#(stuff like sending love letters yknow)
mangoob · 2 years
People should stop being weird some about celebrities
They’re just kinda people too everybody
Treat your favorite celeb respectfully <3
That is my PSA for today
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ok here i go full hc prompt🥳🤩🤩
m6 in the ✨✋Future🤚✨ or at least to them, relatively, from their medievaissance-y mixed bag nonspecified time period to something resembling our times! i personally like to consider it still Their World, fictional, which just progressed to look like ours now (it literally makes zero difference to anybody except the inner machinations of my annoying ass but yeah ifykyk) basically yknow shooting a medieval peasant into 2023 & giving him mountain dew type beat
The Arcana HCs: M6 in the Future
~ @tetsuooooooooooo this was so much fun, thank you for sending it in and I hope you enjoy these!! ~
-- for headcanon purposes, MC is from the future and is tasked with taking care of M6 during their 24 hours there --
It takes him less than two minutes to figure out where (read: when) he is and his response is nothing short of enthusiastic
Please, he's been around the world, and he's got a delightful guide, and he really, really wants to know if his theories about leeches ended up being correct
He actually gets a little emotional when a quick google search shows him how wrong he was and you end up having to take him exploring to cheer him up and distract him from his failures
You have a really hard time explaining to him that clinics don't allow doctors without medical degrees to waltz in and observe random patients getting treatments
You take him to see a movie and he's transfixed
The screen is so big. The actor's faces are so clear. The drama is so much more than anything he could have imagined. And they come with music?? Hums the soundtrack for the rest of the day
If you show him that one version of Jurassic Park with Jeff Goldblum in it Julian will imitate him sporadically afterwards
Enjoys fast food way more than he should. Especially instant noodles. Will spend half an hour trying to pack some to take back
Fascinated by the concept of typing
You hit a button to make the next letter appear instead of writing it? But MC, this means that everything he wants to communicate through text could be easily readable. Imagine!
Freaks out a bit when you try to take him in a car. He's surprisingly comfortable in a metro, though, so you'll have to do with public transportation and bicycles
Oh yeah, he loves bicycles. He only crashed into three trees, a wall, and a stranger's parked car before getting the hang of it
He's convinced that earbuds don't actually play music, they just trick your brain into thinking that you can hear it
Almost exploded when you gave him coldbrew coffee
They know instantly that they're in a different version of reality. Sure, they've never traveled through time, but they've traveled through plenty of other dimensions
He's the least ruffled, and unfortunately, the least impressed. Don't get him wrong, this looks super cool, but this isn't any more otherworldly to him than the otherworldly places he's already been
Wants to go on a food tour immediately. Not the nice stuff though
No, they want the questionable food. The is-this-going-to-make-me-regret-existing food. The food that, if it was shown in an anime, would be pixelated and have threatening auras around it
So chill about what you tell him to do it's almost concerning
"Here Asra, climb into this four-wheeled hunk of metal that can travel over 100 miles an hour and hold yourself in with a single fabric strap while I pilot this through hundreds of other things just like it, driven by people we don't know and can't predict."
"Cool. Where do I put Faust?"
Don't tell them about edibles unless you want them to spend their day hunting some down and absolutely going to town on them
You swear you saw his hair stand on end the first time he tried popping candy
When you took them to get their radioactive meal (a.k.a. the closest fast food chain with the fewest ethical violations) they insisted on picking up one of every sauce packet to try them all
... and when he saw a nine-year-old mixing two different fountain drinks, he of course grabbed the largest cup available and went down the line so he could taste all of them at once too
You've never seen them this jittery and sugar high, so of course the next place to go is a trampoline park, with the bright lights and loud music and bodies hurtling through the air
He should not be getting the amount of air time that he does
Has a meltdown over modern fluffy blankets. They're so soft
Gobsmacked. As in, she's a highly intelligent woman, and therefore able to really wrap her head around what she's seeing
The future!! She's in the future, Arcana help her
But she's got you and she adores you and she knows she can trust you so she's going to be okay. That said, start explaining. Now.
First things first: how's the infrastructure? She can't see any canals or aqueducts. Or fireplaces or lanterns, for that matter, what do you do for light? And cooking? (Cooking uses fire, right?)
Literally cannot walk past anything new without stopping to try to figure out how it works and if there's a way to recreate it herself
Bicycles on a rack? She's spinning the pedal and trying to figure out the balancing dynamics of two-wheeled movement
Almost lost it when she found out that it was possible to lift the hood of a car and look at the engine inside that makes it go. You decided to take her on public transportation instead
Which turned into all kinds of excited brainstorming about public carriages, and gondolas built for 20 people ferrying people along the aqueducts, and new and terrifying uses for the catacombs
Wasn't very impressed with the fashion she saw
She knows what good quality cloth looks like. This is a women who grew up in silks and fine linens, polyester does not impress her
Except for the stretchiness. She does like that
The perfume counter, on the other hand, takes up a good hour and a half of her time. She's smelled plenty of fine scents before, but she's never been in a shop where she could sniff so many at a time
This one smells like Prakra. This one smells like Vesuvia. This one smells like the beach. This one smells like the woods. This one ...
Yeah, it was an excellent opportunity to take a nap, if you're the napping sort. You wake up to her testing perfumes on you because she ran out of space on herself
Gets so frustrated when you explain your government setup to her
Oh no, please be very gentle with him
He likes to live in the woods because it is peaceful and quiet and it's one place he doesn't stand out in
He stands out in this place very, very much and he doesn't like it
Refuses to leave the room he appeared in until his appearance is as unremarkable as possible (which is not easy to do, by the way, the man is a mountain. modern clothes in his size are hard to find)
Does not want to go in the car. It's way too fast and it makes him seasick when he closes his eyes to shut it out
Buses are somehow easiest - they feel the least claustrophobic when they're not crowded and it's rude to stare on them
You two end up going to a natural history museum in the middle of a weekday when hardly anybody is there, and he lights up
There are so many animals, and there are enough other people in the world who find those animals interesting that they gathered so much knowledge people had to make a building to hold it all
Has never heard evolutionary theory before and is fascinated by it
Once he starts talking, it's hard for him to stop
He's not being loud at all - you can only hear him so clearly because you two are holding hands so he can't lose you - but he's being quietly submerged in his own special interest and he loves it
He just wishes there weren't so many skeletons. But he's glad the species they belonged to aren't forgotten this way
Long story short, Muriel's inner Nerd is unleashed and he goes hoarse from the amount of murmuring he does all day
Does not like getting food in public. Does not like eating food in public. Does not like being publicly perceived. As soon as it gets into afternoon and it gets busy, he wants to go home
Which is where you show him what the internet is and he's in awe
People can work from home? People can make friends without leaving their house?? People can talk without being seen???
Spends five minutes hopping in place and squealing into her clothes to let out her nerves and excitement before you can decide what to do
Then insists on taking half an hour to hear you describe every single fun or interesting thing to do so she can make a list
Yes, she's determined to hit every single one in one day
First things first: food. Take her to a cafe and watch her sigh over all the baked goods and sugar-loaded caffeine beverages
Then (if there is one nearby) a mall, so she can see all the stuff that people buy so they can have the lifestyle they do. You have to drag her out of both Bath & Body Words and Bed, Bath, & Beyond
Please, it's full of fluffy fuzzy things and good smelling mystery goo, she wants to live in it also what do you mean "no stopping at the pet store", what even is a "pet store" -
Oh. OH -
You will have to physically pull her away before she adopts all the kittens. She does cry about it later, just a for a bit, they're so cute
Next is a library and cafe, of course, because she lives for books
This place is way bigger than the Palace library! The one in the Palace is just a large room, this is a whole building!! And people get to come here, whenever they want, just to read, for free?! What?!
