#004. povs.
evewintrs · 2 months
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featuring : @silencehq and @alevadalouca.
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havia algo no bosque.
evelyn não sabia explicar o que era, sequer se não passava da mente suscetível à loucura que lhe pregava peças vez ou outra, mas ela tinha convicção de que havia algo no bosque. e era uma certeza tão irredutível que, apesar de não haver qualquer embasamento além da própria teoria, fundamentada em vivências bem... específicas, jamais seria derrubado com tentativas racionais de lhe fazer recuar. inclusive, não havia dado a chance a ninguém de tentar, já que a ida até o local aconteceu espontaneamente enquanto seguia pelo caminho oposto, atrás de mais bebida alcoólica. bem, isso podia esperar. agora havia dado a si mesma uma missão mais urgente do que encher a cara. assim pensou, conforme adentrava o local, sendo engolida pela escuridão das árvores altas.
vai ver era o próprio instinto animal que deixava fácil a associação entre o selvagem e a mata fechada, uma vez que sua própria fera interior se tornava algo com desejos e anseios próprios depois que passava pela transformação completa em um leopardo, mas o fato era que, se estava mesmo a procura de um animal, ela deveria começar pelo lugar onde eles costumavam viver sem regras ou limites; imprevisíveis, ariscos e indomáveis. onde mais haveria de se esconder um cão do inferno se não fosse ali?
carregava consigo dois cantis, um prateado e um roxo escuro. sempre levava ambos não importava qual fosse seu destino, desde missões até o horário do almoço ou na hora em que se preparava para dormir. o primeiro sempre era cheio de vinho e auxiliava em sua transformação, além de ser a chave para acessar suas habilidades, e o segundo estava sempre vazio, mas se transformava em sua arma oficial: delírio & mania, as lâminas gêmeas. tinha que estar preparada para batalha, não tinha?
a primeira coisa que tentou foi escutar, já que sua audição era melhor que a de humanos comuns e sua favorita na gama de especialidades felinas. ela conseguia identificar movimentações mínimas quando estava devidamente concentrada. não era a melhor com cheiros, porém, compensava também se tratando da visão de longo alcance. mas, só para ter certeza, tomou um gole generoso de vinho. dito e feito. escutou algo mais adentro e abriu um sorriso afiado, usando a velocidade para alcançar sua presa e pegá-la desprevenida.
mas aí, quem foi pega de surpresa foi ela.
não havia encontrado um cão de hades, mas havia encontrado uma de suas proles. aslihan. recuou assim que a reconheceu, levantando poeira e sacudindo as folhas ao redor. ❛ opa, alvo errado. ━━━━━ acabou dando risada de si mesma, novamente, tomando mais um gole generoso. na verdade, mais dois goles generosos. ela merecia esse segundo, vai?
estava pronta para seguir em frente sem dar as devidas explicações quando algo lhe ocorreu. era uma filha de hades. aslihan poderia ser muito mais útil do que ela imaginava, além disso, seria a única pessoa ali a saber de sua empreitada já que não havia sinal de mais ninguém. deste modo resolveu lhe contar toda a situação para que, talvez, conseguissem unir forças. acreditava muito em chamados e intuições, então imaginava que ter alguém com ligação direta ao submundo pudesse ser ainda mais valioso do que suas habilidades de rastreio individuais.
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não muito depois das especulações e planejamentos superficiais, evelyn encontrou algo. seus ouvidos não tinham captado nada especialmente inumano, ou qualquer som que diferia do comum no acampamento, mas seus olhos não tardaram em focar em alguma coisa no chão, camuflada por um conjunto de folhas que, focando melhor, indicava o início de um caminho. intrigada, chamou a atenção com a cabeça até o fato, colocando as garras para fora. ❛ são pegadas de cachorro. ━━━━━ sussurrou. eram mesmo? ela tinha certeza no momento, e isso era tudo o que importava.
siga sua intuição e improvise o resto.
engraçado, ela sabia que caminho era aquele. por estar tensa, tomou goles demais do líquido do cantil de uma vez, uma medida que ultrapassava o calculado inconsciente de quantas doses eram aceitáveis para continuar cem por cento ela. porque quando passava daquele ponto, evelyn sabia que sua mente estava enevoada o suficiente para sua consciência ser tomada aos poucos pelo animal. ela podia escolher deixar isso acontecer, claro, mas a questão é que a resposta era facilmente sim. e estava prestes a fazê-lo quando as duas alcançaram o final do caminho indicado. a fenda. quis rir. claro que era aquela merda de fenda. aquele inferno de fenda.
ou melhor, uma fenda que levava para o inferno. assim era a sua teoria ao menos. mas no fim isso não significava nada, não é? ❛ beleza, o cão saiu da fenda, grande merda. ━━━━━ a frase demorou a sair. estava tentando não soar tão embriagada assim. ❛ isso não era óbvio? ━━━━━ botou as mãos na cintura e olhou para a filha de hades. foi aí que ela percebeu a expressão que a outra carregava ainda olhando para as pegadas, e então ela também olhou novamente.
e aslihan externalizou o que ela só percebeu na segunda vez. as pegadas não indicavam algo saindo da fenda. elas indicavam algo entrando lá dentro. ❛ aslihan, calma! ━━━━━ exclamou praticamente com todo o corpo, quase como se tivesse levado um choque. ❛ eu acho que eu entendi o que está acontecendo. ━━━━━ e então, apoiou uma das mãos no ombro alheio, buscando apoio. ❛ mas antes, eu preciso tomar uma água, tá?
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nemesiseyes · 1 month
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featuring : @lynksu & @krasivydevora . @silencehq
de certa forma, era novo no mundo dos semideuses. não era novo sabendo que era filho de uma deusa, afinal, isso havia sido deixado claro inúmeras vezes pela própria. mas, a maneira como nêmesis havia o criado era outra. bem diferente de como havia criado seu outro filho, ethan nakamura, o vilão que posteriormente se converteu. não. enquanto ethan tinha uma jornada até seu último sacrifício, tadeu era um algoz. protegido e monopolizado por sua mãe, alheio ao acampamento meio-sangue e a qualquer possibilidade de ser um dito herói, pelo menos não do modo como ethan havia sido. nêmesis sempre dissera que existia heroísmo em punir quem se safou de seus pecados mundanos. talvez fizesse sentido. e, talvez, diferente de perder um olho, sua condenação era a contínua visão de todas as coisas terríveis feitas por todas as pessoas que sentenciava, ali, encravadas em sua mente. sua condenação era nunca esquecer. 
não queria ser um heroi assim. não sabia em que momento tudo o que via apenas o tornaria amargo demais. acima de tudo, tadeu entendia que sua natureza era como uma balança. sempre maldita balança. e em algum momento, ela se quebraria. só haveria um lado. não achava que estar com nêmesis o faria justo quando se sentia tão perturbado pelas próprias memórias. que sequer eram suas. portanto, ela o ofereceu a única outra opção: o acampamento meio-sangue. não por bondade, mas por capricho. ela já havia determinado que seu filho não era um justiceiro, era um vingador. mas o deu a chance de entender com seus próprios olhos. os olhos que tadeu tanto queria que fossem seus, não dela.
pois ele iria a mostrar que poderia ser o melhor herói daquela porra de lugar. que teria um monte de amigos e não precisaria dela para mais nada. ela perderia sua aposta.
talvez não fosse o modo convencional de querer fazer o bem, mas ainda assim, foi com as melhores intenções que entrou naquele carro “gentilmente concedido” com devora e lynx, pronto para finalmente mostrar a nêmesis que ela não escolheria o destino de mais nenhum de seus filhos. mas, obviamente, também pensava em como tornaria isso possível de forma tática. não era bom em estratégias, até porque, poderia ser o mais velho em idade, mas era o mais novo em tempo de acampamento. havia levado consigo o sangue frio para ataques furtivos e olhos letais escondidos atrás de lentes escuras. não era um guerreiro ruim, na verdade se esforçava muito para compensar em batalha o que se recusava a avançar em habilidade mágica, porém era inegavelmente traiçoeiro. funcionava melhor apunhalando pelas costas.
o restante da viagem não foi ruim para ele. apreciava conversas trocadas e também sabia levar os momentos de silêncio numa boa, tinha sempre bastante o que refletir, afinal. sua última missão havia sido uma falha sem qualquer contrapartida. apenas um apanhado de erros, mas, diferente da antiga equipe, com aqueles ali possuía bem mais afinidade. eles tinham alguma coisa áspera, ácida. um comportamento que combinava com o seu. muitos provavelmente não achariam isso bom, mas para tadeu jamais seria ruim encontrar pessoas com faísca. aquele era um carro entupido de pessoas temperamentais, mas felizmente haviam caído do lado certo da coisa e existia um senso de simpatia os rondando.
certamente após cinco horas de viagem e nenhum direcionamento exato de onde ir, tadeu aceitou a sugestão de sair para beber. existiam algumas ressalvas a respeito do lugar, claro, já que detestava interiores. sua experiência durante as caçadas aos pecadores sempre levavam a algum fim de mundo onde uma pessoa monstruosa comeria suas atrocidades passando por cima da lei, e se tratando de um interior americano, pior ainda. ah, claro, e também odiava universitários. universitários do interior então? que pesadelo. 
para sua sorte, bastava um pouco de bebida e qualquer jovem imbecil riria do seu temperamento por lhe considerar brincalhão. já havia passado por isso várias vezes antes: o choque de alguém lhe responder atravessado instigava. os óculos escuros também. era algo a ver com a peculiaridade de usá-los até no escuro, talvez? ele nunca explicava, a não ser que planejasse passar mais de algumas horas com alguém, que era quando inventava alguma mentira crível. 
ali, não existia nenhum interesse em nenhuma daquelas pessoas. isso é, até avistar uma moça o encarando do outro lado da sala. seu cabelo era longo e escuro, sua roupa era um vestido laranja combinando com o tom de pele quente, e havia algo em seus olhos que o chamavam. mesmo vendo as cores foscas, ele ainda enxergava o brilho. deveria ter o achado incomum, mas o achou encantador. ela era bem mais interessante do que saber sobre cursos, períodos ou viagens estúpidas de riquinhos mimados. sequer se recordava agora de quais mentiras havia inventado além do nome falso, teddy. 
não muito depois de oferecê-la uma bebida, tadeu já tinha uma ideia muito melhor do que fazer. pensou em ir até o banheiro, ou em algum beco escuro, mas, no fim, preferia o carro. se qualquer um dos dois reclamassem no dia seguinte, se resolveria depois. não sobrava muito espaço quando tudo o que queria era tirar a roupa de sua desconhecida charmosa. uma desconhecida como ele. ah, era revigorante. 
infelizmente, o êxtase só durou até a menção em tirar seus óculos. com o peito desnudo e um olhar confuso, alarmado pelo contato das mãos geladas da mulher, tadeu os segurou firmes em seus olhos. 
❛ o que é que você esconde aí? ━━━━━ era impressão sua ou a voz dela soava muito menos agradável do que antes, com o barulho da música alta abafando o timbre? 
��� é uma condição ocular rara. ━━━━━ falou, tentando não soar tão confuso quanto antes. porém, assim que seus olhos finalmente focaram na figura sentada em seu colo, no banco da frente, foi como acordar de um transe. os olhos encantadores finalmente eram esquisitos o suficiente para assustá-lo, e seu impulso foi esticar o braço para abrir a porta do carro.
uma atitude arriscada. 
tw: sangue, briga, ferimentos.
a empousa se agarrou ao seu corpo, usando o próprio peso para tentar derrubá-lo no chão. seu sorriso era diabólico. enquanto tentava se desconfiar da criatura colocando peso em cima de seu corpo, o monstro levou a mão até sua boca. ❛ não era isso que você queria, semideus? estou exatamente onde deveria estar. ━━━━━ e então, a viu avançar em sua direção. deixou. assim que os dentes encostaram em seu pescoço, aproveitou o momento de guarda abaixada para se livrar do aprisionamento, mas a perna mecânica ainda estava prendendo uma parte de seu corpo. 
❛ você quer ver o que eu estou escondendo? ━━━━━ aquela era uma atitude desesperada. tadeu jamais usava seu poder e ele sabia que assim que o utilizasse naquele monstro, algo terrível o aconteceria. ainda assim, tirou os óculos. o brilho escudo das íris refletindo o amarelo do monstro se tornaram um grito estridente de agonia, vindo dela.
um grito alto demais. com o corpo encolhido pela dor excruciante, ela começou a se debater. os sons inumanos aumentavam sua náusea. a sensação era de que os pulmões haviam sido perfurados. o pânico. tadeu sentiu que seu coração iria parar a qualquer momento e que seu cérebro iria derreter a qualquer segundo. ele sentia tudo queimar. aquele maldito grito. não importava se eram humanos ou monstros. eles gritavam do mesmo jeito no fim. era o mesmo pedido de socorro que ninguém atenderia. a punição final era estar sozinho e sentir tanta dor que, em caso de sobrevivência, você jamais faria nada disso outra vez. mas aquilo era um monstro, não iria morrer. só iria gritar para sempre.
colocou a mão no peito e se virou para o lado, com os olhos abertos lacrimejando. precisava agir. mesmo sendo consumido pelo desejo de desaparecer. as visões eram horríveis. isso também sempre acontecia. sempre via toda a dor causada em primeira pessoa, como o agressor. ele jamais esqueceria nada que aquele monstro havia feito. e estava cansado disso. farto. era injusto. nêmesis deveria saber o que era injustiça.
talvez fosse o ódio falando mais alto, mas foi o desejo de lutar contra que o fez reagir. com a faca de ferro estígio empunhada, se arrastou até o corpo da empousa, e a golpeou no coração. no instante seguinte havia apenas gritos abafados sumindo em poeira até o céu. ela jamais voltaria. não havia mais essência. e então, ao lado do corpo desfeito, buscou pelos óculos escuros e os colocou, sentado no chão e encostado no veículo olhando para o nada até que lynx chegasse alarmado, e devora chegasse impaciente. ❛ empousas. tô ligado. ━━━━━ quando se levantou, observou o ferimento de devora pela primeira vez. foi o que o fez voltar a reagir como uma pessoa normal. ❛ porra, ok. primeiro isso e depois a gente vai. ━━━━━ balançou a cabeça, tornando a entrar no carro, dessa vez, colocando devora no banco de trás consigo.
