#(me: how are these two writing themselves. how.)
essentialthyme · 2 days
It's so funny that every time the audience reads a relationship between two women as romantic people come pouring out of the gutter to be like "why do you have to put romance into this" or reaffirming that they themselves read it as platonic and that it is somehow diminishing for the relationship to be romantic.
"Two women can't be friends without people trying to make it gay" is such a terminally online take. People used to refer to me and my ex-gf as friends all the time when we were still dating. In real life, it's the OPPOSITE like 90% of the time. Not to mention how these characters are usually confirmed friends and maybe only implied to have something more: the infamous subtext. So they are 90% of the time ALWAYS canonly friends.
It makes no sense. If every relationship between two women in media is platonic, does it not make sense that people are starved for romantic sapphic relationships? We read it as gay, but it's not confirmed. We read it as gay, but it's not confirmed. It's a fucking neverending cycle. One canon couple can only sate people for so long, it's been two years since Suletta and Miorine, I mean, come the fuck on.
"Well, regardless, what about the most important thing in the universe: friendship??? Think of the friendship!!!"
Is Marcille not friends with Laios? With Chilchuck, Senshi and Izutsumi? Why does she have to be only friends with Falin specifically?
Was Suletta not friends with Nika, Chuchu, Lilique? Was she not friends with all the kids from Earth House?
Why do people feel the need to write longform essays about how they feel that the relationship between the two women people ship is deeply platonic, but not about every other person these two ladies are friends with? Why does a romantic relationship lessen the meaning of the bond two women have with each other?
"I'm not homophobic, I'm just interpreting the text."
Ok, cool, interpret the pattern of all of these complaints that only target against femslash ships and tell me what could possibly be behind it, then.
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delicatebarness · 2 days
the manuscript | chapter three
Summary: And, what about older men?
Warnings: Age Gap. (Dr Barnes: late 40s & Reader: early 20s)
Word Count: 1426
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A/N: Dick me dead, and bury me pregnant. Here is the link to the assignment mentioned in this chapter.- Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @mostlymarvelgirl | @mrsnikstan | @angelbabyyy99 | @kaithesimps-blog
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The words of your assignment were still vivid in your mind as you hit ‘send’ on your email to Dr. Barnes. Laying your emotions out bare felt exhilarating, though terrifying. Something real, something raw had finally been tapped: The story of a young woman longing for the depth and experience of an older man, a mirror of your recent desires, and newfound feelings about unfulfilled connections with men your age.
Your thoughts had regularly returned to your meeting with Dr. Barnes, and the magnetic pull toward him– His intoxicating presence, full of authority and warmth that left you yearning. The way he leaned in, husky whispering, shivers shooting down your spine. You knew it was more than an academic connection, an unspoken attraction. 
While packing your bag after Psychology class, your phone buzzed with a new email notification. Your heart pounded as you unlocked the preview, Dr. Barnes had responded to your work. 
“Miss Spector, 
Your submission is captivating and shows significant growth. The raw honesty and ability to show vulnerability in your writing are truly commendable. I want to discuss your work further and help you delve further into these themes. Meet me in my office tomorrow at 3 PM.
I’m looking forward to our conversation, 
Dr. Barnes.” 
The prospect of another intimate encounter with Dr. Barnes caused a thrill of excitement and anxiety to course through you. His words penetrated your defenses, in both person and writing, reaching down to your core. Rereading the email, you could almost hear his deep, resonant voice, laced with praise. 
Zipping up your bag, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Slowly, you turned to become face-to-face with Wanda and MJ, two of your closest friends. They were both wearing mischievous smiles, curiosity twinkling in their eyes. 
“Hey, what’s got you grinning like The Cheshire Cat,” MJ teased, playfully nudging you. 
Wanda’s eyebrows raised suggestively as she joined in on the interrogation. “Yeah, spill, Spector! Pete up to his old tricks again?” 
Trying to find the right words, you chuckled nervously. “Oh, you two,” you jokingly rolled your eyes at them. “Nothing scandalous, just a text, I promise.” 
Your friends weren’t so easily convinced. Exchanging knowing glances as MJ leaned in closer, her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “Come on, we’ve known each other for years. You can’t fool us that easy…”
Struggling to come up with an explanation, a blush crept up your cheeks. You tried to laugh off their teasing just as a familiar voice interrupted from behind. 
“Everything alright here, ladies?” Professor Wilson’s voice boomed across the empty lecture hall. Your heart skipped a beat, feeling the embarrassment heat your cheeks. You wondered how much of the conversation he had overheard.
Exchanging surprised glances, Wanda and Mj quickly composed themselves. Their once playful expressions shifted to innocent ones. 
“Oh… just chatting about our plans for the evening, Professor,” Wanda replied with a smile and casual tone. 
He nodded, leaving his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer. As he returned to his desk, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew more than he let on. 
Regaining your composure, you exchanged a relieved glance at Wanda and MJ, silently agreeing to table the conversation. Walking out of the hall, the weight of Dr. Barnes’ email hung heavy in your mind. Something had shifted, not only were you feeling the anticipation of the upcoming meeting with him, but you realized that your feelings for him ran deeper than you had allowed yourself to admit. 
Lost in your trace, you rounded a corner colliding with a solid figure. You stumbled back, slightly startled, however you felt a strong hand steadying you. Your heart began to race as you looked up, meeting the gaze of none other than Dr. Barnes himself. 
“Ah, Miss Spector,” he greeted, a smile beginning to play on his lips. His touch lingered against your skin, sending a jolt of electricity through you, igniting a subtle yet undeniable spark. 
“Dr. Barnes…” you trailed, trying to steady your racing heart. You heard the sniggering of Wanda and MJ as they watched in surprise and amusement. 
“My apologies,” Dr. Barnes said, his gaze dropping to your lips for a moment before returning to meet yours. “I hope I didn’t startle you too much.” 
Shaking your head, you felt a flush creep up to your cheeks. “No, not at all. It’s… I, un, I’m looking forward to our discussion tomorrow.” 
Your friends shared another glance at each other, a smirk tugging at their lips. They sensed your embarrassment, giggling and teasing you for being clumsy and oblivious. You shot them a quick warning look.
Dr. Barnes observed the interaction between you and your friends, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer. “I’m glad to hear that,” he replied, his voice smooth. “I have no donut it will be a… fruitful conversation.” His voice was laced with a subtle undertone of invitation, a promise of something more lingering. 
You nodded, feeling a rush of heat spreading through you at his proximity. “Thank you, Dr. Barnes. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With one last glance into his piercing blue eyes, you excused yourself and followed your friends out of the building. 
As you walked away, Wanda and MJ’s laughter filled the air, you couldn’t resist another glance back inside the building. Standing in the same spot, was Dr. Barnes, his gaze fixed on you intensely. 
Time stood still as you locked eyes, a silent exchange passing between you. You had never experienced a connection like this before. 
You tore your gaze away at the sound of your name being called, joining your friends. But, Dr. Barnes’ stayed with you. 
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes studying you causing your pulse to quicken. “I’ve read your submission. It’s compelling and honest. You’ve done well, tapping into your fears… and desires.” 
Your palms warmed under his praise, and the thudding of your heartbeat drummed in your ears. “Thank you, Dr. Barnes. I tried to be as truthful as possible.” 
Nodding in agreement, he rested his chin against his fist. “That’s evident. Your exploration of the longing for an older man, their depth and experience was particularly poignant.” He paused, noticing you fidget with your fingers under his intense gaze. “Tell me, do you believe younger men are truly incapable of providing the satisfaction you seek?”
The question cut close to your personal life causing you to hesitate while searching for the right words. “I think… it’s not their age, but… their lack of understanding. They don’t seem to see beyond the physical.” 
“And, what about older men?” he pressed, shifting in his seat, leaning forward against his desk. “Do you think they inherently possess the ability to satisfy a woman on a deeper level?” 
“I think they have more life experience,” you replied carefully. “They tend to have more patience, more attuned to a woman’s needs.” 
The room seemed to close in around you as his eyes bore into yours. “Experience does bring a certain depth,” he murmured, his voice becoming lower, more intimate. “But, regardless of age, emotional connection and mutual understanding are paramount.” 
You nodded. “I agree. It’s about finding someone who truly sees and understands you.”
He smiled, a slow, almost predatory smile played on his lips, sending a heat to your core. His gaze pierced through layers of your defenses, you felt both exposed and exhilarated. “And how about you, Miss Spector? Do you feel seen?” 
Your breath caught in your throat, the pressure building up inside you making it hard to form words. “I… I think I’m beginning to.” 
His smile deepened, eyes gleaming with something darker. “Good,” he said, in a whisper. “It’s a rare and precious thing, true understanding… true connection. Keep exploring them, Miss Spector.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Barnes, I will,” you replied, your voice betraying you.
His eyes never left yours as he leaned back in his chair. The added sense of space allowed you to breathe, yet the electrifying connection between you was maintained. 
“I look forward to seeing where your explorations take you,” he continued, encouraging with a hint of command. “This is just the beginning, our journey together is only starting, and I’m here to guide you through it.” 
His eyes followed your every move as you stood to leave. “Until next time,” he said, glancing back at him, a hint of a smile played on his lips. 
“Until next time,” you echoed as you stepped out of his office and into the library.
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will80sbyers · 20 hours
STurn (around look at what you see!)
or, the post where I speculate about Finn's playlist STurn being a series of hints for Mike's arc in season 5 and how this brings us to Byler endgame in the finale!! This is all speculation for fun, I don't know if it was intended to be a playlist about byler but there are so many things that make me think so and we have too much free time before season 5 so why not talk about it....
