kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
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IT’S HERE. I commissioned the incredible @salmonportfolio for a piece of my Wren Ryder and Kandros from my fic Breathless and I am honestly blown away by the result. This has exceeded my expectations and then some- I honestly want to cry looking at this. It’s so perfect. 
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samrubio · 7 years
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day 29
HC: Tiran sucks at rubik
Can turians see the same colors?
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aspendragon · 7 years
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For those of you who don’t follow me on Instagram (shame on you) here are some Mass Effect Andromeda sketches ~ :D
Characters above include: my Ryder, Rae (scar on left cheek), Ember (Rae’s best friend), Kaetus (after getting beat up) & another character I’m sort of thinking about, then there’s Avitus in the center.  
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mreyder-week · 2 years
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1. How did you get into the Mass Effect: Andromeda fandom? I actually have been playing the games since about 2011. My first entry was Mass Effect 2 and I immediately fell in love with the series as a whole. When Andromeda came out, it was like stepping back into a comfortable pair of shoes. It also helped I had many buddies talking my ear off about the game. 2. Why do you love mReyder? Originally I didn't.
But I was so desperate for content for another pairing (F!RyderxKandros for those wondering), I clicked on one particular fic.
And that's how I met RC-- and she's 100000% percent why I got into the pairing because of how in-character she wrote the two even though it was being her own universe/story/take. And each AU she's posted/hinted since is absolutely a joy to read.
Plus. I'm into smooth talking and sarcastic characters. Putting them together is beautiful.
I hope to make more content for such a niche corner.
3. What excites you most about this event? Getting to enable a bunch of talented writers and creators :D
4. If you had to recommend one of your existing works, what would it be?  Wellllllll, It's not MReyder content, but I've an AU longfic set in the Assassin's Creed universe: AC: Nemesis.
It's where I rewrite an entire plot to save a character's life and change the course of history.
You can check out TK’s AO3 here (TopKicker26) and Tumblr @tkwritesdumbassassins!
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rpgwrites · 4 years
F!ryderxKandros framed
Thank you so much for the prompt!! I enjoyed writing this.
Many thanks to @guileandgall for betaing. I appreciate all the help!!
Bad things happening prompts by @badthingshappenbingo
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Story summary:
After Meridian was found, the Roekaar activity increased more and more. So when Valencia Ryder is accused of a crime she claims she didn’t commit she tries everything in her power to prove her innocence. But will it be enough? Will Kandros take that chance and trust her? Together they need to find out what’s really going on and what the Roekaar is up to.
Proving My Innocence
“Valencia Ryder you’re under arrest for stealing Nexus supplies and tampering with evidence.”
“What the hell?”
Two people stood before her, a turian male, and a human woman. Her jaw was on the ground, she didn’t know what that was for. She couldn’t think of a single thing that she done that warrants for an arrest like this. 
“Ryder please don’t make a scene,” the turian said as if he knew her too well. “Just come with us peacefully.”
She hated when people called her by her last name. Except for her time in the Alliance, nobody called her Ryder. This all started when she woke up from her coma. When her brother became the Pathfinder. 
“My name is Valencia,” she corrected him, “And if you think I’ll go down quietly, you don’t know me very well.”
Read it on AO3
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turianjournalist · 7 years
I wanna write an f!ryderxkandros fic but I don’t feel like I can write Kandros accurately...
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
Kit kat promt and rydros? Please?
[Thank you anonymous! I hope you like it.
“that last bag of kit-kats is mine” or person a and person b meet at the grocery store on halloween night to buy more candy and proceed to fight over the last bag (neither of them are actually handing out candy but they don’t need to admit that to a stranger do they)] 
The Nexus doled out treats reluctantly, if at all. The human holiday Halloween was apparently one of their rare exceptions, a nod towards a galaxy left far behind. The line snaked through most of the atrium, mostly chattering humans, though here and there an asari could be seen, or a curious salarian. At the very back of the line, a cluster of five waited, one grumbling more than others, bright lavender hair marking the human Pathfinder. “We’re never going to get anything.”
“Not with that attitude.” Gil’s reply merited him an elbow from Cora, who tried to look sympathetic, but Suvi and Liam were trying to hide a laugh. None of them had grown up in a Halloween-heavy culture, so they just didn’t understand. It was enough to make Wren Ryder want to fling herself onto a bed in a fit of teenage angst, pouting about how unfair the world was and how the Pathfinder shouldn’t have to be last in line simply because she was out on a mission, damn it.