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enjomo-arch · 10 months
(  flame  command  ━━  unprompted  :  monkey d. luffy  )   //    [  ♠ @goreburdened  ]
"ace, when did you get so tall?!" luffy crowds his brother, clinging to both of the freckled brunet's knees. his straw hat keeps flopping in his eyes & he fusses over it, not wanting to obscure his vision as luffy peers up at ace with his now reverted back baby face. he looks at ace like he hung the sun, child-esque excitement palpable in the air. "I wanna be taller than you when I'm older!" he insists with a pout.
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ace  stood  as  if  he  had  been  glued  into  the  ground.  his  big  brown  eyes  growing  even  more  the  longer  he  watched  the  wandering  kid  around  his  legs.  his  eyebrows  raised  and  breath  stuck  within  his  throat  when  the  little  guy  hugged  his  knees,  which  he  could  barely  reach  with  his  own  height.  the  fire  fist  was  like  frozen  in  time  for  a  moment,  before  redness  began  spreading  over  his  face  from  the  buzzing  excitement  boiling  like  hot  blood  in  his  veins.  ace  exploded  like  a  bomb  in  a  second.  reaching  immediately  for  his  little  brother,  hands  hooking  under  the  boy's  armpits  to  raise  him  high  as  a  gigantic  grin  spread  over  ace's  freckled  features.  
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❝  luffy,  luffy,  luffy  !  ❞  
the  pirate  chanted  like  a  prayer.  may  the  sea  god  help  him  before  he  collapsed  here  from  the  incredible  joy  he  felt.  he  hugged  the  little  brother  to  his  chest,  strong  arms  tightly  holding  him  as  ace  almost  squeezed  the  living  crap  out  of  him  as  if  luffy  was  a  mere  plushie  to  him.  ❝  you're  so  cute  holy  shit  luffy.  my  little  lovely  brother  !!!  ❞  if  ace  hadn't  been  so  busy  dying  from  the  cuteness,  he  would  have  swear  he  started  to  feel  tears  picking  on  the  corners  of  his  eyes.  he  was  this  close  to  start  sobbing  from  how  adorable  luffy  is.  ❝  you  gonna  grow  up  to  be  the  tallest  pirate,  believe  me  !  ❞  the  fire  fist  squeezed  him  tighter  in  his  bicep,  almost  cutting  off  his  little  brother's  air  to  breathe. he didn't ask questions, not when his mind was blown away with how cute his brother is.
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mama5boy · 1 year
𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩
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velocesainz · 3 months
Listeeeen well read but… I love angst so. Any driver you want… where the reader has a miscarriage. Yeah if is too much I’m sorry I leave now
Kissies ✨
A/n: This sounds super interesting! I hope you like it I also apologise for taking so long, I kinda forgot and also had exams. Kissies ✨
F1 masterlist | main masterlist
Our Lost Family
Summary: You end up having a miscarriage and you become super depressed after losing the baby, Lando gets fed up of your moping. Will this ruin your marriage forever?
Warnings: very angstyyy, sad
Pairing: Lando x wife!pregnant!reader
Part 2
Y/n pov:
It was a normal day, well as normal as it can be when you’re pregnant.
I got out of bed and went down the stairs to get started on breakfast for Lando and I.
Finishing up breakfast I set the table and called Lando to join me.
“How’s the little one feeling” Lando asked me touching my stomach tenderly.
“There’s a little discomfort but overall seems to be doing pretty well in my opinion” I replied and he looked at me with a soft smile.
We chatted about plans for the rest of the day as we ate and then went on about our plans finishing off the busy day with a nice calm dinner at home.
“Baby?” Lando called out as I was setting up the table.
“Yes love? What happened?” I asked.
“I have this weird nagging feeling that there’s something that is going to go wrong and I just can’t get it to stop” Lando confessed and that got me thing.
I have also felt an odd feeling similar to how Lando described it.
“I have also had this feeling, I don’t know what it is but it feels very serious” I told him and his face grew increasingly worried.
“Baby, I want you to know, no matter what happens to us or the baby I will always love you. Nothing will get me to love you less” Lando said and that made me both worried and a little calm at the same time.
I was sitting at home watching tv and eating a simple salad when my stomach started to hurt extremely badly.
I saw blood pooling at my feet and I knew immediately that I was having a miscarriage, having heard so much about the experience from my mom who had had 2 miscarriages.
I immediately dialled Lando’s number but he didn’t pick up.
I dialled my mom number and she came in a few minutes and took me to the hospital.
Lando pov:
I was in a meeting when y/n repeatedly called which was odd for her as she knows my schedule and knows not to call when I’m busy.
I ignored her calls and put my phone one silent.
I got home to find nobody around.
There was an eerie silence.
I walked to the bedroom in hopes of finding y/n sleeping but to no avail.
I went into the living room and found a pool of blood at the base of the couch.
My heart sank to my stomach.
Was this why she was calling?
Oh god is she alright??
I called y/n only to find that she left her phone here in the house
I thought of calling her mother, maybe she had taken her to the hospital?
When I called she immediately picked and her voice frantically said “Lando! Thank god your done, please come to x hospital immediately! I’m afraid y/n is having a miscarriage”
My brain was spiralling but I managed to get my keys and drive to the hospital.
When I entered the hospital is when I was met with the sight of y/n’s mother, sitting on a chair with her head in her hands.
“Mum?” I called out to her
Her head immediately snapped towards my direction and she sprinted over “Oh Lando My baby she’s in danger, her baby’s in danger I don’t know what to do” she cried.
“Don’t worry mum, she’ll be fine, she’s one of the strongest people I’ve met” I told her mum to try and calm her down.
“I guess you’re right, she is quite the resilient kind” she sighed out sadly.
The doctor finally came out and came up to me and yn’s mum.
“You must be Mrs Norris’s family. She’s fine but significantly weaker. The baby however…did not make it. I’m so sorry for your loss, you can visit her now. She’s in room 004.”
When the doctor said this my heart sank to my stomach. We both had tried so hard to have a kid together and when she finally got pregnant she ended up having a miscarriage. I don’t know how I will face her after this pain.
I walked into the room and found her lying on the bed sleeping peacefully, if only life was going the way it was.
“Hey love, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. If only I had picked up your call, our child would’ve been alive with us” I spoke softly into her hair as I held her close.
She woke up in a panic “WHAT HAPPENED?? IS MY BABY OK? Lando ANSWER ME”
I didn’t know what to say to her so I just kept my head down and I guess she understood what I was trying to say. She broke down into sobs.
“My poor baby, I didn’t even get to see you. How am I to continue without you” she kept on repeating to herself and my heart kept breaking into smaller pieces with every word.
Y/n’s been so incredibly depressed ever since the miscarriage. She can barely get out of bed in the morning and struggles to do basic tasks.
I love her but this is getting way too much. I mean, it’s just a baby, we can always try for another one.
I walked into the living room to see y/n lying on the couch with a blank stare on her face.
“Y/n?” I called out to her and she slowly turned towards me
“Y/n this is not healthy. It’s just a baby, it’s not the end of the world. We can always try for another one. Right now I’m fed up of you not doing anything but moping around and acting like the world has collapsed on you” I spoke fast.
Looking at her glossy eyes and hurt face should have told me that what I did was wrong but I didn’t realise
“Do you know how much this baby meant to me Lando? Do you know? After months of trying I finally got pregnant and I just lost the baby and you’re telling me to just “get over it”? Do you even hear yourself? I’m absolutely disappointed in your understanding. I’m leaving.” She yelled and walked out of the house.
What have I done?
Part 2?
A/n: I would love to get your guys feedback and also please send me any requests you’d like to see since I’m done with exams and have a bunch of free time. Kissies ✨
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saerins · 1 month
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꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — the closer you get to itoshi sae, the closer you are to the part of it all that you’d rather skip: your mother, your problems, your baggage.
content: itoshi sae x female reader. fluff/angst. tw: reader’s mom—calls her a whore. profanity, verbal abuse, switching povs, jealousy, unrequited love, making out. word count: 9.6k
༝༚༝༚ sorry for the absurdly long wait !!! as you know i was sick and out of it for the past week so this chapter was difficult to get out :( but anw it's here :) gimme a while more for those of you who asked for extras hehe but i hope you guys enjoy this for now !! mwah ily
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“who? that guy that you’re always reported with?”
bianca sighs, her bad mood more than obvious to her manager, who’s been with her for three years now. considering she’s been there since her career started, bianca’s not surprised she can tell her moods from just a single look.
“yeah, he’s been… cold lately.”
at least, bianca seems to think so. sae hasn’t been this cold to her since they first got close. she’s biting on her lips, staring at their message thread, her messages going unresponded for a while now.
“bianca, you like him, right?”
her manager’s question goes unresponded, bianca’s lips tightly sealed. but that’s enough of an answer for her.
“why don’t you just tell him? who knows he might like you too? you two spend a lot of time together for two busy people.”
the words give her hope, but it’s not very many. bianca had hoped that after at least a year and more of getting to know each other that maybe sae would start to feel something, anything. it doesn’t look like it. he’s never once initiated hanging out with her, and no matter how many times she’s bugged him for something as simple as, for example, wearing his jerseys, he wouldn’t even budge.
what if people misunderstand, his lousy excuse. isn’t that just another way to say he doesn’t even want it?
“are you sure he’s not just busy?” her manager asks again upon her silence.
sure, that is the logical train of thought. sae’s one of the best midfielders the world has ever seen. not even counting that, he’s beautiful—a face and body that many brands would want to invest in, want help to sell their brand with. it’s entirely plausible that he has a packed schedule, and bianca would think that, if not for the fact that he’s been acting weird lately.
sae always plans his sleep—that’s why he refused her invitation to meet with her friends that night, isn’t it? he was tired and wanted to sleep, but he showed up the next day looking exhausted, more than bianca’s ever seen. apart from that, he even followed that mystery girl from that night; bianca recognises you from your profile picture.
who are you, exactly?
bianca finds herself scrolling through your profile—she already has your username memorised somehow. you don’t post much, and you don’t really post anything with anybody, just things like scenery from work travels and activities like baking, and you’re not tagged in much either, except for this one girl named sumi. still, all she’s able to gather from you is your name and that you work at a sports magazine.
is that all you want from sae? interviews and favours?
it better be.
“anyway,” bianca’s manager sighs as she prepares to go home for the day, having settled everything else regarding bianca’s schedule. “you have the whole week free after tomorrow, you should go to japan and surprise him if you want. maybe take some of that anxiety off,” she suggests, noting that bianca’s face will be perpetually pouting if she doesn’t get to the root of her questions.
on the couch, bianca sits up, the idea registering in her head, grinning from ear to ear. “you’re right,” she agrees, immediately making arrangements to fly to tokyo. “i’ll do just that.”
she’ll go to tokyo, she’ll talk to sae and try to wring it out of him. if it really is nothing, then great, but bianca’s already planning her next course of action if it isn’t.
bianca doesn’t know who you are just yet, but one thing she wants you to get clear in your head: sae is hers and hers alone.
maybe not now, but one day she’ll make it happen. and until then, she doesn’t want anyone to cut in.
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you blink and stare in shock as you see the heart on your screen. it must be accidental. has to be. sae doesn’t look like the type to send hearts. you shake it off, bringing yourself back down to earth.
it’s the next day after your drinking session with otoya and the others. your mind’s pretty hazy; you don’t really remember much especially on the later half of the night—you only remember taking a leap of faith and dragging sae into seven minutes of heaven with you. you’re sure you did nothing at all, except talk, but even what you talked about is pretty foggy. what you do remember is that he said he isn’t involved with anyone. you smile just thinking of it.
maybe it’s stupid, possibly falling head over heels for someone like sae who has many more admirers than you can imagine, but you can’t stop yourself from seeing the signs that he’s sending you.
just his texts are proof alone—you know he’s not someone who wastes his time on people he doesn’t see in his future. and you want to think that he’s not treating you like this over something as simple as pure friendship. but you don’t want to get your hopes up. you don’t think you’ll actually believe it until he tells you himself.
after all, there’s still the whole thing with bianca. even if he says he’s not involved with anyone, with the way all the other guys talk about her and sae, you can’t help but feel there’s something more there. but maybe that’s not something you have to concern yourself with for now.
yeah, because right now, there’s an even bigger monster that stands on the other side of your door, pounding on it like the world will end if you don’t answer her. her shrill voice is enough to give you headaches that could last a year, and her demands—even worse.
“i swear to god, y/n, if you don’t open this damn door before they get here i’m gonna kill you myself!”
four minutes now that you’ve been ignoring her. she hasn’t stopped to take a breath. it must be really urgent. she must’ve screwed up really bad. again. you’re pretty tired of it. you wish you’d given up on her already. sometimes.
there’s a stack of cash in your hands that you’re fiddling with. your hard-earned money. yours to supposedly spend as you please. supposedly. but what’s yours hasn’t been completely yours for a while now.
begrudgingly, you yank the door open, your eyes just short of a speck of anger—your mother’s wide eyes are much worse, not a speck of affection for her own daughter. you wonder why your own flesh and blood looks at you like that. you remember how kind sae’s eyes are; why can someone like him look at you like that while your own mother looks like… this?
