#i also want a good mold colony (because i swear to god the colony in europe is not the only one in existence) and mass adoption
delicatebluebirdruins · 8 months
i am way to fond of the opening for RE9 being Mia at a laptop typing something up we can't see because of the brightness of the screen.
Mia keeps looking around checking her surroundings after she is done she sighs with relief and then hears a hiss or a thud or a very not normal sound and grabs a gun we only just notice off the table near the laptop and screen fades to black with a claw in shot
then boom we swap to Jill looking at something on her phone (again not seeing it yet) and gameplay starts
we don't know it yet but Mia is inside the connections hq after getting intel they were up to something big and she spends time earning back their trust whilst funneling information to Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. it means she doesn't see Rose as much anymore but the alternative would be the connections still being a huge danger to her and yeah Rose is powerful but she is still a child
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kaidans-alenko · 3 years
Chocolate kisses
Just a little valentines one shot based in the universe of the long fic i’m working on “willow”  
Summery: Valentines day is coming up and Lily has the perfect plan to win Kaidan’s heart: homemade chocolate
AO3 Link
"Aughhh!" Lily yelled, resulting in a very alarmed  Aiden dashing into their kitchen.  
"What? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
Lily slammed the pan of what he assumed was chocolate down onto the counter, she had been holed up in their apartment all day and wouldn't tell him why "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to bake." She said, glaring at the pan.
"Bake what?"
Lily tensed up "Nothing, none of your business!"
Aiden picked up her pink recipe book, looking at the page it was opened on "Heart shaped dark chocolate...I didn't know you had a boyfriend." It's not like he was privy to every aspect of her life but they told each other everything and after Nate she had practically ruled out relationships.
Lily blushed, yanking the book from him "I don't."
"Then who are you making it for?"
Lily crossed her arms looking away from him "Maybe it's for you and you ruined the surprise."
"Yeah, you always get me flowers so why can't I give you something?"
"You cook for me every year and besides I hate dark chocolate."
"Well then maybe it's for me!"
"You hate dark chocolate."
"Ugh! Listen, did you just come in to interrogate me?"
"No, I came in because I was worried, you're the one being difficult."
"Fine! I'm making it for someone happy?"
"Why does it matter?"
Aiden shrugged "I'm just curious."
"Well...don't be!" She turned him around, pushing him out of the kitchen. "Now why don’t you focus on your own love life and leave me alone." Lily huffed walking back into the kitchen, leaving Aiden standing in their living room confused.
As much as it aggravated her to admit Aiden was right, she was trying to make chocolate for someone and that someone was her fellow soldier and sentinel, Kaidan Alenko. It was stupid, they weren't dating and she wasn't even sure he liked her so why she was stressing herself like this she didn't know but she was bad with words and everyone liked getting chocolates on valentines day right?
Lily gasped, what if he had a girlfriend? He hadn't mentioned anything but he was also a private person so he probably wouldn't have anyway. Lily fixed her ponytail "Whatever, if he puts all my good work to waste I'll kill him, asshole." She grumbled as she went back to work. 
Kaidan shuddered "You okay LT?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah, just a sudden chill." He told her, a troubled look on his face.
"You know they often say that happens when someone is talking about you, maybe Lily is the reason?" She teased. Ashley knew about Lily and Kaidan's respective crushes on each other, her only problem was she couldn't tell either of them. Lily was her best friend and if she wanted her to keep it a secret she would and Ashley was no gossip but damn if it wasn't hard.
Kaidan rolled his eyes "Please, she doesn't even like me."
Oh if only he knew "Then why did you drag me, her best friend on to the Citadel just to pick out a gift for her huh?" Kaidan was silent "if you truly believed she didn't like you, any old box of chocolate would do, wouldn't it?"
"Just tell me what kind of flowers she likes."
"Aiden already gets her flowers."
Kaidan sighed "Of course…"
"She likes stuffed animals though.” Ashley informed him.
"You're kidding." Her? Miss shoot up a colony just because they don't have the time to throw a couple gas grenades. She collects stuffed animals? 
Ashley shook her head "Swear on my life, she has quite the collection."
"If you say so." If anyone were to know it’d either be Ashley or Aiden and he certainly wasn’t about to ask him how to win his sister’s heart. 
"Come on, I'll even help you pick one out." Ashley grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to shelves filled to the brim with pink, red and white stuffed toys.
