astroa3h · 3 months
venus through the houses (negative traits) 🦢
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Venus, often celebrated for its qualities of love, beauty, and harmony, also has a shadow side that can manifest in various ways, depending on the house it resides in. Imagine Venus not just as the planet of love but also as a complex character with its virtues and vices, navigating through the neighborhoods of the zodiac.
✨1st House: The Mask of Vanity✨
When Venus sits in the 1st House, it's like wearing a mask of charm and attractiveness. However, this placement can lead to an obsession with personal appearance and a compulsion to be liked, often at the expense of genuine self-expression. People with this placement might struggle with superficiality, using their charm as a shield to hide their true selves.
✨2nd House: The Hoarder of Pleasures✨
In the 2nd House, Venus's dark side turns to materialism. Here, the love for beauty and comfort can morph into an unquenchable thirst for possessions and luxury, leading to greed or excessive indulgence in sensory pleasures, making it hard to understand the true value of things beyond their price tags.
✨3rd House: The Sweet Talker✨
Venus in the 3rd House can weave words like a spell, but this gift might be used manipulatively. The desire for social harmony can become a fear of confrontation, leading to dishonesty or saying what others want to hear instead of the truth. Relationships may suffer from a lack of depth due to an avoidance of uncomfortable discussions.
✨4th House: The Homebound Heart✨
In the 4th House, Venus's shadow shows in the form of clinging to comfort and familiarity, leading to resistance against change and growth. Emotional security might be sought in possessions or the home environment, creating a bubble that's hard to leave for the fear of losing stability.
✨5th House: The Drama Lover✨
Venus in the 5th House loves romance and creativity but can get caught up in the drama of love, treating relationships like a stage for personal amusement. This can lead to superficial connections or a chase for eternal honeymoon phases, avoiding the reality of deeper, more mature partnerships.
✨6th House: The People Pleaser✨
Here, Venus's need for approval manifests in the workplace or daily routines, leading to over-accommodating behaviors. A desire to be liked by peers and superiors can result in neglecting one's own needs or values, causing burnout or resentment in the long run.
✨7th House: The Co-dependent✨
In the 7th House, Venus's dark side is in its fear of being alone, leading to co-dependency in relationships. There's a risk of losing one's identity in the quest for harmony and partnership, with a tendency to compromise too much or stay in unsatisfying relationships for the sake of peace.
✨8th House: The Obsessor✨
Venus in the 8th House can bring intense relationships, but with a potential for possessiveness or jealousy. The desire for deep connections may turn into an obsession, where love is confused with control, leading to toxic dynamics that are hard to escape.
✨9th House: The Eternal Optimist✨
While optimism is generally positive, Venus in the 9th House can lead to unrealistic expectations, especially in love and beliefs. There's a tendency to idolize partners or philosophies without acknowledging their flaws, which can lead to disappointment when reality checks in.
✨10th House: The Status Seeker✨
In the 10th House, Venus's influence can focus too much on social status and success, valuing relationships based on how they enhance personal reputation or career. Genuine connections might be sacrificed for the sake of ambition, leading to a sense of emptiness despite outward achievements.
✨11th House: The Fair-weather Friend✨
Venus in the 11th House may love to be surrounded by friends, but there's a risk of superficiality, where connections are maintained only when they are beneficial or enjoyable. This placement can struggle with commitment to deeper, less convenient friendships.
✨12th House: The Secret Lover✨
Lastly, in the 12th House, Venus hides in the realm of secrets and sacrifices. Love may be expressed through suffering or martyrdom, leading to unrequited loves or relationships that exist more in fantasy than reality. There's a danger of losing oneself in illusions, avoiding the practical side of love.
xox astro ash ❤️‍🔥
Get your own astrology reading @ astroash.net
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lifeonmarz-blog · 1 year
Fav aspects for FIRE sex
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💋 Moon conjunct Mars- This is my favorite one. hands down. When i see this one i know we're gonna mesh reaaal well. This is a baby making aspect. LITERALLY. Especially 3 degrees or less. This is why i prefer the man being the mars person it flows well. Its very traditionally submissive and dominate. Sex anywhere. Everywhere. The down side is it can end up being hurtful towards the moon person. Mars may be a player or treat moon person nicer in the bedroom than in their everyday life. Yall could go crazy in the bedroom then mars just goes back into thinking about the things they need to do.