You had to remind her about the "no loud noises in the library" rule several times. She's doing her best, she's just passionate
Completely demolishes her first chocolate croissant
Goes feral at the amusement park she has you take her to afterwards. This woman is an adrenaline fiend. You're cursing the pop up add for it by the fourth consecutive free fall ride
The only way to get her to leave is to tell her that one of her favorite stories was turned into a movie and that you'd have to go home to watch it. Don't take her to Target to get snacks. She'll disappear
Flicks the lightswitch 30 times in a row because she can
He's immediately panicking. Not because he's in the future, no, but because of what it's done to his arm
It's changed. It's not running on magic any more. The only way to resolve his design is for it to be some kind of high-tech electrical prosthetic that even modern scientists would have difficulty with
Once he's adjusted to using it, you're good to go
Lights up like a firework the first time he rides in a car
MC. MC how fast does it go. MC that's a very high number. MC, he wants to drive. Please. Please! Pleeeaaaassssseeee
Makes you pull over after seeing ads for Sephora because he's convinced that he could pull off that eye makeup even better
Tries every single makeup sampler and then gets offended when one of the poor employees suggests an anti-aging cream
Him? Aged?? How dare they - oh wait that really does brighten his eyes. He'll take ten, please, they're so small, they can't cost much -
You'll have to pull him out before he sees you use a credit card, because once he does he's going to keep asking to use it and you're not sure he understands why maxing it out is a bad thing
His arm does run out of battery at one point, which does cause some panic. All of a sudden he's stuck with a limp hunk of metal swinging from his shoulder, it's not ideal
You're able to find the retractable charging cable on the side and plug him in, but then he's stuck sitting in the same spot for two hours and a bored Lucio is a dangerous Lucio
There is a solution to this, of course. You can give him an iPad with games on it. He won't move a muscle after that
The caveat is that he will turn into an iPad kid and get glued to every single screen he sees afterwards. You don't know how to fix it
Falls in love with vending machines and tries Cheetos because the leopard on them looks cool. Develops an artificial cheese addiction
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
Please rant all you like about mumscarian :]
okay okay i did pass out yesterday immediately but i have so many thoughts. This is kinda rambly
So you have redscape or mumscar or whatever their ship name is right? Theyre such a strong duo. Theres a really good comraderie there with equal trust and strong skills. Their relationship would be one borne out of complete and utter trust and honesty. One where mumbo and scar are always gushing about the other’s skills and hyping wach other up, and in slower moments, confiding in each other about stuff they worry about and helping lift each other up. Their ideal date within canon would probably be going to an open mic at bdubs cafe and hanging out with friends there. In some ways their relationships is hard for other hermits to notice until scar presses a kiss to mumbos cheek and mumbo doesnt even blush, just smiles.
Scar and grian on the other hand is a lot louder of a relationship, albeit also a struggle. Through the life series and hc, their relationship would grow out of loyalty and care. Theres love there that grian isnt a hundred percent sure where it should go, so he channels it into keeping scar safe, keeping himself safe, and then feeling a bit lost when scar inevitably dies before him. Back on hc, hes more of a trickster, shows affection through teases and pranks and annoying people, especially scar who alwYs gives him a good reaction. Scar always looks at grian fondly, meets his quips as best he can, and also ignores when affections slowly starts to turn to love. Their idea date would probably be flying through new chunks or the void in the end
Grumbo,,, their friendship grows into loud affection. Grian sometimes gives these little moments of almost fanboy “i love you!” so often that mumbo doesnt really know when they turn real. Their relationship is kinda born out of long friendship where grian has always tried letting mumbo take the first move, and then forcing him to take charge somehow (sending him letters, inviting him to architechs, campaigning for mumbo for mayor, etc) so they can spend more time together. Its a slow realization for mumbo that grian might genuinely like him back. Anyways their idea date is probably setting up a prank together where they both die multiple times in the process when grian tries to show off
But look. All three of them in a relationship??? Of course its not instant, depending on how you see it, maybe its a duo that turns into a trio, maybe theyre all edging around each other until they simply cant hold back anymore… but also once it happens, once thwyre together, their relationship is one of reliabilty and sturdiness and an inherent need to keep each other laughing. They balance each other quite a bit. All of those traits from their individual pairs only grow stronger together. Theyre still idiots of course, but theyre also deeply concerned for each others well being. They sleep in different houses if the argument is too strong to resolve without time, they still kiss when theyre annoyed with each other, they help keep grians nest warm when its nesting season and the bird instints need to constantly build or sleep. They love each other yknow? Theyre not perfect but they try their best to keep everyones needs and wants balanced.their ideal date together would be… anywhere. Just hanging out, laughing. Im specifically imagining the three of them mining together at the start of s9. They just love laughing together. I love them
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a letter to my (new) boss (i'll never send)
it's important for me to process this here so. i know i've got that work 24/7 in my veins and i know i've got that need in me to change this city and to change the world. make this city nurturing, and feed the whole world and i can't help but constantly feel i'm getting distracted from it and traumatised from that distraction, being forced to do stuff that felt off course. what is on course? do i still remember it? what is the dream? why do i keep feeling caught up in other people's dreams, and dare i say, their idols? a vision of myself i cannot be?
i keep thinking it's like gender dysphoria and but actually. actually it is it's like. i'm sick of my whole life being told to climb up these ladders yknow? this whole structure that was constructed by the patriachy and isn't my gender at all. empowerment of women or whatever shouldn't mean we have to be that. should mean we get to be valued for who we are, whatever that is, instead of being forced into this box that some people won't even acknowledge the existence of (and that is the invalidating, repeatedly traumatising thing).
and that's why i love working in this field that facilitates the change of the industry. but to be bridging this gap requires sacrificing who i really am and the true iteration of the vision i have and i'm stretching myself, pretending what's hurtful isn't hurtful but still trying to steer the whole world away from what's normalised and in there, i feel so lost. I fought to do this project because it felt like finding myself. and it has been, to some extent. but what it has done is opened up floodgates. made me have to face things that are easier left unsaid. it's led me to face the dysphoria that has stayed under the surface for so long.
and i've realised who i am, and also realised, i don't think anyone realises and in some ways it's for the best because i can almost guarantee that in a lot of ways people are not going to like it. the right people will. in fact, i can think of a few who will. i'm almost feeling like i can bring it to the table. almost. but my art is always going to be a reflection of who i am. yes, even linkedin articles. even this bougie course. it's all kind of terrifying, really, because i belong precisely because i don't belong. it's that disparity that's keeping me employed and the way i call everyone else into line because the perspective i bring is outside of the boxes we can see when the boxes are moving too far out of what might be broadly acceptable, encroaching on and stepping on the feet of the invisible and vulnerable, or worse. i speak for the trees. i speak for the punks and the addicts and those who are oblivious to the whole grind. how i sometimes wish i could be.
but i once watercolour painted a wall hanging for an old friend and creative muse that said 'learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist' and that's kind of how i've lived my entire life.
i find it ironic, sometimes, when people look at the have-nots of various backgrounds with different stories who often seem not to be trying under capitalism and think they feel entitled to things without working for them. i know people who think that to various degrees with various caveats and i don't even fight them anymore. no, i intend to do something so much greater. because i've figured it out
i've figured out that I'm the imaginary picture they have of these people they know nothing about, but the other way around. i have this core, and i mean CORE belief that's as fundemental to me as gender (and i get emotional thinking about it, like i don't think it's going to change, self destructive as it is, it's baked into me like DNA and at almost 23 my brain is nearly finished developing. it's stuck) that I'm put here on earth to work hard and provide for everyone else. i've memeposted about it but it's true. i've tortured myself over the lack of success I've had here and come back a million times to the fact that i don't have to, i'm held safe by supernatural hands from that one time a god put on DNA and became a meat suit and made some enemies who then killed it and called it a victory.
i know i don't need to for me and i know i don't need to prove anything and i know i know i know but the strongest sense of gender euphoria i've ever felt is when i fully surrender to both that and this feeling i have that iwanttoiwanttoiwantto. i feel like it's my role in the diversity and it's the big dream i've had since i was an age i could count on my fingers and toes without thumbs. social role or gender, right? this is incorporating some of the themes of womanhood and going global with them, provisioning and nurturing, and i don't care about logistics or what is fair i won't let anyone take this away from me, even though i see in their eyes they often want to try.
it's not even necessarily feminine. it could be masculine if you like. the opposite of toxic masculinity i guess? i know i get gender envy from some who embody this idea. but it's me and i know that and it might be a belief, a dumb one i will admit it, in that i need freedom to live it out. but it goes deeper than that.
and i have to say i've approached this with an attitude of utmost surrender. i have no way of guaranteeing this is going to work but i know i feel good when i'm following the same intuition that lit this passion in me and i know things go wrong when i try to suppress it. i know in order to be my best me i have to be fully me.
and i feel like i need to get comfortable and confident in these shoes before i expose myself too much to things that freeze the flow state of my brain and have power over me that they try to use to mold me into someone i'm not. someone who makes better financial decisions or hangs out with better people or has a more reliable sleep schedule or whose concept of equity isn't so complicated or who can enjoy hedonist things a little.