"They're cute but they all have 'I love you' written on them." He said as he put one back on the shelf.
"Well are they wrong?" She pried.
"I'm not answering that." Kaidan picked up a white dog with red hearts all over it "aren't hearts a little...forward?"
He looked over at her "Yeah?"
"It's Valentine's Day, that's the whole point." Kaidan was definitely the endearingly awkward type and Lily was just awkward. They'd be a match made in heaven if they'd just knock it off and be honest with each other.
"Success!" Lily cried out collapsing to her knees on the kitchen floor, exhaustion finally washing over her. She had been trapped in her kitchen all morning and afternoon trying to get this chocolate to mold correctly and she finally did. "I'm never fucking making chocolate again." She said as she stood up "so he better enjoy it while he can."
Lily hummed happily as she set the heart shaped candy into a small pink box, wrapping a bow around it, trying to push the thought that Kaidan may not feel the same way to the back of her mind "It's fine, I'll just order a heart shaped pizza and cry alone while Aiden has a nice evening with Liara It's okay." She laughed to herself, aware of how crazy she probably sounded. She hoped that didn’t happen but she stopped being an optimist a long time ago.
Kaidan sat at the table in the mass hall, the stuffed dog he had gotten for Lily laid in front of him, he felt silly as he waited for her to finish getting ready, the rest of the crew was either on dates or at Flux but he had stayed behind to wait for her. Kaidan might have sorta kinda forgot to ask her out on a date so he had to do it last minute when she probably already had one. He was an adult he could handle rejection, it would suck but he’d get over it, he just needed to get it out of the way so he could get over it. Kaidan gently flicked the dog's ear “Hopefully she’ll think you’re cute enough to forget that she hates me.” at least that’s what she liked to tell him, she was aloof one day but flirted with him the next it made no sense, Ashley liked to tease him by saying he didn’t understand women but maybe he just didn’t understand Lily. It’s not that she was all that easy to read.
Lily peaked over at Kaidan from behind the elevator, her hands behind her back holding the pink box containing the chocolate she made for him, he had a present in front of him too, they were the only two left on the ship was it for her? She didn’t want to assume things but she really hoped it was, she had fantasizing all day in between bouts of chocolate related anger. Taking a deep breath and steeling herself she slowly walked over to him “Kaidan?”
He looked up upon hearing his name, breath catching in his throat at the sight of her, he had never seen her in a skirt before and her gorgeous raven black hair was out of its usual tight ponytail and instead tied into a braid laid over her bare shoulders. At the age of thirty-two here he was blushing like a school boy on valentines day because of his CO’s younger sister. When was the last time he was on shore leave? “Lily you...uh...you look beautif-nice! You look very nice…” he said as he stood up to greet her, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 
Any other time she would’ve teased him but not now, she didn’t feel like it now, it’s not that she wanted a relationship really, she hadn’t for a long time but she didn’t want to have a just sex relationship with him either, ignoring the fact Kaidan wasn’t the type, what she felt for him wasn’t just physical attraction it went deeper and that terrified her. “I uh...I made these for you.” she said, blushing as she handed him the box of candy. 
“You made it?” He asked, surprised as he opened the box.
“Yeah, it’s always a hit or miss with store bought chocolate so I thought i’d give it a try.” she told him as she started tugging on her skirt, the ship suddenly feeling very hot and the more she thought about it the more she realized homemade, heart shaped chocolate may have been too forward.
Kaidan smiled down at her “Thank you Lily, I can’t wait to try them,” he turned around, picking up the dog and holding it out to her “I got you something too, I had heard you liked stuffed animals so…” now it was his turn to blush.
Lily’s face lit up “For me?” she gently took the stuffed down in her hands, looking at it briefly before hugging it to her chest with a smile on her face “I love it, thank you!” Kaidan had never seen her smile, not at him anyway all he got was a smirk at most but not this time, this time she gave him a genuine smile and it was gorgeous. Kaidan didn’t know her history, he didn’t know why she rarely smiled but he wanted to. It’s not like he was big on smiling either but someone like Lily...someone like her deserved to always be happy, to always smile from the bottom of her heart, even if he wasn’t the reason behind it. 
