#-;boogeyman posting
alwaysgrisly · 2 years
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margo has spent his entire life wanting to make a statement. to get his name known across all parts of the world, to get respect from those he looks to the most. after every failed attempt, time and time again, over and over and over, he has finally found his voice. he’s finally found what it is he could do to make sure his name is written down in history; all he has to do is take a few others down with him.
he has hope that others will see the beauty in everything he creates- after all, he didn’t start this just to not have an admiring audience.
open, semi-selective, pairings tentatively allowed/only with mutuals. headcanon based as he was there for like .002 seconds. 19+.
rules | other characters
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moon1ee · 1 year
people i want to see get boogeyman this season:
jimmy. he is going to flounder and fuck up so bad and probably get himself killed.
cleo. she never got to before and ofc the scene between her and bdubs of her 'not knowing what it's like' + bigb angst? maybe?
grian. he wants to sooooo bad. he would LOVE making suspense and being terrible.
etho. from everyone else's pov he's the super intimidating killer and then his pov and he'll be like panicking.
impulse. he deserves to kill bdubs.
EDIT: skizz. let him go apeshit.
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ilynpilled · 2 months
it frankly pisses me off that what is essentially “rapists and abusers should be depicted as monstrous caricatures because humanizing them is inappropriate” is considered a very moral and enlightened position to have on art by so many people. a rapist can feel pain, have moments of vulnerability, be amiable and charming, express remorse and compassion at times, be a victim themselves, and so on in real life. they are even capable of doing good things. they can have different sides to them and have individuals in their lives that they are kind to or have a decent relationship with. they will be a human being, and that fact encompasses a lot. conflating that with the claim that they deserve forgiveness or absolution is an issue. nurturing a mindset that believes they need to be one note and uncomplicated to be a correct and tasteful depiction of a rapist inadvertently falls in line with the logic of “how could they have possibly raped you? they are so normal and kind to me. they did all these good things here and there.” ok that doesn’t change that they are a rapist.
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moontasticdoggo · 1 year
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sent her to haunt your room tonight btw
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toxicxsugarxart · 21 days
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Another autistic queen voiced by a real autistic actor let’s go!!
Commissions open!
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oakwyrm · 2 months
Monster High's Gen 3 really surprised me in just how queer and disabled it really is.
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saturniidaedyke · 8 months
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i made my twyla some noise cancelling earphones!
it makes me really emotional and happy that she’s openly autistic this gen and and i’ve wanted to make her a little pair of headphones like i use for a while now!
something very autism about making a mini disability aid for one or my special interests hehe
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mx-werebat · 4 months
So, what we're not going to do, is take a character who is autistic and SAYS they are autistic, and decide that to make the show better, we're going to make them only autism coded instead of actually autistic. That does not sit well with me at all. As someone who is I autistic I CRIED when Twyla said she was autistic. It was a happy moment for me and I do not need someone saying in order to make g3 better we're going to basically take Twyla being canonically autistic away.
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jekyll2life · 6 months
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"Bathed in Golden Light, Pt. 1"
During my last photoshoot, I figured I wanted to snag a few extra solo shots. It just so happened to be golden hour at the time, and boy did they come out stunning! So here’s Twyla up first. She may be a monster for the shadows, but the light suits her well too. 💜🐰
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twylautism · 1 year
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krashlite · 8 months
Concept where the boogeyman curse is rabies and the symptoms are just slowly getting worse over the course of the episode.
The 3, 2, 1, hits and the boogeyman has a bite mark on their arm that they have to hide, as well as hiding visible symptoms (muscle spasms, dilated pupils, and ofc foaming at the mouth).
Aggression is literally the main part of it, and fear + delirium are also tied to the boogeyman curse (ppl saying they had to, they were scared, they weren’t thinking straight, etc. bc the curse “does something” to you)
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cedarart · 10 days
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thinking about how for one glorious, horrible session of third life, skizzleman was basically the grim freakin reaper.
thinking about how in session 7, he got eight whole seconds into his episode before declaring that he had to kill somebody today, that today someone would die.
and he did kill somebody.  two somebodies.  two red lives.
y’know skizz is the only life series member to have ONLY gotten permakills?  everyone else has gotten at least one kill on someone other than a red life.
thing about it is, skizz was very, very bloodthirsty that episode, but despite that bloodlust, he actually arguably spared as many as he slew.  after jimmy’s death, scar was still relatively cornered in that same box, and while the rest of the red army did tell him that it was the banner or death, skizz was the one to rephrase that to “give up the banner and you get to live”, which was an opportunity that scar took to change the situation from Combat (a fight he would lose) to Negotiation (a fight he can, and did, win).  after cleo’s death, he even more explicitly spares bdubs, allows him to go because, unlike cleo, bdubs didn’t attack ren.
it’s not just the murders that make me describe him as the grim freakin reaper, it’s the long-term effects.  obviously the permakills stay permadead for the rest of third life.  but the folks he spared came second and third in duration of being alive, and the guy who won the season was the guy who ultimately killed him.  for one glorious, horrible session, skizz determined who lives and dies, not entirely to his own benefit.
and THEN.  so obviously the permakills stay permadead for the rest of the season.  and cleo’s already technically undead, so uh. bottom text. 
but then there’s jimmy.  the guy whose failed bomb defusal set both himself and skizz to red life, the guy who skizz was hanging out with during scar’s death, the first permadeath of third life and of all other life serieses since.  i could make a pretty convincing argument that jimmy is still feeling the consequences of the arrow skizz put through his him, seeing as uh, he’s still permadying first in life series to this day.  grim freakin reaper.  long-term consequences.
and this is a kind of ridiculous tangent to go off on about someone who is generally just a silly goofy guy who is unflinchingly loyal to his friends, but like, it’s also true.
it’s like. skizz caused the first two permadeaths of third life and then became the third.  we’re all just normal about that?
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stickybasementobject · 3 months
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thebeefsteaktomato · 8 months
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can u guess who my fav monster high character is? it’s not obvi at all
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
Max, recovering physically but with severe ptsd.
Max, afraid to be alone because she can't see to be sure that she is alone. Lucas and/or El are at her side any time of the day or night that she'll allow it, and on the good days not only does she allow it but she clings to them. but on the bad days, she isn't sure it's really them.
Max, nearly always ending hugs by going cold and saying "let go," and they do, instantly. she panicked and struck out at Lucas once for not letting go. he didn't tell her she broke his nose, it'd just make her feel worse.
Max, loving Lucas but struggling not to push him away because so many times she pictures his face it turns into Vecna's. feeling guilty for crying out for El instead when he's right there, because he's done nothing wrong, but El is the only one left who she can trust. other times it's El she trusts the least, because she's the only one who hasn't turned into him yet.
Lucas and El, sitting outside a door that El could easily unlock if she wanted, trying to find soft words of love for a hyperventilating Max on the other side and getting back only tearsoaked threats. hugging and crying quietly on the floor because they don't know what else they can say to prove they aren't Vecna trying to trick her again.
El, secretly going into the void to hug Max sometimes when she's been isolating or panicking for too long. Max can't feel it, but sometimes she can kind of sense the emotion of it. El worrying that maybe she does this more for herself than for Max.
Max, exhausted, sliding wordlessly into their arms when her need for comfort outweighs her fear again. always sure this time they'll finally be fed up and push her away, but they're always eager to hold her tight and tell her they love her, always.
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