but don't you get it? it's when i get this out of my system at the same rate it goes in that i'm happiest. least self-destructive. i can celebrate with whatever joys i please within a liberated liberator's moral code and i can actually be present in the moment instead of trying to stem a tide that might give me that fulfilment i've been chasing for my whole life. i'm hesitant to say it's God talking to me except for the fact that i should relax. i don't know for sure, no one does, but what if it is? what if sometimes the counterintuitive best thing to do is just let me be deranged? because when i'm liberated this is as deranged as i get. just trust me, please.
and when you trust me i'll show up to those corporate events in a classy dress and block heels and i'll charm those investors or whatever they are (i won't let them know that i've forgotten their role as soon as they said it) and I'll have them seeing just a seed of my perspective, the one i've collected from thousands of stories i've sought out and will continue to until i represent millions. billions. i'll negotiate and cut to the heart of it in meetings, just let me grow and i can learn to do that. i know my skillset. i'll do admin organisational stuff and make a system for it. i'll finish my drinks and complete your jokes, don't you see who i could be? don't you see who i am? i'm the same me when i work in impact investing as when i work in special education and when i work in conservation and when i work in consulting and i work in urban design and i work in manufacturing and i work in hairdressing and when i'm a mother. i'll defeat your systems and i'll climb ladders horizontally like the monkey bars i slayed on as a child and i'll do it classily. i promise. i'll spend my whole life giving and i'll have fun doing it.
that's the dream isn't it?
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white-weasel · 6 months
I loved reading about finnean in your tags of that poll reblog. This is your sign, if you want one, to talk about him (or any of your other characters) all you want. Fascinating little guy
Anon you have unleashed the floodgates I think... This is gonna be a mix of general information, campaign recaps related to him, and just general brain rot so uhhhhh who's to say if this will be even remotely intelligible lmao
So like I laid out in the tags of that post, Finnean Galondel is a high elf Order of the Scribes Wizard (currently we're at level 14). He's currently 91 and since elves reach the age of maturity at ~100 at least according to the PHB, I started by playing him as the equivalent of someone going off to college for the first time: very smart, but because he had never traveled very far outside of his village before so kinda naive about how the world actually works. He's certainly matured over the course of the campaign, but he does still tend towards optimistic outlooks
The backstory I originally provided for him was pretty brief. Essentially, Finnean's father had been out of the picture ever since he was 5 years old. Nobody really knows what happened to him. His mother told him that he was a very dedicated scholar, studying magic and history in general, but specializing in one specific area thousands of years old. Then, one night, he apparently stumbled on a huge discovery and told her that he needed to take it to the village elders right away. He left and wasn't back the next morning, the village elders saying that he never even approached them that night. Nobody knows why he decided to leave the village, or if it even was a voluntary decision at all. However, since 85 year had passed since then, Finnean and his mother essentially treated him like he was dead by that point.
And Finnean and his mom!! He is SUCH a mama's boy it's not even funny. Before the campaign, she was his best friend in the world. He loved helping her out around the house and just spending time with her. However, she was the one who pushed Finnean to leave home so that he could branch out in his training. She knew that he was pretty sheltered and needed real world experience if he was to actually improve and become a better wizard like he wanted. I have written multiple letters to my DM in character throughout the campaign for what Finnean was sending to his mom to keep her up to date
There was also Daemaris (hate this fucking bitch) who I originally included as Finnean's childhood bully. He's basically the village golden child who has always outshone Finnean and then rubbed it in his face. He left the village to strike out on his own a couple years before Finnean did and for right now all you need to know is he's an asshole and I hate him ajafsldf (he will become important later tho)
So yeah not to get into the details of everything we did in the first part of the campaign, but we played through the Dragon Heist module with some supplementary side adventures. Here, Finnean gets his first experience with violence and actually taking a life, as everything he's done before has been in controlled environments. He struggled with this for some time, about the realities of adventuring compared to all the books he had read that had made it sort of idyllic and heroic (because of course he's a huge book nerd, he's a wizard)
The thing that kinda makes him come to terms with death and killing is the group's first encounter with an evil cult (typical dnd stuff yknow). Basically it's all the horrible things, the group saw piles of bodies, but also saw a few survivors who were horrible brainwashed + traumatized from everything. We fought this cult leader, Vialis, but before we could finish him off, he teleported away. Finnean, seeing all the death and carnage around him, realized that he wished that they had been able to kill this man so he could never do this to anyone else again. Sometimes the world is a better place with certain people dead. (This cult encounter is where we have gotten one of the lines that has become our paladin's maxim throughout the campaign and has now become a central theme: "Death is inevitable, but not today" Whether that death is the PCs, those NPCs/citizens we are trying to protect, etc. Everyone will eventually die, but that doesn't mean we won't fight like hell to push it down the line later. So yeah, Finnean realizes that sometimes killing is necessary and it's part of his duty as an adventurer to carry it out.
During the course of Dragon Heist, Finnean and his friends (our party calls themelves The Keepers of the Howling Moon because we set up/own a karaoke bar in Waterdeep called The Howling Moon and it just sounds sick as shit) work for Vajra Safahr, the Blackstaff. She's basically the archmage of Waterdeep and I love her so much. Finnean and her have developed a friendship throughout the campaign. At first, I'm pretty sure she viewed him as a kid with a good heart, but green in the gills. However, as the party learned and grew and saved Waterdeep from devils, she has become much more comfortable with the party. Finnean opened up to her about his own self-doubt to her and she in turn revealed her own insecurities as the youngest Blackstaff in Waterdeep history and how she is pulled in a million different directions always. Whenever we're in Waterdeep and have downtime, Finnean spends a lot of time with her. Usually, he'll visit her tower and they'll each work on whatever they need to together. We have sending stones that connect directly to her and are CONSTANTLY trying to fill her in on what's going on with us. I just... love her so much
Another important NPC to Finnean is one Renaer Neverember. I wanna say we met him in session two, saw him be insanely competent in battle, and Finnean was IMMEDIATELY smitten with him. At the beginning of the campaign there was... so much failed flirting and obliviousness on Finnean's end. I think the most mortifying one was, Finnean went to his house, followed a courting ritual suggested by another party member (who, unbeknownst to him at this point, had just escaped from a cult so her perspective on romance was severely skewed), and then, when Renaer tried to let him down gently, misinterpreted his words and believed they were dating. After lots of second hand embarrassment, Finnean got his ass handed to him emotionally (Renaer basically said "look, you seem like a great guy, but I have a lot going on with my dad rn" but was never a dick) and resolved that they would never be more than friends.
However, there have been so many moments where Renaer singles out Finnean specifically from the rest of the party: getting bracers of defense for his birthday, lingering touches as the party goes off the Baldur's Gate, etc, etc. So in character, Finnean has already resolved they can never be more than friends based just on how badly all previous attempts at pursuing him went. Out of character I am just SCREAMING because the stories of Finnean and Renaer are so similar to each other, but so different.
Renaer has a bad relationship with his father Dagult, who is an important figure in the city of Neverwinter. His father embezzled a shit ton of Waterdeep money and then dipped. Renaer has had to deal with the mess his father left behind, despite how much he wants to wash his hands of everything and be his own person. To most people he will be a Neverember first, and then Renaer. Finnean, on the other hand, barely knew his father. He used his father's books to study and connected to him that way, but there was never any expectation placed on him to be anything but himself. However, when he learns more about his father, who he was and how he disappeared, he knows that he must finish what his dad started, no matter how much the idea of it scares him.
Speaking of Finnean's dad, Finnean found out more about him by a Cleric/Warlock of the Raven Queen literally giving him the memories of his father's last moments. He had been researching this ancient lich and had finally figured out his location. He left a package and letter to Finnean and then set out to confront the lich. He didn't tell anyone what he was doing and didn't take any sort of backup with him. He ultimately died in his quest.