“I know it’s very last minute but if you don’t have a date I would like to take you to dinner.” It had been a long time since he had asked someone on a date, probably before he even enlisted and he hadn’t anticipated doing it again for a long time yet here he was jittery with butterflies in stomach as he asked the woman he had a crush on out on a date. God crush...such a juvenile term for him to use but that was the best way to describe it and for as much as they bickered it was probably a long shot but something deep down told him he’d regret it if he didn’t. 
“I’d love to, I actually didn’t have any plans either.” She was hoping he’d give her some but she wasn’t going to say that out loud. 
Kaidan let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding “Great, that’s uh...great.” he hadn’t planned past this mainly because he hadn’t anticipated her saying yes but before he could trip over his words again Lily took his hand, pulling him along.
“There’s a restaurant I've been wanting to try but I haven’t had anyone to go with.” She said, it was an obvious lie, she could’ve dragged Aiden along but she didn’t because she was holding out hope that she’d be able to go with Kaidan, they weren’t dating, not even a little so to have such hope was silly but she was nothing if not a hopeless romantic, a side of herself she hadn’t seen in a long time. 
“What restaurant?” He asked as he was rather willingly led up the stairs.
“Apollo’s? I don’t remember but it’s named after one of those Greek gods, it’s on the presidium I know that much.”
Kaidan chuckled “I’m sure we’ll find it.”
“I hope so! I’m starving Kaidan, absolutely wasting away as we speak.” she said, her tone over dramatic and dragging her feet as if she was about to pass out on the stairs.
It was rare for her to joke with him like this but he liked it and as much as he was getting his hopes up it had him wanting more nites like this but for now he was going to savor this one. The sound of her giggling, something he didn’t expect to hear from her, the sight of her smile, the one she was only directing at him, the smell of her floral perfume, it was light but so very Lily and most of all, the feeling of his hand in hers. Lily’s hands, like the rest of her, were much smaller than his and they fit together like puzzle pieces. He wasn’t about to be sappy and say they were made for each other, he didn’t know that yet but it sure was a nice thought. 
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
Desert Winds
[[Summary: It was inevitable that Tiran Kandros and Wren Ryder would butt heads. What comes afterwards is equally inevitable. Can be read as a standalone, but it’s part of the ‘New Galaxy, Same Old Thirst’ story. Previous chapters: New Galaxy, Same Old Thirst , First Dates and Open Comms, First Date Disasters, and Poker Night. 
Pairing: Tiran Kandros x Ryder
A small, dry breeze made the dunes shift underfoot, only moving hot air around, rather than providing any relief. Even with Elaaden stabilized, it was hot; not enough to drain life support, but only barely. It was a stark reminder of how much further Wren Ryder still had to go if she wanted to help make the Andromeda galaxy a habitable place.
Their small team had left the safety of the Nomad to scan the turian stasis pods, stark white and reflecting a glare hot enough to fry ants. Pod after pod came up negative for lifesigns, Wren Ryder’s scans becoming increasingly desperate.
“Subject is a child.” SAM spoke on the open comms so that everyone could hear- Ryder, Vetra, Peebee, and Tiran Kandros, still their guest on this seemingly endless quest to find the turian ark. All four were silent, the toes of Vetra’s armored feet kicking away the corpse of a raider in disgust. The wind blew a little stronger for a moment, and then died down completely, leaving them nothing but their thoughts.
Kandros was the first one who spoke, his tone without inflection or emotion. “The krogan?” There were centuries of ancestral hate behind his words, but he was dispassionate. There was no human colony on Elaaden as of yet; the political negotiations were complex and fraught with tension, most of it far beyond Ryder’s paygrade. For now, the planet belonged to isolated groups of raiders and the krogan, New Tuchanka a hazy spire forever on the horizon.
“Impossible. The pods look like they were jettisoned from the ark.” There was a single pod left to scan, and Ryder’s nerves seemed to fragile to hinge on a single piece of smooth, molded plastic and metal, viewing window fogged. It could hold the Pathfinder, or it could hold nothing at all, and she didn’t need Kandros bringing another galaxy’s worth of turian-krogan conflict bullshit into the mix. She wanted to like him; she did like him, or she wouldn’t have helped him to bed the other night when he was drunk, but he was making that difficult right now. They were all strained. The heat was getting to all of them.
“Pathfinder, this pod still retains power.” The last stasis pod, and their last hope, had something, even if it was just a thin trickle. Gesturing for everyone to gather round, Ryder knelt by it, fingers digging in for any crevice, any opening that she could find to pry it open.
