#2 in 1 LUCKY-G Banker
19thsentry-blog · 2 years
ML Fanworks
An archive my Miraculous Ladybug fanfics, because 1) I like pretty things, 2) I'm just That Kinda Guy, 3) "it is always morally correct to bump your own content", and 4) one post is easier to keep track of than 63894.
Caught (AO3 Link)
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Rated M | Complete: Oneshot | 13K Words
Prominent Ships: FeLuka (Endgame), Lukanette (Friendship)
*S5 Emotion Spoilers*
Luka grins widely, hand catching a street pole just to swing around it. Satisfaction blooms in his chest when Félix stops to appraise him with a raised eyebrow and a sly smile. Luka reaches out with his other hand, tapping a finger on the hard cover wrapped in leather and stamped with gold leaf. "Sure does have a much prettier cover."
Félix lifts it a bit higher, nearer to his shoulder. "And deadly--don't forget," he says with half-predatory delight, almost like a threat.
A teasing threat, Luka hopes, one meant to elicit his carefree laugh rather than something very real--something that might beat him over the head if he doesn’t move out of the way fast enough.
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The Pirate Queen's Son (AO3 Link)
Rated M | Ongoing: Latest Chapter | 8.6K Words
Prominent Ships: FeLuka (Endgame)
Félix doesn't need to further clarify which one she's referencing. Of course it's him, the one dressed in a black leather jacket accented with dark scales, the snake bravely emblazoned on the back (the cherry on top of what had given Luka away). Cerulean eyes hiding behind dark azure hair scan the crowd as he leaves the stage, inspecting everything and seeing nothing. He's in a world of his own.
Luka Couffaine, son of the Pirate Queen and the most trusted of her secret band of criminals, is the one person with a Miraculous that might stop Félix from getting what he wants. None of the rest are as clever, as vexing, as the man disappearing out of sight.
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See This Chance (AO3 Link)
Rated G | Complete | 4K Words
Prominent Ships: FeLuka (Endgame)
Luka died in 2016. Yep. Crushed by the Arc de Triumph when Mayura’s Robustus slammed into it. It was kind of a big deal, but once you’re dead, you’re dead—especially when there’s no Lucky Charm to bring you back.
Luka’s been dealing with it in the typical ways.
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Sunset Palette (AO3 Link)
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Rated G | Complete: Oneshot | 5K Words
Prominent Ships: FeLuka (Endgame)
Félix straightened, denying Luka any further honest investigation with the guile of a charismatic banker. "A trade," he said, "if you are truly looking to get the Miraculous back, it's one you'll take me up on." He lifted his hand from the tabletop, frowning at the sawdust and grime that returned while he tried to rub it away between his fingers. Félix looked up at him after, still framed by that picture window and blindingly bright golden butterscotch leaves, one eyebrow arched. "An identity for a jewel."
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In The Shadows (AO3 Link)
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Rated T | Complete: Boomer!Luka Series | 120K Words
Prominent Ships: Lukanette (Endgame, fluffy), FeLuka (Not endgame in this work, one-sided and angsty)
It starts sweet. Blue eyes draw me in like a siren’s call, soft lips speak my name and it sounds like there’s a ring to it even when my lungs are burning and I’m left drowning. There’s a song in your body, it moves like shadows and sunlight, Eros and Apollo laboring in tandem for one holy purpose, to mold your body and soul and make it soft and hard in all the right places, till I’m left gasping for you.
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World's Not Our Own (AO3 Link)
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Rated T | Complete: Boomer!Luka Series | 88K Words
Prominent Ships: FeLuka (Not endgame, moving toward friendship, still one-sided and angsty), Luka & Alix (Friendship), Lukanette (Endgame, fluffy)
It is now, standing in the pit made from the maw of the monster in his arms, that he can finally accept what has been happening to him these past few months without hating it. It is much like twilight, something that should signify an end, but for whatever reason, feels more like acceptance and rebirth than dawn ever did. He is changing, growing, expanding beyond his limits, and every minute is a new picture, all of his contradictions spilling out next to each other, shifting across the sky like one might mix paint. The same night never comes twice, and when he looks up, he sees thousands of stars, all the light from all the suns that feel like eyes in the sky, watching him to see what he'll do. 
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New Beat (AO3 Link)
Rated T | Complete: Boomer!Luka Series | 42K Words
Prominent Ships: Adrinette (Friendship), Aligami (Friendship/It's Complicated But Delicious), Adrien & OC (Friendship/Eventual Pairing)
Marinette sat beside him on the rooftop, staring out into the night sky. He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing at all. Marinette was the first to speak. 
"I guess I never really knew you," she said softly, staring at her hands curled in her lap. 
Those words were the ones that cut him the most. How many times had he wanted her to know exactly who he was? To see the real him, the one beneath the surface? But Ladybug had never loved Chat Noir. She had loved Adrien, the façade he put on. "No," he said, no malice in his voice, "I guess not."
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The Way I Love You (AO3 Link)
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Rated T | Complete: Boomer!Luka Series | 3K Words
Prominent Ships: FeLuka
Because Luka is a friend. No. He truly is a friend. He has to be. The alternative is that Luka is nothing to him, and Félix can't bear that. He'll take this instead. However he can belong to Luka, he'll take it—Félix is horrifically selfish and knows it; he's a ball of contradictions wound so tightly together they all run into each other, where want and need and fear and loathing and longing all mingle at home in his head and heart, and Luka simply…holds out his hands. Accepts it.
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The Night We Met (AO3 Link)
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Rated M | Complete: Boomer!Luka Series | 15K Words
Prominent Ships: FeLuka (Endgame), Luka & Alix (Friendship)
Félix was still a Pandora's box of contradictions.
"I haven't forgotten," Luka said, tilting his head to fruitlessly try to steal back Félix's eyes, to draw them back to his face. It didn't work, but he kept talking anyway. "What you asked me--the night we fought."
It had been impossible to forget, because the question had constantly hunted him, always looming in the back of Luka's mind. He could have recited it by heart, but by the deliberately blank stare on Félix's face and the way he clenched his fists, he knew Félix remembered too.
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Anarka, Meet Jagged (AO3 Link)
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Rated M | Complete: Oneshot | 1K Words
Prominent Ships: Anarka/Jagged (We all know how that ended up)
"I mean, there's always the Raincomprix kid, right?" Fester's feet were straight in the air, resting against the back of the ratty ass couch in his garage; his mohawk grazed the concrete from where his head was hung off the seat. He had a jar of imported cheese puffs in hand, shoveling them in his mouth with big handfuls, and a couple fell out between his fingers and rolled underneath the drum set that they had somehow managed to make fit around Fester's dad's golf kit and tool chests.
Anarka stared at him, mouth agape. "…Are you fucking kidding me?"
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Patient (AO3 Link)
Rated G | Complete: Oneshot | 2K Words
Prominent Ships: Lukanette
"I'm sorry I wasn't there," Ladybug said softly. She'd pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on her forearms. The reminders of her failure to Paris were everywhere she looked; rubble on the sides of the roads, knocked-over buildings, and, more importantly—the people who had gotten hurt in the crossfire. Seeing it when she got back had hit her like a ton of bricks. Finding out that Luka was one of the people that had been hurt? That had hit her worse.
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mycryptosuite · 3 years
Lucky-g Live 2Sure For Today 06/04/2021
Lucky-g Live 2Sure For Today 06/04/2021
Lucky-g Live 2Sure For Today 06/04/2021 Lucky-g live 2sure for today is going to drop live banker and 2sure for us with our ghana lotto lucky-g plan for two sure event on today’s lotto draw. Lucky tuesday two sure live lucky-g lotto banker and 2-sure is not going to fail us today and that’s why we came out with the best ghana lotto lucky g banker for today (more…)
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Word Count: 3850
Warnings: Mild Violence
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23
Pt 8 - Birthday Cash (part 1)
Sunlight shined through your curtains as the sounds of the city outside you started to wake you. Slowly you sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. When your eyes came into focus you took a look at the calendar you hung beside your bed. The date of it read October 1st, 2002. Today was your birthday. Shooting up from your bed you ran down the stairs of your home into the living room. Standing there were your two parents.