So cue a couple weeks in game later, we finally make our way back to Finnean's village to retrieve this package for Finnean, which pointed out some suspect ruins. There was a SHIT ton of stuff that happened there for each of us PCs (Paladin/Barbarian from the cult of Orcus had an emotional confrontation with her older brother, trying to save him from whatever entity's control he was under and Warlock/Sorcerer basically found out that she was not who she thought she was (too convoluted to explain easily, but essentially due to the trauma of seeing her sister die in front of her, she took on the persona of her sister to shield herself from that truth + her patron took advantage of that trauma further in making their pact)). The shit that happened with Finnean was twofold
Motherfucking DAEMARIS of all people was in these ruins, performing a ritual to open a portal for the bbeg lich. Finnean always knew he was an asshole, but he never thought he could ever actually be evil. They had a very intense confrontation, and when Finnean tried to get an answer about why Daemaris was doing this and hurting people, Daemaris accused Finnean of being a hypocrite. He wasn't very clear, but essentially said that they both play judge, jury, and executioner. They both kill. We have not played much past this, but now Finnean is spiraling because he thinks that Daemaris might be right. The first time Finnean killed someone, he literally threw up. Now though, he and his party members kill those they deem evil without hesitation and is that right for him? Yes, some people are probably better off dead, but to the extent of what they've been doing? He has a lot to think about. Even if this isn't true, Daemaris' mind games have worked on him. I definitely see a future where Finnean hesitates in the heat of battle and either he, or worse, one of his friends gets hurt because of it. Also, even though I as a player really really want to kill Daemaris, I think Finnean will struggle with this a lot more and probably won't be able to finish him off
Nezerac, the lich, was able to get through the portal and gave a long villain speech and one of the things he said implied that something about Finnean was only able to do all this because of him (so that could mean the source of his magic, his lineage, his village, SOMETHING) which is really just horrifying. And also probably gives a hint as to why Daemaris is working with Nezerac. He also revealed that he had been keeping an eye on the whole party since the very beggining which is so concerning. Nezerac then straight up killed Finnean and the Warlock and then provided two diamonds for the paladin to revivify them as a power move/taunt. And like I said, haven't played past this yet but Finnean is gonna SPIRAL and feel a shit ton of guilt about the entire encounter because the only reason his friends were there was because of him.
I think Finnean has half a thought that he should not let them get involved further, that he needs to hide his guilt that he feels about putting them in this position. He needs to be stronger and strong means that he would be able to handle this on his own. But then he also remembers the last memories of his father (which are now as good as his own memories), where he tried to confront Nezerac on his own and the only thing he did was get himself killed and give Nezerac another soul to gain power from. Maybe if he had spoken with Mordenkainen, or any of the other powerful wizards he knew, he would still be here and Finnean wouldn't be the one who has to deal with all of this. Something something, treading the path of his father but not making the same mistakes
There's probably stuff I'm leaving out about him, but like... I love him. If anything happens to Finnean I will genuinely be inconsolable for at least a week. He's the first dnd character I ever created and I absolutely love playing him because he has all this real shit going on, but also has the capacity to be Just A Little Guy when we aren't in the thick of it. (And I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I think he gets a lot of good, funny moments outside of serious scenes to keep things from getting too dire)
Rapid fire little moments/facts about Finnean:
He has a ferret familiar named Fenny (short for Fenjamin). Fenny's "wriggly body is optimized for dance" and essentially when he's running around the battlefield and distracting our enemies (aka giving the help action to give one of us advantage on attacks) he's "dancing" :)
Met Volo (aka in-universe writer of Volo's Guide to Monsters), had an insane fanboy moment, and got him to sign multiple things including a copy of the book which he kept as a prized possession
His wizard robes were sewn for him by his mom and his name is stitched into the neck part
His spellbook is actually a library book from his hometown. He didn't realize that those needed to be returned though, so it's horribly horribly overdue (we actually just got back to his village a session or two ago and he had to pay a huge fine on it because it's now so beat up it can't be returned lol)
Made the poor choice of buying a Gucci belt for way too much gold (from Old Man Gucci at Ye Old Gucci Shoppe) but then became disillusioned with the drip when he kept seeing assholes wearing them
Helped make magical WWE called Mage Mania (I ordered shirts for my group as Christmas gifts after 2 years of us joking about it. I'm so excited for these)
For an event at the karaoke bar, he disguised self to make himself look like a women. Rolled a nat 20 for hotness and so was disguised as an extremely hot MILF. Daemaris (back before we knew he was like... actually evil) hit on him endlessly and it was very fun to see his reaction when Finnean dropped the disguise and revealed that he had been pursuing the "idiot loser" all night
Loves to study and learn languages (he initially bonded with the paladin/barbarian by taking Abyssal lessons from her)
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klngfili · 2 years
Perhaps a very random request but do you have any hcs about Legolas and Arwen being friends, either before or after the trilogy?
aaaaaaaaaaa tysm !!!!!!! i love headcanons for those two!!! there are just so many!!! so im sorry if this has gotten a bit long and rambly its just THEM yknow
they actually started out as penpals when they were younger because they are cousins basically
legolas is still a good deal younger than her tbh so he was slightly intimidated by he at first because omg she's elronds daughter!!! and galadriels granddaughter??!
but yeah penpals they exchange all sorts of gossip and hairtips, fashion and jokes
but as is the thing with all long distance friendships they always go 'omg we should meet up!! wish i could send u some of the lembas i just made with my grandma!! next you're in mirkwood!! maybe you can come to my dads next council!!' is as far as the whole meeting up in person thing goes
there's always something coming up when legolas is supposed to leave for lothlorien, or his father thinks rivendell is too far and when arwen and celeborn visited mirkwood legolas was away ons some of his travels o whatever and then the two left before legolas got back
and then they finally get to meet after being penpals for like almost 2100 years and they hang out a ton in rivendell and basically cannot be separated (unless for aragorn or her brothers but legolas is almost like a brother to her at this point) they laugh and chat and sing and play music together and leggles keeps her up to date on like mirkwood stuff and ofc leggles knows all about aragorn but actually seeing the guy?? the pimply teenager she mentioned in a few letters a couple of years ago?
and that time in rivendell passes way too quickly for both their likings
after the trilogy when legolas moves to Ithilien with some elves they get to hang out a lot more
they still tease each other endlessly, they still sing and they still stay up all night to gossip but it still feels different somehow, less likes its just the two of them, young and carefree, with legolas pining after some guard captain or some other elf, arwen teasing him about it and vice versa when it comes to aragorn
because one of them is now mortal and the other very much not but they tend to forget about about that quickly after legolas once teased her about being the older one of the two after all (arwens response to that was 'at least im still prettier')
legolas shows up unannounced in Minas Tirith plenty of times, with gimli of course
and ofc when Arwen and Aragorn leave and visit the shire legolas comes with them, of course and while gimli does drinking game w the hobbits those two sit back with some old vintage and like judge elfily and arwen snort giggles cause gimli loses!!! he actually loses and legolas is so embarrassed
and like when he bursts out laughing and tips over the table he and arwen are sitting on and they both unceremoniously land on the floor absolutely no one saw that (or so they tell themselves)
and then after aragorn's death legolas is there for her ofc and he really wants to stay and help her as much as possible but she sends him away in the end, tells him to sail and leave her to her shadows
she sends him away with a letter to her parents because elladan and elrohir have decided to stay
anyway ~THEM~
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the-blaze-empress · 1 year
What are your favorite things abt c!phil? i want to know his character better :3
god where to START hmmmmmm
okay ive stuck it under a read more because my god is there a lot. for anyone curious, i list off 10 of my favourite things about cphil (with explanations as to what an why), 10 of my favourite quotes, and also cover some more common fandom mischaracterisations
1 - his character design it's basic, but i need somewhere to start. i LOVE phils character design, idk, maybe its just something to do with birds and green and me being a cosplayer. especially his new skin! it has details, anon, and they all have meaning. i love me some details with meaning. and bc its minecraft, and because minecraft is pixels, theres SO MUCH ROOM FOR INTERPRETATION. anyone can go COMPLETELY ham with the design if they want to and they all look SO COOL.
2 - EMERALD DUO okay so ill say it outright; im a qpr emduo sorta person. at the very least im an ‘old friends/war buddies/ex emperors emduo’ person. dont get me wrong, techno is the eldest child, but in the dsmp, he’s not phil’s kid, they’re just really old friends. AND OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM. ‘for you the world’ NEED I SAY MORE??? the emeralds, the phil risking his life to protect techno from the butcher army, the techno worrying about phil participating in doomsday, the complete and utter undying trust they have in each other. theyre not perfect, they still disagree and still have differing opinions but they sort it out and compromise and make sure each other is always okay!!! them!!!
3 - birb cphil is a bird we all know this. and this is leaning more into fanon not explicitly canon, but im including it because i can. phil is bird, he has bird brain. bird instincts and bird features, like hollow bones, chirping, nesting, preening, all the good stuff. it adds a layer of depth to his character thats so fun to play with when writing!! there’s so much potential for both angst and fluff and i love it so much. also i just love birds so yknow. win win situation for me.