“Kandros, come here. Help me get this open. There’s still something.” He came to her side right away, the two of them looking for that elusive fail-safe switch that would allow the pod to be opened no matter what, without SAM needing to hack into whatever electronics remained. Both Kandros and Vetra both had come to escape rigid turian hierarchy, yet Vetra came too, so that they formed a loose triangle around the pod. It was so much like a coffin in appearance; Ryder had to avoid thinking like that. Ark Natanus could still be alive.
“Pathfinder… the body has no vitals.” Her fingers went limp, her posture slumping over, forehead resting against the white surface for a moment.
“Damn it. I was too late.” If they had arrived a few hours earlier. If Ryder hadn’t stopped to pick up Kandros, stopped to put her own needs and desires ahead of that of thousands of turians. If, if, if. So many things she would go back and change, if she could. What would Alec have done, had he found herself in her situation? It all came back to her dad. He was the real Pathfinder, and if she had to hear one more thing about what Alec would have done, how he would have saved the day or stopped the situation from happening entirely, she was going to scream. It was good Cora wasn’t here. Friend or not, there was salt rubbed in the wound every time that spectre was brought up between them.
Awareness came back to Ryder in a harsh snap. Kandros was railing now, as frustrated as she was, if not more so, his eyes taking in every pod and counting every body, mental tallies in a black ledger that no one could see but him. “Who else could it be by the krogan, Ryder? They shot the ark down, or injured some part of it, for flying too close to their space. They’ve always had a problem with turians, ever since the genophage.” Once he had started, it was difficult for Kandros to stop, a torrent of vitriol that sent Vetra and Peebee into silence, but spurred Ryder into action. She didn’t need this today. You wake up next to a man and he reveals himself to be a giant asshole about things. Not today. Worse yet, she didn’t think he meant it, not truly. Frustration and heat, coupled with sorrow, had pushed them both to an emotional edge, and if they fell off the precipice, who could blame them?
“Kandros, stand down!” Her voice came out sharper than intended, but Ryder had enough. “There’s zero evidence and I won’t have you flinging accusations.”
“Ryder, you can’t seriously believe they had nothing to do with this.” He stood toe to toe with her, but despite their height difference, she didn’t move an inch. He loomed, but she could loom right back, and her assault rifle was just as big as his was. Her expression was set, mouth not moving, and if her eyes could have fired biotic nova charges, they would have.
“Don’t ‘Ryder’ me, Kandros. While you’re on the Tempest, you’re under my command. If I order you to stand down, you stand down.” She felt ten feet tall in that moment; her crew didn’t often listen to her, but she could see by the set of Kandros’ shoulders that he was already deflating, his anger fading in the face of common sense. Silence from him, and Ryder shook her head. It was over, and she let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding.
Through this back and forth, the yelling and the red faces, Vetra and Peebee just watched. Finally, Peebee opened her mouth, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. “So, is it just me, or is all this tension kind of… you know.”
“I swear, Peebee, I will push you out the airlock the minute we get back to the ship,” but Ryder was trying not to smile as she spoke. It felt wrong to smile, like it spat in the face of tragedy and her own anger from just a moment before, but it also felt good to feel anything other than frustration and sadness from this whole god damn mission. “SAM says he can pick up coordinates from the pod’s computer system. We can rendezvous with Avitus there. Kandros, meet me at the Nomad. Everyone else, join me in five. We’ll radio for extraction and go from there.” They had a probable place for Ark Natanus now, a lead that felt real where all the rest had just felt fruitless. Somewhere in space, the ark could still float, even if it had jettisoned its own precious contents to continue onward.
Her back leaned against the Nomad and Ryder wiped sweat from her eyes, not for the first time that day. “We’ll send word to the Nexus so the pods can be picked up, and we’ll try and tell the families what’s happened. I won’t apologize for yelling at you though, Kandros. You were out of line, and I’m not here for your racism. I expect better from you.” From anyone she traveled with. It seemed utterly idiotic to be focused on past squabbles when there were hundreds of kett to contend with, and the Scourge on top of all that.
Kandros stepped closer, shaking his head. She expected him to argue or at least make one final protest, but instead he pushed her against the Nomad, hands on her shoulder. It wasn’t a hard push, but it was enough to catch Ryder off guard, reflexes not fully prepared. One hand started to reach down for the pistol on her hip, when suddenly his mouth was on hers, desperation and longing in one, body leaning against hers.