"Happy birthday!" Your parents exclaim
You looked around the room to see balloons and decorations everywhere. Every year, your parents went all out for your birthday. To both of them, your existence was a miracle and they wanted to show how grateful they were to have you. Even when you were small and they knew you wouldn't remember what they had done for your birthday they still went all out. You were their little princess and all they wanted to do was make your day the best it could be. As you looked around the room you saw decorations from wall to wall. There were streamers and balloons as far as the eye could see. You made your way over to your parents who both gave you a big hug. 
"Alright sweetie you sit tight right here and your father and I will be right back!"
Taking a seat on your living room couch you sit and wait for your parents. When they come back into the room you see your mom carrying a cake and your father carrying a box. Your mom places the cake on the living room table and takes a seat to your left side while your dad sits to your right. The two of them sing happy birthday to you and when you have your wish in mind you blow the candles out in one go.
"What did you wish for?" Your dad asks you
"Honey, you know wishes don't come true if you talk about them." Your mom says
"Oh fine, I won't pry." your dad responds "Anyway I've got one of many gifts for you right here. Do you want to open it?"
"Of course!" You reply excitedly
Your dad places the box in your lap and you gently undo the ribbon tied around it. Opening the box you remove the tissue paper and see the gift inside.
"No way! It's exactly what I wanted!" You exclaim
Inside the box was a replica of the diary for The Princess Diaries. The movie came out a little over a year ago and since then you were obsessed. You wanted the diary from that movie specifically because you loved how it needed a locket that fit it perfectly to open it up. 
"Well, you had been talking about the journal ever since you saw the movie. It took a while but we had it custom made for you. It's practically an exact replica except we had it so yours could fit more pages." Your mom explains
"Do you like it?" Your dad asks
"I LOVE IT!" You reply "But where is the locket?"
"Lift up the diary." You mom says
When you lifted the book up you saw not one but two lockets. 
"Why are there two?" You ask
"Well, we wanted to make sure that if you lost the first one you could have a second one handy." Your dad responds
"Keep the second one in a safe place." Your mom says
"I will!" You reply
You knew exactly where you were going to keep the second locket but for now, you spent some time with your family eating cake for breakfast and taking in all the time that your parents had spent to make your day special. When the three of you finished your cake your dad states,
"Your mom and I have one more surprise for you but we need to go to the bank to get it. Go get ready so we can head out." 
Excitedly you run upstairs and get ready. When you finish you eagerly wait for your parents downstairs. Once all of you have everything you need to go, you head out the door and off to the Capital West Bank.
Today was October 1st, 2002 but in the Hargreeves household, this day was just like any other. Reginald Hargreeves cared little for birthdays or the acknowledgment that his children were another year older. Like for past birthdays, he merely congratulated them on not passing yet and went on with his day. Unlike Reginald, Grace was much more sympathetic and caring towards the kids and tried to make sure that they all felt special on their birthday. When the children came down from their rooms for breakfast she made sure that each one of them got their favorite thing to eat. She also wished each individual child Happy Birthday as she handed them their plates. This was the routine that occurred every October 1st since they could remember, but this year it would be a little different because the kids knew that later today they would get to celebrate with you. While they kept quiet when their father was at the table, the minute he left the chattering of excitement amongst the six siblings was unstoppable. Each one of them presented their ideas for what they wanted to do for a fun birthday. Diego suggested,
"We should play pin the tail on the donkey but instead it's balloons and we have to pop them with knives!"
"Diego, you would win that one automatically." Allison comments
"And? I want to be a winner on my birthday." He replies with a wide grin
"Well, I want to have a dance party for our birthday!" Allison says
"Oooh, I can get on board with that." Klaus comments
"I want to duet playing happy birthday with (Y/N)." Vanya comments
"And I think it would be fun if we just sit around and talk," Ben says
"Maybe if we're lucky she'll bring over presents and we'll actually get stuff this year!" Luther adds
"What do you want to do for our birthday, Five?" Vanya asks turning the attention to him
"I bet he wants to kiss (Y/N)." Diego interjects making kissy faces at Five "Mwah mwah mwah oh (Y/N) I love you so much!"
"Shut up." Five says looking away from his siblings, heat rising to his face
"You're not denying it." Luther teases
Luther and Diego start to tease their brother more and Klaus starts to sing,
"Five and (Y/N) sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Fi-"
"Ugh! Leave me alone!" Five says grabbing his breakfast and getting up from the table
Five then flashes away to his room. His siblings were so annoying no matter what day it was. Ever since he had accidentally told them about a month ago that he loved you, they relentlessly teased him about it. Well, Diego, Luther, and Klaus did with Allison chiming in here and there. Ben and Vanya were more so supportive and stayed out of his business, which he appreciated. Nevertheless, it was difficult to deal with their incessant teasing. Yes, he loved you and yes, he's thought about kissing you but he couldn't find the courage to go through with it. You were his best friend, his only friend and he didn't want to lose you because he felt a certain way and you didn't. It was a risk he just wasn't willing to take because he couldn't be sure how you felt for him. Five sat down on his bed and angrily munched on his birthday breakfast hoping that soon enough something would happen to make the day more exciting.
When you and your family arrived at the Capital West Bank you took a look around. It was very nice looking with high ceilings and a balcony upstairs that worked its way around the main room. Your father approached the counter and you followed. You ignored the conversation your father and the clerk were having and continued to look around. You saw many different people in the bank, some standing around, some going and then some coming in. As you watched a group of men walk in the door you grew suspicious. In your gut, you felt something shifty about them. Cautiously you watched them out of your peripheral to see what they were up to but to not be obvious about it. A bank teller then steps out from behind the counter and walks you over to a set of stairs directing you and your family up them. Bringing you to a back room the teller uses a key to unlock the door. In the room, you see wall to wall safes. Each one looking just as heavily secured as the next. Your father takes a step towards one of them and entered a passcode. When the safe opens in there is an exact replica of Princess Mia's tiara. Your father gently grabs it from the safe and places it on your head.
"A perfect princess tiara for our perfect birthday princess." Your mom comments
As you relish in the sweet moment with your parents you all hear some commotion from downstairs. Your family and the teller head out of the room and watch from the upstairs balcony as chaos breaks loose downstairs. You can hear the screams of other people in the main lobby as the men who you had a bad feeling about pull out some guns and start threatening people. The banker pulls you and your family back into the back room. Quickly your dad takes the tiara off your head and puts it back in the safe before closing it swiftly. The banker that brought you upstairs calls 911 and details the situation going on, but before he can finish talking to the 911 operator a couple of members of the who were in charge of this robbery shoot him. The criminals, uncaring of what they had just done to an innocent life proceeded to make their way over to you and your parents. Your parents get in front of you to put space between you and the criminals but it is useless because they end up forcing you three down on the ground and put duct tape around your wrists. As you're on the ground you give your mother a pleading look but she shakes her head no. You knew that you could use your powers to get you and your family out of this but your mom didn't want you to in fear of people taking you to do experiments. You let out a sigh as the robbers sit the three of you up. One of them sends the others outside to guard the room before turning to your father to interrogate him.
"Now tell me where this tiara is." The criminal commands
This is not how you expected your birthday to go.
For the Hargreeves kids, their birthday was going the same as always, which is to say not much excitement was going on. They all separated and started to do their own things but their activities were interrupted when Reginald yelled,
"Children come down to the parlor immediately!" 