4 - family, its messy phil is part of what i believe is the biggest canonical family on the dsmp. there’s four generations ffs. he has a son, a grandson, even a great-grandson. and it’s not perfect. wilbur is. wilbur, but even though he went mad and even though he lied in his letters he still cared enough to send letters in the first place, phil still cared enough to read them. phil still cared enough to drop everything for his son. it was messy and it was heartbreaking but that is what it is to be a father, i think. sometimes whats right is whats hardest and its phils love for wilbur that was forever just so clear. its the way fundy fucked up, its the way phil fucked up in return, its the way they made up without properly making up but phil was always, always there for fundy, always cared for him at least a little, because that’s his grandson.
5 - leading on from the above, kristin!! ANON DO YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT IS FOR PHIL TO BE MARRIED TO THE LITERAL GODDESS OF DEATH?? phil is a trophy husband and you cannot convince me otherwise. his wife is SO COOL and SO POWERFUL and he loves her SO VERY MUCH. yeah sure hes a het guy in a homonormative society but i can forgive him for that because his wife is amazing. also less cphil, more ccphil, but i think its SO FUCKING COOL AND/OR FUNNY that ccphil literally just. wrote his wife into the dsmp on a whim. THATS how much he loves her that even tho shes not involved in this thing hes doing she’s still there in some sense.
6 - immortality yeah cphil CAN die, but here’s the catch; he doesn’t. hes functionally immortal and godddd i love it so much. hes so fucked up from it, but i love that about him (more on that point later). cphil has lived through so much and he has known so much and he has gained and lost SO MUCH but he’s still going strong, hes still loving and living and trying. who knows when he’ll finally die, not him and certainly not us.
7 - WOO TRAUMA mans is SO FUCKED UP. god where to even START with this. phil has not processed a single emotion in 500 years and he does NOT plan on starting now thank you very much. his sons death? nah lets build a country instead. watching his best friend be executed? nope not processing THAT lets find somewhere else to live oh yeah also i almost died. phils favourite thing is avoiding emotions and busying himself with some Other Task for Someone Else (new lmanburg, training room, various farms for techno, just to name a couple) so he Doesnt Have To Think About Anything. also perception of time? hell no he’s gonna be working for days without realising it. this is not healthy. he does not intend to stop. he blames himself for so much and rarely ever accepts help from anyone at all.
8 - kindness dont get me wrong if you get on the wrong side of phil you will find out exactly why some know him as the angel of death, but if ur not on that side of him, hes just. so kind and so caring. that one time when ranboo was deliberately trying to trigger the enderwalk out, and phil ran in and got rid of all the splash water bottles because he thought ranboo was getting hurt? yeah. that. protecting tommy without hesitation or question when dream was chasing him? yeah. that. building new lmanburg because tubbo had enough on his plate and he needed something to do anything to do he needed to keep his hands busy then it would be okay it had to be okay he had to be okay? yeah. that. visiting techno even while he was under house arrest to make sure he was okay? yeah. that.
9 - hes such a chaotic little fuck this is something a LOT of the fandom seem to. ignore. phil is not this sophisticated, calm, rational father figure. he can be sometimes (at a push) but thats not who he is. he’s an absolute chaos machine, and a fucking deadly one at that. he’s bored and you’re in the general vicinity? bye living! i think its well summed up in that one clip of phil and techno in a village, and techno’s grabbing a couple supplies here and there, and phil is just fucking gutting the place even if he doesnt actually need those supplies. he will murder (for fun), he will explode shit (for fun), he will cause mass genocide (for fun), he will fucking. idk he’ll do it all for fun.
10 - history imo, phil and techno are some of the best—if not the most—fleshed out characters in the dsmp. part of this, i reckon, is because of the history they have. you cannot talk about dsmp cphil properly without acknowledging smp earth and hardcore at the very least. the antarctic empire is there, phil and techno carry its shields and wear its colours. the angel of death is familiar to most if not all, the love for fucking freezing temperatures is there too. phil did decanonise the connection to hardcore, but a) many people who care ignore that, b) i ignore that, and c) it was there for at least a little, it had influence for at least a little. cphil is and old character, he didn’t just blip into existence in the dsmp, he has real, solid, pre-established history.
and now for some of my favourite cphil quotes!!
1 - Things, buildings, they can be replaced! People can't be replaced. I'm not losing anyone else... I'm not losing anyone else. Not to this bullshit. 
2 - (“Since when was this a Philza Minecraft thing?”) “Since I was forced to kill my own son, you idiot!”
3 - look i made this entire section to include One Specific Quote except i now cannot find that quote. fuck this fuck me. it was something phil said in chat at one point, he was talking to sam, saying how he [phil] was immortal, he had seen nations rise and fall, he had seen people like sam who craved power come and go with little consequence. its a good quote, trust me, ill put it here when/if i can find it.
4 - "I've seen this 'government', on this server... Everything to do with government has just been bad so far. (...) I've watched it completely destroy and tear down people's wills, and change people... I've seen it change the nicest people into complete and utter tyrants. So I think it's about time.”
okay quotes over now for some common fandom mischaracterisations, since u said u wanted to know cphils character better
1 - bad dad phil this one really gets me. i hate it, genuinely. phil was never and is not a bad dad. im not saying he was perfect, but he was not a bad dad. it is not his fault wilbur went mad, it is not his fault tommy was hurt so much in exile (more on that later), none of this is his fault. phil cares so much about his family and does everything he can for them, he was never neglectful or absent or anything of the sort.
2 - sbi family dynamics THESE HAVE BEEN DECANONISED BY LIKE EVERYONE IN SBI FOR THE DSMP. MULTIPLE TIMES. tommy was never phils son, he was just some kid phils actual son knew. techno is phils old friend, not his son. wilbur, however, is his son
3 - calm collected eloquent father SOMETIMES phil can have good fatherly advice. other times he really fucking does not!! cphil is shit with words, if you want someone whos always expressing their emotion in elegant prose, look at techno, not phil. he tries, he really does, but his perception of normality is warped, and sometimes he just doesnt fucking care?? hes chaotic and fairly independent, and yeah okay he may have taken in TWO stray kids (tubbo, when he was a child, and ranboo after doomsday) but hes not the like. serial adopter some people make him out to be
so yeah, thats cphil for you! im more than happy to go into more detail about any of the above things, just ask! that goes for literally anyone btw. ill happily talk about fanon and more fandom characterisations, but ive tried to keep it as close to canon as i can so far. what’s great is that despite what he claims, ccphil is an excellent roleplayer and general storyteller, hes always adding little details and explaining reasoning behind things, so theres so much nuance and so much depth to cphil and the section of the world he inhabits. can you tell that cphil is my favourite character perhaps.
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gimmethatagustd · 1 year
HELP IVE NEVER LOOKED AT BTS IS A ROMANTIC WAY BUT LAST NIGHT I HD A DREAM WHERE I WAS DATING COLLEGE STUDENT TAEHYUNG and he was the cuddliest most considerate person ever like his thing was putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side like that was HIS MOVE like his side was made specifically for me to fit into it and he would set up dates and come to my dorm to hang out w me and for some reason there was a part in the dream where things turned life or death so we would send each other letters and food and stuff like oh my god now I can’t look at him the same I think I’m in love?? ok that’s all I just had to let that out but if it gives u inspo for anything feel free to write whatever u want
okay but college boyfie taehyung is A+
like seriously, such a dream. literally and emotionally, yknow. your mind knows what's up. your dream brain has #taste
i have a taekook roommates wip. haven't decided if i wanna make it a college au or a grad school au. but this ask is making me think i should make it a college au 😫
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haloburns · 2 years
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I posted 23,071 times in 2022
204 posts created (1%)
22,867 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,885 of my posts in 2022
#danny phantom - 115 posts
#the world is having more fun than me tonight series - 94 posts
#ecto writes - 91 posts
#ecto fics - 88 posts
#my fics - 72 posts
#my au - 35 posts
#ml spoilers - 31 posts
#the batman 2022 - 26 posts
#strike back spoilers - 26 posts
#my writing - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#nor did the fact that i could already read do me any favors bc i was like immediately singled out and elevated to the 1st grade reading cla
My Top Posts in 2022:
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag others. No skipping!
thanks for tagging me @roundaboutnow !!
i'm gonna use my invisobang playlist that i can't share the title of yet. it's my fav right now.
