#(that took forever
crystalmagpie447 · 7 months
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HRUJIEKJHBHEJIJF FINISHED IT RAAA!!! started this in september i think
giggles kicks my legs
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cloverplover · 5 months
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<< pick up the receiver, i'll make you a believer >>
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giyubabe · 3 months
WELCOME BACK @ta-ni-ya 🙌🙌🙌❤️❤️‼️MISSED U POOKIE (≧∀≦)
and yeah,sanemi wants to say something for you)^o^(
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(Help,that was supposed to be rushed but it’s been a minute since I’ve talked to you niya,so you might consider this as a gift,anyways I hope you like it🙏💖)
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hisshiss-bitch · 2 months
you guys have no idea how fucking long it took to find this image
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i tried to find a gif im sorry
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originalaccountname · 2 months
Fun BSD French translation details and choices - Episode 21 (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
General notes: (get comfortable, Stuff Happens and blorbo is here)
A lot of weird little things today. Kouyou said she was delivering Dazai's message to Mori "to thank the ADA for their hospitality". Mori talks like he's mistaking Dazai's tan coat for the coat he gave him years ago and is delighted Dazai still wears it. Dazai says he only recently learned about the thinkers Mori mentions. Stuff like that, that shifts time or intent slightly.
Dazai's final jab to Mori was "les monstres ont tendance à croire que les autres sont des monstres également" (monsters tend to think others are also monsters).
Soukoku's name in French in the anime is "Double Noir", literally "Double Black" (though 'noir' can mean both 'black' and 'dark'). Fun fact: on the French wiki, they are also listed as "les jumeaux de l'ombre" (twins from the shadows).
After nullifying Steinbeck's ability, Dazai says "Oh, le salopard!~" (Oh, that bastard!~), as if he's sarcastically replying to Steinbeck's shock at Dazai's ability, instead of complaining about having to deal with Chuuya.
When Chuuya asks Dazai if he knows was a Pétrus is, Dazai actually answers and says yes he knows, it's an extremely pricey bordeaux (Oui, c'est un vin de bordeaux extrêmement coûteux).
Dazai call Q "the sleeping princess waiting to be saved" (la princesse endormie qui attend d'être sauvée). Chuuya sneers "yeah, talk about a sleeping princess" (ouais, tu parles d'une princesse endormie).
"Écoute, tant que Q sera en vie, vous aurez besoin de mon pouvoir pour désamorcer le sien; je vous serai des plus précieux, et la Mafia veilleras sur moi comme une tendre mère poule" (Listen, so long as Q is alive, you will need my ability to disarm hers*; I will be invaluable, and the Mafia will watch over me like a sweet mother hen.) (*Q is a girl in the French dub)
Skk's plans are called "Remords et crapaud" (Remorse and Toad), "Pluie derrière le treillis" (Rain Behind the Trellis), "Mensonges d'une fleur décorative" (Lies of a Decorative/Fake Flower) (side note: they all sound like one of them has to hide and/or cause a diversion...)
"Listen Chuuya... I have one last thing to ask you before I die..." (Écoute Chuuya... j'ai une dernière chose à te demander avant de mourir...)
Chuuya refers to using Corruption like it's a strategy name like the other 3 were just before. It's also called Pollution, which is the same word in both English and French. It sounds less cool than Corruption (which would also be the same word in French), but it does fit the tainted+ vibe. Dazai does later refer to it as "Chuuya's corrupted form".
Ô, pourvoyeurs de pollution noire, Autorise-nous à lui fermer les yeux à tout jamais. (O , purveyors of dark pollution, Allow us to forever close their* eyes.) (*singular, unspecified gender pronoun in French)
Today's quotes:
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VF: Alors c'est quoi ce tentacule? Un caprice de la nature? (So what's that tentacle then? A freak of nature?) Eng: If it's not an ability, then what is it?
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Dazai: Le choix te reviens, mon vieil ami. (The choice is yours, my old friend.) Chuuya: Le choix me revient, le choix me revient... c'est facile à dire ça. En plus, je sais que quand tu prononces ces paroles, c'est que nous n'avons justement plus d'autres choix. (The choice is mine, the choice is mine... that's easy to say. Plus, I know that when you say those words, it's because we don't have any other choices left.) Eng: I'll let you choose. // You'll let me choose? Whenever you say that, I never actually have another choice.