“here. payment for this month, like i said,” you huff, nearly earning yourself a slap across the face again, except your mother’s holding it in. probably for a more appropriate time.
“not enough. need a bit more.”
you squint your eyes at her in disbelief. “you borrowed even more? we can barely afford—”
“then make yourself of use like your father was!” she cuts in, the disdain in her voice clear, like the day used to be. “really, all you need to do is not be a bitch by talking back and you can’t even do that. i should’ve aborted you when i got the chance.”
she spits those words out as if there was never a day that she loved you. she says them as if she was forced to have you. she storms off as if she has any right to demand you for anything.
you shouldn’t be abiding by them, but you can’t help it. the old picture of you and your parents when you were ten sits sourly at the edge of your study table, their once perfect smiles all smeared by recent memories, fading away as if they were just a fever dream.
“mom and dad will always love you, okay?”
is it a crime to want that loving woman back?
eita would be a good person to talk to about all this, given he knows a fair amount, but he doesn’t know how truly bad your mother’s gotten, and you’re not sure you want him to. you’ve burdened him enough, making him constantly worry about you even when he’s busy, and you’re not sure how much of it you can take from him without starting to feel guilty all over again.
and a part of you wants to warn sae that if he doesn’t want anything bad staining his reputation that he should stay away from you. but there’s the dominant part of you that wants to pursue what you want, without guilt or having to think about others, that wants to give yourself a chance at what makes you happy.
your mother has a tendency of taking them all away though. it wouldn’t be the first time.
for the first time, you find yourself wanting to count on someone other than eita, and for entirely different reasons. you’re texting the person who makes your heart beat faster without a second thought.
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your fingers hover hesitantly over the send button. your mind plays the memories with shiro all over again. he used to give you the same feelings sae did. he used to make you think he was all green flags and clear skies and it’s eerily similar to what you feel now.
can you really trust yourself with this?
clumsily, your thumb deletes everything, putting in its place a lame excuse—i’m just feeling the monday blues kicking in early, save me.
maybe one day you’ll trust him enough to tell him about it. yeah, one day.
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“why haven’t you told him yet?” eita asks you the next day, when you’ve given up holding strong in your house and decided to defect to his.
you’re out on his balcony, leaning against the back of the chair, enjoying the rare chilly weather of the afternoon. eita’s beside you, barely awake because he always sleeps in and today you just so happened to intrude on some of that time.
sae, for the most part, entertains you whenever he’s free, even now he’s still replying you. but no matter how good your life gets, you can’t get the ick of staying with someone who doesn’t really love you away. hence why you’re here, seeking escape once again. albeit in a different way than you used to.
although, with all the questioning you’re receiving, you think maybe you should’ve just toughed it out. still, you should’ve expected this topic to come up sooner or later. it’s not unreasonable for eita to get worried when you seem to be seeking him out more than usual anyway.
you sigh, it’s a headache that you’re too used to blocking out that when eita asks you about it you’re not too ready to answer him. “and say what? ‘hey, by the way, my mother’s a perpetual gambling addict who will ruin your entire reputation if word gets out at all’? no thank you.”
there’s a small pause when eita thinks your words through.
“what, you didn’t think of the same thing when hanging out with me?”
you look pointedly at him, arms crossed, wind swirling through your hair. “that’s different, we’re best friends, eita.”
eita chuckles, stretching his hand out and laying his head against it on the wooden table, staring at you. “what’s this now? so you got a crush on sae, huh?”
fuck. you curse at yourself internally when you realise what you’d just confessed to.
“didn’t know you two were even talking,” eita mumbles, maybe to himself with how soft he is right now. “guess it makes sense. that guy wouldn’t have taken care of you the whole night if there wasn’t something going on.”
you mirror eita’s position, looking back at him. “don’t tell me too much, but… is he like this with bianca too?”
yeah, you hate yourself for asking about that to someone who’s not sae, but you want to know what eita thinks. because unlike oliver and the others, you trust eita.
there’s a look that he gives you that you’re not too sure what to make of. it’s gentle, and a little unlike him that you might confuse him for actually being half-asleep and caught in his dreams. but he shrugs, looking away, “i mean, there’s a difference in the way he takes care of you two. if you ask me, if bianca asked him to stay he probably wouldn’t. if it came from you, i think he would.”
eita wants to do the opposite, lie a little and maybe turn you away from his friend. but it’s you. it’s someone he could never lie to. not anymore. and he’d rather stay your best friend than get blacklisted for lying to you.
he sees you heaving a sigh of relief.
“you really like him, huh?” he meant to say that in his head, but the words just roll off his tongue.
there’s a lot of other things you’d usually say to distract him and force a change in subject, but given how much you’re already keeping from him about how bad your mother’s really gotten, you feel like you owe him some form of transparency somewhere, as thanks for keeping you sane most of the time.
“yeah, i think so,” you say, the only hesitation in your voice coming from the fact that you’re not sure if you should be telling eita about this.
for his part, he isn’t falling apart. maybe because all along he knew somewhat that this day would come and that he still wouldn’t be ready, still wouldn’t be able to say he wants one person and one person only. but you’re already there. you’ve always been.
“first time you feeling this way?”
“eita, let’s not go there.”
“why not?”
you stop the conversation from going too quickly, regaining the balance. “so… it was true, then?” there’s a reason you say it in past tense. you hope it’s not still true, from a selfish perspective.
eita’s forced laughter is enough of an answer. he still graces you with an answer. “it still is, i guess.”
for the first time ever, the both of you are addressing this. a few years too late, admittedly, but considering you’re two people who hate being straight with each other about these things, it’s progress.
you remember the day the signs got too real to ignore. it was the day you ran. it was the day eita denied everything because he didn’t want you to but still lost you.
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“yeah? you’re not gonna even tell me that things between us are off?” he spat, the frustration seeping through his voice, disdain on every syllable.
eita never used that tone of voice on you until that moment.
it was raining again. just like that night he first kissed you. you thought it would forever mean nothing, you thought it would be something comfortable—for the both of you. something with nothing attached.
“answer me, then. you really gonna date that fucker shiro of all people?”
eita was young, and his fame was steadily rising. he had multiple people throwing themselves at him, wanting anything he could offer and yet everything he was offering to you, you threw away.
not that you necessarily knew what was going on in eita’s head, but given how you were acting, you might have an idea. that was why, right? that was why you were pulling away.
there’s thunder, and dozens of cars passing by, rainwater covering the both of you from head to toe because eita saw you for the first time in weeks and he just couldn’t wait to talk to you any longer. you had been avoiding him for so long now, were you even friends anymore?
your normal cheerful expression was clouded over, your glare more than enough warning that he shouldn’t be doing all of this but eita wasn’t going to stop no matter what. not until he got everything out. he was going to wait until you responded to him because you were apparently so fucking good at avoiding people.
“and how is that any of your business?”
eita barely recognised the person talking to him. since when did you learn to hate him that much?
“oh, i’m sorry, i must’ve missed the fucking memo that we weren’t talking or fucking anymore,” eita spat, the sarcasm dripping off his tongue something he used to use on everyone but you. not now, though. he was too angry for that.
you scoffed, walking one, two steps forward, both of you just an arm’s length apart. “then hear this, eita: we’re not fuck buddies anymore, and i have a boyfriend, so just stay away, okay?”
there were multiple voices in his head screaming not to say what he wanted to say at that moment, screaming at him that he would regret it, but he didn’t listen. his eyes wide, a sneer on his face; he was determined to look more vindictive than you were right then. “oh wow, y/n, didn’t know you were such a slut like your mom, giving it to whoever has more moneybags,” he mocked, more than aware of the hurt in your eyes but his temper was bad, and he couldn’t stop himself. “you know what? maybe you deserve all this shit, then, since you’re the same.”
the slap you gave him that day was the second hardest you’d given him in your life, maybe because a part of you was too distraught hearing those words from him that you weren’t in your best condition. that, and maybe the rain. but you ran away crying, as much as you tried to hide it. but eita had been in this position before, had seen what you looked like while running in the rain with tears in your eyes though you tried to mask them as the rainwater. you never liked to cry in front of him, and you never did.
and then, he was the reason you cried. the one person who you thought would never do that.
that night, as you ran straight into your boyfriend’s arms, you thought maybe you deserved it for not being able to deal with other people’s feelings properly. it wasn’t eita’s fault for having emotions, and it most certainly wasn’t his fault that he didn’t want to tell you about it. but you could feel it.
you felt it in the way he tried to hold your hand while walking alone. you felt it in the way he tried to hug you to sleep after he fucked you senseless. you felt it in the way he wasn’t seeing anyone else anymore. it wasn’t that you didn’t care about him, but with everything that was going on, emotions aren’t such a simple thing that you could handle, after all. especially if you didn’t feel the same way.
it was supposed to be a pair of best friends, using each other, nothing more and nothing less and you couldn’t take the heat when you felt eita wanting more. maybe you should’ve done it differently. maybe. and it was funny that you could tell how he felt about you yet at the moment, you couldn’t tell if he meant what he said.
and maybe if you knew better, you would've asked. no, if you knew better, you would've talked to him about it.
but it was all too late.
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“oi, snap out of it.”
eita’s normal snappy voice brings you back to where you are, in his balcony sitting and supposedly enjoying the view, because when you’re high up here it almost looks like you have no troubles in life—at least, not the ones you have.
“look, i’m not gonna ask you to ignore what i just said,” eita says, sighing before he looks you straight in the eyes, his green irises much warmer than they used to be. “but can i ask you a favour?”
it takes you a while to respond, only because you can’t tell what he wants from you. your mouth opens slowly and carefully, “what?”
eita scoffs, and this time it’s not in disgust and you can tell. you can tell his mannerisms a lot better now. maybe because you’re both adults, and more transparent. maybe because you both had already lost each other once and know what that felt like, and maybe you both don’t want it to happen ever again. you don’t really know about him, but to you, no one can replace him in your life. his presence is too significant for that.
“stop looking at me like i’m a lost puppy.” he’s scowling now, downturned lips softening just a little, into a pout.
you snort, containing your laughter. perhaps you’d been thinking a little too much about it that you’re starting to look at him with pity. “yeah, okay.”
“that isn’t the favour.”
“then what is?”
he carries a straight face as he talks to you now, his fingers coming up to flick you softly on the forehead. he’s always felt like family to you. sometimes you wish he was. and for his end, he looks at you, knowing that the emotions he has will forever go unreciprocated, and yet he can’t stop being dumb by trying anyway. he knows, already, just by looking at the difference in the way you treat sae, in the way you look at him. you’re so smitten, and if eita even stood a chance, you would’ve been together already. and sometimes he wonders if what he said that night was what pushed you over the edge, was what solidified him as nothing more than just a friend with a temper too harsh sometimes that you didn’t want to count on even if you had no one else.
there was a fault he could find in the way you pushed him away. but there’s more that he can find with himself for saying what he said to you. he still counts himself lucky you never held a grudge with him over that.
eita chuckles under his breath; he can’t believe he’s about to say something so corny but he doesn’t know how else to tell you. “i kinda don’t want our friendship to change,” he explains, and he has to look away because if you’re going to run away again, he doesn’t know how he’ll take it. you’re about the only person who knows every single side of him. sides he doesn’t normally show to people. “so… don’t fucking run away again, or treat me differently just ‘cause you know how i feel. that just makes me feel fucking pathetic.”
because he knows you only pushed him away since you couldn’t reciprocate. you weren’t a slut, and you surely didn’t deserve any of your unfortunate circumstances—nothing he said that night was true. you only had good intentions, and the words that came out his mouth were only bad.
even until now, he hadn’t apologised.
yet here you are. smiling in front of him, for him, because of him. despite everything shitty going on in your life, here he is, asking you for a favour. and you’re nodding your head, preserving the friendship that you needed to stay a friendship, just like you’ve always been.
“okay, i promise,” you say, a childish smirk on your face as you hold your pinky out, to which he obliges and hooks his own around.
“you’re so dumb, i wonder what he sees in you,” eita sighs as he yanks his pinky away.
you’re laughing, the earlier bad memory already whisked away by the sunlight hitting  your face. “who?”
“sae.” you freeze on eita’s words, but eita does you a favour and pretends he doesn’t see, doesn’t tease you about it. he wants to know about all of this, even if it’s just from the jealous perspective of being the throwaway option. “he treats you like…”
“like what?” your voice quivers a little, because you’re nervous. you always are when it comes to itoshi sae, somehow. (you won’t admit that right in front of the man himself though, too embarrassing.)
“like he likes you.” eita has to swallow the lump in his throat. it sucks to be talking to you about this, to possibly be talking this guy up, but he knows you need a friend. and he knows you don’t open up easily, so he has to be your best option. eita looks at you out of the corner of his eye, wondering if you’d open up a little bit more.
there’s a faraway gaze in your eyes. “eita?”
this time, that gaze focuses on him, a warm, sad smile on your face. looks like the pity hasn’t fully worn off, but he’ll excuse it this time.
“thanks,” you say, so softly.
looks like you aren’t really ready to talk about it yet. eita rolls his eyes jokingly; trying to be just a best friend seems pretty hard after all. “stop being a sappy piece of shit,” he groans, earning a giggle from you.
somehow it feels nice, being able to take away some of that pain, even if just for a small moment. though, maybe you’d have an easier time around sae, if you would just learn to open up.
“and hey, if you’re still too scared to tell him about any of it, you can still find me, ‘kay?” he tells you, and you nod appreciatively. you probably just see him as a big brother by now. “and if your mom’s still giving you trouble, come by anytime, i’ve been too busy nowadays to bring anyone home anyway.”
you gasp, acting shocked. “oh really? wow, a changed man.”