WARNING: It's gonna be long lol
Reasons why I think this playlist is about st5:
The name, obviously with ST in it but it also can be used as a play of words with '' turn around look at what you see '' or ST urn which is pretty clever if it's intentional, and I think Finn writes songs pretty often so he would play with words like this IMO
The third song is called '' After the Earthquake '' and the s4 earthquake was pretty important - I also have a theory that there are going to be other earthquakes in season 5 because the two worlds are merging with each other
It seems Finn has a habit of making playlists for the characters he plays and leaving them public
The songs were added 2 weeks ago and this means he was actively filming when he decided to make that
Reasons why I think this playlist is related to Will specifically:
Many of the songs and their meanings make more sense for a queer storyline, and Mike can only have that with Will
The cover of the Beatles song has them all with the same haircut as Will that everybody makes fun of online and I think he may have put it because of that also, I would tbh
The possible ''Turn around and look at what you see'' was sung before the scene in season 3 where Mike and Will are sharing a sweet moment about d&d and there were already plenty of speculations in the byler fandom about how that song was choosen for them... - Rhymes that keep their secrets / Will unfold behind the clouds / And there upon a rainbow / Is the answer to a neverending story
The last song is the same last song in the playlist that was made for Will by the writers during season 2 ... so many ''coincidences''
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Now let's start to see what I can theorize from the lyrics of some of these songs...
I already made posts about some of the songs, and it's pretty clear that some of the songs have an obvious queer meaning like the song number 7 :
"Don't ask me to explain" by Of Montreal was written by a bisexual person and has clear hints about sexuality and I quote from that site
« The lyrics of "Don't Ask Me to Explain" by of Montreal present a complex and multilayered exploration of identity, sexuality, and social norms. The singer of the song struggles to connect with others and feel authentic in their own skin. They question whether it's possible to truly know someone else and love them when they are hiding parts of themselves. The line "Who are you hiding you from, across the table with a penny in each eye?" suggests that the person they are speaking to is not being truthful or open with them, and they are struggling to understand why. The singer also shares their own desires and fears, confessing that they would like to marry all of their close friends and live in a big house by the sea. This unconventional desire goes against societal norms and expectations, which is reinforced by the line "I'd really like to, but I'm just too shy". The singer is torn between their desires and the fear of social rejection and judgment. The line "Who will be watching my body when I sleep? Who will I believe in?" indicates a sense of vulnerability and a lack of trust towards others. The chorus repeats throughout the song, serving as a refrain and emphasizing the singer's refusal to explain or justify themselves to others. They feel that they should not be forced to explain or apologize for their desires, beliefs, or identity. Overall, "Don't Ask Me to Explain" is a powerful and introspective song that invites the listener to reflect on their own struggles with authenticity, identity, and societal expectations. »
I think this song fits perfectly for my interpretation of Mike as he doesn't yet know that Will is not being honest with him, and he doesn't get why Will is lying, he can't fully fall for him before he knows the secrets Will is hiding, he's also afraid of going against social norms, but the song to me seems to talk about someone that fights against it and overcomes these fears and wants to be authentic to themselves and that's why they are asking the other person to do the same, I think it conveys a longing feeling like the person wants to let themselves fall for this other person, but the other person is hiding themselves, and they want both of them to be honest about their feelings. In my opinion this song is about Mike wanting to love Will but waiting for him to be honest before that can happen, because he can't fall in love consciously if he doesn't even know it's a possibility- that's why he needs to discover the lie about the painting, but most of all Will must confess his feelings!!!
Here's the line to line meaning, and I'll add byler context lol obviously you have to adapt to the situation, there is not a literal correspondence like I said for the other analysis of the playlists, it's just the general meaning because the songs were not made for byler but in another context, so the details can't be perfect - you just adapt the general meaning with what fits when you choose songs for it:
How will I ever know you enough to love you
If you're hiding who you are?
Don't ask me to explain.
Who are you hiding you from,
Across the table with a penny in each eye?
Don't ask me to explain.
Will must be honest with Mike about who he is and his feelings so that byler can happen, the line about someone hiding from them when they are sitting across the table from them so they can look at them face to face makes me think about the fact that Will in the van lied to Mike to his face directly.
I'd like to marry all of my close friends,
And live in a big house together by an angry sea
in the context of byler this can be interpreted as in Mike's desire to live with Will that's one of his closest friends and live together even if outside the sea of ''normal'' people are angry at them, they are sheltered in the house
Am I the devil's marbles, don't move on without me
Who will be watching my body when I sleep? Who will I believe in? How am I supposed to let it show when I don't even know?
I think in this part the singer is showing that even if they want this person and love them, they are disrupting the peace with their request to be honest and even if they don't want them to move on they are saying that they can't show their love when they don't even know how they feel themselves, could be applied to both Mike & Will
Besides, I don't want to be the one whose coming out first,
I'd really like to, but I'm just too shy
Don't ask me to explain
The singer is asking the other person to ''come out first'' because they are too shy/scared to do it first, obviously it's about asking the other person to come out with their real feelings, but it's clearly a queer phrasing about the ''coming out'' because the song is talking about a queer relationship... and since the person that wrote it is bi I think we can say that with 97% of probability lol
It's so easy to lie to myself
And pretend that I could love you, but I can't
I think this part is about how the singer wants in part to just love them and let go of the need to make the other person be honest, but they can't be truly themselves and be in real love unless both of them are honest, so ''they can't'' just let go of this need, and they keep asking the other person to take that step with them!
But let's go back, the first song in the playlist is Ballad of a Texas King by Cut Worms and this song fits Mike's fear of the unknown and the changes he will go through in season 5 - his personal arc even not counting Will in the equation, Mike is scared of things changing around him... (this song also briefly mentions California)
As the writer of the song said in his personal site:
On “Ballad of a Texas King” Clarke sings, “Hey kid come along… something is wrong… I believe you know… All this to say, only one way that this can go…” It’s as if he’s reaching out to his younger self, letting him know the changes are inevitable. How do we hang on to a dream? How do we not lose ourselves in a world that is lost? The only way out of a nightmare is to keep going.
The second song is the one with the cover that reminds us of Will lmao - '' What you're doing to me'' by the Beatles
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This song is in the same context as the others about asking your lover to stop lying so you can be with them - Mike asking Will in this context, Mike is his true love
I've been waiting here for you
Wondering what you're gonna do
And should you need a love that's true - It's me
Please stop your lying
You got me crying, girl
Why should it be so much to ask of you
What you're doing to me?
Song number 3 is "After the earthquake" by Alvvays and I found this online that it's interesting not only for the references to someone in a coma and the earthquake but metaphorically it could be applied to Mike finding out about the painting lie and his world being turned upside down, maybe by a fight with Will that doesn't get resolved because something happens before it can be...
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Song number 4 is Promises I've Made by Emitt Rhodes and I think this could be Mike still pining after Will even after they have their fight, if the fight happens before the time jump maybe he spends one year with Will trying to distance himself/or just not trying anything because he thinks there's no point and Mike trying to repress all his feelings for Will, or alternatively we can say he already started this process after season 3, and he's trying to just repress it but can't
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Song number 5 is '' Angst in my pants'' by Sparks
But when you think
But when you think you've made it disappear
You're sure you made it disappear
And you've still got angst in your pants
I hope it doesn't show
It'll go away (go away)
It's just a passin' phase
It'll go away (go away)
I hope it doesn't show
It'll go away (go away)
Give it a hundred years
It won't go away
pretty self explanatory, Mike is trying to repress his sexual feelings for Will and trying to convince himself ''it's just a phase'' and he's not queer... personally I feel like the song IS about queerness because it's from 1982 and there's a literal man dressed as a woman, like.... pls
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Song number 6 is ''The Better side'' by Audiotree and The Slaps and I couldn't find the text online so I have transcribed it myself but if there's some lyric wrong let me know because I wasn't sure for some words:
You're never gonna see the sun
you're never gonna see me run
and I say oh baby don't make me stay out too late
imma go into sleep I know you'd cry
and I'm trying to keep you by my warmth
You're never gonna see my eyes
You're coloring other skies you want to
and I say Oh baby don't make me do the falling when I'm drinking of you
you're on the better side
you're always the better one for me
I'm trying staying alive, keep my head on the better side when you're far away and you're horny as hell
and you're all that I need
I'm not gonna miss you anymore
I interpret this as Mike pining for Will again and how Will is the better choice for him and the one that he truly needs
Song number 8 is ''What do you want me to do?'' by Pointed Sticks
This song makes me think about Mike & El and I think it could be sort of a break up song between them although I don't think it's literal but more ''angry after a break up scene - vibes''
Another song that I think is about Mike x El is ''Substitute'' by The Who, song number 9 :
I interpret this song as a guy that tried to change himself for the girl he likes but he's never enough for her even changing everything about himself - so not a real relationship based on knowing each other deeply and he's tired of pretending to be someone else
Song number 10 is ''The Rebel Kind'' by Modernettes
I think this song is about someone embracing ''being different'' and wanting to stick with the ''rebel'' kind, the people that rebel to society's standards and expectations, Mike wants to be part of that no matter what happens
Song number 11 '' Block Rockin' Beats'' by The Chemical brothers... is almost without words but it's funny to me how you could put duffers instead of chemical there lol anyway it could be just a vibe song to prepare for the finale, maybe something action packed happens and this song is good for a fight scene...
right before the ending that as we said before is the same song that Will's playlist had at the end... song number 12 is a love song, a winning the love of your life song!!!
''Just what I needed'' by The Cars has the vibe of a song you would hear at the end of the movie right after the main couple finally gets together and they are happy!
'Cause when you're standin' oh so near
I kinda lose my mind, yeah
oh so you mean...
you'll go crazy (together) ?
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jeons-catalyst · 2 days
I saw this few days ago and i agree with them on high level except a thing or two and since i have the similar question i wanna ask you how you see it.
The answer from BPP is funny for giggles now let's be practical and say they're not together have never been so how does it explains those actions? I have noticed this too that while hugging jm it's never like full body but i have seen him hug hobi, jin more proper than jm. With jm the hug last for like a 2 sec that too with just a pat or two in the back but i have seen him hugging jin whole bodily like engulfing hug multiple times. Whenever jm come close to jk many of the times jk tries to retrack and there's like mant such moments so one can't say it's a thing of "maybe he wasn't feeling in at that time, or wasn't in the mood " etc. Maybe there's many moments like these because jm usually gets close to jk more than others.
