#7 Years of being stuck in th Same stupid shit room
brokentoothmarch · 7 months
im Gnna be real i Rly, Rly, RLY Dont wanna turn 21 Later this month
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wypapichulo · 3 years
𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬.
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pairing ; lee donghyuck x reader genre ; fluff, very very slight angst / high school au word count ; 5010 words warnings ; some explicit language? the use of the word 'shit' a few times? playlist ; dive into you – nct dream | walk you home – nct dream | best friend – rex orange county | anti-romantic – txt | can't take my eyes off you – frankie valli | backyard boy – claire rosinkranz author's note ; i hope the ending doesn't sound too rushed,, aah i just lost the vibe and wanted to get it done ;,, i hope it's alright🚶 dt ; @matchaeee <3
Making someone you don't know fall for you would have been easier. Making your best friend fall in love with you? A little bit more of a hassle But not unless they've been in love with you from the start.
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“I can make her fall in love with me in 7 days”
Haechan had said this whilst he was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the small convenience store beside an exasperated looking Jeno. “Hyuck, I’m pretty sure you can’t.”, “No I’m confident!” He continued, sipping his carbonated drink and cutting Jeno off as he spoke, “Look– I know her inside and out, I’m sure I know just the right tricks to make her fall for me!”
Jeno sighed slightly, knowing it was no use to force Haechan to listen to him. “You shouldn’t play with feelings like this…” He started, taking a sip of his own soda, “Can’t you just tell her you like her like a normal person–“, “you’re seriously no fun.” Jeno deadpanned at the statement, hand ready to reach for the brunets to pull his fingers back, “I just wanna see if she really likes me back for real!” he said, hands fidgeting with the rim of the soda can, “I don’t know, what if she doesn’t like me and rejects me when I ask her!”
“So the only logical way to fix that is by ‘making her fall in love with you in seven days’?!” Jeno exclaimed, nearly in tears at his own friend’s stupidity. Haechan grinned, “well if she doesn’t like me yet, she’ll definitely like me by the end of this.”
“I’m going to forget about him in the next 7 days.”
Renjun looked up in surprise at the girl’s statement, never having thought of the day she’d finally say it.
“You won’t.” He stated simply, continuing to sketch the tree outside the window of her room. She whined slightly, turning her attention to the boy in her room, “and what makes you say that?”
“You said that two years ago.”, “I was younger then!”, “Sure you were.”
She groaned, falling back on her bed with a thud, “I need to try… this one-sided shit is getting to me…”
Turning to look at the heap of sadness on the bed, Renjun sighed quietly. “I definitely won’t question you if you tell me you’re still in love with him by the end of it.”
“I’m only trying right?”
“How you doin’ gorgeous~”
To say she was shocked was an understatement. What?
“What do you want Hyuck.” She asked with a deadpan, staring down at the blank page of her notebook. Her plan was to study but it seemed as if the man duped as her best friend had other ideas. “I don’t want anything! Can’t I say nice things about you?” He said, taking the seat across from her.
The library was quiet, save for the few students chattering mutedly by the computers. The whole day Haechan had been fine– normal, so to speak… He sat next to her as usual during lunch–as they barely shared any classes this school year–and joked around for a bit, he stole the milk that she had painstakingly waited behind a line of first years to buy, giving her a presumably empty promise that he’d buy her another one… but then he came in the library and said that?
“You’ve never called me that before,” she scoffed, “and if you have, I’d remember.”
Of course she would. Somehow every compliment he had given her always stuck in her mind, even the few ingenuine ones that came out as jokes. The time he called her quick witted when she replied to one of his jokes, the time he said she was pretty good at math’s when she had explained to him how to find an axis… And of course there was the time he had exclaimed how she was prettier than the girl she had been talking shit about… not one of her best feats but... it was something.
So to have him call her gorgeous, even if it was just as a passing nickname… it was something that made her cheeks burn when she remembered his exact wording of the sentence.
“Well that doesn’t matter does it?” he said, leaning over the table to read through the same passage as she had been going through for the last hour, trying to fit anything and everything in her head. “Are you having trouble with anything?”
“Nothing you can help me with.” She scoffed, turning a page. “Aw, come on, don’t say that!” he laughed aloud, earning him an abundance of shushes from the few students scattered around the area. “I’m sure I, with my great expertise, can help you in some way with–“ he looked down at the chapter’s name, “intercontinental… exchange… what the hell is this–“
She laughed lightly at his confusion, “It’s economics,” she smiled, making his heart race with anticipation for some unknown reason, “you won’t get it.”
“Well maybe if you taught me, I’d understand.” He chuckled softly, sitting properly once more and sighing as he stared at the soft curve of her lips. She blushed lightly, realizing the direction of his eyes and looking back down to her book.
Barely the first day and she was already smitten once more with him… she wondered if she’d ever manage to escape from the trap that was Lee Donghyuck.
Closing her locker up, she nearly went into cardiac arrest as she saw none other than Haechan leaning on the locker right beside hers.
“Donghyuck! You almost gave me a heart attack!” she exclaimed, heart pounding at a thousand beats per second… or not– maybe she was just exaggerating…
He smirked, an image that had always and forever will be engraved into the crevices of her mind. “I hope that’s a good thing?”
She merely rolled her eyes at him, shoving her textbook into her backpack. “no.” she stated with a deadpan, turning to walk away. “Wait uppp!” he whined, following along behind the exasperated girl. If Jeno was tired of him, then she was something else entirely. How she managed to keep up with the outgoing boy was a mystery even to herself.
“Are you busy this weekend?” he asked as he caught up with her and took long steps to follow along with her short quick paces, “I was thinking maybe we could go to that new café that just opened– you know, the library one?”
She kept on walking, but her pace slowed significantly. A small tell to her interest in the subject. He smiled.
“You don’t even like reading much.” She said with a chuckle, “why’d you wanna go there?” She asked softly glancing up at him. “Well… you like reading… so–“ he shrugged slightly “–I thought you’d enjoy it…”
See this was the thing about him. Whenever she had made a commitment to stop thinking about him–leave her feelings for him in the dust–he’d always come back strong, making her feel as if he never wanted her to stop liking him. But what could she do? It seemed as if he never had the slightest interest in being anything other than friends.
She smiled softly, sighing as she opened her mouth to give out a small, “alright.” As her answer to his invitation.
“Great! It’s a date!”
The four words stopped her in her tracks between the horde of students walking to and from to get to their classes.
He only grinned, turning to face her as he walked backwards. “I’ll see you after class!”
She was frozen in place it seemed. Blinking as she watched the retreating back of the boy who had… just asked her out?
Again, confusion had begun to settle in. Was this ‘date’ meant to be a romantic date? Or just– one where they hung out as friends and had coffee?
In her confusion, she had forgotten to ask him about the exact day of which their little ‘date’ was supposed to be on… but she was sure he’d text her everything she needed to know about it, right down to the dress code.
Retracing her thoughts, maybe she was wrong… this might have been the first time he’d ever shown any interest in being anything more than friends… And to be quite honest, it may or may not have scared her…
What would she do if it turned out he really had feelings for her…? DAY 3
“I thought you said you were going to stop liking him.”
She had found Renjun in the art room as per usual, painting away at whatever his heart had decided to explore. The golden particles drifted in from the late afternoon sun as she had just finished up her own after school activity. “I want to… But he’s making it so hard!” she exclaimed, sitting on a table to the side at the back of the room.
Renjun was somehow her only sane friend, and even so, he preferred to stay out of her messy love life with the undeniably annoying Haechan. Not to mention that he couldn’t even talk to Haechan without bursting a nerve. “I don’t understand how you don’t see how annoying the boy is.” He said nonchalantly as he continued to mix and match an array of greens to the trees he had started on. “Just thinking of that should be enough to stir you away from him.”
Sighing in aggravation to her situation, she sticked out her tongue at the back of his head. “I saw that.” He stated, barely even looking up from his canvas. “’course you did…” she grumbled lowly, pouting and looking out of the window.
“That’s just the thing…” she started, her tone soft and her eyes unfocused, “he’s not… annoying…”
Renjun scoffed aloud, nearly keeling over in laughter. “Are you sure about that?” He said in between his dying giggles, turning to finally look at the girl who was now looking at him with an unamused look. “Shut up– you know what I mean!” she cried out in annoyance. He made a face, turning back to his painting and continuing to work on the piece. “Really, when you get to know him– he’s more than that!” she tilted her head back to rest on the cool wall of the classroom.
“Today he actually got me the milk I wanted…” she muttered softly, “It’s not much of course… but…”
“You said the other day that you had to wait a long time to get the milk cause of those underclassmen, so– y’know– I got it for you.”
“But it’s enough for you to stay deeply in love with him isn’t it.” Renjun sighed, knowing that she would start yelling as soon as the thought sunk in her head.
To his surprise, she didn’t. She simply sat in thought in the back of the class, watching as Renjun shrugged and continued with his painting. She mulled it over, what he said, and came to the personal conclusion that he in fact was right. It was no use in fighting the feeling. She really did care for him… a little afraid to say love– but she cared for him immensely nonetheless.
She got off the table and walked towards where Renjun sat with his canvas and patted his shoulder lightly.
“Thanks Renjunnie.”
“I told you not to call me that… makes me sound like a child...” He murmured, rolling his eyes before continuing, “what are you even thanking me for anyways? I didn’t do anything. The feelings were there the whole time.”
Her lips turned up slightly, and she hummed softly before walking towards the door.
“You did more than you think.” She said, turning to look at him once more as she opened the door. He merely looked at her in puzzlement, not understanding just how he had helped her in her quest of love. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow!”
“Yeah… see you…” he muttered quietly, his eyebrows still furrowed in confusion, before shaking his head as the door fell shut.
“Why are all my friends so weird…”
The living room of her house was spacious.
Very much so that she wondered why it felt as if she couldn’t even get a distance away from the clingy boy.
Haechan had come over to help her with some of her class work she was struggling with, and truly, she couldn’t thank him enough for the help… but why did he have to sit so close to her?
He had been reading a passage out to her from the book, shoulders brushing ever so slightly against one another, causing her cheeks to flare with heat. Every single move he made seemed to make her tense up all the more.
She was never like this! Each time they had studied together, even as much as she liked him, it never caused her to blush or fidget as much as she was doing now.
Maybe it was the effect of realizing that he might like her after all… The last three days were such an improvement in that area of their relationship that it made her wonder if he actually had liked her all along and just decided to showcase it all now.
“And that’s why the tectonic pressure in this area is much larger than here.” He explained– arm stretching slightly over her to point at an image on the book. For some unknown reason, she had held her breath ever so slightly as to maybe become stone in the next few seconds. He turned to look at her– their faces not too far from one another, and it was like time had stopped right in that moment, just to make her realize how much trouble she was in by falling for this forsaken boy. She could feel her face redden to the deep color of the roses on the front porch of her house, and suddenly, all she wanted to do was melt into a puddle right there and then.
Oddly enough, he seemed to be reactionless. It was as if the proximity of their faces had absolutely no effect on his own heart, bringing up the question in her mind once more whether he actually held any feelings for her other than the simple platonic ones.
“You weren’t paying attention were you?”
Her eyebrows raised to her hairline, quite literally, at the accusing statement he had thrown upon her. “I– Hey! I was listening!”
Suddenly every single feeling of embarrassment left her body as she pushed him playfully, as a means to get away from him as well. He yelped aloud, his back hitting the couch. “You weren’t!” he called out, a smile beginning to grow on the edges of his lips, “I can tell when you’re listening and when you’re not! And here, you were clearly not!”
She laughed loudly, throwing her head back as she did so. It had been ages since she had laughed so freely, and Haechan soaked up every single moment of it. His smile softened as he watched she tips of her eyes crinkle up and turn into crescents– the sound of her laughter as melodious as his own favorite song. In the moment, he wished so dearly he could just reach over and kiss her face all over, his heard filling up with affection he wished to shower her with.
Her laughter died down and she simply turned to look at him with a look in her eyes that he couldn’t quite place. “I really haven’t laughed that much in a while…” she said softly, watching as he nodded in listening. “I can tell.”
She giggled lightly once more. “Should we go back to studying?” she asked, a teasing smile gracing her features, to which he merely scoffed and laughed at.
“Only if you’ll listen properly this time.”
Another 3 days to go. If he was able to successfully make her fall for him, he’d be able to do all he wanted and more. DAY 5
So maybe accepting a walk home from the person you’re trying to forget about isn’t the best strategy to go with… but– in defense, Haechan had been more the one to tag along home, rather than ask her if she wanted anyone to walk her.
She had gotten used to it… but with the antics of the past week and the upcoming date on the Sunday (Yes he had given her all the information the night before. Yes he sent her every available picture there was of the place. Yes he was very excited and honestly, so was she.), who wouldn’t?
As Saturday was a day where she and the rest of the ’00 liners’–as they all preferred to call themselves (though their whole school year was the ’00 line’ so honestly that nickname was rather stupid)–usually had a game night at either Jeno or Jaemin’s house, both she and Haechan had settled on going to the cute little library-esque café on the Sunday.
The whole way home, Haechan couldn’t help but stare softly as she recounted the events of the day. Again, being in different classes had its perks, as there was always something new to tell each other about.
Every step he took felt heavier. He knew they both were getting closer to her house– every time he saw a bench on the side of the street his instinct would tell him to sit down with her and just talk for longer, wanting to keep all her minutes for himself selfishly.
