#93 Avenue
queenofapeacefuldawn · 5 months
SPY × Family: Chapter 93 analysis
this is my first time doing something like this, and I'm no expert so please take my analysis with a grain of salt! all of this is my own theories, so you might disagree with me. please don't be mean, though (also, long post incoming!)
The chapter opens with the Eden kids getting the results of their marks, with Anya's...
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overall rank shooting up, from 213th to 168th. Showing how she's slowly adjusting to the school and its pace of learning, despite being younger than everyone else (and, also, presumably doing extremely advanced things.... I remember seeing the pythagorean theorem on the board once in the anime)
Damian got highest in History (good job, buddy!), and Anya got second-highest in Classical Language (the one exam she genuinely studied hard for). But what I want to focus on is her expression:
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Shock. She'd put up that front (that fake-face, if you will) in front of Becky, Damian, Emile and Ewen, pretending to be all cool and suave but when she sees her results, she's genuinely surprised to get good marks in Classical Language. And even her excited reaction. She was scared of disappointing Twilight (and maybe even Sigmund and Barbara) because she'd genuinely worked hard for this exam, tried to understand, and gave it her best attempt.
But, then, it all comes crashing down with her 24 points in math: but a win is a win!
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Maybe this is Twilight's turning point in the fact that acquiring knowledge can be interesting, exciting, and not just a tool of survival? Twilight himself doesn't have a great relationship with studying, (see: his father scolding him as a child for not studying, later: his friends dying because he didn't know enough about the campaign they were going on... but Twilight's relationship with knowledge and its pursuit is a whole other post in itself).
Honestly, him realising that Anya is actually thriving in the setup where education is fun for her, opens up two new avenues:
Twilight himself trying to make learning fun for Anya (unlikely, he tried that before... it didn't work.)
Him leaning on Sigmund and Barbara to tutor Anya (this seems more likely- Endo is probably going to cement the Authens as recurring characters, so them being Anya's surrogate grandparents/neighbors/tutors would seem like a great way to do so!
And then...
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My main focus is on the fact that he mumbles this (also his face. But that's irrelevant). Twilight may claim, "I don't understand children", but he's an extremely perceptive man. As much as I love to clown on him, he's highly skilled at picking up on cues of people's feelings. The few times he's failed are mostly due to Anya's shenanigans trying to hide her telepathy, mixed with his usual flavour of overthinking.
But the couple of things he knows about Anya are this:
She was probably raised in an environment where Classical Language was used.
She's not fond of talking about or remembering her past.
Which is why he didn't have the heart to fully sound out the question. In the case of Anya, this is an extremely delicate matter, and he doesn't want to upset her (or, in his words, "ruin Operation Strix.") The way he asked the question and it's portrayed made it feel like he'd been pondering on it for quite a while (which he has; since the beginning of the Cruise Arc), but more so usually. Most likely due to her high marks in the Classical Language tests (aka a dead language), and the fact that she got excellent marks in it, despite formally studying it for less than a year (at least, as far as he (and we) know.) He's been thinking of the possibility, and also thinking of a way to ask her. In the end, when he does ask her—
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she lies.
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and he lets her. (at least, that's my interpretation)
Obviously, he knows she's not ready to speak about it yet (though we know it's probably connected to her telepathy, so she's not ready to divulge that info).
Look, as much as I love talking about how clueless he is with his own feelings, in this scene, he was just... perceptive? I don't know if that's the right word. But he was trying to keep Anya happy, and bringing up this complex topic without ensuring proper care for her wouldn't be fair to her. And he knows that. So, he leaves it at, "Just forget about it, okay?"
This entire scene felt so... tense, and in itself felt like a fucking gut punch, so I don't know how I'll react to the reveal.)
And now, onto the main focus of the chapter:
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If I'm being honest, I thought Demetrius was, like, 16-19 (judging by his voice in the anime), and not... fucking twelve.
Honestly, that just makes his character all the more tragic: he's barely a teenager, and yet... he's going through this. From his awards ceremony, we can see that he got, what, 6 stellas? In addition to the eight he's gotten to be an Imperial Scholar, and if he performs this well in every exam... bro is literally hoarding the Stella supply of the school (sorry, bad joke).
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this panel comes up. It's definitely not Anya's telepathy malfunctioning, (heck, it works on Bond and even penguins). Honestly, I think, again, it could be one of two things:
He was experimented on, like Anya
He was trained, (most likely by Donovan), to keep his mind blank.
We're told that he and Donovan had an extremely close relationship:
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This could be in support of both the theories: it could be Donovan checking up on his "experiment's" progress (a crude term to refer to him), or, it could have been him subconsciously training Demetrius to hide his thoughts, keep them safe. Anya's project is connected to Desmond's administration, and at the time she was "made", Demetrius would have been around 7 or 8. Old enough for him to figure out what he wanted to have been in life (ofc, that's different for everyone! It takes time, and 8 is an extremely young age to figure out what one wants to do). But, like, how Damian wants to be a politician, it's most likely that Demetrius, the prodigal, studious, first child, would have to follow the path of politics laid before him.
So it could have been Donovan teaching Demetrius to protect his sensitive thoughts from the "weapons" he himself was making: the test subject(s) of Anya's project (again, a crude term to refer to them). Donovan was putting a lot of faith into creating telepaths (most likely for covert work), and them having unwavering loyalty to his administration was not very likely.