“mhm mhm, i just fuck ‘em in the club.”
your playful jab on his arm comes faster than it usually does.
you wonder if you can ever repay eita for everything he’s done for you—be your punching bag, letting you stay at his house rent-free sometimes, accidentally ruin his date night others. you think of how he feels about you and you think probably not. you probably can’t ever repay him for how much sanity he’s given you back when you were at your lowest. so maybe you’ll start by not running away this time.
but your mind drifts to his words. you’re going to have to tell sae some time, but you know how it turned out the last time you told someone with such a high status about it. you remember how shiro turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, how his warm demeanour changed when it suited him, how he used everything to lord over you.
you wonder if sae will be the same. you don’t even know if these feelings are fleeting or not. are they even worth it?
is sae going to be worth a try? or is he just going to turn out just like shiro?
yeah, you’ll take your time telling him. you want to get to know him, so it’s hypocrisy from your end, but if he’s a good guy, he wouldn’t mind waiting—that’s what you tell yourself, because like hell do you want him to know about your family as you are now. pathetic, scrimping from paycheck to paycheck, desperately clawing your way up into a normal class. next to him, you’re too inadequate. 
but then, why is your gut telling you otherwise?
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sumi comes bounding in on monday morning, straight to your desk after her morning meeting with the boss. she looks exceptionally happy today, her eyes beaming bright and her smile nearly infectious.
“i swear to god, i think my hard work is paying off!” she exclaims excitedly, careful to keep her voice down even then. she bites on her lower lip, suppressing a grin when she passes you a proposal she’d done up.
on the first page, it’s titled as such: proposal, by suzuki sumi. when you flip to the second page, you’re overwhelmed by a huge close-up picture of one of the top players in soccer right now—isagi yoichi. she giggles when she sees your face contort in surprise, nodding in excitement.
“let’s just say, thanks to a friend of a friend, i managed to talk to isagi at the airport and he personally agreed to do an interview with us,” she proudly explains, answering your unspoken questions. she’s already happily chattering away about her plans for when his interview’s booked—which you learn is still a few weeks away, and may be delayed depending on whether his schedule has any last minute changes.
“that’s lucky,” you comment, passing her proposal back to her. there’s pages and pages of meticulously planned questions and interview segments, along with possible video footage they could do to add onto the company’s youtube account. sumi’s obviously enthusiastic about all of this, more than you’ve ever seen her since you first spoke to her.
it’s nice to see sumi finally happy for once, given how hard she’s been working at this company. she’s the first friendly face you saw when you first came here anyway, and had it not been for her, your work life probably wouldn’t feel as warm as you do now.
“i know, right?” she sighs, content, dreaming about how the interview would go already, about how happy the boss will be with her once their numbers skyrocket. after the lifeline you threw for them by somehow getting to know itoshi sae, it’s been hard for anyone else to keep up. she smirks at you, “remember what i said on your first day here?”
sumi had said a lot of things, actually. most of which were mostly gossip and not actual work, but you can guess what she’s hinting to. “yeah, that it pays to have connections, right?”
you remember those words, only because you’d unintentionally thought back to eita once she’d said them. your attention flits back to sumi, who looks wantonly relieved—she must’ve really been worried for herself then, considering how bad the job market is right now. she never told you, but you could sense she’d been worried about her performance, and whether or not she’d get enough bonus this year to have that dream wedding she’d always cooned over.
“mhm, and you have two indispensable ones yourself,” she points out, winking, taking a sip of her coffee. “otoya eita and itoshi sae, while i’ve just now gotten isagi yoichi.”
she spends the later part of the morning texting you about how she’ll need your help to pull it off, while you juggle work, sumi and apparently sae at the same time, because for some reason, he’s gotten real chatty over the weekend. not that it’s unwelcome—it’s a pleasant surprise.
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right, because when you’re out with sae, who has a heck of a pr team—people who make sure to keep him in line, you’ll have to be careful. you can’t let just anyone see you out and about with him, not when he has a ton of crazed fans who would probably butcher you just for dating rumours. your mind drifts off, wondering how bianca deals with it. though, considering she comes from a long line of famous figures, you guess she’s used to it, having to grow up with all that attention around you.
you look at the clock—it’s around ten minutes till your work day ends. your heart speeds up at the notion of seeing him again, even if it’s only been two days since you’d seen him last. you wonder how you’re going to survive if he has to be away for months at a time for his games if you’re already yearning to see him this much now. shaking the feeling off, you straighten up, retreating to the bathroom to freshen up before you go.
at the same time, parked in the corner lot, sae stares at the caller ID on his phone as it vibrates, surprised. he picks it up, wondering why she’s calling when it’s probably late wherever she is.
“hey, it’s your favourite girl,” bianca’s voice squeals over the line. “guess what?”
“what is it?” sae is, for the most part, not too surprised. bianca has a habit of calling him a lot of the time. more and more frequently nowadays. he wonders why.
“i’m in japan right now,” she reveals, giggling, and sae finds a bad feeling dawning over him. “pick me up? i just got to the airport.”
“sorry, can’t pick you up tonight.”
“what? i thought you’re gonna be in japan for a while.” he can just hear the disappointment in her voice.
“yeah, but i’m busy now, so…” sae trails off, not knowing exactly if he should say anything about you.
“oh, with the guys? you could just skip out on—”
“nah, it’s with someone else,” he settles for, wondering what the sudden silence from the other end of the line means. he’s not sure he wants to find out right now, so he’ll have to talk to bianca some other time. “i gotta go—”
“are you going on a date?” bianca’s tone seems more inquisitive than he’d like, but her question has him thinking.
is this a date?
bianca stays silent as he ponders about it, waiting with bated breath because this is the first time in two years that sae had ever rejected her request, and judging by how he’s struggling, he’s undoubtedly meeting a girl. is it you? she curses under her breath as she pushes her hood over her head, determined not to let anyone see her sweat right now.
“yeah,” sae says, the decision coming to him as soon as he sees your familiar face approaching, that polite little smile on your face. “i’ll talk to you later.”
indignant, bianca exhales sharply, her temper taking over her as she huffs a “don’t bother” into the receiver before hanging up.
sae looks down at his phone, staring at her name on the call log. he makes a mental reminder to check in with her later, but for now, he shoves that thought aside—tonight, he’ll focus on you. just you.
and when you effortlessly command all his attention by slipping into the passenger seat all too naturally, he thinks that whatever ripple effect this may cause may be worth it. for him. and now, it’s his mission to make it worth it for you too.
“so,” you say, all sparkly-eyed as you look at him excitedly. “where are we going tonight?”
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you thank god that you decided to dress up a little more today when you see that he’s taking you to another high-end place. this time, it’s on a rooftop of a five-star hotel, with views overlooking the tokyo skyline; a view you never thought you’d actually see in person.
it’s breezy enough up here that it’s not too stuffy, and there are step lights and string lights all around the venue but they’re dim enough as to not reveal sae’s face too much. (not that anyone hear even bothers to look at anyone else passing by, all too engrossed in their hushed conversations.) you notice he’s always handsome no matter what he wears—and today it’s a black button-down shirt with black pants, a casual dark jacket hanging over his shoulders. your eyes linger over the little bit of his chest that you can see; you can tell he’s muscular under there.
“distracted much?”
sae’s voice startles you, and you can see him smirking a little as if he knows what you’re thinking. your cheeks heat up a little, acting coy. he’s reaching a hand out, probably something you didn’t notice while you were deep in your thoughts, and you take it, letting him lead you slowly to your seats.
as you take a seat and the waiter hands you the menus, your eyes flick up, looking at the man across from you. he reads the menu silently, and you notice the sliver of black ink that extends across his palm. it takes all you can to suppress a grin.
“i can always give you another one anytime, you know?”
for some reason that you probably know, sae catches on to what you’re talking about pretty quickly, the dim lighting failing to conceal the way his ears turn red. “so you like giving me hearts?”
you don’t miss the slight teasing in his voice, having to conceal your own nervousness. “i think you’re the one who likes receiving them,” you quip, hiding your face behind the menu.
there’s a rustling noise, rousing your curiosity and making you put the menu down. sae doesn’t respond to your earlier comment but he does give you a tiny smile, putting a two-pack of macarons on your side of the table. he must’ve taken it out of his pocket while you weren’t looking.
“what’s this?”
“macarons,” he shrugs, though you’re not really asking that. he picks up on it. “i was in paris for some event over the weekend. thought you’d wanna try that.”
(sae looks at your reaction as you pick the small bag of mini macarons up, eyes staring at it in awe. he thinks maybe you recognise the name on the plastic—it’s the name of the most popular bakery in paris. it costs a lot more than he thinks macarons should, but when he sees the subtle smile on your face, it’s definitely worth the price tag.)
you’re not so big on surprises, especially when your mother loves giving you some on the daily, but this is the kind of surprise you like. the kind that makes that incessant vibrating in your purse worth it. the kind that trumps your want to be in control.
and even throughout dinner, sae keeps surprising you. maybe it’s just that you’ve never experienced much, or that you never expected much from him, but every little thing he does seems meaningful to you. the way he makes sure to ask if you don’t like to eat certain food before ordering, the way he drapes his jacket over you when the wind picks up, even the way he slowly leans across the table to clean the stray crumb off your face with his finger.
every gesture seems to tell you something—something that you don’t dare to think of because you’re scared that it’s not true, that you’re the only one starting to fall.
“you know, if you’re constantly like this around girls, no wonder there’s always dating rumours with you,” you huff, too afraid to ask him directly.
but sae always manages to decipher your intentions somehow. he tilts his head, earnesty dripping from his words, “whatever ‘this’ means, i’m only like that with you.”
it doesn’t do your heart any favours, making it pound a million miles an hour because whatever sae’s confessing to here wasn’t on your bingo card for the day.
“itoshi sae, you’re too much.”
“huh?” you look up at his face, only to see him averting his gaze as he turns to look at the skyline, the wind rippling through his soft pink locks.
“call me just by my name.”
you swallow the lump in your throat, gaze dropping to the table. it’s not like you purposely didn’t, but the fact that he’s asking you like this, like he’s being needy about it, heightens your emotions so much more.
his fingers find their way across the table again, this time to your chin, tipping it up, urging you to look at him. “say it.” it’s not commanding, or mean, or forceful, and his fingers are gentle, even his gaze and his intentions.
“sae.” his name rolls of your tongue slowly, and the way he smiles at you after that makes you feel inexplicable, knowing that you’re the reason he looks like that.
he doesn’t even say anything about it, just a smile in acknowledgement before he says he’ll go and pay the bill. you stare at his back as he goes, the contrast in your lives very apparent at every instance he takes you out—because it’s always fancy and expensive with him, a world you know nothing of, a world you once thought you’d never experience in this lifetime.
yet here you are, experiencing it thanks to him. you wonder if you’ll still get to once he knows about your family. he’s sort of a celebrity, right? there must be things he cares about that won’t line up well with your situation.
yeah, you don’t think you’ll ever get that out of your head. not until you ask him about it.
and you’re tempted to—especially with the vibration you’re constantly feeling tonight. taking the opportunity while sae’s away, you fish your phone out of your purse, picking the call up reluctantly, only because you’re mildly curious what else your dear mother could possibly want from you.
“you ungrateful little whore—”
“what do you want?”
yeah, you know you shouldn’t have picked it up. you really shouldn’t. and you don’t even know why you were even mildly worried that it might be your mother in danger and needing your help when she clearly wouldn’t do the same for you.
you hate yourself the most out of everyone. you knew clearly you shouldn’t have picked it up. and now your mother’s on the other line, cussing you out for ignoring her all night. then going on about some cruise she’s going on next week and how she found a secret stash of cash that you’re keeping in the kitchen cupboards, how you’re going to get it from her for hiding it and how kind it is of her to even warn you in the first place.
it’s fine.
you kept it there to distract her from your real money, safe in the bank. if she thinks she’s stealing all you have, it probably won’t cross her mind that you still have any. she doesn’t even know you’d worked multiple jobs back in university, only thought you were good for hooking up with men and purposefully disrespecting her.
a hand around your shoulder makes you jump back in shock, your eyes greeted with sae’s own.
“everything okay?”
“y-yeah, it was just a scam caller,” you lie, immediately hanging up and stuffing it back in your pocket.
as you clamour on about how both of you should really get going, sae catches the way your fingers tremble ever so slightly, how your lips threaten to downturn—are you about to cry?
but when you turn around and force a grin, joking about how you’re going to pull a dine and dash on him, he knows you won’t. whatever’s bothering you—you’re locking him out of it. he doesn’t like it, but can he even complain?
and when the both of you are back in the car, the night feels strangely short somehow, and sae reluctantly pulls out his gps. “what’s your postal code again? i’ll drive you back.”
there’s a short pause before you offer him the string of numbers, and sae’s brows furrow when he keys it in. “you’re heading to otoya’s?” he asks. he knows you two are close, and have been, but this sinking feeling in his heart is not something he’s familiar with.
you bite on your lower lip. you don’t want him to have any false assumptions, but you’re not exactly ready to tell him the truth either—that you’re just running from your problems, that eita’s house is the only other space you have.