“So that’s why she was kicked out of the class today– I honestly can’t believe she had the nerve to pull that off!” laughing slightly, she turned to face Haechan, “I’m sure you’d do some stupid shit like that too.”
Haechan snapped out of his short daze if not to cry out words of denial, causing her to laugh even louder at his insistence that he would not blend and eat drink his homework just to get extra time on a project.
“After all, I’m not stupid– I don’t need extra project time since I’m just that smart!” He huffed, glancing to the girl beside him to see if he had gauged a reaction out of her. To his delight, she laughed once more, letting him relish in her melodic laughter. “you’re really full of yourself you know?”
This erupted another fit of laughter and denial to spurt from the two, pitter patting home for the day. “I’m not full of myself! I’m just confident!”, “same difference, Hyuck.” She said between breaths as her laughter finally died down.
He merely huffed and pouted­– turning to the side and glancing at her a few times to gain her remorse for her mean words ; it clearly didn’t work as all she did was giggle softly and shook her head.
The brush of the back of their hands made his heart pound faster. He glanced down to look and there it was, the soft hand he wanted to hold in his so much. He looked back up in a panic– noticing that they were getting closer to her house.
Unknown to him, her heart was just as heavy at the thought of having to part with him for the day. Though she knew tomorrow would be another day that would definitely be spent with him, it made her sorrowful to think of the fact that they’d have to be apart for the night. Cheesy as it may seem.
As they stood in front of the pathway up to her front door, he debated internally on whether or not he should do what he wanted to do or not, his head spinning at the thought of her maybe thinking he was an idiot for what he was about to do. She smiled up at him, a silent goodbye being exchanged between them, before turning around to walk up the pavement to her house.
Her feet stopped, and in turn, so did her heart. In a good way, of course, but it stopped nonetheless. She stayed silent for a moment before turning to face the brunet once more. “Yeah?” she asked quietly, a soft smile present on her features.
His mouth dried up. He had nothing to say– stupid! Why did he stop her like that then?
“I– Uh…” he faltered in his words; eyes still stuck on her face. Lips, to be specific.
She tilted her head slightly in question, wondering what was going through that enigma of a mind everyone called Haechan. “Hyuck?”
He smiled and shook his head, opting to grin at her like the idiot in love he was. “Until we meet again tomorrow~” he said in a mock posh accent which made her giggle lightly behind her hand. She merely shook her head and turned once more, walking up to her front door and opening it slowly, turning to give him one last smile before she closed the door.
There he stood like a lovestruck fool in the middle of her driveway as he watched her back turn as she finally walked into the house.
“I wish I had the courage to give you that hug…” DAY 6
Jeno’s house was the choice of the week, Haechan and Jaemin having pestered him into agreement over where they’d all be bundling into for the afternoon.
“I really don’t see why it should have to be my house!” Jeno whined as he stepped into the living room with snacks in hand, “It was already my house last week! It should be nana’s this week…” he trailed off, grumbling as he stepped over the legs of a serious Haechan and sat between the sole girl in their group and Jaemin on the floor. Jaemin laughed aloud, “you have the comfiest sofa!” he hollered out, earning him a kick from Renjun, who’s legs he was sitting in between.
“You’re not even sitting on the sofa,” Renjun retaliated for Jeno, cutting him some slack, “you’re leaning on my legs.”
“Well they sure are comfy if that’s what you’re implying.” Jaemin said, pressing at the buttons erratically as he flurried to beat Haechan at what seemed to be a simple game of mario kart. Hey, anything to beat Haechan right?
“DAMN!” Haechan yelled, causing the girl seated beside him to jump slightly in her seat. Jaemin only laughed, leaning his head up to look at an unimpressed Renjun.
“Hyuck give me the controller, I’m gonna beat Jaemin.” Renjun said with some form of courage to beat the one and only Nana. “Sure you are,” he said, standing up and handing the controller over to Renjun. “Anymore soda anyone?” he asked, stepping to the side to head over to the kitchen. “I’ll have a soda!”, “alrighty! One soda coming right up!” Haechan called out, turning right out to the kitchen.
“I’m gonna run out of sodas at the rate you’re drinking them…” Jeno murmured to her softly, a giggle erupting out of her lips, “fine then– I’ll have a cup of tea instead, ‘s that better?” she asked softly, smiling at the black-haired boy beside her. Jeno smiled back, his eyes disappearing behind his perfect crescents, “I’ll go get you some then.” He said, standing up from his seat to get her some tea.
Walking into the kitchen, he tutted lightly as he found Haechan going through his fridge. “And what if my mom was the one who had walked in?” Jeno stated with a deadpan, rolling his eyes at the idiotic grin his friend gave him. “First off– she’s not home. Second off– your mom loves me!” Haechan exclaimed, closing the fridge behind him after finding nothing of his interest. He picked up the sodas on the counter– before Jeno stopped him. “She changed her mind on the sodas, said she’d have tea instead.” He explained, moving to the cabinets to take out some tea to brew for her, to which Haechan simply hummed in understanding before cracking one of the soda cans open and sipping it.
“So…” Jeno started, turning to face him as he leaned on the counter behind him, “how’s the love quest?” He queried, wondering about his best friends own pursuit of love. “Is she ‘in love’ with you yet?”
Haechan shrugged slightly, “I sure hope she is… if not then I’m not sure what I’m gonna do tomorrow…”
“Why… What’s tomorrow?” Jeno questioned again, tilting his head in confusion. In Haechan’s mind… he looked rather like a lost puppy…
“Date.” The only word that came out of Haechan’s mouth as he stared with a smirk on his face to the boy standing opposite him.
Jeno’s eyes widened significantly, “Date? You mean you asked her out successfully?”
Haechan grinned, “Of course I did!”, he boasted smugly, “only a fool wouldn’t be able to make her fall in love! Especially with the shitty dudes she’s liked before.”
Jeno looked up in glee, “then– after that– my days of hell are over! I won’t have to listen to your lamenting again!” He whined when Jeno exclaimed that, shaking his head, “I wasn’t lamenting, you were the one who complained about my topic of conversation–“ he paused, rolling his eyes at the grinning puppy-like boy.
“Alright fine maybe I was,” he agreed begrudgingly, “But hey! I managed to make her fall in love with me AND score a date in 7 days! My lamenting wasn’t for nothing after all!”
Their shared laughter was cut short by the sound of the slamming of the front door and the cries of both Renjun and Jaemin. Haechan looked up worriedly at Jeno, who in turn gestured him to the kitchen exit.
“what’s wrong?” Haechan asked once he reached by the front door beside the other two boys. “You!” Renjun seethed, turning to glare at the brunet, “She was already trying to forget about you and now you play with her feelings like this!”
Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Haechan scoffed, “I never played her like shit! I was always honest!”, “Then tell me what this stupid 7 day bet is all about!” Renjun yelled in his face, angry for his best friend who had muffled out in tears the short reason she was leaving so early.
“Bet?” he questioned, truly confused as to the entirety of the situation, “what fucking bet?”
Renjun rolled his eyes, “Don’t play stupid Donghyuck. You were talking to Jeno about some 7 day bet to get her to like you or something–”, “wait, this is all wrong!” Jeno exclaimed, “We never made a bet! Hyuck wanted to confess to her at the end of the week, and that’s why the whole week he had been making proper advances to her…”
The room stilled as the clarity of the situation which was misunderstood settled into their heads.
“I need to talk to (Y/N).” DAY 7
Checking her phone, she grumbled slightly, rereading the message that Haechan had sent to her the evening prior, or rather, spammed her endlessly.
hyuck ♡ : please come tomorrow.
hyuck ♡ : i really really have to talk to you about this :((
hyuck ♡ : please please please
hyuck ♡ : I don’t know what I’ll do if you don’t come :(((
hyuck ♡ : please? At least consider it?
Sighing quietly as she scrolled through the abundance of messages of theirs from previous sleepless nights, she jumped when she heard the call of the voice she had cried herself to sleep over the night before. Oh his treacherous voice, hurting her feelings like that with the words that came out of his wretched mouth yesterday.
“(Y/N)!” he said, jogging up to her with a grin spread on his face, almost as if yesterday had been a dream and she had simply hallucinated the entire event. But she knew better than to believe him that fast.
Giving him a curt nod, she spoke up before anything could leave his mouth– “Tell me, Donghyuck, what happened yesterday?” she started, face hard with the cut still deep in her heart. His smile faltered, realizing just how much his words had hurt her feelings the day before.
“Do you take my feelings as a joke?” she asked again, looking to her feet in fear of her eyes betraying her and leaving tear stains across her cheeks, “because if you do then i–“
“No!” he cut, knowing that if he let this go on for longer it would only hurt her more, “No, I’d never!”
She was quiet, listening to the sound of his ragged breathing, almost as if the quietness would let her hear the sound of his heartbeat.
“Then what… what…”
He sighed softly, “I was… scared.”
Looking up, she was met with the troubled face of the person she once thought to be the largest of mysteries. “I didn’t want to be faced with rejection, I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you, as a friend or as…” he cleared his throat slightly, turning to the side, “as something more.”
The tension was thick, the street around them continuing on its route of life whilst they both stood in their own quiet bubble. Her eyes softened at his statement, the pieces of the puzzle which was Haechan starting to become clearer by every word.
“And you thought the most logical way to go, was to ‘make me fall in love with you in seven days’? come on Hyuck we’re not in some stupid romance movie–“, Haechan’s whine cut her voice short, “You sound just like Jeno now!” he cried, making her laugh softly, before stepping forward to take his hand in hers.
He looked down at their intertwined hands and looked right back up at her questioningly. “what…”
“If you liked me, you really should have just said so…” she muttered softly, shaking her head with a slight giggle, “If you did, it definitely would have saved us 7 days.”
He grinned widely, “so this… makes us boyfriend and girlfriend now, right?” he asked, grin turning into a teasing smirk on his face, making the girl before him scoff and laugh.
“We’ll see in 7 days.”
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angelic-holland · 5 years
brb // th x fem!reader
Summary: You and Tom had been friends with benefits for a while. They both want something more, but they both don’t know how to use their words.
warnings: a little smut, mostly angst 
2.2k words
You had an arrangement with Tom, when he was in London he was yours and you were his, sexually. You were each other’s booty call essentially. When he was off filming you’d sext or get each other off over FaceTime but if either of you wanted to hook up with someone else it was fine, it’s not like either of you could drop everything and hop on a plane when you were horny. There wasn’t any romance involved, that shit’s too messy when he was never around.
Little did you know that he never hooked up with anyone else, even when he was gone for months he only wanted you. You were the same way, to be honest. You were busy with school, you didn’t have time to find a whole other guy to hook up with when Tom wasn’t around.
You got a text from Tom, telling you that his plane got to the airport early, asking if you wanted to meet him at his place in 30. It was Friday before spring break for you, having no plans you agreed, grabbing a coat before telling your roommate you’d be back later in the evening.
You took your time walking to his place, a little over 2 miles from your apartment. You figured he’d just want a quickie since he’s been stuck on a plane for 8 hours from Atlanta doing reshoots for the Avengers movie.
When you finally arrived the door was open and you let yourself in, “Tom? You home?”
“Fuck, Y/N, been thinking about you my entire flight,” he says, coming out of the shadows from the hallway.
“Hi to you too Tom,” you giggle as he pulls you into his chest, kissing you. His hair was all messy and he had bags under his eyes, probably from sleeping on the plane, trying to catch up on all the sleep he missed.
His hands move underneath your skirt, groping your ass.
“You miss me?” You laugh as he pulls you to his room, stripping as you go.
“So much Y/N,” he says, as you jump onto his bed, tossing your underwear to the side.
He joins you, kissing from your thighs to you mouth, taking his time.
“Fuck, Tom, oh my god,” you cry out as he makes you come again, you’ve lost track of how many times the both of you have come throughout the evening. He pulls his lips away from your pussy and smiles at you, kissing up your stomach to your mouth again. You savor the kiss, loving the way he knew just how to touch you and kiss you to make you swoon.
He flops onto the bed bedside you and you shake your leg, trying to bring some feeling to your lower half.
“Fuck you wore me out tonight Tom, what’s gotten into you?”
“Just missed you is all,” he says, waiting for the inevitable, for you to get up and leave.
You lay there, letting your body calm down, you see his hand fiddle at his side out of the corner of your eyes. You turn on your side to face him, “Can I stay the night?”
His eyes light up and he accepts a little too quickly.
“Thanks,” you say, stretching your arms above your head.
“Wanna, i was gonna shower did you wanna join me?” He asks, a nervousness to his voice.
“I’ll hang out here, I don’t think I can handle shower sex right now,” You laugh and he nods, getting up and leaving you in the bed. You grab your phone once he’s gone telling your roommate that you’ll be staying the night at your ‘special friends place’. Nobody, not even her knew you were fucking and you wanted to keep it that way.
You got up and grabbed his gray T-shirt, one of your favorites, he always seemed to wear it when he came back from wherever he was filming, maybe he knew how much you loved it. You pulled it on and sniffed it a little, loving how it smelled like him. You wish you had shirt of his to just have when he was gone but you shook the thought from your head, just friends with benefits, he’s never here, you can’t date someone who’s almost always halfway across the world.
You flopped back down on the bed, curling up under the covers, you had a long day, not nearly as long as Tom’s you were sure of that but still long.
You felt sleep overcome you as the door to his room opened.
