#* answered .
canisalbus · 3 days
I’ve found a subtle parallel between your characters and something that my brain is riddled with:
In my Pokémon obsessed brain I can’t help but be reminded of Furfrou and dachsbun. The resemblance is extremely subtle, but I had to point this out.
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No, I can definitely see what you mean.
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barcaatthemoon · 1 day
Could you possibly do a blurb with Alexia for the prompt "Kiss me better"? Love your writing!!
thank you
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a minor injury || alexia putellas x reader ||
as far as injuries went, you had gotten off lightly. technically, you could still play if you wanted to. alexia, however, was the only thing standing in your way. she didn't care what the medical staff said, all she cared about was that she saw you go down. at first, you'd been in a lot of pain, but the shock had quickly subsided.
"vamos, let's get you home," alexia said as she grabbed your bag for you. the two of you walked out to the parking lot together, and it took a lot for alexia to let you walk on your own.
"i'm not that hurt," you told her. "i could have played more today."
"so i guess that you do not want me to pamper you when we get home?" alexia teased. whenever one of you got hurt, even a little bit, the other took it as an excuse to roll out the princess treatment. alexia's was always a bit more lavish than yours, but you let her get away with so much more.
"i suppose that some rest might be in order. actually, do you think that maybe you could kiss me better?" you asked her. alexia didn't hesitate to grab you by the hips and kiss you. it was nice until alexia backed you into the car, disturbing the bruise on your back from where you'd fallen. "ow."
"see? you're hurt. someone would have touched that today, and then you'd be in a worse state." alexia helped you into the car, ignoring the glares you sent her the whole way home.
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simplydnp · 3 days
It will be a joint q&a but since they cant call it pinof because of dan's rebranding they call it Phil Howell and announce they're married
points are being made
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pseudophan · 3 days
dreamed that dnp got a cat and we found out bc there were cat toys in the background of one of their videos
so sorry to say the existence of cat toys in the dan and phil household does not necessarily equate to them having a.. real cat
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missterious-figure · 3 days
Im telling you, if moon or (maybe the other bird boys) were not performer/dancer, he problably be a beautiful assassin or a femme fatale (there is a male femme fatale term??? Idk)
Heehee... Assassin Peacock Moon. It fits so well...
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He gonna fucking murder someone.
He wouldn't use anything but his claws. I feel like his favorite way of killing would be slitting someone's throat vertically, starting from under the chin and making his way down to the collar bone. He'd make it as painful and slow as possible.
(Also, as far as I know, I'm not sure if this is true, the male term is homme fatale. But that could be completely wrong)
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annabelle--cane · 2 days
No but Jon being self destructive and not acknowledging it drives me insane because so much happens in episode and its only looking back without Jon actively narrating that you go "Hey wait a minute, that was possibly the dumbest decision he could have made in this situation."
Like when he traded a rib for Jared Hoppworths statement he's just like. "Hm. Maybe that wasn't a good trade" after. Like Jon!!!! That's your fucking bones!!!! You need those!!!!!!! Or when he gets his hand burned horribly by Jude Parry and then immediately after just goes to meet with the guy who she suggested he meet up with after. Like he didn't even consider not going to meet Mike Crew.
Anyway. I love him for this btw. He truly does not see his body as part of himself.
he's so unwell. I say again: he was out on monster hunting missions and on good terms with daisy within like a week of her trying to extrajudicially execute him.
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would you become a demon phannie if i paid you a million of whatever currency
y’all are getting PAID for this?!?
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theminecraftbee · 13 hours
I believe Wels used to be a paralegal. Wonder if they can get him back onto the server for this.
on the one hand, I suspect whatever is about to happen would make anyone familiar with actual law tear their hair out. on the other hand it may resemble an actual court so little that it’s enriching to wels. we’ll see,
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arttsuka · 2 days
Can u draw Jedidiah and Octavius having a movie night using Larry's phone please 🙏??
I love your art sm!
Aww, thank you ♡
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What movie are they watching? (Pretend there is something on that phone screen pls)
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thebarontheabyss · 3 days
If your okay with spicy asks, How do you think the RO's would react to the MC giving them bedroom eyes from across a room, maybe at a meeting/ party?
