#... I should probably add some to my redbubble
fabdante · 6 months
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hello gang!
redbubble and inprnt are running black friday/cyber monday sales. i'm not sure on inprnt, but redbubbles ends december 2nd! if you ever wanted to buy my art from these places, now is an excellent time.
new prints have been added to both including all of my released zutara week pieces. my final zutara week piece will be added after it's posted as well!
you can find me on both services under the name fabdante (links here as well: redbubble and inprnt)
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oifaaa · 1 year
Legit I tear up a little bit looking at your babiest baby Jason drawings because he's just so fucking precious I physically cannot contain my happiness. Between those and pubby Jason from the vamp au you have truly blessed my entire life. My skin is clear, my crops are watered, I am thriving. Thank you so fucking much.
You wanna hear something cute I finally got my old printer set up and I had some sticker paper left over so I doodled a bunch of babiest baby Robin Jason printed them out and have just been sticking them places my house is infested with the baby he's taking over
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tastelessdrawings · 3 months
Debts, Bills and Japanese classes
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I have not had the best of starts for 2024, with issues regarding to payments I've had to help my mom with. To help her with them, I took a loan during January which allowed us to afford what we needed, with myself banking on my Redbubble account to generate enough during the month to pay it off this month.
Unfortunately, and unprecedentedly, my Redbubble account got nuked without prior warning, and when I tried to reach out to them I was only received by radio silence, as well as not getting any of my money.
Now, I did manage to pay off a part of what I owed, however, with March coming next week the deadline will be coming back soon again. To add on top of that there are some bills that we haven't been able to afford for in total, trying to make ends meet has been significantly taxing emotionally for a good while now.
As a side note, but still related financially, I should be signing up for my next semester of Japanese at the start of March, but due to Argentina's current economic situation and inflation rate the price of my classes have gone about double of what I originally paid last year. For long time I've struggled finding anything relatively fulfilling in my life, higher education wise, this is something that I don't want to stop doing, I finally have an end goal I wish to accomplish.
I cannot offer much in return for donations, other than offering myself for drawing commissions, or simple requests, or anything. But, I need to be honest and transparent both with myself and you all as well, I cannot promise a certain deadline to which I'd be able to deliver anything I'd draw.
I have been struggling since last year with this, over the same thing of getting small requests or commissioned to draw something, things that should have probably taken me a couple of days, maybe weeks at most has taken me months to complete. My personal life has completely demoralized me from having a set mentality for my art and in turn I've gone down a spiral of inactivity, even when I'm fully aware of the problem.
If, and only if, you're comfortable with this fact, and are willing to wait long enough for me to deliver then please, request something from me. I'll be just as grateful for donations as well, and even if you can't help me financially, I appreciate that you have taken your time to read through all of this, you could still help me out by sharing this post around.
Overall, thank you all in advance.
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possumsinpeoplesuits · 7 months
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At long last, my Our Lady of the Passion cosplay is ready for cons!
Based on this picture from Pinterest (google is finding fuck all elsewhere, but if someone knows the source I'll add it.)
The tank top is from Lockedtombmemes' Redbubble store.
The jacket is here, though I've painted the back with some fabric paint. I used the non-heat treating kind and just sort of sketched out the letters with a dark pencil to make sure the placement wasn't too awful.
The dog tags I'm not quite satisfied with because I put too little information on them, and an updated one is still waiting in the mail (I wanted to put the Wing and Cell on it, and had to reread some chapters to verify) There's loads of places to get them, but I used these.
The machetes I don't have many pictures of (I don't have a full length mirror to show them properly strapped to the legs.), but I went a little overbudget to the point it would probably have been cheaper to buy real machetes (but not as welcomed at conventions!) Still, they were from here, in case anyone wants some big ol' 27 inch props instead of the dinky ones from Spirit Halloween.
Gloves were these ones, and they fit my big ol' butch hands just fine. Nothing special there.
For my TACTICAL BLOOD OF EDEN FANNY PACK (which I already wear all the time, but changed colors to match the costume anyways) is this.
The boots are fairly ubiquitous and seem to come from various online sellers, sometimes in men's sizes, sometimes in women's, but this store has them up to a women's size 12, which I needed because I'm lorge.
Now, the mask I'm most proud of! I don't have any experience making costume bits, but I found this one meant for airsoft, which has TWO FUCKING FANS?!?! hidden in the filters to cool my face in the sweltering 80 degree Texas winters.
But! You'll notice the goggles aren't tinted, so I had to figure out how to do them myself to hide my glasses, for REASONS, but this little kit was pretty simple. There's a gluey side, so you just spray the goggles with some water, then slap them down and spend like... a fucking hour or two squeezing out the air bubbles, but aside from a single wrinkle, I think they turned out great! The red also provides some good contrast.
Now, the pants were pretty simple. These come with knee pads, and the black camo looks really nice with the gray coat and black shirt. It did take two attempts to get some that fit (One seller had the XL listed as having a 44 inch waist, equivalent to a women's 18, but labeled elsewhere with the true size of 36 inches, the bastards.), but where I got silly was the straps.