1. same direction - hoobastank (honestly hoobastank fucks)
2. getting away with murder - papa roach (a classic)
3. be my escape - relient k (my beloved)
4. make it stop (september's end) - rise against (this song makes me cry)
5. until the day i die - story of the year (a perfect ghost light song, ive had it on all my songs)
6. for you, and your denial - yellowcard (oh this song fucks too. the violin man. the violin.)
7. last night on earth - green day
8. saying sorry - hawthorne heights
9. devil in the mirror - black veil brides (this song is so good for this fic...)
10. give it all - rise against
@redead-red @jadenoryuu @omnicrafts (share those crossover playlists babe!!) @floralflowerpower @bibliophilea and anyone else that wants to join in!
31 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
with every sin, i still wanna be holy
Dan wants to be better. But that means dealing with his past (future?) actions and starting to make amends and acknowledging how he's hurt these people in his life. It's hard than he'd like to admit. Part of the the world is having more fun than me (tonight) series.
I dunno why I’m writing this. It’s stupid. I’m not even gonna send it. You don’t even know who I am! Clockwork did his meddling with time bullshit so you don’t remember me.
No one remembers me
You were my favorite teacher, yknow. You were the only one who actually gave even a little fuck about me. All my other teachers wrote me off as just another dumb lazy kid. No one knew of course.
Oh I guess I should tell you. I’m… Danny Phantom. Sort of. It’s a big mess of things, but Fenton is Phantom. That little punk Weston kid was right. That's why I missed so many assignments and always fell asleep in class. I promise I wasn’t a bad kid, Mr Lancer.
I guess I just needed to tell you who I was. So you would be understanding or some shit. Maybe so I wouldn’t feel like I failed every adult in my life.
Whatever. It’s not like I’m sending this anyway.
Read more letters on AO3!
40 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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hey look at that! another redraw!
i wanted to work on style and some other things, so i redrew my avatar (again). the first one is literally just the screenshot, and then the second one is Pissed Off Ghost King™ Danny. that one was more to fuck around with ectoblasts and some other stuff. also i designed a crown!
some more stuff below the cut!
here's a version without the blasts bc im vvv proud of how these hands turned out, considering the weird ass proportions of the cartoon. big thanks to @friendly-neighborhood-imbecille for those hand ref sheets 👉🏼👉🏼 u the realest
See the full post
44 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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my friend @i-think-in-metaphors did this amazing commission for me!!! i redid the phantom planet statue for my au, and wrote a scene for one of my upcoming works where mateo gets to see it in person. i finally got tired of imagining it and wanted to see it.
and the product. is. GORGEOUS. it's so perfect. i'm in love. i'm gonna cry about this for the next 30 years. LOOK AT HIM.
(click for quality.)
check out her commissions!!
the scene it's based on is below the cut!
Excerpt from quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead! (wip)
The black zirconium statue was larger than life. It towered above them on two separate, stepped obsidian pedestals, each about five-feet high. As Mateo moved closer, he could see something glittering in the bases. Danny mumbled something about ectoplasmic ice mixed into it, stronger than diamonds, but Mateo thought they looked like stars. He figured that was the intention. It was gorgeous.
He tilted his head back to take in the actual sculpture. That Danny was twice as large as the one standing next to Mateo. He felt his heart lurch a little at how serious Danny looked, the tight furrow over his brow, the determined set to his jaw. It all made him look so much older than even now, even though Mateo knew he was only sixteen when the statue was made.
The statue’s zirconium white accents were blinding in the late afternoon sunlight, and Mateo found himself shading his eyes as he looked up even higher. The hair on the statue was shorter than Mateo had seen Danny wear his, probably closer to the length it had been when he was in high school. It was swept back heroically, as if moved by an unseen wind, and the sun glinted off its sharp edges. It made the whole statue look as if it were glowing.
Crystalized ectoplasm made Phantom’s eerie green eyes, and they glowed too, though Mateo figured they probably glowed under their own power rather than a trick of the light. The statue’s eyes were trained on the thin, steel-wire Earth he cupped protectively close to his chest; it was a promise as well as a remembrance. The world remembered what Phantom did for them, and he promised them he would do it all over again if necessary.
65 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
this is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
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(click for way better quality)
Sam did this amazing cover for me and I literally can't stop staring at it. I'm making it my phone background like immediately. Here's their post, go give it a reblog!
prologue: without you, there's no reason for my story and chapter one: fading in the afterglow are live right now!
i'll be posting every SATURDAY starting this saturday 9/3! we got seven more chapters to go, lads, so buckle up!
71 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Not so much a headcanon sorry- byt I think sucrose and collei are v cute together. I kinda ship fhem 👉👈 I yhink sending each other letters and flowers is really cute. Sucrose would try to optimez something. I can just oictyre her like. Yknow the molecular gastoyomy stuff? Where you like make these little prbs of a flavor? I can see her like. Making the flower dishes from Sumeru. Like the pudding, and the stuff with the roses. I think an expression of love for her is tryong to see and imprive stuff. Learning. -🌵
Sameeeeeeeee.... Like it'd be cuteeee. They are a cute ass ship lmao.
And yeah oh gosh Molecular gastronomy. Imagine she, like, sends Collei a letter and inside she put, like, a tiny pill with a recipe she wanted her to try. Like, considering that'd be the only way to send perishable food around (I don't think Teyvat has invented ventilation and fridges yet) it'd be such a cool gesture. Like Collei sends her recipes and she makes them through bioalchemy and sends them back....
Like that's so cuteeeee!!!!
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years
haha wow doin stuff with Tavi really took like two hours huh. is she training me to finally get my sleep schedule back on track???
ok ok i probably got like an hour before she calls me back so I gotta get as much writing done in my diary as I can before... oh god.
I, Vinyl Scratch, am not turning into a nerd, am I?
no. no im not. no im just writing in my about what I'm doing because Tavi gave me the advice and I like it and it helps me realize more what im doing.
Ok ill write about the days that led up to me being in Canterlot, in Octavia's old bedroom (or in her bathroom right now), rebelling against her parents in the best! way!! POSSIBLE!!!!!!!
22th: i slept all day through this one bc even though a ton of the ponies from Pinkie's party left before 2 am like a buncha normies, and despite everything that can be going wrong and lame be happening doing, Pinkie, Berry, and a cool new mare I met called Derpy raved quite successfully with me until Berry's filly and Derpy's foals hadda go to school and we decided to just end the party. i woulda liked to have a party go on from night till noon though...
though considering the fact that I only barely woke up in time for me and Tavi to make our train to Canterlot, maybe it was for the best. not how i wanted to spend Luna's glorious night, packing feverishly so i could get on a train to get closer to the Jealous Sun, but it was inevitable.
tbh dont tell Tavi but I totally forgot that we were even going to Canterlot and meeting up with Lyra and Bon Bon. train ride was fine, but strangely (not in a bad way) Tavi was a lot more affectionate, which was weird at the time but makes a lot more sense what with what was gonna happen later on.
23th: we finally met Lyra and Bon Bon in Canterlot. feel pretty bad for Lyra, gottin to have to go back and forth and back and forth between Ponyville and Canterlot and tons of other places just to do her concerts or whatever. I guess I can relate since Tavi usually has to go to Canterlot a ton. while Im stuck in ponyville. gets lonely a lot. luckily we both somehow get the energy to send letters to each other every day were apart, but i live in fear of a day when that might stop. i mean, are we fillyfriends because of some temporary physical attraction or because of who we are?
anyway we were goin around out. I was chattin with Bon Bon bout liquor candies. I told her id hook her up with a nice mare if she'd attempt to make some. (Spoiler alert: she and nope im not going to spoil it, I'll just talk about it on the 24th day section). I noticed that Tavi and Lyra weren't talkin much and were acting all aloof and uptight and not at all affectionate and like the snooty Canterlotians but I chalked it up to them being natives.
that was until Bon Bon saw my face and told me that theres like....... a whole thing in Canterlot about being a fillyfooler. Apparently they still think that Celestia only wants couples of one mare and one stallion, for making more foals for her glory or something. well what the buck does that make me then???????????? what's so wrong about me being with Octavia, and then adopting a couple dozen fillies that need the love and attention instead of making some that didnt ask to be made?????? whatever. more proof that Luna is based and C celestia is cringe.
