If you read this
I'm going to read the Syndicate by Shelena Shorts
I'm still reading Empire of Storms, Gilded, the Iron Sword, the Golden Enclaves and Confessions of a Shopaholic
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producer-1d-blog · 10 months
Меня можно поздравить
13 июля 2023 в 15:30 в прекрасном городе на Неве я получила свой диплом о высшем образовании. Сейчас я чувствую больше облегчение, чем радость. Мое состязание на этом этапе закончилось. Не могу сказать, что дальше - больше, потому что не очень уверена, что хочу идти дальше в магистратуру. Если бы было время хотя бы пару месяцев, а лучше полгода… ничего бы не изменилось, честно говоря. Я могла думать об этом все это время, но все, на что у меня хватало сил - это, как бы закончить в принципе этот вуз. Поэтому максимум год дам себе на раздумья. Пока ни желания, ни сил нет идти учиться.
А дальше только о грустном могу говорить. У меня больше нет тех воздушных замков, в которых я с получением высшего образования становлюсь каким-то супер взрослым, познавшим все в этой жизни и с мыслью о том, что теперь все изменится. Даже мой оклад повысится не шибко больше. Но знаете, к 24 годам я думала, что меня хотя бы начнут воспринимать всерьез, как самостоятельную личность. Но взрослой меня считают только в определены моментах: когда нужно оплатить коммунальные услуги, когда нужно работать в принципе, а про замужество я молчу, потому что считаюсь уже старой.
И вот, чтобы я не делала, я делаю не так. Меня сводит с ума все эти мысли. Я от чистого сердца, без зазрения совести могу сказать, что стараюсь все делать только с добрыми пожеланиями, ко всем людям, не смотря на все говно, что мне делают, стараюсь относиться, в крайнем случае, нейтрально, хотя в списке людей, с которыми я знакома, есть парочка, которых я все же недолюбливаю, но связи с ними не веду и очень хочу стереть все воспоминания о них. Все мои действия, вся моя жизнь, подвергается жестокой критике со стороны родных и близких. И я буквально уже не знаю, что мне делать. Можно уже не переживать, кажется я суть уловила, просто я никому не угодна. В любом случае, что бы я не делала, все плохо. Приношу дяде перчатки с работы, которые лежат коробками с 2020 года и ими никто не пользуется, плохо. Ношу свободную и удобную одежду, тоже плохо. Постригла волосы коротко - ты враг народа. Не матерись, так не говори, это не носи, в 6 будь дома и многое другое. Четно говоря, хотелось простого человеческого отношения. А критике я себя и сама могу подвергнуть.
Мне просто тошно от того, что как личность я вечно должна кому-то что-то доказывать. А пожить в свое удовольствие? А как же моя молодость? На что я ее потратила и продолжаю тратить? С получением диплома о среднем профессиональном образовании я на следующий же день пошла устраиваться на свою первую в жизни работу. Также пошла получать высшее образование. Я осознавала, что на мне большая ответственность. Я не могла подвести родителей. Но хотелось бы, чтобы меня хоть немного понимали. Никакой жалости я не желаю. Просто хочу, чтобы относились ко мне по-человечески. В свои 24 где я побывала? Чем занималась? И представляю ли я из себя нечто большее? Теперь я даже больше не студент. Теперь я только работаю. И неужели специалист по социальной работе это мой приговор? Пока я расслабляюсь и пытаюсь прийти в чувство. Другие уже действуют. А моя жизнь так и проходит мимо меня.
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goldenpinof · 8 months
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a range of emotions (DON’T SCREAM - If You Scream You Lose!)
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nonetoon · 8 months
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Caught-on-Tober week 2: Party Guests 🧛‍♂️ 💀 🧙‍♀️
8. Frankenstein’s Monster / 9. Vampire (?) / 10. Polkadot Ghosts / 11. Witch in the Sky / 12. Mysterious Skeleton / 13. Lost Werewolf / 14. The Cat
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artsyebonyrose · 8 months
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inktober day 13: rise
(ethan winters from resident evil)
zombo ethan, perfect for spooky season and friday 13th :D
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brian-in-finance · 9 months
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Remember… in your head, in your head, zombie, zombie… 🎶
The Cranberries - Zombie, played over public address system
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lovercth · 10 months
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love me like you did;
i’ll give you anything
Not the best photos you’ll see from Boston Night 2, but so beyond special to me. Absolutely adore this man (and his friends).