I got this tactical belt, which seems to have tipped the number of tactical things I can search for before search engines decide you're a bootlicker, and intended to use a single bike strap on each leg to hold the other end, which, well... two problems.
The blades were now being bent by my massive fucking quads because I've been doing a shitload of exercise to get fit, because apparently all I needed to get into the gym five times a week was wanting to look like my specialist book blorbo.
I couldn't bend my fucking hips.
So! I ended up ordering a total of SIX STRAPS for my legs, pairing two up high to fit the wider part of my leg, and a single one down near the knee. The upper ones I later looped through the belt to hold them up, which also doubles for making the trousers into a fucking cod piece, which, hey, some people like that. The lower ones were led up by the knee pad, so I had a somewhat stable set of six straps and one belt, which is dangerously close to becoming a Nomura-era Final Fantasy character, but hey, I gave myself carpal tunnel marathoning all the Kingdom Hearts games last year, so that's not a problem.
All in all, it probably cost me... well, more money than it should have, but it's all pretty quality stuff that I'm sure will be very toasty if we ever happen to have another winter down south.
Also, last note... boots of any kind are so much more comfortable with insoles. They don't have to be expensive, but your feet and knees will thank you at conventions when they have a good cushion under your heels.
That's about all I've learned putting this together! I'm 5'9 and around 250 pounds, give or take, so most of this is men's garments, which means the pockets are DEEP AS FUCK. Perfect for collecting small rocks.
Just something to keep in mind.
(See y'all at the conventions. I promise my Yorkshire accent will be less goofy by then, but I can't promise I'll be as nasally as the audiobook.)
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galaxia-art · 11 months
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[id: 2 anthropomorphic cats in the same colour scheme as the genderfluid and intersex pride flags. the first image has both in the same image over the two flag gradients, the other 2 images are each cat on a transparent background. the genderfluid cat is a tuxedo cat with scottish fold ears, a sleeveless blue tunic, a purple cape, and a pink bandolier with potion bottles. each bottle is the colour of one of the stripes in the genderfluid flag. the cat is grinning and holds their arms out welcomingly. the intersex cat is purple with darker purple feathered wings. they have a yellow robe, somewhat styled like a monk's, thats longer in the back, and a lighter lining and hood. their hood covers most of their face aside from the mouth. they have a large purple halo over them, and are holding a sickle in each hand, held so the curved blades form a circle shape. end id]
I should probably get stickers for the intersex one because i have the rest but since these stickers are in a weird "i need to get these reprinted in vinyl but theyre currently in paper so i need to sell the paper ones first" so idk if i should get it in paper or viynl
If anyone wants to suggest any other flags they want to see as pride cats like this, please do suggest which ones so ill get to them faster! currently i have the polyamarous and polysexual flags up next but i also want to do the demiboy and demigirl flags
Also, I have these on my redubble or my etsy! well, i do for the genderfluid one. i'll add the intersex cat to my redbubble after i post this. anyway i'll have to link them in a rb because tumblr and its link problems
some other cats:
intersex inclusive progress pride flag | lesbian | mlm
nonbinary | transmasc | transfem
bisexual | pansexual
misc sketch ideas
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arnaerr · 11 months
hey! firstly i want to say i love your art and you are probably the artist i've been following for the longest time on here. watching your style change and evolve over the years has been amazing!! i'm an (aspiring i guess 😔) artist too and i've been thinking about trying to sell my prints on something like redbubble or inprnt and i know you have some experience with this stuff already so i wanted ask for your opinion and thoughts, if that's alright. how would you compare the various websites where artists can sell their prints? which one would you recommend, especially for someone new to this? i'm not looking to it as my main source of income but just something on the side. sorry this got a bit long lol i don't send asks on here very often so i wanted to take the time and also say how i adore your art, especially your landscapes! one of your skyrim landscapes hangs above my desk too! anyway, thank you for your reply and i hope you have a nice day 🐻
Hello! Thank you so much, it means a lot to me!! Sometimes I'm a bit self-conscious about my style change over the years, so I'm really happy that you like my art in the long term perspective 🥰❤️❤️❤️
I sell my prints on 3 websites, and some of them changed their policy recently which I'm not happy about. Keep in mind, that every one of these shops takes a big cut of your profits for shipping and so on. For some people it is more profitable to print and ship prints on their own. I don't have time and energy for that, so I prefer to earn a bit less but let someone else figure out the shipping and such. I also recommend to read their policies.
Here's the breakdown:
Redbubble. It's my first shop and I love the variety of products there + they often add more new options. Besides, recently they added account tiers and fees. Long story short, some people (like me) got lucky and got the Pro tier assigned which means that we don't have to pay additional fees. All other people should do that, so I think that RB isn't the best option now.
Society6. Very similar to Redbubble, tho their variety of products is even bigger. Everything was fine until recently - now artists have to pay for shipping as well ☠️ As a response to that, I increased my prices there drastically to cover for that (yes, on each of those websites you can change the prices of your products) and now no one buys my prints there bc it's too expensive xD
INPRNT. Has the smallest variety of products, but the cut you get is the biggest. Also, their customer service is really good, I had an issue with the money transfer and they resolved it very quickly! So INPRNT is your friend :) to register there, your works have to be approved by other artists on the website which sounds scary, but in the reality it's an easy process and everyone gets an invite.
