#700 followers meme
pascalsbby · 9 months
Hot Single Dad of The Neighborhood
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Summary: It used to be benzos to take off the sharp pain of the day, this life- now it’s Joel fucking Miller.
Warnings: mdni, 18+, eventual smut (c’mon…wouldn’t be a celebration without it)
This is satire. Kinda. It’s me laughing at myself & my love for this fictional man. But you’re laughing along, because you get it. Let me know what you think!!
This is a part of my 700 follower’s celebration. Read the detailed description here 🩷
It all started with this:
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Let me set the scene:
It’s 9:45pm on a Friday, and this is better than having the house to yourself. This is the time of week where we tuck our children (and husbands) in, and we gather around this shitty glass table as the tales are whispered through. It starts off with your usual: sugar-salted peach margaritas turned to two, a joint, and then the riveting conversation of, “now who would leave that dick?”
We call ourselves ‘Joel Miller’s Neighborhood Wives’. It’s a mouthful. But we like a mouthful. So- sit down, have a smoke, a wee little drink, and listen to the goss.
The neighborhood wives (Kat, Kali, Chloe on the right of you, Kit, Vic, Bug & Angela to the left) are all cuddled around Kat’s patio, enacting a dramatic retelling of ‘who the fuck is Joel Miller?’ Himself, somewhere across the street, wondering why every now and then he hears a chorus of squeals. Then, he smiles to himself and wishes he had the guts to grace y’all with his presence. He’s not invited though.
This is the first time you’ve hung out with them, and maybe the last, tbh. No way this Miller guy is worth all this fuss.
And, action.
It used to be benzos to take off the sharp pain of the day, this life- now it’s Joel fucking Miller. We take whatever we can get from him, between when we hear his truck two streets over, lightly running across the hollow wooden floors to put on our slippers. The low growl from his truck pipes (or yours) grows louder as he turns the corner onto the street. We watch as he drops out of the truck and thuds against the concrete, slamming that damn door closed. Probably how he lets all his ladies know he’s home. Our eyes follow his form, tapping all the way up to his front door before he takes those goddamn cowboy boots off. We stumble out of the front door and check the mail. Well, only for the third time that morning. What? We are all always expecting something, alright? You catch what you can before his shoulders disappear through the blue-chipped front door, right back into his house. We close the mailboxes simultaneously and sadly drip back to our front doors. No hello’s today.
Sometimes later in the night before supper, you’ll see the door shaped hole widen in the darkness, warmth boasting from behind as Joel’s form takes up the light, smiling as he pats Tommy on his way inside. Tommy usually drinks too much and stays the night, so we sit back and tend to the family. We ride our delusions in the meantime. Then, the cycle continues. It’s like… the cycle of life. You know?
He seems like your typical gentleman, Joel. A Southern-raised man, one who would let you be his nuclear-family sweetheart. Cook for him, clean for him, spread *it open for him, let his massive fucking hands feel any part of you they wanted. Especially if that meant they were to explore more under the stiff shirtwaist dresses. Or in. We would all rather him in.
Spread, what, exactly? Oh yeah dude, sorry. I meant: *Cunt, asshole, any part of you he wanted to look down the middle of and split open, really. We aren’t shy about it when it comes to talking to each other. Obviously.
The aforementioned Tommy?
That’s his brother, probably about seven or eight years younger. He is a beau too, but he doesn’t seem the type to really fuck it out of ya. I mean sure, he has done his fair share of fucking around with the moms’ of the neighborhood, too. Bug even whispered a tale of Tommy going after those mom’s college daughters, swooping in to help clean the pool before setting them gently on the concrete and swiping their panties to the side as he buried his face in them. He always made sure they were at least 22. This is only moments after the pretty younger girls make their way back into the pretty, white iron gates afront their parents' houses.
Fair enough, he has the same curls wrapping down the base of his neck, kissing the skin beneath them. He has the ‘Miller Smirk’ - what the town wives call it. The Miller brothers are known throughout the neighborhood for their distinct brand of charm. Both possess an effortless charisma that begs you to get on your knees. But they never let us. Sad. Their shared features aren’t few, but none are as similar and charming as their half-smiles. Grins always slightly tilted, as if they were sharing an inside joke with each other but not the rest of the world.
So of course Tommy is desired to an extent, physically, of course. Emotionally? Probably not. But shit, you’d have both if you could. Paris looks great this time of year. Anyways.