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Chuuya: Je me suis servi de ce pouvoir parce que je te faisais confiance, et toi...! Tu as intérêt à me ramener à la base, si tu veux que je... te pardonne un jour... (I used that power because I trusted you, and you...! You better bring be back to base, if you want me to... one day forgive you...) Dazai: Tu peux compter sur moi, coéquipier. (You can count on me, teammate/partner.) Eng: I used Corruption because I trusted you. You... better take me... to the extraction point... // You got it, buddy.
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Rot in the soul, and you know it.
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rozugold · 1 year
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Thatsa lot of clingyduo
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timberpen · 1 year
So I might actually do this so here is what I got so far for the Horror Writer SAGAU
The idea is that said horror writer is isekaied into Tavyat. Their works and WIP were previously appearing in various parts of Tavyat in the form of books. It is heavily debated in Tavyat wether these books are warnings, documentation of past events or a testimony of events that are currently going on in their current world. An example of how much this effects Tavyat is that the Creepypasta fanfic they wrote when they were 12 has caused those that believe it to be a warning/past events have been calling for forested areas to be heavily patrolled and that their nation’s children show not be allowed to enter such places alone vision holder or not for fear that the SlenderMan taking them. A few weeks before the creator decends an imposter showed up. The imposter is cruel and threatens to release the horrors in the stories on Tavyat as a whole if they do not obey their creator’s every order. One of those orders is to destroy anyone that tries to impersonate The Creator. When the actual Creator arrives they are surprised to see the state of Tavyat. As they try to make their was to Mondstadt, they get chased down by Outrider Amber who manages to get a (thankfully) non-pyro infused shot in the shoulder of The Creator. You can imagine the shock she feels upon seeing this “imposter” bleeds (color to be determined). Amber realizes what is happening but knows they are currently in no shape to take down the real imposter. She gives The Creator a brief rundown on the situation and helps bring them somewhere safe to recover their strength which happens to be in Wolvendom. That is where they meet Razor and his Lupical that don’t trust the Imposter Creator. However when they find find the real Creator they can smell from their blood that they are the real Creator to which they immediately shelter them. (I’m a Razor main and he doesn’t get nearly enough recognition in this au.)
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kapil sharma RRR game
(listen, i'm not fully fluent in hindi, and kapil breaks out the punjabi unexpectedly, so i might be wrong with some parts of the translation)
kapil: sir, i'm going to play a game with you. alia, everyone will have headphones over their ears. from that, music will play. i will say a line, and you have to lip read that, then you have to tell ram sir, ram has to tell ntr sir, ntr has to tell rajamouli sir.
so are you guys ready?
please bring the headphones.
kapil: alia, first you come here please. (whispers) together we can beat the south-indians.
this whole game is on you, alia, based on how you explain to the others and how you guess. music will play, and don't play it too loud (to the crew), the girl is like a flower, her ears (are delicate).
please come up here, sirs.
alia: everyone come here.
kapil: "zindagi jhandhwa, phir bhi ghamandwa" (first phrase, which means that your life is shit but you're still arrogant/you think you're something special)
(repeats the phrase)
alia: how can i speak? (because the music is so loud)
kapil: just speak, just speak
alia to charan: "zindagi"
charan: "zindagi"
alia: "jhandwa" (starts laughing)
charan: "jalwa?" (jalwa means like fire/charismatic/splendid/awesome from what i understand)
alia: "zindagi jhandhwa, phir bhi ghamandwa"
charan to tarak: "zindagi"
tarak: yeah, "zindagi jalwa", i got that, (tell me) what's after that
charan: "phir bhi bewda" (bewda means clumsy/drunkard i believe)
tarak: "zindagi jalwa phir bhi bewda"?? (i guess means like 'life is great but i'm still an alcoholic? i don't think it makes any sense either)
charan: yeah
tarak to ssr: "zindagi"
ssr: *confused*
tarak: (something in telugu, probably along the lines of 'say it back to me')
ssr: "zindagi"
tarak: "jalwa". jalwa! like halwa! (halwa is a sweet food)
ssr: "jalwa! zindagi jalwa"
tarak: "phir bhi"
ssr: "mein bhi" (different preposition, alters meaning slightly)
tarak: "phir bhi"! ph! ph! (uses telugu word i think)
(finally communicates it)
ssr: "zindagi jalwa phir bhi bewda"?