Hope it helps and good luck! And thank you for the support 💗
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unorcadox · 1 year
2 years of unorcadox.
hey hi welcome all -- hello especially to my trans and nonbinary followers, hope we’re all doing well ^_^  today’s the blog’s birthday!!  as of this post going live, assuming tumblr actually does its job, it will have been 2 years since uo’s first post!  i wanna just talk about the blog a little because i haven’t talked on here much as of late.
however, before that, i want to just say that i’d like to eventually start releasing video edits to accompany certain edits!  i have no idea when this’ll get sorted, but i’m gonna try to get it ready by the turn of the year, so keep an eye out for that!  these will mostly just be a single edit with accompanying audio on them, but who knows.  maybe i’ll do something more?
in case you choose to not read the stuff below the read more, i just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting the blog over the years, and for continuing to do so!  anyways, onto the actual post:
first of all, thank you all SO much for 9000 followers!!  it’s over 9000 wow!!  ok but seriously, when i first started this blog, i didn’t expect anyone to ever see it.  i know it’s a cliche thing to say but i told no one i was making it, i didn’t network to other blogs, i just made a really shitty edit and slapped it up on here, and somehow i got lucky.  i’ve made over 800 edits as of today’s post, and that’s just the ones i’ve posted!  fun fact, if i’d never mass-posted my backlog in august, i would’ve ran out literally days ago.  that’s how much content i try to stay ahead on.
second of all, i kinda wanna take a moment to say that i’m sorry about the lack of requests being fulfilled -- both recently and in the past.  i edit in batches, and prioritize content i need for scheduling purposes, but sometimes requests get kinda forgotten in the shuffle, or i don’t really have much in the way of ideas for it, so i shelve it and hope i can come back to it later... which i very rarely do.  😔  going to try and catch up on a couple of ones i have and feel free to send in more!  i know i don’t really interact as much on here as i probably should, but i love getting asks and requests and i read the notes on my posts frequently so.  thank you for being there!
third of all, the future of the blog.  so, i want to make this clear now -- uo’s not going anywhere!  i don’t intend on changing the blog at all, if anything i’d want to add onto it.  i post 3 times a day now currently, with intermittent unplanned posts at off-times, mostly reblogs of others’ edits.  however, weirdcore is probably not forever and i am kinda thinking about where this blog could go in the future.  i’ve considered opening a redbubble, ko-fi or patreon, as a way to support myself financially (i take virtually every photo used on this blog, and use very little outside content esp. in these newer edits) but i am uncertain about it.  i could also try branching out my image editing into other styles or something, but idk what!  what would you guys like to see?  i’ve considered actually talking on the blog more, transitioning to having text posts be a major part of the blog, but i’m not quite sure about how they’d be received.  let me know if you want to see anything on here!  --  relatedly since we’re mentioning blogs, check out @dreamlink3d as i’m still working on it :)
one last thing actually, for those who choose to read the read more, enjoy the secret -- before i had to go on hiatus in august, i was working on trying to attach songs to specific uo edits, for a compilation album of some kind.  i ended up running them through a site that just attaches audio to an uploaded images in ...ways i don’t understand, BUT the end results were so fun, i edited and compiled them into 2 “albums”!  i don’t consider them my own work as i didn’t make the audio, and they won’t be used in the upcoming stuff, but you can listen to them here [1] and here [2] !  click on a song title to see its associated edit btw!
i know i said the last thing was the last but i just remembered actually, i want to say like.  it’s weird being one of the “first” weirdcore blogs to really hit its stride, and one of the only from that time to still be around and actively posting.  cahwwcabh is deactivated and they were a huge influence on me and wc as a whole, sanfor has deactivated, shwenthe/hazy/dragon/hauntedearth/a lot more tbh have more or less gone inactive, godenteredmybody and pirate-flavor still post intermittently, and most of the active blogs now are a newer set that i didn’t ever meet in my time in weirdcord.  it’s weird but cool in a way!  i really like the newer set of editors tbh, and i hope that me supporting them encourages people to check them out.  in general this whole section is meaningless but idk i felt like vocalizing it.  it’s a weird feeling watching all your peers more or less move on while you stay behind and see a new wave of artists take their place more or less.  anyways, i just hope that my edits still bring happiness and meaning to the people who see them :)
ok NOW i’m done.  sorry for the wall LMAO i just felt like actually saying something for once on here.  btw i’ve been doing a lot better since i got back from hiatus, i hope you (yes you, the reader of this post) are doing well too -- i know this blog tends to lean heavily on negative emotions, and as such it kinda attracts people who are troubled -- so i feel like i gotta check in every once in a while LMAO.  i hope life is being kind to you, thank you so much, and have a lovely day <3.