He wasn’t the Miller we all grappled over and wanted so deeply, despite a metal band around our fingers (or not). His competency and willingness. They way he looks at his daughter. Oh yeah…girl dad. The way he looks in the Texas heat. His back, flexed and sweating through his too-tight shirt. “The day that man wears a white shirt and it’s over 90 degrees- I will drop fucking dead. Someone take care of the kid for me,” Kat.
There’s been one story about Joel that is retold over and over like it’s fuckin’ Genesis Chapter 3, creation and all. The story on how, why, we all got here to begin with. No one can agree who first told it. Angela or Bug, shit…was it Chloe? Okay, okay, it really doesn’t matter at the moment. Just listen.
It was late August, three years ago. Hot and dripping with the dead-end heat of summer. Almost as if it was giving all it could before the last of it sputtered out and away, knowing Fall was right around the corner to take its place- happy to finally have a rest. A for sale sign that had been smiling at you for months was suddenly gone, the dirt still fresh from where it had been happily ripped. Joel Miller, Mr. Texas cowboy himself showed up one day as the crickets started singing, he kissed the cicadas goodbye for the season, unloaded the Miller Construction van and then he never left. A few weeks later after he and his brother fixed up the place, a little girl was running up the concrete to the front door. But there was no wife.
When he moved into the neighborhood, a new era dawned. It was one where the wives would rather mow the lawn, take the trash cans out on Wednesday nights, and tend to the long-forgotten garden. No really, all of our gardens are pristine now. Because somewhere not too far away there was a beautiful, muscular man with a mustache you wanted to wet, and God, his nose. A nose that was prominent even a few houses down, sun setting behind as it sat there strong and just uh- you knew a nose like that would be tickling your clit while he used his tongue other places. Or the other way around, whichever way you were sitting. Whatever way he wanted you to sit.
It was something about that deep navy cotton shirt his chest and shoulders grace about once or twice a week. The other is some form of a Lakers’ tee, yellow or purple, love-worn but scrunched up and stretched in the right places. You’ll see. Maybe that in itself, how it wraps around his sun-bathed/loved/kissed skin is the reason for everyone’s fever induced fluster. Maybe it’s the drawl, and the fact he absolutely drips of sex.
Most interactions end with deep breaths leaning against the door, knocking on your chest. Or texting the group message (we’ll add you in a minute, it’s called JMW)((Joel Miller’s Whores)). He always has something to say, something to coo at you while you in turn try not to purr back… at least with your mouth. Although no, because you would purr around him with your mouth if he’d only ask for it.
But you? Metaphorically, denoting us all. No, he would never look down upon you, between his eyelashes and brooding smile, dark, tanned skin smelling of the day- “want you to pull the pretty dress up and get on your knees. I’m tired from the day, workin’ so hard for this family. Leas’ you could do is suck my cock, no?” And he didn’t know it, but he was right. He did work so hard for this family. He was your maladaptive daydreaming, he’s what you giggle at during fake conversations, he was the cock slipping between your hungry folds at night.
Instead, it was half-baked smiles and short waves in the drop off line in the morning. He walks Sarah in, every single day. She’s getting to the age where she seems like she’d deter the sweet action, but she doesn’t- she loves him that much. We never see him in the afternoon, his barely-present wife (he has to have a wife, right? Like Bug says, “I mean look at him”), was probably the one picking up Sarah. Probably taking her to some even bigger house on the richer side of town because it's her turn to watch her. How the hell could you leave someone like Joel?
But regardless, we never see her. Never have the entire time we’ve peeked out of our blinds, running to turn off the lamp so no one can see the strip of light coming from the window.
He has never brought a woman inside of that house, let alone has anyone left it. Once, Tommy brought a girl to their Thanksgiving dinner and Vic told Kit she had come alone, first, and hugged Joel. That “Joel was extra smiley to her.” Moral of the story, we don’t know for sure if he’s still married or he’s just somehow keeping that dick to himself.
Jesus, Kat retold that story for three fucking weeks. But, we don’t really blame her. It was how it all began.
Don’t get me wrong, Joel Miller is available- if that pesky little wasp hive directly atop your living room window is getting out of hand, and you just happen to be a single mom who so desperately needs a man’s touch. Not like that. Well, yeah like that. Then, you could count on Joel Miller to back up his old blue truck bed into your driveway, set up his ladder, and allow you to spend the next hour watching through the window as his shirt pulls up his stomach as he does his diligent work.