“Cora, you haven’t even had a peanut butter cup before, so don’t look at me like that.” Displeased with the conversation floating around her, Ryder opened her tablet instead, scrolling through messages hastily, opening up one from her brother.
Fourth in line. Sickbay perks- got help up here, and someone let me go in front of them. I’ll try and save you something. - Scott
And then a later message. Couldn’t save you anything. Sorry! But remember that time you took all my M&Ms? So I’m not that sorry.
Damn it!
The line moved quickly, but Ryder spent the rest of the time fuming, trying to ignore her friends as they chattered happily, subtly positioning herself in front of them so that she would have first dibs. She was the Pathfinder, and she deserved a piece of candy, damn it. Besides, the others were just going to pass them out- there weren’t many children on the Nexus as of yet, but people were still going to host a few scattered trick or treaters, a handful of children dressed in whatever costumes they could scrounge up. The angara were even participating this year, but Ryder wanted her little pile of goodies all to herself. If anyone asked, she would lie and say it was all for the children, and that she would just have a bit. Right.
Finally! The front. With a barely apologetic look to her friends, Ryder threw herself into the thick of the crowd, shoving past, her eyes on the prize, listed on a manifest and hopefully still on the shelves. Earth vintage, preserved for six hundred years and never to be seen again. A kit kat bar. It would taste like childhood, wafer and chocolate melting in her mouth, like the time she had dressed as a witch, a pirate, a punk fairy, when she had insisted that Scott still go door to door even when they were well in their teens, when Alec and Ellen had held both their chubby hands and they had carried glowing plastic pumpkins between them.
Success! A single bar left, lying there just for her. Ryder reached for it, only for her hand to bump into a set of talons, each of them grabbing half the fragile, precious object and lightly pulling. “Sorry, I got here first,” she said, finally looking up to lock eyes with Tiran Kandros. “I didn’t think turians could even eat human candy.” The accusation was heavy in her tone.
“A single piece isn’t going to make me sick, and I just got off a long shift. If you don’t mind, Pathfinder.” His eyes narrowed, and they stood as they were, each refusing to let go.
“And I just got back from helping the colony at Prodromos settle some disputes. You know, the colony I helped found.”
“I was settling disputes back on station. We’re still running low on supplies, perhaps because the human ark didn’t bother to show up until months past due.” Oh, so that was how he was going to play it. Well, Ryder could play dirty too.
“You wouldn’t hold back a piece of my childhood, would you Kandros? Not a good look for the head of security.”
“I developed a taste for these when I was back on Earth. They remind me of home.” A stalemate.
From the background, Liam’s voice drifted over them. “You could share it, like. Half each.” The heat was rising in both their bodies; Ryder’s cheeks flushed red and she wasn’t entirely sure it was anger.
“I’ll challenge you for it.”
“In what?” he shot back.
“Game of your choosing.” Liam’s suggestion had apparently floated past both of them.
Kandros paused for a moment to think, not letting go of the kit kat. “I have an idea.” The glint in his eyes was positively wicked, the expression all too easy to read.
“I would be open to that.” Both of them let go of the candy at the same time. “When?” Ryder’s challenge still dripped from every word.
“Now. My quarters. I’ll meet you there.” With that, the turian turned and walked away. With his back to her, Ryder snatched the forgotten chocolate, sticking it in her pocket, confident she would win this particular battle.
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
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[[Summary: I have to say some back story before I launch into the summary. When Andromeda first came out, I was somewhat upset at Jaal's comment about how angara never discuss illness, and view it as taboo. As someone with a chronic illness, this was baffling and alienating to me- would I be taboo to them? This spiraled into a discussion about what if Ryder had a chronic illness/disability, and how that would effect her work. People were... not supportive, telling me this was unrealistic and they'd refuse to read about it, and because I'm a glutton for punishment, I spent the next few months hashing out the details for this fic. I'm so nervous to post it, but I hope you like it.In which Ryder's secret is discovered, not only by Tann, but by Tiran Kandros, a turian who makes her feel all kinds of ways, and the roots of trouble are planted.
