#1838 song
clove-pinks · 2 years
Eighteen-Thirties Thursday: Girls Will Be Boys
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'Behind the Scenes': an 1838 print by Paul Gavarni, showing an actress playing a male role telling her assistants to hurry up (Rijksmuseum). I enjoy the look at her neckwear being tied (and the shirt frill, although this is the twilight of frilled shirts in menswear).
Aside from fancy dress balls, which seemed to be full of women wearing male costumes and Turkish trousers, the stage was where a Romantic-era woman could be found in masculine attire. Many popular actresses were male impersonators.
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Madame Vestris (Lucia Elizabeth Vestris) as Little Pickle in The Spoiled Child, ca. 1830 (V&A)
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Mary Anne Keeley as Jack Sheppard the notorious highwayman, 1838 (British Museum).
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Maria Foote as 'The Little Jockey', 1831 print of leading ladies (detail). (V&A) This particular character seems to have a lot of merchandise and prints.
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Madame Vestris again (V&A), in a circa 1830 print, reminding us that there was also a contemporary song about her legs.
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Finally—if you remember the uh, very creative play about the arctic adventures of Sir John Ross and his nephew, which appeared in a toy theatre kit in the mid-1830s (hat tip to @handfuloftime), the role of "Clara Truemore", love interest of the captain's nephew James Clark Edward Ross, is a breeches role, and Clara spends most of the play disguised as "Harry Halyard."
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I feel like there is something inherently queer about this, despite the long tradition of "Sweet Polly Olivers" in male drag pursuing their lovers in ballads and broadsides. I wonder how the audience perceived these characters.
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moonriver0312 · 11 months
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(A Little Life, Part 5, Chapter 2, pg. 602 - Hanya Yanagihara)
Why Schumann?
After some digging on the internet, I have learnt that it is not a coincidence that Hanya chose Schumann's Fantasie in C for this moment, and I believe Jude was playing the first movement in this part. Fantasie in C was composed in 1836 as only a piece called Ruines, expressing his distress at being distant from his beloved Clara, and then it became the first movement of Fantasie. The first movement of the work contains a musical quote from Beethoven's song cycle, An die ferne Geliebte (To the distant beloved) as a secret love message:
Take, then, these songs, beloved, which I have sung for you
However, this musical quotation was not acknowledged by Schumann. The movement also was prefaced with a quote from Friedrich Schlegel:
Durch alle Töne tönet / Im bunten Erdentraum / Ein leiser Ton gezogen / Für den, der heimlich lauschet.
Resounding through all the notes / In the earth's colorful dream / There sounds a faint long-drawn note / For the one who listens in secret
During this period, Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck was in separation because Clara's father disapproved of their relationship. Those quotations truly reflected his yearning to Clara, his passionate love to her, and it is more beautiful to learn that they communicated mostly through music and journals because Clara did not communicate verbally well. In a letter sent to Clara in 1838, he wrote:
The first movement may well be the most passionate I have ever composed - a deep lament for you.
They got married in 1840 but their marriage was not through an easy path because Schumann was not mentally well.
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(Clara and Robert Schumann around 1850. Corbis, via Getty Images)
In August of 1844, he suffered a severe mental and physical breakdown. He was in pains, he trembled, wept, could not sleep and even became so sick that he could not walk across the room by himself. By February of 1854, Schumann insisted to be committed, as he felt that he had lost control of his mind. On 27th February, he attempted suicide by throwing himself from a bridge into the Rhine River. He was rescued and taken to the hospital later and remained there until his death on 29th July, 1856. During his confinement, Clara was not allowed to visit him (they communicated thanks to Johannes Brahms, a very good friend of the family, especially Clara) and only able to meet him 2 days before his death.
In Clara's journal on 26th February, 1854 (1 days before his attempt suicide), she wrote:
He was so melancholy that I cannot possibly describe it. When I merely touched him, he said, "Ah Clara, I am not worthy of your love." He said that, he to whom I had always looked up with the greatest, deepest reverence.
The resemblance of Jude and Schumann's mental illness may be one of the reason that Hanya chose this piece for Jude to play after he and Willem got home after their big fight. Jude plays the song with the intention to ease his sadness and fear. In this moment, he feels that this might be the end of their relationship, he is afraid that Willem would leave him because now he finally sees how sick he is. The piece Fantasie symbolizes a yearning for love but in this moment, it is a calling for Willem to stay, to understand, to forgive his action, his sickness.
Acreman, Thomas. (2017). The Love Story of Clara Schumann. Retrieved from http://www.classichistory.net/archives/clara-schumann
Wilson, Frances. (2019). A Love Letter in Music Schumann's Fantasie in C, Op. 17. Retrieved from https://interlude.hk/love-letter-music-schumanns-fantasie-c-op-17/
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hellfiremunsonn · 1 year
Something There. Steve Harrington x Reader
Something There.
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WEEK TWO PROMT: Gift giving/receiving
Summary: Trying to keep your pregnancy induced nausea at bay doesn’t go according to plan, and Steve catches on way quicker than you think he’s going to. (Fic title inspired from the song “Something There” from the movie beauty and the beast)
(Header credits to @syddsatyrn )
AN: This is part of Sydd and I’s Christmas Celebration “30 days of Christmas” for more info on the weekly prompts click the link HERE and come join us!