(first round over, general laughter and outrage at the nonsense)
alia: i don't think i said anything wrong?
kapil: you (alia) were right, what did you say?
alia: "zindagi jhandwa phir bhi ghamandwa"
kapil: and what did ram sir say?
charan: "zindagi jalwa phir bhi bewda"
tarak: but what was the original thing, sir?
alia: "zindagi jhandwa phir bhi ghamandwa"
kapil: okay, the second line--
alia: please play the music now!
tarak: (says something in telugu, 'baaga' means good, so he might have been referring to the game or the music, not sure)
kapil: okay. "machhli jal ki rani hai, meri nani shaani hai" (second phrase, which means that 'the fish is the queen of the ocean/water, and my maternal grandmother is shaani'; that is either a name or an adjective i haven't heard before; the first half is part of a nursery rhyme, i think)
alia: "badi?" (badi means big)
alia to charan: "machhli jal ki rani hai"
charan: easy, take it easy.
alia: "machhli jal ki rani hai, badi nachari hai" (i believe badi nachari hai means 'is very poor', i could be wrong)
charan to tarak: "machhli jal ki rani hai"
tarak: "bijli"? (means electricity)
charan: "jal" (makes wave motions witb his hand to show it's water) "ki rani hai"
alia: "no, you can't do that (make gestures)
charan: okay, "jal ki rani hai"
tarak: "bijli jal ki rani hai"? (electricity is the queen of the ocean/water)
charan: "macchli!"
tarak: "machhli jal ki rani hai"
charan: "phir bhi"...? (turns to ask alia what the rest was) ...second part?
alia: "badi nachari hai"
charan: "phir bhi badi nachari hai!"
tarak: (confused) "machhli jal ki rani hai, phir bhi"
charan: "phir bhi"... (also confused)
tarak: "phir bhi"?
charan: ey, just say whatever, bro!
charan: "phir bhi maharani hai" (means, and yet she is a great queen/empress)
tarak to ssr: "machhli" (fish)
ssr: "bajrangi!" (lord hanuman)
tarak: "machhli!"
ssr: "bachti"?
tarak: fish, fish! "machhli!"
ssr: ah, "machhli!"
tarak: "machhli jal ki rani hai"
ssr: "machhli jal ki rani hai!"
tarak: yeah. (turns to charan) "phir bhi maharani hai?"
charan: just say whatever
tarak to ssr: okay, "phir bhi maharani hai"
ssr: (understanding) "phir bhi maharani hai". okay, "machhli jal ki rani hai, phir bhi maharani hai" (meaning, the fish is the queen of the ocean, and yet she is the empress)
alia: what was the original?
kapil: okay, so the actual line was this, "machhli jal ki rani hai, meri nani shaani hai", but still everyone got 50% correct
alia: one more? one more, i like this game
kapil: "bhains poonch uthayegi, toh sober hi rahegi" (this is a modification of the original phrase, and i guess it means 'if the buffalo lifts its tail, it'll remain sober? i'm not aware of any other meaning of sober, so this sounds like nonsense)
alia: what? (kapil repeats the phrase and she's still confused, he acts it out) "bhains, poonch, hila rahi hai" (means the buffalo is shaking the tail, i think, but i also have heard 'hilana' as slang for masturbating)
(kapil explains once again, and she doesn't get the second half, so he changes it to the original film phrase: "bhains poonch uthayegi, toh gober hi karegi" which means when the buffalo lifts its tail, it's going to shit cow dung, i suppose that means there's no point being surprised about something, what did you expect)
kapil: (say) whatever you want.
alia: (still confused, thinks he's saying the line) "jo kamaaye"? (something about earning)
(goes through it one more time)
alia: "bhains poonch uthaye, toh bade kamaaye?" (means if the buffalo lifts his tail, you'll earn a lot of money)
kapil: sure
charan: kapil sir, the song ended just now
alia to charan: "bhains poonch uthaye"
charan: "main poonch"...? (about to say 'when i lift my tail')
alia: "bhains!" (buffalo, not you)
charan: oh, "bhains!"