“are you… still involved with him?” sae asks, voice soft, looking away like he did earlier.
it reminds you of that night you got drunk. you remember how you needed to know. so you figure maybe you owe him the same. “i’m not involved with anyone,” you tell him, smirking. but he looks at you like he’s waiting for more and you remember too, what you want to hide from him for now. “i just—i don’t have—”
“hey, you don’t have to say anything,” sae cuts in, the slight quiver in your voice enough indication that this isn’t something you’re prepared to say. he’s known that for a while now. “you just can’t go home, right?”
you’re more than a little grateful that he is the way he is, that he doesn’t force anything out of you like shiro used to. “yeah,” you admit, awkwardly looking away. “i usually just stay at eita’s until… i’m ready to go back.”
there’s an awkward silence that stretches on for a while before sae concedes to it. “you could stay at mine.”
did you hear that right?
you furrow your brows. “what?”
sae’s mouth hangs open for a while, like he’s trying to figure out what to say. “i could drive you to otoya’s if you prefer that. but… if you wanna stay at mine, that’s fine too. i have a couple extra rooms, you could just pick one.”
what you actually wanted to hear was why he’s willing to do that for you when he hasn’t even known you long, but you hold your tongue. there are doubts in your head—like privacy issues since he’s a celebrity, and rumours if you ever get caught entering or exiting his house, and what exactly does he see you as?
but there’s the selfishness part of you that wants to go for it. and you listen to her.
“then, can i stay over? just one night so i won’t intrude too much,” you assure him, being polite because you’re scared you’re overstepping your boundaries. or that he’ll think you’re a creep even though he’s the one that invited you.
sae can’t help but snicker, and you can’t help but stare as he rests his head against the steering wheel, staring at you. “are you interested in me, y/n?”
you pout, because he’s hit the nail on the head, the embarrassment flying to your head. “okay you know what? if you’re gonna joke about it just take me to eita’s—”
this time sae bursts out laughing, and you feel even more mesmerised; it’s unfair how easy it is for him to do that.
“okay okay, i won’t say that anymore,” he appeases you, hand coming up to ruffle your head. “and feel free to stay as long as you want.”
“i’m gonna steal your jacket, by the way, since you like to joke around so much,” you huff, though sae only chuckles at whatever you say now.
“sure, take whatever you want.”
“and you’re buying my necessities.”
“for when you’re at mine? sure.”
“sae, one day i’m gonna kill you.” because he’s still laughing, obviously getting a kick out of your earlier embarrassment. 
“you can’t do that.”
“and why not?”
and sae’s face immediately leans forward, just inches away from you. he’s so close you can feel his hot breath against your cheeks and it makes your heart do somersaults in your chest.
“then i won’t be able to give you that kiss you asked for.”
your breath catches in your throat, sae coming closer ever so slightly, his gaze falling to your lips for a split second before he shatters your hopes by pulling away, setting the gps to the nearest convenience store. but he doesn’t drive off just yet.
not before he makes sure to look at you one last time, that dazed look on your face, his thumb and pointer finger coming up to pinch your cheek gently, leaving an imprint of himself in your heart.
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“come on, we’re here.”
after a half hour of poking around the convenience store and getting whatever you need (you also had to stealthily creep some disposable underwear in your basket and make sure sae didn’t see them when paying), you arrive at sae’s apartment—nestled in one of tokyo’s most luxurious neighbourhoods. a far cry from your own.
he carries your bags for you, leading you to his unit, straight at the top, on the thirty-second floor. his is the corner unit, and he gestures for you to walk in front of him.
“1-0-0-9,” he tells you, both hands full.
“the combination, it’s 1—”
“no, i heard you,” you interject, a little exasperated. “but you shouldn’t just hand the passcode out to anyone.”
“i don’t,” he assures you, saying it matter-of-factly. “i trust you.”
you hurry to key in the code, so easily flustered by the way he seems so willing to tell you anything. “then don’t blame me if one day you come back home to find the place ransacked,” you jokingly warn him.
sae conveniently ignores that comment, placing your items in one of the spare rooms nearest to the living room. as you walk in, you marvel at how spacious and clean his apartment is. it’s all cold marble floors and high ceilings, and you can already tell it must be so nice in the day with all the natural lighting flooding in here. the wide windows must let all the sunlight in, must be much brighter during the day than yours is.
you follow him as he tells you where everything is; the spare room right next to the living room, the toilet across from it, the kitchen right next to the balcony exit, accessible from your own room. his apartment is so huge it makes you wonder if he ever feels lonely in it.
in the living room, you see multiple pictures in frames, most of which you assume are probably his family. you recognise rin, present in most of the pictures. they look happy, at least. there’s also one with eita and the others, and some others you don’t recognise. none of bianca or any other girls, you note.
“all good?” he asks once he’s done with the mini tour.
you nod apprehensively, still tense about the fact that you’re staying the night at his place. “yeah, i’m just gonna wash up first.” you don’t even let him say anything before you’re bounding off into the spare room he gave to you, trying to calm yourself down because it never hit you until now that you’re really here, in sae’s place, ready to make yourself at home when you’re not even anything to him. though, you really hope that there’s something.
“calm down, y/n, just gotta take a shower and you’re good as new,” you whisper to yourself, calming yourself and taking deep breaths.
outside, sae’s gaze lingers on the door to your room, your shadow visible from the bottom gap of the door as you move about. he can’t even come up with a good enough reason to tell himself why he bothered to let you stay here, except maybe that he selfishly didn’t want you to stay with otoya.
is that bad?
before he can ponder anymore about it, the door to your room opens and you sheepishly walk out, a grin on your face as you approach him. “so… i forgot something.”
and now you’re going to ask him for it.
“what is it?”
“i swear i didn’t forget on purpose, okay?” you’re pouting, and he finds it mildly adorable. “could i borrow some clothes?”
sae nearly bursts out laughing just from how nervous you seem. though, from how you’ve been every time you saw him, from his hat to his jacket and now you’re asking for his clothes, he can see why you’re a little nervous.
“do you always forget around otoya too?” he means that redundantly more than anything, just a passing comment, but you answer anyway.
“well, i always just wear his jerseys.”
you really were just answering honestly, but the way sae grips your wrist and guides you to his closet is almost comical. you allow yourself to think that he’s doing this out of jealousy, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering as you follow him.
“you have a walk-in closet?” you gape, looking at the sheer size of it. it’s nearly as big as your entire room.
“take whatever you want, my jerseys are in there,” sae says, pointing you to the sliding door closest to you.
that’s how you end up coming out of the showers a half hour later, dressed in his national jersey, his name in block letters at the back. you’d take a picture just to savour it, but you’d like to think that hopefully this isn’t the last time you’ll get to wear it.
when you come out, sae’s already washed up, probably has his own bathroom in that big bedroom of his. his hair’s wet, dripping onto his thin white t-shirt, eyes finding your gaze as you walk towards him and bow deeply. you’re a comfortable distance away from your mother, phone switched off and discarded into one of the drawers in the guest room, only because sae was kind enough to let you stay. for multiple nights even, if you want to.
“thank you,” you tell him, and it’s for more than just tonight, more than just dinner and a shirt and a bed to sleep in. somehow, ever since you’d met him, he’s been there for you constantly, even if he doesn’t mean to be. it still counts for something, you think, because you can’t even remember the last time you felt like a giggly high school girl having a normal crush even if it’s on a not-so-normal person.
“not gonna ink it on my skin now?” sae teases when you straighten back up, and you roll your eyes.
“don’t blame me if you wake up with a dick drawn on your face.”
“is that what you want?” sae asks you, and you get the feeling he’s not even invested in your quip, his mind elsewhere.
sae’s face is right in front of yours, like so many times before now, it feels like. it makes you think you’re not that delusional, that he could feel just the same as you do—excited, tired, confused.
“i already told you what i want,” you whisper, and you would probably kill yourself if you were thinking clearly for being so open and vulnerable in front of him right now, but then it doesn’t matter.
none of it matters when his lips are on your lips and you can taste the mint lingering on his tongue, when you can feel the way his hands find purchase on your hips, pulling you closer, but gently, like he’s trying not to seem too eager but so close to failing. his hair tickles your face, the way he keeps coming back for more leaves you breathless.
your arm comes up behind his neck, keeping him close. his kiss makes your mind hazier than any alcohol can, his grip falling to the back of your thighs, your lips still connected as he lifts you up onto the counter of the kitchen, his body nestled comfortably between your thighs as he knocks the air out of your lungs.
it’s as if he’s telling you you’re not crazy, that you’re not imagining anything, because he’s here with you right now, out of anyone’s watchful eyes and he’s kissing the fuck out of you simply because he wants to. no dares, no alcohol—just itoshi sae and his crumbling resolve to hide his yearning.
by the time he pulls back, both of you are trying to catch your breaths, foreheads leaning against one another and it leaves you wondering whether it’s as you think or if he’s just entertaining your wishes.
“you know something?” he speaks, voice hoarse as his teal eyes look at you from behind those beautiful lashes of his. you swallow the lump in your throat, forcing a what? out even if it’s barely audible at best. “i’ve been wanting to do that too.”
you must’ve been wrong. you’re not the one that’s a lot to handle. he is.
“why is it that you always somehow know what i’m thinking?” you wonder out loud, an arm around his shoulder for support. you’re both still as close, still as mesmerised by the other.
sae doesn’t really know what you mean by that, so he shrugs. “maybe i’m just made for you,” he comments offhandedly, and you find it hard not to shrink from the nervousness. by now, he should already be able to tell you have a crush on him. your only saving grace is that he probably feels the same. otherwise, you have no doubt he’d probably go out of his way to avoid you.
“you have quite the tongue on you, you know that?”
sae chuckles softly, a smirk lining his lips as he continues staring at you, admiring every single inch of your face. “you would know.”
completely flustered, you gently push him away, hopping off the counter and skipping towards the guest room, offering sae one last thing to think about before you shut the door on him—“maybe next time you’ll know about me too.”
and once your door is shut, sae exhales shakily, the thought of your words and their insinuation consuming him for the entire night.
you really are a lot to handle.
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extras !
that heart reaction from sae was absolutely an accident. he meant to go for the thumbs up.
after that kiss, sae had to help himself. he wasn't planning on going any further, but you turned him on a lot more than he thought was possible.
despite his feelings, eita still thinks he isn't ready to commit to just one person.
your feelings towards your mother are complicated—you know she isn't loving at all now, and yet you still hope for that small chance that she might revert back to the mother who once promised to love you more than anything else. it's something that eita was always against because he knew how much it hurt you. it's part of why you don't like to speak to eita about it and hear all of those things.
bianca got drunk to forget after sae rejected her request; when she drunk dialled him, he was too busy giving you a tour of his house.
sae has never invited bianca over to his house even once. he also has never lent her any of his jerseys (as she mentioned in the start of the chapter).
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taglist! @yuzurins @saeskiss @raphsimp @lust4rin @mxplesyrvp @chieeeeeee @yumekolovesyukimiya @kunirayuna39 @auranny @sereniteav @gskill @saesgrl @riseena @rikijbol @sagejin @shironagi @veecynii
245 notes · View notes
madelynraemunson · 2 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 020: ‘Red Thong, Party’s On!’ (Epilogue)
a/n: pov you’re back at hellfire, but this time you’re sharing the stage with eddie, stripping while he plays a song for you to dance to 🤭🤭♥️ (SURPRISE AT THE END) it’s been a WILD ride my loves, thank you all so much for the support for CMWYW. i hope we all continue to create more beautiful things together. readers, writers, artists, creatives of all kinds keep the world going round. 🤟🏼💋 all my love, maddy
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↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014** , 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
CW: strip club behaviors hehe, grinding, pole-dancing, ass-shaking, all that hellfire goodness, implications that shy girl c*me on eddie's guitar
word count: 990 words
Mom always used to say, "Inside of you, there are two wolves: a good one and a bad one. Depending on which mouth you feed, one will triumph the other.”
She left out one thing, however: sometimes being bad feels so fucking good.
“We’ve got a verrry special treat for you tonight folks!” the DJ announces. “She took a break for a little while but now she is BACK… and here to stay with us, FOREVER! Put your hands together for the ONE, the ONLY — Hellfire’s Princess — SHYYY GIIIIRL!”
And the crowd goes wild.
You emerge from the side stage in your glimmering scarlet set, flipping your plump, bouncy locks around as you dip your hips to the beat. Your regular customers swoon as you blow them kisses, and the petty kisses you issue to the Hellfire Girls (they came to pick up their severance checks) leave them shaking in their stilettos.
"WOOO, HARGROVE!" Nancy cheers for you backstage, dancing to the song as she curls Nina's hair.
"LET 'EM KNOW, BABY!" Nina shouts after her.
You acknowledge them with a wink, giving one to Chrissy as well as she cheers for you on the opposite side of the stage, bouncing up and down in her sexy Hellfire cheer uniform.
“Let’s go, Shy Girl!” ‘Cherry’ cheers as she waves her pom-poms in the air. "LET'S GOOOO!"
She's hot! Can’t stop! Up on stage doing shots!
You shake your ass when the song calls on it, grinding your hips to the beat to match the lyrics as they come. The crowd hoots and hollers as you dance, showering you in dollar bills as you make the pole your bitch for the night.
“YEAAAH!” Max cheers. “That’s my sister!”
As you glide down the cylindrical silver steel, you wave to the crowd and thank them all for coming out.
“Thank you! Aww, thanks so much! OMG, how are you? Long time no see!”
But just because you’re doing your thing on stage doesn’t mean you aren’t paying attention to the happenings beneath you. Because while you have a bird’s eye view of Vecna’s Lair, you can’t help but fix your gaze on Lucas, who is dressed rather sharper than usual tonight, going up to Maxine in attempts to ‘rizz her up’.
“I see spiciness runs in the family,” Lucas remarks to her as they stand beside each other in Vecna’s Lair.
The self-proclaimed 'Dark Chocolate' shoots her an awkward wink, to which Max responds with a grimace on her face.
“Genetics wasn’t playing ‘bout y’all,” Lucas continues. "You're looking mighty fine tonight, Max."