And, even if Anya's project was the work of another administration or even country, there's no doubt that Donovan would want to keep his thoughts hidden from these kinds of spies: ones than can see into your very mind, especially if the world is at war: a physical battle or a war for information.
The first theory of Demetrius himself being a test subject is probably Not What Happened; so I think it's probably just Demetrius being trained to keep his thoughts hidden.
But then, we get some of his thoughts:
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Which is a lot reminiscent of:
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So, it's probable that Demetrius imbibed this from his dad.
It's honestly a bit scary to see how Donovan's "parenting" has affected him: for him, age 12, to be like this.
After this, the chapter ends lightheartedly: Anya trying to emulate Demetrius, and Loid Being Tired™️.
I'm mostly curious about Demetrius: I was so excited when he was finally revealed! But I hope we get to see more of his thoughts, soon. Especially more about his relationship with Damian. But, this chapter was fantastic!
(This was super fun to do- if i do posts like this for chapters as they come out, would you all like it? Again, I'm not an expert in psychology (or even analysis). It's just me and my silly lil thoughts. I hope you liked it!)
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bygones-bby · 1 year
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[04-25-93] March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation in front of the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington. Elvert Barnes Photography.
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dollarbin · 3 months
Dollar Bin #33: Grace Slick's
Welcome to the WRECKING BALL!
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Something you just gotta kneel down and submit to whatever The Dollar Bin offers.
I was down on my hands and creaky knees in my favorite shop a week or two back when I hit a vinyl goldmine: seven records I did not already own and knew I'd listen to at least once. Seven records for a dollar each. Seven!
Well, a lot of what I bought ultimately sounded pretty mediocre so calling it a goldmine is a stretch. I'm guessing you need a lot of iron to forge a wrecking ball big enough for Grace Slick to mount and crash about on so let's say I hit an iron mine. Check Grace out on the album's backside.
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I'm guessing OSHA did not approve this photo shoot. But saying I hit an iron mine still doesn't sound quite right... After all, I suspect a lot of what I bought sucks: Stephen Stills 2 was in the stack. So maybe it was more like a tin mine? Tin doesn't sound like a valuable metal and, sorry Grace Slick, but ridiculous as your record appears it may win up not even worth a buck.
Even so, did I waiver before laying down my 93 pre-tax cents for Grace Slick's Welcome to the Wrecking Ball, an album which I knew absolutely nothing about from an artist who, apart from her early penchant for chasing rabbits and someone to love, is largely a mystery to me? Definitely not. After all, what the hell else are you gonna buy for 93 cents and then take any interest in? 1/8th of a burrito?
And there's always the chance that a record which looks this wacky will have songs that are equally bonkers. And bonkers is good, yeah? Slick on the cover looks like she'd spent the day as an extra for a B grade zombie flick featuring a lot of smoke machines. And I love how Slick's name and the album's title were slapped on post production, perhaps by a real zombie. What's more, she's standing prominently on Steiner Avenue. And that has got to mean something. Right? Maybe? Please tell me this a big, well thought through concept record, every line and every sound and every image dedicated to one silly cause...
Including the gatefold image; what's Slick out to smash here? The patriarchy? Stephen Sills? Us? Man, I'm getting excited.
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There are no Captain and Tennelle and their corpulent dog records framed on the walls of my home as ironic testaments to my wit; nor do I own any savvy Hanging With My Gnomies or Dogfather tees that proclaim my sardonic depths. But who the hell would have a record collection and not want to own this record based on its looks alone?
It's not strictly true to say that I don't know anything about Slick post Jefferson Airplane's debut record, the one which features the aforementioned two songs that everyone knows. I got a copy of Bark, their 71 record, out of the Dollar Bin the same day I picked this little number up and it sounds... unimpressive.
To begin with, that album's vinyl has more flexibility to it than the quinoa tortilla I tried to eat for lunch today; seriously, I could wrap up some beans and rice in my copy of Bark record and call it lunch (I guess I should add a fish head or two based on that record's cover).
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Those quinoa tortillas, on the other hand, would be right at home on my turntable, and they might ultimately sound better than Welcome to the Wrecking Ball. (Fair reader, I'm still getting up the courage to finally drop the needle on this thing; I promise to do so before we're done.)
But Grace Slick deserves my respect and open mind, and I'm going to give it to her. After all, she helped me learn how to dance. For reasons that are now lost in the sands of time I went to an 80's elementary school in which the mothers and the cool kids decided that dance parties, complete with placing our mostly chaste hands on each other's hips for slow dances (one poor young lady had to dance every one of those with an insistent and utterly uncool me for three straight years; sorry Amy!), were meant to start in the 4th Grade.
Seriously! Starting at age 10 we'd gather together for birthday parties at the Badminton Club or in someone's backyard with the most intense of the cool kid's older brother as DJ (he'd do a steamy lip sink to Shout! mid-party; we'd all freak out with awe. That dude probably sells commercial real estate these days and actively fantasizes about building a time machine so he can go back and repeatedly relive the greatest moments in his life at those parties, during which he was a cheesy, corpuscled combination of Marty McFly, Ferrris Bueller and the Fonz to all us kids) and go two steps left and two steps right with a clap accompanying each motion to everything from Buffalo Soldier to, you got it, We Built This City on Rock and Roll, Slick's incredibly regrettable 85 anthem about the pressing need for more easily accessible rock clubs in everyone's hometown which routinely tops "Worst Song of All Time" lists.