Warnings: fem!reader, pregnant!reader, talk of pregnancy, pregnancy tests, mentions, and acts of throwing up (no descriptive detail), Steve being just the sweetest boy (IF THERE IS ANYTHING I MISSED LET ME KNOW)
Wordcount: 1838
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"Steve I really don't feel good" You said smoothing your sweaty hands down the bottom of your dress.
"It's just nerves baby, it'll be fine" he said with a reassuring smile, tucking a bit of your hair behind your ear before taking your hand and walking towards the front door of his bosses house.
But you didn't think it was just nerves, you felt far too sick for it to be nerves, but Steve wanted you to be with him tonight so badly; to show you off to his coworkers at his big new corporate job. So despite your fatigue, and shaky limbs you got all dressed up and went with him. It wasn't until you were walking up the driveway that the nausea had really settled in the pit of your stomach. You tug on Steves arm to stop him from walking, and he turns to you, smile fading when he sees the look on your face, and how pale you've become.
"I don't think it's just nerves Steve" you say placing a hand over your tumbling stomach. You can feel the heat engulf your body, and it's not a warm and welcoming feeling before your mouth pools with saliva and you retch onto the snowy cobblestone driveway.
"Shit" Steve mumbles, slightly jumping back from you to avoid getting vomit on his shoes before coming to your side, pulling your hair up and away from your face.
"I'm sorry" You coughed, resting your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath before another wave of sickness hit you. You had barely eaten anything today, your body obviously trying to warn you what was to come if you did, so standing in the cold vomiting on your shoes, it wasn't much.
"Don't apologize" Steve said rubbing your back, as best as he could over your wool jacket. "If I had known you felt so badly baby I wouldn't have made you come along"
After a few moments, and a couple of dry heaves later you stood back up, pulling your jacket off of you aggressively, letting the cold December hair sooth your boiling skin.
"Here, come on, let's get you back into the car" Steve said ushering you back down the driveway.
"N-No, the party Steve, your boss-" you said motioning back to the house.
"It's fine, I'll run in and tell him you're sick, I'm not going to force you through a party if you feel like this baby" he said kissing your sticky forehead.
"Just call Nancy, or Eddie to get me, you go and-" You tried again.
"No baby, I'm not leaving you alone either, now come on" Placing his hand on the small of your back, making sure you didn't slip on the way back to the car, and taking your jacket in his other hand. Seeing your sad face while he helped you into the car, he placed another quick kiss to your forehead "Stop it, you're going to work yourself up and it'll make you feel worse, I'd much rather be with you to make sure you're okay" and before you can say anything else,  he's buckled you in, closed the car door and is running haphazardly up the driveway to his bosses front door.
Before Steve makes it back to the car you're already a blubbering mess, of snot and tears, and for a second Steve really does consider calling Nancy, but because he's really unsure of what is going on with you. Getting into the drivers seat of the car, he starts it, blasting the heat to warm you now shivering frame.
"Baby what's wrong?" he asks while placing his hand on your shoulder, pushing some of your hair back.
"I'm sorry for ruining your night, I k-know you wanted to impress your b-boss" you sobbed, stuttering over your words.
"You didn't ruin anything- Hey look at me" index finger and thumb under your chin, turning your head to look at him. "My boss is the last of my worries, you are my top priority okay? Now lets get you home, and into bed before you barf on someone else's drive way"
You laughed, and relaxed a little, leaning back into your seat and tugging on your seat belt. Your face wet with mascara lines down to your chin, your nose red from wiping it on your sleeve, and Steve has never thought you looked prettier.
About an hour later the two of you are laying in bed, Steves head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair. You've showered and changed into comfier clothes, and Steve had made sure you've had plenty of water and something simple to eat in your system. "I think I just overworked myself" You said quietly. "I've felt off for like this past month, and even till now, it's been insane" You sighed loudly, letting your head fall back into your pillows.
"Sorry I didn't notice sooner" Steve said rolling over, one of his hands coming up to smooth across your belly. He hummed inquisitively, furrowing his brows before he looked up at you his thin metal frames sliding down to the tip of his nose
"What?" You asked, tilting your head at him.
"Are you pregnant?" he asked, his tone far too casual for the words that left his mouth.
You laughed, Steves head bobbing against your thigh. "Are you crazy? No of course I'm not pregnant" you said shaking your head. "Why would you even think that?"
"Your stomach" he said looking at you with eyes that said 'it's obvious duh'
"What about it? Because I threw up?"
"No not that" he said sitting up, hand still firmly placed on your stomach, sliding from side to side. "It's not as squishy" He said with a pout.
It was true, you were pregnant. You took a test about two weeks ago and it came back positive. You were trying to hold out for your friends Christmas party next week to give him the little box you had wrapped for him. Sitting shiny under your tree. But of course, Steve being observant as ever, he'd notice the slight hardening of your belly, and it shouldn't have shocked you considering that was his favourite part of you. He loved squishing and grabbing at the skin, especially when he was fucking you from behind, when he'd pull you up into his chest, hands sliding down your body, playing with the dough of your belly before descending between your legs.
"Sometimes that happens Steve" you said rolling your eyes, trying to pretend like he was just over thinking it. He hummed before getting off of you and walking out of the bedroom before returning with a small pink rectangular box and shook it at you with a smile.
"Where the hell have you been hiding pregnancy tests?" you ask sitting up.
"Under the sink! From you know, back in may, when we-" His cheeks blushed when you held up your hand to stop him from talking.