“Thanks. I guess,” Max shrugs, refusing to entertain it. “But, if you knew anything about family dynamics and DNA, you’d know she’s my step-sister."
"Psh," Lucas scoffs. "Yeah! Yeah, I knew that."
"Course you did," she jeers. "Stalker."
“Stalker?! I thought we were friends.”
Max rolls her eyes. “Whatever this is, is far from platonic.”
She begins to strut away, giving Lucas the opportunity to race after her. And Sinclair wastes no time, pushing himself past the sea of sweaty men to catch up to the beautiful redhead in front of him.
“So there’s a chance we can be more than friends?!”
You chuckle as you watch it unfold from the stage. Then you turn to everyone else.
Argyle and Jonathan give you two stoned-filled waves hello. You wave back. Henry whose the designated bone-snapper bouncer tonight blows you a kiss. You catch it and return the favor. Mike and Will don't even give you the time of day.
You then turn your attention to Dustin who is both head-banging to the song, and holding up a lazily written message on the black screen of his phone: “I AM LOOKING RESPECTFULLY”. You can't help but giggle. It's like he's a mini Eddie.
Speaking of your boyfriend, your eyes dart back to the side stage where you meet Eddie’s gaze.
She likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teeth.
You watch as the curly-haired, metalhead-turned-strip-club-owner eyes you steadily, situating his guitar around himself, giving the body of his NJ Warlock one more wipe down with a cloth.
He smirks to himself, satisfied at the thought that only you two know why that guitar needed wiping down in the first place. But he’s mostly pleased with the fact that, despite the long list of handsome, eligible bachelors after your heart, the passionate, down-to-earth, sexy, siren of a woman that is you, is all his.
My girlfriend's a dick magnet. MY girlfriend…
Eddie then takes to the stage, using the same fingers he’ll use to ravage you tonight to strum the chords of the sexy guitar solo of the song — you know, the song about a guy…..with a hot stripper girlfriend…..whose seducing everyone around her while she does her thing…..in that beautiful red set.
“HOLY SHIT!” someone from the crowd raves, causing Eddie’s eyes to light up like a little kid. “DUET OF THE CENTURY!”
You’ve healed so many parts of Eddie that he was too scared to explore: Love after Isabelle. Showing him that self-care is just as important as caring for Wayne. Encouraging him to find a hobby outside of Hellfire that didn't include doing payroll or grocery shopping. And healing his inner teenager by letting him play on stage with you, as he relives his glory days as the guitarist and frontman of Corroded Coffin one last time.
And as Eddie continues to strum, he stays thinking of you. He couldn’t wait to heal more parts of himself…with 'Shy Girl' Hargrove by his side.
“So,” you pant, edging closer to your boyfriend as the music draws on. "What's next after this?"
Eddie smirks. As the instrumental allows, he presses you against his body, kissing you softly against the lips before trailing all the way down your neck. Your breath hitches in arousal as he hums against you.
“Whatever you want.”
The End
SIKE! King Steve has entered the chat… 😉
(Book #2 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Series)
CEO!bachelor!steve × fem!college grad!reader
MODERN AU • 18+ | BOOK #1 (e.m.)
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slight age gap (Steve is 31, reader is 23); reader goes by the nickname "Sweets"
*loosely inspired by sara cate’s salacious players club*
Summary: 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄. Steve Harrington has the WORST luck with the ladies. His high school sweetheart left him for another dude, his former fuck buddy is dating his roommate, and his dream girl is a lesbian. King Steve is losing hope. That is until he meets you — a newly graduated university student from Seattle — when your paths cross on a fateful night in Sin City. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... that is until your risky business trickles over to Hawkins, Indiana, a town your best friend knows of a little too well.
theme song: call out my name by the weeknd
tag list is open 💌✨
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Winter 2024
“WATCH OUT INDIANAPOLIS — you're about to get... absolutely SOAKED!”
The booming voice of a man in Steve’s bedroom stirs him awake.
Letting out a ferocious yawn, The King rubs his eyes free of the annoying crust in the corner of his sockets, flopping around one more time before doing his routine stretch.
“Google,” Steve commands. “Turn off the TV.”
The TV immediately switches off. It’s nothing personal to meteorologist Marcus Bailey, but if Steve ever needed an accurate forecast of Indianapolis, all he would have to do is look outside his penthouse window. And that, after brushing his teeth, is just what he does.
"G'morning Indy,” he sighs happily on his balcony before going back inside.
Steve then makes his way over to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast.
“Google,” he calls out again. “Open the curtains, please.”
Google replies:
“Opening curtains. Good morning — Steve.”
"Google, what's my schedule looking like today?" "Google, text Dustin." “Google, what is the weather looking like in Nevada?” “Google, turn on my shower tunes.”
The best thing about not living with Eddie Munson anymore, is that Steve can shamelessly sing Amy Winehouse in the shower without being hounded about it.
“We only saaaid GOODBYE, with WORDS!” Steve sings, confidently off-key. “I died a hundred times! You go back to her, and I goooo baaack toooo…”
"Scanning fingerprint...”
an automated voice announces at the entrance of Steve's walk-in closet.
The door slides open. Sauntering his way inside, Steve ventures for some slick black athleisure down to the shoes, his usual musky cologne, and some matching sunglasses (despite the gloomy forecast prediction).
Black. 🎶
Steve Harrington is ready for the day.
"Google, make reservations for 3 people at Tony's Steakhouse at 7pm please."
All Steve had left to do for the day now was grocery shop. Which was always a hassle. Because sometimes, the store doesn't have the specific brand he's looking for so the shopper has to opt for an alternate version. Or sometimes, the shopper assigned to him that day chooses produce that is nearing its expiration date making every fruit in his bag a mushy mess. It doesn't happen too often, but it sure feels inconvenient as hell when it does. There are worse problems in life though, so Steve really can't complain.
*Ring, ring. Ring, ring*
The very distinct and custom ringtone has Steve bolting across the room to answer the call. One of his best friends was on the other line.
"Yello?" he says into the phone.
"Hey, it's Shy Girl," comes a voice. "Eddie and I are pulling in."
"Pull off to the side. Valet's got it. I'll send you guys up."
A bottle of cabernet sauvignon a la Steve awaits the pair when they make their way over. Consider it a Tony's pre-game.
"GameWorld stock is up 4% today,” Steve's buddy, and owner of Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Eddie Munson announces as the two clink glasses. "I don’t have much faith in it though, figure I’ll get my pie slices from actual grocery stores. Like Meijer.”
“Everyone's always gonna need groceries,” Steve points out. "Definitely. Just don't day trade. Not now."
"Ooh, you hear that, Eds?" Shy Girl nudges him. "You gotta be careful where you put your money."
"I gotta be careful with my money, period," Eddie smirks. "You're a danger to my pockets, angel."
"Oh but you love me," she says.
"Yeah," Eddie gives in, grabbing his lover's dainty digits, trailing his fingers across hers, and rubbing the glistening rock that took up most of her left hand on the distal side. "I sure do."
"I'm just... so proud of us," Steve sappily reflects. "So much has happened over the past two years and we've all come so far."
"Yeah," Shy Girl agrees. "And it's about fucking time we celebrate."
"I agree," Eddie chimes in, raising his glass once again. "This weekend trip is going to be... one for the books."
"Viva Las Vegas," Steve toasts. "Cheers."
"Viva Las Vegas!"
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Black and red.
They're the two colors that occupy your closet the most. But of course, after graduating from Washington State University (or Wazzu, for short), you expected nothing less.
You could do with some more sequins though, you think to yourself as you pack your bags.
"What do you think of this, Sweets?"
Peering over your shoulder, you see that your best friend, Elle has started festivities early, managing to hold two glasses of champagne in one hand, and six-inch stilletoes in the other.
"Can't take the party out of the girl, that's for damn sure," you respond.
When you left Seattle to attend WSU Pullman, Elle was your only friend in business class. Mainly because the class was predominantly for dudes, but eventually you found out that you two have a lot in common.
Elle is everything you would want in an older sister figure: she is both book smart and wise, she is sexy, and she eats men for breakfast. And, now that she's about to celebrate the launching of her lingerie business (along with her Dirty 30s Era), and you're about to enter your new-grad era, you two are hitting up Las Vegas to go ham together one last time.
It's all so bittersweet. You owe everything to the Warrens, having taken you in when you were a lost undergrad. It also sucked quite a bit not having a support system after graduating high school. You and Elle were all each other has. Which makes this inevitable separation so much more painful.
"Are you sure you're okay with Vegas by the way?" you question. "I know since the split, being surrounded by gorgeous girls 24/7 can kinda be triggering.”
"Don't worry about it, love," she shakes it off. "The past is in the past. This is a new era of me."
Cheers to that. Clinking your airport-pregame champagne glasses with one another, you raise a toast to yourselves, celebrating how far the two of you have come over the past four years.
"To friendship."
"To friendship."
"To being elegant and educated."
"To elegance and education."
"And to being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives."
You giggle as you raise your glass of champagne even higher.
"To being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives," you two take a sip at the same time. "And no matter how near and no matter how far, we're always gonna be besties."
"I love you, Sweets."
"I love you too, Isabelle."
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @mediocredreams @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay @xblueriddlex @maskofmirrors @babyloutattoo89 @queenofhawkins @feral-pumpkin-energy @bl0ssomanddie
divider from: @plum98
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jasmyluv · 1 year
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Of all people... - a scaramouche x fem!reader smau
⌞Synopsis⌝  When you, a student who finds her best friend admits the terrors of high school. A best friend who've you'd hated ever since he left. Of all people, why was he the one to make you swoon, a person you swore to hate?
⌞AU⌝ modern!au, highschool!au, slow burn (?), he fell first but she fell harder, perfect score trope, childhood friends to lovers, found family (Childe and [Name]), fluff, angst, crack, others will be added as the story progresses
⌞Warnings⌝ swearing, petnames, different POVs, jealousy, kms/kys jokes, kazuha x reader, parent issues, child neglect, ayamiya (Ayaka x Yoimiya, in the future chapters), Eimiko (Ei x Yae), mentions of kokorou (Kokomi x Gorou), kavetham (Kaveh x Alhaitham), others will be added as the story progresses
⌞Tag list⌝  List #1; List #2, open, send an ask, comment, or dm to be added !
Started - November 28, 2022
Finished - May 7, 2023
⌞Note⌝ Written chapters will be marked with ◊, the pictures used in this smau (that assumably includes you) do not represent or portray what you look like in this au, you look like you in this au, nobody else :)
⌞A/n⌝ When it's based off personal experience except it's top 10 and 11 not top 1 and 2 HAHAHAHA
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Profiles !
Disappointments - [Name]'s friend group
Fatui Hamburgers + Kazuha - Scaramouche's friend group
Chapters !
Act I - I'm supposed to hate you, right?
001. Why are YOU here? (◊) || 002. Spelling Bee?? Exempted?? 2000 DOLLARS??
003. Coffee date! || 004. Is this an interrogation?
005. Study buddy + sleeping brother (◊) || 006. What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
007. Past is past || 008. Final Results
009. Midterm studying? No, midnight rain. || 010. Words I regret
011. Are you satisfied? (◊) || 012. "Average"
Act II - And if you don't?
013. Burger King Party || 014. Surprise visit, not so happy reunion (◊)
014.5 In my mind
015. He knows || 016. Delicate (◊)
017. Limerence || 018. Tiana to my Prince Naveen
019. To the newlyweds! (◊) || 020. Mixed signals come with mixed feelings
021. Puzzle me || 022. Court or confess?
023. Clueless || 024. Don't take advice from a ginger
025. Vermilion dreams (◊) || 026. You again?
027. It's nice to have a friend || 028. To "study" (◊)
Act III - Then, I won't.
029. "Bee"-t my dust! (◊) || 030. Celebration Dinner
031. And the winners are...! || 032. I don't need your congratulations.
033. Sweet nothing || 034. Labyrinth (◊)
035. So, the hatred meant nothing? (◊) || 036. I’m sorry, what?
037. Your blessing? Do I have to ask? || 038. Sparks fly
039. Subtle signs for your dense mind || 040. A rose for a lifetime (◊)
041. #scarayn real!? || 042. An end of another chapter with you (◊)
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© all rights reserved to @jasmyluv 2022. any reposts, acts of plagiarism, and modifying of my works are strictly prohibited.
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thelonelyarchon · 4 months
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PICTURE PERFECT (guy) ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ִ ࣪𖤐
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PAIRING: artem wing x idol!fem!reader
GENRE: social media au, modern/idol au, lawyer (bodyguard-ish relationship) x client, imaginary love triangle, secret identity (royalty), best friend's sister, love at first sight
SYNOPSIS: when asked about her ideal man during a promotional interview for her new album’s release, y/n, also known as idol 'YEONMI' has only one person in mind: the country's top attorney with a 99% win rate and stellis city’s renowned youngest senior attorney, artem wing.
who could blame her? he’s a picture perfect guy.
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CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNINGS: genshin impact x tot, ooc characters, disregards tot main story timeline, creative liberties (for character backgrounds. i try to be truthful to the og work as much as i can!), swearing, stalking, kidnapping, attempted murder, crack, angst (?) slightly serious au, depictions of cyber hate, alcohol consumption, kissing, female pronouns are used, proactive female lead (chases ml proactively), law terms, assault, mentions of guns and other weapons, disoriented family/family issues, suggestive scenes, sexual innuendos, mentions of crime, mention of drugs . . . (+chapter specific trigger warnings will be posted as the story progresses)
STATUS: ongoing
٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ hello!
⋆ ★ expect grammatical errors. some typos are intentional though.
