#(Lollipop Chainsaw i mean)
skeletood · 1 year
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Kicking some zombie ASS mehehehe
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under-the-sulfur-sun · 6 months
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day 2- Lollipop Chainsaw redraw featuring Gabriel and Hank
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brutal-nemesis · 8 months
Goretober V: Intes-tangled
←Previous - Castys Masterlist - Goretober Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: GORE, body horror, somethin nasty in the mouth
As much as Castys hated the feeling of Kuro touching his bare stomach, he’d take it over what he knew was coming next. Her hand was cold because she was just always cold, which he guessed came with the whole whatever-she-was package, so it was a little added discomfort on top of the person touching him discomfort and the person touching an area he really didn’t like being touched in discomfort. And even then, this was way better than what that knife was about to do.
A quick slice, and then in went Kuro’s hand, digging around in his gut as he whined a little bit because he couldn’t fucking help it it hurt and it was uncomfortable and now she was ripping out his intestines and just sort of draping them haphazardly over his torso all wet and slick and sticky with blood and he would very much rather they stayed inside him but no one had ever cared what he wanted especially concerning his own damn body so whatever hooray here comes the knife towards his throat-
Coming back to life was…yeah.
He’d expected this, but it was still one of his least favorites. Whenever he died and his intestines were outside of him they’d just…stay out there. Kuro’d pulled a lot of them out, more than he’d ever had stuck outside of him before. He’d always thought they looked funny, like sausages with yellowish ribbon things attached to them, but that didn’t mean he was happy to see them or anything.
Kuro, however, was. “I’m glad this worked,” she said as she ran a hand along his guts. “Does it hurt?”
“No,” Castys sighed, glad for that one positive. “It just feels…weird. Really, really weird.” 
Of course, the most logical thing to do next was make it even weirder. She released the straps over his wrists and tied them together with, you guessed it, his own guts, which sure was a feeling. They were warm and rubbery and thick and he could probably wiggle out of them given some time, but he doubted he was going to get that chance any time soon. But, hey, Kuro was letting him up off the table completely now, so that was nice, even if she was pulling him up by tugging on the intestines tied to his wrists.
Kuro hummed as she looked him over. Castys was just standing in front of her like a good little boy because this whole experience was already horrific enough without his struggles yanking on the worms coming out of his stomach. “I feel like you need a little something more.”
“I could go for a candy stick.”
That got a laugh out of Kuro, but he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. “That does give me an idea.” Okay, nope, not a good thing at all, he took it back, he did not want his intestines looped around his neck like the worst collar ever, and he especially didn’t want- “Come on now, open up, Castys! You wanted something tasty, right?” Castys shook his head. Organs were not tasty, especially not his own. As usual, though, it was an unwinnable battle, as Kuro’s hands pried his jaw open before long and shoved a section of intestine in. He bit down on it a little on accident in his efforts to keep his mouth closed, so now his mouth was full of the taste of blood and acrid nastiness unlike anything he’d experienced before. Coupled with the sensation of soft, rubbery flesh on his tongue, it was most definitely the worst thing he’d had in his mouth ever, which was saying a lot.
“Aww, don’t cry, Castys,” Kuro hummed as she stroked his face. He wasn’t crying he-he’d just teared up a bit because of the awful taste and texture. “I think you look cute like this, all tied up and gagged with your own intestines.” She tugged on the ones wrapped around his wrists, forcing to stumble forward towards her. All he could really do was glare in annoyance and try not to focus on what was in his mouth or the pressure around his neck or the slight pain in his stomach as she tugged on his guts and instead focus on…on…he couldn’t really think of anything good to focus on. 