You stood up from the bed and sighed. He was bound to figure out if you took the test he had now so instead you walked past him and into the living room, picking up the small box you had wrapped and brought it back into the bedroom.
"Open it" You said placing it front of you, sitting with your legs crossed on the other side of it.
Steve looked at you confused, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose and coming to sit next to you. "Why?"
"Just open it Steve" You rushed, your nerves getting the best of you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Just trust me"
He places the still boxed pregnancy test he had in his hands to the side and begins to open the present slowly. Too slowly for your liking but you let him do it anyway.
His hands shook as he took the lid off, and you could tell by this point he had figured out why you wanted him to open it and your heart beat heavily in your chest.
His hands unravelled the small onesie you had wrapped around the pregnancy test that had green ribbon tied around it. His head dropped and he covered his face with his hands.
"Steve?" You asked quietly. His silence was killing you, it made every part of this way more nerve-racking than you thought it was going to be. He wanted kids, it wasn't a secret, to literally anyone, so you figured you would get this big excited reaction out of him. But instead he held his head in his hands and didn't say a word.
"S-Steve?" You tried again, bottom lib wobbling at the fear that maybe this was something he didn't want.
He took a shaky breath and finally looked up to meet your eyes with a small smile. Tears had been streaming down his face, his glasses speckled with drips. "Is this for real?" he choked out and you nodded.
"Oh, baby" he said pulling you into a tight hug, a new round of tears flowing, from both of you now. His shoulders shook under your hands where you fisted his t-shirt.
"I- I thought you were mad" you huffed into him and he pulled away from you quickly, holding you at arms length.
"Mad? God baby, how could I be mad? I'm- I'm" he struggled to find the words, his smile growing as he looked up to the ceiling and laughed. "I think this is the second best day of my life" he said looking back at you, hands coming up to cup both sides of your face.
"Second best?" You asked with a sniffle. Steves thumb swiped under your nose, wiping away your snot like it was a normal thing everyone did.
"First best, was the day I met you"
You began blubbering at his words, pregnancy hormones making your emotions hit you harder and that really tipped you over the edge. Steve laughed lightly, pulling you back into him and rubbing your back with one hand, the other picking up the pregnancy test to get a second look at those two dark pink lines.
"I love you so much" he said with a kiss into your hairline.
He pulled back from you again, and you swore he was the one glowing. "Now" he said with a mischievous smile, whipping off his glasses and pointing at you. "Get that belly out, I gotta talk to our kid" he said pushing you back down onto the bed, crawling in between your legs and shoving his head under your shirt, pressing warm and wet kisses to your belly while you laughed.
"I knew you were in there, I could tell" he said into the skin of your stomach. "Your mama tried to trick me, but I knew, I knew there was something there"
The two of you spend the rest of the night talking to your stomach, imagining your new life together all while trying to get Steve to not pick out a name just yet but he was too excited you couldn't take that from him.
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bestiarium · 7 months
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The folktale of the Ketelaars and the haunted castle of Maldegem [Belgian folklore]
The Belgian city of Maldegem used to be plagued by a gang of notorious bandits called the ‘Ketelaars’. The name ‘Ketelaars’ is an old Dutch word for coppersmiths who made and fixed things like kettles for a living, also called ‘Keteileirs’ in older sources. I'm not sure this gang ever really existed because I found no mention of them in actual historical sources, but there is a well-documented folktale about them (which was originally a song, called ‘de legende van het heerke van Maldeghem’ meaning 'the legend of the lord of Maldegem'):
As the story goes, the lord of Maldegem was out hunting one day deep in the woods, when he came upon a shepherd waiting for his sheep to return. This man didn’t look unusual but he did carry a beautiful, well-crafted horn that immediately caught the lord’s attention.
And so the lord dismounted and talked to the shepherd, asking if he could blow that wonderful horn of his. The shepherd protested and refused but the lord was very persistent. Eventually, he grabbed the horn anyway and blew it loudly.
Unfortunately for him, the shepherd was a bandit in disguise: all 36 Ketelaars were hiding nearby and the sound of the shepherd’s horn was the signal for the thieves to gather. The lord of Maldegem was reminded that actions have consequences – even for nobles – and he soon found himself surrounded by the entire gang of robbers. The bandits couldn’t risk their hideout being found, and so they agreed to kill the lord.
But the bandit who had disguised himself as a shepherd disagreed. Perhaps he didn’t like unnecessary bloodshed, or perhaps he was afraid that killing the lord would cause his servants to come looking for him, or maybe he simply took a liking to this odd fellow. Whatever his reason, he argued that they should let the man go and – being a talented orator – he managed to convince the rest of the gang. And so they let the lord go, but they did make him promise to ‘never speak with your mouth of what happened here today, and never write with a pen about it.’
The lord solemnly swore that he would never do either of those things, and he quickly mounted and disappeared. But he couldn’t just let those robbers and thieves go about their business, and so he rode to the city of Brugge with a plan.
When he arrived, the lord demanded a cart full of white sand. He then spilled all of the sand on the floor and spread it into a thin layer, and removed his shoe. Carefully, he wrote his story in the sand with his toe, and the onlookers understood what had happened. Immediately, a group of soldiers travelled to the hideout of the Ketelaar gang. All 36 members were swiftly arrested and sentenced to death by immurement.
The lord of Maldegem did not show mercy and ordered the construction of a subterranean dungeon with 36 chains. All of the robbers were chained to the wall, given a loaf of bread and a can of water, and then the lord’s men closed the last hole in the walls, entombing the criminals forever.