WIthout lips, turians weren’t exactly consummate kissers. It was more action of his tongue on hers, his teeth scraping her lip hard enough that she could taste her own copper-based blood, wondering rather stupidly if it was enough to poison him, and then her mind cleared and she wound her arms around him, an ill-fit between both their bulky armor. Shit, she needed this, and shit, she really did like him, even when he was a complete asshole. Maybe especially when he was a complete asshole, because at least he had listened to her. It was better than half her friends could say, and better than what she received from Tann.
“Thanks, Ryder.” They broke for air and his breath was ragged- or maybe she just heard her own, a panting not entirely due to the heat. Two words were all he said, but they were meaningful. It wasn’t just a thank you for the kiss, though that was there- there was more. She didn’t have to take him, and she had.
“I always heard turians had a thing for authority.” Not the wittiest answer, but something that had been much gossiped about with her friends, a lifetime ago.
“Maybe,” he responded, and then pushed her gently against the Nomad again, this time to no one’s surprise.
In the distance, Ryder could faintly hear Peebee saying, “I told you.”
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Legacy - Chapter 26
Mexico turned back to America and said “There you go, Alfred. That’s what happened when I returned to Spain. Now it’s your turn to tell me about how you ended up writing to me.” America responded “Wait, you left something out!” Mexico vaguely wished he had another cigarette. He decided to exercise some restraint and just respond “Oh really, Alfred? What am I leaving out?” America said in response “Well, what about Brazil and Portugal?” Mexico sighed “Well they aren’t directly part of me returning to Spain. But, if you really want to hear all the steamy details, then I will tell you”. America’s eyebrow arched up slightly, “Steamy? Now I really want to know.” The darker man laughed “You’re so strange. You don’t want to hear about Spain, but you’re perfectly ok with hearing about my sex life with Isabella.”
The other failed to respond to the actual comment and said “Oh, is that Brazil’s human name?” Mexico rolled his eyes “You know the fact that you don’t know the actual names of most of the South American countries might be an indication that you’re not well liked in this hemisphere.” America scoffed “No one dislikes me that much. I mean, I’m charming, aren’t I”. The response was immediate “No, you’re a complete idiot. I just happen to think you’re cute when you’re being stupid. You don’t hear the reactions I get when the other Latin countries hear that I’m with you. They don’t like you, trust me on this one.” America looked down, obviously somewhat ashamed of his reputation “So…ummm…How about that story, Alejandro?” __________________________________________________
It took Mexico a couple days to finally get the time to make the short trip to Portugal. He did it as soon as possible, because he had actually missed Brazil. The house was relatively quiet when Mexico arrived, but it didn’t take him long to find someone. However, it was not who he expected. The boy that Mexico met first was very dark skinned, obviously African. He appeared to be at least a couple years younger than Mexico. He looked the Spanish colony up and down before saying in Portuguese with an odd accent “Who are you and why are you here?"Mexico responded, not even fazed by the comment, "I could ask you the same thing.” The boy was about to say something in response when a very familiar female voice filled the air “Boy! Where did you run off to this time?” Mexico smiled, Brazil didn’t sound like she had changed at all. She appeared around the corner, apparently in a rage. She fixed her gaze on the African boy, so much so that she didn’t notice Mexico’s presence for a moment. He cleared his throat loudly to draw her attention.
Brazil looked over at Mexico and her jaw dropped. She pushed the African boy out from between them, none too gently, and threw her arms around Mexico. He couldn’t help but smirk “I take it you’ve missed me, Isabella?” She quickly released him and took a step backward, hurriedly attempting to tidy her hair. She said quickly “Of course not, idiot. I’m just surprised to see you back, that’s all.” The African boy attempted to intone on the conversation “Does someone want to explain what is going on?” Brazil snapped back “It’s none of your business, boy! Go do something else and let the adults talk!” He cast Mexico one more loathing look before disappearing.