This is just an observation tho hence I'm asking. And yes I'm aware that he does backtrack with others too but it's like wayyy less compared to jm like jm just had to start walking towards jk and you will see jk already trying to bactrack which is not usual with others. I never got any valid answer for this. Idk if you'll entertain this question but if you have time I'd love to know your thoughts. Thank you..
Hi anon!
To be very honest with you, i didn’t quite understand this aspect of Jikook’s dynamic when i just started seeing them as more. I had spoken about this before and i mentioned that, this was one of the things that convinced me more than anything else that jikook were probably more than friends.
The thing is, we know that when they were rookies, Jikook would put blankets outside their rooms and sleep together on the floor outside. Jimin mentioned that Jungkook hugs him to sleep and Jk got so flustered when Jimin said that at the fan sign. Compare this to when Jin mentioned at at interview that he plays with Jk’s nipples to wake him up from sleep. Jk definitely didn’t have a flustered reaction when Jin said that. We know from the members and Jikook themselves that Jikook are the two who like spending their nights together the most. Jk would pile clothes on his bed and go sleep in Jimin’s bed. When Jihope were roomies, the complained about Jk coming into their room every night to sleep. Jimin mentioned how much Jk visited his hotel room while they were in LA. The point of me writing all this is to show that, Jk still likes going around Jimin when he isn’t required to and he likes being with Jimin at odd hours of the night. Spending nights with him or just spending time with him. Nobody put a g*n to his head and asked him to spend all this time with Jimin right?
Another thing is that Jk initiates touches with Jimin. He likes to hover around him, put his arms around him, and sometimes even touches him in ways that some people might interpret differently.
This is Jk voluntarily going to sleep beside Jimin. He tried waking him up and when he didn’t succeed, he slept by his side
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This is Jk going to lean on Jimin who was just there minding his business hugging Hobi. Jk actually moved Hobi and then went to hug jimin and lean on him.
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This is Jk hovering around Jimin and then going to touch him before there was a cut and then proceeded to massage his shoulders
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We all know what happened on this day so no need to repeat it
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This is jungkook being sneaky and finding his way to stand close to jimin. Mind you no one asked him to or forced him to.
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This is a small compilation of Jungkook going to hug a sleeping Jimin or go to touch him when Jimin is just there minding his business.
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Here, Jungkook felt bad about his performance and wanted comfort. He could have sat anywhere else but he choose to go squeeze himself in the small corner close to Jimin.
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Here, we thought he was whispering to Jimin but it turns out he just wanted to rub his cheeks against Jimin’s.
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Here, Jimin was minding his business looking at the pictures or videos they just took and there is Jungkook coming to slip his hands into Jimin’s shirt to caress bare skin.
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Here he is pulling Jimin closer to him.
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Here he is acting like Jimin’s bodyguard
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Here he is playing tricks to move Tae and then immediately running to sit close to Jimin
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Jk almost couldn’t keep from touching Jimin through out this Live.
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These are a few examples of Jk initiating touch or hovering around Jimin or trying to be closer to him.
You asked how we could explain all these if jikook are not together and have never been together. To me, the only way to explain this is that Jungkook doesn’t like being touched by Jimin or doesn’t like Jimin at all. Because like you said, he doesn’t act like that with the other members cuz if he did, then we could have concluded that he just has his moments when he doesn’t want anyone touching him or coming close to him but we don’t see him do this with anyone as much as he does with Jimin. I would have concluded that he doesn’t like being touched by Jimin or just doesn’t like him very much but we all know that if you hate someone touching you, you don’t initiate touches with them, you don’t try to be near them at all especially when you know they could touch you, and you certainly don’t ever put urself in positions that could allow for excess physical touch like going to sleep in their beds or going to visit them in their hotel rooms at 1am at night. You just don’t do that, yet Jungkook does all these. So how else do you explain this?
I know that Jimin could be intense with his skinship sometimes and will definitely understand if jk just isn’t in the mood sometimes but like you said, sometimes all Jimin does is to put his arms around him, something which is pretty normal and you see Jk looking really uneasy. Sometimes he sees Jimin coming towards his direction and he legit starts to move away. Why?
The only thing imo that explains this behaviour is that he acts like that because he has something to hide with Jimin. The other members can touch him as much as they like or even use him as personal pillows or beds and he wouldn’t react because those touches are innocent. He has nothing to hide with them so he isn’t overthinking or worrying about giving too much away.
When you have skeletons in your cupboard, you are always guilty. I feel like Jk acts that way because he panicks. He probably knows jimin’s touches mean more and he worries about people catching on. Imagine yourself as a thief, you naturally panic every single time you see a police or hear police sirens because you have something to hide so whether it concerns you or not, you worry that it might be about you.
One of the most telling aspects about whatever relationship jikook have with each other is the sheer panic and hesitance you see or feel in their interactions sometimes.
We know that Jk doesn’t hate Jimin. He wouldn’t do everything he has done over the past decade if he hated him. We also know that Jk likes touching jimin, likes sleeping by his side, like being around him, like hovering around him, so we cannot say he hates being touched by Jimin. We also have instances where we have “caught” them when they weren’t aware of the cameras and Jk had no issues being in Jimin’s personal space or with Jimin being in his. Moments like the Car selfie, and Jikook at Jhope’s JITB party immediately come to mind.
Car selfie
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What these two moments have in common is that jikook were not expecting cameras. We were able to see how they are with each other when there are no cameras or watching eyes, and how they behaved immediately they noticed the cameras. In the car selfie moment you could see that Jimin looked a little flustered but laughed it off and started over explaining lol. Jungkook didn’t even notice the camera at first because he was busy looking at Jimin and when Jimin kinda shrugged him off and he noticed, you could see him almost hyperventilating. Why? They were just taking a selfir so why the panic? With the JITB moment, they were standing in a corner alone, very close to each other with Jk’s hand on Jimin’s. Immediately they noticed the camera, Jk quickly moved away from Jimin and Jimin couldn’t even look at the camera. Why the panic if they were not doing anything wrong?
So anon, i really wouldn’t be able to explain Jk’s behaviour if it turns out him and Jimin were never a thing because no matter how much i think about it, i just cannot find another explanation.
If anyone has a different explanation, i would very much like to hear it because maybe there is something i am missing.
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tvlandofficiall · 12 hours
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i really like seam. with a sizable amount of dialogue, a wonderfully composed theme song, some very interesting connections, and a sharp personality that lends well to thinking up interesting character interactions, they’re a character who more than deserves to be recognized in their own right. surprisingly though, i don’t see a whole lot of analysis out there when it comes to this slept-on stuffed animal, especially when compared to more recent introductions to the speculation scene like dess holiday or big plot movers like the knight. a lot of the analyses i have seen, both the kind that aligns with or has informed my own reading and the kind that does not, has either been long-deleted or lost to time. but tucked away inside seam’s seap is one of the most interesting characters in the game to me, and i want to shine a light (or perhaps, more fittingly, take a step into the darkness) on just what makes them such a fascinating addition to deltarune and its writing here, since most of the other seam analyses i’ve seen around are either long-deleted or are few and far between. 
to start talking about seam (or any darkner, for that matter) we’ve got to talk about fate. 
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after all, fate and agency are all but literally the name of the game here. and seam has quite a bit to do with both of those things. right away, they tell us a couple of very important things. the lightners, they tell us, are like gods to the darkners, and they’re the ones who give the darkners their purpose.
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they are actually the first to bring up the concept of a darkner’s purpose to us, and for good reason. 
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purpose is a concept set up all throughout chapter one, and then paid off at the end of it – once we see that the darkners are all objects, it all comes together. 
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an object’s fate is to serve and assist the person using it, much like kris’ fate is to serve and assist us as a player in using the game deltarune. (you need a player character to play, after all.) this setup lets the concept be further explored in chapter two, especially with spamton, but we’re here to talk about seam.
seam, being a darkner, is an object – a stuffed doll, to be exact. they’re actually the one ch1 darkner with a unique sprite in the light world, interestingly enough – so even if you end up missing their seap, there’s a little clue left to catch your eye and prompt you to seek them out. this is something that will come up again in later sections – they’re someone that’s made out to be quite important to a certain segment of the game.
but seam isn’t the soft and fluffy sort of personality a stuffed animal might typically be assigned as. (that honor goes first and foremost to the prince of the dark himself.) no, seam is a fairly snide old cat, and they certainly don’t have any pretense of considering you heroes when you first meet. they’re a doomy, gloomy, type of person;
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and they do it all with a smile on their face to boot. they’re also quite a nihilistic personality, making no secret of the fact that nothing much here matters and that they sure aren’t too bothered about that. unlike their king, they don’t express much anger at their situation nor struggle against it in any way. they’re plenty content to stay right where they are – they don’t even come out to celebrate with everyone when the party goes to seal the fountain! 
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and there’s an additional reason for that, too –
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seems they not only know the kingdom’ll vanish, but they know it’s fate that our party’ll make it happen, too. (lancer, as a contrasting example, doesn’t know until it’s already happened.)
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as for the fate of an object, though – well, they tell us themselves. neither light nor dark hold anything for them.
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as demonstrated through the other characters; be a useful object, and you’ll be rewarded with fulfillment, love, and attention. be a useless object, and you’ll be left abandoned, unfulfilled, and desperate. but either way, every object becomes useless eventually – no matter how many times you’re patched up without a choice in the matter. either way, you’re still an object – and either way, your fate is a pretty bleak one.
so why try fighting against something as steadfast as fate? it’s fate, after all! seam’s certainly not spamton – they don’t bother themselves with any pretense of breaking strings or defying destiny. and unlike the companion that led their worldview down such a dark path in the first place, they don’t find any freedom in their nihilistic outlook or in the kingdom’s purposelessness. 
though such nihilism does, in an ironic twist, cause them to be the one who poses the question – if they’ve lost any care for the light or for its absence, could they find “purpose” in another darkner instead? could they find meaning in what little is their own? 