But the spirits of the Ketelaars never found rest, always lamenting their fate and how stupid they were to trust the lord of Maldegem. Unable to truly leave this world, their ghosts haunted the castle of Maldegem.
One day, the building was plagued by a supernaturally terrible storm: the heavens raged and screamed with thunder and lightning. The lord of Maldegem was struck by a lightning bolt and died on the spot. And so, the spirits of the bandits got their revenge.
This is the story as it is told by professor K. C. Peeters. My second source, which in turn cites a book from 1963 that I’ve been unable to locate myself, tells the same story with some minor differences (there, it was the shepherd who blew his horn instead of the lord).
The story of the Ketelaars is claimed to be centuries old but no precise date is given. The oldest mentions that I personally found were from J. F. Willems in 1838 and one from Frans Willems in his 1848 collection of folk songs.
In Reesinghe, Maldegem, there is a castle that’s sometimes implied to be the haunted location in the story but it’s not old enough. East of the current building, however, there are ruins of a much older fortress. I cannot say with certainty that this is where the Ketelaars were imprisoned, but I do know that it has a basement which is now dedicated to bats.
Sources: Peeters, K. C., 1979, Vlaams Sagenboek, Davidsfonds, Leuven. Volksverhalenbank Notteboom, H., 1995, een literair historische benadering van I. Rond den Heerd: de legende van het heerken van Maldeghem, Appeltjes van het Meetjesland: jaarboek van het Heemkundig genootschap van het Meetjesland, nr. 46. https://inventaris.onroerenderfgoed.be/erfgoedobjecten/58231 for the details on the castle. Willems, J. F., 1838, Belgisch museum voor de Nederduitsche tael- en letterkunde en de geschiedenis des vaderlands, Deel 2, Belgisch Museum, which you can read here. (image: the ruins of the supposedly haunted castle of Maldegem. Image source: Willems, J. F., 1838)
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Liebe ist kein Solo. Liebe ist ein Duett. Schwindet sie bei einem, verstummt das Lied.
Love is not a solo. Love is a duet. If it disappears from one, the song falls silent.
Adelbert von Chamisso (1781 – 1838), German natural scientist and poet
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hyunnieshannie · 10 months
Walking On Glass
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅⋅Master List⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅⋅
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I : Yang fucking Jeongin.
♥: Yang Jeongin x AFAB Reader ★: The author is prone to adding tags as they go, Mentions heavily of death, Mentions of Murder, Anxiety, Past Trauma, and Nightmares -- It's a dark fic.
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“There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion” -Edgar Allan Poe, Ligeia, 1838
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The piercing sound of your alarm jolts you awake, another day passed you by yesterday and now a new one calls out to you. You can’t help but groan, at the idea of having to leave the comfort and warmth of your bed. Reluctantly and with a heavy sigh you finally muster the energy to get up and drag yourself through the apartment, still half-asleep. Gathering your things, you prepare yourself physically and mentally for the day ahead. 
 Your walk to the bus stop was rather uneventful, with cars whizzing past you, and the pedestrians hurrying along in their daily rush to work. You nod in appreciation to the bus driver as you step onto his bus, immediately drowning yourself out from the world by placing your headphones on, in hopes to avoid any sort of conversation. 
A couple of stops pass, and just as you settle into your music-induced bubble, May boards the bus in a rush, her bag half-open in her hands. Spotting you, she waves frantically and quickly pays her fare. Without delay, she darts towards the seat next to you, yanks one of your earphones out, and places it in her ear, as if inviting herself into your private world.
Surprised by May's sudden intrusion, you offer her a half-hearted smile, unsure of how to react. She always had an unpredictable energy about her, and you knew resisting her enthusiastic company was often futile.
“How’d I know you’d be listening to this song?” She laughs,
“Woke up late again?” You sigh.
May chuckles and tosses her hair playfully, her confident demeanour shining through. "Oh, you have no idea! Looking this good takes some serious effort," she teases 
“If only you’d put as much effort into your studies as you do your looks; you’d be unstoppable.” You smile back at her as she sits down.
“Not everyone can be like you, Y/N. I can’t be pretty and smart, that's too much work!” She giggles, as she pulls out a hair brush and begins to tie her hair back into a loose ponytail. 
As you arrive at the school May turns to you and says, “I hear we have a new student coming in today; I hope he’s nice.” 
He of course it's another boy, another distraction for her. 
“Great.” You sigh. 
You make your way slowly to your morning lecture, quickly finding your spot as May turns around in her seat to face you as everyone else files in, 
“He’ll probably end up falling madly in love with me an-”
“Madly in love with you?” Seungmin scoffs as he sits beside May. “I got a look at him, and you’re totally not his type.”
“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT,” May’s flustered face says it all, she doesn’t want to be his type anyways Seungmin. 
“Trust me, you’re not his type. He looks like he’s dropped out like five times- actually, honestly, he kinda looks like the type to shoot up the-” 
“Not funny Seungmin.” You sigh, “School shootings are an actual problem, and people who do those kinds of things are mentally ill. You can’t just go and label someone you don’t know as someone who would do something like that, just because of his appearance.” 
“My bad little miss ‘I’m going to study murderers for fun’, All I’m saying is he’s the type to want to be alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was some creep though. He has these like-” leave it to Seungmin to remind you of your goals in the most condescending way. You love your best friend you truly do, but at times you wonder if he truly understands why you set the goals you have. Not that he would ever fully get it. Not that anyone in the room would truly ever understand your fascination with the inner workings of the mind of a killer.