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mitamicah · 9 months
Okay, here’s what I think I’ll do with merch
It will be way too expensive yet hopefully it will be okay and some of it might help the boy :’3
If you are curious look below if not I understand you moving on to the next post x’D
So first thing first: Earrings!
I love all of them! Yet the Cha Cha Cha ones seems a bit too big for my preference and the ICIP I am still a bit sceptical of given the new connotation (it is funny in retrospect now we have a song called this x’D) - so I am thinking the ‘Käärijä’ ones, the ‘Paidaton Riehuja’ ones and/or the studs.
Argument for each of them:
Käärijä’s = they are cool! Goes to the point! Can point to them if people are asking about the boy!
Paidaton Riehuja’s = would be a great little ‘congrats you got top op’ one day (running around with them topless), and so it is big transmasc mood! less in-your-face in a way than the käärijäs since you need a slight bit of context (so the kääryleet is probably the only ones really getting it)
the studs = Jere uses them a lot aka I can be like Jere!! (heck yeah)
Tbh I am still a bit unsure if I should go for all three because with shipping it would then be almost 100 euros ... for three sets of earrings :’D
If I buy two pairs it’ll be around 71 euros and if I buy all three it’ll be 95 euros
Next up: CDs!
Yes, I am thinking about buying some cds x’D I remembered that I have computers in my house old enough to have a CD player so if I use those and “copy” the material to then send to my new laptop .... hello Morgan and Kovis without having Apple Music x’D aaaaand I can support the boy hopefully :3
So I think to buy the Cha Cha Cha mixtape (again :’D) and then maybe wait and see if Fantastista is sold on the tour :3
So that’ll be around 17 euros
Lastly: tees and other things!
So I’ve been debating whether to buy an official shirt or go redbubble - I think in the end I am quite interested in a specific design (that Natálie showed me once) from redbubble so I might go with that plus I am tempted to add in one of luluxa’s wonderful fanart as a poster to go between my famed Cha Cha Cha mixtape cover and lp x’D
Why not buy from the official merch? Well, part of me wants to but the other part of me wants to wait and see if they bring it on tour and so “just” buy it there x’D
So that’ll be almost 49 euros
In total this hoard (3x earrings, 1 album, 1 shirt, 1 poster) would cost between 137 euros and 161 euros ...
So that’s my thoughts
And yes, I am horrible with money :’D
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devilswalkingstick · 2 years
same anon whos getting a cane soon hopefully but
any advice for decorating ? im scared to get stickers bc id be scared they would like be ruined if it rained or something :( also my sense of object permanency is weird and just wont allow me to put stickers on things :(
oh absolutely valid I have trouble using stickers too!
if u did want stickers, ik of one shop that does cute ones designed for mobility aid decorations (link here) and i plan to purchase a set for my crutches but they're currently taking time off and I don't know of anyone else who does that specifically.
however, reusable vinyl stickers are a good, safe bet for u! they don't feel nearly as permanent and being vinyl means they'll be water resistant so rain doesn't have to be nearly as much of a worry! so stickers from redbubble would work bc theirs are removable & vinyl if u wanted to find something artist designed, based on a fandom, or what have u :}
if u want to paint it, then the kind of paint for bicycles should work fine and it's not expensive! plus u can probably find whatever color u want w an alright amount of shade variety (i compared 4 diff yellows to find the one i liked for my crutches). just make sure to put tape over the handle (& tip if u don't want to take it entirely off but they're usually easy to remove and put on since u need to replace them w use) so that u don't paint it. and be prepared to let it dry overnight if u have to.
if u want to add a strap, there's a ton of cute options on etsy! if u want to bling out an existing strap, keychains and bracelets can be used for that as long as there's somewhere for u to attach them to!
also u can definitely glue some rhinestones on there if that's the vibe ur going for!
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bob-the-seagull-king · 11 months
Do you have a print shop somewhere? Loving these recent dudes and would like to support you somehow
Thank you so much!
Currently, the only place is Redbubble. Ik it's not the best site but a lot of my stuff is available there!
I should probably add some of my more recent stuff too.
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jaderimehardt · 1 year
RedBubble Tiers Rant
This is probably going to be a long one so strap in 🙃
Yesterday a lot of us RedBubble artists received some ridiculous e-mail about RB going into 3 tiers soon. Standard, Premium, and Pro. This e-mail arrived not too long after us receiving another e-mail about them changing their payment system from us getting checks on the 15th, to us now getting them at the end of the month (for whatever reason).
Premium and Pro tiers basically won't get charged anything, if you happen to fall into those. Standard tier will get charged a fee every month depending on how much you make. You cannot choose your tier.
There also seems to be no rhyme or reason to which tier you get placed in.
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In this example, that they- themselves, provided, if you were to earn 300$, you’d only receive 47$ of it after all was said and done. It’s down right baffling. (if you do the math, that’s 15% for this one specific example.)
They provide a chart so it breaks down further, here on this page. I'd include the chart they have but, it's massive and scrolls this post way more than I'm already going to do with all my rambling and ranting.
They’re basically taking an average of 40% of the artist’s earnings. (after already taking 50% to begin with.)