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jevil and seam used to be quite close. before the knight arrived and all four kings ruled together, the two of them were a part of their court – seam the court mage, jevil the court jester. one day, jevil met a strange someone, and the things he’d told seam since that time have led their worldview to grow – in their own words – darker yet darker. this seems to have been the cause for the mindset described above – if the seeds of such a mindset hadn’t existed already. 
seam doesn’t exactly know if they’d consider him a friend. but he was the only one who could match them in the games they’d play together – but match up to what, exactly?
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through the power of setup and payoff, we can find out. when talking to jevil before his battle, the jester mentions wanting to play one of his games with everyone once he’s out. and he’s happy to play this game with the party, too. 
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the game itself is, of course, his boss battle. it’s a deadly “numbers game” where he holds most of the cards as one of the (if not the) strongest bosses in the game. and so when seam mentions playing games with jevil before he began to see the whole world as such, we can infer from this context what those games were. it’s a payoff to what jevil set up during his fight – like two people throwing a ball back and forth in narrative form. 
we get some good characterization out of this, too. seam’s not just a fan of the games they played with jevil, they’re downright ecstatic about them – even asking the party eagerly to tell them what happens when they meet with jevil, saying they almost wish they could watch! a little chaos is nothing short of thrilling to them. 
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but this isn’t the only setup and payoff seam’s got going on. jevil’s fight also introduces the secret bosses’ main throughline – the shadow crystals. after the party defeats jevil, a crystal is added to our inventory, and talking to seam lets us do something with it. 
the shadow crystals are a popular point of speculation, and seam is sitting at the very center of the mystery. it’s they that collect the crystals, supposedly to stitch together something incredible for us. there’s also the added mystery of the unused purecrystal item – seemingly, seam may also have the ability to purify these crystals too – but i’ll get into that in a later section. for now, let’s talk about the crystals.
to bring seam the crystals at all, we’ve got to talk to them in their relocated shop. they’re the only shopkeeper who retains their full shop menu in castle town – spamton is absent from town altogether, rouxls and swatch do not have menus at all, and sweet cap’n cakes’ shop is remodeled into a jukebox with limited options. as such, they are the one to retain the updating, lengthier talk menu afforded to the shopkeepers. they also retain their unique shop theme – a waltz remix of the battle theme, “rude buster”. already, they’re set up to stand out. 
and when we do talk to them, they has a number of varying reactions to the crystals based on the order in which you collect them. many of these contribute to the mysterious nature of seam as a character, as the context in which they occur changes what would otherwise be quite similar dialogue. 
if you defeat jevil and bring his crystal to seam, they’re surprised to see that he had one. but, if you haven’t, seam pesters you about it – clearly implying they know you’d have gotten a crystal from him if you had. still, they’ll say the same surprised dialogue once you do bring jevil’s crystal to them – causing you to wonder if they were playing coy about it or not the first time around too. how do they know how that mechanic works? was there some strange intuition how they’d learned his defeat gave us the crystal, or did they know all along?
regardless, we know one thing’s for certain – seam knows what a shadow crystal is. they recognize the first crystal you bring them immediately, explaining what a shadow crystal is, that they’re held by powerful darkners, and later, implies they may come from special connections to the lightners. they’re obviously quite familiar with these crystals, leaving us to wonder just how they did and what the extent of their familiarity really is. what exactly do they want with these crystals? why do they know so much about them? why do they act so sketchy when we talk to them – there are quite a few moments that read like they’re trying to scare or bore us away given how often they say such things. 
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(seriously, they do this a LOT.)
and there are a few more moments where they allude to knowing things they shouldn’t, too – like the power of the next foe we’ll face and the nature of the neo body.
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this mystery is, as mentioned before, another way in which setup and payoff are used to keep seam within the loop of the secret bosses’ storyline. seam prompts us to discover more crystals and tells us how to do it, we go to discover more crystals and meet spamton (who has both incredibly important thematic stuff and a difficult boss fight in his arsenal), and we bring spamton’s crystal back to seam. this sets seam up as the connecting thread of the “secret boss” arc of the game. (in other words, similarly to how ralsei and susie are central characters of the main story, seam is the central character of this section of the story.)
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(and if you've ever played slay the princess, these segments are another good point of comparison.)
overall, they’re telegraphed as an important character both thematically and to this storyline of the game in a more strictly mechanical sense. 
to really get into the weeds of why seam is being telegraphed as an important character, i’d like to talk a bit about some extracanonical material as well. this information, while less immediately relevant to the game itself, is recent enough (specifically, it is all official content published after ch1’s release) that it’d like to consider it here – albeit in its own separate, much smaller section. 
there are several pieces of extracanonical material and one or two unused items that are relevant to seam. the first of those is the seam ripper, a weapon detailed in the undertale cross-stitch book.
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there isn’t much to say about this that isn’t explained in and of itself.  
the second of those is this answer from the twitter qna that followed the spamton sweepstakes;
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“cat/puppet” seems to match up to seam pretty accurately. plus, in addition to the obvious “puppet” status that darkners have at the whims of fate, “poppet” can be another word for “doll”.
finally, there is this unused item that draws a fair bit of speculation.
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because it remains unused, it is far more dubious than the former two in terms of relevancy. it could end up remaining unused due to not making sense with the presented version of the game, or it could end up being implemented later due to it seeming like something to be introduced later as opposed to an older concept that got scrapped. however, because it is such a dubious item, i likely won’t be dwelling on it in this section as much as the former two things i’ve mentioned. still, i feel it’s worth mentioning. seam may have yet another trick up their sleeve when it comes to the crystals.
keen-eyed players may have also noticed another thing cueing seam as important – namely, their similarities to a certain character from undertale. deltarune, being a game not only about us as players but about us as players of undertale, uses symbols and signifiers of it to induce a variety of reactions in the player. although they are not identical to these characters – nor should they be, as this is a story about a new cast first and foremost – the cues still let us know these new focal characters can at times be similar to ones found in undertale. think of it a bit like how a character losing their shoe on a staircase can often be meant to make you think of cinderella.  
seam has a few of these cues. the first is their eye – a dead ringer for one of flowey’s creepy faces. it spins clockwise just like a face flowey makes before his boss fight at the end of a neutral run. this cueing makes a lot of sense, given flowey’s also a bit of a nihilist (i’d suggest going back and watching flowey’s monologue at the end of a no mercy route – the whole thing is very relevant.)
they’ve also got a face that, when flipped horizontally, looks much like the mysteryman sprite – often speculated to be gaster – as well as the aforementioned drop of the infamous “darker, yet darker” line in reference to their descent into madness. 
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the secret bosses all seem to have more than a few signifiers of the man, and it makes perfect sense that the darkner standing at the center of the mystery would have them too. perhaps such a strange person is a part of what motivates them… 
overall, however, we don’t yet know much about seam. they’re keen to tell us a lot of things about a lot of people, but their own story and motivations remain unknown at this point in the story. however, that doesn’t mean they’re unimportant – i’ve detailed here why i think they’re set up to be a central character to the secret boss arc, and i think that they’re far more worth keeping an eye on than they might seem at first glance. 
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starlightkun · 3 days
little league ➠ teaser [sungchan]
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➠ teaser word count: 1383 | full fic: 13.5k ➠ warnings: scenes of a child crying if you don’t want to read that (nightmares and stuff), also people are called mommy/daddy in this so if you can’t be normal abt that please skip this one ➠ genre: fluff, angst? but like around them in terms of life not within their relationship, established relationship, parents sungchan/reader, former hockey captain sungchan, chronically ill reader (chronic migraines), part of the buzzer beater series (after freezing the puck, or if you’ve only read buzzer beater & 27jsc, this should still make sense!) ➠ extra info: the reader in this has chronic migraines, which i have. when the reader’s migraines, experiences as a chronically ill person, and thoughts about being chronically ill are described, that is me writing directly from my own life. i am not generalizing the lives of all people with chronic migraines/chronic illnesses, but i am sending all my love to any readers out there living with a chronic illness, and here’s a reminder to go take your meds! ➠ estimated release: saturday, june 15, 2024 3:00 p.m. eastern time
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“Hey, buddy,” Sungchan called for your son’s attention, his hands occupied with groceries. “Do you want me or Mommy to help you get ready for your nap? Or are you going to try to do it yourself?”
“Mm…” He looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. “Mommy!”
“Alright, help with the groceries then I’ll help you, Binnie,” you bargained, putting a bag down on the ground in his reach.
As Woobin dutifully put the bags of chips and boxes of gummies on the lower shelves of the pantry that he could reach, you and Sungchan quickly put away the rest of the groceries. When there was just cleaning and other household supplies left, your husband grabbed those and nodded towards your son.
“Go put buddy down, I’ve got this.”
“Thanks, Channie,” you pecked his cheek before turning to your child. “Lead the way!”
Woobin was able to get into his pajamas by himself, so you were really just there to tuck him in and kiss his forehead. You never bought into the “cry themselves out” mindset from the get-go, and to this day would sit with him until he fell asleep if he asked.
Except this time, he didn’t get into bed at all, standing next to the piece of furniture with you and staring at it like you were about to cliff dive instead of nap. He looked up at you, and you already saw his bottom lip quivering.
“Yeah, Binnie, I’m right here, my sweet,” you promised, kneeling down in front of him so you were eye-to-eye. “What’s wrong?”
He threw his arms around your neck, taking quick, shallow breaths as he very bravely tried to communicate with you. “I don’t wanna—I don’t wanna…”
“Okay, I won’t make you right now,” you promised, rubbing his back. “Will you tell me what’s making you upset? Is it the nap? Going to sleep? Did you have a bad dream?”