His v-lines kissed by veins and tufted black hair towards his middle, peeking up and saying hello every time his jeans got a little too low. Musta forgot his usual belt. Or maybe his work belt was a tad too heavy today. Uh, to take that pressure off of his back for him, and into your hands.
But him owing you? That’s a different kind of available. It was a week later, the morning before the mom gathering, and you had only seen Joel once. Yes… peaking through your blinds. Then you heard his voice.
“Hi ma’am,” he waved, turning your attention from where you were setting your bags in the car. “Sarah, ask the pretty lady what you wanted, don’t make her wait any longer in this heat.” He was loading his work tools into the bed of his pickup. Another bed of his you’d like to grace.
Shit. Maybe this Miller was worth the fuss.
Part 2 later this week babes <3 It will be an actual fic, hehe.
@justagalwhowrites @cool-iguana @strang3lov3 @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @netherfeildren @chloeangelic
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miyamiwu · 1 year
Tumblr is messing up my follower count...
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
the neurodivergent urge to sort every image and reference into a box labeled with the name of the friend it reminds u of, before going into a fugue state until u have delivered unto them the contents of their box
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gimbledim · 3 months
i just unfollowed A LOT of people, trying to get down to basics. if we were mutuals or you know me and i unfollowed you by mustake lmk♡
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conways · 2 years
thinking abt pawsibly making an n s fw sideblog so i can rb without being embarrassed... thoughts
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
25 asks :00000
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@ocinstituterep (Posts in question)
The cooling suits they wear at the beach are the same ones they wear under their uniforms :00 And it doesn't necessarily reflect the sun,, its just a battery powered suit that keeps them cool :}
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I wasn't pressured into drawing the art exactly,, but all the questions about it did push me a little into looking into the series more.. That's not really a bad thing though, I did enjoy drawing those pictures soooo-
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I get this question a lot <XD When I was first designing my sona I wanted to add something to their hands. At the time my hands were covered in Band-Aids from dry skin and cat scratches. So I thought "Hey! Bandaged/bloody hands would be cool and edgy :DD" So I added them <XDD
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Oh yeah, that episode was a bit odd huh? XD I think in my version of Octonauts they didn't go all the way down to its stomach- maybe just into the mouth and got the Puffer fish out.
Now the REAL episode that I basically 100% cut is the cone snail episode. You know why? Cone snails are estimated to have poison strong enough to kill 700 people! And there's NO antidote!! NO ONE would have survived being stung. Not even the Captain. They all would have died and left Peso abandoned on a ship full of the bodies of his friends in the middle of the ocean... :x pretty dark huh-
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Thank you! :DD
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XD I was getting tired of Gregory being a little snot. In game and in the fandom. So once again I made a character good out of spite! XDD
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The basis for my Kirby Anime AU is I just found a way to add all the Metaknights to the story. You know, Axe knight, Mace night, Javelin Knight,,, etc.
This is obviously a SUPER angsty AU. For example, Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower and best friend. But then he sacrificed himself to save Metaknight. Thinking he failed his soul was restless and he now wanders the galaxy fighting Monsters and honoring Metaknights name.. Not knowing that Metaknight survived. Its a REALLY long story that I should ramble about sometime XDD
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I would advise against it,, there are plenty of good reaction images out there to find! I should know, I have 996 of them saved! I'm almost at 1000! XDD
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Thank you! And not at the moment no- but I might draw him again someday :}}
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Noooooothingggg... :}}}
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I think its because the poor guy probably doesn't have enough free time to practice consistently. Being the Captain he likely has so much to do all the time.. and when he can finally sit down and indulge in hobbies,, he likely would just rather relax and read a book instead. :( Poor fella
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Ah, sorry. I don't know of any. <:/
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I have actually! :DD I did not sleep good that night :}}}
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Thank you so much!!!! :DD
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Thank you so much! And as for the memes.. ehh, I'd say just to be safe, don't make em. Comments are more than enough. The first thing I do when I wake up is check Tumblr and see if anyone left a comment on my posts. Literally! Comments are the best thing you can give me!
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Heck yeah, that's the best part! <XDDD
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It definitely depends on my mood, I'm split 50/50 on which one I enjoy more :000
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:DDD Thank you so much!! That means a lot!