A call for an urgent meeting with Nexus leadership could mean only one thing- Wren Ryder’s secret has been revealed, worming its way into the light despite all her best attempts to keep it hidden.  It created a gnawing pit of worry in her stomach, one that grew as the Tempest docked with the Nexus, ramp extending in a yawning maw of darkness. Now that they had enough power, they were trying to introduce night and day cycles. Most everyone would be asleep by now. A clandestine meeting? Doubly troubling.
Before she left the safety of her ship, her little world, Vetra laid a hand on Ryder’s shoulder. “Give ‘em hell.” Swallowing past the hard lump in her throat, Wren could only nod. It would be hell one way or another, but who would be giving and who would be receiving remained to be seen.
Hardly anyone was awake at this hour. A few shadowy figures flickered just past the comfortable cone of vision, and Wren tried not to jump. They were just maintenence, people conducting late night meetings. It was nothing sinister, and yet the air hung so heavy, so tinged with expectations and with her own fears. She thought some of the shadows may have nodded at her, perhaps waved, surprised to see the Pathfinder on the Nexus so late at night, and she raised her hand hesitantly, afraid that she was greeting nothing at all.
She was on the shuttle towards administration all too soon. At least there was power enough for this, though she was the lone occupant, fingers tapping her destination, staring at her own reflection. Not entirely sure she liked what she saw, Wren took inventory- purple hair, eyes weary, a facial tattoo a monument to regrets and teenage angst. Her dad had been so pissed at her, but now it reminded her of him. It was something to hold onto.
The tram pulled up to an empty platform, the sound of her sneakers (Earth vintage, a little scuffed) the only noise. The Nexus was always strangely tinged with echoes when no one was around. Maybe the plants that were slowly growing would reduce the noise, muffling it all within a green blanket. Down a distant corridor, a fluorescent light flickered once and went out, leaving Tann’s open office door the only source of illumination besides dim emergency lights on the floor, guiding her way.
Into the lion’s den.
Behind a pristinely white desk, Tann’s secretary dozed, membranes covering her eyes to keep them moist.
“Iral,” Wren said, reluctant to wake her but wanting to catch up on the latest news. “They dragged you into this?”
With a start, Iral’s head slipped off where it had been resting on her fist, arm sweeping out in panic, knocking a cup of pens and tablet styluses to the floor. “I’m awake! Oh, hello Ryder.” Her tone brightened considerably before a frown settled on her face. She didn’t bother to hide her yawn, nodding her head as she spoke. “They’re a little angry.”
Iral had a habit of severely understating things, often describing Tann as ‘mildly perturbed’ or ‘somewhat irritable.’ Angry didn’t bode well for anyone.
“That bad?”
“Worse. Just prepare yourself, Ryder. Go full Pathfinder,” Iral got out, before another yawn took over.
Patting the salarian on the shoulder, Wren shot over her shoulder, “I owe you a drink.” Maybe ten. At least now she was somewhat more prepared to face what lay up the stairs, Tann’s little podium of importance. It all boiled down to that single possibility, a carefully held secret escaping out, winding insidious arms through everything and pulling them tight. Nothing could stay quiet forever, even with the vastness of a new galaxy to hide in. Now or never.
Though Wren had expected Tann and Addison, Kesh and Tiran Kandros were a surprise, and not a pleasant one. Kesh was someone she had counted on as a friend, someone who had her back and supported the decisions she had made thus far as Pathfinder, and to see the frown that creased the krogan’s face now was a stark reminder of every failure Wren had enacted thus far. And what of Kandros? Her feelings towards him, a complicated swirl based on butterflies in her stomach and a hesitant friendship, made it difficult to see his own disapproval.
“Ryder. How kind of you to join us.” Tann’s tones were as clipped as always, dry to the point of being scouring. Not Pathfinder, she noted, just her name. Pathfinder hadn’t been earned yet.
“I wish the circumstances were better. Alas. We’ve heard some disappointing news.” From behind his desk, where he held the only seated position, Tann folded his hands, interlacing his fingers.
Hedging her bets, she replied, “I can’t imagine what that would be,” tone as innocent as she could manage.
Making a low hum of frustration, Tann shook his head slowly. “I think that you can, Ryder. Tell me what you know about EEZO-born illness.” His fingers steepled, touching each other lightly again and again.