It's like they saw Etsy do it, and thought 'Hey, we can do this too'. I hate this so much. I used RedBubble because I work with digital art programs, not physical items.
(Or at least, I currently do.)
If you look on Twitter, everyone is abandoning ship. People hate this. It's like a repeat of DeviantArt when they implemented AI. They didn't consult the community first, they just outright added it and the community retaliated by deleting their art, deleting their accounts, and voicing their disdain.
That's exactly what's happening here; backlash. People are deleting their accounts and voicing how much they oppose this. Even buyers who don't have shops are being vocal about how they will never buy from RedBubble ever again because of this. They literally just dug themselves a grave. Great job guys 👍🏻 You have some real brainiacs over there running (more like ruining) your company.
Speaking of... RB: I see your stocks have been down and declining since the middle of 2018. Perhaps you should backtrack and start looking at what went wrong around that time, and oh~ I don't know. Try and reverse what went wrong. Do some damage control. Something. Something clearly in that time frame took a turn for the worse, but THIS. This is not the solution. This is an asinine decision. You're pushing away both your artists and buyers. How is that good for anyone?
Before things took a complete spiral south and I got that awful e-mail yesterday, I was looking up dozens upon dozens resin videos. It's something I've been looking into for a few months now and I'm hoping to completely dive into within the month or two?
I'm trying really hard to NOT see this as a train-wreck and more as an opportunity to Tony Stark, Clean Slate protocol.
Wipe out my RedBubble shop. Nuke my Wordpress, Instagram, Twitter, etc etc social platforms that go with it. Start anew probably on Etsy (as much as I don't think that's better). Pair it with Printful for those hoodies, t-shirts, mugs, stickers, prints, etc. And when I've got my resin items completed and good to go, I can add those into my shop too. It'll all be in one place.
But as much as I'm like ~there's light at the end of the tunnel, this will be good~ I keep spinning back around to 'aaaa~!' because frankly it's overwhelming. There's so much to do and so much to learn. I'm sure I'm not alone in that feeling. I just have to take it one step at a time and ease into it.
I told my friends I feel like I'm going through the 7 stages of grief because I'm cycling through anger and depression and acceptance and denial and I literally just keep looping, lol. *sigh* I'll get over it. I always do. I just need to turn on some good music or audio book and doodle something.
Whelp. One last look back before the end of the month and I delete my shop forever 🫡. Was good while it lasted? I guess? I don't know. (might delete it sooner, adkjskad)
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I'm going my rounds on this, but I might straight up delete my 'stand-alone' (business) Wordpress entirely, and my Tumblr (not this one). Thinking about using this Tumblr and my blog Wordpress to keep things simple? Perhaps that’s why I’m over complicating some things…
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f1notebook · 3 years
Max Verstappen's career
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Here you have the little post about Max's career like I promise. For this one we are kind of doing a test, it's a preposition my lovely @babssionate did and I am thinking about it for a while so let's see how it works.
So you have the 5 pages of Max's career on the top, without comments like I always did. Now I am taking some info I want to talk about and so I can do it. Let me know what you think !
So let's start with the first one :
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The real interesting thing here is that Max only made a year in single-seater juniors, he never drove in the F2 championship for example. And he went from karting to F3 immediately, not droving in Formula Renault or similar categories.
Max was karting until 2013, it was the year he won the World KZ Championship. That winter he tested various cars, one of them being the F3 car and decided to drive in that category. He didn't win it but he came 3rd, which isn't bad at all. The big surprise comes here, when Red Bull decides to put him in an F1 car at 17 years old, the youngest F1 driver ever.
It could have been a disaster, with only one year in single-seater it was a risky move that most of the drivers couldn't take as normally they need time to learn and to progress. However, Max didn't let anyone indifferent with his drive style (I won't talk about it as I believe @race-week would do it wayyyy better so nicely ask her if she can if she hasn't done it yet)
You can see his precocity on the team he needed to make his way from Torro Roso to Red Bull, help a little bit by Daniil but it's still insane, especially looking at his results and the fact he won his first race with Red Bull but you all know that story.
Another very interesting thing in Max's career is his loyalty to Red Bull and how he always stays with them, 100% of his F1 career has been made with a Red Bull team.
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Going now to the stats one ! Let be honest, If you don't follow F1, and you hear something about this Max Verstappen guy and go check his stats, you will think he isn't that good. Of course these stats don't include the 2021 season as it still going and I don't know when I will post this when I do it.
But the truth is, 119 starts over 6 seasons and only 10 wins. However what I highlighted here is something I found very interesting, the difference between the wins and the podiums. Looking at it you can just think he doesn't have what it takes to win, however knowing the sport it's completely normal.
Until now, Max was always in a car that wasn't competitive to win championships, a car that was good in some circuit like Brazil or Austria, but didn't make the difference during all championship.
Another interesting way of looking at it is the podiums, because if we say Max's car wasn't perfect and good enough to win, that means a car was, in this case, Mercedes, they were then, theoretically 1-2, one spot left in the podium, however, Max has a teammate that has the same car as him. So the 42 podiums show how dominant he has been on the team. Of course, this isn't math, is a sport, and Mercedes aren't always on the podium 1-2, but it's stats over 100 races with 42 podiums, so at some podium, the tendency is confirmed when he has 35% of podiums.