But he had already devolved into incomprehensible sobs, and you bit your lip at the twinge in your chest. “Alright, sweet, how about we go to Mommy and Daddy’s room? Hm? And I’ll read you something. If you don’t want to nap, you don’t have to today, okay? Sound good?”
You could feel him nod into your shoulder, and that was all you needed to pick him up and settle him on your hip to carry him out of his room. As you passed by Sungchan putting away new bottles of dish soap and dishwasher pods under the sink, he gave you a concerned look. You mouthed a ‘later’ to him as you took your son across your house and into your room. As you passed by your bookshelf, you quickly selected a book, then sat down at the head of your bed, Woobin on your lap. Pulling your blanket up over you two, you let him get settled in and comfortable, still very much crying all the while.
Holding your book with one hand and resting the other on his back, you started reading. After a while, his sobs died down to hiccups, which petered out to just the occasional sniffle. But you could see that he was still awake, his eyes open and following your place as you read. Then, after a while longer, they started to slowly fall shut and his chin would tilt down, then he’d quickly open his eyes again and jerk his head up. Finally, he couldn’t fight the heaviness of his lids, and he fell asleep. You put your bookmark in where you were just before his eyes closed, but kept reading past that, just in case. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the door handle slowly turn, and your bedroom door inch open before Sungchan peered in.
Your husband pointed to the boy in your lap, then made a gesture of pretending to sleep on a pillow, lifting his eyebrows questioningly after. You nodded, still reading softly.
Sungchan slipped in the room, closing the door quietly behind him as well. Having come to a stopping place, you finally closed your book and set it aside on the one you already had on your nightstand.
“Really? You’re reading Breton lais to our child?” Sungchan’s teasing whisper was barely audible. “He’s going to start school saying stuff like nary and furthermore.”
“Says the man who knew I was reading a Breton lai,” you shot back just as quietly.
“Getting married to a lit professor, you pick up a few things.” He then looked down at Woobin. “What happened?”
You sighed and readjusted slightly to hold him tighter now that you had two free arms. “I don’t know. He couldn’t tell me. As soon as he had to get into bed for his nap he just… broke down.”
A deep frown cut across Sungchan’s face as he stroked your son’s hair, but he said nothing else. He left the room, and you heard him moving around throughout the house as you picked up the other book from your nightstand. Eventually, he meandered back in, sitting on his side of the bed and setting up his laptop to quietly work beside you as your son continued napping on your lap and you continued your book. In addition to doing research at the university and being the assistant coach for the hockey team, Sungchan had picked up teaching a couple of Intro to Biology for majors sections, and you could see him answering emails from his students out of the corner of your eye. You were rereading the material for the Direct Study you were leading next semester.
Eventually, Woobin slowly started stirring, grumbling, yawning, and rubbing at his eyes before burying his face back in your chest with a sigh. You stroked his back, attention still on your book. He turned over in your arms when he finally decided that he was awake, blinking his eyes open and staring off into the middle distance.
“Hey, Binnie, you awake?” Sungchan asked quietly.
He nodded slowly, stretching his arms up, and you had to duck your head out of the way to avoid getting smacked in the face by a stray hand.
“Sleep good?” Your husband kept talking to him.
He nodded again, letting out another adorable little yawn.
“Of course you did,” Sungchan chuckled, gently pinching the tip of his nose. “You got the best seat in the house right there, bud.”
Woobin made grabby hands at Sungchan, and he moved his laptop to the side to transfer him from your lap to his, pressing a kiss to forehead once he was settled in against his chest.
“Uncle Chenle is going to be over soon,” you reminded your son of your plans for the night. “Are you excited?”
He perked up at this. “Yeah! He said he was gonna bring me back a souvenir!”
“He does love to spoil you,” Sungchan shook his head, ruffling the boy’s hair.
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As Woobin busied himself with his toys in his room, the horrors of naptime all but forgotten, you and Sungchan were having a fervent, whispered conversation in your bedroom.
“Should we even go tonight?” You asked, pulling your outfit on.
“I know, I’m worried about bedtime…” Sungchan sighed, nevertheless assisting you with your zipper.
“Chenle’s really good with him, and you know how much he dotes on Woobin.” You paused in front of the mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles. You weren’t sure if you were trying to convince yourself or your husband at this point.
“I know, I don’t doubt how much he loves our kid, or how much buddy loves him,” he replied, fidgeting with his tie behind you. “I just… would hate to not be there.”
“Me too,” you replied quietly, turning around to fix his tie yourself. “I can practically feel the stress migraine coming on thinking about it.”
“Okay, well don’t do that, baby,” Sungchan insisted, resting his hands on your waist to pull you closer. “I mean, that didn’t happen at bedtime yesterday, did it?”
“No, it didn’t,” you agreed. “Or naptime yesterday…”
“Who’s to say it’ll happen at bedtime today?” He suggested. “Might’ve been a one-time thing. Or only for naps.”
“Right.” You breathed out, having finished with his tie, and now looked up at him questioningly. “So we’re going?”
“Seems like it.”
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olderthannetfic · 2 days
Hate to contribute to the DNI discourse but this is too hilarious not to share. Ok, not hilarious. Ironic? "Cringe" as they say? Idk. Anyway:
Someone came up recommended on my twitter, we looked to be in the same fandoms so I was just kinda lurking their profile, figured i'd read their carrd for grins and giggles (actually i dont even think it was a carrd, it was some different type of website i'd never heard of, but whatever, not the point.)
I see: "dni gaylors, larries, or other weirdos like that", as part of their criteria. I'm neither, but I write RPF and have friends who ARE larries or gaylors (enough to the point where it comes up on my for you at points), so I'm probably, at bare minimum, 'other weirdos like that.' Whatever, whatever, this person seems annoying so I likely wouldn't want to follow them anyway.
But then I scrolled down to see: "BYF, please know i make death threats toward ppl and make KYS jokes."
Like you can't handle people who think random pop stars are gay, but you make death/suicide threats? Ok.
The real kicker was this "disclaimer" at the end of their page: "If u ever have a problem with something i did or said, let me know." Idk, internet rando, I don't know if I'd feel comfortable telling you you did something wrong based off what I just read!
Also, before anyone asks, this person was in their early 20s (If they were a kid, I wouldn't mock them like this, not even anonymously). So definitely young and immature enough and in the right. . .idk, "demographic" or age range to have a DNI, but old and mature enough to know that death threats aren't cool. They don't make you look funny or edgy, they just make you an asshole.
And it wasn't a troll either, at least not in any sort of obvious ways . Outside of their weird dni criteria they seemed to be involved in pretty normal fandom circles, mostly just tweeting art and engaging with their friends and mutuals.
I just...imagine bragging about the fact that you regularly tell people to kill themselves, but being scared of the evil evil RPF writers and people think that two rich white celebrities might like the same gender. I wonder how this person feels about her song You Need to Calm Down?
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Qualifications of Critique
Fem!Reader Words: 1130
AN: This is very much a test to see if I can write him in character. Also, my first time posting a fic for HSR
Dr. Ratio flipped the page of the chemistry book he had begun to study enjoying the peace and quiet of the university library. A welcome change of pace after spending most of the day grading papers that hadn’t met his standards. There were a handful of students he had hoped to step to the plate but only a few of that group continued to show promise—a pity.
The library had been mostly quiet only gaining more silence as students left for the day. Something he would have done himself if not for the horribly late faculty meeting that had been scheduled in a few more hours.
There was the quiet tapping of heels against the carpet floor getting ever louder. It was an easy sound to ignore but should have served more as a warning with the voice that spoke from behind him. “If it isn’t the worst teacher to ever grace the cosmos.”
He closed the book, turning his head around to see one of the professors who worked there alongside him. She stood there with a bag around her shoulder and her arms crossed. “Excuse me?” He asked, already annoyed that his break had been interrupted.
“I’m being asked, actually that’s the wrong word. I’m being told to move my classroom to make room for a new study hall dedicated to trying to improve the rate of three percent of your students passing.” She complained.
”Don’t take this up with me. It’s not my fault your class was being moved.” He stood up. It would be best to go back to his office and lock the door if he wanted any ounce of peace.
”It is. This study hall wouldn’t have been created if you were better at your job.” She glared up at him, tapping her shoe attempting to calm herself down at the information she had recently been told.
”Have you considered that these students should have to work at grasping the material? It isn’t my fault that they are too foolish to understand simple concepts.” His book had been abandoned on the table.
”Of course, it’s simple to you. You already know it!” Y/N rolled her eyes at his reasoning. “How can you be so smart but still not even understand that being a good teacher means your students should be passing your class?” Any students still lingering around in the library were rushing to pack their things with hushed gossip over the argument that was unfolding.
Arguments between the two of them were slowly becoming famous across campus. Students and professors wondered when the tension between them would finally break. As entertaining as they could be to watch, no one wanted to risk being caught in the crossfire and being forced to take a side.
”I am passing those who put in the work. That’s what should be done.”
”I’m not saying to just pass everyone. Yes, pass those who put in the work. But you also should be putting the work in to make sure they have a chance at understanding the work that is being asked of them.” She explained. It wasn’t like that should be a hard thing to comprehend.
”I put the effort in.”
The bag on her shoulder fell to the floor as she uncrossed her arms. “You do not. You talk a big game of ridding the world of ignorance but can't even take the time to learn how to be a better teacher to do just that!” Her bag had been left on the floor as she took steps forward, shortening the distance between the two of them. “It's such a joke that you consider yourself so smart but are too stupid to see that.”
The distance between them was almost closed as they stood near each other. She had been the only person in this university to challenge his intelligence. Other professors had been quick to praise him but she focused on pointing out his faults to say where he could improve. It was infuriating but a welcomed difference to see someone who could clearly think for themselves.
“I don't see how insulting me adds to your critique of my teaching abilities. I'm not even sure if this qualifies as a critique.”
