#(this is sarcasm)
It's actually really ableist that I have several expensive interests and no money. I should be given 5k a month just autism related spending money
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justabunny · 2 months
I like how people claim that I'm faking it. because yes I obviously love spending hundreds of dollars on tape, braces, mobility aids, and pain medication.
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skkpaws · 6 months
wow i cant believe these are the only two illustrations from the day i picked up dazai wow ! no other arts exist ! just these two ! look how cute he looks showing off his trick ! and how happy he is he won poker ! good thing there are no other pages in this light novel that would make me want to kill myself ! just these silly cats ! haha !
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hazel2468 · 1 year
People who like horror movies and games are freaks. "Oh but the gore isn't REAL!" yeah, well, it looks real. Why the hell are you engaging with the kind of content if you "supposedly" don't condone it in real life? Why are you watching torture porn if you don't condone actually torturing real people?
There's no difference between watching someone get tortured to death in a SAW film and watching an actual murder take place. It's all disgusting and ILLEGAL and anyone who watches or creates gore content is BASICALLY a murderer already. DNI you fucking criminal freaks!
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ardourie · 14 days
kink isnt sexual lesbians can like men punk is when you listen to taylor swift and pronouns = gender, i am a revolutionary
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catboybiologist · 13 days
Y'know I could be so much worse
I could be so much more genuinely unhinged
I could have so many more bad takes
Instead I'm sitting here being 100% completely unproblematic and sexy and literally the most mentally stable and humble and smartest ever
I don't get enough thanks for that y'know?
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fuckspezwithacactus · 4 months
Oh no, cartoonish calls to violence get you banned now! Do I need to change this url?
Oh, wait a minute, I'm cis.
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Rose seems to be startled of Steven’s capability of gaining control over Jasper’s actions. Let alone the possibility of controlling other gems. This won’t badly effect the Crystal Gems’ trust and bond for Steven, will it?
What? Nooooo I'm sure it'll be fiiiiiiine.
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a-wondering-thought · 5 months
*banging my head into a wall* oh how i love my sexuality and the constent questioning
its just so. fucking. fun.
This is a fucking nightmare
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useless-englandfacts · 5 months
kind of weird that our national broadcaster didn’t stream or report on south africa’s arguments presented at the ICJ yesterday and yet today there was extensive live coverage of the case made by so-called israel
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an-ungraceful-swan · 1 month
Oh wow you’re so original hating on a character for doing actions i bet everyone finds you so cool and edgy
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maxemilianver · 8 months
recency bias with f1 fans is insane like charles gets one pole after ghosting for the whole year (car is understeer or whatever idk) and suddenly he is the best qualifier on the grid again. when he is like 11-7 compaded to sainz. lets not forget the same tifosi was going with the narrative how sainz was better than charles, but now that charles got a pole and carlos is so bad and cannot be compared to the generational talent -charles. btw give charles a car so he will win - when the same car won a race this year with carlos.
also oscar is no longer the best rookie oat? its not like he was actually beating lando but fans ran with it. he doesnt need to beat lando, he is a rookie, he is improving. but at the same time i thought he was the best rookie since lewis, even better than him?? generational talent future wdc winner better than lando will end verstappen title fight in 24 cold blooded slayer of my firstborn etc
max is having the best season of all times (a fact) but he made a mistake so we can say that the "pressure" is getting to him and tbh he is not that impressive! even if he won the wdc and wcc by himself, even if he is gonna win the gp at sunday, he is not all that.
LIKE WE ARE ONLY DAY 1 INTO A RACE WEEK. How recent your recency bias? A week? A DAY???
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iknowhowtodream · 3 months
yes girl! strip away all that nuance!!! an adult in teaching position took a student's academic pathway change personally and refused to help them out of judgement for the way said student expressed themselves!!! the student was then forced to undertake an amount of school work that is physically impossible to complete without sacrificing mental health, sleep, and personal relationships!!!
oh, whats this? the stress said student experienced from this inadvertently lead to a moment of emotional development that adult in teaching position actually approved of? it was all worth it then!! the adult had the right idea the whole time!!! the ends, famously, always justify the means.
extreme academic stress and presure being a good, justifiable thing to force on to children is definitely, absolutely the meaning of this season of popular actual play dnd show, dimension 20.
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dnphan · 2 months
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it’s over phan shippers… they played friends edition
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graendoll · 2 months
I love joining a new fandom for a single character and then immediately being introduced to the Ship Wars™️
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strangelittlesapphic · 9 months
i think it's a crime that my girlfriend can't give me babies with her strap. i feel like this is slightly homophobic.
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