Bile rose, forming a hard, burning lump in Wren’s throat. Words were choked out from her. “How did you find out?” Everything out in the open, catching there, tightening her chest, blood seeming to pulse over and over again to the tune of the word ‘secret.’
Shaking his head, Tann solemnly declared, “we have our ways. Needless to say, you’re skating on thin ice. I do hope you’ll bring us some better news in future, or we may have to discuss the future of your title as Pathfinder. And if you feel that your little… health problem is interfering, we’d be happy to discuss your replacement.” With that, he turned his back to her, making it clear that their meeting was over.
Addison had nothing to say, simply shaking her head and moving out of the room. Kesh looked equally solemn, and when Wren reached out a hand to try and stop the krogan, maybe get a word in edgewise, she simply shook her head. Not now. It was only Kandros who lingered to look at her, glancing up and down her length, taking it in and appraising, weighing. What his judgement was, he didn’t say.
“Oh, and Ryder,” Tann shot over his shoulder before she could flee, thoughts scrambled, “I took the liberty of informing you crew about your condition. I thought they’d find it relevant.”
Shit. Double shit. Triple shit. There was nowhere to run. Just like the EEZO had poisoned her lungs, Wren Ryder’s secret poisoned the air.
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
Rydros prompt: Kandros catches Ryder doing something illegal on a terminal (hacking?). But he's had feelings for her for a while now! What dooooes he do?
[[Oh my god this went a totally different direction than I intended and I swear I’ll do a serious answer of this at some point BUT cute fluff for now instead. This is my entry for @masseffectwritercircle for this week.
Under the cover of darkness, Wren Ryder moved across the Nexus’ wide, open spaces, trying to stick to pools of shadow as much as possible. The late hour helped; few were awake, and those that were seemed reluctantly so, yawning and bleary eyed, some even nodding off with chins on their fists. If one shadow seemed to move a bit more than a shadow should, or seemed a bit more… purple than was usual, well. It was late, and they couldn’t be bothered.
It worked well for Ryder, nearing the small, open space designated as security for the entirety of the Andromeda galaxy. A couple cells, a few terminals, a strategy table and a desk shoved against the wall. Not incredibly inspiring, though it had served well enough. That was something she attributed more to the presence of Tiran Kandros, the whole reason she was skulking around tonight like a petty criminal.
“SAM, can you access the computer?” What Ryder hadn’t counted on was being locked out, a request for a password blinking defiantly at her as she crouched behind the desk, just the top of her head peering over the top, fingers resting lightly on the keys. Her whisper, low as it was, still seemed entirely too loud for the space.
At least SAM’s reply was limited to in her head, though she still winced as if the whole station could hear it. “Yes, though it will take me some time. Please stand by, Pathfinder.” There was the sensation of fingers through her grey matter, of understanding the computer more deeply than she should have been, and then nothing more than the sensation that SAM was working.
Time to kill, but all she could do was lean against the wall anxiously, eyes half-lidded but constantly scanning the environment. How long had it been since she had slept a full night? Too long, but this was important, worth sacrificing a few hours for. She needed that data and she needed it now, or all her plans would go to seed.
Fingers drumming on her leg, Ryder slipped into a kind of trance, too sleepy to keep alert for much longer. SAM would let her know when it was done, and there was clearly no one around. It was safe for just a little bit…
“Ryder, what the hell are you doing here?” Whatever dreams had been starting to form fragmented away quickly, wisps she couldn’t even grasp at.
At the same time as the yelling, SAM spoke into her ear, tone positively cheery, as if the AI was amused by the course of events. He was developing in ways no one could have foreseen. Jerk. “I’ve managed to unlock and extract the files you wanted, Pathfinder. I suggest vacating the premises.” Ah, yes, as if that same thought hadn’t already occurred to her.
Scrambling up and trying to look anywhere but directly at him, Ryder faced Tiran Kandros, focusing her gaze somewhere to the left of him. “I, uh… Needed to borrow something?” Rising inflection. Shit.
“Uh huh. You needed to borrow something at two in the morning. At night. Hiding behind my desk.” Kandros sighed, running a palm down his face. “You have to realize how badly this reflects on you. And on me.”
Er no, she really didn’t have to, but now that she thought about it, she had made a mess of the entire situation. Kandros’ patience was running thin; she didn’t know how he had found out, but that wasn’t the most important point. Right now, it was all about trying to wriggle out of the situation without angering him any further, and that meant coming clean.