Did we think We Built This City on Rock and Roll was the worst song of all time back in 4th grade? Heck no. Often, some of the 4 foot tall cool kids would mount party tables and dance on them during the track, belting out the lyrics in their smurf voices. We were a pack of 4th grade white kids and we were actively building a city on rock and roll in real time. And it was awesome. Honestly, I don't know if I've ever even heard the song as a grown up, and I'm not plastering it here. Play it in your own blog; I'm listening to it in my ten year old brain, and it's working some serious magic.
And so, Grace Slick deserves the benefit of the doubt! Let's drop the needle and see what her wrecking ball of a dollar bin record has in store for us.
Holy Freakin' and Sagging Space Balls. This record sounds like Joan Jett, only inexplicably worse; it sounds like Poison covering Motley Crew while on speed; it sounds like Tesla's, (we're talking about the band here, not the automobile; and why we're at it, are the members of Tesla sitting around right now even richer than Elon all because they copywrited their band's name?), follow up to their even-then-it made-me-apoplectic record Five Man Acoustical Jam entitled Listen to Us Destroy All Sense of Purpose Within You With Our Glam Rock Ninja Moves (okay they don't really have a record by that name; I made that up; but they do have a record entitled Bust A Nut, and I'd argue, without any basis of knowledge whatsoever, that that record sounds a lot like Welcome to the Wrecking Ball).
This song sounds like what they'd play in the concourse area before a Donald Trump rally: everyone's standing around bumping each other's fists behind their wrap around sunglasses indoors, no one has sleeves on their shirts, and everyone wishes they could get a pair of red, white and blue Trump brand solid gold sneakers for their very own; and of course they all know Jesus will soon descend once again, only this time he'll rock a polyester jumpsuit and go agro on everyone who doubts the Donald.
To be fair, there's nothing here to suggest that Slick was a Republican; I'm making unfair analogies. But there's also nothing here to suggest that Slick had any capacity for making music anyone would ever enjoy listening to. Come on, you decide: does a song like this give you any version of pleasure?
What's worse, I can't find anything on the record that's actually as good as the title track. Slick sings, or perhaps declaims is a better word for it, about how much she loathes music critics, then moves on to describe dominatrices with their hands on the whip who have the devil in their heart and so on; then she lays this on us:
Slick chases us around the stereo space while we flee in terror; listen to the guitar soloist prance, pose and persuade us to reconsider everything we hold sacred; and then, at the end of the song, listen to everyone go totally nuts. I hear screams, laser beams and drum drops; I hear the effects of a lot of coke. Or maybe Slick was just going all in a few years early, trying to come up with something that would get fourth graders to dance on tables. Because we absolutely would have done so to this song.
Someone, please, call Alice; tell her to bring the doormouse. I want my 93 cents back.
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saleintothe90s · 1 year
478. 93 things about 1993, part 2
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(part 1)
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7. The Buffalo Bills lose their third Super Bowl in a row.
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8. The Red Shoes loses $8 million on broadway (12/19)
I don't know much about Broadway shows, but I tried watching some clips from what I'm guessing was the press reel? and (this is just me) the performances looked so stiff. I got straight up Balki vibes from George de La Pena.
The day the reviews were published, box-office sales dwindled to $20,000, Mr. Starger said, a death knell for a show that cost more than $400,000 a week to run. It might have lost $200,000 to $300,000, he said, if he had kept it open another week and invited the Tony voters, fulfilling the award requirements, and it would have taken an infusion of $1.5 million to allow the show to run through January, thus giving it a chance, however slim, to go on. He decided not to take it.
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(Tallahassee Democrat, April 16, 1993)
9. The Mega Mac (April)
Anybody else think it wasn't a coincidence that McDonalds tested this large burger in Washington D.C. -- where former McDonalds lover President Bill Clinton had just moved to? Were they trolling ol Bill?
That burger doesn't even look that big now.
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10. People killed while copying The Program (October)
Michael A. Shingledecker Jr., 18, of Polk, Pa., was killed almost instantly about 1 A.M. Saturday when he and a friend were struck by a pickup truck while lying on a two-lane highway in Polk, a small borough in western Pennsylvania. His friend, Dean G. Bartlett, 17, was critically injured. And Michael Macias, 17, of Syosset, L.I., was critically injured when he was hit by a car at 10:40 P.M. Saturday as he lay in the middle of Bayville Avenue in Bayville.
Law-enforcement authorities and family members said the teen-agers were apparently copying the daredevil stunt from "The Program," in which the college football hero shows how tough he is by lying down in the middle of a busy highway as cars and trucks whiz by in the dark. There are fears that scores of other young men are copying the stunt. 2
A few days later:
The Walt Disney Company said today that it would delete a scene in its new movie "The Program" after one teen-ager was killed and two others critically injured while apparently imitating the scene.
The brief sequence near the film's start involves several drunken college football players lying in the middle of a busy road to prove their toughness. The scene will be removed by Friday, Disney said today, and the film's coming attractions trailer will be pulled.
"While the scene in the movie in no way advocates this irresponsible activity, it is impossible for us to ignore that someone may have recklessly chosen to imitate it," the film's writer and director, David Ward, said in a statement released along with Touchstone Pictures, the division of Disney that released the film. "In light of the incidents reported, we are deleting the scene from the movie."
