#*awful it happened twice
spaciebabie · 2 months
shoutout 2 this person in my class who i can tell wants 2 talk 2 me really bad but instead of doing that whenever she has the chance she'll talk 2 whoever else is around and ignore me entirely unless im mentioned by name
#bruh lmao#so awkward. say something you dingus lol#ik you wanna talk 2 me so bite the bullet already#gyatt#spacie spoinks#literally. she was having a conversation with my partner for the project im doing. and like#heres the thing#if im not invited into conversation i usually dont participate#im like a vampire like that#and so like. after they're done conversating she'll just kind of. stand there. this has happened twice now#like dude sdkfjshlkdfj#im not upset by this behavior i have very awful social patterns as well and have been thru this (i am autistic)#am i gonna hafta say something. lol#probably#''hey bro whats up with you. i dont mean like how are you doing. i mean like. whats wrong with you.''#cant say that its not funny when you say it irl only when the ppl you're talking with know you're not being mean 😭#also like. this person has been staring at me lol#which like. makes me flustered so whenever she's around i panic and my face fucking turns red its god awful#for awhile it made uhh. my paranoia get really bad im ngl!!#its already bad when it comes 2 being around strangers but this like made it REALLY bad for a few weeks#im more calm now tho. rational brain won over and im chillin#i gotta work up the courage 2 say something b4 the semester is over or this is gonna bother me for the rest of my life sfkjsdhflkjs#i dont wanna put her on the spot#the only time i see her is when im in class#and . doing that interaction in front of ppl. i dont wanna embarrass her ksjfskjd
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petit-papillion · 1 month
It might be me but lately all videos I’ve seen of Charles he’s basically getting mobbed. Maybe it was always like this but it seems extreme. The other day Alexandra walked away from the cafe on her own and Charles picked her up from the side of the road a bit away from the cafe because the cafe/car was once again completely surrounded by people. I hope he starts either taking a bodyguard around or just stops stopping so much for people because the constant mobbing seems terrible
No, it's definitely not always been like this. And I think that especially in Monaco there has been an increase in fan presence, with last year people absolutely crossing the line by harassing him at his home. From an interview with Monaco-matin last May:
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Now granted, when he goes to lunch with Alex and Leo at what is basically a tourist attraction and sits out on the terrace for the world to see, he should expect there to be a crowd. Not condoning people crowding him the way they do, but he should know beforehand this will not be an easy in and out.
The same goes for when he is in Maranello, especially when Charles himself has said that's where he will be, you can expect there to be fans outside the factory.
In some hotels it's been getting extreme (I can't quite recall whether it was last year or the year before in Mexico or Brazil that it got quite crazy already), but I think that also is a matter of the hotels needing to manage this better. In Montreal there are a lot of fans, but they have them outside, with barriers, so the drivers can go up to them and sign in peace (or go straight in if they're tired). Versus what we just saw in Shanghai where Charles was driven to the point where he batted away someone shoving a mini helmet in his face to get signed. I've NEVER seen him do something like that before. And he should just not be put in the position where he is being mobbed like that in a hotel lobby.
So yes, while some of these situations could be resolved by hotels being better prepared, Charles could also do with a bodyguard. Or at the very least, ask the fans to leave him alone at certain times, like when he's having dinner in Monaco. I think he may be reluctant to do the latter, because he does go to a lot of promotional events as well, and then he wants to be seen/photographed for his personal brand and/or a sponsor. Plus let's face it: he also loves all the attention, knows it won't last forever, and never forgets how much it means to fans to meet him or get his autograph/selfie.
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darkdragon768 · 1 year
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I felt quite scammed when in my playthrough Ness got homesick the second he got off the doorstep. Like, dude chill.
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stevethehairington · 8 months
when a person gets a boyfriend or girlfriend and immediately puts every last shred of their attention and time and effort solely into said boyfriend or girlfriend and absolutely nothing and no one else — that is actually one of the shittiest things a person can do
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
I’m not going to get into any Milgram drama but rip, I’m disappointed in the very catholic view on forgiveness that I’ve been seeing. I just don't think the characters need to be sorry to deserve forgiveness. The whole point of the project is they thought they were justified – they’re not sorry for what drove them to that point. A person does not have to grovel on their knees in remorse in order to be looked on kindly. 
(That being said, I do think they all feel bad for what they’ve done! They harbor so much grief for their victims, and it’s clear in all of them if you look. That sorrow isn’t necessarily the belief that what they did was a mistake, though, and that’s okay.)
