#(other being pinterest)
vebokki · 1 month
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i present to you for your consideration: luo binghe and sha hualing as roommates. also they're both going to be late to their respective dates
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cinnamonest · 1 month
Having Childe as a fave is so fucking rough man.
I used to have this long ass period in which I would constantly hate post about him, how annoying he was etc. Everyone on here thought that I hated his guts and that he was my least favorite Genshin character in the entire damn game.
That couldn't have been further from the truth.
The real truth was that I was so pressed about the fact that he hit this absolute sweet spot for me so perfectly that I was just stunned. Like, how dare you???? It became fun to hate him, unironically.
The more I hated him, the more he appeared on my social media feeds. Just take a look at my Pinterest for example.
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Babe, that's my MAIN feed btw. I refresh it on the regular and he's. He's just THERE. I don't think I even have that many pins saved of him, at least not so many to warrant this level of harassment. It gets even worse when I'm looking at other characters and he just completely takes over. It first starts with a single piece of his art and BOOM, absolute take over, it's him everywhere.
I think this harassment was too much for me that I gave in 😭😭 He's officially on pookie husband status and a lot of my followers get so confused when I talk about him, you don't know how BAD the hate posting was!!!
I still want to fight him and mess him up for good, but I fear he'd be totally down for that. Tell me, how can I fuck this man up?
I REMEMBER THAT that is so real, I don't think it's possible to just. Straight up *like* Childe. There has to be SOME bit of infuriation to go along with it. One cannot love the man without also wanting to strangle him, the two reactions just go hand in hand and are inherently inseparable. Like it's a physical property of his nature to induce rage but also love, but then realizing the love part only induces more rage because like? How dare he do that to me?
Absolute scientifically baffling phenomenon of a man. I want to study him under a microscope
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icedb1ackcoffee · 2 months
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Ecologist!Reader aesthetic | Corrupted by Design | Feyd-Rautha x Reader
You stood out compared to the Harkonnens, in more ways than just one. You wore loose clothing: rich brown pants or skirts and deep greens tied around your torso and arms, sometimes flashes of red or blue—all washed out under any sunlight. You carried with you strange jars and herbs, your dark, sunblocking glasses atop your head if not perched on your nose, your waist satchel stuffed with samples—you must have looked completely alien to their more minimalist sensibilities. “You dress oddly for someone from the Imperium,” one of your workers remarked. “Is it your goal to one day turn into a plant, and not just look like one?”
Corrupted by Design (Rated E)
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stinkman007 · 11 months
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anyone else
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When it's gonna be my turn?...
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
Hello! I adore your Bodies fanart. I was imagining Karl in 1890 and how much havoc he would wreak. Also Henry and Karl would get along very well, I think, and Karl would be a *terrible* matchmaker for Henry and Alfred... I'd love to see your take on any of this, if anything comes to you 😍
HELLO OMG THANK YOU FOR THE EXCUSE TO JUST DROP HOT TAKES INTO THE BODIES NETFLIX TAG <3 all these drawings are very scrappy and i lost the plot and this became more like sharing all my hcs but still :')
now that you have brought it to me i really do think henry and karl would be unstoppable, i think they'd constantly have a fun, back-and-forth banter !!! i also can see karl dropping multiple not-so-subtle hints, and all of the detectives being quite supportive. gently too, considering the period-typical homophobia. i do think sometime along the lovelorn pining looks, he gets tired of seeing them orbit each other without anything happening, and this exchange occurs:
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more doodles and crying under the cut :)
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i will die on the "karl weissman bisexuality" hill. HE TOLD ME IN A DREAM!!!! it's just a little messier for him because he really likes women and will not figure it out ever. charlotte hillinghead TO ME also has the exact opposite problem where she is very much in love with her husband and doesn't have any incentive (or freedom considering the time period) to explore her sexuality. the way she accepted hillinghead's feelings for henry, and was less rejecting and more devastated over thinking he didn't love her or polly, just read queer to me somehow. an acceptance because she's like that too, yk? (maybe a bit of a reach but i don't get to choose who my mind designates as being bi)
i like to think that charlotte-karl experience a spider-verse mindmeld "YOU'RE LIKE ME" moment over being bisexual but they're not quite sure why they're feeling that way because they have no idea they're bi. if you are me you will understand perfectly
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and i am a henry/alfred/charlotte poly truther as well (please see above discord ranting from my dms with a friend lol)
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on more notes of just giving whichever character i want the bisexuality card, hasan is bi to me too. i think hillinghead and her bond a little over that shared religious guilt, of having their respective institutions be homophobic, and the feeling for so much of their life that they're different, so there must be something wrong. it helps her empathise with him and they quickly become closer because of it :) possibly also introducing him to queer lit, and maybe some non fiction lgbt history books
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and one last final doodle because i think alfred as the only detective with an active love life where he's pursuing someone would make the others pretend like they can be adults but they want to know SO BAD and they also give advice once in a while because they're rooting for alfred :) they're all pretty good at hiding how badly they're invested in this (think iris 'casually' asking hillinghead how it's going and the other two perk up in the background) like i refuse to believe any of them are totally immune to the equivalent of office-gossip
this was so so long LOL i hope any of that is coherent !!!!! a lot of it ofc is my own projection bc i am bi, but it's real to me <3
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klance-daydreams · 24 days
guys we need to actually stop involving pidge in romantic klance situations
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heavenlyyuri · 2 months
in my entire 18 years of life i've been called "my pretty girl" ONCE. ONE TIME. do u see the kind of injustice i'm suffering through
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gogandmagog · 8 months
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Gilbert drew her close to him and kissed her. Then they walked home together in the dusk, crowned king and queen in the bridal realm of love, along winding paths fringed with the sweetest flowers that ever bloomed, and over haunted meadows where winds of hope and memory blew.
— Anne of the Island, Lucy Maud Montgomery
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ethereal-evei · 9 months
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an accidental poem found in a Pinterest comment section 04/09/23 - image from myfriendsaredreaming on instagram
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letoscrawls · 2 years
shuffles up to you cagily in a trench coat and a fedora pulled low over my face
have you ever drawn… helen
omg sorry for taking so long to reply but yes i have but i forgot how batshit crazy she is in dune messiah???? she really said
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oh paul was fed up with that hag and i can't blame him
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canon-toaster · 5 months
LoTM chapter 946 spoilers :) (the drawing is below)
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So uh I arrived at the fun rainbows and ponies chapters,,, I definitely did not have a mental breakdance on my couch
I have a little rant about the whole ordeal of me reading these chapters in the tags so bonne appétit
Also I have really no idea if i should hide the art behind a scroller if i did tag the spoiler but yk what I could never be too careful, I've seen people still reading on here so better be more cautious than not
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wigglebox · 2 years
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Suptober - Day 29;
A Million Reasons
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semiotomatics · 6 months
think i found a fake georgia o'keeffe painting lol
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The other woman will always cry herself to sleep And as the years go by the other woman will spend her life alone...🎀
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inklore · 1 year
am i the only one who gets the urge to reinvent themselves at 10 o’clock at night or do only sane people follow me??
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