The movie is playing in about 1,220 theaters and was the nation's 12th-most popular release last weekend. 3
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11. Major advertisers turn their back on NYPD Blue
So, remember when NYPD Blue premiered and there was a huge controversy on how violent and graphic it was
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and how Dennis Franz showed his butt in the shower or something? (source)
Some ABC stations wouldn't air it, (including my local ABC station which is something I didn't know until just now! 4) Major advertisers refused to buy commercial time during the show:
And while each episode of the series has been fully sponsored, at prices averaging around $115,000 for a 30-second spot, almost all the commercials so far were bought by marketers of over-the-counter drugs and film distributors, which are far less susceptible to complaints over program content, because they are much more interested in quick mass-market impressions.
Many spots are for products that are far from household names: Permathene-12 diet aid, Wash 'n Curl shampoo, Cortizone-10 anti-itch cream. But those advertisers on the show seem satisfied. 5
I found a commercial break, and sure enough it felt more like a day time talk show commercial break instead of one for a major television program. I know people don't really pay attention to commercial breaks, but you could really tell a difference.
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OH. I thought it was kind of funny that Caruso bought an ad for their curler system. Get it? David Caruso?
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Weber, Bruce. “What Went So Very Wrong With ‘Red Shoes.’” The New York Times, December 30, 1993, sec. Theater. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/12/30/theater/what-went-so-very-wrong-with-red-shoes.html. https://archive.is/U3eW3
Hinds, Michael Decourcy. ‘Not Like the Movie: A Dare Leads to Death’. The New York Times, 19 October 1993, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/19/us/not-like-the-movie-a-dare-leads-to-death.html. https://archive.is/E8O6
Press, The Associated. ‘Disney Plans to Omit Film Scene After Teen-Ager Dies Imitating It’. The New York Times, 20 October 1993, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/20/us/disney-plans-to-omit-film-scene-after-teen-ager-dies-imitating-it.html. https://archive.is/4wsDW
Bonko, Larry. ‘CHANNEL 13 REVERSES POLICY, WILL AIR ``NYPD BLUE’’’. Virginian Pilot , 27 September 1994. https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/VA-Pilot/issues/1994/vp940927/09270336.htm.
Elliott, Stuart. ‘THE MEDIA BUSINESS: Advertising; A Hit Prime-Time TV Show without Most Mainstream Advertisers? Dial “N.Y.P.D. Blue.”’ The New York Times, 2 November 1993, sec. Business. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/02/business/media-business-advertising-hit-prime-time-tv-show-without-most-mainstream.html. https://archive.is/i9PBi
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Room With A View, Las Vegas (No. 6)
The Las Vegas Beltway begins in Henderson at the I-11 / I-515 / US 93 / US 95 interchange, where traffic on westbound Nevada State Route 564 (SR 564, Lake Mead Parkway) defaults onto I-215 west. From here, the beltway primarily follows the former Lake Mead Drive alignment west to the Pecos Road / Saint Rose Parkway (SR 146) interchange. The highway then curves northwest toward Harry Reid International Airport before turning west to cross under Las Vegas Boulevard and I-15.
As the beltway passes under I-15, it changes from Interstate to county highway still maintaining freeway status as it heads nearly due west. Passing Decatur Boulevard, two one-way frontage roads (which formerly carried the initial beltway facilities) appear on either side of the highway. At Durango Drive, the roadway curves northward. The frontage roads end as the highway reaches Tropicana Avenue, but the freeway continues briefly west and then north again to intersect Charleston Boulevard (SR 159) near Red Rock Canyon. As it passes north through the community of Summerlin (part of the city of Las Vegas), the beltway meets Summerlin Parkway at a partial system interchange.
Source: Wikipedia
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sbknews · 8 months
Honda and Marc Marquez to end collaboration early by mutual agreement
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Honda Racing Corporation and Marc Marquez to end collaboration early by mutual agreement. Honda Racing Corporation and Marc Marquez have mutually elected to terminate their four-year contract prematurely at the end of the 2023 MotoGP World Championship season. With a year still remaining on the four-year contract between HRC and Marc Marquez, both parties have mutually agreed to end their collaboration upon completion of the 2023 MotoGP World Championship season. Both parties agreed it was in their best interests to each pursue other avenues in the future to best achieve their respective goals and targets. This brings an end to 11 years of collaboration between the #93 and HRC in which they achieved six premier class World Championships, five Triple Crowns, 59 wins, 101 podiums and 64 pole positions together. Marquez took his debut victory in the premier class aboard the Honda RC213V at the Grand Prix of the Americas in Austin, Texas in 2013 to become the youngest premier class winner and would become the youngest premier class World Champion later that year. In 2014 he defended his title and won the opening 10 consecutive races of year, going on to also claim titles in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 as an HRC rider with the Repsol Honda Team. Both parties will continue to give their full support for the remaining rounds of the 2023 MotoGP World Championship season. HRC wish Marc Marquez the best in his future endeavors. Read the full article
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La Casa Batlló (batchio) se situe au numéro 43 du Paseo de Gracia, une voie qui, par le passé, connectait la ville à la « Villa de Gracia », aujourd’hui pleinement intégrée comme un quartier de la ville. À partir de 1860, année de l’approbation d’un ambitieux plan d’urbanisme à Barcelone Le Plan Cerda le Paseo de Gracia fut tracé comme son axe principal et commencent alors à s’installer ici les résidences des familles les plus illustres de la ville. La rue devient ainsi, au XIXe siècle, une promenade pour les piétons et pour les coches et, à partir du XXe siècle, une avenue principale pour les automobiles. A l’origine, le bâtiment avait été construit en 1877, par Emilio Sala Cortes (l’un des professeurs d’architecture de Gaudi), alors que l’éclairage électrique n’existait pas encore à Barcelone. En 1903, Josep Batlló i Casanovas, un industriel du textile, propriétaire de plusieurs usines à Barcelone et important homme d’affaires, en fit l’acquisition
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Elle fut achevée en 1906
Passeig de Gràcia, 4308007 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 216 03 06
Email: info@casabatllo.