⋆ ★ it's my first smau! expect it to be shitty lol.
⋆ ★ english is not my first language! so if my dialogues sound too stiff, calculated, unnatural, or unfunny at times then you know why :'> i'm trying, i swear
⋆ ★ possible written chapters are marked with a 🌷
⋆ ★ pov indicator: light mode -> y/n | dark mode -> artem (unless other character's pov is stated)
⋆ ★ timestamps don't matter unless specifically stated and small caps letters are intentional
⋆ ★ (kind) helpful criticisms are welcome!
TAGLIST: open! comment down below or send me a message/ask if you want to be added.
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— foolish ones (y/n’s circle)
— nixx team (artem's circle)
— happy birthday
— 001 - who’s artem wing?
— 002 - congratulations, mr. wing!
— 003 - brother and sister
— 004 - disappointment
— 005
— 006
— 007
— 008
— 009
— 010
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81 notes · View notes
red-dead-sakharine · 5 months
Masterlist: Images & musings
Baldur's Gate 3
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Image collections
Raphael 002 (shirtless) Raphael 003 (imagines) Raphael 004 (teal looks really good on him) Raphael 005 (more teal) Raphael 006 (less shirt) Raphael 007 (looking at you seductively) Raphael 008 (looking fabulous and facing Gortash) Raphael 009 (Raph & Haarlep having fun...) Raphael 010 (about Raphael's performance) Raphael 011 (Post-credit scene) Raphael012 (On cinematic artistry reminiscent of Faust/Mephisto) Raphael013 (Raphael being handsome in that damn light) Raphael014 (Cambion form Helldusk armor) Raphael015 (Helldusk with helmet) Raphael016 (Drink liquor from a quivering bellybutton, voice clip) Raphael017 (Dooblidoo scene teaser) Raphael018 (POV: You're underneath) Raphael019 (Soft Raphael x m!Tav) Raphael020 (Various degrees of irritation) Raphael021 (Sad pupper) Raphael022 (Sad and happy pupper) Raphael023 (His clothes are in the wash) Raphael024 (Raphael and his tiefling squad) Raphael025 (Raphael and Haarlep staring lovingly at each other) Raphael026 (Staring at you, longingly) Raphael027 (Sleeping Raphael) Raphael028 (Dream Raphael) Raphael029 (Prince of Hell) Raphael030 (Stolen power) Raphael031 (With and without uniform) Raphael032 (Texture appreciation) Raphael033 (The blood on thine hands) Raphael034 (The first time) Raphael035 (Devil's in the details) Raphael036 (Eyes are the window to the soul) Raphael037 (Angry uniform shots) Raphael038 (You bore the pain like a true fiend) Raphael039 (The Raphael scrunch) Raphael040 (Handsome seductive devil) Raphael041 (Handsome post-credit shot) Raphael042 (The devil you do) Raphael043 (Performance issues) Raphael044 (Silhouette) Raphael045 (Raphael being too handsome)
The Adventures of Raphael 001 (the beginning) The Adventures of Raphael 002 (evil Dark Urge) The Adventures of Raphael 003 (good Dark Urge) The Adventures of Raphael 004 (Confronting the Elder Brain) The Adventures of Raphael 005 (Finally - the Crown of Karsus) The Adventures of Raphael 006 (The Dark Timeline) The Adventures of Raphael 007 (Act II - The path to Moonrise)
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Lore & Theories
Raphael defeated Ketheric by using Yurgir Raphael is a bard, and here's why The less travelled paths through the House of Hope Contract loopholes / On Tav's betrayal & Raphael's fate On Raphael's performance Helsik's dialogue about Raphael House of Hope plaque texts Korrilla rare dialogue & thoughts on Raphael as villain Devil's fee boycott Hope keeps the HoH afloat
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henrysglock · 1 month
[Lumax voice] Turn Around, Look At What You See! In Their Face...
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(If you couldn't already tell: I have finally lost all my marbles.)
I'm sure this has occurred to other people by now, but if El's memories leading up to the 4.07 monologue are ripped directly from Brenner's (<- slayful Nat post, required viewing), and she runs in to see One killing Two...then doesn't it stand to reason that that is what Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room in 1979?
Now before anyone hops in to correct me: There's definitely a version of things where Brenner finds El alone in the rainbow room after the massacre. That's not in question. We all know that happened at some point.
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(Regardless of the manner of death...no broken bones or gouged eyes...okay!)
However, as I'm sure we're all aware...these guys are different guys.
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(This detail has been beaten into the ground but always bears repeating)
So, what is in question is what close-up Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room.
Those duplicate memories appear to belong to close-up Brenner:
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i.e. not the Brenner who runs in and sees El at the start of 4.08. (This isn't to say that that Brenner doesn't have those memories or similar ones, but he's not the Brenner whose memories are being featured. Begone, thot.)
So, arguably, if El has close-up Brenner's memories...then she should be running in and seeing what he saw, no?
So what did he see? Someone just slightly shorter than him, who walked close enough to warrant a tight shot.
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That POV (as has been discussed ad nauseam by many) is far too tall to be any version of El:
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But it is about the right height for someone a few inches shorter than Brenner...something like:
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So, tl;dr: I want to play a clip for you.
I love choreography and camera work. That's art right there.
However, that video doesn't include the subtitling that accompanies the visuals that link El finding One to Brenner finding El:
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Now, it's difficult to compare anything after this point (though not impossible, can't keep a south Wisconsin boy down. I will be using them for comparisons later)...because of course that's when weird, random blood starts appearing:
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Hence, the clock is visibly frozen after that point:
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This smacks, to me, of the same kind of shit that happened with 004 when the kids were bullying El—Scenes that never actually happened in the real past being spliced into a tape that cuts off and then picks back up like no time had passed/nothing had been spliced in. It makes more sense if you read the post I linked, since the video in that post makes my point clearly.
The anime nerd in me is tempted to liken this whole deal ^ to JJBA/DIO's time-stopping stand "The World" in...that's right...Stardust Crusaders, wherein DIO pause time for everyone but himself, which I'm certain others have done as well.
Tbqh...I'm still here:
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Specifically a reference to The World/DIO vs Star Platium/Jotaro, both of which are time-stopping stands...(Much to think about irt Jotaro/Star Platinum developing time-stopping powers later on in terms of El, sure, but also in terms of "Everything was hard for [One]...He walked in here, and it was like something had changed. He told me he had figured it out.").
[Distant screaming as I'm forcefully prevented from going on a "Stardust Spider-Stardust Crusaders-Dio Brando-Joestar Family-Dio's Bone-Green Baby-Green, Green Grass of Home" tangent in this post...and don't get me started on DIO's regen healing/vampirism from the ancient stone mask...don't get me started on King Crimson and Golden Experience Requiem either...]
Not to mention the DIO reference with One linking this scene to (you guessed it) Edward Munson:
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Edward Creel proven once again, but this time it's via goddamn JJBA and Brenner fuckery. (And yes, yes, I know about DIO the band. This ain't about her. Things can have multiple meanings. It was a Choice to associate Henward with DIO and Eddie with DIO. I rest my case.)
As I said earlier, close-up Brenner is shot at a distance baby El could never have achieved. She passes out on the far side of the room, entirely too far away to have been anywhere near close enough for a close-up of Brenner's face, height aside.
However, ignoring the blood fuckery and disappearing gate cracks:
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Some-One else has enough energy left to walk towards the doors. All the way over, in fact. So while those close-up shots are 100% out of range for post-gate baby El, they're very much in-range for 3:46 PM One.
Tl;dr: It's entirely possible, if not likely (based on the choreography and camera-work in these scenes) that close-up/angry Brenner was addressing One rather than baby El.
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lutiaslayton · 10 months
Random update on the transcription of the Eternal Diva novel, aka probably the one that most people don't even care about that much to begin with
(though you should, I haven't translated it yet but I spotted a few words here and there that caught my attention such as Luke mentioning Misthallery multiple times. Also there is in the introduction a novel-exclusive scene with Janice in it, just fyi.)
To those who didn't know, most of my free time as of lately has been put into the transcription/translation website I have dedicated to the Japan-exclusive Layton content that we never got to see, and more specifically I have been transcribing the Eternal Diva novel. Because yes, now you know, Eternal Diva was adapted into a novel and none of us non-Japanese fans got to read it. And boy this novel is going to drive me insane because I have been working on it for literal weeks by now.
In terms of progress, I have reached the part of the story in which Puzzle 004 is about to start, aka right after the end of the "Layton McGuffinned a helicopter that thinks it's a grasshopper" part. I have transcribed up to page 119 (+ the ending is already transcribed and translated because past me felt like it), and there are now 74 blank pages left for me to fill. And then the translation will come, too. I am totally looking forward to it. Can you feel the enthusiasm in my exciting punctuation.
This is the shortest novel of the list (200 pages if I count the blank ones), and this is the only novel that has furigana everywhere (aka the only one of the four I can actually read somewhat properly). Yippeeeee
Anyway if you want to take a look even though only the beginning and the end are translated for the time being:
You can take a looksie right here!
The reason why I'm going through the entire transcription first and that the full translation will only come afterwards is because, at least in my opinion if I were to view this as a reader instead of as the person uploading the content, this means that you guys get to know the story faster than if I progressed through both the transcription and translation at the same time.
After all, let's see it like this: sure, you can't read Japanese, and for the most part, neither can I. But since it's been transcribed, it means that you can easily copy-paste the Japanese text into DeepL, or Google Translate, or any translator of your choice. Sure, it's more work for you and if you are of the lazy kind you will still have to wait the same amount of time regardless (not saying it in a derogatory way), but at least it gives the choice for the ones who want the whole story to get it somewhat faster.
I don't speak Japanese, and I am not translating things as I go, so I have only a vague understanding of what is going on in the novel (and obviously, the fact that I know the plot of the movie is a huge help). But I can already tell you this much:
We get the lyrics for the ending's song, obviously. This is part of what has been translated so far.
The whole novel is not divided into chapters, but rather into smaller scenes/sections (however you want to call it). Some are narrated by Luke, some others are narrated by Janice (and/or Melina, I guess it depends on the context). Just like the three main novels you may be slightly more familiar with, the narration is in first person.
Since the only narrators who showed up so far are Luke and Janice/Melina, I don't think the scenes from Emmy's POV will be included (aka the one in which she questions Nina's parents, the one in which she is with Schrader, and the one in which she finds and rescues Grosky in the middle of the ocean). Perhaps they are going to appear later in the novel, but I highly doubt it for a number of reasons (number of pages in each section, and titles of said sections).
The novel starts with an exclusive scene under the POV of Janice. It takes place three years after the case, and she is just finished singing for the last rehearsal before the opera she will play in the day after — it is The Eternal Kingdom, which she has not sung in three years, and the next day will be the second time ever this opera will be sung in a theatre with a public. Of course, no eternal life game planned this time. Janice also gets a letter of encouragement from Whistler, which is pretty sweet.
Unless I missed it and it somehow happens in the part I did not yet translate, the intro of the movie in which Luke and Layton solve the case where Don Paolo decided to mess with the bells of Big Ben is not at all mentioned in the novel. Luke in the novel doesn't give the introduction-narration speech that he does in the movie, we jump straight into the scene in which he is shown in Layton's office pretending to be pointing at culprits (and we get a fun little scene showing what led up to him doing it). Go read it, it is translated, and I do not want to spoil for you the opportunity to read Luke being a dork all over again.
We switch to the flashback telling the actual events, and this is the part that has no translation yet. I won't give many details as a result since I don't know the things for sure myself, but as I said earlier, I saw a few words that I recognised here and there: notably, Luke mentions Misthallery on at least two occasions. If memory serves, one of them is when Grosky shows up to "arrest" the puppet, and I think Luke went on a small tangent to give a small summary of the events of Last Specter (aka how he met Grosky), and also mentions Descole (though he does not give his name, since I'm pretty sure that he didn't hear the words "My name is Jean Descole" at the time, and only learned that precisely upon meeting him again in ED). On another time he mentions it, from what I vaguely understood he may be making a reference to Naiya, Janice/Melina's friend who can be found in Misthallery and who is also a singer (she's the NPC who is meant to represent the singer of Paxmaveiti, just like Yuming is meant to represent the singer of Mysterious Flower in Miracle Mask). Pretty inconsequential, but it's always fun to have continuity nods and references to the actual plot of other stories.
Finally, back to three years later, we get an epilogue narrated by Luke which is the exact same scene as the movie: Layton and Luke are listening to Janice's opera, and at some point Janice shows up to say hi. Luke also mentions what happened to the rest of the participants after the case throughout those three years; most are just what we see from the credits, but the novel still gives a few more details in some cases:
By the time of the original trilogy, Amelia is studying abroad at a foreign university, and she recently sent a letter to Layton and Luke, saying that she is grateful even after three years.
Luke is friends with Nina, who comes by at Gressenheller every now and then, and he even considers her a rival of sorts due to Nina having a good memory and studying well. (also what the heck Luke why are you talking about getting to college and how you're worried that she may be admitted to college before you do, you're THIRTEEN)
Celia Raidley and Pierre Starbuck got married "just the other day" (yes, the ship is now officially confirmed beyond just the one image from the movie credits) and the tabloids are going wild over it.
Luke is reading Annie Dretche's latest mystery novel, and he can't put it down. Annie apparently told him that she has been writing faster so that Bargland (the guy who said he did not have much time left due to an illness) can read them at the hospital. Seems like "six months" turned into three years after all, good for him!
Anyway, that's all I have to say for now, I hope you enjoyed the rambling. I hope this will reach some fans of the movie who would be excited to get a few more details!
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enjomo-arch · 11 months
(  flame  command  :  koala  )   //    [  ♠ @goreburdened  ]
koala has no clue what's going on but it's still nice to see ace & sabo interacting like brothers should. it makes her smile.
