hank (and as much as karen wants to latch onto that), they are characterized extremely similarly in a narrative sense...they both exist only in their relationship to the same 3 characters: karen, becca, and mia.
(i'm reminded of duchovny saying on a podcast that the world of californication was run by women)
and they both exist within this family in this odd awkward dynamic, where these kids need to be parented and neither of them are as present as they want to be.
what fascinates me about the relationship between hank and bill is that these are two men who see each other as rivals and who hate each other, but who are ultimately both just fathers and do have to be open to and rely on each other at times...and watch each other interact with and influence their girls…moments like when bill calls becca "honey" at dinner and everyone winces and looks at hank. bill going over to hank's apartment to ask him to please speak at mia's school, because he has to go out of town and can't do it. mia telling becca that it's only fun when she's around to "conspire against the parental units." they have this inevitable presence around each other's children. (hank having passed out at the house, coming down the stairs in bill's borrowed clothes, mia handing him the paper)
and when bill leaves town after the wedding, he leaves his daughter in LA to be effectively parented by karen and hank. and yea that's bonkers crazy and we could talk for days about how dangerously negligent and ridiculous the human dial-tone is but that's what happened
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they're regularly going over to the house to check on her, having her over at their family dinners, inviting her to their parties, convening with each other about her behaviors and safety, taking responsibility for the people who interact with her, looking in on her at school
and they're...more attentive and involved than bill was. (look at my parental figures dawg i'm gonna throw myself off a hotel balcony)
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and mia eats it up!! she microdoses having a grown-up give af about her!! same girl who told karen that her dad doesn't care about her whereabouts before going out to meet a "significantly older" guy at a bar. she starts going to her teacher's nasty apartment to do coke only after hank tells her to be careful around that guy. she starts a sexual relationship with lew ashby, watches hank and karen lose their shit over it, then tells hank she was just "yanking his chain." in the first vlog she alludes to calling hank and telling him she's in trouble "just fucking with him."
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and she did nothing wrong <3
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as far as the relationship between karen and mia goes you honestly need another post to unpack All That….it’s hard to mother a dead woman’s baby. then watch her stand up at your wedding and beg her father not to do it. to sit in a courtroom years later and listen to her tearfully explain her anger towards you, how much grief her father was “burying.”
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but she did mother her and that’s so difficult, even painful, for everyone...like my post on becca and mia and how kind of tragic it is, the way that they were "sisters" but only for a little while. like searching for protection and comfort in a man who will stand trial for harming you.
there are a few really enduring and reliable constants that this show rests on, and mia just isn't one of them. her family, her stability, her well-being, her home and individuality. it's all kind of fraught and wildly fluctuating. but for a little while, people tried.
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cornertheculprit · 1 year
i really do wonder HOW it is that mia wound up taking phoenix under her wing. like phoenix was only the second person she'd ever defended and clearly she would've worked at grossberg law offices for a while longer before moving out and starting her own office. was phoenix (obsessive freak that he is) coming to watch all the other trials she defended in or something. when word got out that she started her own law office did phoenix show up on the office's doorstep for the first time to offer his congratulations (maybe he brought flowers or something) while mia was just standing there like how the fuck did he even find out i was starting my own office that fast....guess he's still as insane as ever. and then phoenix started talking about how much progress he'd made with his law degree and asked if she would please please please consider letting him intern there even if it was only for a little while and mia, thinking about all the paperwork she very much did not want to do and thinking about how much she missed maya and how this dumbass kid sort of reminded her of maya, was just like. yeah fuck it why not. here's my business card. i'll get back to you
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
top 5 funniest mia moments in no particular order
saying jason has a history of surviving getting blown up
calling dinah "big bird"
her response to their house being blown up being "thats wild"
being homophobic to the entire population of themyscira
calling a magical demon from hell a ho while shooting it
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miadearden · 3 months
what the FUCK is joshua williamsons obsession with referring to connor as “Hawke”
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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crown-ov-horns · 1 month
If I had written S2 of Good Omens, the Bentley would've stopped playing Queen. Instead, it would:
1. Only play Ghost
2. Only play ABBA
Whichever tortured Crowley more.
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annimator · 5 months
It’s just my mutual’s spiderbit fluff fics and me against the world
(No seriously tho my friend and Tumblr mutual @somebluemelodies makes some rlly good spiderbit fics I love them so much)
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elbiotipo · 10 months
I still think it's so funny that the Evas in Evangelion change size in every scene. Honestly (in the original series) all the infrastructure, logistics and such, if a bit too much sometimes, was still rather coherent and believable in the setting, it gave it an air of realism in the sense you understood what took to make the mechs work.
It's just nobody knows how fucking big they are.
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hilarious, honestly
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