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Excerpts from Carl G. Jung's Memories, Dreams, Reflections: pgs 92 - 104,
"I saw how hopelessly [my father] was entrapped by the Church and its theological thinking. They had blocked all avenues by which he might have reached God directly, and then faithlessly abandoned him." pg 93
"The arch sin of faith, it seemed to me, was that it forestalled experience." pg 94
"For me, the Holy Ghost was a manifestation of the inconceivable God." pg 98
"Lord Jesus was to me unquestionably a man and therefore a fallible figure, or else a mere mouthpiece of the Holy Ghost. This highly unorthodox view, a far cry from the theological one, naturally ran up against utter incomprehension. The disappointment I felt about this gradually led me to a kind of resigned indifference, and confirmed my conviction that in religious matters only experience counted." pg 98
"I had the feeling that I had pushed to the brink of the world; what was of burning interest to me was null and void for others, and even a cause of dread." pg 100
"I realized that for all its wealth of learning the urban world was mentally rather limited." pg 100
"Among my friends and acquaintances I knew of only two who openly declared themselves adherents of Nietzsche. Both were homosexual; one of them ended by committing suicide, the other ran to see as a misunderstood genius." pg 103
"I realized that one gets nowhere unless one talks to people about the things they know." pg 103
"I came to see that a new idea, or even just an unusual aspect of an old one, can be communicated only by facts. Facts remain and cannot be brushed aside; sooner or later someone will come upon them and know what he has found." pg 104
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notes-of-scorpio · 1 year
with love
I saw my Grandma for the last time on Sunday morning. The 26th of March to be precise. 
She is 93 year old. I am yet to hear once she has passed, but it will be soon. Probably in the next couple of days or so. 
I said my goodbyes to her in the rest home. She looked cozy underneath all those layers of wool. Blankets I recognised easily from my childhood, come out of storage to provide warmth again to her dying form. 
I hope she is comfortable. The doctors assured us that the drugs they are administering into her will allow her to pass as if she is falling asleep. I hope she is warm. I hope she feels better. I hope she falls into rest peacefully.
A few tears escaped by accident. I thought I was ready. I was. But I must have had some extra things to process before she was gone for good. 
Crazy how with just a little touch and a circumstance can cause such old memorise to resurface at lightning speed. It was time for us to go; my sisters, my mum and dad, me. I caressed her thin grey strands and her forehead with the back of my hand. I rubbed and soothed her tired arms, ever so delicately. I didn’t hold her hand even when Dad told me to. She looked too comfortable and her hands were curled together under the blankets. I made a note not to disturb them. 
Suddenly I was transported back to the house up the hill in Redwood Avenue. Grandma and I always had a special bond. We liked the same things. The colour blue, our favourite, although trivial and meaningless. It meant a lot to me. We both had a thing for sweets, but lemon curd was our weakness, and lucky for us Grandma always had a full little jar of it in the fridge whenever we came to visit! We’d eat it by the spoon straight out of the container. She had the best (authentic) recipes for shortbread, and unsurprisingly, lemon cake. Grandma was a keen cook too and never failed to produce a good and proper roast. I remember the smell of their old house where we would spend Christmas as a family. They had a brilliant large old fashioned Grandfather clock which took pride of place in the living room. It’s been there since my sisters and I were tiny tots. Most likely before we could crawl. We spent hours in that house playing Ludo and Old Maid. Grandma always hated Old Maid because she would lose the most out of us all. But even when she lost, she’d bubble with laughter, and it was so epically contagious that we’d all double over in fits of giggles. Me and my sisters LOVE to laugh. I think we got that from our lovely Grandma who was never afraid to laugh at herself every once in a while. 
I felt calm in the rest home. The tears were falling but I was content. I knew she lived a full life and all the way Grandad was with her too. He’s doing very well currently, but I understand he must be struggling right now. We are all effectively playing the waiting game at this point. But just like Grandma, Grandad is strong and still smiling with our company. 
We left Grandma’s room and took Grandad with us for coffee at the rest home cafe. He is doing the best he can and so are the rest of us. We are well, and thankfully, we all know what to expect and I suppose that is all we can ask for when things like this arise. The saying ‘all good things must come to an end’ has been attached to my thoughts since. I’m taking it as a positive, for you can’t fully appreciate something until it is well and truly gone. 
We said we would be back to see Grandad again soon and made our way back to the car. All of us sat there for a bit listening to the radio. The song ‘You’ve Got A Friend’ by Carole King was playing. Mum started singing along. So did I. 