“Have you ever done a critique yourself? It involves saying what should be improved and then offering advice to guide that person in the right direction, sometimes showing them step-by-step what to do. It makes the base for anyone even interested in teaching. I’m surprised that critique is even in your vocabulary.” 
His eyes didn’t mean to wander down at her lips. Glossed to absolute perfection as she spoke a mix of insults and advice. “Do you ever shut up?” He asked, missing the peace and quiet that the library was known for before she had stepped in.
“Occasionally when those I am conversing with have value to add. If you would take the time to reflect on what I have been saying we wouldn’t have to keep having this conversation. Do you understand how your actions have an effect on me?”
“I wasn’t aware that you would let others have any sort of effect on you.”
“It’s when I’m able to move on with my life. You just keep causing me roadblocks. First, my program loses funding that gets diverted to yours because you have a big name. Now I lose my classroom for a study hall for students struggling with your class. What are you going to change in my life next? I would at least appreciate some sort of warning.”
“If that is what you would consider life changing then I believe we are both using separate definitions.”
She rolled her eyes before speaking in a sarcastic tone. “Oh won't the great Veritas Ratio enlighten me then.”
Maybe it was the way that she knew how to stand her ground against him. Or maybe it was that she saw the humanity within him to acknowledge his flaws instead of defaulting to praise like others had. Could it have been that when she came to complain about his teaching she treated the argument more like a debate something that could be seen past the insults? 
He placed his hand underneath her chin holding her gaze on him. Y/N let out a small gasp. “Veritas…” The boldness in her voice had dropped into almost a whisper. “I meant a definition, not this.”
“Everything you said has made it sound like you pride yourself on a proper example.”
“So you do know how to listen. You’re just horrible at application.” She leaned her head to the side, her boldness only dropping momentarily as it returned to her voice. “We should revisit what a life-changing moment is once your class has upped the passage rate.”
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fallenrocket · 2 days
In season 1 of We Are Lady Parts, the band is struggling to break out. There are definite calamities along the way, like that horrible article, but when they play their gig in the season finale, it feels like a real, significant first step for Lady Parts.
In season 2, the struggle is in trying to figure out how to take things to the next level. In some ways, this is easier because they're not starting from nothing. But in other ways, it's harder. This is true for numerous reasons--bigger stakes, more money involved, etc.--but for me, one of the most interesting themes the season explores is the way this struggle to reach their next step is all happening in the public eye.
No, Lady Parts isn't a chart-topping band, but they have a following, and everyone looking in on them from the outside has ideas about what they are/how they should be. There's the whole discussion about what kind of music they make: do they have something real to say, or do they just write "funny Muslim songs" (false dichotomy alert)? Clarice has strong feelings about Bisma experimenting with not wearing her hijab all the time, like she's concerned that their image as a Muslim punk band won't come through loud and clear if only two of the four are hijabis. Are they sellouts for wanting success? Are they puppets dancing to the label's demands?
These outside opinions imposed on the band come from a lot of different directions, but I think the strongest example comes when they have dinner with Second Wife. And that makes sense. Second Wife comes from an influencer background, and when they look at Lady Parts, they don't just see band members. They see content creators who are cultivating their identities for an audience. So Ayesha is a "queer icon," whether she's ready for that or not. Bisma has fewer followers than Saira and Amina, and it's because her "mumsy" image isn't hitting with fans. Amina's Villain Era (which is mainly about not letting people walk all over her) is about ditching her "girl next door" vibe to go "full Sith." If Saira is straight, then wearing flannel is "queerbaiting."
But Lady Parts isn't about any of that. They each have their own style and their own vibe, but it's based on who they are/want to be and not about what image they're trying to perform for likes or clicks or streams. They don't see their identities as a commodity, and not just because of Saira's anti-capitalist manifesto. However, all these competing voices are overwhelming. The whole band gets in their heads over all these strong opinions about which boxes they ought to fit in, and they start viewing themselves and their music through a lens of what they should do rather than who they already are. That's why the season culminates in taking that back for themselves--doing what they want and releasing their music their way.
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*Flips over sofa* WHAT IF!...What if Oyei does owe debt collectors BUT it's not just because the gym is in financial trouble? It's clear Oyei regards Cher as more than his lover. Cher has booked clients and ran the gym while Oyei and Yak were away. He is a part of the business. He's also the brains of this operation. Unless there is a plothole, it would be difficult to believe that he doesn't keep a close eye on their finances because Oyei's gym isn't in trouble, THEIR gym is in trouble. This isn't only Oyei's burden to bear, which he doesn't seem to grasp BUT OKAY. Wouldn't he be able to connect that they have more money on hand than they make off fights and clients?
I wrote all that to write that what if Oyei and Yak's daddy is struggling and Oyei's sending him money? We're now in uncharted territory because all of the scenes from the trailer have played out. We have not seen or heard them speak of their dad yet, but we know that Yak sees Oyei as his father figure, which means their dad is a BUM in my mind. Despite that possibility, what if Oyei feels some filial piety because his dad was his hero and he feels the need to help him out even though he is struggling himself? It wouldn't be hard to believe. The show is not subtle about how alike the Phadetseuk brothers can be. Yak needs to finish uni to honor his mom's wishes. Maybe Oyei is helping their dad financially even if he's a BUM, alleged by me.
Okay, I'm done.
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No I'm not. NOW! We have the knowledge that Oyei saved Cher when he was being assaulted by his ex-boyfriend. Probably not the first time he's been abused. Abusers gaslight and belittle and make you feel insecure, and we've seen at least three times in the last two episodes where Cher's insecurity has reared its head. He knows Oyei is hiding something. Trust is probably a hard thing for him, so to know that his handsy, flirty man who he trusts wholeheartedly suddenly has a wall up between them? He's internalizing that because what else could it be if not him? Ugh. Plus, we finally see them kiss as we're on the precipice of Yak and Wandee admitting that nothing about their relationship has been fake. What if as Wandee and Yak make it official, to no one but themselves but go off, Oyei and Cher's relationship goes through a rough patch due to Oyei's secrets?
A lot of what ifs because I don't know, but what I DO know? Oyei's ass is in trouble once Cher finds out about the debt.
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Edit: One more thing. I find it so incredibly attractive when someone is fiercely protective of those they love, but you cannot set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Especially if said loved ones would never ask that type of sacrifice of you and want to protect and take care of you just as fiercely.
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trainfanz · 3 days
Further ramblings on London 2024 as I've now had a chance to listen to it! Below the cut! (I can't send out the audio, sorry.) SPOILERS ABOUND!
"Stop that boring music!" IS GONE!
There really isn't a lot to separate the additional trains. Their introductions and little pre-race mantras are all "They're fast!"
Al Knott sounds great.
I appreciate they rewrote Crazy to actually make it more of an intro song for Rusty instead of just sticking it there.
Arguing before 'I Am Me' is hard to follow with no visuals!
"Friends!" "Friends!" "More than friends?!" "-just friends." HAHA
"Trucks will identify themselves! Fuel Trucks!" Honey, they're all fuel trucks.
Freight really doesn't get to finish and I don't think I really like that.
Stopping here to say that Hydra is the standout of this new incarnation. Going into his little mantra at every applicable moment and annoying everyone else is hilarious.
AC/DC is... fine. Still prefer the older sound.
New take on Pumping Iron however is pretty good!
I want to see Control offering Pearl a spot to sit so bad.
"Please welcome to the other side of the tracks: Momma McCoy." "HOW WE DOIN?!" That's great.
Shoutout to them for using my preferred little outro ditty for the blues. Hard to explain what I mean.
I get that the 4th qualifying engine isn't integral to the downhill final but to only have 1 winner in Race 2 feels weird.
Surprise El DeBarge Lyrics???
The Rap is pulling a lot from the first two incarnations - "Race Time" shows up in the megamix but not in the actual song.
Dinah UGLY crying hhhh
Slick gets her own take on Wide Smile. Not sure if I like it but it's definitely unique.
Still think what immediately follows Race 3 ends up being 2 versions of the same scene stuck together, but that's not this production's problem.
It stings that Right Place, Right Time is gone. I get that it doesn't really work with the fuel trucks as apposed to the Rockies but I miss it!
No awkward key change in Starlight Sequence!! (If you've heard the current German version, you know.)
For how integral to the plot he is I expected Hydra to get a little more of his own number, but the "It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when" is the most song he gets and the rest is just talking.
Aaand here's Lord Andy's big twist, Rusty explicitly converts himself to run on hydrogen. More on this in a few lines!
They REALLY get their mileage out of what they got Lord Andy to write for this production.
Ok, I see what people mean by them altering Prusty in 2017 to fit 'I Do' better instead of changing the song again. I get it now. I think.
Even as a sapphic, Greaseball still can't spell.
New lyrics in Light At The End of The Tunnel is WEIRD.
I don't hate that they try to work in a message about clean fuels but at the same time I don't think its necessary? Was the original Starlight really meant to convince the audience that coal is the future in real life? Not really. Especially at the end things feel a bit heavy handed but again, I don't HATE it.
Still amazed I am open to/liking this new take on Starlight as much as I am.
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bingsooow · 1 day
Okay so probably a very cliche thing to write about BUT im a SUCKER for it
Venture notices fem!reader is getting hit on at a party and glares at the person doing it the entire time. Once the reader and venture get home, they immediately press her against the wall and “questions” her. Aka, they get jealous as HELL 😈
Sorry for the late response so to make up for it I’ll make this extra juicy 😝
Sloan didn’t want to go to this pity party the wayfinders decided to put on. Everybody was able to bring guests and just enjoy themselves how they wanted to. Sloan decided to bring their partner Y/n. She looked absolutely stunning in their eyes and behind her they looked like a lovesick puppy.