“I was planning something for your birthday.” Her eyes were still firmly on the floor, tone as disconsolate as she could make it. Guilt was an excellent motivator.
Another palm down his face, voice muffled as he spoke again, Kandros said, “and you had to do this planning now? Sneaking into my office?”
“Look, I have a good explanation. I needed to go through your records, see if your favorite food was listed anywhere, or your favorite drink, and…” Ryder’s voice trailed off. Kandros looked distinctly unamused, so far from charmed that she wasn’t sure the facial expression that twisted behind his hand, one half of his mouth quirked down, the other twisting up until he broke entirely, laughing into both palms helplessly, shoulders shaking as he tried to keep himself silent.
Trying to catch his breath, he managed only to choke out, “You couldn’t ask me?”
Well, when he put it like that. “It had to be a surprise.” He was still wrong, fists on her hips.
Kandros reached out, gently pulling Ryder’s stiff body to him until she was pliant again, holding her against him, face nestled in her hair, then pulling back so their foreheads touched and there was scarcely room to breathe between them.
“Consider me surprised, Ryder, but if you do that again, I will throw you in jail.” Fair point, but Ryder wasn’t going to let him get the last word.
“I’d like that,” she shot back, her shriek cutting through the darkness as Kandros lifted her over one shoulder, carrying her back to his room.
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samrubio · 7 years
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Day 30
yes he climbs, yes he is very sexy
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
“i can’t breathe, i can’t –” for Rydros!
The Archon’s fingers reached through her chest, going through flesh and bone as if they were water. His claws seemed to sink directly into her heart, fingers lengthening to impossible dimensions, until they were no longer appendages but entire entities on their own. Two sought outward, twining around ribs until one was in the left lung, one in the right, puncturing them as easily as childhood balloons. The air hissed out until there was none left; choking on her tongue, Wren Ryder came awake, gasping. No air, no air!
Somehow, she managed to sit up, hauling herself up the headboard to gasp desperately, no longer sure where she was, who she was. The Archon- where was the Archon?
Someone laid a hand in between her shoulder blades. All she could feel was the claws it ended in, more talons, not the right amount of fingers. “Ryder.” A flanged voice, one she knew. Ryder. Yes. That was her. She was Ryder.
“I can’t breathe, I can’t-” She still didn’t know who was speaking to her, but a few words choked out; their very presence should have logically told her she could breathe, but she was still stuck in the dream, the real world feeling more faint than the dreamscape.
A large fist thumped into her back, hard enough that she was forced to take a deep breath of air. Oxygen. She could breathe again, taking desperate gasps that slowly calmed in time with a slow rubbing along the small of her back, fingers finding every knot to relieve the pressure slowly. Though she was still on high alert, she could remember parts of who she was, where she was. This was the Tempest, the low hum of the ship’s power supply a necessary noise for falling asleep now. Even when docked, it was far from silent, just how she liked it.
She was Wren Ryder, human Pathfinder as of a few months ago. The title still sat on her shoulders uneasily, but she had grown to inhabit at least part of it decently well. The Archon was still a force to be reckoned with, still out there waiting and lurking, but they were getting closer. One day they would defeat that bastard. He had killed her once already though- that was what the dream was about, fading just as quickly as it had come on, leaving only a residual panic.
“You with me, Wren?” And that was Kandros at her side, concerned enough to use her first name. Kandros. Wordlessly, she buried her head against his hard chest, feeling how cool it was against her cheek. He stroked the back of her head carefully, catching her hair and releasing it as carefully as he could. “Another nightmare?” he finally ventured.
Ryder gave a muted nod before extracting herself, running a hand through her hair and then rubbing her eyes, trying to convince herself that it was only sleep that made them feel so watery. “This one didn’t feature Tann in it, at least.” A forced smile cracked her face.
Kandros lay back down, gesturing for her to do the same, placing a pillow in the crook of his arm for her to rest her head. As she snuggle down into it, he ran his fingers through her hair still, strands gently winding around his digit and then being released to lie half-wavy on the pillow. “The Archon?”
Instead of giving an answer, Ryder said, “I’m going to kill him one day, and then I’m going to put his head on the front of the Tempest as a trophy.”