Tom has just gotten out of the shower, he walked back to his room after drying off, tossing his towel in the laundry basket. He was humming softly to himself but stopped when he noticed you were asleep. He smiled at you, curled up under the blankets, wearing his shirt. He always wore that one because you said it was your favorite of his, you loved the way his skin looked under it, liked how no matter how many times he washed it it still smelled like him. He wore it whenever he came back from filming just for you.
He slipped into sweatpants and pulled back the covers, laying down next to you. He was hesitant to put his arm around your shoulder, not wanting to wake you up but decided he would. He gently rested his hand on your arm and smiled as you cuddled closer to him. You’ve never really stayed the night before, always left right after sex or after a quick shower. He could get used to this.
He remembered the first time the two of you ever kissed, it was at a party one of your friends threw, you’d been friends for a while throughout high school and you both just graduated. And what else would a bunch of drunk teenagers do at a party than play truth or dare? His best friend Harrison dared him to play 7 minutes in Heaven with you, which made you both blush, and you dragged him into the hallway closet.
You were both nervous, Tom was having one last hooray before he was going to film for Captain America: Civil War, you were going to go to university in the fall, you knew that now was your chance to do anything, maybe become more than friends before he was swept into the whirlwind of fame.
“Can I, can I kiss you?” He asked, stuttering the entire time. You nod, pulling him down towards you and initiating the kiss.
In the 7 minutes you had before you both knew that Harrison or someone else would come barging into the closet you gave him his first blow job, which blew his fucking mind, and ever since he’s been obsessed with your mouth. You swallowed his come and tucked him into his pants right as Harrison pulled the door open, looking at the messy hair and unzipped jeans of Tom before laughing his ass off and dragging you both back to the circle.
Ever since then he’d only been with you, sure there were opportunities while he was filming but every time it almost happened, he just thought of you and stopped. Over the years you’d visited him a few times when you weren’t in school, surprising him at his hotel room after the Spiderman Homecoming premiere. He nearly lost his mind he was so happy to see you. He wanted to take you out, show you off to all his friends, make you his girlfriend, take you on dates, but you were very strict with not wanting any of that. You didn’t want his fans to go crazy, you didn’t want your picture to be all over the internet, and he respected that. Hell, he knew what being linked to him romantically was like since half of the internet seemed to think Zendaya and him were seeing each other. You actually teased him about it a few times, saying you wouldn’t mind if he hooked up with her. But he never did.
He watched as you slept, wondering how bad it would be if he asked you to go on a date with him. He’s talked about it with Harrison, the only person who knew because he helped get you out to the Homecoming premiere and helped hide you from the rest of his family when you were initially seeing Tom.
Harrison had told Tom time and time again to just tell you how he feels, because what if you thought of him the same way. But he never did, scared of ruining everything you had together just because of stupid feelings.
“I-,” Tom starts, stumbling over his words. He knew he could never say this to your face, not now, so this was his chance.
You woke up, feeling the heartbeat of Tom underneath your cheek, letting it try to lull you back to sleep. You had to pee but you didn’t want to wake Tom up so you stilled, trying to force yourself back to sleep.
“I-,” you heard Tom say, pausing.
“I love you,” he says, a whisper, as if he isn’t sure he wanted to say it out loud. You contemplate pretending you were still asleep, pretend you never heard it and move on. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t lay here and try to go back to sleep because you wouldn’t be able to.
“Tom,” you whisper, looking up at him. His face goes white, as you sit up and he pulls his arm away from you.
“I- fuck Y/N I’m sorry you weren’t supposed to hear that I-,”
“Tom, you can’t love me,” you say, getting up.
“Wait Y/N, don’t go just, I - I don’t know what I was saying.”
“You’re never here, and when you are here we just fuck and that’s fine because that’s what we wanted that’s what you wanted and-,”
“I- I wanted more than that Y/N, I’ve always wanted more than that but I knew you didn’t so I didn’t try-,”
“I mean, Tom, of course I didn’t want any of the bullshit that’s associated with dating a famous person, when would people attack you for literally everything!” You say, quickly pulling your skirt on and grabbing your phone.
“Y/N, if I knew what you wanted then I could’ve given it to you, we could’ve still dated, we could’ve hid it from everyone, I would’ve made an effort if that’s what you needed!”
“You don’t know what I need Tom, you can’t, and I don’t need this!” You say, leaving him, too stunned to move on his bed. You ran out of his apartment and made it halfway down the street before you realized you were still wearing his shirt. Tears streaming down your face you were too mad, or upset, or both, you couldn’t tell, to go back and get your own.
You rushed into your apartment, ignoring the buzz of your phone which was likely Tom, you ran past your roommate in the kitchen and collapsed on your bed.
“Y/N?” Your roommate asks, sitting on your bed.
“I fucked up,” you say, looking at her through teary eyes.
It’s been a few months, you haven’t spoken to Tom since and you missed him. He was one of your best friends. You talked to him often before everything and now you haven’t said a word to him. He called you a few times that night, sent you a few texts, saying sorry, saying he didn’t mean for you to hear that. Harrison texted you a few times, he knew how you really felt about Tom, knew that you didn’t mean to react like you did, but it just sort of happened. You didn’t know how to tell Tom that. You saw from his Instagram that he was filming reshoots for Chaos Walking, he was really excited about the project, talked to you about it all the time when he was first filming. You opened your messages, scrolling down to his name, the last text he sent was from two months ago.
Tom: even if you don’t love me, you still mean the world to me, and I’m sorry that I made you upset
You’ve done this every few weeks, let yourself wallow in your sadness, opening up his text messages, finger hovering over the message you had typed out, never actually hitting send.
You sighed, tossing your phone back down on the bed, not thinking anything of it as you went back to your laptop, you were getting into the video you were watching, an old Buzzfeed Unsolved episode when your phone buzzed. You frowned, picking it up.
Tom: Wait, you do? Love me? Y/N, why, why couldn’t you just tell me that that night?
Oh holy fuck, the message you had typed out ages ago must’ve sent when you tossed your phone to the side.
Tom, I love you, I’ve been trying to figure out how I could make myself not love you because I don’t know if I could handle everything that comes with you, but I realized that I don’t care about that stuff. I care about you, the guy who blushed when I kissed him in the closet four years ago, the guy who calls me beautiful when I feel not my best, the guy who hugged me so hard when I graduated a semester early, the guy who said I was going places when I was scared I would be stuck here in London for the rest of my life. Long story short, I love you too. And I’m sorry it took me so long to know what I needed.
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vocallykaix · 6 years
Lost and Found {4}
genre: mostly fluff, tad of angst??
requested: @tenjaehyunsehuntaemin
length: 2.4k words
pairing: Johnny Seo x Reader
summary: The best time of the week was the weekend when you can see your 4 year old niece but one close call led you to meeting a certain handsome man
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It had been a few months since you had first met Young Ho and you’d gotten so close you’d even surprised yourself, you’d always either be out around the park with Sun Hee watching Young Ho chase her around the fields or lounging around your place watching movies or finishing assignments you’d both left till last minute. Just in these last few months It had become routine to have Young Ho with you and you were worried how accustomed you’d gotten to his presence and how lonely you’d now feel when he wasn’t there, it would feel too quiet watching a movie on your own now and painfully boring to do your assignments in solitude.
Your time with Young Ho had mostly been great but you’ve lost count how many times your hangouts had been cut short by a phone call that makes him flee the scene every time. You’d tried asking about it but he’d always find a way to change the subject. It was clear to you whatever it was, he wasn’t planning on telling you any time soon. It made you feel uneasy, that there was something he was hiding but you didn’t think it was your place to demand to know, from your months with him you knew he was wonderful so it wasn’t that you thought he was a bad guy because he was far from it, it just the fact that he was so against talking about it making your curiosity bloom.
It was Thursday, 1pm when you got a text from a familiar contact
Young hoee :p - do you have plans for tonight?
Young hoee :p - wait it’s you of course you don’t, me and my friends are going to a night club later, you in?
You roll your eyes and scoff before typing back
(Y/n) >•< - first of all, rude but true and second idk, I haven’t met any of your friends
Young hoee :p - just trust me, they’re cool, isn’t your friend back from vacation now? Bring her
(Y/n) >•< - I’ll think about it
Young hoee :p - nope, see you at 8 ~
You shake your head, these uni boys only know how to party and now they’re dragging you into it, you don’t even think you have any night club kinda clothes.
You still had some time before you had to go to work so you decided to call Min Seo before you forgot. Her parents lived in London for most of her life and she just moved back here around 4 years ago and you’d always seemed to have the same classes so you became best friends by default but any chance they got they’d fly back over to England to see her grandparents who still lived there leaving you to wallow in your pity back here alone, well until you had Young Ho.
She picked up after the second ring and her yelling almost shattered your ear drum
“Umm Min?” You move the phone away from your ear just in case but you were met with her usual soft voice
“Sorry, this family drives me up the bloody wall” she sighed
“Don’t be dramatic, how was England!?”
“It was so cold, but I loved seeming my grandparents? And What did I miss? I heard there’s a boy that’s taken my place?”
“How has he taken your place?” You laugh
“So there is a boy? You better spill the beans! Is he hot?”
“Very but that’s not why I’m calling you, he’s invited us both to go clubbing with his friends, can you come? Please say you can come?”
“Umm I’m not sure, I’ll ask my mom if she can take her little shits back, what time are we talking?”
“Get to my place around 7”
“Okay, I’ll text you when I know what’s happening”
“Okay, I better get ready for work, talk to you later”
“Later~” you hung up and hopped in the shower to get ready for work.
Working at a convenience store was indeed pretty convenient, it was a pretty laid back job that almost never caused any problems other then the odd drunk guys who go in to buy more alcohol on the way home so most days you would just sit behind the counter on your phone, you didn’t slack but there was just never much to do, so your shift passed pretty quickly
Min seo <33 - you still at work?
Y/N :3 - yup, five more minuets
Min seo <33 - I’ll pick you up on my way
Y/N :3 - this is why I love youuu ~
You packed up all your things and waited for Jungwoo, he always took the shift next to yours, he was a really nice guy and you were pretty close, he’d always say hi with a smile whenever you saw each other and you’d often go and get coffee together. He strolled in at 7 on the dot “ (y/n), how are you?” He smiled putting his things in to the locker
“Great now I can go home, how are you?”
“Amazing! My boyfriend is finally telling his parents about us” he was practically glowing, he’d always been telling you how much he’d love to freely date his boyfriend but his boyfriend hadn’t came out to his parents yet because his parents were religious, you had always been the one on the phone to him as he cried about how stressful the situation was becoming and at one point he was ready to call it all of if his boyfriend didn’t do something soon which you guess was what had led to his boyfriend telling his parents after a long year. In return he’d also act as your councillor with the boys you’d previously dated and would take you out when Min Seo was gone so overall Jungwoo was another pretty big part of your life.
“Jungwoo that’s so amazing! I’m so happy for you” you cheered
“Girl I know! But anyways how’s that Young Won guy treating you?” He smirked tying his apron on as you took yours of
“Young Ho, and he’s invited me and my friend to go clubbing tonight”
“For the love of god don’t get drunk and embarrass yourself” he said pointing at you, you shook you head and laugh.
A car beeped it’s horn outside and you saw Min Seo inside waving you over
“That’s my lift, I’ll see you later, make sure you tell me how it goes with his parents”
“Of course, see you later. don’t embarrass yourself” he sang as he waved.
You and Min Seo rush to your closet to try and make you look semi-decent for the night in the little time you had. You’d thrown half your closet across your room before deciding on a black off the shoulder shirt and a skirt that stopped mid thigh, Min Seo curled your hair while you did your make up,
“Not going to lie, I’d fuck you like that” Min Seo nodded looking you up and down through the mirror “I’m good at this” you rolled your eyes and slipped on your heels on
“They’ll be here in few minutes, quick pre drink?” You said jogging over to the kitchen and pulling a few bottles out
“How could I say no” Min Seo smirked.
Half a bottle of vodka later a knock at the door echoed through your small apartment, you walk over to the door and reveal Young Ho looking stupidly good again “you ready?” He said putting his hands in his jeans pocket “yup, care for a quick shot on the way out” you didn’t give him a chance to reply as you tugged him inside by his hand “here” you held out your shot glass now filled with the strong smelling vodka
“Have you guys already drunk half a bottle?” He laughed throwing the shot down his neck
“What’s a night out with out the pre drinks” Min Seo giggled already feeling a buzz “you better have some hot boys with you” she pointed slipping her jacket on
“I have plenty” he put the shot glass in your sink “where’s your coat?” He said turning to you
“It’s just by the door, I’m just gonna put this away” you nodded toward the bottles. You put them back where you found them making sure the lids were on properly and as you stood up you felt something being draped over your shoulders “come on” Young Ho wined securing the jacket on to your shoulders
“Thanks” you avert your eyes to the floor as he pushed you towards the door by your lower back.
You could feel the heat from your cheeks as you made your way to the taxi but it was dark so you were just preying they wouldn’t notice, it was such a simple, friendly gesture but because it was from Young Ho it made your stomach churn and it wasn’t the first time it had happened either. You were sure you were attracted to him but you weren’t sure how deep these feeling went and you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself and assume he felt the same way.
“The boys are already there” young Ho said looking down at his phone
“ is it weird I’m nervous to meet your friends?”
“Once you get a few more shots in you I’m sure you won’t be” he said wiggling his eyebrows.