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loopielupie · 8 months
Whumptober Day 8 & Day 13 - Overcrowded ER & "I don't feel so good"
The place is crowded.
Sasaki curses under his breath as he scans for an open seat. There's nothing. The atmosphere prickles with anxiety and all it does is make Sasaki want to yell at someone, anyone to help. But it doesn't work that way and getting himself escorted out is the last thing he wants when-
He snaps out of it as Miyano leans further into his support, blinking up at him with fever-glazed eyes. Sasaki bites the inside of his cheek and eyes the queue for reception with a slowly building dread.
"Mya-chan, d'ya think you can keep standing?" he asks through the lump in his throat, trying not to think about the heat he can feel radiating from him.
"I...I'm not sure," he whispers, airily and Sasaki feels the truth of his hesitation in how his legs have started shaking. Thankfully, a woman notices them and waves them over, gesturing to her now open seat next to a young girl holding an obviously broken arm. On autopilot Sasaki gets them there, easing Miyano into the chair and thanking the woman, mechanically. He know it's rude but he pays no attention to anything she might say. Miyano sinks into the seat and Sasaki does want to leave him but he has to. Instead he shrugs off his jacket and lays it over him.
"I gotta go get you checked in, ok? I'll be right back."
"I'll be here," Miyano replies, still quiet but with enough humour that Sasaki can't help but smile. He quickly squeezes Miyano's hand and scurries off to join the queue, behind a man with a poorly bandaged hand he tries not to look at.
Thankfully, the receptionists are efficient and in no time at all he's rattling off Miyano's symptoms and personal details and pointing over to where Miyano's still sitting.
"They'll see you soon, ok?"
Sasaki...can't be sure about that but he takes the offered emesis basin, thanks her, and hurries as much as he can back to Miyano's side. The woman and her daughter are gone so Sasaki sinks into the seat next to Miyano.
"What'd...they say?"
"You'll be seen soon," Sasaki replies.
Miyano hums and it sounds pained as much as agreeable. Sasaki doesn't hesitate to coax him closer, tucking him against his side and trying resolutely not to think about how hot Miyano's breaths are against his neck. The last time he checked, his fever was 39.3 but Sasaki has no way of knowing if it's gone up since then.
"You holdin' up ok?" It feels weak even as he asks it and Sasaki wants to kick himself but there are dozens of people here and Saski has no way of knowing when they'll be seen and he feels so useless.
"'m tired." It comes out as a whine and Sasaki runs his fingers through sweat-damp hair. Screw the people around him.
"Sleep, I'll wake you when they call you."
Miyano shifts a little, likely trying to get comfortable in the hard plastic chair. Sasaki accommodates as best he can but with the harsh lights and the constant bustle of movement and noise, he's not sure it matters. He watches the room around him, glaring at one older man who looks at them just a bit too long and a bit too sideways. He starts every time a nurse or doctor comes to call someone through and feels a little more helpless each time it's not them. Logically, this is a good thing: not being prioritised means Miyano isn't dying or anything. but when he's curled up on a waiting room chair shivering and suffering Sasaki can't help it.
Suddenly, Miyano lurches upright, and Sasaki barely avoids a knock to the chin but it's forgotten immediately. Miyano doubles over with a whine and gags. Sasaki fumbles the basin into his hands as Miyano retches again. But there's nothing to come up so all he does is gag and cough and choke. Sasaki holds him through it, murmuring meaningless nonsense like 'breathe. it's ok. I've got you'. His eyes burn.
When Miyano is finally done, he rocks back, slumping down in the seat. He looks even paler now, more exhausted. Sasaki abandons the basin and gently wipes away the drying tears on his cheeks. Miyano leans into the touch but Sasaki hates the way his face crumples like he's holding back more tears.
"I don't...I don't feel so good," Miyano whispers, shoulders climbing to his ears.
"I know, Yoshikazu," Sasaki gentles, cupping his flushed face and guiding him back to rest against his collar. "'m sorry."
Miyano makes a sound something like a protest, but Sasaki just shushes him quietly and tries not to let his heartbreak show on his face.