Ultimately, he decided to just let his mind go completely blank for the remainder of however long this hell was going to last.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​ @whumpedydump​
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If I ever fall in love with another grasshopper manufacture character, I’m relying on my followers to hold me accountable and make fun of me for it. /hjks
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ghenry · 8 months
What do you think of GHMs more "Mainstream" titles such as LC, SoTD and NMH3 compared against their more underground works like Killer7, Silver Case and NMH1. I find the latter has a sense of mystique and weirdness that's missing from the former when the studio seemed pigeon-holed in a brand of "Sex, Violence and quirky"
I've been meaning to write about this here, so good question! I gave it a lot of thought after finding a JPN copy of Killer Is Dead and seeing this within the box;
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Here's a quote of Suda reflecting on the production of said game;
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Suda was not interested in eroticism when it came to his company's games. However, the more mainstream games GHM made (without his direction) were full of instances that were little more than eye candy. Sex appeal for the sake of it. And much of that was against Suda's will;
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Paula running around in a thong (and even tits out a couple times if you played the NA version) throughout Shadows of the Damned also reminds me of Tim Rogers recalling his time working at Grasshopper as a designer in the late 2000s. He sat in a lot of meetings with Suda talking to EA and mentioned a time Suda talked about a save function idea he thought of while reflecting on Travis always using a toilet to save in the NMH games.
An early idea was Garcia going to bed with a woman every time he had to save. This was likely when the game was still going to be open world-ish and Garcia was single. From how Tim Rogers talked about this, it was pretty much the only idea Suda had that EA actually showed interest in. Obviously this idea never panned out, instead saving being delegated to a little demon that poops to signify a saved game. Funny that it connects to NMH's toilet save function in that way.
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Something else worth bringing up would be the "gigolo missions" from Killer Is Dead. This also derived from a concept Suda had for Shadows of the Damned where Garcia was gonna take girls out on dates, bring flowers, and it'd actually be cute and romantic. At least, from how he described it.
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(These screenshots are from Feel the Magic, a DS game where you played mini-games as you tried to win the heart of a girl throughout the story)
This idea was repurposed for Killer Is Dead, but, according to Suda, the sexual aspects of it were conjured up by Hideyuki Shin, the game's director. Therefore, it devolved into x-ray glasses, staring at boobs, and giving gifts to a robot that repeated animations. A cannibalization of the original concept.
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Suda seemed afraid of Grasshopper's reputation being mutated into an identity he didn't consent to. Sex appeal is not something he really thinks about when it comes to making games. It's not his style;
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The only times Suda has shown sexuality in the games he directed is when it's discomforting or deeply disturbing, almost never for eye candy.
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I still appreciate games like Shadows of the Damned, Killer Is Dead, and Lollipop Chainsaw. As much as this era of GHM was railroaded to chasing some mainstream trends and trying too hard to be quirky, they still had unique aspects that help them stand out above other games of the same subgenre. But I can't help but notice a fissure between these games and the ones he actually directed. The nuance, mystery, and thought-provoking stories are most prominent when he's the one directing.
I'm not going to fault people for liking eroticism and such in video games. I've played plenty of horny games too, and there's obviously an appeal there. But anyone still expecting that from Suda is barking up the wrong tree. Looking at how he's been handling everything since 2018 makes it even sadder when you reflect how these publishers tried cramming Grasshopper Manufacture into this box they didn't want to be in.
One last thing I have to retort, though. I don't lump No More Heroes 3 with the quirky "mainstream" games the way you did in the question. Sure, NMH3 definitely went for a more mainstream marketing plan and the game got super silly at times, but it still has an interesting narrative with a ton of nuance. Way more than any GHM game between 2010-2016. Hence my 4+ hour long analysis of the game;
Many people even rejected this game outright because the eroticism and scantily-clad female cast was mostly absent. This was likely expectations they built after experiencing games like NMH2, SotD, LC, etc.
Speaking a bit more on the sense of eroticism, it's funny to think how that was admittedly present in NMH1, obnoxiously expanded upon in NMH2, and then mostly done away with in NMH3. Going as far as turning Naomi--and her balloon tits--into a goddamn tree!
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However, I don't believe Suda turned Naomi into a tree for the sole purpose of removing her sex appeal. I believe this just further accentuates how that aspect is not something he's interested in or finds important for the game itself. He likely didn't even think of it that way, but instead "Hey, she should be a tree now."