Mexico watched him go and then turned back to Brazil “Who the Hell is he?” Brazil looked as if she didn’t want to really talk to him, but she answered all the same “That’s Angola. He’s one of a few African territories that Philip imports slaves from. With the tensions that are brewing over Africa, Philip figures it is safer to have them here.” Mexico nodded and said “I suppose we aren’t the exciting new colonies anymore. I take it you aren’t excited about having him around.” Brazil pushed a mass of curls up off her forehead in an irritated fashion, Mexico couldn’t help but notice that Brazil looked tired. She let go of the curls, which fell back in her face, then she looked Mexico in the eyes and said “Do I look like I want to babysit some little black boy?” The scorn in her voice reminded Mexico that Brazil was very scornful to almost everyone who wasn’t him.
He responded “Not good with children, that’s something I didn’t know about you”. She scoffed “I would be with my own children.” She paused and added “Or maybe I should say our children”. Mexico immediately gasped. For a second he was completely speechless. Children with anybody was not something he was prepared to consider. At once, he wondered if it was at all possible for such a young country to be pregnant.
Brazil kept a straight face for a couple seconds before she started laughing “God, you men are so easy to freak out. I’m not planning on having any children anytime in the next few millennia at least.” Mexico was so relieved that he let out a breath and put his hand to his chest “You can’t do that to me! I swear my heart stopped.” Brazil caught her breath, although she was still smiling “Phillip is going to be so happy to see you again. We better not keep him waiting.” He nodded in response. ___________________________________________________
Portugal was busy with a map of Africa in another room; he seemed to be drawing borders. Brazil walked into the room first and announced rather loudly “Phillip, you’re never going to guess who decided to show up.” The Portuguese man turned around, but didn’t verbally respond. Brazil gestured to Mexico, who presently walked into the room. Portugal looked completely shocked. Mexico walked farther into the room so that he and Portugal were closer together. He realized two things in that moment. Firstly, that he was now slightly taller than Portugal; secondly, that there was a young black girl sitting on the couch silently twisting a piece of frizzy hair around her finger.
Portugal recovered from the shock quickly and said “Well, how am I supposed to call you ‘boy’ when you’re taller than me?” Mexico raised his eyebrows slightly “I suppose you’ll have to find something else to call me other than my real name.” Portugal smiled “I can’t tell you how much I missed you. But of course, this isn’t about me, it’s about you. We should talk business.” Portugal walked over to the couch and irritatedly said to the girl who was sitting there “Get out of here, Mozambique”. She left without a single word. Portugal sighed “I have no idea how my brother deals with so many colonies. I’ve had my hands full with all of these African colonies.” Mexico sat on the newly vacated coach and said as he did so “The truth? He leaves most of us to our own devices. He usually only interacts with his colonies when he needs to correct behavior.” Portugal sat on another couch opposite the one that Mexico was sitting on. His green eyes showed a glimmer of fascination when he said “Or he hands a new colony to his favorite colony to manage.”
Mexico easily picked up on what Portugal was talking about “Ah, you mean Philippines. I did adopt her.” Brazil walked over to the couch and sat down next to Mexico. She leaned in and said very softly in Mexico’s ear “We know you adopted her, but the real question is if you fucked her.” Portugal heard what she said and responded “Isabella, that’s not the point!” She turned to her colonizer and said with a slight snarl “It is to me. I want to know if I am being replaced by some little Asian bitch.” Mexico responded to Brazil “She’s a girl. I’m not sleeping with her, despite the fact that everyone thinks I am. Isabella, why would you object to sharing me? You’re already sharing me with Catalina.”
Yet again, Brazil scoffed “Yeah, but you’re not actually sleeping with her.” Portugal cut in sharply “Children! This is not about Alejandro’s sex life, as interesting as that might be to both of you! It’s about something bigger.” Both of them immediately went quiet. Mexico was less than happy about be referred to as a child, but he respected Portugal enough to not make a big deal out of it. Once the other two were quiet, Portugal firmly said, “The girl is a risk, especially if she knows your plans. Is she a risk you can afford to take?”
Mexico nodded and leaned forward slightly. He responded to Portugal with the truth, as the older man was one of the few people he could share the whole truth, “I saw potential in her, and she has raw talent, but no skills yet. Most importantly, she has rage and hate. She hates Spain, for petty reasons, but it is hate all the same. I can mold her into whatever I desire. A risk, yes. But the possible reward is beyond reckoning.” Brazil made a snorting sound that indicated that she was not impressed.