💋 Venus conjunct Mars- A more superficial placement for lustful sex but its still very nice. You both see each other as the ideal partner. At least physically that is. People think you look really good together. Both people want to impress each other. This one will have you looking at them with googly eyes. They both like watching each others movements.
💋 Venus/Uranus- This one dont mean the sex will be good but it will definitely be spontaneous and thats a pretty nice starting point. You might find yourself shocked at some of the things yall end up doing. This aspect allows you to let your guard down quickly and i bet you drop them draws just as quickly.
💋 Mars/Asc- The mars person makes the asc person very hot n bothered but it really goes both ways. The mars person asserts themselves on the asc its very playfully aggressive. Other people notice their sexual tension, that they like creating on purpose.
💋 Mars/Mars- For this one im talking about the conjunction and easy aspects. The sex drive is the same and these two are equally yoked. They want it at the same time and they go about getting it in ways they both like.
💋 Moon/Pluto- Once again conjunction and easy aspects. This one can have people talking alot during sex. It creates a very emotional safe space and thats where good sex flourishes. This is a intense and binding placement. Specifically 3 degrees or less.
💋 Venus/Pluto- This ones a wobbler. Its moreso for people who like a lil domination game. People who are okay with intensity and possessiveness. Overtime It could start to feel uncomfortable in the square or opposition. This one might have you a lil crazy. If i cant have you no one can energy lmao but see how thats romantic a lil bit?
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sensualnoiree · 5 months
The 1st House
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personal impression, self-projection, and fresh beginnings
The 1st house in astrology encapsulates the initial impressions one leaves on the world and embodies the essence of self-projection. It serves as a canvas for fresh starts, a birthplace of individuality, and the genesis of personal endeavors.
The Beginning:
Upon birth, we enter a world that shapes the way we present ourselves. The 1st house represents the beginning of our personal story, reflecting our vitality, physical attributes, and our innate approach to life. As you gazed upon the stars on the horizon at your birth, this house imprinted its unique stamp on your existence.
Holistic Influence:
Much like a mold shaping clay, our birth environment—whether it be the town, street, or family dynamics—melds with the celestial energies of the 1st house, influencing our overall persona. The family plays a significant role, setting the stage for the roles we adopt, often driven by the needs of the familial unit.
The Development of Persona:
During childhood, the rising sign marks our first steps in constructing a persona—a mask of sorts—as we navigate the world. The 1st house invites us to immerse ourselves in its elemental essence, envisioning ourselves as children enveloped by these elemental forces. It's where we first grasp the need for a mask and begin constructing one.
The Quest for Identity:
Astrologers debate the importance of the Ascendant against the Sun sign, with some suggesting that the Ascendant steers us toward the promises held by our Sun sign, initiating a quest for our truer selves. This house embodies a journey of self-discovery, a path toward embracing individuality while breaking free from early influences.
Continuous Evolution:
Much like a mask we wear, the 1st house persona is an ever-evolving image, adaptable and changeable as we grow. Planetary transits through this house offer opportunities for reinvention, allowing us to redefine our self-image and reshape our perception of the world around us.
The Canvas of Self-Expression:
Symbolizing continuous refinement of identity, the 1st house empowers us to assert our uniqueness, paving the way for self-expression and new beginnings. It serves as a launching pad for personal projects and ambitions, fostering leadership qualities and a drive to define our own life paths.
Guiding the Inner Quest:
Ultimately, the 1st house guides us on a quest towards realizing our deeper selves, portraying not just personal identity but also influencing our approach to initiating various aspects of our lives. It beckons us to dive into the depths of our being, offering insights into our instinctive reactions and the way we present ourselves to the world upon arrival.
the signs through the 12h
Aries Rising
Individuals with Aries Rising possess an energetic and pioneering spirit. They tend to act impulsively, often diving into situations headfirst without much prior planning. Their swift and direct actions might sometimes come across as aggressive or quick-tempered. They exude an undeniable presence, leaning forward in their physical movements, reflecting their eagerness. Aries Rising individuals cherish independence, disliking restrictions and routines, and always seeking new experiences.