“Not on a pike? And I thought you were a woman of taste, Ryder.” Despite the way her chest still felt too tight, she laughed, turning her head and propping herself on an elbow to kiss the side of Kandros’ mandible.
Silence lapsed over them again. Was it safe to fall asleep? Her eyes felt so heavy, but she could just remember the pain, how her dream manifested itself in a physical way she hadn’t thought possible.
“Sleep, Ryder. I’ll stay awake.” And just like that, while it was not totally better, she felt more relieved. If she slipped back into it, Kandros would wake her up, and though her brow was still slightly furrowed, she was more than happy to slip off again.
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samrubio · 7 years
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day 28
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
New Galaxy, Same Old Thirst Masterpost [Revised]
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[Art for ME by Skellagirl.tumblr.com] 
Actively soliciting feedback for the series! Please let me know what you think. <3 
Chapter 1- New Galaxy, Same Old Thirst- The very start of the series! What started as a joking story about Kandros and Ryder sleeping together and then discovering that maybe they wanted something more launched the hellship that spiraled out of control.
Chapter 2- First Dates and Open Comms- : After Ryder ends up spending a night with Tiran Kandros, she realizes that she wants this to be more than a fling. Humor ensues.
Chapter 3- First Date Disasters-  In which Wren Ryder learns that perhaps taking Tiran Kandros to Havarl to search for the missing turian Ark is not the ideal first date, and I get to play with angst. I’ve been reading Andromeda:Uprising (the novelization) and there’s some interesting tidbits about our new favorite turian in there.
Chapter 4- Poker Night- After the emotional difficulty of discovering the turian ark may be lost, Kandros joins Ryder and the crew in a game of poker, resulting in yet another drunken proposition.
Chapter 5- Desert Winds- : It was inevitable that Tiran Kandros and Wren Ryder would butt heads. What comes afterwards is equally inevitable
Chapter 6- Look to Those Who Look to You- Tiran Kandros and Wren Ryder finally find the turian ark, leading to them questioning their own relationship, and everything that could go wrong.
Chapter 7- Keep on Coming Home- After dying for the second time on the Archon’s flagship, Wren Ryder reunites with Kandros. Predictably, he’s not very pleased.
Chapter 8- Unexpected Reunions-  Tiran Kandros insists that Wren Ryder takes him to Kadara, to witness the final showdown between Sloane Kelly and the Charlatan. Expecting to confront Sloane directly, he’s instead startled to find he changes the course of the battle entirely. All Kelly/Kandros background is taken from the Uprising novel and is canon. Did he have a thing going on with her? The world may never know, but what happens next for Ryder and Kandros?
Chapter 9- The Thirst Strikes Back - Kandros and Ryder exchange dirty emails, but neither is very good at it.
Chapter 10- Facing Meridian - Kandros takes Wren Ryder’s proposed trip to Meridian poorly, leading to an argument, but after her twin wakes up, she comes to a revelation.
Chapter 11- Meeting the Family-  'Family’ means something different to everyone, but what does it mean for Tiran Kandros? On her return to the Nexus, Kandros takes Wren Ryder to a family dinner, and says some fateful words to her.
Chapter 12- One Last Kiss, aka the Smut Chapter- Just call this the smut chapter.Ryder and Kandros face the inevitability of Meridian as only they know how.
Chapter 13- Home- Here it is. The final chapter of ‘New Galaxy, Same Old Thirst.’ I say that, but I have so much more to write about these two and so many more stories to tell, so this isn’t the last you’ll see of Wren Ryder and Tiran Kandros by a longshot.
Side stories:
Bite- Some vaguely NSFW fun between Ryder and Kandros, interrupted by SAM.
Protection- Ryder learns that Kandros is claustrophobic, and steps in to protect him.
Just Breathe- Kandros takes Ryder shooting, and then distracts her in the best possible way.
Legacy- Memories of Shepard and big shoes to fill.
Tiny Judgement-  This was all inspired by asking someone if Wren Ryder and Kandros would have children together. After I finished going “AHAHAHA no” I thought about whether they’d be good with children at all. Result: no. No they are not.
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samrubio · 7 years
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Final day 31
It was fun, enjoy this little comic ;)
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
War Movies
[Summary: When Wren Ryder and Tiran Kandros plan a movie night, they find that the movie they intended to watch isn’t the movie they received. 