All the children made their way down to the parlor as quickly as they could. Standing in an orderly line from 1 to 7 the children look to their father to hear what he has to say.
"You have been training to use your powers for years and now you have been presented the opportunity to go and demonstrate them to the world. The Capital West Bank is under siege by a group of robbers and the patrons inside have been taken as hostages. There has been a standoff with police for about two and a half hours at this point and I intend for you children to finish it. Get out of your pajamas and get in your uniforms, we leave in 10 minutes sharp."
The children run off to their rooms and rush to get ready for their first-ever mission. This was not quite the excitement they were looking for but nonetheless, it was better than nothing. Within 10 minutes' time, all the children were ready to go. Quickly, they made it to the bank. The six children with powers devised a plan to get inside while Vanya stayed with Mr. Hargreeves looking at the scene from afar. All the kids minus Luther make their way into the bank through side entrances trying to not get caught. As nonchalantly as possible Allison walked towards the main part of the bank. As she did so she saw one of the criminals talking on a walkie talkie.
"Hey get them behind the counter," He said to some other robbers using his gun to gesture "Now you've put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't wanna do. SHIT!"
She approaches the man and stands their innocently.
"Hey get back with the others!" The man commands to Allison
"I heard a rumor... Allison replies
"What? What did you say?" The man asks
Allison then leans in towards the man and repeats herself. Putting a hand up to her mouth she says,
"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot."
Under the command of Allison's power, the man turns to his accomplice and aims the gun at him.
"Hey dude, what the hell?" the other man asks
The man under Allison's power then shoots his friend in the foot before shooting again. The other man falls to the ground and accidentally shoots off rounds from his automatic weapon. The hostages of the bank scream in fear. A crash then comes from the ceiling as a bunch of glass rains down into the bank. Along with the glass is Luther who jumps down into the bank, grabs one of the criminals banging his head against the counter before throwing him out of one of the high windows. Within seconds Diego runs in brandishing his weapons of choice,
"Guns are for sissies, real men throw knives!" He exclaims throwing his knives and redirecting them towards one of the gunmen 
The knives manage to hit the gunman in the shoulder and his heart. After the one gunman got hit by Diego's knives, the man standing next to Allison came out of his trance and ran away from her towards the counter. As the kids and robbers continue to fight chaos continues to ensue throughout the whole building.
You and your parents had been in the backroom upstairs for what felt like hours at this point. The man who stood before you kept yelling at your father to tell him where the safe that had your tiara was. Somehow your dad had avoided the question thus far but the criminal was becoming inpatient. The robber was about to speak again when the sound of gunshots rang out from downstairs.
"We're gonna have to move this along. If you're not going to tell me straight up then I'm just going to have to force it out of you!" The robber yells
The robber then grabs you and holds the gun in his hand against your head.
"You should let go of me before something happens." You comment calmly
"Aw, what are you gonna do? Cry?" The man mocks
"You asked for it." You reply
In one swift motion, you phase backward through the man and kick him towards a desk that was in the room. As he falls over it you grab the letter opener and stab the man in the back with it hitting his heart. Undoing your parents' bindings you tell them,
"Stay here."
"But-" Your mom interjects
"STAY HERE" you command them
Within a second's time, you had phased through the door and into the middle of the upstairs hallway. Making yourself visible you use your powers to manifest the tiara in your hand and hold it up.
"Hey!" you yell grabbing the attention of the armed robbers "Looking for this?"
The angry men start to chase you but you turn invisible.
"Where'd she go?" One of them asks
One of the men walks down the hall to see if he can find you. Once the men are on two opposite side of the hall you reappear and taunt,
"If you want this crown you'll have to kill me for it."
The two men turn their guns on you and start to rapidly fire but you use your powers to make them go through you harmlessly and the two men end up killing each other. After you confirm they were incapacitated you hear a voice yell,
"Get back you freaks!"
Looking down from the balcony you see a man standing on top of the bank counter surrounded by Allison, Diego, and Klaus in their academy uniforms. You wonder when they got here but continue watching. the man points his gun at each of them he demands,
"Hey be careful up there buddy," Klaus comments
"Yeah, wouldn't want you to get hurt" Allison chimes
"Get back now!" The criminal demands
Five flashes behind the man so he is sitting criss-cross on the counter.
"Or what?" He asks with a cocky smile
The man turns his attention and gun to Five and starts shooting but Five had flashed away before any bullets could hit him. Flashing behind the man once more he crosses his arms, a serious look on his face. The man on the counter turns to him and starts clicking a stapler at him. Five looks down at the stapler before sarcastically commenting,
"That's one badass stapler."
Immediately after though Five forcefully pushes the man's hand. The stapler hits hard causing a gash in his head and the man to fall off the counter. Your jaw drops and your heart starts to race a little. 
"Damn," you whisper to yourself
Something about him kicking that guys ass was really attractive to you. Forgetting that you were in the middle of fighting one of the robbers grabs you and takes the tiara out of your hand. You phase out of his arms and say,
"Either the crown goes down on the group or you go up in the air."
"You're not getting this back." The man states
"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."
And with that you make it so this man's molecules are extremely light and hang him upside down in the air over the lobby of the bank. Freaking out he throws the tiara over the balcony and it lands by your feet. Not part of your plan but you are satisfied nonetheless. You continue to leave the man hanging as you watch your friends downstairs. Outside the vault five of the six children stand in a semi-circle around Ben.
"Do I really have to do this?" Ben asks
"C'mon Ben there are more of them in the vault," Luther says
"I didn't sign up for this," Ben says in a resigned tone
Ben enters the vault and begins to take out the men in their one by one. From across the room the man you were holding yells,
"Put me down!"
The five children left outside the vault switch their attention and see a man dangling upside down in the air. Looking slightly above him they can see you standing on the balcony above.
"I said put me down you crazy bitch!" 
"You got it." You reply with a smirk before making the man's molecules extremely dense
The man rapidly falls down towards the floor of the lobby and impales himself on a flagpole. Five looks up at you an admiring smile on his face and awe in his eyes (even if they were hidden behind a mask). He had never seen someone so beautifully kebob a man. 
"Wow." Five said to himself
The hostages in the bank start to run out of the building screaming. You transport yourself downstairs to the middle of the lobby and watch the bloodbath occur behind the translucent glass of the vault. When it stops you see Ben slowly step out from behind the door and he can be heard saying,
"Can we go home now?"
You see the children walk around the counter to make their way over to you. Even behind their masks, you could see the excitement in their faces especially that of Five. The children approach you but as they do you can see one of the men still alive get up and quickly make their way over to your group. Raising their gun up, they point it in their direction. He could've aimed at any one of you but he pointed his gun at Five. Quickly reacting you yell,
"Five watch out!"
You then transport your molecules so that you are between Five and the gunman. The gunman pulls his trigger but you push his arm up so that the shot hits the ceiling. You wrap your hand around his neck and look him in the eyes. Adrenaline rushing through your veins all you could think about was how this man almost killed the boy you loved. You were about to say something when,
Your entire top part of your body was covered in red. The body of the man falls backward and you see that all that was left was the shoulders down. You blink a couple of times coming to the realization of what you just did. Slowly turning to the group of kids Diego exclaims,
"Uh, thanks." you comment before gesturing to yourself and adding "Hey Ben, looks like we're twins now.”
You see a smile appear on the face of the boy who didn't want to be here in the first place. He didn't say anything but it brought him comfort to know you were in the same boat as him. You watch as Five opens his mouth to say something but before he can you hear someone screaming your name from above you. Turning around you see your parents. You wave to them from the lobby floor.
"Hi, mom! Hi dad!" You say as if nothing was wrong
You and the Hargreeves kids all watch as your parents rush down the stairs to get to you. When your mom gets to you she crouches down looking all over you for injuries.