“ALRIGHT CLASS SETTLE DOWN.” Professor Wade says as he walks in, adjusting his glasses and placing his books on the podium at the front of the class, “Today as you’ve all heard we have a new student. Please come in and introduce yourself to the class.” he gestures for the student to come in from the hall. 
“My name is Yang Jeongin.” He says coldly as he stares toward the back of the class. “I transferred here from another country. That’s all you need to know about me.” Your professor stares blankly at him. Seungmin was right though, the guy is offputting. Sharp brown eyes, and long black hair. Dressed in all black, and topped off with a dead look in his eyes, anyone would think he was some ‘weirdo’ - a loner. 
“Alright, now why don't you go and sit beside Y/N.” Jeongin smiles at the teacher and makes his way up the lecture hall stairs to the seat next to yours. 
“Hi, I’m May!” May whispers excitedly to him, 
“Don’t talk to me.” He says looking annoyed as he finds his pen. May looks at him with a confused expression, she reaches for her phone and sends a text to your group chat.
Jeez, what's wrong with the new guy? He was so mean… she pouts. Seungmin put his hand on her shoulder and laughs
“I told you, you aren’t his type” He whispers, May turns to him and lightly punches him, 
“SHUT UP!” she yells, the silent class looks towards her, her face turns a bright shade of red from embarrassment “Sorry.” 
You study the boy next to you as your professor recaps the last lesson. As you noticed earlier, Jeongin wears all black. He’s got long black hair, but you can see the glint of silver jewelry shining through it. Piercings. He wears a silver chain around his neck, but the pendant is hidden under his shirt. Silver rings, and black boots. Sharp eyes that stare coldly towards the front of the room. He’s pretty but rude. Arrogance, radiating off of him. Does he think he’s too good to be here? 
“Staring is rude, if you want something- ask now or leave me alone.” he deadpans, looking at you as if he was looking through you. Almost as if he was reading your mind, “Whatever it is your brain is thinking about me, forget it. Whatever assumption you’re making about me is wrong.”
“I- was just admiring your outfit” you mutter, bringing your eyes back to your notes. 
“Don’t lie to me either. I can see through that shit. You’ll do better by being honest with me.” he slowly places his pen down and shifts so that he’s leaning closer to you, “Listen. I don’t care about whatever your first-year psych brain is attempting to say about me, I’m not your patient. So stop trying to analyze me.” he turns away from you and continues on taking notes. Whatever issue Yang Jeongin has, you want nothing to do with it. You can only hope the semester passes by quickly, and that you won’t have to ever interact with the person beside you.  
After a few excruciating hours of listening to Professor Wade go on about the psychological effects of trauma you’re finally released from prison. “Let's go to the cafe to study today.” You say with a smile, Seungmin nods in agreement and May follows along. You enjoy going to the cafe after classes, the warm evening breeze and the smell of fresh coffee is relaxing after class and the cozy environment of the cafe provided the perfect atmosphere to study in. Seungmin heads towards your usual booth, with May tailing behind him as you go to make your coffee orders. 
“One large Strawberry coconut refresher, one Large iced americano, and one Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel please” You smile at the cashier who punches in your order, 
“Three drinks for one person? Are you that thirsty?” A voice says from behind you, you turn around and look up at  Yang fucking Jeongin. 
“I'm here with May and Seungmin actually,” you smile, it was better to be civil than to give him the actual expression your brain so desperately wanted to give. He looks down at you seriously.
“Hm. Excuse me, could you add a second large americano please.” the cashier nods as he steps in front of you and pays for the order, he was so rude to May and now he’s paying for our drinks. What’s with him? “I’ll help you take these to your friends.” he picks up the Americanos and looks to you to guide him to your spot.
“Would you like to sit and study with us?” you ask with an awkward smile,
“Sure.” you walk up the steps to your booth where Seungmin sat watching May take selfies. You hand May her strawberry drink, and Seungmin his caramel drink, then slide into your spot on the opposite side of them. Jeongin sits next to you and places your coffee by you; May makes a confused face and looks back at her textbook. 
“He paid for our drinks so I asked if he wanted to study with us. I hope you don't mind.” You kick Seungmin  lightly under the table and force a smile at him notifying him to get May to cooperate 
“Oh. OH No we don't mind at all right May?” He smiles awkwardly and May only let out a huff. You spent the rest of the evening studying and joking amongst each other, though Jeongin stayed silent for most of it, only ever talking when it came to studying. Most of the time it felt less like he was studying the curriculum and more like he was studying the group the entire time, by the end of the night you could feel he was bored of your company. 
“I should head out guys, I have things to do around the house,” You say as you begin packing up your books, 
“Your apartment is in pristine condition, what could you possibly have to do?” Seungmin laughs 
“Tidying mainly” you sigh, “Chores don't get done themself you know” You let out a small sigh, 
“Chores? You live alone and you give yourself chores?” Seungmin looks at May and laughs at the confused look on her face “What I'm serious! If I lived alone I’d be free and live as I wanted!” 
“That’s why we always go to Y/N’s place. I can't imagine what your room looks like.” Seungmin laughs, Mays's face burns red, as she looks down to hide her clear embarrassment.
“Shut up.” Seungmin you idiot.
“I should head out as well.” Jeongin says abruptly, “Thanks for letting me stay.” He gets up, grabs his things and walks out. 