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud,
Soon, you’ll hear me knocking at your door
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I’ll come running, running
To see you again
I wanted to write this because I have been preparing for her passing for a while now. Her name is Doreen, and she has had a long, beautiful and fulfilling life. I am grateful I got to spend so much time with her and cherish every single memory we have together. 
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jamesbranwen · 2 years
For the AA asks: 1, 2, 3, 48, 78, and 93? :D
1. Favourite Attorney?
It's gotta be my main man Phoenix Wright. Even though it might be the basic choice, I'm rather attached to him. I am also partial to Kristoph 🥰🤗🤗
2. Favourite Prosecutor?
My favorite prosecutor is Godot. I love everything about T+T's story and the way it ties the whole trilogy together. His last scenes make me so emotional. And his theme song is ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥.
3. Favourite Assistant?
This may come as a shock to a lot of people but.... MAYAAA. I love Maya so much. I love her story, and her strength, and her humor. I don't think enough people see her as complexly as she is.
48. Random fact people tend to forget that you wanna remind us of?
In honor of NaruMayo week I'd like to remind everyone of this dialogue from Recipe For Turnabout when Maya steps out in her maid dress, for no reason at all.
Ah! Welcome! Bee avenue!
(Wow. What a cute voice.)
Oh, it's just you, Nick.
Well? How do I look?
... Maybe you should quit being a spirit medium...
78. Who or what got you into AA?
It's kind of hard to remember, but I think it was YouTube. I was aware of NaruMitsu (who isn't) and the pop culture things around AA but I wanted to really get the jokes. I ended up really falling in love with it.
93. Ship you feel like deserves more attention even though you're not into it that much?
Oh man. There's probably too many to list. For starters, any combination of Klavier/Athena/Ema/Apollo (besides Klapollo itself, and I am pretty into Justicykes). Franziska/Klavier also makes way too much sense to have so little content. Also GodoNaru and OdoNaru since my bestie loves them to death. I also think some of the AAI ships and the Layton crossover ships need more love.
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the-director · 1 year
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I posted 10,036 times in 2022
That's 99 more posts than 2021!
81 posts created (1%)
9,955 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,891 of my posts in 2022
#art - 501 posts
#video - 227 posts
#gif - 135 posts
#encanto - 127 posts
#toh - 115 posts
#mash 4077 - 108 posts
#favorite tag - 93 posts
#dc - 83 posts
#ofmd - 82 posts
#tma - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#literally the only reason why its conveyed so plainly on the internet is because on the internet theres all kinds of people! strangers you d
My Top Posts in 2022:
I hate the mcu so much I hate it so fucking much. Why did they remove such an important part of Bruce banners backstory. Why did they take planet hulk, a great comic storyline and turn it into ragnorak. Like that movie was good but why on earth would you take that specific storyline for that movie it doesn't make any fucking sense. Why make peter Parker and remove the things that make him spiderman (Uncle Ben, being poor) and turn him into ironmans Robin. (Actually I know why, cuz of that sony bullshit)
I hate the mcu it's a soulless cash grab and every time it actually has artistic direction the movie gets fucked over by producers and the fact the cgi people aren't union and are overworked and underpaid and I want capitalism to die I want Mickey's head on a fucking pike.
16 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
With every book of dune the impact of Lady Jessica fucking off from the bene gesserit to be with Duke leto and giving birth to Paul increases. Like the first book is like: oh well Paul defeated the harkonnens so the whole prophecy thing isn't so bad. And then you get to God emperor and it's like fucking leto had to sacrifice his life for that bullshit and the whole bunch of ghola Duncan's got fucked over and like. Lady jessicas decision changed the fucking course of history forever.
18 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
It's just really astounding how good arcane was with demonstrating how the conditions in the undercity affects each of the characters who lived there. Either from viktors lungs being fucked up from the pollution, to vi having so much pressure being put on her to be the leader and then being put in jail unjustly, like so much of the struggles of these characters simply have to do with trying to survive and live in the terrible conditions, to try and have a life. But then we cut to piltover and the only thing concerning the characters we see are their own ambitions, their whole "making piltover the symbol of progress" ignoring the potential of the undercity and looking towards technology as if that is the only thing that can be advanced in society. And of course it is natural for characters to have goals and ambitions of a more personal grandiose nature, but it is striking, piltover residents have the luxury of a future set in front of them, the only risk is what avenue it goes down. For people from the undercity the future isn't promised.
23 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Due to my being aro and [insert neurodivergency here] I can't tell when characters fall in love, nor see their supposed "chemistry". Most of the time this is the case, though sometimes the writing is good enough that I can see the love (romantic, platonic, queer platonic, etc)
These include
Three thousand years of longing (the new movie by george miller). The story was about love and loss and other things and throughout the movie there was various cues in body language and other framing devices that made it easy for me to tell that love was happening.
Ofmd, when its queer it just hits different. It hits harder.
Good omens. It's inexplicable.
The sandman, the romance is past tense but I can perceive it was once there and passionate and now it is cooled and withered.
The exact opposite of all of these are what we do in shadows. I know it's a comedy, I know it's romantic. Logically I know they're all gay for eachother. Logically I know that jokes happen. Nonetheless I am unable to perceive these things happening. Wwdits is in shrimp colors and I am a mere human.