"Oh my god (Y/N) are you okay? You're all covered in blood!" She cries
"Don't worry mom, it's not my blood!" You say with a positive attitude
Your mom wails in distress at the sight of her baby covered in someone else's blood.
"Honey, I don't think that was the right answer." You dad comments putting a hand on your mom's shoulder
"Oh uh, well then it is-" You start to say
"No don't finish that sentence, that's not it either." Your dad adds
Your dad helps your distressed mom off the floor and places a hand on your back escorting you all to the door. As the three of you walk he says,
"You know what. We're gonna go home and you're gonna get all that blood off you and then your mom and I are going to lay down for the rest of the day while you do whatever makes you happy for your birthday.”
The six children watch as you make your way out the door with your parents but before you exit you turn to smile at them knowing that you would see them later. As soon as you leave the kids rush out to the front steps so that the public can acknowledge them for the first time. This was the most exciting birthday they had had so far but they all knew it would only get better once you came over to celebrate later.
Tag list: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @eddiomyspaghettio @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind
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skyeloaded · 3 years
The Nigerian Graduate - S01 E02
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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2 “You stare a lot. Follow me to my car” he made to move and I follow closely behind. I followed him to his Car and we opted in, believe me, I knew I had hit a jackpot! This man was driving a G-wagon in this part of Nigeria. I started reminiscing and calculating those I was owing, my makeup kits, and all other expenses . I was lost in my thought that I did not noticed this guy had been talking to me. “Are you alright” he shook me vehemently. “Yes, I am” I shifted confortably and concentrated. “Have been asking what your name is since and u were just staring at me blankly” “Oh! I’m sorry. My name is Riri”. ” Is that an Igbo name?” “Shortened form of Aderinola” “Oh! I am Shina, Shinaayomi” he added quickly. “Where do you stay” “Falegan” “My parents are based here in Ado but I’m based in lag even though I’m new in Nigeria” he explained calmly “I’ll be in town for some couple of months” “Oh really” I said smiling. “What are you doing in the bank” he asked “Ehm…. Ehm… I actually came to withdraw” I stammered “To withdraw? But you said you’re stranded” he said confusingly. “Shina, it’s a long story. Two things brought me to the bank, to withdraw and search for work. My parents promised to send me some cash today.” I said soberly. That was one of the begging tactics I used on men. “Eeya. Can I take you home” “Home?” It was still some minutes to two and I am not expected to be home yet at least as a banker. I was lost in thought thinking of an excuse. “You don’t want me to know your house, Aderin” He asked looking dejected. “Why not, I stay in Falegan” I said quickly as the thought of losing that handsome man crossed my mind. Shinaayomi eventually took me home and gave me fifteen thousand naira with the promise to check on me the next day. It was my happiest day. I could not enter my house before I rushed down to Fiwasaye’s shop, I stopped and paid Mama Sikira my debt and also Bello. Bello was the mei tea at my junction.I would buy tea, noodles and bread and package it inside either Captain cook, Take away or chicken republic nylon. Don’t ask me where I got them, I could be lucky to eat lunch there once in few months but to my neighbours, I eat there everyday! Fake life was the best to me! A lot of people accorded me with respect because I knew how best to”package” myself. On getting to Fiwa’s shop, I greeted her and handed her the sum of five thousand naira. “Corporate Ashawo, wetin b dis” “Stop calling me that! You have customers now” I replied angrily. “No one is listening” “Does that matters, walls have ears” “Where you c money” “How much am I owing” ” 3,765″ “Who’s spending #5 in this period” “You still have 1,235” “Keep the change” I replied feeling fly “Riri, who have you money” “Iwa, you won’t believe I’ll be getting married soon” pardon me readers, In the “packaging” business, there is something you must know how to do well, it’s “lying”… I, Aderinola can sell the whole Nigeria with lies. I’ was born,bred and buttered in ” LIES”. My father could lie and my mother was always his witness so as we, the children. “Who will marrying our Almighty corporate…” “Shut it!” I shut her off “Who is marrying our Riri” she asked rolling her eyes. She knew all my tactics, she was the torn in my flesh. She knew me better than my parents and she rolling her eyes meant one thing, She does not believe me. I left Fiwa’s shop and took a bike to Chuks, my makeup customer at the market. I was owing him the total sum of #550 which I paid and bought my loose powder and some essentials.(if you will agree with me: as either a makeup artist, or a makeup lover,never take more than you’ve budgeted to a makeup shop/studio or else you end up spending more than you have? I got some foodstuffs and soup ingredients and when I got home that evening, I had less than #2000. I was nervous that I could not sleep all through the night expecting Shina’s cal which seems like a dream not coming true. I was home the next day after feigning sick to my neighbours. I decided against calling Shina and the day ended without a call or visit from him.I was disappointed throughout the week not seeing Shina and after a whole week of mourning Shina, I chose to move on. I dusted my CV and my trekking shoes and went back to the street. I was working down the street of GRA one hot Thursday afternoon lost in my own thoughts when a red car stopped by,at first I paid less attention to the car and walked passed it until the driver horned, I stopped to look at the driver but it was a tinted glass, knocked repeatedly but no response. I tried peeping through the tinted glass but all I could see is a couple arguing so I moved on,the car followed so I decided to pick a bike home. I had to borrow money from Mama Sikira to pay the biker rider. It was some minutes to 7 when a call came in and the caller asked to me to come outside. I was so eager to know who it was so I went so immediately I saw a familiar red car outside my compound, it was the red car I saw in the afternoon. I was confused ,paused and was trying to fathom whom it was. I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard the car horn.I took grip of myself and went to where the car was parked. I knocked on the windscreen and it was wound down. Guess who? It was my Princecharming!!! I screamed so loud that all my akproko neighbours rushed outside to see who it was. I felt embarrassed and entered into the car to avoid story that touched. “Aderin” “Shina” “Can I talk to you?” “Where have you been? No calls, no chats, no messages” “I’ve been through alot these past few weeks” “Like what and what?” “I’m going back to the states” “Why?” “My parents, they don’t love me” he screamed. I was disappointed, devasted. I was quiet and every time I tried opening my mouth to talk… It was so dry and silky. “Aderin, can I sleep here this night?” “You mean…. My…my room?” I stammered “Yea… I need somewhere to rest my head and cool my mind.” “Hotel… There are five stars hotels around, why my room?” I regretted those words almost immediately. “Are you trying to drive me away?” He asked disappointed. “Why should I, Shina? I mean a man of your caliber and status…(I paused)… Moreso,we met once, we’re friends and… and… I don’t know your intentions” I looked up seeing Shina beaming with smiles.I felt foolish. “So you have a dirty mind?” He asked laughing out so hard. “Was it so funny?” “Oh I’m sorry. I know all hotels around here but I just want someone to talk to. I need someone to lend me some listening ears. You fits into my demands, Riri. You are such an amazing woman.” He poured out. I was quiet for a period of time because My room was a bit absorb. My unwashed pants were lying in my bed. “Let us go inside” I opted out immediately and he locked his car and followed almost immediately. I was looking for the perfect lie concerning my unwashed panties but found none. As we got into my compounds, all my neighbours, I mean all my neighbours, my neighbours’ neighbours, my neighbours’ children,boyfriends,girlfriends and street members were hanging around all staring at my Princecharming. To be truthful,Shina smelt of riches, even though he was dressed in a joggers n tees, he was a head turner. My head was so swollen that I could not help feeling on top of the world. I looked back and discovered everyone was greeting him,even some were trying to form familiarity. I took it as an opportunity to rushed into my room,I cleared my room and rushed out to pick Shina. On getting outside, what and who I saw shocked me. Read the full article
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moonbeambucky · 7 years
The Guardian (Part 2)
Pairing: Demon!Bucky Barnes x Reader (Demon AU) Word Count: 2698 Warnings: **Suicide**, Violence, Torture, Body horror (I guess like medical experimentation & stuff), mentions of animal abuse ***The suicide is heavily implied so if anyone is uncomfortable by this topic but you want to know what’s happening in the chapter msg me and I can give you a trigger free run down!