The door opens again. Another person is called. Sasaki wants to scream, but that wouldn't get them anywhere. So he tucks Miyano closer, runs fingers through his hair as he shivers, and feels helpless.
All they can do is wait.
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ad-venturism · 7 months
words are coming to me 
in fragments.
every flower has its fragrance.
I've never carved a rock. 
I wonder what face 
would reveal itself to me. 
a look of relief – 
a head that sits on the lawn 
as if it were history. 
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jukeboxofjellycat · 1 year
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Artist: larenn_syanne
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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tuntetesinfo · 1 year
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2023 AT 8:00 AM UTC+01
Indul a kirúgott tanárok pere! - szolidaritási gyűlés
Tölgyfa utca 1, Budapest 1027, Magyarország
Március 13-án hétfőn reggel indul a tavaly ősszel a tiltakozások miatt kirúgott tanárok munkaügyi pere! Álljunk ki együtt a meghurcolt pedagógusok mellett, gyere el Te is a tárgyalás napján a Bíróság épületéhez!
Nem engedjük, hogy a hatalom megfélemlítse az oktatás és az ország jövőjéért küzdő pedagógusokat. Nem hagyjuk, hogy következmények nélkül maradjon a 13 kirúgott tanár igazságtalan meghurcolása!
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veldeia · 8 months
Fic: Something, something, something, we—get a headache?
I had a personal Whumptober goal of writing at least one fic for a fandom that I've never done before. I also really wanted to write something for the Netflix Nimona movie, because I loved it (and Ballister perfectly fits my collection of armored blorbos). So, here's a quick little bit of canon divergent whump.
Fandom: Nimona (2023) Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Word count: 1,549 Characters: Nimona & Ballister Boldheart Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Head Injury, Protective Nimona (Nimona), POV First Person, POV Nimona, Hurt Ballister, warning for vomiting
Ballister waking up with his brain all scrambled after their jailbreak was not a part of Nimona's excellent plan, but that is what's happened, and somehow, they'll have to deal with it.
Fill for the Whumptober day 8 prompt "Overcrowded ER" (as well as the "I don’t feel so good" dialogue prompt from day 13).
Chapter on AO3
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Bowen's Daily Meditations
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by Rev. George Bowen
Devotional for May 13th
"I am the light of the world." - John 8:12
What a wonderful consciousness was this for one that saw his life gliding rapidly away in an obscure corner of the world, among a despised class of persons, and knew that a cross was prepared for him at the capital. Knowing that the light of life is to go forth from him, from him alone, to all nations, peoples, and languages, how admirable is the quiet, unhasting humility that enables him to sit down among the poorest and meanest of earth, occupy himself with all their cares and solicitudes, heal their diseases, correct their errors, embrace their infant children, partake of their humble meals, and listen in their synagogues! He knew that he was to be the sun of all the world, bathe the continents in light, and create new heavens and new earth for the more effectual manifestation of his unimagined glory. Yet he could converse in a strain of perfect tranquility with the Samaritan woman at the well, and could go about Jerusalem looking for the poor man whom the -Pharisees had put out of the synagogue.
This is something that should never be forgotten when we read the Gospel; and the wonder is that it does not more attract the attention of men. The evidence of Christ’s humility and contentedness of spirit, rests upon the surest foundation; all his actions and his mode of life declare that he was at home among the poor and needy of earth, and sought not great things for himself; but there drop from his lips at times, expressions that indicate the perfect and abiding consciousness that he is to sit down upon the throne of this world, and fill it with the effulgence beaming from his countenance. Before the high priest and Pilate he was as a lamb led to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he opened not his mouth; and it was only with the greatest difficulty that they could force him once to speak and to disclose the sublime consciousness that was in him, by a reference to his future coming in the clouds of heaven and in the glory of God, to take complete possession of the world.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
Whumpril Snippet 6
Day 4; ache, Day 6; painkillers, Day 8; nausea, "you look pale." Day 10; shiver Day 12; "I'm right here." Day 13; support, "I think I need to sit down." Day 28; bedridden
Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warnings: None Pairing: Sunstreaker X Lily
Lily wakes up not feeling well but thinks it's a cold. She thinks a shower should help her feel fine for the day.   "You look pale," Sunstreaker comments when Lily walks out of the bathroom. "It's a cold, and hopefully, the shower helped." Sunstreaker doesn't argue. He gets clothes and goes to the bathroom.