Taurus Rising:
Taurus Rising individuals radiate stability and reliability. They exhibit a strong sense of loyalty and responsibility towards their loved ones. Valuing material possessions and aesthetics, they often collect sentimental items. With a preference for a secure and predictable environment, they create comfortable sanctuaries. Taurus Rising can be stubborn yet affectionate, deeply committed to their relationships and displaying a classic sense of style.
Gemini Rising:
Gemini Rising individuals are communicative and adaptable. Curious and sociable, they enjoy learning and exploring new things. Their quick wit and love for conversations contrast with their relatively short attention spans. They possess two sides—bubbly and talkative or intellectual and occasionally harsh. Excelling in various fields due to their quick grasp of information, they struggle with superficiality or distraction.
Cancer Rising:
Cancer Rising individuals are gentle and nurturing, exhibiting a sensitive aura. Cautious in new situations, they take time to warm up to others and highly value security. They are deeply attached to their home and sentimental possessions, creating safe havens for themselves. While protective and caring, they might appear moody or overly sensitive due to their strong emotional connections.
Leo Rising:
Leo Rising individuals are generous, proud, and expressive, exuding confidence. They naturally draw attention and are seen as leaders, conscious of their impact on others. Loyal and protective, they might also display quick temper and pride. Thriving on appreciation and love, Leos have a strong need for recognition and exhibit a deep passion for their pursuits.
Virgo Rising:
Virgo Rising individuals are practical, analytical, and attentive to details. They maintain high standards for themselves and others, often striving for perfection. Their critical nature might pose challenges in relationships. Despite being reserved, they become loyal and steadfast friends once comfortable.
Libra Rising:
People with Libra Rising are charming, refined, and cooperative. They dislike disorder and strive for balance, often compromising to maintain harmony. They might face challenges in personal relationships due to their inclination towards aesthetics and a struggle to balance self-interest with the needs of others.
Scorpio Rising:
Scorpio Rising individuals are secretive and possess great determination. They have a fascination with emotions and healing, often displaying a strong intuition. Despite appearing calm, they are highly emotional inside, with a penetrating gaze that sees beyond superficiality.
Sagittarius Rising:
Sagittarius Rising individuals are idealistic, outgoing, and adventurous. They're interested in distant places and cultures but dislike focusing on details. Their charisma and curiosity make them great conversationalists. Despite feeling collective pain, they prioritize survival and may mask their emotional depth.
Capricorn Rising:
Capricorn Rising individuals are sensitive and ambitious. They appear competent and reliable, focusing on their image and working hard towards their goals with determination. Despite appearing composed, they might worry about the future and often sacrifice personal attachments for larger goals.
Aquarius Rising:
Aquarius Rising individuals are altruistic, independent, and intellectual. They value humanitarianism and new ideas but might shock others with their unconventional opinions. They are good at organizing and attract friends easily due to their open-mindedness. Often feeling "different," they may struggle to express their concerns or feel misunderstood.
Pisces Rising:
Pisces Rising individuals are sensitive and compassionate, with a dreamy and artistic nature. Highly empathetic, they absorb energies around them, feeling overwhelmed at times. Seeking stability in relationships, they might struggle with decision-making and facing harsh realities due to their changing and sometimes impulsive nature.
For more info check out my blog in the bio or my insta 🤸🏿‍♀️
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saturnrevolution · 2 years
moon through houses - your emotional wellbeing
Moon in the 1st house
You are rather sensitive to your outer environment, this is why you have the tendency to close off sometimes, as it’s easier to do so rather than be vulnerable. However, vulnerability is your greatest asset. You are empathetic and loyal and would make a great loving partner/parent. You are conscious of the connection between emotions and body and sometimes care about the way you appear, way too much. Whenever you feel stuck, expressing your emotions in an assertive way, speaking up on how you feel or through your appearance is your way of healing. Exercising helps your release emotions. Heal yourself by opening up about how you feel.
Moon in the 2nd house
Your emotional well-being comes from feeling secure and safe on a daily basis. Ways in which you feel safe are having a stable job, gaining money, saving money, investing in valuable things, or working on your self-worth. However, sometimes your self-worth can be connected to your material environment too much. This is why it’s important for you to not get too attached to things, your house, possessions, your job, or money, but rather let them come and go. Life will give you ups and downs in this area to teach you to feel your emotions from within, rather than through an outer source. You are likely going to gain money through the things you are passionate about.