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
<XD Thankfully no, Jangles is not an iPad kid. He was just playing on my phone because Bibi and I were conked out and he was bored XDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I don't care what's canon or not. I wont be drawing any lovey-dovey/shippy content unless its with my own original characters. Its just not my thing man, 🤷‍♂️
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Thank you! And yeah if I were you I'd ditch pinterest. Any time I have been browsing artwork on google and clicked the link, It always took me to some stolen artwork on pinterest. I'd just rather people never found me then have found me through stolen art on pinterest..
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I have not :0 sounds thrilling though! :D
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kris-mage-fics · 5 months
Since I always forget what tag to look up to find my own writing, I made this pinned post. Fandoms are listed in alphabetical order, and the individual fics in chronological order of when they were published. Original work is listed last. Only if it's relevant will I note if something hasn't been beta read, any romantic pairing(s), and significant content warnings.
Edit: Now contains links to silly meme/text post compilations! Currently only for Shepherds of Haven, but who knows, some may come for other fandoms in the future!
Ebon Light
A New Room | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 1,532 words | vague spoilers for the end of the game | Haron/MC | Haron is excited to show Natasha her new room in Lonre's manor. (This is the first fic I ever wrote, and close to the first piece of fiction overall. I've improved since, but I'm still proud of this because it kicked off my writing.)
Had it Been Anyone Else | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 2,090 words | spoilers for several parts of the game on Ernol's route | Ernol/MC | Pure angst of Haron trying to hide his feelings for Ilyana since she's in love with his brother.
Scarlet Hollow
Fog | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 411 words | no spoilers, set two days before the game begins | no beta | The cousin Tabitha's never met, and the town she has to keep running, occupy her thoughts Saturday morning.
Smoke | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 504 words | some spoilers for early Episode 3 and a Street Smart cousin | no beta | Isaacs' thoughts as he waits for Haley Scarlet Wednesday morning. (Tbh I think this is my weakest work, it's not bad, but I think the rest are better.)
The Secret of the Greenhouse | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 411 words | no spoilers, set before the game starts and not canon compliant | Tabitha hates taking care of whatever is in the greenhouse, but now she's the only one who can. (Based on my pre-Episode 4 ideas about the Goop Teddy fan theory.)
Shepherds of Haven
The Best Proof of Love is Trust | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 939 words | spoiler for the beginning of Chapter 3 (if you've played the public demo you're good) | content advisory: vaguely referenced suicidal thoughts | After Blade asks Kyrahlise if she's had 'nightmares' like that before, she remembers something her mother told her, and how that has guided her in the years since.
An Unlikely Engagement | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 700 words | very, very light spoiler for Chapter 8 (if you follow the ShoH tumblr you probably already know it) | Blade/MC | Someone is quite surprised to find out that Kyrahlise is engaged to Blade.
Original Stories
Hic et Nunc | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated M for mild sexual content | 1,069 words | Original Female Character/Original Non-Binary Character | An argument between a swordswoman and a mage leads to them working out some feelings they'd been skirting around. (Instead of getting fancy with a Latin title I could've just called it "Kris' first real attempt at writing sexual tension" lol!)
Meme / Text Post Compilations
Shepherds of Haven
Chase, Chase take 2 MC and "adventurous" Mages Like half of the Shepherds, lol
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vilnmelling · 12 days
Figured I'd do a little intro!
'Sup! My name's Vil N. Melling, and I go by she/her pronouns. I'm 19 years old, I'm from quaint little Sweden, I'm a rare species of Hatchetfield fan that's cishet (I was brought here by a couple of lesbians: my sister and her girlfriend), and while I'm not officially diagnosed, if I'm not neurodivergent there's just something unrelated that's terribly wrong with my brain.
I'm a writer currently swept up in a Hatchetfield hyperfixation. While I'm nerding out about Hatchetfield, I'm also writing my second book and editing my debut novel. NPMD also managed to suck me back into fanfiction writing after only writing original works for two years!
Hatchetfield favorites
Characters: Richie's in first place, closely followed by Paul. After that it's a big ol' tie between Ruth, Emma, Miss Holloway, Wiggly and for some reason, Trevor.
Musical: Nerdy Prudes Must Die easily takes the cake for me.