I love every ask as if it were my firstborn!
Now let's spice things up 👀 Also, it's a perfect opportunity to finally use the LI artwork in asks!
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Good luck trying to convey the meaning of "bedroom eyes" to Death. In the best-case scenario, they will assume there's something on their face. In the worst-case scenario, their immediate thought will be, "Oh no, are they mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" as their poor little heart performs a free-fall inside their chest.
Now, if you were to tell them what you want explicitly… Contrary to popular belief, the Grim Reaper is not very subtle, so don't expect the entire room not to notice as Death a) breaks something accidentally or b) just freezes in their spot, caught completely off-guard.
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And now, to the OTHER side of the spectrum, there's a good chance that Lilith/Damian was already the first to initiate the bedroom eyes stare.
But should you get ahead of them, they will nod, their lips forming a sly smile, and approach you. "Meet me in your room in ten minutes," they whisper in your ear before blending into the crowd again.
Why the ten minutes, you ask? Well, maybe they want to torture you a little longer.
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Morgan/a will probably chuckle, maybe a bit too loudly, catching the attention of those around.
Standing across the room from them, you hear their voice talking in your mind: "Did you just give me the look I thought you gave me?" As you respond with a positive grin, they ensure that everything and everyone that could keep you away from their bedroom is conveniently forgotten or dismissed: the person talking to you suddenly forgets their point, leaving you free to make your way to Morgan/a, their magic guiding your steps.
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Hastur immediately recognizes the look and tries to resist as much as possible, glancing nervously at Cassy to gauge her level of distraction.
But if the timing is right and Cassy is preoccupied, Hastur's walls will soon crumble, and quickly, you will find yourself "looking at the security feeds" in his room as he hastily removes your clothes. "This is unprofessional. It will not happen again," he lies to himself, as his actions betray his words.
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Peisinoe will take your lustful gaze as an invitation to a battle of wits. Prepare for a night of relentless teasing and flirtation, the foreplay of subtlety and conversation stretching on deliciously.
But as they say, good things come to those who wait, and just when you least expect it, they will sweep you away from the crowd, rewarding your patience with an intensity that only Peisinoe could deliver.
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And lastly, He Without Name. As you give him your very best bedroom eyes, he vanishes momentarily, only to return with a glass of water. "For... the thirst..." he says with a perfectly calm voice, utterly oblivious to the true meaning behind your look.
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Max @ Courbon: Max was wearing his low-effort college disguise when he approached the professor of number theory to ask him a suspicious question "Excuse me Mr. teacher, why don't you ask in the midterm the year when Bernhard Rammstein died? It'd get us students more interested in the topic while the answer is still a number!"
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Bla bla bla
[ @ask-casteliabounce ]
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canisalbus · 2 days
I feel like vasco would be the type of person who would stand on the porch during a storm to watch it
Yes! I think I mentioned this ages ago but I can see him getting excited whenever the weather does something interesting. Storms give him a little adrenaline rush, but what he likes even better is the clarity after them, when everything has been washed clean, the air is cool and humid and all the nature's smells are amplified.
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barcaatthemoon · 3 days
“can i play with your hair” with grace clinton pls ❤️
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soft || grace clinton x reader ||
at just 19 years old, you were a sight to be seen. you looked like a younger version of your cousin, millie bright. growing up, girls in your youth teams had feared having to go one-on-one with you. you were a formidable defender, having taken after your cousin to eventually get a call up to the national team after joining the spurs senior team.
most of the women you played against were scared of you. most of the girls on your team were still intimidated by you. the exception to that had always been grace, who had played against you whenever the two of you were younger. you were still younger than grace, which she never, ever let you forget.
"hi baby!" grace shouted as she ran towards you. she immediately scooped you up in a hug, lifting you up a bit as she did so. all of the girls were still in the lobby waiting for the bus to arrive. you had gone out at breakfast to get a couple of things before your practice.
"hi gracie," you greeted her. it was the first time that you'd seen each other all day. grace peppered your face in kisses as she held you tightly in her arms. you were grateful to be placed back down on the ground, but as some of your teammates approached, you knew that they had to have seen some of that.