Moon in the 3rd house
You are curious, observant, and communicative, but sometimes can also be shy. Your mood influences how open you are to those around you. School might have been an impactful period in your life on which you look back with nostalgia, both good and bad. You feel most safe in your hometown or the places you are familiar with and you might have a close connection with your siblings/early friendships. You get easily discouraged by words, so it’s important for others to be gentle and for you to not let what other people think to influence your mood. You are highly intuitive and intelligent, so trust what you feel rather than what you believe in order to find inner healing.
Moon in the 4th house
Your home environment is very important. Emotional healing happens when you have a safe space to go to. You might be into decorating your home or needing to feel cozy at home in order to be able to process your emotions. The relationship with your mom might have been prominent and you might want to have children in the future or would be a great parent. Growing up, emotions were expressed and sometimes you felt responsible for them, so you don’t open up easily, unless you feel comfortable. Healing comes from being empathetic with yourself and others, while still setting boundaries and having time alone. Taking time to pamper yourself is highly important.
Moon in the 5th house
You like to express your emotions through your hobbies, so you might be really talented or working on cultivating a talent you resonate with. You fall in love easily and you also easily get hurt, but might not show it, because you like playing it cool. There is the potential for you to have more than one child. You might sometimes be a little bit dramatic and you like to share the emotional rollercoasters you are experiencing, as it helps you feel understood. Emotional healing happens when you allow yourself to just enjoy the present moment and be your child-like, goofy self, and also when you put the time into your passions, rather than in others.
Moon in the 6th house
You are someone who likes to express their emotions on a daily basis. So, you like to react to things on the spot and come up with practical solutions. Your routine needs to be thought out, otherwise your emotions are going to be all over the place, as there is a high connection between your lifestyle and overall health and your emotional wellbeing. You might love pets and they help you get balanced emotionally. You are sometimes scared to make mistakes and can get too caught up in how your lifestyle is influencing your life. Your working environment needs to have some type of order. Healing happens when you allow yourself to make mistakes and accept your routine cannot always be perfect.
Moon in the 7th house
You are someone that finds it harder to accept their emotions, but whenever you get close to people or when you are dating someone, you are able to open up more and show your vulnerabilities. You are scared that you won’t be accepted for who you are deep down, so you don’t always express your feelings right away. Collaborating with someone, getting married, or building close relationships helps you discover yourself. You are actually romantic and ready to be there for others when in need. Healing happens when you feel your emotions and understand how people are a mirror to you. How can you express your feelings?
Moon in the 8th house
You are a very strong person and might have been through a lot emotionally. You have developed this ability to adapt during hard times and keep your struggles to yourself. You might be inclined towards spirituality. When in close partnerships, you open up more, but few people see the sensitive side of you. You feel the weight of the world often and sometimes you might bottle up your emotions for so long, that you end up exploding after a while. You might not share personal information unless you already built an emotional connection with someone. Think about it, though, how can you build an emotional connection with someone you haven’t shared anything with?
Moon in the 9th house
You might never feel at home anywhere, other than in the moment when you are on the go. You are a nomad at the soul, even if you do travel or not. Traveling, though, and meeting new cultures is your way of emotional healing. Learning about different topics of interest or languages is also a way for you to emotionally connect to others and to yourself. Your beliefs are the most valuable thing to you and you get close to those that share the same thinking. However, you sometimes run away from emotions and like to keep things rather light. Sometimes you need to stop and allow yourself to feel the darker things as well, as a way to gain more energy for your next adventure.
Moon in the 10th house
You are really sensitive to your outer environment, especially when it comes to your career. You need to be working in a space in which you feel included and appreciated and the relationship with your boss matters a lot to you. When you learn how to set boundaries and mind your own goals, rather than the relationships you built on the way or comparing yourself to others’ success, that’s when you will be able to follow your heart and be noticed. You are made to make a change through empathy and passion for the work you put in. Success is on its way if you express the way you feel, especially your ideas, rather than holding them inside.
Moon in the 11th house
You are a rebel at heart, there might not have been a lot of emotional closeness while growing up, so this is why you like calling your friends your home. Your friendships are really important to you and building or getting yourself in a community that shares the same interests as you is what would help you heal. Emotional expression for you is rather detached and focused on solutions. The challenge here is to not let yourself be influenced by what others think and be your authentic self. Whenever you follow your own calling, you succeed and end up being noticed by people that matter.