“He’s so strange,” May says, as you all get up to leave. Soon after you say your goodbyes and head out. 
The bus ride back to your apartment was quiet and short. Your brain was doing its best to wrap around something you didn’t quite know. A feeling you’d never had before. Some sort of familiarity but from what? You wouldn’t be able to tell. 
After a hot shower, You sit yourself on your couch and turn on the tv. “I should eat,” you mumble to myself, you walk to the kitchen as the news plays on the screen in your living room, 
“Reports from [your city]’s 11th ward state another young woman has been murdered,” the tv blares, “The woman was found in her home with a gunshot wound to the chest, [Your city] police say they have no witnesses and no leads.” The newscaster reads out,
Another one. This is starting to get closer to home too. It makes me sick to my stomach. You close your fridge. I'm not even hungry anymore. 
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Tags: @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @bbymatz @kurxxmi
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Karl Davydov (1838-89) - Fantasie from a Russian folk song for cello and orchestra, op. 7.
Chamber orchestra "Musica Viva". Alexander Rudin (cello)
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scotianostra · 6 months
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On November 24th Grace Horsley Darling was born at Bamburgh which is about 20 miles south of the England Scottish Border.
Grace Darling was one of the Victorian era’s most celebrated heroines. On 7 September 1838, she risked her life to rescue the stranded survivors of the wrecked Scottish steamship SS Forfarshire, a feat of bravery which changed her life dramatically.
Grace's father, William was a lighthouse keeper and she grew upon the Farne Islands a group of islands off the coast of Northumberland, she would sometimes join her father when he went out in the boat and she took her turn watching the sea, day and night, from the top of the lighthouse.
On 5th September 1838, the SS Forfarshire set off from Hull to Dundee, carrying around 60 passengers and crew. During the night, the ship’s boilers began to leak and despite repair attempts by the crew, the leaks became worse.
By 11pm the following night the boilers had failed completely, forcing Captain Humble to stop the engines. The Forfarshire began to drift, buffeted by the ferocious gale-force winds that had begun to blow.
The Captain decided to turn back and seek shelter near Farne Islands, powered only by a makeshift sail. The storm was getting worse and the pitch black night, tempestuous seas and downpour of rain made it increasingly difficult to navigate. He mistook a light for one of the beacons on Inner Farne, in reality it was another that was surrounded by hazardous rocks and the ship hit one of them .
There was no time to call the passengers from their cabins and get them into boats. Within 15 minutes the ship had lurched into the rocks once more, breaking the vessel in two. The front half of the ship became stuck on the rock. The back half was swept away by the sea, and sank with more than 48 people onboard.
Grace saw the wreck from her bedroom window at 4.45am and ran to the telescope to search for survivors. It wasn’t until after 7am that it became light enough to see there were people on the rock. In terrible weather, Grace Darling and her father William decided to row out and rescue the survivors.
They rowed for almost a mile to reach them, fighting against the ferocious waves and powerful wind. They could see several people moving on Big Harcar Rock and realised they would have to make two trips to rescue them all.
William climbed onto the rocks to examine the injuries of the survivors, while Grace stayed in control of the boat, rowing it backwards and forwards to avoid crashing into the reef.
A female passenger who had lost two children, an injured man and two crew members were chosen to make the first trip back, they arrived safely and William and the two crew men returned for the remaining survivors, whilst Grace and her mother tended to the others. By 9am, the rescue was complete and nine survivors had been rescued from the ship.
Nine other people survived that night too, by jumping into a lifeboat before the stern of the ship sank. They were swept away by the current and rescued by a sloop that same night.
Grace became renowned as a heroine and won the hearts of the nation. The courageous rescue was reported by national newspapers and her story spread internationally.
She received several awards, including a Gold Medal of Bravery from the Royal Humane Society and a Silver Medal for Gallantry from the RNLI.
Admirers sent letters, money and fine gifts to Grace - and even Queen Victoria sent £50. Artists travelled to Longstone to paint her portrait, which were sold to the curious public and Grace became immortalised in plays, songs, poems and memorabilia.
Tragically, Grace developed tuberculosis in 1842 and died in her father’s arms on 20th October. Her funeral took place 4 days later at St Aidan’s Church in Bamburgh, which was attended by hundreds of people wishing to pay their last respects.
Grace’s memory is still honoured and preserved today and the RNLI Grace Darling Museum in Bamburgh is dedicated to her story. In her rescue, Grace exhibited the same values that lifeboat crews still live by today. Her tomb described as a "Gothic shrine" is a fitting tomb to her memory at St. Aidan Churchyard Bamburgh, Northumberland
Grace also has a website dedicated to here http://www.gracedarling.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR0GAqH_Qeq18rg5rtLGgxUgTCKNdOTmBZzPBohRIFmPuLXTsZk43N1KUdI
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swedish-songs · 1 year
This Friday, the 30th of May, is Walpurgis Night! (Valborgsmässoafton, or simply Valborg, in Swedish). Walpurgis Night is celebrated in several European countries. It is a celebration of Saint Walpurga, but in Sweden it is, before anything else, a celebration of the arrival of spring. It is traditionally celebrated by gathering around huge bonfires. At the oldest universities in Sweden, a lot of more or less local Valborg traditions take place.