Songs: High School Is Killing Me, The Summoning, Let It Out, Bully the Bully, Literal Monster, What If Tomorrow Comes, Time Bastard and Virginity Rocks
StarKid actor: Jon Matteson, if you couldn't guess from that list of favorite characters (and from a whole bunch of my posts)
Hatchetfield ships
Ships I ship: Paulkins (Paul Matthews + Emma Perkins) (favorite) Lautski (Stephanie Lauter + Pete Spankoffski) Flipschitz (Ruth Fleming + Richie Lipschitz) Lexthan (Lex Foster + Ethan Green) Barneston (Tom Houston + Becky Barnes) Holloduke/Holloweane (Miss Holloway + Duke Keane) Swedish Barbecue (Trevor Lipschitz + Rudolph) I can see Tedlotte (Ted Spankoffski + Charlotte Sweetly) Legally Blonde (Gary Goldstein + Linda Monroe) in a "they have a regular affair" kinda way Alice and Deb if they work a bit on trust and boundaries And of course, Henry Hidgens and his six boyfriends
Ships I'll gladly stay away from, please and thank you: Max and Richie ANY Human x Lord in Black Paul and Emma with anyone but each other (they are fucking meant to be)
Any ship that wasn't mentioned in either, assume I'm neutral about it.
Other fandoms
Arcane. Arcane's undoubtedly the best story I've ever seen. It's the main inspiration behind my steampunk fantasy trilogy, and I fucking adore it.
Newsies. The first musical I liked! (The only other musical I actually care about-). It was my 2021 hyperfixation, as evidenced by the fact that I have an (now inactive) Instagram fan page with 700+ posts. If you wanna check it out, it's newsies_square.
While I'm not really active in any other fandoms, I do really like The Umbrella Academy, the Grishaverse (more specifically Six of Crows), The Good Place, Encanto, Gravity Falls, Modern Family and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Other platforms
I'm all over the place, baby B)
Instagram: vil.n.melling_cant.write (writing tips + writing memes + incorrect quotes + occasional content about my books) vil.n.melling_cant.draw (where I post my drawings) vil.n.melling_stealfromtherich (a page just for stuff about my book (titled Steal From The Rich)
YouTube Vil N. Melling. I've published one NPMD analysis (as well as a couple of other analysis and writing tip videos), and I'm planning on making a good few more of them!
TikTok vil.n.melling_cant.write (mostly book marketing, but also a few writing/reading memes)
I'll soon have my first Hatchetfield fanfic up on AO3, at which point this will be updated to feature my handle there!
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fatallyfalling · 2 months
Bitter water 0.07 outfit designs coming this weekend <3 (i’ll link them in the chapter once they’re up!)
I’ve started 0.08 and i’m kicking my feet and giggling so hard guys you have no idea ! I’m so glad to be back college has been hell the gods have not been kind but thank you so much for sticking around and enjoying my silly writing <3
Happy 700 followers ?!
i was sitting at a solid 600 the night i posted 0.07 and i’ve been gobsmacked by the outpour of love <3
All i can say is thank you - i see every like reblog and comment and they truly make my day and i love making memes and sharing silly headcanons and responding to everyone <3
i’ll stop being mushy now i give you all hugs and forehead kisses <33
{{ tags }}
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evilwickedme · 8 months
Re the Israel situation: how are you doing, mentally and physically? Are you (relatively) safe?
So like here's thing.
Physically I am safe. I have yet to end up in a place without a safe room during an alarm - I also managed to be in a place that wasn't under attack during the first 24h bc I was at my parents' place; my actual apt and workplace were, however, major targets, and I've already experienced one alarm and several large booms today.
Luckily as of right now all my friends and family are alive. My brother hasn't been called into reserves yet, but I do know several people who have been, or who are in active duty and are suddenly being called into combat. Frankly, I'm terrified for all of us. I'm fully aware that there is every chance I'm going to end this thing going to funerals, multiples.
I am in the unfortunate position of literally being unable to avoid the news, as I work in a news org subtitling the live segments, which right now is... all the segments. I've already cried today at work as a young girl described her grandmother being murdered and the terrorist who killed her filming her dead body, using her own phone, and putting it on her private Facebook.
It doesn't feel real. I pulled a shift yesterday that was nearly 12 hours long, and then I got up to a siren, and then I had to head to work. I see the numbers rise - 700 Israelis dead, 400 in gaza; 2500 injured Israelis, 2300 gazans. I was closely following the story of the peace music festival down south that was purposefully targeted and the way those people were systematically slaughtered, and then I went online and saw people celebrating over 260 bodies of innocents. Some of them were tourists, bedouins, Arab citizens of Israel. Plenty are themselves activists who've been protesting for 10 months against the current government. But it's dead Jews, so I suppose that's okay.