Summary: Someone has been watching over you throughout your life. His intentions are bad, that is until you remind him of his past. Can you save the soul of a demon?
A/N: I hope this doesn't suck. If you like it let me know! :) Gif not mine, source (x)
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If his heart could still skip a beat it certainly would have. You had unlocked the door in his mind that had been shut for so long. The memories overwhelmed him, bits and pieces of a puzzle scattered on the floor waiting to be put together. He started slowly with his name. Bucky. He repeated it over and over again, furrowing his brows together with frustration.
“There’s more. Bucky… urgh!” he huffed, pressing the heel of his palms into his eyes. He sounded out different letters until he thought he found the right one.
“G-George. No, James. James... Barnes. George was my father,” he said slowly connecting the pieces.
He pictured a man, with striking blue eyes and dark brown hair that peeked out from under a flat-topped straw hat. His cream buttoned down shirt was tucked into brown trousers, cuffed at the bottom to display his oxford shoes. Bucky smiled remembering his father, caring and selfless, who would always give up his last dollar to anyone that needed it. He was a hard working man who loved his wife Winifred. “Winnie, darling!” he would say, coming through the front door of their humble home.
George worked long hours as a banker but during the weekends he was a true family man. He took James and his younger sister Rebecca to the park. He watched James play baseball with some local boys, smiling at the nickname they gave his son as they eagerly called Bucky up to bat. Rebecca rode a merry-go-round, waving to her father each time her wooden horse passed the bench he sat on. He loved his family with all of heart. The accident that took his life was tragic, and Bucky never felt worthy enough to fill the large void left in its wake.
His country needed him during the war, there was no question but Bucky hated the idea of leaving his mother and sister. He wrote to them when he could during training and was lucky enough to receive their letters when he was overseas.
He slid down the wall, unseen by the humans that casually pass him by, as the horrors of the war replayed in his mind. Then he remembered the explosion on the cliffside and his biggest regret, living. He fell, hitting the snow covered ground with a huge thud. Every bone was surely broken, he groaned in agony and yet he felt numb. Hot tears stung his eyes as thought about his mom and Rebecca. He didn’t want to leave them, he was the man of the house, he needed to protect them. But there was nothing he could do except shut his eyes and wait for death to take him.
A blurred figure came towards him, calling out his name. A fellow soldier? No, it was an older man with a wrinkled face and dusty blond hair. “Bucky.” His smooth voice kept him from slipping out of consciousness. “Bucky, I’m here to help you.”
The man introduced himself as Alexander, Bucky’s spiritual guardian. “My wh-what?” Bucky’s weak voice murmured.
Alexander offered to save him, heal him enough to go home so he can see his family as long as he promised to work with him as a guardian when the time comes. Confused and close to death Bucky accepted the man’s offer as his eyes shut.
Bucky woke up, groaning as his body bounced with every step the men who were carrying him on a stretcher took. “You’re lucky to be alive, soldier!” he heard a voice say before slipping unconscious again.
Sometime later he opened his eyes, recognizing he was in the medical tent of the barracks. He groaned feeling a terrible ache throughout his body, which was expected after his tremendous fall, except he felt different. His eyes widened with horror seeing the absence of his left arm. A medic heard the commotion and rushed over to him, explaining that his arm was lost from the explosion. He looked down to see a small stump wrapped in gauze, just a few inches remained of his once strong arm. His injury would be sending him home though as soon as the papers were processed.
Bucky reflected on his thoughts, vaguely remembering the man, his guardian, who promised him a chance to see his family again. He didn’t realize the cost, nevertheless he was happy, he served his country honorably and he was headed home with a smile on his face.
Winifred sobbed mixed tears of joy and sadness as her son walked through the door. She was prepared for his injury but it didn’t take away the pain she felt for her boy.
“Son!” she cried, sobbing into his chest. Bucky wrapped his right arm around her back, “Ma! It’s okay. I’m okay,” he said hoping his words would alleviate her woes.
Winifred took him into the kitchen, having prepared a casserole, after a long time away she needed to make sure her son was well fed again. Bucky missed her cooking, even with the restrictions from food rationing, she was always able to turn anything into a delicious filling meal.
She sat beside Bucky tending to his every need, refilling his glass before it was half empty, wiping food from the corner of his mouth. Bucky held his tongue, just because he lost an arm didn’t mean he couldn’t take care of himself, but he let his mother take care of him; she almost lost her son after all.
Rebecca came home a few hours later looking unrecognizable from the last time Bucky saw her. Her hair usually styled with intricate curls was covered in a dusty headscarf, her dress was traded for faded blue coveralls. She had taken up work in a local factory, like most of the women in the country who took over the jobs of the men who left to fight.
Her face lit up when she saw him, with a bittersweet smile tugging on her lips as she noticed the flat empty sleeve on the left side of his jacket.
She was happy to have him home, they were all happy to be together again.
Later that night after their mother had gone to sleep Bucky and Rebecca were able to speak frankly. His heart felt heavy, wiping tears away as he relived the terrible things the war required him to do. Bucky told her mostly everything, only sparing her from the gruesome details he did not want his little sister to imagine. He also left out the part of the man, Alexander, the supposed guardian that saved his life, though he was half convinced this was a hallucination.
Bucky pushed open the door of his bedroom and gasped, not expecting to see the figure standing there waiting for him. His jaw hung open as he stared at Alexander who was very much real. He was a few inches shorter than Bucky but stood with towering confidence. “Surprised to see me?” he asked.
Bucky nodded, unsure of what words to say as he tried to quickly accept the existence of his spiritual guardian.
“About the arm,” he nudged his chin towards Bucky, “It was the best way to get you home.” Bucky cleared his throat before speaking, “Uh yeah, thanks, thank you. I’m just glad to be here.” He tripped on his words, smiling quickly before returning to his nonplussed state.
“How’s mom? She good?” Alexander asked with a curt undertone. Bucky nodded in response. “And sister?” A chill ran down Bucky’s back and he shivered before silently nodding again. “That’s good. I’m sure you said goodbye then.”
Bucky’s face twisted in confusion, “I- I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Alexander’s lips pulled up into a wide devilish smile. “Our deal boy. The time has come.”
Bucky sputtered out words, trying to reason with that he’s been home for less than a week. Alexander didn’t care, though he never stated the full terms of his agreement Bucky never asked. He accepted his help and he was quickly learning that his actions had consequences.
“Kill yourself,” Alexander snarled, smirking.
Bucky felt disgusted by his words, he refused. He could never.
Alexander cocked his head, closing the gap between himself and Bucky. His smile dropped, “Your mother and sister are on a train right now,” he calmly stated.
Bucky shook his head in confusion, “What does that mean?”  
“I’m a man of great influence and power,” he spat, popping the sound the word he took so much pleasure from.“They are sitting in the first car and when I derail the train they will die, painfully so,” he smirked, “Unless…” he threatened.
Bucky felt nauseous, the thought of his family dying burned a deep pit within his stomach. “I thought you were my guardian angel,” he naively questioned.
Alexander dropped his head back and laughed with a twisted sense of delight. He turned towards Bucky revealing his eyes, now covered by a deep blackness that replaced any trace of humanity he once appeared to have. “I’m far from angel.”
He raised his hands up and the furniture in Bucky’s room began to shake. The desk broke in half, with all objects once neatly displayed sliding towards the center, the dresser toppled over, photographs dropped from their place on the wall. Bucky jumped out of the way as his closet door opened, his clothes were violently strewn across the room. He could not believe what he was seeing.