One tradition is that the student choirs gather before the bonfire is lit to sing songs celebrating spring. Längtan till landet, (longing for the countryside), is perhaps the most iconic one. It was written as a poem in 1838 by Herman Sätherberg, and arranged for a male choir in 1839 by Otto Lindblad. The song is often referred to by it's initial lyrics, "Vintern rasat" (Winter has been raging). The lyrics describe the snow melting away, to give way to spring and summer.
Although the song is traditionally sung by a male choir, here is an example of a version with a female student choir from the university of Lund, one of the oldest in Europe. The singers are, as is customary, wearing their student caps from their graduation from gymnasiet.
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The Daily Hymn Book Containing A Hymn On A Passage Of Scripture For Every Day (1838)
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by Nicholas Hellings
"He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength…" – Isaiah 40:29
To those who have no might, The Lord increases strength: They wait with patience in his sight, And obtain help at length.
In fervent prayer to heav’n, Let helpless sinners cry: Strength in the time of need is giv’n, When Jesus passes by.
The feeble shall be strong, The dumb shall tune their voice; The deaf shall join the sacred song, The mournful souls rejoice.
The lame shall leap for joy, The blind receive their sight; In cheerful songs their lips employ, Rejoicing in the light.
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
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OTD in Music History: The immortal Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 – 1893) is born in what is now the Udmurt Republic, a federal subject of Russia. Tchaikovsky is undoubtedly the most popular Russian composer of all time. Although he has sometimes drawn scorn from critics and academics, his music has always held great appeal for the general public because of its incredible melodic inspiration, lush (and often surprising) harmonies, and colorful orchestration. Although Tchaikovsky did not seriously begin studying music until his early 20s -- and although he died in his early 50s -- he composed prolifically and managed to produce 20 choral works, 11 overtures, 11 operas, 7 symphonies, 5 suites, 4 cantatas, 3 ballets, 3 piano concertos, 3 string quartets, a violin concerto, a string sextet, and more than 100 individual smaller songs and piano pieces. Tchaikovsky's work can admittedly be rather uneven in quality, but, as often as not, he achieved a remarkable unity of melodic and harmonic inspiration, dramatic content, and (sufficient) mastery of form -- and his finest masterpieces easily elevate him into the first rank of history's great "classical" composers. PICTURED: A nice 1890’s cabinet photograph of Tchaikovsky, which he signed and dated on June 7, 1893 – just five months after the world premiere of “The Nutcracker,” and just five months before his sudden and untimely death in November 1893. Per the date of the inscription, Tchaikovsky signed this photograph while he was visiting Britain (from May 25 – June 30, 1893) to receive an honorary Doctorate from Cambridge University. His distinguished musical colleagues Camille Saint-Saens (1835 – 1921), Max Bruch (1838 – 1920), Arrigo Boito (1842 – 1918), and Edvard Grieg (1843 – 1907) (who was not able to attend due to illness) were also awarded honorary Doctorates at the same ceremony, which took place on June 13th. A photograph of Tchaikovsky dressed up in his ceremonial garb and preparing to receive his Doctorate at the ceremony is included at the end of this photo set.
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handfuloftime · 6 months
@solomontoaster tagged me - thanks!
Last song? Humiliation by The National
Favourite colour? Used to be blue but these days it's burgundy.
Last movie/TV show: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I think the last show I watched was (rewatching) Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.
Currently watching/listening: Not really watching anything at the moment. I'm reading the journal of a midshipman on the 1838-42 United States Exploring Expedition, though. And a murder mystery for book club.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? I have a horrible sweet tooth but prefer a balance of sweet/salty. Spicy food is good but I'm still kind of a wimp.
Relationship status: On all levels except physical I am one of a pair of shelter cats that can't be adopted separately.
Current obsessions: The Napoleonic era is a constant background obsession, but all the discussion of the new movie (which I still have not seen) is bringing it to the forefront again. I'm also very excited about my current sewing projects.
Last thing you googled? G.F. Foster Son & Co. (Trying to identify a sword that my grandfather passed along--it appears to be a 1860 US staff officer's dress sword!)
tagging @laissezferre, @clove-pinks, @sleepybb8, and anyone else who wants to!
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starscribes · 7 months
NaNo Update Day 10
Words Written Today: 1838
Words Written Total: 15038
Overall Feeling: Back on a Sebastian chapter so feeling good, but it is going differently from my outline and I'm changing a lot as I go. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing
Emerson stood up, his words and his change in manner put my guard back up. I started identifying items in the room I might use as a weapon. Cutlery was always a good option obviously, even the head of a spoon could be useful in case I needed to try to stab him with something. The glassware was another option, I could try to break one of the glasses and use a sharp edge, but the cutlery might be a better option, I wasn’t sure how much pressure to put on these glasses to break them in the right way.
The napkin I hadn’t touched all night could be a good distraction, throwing it in his face to temporarily obscure his vision would give me more time to put together a better arsenal. The salt and pepper shakers had been heavy if I remembered correctly from briefly using them, if I didn’t want to do any permanent damage then a blunt object to the nose would be a good way to go. Even the chair I was sitting in, could I wait for him to position himself in front of me, whip is around and use to push him, and pin him against the wall?