Those 260 bodies are a so far kinda deal, by the way. They stopped counting.
It's so frustrating to see the kind of rhetoric spread online, the misinfo, the one sided claims. The frankly complete misunderstanding of what is happening here even among leftist Jews, let alone the insane amount of antisemitism and islamophobia and racism in the discourse in general.
Mentally? Mentally I am not okay. I'm losing friendships. I'm blocking dozens of people a day. I am very quickly finding out that there is nowhere safe for me to be, except right here where I am. The people around me who share my plight and are trying to survive and help others as much as they can. Mentally I've been in a hard place for a very long time, but I thought I was getting better, and I don't know what's going to happen now.
I'm alive, tho. And I'm safe.
Here's a meme my dad laughed at.
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fereldensheroes · 2 months
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◈ NAME: Lewind, Lew, Sarah
◈ PRONOUNS: She/her
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Nimue is most active!
◈ RP PET PEEVES?: Fanon. Fanon bleeding into rp. It was really bad in the Teen Wolf fandom where everyone had headcanons about the characters that they started thinking were true and it would get me in trouble if I didn't follow what was "expected".
◈ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I've been rping since 2005. I started out on World of Warcraft, moved to a site called ChickenSmoothie and did forum rp there, then a couple of other forum sites including one with a 700 word per post minimum. Then in... 2013? I ended up on Tumblr. I still rp on WoW, though. 
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: I don't really do smut at all, not my thing unless I really trust the partner. Fluff's always nice. Angst, though? Angst is where we THRIVE. ...I do want some romantic plots though. Romantic angst :o  
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES: Either!! Threads tend to go for longer if plotted, but memes are fun situational things and icebreakers! What I reaaaaally love is being talked to OOC. Come ramble about your character or ideas you have for situations and threads. Just talk about our characters! That gets me so hyped!!! 
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I tend to stay in a 1-3 para range. It depends on the thread and what I'm given to work with. I try not to write when I'm not feeling it to avoid giving people less than they're worth.  
◈ TIME TO WRITE: All over the place. Could be a few minutes, could be a week. I suffer from a feel chronic conditions and mental health issues which make me not always able to write or think well. As said above, I wanna give my rp partner my best! I do tend to write at night, though!  
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I try not to be. I try to pick muses that I don't see myself in specifically. Still, they can have bits? They can feature my hyperactivity sometimes, my overthinking. And Gwen is straight up a reflection of my homesickness sometimes.  
❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: @ferinehuntress & @stella-sanguis <3   ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: anyone who hasn't been!! 
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chierafied · 3 months
Opening Lines Tag
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks so much for the tags to @annabtg, @mppmaraudergirl and @eastwindmlk!! Love you guys! 😘💕 I've done this same kind of tag a few times, a year or two ago, but if you're curious, the previous Opening lines memes are here and here! Also because my feed had been overtaken by jily microfics ever since the House Cup happened and because I feel very bad for my SessKag followers (sorry guys, they're giving me fake internet points for every micro I write and there's a competition to win), I'm going to post the opening lines of my 5 most recently posted jily fics AND 5 most recently posted SessKag fics. 😘💕
Predicament | G, 100 words
James Potter’s laughter rings in the Gryffindor Common Room.
Uneasy | G, 150 words
James walked back from the Hospital Wing, his steps soft, his shoulders stiff and his wand-arm at the ready.
Enraged | G, 130 words
James bit into his toast and absently picked up the Daily Prophet.
Zealous | G, 220 words
The zealous gleam in her eyes bides ill and Lily’s muscles tense in anticipation.
Ashes | T, 100 words
It only takes one split second for your life to shatter.  
Heart and Home - Chapter 4 | T, 100 words
They had servants.
Honey, I'm Home | G, 750 words
The pair of elegant designer stiletto heels greeting Kagome at the entrance way of her house was the first clue that something was up.
Sweet Success | T, 300 words
Sesshoumaru leaned against a pillar on the engawa, holding a sake dish.
Time To Get Up | T, 700 words
Kagome lay on her futon.
Louder Than Words: Reprise - Chapter 2 | G, 915 words
Sesshoumaru had no trouble with machines.