The floor was vibrating from the strong bass of the music as you followed behind Young Ho weaving between the sweaty body’s until you saw someone run up to him “Johnny! What took you so long?” He slurred and laughed hitting him on the chest, young Ho sighed and turned to you
“(y/n), Min Seo this is Ten, Ten this is (y/n) and Min Seo”
“Ohh so your (y/n)! Johnny said th-“ young Ho quickly pulled him away and toward a group of boys sitting at the bar leaving you confused and curious as to what he’s been saying behind your back. the boys at the bar all yelled greetings to him and You slowly made your way over “Johnny please tell me this is the chick you brought” you look over to one of the boys with his eyes locked on to you
“Yes she is Jaemin” young Ho pulled you next to him and put his arm over your shoulders “this is (y/n), please don’t do anything stupid and make her uncomfortable” it was too late for that but you were happy he was trying,
They all laughed smirking at johnny who still had you under his arm
“Here” Min Seo came from behind you handing you a fruity looking drink
“And who is this” one of them asked
“Hi, I’m Min Seo” she spoke with a not so innocent smile
“Hi, I’m Yuta, do you wanna dance?” The same one asked holding out his hand which she gladly took and they both made their way to the dance floor
“Wow that didn’t take long” you sigh
“Yuta has always been a flirt, I’m Taeyong” the boy closest to you stuck his hand out for you to shake, they didn’t seem too bad.
There was 5 people that had come with young Ho, it was that Yuta guy who stole Min Seo, the other flirty one was Jaemin, the drunk one was Ten, the sensible one was Taeyong and the cute guy with dimples was yoon oh. They were pretty cool like Young Ho had promised and not long after you met them you were clutching your stomach from laughing so hard. They all worked at the Radio place with Young Ho except Jaemin who had just left school, he was still young and the boys weren’t letting him drink a lot.
“Want to dance?” Young Ho asked as the other boys talked
“Sure” you tip back the rest of your drink and followed young Ho through the crowed until he turned to you satisfied with the space. He placed a hand on your hip and you laced your hands around his neck as you both swayed to the beat of the song. You saw him say something but couldn’t make it out over the loud music “what?” You shouted, he said it again but you still couldn’t hear “I can’t hear you” you shouted and shrugged your shoulders, he rolled his eyes and went down to your ear
“I said are you enjoying yourself?” He talked into you ear and you could feel his hot breath on your neck before he pulled away laughing, you pulled him back “I’m having a great time, why do they call you Johnny?” You felt his neck vibrate as he laughed
“I used to live in America and that’s my name there, I use it when doing broadcasts to”
“Shall I start calling you Johnny?”you laughed
“No, Young Ho sounds good from you” he smiled
“why don’t you show me some of your moves anyway, mr DJ” You laugh releasing him and giving him some room. You wish you’d never asked, he was throwing his limbs around to his own rhythm while you doubled over laughing “stop! Your embarrassing” you laugh, he just raised his eyebrows and continued “ people are looking” you hold his arms and shake your head
“Didn’t you like it?” He pouted trying to hold his his laugh placing his hands back on you sides and continued to sway to the song
“No I did, I just think I should keep it to myself” you put you hands back on his neck and he was just looking at you, the smile on his face slowly dropping and his eyes went from your eyes to your lips. The mood changed so quickly you could barely tell what was going on, You blame the sudden surge of confidence on the alcohol but you pulled him down slowly and connected your lips, it was a still kiss, both of you testing the waters before pulling away
“How much have you had to drink?” He asked keeping close so your noses were still touching
“I know what I’m doing, Young Ho”
“Did you like it” he asked more quietly, you just smiled pulling him to reconnect you lips. This time the kiss was more rushed, both of your lips moving together as he pulled your waist into his, keeping his hands planted on your hips as you tightened you arms around his neck making him lean into you. He tasted delicious.
part: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
heheh i know i’m evil for ending it like that but this is where this series will finally pick up, thank you for all of you that have been reading so far, i hope you continue to enjoy the series <333
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gummyleesunshine · 6 years
Hot Mornings and Cold Nights
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Genre: romance and angst
Warning: a bit of make out and sex
You open the curtain, letting the sun sip through. You wrap the robe tighter around your waist, it was 7 in the morning yet the room felt cold.
You turn your head and stare at the sleeping figure on the bed. You walk towards Like hot mornings and cold nights fluffy caramel hair then slowly down to every part of his face, admiring it.
You still remember the first time you saw him. Your breath hitched as soon as he walked in the room. At first you noticed how his face was perfect, he had bushy brows that matched his almond shaped eyes, his nose bridge was long and his lips had the perfect cupid bow. He had the face of a responsible and reliable boy who you'd bring home and your parents would love.
He was your bestfriend Lucas' roommate and brought him along as the plus one for the party. Lucas leads him to you and introduces him as Kun. Even his name matched his face.
He stuck out a hand and you shook it. He then gives a big smile and a deep dimple pops out. You cursed inside your head, you were a sucker for guys with dimples.
And as the night deepened you saw how Kun was, all nice and friendly. The exact guy you expected him to be.
Then beer came to the picture. He had low alcohol tolerance, yet he kept drinking, not able to refuse whatever Lucas gave him. 4 glasses and he was a mess. A cute mess. While you on the other hand, you had high tolerance but you only got yourself to 3 glasses making sure to be the sober one in the group.
The party was still on going but looking at the two boys all drunk, you decided it was time to head home. Despite their dorms being on the other side of where you lived, you still chose to bring them home.
Arriving to their dorms, you flopped Lucas on his bed and did the same with Kun. You were about to leave when a hand held your wrist. You looked back and see Kun sitting up holding your wrist.
"Ill bring you home." He slurred.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Youre drunk."
"Nothing fresh air can fix." He replied. He lifted himself up, slightly wobbling. You reached for his hand, giving him support. He thanked you with smile. Before heading out, you fixed Lucas up and tucked him under his blanket.
You both chose to walk instead of taking the bus thinking it was better to have some fresh air. You stopped by a park and sat there for a few minutes just taking in the view of colorful bright lights hanging on th trees and the small bridges. Kun leaned his head on your head and let out a deep sigh.
After the park, you had bits of stop overs from the tiny ice cream shop to the cafe for coffee take out. Kun was drunk but he could still keep a conversation. Both you talked about the most random things from which building you thinks the tallest to favorite superheroes to how Lucas is crazy. The topics kept rolling that you didnt realize you were by your gate already. Your heart ached, you still wanted to keep talking to him. You couldnt even do the 'invite for coffee or food inside' since you already had that a while ago.
You were about to open you mouth to say something when his lips crashed into yours. You were shocked, confused and was processing what was happening. He realized you werent responding and was about to pull away, when you held his face and deepened the kiss. You werent sure what was happening, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was something else but you wanted it to last. Kun held your waist bringing you closer to him.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm. You threw a pillow at it making it fall to the ground and probably broken. You try to roll to your side only to be constricted somewhere on your waist area. You place your hand on your waist but instead you feel a large hand. Your eyes widen. You looked down the blanket and realized you were naked. You slowly turned your head around to the side and saw Kun sleeping beside you, shirtless.
He pulled his hand away and placed it on top of his eyes, groaning. He then turned his head and gave the same reaction as you. His eyes grew wide and he started going white.
"Oh shit."
You chuckle remembering that incident 6 years ago that had led to this. Your lips turn to a thin line and you pull your hand away from his face.
"Why'd you do that?" A mumble said. Kun rolls to his side going nearer to you. He pulls your hand and places it back on his face. His other hand wraps around yous bum and pulls you to him. He places soft kisses on your thighs and looks up at you through his lashes. He then pulls you down, you in an uncomfortable position—your body bent down and your legs dangling on the bed. He pulls you in on a kiss and leaves soft kisses on your jaw. You climb yourself on bed and stradle him getting a soft moan from his parted lips.
After having a steamy morning sex on bed, it follows then on the shower then the kitchen. That was the routine.
Kun places you down from the bar table and grabs a handful of tissue handing them to you. You grab it and dab on the beads of sweat on your face while Kun wipes you in the lower area. You eye Kun, following his every movement. There it was again, the painful feeling in your heart.
Kun stands up and you stretch your hands out fixing his tie. You tiptoe and stroke his hair, fixing the tiny strands poking out. Kun holds your waist and stare at your eyes. You stare back at him too and he gives his dimple smile. He leans down and kisses your forehead.
He slowly pushes himself away from you. He grabs his bag and walks to the door. You tightly fist your skirt, the aching feeling back again. Kun turns around but freezes when he sees you looking panicked.
"y/n." He calls out, slowly walking to you.
"Stop." You say, voice shaking.
Kun stops on his tracks.
Youre eyes are wet and tears are pooling on your eyes. "It hurts Kun," you touch your heart. "Here." Tears already slipping out
"y/n." he calls out again.
Before he could say anything, you cut him off first. "Just go. Please." You look away. "Ill see you tomorrow at dawn as always."
Kun sighs deeply. He clenches his hands hard, his knuckles turning white. "Im sorry." He said before turning away and leaving the flat.
You fall to your knees crying. You've loved him for a long time and now here you are. This is all your fault.
After the incident long time ago, you two became inseparable. Casual hang outs, dates and sex here and there. Slowly without realizing it you were falling for him. You became dependent on him, you kept relying on him. It was all perfect
However, things turned upside down. After graduating college, he was introduced to a girl by his family. It was arranged marriage. When Kun told you all this, you didnt know what to do but give him the smile and comforting words he needed.
Just like that you were drifting apart, he needed to be with her, get to know her. If he wasnt with her he was busy with work. You could only hang out every once in a while. Get some coffees, trying to update each other about life then say your goodbyes.
Until that day when you were out drinking with Lucas and friends when you reached your limit. You started crying and babbling about Kun. Lucas called Kun to pick you up
When Kun arrived, Lucas said some things to him in a hard tone but you couldnt understand the language. Kun approached you, picked you up and walked you home. You probably fell asleep because next thing you know you were home, on your bed. You propped yourself up with your elbows and saw Kun walking out your room.
You panicked. You picked yourself up and ran up to him. You hugged him and begged him not to leave. Kun stood still while you cried and begged. He turned to face you asking you to stop. You screamed I Love You at him then kissed him.
You woke up and felt a cold bed beside you. You went out your room and see Kun whipping up some breakfast. He greeted you and placed the food on the bar table. He apologetically smiled at you. He was about to leave when you called him. He turned to you.
"What happened yesterday..." you trail off.
"Its fine."
"No. Its not."
Kun looked at you blankly. "y/n"
"Youre not happy with her right?" You swallowed a saliva. "But you have to be with her because of your family."
Kun raised an eyebrow. "What are you insinuating here?" He crossed his arms.
"Fuck friends." You answered quickly and confidently.
Kun froze. His eyes widen and his arms drop. "y/n, are you listening to yourself right now?" He asked in a serious tone. His eyebrows furrowed.
Disappointed flashed through your face. Yes it was desprate and stupid but you didnt want Kun to leave you. You looked down and gripped the hem of your shirt. Yes it was shameful but that didnt matter to you at that moment.
"Kun, I love you." You said softly enough for him to hear.
Kuns face softened. "y/n, dont do this."
You looked up at him desperately. "I love you. I dont want you to leave me. I—"
Kun pulled out his hand, signaling you to stop. "Give me some time." He looked at you sadly. He turned around and left.
You stood there shocked with what just happened. You were never this kind of girl. What happened? Kun happened. The whole day went on like a blurr. You werent functioning properly. You spent your whole day in the flat shutting yourself out, not answering Lucas' texts or calls.
It was 12 pm already yet there you were sitting on the sofa, staring dazely at the movie playing on tv. The ring of the doorbell startled you. You walked lazily to the door, pissed and ready to scold whoever it was. You opened the door but froze as soon as you saw who it was.
Kun pushed you in, pulled your face to his and kissed you roughly. He cornered you between the wall and placed his hands on your ass, squeezing it. You whimpered when he pulled away.
"Deal." He said panting.
You looked at him confused.
"Fuck buddies, fuck friends, whatever you call it." He said.
The sex that happened was rough. You never expected Kun to show or even have this side of him. Your sex was usually loving and soft but this time it was different. He was dominating everything.
He lay down beside you, chest heaving up and down. You turned to him, your head on his biceps. You traced little circles on his chest, staring at his face with droplets of sweat.
Kun lookes at you. "What ya mean 'why.'"
"Why'd you say yes. This morning you gave me this disappointed face. I thought Id never see you again."
Kun looked at the ceiling. He opened his mouth but closed it again. "Theyre controlling me. Im like a puppet." He looked back at you. "But with you, I feel free."
You smiled and pecked his cheek. You cuddled close to him, both your breaths harmonizing. You looked at again him. He was already sleeping, his eyebrows furrowed. You rose up and pressed the pad of your index on the middle of his brows. It relaxed. You looked at his features and sighed sadly.
He's using you.
You pecked the middle of his brow then lay back down to the same position, slowly dozing off.
Just like that you became fuck buddies and had a schedule planned. Hed come to you at dawn and leave before lunch for work. That simple. He'd text you or call you when he couldnt come. You two would spend time occasionally with Lucas but the girl was always around.
The whole time both of you were together you never heard him reply to your I Love You's. He'd either nod, reply with a hum or he'd give that dimpled smile of his.