Alexander looked at a mirror and it shattered, its jagged pieces fell to the ground in front of Bucky. “You know what to do.”
Bucky bent down, apprehensively picking up the shard of glass. His teary eyes pleaded with Alexander but he showed no signs of faltering.
“What happens if I do this?” his shaky voice asked. “Th-they’ll be safe? No tricks?” “They won’t be harmed. I’m a man of my word. You do this and then you work for me. Go on son.”
Bucky shut his eyes not wanting to face Alexander. Son, the word stung in his mind. Bucky thought about his father, the honorable and good man. Would he do this? No, his father was a better man. He wouldn’t have made a deal with the devil. That’s what Alexander had to be. George would have seen through something that was too good to be true, he would have died with honor on that blanket of snow. All Bucky wanted was to see his family again, to protect them. Now he was left with a horrible choice and no way out. He had to save them, the family that would forever be plagued with unanswered questions. Why? Why did he do this?
Bucky choked on a lump in his throat as the tears traveled down his cheeks. He gripped the shard, feeling the sting of glass cutting into his hand. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, knowing the people who needed to hear his words never would. He brought the shard to his neck while Alexander watched.
Bucky woke up on the hard ground, looking around he saw nothing, just blackness that felt like it was slowly creeping towards him despite his vast surroundings. There was a cold chill that blew through him yet he choked on the air, heavy with humidity making it difficult to breathe. Wait, could he even breathe?
He was alone and scared. He sat bringing his knees to his chest, going through the motions of crying without being able to shed tears, as he regretted the choices he made from the life he’ll never get back. Alexander appeared in front of him, pulling Bucky to his feet.
“You work for me now,” he spat. “And my soldiers aren’t weak.” “Soldiers?” Bucky questioned, “Alexander, I…”
He was cut off again. “You call me Pierce and I am not to be questioned. I’m not your friend. I own you. You’re gonna go up there and corrupt souls. Manipulate people, like I did to you,” he said with a sinister smile.
Bucky tried resisting at first, thinking since he was already dead that no more harm could come to him but he was wrong. Pierce brought in his trusted associate, a man formerly known as Brock Rumlow.
Rumlow was a twisted from an early age, torturing animals, slicing them open just to see what would happen. He became a surgeon, determined by his sickness to hurt people. It wasn’t enough for him to perform the surgery he was required to do. He lied to his patients, telling them the procedures he performed were life saving and necessary just so he could mutilate them.
He found a like minded assistant, Grant Ward, and together they abused countless victims. Operating without anesthesia, the relished in the sounds of screams as they experimented removing body parts, or attaching foreign objects within. Then men were caught and executed but they continue their work now as demon’s with Pierce’s full support.
Bucky had learned more about Pierce, the devil’s right hand man, a powerful demon who was building an army with plans to fight the angels in Heaven.
With the snap of his fingers Pierce made it possible for Bucky to experience pain again. Rumlow smiled as he began his torture. Minutes felt like years, years felt like centuries. Bucky had felt immeasurable amounts of pain. He tried not to scream knowing each time he did it only fueled Rumlow’s enthusiasm. He was carved with every tool imaginable, grinding his teeth as he felt the sting of each slice, only to have his body healed and prepped for the next round of torture.
Rumlow was fascinated by Bucky’s arm. He opened him up, removing what was left of his bone and replacing it with different objects. He settled on a metal arm, cast from the armor of a great demon, once a rogue knight who slayed countless villages during the Middle Ages.
Bucky knew how to end the torture, he held out for so long but he was weak, physically and mentally. He felt broken and so he conceded, accepting his fate. He hated himself for giving up. He carried out Pierce’s orders, being assigned to a variety of people all over the world; it didn’t matter who they were, only that they be influenced negatively to corrupt their souls.
One day Bucky was assigned to a new mother. He reluctantly went to the hospital with the intent on whispering thoughts to induce postpartum depression. He materialized in the hospital room, pushing past the flowers and balloons, not making himself known to the happy people who crowded around the woman. He stopped in shock as he saw his sister holding a baby swaddled in blue cloth.
“James, after my brother,” Rebecca said. “James Barnes-Proctor.” She wiped tears away as she smiled lovingly at her son. Bucky stood there in shock, seeing his sister and the man he assumed was her husband caressing the forehead of the sleeping infant. He scanned the room for his mother but she wasn’t there. He wanted to stay, to talk to Rebecca and tell her everything but he knew he couldn’t.
He left feeling determined, feeling strong like the man he should have been. He refused to do this any longer, resolving that he would rather be tortured for eternity than hurt anyone else. Pierce blinked a few times, silent in response to Bucky’s defiance. He simply smiled, snapping his fingers as a cloud of black smoke wrapped itself around Bucky. He struggled against the force of energy but wasn’t able to break free. The black cloud entered through his ears and fogged up his mind. Pierce locked away Bucky’s memories, wiping him to create the perfect demon, brainwashing him into fighting for his cause without disobedience. A soldier once again, ready for orders.
Bucky struggled to lift his heavy head, weighed down by all of his memories, guilt and pain. He wiped away fresh tears as he looked around. You had left, a while ago it seemed. Bucky wanted to find you. He wanted to undo some of the damage he’s done. Thanks to you he remembered who he was, he needed to do some good for a lot of people but he wanted to start with you. He tasted the salt on his lips before realizing the unfamiliar sense. How was he able to cry?
His thoughts were interrupted by the image of Pierce calling him back. Bucky wiped his eyes again, bringing his expression back to something neutral as he faced Pierce.
“Mission report.”
Perm Tags: @chameerah
Story Tags: @hawaiipeople-blog @wandering-at-midnight @misscherryberry @ly--canthrope @learisa @karlilarki @greenhands5 @myfandomismyreality 
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leeknown · 6 years
30 Questions Tag
tagged by @straykidding @sp3arb @i-love-dark @channie
1. nickname: minnie // gm 
2. gender: female
3. star sign: sagittarius
4. height: 162cm
5. time: 14:28
6. birthday: november 27th 
7. favorite band(s): bts, stray kids, wanna one, monsta x, sf9, iKON, blackpink, sistar (whoops), kara :(, k.a.r.d, day6, nct, red velvet, dreamcatcher, EXID, wjsn, pristin
8. favorite solo artist: chungha, im junhyeok, jung sewoon, sunmi, henry, g-dragon, crush, zico 
9. song(s) stuck in my head: red velvet’s russian roulette lmao 
10. last movie watched: jumanji 
11. last show watched: radio romance if kdrama is counted 
12. when did i create my blog: 13 Nov 2017!! 
13. what do i post: gifs // clips and mostly reblogs lol  
14. last thing i googled: tumblr dimensions
15. do you have other blogs: @97-ed is my main, @ddaehwis is my dead w1 blog
16. do you get asks: not often :”) 
17. why did you choose your url: bc it reminded me of M&Ms!! those cute chcolate 
18. following: 1,176 whoops 
20. favorite color(s): blck, white, red, grey
21. average hours of sleep: 7 hours
22. lucky number: 13 and 17 berra me too!!
23. instruments: I don’t play any.. 
24. what am i wearing: pjs
25. how many blankets i sleep with: one
26. dream job: accountant or banker! 