69 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I find it odd how some in the sandman fandom make Hob Gadling out to be the embodiment of goodness. The point of him is that he is human. yes he loves life, so much so that he doesn’t die. But he still falls into the traps of human cruelty. He has human greatness and kindness. But he also has human flaws and ignoring that would be missing the point of him
1,632 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ix • Introduction (The Eureka Years) • essay by Theodore Sturgeon
xiii • Preface (The Eureka Years) • essay by Annette McComas [as by Annette Peltz McComas]
1 • Autobiographies • essay by Anthony Boucher
2 • Autobiographies [2] • essay by J. Francis McComas
6 • The Birth and Growth • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas and Joseph W. Ferman and Lawrence E. Spivak
26 • The Model of a Science Fiction Editor • (1952) • poem by Anthony Boucher
29 • Sturgeon-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas and Theodore Sturgeon
32 • The Hurkle Is a Happy Beast • (1949) • short story by Theodore Sturgeon
41 • Bradbury-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas and Ray Bradbury
45 • The Exiles • (1949) • short story by Ray Bradbury
60 • Clingerman-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and Mildred Clingerman
62 • Minister Without Portfolio • (1952) • short story by Mildred Clingerman
69 • Trends • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas
72 • Sorry, But- Rejections and Advice • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas (variant of Sorry, But - Rejections and Advice)
83 • de Camp/Pratt-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and Fletcher Pratt
85 • Elephas Frumenti • [Gavagan's Bar] • (1950) • short story by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
91 • Henderson-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas
93 • Come On, Wagon! • (1951) • short story by Zenna Henderson
102 • Bester-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas and Alfred Bester
105 • Of Time and Third Avenue • (1951) • short story by Alfred Bester
114 • Matheson-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas and Richard Matheson
116 • Dress of White Silk • (1951) • short story by Richard Matheson
120 • Epitaph Near Moonport • (1954) • poem by Sherwood Springer
122 • The Trade- The Tricks of and the Art of • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas
128 • Oliver-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and Chad Oliver
130 • The Boy Next Door • (1951) • short story by Chad Oliver
139 • Knight-Editors Correspondence • essay by J. Francis McComas and Damon Knight
141 • Not With a Bang • (1950) • short story by Damon Knight
147 • Wellman-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and Manly Wade Wellman
150 • O Ugly Bird! • [John the Balladeer] • (1951) • short story by Manly Wade Wellman
162 • Skiametric Morphology and Behaviorism of Ganymedeus Sapiens • [Ganymedeus Sapiens] • (1951) • shortfiction by Kenneth R. Deardorf (variant of Skiametric Morphology and Behaviorism of Ganymedeus Sapiens: a Summary of Neoteric Hypotheses)
168 • Define Your Terms • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas
173 • Letters to the Editor • (1950) • short story by Ron Goulart
175 • The Foundation of Science Fiction Success • (1954) • poem by Isaac Asimov (variant of The Foundation of S. F. Success)
178 • The Other Inauguration • (1953) • short story by Anthony Boucher
192 • Anderson-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas and Poul Anderson
194 • When Half-Gods Go • (1953) • short story by Poul Anderson
205 • Dick-Editors Correspondence • essay by Philip K. Dick
207 • The Little Movement • (1952) • short story by Philip K. Dick
216 • The Naming of Names • (1953) • poem by Anthony Boucher [as by Herman W. Mudgett]
218 • Lists • essay by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas
224 • Smith-Editors Correspondence • essay by J. Francis McComas and Evelyn E. Smith
226 • The Last of the Spode • (1953) • short story by Evelyn E. Smith
231 • Asimov-Editors Correspondence • essay by Isaac Asimov
235 • Flies • (1953) • short story by Isaac Asimov
242 • Dickson-Editors Correspondence • essay by Gordon R. Dickson
244 • Listen! • (1952) • short story by Gordon R. Dickson (variant of Listen)
251 • Porges-Editors Correspondence • essay by Arthur Porges
255 • The Devil and Simon Flagg • (1954) • short story by Arthur Porges
261 • Limerick • (1951) • poem by Anthony Boucher [as by Herman Mudgett]
264 • Predictions • essay by Anthony Boucher
268 • Brave New Word • (1954) • short story by J. Francis McComas
280 • Norton-Editors Correspondence • essay by Anthony Boucher and Andre Norton
282 • Mousetrap • (1954) • short story by Andre Norton
289 • Bretnor-Editors Correspondence • essay by J. Francis McComas and Reginald Bretnor
292 • Cat • (1953) • short story by Reginald Bretnor [as by R. Bretnor]
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chuvaflutuante · 1 year
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Eu postei 46 vezes em 2022
Foram 43 posts a mais do que em 2021!
43 posts criados (93%)
3 posts reblogados (7%)
Blogs que você mais reblogou:
Eu marquei 44 posts meus em 2022
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#floatingrain - 42 posts
#design - 42 posts
#spirit fanfics - 40 posts
#elisabarbosa - 29 posts
#blackpink - 27 posts
#lisa - 25 posts
#jungkook - 18 posts
#bts - 17 posts
#liskook - 16 posts
#spotify - 16 posts
Maior tag: 18 caracteres
#ficção adolescente
Meus principais posts em 2022:
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(16.07.22) Vida Simples
As imagens utilizadas nessa capa foram retiradas desse moodboard feito pelo blog @also-web
7 notas - publicadas em 16 de julho de 2022
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(06.11.22) Art Avenue
Testando finalizar com topaz, simplesmente apaixonada [!!!!!]