This kept going on until now. 6 years. You waking up to a hot morning and going to bed with a cold night.
You're still crying there, unable to recover. You want this to stop but at the same time you didnt. You let out a loud cry, loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.
Unknowingly, Kun's still outside, leaning on your door. His head raised up looking at the ceiling light. He closes his eyes, a tear falling.
I actually hesitates in posting this. I never see Kun being like this. He's more like a brotherly-mother type for me.
Also, its my first time writing with little bits of making out so, Im sorry if it kinda sucks.
Hope you enjoy it.
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coldphoenix · 7 years
Father’s Day Extract: Transtale ch7-8
Author’s Note:- This is an extract from my fic Transtale, chapters 7-8. I chose these scenes for Father’s Day, because surprise surprise it’s Dadster XD Actually… this Dadster scene was the whole reason I wrote the fic, I thought of this first and was looking forward to getting to it throughout the writing. Obviously this is a spoiler though, so just be warned if you were planning on reading Transtale. If you haven’t read it, a bit of background info is that Serif is female Sans who is stuck in the canon universe and is trying to get home, while Sans is doing exactly the same in her universe. This fic also references a one-shot of mine, Mister Smiley-Hands, which was the name of Papyrus’s ‘imaginary’ friend when he was a kid. So, that’s where that comes in. It’s referenced in earlier chapters of Transtale, but obviously if you haven’t read it then it helps to know this part. Also ignore the bad science… I don’t know enough about science to make this totally accurate but I tried to come up with something semi-plausible.
Okay I think that’s all XD I hope you like it! And I’ve been told it’s riddled with feels, so be warned.
Serif bolted through the door of Alphys’s lab, and immediately settled her gaze upon the lizard scientist. “a-alphys!” She panted frantically. “sorry – my phone was on silent – did you fix it?” “U-Um… n-not exactly…” Alphys stammered. “what?” Serif frowned. What the hell? So why did she…? “i don’t understand. why did you call me if it isn’t fixed?” Oh… wait… Alphys didn’t want some kind of… payment for this, did she? Maybe those pictures she took of Serif weren’t just for scientific purposes… “look – um… you’re cute, but i’m with someone.” Serif sweat dropped. “and i’m not into girls…” “Wh-What!” Alphys gasped, her eyes widening. “Th-That’s your first thought? No! I-I’m with someone too, if you remember! I wanted to talk to you about the machine!” “oh…” Serif sighed, a little relieved. Well… not really, actually. This wasn’t sounding like all was well and good with the fixing of the machine… Jeez, what was wrong now? Serif just wanted to go home! “sorry…” She looked at Alphys. “what’s up?” Wait… This was unsettling. Alphys looked a little nervous… She was staring at Serif awkwardly, like she really didn’t want to say whatever it was she was about to say. What was going on…? “alphys…?” Serif uttered. “come on… what is it?” “W-Well… I, um… I-I don’t really know how to begin…” Alphys stammered. She held up a small device in her hand, the one she’d used to detect Serif. “B-Basically, I got the machine working, and when I did I… I found a log, a-a record of… the activity around it. Um… this device does the same thing, it-it detects things that… don’t belong. Y-You know… things that exist, o-outside of our timeline…” “okay.” Serif shrugged. “so?” “W-Well… the last thing it recorded was this… force. At-At first I thought it was you, but it doesn’t have the same pattern… It appeared just a second before you were sent into this universe, and it was very strong – I think that was what broke the machine.” “a force?” Serif repeated. What…? “Y-Yes.” Alphys nodded. “I think it… controlled the machine somehow. Th-That’s how you ended up here. “what!” Serif gasped. “so you mean, something did this to me? like – deliberately?” “W-Well… That really depends on what this thing is.” Alphys answered timidly. “I-I mean… it can’t do anything ‘deliberately’ unless it has a conscience… Haha…” She sweat dropped, and looked at Serif nervously. “But… yes. this thing, whatever it was… it’s the reason you’re here, and Sans is there, and until I can figure out what it is, and how to stop it… I-I’m afraid it will just keep getting in your way. Y-You see… it won’t let me turn the machine on. Whenever I power it up, I get a reading of that force, and then it shuts the machine down again.” “but…”
Serif froze, her heavy mind suddenly racing. This didn’t make sense… What was this force? Why was it doing this? What the hell was going on! “S-Serif, um…” Alphys met Serif’s eyes. “I-I know I said I wouldn’t ask, but… what exactly were you trying to do with this? B-Because, this force… I found it somewhere in the logs. It appeared a while back… the last time the machine was used, actually.” She looked at Serif, trembling slightly. “It-It wasn’t there before then, but… it seems to be the reason the machine broke the first time round – it was overloaded. I-I don’t want to dig, but… it’s like… um…” She lowered her eyes, and she seemed to be considering whether or not she should say it. She was thinking it, but she might be wrong… There might be another reason, another explanation. Something other than… this. “alphys…?” Serif whispered. “what… are you telling me…?” “… Wh-What happened to my predecessor…?”
There is was. Alphys didn’t need to say anymore, Serif knew exactly what she was getting at. Everyone had heard the rumours; everyone had heard the name. Gaster. Fell into her own creation, scattered across space and time, becoming nothing more than… a force. “you think this is her?” Serif uttered. “my – … gaster?”
Alphys’s heart almost stopped as she looked at Serif. Suddenly, Serif looked terrifying. Her pupils were dimming, so much that they were almost gone from her sockets. She was standing stiffly, not moving an inch… Except in her left eye. That pupil was brightening again, steadily. A faint, pink mist began to surround it… “I-I don’t…” Alphys swallowed. “I don’t k-know f-for sure… S-Serif.” She began shaking, becoming more and more unnerved by the cold aura that was rapidly encasing itself around Serif’s being. “I-It m-might just be a-a coincidence… Th-This thing appeared wh-when he died, and… n-now it’s s-stopping you –” “stopping me going home.” Serif spoke coldly. Calmly. She wasn’t calm. Not at all. Actually, she was about to lose her shit. “she’s trapped in another world… and now she’s trapping me.” The mist around her eye began to glow, she vaguely noticed Alphys backing away… “she put me here, and she’s stopping me leaving.” “Y-You mean –” “i guess she thinks this is what i deserve?” Serif hissed. “she tried to kill me! what choice did i have!” “Ser –” “alphys!”
Serif looked at Alphys, the pink mist subsiding for a moment as both her pupils returned. She noticed that Alphys was trembling, and she offered a half-hearted smile. “sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you.” Serif said sincerely. “where is it now, the force? is it still here?” “Um…” Alphys looked at the device in her hand, and began to play around with its dials. “It-It is… b-but it has a stronger reading at the Waterfall right now.” She looked at Serif. “W-Why do you ask? Y-You’re not going to do anything stupid –” She didn’t have time to say anything else before Serif bolted out of the lab, the pink mist immediately returning. Oh, no! “Crap!” Alphys squealed. What was she supposed to do now? Should she tell anyone? Should she go after her? Crap! She was in way over her head – and just when she thought she was done with drama! Crap crap crap crap crap! Maybe… Maybe she should just watch, just to make sure Serif wasn’t doing anything stupid. All she’d have to do was re-activate her cameras. She could just… watch the Waterfall area, and keep an eye on Serif, and get help if it looked like Serif was about to do something crazy that Alphys could be held accountable for. … … Yeah… … Or, she could just… bury her head in the sand and watch anime, and pretend like she had no idea Serif was even a danger. … Yeah, okay. “I need PJs.” Alphys thought aloud, and went to get changed into her anime-watching clothes.
“gaster!” Meanwhile, Serif yelled at the top of her voice as she stormed through the Waterfall area of the Underground, her pupils glowing and her entire skull surrounded by the pink, magical embodiment of her anger. “gaster!” She screamed. “i know you’re here, you jerk! come out and show yourself!” Why was he hiding? This was what he wanted, wasn’t it? Him, and Serif’s mother, they wanted to keep Serif and Sans trapped in another world, just like them. What was it, some kind of sick punishment? Fine… If they thought this was what they deserved… “maybe you’re right.” Serif hissed. “maybe we do deserve it – but you could have at least told us!” She stomped her foot into the ground angrily, her fists clenching so hard she almost broke her own bones. “come on! face me! this is what you wanted – i’m stuck here and sans is stuck over there and we’ll never see our family again, this is perfect, right?” She exhaled sharply, and closed her eyes. Okay… She had to calm down. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this mad. … Actually, she could. It was when she’d thrown her mother into that machine. After she’d tried to kill Pristina… “what choice did we have?” Serif growled. “you wanted to kill us, and after all that… we still tried to rescue you!” She screamed into the air, her magic spiralling around her as she thundered through the Waterfall, yelling into room after room in a fit of rage. “gaster! come on! don’t be such a baby! come and face me!”
She sighed, stopping for a moment, and grabbed hold of her skull. Okay… She had to calm down. She had to think. She couldn’t blame them. She couldn’t. Not really. After what she and Sans did… they’d spent so many years trapped because of her, could she really blame them for wanting revenge? Especially if they were sick… Okay. Yeah. Anger wasn’t getting her anywhere. She had to think. She had to talk to him… nicely. If she could. “gaster…” Serif uttered, cautiously walking through the dark Waterfall. “just… let me go home. we’ll fix the machine – we’ll get you out. you can come back, just… please –” “Papyrus.”
Serif stopped dead. What was that…? It was a voice. She didn’t recognise it… Was that him? She didn’t know what he’d sound like… “ga –” “Papyrus needs Sans.” The voice spoke again. What…? What the hell…? “Papyrus needs Sans. Papyrus needs Sans.” What! She looked around frantically, trying to locate the source of that voice. It was him, it had to be – … Oh. Serif’s pupils dimmed when she saw an echo flower. A few of them, actually. They were all saying the same thing. “Papyrus needs Sans.” Over and over… “Papyrus needs Sans. Papyrus needs Sans.” Again… “Papyrus needs Sans. Papyrus needs Sans. Papyrus needs –” “okay!” Serif screamed, her rage suddenly returning as she tried to make sense of what was going on. Why were they saying that? Who had told them to say that! “gaster!” She yelled. “is this you? is this supposed to be funny?” “Funny! Funny! Funny!” The flowers repeated chirpily, irritating Serif even more. “shut up!” Serif yelled at them.
She tried to run away. She ran into another room of the Waterfall, only to be greeted by more echo flowers, chanting what she was certain were Gaster’s mocking words. “Papyrus needs Sans. Papyrus needs Sans. Papyrus needs Sans.” “shut up!” Serif screamed. She stomped on the flowers angrily, tears bursting from her skull. “i know papyrus needs him! i know, but sans isn’t here! he’s in another universe because some mad scientist tried to kill papyrus!” She threw herself to her knees, completely losing it as the endless chanting of the flowers drove her insane. “Kill Papyrus. Kill Papyrus. Kill Papyrus.” “shut up!” Serif roared.
She grabbed the flowers by their roots and began tearing at them, furiously ripping apart their petals and stems as if they were at all to blame for any of this. “she wanted to kill me as well, and i stopped her – i even tried to save her, and now i’m stuck here and sans is over there and papyrus is never going to see him again!” She screamed loudly, her voice echoing all throughout the Waterfall… Then, when it had subsided, she finally realised what she’d done. The silence that filled the Waterfall made her come to her senses, forcing her to realise that she’d just ripped the echo flowers to shreds. Every last one of them. They weren’t speaking anymore… None of them were. Nobody was. Not them, not Gaster… All she could hear was the faint sound of water, and her own frantic breathing. “… nngh!” Serif grunted loudly, and threw herself to the floor, suddenly overcome by grief. She buried her face in the soft soil, tears streaming down her skull. What was going on…? What was she doing…? She wanted to go home… She wanted all of this to be over. She wanted this to be a dream. She wanted to see her sister. She wanted to see her boyfriend. …
Serif rolled onto her back and reached for the phone. She knew his number. She dialled it, without thinking. She didn’t have any expectations of what would happen. She didn’t dare. She just hoped that… … Hmmmmmmmmmmm. The phone hummed a dead tone, failing to reach him. Tch. Of course. Why would it be able to call another universe, right? … Shit. “please…” Serif sobbed. “gaster, please… let me go home.” She sniffed, and closed her eyes. She felt so drained. Maybe from her outburst, or from running around with magic shooting out of her, or maybe she was just so mentally exhausted from this whole thing… Whatever. It didn’t really matter. Serif had no reason to stay awake. She didn’t try to. She allowed her eyelids to feel heavy, and she allowed her conscience to drift away… Maybe when she awoke this all really would be a dream.
Ring. Ring. “nn…” In the dark depths of the Waterfall, the sleeping Serif turned away from the sound of ringing. Her skull still damp with tears, she scrunched her eyes shut and tried to ignore the shrillness of Alphys’s phone. Ring ring. “mm…” Serif gradually came to her senses, and slowly began to recognise the noise… It was the phone. Dammit! She grabbed it hurriedly, and stared at the number on screen. It was Alphys! “alphys!” Serif gasped, still half-asleep as she answered the phone. “S-Serif?” Came Alphys’s voice, sounding nervous. “I-I’m glad you’re okay! I thought you were dead!” “dead?” Serif blinked. “Y-Yeah I’ve been calling for like ten minutes…” “i was asleep…” Serif mumbled, rubbing her eye sockets. “uh… how long was i out…?” “Oh, you left my lab… a-about two hours ago.” “two hours!” Serif gasped, her pupils brightening. “wait – so were you calling for two hours?” “Uh… n-no, I wanted anime for a while…” Alphys replied. “Th-Then I went to work on the machine – th-that’s why I’m calling! S-Serif… I-I’m sorry, I… I got it wrong.” “what…?” Serif frowned. “what are you talking about? what did you get wrong?” “Th-The force…” Alphys spoke quietly. “I… I got that wrong.” “what!” Serif cried. “you mean the force isn’t real?” Oh – what! What the – how could Alphys get that wrong? Dammit… This was so confusing. So… Gaster wasn’t really here? She wasn’t behind this…? … … Oh.