27. dream trip: idk.. i wanna see the seven wonders of the world 
28. favorite food: rice
29. nationality: singaporean
30. favorite song now: Im Junhyeok’s Stay 
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clayrzyan · 5 years
Business funding Small Business Loan Update - Stimulus Bill Helps Bailout Businesses If They Cannot
As we continue to sift dutifully through the over 1,000 pages of the stimulus bill (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), there is one provision that is not getting much attention but could be very helpful to small businesses. If you are a small business and have received an SBA loan from your local banker, but are having trouble making payments, you can get a “stabilization loan”. That’s right; finally, some bailout money goes into the hands of the small business owner, instead of going down the proverbial deep hole of the stock market or large banks. But don’t get too excited. It is limited to very specific instances and is not available for the vast majority of business owners. There are some news articles that boldly claim the SBA will now provide relief if you have an existing business loan and are having trouble making the payments. This is not a true statement and needs to be clarified. As seen in more detail in this article, this is wrong because it applies to troubled loans made in the future, not existing ones. Here is how it works. Assume you were one of the lucky few that find a bank to make an SBA loan. You proceed on your merry way but run into tough economic times and find it hard to repay. Remember these are not conventional loans but loans from an SBA licensed lender that are guaranteed for default by the U.S. government through the SBA (depending upon the loan, between 50% and 90%). Under the new stimulus bill, the SBA might come to your rescue. You will be able to get a new loan which will pay-off the existing balance on extremely favorable terms, buying more time to revitalize your business and get back in the saddle. Sound too good to be true? Well, you be the judge. Here are some of the features: 1. Does not apply to SBA loans taken out before the stimulus bill. As to non-SBA loans, they can be before or after the bill’s enactment. 2. Does it apply to SBA guaranteed loans or non-SBA conventional loans as well? We don’t know for sure. This statute simply says it applies to a “small business concern that meets the eligibility standards and section 7(a) of the Small Business Act” (Section 506 © of the new Act). That contains pages and pages of requirements which could apply to both types of loans. Based on some of the preliminary reports from the SBA, it appears it applies to both SBA and non-SBA loans. 3. These monies are subject to availability in the funding of Congress. Some think the way we are going with our Federal bailout, we are going be out of money before the economy we are trying to save. 4. You don’t get these monies unless you are a viable business. Boy, you can drive a truck through that phrase. Our friends at the SBA will determine if you are “viable” (imagine how inferior you will be when you have to tell your friends your business was determined by the Federal government to be “non-viable” and on life support). 5. You have to be suffering “immediate financial hardship”. So much for holding out making payments because you’d rather use the money for other expansion needs. How many months you have to be delinquent, or how close your foot is to the banana peel of complete business failure, is anyone’s guess. 6. It is not certain, and commentators disagree, as to whether the Federal government through the SBA will make the loan from taxpayers’ dollars or by private SBA licensed banks. In my opinion it is the latter. It carries a 100% SBA guarantee and I would make no sense if the government itself was making the loan. 7. The loan cannot exceed $35,000. Presumably the new loan will be “taking out” or refinancing the entire balance on the old one. So if you had a $100,000 loan that you have been paying on time for several years but now have a balance of $35,000 and are in trouble, boy do we have a program for you. Or you might have a smaller $15,000 loan and after a short time need help. The law does not say you have to wait any particular period of time so I guess you could be in default after the first couple of months. 8. You can use it to make up no more than six months of monthly delinquencies. 9. The loan will be for a maximum term of five years. 10. The borrower will pay absolutely no interest for the duration of the loan. Interest can be charged, but it will be subsidized by the Federal government. 11. Here’s the great part. If you get one of these loans, you don’t have to make any payments for the first year. 12. There are absolutely no upfront fees allowed. Getting such a loan is 100% free (of course you have to pay principal and interest after the one year moratorium). 13. The SBA will decide whether or not collateral is required. In other words, if you have to put liens on your property or residence. My guess is they will lax as to this requirement. 14. You can get these loans until September 30, 2010. 15. Because this is emergency legislation, within 15 days after signing the bill, the SBA has to come up with regulations. Here is a summary of the actual legislative language if you are having trouble getting to sleep: . SEC. 506. BUSINESS STABILIZATION PROGRAM. (a) IN GENERAL- Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall carry out a program to provide loans on a deferred basis to viable (as such term is determined pursuant to regulation by the Administrator of the Small Business Administration) small business concerns that have a qualifying small business loan and are experiencing immediate financial hardship. (b) ELIGIBLE BORROWER- A small business concern as defined under section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632). © QUALIFYING SMALL BUSINESS LOAN- A loan made to a small business concern that meets the eligibility standards in section 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)) but shall not include loans guarantees (or loan guarantee commitments made) by the Administrator prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (d) LOAN SIZE- Loans guaranteed under this section may not exceed $35,000. (e) PURPOSE- Loans guaranteed under this program shall be used to make periodic payment of principal and interest, either in full or in part, on an existing qualifying small business loan for a period of time not to exceed 6 months. (f) LOAN TERMS- Loans made under this section shall: (1) carry a 100 percent guaranty; and (2) have interest fully subsidized for the period of repayment. (g) REPAYMENT- Repayment for loans made under this section shall– (1) be amortized over a period of time not to exceed 5 years; and (2) not begin until 12 months after the final disbursement of funds is made. (h) COLLATERAL- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration may accept any available collateral, including subordinated liens, to secure loans made under this section. (i) FEES- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration is prohibited from charging any processing fees, origination fees, application fees, points, brokerage fees, bonus points, prepayment penalties, and other fees that could be charged to a loan applicant for loans under this section. (j) SUNSET- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall not issue loan guarantees under this section after September 30, 2010. (k) EMERGENCY RULEMAKING AUTHORITY- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall issue regulations under this section within 15 days after the date of enactment of this section. The notice requirements of section 553(b) of title 5, United States Code shall not apply to the promulgation of such regulations. The real question The real question is whether a private bank will loan under this program. Unfortunately, few will do so because the statute very clearly states that no fees whatsoever can be charged, and how can a bank make any money if they loan under those circumstances. Sure, they might make money in the secondary market, but that is dried up, so they basically are asked to make a loan out of the goodness of their heart. On the other hand, it carries a first ever 100% government guarantee so the bank’s know they will be receiving interest and will have no possibility of losing a single dime. Maybe this will work after all. But there is something else that would be of interest to a bank. In a way, this is a form of Federal bailout going directly to small community banks. They have on their books loans that are in default and they could easily jump at the chance of being able to bail them out with this program. Especially if they had not been the recipients of the first TARP monies. Contrary to public sentiment, most of them did not receive any money. But again, this might not apply to that community bank. Since they typically package and sell their loans within three to six months, it probably wouldn’t even be in default at that point. It would be in the hands of the secondary market investor. So is this good or bad for small businesses? Frankly, it’s good to see that some bailout money is working its way toward small businesses, but most of them would rather have a loan in the first place, as opposed help when in default. Unfortunately, this will have a limited application. Wouldn’t it be better if we simply expanded our small business programs so more businesses could get loans? How about the SBA creating a secondary market for small business loans? I have a novel idea: for the moment forget about defaults, and concentrate on making business loans available to start-ups or existing businesses wanting to expand. How about having a program that can pay off high-interest credit card balances? There is hardly a business out there that has not been financing themselves lately through credit cards, simply because banks are not making loans. It is not unusual for people to have $50,000 plus on their credit cards, just to stay afloat. Talk about saving high interest. You can imagine how much cash flow this would give a small business. We should applaud Congress for doing their best under short notice to come up with this plan. Sure this is a form of welcome bailout for small businesses, but I believe it misses the mark as to the majority of the 27 million business owners that are simply looking for a loan they can repay, as opposed to a handout Business funding. source https://www.mompopbizfunding.com/blog/business-funding-small-business-loan-update-stimulus-bill-helps-bailout-businesses-if-they-cannot
source https://mompopbizfunding.tumblr.com/post/182237071260
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mompopbizfunding · 5 years
Business funding Small Business Loan Update - Stimulus Bill Helps Bailout Businesses If They Cannot