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shifting  his  gaze  away  from  sabo,  unfortunately  for  him  Ace  noticed  Koala. She  was  also  spending  time  at  the  shore  ?  ❝  oiii, koala ! over here !  ❞  he  started  waving  his  hand  with  a  big  grin,  trying  to  catch  her  attention.  ❝  sabo  wants  to  put  the  sunscreen  on  yer'  back  !  ❞ he's  so  evil,  he  knows  this  and  he's  kinda  proud  of  it.
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catelismo · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS. up with the ranks and down with the sand, the amazing ace y/n fails the number one goal in the idol industry: "do not fall in love with your bandmates!" despite of the numerous of complaints and encouragement of fellow friends, it's a secret that she would take to the grave. but question is: does the so-called "crush" agree with that?
STATUS. HIATUS (11th nov 2023 — ???)
TAGLIST. @starry-sky-melody @woozixo @wrathy-mcwrathface @r4yyyyy @mizu-nights
GENRE. smau, aged up au, idol au, fluff, angst. face of n25 will be le sserafim/newjeans. modern au
WARNINGS. toxic idol industry, homophobia, mental breakdowns, eating disorders, swearing, uncomfortable topics, etc.
SIDESHIPS. kanamafu (implied) , anhane, akitoya (implied), etc...
EXTRAS. playlist | fanmade tracklist | merch | side chapter #1
awake at 25:00 | i leo/need of a therapist!! <3 | more more cuties ♡ | vbs (vacation bible school wannabes) | wonderlands, not showtime
001. new album is needed! | 002. recognition tastes sweet
003. hangout event | 004. apartment talks (📝)
005. secret side (so mysterious!) | 006. unforgiven girls!
007. smile for the camera! | 008. live and loud!
009. awaited aftermath | 010. a heart can flutter (📝)
011. shocking approach | 012. toast for the jealous win
013. idol's ballad | 014. what's in for us?
015. sign of the times | 016. quality's kinda bad (but it's okay)
017. the triple take | 018. falling like sepia eyes
019. case number one | 020. the beautiful and the damned
021. little miss side b | 022. not your girl!
023. society's rules (and why they suck!) | 024. revival of a rockstar
025. what the future can stop us (📝) | 026. meeting your heroes
027. shit's getting too real! | 028. predicament of love?
029. her very own pov | 030. am i the girl that you dream of?
031. spread like wildfire | 032. losing my head
033. secrets of the west | 034. unrequited affairs
035. | 036.
037. | 038.
039. | 040.
041. | 042.
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© CATELISMO ✶ any actions of plagiarism, distribution and tracing any of my works is strictly prohibited.
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mattspolitank · 10 days
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆╰┈➤Pairings:Matt Sturniolo and Anna Johnson
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆╰┈➤Warnings:Suggestive comments,fluff,angst,
ANNA JOHNSON visits her best friend Madi where she reunites with her childhood bestfriends. The catch is she hasn't talked to MATT STURNIOLO since junior year. Will that change?
In real life,texts and instagram
I woke up pretty late, around 1 pm, on my birthday. When I went downstairs, Nick and Madi were there right away, giving me big hugs and wishing me a happy birthday. Chris and Matt were next, and they also hugged me and said happy birthday. I was super happy to see they'd gotten my favorite food, pasta, for my birthday.
Since it was already close to 2:30 pm, I went back upstairs to get ready. I picked out a black mini skirt, a slim-fit black t-shirt, knee-high black boots, and topped it off with a black leather jacket. After doing my makeup, I added some cute chunky gold hoop earrings. When I came back downstairs, everyone in the group said I looked great and gave me compliments.
She looked so gorgeous.Anna, my Anna, was going out on a date with a different guy than myself."What time is he picking you up?" Nick enquired.She said, "Oh, he is not picking me up; I am taking an Uber."I mumble, "dickhead, doesnt even pick up his date on her birthday," and thankfully only Madi hears me. She bursts into laughter.
About an hour later, Chris, Nick, and Madi convinced Matt to take them to a party they needed to go to.
Later that evening, around 9:40 pm, Anna called Matt. When he answered, she was crying, and he could tell something was really wrong.
I got to the diner precisely at six o'clock.After thirty minutes, my date had finally arrived.He said that the heavy traffic on the way here was and it was understandable.
Throughout the whole dinner he made uncomfortable comments about my body and we literally had nothing in common.Anything I said he disagreed with and anything he said I disagreed with.
A while into the date he suggested we go to his house and watch Netflix which I immediately said yes to since I love netflix so much.
It turns out his house was like right across the diner.
He puts his hand on my thigh ten minutes into the movie, and even though it makes me uncomfortable, I stayed silent.When he attempted to reach under my skirt a few minutes later, it became too much."What on earth are you doing?" I spoke up "What did you think would happen?" he asked angrily, "Did you really think I was here because I was in love with you or something?" He began calling me derogatory terms like "whore," "slut," "bitch," and so on. Then, as I was leaving, he threw an open, full water bottle at me.
The water was all over me.
While crying, I went to a random curb, sat down, and called Matt.
"Matt, please come get me. I will send you the address and explain everything later."
He arrived after five minutes.I got in the car and just dozed off, staring out the window.
"Anna, are you okay?What is on your mind? "he asked as I look at him"huh yeah why"."since you just stared out the window while I asked you like 5 questions questions."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about tonight."I told him, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
"Would you mind telling me about it?"he asked
"mhm.To start with, he arrives thirty minutes late.We had nothing in common at all after that. He made crude sexual remarks about my body all during the dinner, such as "your ass looks good" or "your boobs look nice with this top."I accepted his invitation to watch Netflix at his house, but as soon as we arrived, he began touching my thigh and eventually started to go under my dress. At that point, I spoke up, and he began calling me names like whore, slut, etc.And to top it all off, he threw a water bottle at me, which is why I am soaked. "
As I speak, you can see him becoming tense, and when I am done, he pulls up to the side of the road.
With a serious tone, he questioned, "What did you just say?"
"about the insults or the fact that he hurled a bottle of water at me?"
He asked, turning the wheel, "Are you serious??!!, both Anna"
"Please don't do this, Matt. I have had enough today. Please don't do this."I say, reaching for his hand on the wheel.
Again moving the wheel forward, he says, "Okay, then."
We get home and he asks me "Did you maybe wanna sleep in my room,you know so that you're not alone"Yeah that would be nice Matt thank you."I wear a random tshirt that matt gave me and some sweat pants.
"Matt can you lay next to me, at least until i sleep"he nodds and lays down next to me"good night peanut"he says.
The next day when i wake up i realise that Matts hand is on my waist, our bodies almost brushing against eachother and our faces centimeters away from touching.I try to slowly get up from the bed but as soon as i get up i hear Matt "Good morning there".
"Oh sorry didnt mean to wake you up".i say while looking back at him.
"No its okay i always wake up at this time anyways".
I head to the kitchen, and as I open my phone, I notice a message from Nick. This is strange because he was sitting in the living room about ten meters away from me.
I open it .
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Good morning love birds
Dude are you dumb
I wasnt the one cuddling up with matt
did you send that to Matt
Please tell me you didnt
Oop ur too late
My bad
Im gonna fucking kill you
I walk up to nick and sit down next to him telling him to unsend matt the photo as he says"he already replied"
Good morning lovebirds
Good morning stupid
I mean he didnt deny it,
He entered without really saying anything.Thank god because it wouldve been super akward.
4:40 pm
Me and Madi went shopping for our party outfits.I could go in a hoodie and swears for all I cared, but Madi seemed to be on a mission to find me a nice outfit.She finally found the perfect outfit.
She noticed a long-sleeved, pink, off-the-shoulder minidress.She thought it was the perfect dress for me.We got our outfits and left the mall.
We put on our clothes, applied makeup, and styled our hair.Till a few people were downstairs, I waited.Nick began praising me as soon as I stepped downstairs.I could feel Matt staring at me, but I was reluctant to go near him.
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Liked by @christophersturniolo @nicolassturniolo and 6768 others....
Andysamberglover111 Birthday Behaivour
nicolassturniolo Wait cause you look so fine
↳ andysambergfan111 LOVE YEWW
madiflipowicz ur not even real HOLY
↳andysambergfan111 coming from the icon herself HELLO???
User389645796 ur so gorgeous anna
nicolejohnson Im always in awe of how pretty u are
↳andysambergfan111 Stop.ily sm baby and I miss uuu :((
↳nicolejohnson MISS U MORE
User7863790123 wait who took these
↳andysambergfan111 I made madi take a hundred photos of me :)
↳madiflipowicz and you still have yet to get me canes
mattsturniolo yet you still haven't changer your username
↳andysambergfan111 and I'm not planning on it like DUDE HAVE YOU SEEN ANDY SAMBERG like hello
↳user891533779 ur so real anna
↳andysamberglover111 THANK YOU MY LOVE
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ppnuggie · 2 years
     𝙐𝙃 𝙊𝙃
  『 gender neutral human reader + g1 decepticons    』
  —  004
  — back at it again with more memes of my story ;) once again even more on off with the pov and pronoun switches of them and you !! also we get to meet the stunticons in this and mother soundwave <3
  < one , two , three , five    >
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          newly adopted, (y/n) stared around at the small cult circle of cassettes around them. they suspiciously eyed at the cassettes, waiting for them to say anything or make a move. though soundwave, your new guardian, had warned them. he specifically said not to harm them or be mean to them. it was like he was their dad and they were his 20-30 year old kids who lived in the basement, or well, in this special case, they lived in his boobies.
kinda sus if youre honest, but hey, who wouldnt want to live in boobs? they all looked at you as though you were a big glob on the ground that came from the sky. you weren't exactly sure how to feel with that.
          "it moved!" a purple bot gasped, pointing at you. a scoff came from you, rolling your eyes, "of course i moved you idiot, im not some lifeless animal." you growled. "strange," the cat like minicon spoke up, "why has soundwave taken you in?" he narrowed his optics at you, circling your form with his tail swishing around behind him.
"because," frenzy spoke up, "i asked soundwave to!" that caused the attention of the other minicons that were once staring at you to divert towards frenzy. "why would ya do that exactly?" the purple minicon asked, raising a optic ridge at his twin. "because!" frenzy put his servos on his hips, "they're fun to mess with! come on, rumble, its an excuse to cause trouble, take squishy with us, and blame it all on them. its the perfect plan!" frenzy exclaimed, rubbing his servos together like a villain with the worst evil plan ever in existence. its like the time plankton ran out of ideas to take the secret formula, and decided to do the dumbest thing ever.
          'rumble' had put his servo on his chin, deep in thought before nodding along. "yer right! we can do that!" he turned back towards you, before approaching and grabbing your upper arm roughly. "come on squishy! we got some stuff to do!" he dragged you towards where frenzy was at by the door. a sigh came from you, shaking your head before you started to limp after them so they wouldnt drag you.
the twins snickered to themselves, well, more like howling like hyenas with their loud ass laughs. the plan as of right now was to prank starscream, whoever that was. all you had been told was that he was a loud guy who didnt shut the hell up. kind of reminded you of a guy back at work, dumbass hoe who didnt know how to use the coffee machine and complained whenever he was given actual work to do. god he gave you a headache.
the twins grabbed you and ran to hide behind a surface, loud footsteps approaching where they were before. following the footsteps came a loud scream, the twins hooting and hollering with triumph. they tiptoed out of their hiding place, dragging you behind to see their masterpiece. except their smiles had only fell into frowns, confused by the quick change of emotion, you looked to where they were looking.
up ahead stood a group of different bots with different heights. one was drenched in hot pink paint with purple glitter, who was screeching about being targeted. another bot, who was yellow, was laughing his ass off with another bot, who was grey and red. the tallest one had a purple face, and a larger structural body than the others. the other one, who was wearing a visor and was red, just stood his with their arms crossed.
rumble and frenzy looked at each other and then at the large bot, then back to one another. they both grabbed you, and started to 'silently' — aka horribly — walk away. until they were grabbed by the larger bot, his hands large enough to fit around their bodies and pick them up with ease. they both shrieked and started wiggling about, banging their tiny fists against his fingers. "let us go!" frenzy growled, and rumble was trying to bite one of the fingers wrapped around him.
the bot only made a 'tch' sound before speaking. "tell me why you did this to breakdown before i decide to squish you between my digits, and watch your energon drip onto the ground." he sneered at the two, who had frozen up in his grasp. they both peered down at you, their digits pointed towards your form sitting on the metal ground. "it was the squishy's idea not ours! you have to understand, motormaster!" rumble barked out. "the squishy forced us to do this!" frenzy added.
          motormaster's optics looked down at you, before back at the twins. he let out a hard laugh, “as if that pathetic creature could do anything. its broken already. as weak as you two are,” motormaster brought them closer to his face, “that human wouldnt be able to do anything.” he growled, teeth baring at the two minicons.
“motormaster,” a familiar voice came by. looking over, soundwave stood near the stunticon leader, servo held out. “request : put frenzy and rumble down.” he said, pointing down to the floor. motormaster glared at the third in command, before complying with his request.
“you better keep an eye on those two, soundwave, or else next time i wont be able to guarantee their safety.” motormaster warned before heading back towards his group. soundwave didnt say anything, only watching the stunticon walk away before directing his gaze towards his minicons. “rumble , frenzy : not mad, disappointed.” he said before catching your form.
he kneeled down, servos moving to carefully and gently grab you, holding you close to his chest. “(y/n) : alright?” he questioned, waiting for an answer. you only nodded, wrapping your hands around one of his digits. it was nice, being held gently like this. it felt like something you could get used to.
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