alia: "bhains poonch uthaye, toh bade kamaaye"
charan: "bhains ka poonch bade kamaal ki hai" (means the buffalo's tail is really awesome)
charan to tarak: "bhains ka poonch bade kamaal ki hai"
tarak: (confused)
(alia stops him, asks kapil to tell her the phrase again)
kapil: the buffalo has put its tail back down
alia: ???
kapil: (repeats the line) "bhains poonch uthayegi, toh gober hi karegi"
alia: OH! (turns to charan) "bhains poonch uthaye, toh rupay laaye" (means when the buffalo lifts its tail, it will bring rupees)
charan to tarak: "bhains ka poonch uthayega, toh paisa aaya" (essentially the same meaning, when the buffalo lifts its tail, then money came)
tarak: (tries to understand, so confused; the others tell him to pass it on) what am i supposed to say?
kapil: explain, explain to him (ssr) now
charan: say it
tarak to ssr: "bhains"
ssr: "bhains"
tarak: "poonch uthaye"
ssr: "poonch utha!"
both tarak and charan: "toh paise aaye"
ssr: "toh paisa aaya"??
kapil: okay, now remove your headphones!
ssr: what is that?
tarak and charan: was that correct?
kapil: so what i said to alia was, "bhains poonch uthayegi, toh sober hi rahegi", at first. she didn't understand. so then i said the exact line "bhains poonch uthayegi, toh gober hi karegi". she (alia) said, when the buffalo lifts its tail, then money (rupees) comes. when the buffalo lifts the tail, does an ATM open there or something?
(alia is embarrassed)
kapil: but it was a wonderful game! you all played very well! please come sit.
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feathered-moths-ablaze · 11 months
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Anyone want my Jimmy Casket headcannons?
Jimmy and Sally are two of my favourite characters out of the lot, each for the opposite side of the scale.
I love Sally the way she is. I don't have alot of headcannon for her because I just loved how she was in the videos. While she wasn't the most serious, She's not completely naive to everything around her, and could absolutely be a little shit when she felt like it. The Alyx Vance playermodel fit her so well too- my neurodivengent ass loves the 6ft waffle-loving tomboy.
Jimmy, on the other hand, is great to dip into the headcannon soup: we barely know anything about him other than his name and what he wants to do. You can pull him in so many directions! Is he a demon bent on murder or a child corrupted by death? What's his and Johnny's history? Why does he want to kill? What's the secret he's hiding? Does Gregory fit into any of this?
2016-18 me loved him for edgy reasons and 2023 me loves him for nostalgia, so here's my headcannons for him, for how he came to be, relationships with others, and any extras.
god this took like 3 days holy shit
Gregory Casket was born in the 1800s, an only child, to Lacey and Nathan Casket. It was long and tedious pregnancy, with many complications, but they managed pulled through, their son in tow. After all of that, they both thought that everything would be fine, and they could take care of their little Gregory.
They were wrong. When Gregory was nearing a year old, a shaded creature attacked the parents during the night. Lacey suffered a shash to the neck and Nathan lost an arm and chest in a bid to save his family. The creature was about to leave when it heard the cries of a baby from the upper rooms. Following the cries led it to Gregory, crying from all the noise downstairs.
When police got to the house minutes later, they found two dead bodies, and a lost child. Two days later, all three were pronounced dead.
With Cardboard Friend
It fled to a rundown house, carrying the baby in its arms. It doesn't know what urged it to care for him, but now it has a kid. Making sure he was comfy enough to fall back asleep, the creature was thinking hard about the sudden task it brought upon itself. First things first, the kid can never know the truth. About his family, about it, about the outside world.
With how young he was, Gregory would never know who his parents were, so there was one thing scratched off. It had heard about some new thing made in England - Cardboard. Maybe that can help cover up some things.
Now for outside. Of course he'll get curious about what lies beyond the trees, and start asking questions... The idea sparked in its head: Lie! Just give little white lies. It'll satisfy his questions without risking more!
So Gregory grew up believing that he was dead, that he was a sort of purgatory to grow up until he was old enough to leave, and that Cardboard Friend was here to take care of him. He never questioned why CBF Never went out in the rain, or why he wasn't allowed in the woods. She was here to take care of him! She knew best!
Until she got wet, and spilled the truth. It shattered him to the core. Everything wasn't true? What about the trees? The house? Himself?! Horrified, he fled, ignoring her cries to come back. To let her explain herself better.