Lily and Sunstreaker eat breakfast with their friends and Sunstreaker's brother, Sideswipe. Sunstreaker watches Lily, worried she doesn't have a minor cold. Even if she's eating as if she's not sick.
"You ok?" Sunstreaker asks Lily as the two walk into their room. "I'm fine. I-I think I need to sit down." Lily sits on the couch, feeling like the room is spinning. Sunstreaker gets painkillers and water for her. As she takes the pills, Sunstreaker gets her pajamas. "You're getting back in bed," he tells her. Lily changes into pajamas and gets back into bed. Sunstreaker sits at his desk and works on an art project.
"Sunstreaker?" He hears Lily a few hours later. He sits on his knees by her bed, not liking how she looks. "I'm right here," he assures her as he feels her forehead. Lily feels warm, but Sunstreaker knows this can happen with colds, and Lily would be taking the same medication whether she has a cold or the flu, "you're not going anywhere today." "Cold." Sunstreaker didn't think she'd be shivering that he'd hear teeth chattering. Sunstreaker gets extra blankets to layer on Lily. Worried about her, Sunstreaker lies on his bed and sketches on his tablet.
It's a quiet hour until Sunstreaker watches Lily try to get out of bed. He has to help her into the bathroom, not expecting her to throw up. They sit on the floor by the toilet as Lily still thinks she'll throw up. "Cold," Lily whines. Sunstreaker: Ratchet, I think Lily has the flu. He explains Lily's symptoms. Ratchet, I'll be right there.
Lily throws up again before Ratchet walks into the bathroom. "It's definitely the flu, but I want to make sure you don't need stronger medicine," Ratchet explains and gets a sample from Lily's mouth, "for now, make sure she's drinking water." Sunstreaker helps Lily back into bed as Ratchet leaves. "You're not going anywhere for a few days, and I'm staying here." "Good luck getting Prowl to let someone else do your patrols."
Sunstreaker stays in his room all day. He's about to ask Sideswipe to get dinner for him when he hears a knock on the door. "Drift?" He asks, seeing Drift with a tray, "I don't think she'll want to eat," he adds, seeing the contents on the tray is two bowls of soup. He knows Lily needs to eat, though he's worried she'll just throw up what she eats.
"No," Lily mumbles, not liking what the two mechs want to do. They don't want to force her or don't think this is enough reason to put a nasal gastric tube in. Tears roll down Lily's face as Sunstreaker supports her sitting up. Both mechs hoping she'll eat enough, but Lily doesn't last long. Once Lily is comfortable in bed, Drift gets a cooling cloth. "This should help," he tells Lily as he puts it on her forehead, "she's not going to like cold soup. Crackers will be better for now." Sunstreaker didn't think Drift would take a box of saltines out of his subspace, put it on the nightstand, puts the bowl of soup meant for Sunstreaker on the coffee table, and leaves with the tray. I think this is going to be our routine for the week. Prowl: I can't have another bot take your patrols for a week, sorry. Sunstreaker: I can have Sideswipe stay with Lily. She's too sick to get out of bed, and I  don't want her left alone. Prowl: I'm still not used to seeing you like this. Sunstreaker smiles, reading the text.
Sideswipe comes by ten minutes before Sunstreaker's morning patrol. "Did you sleep?" Sideswipe asks. "No, I knew Lily wouldn't wake me. I had to help her to the bathroom several times and give her medicine." "You can't keep this up until she's better." "She should be well enough not to need help getting to the bathroom in a few days." I could give her medicine before bed, allowing her to sleep all night. Sunstreaker wonders.
A temporary routine sets in, with Sideswipe watching Lily for an hour and Drift not minding bringing his two friends dinner for the next week until Lily can finally get out of bed for more than five minutes, but she's still not one hundred percent. Lily can go to the cafeteria and eat better than she has in a week, and Sunstreaker is ok with leaving Lily alone. "Prowl will be happy," Sideswipe tells Lily, "he's not pleased Sunstreaker hasn't done any other work." "I'm a little concerned about how worried Sunstreaker was, but it was nice he was with me all day." Sideswipe doesn't say anything, but he, too, is concerned.
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dazyskiie-luv · 10 months
Requests are currently open and it's suggested you read our carrd(link) before requesting.
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