7 notas - publicadas em 7 de novembro de 2022
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(30.11.22) Amores & Flores
ACABOU! Tem tanta capa pra refazer, mas acho que só essas tá bom. Hora de fazer coisa nova; adotem meus bebês, já tenho muita história pra escrever 😅 Bom, sobre a capa, eu fiz o melhor que eu pude.
🌱 Disponível para doação!
9 notas - publicadas em 2 de dezembro de 2022
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(01.09.22) From My Balcony - Liskook
Estreando o mês com uma capitcha pro meu xodó no estilo @purrsrecall <3 (Still With You - Jung Kook.mp3) 🎼
11 notas - publicadas em 1 de setembro de 2022
Meu post nº 1 de 2022
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(02.08.22) Answer - Liskook
11 notas - publicadas em 2 de agosto de 2022
Veja a sua Retrospectiva 2022 →
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punerealestate22 · 1 year
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Raviraj Realty Avenues: 93 Avenue, 99 Avenue, West Avenue
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irregardlessly-tish · 2 years
Spotify game. How about 62 and 93?
62: We can't stop - Boyce avenue
There's no 93 because apparently I only listened to 91 songs lol
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
From Samuel to Cyrus: A fresh look at the History of the Packard Family [part 1]
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One of the graphics used in my family history.
Over the past year, I've put together a family history. I created two versions. One of them is aimed at the general public (with the title of this post) and the other is just for circulation among my family members. Today, I am publishing the version that is for the general public. The other includes personally identifiable information and would pertain to a certain lineage off the Packard family to another family, as this blog is about the Packard family, not that family. As a result, that family history will not be posted on this blog. But there are still significant avenues to explore! As they always say, genealogy is never over (that's why I created this blog). This is, as William Hermann commented below, "quite an accomplishment."
Note: This was originally posted on Nov. 5, 2017 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
Over the past year, I've put together a family history. I created two versions. One of them is aimed at the general public (with the title of this post) and the other is just for circulation among my family members. Today, I am publishing the version that is for the general public. The other includes personally identifiable information and would pertain to a certain lineage off the Packard family to another family, as this blog is about the Packard family, not that family. As a result, that family history will not be posted on this blog. But there are still significant avenues to explore! As they always say, genealogy is never over (that's why I created this blog). This is, as William Hermann commented below, "quite an accomplishment."
Here is the link to the family history I worked on. In connection with my last post, it does talk a bit about Theophilus Packard (see page 45 where he is called "Theophilus D" Packard and "Theophilus Packard" and "Rev. Theophilus Packard" on page 58), but my recent post expands upon that.
And yes, it was prepared in August, but I've just tweaked it a bit before posting it on here.
The following is the outline of the chapters within the family history (I wish I had been able to hot link them in the PDF so you could go to a specific chapter, but I haven't figured out how to that yet unfortunately):
Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………...…………………………..pages 3 to 4 Family tree chart for reference…………………………………...………page 5 and 6 Chapter I: The Packards in good ‘ole England…...……………………...pages 6 to 8 Chapter II: Escaping the throes of persecution……...…………………...pages 9 to 15 Chapter III: The Packards in Bridgewater...……………………………..pages 16 to 20 Chapter IV: Samuel, the Bridgewater yeoman...………………………....pages 21 to 26 Chapter V: The children of Samuel and Elizabeth……………………….pages 27 to 32 Chapter VI: Zaccheus and Sarah’s family………………………………..pages 33 to 43 Chapter VII: The family of John and Lydia………………………………pages 44 to 51 Chapter VIII: Barnabas I and Sarah’s family………………………….…pages 52 to 58 Chapter IX: Barnabas, Mary, and Plainfield……………………………..pages 59 to 64 Chapter X: The last Barnabas, Ruth Snow, and Cameron, Missouri……..pages 65 to 70 Chapter XI: The Civil War, William, Rachel, and Massachusetts....……...pages 71 to 81 Chapter XII: Cyrus, Dora, and the last of the Packards….....……………pages 82 to 92 Concluding remarks and photographs…………………………………....pages 93 to 95
Below are some graphics I included in my family history but can be used by others with my permission (comment below here if you'd like permission) since I'm always interested in those researching the Packard family!
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Photo from World's End, could like what Bear's Cove looked like when Samuel Packard landed in Hingham on the Diligent.
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Another photo from World's End
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Yet another photo from World's End
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Final photo from World's End
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Marriage certificate of Cyrus Packard and Clementina Cheney. From a family history submitted to the Plainfield Historical Society.
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Card about admin of Henry C Packard's estate
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What the Hingham shoreline would have looked like.
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Family of Barnabas Packard 1850
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Family of Barnabas Packard 1860
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Barnabas Packard (I think) in agriculture schedule of census.
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Charles E Packard Admin
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Cyrus W Packard admin (1)
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Cyrus W Packard admin (2)
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The old barn attached to this house, in Plainfield, was previously owned by Packards from what I was told.
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Plainfield Town Hall at the present.
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Graphic that I created building on a local history of Plainfield.
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Dawes Cemetery (1)
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Dawes Cemetery (2)
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Dawes Cemetery (3)
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Sometime in the 1870s, a better picture of the Packard family at this time is in my family history.
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© 2017-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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