Moon in the 12th house
You are a daydreamer and sometimes find it difficult to understand your emotions. The thing is that whenever you try to rationalize them, they won’t make sense. Emotions are meant to be felt, so allow yourself to be guided by that and always choose intuitively. The relationship with your mom might have been rather distant, but there is still a telepathic, spiritual connection you carry. You are someone that needs to dive deeper into their subconscious through journaling and dreams in order to understand yourself and who needs to meditate or use spirituality or religious, beliefs to better the connection to your emotions.
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astrologycharts242 · 4 months
New series: Appearance in astrology (Mars in Leo/Magha)
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mrvenuspluto · 4 months
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Happiness in the eye of the beholder
No words
Hidden ( 12th House sun ) Agenda
Lustful dreams pt. 1
Lustful dreams pt. 2
Just a nuttt!!!
Focal Point
The Fall
Mars/Venus 1sthouse
Painful Pleasures
Soulful sexual deviancy
" HERE and NOW "
Vulnerable Occasion
Healing soul chamber
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Welcome, if you are reading this your in the right place. I would love to expand your thinking and unlock your mind to great views, observations and unique concepts. Here my page is me opening up to my inner thoughts, suppressed expressions and shunned insights. We all have a inner voice that craves to be free like a bird but restricted by his cage or own conditioned mind. We say we want more but we limit our potentials, we expect change but hinder our growth. You cant always look out the window sometimes you have to look in the mirror and face your own insecurities, flaws, and mishaps. The darkness is the beginning the light is the path. I would love to invite you into a new outlook and perspective of many multiphasted views and realms that exist in your subconscious awaiting to be manifestated from your conscious thoughts.
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Rainy day eats:
Homemade Tomato Soup
Grilled pepper jack cheese sandwich
#grilledcheese #mooninvirgo #siderealastrology #1sthouse #virgorising #rainyday
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Neptune conjuct ascendant or in 1st house
Neptune aspecting the ascendent or just in the 1st house is difficult to say the least. I have Neptune conjucting my ascendent in the 12th house directly opposing my Sun at 0 degrees. This planet is no joke so I will interpret it from my own experience. Having this placement makes your everyday difficult to sail through. It is not a malefic planet, but since we are here on Earth it makes Neptune out of reach. It feels as if though everyday people with this placement are searching searching searching. Searching to find mystical, unconditional love, free spirited, and fantasy world we escape to in our daydreams or night dreams everyday. These people have very very huge imaginations, and can often get caught up living in those fantasies rather than living in the real world. It can be really hard for these people to feel comfortable in their physical vessel because their imaginations are at a higher frequency than most of us are actually at. Sometimes these imaginations and dreams can feel out of reach because it can be so unattainable in the society we are in today. Because of the harshness of the world and the fact that so many people are void of true unconditional love, it makes these natives feel as if they are forced to suffer and sacrifice. There is a deep sense of longing for home away from home. Not the physical house you live in but the home that your soul is longing for, the community your soul once knew, and the beauty of the star it was once a part of. These people often get taken advantage of even in subliminal ways because of their nature of compassion, understanding, and ideals for oneness and unconditionality. People with this placement have to realize that we are here on Earth to participate, and we need to keep our natures compassion while also understanding that everybody is not like us. This is very painful to understand, but we often self sabotage ourselves by not putting our foot down and creating boundaries. Escapism runs very very deep with these people (I would know) by using drugs, alcohol, people, sex, music, activities, literally anything. For these people it is important to understand that you cannot escape forever and you will have to come to grips one day with your dreams vs your actual reality. Neptune people have a great deal of manifesting power, so it is important that they are fully clear on what it is they are searching for, and go after it. Getting lost along the way or swept up by people, places, and things will only hurt your gentle heart more. Natives need to always have both feet in the real world, or they will feel a heavy imbalance in their spirit that will manifest in other ways. Neptunes powers are very strong but can also be very dangerous, so it is important to analyze your chart for this aspect because it really dictates how you choose to let your life unfold. Appearance wise these people often like to hide their true selves or add a sense of mystery in some form. They will like to wear sunglasses a lot, change their hair often or wear wigs/extensions, they prefer comfortable clothes so like flowy pants or shirts, loose shirts, open-toed shoes and these people do like to play dress up. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus so these people definitely always carry a sense of beauty, fantasy and otherworldlyness to their physical bodies.Their weight can fluctuate as their bodies hold onto fluids more easily, so watch out for intaking too much especially alcohol. Celebrities with this placement include Marilyn Monroe, Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian, Nicole Kidman, Kelly Rowland, Dolly Parton and others. Any planet touching the ascendent is absolutely critical in this physical world, so it is best to get to know your 1st house FIRST to get a better understanding of your own spirit.