Serif looked down, suddenly remembering what she’d done right before she fell asleep. Uh… “sorry.” She mumbled to a pile of destroyed echoed flowers. “my bad.” She got up and scratched her skull awkwardly, then began to walk away. “so if it’s not real, then what happened?” Serif demanded into the phone, watching her step as she walked through the rooms of the Waterfall, into another area of echo flowers. “What happened?” The voice of the flowers repeated her last words. Dammit… Serif frowned, and turned away from the flowers in an attempt to stop them copying her. They could be kind of annoying. “N-No, the force was real!” Alphys insisted. “Wh-What I got wrong was its intentions.” “intentions?” Serif frowned. “Intentions.” The flowers mimicked her, much to her annoyance. “Y-Yes.” Alphys said. “Y-You see… the force did put you there, b-but after further examination, um… Y-You see, this machine – w-well, the universe, really… i-it needs balance. If something is taken, it needs to be replaced, and… th-this machine, I don’t know what it was built for exactly, but whenever I boot it up, I see a… pattern. One different to our own – it’s like the machine is linked to another dimension, l-like it’s a doorway, almost. I-It’s a little more complicated than that, because I can’t really find any solid matter associated to this other universe, but… you get the idea.” “uh… yeah… i think so.” Serif mumbled. Yeah… that was the Void she was talking about. It was some other reality, where Gaster was trapped. It was created by that machine… “So anyway, i-if you were trying to pull something from the machine, from this other dimension, that would only work if you were going to put something back. I-I mean… if that something you were trying to take is embedded into the other world… Which I-I think this force is.” “wait – so… if i wanted to rescue her, i’d have to put something back in her place?” Serif uttered. “W-Well, yes. assuming ‘she’ has become a part of this other dimension… Th-The way this force is. Y-You really wouldn’t be able to… ‘rescue’ her w-without trapping yourself there in her place.” “… alphys…” Serif choked. “what are you saying…?” “When you tried to rescue her, something sent you into this universe instead.” Alphys began. “Y-You think it was the force trying to be cruel to you, o-or hurt you, but… I-I mean… what if… what if it just… wanted to stop you trading places with it? I-If it knew you would have to take its place, I-I mean… …” Her voice softened slightly, making her even harder to hear as Serif loosened her grip on the phone. No… No, that couldn’t be… Gaster didn’t… “W-Would this person h-have any reason to…” No… “… Protect you?”
Hiss. The sharp, blurred echoing of what sounded like a gust of wind suddenly blew past Serif. She barely heard it in her distracted state. She certainly wasn’t listening enough to recognise it as a voice. It was a good thing that someone else was. “Papyrus needs Sans.” The echo flowers spoke softly. “S-Serif…?” Alphys uttered. “A-Are you still there…?” “… i’ll call you back.” Serif replied, and hung up before Alphys could respond. She looked down at the flowers, and listened… “I’ll call you back.” The echo flowers repeated Serif’s last words. Hiss. “Papyrus needs Sans.” They repeated… someone else. Why were the saying that…? They were saying it so quietly, as if they were imitating a whisper. Serif stared at them and listened, not daring to speak in case they latched onto her words instead. Hiss. “Papyrus needs Sans.” There is was, again. The flowers that were further away from her were louder…
Serif took a few steps towards the louder flowers, and she steadily followed the trail of voices that seemed to grow louder and clearer the further she went into the Waterfall. “Papyrus needs Sans. Papyrus needs Sans.” The hissing was becoming clearer… It wasn’t wind. It was talking! It was distant, but it was there. Someone was here. “Papyrus needs Sans.” The flowers were getting really loud now; Serif followed them right up until the trail of flowers ran out. Then she looked around, desperately trying to locate the source of the voice. Come on… come on. He had to be here. “gaster.” Serif whispered. “is it true?” She looked around, trying her best to see any kind of movement in the dim light of the Waterfall. “did you want to protect us?” “Protect us?” The flowers copied her; Serif tried to ignore them. Come on… Come on… “Papyrus needs Sans.”
Serif froze. That voice… wasn’t an echo flower. Oh… God. “… More than he needs me.” “wh…” Serif breathed, her pupils dimming as a strange… aura… surrounded her. There was someone behind her. She could feel it. Was it…? “gaster…?” “Gaster…?” The flowers quietly echoed her, just as Serif turned around. Oh, wow…
There she was. Or, he… Gaster. It had to be him. He looked like her… He had those fractures… Serif felt sick as she stared at them. She’d done that, hadn’t she? His skull was in pieces, and he had holes in his hands. His body was… Well, it wasn’t really a body. What… What was he? He looked like a ghost. He seemed to… fade into the atmosphere, as if he were nothing more than a translucent hologram. He wasn’t though, was he? He was here. He was real. How…? “It seems your presence here has disrupted the universe.” Gaster answered her, as if he could read her mind. “Normally I would never be able to appear before you; I’m too embedded into that world, you see.” He smiled sadly, his pupils dimming and lowering, as if he were thinking of something. “I could, once upon a time. When I was in there, I could place myself in different times and places. It was rather fun, actually.” He chuckled briefly, before his expression saddened again. “But then… I suppose I became too much a part of the Void. I couldn’t go anywhere else, even though I tried…” He raised his pupils to look at Serif, and smiled. “Your presence has changed that. I can travel again. Thank you for coming here.” “you… you put me here, right?” Serif uttered. “to protect sans?” “To protect Sans.” The echo flowers repeated her softly, mimicking her and Gaster’s every word. “Not exactly.” Gaster replied. “I never wanted to switch the two of you. I simply wanted to cut off the machine, to stop him trading with me. Though, I… I suppose I must have miscalculated my actions, and how the machine would respond.” He offered Serif an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry to have done this to you, my dear. It must be so terrible for you, to be so far away from… the people that you love.” He paused for a moment, and as he lowered his eyes again his pupils dimmed once more. “… … Hm.” He grunted, seemingly shaking off whatever thought was in his head. “Well. Anyway.” He looked at Serif. “You must use the machine to switch places with Sans, and please – don’t ever try to rescue me again.” “but – you don’t understand!” Serif protested. “i can’t leave you here. it’s my fault you’re trapped – i have to save you. please, there must be a way –” “No.” Gaster spoke firmly. “You must not. I’m too embedded – to save me Sans would have to sacrifice himself, and where would Papyrus be? He needs Sans much more than he needs me.” “but…” Serif whimpered softly. “it’s… it’s my fault.”
She stood there, staring into her own thoughts. This couldn’t be happening… This was all so horrible – it was actually easier when she thought Gaster had done this to hurt her! But… to find out that he’d done it to protect her and Sans, to stop them going to the Void… To keep himself trapped there forever, willingly, just for her… No way. She couldn’t live with that. How was she supposed to live with that? “No…” Gaster soothed. He took a step towards Serif, and stared down at her. “My dear. It’s mine. I tried to do something terrible to you… To my children.” “you were sick.” Serif said. “i – me and sans… we should have realised it. we should have got you help, i…” She stared up at Gaster, her eye sockets steadily filling with tears. “i had no idea what that machine would do.” Serif whimpered. “but she didn’t want me to put her in it – and that’s the only reason i did! i… i wanted to hurt you.” “I know.” Gaster nodded. “I heard you tell Papyrus. I could see you, from the Void.” “so… why aren’t you mad?” Serif uttered. “why are you helping us?” “Because, my dear…” Gaster smiled. “I can… I can see you from the Void.”
He looked down briefly, as if he were trying to compose himself. His eyes were glowing softly, his voice breaking ever so slightly… “I’ve been watching this universe. I… I saw Sans, growing up. I saw the guilt he lived with… I saw him have those terrible nightmares.” He quickly exhaled, and wiped his eyes in embarrassment, before Serif could see his tears. Then he smiled at her. “I’m sure you feel just as guilty as him, my dear. You’ve paid your price, over and over… You don’t deserve to switch places with me.” “…”
Serif stood there numbly. Speechless. How…? How was she supposed to respond to that? He was sacrificing himself! She put him in that world, and now he was choosing to stay in it so that she didn’t have to. It was just… … wow. “i… i don’t know what to say.” Serif uttered, wiping her eyes. She had no idea what to feel. This was horrible, but… he was saving her. “Say you will go home.” Gaster said. “You can use the machine to trade with Sans. Say you will do that, and you will never come near the Void again.” “okay…” Serif mumbled. “if… if that’s really want you want?” “Yes.” Gaster nodded. “I want my children to be safe.” “by sacrificing yourself.” Serif uttered. “Well…” Gaster smiled slightly. “You should make sacrifices for people that you love.”
Serif’s pupils suddenly widened. She looked at him, shocked. She recognised those words. “papyrus said that.” Serif gasped. “Yes.” Gaster nodded. “he couldn’t remember who taught it him…” “Well, it was a long time ago.” Gaster shrugged. “I doubt he remembers most of the things I taught him.” “but… how?” Serif frowned. No… This didn’t make sense. Gaster couldn’t have taught him that! Papyrus would have been too young to remember it. “i mean – the last time you saw papyrus, he was just a baby. how would he remember –” Wait… Maybe that was wrong. Maybe Papyrus has seen him since… Serif’s heart began to race. Didn’t Gaster say he could jump in and out of the world for a while? What if he… “you…” Serif breathed. “you… visited him.” “For a long time. Every day.” Gaster nodded. “Until I couldn’t come into this world anymore.” “did he… recognise you?” Serif mumbled. She already knew the answer. She’d worked it out, it made perfect sense. She just wanted to hear it… “He thought I was an imaginary friend.” “mister smiley-hands.” Serif breathed. “Yes. That’s right.”
Serif took a step back. Oh, wow… This was a lot to take in. Gaster was Papyrus’s – so that meant, Pristina’s imaginary friend… fuck! “that was my mom!” Serif gasped, grabbing her skull. “she used to visit pristina!” “Yes, I expect so.” Gaster chuckled in mild amusement, all the while blinking back his tears. “How could she resist? Papyrus was always…” He looked away, and paused. Trying to keep himself calm, and professional… even now. “He was always… such a sweet little boy.” “why didn’t she visit me?” Serif whimpered. “why didn’t you visit sans?” “And show him what he had done to me? No…” Gaster shook his head. “I knew I couldn’t visit forever. I knew the Void would eventually take me, and I didn’t want to put him through that. But, Papyrus had no idea who I was. He believed I was nothing more than a figment of his imagination. He could…” Gaster closed his eyes, and smiled. “He could forget me.” “jesus…”
Serif closed her eyes, just as her soul was about to fall apart. No… This was too much. This was too sad – what had she done! She’d caused all this! No… no! “please.” Serif sobbed. She gazed up at Gaster, her eye sockets glistening with tears. “please let me help you.” “My dear… you can’t.” Gaster sighed. He stared at Serif for a long moment. He looked sad… As if he wanted to cry. He didn’t, though. Somehow… he managed to smile. “It’s… nice to see Sans again.” Gaster said. “Even if he isn’t quite the same. You do look so much like him.” He paused, and his pupils flickered as he gazed at Serif, as if he were contemplating something. “… May I?” “huh?” Serif frowned a little, before noticing that Gaster had outstretched his hand. Oh… right. He wanted to touch her. Well… that made sense. If her presence was the only reason he could even be here at all, then he would probably be trapped in the Void again when she returned home. He wouldn’t be able to see Sans, not for real. She was the closest he would get to his son. … Wow. “yes.” Serif nodded. “of course.” She closed her eyes, and awaited Gaster’s touch. She wondered if this was happening at home. Maybe, in her world, her mother and Sans were having a moment just like this. Maybe somewhere, Sans was the closest thing she’d have to … … nothing. Serif… felt nothing.
She opened her eyes, only to see a sorrowful expression upon Gaster’s face. His hand… he had it on Serif’s skull – she could see the position of his arm, she knew he had to be touching her… but she felt nothing. He felt nothing too. … Serif knew why. She realised immediately. He wasn’t really here. Not enough. He was just a ghost in this world… and ghosts couldn’t feel. “… Well.” Gaster uttered, and withdrew the half-faded hand that had passed through Serif’s skull. He tried to hide his heartbreak, under a calm and gentle face. “I expected as much. I’m… not really here or there, am I? Hm.” He chuckled slightly, forcing himself to be amused by the most upsetting situation in the world. He looked at Serif fondly, staring at every inch of her as if she really were his child. She just looked like Sans to him. She was different, certainly, but she was similar enough to make Gaster feel like Sans was really here. Just for a moment, he could pretend. He did pretend, for as long as he could. Then he met her rosy eyes, and he smiled. “Has anybody ever told you…” Gaster whispered. “… how beautiful you are…?” “hah.” Serif smiled a little, blinking back her tears. “just papyrus. … and my boyfriend.” “Ah. Yes, your boyfriend.” Gaster nodded. “… You should go back to him. I’m sure he misses you.” “gaster –” “You can’t.” Gaster stated. “You can’t save me.” He looked at Serif, and offered her one final smile. “I forgive you. I forgive both of you. And now I want you to go home.” “… okay.” Serif whimpered. “thank you.” “Take care of your sister for me.” Gaster said. “i – i will.” Serif nodded. “i pro – wait!” Serif cried out as Gaster started to fade away. No! No, where was he going! “gaster!”