There is two more very interesting points on this page, first, something I didn't highlight but I should have, is the point Max has in F1, 1162 from 2015 to 2020, 38% of what he could have (fastest point included since 2019), but one even more important point that isn't here, it that Max very rarely finished outside the points. When he doesn't get points is mostly because he didn't show the checkered flag, interesting no ?
The last one is the number of pole positions, even if Max never had the fastest car on the grid, qualifying was not his biggest strength, he is way better during the race, overtaking than doing a perfect lap. (But again, it's about his driving style).
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Moving now to the Championship tracker, the progression from Torro Roso to Red Bull is absolutely insane, but I already spoke about it here. However, I highlighted the positions he finished during his F1 career and how consistent he has been through the years, here again, at least for 2019 and 2020, the theory of the Mercedes is true again.
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The last one, and what I believe, one of the most intresting ones. I obviously put a spotlight on the pole position by year, Max had to wait until 2018 for his first pole position, for the record, from 2016 to 2018, Red Bull only had 1 pole position in Monaco 2016.
Now, my favorite part, the number of podiums, for the info, the 2018 and 2019 calendar had 21 races and the 2020 calendar had 17 races.
Knowing that, it means Max was able to score 52,38% of the available podiums in 2018, 47,62% in 2019 and more importantly 64% in 2020. Those numbers are absolutely insane for a driver that wasn't battle for the championship win or wasn't in a car that won the championship constructors'.
Coming to the end of this post, I think we can all agree Max has a great talent, especially look at his career and how he arrived in F1 and stay, doing well and been consistent.
I wanted to add a little note to something that isn't in the graphs but I believe is important to know and remember. When Max arrived in F1, he was involved in a couple of accidents, and that image stayed in the minds of a lot of people, I think is fair to remember Max has progressed and improved a lot since his F1 debut, and he is nearly never involved in an accident, especially been the guilty one. Most of his DNF have been due to engine and mechanics problems. Remember here that Max has only 2 penalty points on his superlicence. (I wrote this a week before Monza, I just edited the 2 that was a 0 before, I decided to let this part as I believe Max improved a lot since he joined F1 and I like to highlight that)
I really hope you enjoy this post, I wanted to thank @babssionate for the idea and remembering her how amazing she is !
I mentioned a sort of post @race-week does about the driving style, I don't know she already did it with Max, if she hasn't you can always ask but please, I beg you, be nice to this sweetheart, ask nicely and remember she has other things to do !
The next one on the list is Sergio ! Hope he will come soon, probably after the next race !
If you have some time please check the links below
If you want to talk about Max' career and this post, send me an ask (anon or not)
My linktree | My Redbubble store | Tell me your opinion on my work (google forms)
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
yeah, i have the weirdest relationship with selling my art, and it basically goes like this:
i want to do it but i also don’t.
i want to be able to open up commissions and launch a ko-fi/tip jar/patreon/whatever and treat a swath of followers to my art world, but it’s the weirdest thing, though: whenever i even so much as think about doing such things, i’m met with tumbleweeds, a proverbial shrug, a dead silence. i’m shown that that’s not okay, that there’s no way something like that can be sustainable. it’s like clockwork, too: every single time something like that even crosses my mind for a second, i’m shown otherwise.
i’m met with immense pressure to succeed - then again, we all are; i live in a culture that sees burnout and exhaustion as a badge of honor - to be filthy fucking rich and have my name everywhere you turn, but there’s something to the whole entire thing that completely turns me off. i see far too many people get rich and famous and it scrambles their brains. i see too many artists now turning to nfts and crypto and i’m always like NO DON’T DO IT! and i never see them the same way after that. there really is this “survival of the fittest” quality to crypto, like you better get involved in this or you’re a loser and you’ll pay the price :) and i don’t want to be like that.
i also feel like i’m imposing in the times i’ve opened up commissions. really, it makes me feel all slimy and gross like i’m panhandling. in the times i’ve posted about redbubble when i was on there, it bothered me to absolutely no end. i don’t like posting about that nonsense because it reminds me of all the times i’ll be scrolling through instagram or here and i’ll see an ad for something that i don’t care about. that’s literally what it reminds me of. i don’t think of helping an artist whenever i shared the link to my redbubble or announced commissions: i think of obnoxious ads for things i don’t give a single fuck about.
i think it could come from the fact that i don’t really hold my art to high value. probably because it never struck me as such. they began life as these dumb little doodles i made because i was bored in class one day and i couldn’t draw straight manga to save my life so i improvised. i don’t see myself as a highbrow artist or someone sophisticated or (long, pained groan) feminine, anything that’s held in high regard. i wouldn’t even know where to begin to see myself as such; i’ve done the things that all these self-help sites suggest and it still gets me nowhere. it’s like a wound that refuses to heal no matter how much i try to dress it and put aloe on it. and really, my whole thing about being completely unable to see myself as sexy or sexual and grimacing at the thought of being as such is only tip of the iceberg. i don’t see myself as someone of value. i’m not worth the time, the effort, the tears, the soft look on a middle-aged man’s face, none of it. i really am worthless. i do in fact deserve the abuse i get. i should probably just fall into the ocean when i get the chance, just relieve everyone of the pain that i was even here because i fuck everything up. i probably should’ve just let anorexia get the best of me when i had the chance. i add no value to anything. i don’t matter. i’m worthless, and it’s all summed up in my stupid art.