will be edited to add more info*
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deepmochi · 3 years
Mars in the 1st house
Hello, anon I'm sorry my clumsy self delete your message by mistake. However, my opinion is here. I apologize if you have more questions message me.
In my opinion, mars in the 1st house is a strong aspect because the 1st house is connected to the rising sign. Others can see this aspect in the mars person even if they don't acknowledged that aspect. Unconsciously, people know how the mars person may react, so they would like to test the person. Also,this placement acts quickly because the 1st house belong to Aries, which is fast, passionate, childish, assertive, forceful, enterprising and impulsive. I would recommend them to think before act  because reckles behaviors can hurt others and themselves. Nonetheless, all this aspects would depend on the sign; every sign would express these characteristics differently. In conclusion, a strong, active, independent, reckless, energetic and possible aggressive character is mars in the 1st.
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d4rkpluto · 3 years
“How’d you know my Pluto is in my 1st House?”
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astroa3h · 3 months
venus through the houses (positive traits) 🦢
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Let's talk the positive side of Venus through the houses. Venus is your cosmic bestie dictating your love life, cash flow, and what makes you tick aesthetically. She's all about the allure, the glam, and the heart-flutters in relationships. Where Venus lands in your chart is like your personal love and beauty filter, shaping how you flirt, treat yo' self, and chase what you value. She's the vibe for your romantic escapades and your secret weapon for charm and attraction.
✨Venus in Your 1st House✨
When Venus graces your 1st house, you radiate charm and attractiveness. You're the person who catches eyes the moment you walk into a room. Even if you don't notice. Your vibe? Irresistibly magnetic. You care deeply about your appearance, not for vanity, but as a form of self-expression, making you a walking piece of art.
✨Venus in Your 2nd House✨
With Venus in your 2nd house, you find joy in the material world. Luxury to you isn't just about splurging—it's about surrounding yourself with things that have real beauty and value. You have this knack for making everything around you lovely and comfortable, creating a personal oasis that reflects what you value most.
✨Venus in Your 3rd House✨
Venus in your 3rd house makes you a master of words. Whether it's a heartfelt note or a witty text, you have a way of connecting that's utterly enchanting. Ideas and conversations aren't just exchanges of thoughts for you; they're opportunities to bond and share the beauty you find in the world.
✨Venus in Your 4th House✨
In your 4th house, Venus creates a sanctuary of love. Your home? The warmest, most inviting place on earth. You have this incredible ability to make everyone who enters feel cherished. Harmony in your personal space is not just a wish; it's a must, and you pour your heart into making it a reality.
✨Venus in Your 5th House✨
With Venus playing in your 5th house, life is your canvas. Romance, creativity, fun—you approach all of it with a heart full of joy. Your love stories are the ones people dream about, filled with grand gestures and heartfelt creations that showcase your unique way of expressing affection. Not to mention, you're a huge flirt, in the best way.
✨Venus in Your 6th House✨
In your 6th house, Venus finds beauty in the routine. A perfectly brewed morning coffee, a workspace that’s both functional and beautiful, the satisfaction of a well-done task—these are your love languages. Acts of service are your go-to, showing love through the meticulous care you put into the everyday.
✨Venus in Your 7th House✨
Venus in your 7th house is all about partnership. You shine brightest in a duo, thriving in relationships that are built on harmony, fairness, and mutual respect. For you, love is about creating balance and understanding, making every partnership an opportunity to grow closer and stronger. You may have been a twin in a past life.
✨Venus in Your 8th House✨
When Venus delves into your 8th house, love goes deep. You're drawn to relationships that transform you, craving emotional intimacy that breaks barriers. Your approach to shared resources and values is equally profound, finding beauty in the trust and closeness that comes from true partnership.