Then he was gone. Just like that. Back to the Void. Back to… what was home now. “… thank you.” Serif whispered. She sniffed back her tears, and wiped her eyes. Okay… Okay. Okay. Well, what else could she do? She had to go home. For gaster, right? She had to make this work, and live the best life she could ever live, it was what Gaster would want. Serif knew that now. She didn’t need to have nightmares anymore; she didn’t need to feel guilty. All she had to do was get home. Okay… Okay. Ring. Ring. Hah. Right on cue. “alphys.” Serif answered the phone without even looking at the caller ID. “sorry about that. did you get the machine working?” “Um I-I think so.” Alphys answered. “D-Do you want to come and check it over?” “that sounds great…” Serif smiled. Hm. Actually, now that she thought of it… She had another idea. If she was going home soon, and things were okay with Gaster, there wasn’t much point in hiding who she was. She kind of wanted to see what Sans looked like after all, so maybe everybody else would… yeah. Cool! “hey, can you get everyone to come to the lab?” “Uh, e-everyone?” Alphys repeated. “yeah, as soon as you can. thanks, alphys.” Serif grinned, and hung up the phone.
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Rick and the No Good, Very Bad Grammys
This is what I'm contributing to the fandom today.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We have a lot of fun on our chat. This is for @lynsleigh
Summary: Rick is not happy with the winner of best album at the Grammys. 
Pairings: Rick/Stan (stanchez)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Uh, some cursing? Honestly this is incredibly tame. 
ao3 link
“Cheating bastards!” Rick cursed, jumping to his feet.
Stan looked over at him, preparing for the other man’s tirade. He should have known Rick would be steamed if Beyoncé didn’t win at the Grammys; of course he actually hadn’t expected this scenario. She was a powerhouse after all, and her songs were catchy he had to admit. Rocket had been stuck in his head for a week now since Rick wouldn’t stop singing it.
“I-I-I can’t believe this shit! Who the fuck even knew Adele put out an album last year?”
“I don’t even know who she is.”
“She did Rolling In the Deep,” Rick explained, glaring at the screen where some white woman was being handed an award.
“Doesn't ring a bell. She the chick who set the rain on fire?”
Rick turned to Stan, eyebrow quirked.
“H-how do you know that stupid ass on but not the one she’s famous for?” Stan shrugged.
Suddenly there were several dings in rapid succession. Rick dug into his pocket, pulling out a phone Stan recognized as his multidimensional cell. He watched as Rick’s face scrunched up.
“That Miami fuck.”
Rolling his eyes Stan asked, “What did Miami Rick do now?”
Rick shoved the phone in his face. Stan moved his hand back a fraction so he could actually read it.
“‘Hey motherfuckers’.”
“U-u-use the right inflictions or don’t, don’t read it out loud at all.”
“Fine. ‘Hey motherfuckers! Guess who was at the Grammy’s to see Beyoncé win? One of the greatest moments of my life!’”
Attached was a photo of Miami Rick grinning wide, behind him the stage where Beyoncé was holding that golden statue. Miami Stan was off to the side, rolling his eyes affectionately at his Rick.
“Huh, so he’s in a timeline where Beyoncé won. Good fer him.”
“‘Good for him’? H-h-hell no! That, urp, asshole is shoving his better timeline into my face! Smug bastard. And look at these others!”
Stan sighed but allowed his boyfriend to rattle on about the other Ricks. Apparently most of those who were in a Beyoncé-victory dimension were shoving it in the others’ faces, because of course they would. They were Ricks, after all.
“Even that John Wayne, tobacco chewing, tin can shooting fuck has a-a-ah winning Beyoncé.”
“You mean that cowboy Rick? The one with the hat who plays acoustic guitar? He’s pretty attractive.” Rick gave him a sour look. “What?”
“As I was saying, this is ridiculous. N-none of th-urp-ese other chumps deserve to be in the better timeline. They don’t appreciate her as much as me.”
Stan eyed the shirt Rick was wearing—a giant image of Beyoncé’s winking face. Definitely proof of his admiration for the singer. Stan made a mental note to ask other versions of himself to see how many Ricks were decked out similarly. He should probably keep that from his Rick, though.
“Listen, babe, I know you’re mad that Beyoncé lost to the chick who’s pieces are falling apart and burning—”
“Okay, you’re fucking with me.”
The phone dinged again and Rick examined whatever message he got. Stan watched the fury spread across his face.
“Doofus Rick,” he explained, tapping away furiously on the small screen. “Th-that shit eating son of a bitch just invited everyone whose Beyoncé lost to wa-urp-tch her win in his dimension. Can you believe this guy?”
Stan opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly Rick’s cell rang and filled the room with Video Phone. He petulantly answered, putting the speaker on. Beyoncé’s dulcet tones were replaced by Doofus Rick.
“Hi there, B-218!”
“I-i-it’s J19-Zeta-7, actually. I just wanted to invite you to my dimension. I understand how awful it must have been to see Beyoncé lose, she really deserved that Grammy!”
“I know.”
“But I recorded her win! We could make a big day of it, invite some other Ricks and their Stans, and experience that wonderful moment together. I have plenty of popcorn, and my Stan is already putting homemade cookies in the oven.”
“Why th-the fuck would I want to put myself in the same room as you and a bunch of other assholes to watch what should have happened in my dimension? Even I’m not that much of a masochist.”
“Aww, geez, B-218, I hope I didn’t offend you. I-I just wanted to spread some joy. Everyone here is so happy for Beyoncé. She even got a congratulatory tweet from president Hilary—”
Rick hung up and shoved the phone back in his pocket.
“That’s it. L-urp-ee, we need to find one of the dimensions where Beyoncé rightfully won and kill those versions of us, then take their places. For Beyoncé I’ll put up with Florida.”
“‘No’? What the hell do you mean, ‘no’?”
“I mean, I’m not leaving my family and neither are you.” Rick rolled his eyes, crossing his arms like a child.
“Fine, we’ll kill all of them.”
“Rick, sit your ass down,” Stan said, grabbing the end of his lab coat and pulling him back onto the couch. “We’re not taking over another Rick and Stan’s life. I’m too old for that shit.”
Rick was pouting at this point; Stan resisted the urge to say anything, not wanting to further his ire. Though it was a little funny. Alright, a lot.
Rolling his eyes Stan leveled with him, “How about we just mess with the other Ricks? I don’t know, spray paint all the windows in the Council of Ricks, pee in Miami Rick’s fountain. Oh, let’s steal some Rick’s tv. Doesn’t that writer one own a huge flat screen?”
Rick had perked up as Stan listed felonies, frown replaced by an exuberant grin.
“Th-that’s perfect, Lee! We’ll hit all those bastards in the brighter timelines.”
Stan smiled to himself as Rick planned who’d they hit. He even took his phone back out to create a soundtrack for their evening—Beyoncé filled, of course.
“Don’t forget Doofus Rick’s dimension, babe. Cookies sound good.”
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newagesispage · 4 years
                                                            MAY                      2020
Check out the We are One Global film fest on youtube from May 29-June 7. We will be able to experience movies from Cannes, Sundance, Tribeca and Venice for free!! Yahoo!!
May 10 will bring us The Feeding America comedy Fest. So far the stars on board are Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Tiffany Haddish, Chris Rock, Louie Anderson, JB Smoove, Brad Garrett, Jon Lovitz, Tim Meadows, Keegan-Michael Key, George Lopez and Sarah Silverman, just to mention a few.
Jim Carrey will release his Memoirs and Misinformation on May 5.
If you need honest medical info, take a look at Quackwatch: A guide to quackery, health fraud and intelligent decisions.
Current times are a magnification of a problem that has been brewing for quite some time. The kiss ass, the indifferent, the greedy who don’t miss a trick are todays fortunate sons.** If half of this country didn’t want the other half to have a fighting chance we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. The Federal government should have all of our best interests at heart.  I will never understand why so many of the’ have not’ voters love supporting the’ haves ‘that love to fuck over the little guy.
I guess we know how this country would be prepared to react to bioterrorism.
SNL is working from home like so many but with Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Fred Armisen, Paul Rudd, Miley and Sandler.
George Gray, announcer for the Price is Right is recovering after a week of 3 heart attacks.
Marijuana use is at an all -time high. Alcohol use is up 40%.
What is up with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp who seemed so surprised at the virus months after everybody else seemed to know the facts? This is what happens if we only listen to Trump and Fox news.** He is so ready to open up the state early. ** A Georgia citizen said it best: Kemp mandates restaurants open, whether I reopen dining rooms or not. I file for business interruption insurance, it does not go through since I am “allowed” to operate full capacity. My landlord can demand all their money since I am allowed to fully operate. Furloughed staff that is collecting unemployment insurance have to come back to work or I have to let them go. Their unemployment insurance then goes on my tab. If things blow up again they are still on my tab, not on the state since they are no longer employed. This is about screwing the working class.** A dog has now been diagnosed with the virus as well as some cats.
UFO footage has been declassified by the pentagon. Wow, anything to distract! ** This whole Scary Clown 45 mess often seems like a big government experiment. Just how much will we put up with? How stupid or complacent are we??
The President’s council on reopening America has a message for our country: Die you fucking slaves. Die Die Die. We’re rich and you’re not and we’ll be even richer after the mass burials are over. Sucks to be you.
The Federal government does not have absolute power. Why do “big government” haters suddenly want the Feds to run their lives??** Some checks were delayed because Trump wanted his name on them?** The Huffington Post has reported that $180,000 a year of Trump campaign money is given to his son’s significant others.
The Carter’s have asked donors to the Carter Center to instead give those donations to local organizations in need.** A great charity is RIP medical debt which puts $100 to every dollar you donate to wipe out medical debt.
Need some nature sounds in your life? Visit NPS.gov/sounds
It looks like Macgruber may become an 8 episode series according to Will Forte.
It is sort of reassuring to see that the late night hosts who mostly hover around my age, are no better at technology than I am.** BTW, Billy Eichner is such a great guest from home.. more please!** I see that one of the 8G band on Late Night has a big pic of Mick’s face behind him at home. I also see that same pic everyday above my desk. A kindred spirit.
Linda McMahon, wife of WWE chair, announced the18.5 million Trump super PAC in Florida. Governor DeSantis now calls WWE essential. Many of the wrestlers were fired so the bottom line looks good.
Being willfully stupid is not part of the Christian tradition.- John Meecham
Some fast food workers went on strike. This is a good time to do it. Risking your lives for minimum wage is hardly worth it.
Threadgill’s, the Austin bar that helped launch Janis Joplin is closing down.
Is this true? 150 members of the Saudi royal family tested positive for covid-19.** Did Trump play down the virus because he owes millions to China’s state owned banks or was it to try to get dirt on Biden?
I am not sure what has happened to the American workplace. So many strides were made in the mid 20th century but a lot of that seems to have fallen away. I see so many employers leaving it to employees to provide supplies before they even get the job. Teachers sometimes buy things for the classrooms. Some employees must buy their own cell phones for video conferences or even punching in and out. Some nursing home employees bring in their own cough drops or snacks for residents. How much $ do the people at the top need?? No sick pay? Work or starve!
Everyone staying at home proves how badly we need a better high speed internet system in the U.S.
Porn hub has been giving free porn.** The My Pillow guy is praising Trump as he donates 50,000 masks.
All these Trump worshipping MAGA shills, they’re willing to die for the dumbest, flounciest fancy lad in history. –Patton Oswalt.
So we don’t want to give Government help to immigrants who pay taxes, we do want to help cruise lines who avoid taxes by registering as foreign companies. Got it! ???
The Neo confederate hate group, ‘league of the south’ is moving ahead with its annual conference in June.** Trump is getting ready to open the country with a coalition of his republican Governors and companies (some of whom seemed surprised). ** How did we get here? If our Pres is incapable of reading simple memos, he is incompetent. ** Scary Clown is trying to speed up the Wall as we are dropping like flies.
This can’t be true. Federal agents are confiscating masks and supplies in hospitals, presumably for ICE agents??** Was Scary Clown 45 trying to force congress out of session so that he could skate some recess appointments by?** Rules have been weakened as to the release of mercury and various toxins from oil and coal power plants.** Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil do not seem to concerned about the virus.** Trump circled back around to the heat and light thing as a cure because he could not get over the shit he got for telling us that spring’s warm weather would take care of everything, right?
Chicago businessman Gene Staples has purchased Indiana Beach amusement park and will open in July if he is able.
Nascar will be back this month with new races but without the live audience.
Catch Ashes to Ash: The disappearance of Robert Bee on Youtube.