He ran into the woods, and never came back out. Cardboard Friend found him a week later, dead from eating poisonous berries.
Gregory was only 5 when he died for real. His ageing slowed down to a crawl, so growing up despite being dead was horrible. Unable to ask for help was just as bad, as no-one could see or hear him.
He spent time watching the world around him, trying to talk to kids of similar age to him (with no luck), having multiple Existential Crisis from being a ghost at a young age
Everything changed when he found Ghost.
He was a little younger than him, and blabbling to the cat plushie he had about anything he could think of. Casket responded like it was a conversation, not expecting him to stop and face him. They were both very surprised who he asked who he was and he responded, "er um... Jimmy!"
"... Hi Jimmy. :D"
They soon became friends. Ghost could often be seen talking to thin air or the cat plushie that his mother just caulked it up to imaginary friend, with some of her friends playfully teasing him about "your new friend" at times. Jimmy did not like those comments whenever he heard them. He isn't anything like Cardboard Friend! He is real! He just looks a little funny. Don't listen to them Johnny, please!
However, he was the one to get Johnny curious about the paranormal growing up. After all, if he is real, but only he can see him, then he's a ghost, right? So how does being a ghost work?
They stayed as friends until Ghost met Toast through a late start to school and he started hanging out with him more and more over the years. Jimmy got very jealous over this, not willing to share friendships. This jealousy only helped to drive Ghost away, and spark the argument that made Johnny tell him to leave him alone. He's done with him and his nonexistent ass. Jimmy, very hurt and angry, does so since he can't convince Ghost otherwise, but not before threatening his return.
First kill
Jimmy had become very spiteful in the time between the argument and his return. He felt hurt ok?! He's lost his only friend to some posh British dude, everyone thinks he's someone's mind figments, and he doesn't know how to prove them otherwise! God sometimes he felt like punching people in the face.
His spite and desire for violence built up and up until he couldn't take it anymore. One dusk, when Ghost was fast asleep, Jimmy came back. He borderline pounced on him in order to scare him awake - next thing he know he was in Ghost's body. It was a massive shock, seeing his brown eyes go wide back at him with a greenish hint in the mirror. After being dead for so long, having a body again was... amazing. After the shock had worn off, he started cackling, still starting at his reflection in near manic ecstasy.
But his moment was cut short when Ghost's mother, who was making dinner in the kitchen, came into the room wondering why her son was suddenly laughing like a Kookaburra.
Jimmy was not about to let go of his body after a short time, so he bolted out, trying to get away. He ended up in the kitchen, with the mother trying to talk to (who she thinks is) Johnny about what's going on with him.
The knife left on the counter was within arm's reach, and it was a split-second decision that ended up with him plunging it into her chest, killing her.
He just stared. Just yesterday, he couldn't do anything, and now he's killed someone. He has actually killed someone! Someone is Dead! Because of him!
Something in him that had been cracking for years finally snapped as the laughter came back, louder and with more ferocity. Gregory Jimmy Casket was back, and he's making damn well sure noone's forgetting him when he's done.
When he got kicked out of control, he watched as Johnny freaked out at the sight of his dead mother and the bloody knife in his hand, frantically running to the landline to call Toast, but he didn't reveal himself, drinking in his panic. What happened that night will be his own little secret.
Current days
Compared to where he started off, he's alot stronger thanks to all the murder. So strong in fact, he could just make himself a physical form and just leave Johnny, but he's gotten used to being the voice within Ghost's mind, plus it's more energy efficient, so he stays.
Physical Appearance
(Please read first: while I do have eye refs, here's no full body ref sheet because I hated how it looked, and felt that typing it out would be easier.)
Jimmy is pale, very scrawny and short, littered with scars up to the eyeballs, but makes up for it in agility and flexibility. His hair is a brown rat's nest; at first it was thick and long due to it not getting cut, but at some point it was getting in the way, so he cut it himself. He did a terrible job at it, but it stays out of the way so it works for him.
He wears very simple and comfy clothing: a jacket that definitely didn't start off as a dark crimson and a white t-shirt. Both are obviously near falling apart with the amount of damage, missing bits, stains and stitches they're embroidered with. The jeans he has are equally ruined, main details being the massive holes at knee level and the scruffy leg openings. Jimmy runs around barefoot.