I prefer shorter opening sentences to longer ones. I almost always start with the POV character, or then the character the POV character is observing.
I rarely seem to open with description of the setting. I guess, especially in fics this short, I prefer to get straight to the point.
Tagging @kaoruhana08, @jafndaegur, @stonecoldhedwig, @deadlyglacier, but no obligation whatsoever. 😘💕💖
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mammonsbby · 2 years
F with Mammon?
Hanging out with Mammon was never boring. Even when the two of you are just sitting beside each other on his couch scrolling on your phones, you stay entertained. Of course, part of the reason is that roughly every thirty seconds, Mammon has to show you something on his phone.
You’ve been counting the seconds and, right on cue, his finger connects with your shoulder. And you turn your head towards him for the fifteenth time in as many minutes. “Yeah?”
“Watch this!” He says, beaming as he hands you his phone. You think it’s going to be another meme or viral video, but as soon as you press play, you can tell it’s going to be an advertisement of some kind. You pause and look back at Mammon, raising a brow. 
“Just watch it!” He whines.
You oblige, restarting the video, and Mammon scoots closer to you to watch over your shoulder. Didn’t he just watch this?
The camera moves through a lush, overgrown forest then pans across a dark body of water reflecting only moonlight. It moves quickly, up a cliff and, when it reaches the top, there’s a pair of feet standing on the edge. After a few seconds, the music swells and the person they belong to falls backwards off the cliff, making you gasp as he plummets towards the lake.
Your eyes widen when a pair of very familiar wings unfurls from his back, just before he can hit the black water. The batlike wings beat once then twice, pulling him up, up, up, until he’s just a silhouette backlit by the moon’s light behind him. Then the camera zooms in on his face. 
On gorgeous brown skin and blue eyes framed by snow white hair. 
On a fangy smirk.
The demon licks his lips, then winks. A voice over says some kind of slogan, but it doesn’t register in your mind. The video fades to black and Mammon takes his phone back and smiles. “Whaddaya think?”
“You’re so pretty.” You say.
A flush creeps up his face, darkening his cheeks, and he scratches his head. “Uh, I… I meant the ad. See, I signed on to be the face of this new—”
“I don’t need perfume. Or demonus. Or condoms. Or whatever you’re selling.” You say, waving your hand. 
“Condoms? Weren’t you payin’ attention?” Mammon pouts. 
“I was… To you. Lemme see.” You grab for his phone and he holds it away from you.
“You really wanna watch it again?” He asks, raising a brow.
You nod insistently, “Yeah. You’re so sexy when you fly.”
Mammon’s blush deepens and he swallows. “Really?”
“Yes!” You say, already replaying the video in your mind. The way his shoulders and back muscles moved with his wings. His toned arms and sculpted chest. The cocky smirk that usually gets on your nerves. The wink.
“Well, ya know, you could watch the real thing anytime. Heck, I might even be persuaded to fly you somewhere if you think I’m so sexy.” His words seem confident, but his voice doesn’t match. His eyes are trained on yours. 
“If you wanted me to.” Mammon says. God, he’d do anything you wanted him to. If you asked him for the moon, he’d find a way to pull it down. If you wanted his heart, he’d pull it out of his chest and hand it to you. 
Luckily, your desires are more simple. 
“Fly me somewhere?” You ask softly. 
Mammon smiles and changes forms, then picks you up bridal style, “Hold on tight.”
700 follower prompt list!
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daz4i · 6 months
4 and 23 for Atsushi?
thank you bestie <3
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
smth chill like animal crossing. so he can get a fucking break for once
askldjfghjgh more seriously tho. putting him in bnha. at least the early stages of the story where things are a bit more chill (and also bc i haven't been following later parts). first of all he would hit it off with deku and i wanna see it happen, second i think living in a world where abilities/quirks are normalized will allow him to explore other ways to control the tiger and figure out how to maximize his abilities. also i was listening to the first bnha op when typing this so it's the first thing that came to my mind
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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what if i cried and exploded 700 times
character ask meme
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700 Follower Milestone?!?
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What?! Wow! Another milestone crossed, and right before the new year too! Never did I think making this blog this year in May would lead to 700 followers and counting by December’s end. Here’s another thanks all who follow, like, and send in submissions and questions to keep the blog fun and active. I couldn’t have done it, and have the motivation to create more, without all the support.