✨Venus in Your 9th House✨
With Venus in your 9th house, love is an adventure. You're drawn to different cultures and philosophies, finding beauty in diversity. Your open-hearted curiosity leads you to form connections that broaden your horizons, teaching you that love, in its many forms, is a journey of continuous learning.
✨Venus in Your 10th House✨
In your 10th house, Venus elevates your public image. Your career or social standing benefits from your innate charm and aesthetic sense. You understand the power of appearance and relationships in achieving success, using your grace and diplomacy to navigate the professional world.
✨Venus in Your 11th House✨
Venus in your 11th house dreams of a better world. Your friendships and community involvement are guided by shared ideals and hopes. You believe in the beauty of collective dreams and the power of working together to create a more beautiful, harmonious world.
✨Venus in Your 12th House✨
In your 12th house, Venus speaks softly of hidden love. You find beauty in solitude, in the acts of kindness that go unnoticed, and in a compassion that knows no bounds. Your understanding of love is deep and spiritual, connecting you to the universal in profound, often private ways.
xox astro ash 💖
Get your own astrology reading @ astroash.net
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lifeonmarz-blog · 1 year
Jupiter through the houses Pt 1
Jupiter in the 1st- Drama. They love the drama. I actually have Jupiter in my first and i love reality shows lmao i like seeing ppl fight but I dont like drama in my own personal life no thank you. This placement is also dramatic. They may lie on accident and really believe what they said. They have extra luck when it comes to the law. More grace is given to them than others.
Jupiter in the 2nd- These people break family traditions. Their the black sheep and probably argue with their family members a lot. Their very hesitant when it comes to decision making. They overextend their hand to people quite often opening their homes and wallets up, welcoming people with open arms and being taken advantage of because of that.
Jupiter in the 3rd- A lot of connections are made in this house. These people love networking and are pretty good at it. They make friends easily wherever they go. They have tendencies to be wishful thinkers and see the best in people when the red flags are very much present. They lose themselves into relationships. Usually feeling like they've taken a loss and have rebuild after it ends. They repress alot of their feelings and ignore their inner voice.
Jupiter in the 4th- The upbringing really enforced responsibility and made these people become very structured. They dont play about their deadlines. Their gonna make sure they get shit done even if that means completely ignoring their own needs. People misinterpreted them alot from first impressions. These are the type of people that surprise you once you start talking to them. They make a lot of rivals too rather its people competing with them career wise or in their love life. Competing is always happening in their life sometimes they probably dont even know.
Jupiter in the 5th- Magnetizing ASF they dont even have to speak and people will want to know them. Their aura is commanding. They sneaky as hell tho and really analyze the things you say. They might have to use this to manipulate you one day lol. Friendships are very important to them. They really understand the value of building relationships but dont get it twisted they dont mind burning bridges neither. Once they direct their desire and intention in the proper direction they are really good at manifesting because alot of the times the connections are already their.
Jupiter in the 6th- They like to have a bunch of eggs in the basket career wise but they will overwork themselves and completely neglect their health. Creating a stable routing is a challenge but they are very resilient. These people can handle failures and reject easier than alot of others and keep it pushing. Jupiter in the 6th reminds me of a Gemini one foot in one foot out and moody as hell. They can be unpredictable and have zero regard for consequences.
-Luv of marz bbbbbyyyy
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dismalgloom · 3 years
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Aries Rising makeup look - Test 1
reblog with your best selfie if you’re an Aries rising 🌹🍷🥀👺
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saturnrevolution · 3 years
Jupiter is the area where you feel most at peace
by saturn revolution/more on instagram
Jupiter in the 1st house
Your looks or sense of self are never really something you are too worried about. Sure, you do have insecurities like everyone else does every now and then, but you do not like to dwell on them as you know that this is one area where you have been blessed in some way. You are comfortable within your body, your identity and both of these things, together, are a great tool of manifestation.
source of happiness: being yourself and being appreciated for it, giving to others through positivity
Jupiter in the 2nd house
Your income or source of money is never really something that you are too worried about. Sure, you always want to strive for more in this area, but at the same time this is something you have always felt like you received. Whenever you felt like giving up - you had a new opportunity coming your way or you made one up or you were offered money out of nowhere, as this is an area where you are manifesting a lot.