Song: I'm Gonna Do My Thing by Royal Deluxe this is one of the songs on Sebastian's playlist that I was listening to. Sebastian wants this to be him, he wants to be the person who does whatever he wants, but when any real authority shows up he quickly steps in line. He's always seen himself as inferior to those authority figures, especially his dad. A big part of this story is his growing into an authority figure himself and learning the difference between "I'm going to do what I want to do just for fun" and "I'm going to do what I want to do because I think it's the right decision"
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10K2024 1-21-24
1830. Disco Medley Live-Selena 1831. Como La Flor Live-Selena 1832. Amor Prohibido-Selena 1833. No Me Queda Mas-Selena 1834. Cobarde-Selena 1835. Fotos & Recuerdos-Selena 1836. El Chico Del Apartmento 512-Selena 1837. Bidi Bidi Bom Bom-1994 Version-Selena 1838. Techno Cumbia-Selena 1839. Tus Desprecios-Selena 1840. Si Una Vez-Selena 1841. Ya No-Selena 1842. Donde Quiera Que Estas-Selena 1843. I Could Fall in Love-Selena 1844. Captive Heart-Selena 1845. I'm Getting Used to You-Selena 1846. God's Child (Baila Conmigo)-Selena 1847. Dreaming of You-Selena 1848. Wherever You Are-Selena 1849. Techno Cumbia Remix-Selena 1850. El Toro Relajo-Selena 1851. Tu Solo Tu-Selena 1852. Porque Le Gusta Bailar Cumbia-Live-Selena 1853. No Debes Jugar-Selena 1854. Tu Robaste Mi Corazon-Selena 1855. La Llamada-Selena 1856. Munequito De Trapo-Selena 1857. Siempre Hace Frio-Selena 1858. A Million to One-Selena 1859. Buenos Amigos-Selena 1860. Con Tanto Amor Medley-Selena 1861. Always Mine-Selena 1862. Como Te Extrano-Selena 1863. Is It the Beat?-Selena 1864. Only Love-Selena 1865. Oldies Medley-Vidal Brothers 1866. A Boy Like That-Selena 1867. Cumbia Medley Live-Selena 1868. One More TIme-Lil Ray 1869. Vivras Selena-Pete Astudillo, etc. 1870. Tu Eres-Selena 1871. Sukiyaki-Selena 1872. Contigo Quiero Estar-Selena 1873. Besitos-Selena 1874. Amame Quiereme-Selena 1875. Tengo Ganas De Llorar-Selena 1876. My Love-Selena 1877. Quiero Ser-Selena 1878. Mentiras-Selena 1879. No Te Vayas-Selena 1880. La Bamba-Selena
note: the last three songs were attempted to be listened to 3 times but i kept falling asleep, and waking up to the linear notes at the end of the album. however to make up for it, i have relistened to those three songs plus the one before it to make up for falling asleep. and so these while technically are listened to today... i'm counting them for yesterday this day here... but they are officially listened to as of right now posting this.
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sexypinkon · 9 months
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In Laura's own words she recalls for Sexypink some of her feelings about making the monument.
The Naked REDEMPTION SONG Monument
While conceptualizing the design for the monument in 2002, I struggled over the idea of ‘draping’ my figures. In the end I decided it would ‘date’ the work…thinking, being naked would be more timeless.
After the initial shock of Jamaica’s ferocious response to the unveiled monument, I retreated to my own world to ‘wait out’ the outcome. I realized everyone was entitled to their own opinion. Eighteen years after the installation, Maroon Elder Joseph White, explained to me what the monument meant to him and to Jamaica’s history.
“On Emancipation Day, 1st August, 1838, some plantation owners gave another humiliating indignation to their soon to be freed enslaved — they stripped them of their clothing! —‘Bakra seh, uno free but yu clothes no free’. The naked free who took to the roads were arrested for indecent exposure. Their previous owners would be the ones able to release them. The bolder free took to the rivers with the only thing they had left, their modesty and the fact that if accused of being naked they could claim they were bathing.
Rivers symbolically washed away the horror of their lives (the reason the Emancipation figures stand in a pool of flowing water) and shielded them until they arrived at a safer place (rivers follow roads), to, in theory, begin a new life”.  After the unveiling, yes, I was in shock for the first weeks then I was in awe of this ferocious debate for and against the naked figures, which played out for months.
Truthfully, I did question my decision for making them naked but now, 20 plus years later, I ‘give it up’, rightly or wrongly, as inspiration passing through me!
Laura Facey
a reflection on Laura Facey's Redemption Song...
Sexypink - So often when visualizing a work, you never know why you may get a strong hunch or follow a need to add specific symbolism. As I read Laura Facey's recollections on the creation of the monumental Redemption Song in Jamaica, I was particularly struck by the Maroon Elders' words about nakedness at the moment of Emancipation and thereafter.
I believe that works like Ms Facey's endure because it must. The reaction to the nudity by so many during the unveiling questions how far we have come in regard to slavery itself. It is still debated whether we can put it behind us. It also begs the question of what is freedom itself?
The slave is always reminded of the price it costs to be present. Imagine that the only solace for being stripped of one's dignity repeatedly was to give the impression of bathing as a passive choice. Ms Facey was correct in her instincts about the bare skin, her Adam and Eve, heads held high in the Jamaican hot sun answer the call to their freedom and beyond.
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malec-ao3feed · 5 months
shall justice be demanded (by ten million righteous men)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Urgiw2f by fandomlver Still getting used to life in the Institute again, Alec finds himself swept into Warlock matters once more - and things are leading towards a secret Magnus has been keeping from him. Words: 1838, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Tune as old as song Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Isabelle Lightwood, Madzie (Shadowhunters TV), Catarina Loss, Ragnor Fell, Lorenzo Rey Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Urgiw2f
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