and i’m not even touching on the comments i’ve been getting lately, oh my god; i woke up the other day to some lady on my instagram chewing me out for one of my drawings and she didn’t say which one, either. it was weird: what’s even weirder is i just looked at it and shrugged. i get people telling me my cartoons are dumb or trashy - yes - or weird or whatever, and i’ve been getting it so much lately, too, like there have been swaths of them at the moment. moreover, i don’t really react to these comments. i just look at them like “yeah, okay, fine.” because it’s all noise to me, just white noise. you might think, “well, yeah, it is, fuck the haters” but at the exact same time i hear, “stand up for yourself!”
does this make any sense at all? i’m sent so many mixed messages that i literally don’t know what to do with any of it and i just want to check out so i don’t have to hear any of it anymore.
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jennhoney · 3 years
I have been drawing components of things for over a week. I’ve been absolutely lost in it. Eventually the components will fit together into lots of different projects but so far I haven’t had time to make them into things. The coloring book I’ve been working on, that I’m not even sure if I can print (and bind well) myself or do digitally (well) myself has consumed me. It needs five more drawings to be finished. So that’s probably another week. And I should add some words, shifting to that part of the brain is probably another week. I printed out what I’ve done already and it’s really good. *I* fucking love it. But I am likely the entire audience. I think that leaving the project half finished would be worse for me than being lost in drawings that probably can’t feed or shelter me. So I’ll let myself keep doing this for awhile. Free shrugs.
My mom (and I suspect my dm) bought things from my redbubble which means I will actually get paid something this month. It feels incredible but also daunting.
Look at the dream fort pillows my mom bought. She doesn’t even know about the dream fort. She also sent me a picture of the super potato desk mat which is more spectacular than I could have imagined but it was already on her work desk so I won’t share that one.
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So, I guess those are the updates. I am exhausted and can’t stop drawing. How are you?
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franeridart · 5 years
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Glad to hear that!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said: its like the red stripes but reversed 😍😍😍 i love
I did have a specific band in mind while drawing it, but sure! There’s a lot of bands that are just a drummer and a guitarist/bassist and all of them make me think of Baku and Jirou 😂😂
Anon said: i got into xxxholic bc of your bakushimanari au! AND THANK YOU FOR THAT AAAAAA(≧∇≦)/ are you going to make one again? does it have a fanfic? I LOVE YOU AND YOUR ART PLS TAKE CARE ALWAYS
I probably won’t pick up the au again, but I’m glad my drawing it made you find out about that manga! It’s such a wonderful (if super sad orz) one!!
Anon said: Hello! I really adore your work and I hope you're having an amazing day! Anyways, I was wondering what brushes you use for your regular lining and pencil doodles (and if it's not too much trouble could you possibly include the brush settings of the brushes?)
The lining ones are just the default pen and brush tools on SAI! I use the pen one for black and white stuff and the brush one for colored stuff, usually. As for the pencil one, I actually have three different ones I use more or less all at the same time? depending on what effect I need to give, but the main one is a brush tool with these settings!
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Anon said: What do you think of the hc of Bakugou interning with Miruko?
Got around to answering this ask too late, seems like 😂 I didn’t especially mind it as a concept, but I’ve always thought Miruko didn’t really have anything to teach Baku that would move him along on the path Hori seems to have picked for him? So there’s that. As things stand my ideal interning for Baku if I had to pick between pro heroes I already knew was Endeavour himself, so!!! Things unexpectedly turned out good for me haha
Anon said: Who do you think gave Kirishima the line "hurt Bakugo and I'll kill you." I know the Bakusquad told Bakugo if he hurt Kirishima they would kill him😂
I don’t like the idea of the shovel talk in general when applied to krbk to be fair, especially since they’re all friends with both Kiri and Baku so it feels weird to me that they’d go around assuming either would willingly hurt the other? The one the most inclined to talk like that to any of his own friends is Baku himself, imho hahaha but if I had to pick someone to be overprotective in this scenario and pick Baku over Kiri between the two of them, then probably Jirou at this point since she’s canon friends with Baku and has pretty much never spoken to Kiri on page 
Anon said: will you ever draw just kamibaku in the future? i saw some of your kirikamibaku stuff and it warmed my heart so much 🥺
Depends on if I’ll start shipping it again in the future! Right now my only ships for Kaminari are with Jirou, Momo and Shinsou, so if it’ll happen it won’t be any time soon? unless Hori decides to hit me over the head with unexpected bkkm feels that lean more towards romantic than sibling-like, which is what all their interactions have felt like for me lately
Anon said: the links in your bio appear to be broken on mobile :(
They work for me, so I really don’t know how to help you anon T-T
Anon said: Hiya! Just wondering, I loveee your bnha art and that's why I followed your blog but recently I discovered your haikyuu art and I was wondering if you've continue drawing them as I hadn't seen it before? I was just asking as haikyuu is one of my favourite animes and I would love to see more! Obviously you don't have to if you don't want to- (Also I really loved your bokuroo art!)