source of happiness: financial stability, cause then you can focus on improving other areas of your life
Jupiter in the 3rd house
Your communication skills are never really something that you are too worried about. Sure, you might say some things you do not mean at times and you might have your insecurities, but you always felt like you are gifted in this area and you do know that the words you say have an impact and you can even use them as a way to express yourself and to manifest good things in your life.
source of happiness: being able to speak your truth and teaching others your experiences, being listened to and heard
Jupiter in the 4th house
Your home life is never really something that you were too worried about. Sure, you had your problems while growing up within your family, but you know that this is the one place you can always go to and one great source of abundance for you (even if home doesn't mean being with your family for you). You are great at manifesting places that make you feel safe.
source of happiness: having people you can call family or a place that you call your own and that represents who you are
Jupiter in the 5th house
Your talents were never really something that you were too worried about. Sure, you might have neglected them sometimes or felt like they are not good enough, but you always knew that you have that spark in you and this is always one activity that belongs to just you. You manifest best when you are in a happy, fun environment.
source of happiness: being just you and your hobbies, being appreciated for your natural talents and showing them to the world
Jupiter in the 6th house
Your health was never really something that you were too worried about. Sure, you might have had your difficulties or low moments when you neglected it, but you know that you are blessed and lucky in this area of your life and some of your habits really make you happy. Discipline is something that helps you manifest.
source of happiness: having your life together in terms of your body, health and maybe routine
Jupiter in the 7th house
Love was never really a department you are too worried about. Sure, you do have your bad experiences or doubts and you might feel like it's not working for you, but you know that this is one place where you are blessed and you really appreciate those who love you and care about you and the things you learn from connections.
source of happiness: human interaction, showing and getting affection in your own way, relationships
Jupiter in the 8th house
The darkest parts of yourself are never really something you worry too much about. It can get hard on the way, but your self awareness and strength is something that helps you get up and overcome the emotional rollercoasters. You know that you have endless resources to build what you wish for in the long run.
source of happiness: deep connections and understanding the way people function and think, loving your darkest desires
Jupiter in the 9th house
Your education and belief system are never really something you are too worried about. You know that when it comes to learning, knowledge and seeing the bigger picture, you have what it takes for personal expansion. Even when you feel like things are not working out, opportunities come your way. You manifest best through travel and learning.
source of happiness: travel, education, answering the bigger questions of the world
Jupiter in the 10th house
Your career is never really something that you are too worried about. You do get stressed and feel discouraged, but you do know that you have your own way on the long run and you are going to reach your lifetime goals as you manifest best in this area of your life. Your perseverance is inspiring and will be appreciated and seen.
source of happiness: having a sense of purpose, career and long term plans, personal success
Jupiter in the 11th house
Your friends group is never really something that you are too worried about. Like in any friendship, there are ups and downs, but you have always felt like you have your own community that you can always go to and they accept you for who you are. Through your friendships, you grow in the future.
source of happiness: friendships, feeling like they belong to a community, helping others, future goals
Jupiter in the 12th house
Your dreams and things of the unknown are never really something you are too worried about. Even though you are not sure how to get there at all times, you do know that your purpose is greater and that if you put your mind to it, you can manifest anything you want.
source of happiness: daydreaming, understanding others, compassion and imagination
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astrologycharts242 · 2 months
Ketu in the 1st house
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astroaquarium · 4 years
Your first impression: Rising signs
Aries rising: confident, chilidish/immature, blunt, brash
Taurus rising: introverted/shy, calm, materialistic/snobbish, chivalrous
Gemini rising: quirky, chatty, inquisitive, high energy
Cancer rising: quiet, nurturing, kind, sweet, timid, moody
Leo rising: loud, showy/show-off, attention seeker, life of the party, dramatic
Virgo rising: judgemental/critical, helpful, anxious, withdrawn, smart/intellectual
Libra rising: sweet, classically beautiful, charming, charasmatic, fake, basic
Scorpio rising: intense, judgemental, brutally honest, rude, quiet, mesmorising
Sagittarius rising: adventurous, free-spirited, opinionated, domineering, know-it-all, happy go lucky
Capricorn rising: serious, up-tight, authoritative, stern
Aquarius rising: weird, aloof, loner, interesting, funny
Pisces rising: mysterious, quiet/withdrawn, illusive/hard to pin down
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