"will you sit with me on the bus?" grace asked you. it was the whole reason she had come outside in the first place. most of the time, you sat with millie in the back with the older girls. today, grace wanted to sit with you. maya had already agreed to find another bus buddy for grace.
"of course i will," you told her. grace was absolutely beaming. you felt her launch herself at you again for another hug as the bus rolled up. the two of you found seats near the middle, a perk of being the first on. almost immediately, grace pulled you to rest against her with your head on her chest.
"can i play with your hair?" you hadn't done your hair up yet, and it was still slightly wet, but you let her anyway. grace's hand hovered as she waited for you to nod. grace chattered away about all sorts of things while she played with your hair. you didn't mean to, but you drifted off as she did so, only waking up when millie pulled you up onto your feet to get off the bus. "i was gonna wake you up nicer, but she was too quick."
"it's okay, i'm too big for her to be really mean anymore," you said. grace pressed a kiss to your cheek as the two of you made your way to the practice fields. grace was careful to keep all of her affection away from the cameras, knowing that you liked being seen as a tough badass by the fans. even millie helped you maintain the reputation, rarely messing with you in front of cameras.
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yellowcry · 3 days
This isn’t so much an ask, as someone just wanted to pass on a message to Swap Luisa. I am just the messenger.
Fracture Isabela: I’m a better sister to Mirabel than you
Swap Luisa: First of all, which one are you referring too? You're not sister to my Mirabel and I'm not sister to yours. She's my best friend??? What are you on?
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pseudophan · 2 days
dan being the shy introvert emo kid and still going in for the first kiss the first day they met is still something i can't wrap my head around like he was down bad severely holy shit
i think he just knew if he didn't it wasn't gonna happen and he was NOT about to let that opportunity pass him by. we've all seen their very public flirting and i'm sure it continued into the dms, i assume they both had a pretty good idea it was a mutual thing but like the lesbians they are they just hadn't actually discussed it. my point is dan probably more or less knew that phil was into him but he also knew phil was noooot about to make the first move lmao. i think he was very aware that phil was very aware that dan was not only younger than him but also a fan who'd been watching him for two years at that point. dan probably figured if they were gonna get anywhere with this he would have to be the one to initiate it cause phil is the nicest guy ever and didn't want to overstep
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missterious-figure · 17 hours
(This was for an ask but I accidentally deleted T_T)
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A few weeks ago, you and your boyfriends, Sun, Moon and Eclipse found four peafowl harpy chicks unattended in the safari zone of Birds of Paradise casino. They were tiny, probably newly hatched. You had never seen these kids before, and they didn't look like they belonged to anybody you knew. Sun begged to keep them, his brothers agreeing. You were hesitation, as you didn't know if you wanted kids yet. But after some persist pestering, you decided it would be alright. You and the brothers took the babies up to your private room and put them in your hammock nest.
Soon after, however, the staff came looking for the eight of you. Apparently, those babies were newly imported, and they were supposed to be cared for by a handler. You could see how disappointed your boyfriends were, and that wasn't going to slide. You chased the staff out of your room, making it clear you weren't giving them up. From then on the four of you made sure no human came close to them, not even your handlers. After a few days the casino gave up and let you four be their adoptive parents. They have been with you, Sun, Moon and Eclipse ever since.
You and the brothers gave them names- well, more of nicknames until their first molt-
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(Licorice: he/him. Poki: she/her. Luna: She/her or they/them. Calico: he/her/them.)
Sun loved dance for them and (try) to teach them how to do it too. He only showed them simple dances, so they could try to catch on. The only thing he loved better was playing games with them.
Moon's favorite activity to do with them was show them how to sneak around. Of course, they weren't very good, but you believed they would get better with age. Moon would teach them to climb as well.
Eclipse would often sing to them as they went to bed for the night. During the day, he would sing his favorite songs to them when they took naps. He also did most of the grooming and cleaning.
And you? You loved to do whatever activities they were doing with your boyfriends or join them in their naps. They were your precious bundles of joy, and you loved each and every one of them.
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