SFW, suggestive themes
“So this is a turian war story?” Voice heavy with skepticism, Wren Ryder examined the vid’s description on her datapad, a long list of names punctuated by descriptions that relied heavily on the words ‘stirring’ and ‘exciting.’ Somehow, it wasn’t a reassurance.
She curled her legs beneath herself, leaning against Tiran Kandros. He extended an arm across the back of the couch, forming a warm haven for her against the pillows, and though his carapace wasn’t exactly the conventional description of comfort, it was familiar and she had grown to understand all the nooks and crannies that were good to lean against. Even within the safety of the Tempest, he wore his armor, as if he would have to spring into action suddenly. Knowing how fragile the situation remained on the Nexus and how he always had APEX teams out in the field, engaging in dangerous work, it was a distinct possibility. Ryder could only hope he would stick here long enough for the full movie. It was his idea, after all.
It’s a classic,” he said, somewhat defensively, snatching the datapad from her and putting it face down on the side table. “The golden age of turian cinema. Sixtus Rex never did a finer performance.”
“Wait, wait. His name is Sixtus Rex?” Unable to hold it in, Ryder burst out laughing, earning her a swift look of disapproval from Kandros that only served to deepen the hilarity. With an affronted look, Kandros dropped his arm off the couch and pointed at the screen, the film on pause while Ryder probed into the lead actor.
“It’s a stage name, Ryder. No one knows his real identity. Some say he’s just a farm boy from Palaven. Or he was.” Whoever he had been, Sixtus was now six hundred years in the past, long since dead and gone. A momentary somber lull fell over them before Kandros leaned over to turn up the volume, pressing play.
A spray of horns and a piano score began to play, the tune best described as… sleazy. It wasn’t at all what Ryder had expected, especially not from a serious turian war film. From the look on Kandros’ face, it wasn’t what he had anticipated either.
WIth fumbling fingers, Kandros hurried to try and figure out a way to turn off the movie, dropping things in his haste. It was enough reason for Ryder to hurry and drag the remote away from him, holding it at arm’s length while she put her other hand on his chest, restraining him. “Well, well, well. What is this we have here?” She tried to look coy, but succeeded only in looking mildly mischievous.
“Ryder… Wren. Please. You don’t want to watch this. Trust me.” The music was reaching some kind of a crescendo, colors blurring on screen to resolve into the distant figure of two turians and an asari, the latter two clearly female, approaching the singular male turian as shadow figures. Just as they were about to touch, words appeared on screen, subtitled from the turian language to something she could read.
Fornax Films Presents… One Gun Salute. Starring Sextus Erixtus…
The words continued to scroll by to Kandros’ growing horror, his face buried in one hand as he watched between his three outstretched fingers. Meanwhile, a glowing warmth was slowly suffusing Ryder’s face, a pinkness that started in her cheeks and seemed to end somewhere near the top of her ears, resolving into more of a deep red burning. Despite that, she couldn’t look away, though she quickly found herself looking between her hand too. It wasn’t terribly raunchy yet, but the dialogue was possibly the worst she had ever heard, the acting as stiff as… Well.
“I… don’t think this was the movie you meant to show me.” Unless Kandros had very different plans for the evening. Not that Ryder would have been opposed, exactly, but…
“No,” he groaned, finally succeeding in wresting the remote from her and going to turn it off.
“I didn’t know turian women dressed like that,” Ryder mused, able to spare her own embarrassment at the mishap for the sake of teasing Kandros, who had become stiff-shouldered. The shadowy figures on screen had resolved into real people, and the action, for lack of a better term, had started with very little plot at all. “Oh. I didn’t know that turians were so… flexible. Or had so much reach.” Wait, no, she definitely knew that second one. Shooting Kandros a glance from hooded eyes, Ryder spared him from watching the rest of the film before flicking it off. “Who did you get this from anyway?”
Sagging back in relief, Kandros pulled Ryder towards himself again. “Liam. I knew he had something up. He was smirking the whole time.” He probably misheard, though with Liam there was really a 50/50 chance. It was an excellent joke nonetheless, one that ensured that Ryder couldn’t keep the grin off her face.
“Now that our night is suddenly open, maybe we can work on, as the great Sextus once said, popping your heatsink.”
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samrubio · 7 years
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Day 24
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