As we continue to sift dutifully through the over 1,000 pages of the stimulus bill (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), there is one provision that is not getting much attention but could be very helpful to small businesses. If you are a small business and have received an SBA loan from your local banker, but are having trouble making payments, you can get a "stabilization loan". That's right; finally, some bailout money goes into the hands of the small business owner, instead of going down the proverbial deep hole of the stock market or large banks. But don't get too excited. It is limited to very specific instances and is not available for the vast majority of business owners. There are some news articles that boldly claim the SBA will now provide relief if you have an existing business loan and are having trouble making the payments. This is not a true statement and needs to be clarified. As seen in more detail in this article, this is wrong because it applies to troubled loans made in the future, not existing ones. Here is how it works. Assume you were one of the lucky few that find a bank to make an SBA loan. You proceed on your merry way but run into tough economic times and find it hard to repay. Remember these are not conventional loans but loans from an SBA licensed lender that are guaranteed for default by the U.S. government through the SBA (depending upon the loan, between 50% and 90%). Under the new stimulus bill, the SBA might come to your rescue. You will be able to get a new loan which will pay-off the existing balance on extremely favorable terms, buying more time to revitalize your business and get back in the saddle. Sound too good to be true? Well, you be the judge. Here are some of the features: 1. Does not apply to SBA loans taken out before the stimulus bill. As to non-SBA loans, they can be before or after the bill's enactment. 2. Does it apply to SBA guaranteed loans or non-SBA conventional loans as well? We don't know for sure. This statute simply says it applies to a "small business concern that meets the eligibility standards and section 7(a) of the Small Business Act" (Section 506 (c) of the new Act). That contains pages and pages of requirements which could apply to both types of loans. Based on some of the preliminary reports from the SBA, it appears it applies to both SBA and non-SBA loans. 3. These monies are subject to availability in the funding of Congress. Some think the way we are going with our Federal bailout, we are going be out of money before the economy we are trying to save. 4. You don't get these monies unless you are a viable business. Boy, you can drive a truck through that phrase. Our friends at the SBA will determine if you are "viable" (imagine how inferior you will be when you have to tell your friends your business was determined by the Federal government to be "non-viable" and on life support). 5. You have to be suffering "immediate financial hardship". So much for holding out making payments because you'd rather use the money for other expansion needs. How many months you have to be delinquent, or how close your foot is to the banana peel of complete business failure, is anyone's guess. 6. It is not certain, and commentators disagree, as to whether the Federal government through the SBA will make the loan from taxpayers' dollars or by private SBA licensed banks. In my opinion it is the latter. It carries a 100% SBA guarantee and I would make no sense if the government itself was making the loan. 7. The loan cannot exceed $35,000. Presumably the new loan will be "taking out" or refinancing the entire balance on the old one. So if you had a $100,000 loan that you have been paying on time for several years but now have a balance of $35,000 and are in trouble, boy do we have a program for you. Or you might have a smaller $15,000 loan and after a short time need help. The law does not say you have to wait any particular period of time so I guess you could be in default after the first couple of months. 8. You can use it to make up no more than six months of monthly delinquencies. 9. The loan will be for a maximum term of five years. 10. The borrower will pay absolutely no interest for the duration of the loan. Interest can be charged, but it will be subsidized by the Federal government. 11. Here's the great part. If you get one of these loans, you don't have to make any payments for the first year. 12. There are absolutely no upfront fees allowed. Getting such a loan is 100% free (of course you have to pay principal and interest after the one year moratorium). 13. The SBA will decide whether or not collateral is required. In other words, if you have to put liens on your property or residence. My guess is they will lax as to this requirement. 14. You can get these loans until September 30, 2010. 15. Because this is emergency legislation, within 15 days after signing the bill, the SBA has to come up with regulations. Here is a summary of the actual legislative language if you are having trouble getting to sleep: . SEC. 506. BUSINESS STABILIZATION PROGRAM. (a) IN GENERAL- Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall carry out a program to provide loans on a deferred basis to viable (as such term is determined pursuant to regulation by the Administrator of the Small Business Administration) small business concerns that have a qualifying small business loan and are experiencing immediate financial hardship. (b) ELIGIBLE BORROWER- A small business concern as defined under section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632). (c) QUALIFYING SMALL BUSINESS LOAN- A loan made to a small business concern that meets the eligibility standards in section 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)) but shall not include loans guarantees (or loan guarantee commitments made) by the Administrator prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (d) LOAN SIZE- Loans guaranteed under this section may not exceed $35,000. (e) PURPOSE- Loans guaranteed under this program shall be used to make periodic payment of principal and interest, either in full or in part, on an existing qualifying small business loan for a period of time not to exceed 6 months. (f) LOAN TERMS- Loans made under this section shall: (1) carry a 100 percent guaranty; and (2) have interest fully subsidized for the period of repayment. (g) REPAYMENT- Repayment for loans made under this section shall-- (1) be amortized over a period of time not to exceed 5 years; and (2) not begin until 12 months after the final disbursement of funds is made. (h) COLLATERAL- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration may accept any available collateral, including subordinated liens, to secure loans made under this section. (i) FEES- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration is prohibited from charging any processing fees, origination fees, application fees, points, brokerage fees, bonus points, prepayment penalties, and other fees that could be charged to a loan applicant for loans under this section. (j) SUNSET- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall not issue loan guarantees under this section after September 30, 2010. (k) EMERGENCY RULEMAKING AUTHORITY- The Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall issue regulations under this section within 15 days after the date of enactment of this section. The notice requirements of section 553(b) of title 5, United States Code shall not apply to the promulgation of such regulations. The real question The real question is whether a private bank will loan under this program. Unfortunately, few will do so because the statute very clearly states that no fees whatsoever can be charged, and how can a bank make any money if they loan under those circumstances. Sure, they might make money in the secondary market, but that is dried up, so they basically are asked to make a loan out of the goodness of their heart. On the other hand, it carries a first ever 100% government guarantee so the bank's know they will be receiving interest and will have no possibility of losing a single dime. Maybe this will work after all. But there is something else that would be of interest to a bank. In a way, this is a form of Federal bailout going directly to small community banks. They have on their books loans that are in default and they could easily jump at the chance of being able to bail them out with this program. Especially if they had not been the recipients of the first TARP monies. Contrary to public sentiment, most of them did not receive any money. But again, this might not apply to that community bank. Since they typically package and sell their loans within three to six months, it probably wouldn't even be in default at that point. It would be in the hands of the secondary market investor. So is this good or bad for small businesses? Frankly, it's good to see that some bailout money is working its way toward small businesses, but most of them would rather have a loan in the first place, as opposed help when in default. Unfortunately, this will have a limited application. Wouldn't it be better if we simply expanded our small business programs so more businesses could get loans? How about the SBA creating a secondary market for small business loans? I have a novel idea: for the moment forget about defaults, and concentrate on making business loans available to start-ups or existing businesses wanting to expand. How about having a program that can pay off high-interest credit card balances? There is hardly a business out there that has not been financing themselves lately through credit cards, simply because banks are not making loans. It is not unusual for people to have $50,000 plus on their credit cards, just to stay afloat. Talk about saving high interest. You can imagine how much cash flow this would give a small business. We should applaud Congress for doing their best under short notice to come up with this plan. Sure this is a form of welcome bailout for small businesses, but I believe it misses the mark as to the majority of the 27 million business owners that are simply looking for a loan they can repay, as opposed to a handout Business funding. source https://www.mompopbizfunding.com/blog/business-funding-small-business-loan-update-stimulus-bill-helps-bailout-businesses-if-they-cannot
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mycryptosuite · 3 years
Lucky Tuesday Two Sure Live For 30/03/2021
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
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Lucky-G 3 Direct Live For 19/05/2020 Lucky-G 3 Direct Live is what we are going to win today and noting will stop us from winning, all you have to is to make sure you stake our numbers today. 2 in 1 LUCKY-G Banker is a strong Ghana lotto banker on lucky g lotto banker for today and it’s going to drop live, either you play it or not. Two sure for today lucky G is not complete, we decided to bring…
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