However with that it also meant that they had to be extra protective over her. They didn’t want anybody thirsting over what was theirs. Y/n was their angel and everything they could ever ask for. Sloan was blessed to even be able to breathe the same air as her. As much as she told them she wasn’t anything special Sloan refused to believe it.
There had been somebody at the party who made Sloan uncomfortable. It was this guy who seemed to be thirsting on whats theirs. It annoyed them, but without probable cause they couldn’t do anything about it.
The night progressed and as it did the guy seemed to be making moves at Y/n. Sloan was slightly tipsy from the alcohol they ingested while conversing with their team. They looked across the room at the guy leaning against the wall talking to Y/n. They could feel their heart drop to their feet.
But they knew deep in their heart she wouldn’t do anything to them. The way the guy looked at her made Sloans blood boil. But it seemed Y/n didn’t notice. They came over snaking an arm around Y/ns waist and casually joining the conversation. But it seemed the guy didn’t take the hint.
Each lighthearted joke, each compliment to her, the way his eyes scanned her body like she was just some meat irked Sloan. Enough that they decided they wanted to leave early. But they couldn’t just say that. They would feel bad if they forced Y/n to leave so soon.
“Wow I’m so tired! It’s so late.” Sloan fake yawned as they looked at Y/n. She knew what was up because Sloan never usually got tired this early. She nodded agreeing with them. “Yeah it really is, we should get home.” Sloan mentally cheered as the two. Said their goodbyes and eventually went to the home they shared.
As soon as the door closed behind Y/n, Sloan pushed her against the wall, their eyes looking down at her almost with jealousy. But she was focused on how long and pretty their eyelashes were.
“Somebody was being a bit too friendly.” They said with their voice laced with venom. Their hands rested on the soft curves of her body. “What? Sloan I-“ “He was flirting, you and I both know that.” Y/n didn’t say much. It was true. She knew that he was flirting but she didn’t entertain it. Why would she?
“Did you like the attention? Hm? If you just wanted attention mi dulce princesa you could have just asked.” Sloan knew how their Spanish affected her. Like it was a cheat code to get her to fold.
“I-I no- It’s not..” But there wasn’t a good enough excuse. Maybe she did want attention. But it’s not like she would ask them for it. She expected them to just know.
“You’re such a terrible liar. If you wanted me to compliment you I would have told you that you were prettier than any star in the sky. Or maybe you wanted to be lusted over. Seen as sexy? And god you really are.”
Sloan looked from her eyes to her lips. Then to her neck. They leaned in and kissed her neck, softly biting upon some parts of it. They then went up and kissed her gently. Some of her darker red lipstick going onto their lips.
“I’ll give you all the attention you could ever ask for tonight, hermosa princesa.”
Cliffhanger!! But I might continue it just lmk if I should, possessive Venture I need them sm
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imtrashraccoon · 3 days
As requested by my friend @superbfirnacho here are my headcanons on Monster Courting and Soul Children. Oh, and I included Heats. So yeah, mild content warning for mentions of sex but I promise it isn't graphic.
Heats/Monster Courting
Not sure if I'll actually use this, but it's an idea I wrote down for that Underfell fic, Fractured Souls, that I have yet to finish writing.
Monsters are made almost entirely of magic and are very connected to their souls. Now, there are so many different kinds of monster subspecies, that not every monster is physically compatible together except for when they combine their magic.
Generally, a soul bond is done first and is almost akin to marriage for monsters. Two monsters who love each other and want to be together for the rest of their lives will join their magic and souls together. This ritual is usually done in public in front of their friends and family so that everyone knows the two are a couple. The couple usually hold hands and then tune the magical vibrations of their souls together.
From this point on, the two souls are essentially one and there are a few benefits to doing so. One, both of their magic is strengthened and stabilized to make them compatible with each other. Two, both can sense and feel each other's strong emotions, even when apart. Three, they can sense if something happens to the other or they get hurt. Easily the most important part of a soul bond though, is that it is the first step towards having children.
To have children, if the couple isn't physically compatible, they generally perform another ritual where they combine their magic to create a child. This is often done by physical soul contact and is a private affair. After this, one of the monsters will carry the child in their soul until it is strong enough to survive on its own. Generally, this is the stronger monster but this isn't a set rule and is really only a way for the child to survive. When the child is strong enough, their soul will leave the parent's soul and the child's body will form from their magic.
While monsters are people just like anyone, they have a different reproductive system than humans do. At least once a year, most monsters experience a heat of sorts where they have the best chance to conceive a child and will seek out other compatible partners. This heat usually lasts a week and during that time the monster's magic is more active and volatile. Their body temperature also increases and they have increased libedo.
Generally, most monsters know how to deal with themselves during a heat and couples often have them at the same time. However, younger monsters have a harder time dealing with it but anyone can lose control of themselves if they aren't careful and hurt someone. Nowadays, there is medicine to help stabilize one's magic and make the heat less intense but heats are pretty unpredictable and can technically happen at anytime, especially if there is a compatible partner or if it's been a while since they actually tried to do anything with anyone.
While things can get out of turn during a heat, most monsters are able to control their desires and won't actually hurt anyone. However, there are instances of violence and assault that still happen. Justice is taken very seriously in these cases with both the monster government and individuals enacting justice and revenge as seen fit.
This idea isn't exactly original to me since these tropes are pretty common in most fics. I also love to go with the idea that since both partners' souls are connected, their lives are also extended to match the magic boost. So...a human can live several hundred years with their monster lover...
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captainmera · 1 day
Anything you've been researching recently for any of your projects?
Right now, I'm watching a lot of videos on YouTube about storytelling and analysises of cartoon movies!
I think I'm in one of those developing phases again where I'm elevating my knowledge and style, meaning that the projects themselves are slowed down or halted.
So yes, I'm doing a lot of research atm.
Aside from art and writing techniques, I take breaks from that to read and listen to history stuff. Esoteric history in particular.
I'm fond of the average Joe & Jane & Jam's contemporary thoughts of their time. Yknow the little things that make a culture really come to life.
Sometimes people ask what/where/how I actually collect my research and information. And if, in case, you who read this is one of those people: all I can say is that - every documentary you watch, watch it with story and people in mind.
I think that's why I like to draw backgrounds.
Because it's in the little things. We can get to know a character in a mili-second just by getting a sweeping look of their bedroom. It can be full of trinkets that make them who they are.
Stories that are inspired by historical eras (fantasy world, fictional history or realism) can be tricky if you dont know what people surrounded themselves with.
What's around them out of necessity (radio, stove, broom, drying herbs) and whats around them because they like it (decoration, photos, choice of curtains, art, bowl of stale caramels etc)
A good start is to look around your own home. Kitchens are a great start for that. What's there out of necessity, and what makes it YOUR kitchen?
Now, apply those same eyes when you watch documentaries, or read about people, or look at old illustrations. And you'll start picking up the little bits that make people into people of their time.
After seeing disney's catastrophe of a movie WISH, I thought it'd be a good exercise to try work within the limits of story telling to make my own movie - AS A PRACTICE. Not a serious thing to send in anywhere. Just.. for the love of storytelling.
So I've specifically looked into disney analysis and what people like/don't like in movies. What people think is what makes them work and not.
The good thing about writing a story that has to be told in a limited time frame of ca 1h and 45min is that it forces you to be creative.
You have to get to the point. You have to figure out how to tell some things by visuals alone to save time.
My achiles heel in writing os exposition. I have a tendency to infodump. The way i do exposition is boring, bland, and a bit timeous to read thru.
No wonder my fanfics are so damn long. I repeat and explain too much.
Comics are so much easier for me because I can explain things with expressions instead, or with backgrounds, or colour the mood (literally).
Writing a script is basically just summary and expositions. But I don't know how to write scripts. So atm, it's just conceptual ideas mixed with a lot of this happens then this then this. Etc.
So I guess my side dismey-prince-project is nice to pride at. With that I can do what I did in my fanfics (exercise and explore writing) without the pressure from an already existing fandom.
I call it "the tails project" and it very clearly draws inspiration from what I've built for Evelyn and Caleb. But instead of Philip as a brother, I've taken in Gus as inspo instead. Because for one, I just love Gus. And two, I like his dynamic as a little brother more. And three, in this story the lio bro isn't evil. So yay.
All to say that all of these things I just do to use in ibwr eventually anyway. Ibwr is my baby, and I really like storytelling. So all that I do and gather, I gather essentially to dump into ibwr.
Get better at art? For ibwr.
Research history? For ibwr.
Practice writing? For ibwr.
Make a side project in a different medium to learn new things? For ibwr.
So yeah.
While I'm anyway burnt out and can't concentrate much. And my arm hurts a bit again. I watch and read things to sponge up knowledge.
No knowledge is useless. Knowing about hatpins is just as important as knowing about bat echolocation, or that lobsters were poverty food once upon a time, and that haircare in the 1790s was different depending on hair type just like it is today, or that starvation & generational lasting community illness stunted the growth and that's pm why ppl were so collectively short back in the days.
Yeah, I'm reading about.... stuff.
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yarameijer · 3 days
Hello!! I just wanted to say i love your fics so much, when i first saw it in around 2022, i was amazed! Your writing style is so good, and it inspired me to be able to write fanfics aswell. I've gotta say, your fics are very interesting and entertaining! My most favorite fic of yours is probably Warped and Accidental Reverse. (I re-read those stories atleast 54 times i think?) Anyway, i was thinking if you had any headcanons for the Gryphon Trio? (Tsurugi, Tenma, Shindou) Also, if possible, DONT ABANDON ACCIDENTAL REVERSE PLZ🙏
Heyhey! Thank you for all the kind things you said <3 and good luck with your own fanfics!
Ohoho you don’t wanna know how many people asked for headcanons for these three and it took me ages because apparently I’m very bad at coming up with headcanons?? Who knew??