All I’m saying is, a character who recognizes the harm they did but still holds to their core ideals shouldn’t immediately be dismissed as a monster of a person. Regret and self-punishment are a good sign, sure, but they are not necessary traits of goodness
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seagullcharmer · 8 months
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two old guys i love to hate
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lesbiansanemi · 4 months
I hate when I’ll be complaining about some stupid bullshit a coworker does to other coworkers and half the time their response is to lower their voice and go “well…. You know…. I’m pretty sure they’re… on the spectrum, you know?” And every time I have a split second when I have to consider saying “you know I’m autistic, right?” just to make them vaguely uncomfortable for a few minutes and actually think about what they’re implying but of course I do not do that because the gratification is not worth a large sect of shitty coworkers knowing that about me and then talking about me like that every time I do something vaguely annoying or dumb but man…. It does get tempting sometimes
#like idk!!! sometimes the coworkers in question DO display some common autistic traits#but that is NEVER what is being complained about (at least not by me) so WHY are we bringing it up like that el oh el#like when I say ‘yeah I don’t like this coworker because of the shitty fucking things she did to my friend’#the response should not be ‘well I think she’s autistic isn’t that so funny she’s so obsessive about stuffed animals it’s annoying’#shut up shut up SHUT UP AND DIE#I don’t CARE that they talk too loud I don’t CARE that they’re bad a social cues I don’t CARE that they do ‘weird things’#and it’s so. HFDJSJKSKSKS AAAGGHHHHH#whether they’re autistic or not MAYBE that’s not what should be getting brought up during a conversation like that when it has NOTHING to do#with it#also maybe we shouldn’t be doing shit like whispering ‘on the spectrum’ like its some awful terrible thing#just thoughts idk#and the thing is too is that even if I told these ppl I was autistic#they would 100% be the types that are like ‘oh? but you don’t ACT autistic I don’t think you are’#like actually I got very good at masking for these reasons thnx#also you think autism = Sheldon from the Big Bang theory and nothing else#but I already learned my lesson cuz I told a coworker that I wasn’t sure about exactly twice#one of them went ‘oh THATS why you’re so dumb and don’t realize when other ppl don’t like you and take advantage of you’#and then the other one went on a mansplaining spiel about how me being autistic was why adhd meds didnt work on me??????#so yeah. never doing that again. haha. hahahaha. hahahaha……#this actually happened a few days ago but it’s been Bothering me so much#I hate my fucking job….#kaz rambles
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hazellvsq · 2 months
i'm thinking about that one scene between octavian and hazel where he blackmails her and...the text never makes it explicit why octavian killed gwen, or what exactly he knew about hazel, but i think it was most likely that he strongly suspected that hazel had died and come back, and he stabbed gwen basically to see what would happen, if she could come back and how that coming back would play out. and i think it would have been really interesting if he cut out the middle man and just stabbed hazel instead? if he suspected her and nico, here was his chance to force their hands and make them act, to make them prove him right in front of the entire camp.
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mspaint-flower · 9 months
How does it feel like to have your art as the banner of the kazehiki tag
....................HUH? WHAT? FORREAL????? WHAT. WHUH D'UAG GuH
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yunalai · 7 months
ngl I wanna come back to RPing, but it genuinely feels horrible to see other people's asks get replied to and mine ignored by the same people all the time. it kills my drive to write.
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Shawl 11 | Yarn 1 | Yarn 2 | Pattern
I kinda forgot this project existed for a bit. But it's a lot easier on my injury than my other, larger projects so I'm happy to have found it again.
This is more of a Process Knit than a Product Knit so I wasn't really fussed about how I couldn't figure out a good way to make clean edges on brioche. However I kinda stumbled into a much better way than what I was doing before (which was like, slipping the first stitch purlwise and then immediately jumping into brioching even when it meant knitting/purling into the same stitch under it).
Instead! I'm always slipping the first stitch purlwise. Then the next two stitches are treated like kinda like double knitting (if it's a colour A dominate row, I'd slip the first stitch [colour A] purlwise, bring my yarn to the front and slip the second stitch [colour B] with yarn in front, then bring the yarn to the back and knit the third stitch before bringing it forward again to s1yo. For colour B on that row I would slip the first stitch [A] purlwise, slip the second stitch [B] purlwise like another selvedge stitch, keep the yarn behind and slip the third stitch [A] before bringing the yarn to the front to being briocheing with brp1). Probably not the most efficient way but I could NOT get my tension to work for those first couple stitches, this instantly looks better (the red marks on the second and third images point to about where I started doing this method instead of winging it).
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perilegs · 9 days
things that probably aren't caused by testosterone but began happening after i started taking it:
being extremely attracted to hockey players
getting squeamish easily. i used to be normal but now hearing someone talk about any surgery that touches the inside of someone's body makes me a bit faint
craving meat after working out
hair got curly. actually this one was probably caused by testosterone bc i had wavy hair as a kid and then it straightened when i hit puberty
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hella1975 · 1 year
chapter 4: the fall of fujishi
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heatmiiiiser · 16 days
What is UP with rich dudes living off of daddy's money and confessing to their and their friends murders while piss drunk at the bar
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whenthegoldrays · 19 days
#pondering#I can’t believe it’s been a year since I gave up on my last crush#it seems like so long ago I feel like I’ve lived eight lifetimes since then#but it also feels like just yesterday#and yet I feel so…. distant from him#I mean I also never see him anymore#the only reason I did then is because I’d seek him out#and even then….#idk what I’m trying to say#just that things change#and myself of two years ago would be amazed#that I’m able to have a normal life and think about him minimally and painlessly#because two years ago I was in the DUMPS#I went through this intense phase where I just felt like I *had* to be with him and got to the point where I’d just cry out of fear that#that I’d die before I got a chance to make him fall in love with me#it was so bad I was so paranoid and lovesick and and and.. ough#I still remember that night so well#it was also a Wednesday like today and it had been an awful day and I had a headache#and I just thought. I can’t take this anymore. where are we even going. he’s never going to notice me never#i GIVE UP#it was mostly an impulse but looking back I’m so glad I followed that particular impulse#it’s like when Edmund walked out of Mary’s house not because he was super resolved but more on an impulse of the moment#just felt like the thing to do. and I may have regretted it once or twice afterwards but in the end it absolutely WAS the right call#and a couple months later YOU-KNOW-WHO showed up#absolutely insane events happening to me last year.#but now ​I feel like the girl from that one video#“girl who is going to be okay” djdjdhdh#but really! I will be!#and I am even! just taking it one day at a time#elly's posts
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piplupod · 1 month
praying and hoping and begging for things to get better or at least more tolerable soon because i dont know how many more physical symptoms of stress my body can take
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