Also apparently Bon Bon didnt know that Lyra was a fillyfooler, which was something I was going to soon rectify. we had donuts at Donut Joe's yknow and then we went to a few fancy bistros for their bars. I got Lyra drunk enough to tell me that old story that she was only able to get into her place on the orchestra because she 'befriended' the mom of the old conductor Allegro Accelerando and threatened to become his second mom if he didnt put her on. Bon Bon was real impressed with all the graphic detail and I was laughing my flank off at both Lyra's funny as buck story and Bon Bon's honest reaction but Octavia was mortified that someone might overhear us and throw us out, not to mention our reputations and careers.
Well not that us Ponyville mares had anything to be afraid of but in the interest of making Tavi feel comfortable I felt that I should take Tavi back to her hotel room while stealthily suggesting Lyra's drunk flank take Bon Bon to her own >:)
but when we got to the room Octavia broke down in tears. it was frankly disturbing for myy marefriend who didnt even cry that much when i was in danger of being overdose on cocaine. shes just... usually so calm and reserved.
i asked what was wrong but she just told me to love her and keep loving her, she begged me to keep loving her and being with her for all time, but most of all, she begged me to never stop being me. So i just hugged her and put her on the couchbed andtold her that she needs some of the Berry Punch/Pinkie Pie Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to giver her some rest and she just laughed and shook her head goodnaturedly and it looks like that calmed her down. the weed brownie i also got her to eat probably helped too
i was really concerned for her and i didnt really know what to do. i remember having a lot of trouble with why she was so sad, since it seemed to be something more than just the dislike of fillyfoolers in Canterlot. of course, i know now that it was because we had to meet her parents the next day.
24th: yeah so we woke up pretty early in the day (noon) and we had a couple hours before the necessary dinner date with Tavi's parents that she finally told me about and I convicned her to take me with her. We were gonna hang out with Lyra and Bon Bon more since the 23thrd was a blast and tons of fun but unfortuantely they were a little preoccupied at the moment.
Lyra was having some trouble with her record player in her room (;<
and Bon Bon was having to make some liquor candies for me >:)
so we just went to a Barns & Nobles a little bit and then hung out at a ma and pa book store/coffee place for a few hours. Octavia seemed much better, much less uptight and even willing to hug me in public. I still could read her like one of the books and I knew she was conflicted about something but I wanted to give her some time to get through it. well imagine my surprise when she leans over and kisses me right in front of a passing old mare!!!!!!! an old mare who blushed and ran away from the two of us.
I was immediately freaking out since she coudl like lose her job right?? but she puts a comforting hoof on my shoulder and says somethign that I cant remember at the moment because sweet loving Luna did I go to sleep at a horrible time last night (8. BUCKING. P.M.) But it was probably something about not wanting to hide who we are, especially to her parents.
Then we met her parents.
This is not a discussion for the diary.
We did not fight.
(but you better believe I whipped their flanks!!!)
25th: lol haha today (or I guess last night?????????) was a blast. we just basically, y'know went on a sUPER CUTE FILLYFOOLER DOUBLE DATE AND GJKASVJSLKFJDC
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dont make fun of my hoofdrawing skills im getting better also
Are we taking things too fast? I dont know if she's comfortable with it... I dont even know if me and Tavi are coming to the same conclusions. i mean nopony comes faster than Vinyl Scratch! . ok ok ok I just don't know if she's comfortable with it, I mean, she seems so uptight a lot of the time but that's just her, baby! Well. No, actually, she isnt' uptight once you get to know her but in the meantime... Though it seems like one part of her's not tight when I trot into the room! Hey-oh! i dont eeven know what that means.
ok ok ok ok.ok. So. Last night Tavi kinda maybe spilled the beans to Lyra and Bon Bon that... ok im not gonna put that in my journal cuz i feel like its memorable enough for me to remember and i dont want to take the chance that anyone actually reads these.
So idk idk i gotta discuss this with her tomorrow (OR LATER TODAY????)
ok bye i dont need sleep i need a mare
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pigstepmp3-moved · 3 years
oooh update now im on the verge of tears about w! very epic! very sexy! very poggerz! /s
#ugh!#like i know i need to give her time to decide if she even Wants to come to me ever again#but i am so impatient! waiting is so hard and i desperately wanna ask her if we can maybe talk again someday#someday Soon yknow? and obvi not about deep stuff. but i just want to talk to her about superficial stuff again#giving her time is so hard but i know i need to do it. its what she deserves.#its the least i can do after the way i hurt her. its the absolute fucking least i can do#update: while writing these tags ive started actually crying#i miss her so bad man#i wish more than anything that she could at least know how much i love and miss her#and how sorry i am for everything. i just want her to know that she means everything to me#i wrote a stupid little book in our creative minecraft world to tell her as much#i dont know if she ever goes on there anymore or anything. but yknow. just in case#i wanna write her a letter too but i still need an envelope#i just wish i had gotten better sooner. not just for her sake but also for my own sake#i wanted so badly to be able to meet and hug the person who singlehandedly made my life#a million times better#but now. i dont know. ill probably never get to#why couldnt the asshole who sent her one of my vent posts send her one of these kinds?#where i feel particularly sentimental and miss and love her extra hard?#whyd she even have to message me about it. it sent me spiralling so fucking hard#whyd i have to fuck everything up?#w if you end up seeing this i hope youre doing okay#i hope youre happier right now#i hope youre doing muchmuchmuch better than i am. you deserve that much#and i hope you know that im trying to get better. for you. for us. and for me. i love you.#dont reblog#eden.txt
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brisbookmark · 3 years
Pre TLT Luke Castellan hcs because that man has me in a chokehold
- He loves funnel cake
- Can and will kill for some good ass funnel cake, constantly sneaks out to carnivals to get some and he’ll have powdered sugar left on his face
- He screams in lowercase, idk how to explain that
- Luke has one game controller he uses, and refuses to use anything else- he just won’t play if he can’t use his (broken or whatever)
- the Stolls steal it sometimes to fuck with him
- He really sucks at Call of Duty but plays it anyways because it’s the only game they’ve been lucky enough to steal
- secretly always wanted to try Minecraft
- he loves keychains and collects them
- his best friend is Lee Fletcher, and god are they a duo
- Luke likes dog tags, he secretly thinks they’re really sexy so he gets one for himself to wear but he always loses it or leaves it in the shower or gets the chain tangled so it’s a mess
- he has a hot pink toothbrush, since the Stolls do all the hygiene runs and they just always bring him a pink one
- he’s cool with it
- He’s an Aquarius (rebel at heart, highly intelligent, independent and assertive, runs from emotional expression)
- he smells like sandalwood and vanilla on a good day
- when he’s writing a letter to someone cute or someone he likes he’ll add the curl on top of his a’s
- He always offers to get Dionysus beer or the closest thing he can cuz he’s nice like that (even if it doesn’t really work)
- His face scar isn’t the only one he has
- He’s got one across his shoulder, and some on his torso, man pretty much got mauled (makes more sense to me because it feels more traumatizing to validate Chiron cancelling all quests)
- the one on his face is special because he can’t really cover it, and even though Ladon cut his eye (the scars right under it and leads down to his jawline), it’s almost as if the dragon opened his eyes to everything that’s wrong with the gods
- when it fades over and isn’t as bloody it almost looks like a tear
- sometimes he’ll trace the scars when he’s laying down with his fingers and it sends him into slight anxiety attacks when he runs his finger and the scar keeps going, it’s so long and horrifying looking it makes him feel sick
- He sleeps on his back or kinda spread out so he doesn’t have to feel his scars underneath him
- He prefers to sleep in the dark, pitch black and can’t look in mirrors for the first few weeks, at least with his body.
- He’s scared of himself.
- Three weeks after his quest he’s just heading off to bed early after the campfire and one of the younger new campers gets up and hugs him goodnight. Luke’s shirt rides up a bit and he freezes but the short kid just hugs him closer and that changes everything for him.