Thank you!!! And I haven’t drawn any in a long while, but maybe? I might start again? I’ve been thinking about it lately, ngl, but I’m not promising anything
Anon said: Hi agin, just saying kiribaku is canon king ok bye love ur art
It’s nowhere close to being canon anon, let’s be real 😂 but it’s definitely a fun relationship to think about, canon or not~
Anon said: Can I just say I love your art? Especially your kiribaku stuff. So much that I spent too much money on redbubble xD you should definitely add more of your art to that site. I am a sucker for sleepy kiribaku. I have only seen one bit ugh I love it. I would love to see you draw my other favorite kurogane/fai from Tsubasa in the future. (Obviously the grump and the happy boi are my trope) honestly you are probably my favorite artist. You're the only one I have spent actual money on xD
Thank you for the support, then!!! I probably won’t draw anything trc-related unless commissioned to do so, but I might add more stuff to rb soon enough! 
Anon said: First of all, I love your work, your drawings are so great and awesome ;; And second, now that Haikyuu!!'ll be back with S4 Will you return to the fandom? I only ask for curiosity, nothing more xDD. Btw what are your favorite ships in hq fandom? Are you into in some rare pair?
As I said, I’m thinking about it! The manga has been nice this past few weeks, but we won’t know for sure until it’ll happen. I ship more or less anything in hq? Actually? I used to have more specific tastes back when I was active in the fandom, but getting out of that slowly brought me back to just appreciating most of all relationships in the manga~  the only main ship I’m not much into is asa////noya? for some reason? but everything else is game. So I guess I’m into most of all rare pairs too, though nothing too specific! It’s not like I spend much time thinking about hq or engaging with the fandom anymore, ngl - the only ship I still read fics for is kyohaba, so I guess you might consider it the only ship I actually have a bias for, atm hahaha
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suushidragon · 4 years
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I've just realized I forgot to give Peril the blushie Blushes uhgghgh. But I remembered right before I finished this picture 'OH WAIT I HAVE TO ADD THE HEARTS AND BLUSHES AND YEAH' But anyway. Here is Glory, I know this is the 3rd time I think I've changed her headcannon design. I just saw some people color her as dark purple, blue and pink and I was like 'aw shit that's pretty cool' so yeah. If you do not like my headcannons or designs that is completely fine! Just don't harass me please and also if you do not like the LGBTQ+ or Pride month please don't follow me. <3 --- Glory's Design: - She is a gradient from dark purple to dark teal. - She's so dark because she was not given the correct sunlight as a dragonet. Although when she does go back into the rainforest she does become brighter, but next to most Rainwings Glory is quite dark. - Many of her scales that should have color don't. Most Rainwings have many patterns and such on their body but Glory doesn't have any markings on her because in her beginning years the markings on Rainwings slowly beginning to appear when they are 3 and given the sunlight they needed. - The only bright colors she has is on her frills and wing membrane. Rainwings do not need sun to have a bright colorful frill as they use it as a self defense mechanism. Also the wing membrane has the same genetic makeup as the frills. - Glory doesn't get with Deathbringer. When they first meet, Deathbringer actually doesn't start flirting crazy and being weird. And Glory defiantly doesn't want to be with a dragon that tried to kill her. But after a bit she decides to make him her personal guard. And years and years go by and they become close friends. Although after a couple of drinks (do they have alcohol in this universe??? they have to) Deathbringer will go on rambling on how beautiful Glory is and that he's surprised that she hasn't gotten a mate. Although Glory is flattered by this no dragon really stood out to her. - But after meeting Peril after years of her learning to love herself, they hit it off. They become friends, then close friends, then go on a date and now their together. - Glory is transgender! MtF! Yeahhh have a book about my headcannons with Glory. She's probably my fave dragonet of destiny but she might be tied with Tsunami. But idk. Anyway yeah she doesn't get with Deathbringer, although after years of connecting and learning about each other they become like bros or besties. So yeah I did this bc I personally don't mind Deathbringer but he's not the best in the books. Especially the whole Glorybringer arguments and stuff. So yeah their besties and they gossip while they groom slots and paint their nails. AND ALSO! I have the idea of  bringing back my next gen! And I will be using my ships and headcannons in the universe! Although I need a name for it and hghkljs yeah. Gonna be a bit hard lol. So yeah Im kinda hyped and yeah   --- *Please do not talk to me about drama in the fandoms I make art in. I can't handle with drama to well.*
My DA: https://www.deviantart.com/meat-monster My Toyhouse: toyhou.se/Meat-Monster My Tumblr: Your Here My Amino: aminoapps.com/u/IamMeat-Monste… My Redbubble: www.redbubble.com/people/Meat-…
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