Tenma loves hugs
This means that when he gets excited he tries to tackle Tsurugi with hugs, and Tsurugi normally tries to evade him but every once in a while is caught off guard and then has to deal with octopus-Tenma
As time goes on Tsurugi starts accepting physical affection a bit more, but he's still a tsundere about it
It’s actually quite the normal sight for Tenma to hang off of Tsurgi if he gets the chance
Tenma’s less quick to hug Shindou, and for the first few months in their friendship, hugging Shindou is a very big no! in his mind because that’s his senpai, he can’t just hug him!
Over time the two of them grow more comfortable with each other and after talking out a pretty major argument (that I will be writing at some point) they hug for the first time, and get more comfortable doing so
Tenma’s still kinda shy about it tho so Shindou’s usually the instigator
Tenma is a bit more hesitant to tackle-hug Shindou than Tsurugi
Shindou is actually quite quick with giving minor physical affection! Usually shoulder touches during excitable moments, whether that’s after scoring a goal during a match or when one of his friends is upset - think light squeezes or just laying his hand on someone’s shoulder
They all live on different sides of Inazuma Town and the riverside soccer field is more or less in the middle of their houses, so if they want to meet up for soccer outside of school, that’s where they go
Usually when they hang out for non-soccer activities, they just agree to meet at the place they’re going
They like hanging out at Tenma’s place because Aki always has the best snacks, they like hanging out at Tsurugi’s place because his parents usually are working so they’ve got the place to themselves, and they don’t like hanging out at Shindou’s place because Tenma and Tsurugi feel very out of place
Despite that, Tsurugi and Tenma love listening to Shindou playing the piano
Shindou has the worst sleeping schedule out of all of them because he gets caught up in whatever he’s doing (reading a book, ridiculous research on whatever caught his attention this time, thinking up hissatsu techniques or strategies for the team, etc.) and Tenma and Tsurugi judge him for it
Tenma and Tsurugi had a lot of fun training for Fire Tornado Double Drive and end up continuing their hissatsu training together in their free time
They don’t tell anyone about it but Shindou figures it out when they keep coming to him for ‘’hypothetical’’ hissatsu questions
Tsurugi, every chance he gets, rubs in the fact that he’s the tallest out of the three of them
He bullies Tenma by raising his hand too high for high-fives or keeping things above his head out of his reach
He tries the same thing with Shindou, but every time Shindou just stares at him wordlessly, incredibly unimpressed, until he lowers his hand
In fact, Tsurugi is not that much taller than Shindou, but still the one time Shindou tried pulling the ‘’I’m older’’ card in an argument, he didn’t hesitate to play the ‘’then why are you so short’’ card and Shindou didn’t talk to him for two days
Shindou and Tsurugi also have this habit of high-fiving without looking (‘’because they think it makes them look cool’’ ‘’Tenma shut up’’) but one time they missed and Shindou slapped Tsurugi in the face by accident
It was during a match so it got caught on camera and every once in a while Tenma sends it in whatever group chat they’re all in (Earth Eleven, Raimon, etc.) to humble them
Tenma’s a lot quicker to tease them both in group chats than face-to-face
In person, Shindou is the one who teases the others the most, because their reactions are very funny
Tenma gets very shy and starts stuttering
Tsurugi tries to pretend it doesn’t bother him but he’s also very pale and it’s very easy to see when he turns red
For Tenma and Tsurugi both Shindou is (one of) their go-to person(s) for advice, although Tsurugi is a lot more quiet and subtle about it than Tenma
I’ll probably add to this later, because recently I’ve really been building these characters to my liking and I’m starting to notice that it’s easier to come up with this stuff once I’ve developed them more individually.
That being said, I should probably do headcanon lists for them individually!
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historicalvandal · 3 days
I'm so glad I found your blog! Can I please get some drabble? Proximus,Ceaser, the sunset trio (noa,soona, and anaya) and anyone else you want to add with a human reader that started following them one day. The human is very hard to catch if she doesn't want to be caught, talk, or be seen and will defend herself if cornered. Brings "gifts," bones, shiny rocks, or food if in a good mood. Hope you feel better! Saw your last post. Ignore if you need to, sending hugs 🤗
I'm glad you found me too! I'm excited to write for people! As you can possibly tell from all of my postings about PoTA rn haha- Ofc you can have some drabbles! I'll write a few drabbles for Koba, Caesar, Proximus and the sunset trio for ya!
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Proximus Caesar ; The first time he met you was when he took a small trip with his guards, taking it upon himself to do more kingly activities, that being hunting, he'd have been possibly hunting for a new pet when he heard about a certain human causing some mayhem who just couldn't be captured at all and who was supposedly very aggressive once backed up into a corner, even Sylva had gotten hurt by such a tiny human, this of course piqued Proximus' interest, so when he enters the forest in which you usually roamed and came face to face with you, you displayed...curiosity, perhaps this wasn't the human he was told about? But he was wrong, because as soon as he had asked Sylva to capture you, you bit Sylva's hand causing the gorilla to lose a nice chunk of flesh from his hand, his blood covering your mouth, as you spit out the flesh you'd ripped out onto the muddy ground, eyes on Proximus as his gaze lingered on your face. You ended up following him out of curiosity, as he went through the forest, sticking to the shadows, but he could smell your scent in the air, and he more or less ordered Sylva and Lightning to leave him be for some time, once the two had left Proximus alone, he set up waiting patiently for you to come out of the brush and shrubbery of the forest, not expecting you to drop down from the high branches above him, nearly landing on the back of his horse behind him, stalking around him slowly, before holding out your closed hand, Proximus glanced at the hand offered to him and he held his hand out, palm open, you reached forward and dropped a bird skull into his hand followed by a shiny pebble, a small river stone, you looked up at Proximus and opened your mouth to speak, just one word, but it had him hooked, "King." To be fair with you, it wasn't necessarily the best idea to be hanging around Proximus, but you couldn't help yourself, following after him, his shadow, thought of as a pet, but you never seemed to mind, you'd bring him the shiny stones you'd find and of course small animal bones, but feathers were a favourite of yours to give him, he never seemed to mind having these small trinkets, he actually incorporated some of the shiny stones into his outfit, a few feathers weaved into an arm band, all in all he has a new pet and they're very much his favourite for all the small things they do, but mostly how they'll always bring something back when they go out at night.
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Koba ; With Koba he'd hate that you follow him around, leave gifts in his nest, even bring him food, but he somewhat understands why you are combative, hate being cornered and refuse to talk when you feel overwhelmed, he'd have first met you in the red woods, on a hunting trip alone, hearing yelping and aggressive hooting, he'd be under the impression an ape had gotten themselves lost and in danger, possibly going to help and finding you facing off against a predator bigger then you, then he wouldn't want to help, but as soon as you notice him you had already used your teeth and bare hands to beat the predator bloody, vanishing up into a tree quickly and out of sight after a staring match between you two. However Koba runs into you more and more, and slowly gets used to seeing you, what he doesn't get used to is you following him back to the colony, he hadn't wanted you to follow or even be accepted into the colony, but Caesar had welcomed you upon the insistence of some apes who had seen you driving predators away from the colony, once accepted you choose to follow Koba, he'd been more or less aggressive and mean to you, but you still followed and soon he got used to calling you shadow other then human, you start leaving river stones in his nest, birds you'd practically mauled to death as a food type gift and you even left ripped up cloth to make his nest more comfortable, he'd catch you one night nudging a necklace you'd made with two other female apes into his nest, nearest to some pelts you had acquired, then he didn't have the heart nor anger to drive you off, and you ended up sleeping beside his nest that night, now he wears the necklace.
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Caesar ; He first came into contact with you when you wandered unknowingly into ape territory, you had ran right into the middle of Malcolm and his team first being there in the red woods, and had even bitten Carver in attempts of stopping him from killing Ash and Blue eyes, causing the colony to be alerted to the sounds of shouting and when Ash had been shot, Caesar had heard of a human living nearby, had heard of how aggressive they had been to many others, mainly to humans, but hadn't moved to do anything against the feral human in the forest, since they usually kept predators and other humans at bay, so in thanks for you driving off Malcolm's group, and saving Ash and Blue eyes from being hurt further, also upon the good word both young teens had put in for you and from Rocket himself, he accepted you into the colony, you integrated well at first but never spoke much, always sticking to Caesar's side whenever permitted to do so. Like Koba he'd notice that things were being left at his nest, at some point even a dead buck had ended up near his nest, you take to leaving things you make so he can wear them, he notices your craftsmanship and wears the band you had made that would hook around his arm, the necklace you had made proudly displayed, set with beads and small river stones and a lot of feathers, you even taking to wearing a band around your own bicep and a simpler version of the necklace.
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The sunset trio ; The three had accidentally run into you on their first meeting, noticing you as the echo who had been sneaking around the clan and stealing food, Noa had been the one to notice you'd been doing it because you were injured at the time, still it somewhat frustrated the three, they ran into you out in the forest when they were berry picking, you peeked out of the bushes, the thorns from the blackberry bush ripping into your skin and tangled in your hair, Soona had been the first to reach out, and you seemingly were fine with it despite them all hearing stories of your penchant to bite, the three managed to get you untangled, not even saying thank you, you rushed off into the shrubbery, swinging up into the trees with practised perfection, vanishing from view, or so they thought, you followed them above, staying a few paces behind, they caught sight of you again once you had gotten to the natural edge of the forest, hopping from the trees to stand and watch them, this time Anaya was the one to reach out to you, joined by Soona and slowly joined by Noa, they held out their hands with the want to at least bring you to a healer to get your wounds seen too, and you reached out too, speaking to them, voice ragged from going without use for some time, "Hurt..Help- please" Once integrated into the clan you opened up slowly, spending more and more time with the trio, taking to making necklaces, bracelets, arm bands, satchels too, all things learned from Noa's mother, you'd nonchalantly leave gifts in their nests, only growing closer as they started to make gifts in return for you. Okayyy! I have finished these drabbles- I hope these are okay! and hope they bring a smile to your face, sorry for taking a hot second to write this all out! Thanks for the request! <33
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