He's dirty from old blood and dirt, especially around his hands, knees and teeth. It's at the point that his hands and claws/nails are permanently stained with a red and earthly hue.
His bloodshot eyes, once a soft gray blue, are now a hard red. Like other ghosts, they act like cats eyes, with pupils reflecting any light shined into them. This also carries on to possession.
Eye ref here
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When a spirit, Ghost sees Jimmy as himself but more ragged and red eyed.
Attack types
Standard: the one he's most know for - chasing down victims while laughing all the way. He asks about his secret as a way to startle and distract so he can get a window to attack. It's like a game to him, and has easily won multiple times. Doesn't make the rush any less however.
Rage: this happens when he can't find his victim or by certain people. He's alot more destructive and focused, and will make more of a mess with his stabbings when he finds them. It's not a game anymore; it's a hunt.
Chill: sometimes he has the energy to kill, but not the energy to chase. So he'll stalk, staying quiet and light on his feet until he's right behind them, stabbing them fast and tight in the virals.
Johnny Ghost - Neutral. Jimmy loves messing with him, but he also does hold a bit of fondness for him. They were friends once, after all.
Johnny Toast - Negative/Neutral. While he absolutely hates him, he has bigger fish to fry first before Toast is on the chopping block
Sally Acachalla - Negative. She's one of few who's managed to fight him off, so he both dislikes her and is scared of her. Bonus is that Jimmy won't target any of the Acachallas because of her.
Maxwell Acachalla - positive. They teamed up through scaring Ghost that one mission, and now they're friends! Through there are times where they seem to be more Father/Son.
Cardboard Friend - Negative. Never put them in the same room. Jimmy will go into a blind rage and attack her for everything she did to him. He'll be screaming in Ghost's head trying to cause a blackout just so he can get a chance for revenge.
Gavin Toast - ???. Sicko4Sicko. Jimmy is alot more friendlier and chattier with Gavin. Gavin is very suspicious about it though: does he actually like him or is this a trick to drop his guard down? Well, he's peaking his head over your shoulder; you'd already be dead if he wanted to.
Extra Info I can't fit anywhere else
Are Johnny and Jimmy related? Kinda. Nathan did have a brother that continued the Casket line, which produced Timothy Casket, then Johnny Ghost. The reason why Johnny doesn't share the same name is because Timothy took his wife's name, and offended, the in-laws disowned him. So by blood? They're distantly related through Nathan and his brother. By the eyes of the law? They're not.
He's a few inches shorter than Ghost, and doesn't get why Ghost hates being short. Your a harder target to hit why are you complaining?
He has eaten people. He will eat people. Multiple bodies have been chewed on. He was hungry. Why do you think his teeth are stained red?
He makes cat sounds. He will growl and hiss if angry/frustrated, might purr in his sleep (if lucky), and sometimes go 'mrrrp?' when something grabs his attention. Why? Because he wants to.
Can't stay still
While only Ghost and Gavin are the only ones that can see him, other can kinda sense him. If you feel eyes on your back or like your being watched, it's Jimmy.
Don't call him Gregory. Only CBF called him that, so you'll just send him into a rage, thinking that CBF is nearby.
He won't eat anything with 'Berry' in the name (Blueberry, Strawberry ect.)
Currently, Jimmy looks in his early 20s, while Johnny is in his late 20s/early 30s. Even with slow aging he has been around for over 200 years. He looked around 9/10 when 5-year-old Johnny first met him.
During Secondary school, Ghost clung onto Toast like a lifeline through all the stress he was dealing with, like the death of his mother, no home, and dealing with 'blackouts'. The classes that they didn't share (English and Biology) was when Jimmy showed up instead. English bored him so he acted out, but Biology was especially interesting to him and it became his favourite subject. It's why he's efficient at killing; he did 5 years of research.
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luckycolor · 3 days
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sammi-xox · 8 months
updated my resource page :)
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22plus15 · 26 days
okay i think that's about it... video comps later lol
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hawkzeyes · 1 year
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curlyparmesan · 7 months
Screw Tom. All my friends hate Tom.
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Finally! I’m no longer in the: “He wants to have tea with you”, zone. I doubt I’ll make it to lv 19 before his release, but I’ll try 😤
At least with this, my top 3 are complete - Silvio, Chev and Gil - my TOP TIER boys 💕
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