Portugal shot her a look of irritation before turning back to Mexico “Does she know the truth about you? Does she know the full extent of your plans?” Mexico smirked “She thinks she does. She thinks I am working alone; she doesn’t know about my ties to you or Isabella. She also thinks I have yet to act against Spain, when I have already.” Portugal nodded “Good move, Mexico. What steps have you taken so far? My brother is cunning and bringing him down won’t be easy.” Mexico couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. He had been working by himself for so long and it felt good to get validation from someone he respected. So, naturally he was eager to reveal the rest “I have started to siphon off my own profits to fund a militia. It will strengthen me at Antonio’s expense. But in order to have my revolution, I need a reason for loyalists to join the rebellion. If another European country were to conquer Spain and plant their own monarch on the Spanish throne, then I would have a reason for even the most loyal creole to question my ties to Spain.”
Portugal caught onto Mexico’s meaning “Unfortunately, I can’t be that country. Me and my brother have had out feuds and if I were to attack him, it would not look out of place. But, the sad truth of the matter is that my royalty is too closely related to my brother’s. Any Portuguese prince can claim enough Spanish blood to keep the loyalty of the Spanish colonies. You will need a different pawn.” This was the only point at which Mexico felt disheartened “I was counting on your involvement. Do you know anyone else who has a plausible enough grudge?” Portugal shook his head “I would say England, but he is busy dealing with his own colony. As you know, my brother usually allies with France and Prussia. I doubt they will intervene in a revolution, but they may if Spain is directly attacked.” Mexico was already aware of Spain’s connection to Prussia and France, although he had never met either of them. He knew that if was to succeed, he needed a way to keep the other two occupied. That was an issue he had not yet figured out how to resolve.
The best response he could offer was “I don’t know what to do about them yet. But, I’m sure I can find a way to drive a wedge between them.” Portugal nodded again “You are a clever boy, Mexico, you will find a way. I trust that by now you don’t need me telling you what you should do. For now, I believe you and Isabella have some catching up to do.” The smirk that accompanied last few words made the unspoken meaning obvious. The Portuguese man discreetly stood up and left the room.
When he was gone, Mexico finally turned to Brazil, who had not commented on most of the conversation. She was smirking, as if hardly holding back a witty comment. Mexico figured he might as well get the scornful banter out of the way “Go ahead, insult me. I know you want to.” She leaned forward and kissed the Aztec boy on the lips. It was just as overwhelming as he remembered it being. She finally pulled back after a couple seconds and said “I was wondering if you were as good as I remembered you being. Let’s find out, shall we.” The boy didn’t need any more prompting.
He swiftly moved closer to Brazil and started kissing her again, first on the lips and then down her neck. She purred like a cat as his hands moved under her clothing. It was familiar and somewhat different. They had done this before, but now that they were both more mature, it felt like something had shifted. Brazil climbed onto his lap so that her beautiful legs were straddling him. He noticed that she was wearing a light skirt instead of her usual trousers, which made it possible for Mexico to run his hand up her leg.
She said breathlessly “I’ve missed you, Mexico”. He disengaged his mouth to respond “I’m sure you did.” She smiled and put her hands on Mexico’s shoulders “That’s enough for your self-esteem, lover boy. If you want more praise, you’ve got to earn it.” She gently pushed him back down so that he was lying on the couch. She eased Mexico’s shirt off, with some help from him. The first thing she noticed was the golden medallion, which was resting on his heart. She spoke again “This is interesting, you’ve embraced your true self so much more than you did when you were last here. I like it.” She leaned down and kissed his chest right next to the medallion. He couldn’t help but arch and moan a little. She got in one more word before connecting their lips again “My beautiful Aztec prince, it’s about time I remind you what you were missing.” One more shift of her hips against his was enough to drive him over the edge. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mexico straightened his shirt one more time, just to make sure that nothing was out of place. Brazil walked up behind him and played with his hair “You always get so agitated after we do this, it’s very noticeable.” Mexico shrugged agitatedly “I know what we’re doing is wrong. I keep my calm around everyone else, just not you.” Brazil brushed off Mexico’s shoulder “Say what you will, you missed me as much as I missed you. You were feistier this time than ever.” Mexico shrugged her off again, but this time he wasn’t certain that he wanted to. Brazil changed the subject “I wish you luck in finding a European sucker. I doubt it will be hard for you. But make sure you do it soon.” Mexico responded “I think I’ve finally figured out what to do when I’ve got one.”
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