And here’s to 2024! When our anticipated season 3 releases and more memes and incorrect quotes can be made. Cheers!
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Hi. I'm just curious. Maybe You can explain it or telle.how it works!? I have no idea...
There is a thing with new blogs or blogs that are not 100% arcana related that make really nice fan arts or headcanons or memes that are totally lacking in likes and reblogs and then some posts just randomly hit 200 hearts in one day. Does it have something to do withcreator past on Tumblr or there are some unwritten rules or it's just magic of followers and users not checking the arcana tag in main searching bar ? Because sometimes I see good content (or something that looks nice for me) and I don't know if I should like or reblog it because there moght be a secret thing a untold story of person x being problematic in past or something and no one tell others or it's just accidental lottery of what will be enjoyed by mass or what will stay in shadows? Please I'm sometimes literally afraid of liking something if main popular blogs don't attest it before me as nice or safe.
An Arcana Brainrot Essay
Hiya friend!
I get where you're coming from, and to be completely honest, this is something I struggle with a lot in fandom spaces too. I'm going to go ahead and write my little (700 word) essay response in hopes that you find something useful here. I don't have all the answers, but I do have a few tips that have helped me. :)
(You can skip straight to the bold part for my older sibling thoughts on toxic fandom spaces)
About the random posts blowing up, tumblr as a platform works differently from other social medias in that it doesn't really have an algorithm. You encounter new content mostly through what the blogs you follow post/reblog and through the tags you follow. Don't feel weird about checking the tags too often, I scroll through the Arcana's tag at least four times a day because I like to obsess like that. ^.^
Newer blogs also won't have their posts show up until they've been posting regularly for some time (I think it took mine two weeks), and then there's factors like blaze and different posting times to consider. It's not weird to engage with something that has very few likes. It most probably just means that other people haven't had the chance to see it.
About problematic creators and the toxic side of fandoms:
One of the special things about being part of a fandom is sharing an emotional investment in the same content with a whole group of people. Fictional characters, situations, and stories have a capacity to speak to us from inside our imaginations and emotions in a way that most real people can't. It's what fuels such a deep attachment to the content we enjoy together.
It's also why seeing content that you find problematic or maybe just don't vibe with can feel so upsetting. It's easy for creators to say "if you don't like it, scroll past," but that can be hard to do when it concerns a character you're deeply invested in. It takes a decent amount of emotional maturity to agree to disagree with someone's opinions or viewpoints when it's about something that's personally impactful.
The way people follow through on that really ranges. Some people like characters that make them feel safe or comforted, so they stick to the parts of the fandom that focus on canon-typical things and don't delve too much into personal opinions and interpretations. Other people really benefit from using characters and dynamics they relate to to unpack certain things, and that's where you'll find a lot more opinionated discourse. And where you find opinions, you'll find disagreement, and when that disagreement concerns emotionally charged subjects, things can get heated and hurtful.
My point is that different types of content engage different types of conversations. Feeling fear or anxiety around which conversations you find yourself in is completely valid, especially when you're not sure who you're listening or talking to. I have two pieces of advice for this:
First, choose wisdom over fear. Make wise choices. If you see something you really like, don't engage with it mindlessly. Think about what you're looking at and recognize what it means to you, and then any engagement that comes of that is a decision you can grow from. If someone asks you later, "why did you like this?" you'll have a good reason, even if it wasn't well informed.
Second, know what you're looking for. All fandoms have toxic and problematic sides, just like how all people have toxic and problematic sides. What makes a difference is what you choose to do with it.
When you want to know if something is good but you're not in a position to judge it, take a look at the space around it. Take a look at the effect it has on other people. Who would feel welcome on this page? Who wouldn't? Who would feel respected by this creator? Who wouldn't? Why is that?
This sounds like a lot of work to do when all you want is to enjoy something you love with other people who love it too. For what it's worth, it gets easier as your brain builds these thought habits. You'll find your space and your people in good time. That's what fandom is really all about in the first place!
If you can't find a logical reason but something or someone just gives you the ick, trust your gut.
Even when you see something that hurts your connection to a character or story you're invested in, learn how to step away.
If you find something new and you're not sure what to think, keep your mind open and engaged.
And finally, be ready to make mistakes. Be ready for the creators you admire to make mistakes. Learn how to forgive yourself, and you'll find that forgiving others comes a little bit more easily too.
Cheers friend, and may you find every good thing you're looking for!
- brainrot
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