- Instead of taking his shirt off to work out or smth he just cuts the sleeves off so it’s not so hot
- Swims in surf shirts that are really tight though and outlines his abs and nice ass titties so 👁👁
- He hates picking strawberries for camp, he loves the smell but isn’t exactly a gardener and doesn’t prefer it
- Whenever it’s his duty he kinda just has the kids throw strawberries at his mouth so he can catch them like popcorn throwing
- Chiron swats him with his tail when he sees him goofing off but he means well
- On Thalia’s birthday he always goes to her tree with a slice of cake for her
- “Well if you’re not gonna eat it I guess I will”
- and does his secret handshake with her just against the tree
- He’s got really pretty eyelashes, the Aphrodite girls are jealous
- Luke’s cheeks go pink really easily at the smallest things
- His favorite color is bronze/ orange
- But orange is always kinda hard to find things for yknow it’s an odd color so if anyone asks for birthday purposes or handouts he always says red
- His heart skips when they know him well enough to get orange anyways
- He rolls his sleeves up and tucks a pencil behind his ear when he’s teaching younger kids
- and he loves history
- Has a small fascination with history facts and wars and random events he’ll recite stuff to anyone who will listen
- And he’s really bad at math until you put it into money terms (Hermes things)
- just make all the numbers into currency and he’s got you in seconds
- He’s got a really raspy husky morning voice and doesn’t bother to clear his throat for a while
- Luke can play the lyre wonderfully but he’s pretty embarrassed about it so he just tells everyone he can play guitar
- Guitar campfire songs
- But if you’re lucky enough to hear him play the lyre with his long fingers and sing,, oh boy
- He has a good singing voice for late night singing to sleep, not like the most amazing trained thing for concerts, but just imagine sitting next to him with your shoulder on him and he hums, straight magic
- He likes wearing rings but constantly loses them too
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childe is such a good character PLS i also like hearing how people interpret him yknow it’s so interesting cause a lot of people love him as the loving husband who’d do anything to protect you and keep you safe and away from all the fatui related stuff BUT i also love the people who portray him as a kinda “i hate everyone but you” guy or just kinda mean and rude but deep down loves you to pieces and AAA
love them all <33
i guess we see it in the way you write childe BUT i’d love to know how you personally hc him with a s/o and their relationship and stuff :D
so - based on my character analysis of Childe he really is a much softer character than your second example - why? well let me gift you some reasons
he goes above and beyond for his family, he will fight for them, he sends them funds and letters on the regular - and if you played his character story with his younger brother, the sweetness and dedication he shows Tuecer is one of protected devotion
there is no way he 'hates everyone' because he clearly has warmth for those in his circle - you become a part of that and he will be unbound in his love
Childe can and will be serious when he needs to be - he's harsh, unwavering, and loyal to his cause. Even if he has to do something he couldn't like, he'd do it because of this loyalty -- if you cross him, you will not enjoy yourself
he can also be fun and quite odd - he does things in different ways than the other harbingers, he is 100% capable of being convincing enough to trick people into liking him, but he also is still kinda a kid at heart ( the lie he makes up for his brother, the actions he takes at times, the way he doesn't always think things through ) he wants to have a good time and will make that happen however possible
I think Childe is a complex character who can both love deeply and destroy without compassion - it's all about which side of the line you decide to fall onto ( and if he loves you, he will keep you on the side that will win ) ( if you want more info on his character, I wrote an analysis for him on my pinned post <3 )
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klngfili · 2 years
☾ ☆ ✿ ■ ♦ ☯ ♒ - for Glorfindel, Elrond, Maedhros and Fili (feel free to skip the ones you have already done for Elrond)
☾ - sleep headcanon: he is team haha what is sleep? blinking counts as sleep right? ☆ - happy headcanon: each morning he gets up and preps for the day ahead and braids his horse's hair and then puts a bunch of bells on his horse and they ride out with the first light and often dont come back before like 5pm, he used to do that in Gondolin as well, even tho back then he had Ecthelion w him ✿ - Sex headcanon: yeah so i mentioned those rides with ecthelion didnt i?? plus there are always secret spots around gondolin yknow ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: his living situation kinda looks like that of a frat boi but like it is his chaos and he knows where everything is al all times and it drives the other elves crazy ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: loves sitting by the fountain's in rivendell, there was decade where he even tried to teach himself how to play the flute, he loves horse riding ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon: likes: being a morning person and telling everyone about it, he also goes around and says stuff like back when i was your age i had already killed a balrog and died to people, also has a sweet tooth dislikes: rainy days and silence ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: oh boi does he have a sweet tooth he basically only eats desserts and sweets and pastries
putting the rest under a read more cause there are 3 more left and the last 2 are kinda long
☾ - sleep headcanon: he is a half elf so every evening he gets into his soft pjs puts in his hair routine to keep his hair nice and fresh for the next day and then goes to bed and closes his eyes and dreams of happier days, he's also a bit of blanket hog ☆ - happy headcanon: dude is so sad and tragic he needs some happy headcanons asap but sadly i can only give him angst T^T like that halfelf can sadly fit so much angst but one happy headcanon is that he and bilbo get into poetry battles ✿ - Sex headcanon: a praise kink, like the biggest praise kink also gets pegged lbr ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: tidy and neat. Everything has his spot. He also keep another library in his bedroom, with all the books and scrolls he has, most of them are healing or history tomes ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: (done) ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon: (done) ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: tried to cook mole stew once and it actually wasnt that bad, at least that's what durin and disa told him over and over again
☾ - sleep headcanon: Dude hasn't slept in years, not since Angband and even before that every time he tries to sleep he hears his brother's screams as he gets burned alive and then it's his father's death. So he just stays up and broods or does accounting or practices swordfighting or writes long letters to Fingon and after Fingon's death he still writes those letters he just never sends them. Sometimes he goes to the rampart of Himling and looks west and thinks about his mother ☆ - happy headcanon: he used to be happy once right? he must have  been, he remembers hours spend laughing at Caranthir's antics or helping Ambarussa with their calligraphy or festivals he spends dancing with Fingon and Aredhel and his mother's kin. Catching things for his younger brothers and cousins they couldn't reach, playing hide and seek with them ✿ - Sex headcanon: he can be ace as a treat ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: it's all very sparse and he doesn't have much stuff anyway most of his things are still in Valinor and he didn't get to bring anything and he also doesn't really get attached to any item be it decorative or practical plus he doesnt sleep so why would heed a bed, if he rests he does it leaned against a wall or smth ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: he loved dancing and singing and playing the Middle-earth version of volleyball ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon:  likes: taking walks at night with only the stars and moon above, he plays long distance chess against caranthir, he also likes wine. dislikes: actually can't stand maglor like at all and its all rather silly cause they entered a music competition as kids and he was unprepared so he asked Maglor to write him smth and then maglor played both his and Maedhro's song, and well.. Maedhros is still his father's son and even nerdanel couldnt smooth things over. ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: he was a bit of a picky eater as a kid and hated everything yellow, so no apples, potatoes, yellow bell peppers, quinces, cheese, or yellow sewets etc but he's not a picky eater anymore and wolves down everything he can get his hands on
☾ - sleep headcanon: fili sleeps like  a  rock and he hates sleeping aloe cause when he was little he used to share a bed with both his mother and his younger brother, so he can't really fall asleep unless he knows someone is at least in the  same room as him. ☆ - happy headcanon: his father taught him how to braid and he was often allowed to braid his father's, Dis' and Thorin's beard and he felt very honoured doing that and ofc he taught Kili how to do his own hair ✿ - Sex headcanon: sadly he died a virgin even though he had been pining after Nori for the entire trip to Erebor, they werent even stuck in a cell together in Mirkwood, round of Fs in the chat pls ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: he shares everything with Kili actually and sometimes Kili uses up all the soap and then there's no soap left for Fili, or sometimes Fili uses up all the flour and butter and milk and Kili just wants to have some cereal but alas no milk. And no Dis did not kick them out she would never she loves her sons too much for that, it's just that thorin thought it would be best if they lived closer to the smithies, especially since they both have a knack for oversleeping ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: he has a 12 step hair care and skin care routine, everyone always thinks Ili is the vain one but no it's him, he is the one that takes ages in the bathroom and looks into every mirror or window he passes ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon:  likes: baking he actually tried to convince thorin once that he much rather wanted to be baker (an equally important and well respected jobs among the dwarves) but thorin told him it would be better if he knew his way around a proper weapon ; he also likes a good prank, and o boi did he use to prank Balin and Dwalin cause he and Kili knew they could get away with it (Balin) and could fit into hidey holes they couldn't reach (Dwalin) dislikes: he hates rain and humidity, again he's quite vain. He also dislikes being late but his bed is just too comfy ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: he secretly loves baking.
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koguri3108 · 2 years
PROFESSOR LAYTON BORROWER AUS???? consider me extremely interested, i am listening very intently and would very very much like to hear about these (if you are comfortable sharing them ofc!!) i’m playing through the games right now and would love to hear about your aus!!!!!
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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