#of evelines younger siblings (if you think mia was in any way important to the connections/ creation of evie then get off my blog)
delicatebluebirdruins · 9 months
i am way to fond of the opening for RE9 being Mia at a laptop typing something up we can't see because of the brightness of the screen.
Mia keeps looking around checking her surroundings after she is done she sighs with relief and then hears a hiss or a thud or a very not normal sound and grabs a gun we only just notice off the table near the laptop and screen fades to black with a claw in shot
then boom we swap to Jill looking at something on her phone (again not seeing it yet) and gameplay starts
we don't know it yet but Mia is inside the connections hq after getting intel they were up to something big and she spends time earning back their trust whilst funneling information to Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. it means she doesn't see Rose as much anymore but the alternative would be the connections still being a huge danger to her and yeah Rose is powerful but she is still a child
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