As everyone is sick with respiratory problems and the pollution has ebbed a bit, scary clown 45 has to roll back some of our rules that protect clean air. Auto emissions are rolled back to 1.5%.  He has to be loving the fact that we can’t all gather and protest. Hmmm?? Perhaps it is a conspiracy.. but his.** Oh but the disbelievers did gather in Michigan with dolls in nooses and confederate flags. Why do they think that the medical experts are telling them this for partisan reasons or just for their own kicks? They have our safety in mind. Use your fucking heads. How can this country get stupider as time goes on? ** Why can’t they just cover Covid treatment? Medical debt is gonna skyrocket.** I don’t like big government either but in times of crises and health care, we need it to work properly. ** But when the powers that be tell us that animals can’t get it and then a tiger gets it or that masks don’t protect you and then they suddenly do, it makes us all skeptical. Way to confuse us fuckers!!  Even with the ignorant and the panicked, just tell us the truth and the average person will be with ya!!** It was snowing in April? Where was this warmer weather that was going to kill the virus?
You just knew that Trump and his cronies had money on the line when it came to hydroxychloroquine. ** Scary Clown 45 has removed the very man who was set to oversee the $ 2 trillion stimulus. The good ol boys can’t wait to get their hands on that money while people are dying. ** Trump delayed checks that are not direct deposit because he wants his name on them.** People had trouble getting thru when applying for unemployment. Canada gave out the benefits and then checked the details.** States and companies are very confused. Jared claims he is in charge, Pence is supposed to be in charge and FEMA claims they are the final word.  Trump seems to thrive on chaos. The states bidding, stocks up and down and Doctors disagreeing are right up his alley. He probably does hate being stuck at the WH.
People will forgive you for not being the leader you should be, they will never forgive you for not being the leader you claim to be.
Why should it be surprising that poor communities are being hit so hard? The poor, the minorities do so much of the cleaning, the cooking and delivering that still has to be done. When people are not sheltering in place because they are needed or they need that paycheck, of course they are getting infected since they are still out there. Add to that, little or no health care and poor diets from food deserts etc. and there you go.
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham is out after 9 months.  Kayleigh Mcenany is in.** Vaccine chief Rick Bright is reassigned. He recently wanted to put hydroxychloroquine to some rigorous tests. He has been vocal about the administration.
Lights Out is leaving Comedy Central and looking for another place to air.
Can’t wait to see Mrs. America about the women who shaped our past.
I rarely pay attention to advertising but I love that Chantix turkey. I hate the fact that he had a smoking problem, though.
Every prisoner in every prison, especially the non -violent and the elderly should be reviewed. There needs to be more room made for white collar crimes that hurt so many more of us.
Word is that Kim Jung un is brain dead.
Rumble media has released Planet of the Humans from Jeff Gibbs on Youtube . The film will run free for 30 days and sort of explodes the myth of our ‘green’ heroes.
Common, Woody Harrelson and Shinola watch co. have created a cannabis leak motif watch and the proceeds will go to criminal justice reform.
Navy Captain Crozier was fired for telling the truth and looking after his crew. ** The U.S.S. Comfort isn’t taking Covid patients??
Good bye Schitt’s Creek. We sure will miss ya!!
Franklin Graham was asking volunteers for his field hospital in NY to sign a ‘statement of faith.’  It stated that they, “believe in God’s plan for human sexuality within the context of marriage between a man and a woman and that those that stray from those beliefs face eternal damnation and eternal judgement in Hell.”**
Jon Cryer has a new book out: So that happened.
We can see now what would happen if all the humans were dead. The mountain goats have come down the hill and taken over a town in Wales. The Pandas are finally mating in Hong Kong now that they have some privacy.
Bernie is out after 4 long conversations with Obama and tells us that he will concentrate on the pandemic. Looks like we are stuck with Biden.  At least Biden is talking about lowering Medicare to 60. It’s not enough but at least it’s a start.** Who will the female VP pick be, Klobuchar, Witmer, Abrams??
Netflix along with Steve Carell and Greg Daniel will bring us Space Force on May 29 with Lisa Kudrow and John Malkovich.
In Sweden, all land is for public use. Imagine!!
ICP cancelled their Juggalo fest.
Perhaps home schooling will become more popular. Perhaps with the pollution dropping, humans will get the message that we have really fucked ourselves in this world. Less cars people!!** The Twitter CEO donated a billion. That made the other top $ people look like schmucks.
Kleenex Cottonelle is donating a million rolls and a million bucks. Share A Square!!
Fight Island??
Tiger King.. who cares.. Crip Camp is the one to watch.  A Secret Love is also great. This is the world that we should build from the ashes of Covid-19.** Stop trying to get me to watch Tiger King. –Bill Maher
We are in a recession.** I don’t understand when I see so many “devout”  people show no respect for religions other than their own.
Tom Pelphrey on Ozark this season just blew me away!! He has to be the one to watch at the Emmy’s.
On a personal note: Hey Aunt Ritski, I will never forget that you saved a couple of people from drowning when you were a lifeguard. I will never forget one of your favorite tales, that you wanted to be Miss Kitty when you were 5 years old and got a little drunk trying. I will never forget the times that you drove thru the ditches, your Cooter Brown stories or the way that you often left all the change on the bar when we were out.  How could anyone forget the weddings, the bullet you had to live with the rest of your life and the love you had for your siblings. We will miss you forever because all of the lives you touched would have been a whole lot different without you in it. What the fuck would we have talked about if not for the saga of you? I can think of nobody who would disagree with that. Your family loves you baby. Go in Peace and serenity.
 R.I.P. Adam Schlesinger, Ellis Marsalis Jr., Mort Drucker, Lorena Boreja, Janet Alexander,  Patricia Bosworth, Bucky Pizzarelli, Logan Wiliams, Maeve Williams, Wallace Roney, Joe Diffie, Andrew Jack, Alan Merrill, John Prine, Thomas L. Miller, tornado victims, Charlotte Figi, David Driscoll, Hal Willner, Patricia Bosworth, Ann Sullivan, Brooke Taylor, the Canadian shooting victims, Matt Seligman, Barney Ales, Bootsy Barnes, Bruce Meyers,Roger Beatty, the tornado victims, Tim Brooke- Taylor, Jorge Camara, Andrew J. Fenady, Brian Dennehy, Don Reed Herring, Henry Graff, Allen Daviou, Tom Lester,  Bill Withers and Rita Hale.
0 notes
kristie-rp · 5 years
[2016] A Series of Coincidences is Called, “The Universe is Having You On”
Prompt: Found their phone number in a library book au
“Todays’ the day,” Xavier declares to his breakfast – scrambled eggs and toast, because his dad takes being a chef very seriously don’t laugh, Xav – and then gives a determined nod. “I can absolutely do this.”
And maybe he could, but when he gets to school and hangs out all day, even having the stupid note – something he did purely because he overheard her complain that she’s sick of being the messenger for her more popular twins notes, I want some for me, damn it – all prepared and written out ahead of time, ready to slip into her locker or, if he’s feeling particularly brave, into her notebook. The one with the little sketches all over it.
It’s not until after school, when he’s waiting for Isaac’s chauffeur to give them a lift to karate, that he finds out what happened. “Didja hear?” Isaac asks, more attractive with his actually decent looking facial hair (especially for a 14 year old, which, what) and his flawless olive skin and expertly quaffed hair, as he flops down on the stairs where Xavier has sprawled out, face-down on the concrete. “The hot twins got expelled. You know – the one that thinks she’s a dude and the one you have a boner for.”
Xavier does know. He sits up just to tear the little note to shreds. So much for that, he thinks, and in a dramatic teenaged fit later that night, he gives up on the idea of Pandora Rodriquez, gorgeous artist extraordinaire, and then on romance altogether.
It’s ridiculous but Isaac dares him to do it and the new guy encourages the whole thing, so Xavier writes his mobile number on a post it and sticks it in the book he was hoping had information for the stupid class project that he doesn’t want to do. This is what he gets for hoping art history is actually interesting, and as he packs up to leave he swears the terrifying librarian with her magenta hair and dark skin knows exactly what he just did (judging by the snickering from the shelves, the womans boyfriend definitely knows), because she just keeps staring at him. He smiles uneasily and gets the hell out of there, forgetting about it once Vincent and Isaac finish teasing his damn unfortunate self (“You actually did it? Dude, you could’ve just pretended.” “Shut up and do something about your gigantic bisexual boner for the new guy,” Xavier snaps and hits Isaac with a pillow, because he’s still paranoid the librarian will show up and scold him for abusing books despite the fact that he lives on the opposite side of town to the library).
It’s a week later when he gets a text from a number he doesn’t recognise.
(3:43PM) so does this thing help at all with th project on “obscure fuckin artists” or
(3:44 PM) ? what are you talking about
(3:44 PM) who is this by the way
(3:50 PM) hellloooo? 
(4:22 PM) soz not soz. ur number’s in this book. at the library. that was u, rght? 
(4:24 PM) oh. yeah. 
(4:27 PM) but that book was rubbish. i ended up just googling
(4:27 PM) asdhfkldsahfkdlfkjsa 
(4:28 PM) u srs? 
(4:34 PM) breathe, random angry text person
He doesn’t get another text back that day, but he and the unknown number are in contact for a long time yet.
College is fantastic. And by that of course Xavier means he hates it. He tells his cereal as much one morning, never mind that he isn’t even a college student, waiting for Isaac to quit hogging the fucking breakfast. “I hate college.” Just for good measure, he texts the random angry text person (now called ‘poxy paint’ because why not) from sophomore year the same thing.
(7:43 AM) u wke me up for ths shit 
(7:45 AM) you want problems? my roommate sings in the shower
 He snorts, because he can hear Isaac singing fucking Keep Moving On in the next room, and it’s mornings like this that he regrets renting an open plan living space. There’s a bathroom and one closed off room, which sucks because Isaac, as the one who actually has the sex life, is the one who gets dibs. Xavier’s still pining after a crush he had in middle and high school (he regrets nothing, damn it, except for a stupid ripped up note that melted in the rain six years ago).
(7:50 AM) coffeeeeeee
(7:52 AM) nyway. u still wanna meet me? coz im free today
 (7:53 AM) i can come to that shop thing if u want? sis nd her friends want to do smth “cultural” or w/e
 He stares at his phone for a full two minutes before grinning at his cereal, dropping the spoon. “I could actually meet them? Do I want to? Will I ruin everything?
“Quit talking to your fucking food!” Isaac calls. Xavier calls back that he should fuck himself while he’s in there, then texts back.
(7:56 AM) sorry that took so long 
(7:57 AM) the show starts at 10 if your serious. convention center and all 
(8:03 AM) ill b th chick wiv the twin, a lost boi and a crown 
(8:05 AM) i’ll be waiting for you your highness
Vince helps out with the stall, because Isaac has advanced quantum physics or whatever the fuck he’s studying now. Xavier doesn’t care enough to know for sure, and wouldn’t even have an idea it was physics if he hadn’t tripped over a book that morning (“Why is a physics textbook next to the shower?” “I need that for class!” “Noooo? And here I thought you had it for light reading.” “Alright, no need to be sarcastic.”), but it means that he and Vince are manning the stall. Well, Vince is manning the stall. Xavier is mostly just being anxious and doodling little animals running around in circles. When the guy his roommate still has a bisexual boner for (even after they actually did something about it that one Thanksgiving break) became the most responsible person in his life, he doesn’t know, but it’s nice listening to someone other than him argue that his art is worth the price he affixes with little removable tags.
“Vince?” a confused voice chimes. Xavier rolls his eyes – it isn’t the first time someone has recognised the guy who will always be “the new guy” in his social circle – and looks up to scan the room for the crown, the twin and the ‘lost boy’ once again. Seeing nothing, he sighs and looks back at his doodles. “You’re the awkward artist dude?”
Vince looks positively delighted, Xavier discovers when his hand cramps and he looks up yet again as he shakes it out. “Oh my god, you’re the mysterious textee? Seriously?” Maybe he wasn’t there for the event itself, but he knows the story about Xavier’s gigantic crush, courtesy of Isaac himself. He turns to Xavier, says unnecessarily loudly, “Hey Xavier, I didn’t realise it was my Pandora.”
The look Xavier shoots him could wither a sunflower, but Vince just jumps to his feet, gesturing for Pan to come around. “You know what, you two should absolutely take care of things here, I want a break anyway.” He grabs the other guy – who’s mostly just standing there looking bewildered – by the hand and drags him away, borderline skipping. The other girl raises an eyebrow at the one with the – with the crown?
“Is this the guy,” she asks, except it doesn’t quite sound like a question.
“Uh,” the girl says, eloquently, then turns to him. “Phone.”
Xavier points at the counter, baffled, and lets her go through the thing, unlocked to play music as he works. After a moment she emits a triumphant little noise and nods at the other girl – who shakes her head and leaves – and drops the phone on his page. “Hey, so, this is a little bit weird, but – I think I’m the person you’ve been texting for, like, six years or something.” She taps her head; a glance has Xavier realising he didn’t look close enough to spot the fucking crown. It’s paper and bright pink, covered in so much glitter and beads that he’s not sure it’s not just stuck to her hair with glue.
And, worse, he knows her. “Holy shit.” Because maybe Vince thinks this is his Pandora, but before she was his she was his, Xavier’s, in his dreams at least. “This is going to sound absolutely insane, but – you went to Saint Jude’s and got expelled, didn’t you? You’re, uh, you supposedly set something on fire?”
“It was for art,” she retorts, indignant, “why?”
“Because I was, uh,” and he mumbles the last part as quickly as he can, wanting it over with as his cheek turn bright fucking red, “planning on asking you out literally the day you got expelled.”
She starts laughing a minute later, and then, out of sheer desperation, so does he. At this points it’s that or cry.
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