And then there's Kimmy, whose death was not only a very harrowing moment in the game, it was also depicted in a sexual manner. Similar to Bad Girl's death in the original NMH. Note the motions and angles in her death scene.
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Like I said, this rather disturbing sense of sexuality is more Suda's vibe. And I'm happy to see he hasn't lost that edge, so many years later. Anyway, thanks for the question! I had a lot of fun writing out this answer.
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 month
shows and movies that are the same flavor, inexplicably
🍒cherry limeade🥤
Heartbreak High
Boo, Bitch
Do Revenge
Mean Girls (2024)
🍬saltwater taffy🍥
Mean Girls (2004)
Legally Blonde
Mamma Mia
🍫dark chocolate and cinnamon🌰
13 Reasons Why
I Am Not Okay With This
Ginny and Georgia
🍪graham crackers and molasses🥃
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2020)
☕️burnt black coffee🫘
It Follows
The Bye Bye Man
The Candyman
🍋‍🟩lime and honey🍯
Umbrella Academy
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Enola Holmes
Dead Boy Detectives
🍮white chocolate w coffee center🫘
Young Royals
Tiny Pretty Things
First Kill
🥯everything bagels w cream cheese🧈
Work It
Feel the Beat
the Kissing Booth trilogy
Dash & Lily
Pitch Perfect
Red White & Royal Blue
Senior Year
the To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy
The Prom
🍒zero sugar cherry coke🥤
Black Phone
Stranger Things
the Fear Street trilogy
IT (chapters 1 and 2)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
🥂champagne and buffalo sauce (don’t ask)🥡
The Adam Project
Red Notice
every Fast and Furious movie after the fifth one
Free Guy
🍬bubblegum lollipop🍭
Army of the Dead
Warm Bodies
Birds of Prey
Suicide Squad (2021)
Violent Night
🍯butterscotch and hot chocolate☕️
Harry Potter
Mary Poppins
Magic Schoolbus
Winnie the Pooh
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Gosh, sorry this is some unrelated shit, but I’ve been noticing this trend on Twitter and it feels like the biggest gaslight ever. People have been posting about Chainsaw Lollipop and saying shit like “How could anyone think this game was for those FILTHY cishets?!” and like… gee, you mean to tell me you don’t think boys would be playing a game about a hot cheerleader? They did this shit with Bayonetta too. Why are they trying to shove the target demographic out instead of being in solidarity?
I am NOT standing for this historical-revisionism
I was there, at ground-fucking-zero, when this game came out. I had to sit through so many people joking about how the game was made to cater to horny men and teenage boys. Do you know how many 'ugh, those perverted Japanese people'-adjacent comments I had to hear just because of the upskirt achievement?!
No, what we are not doing is pretending that Lollipop Chainsaw was originally marketed as a gay or camp game. Is it possible that it's gotten that kind of cult following in recent years? Yes, of course. But it sure as hell did not start that way!
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missxaster · 4 months
Lollipop Chainsaw...
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Yes, the game where "your girlfriend" is a sexy popular blonde cheerleader and everything that encompasses the stereotype of a blonde "Bimbo" girl in high school only she hides a little secret...
The girl is a zombie hunter and her family is also far from the character's plot, it really is a good game! Playing with some double meaning jokes (a lot) and various fashion aesthetics, iconic songs and musical styles that are given a certain musical "stereotype" I have played it again and it is very worth it ✨And each zombie is a musical style, plus certainly my favorite boss is "Mariska" Psychedelic Zombie.
I really enjoy the description of
"Bad Fashion Sense"
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And really Mariska's lines
"sister Juliet brother Nick"
"Peace and Rot and HELL"
And the iconic song ...
Plus isn't it sweet that Juliet loved Nick even though he was a head! So cute this game has it all...
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doomedpuppetyuri · 3 months
i think my meds have been making my already weird dreams even weirder because i cannot remember the last time i had a normal dream some highlights have been: -having someone over at my house and wanting to show them my signed copy of A Hat in Time, but every time i picked it up it would inexplicably morph into a copy of Travis Strikes Again for the Nintendo Switch. Except it wasn't even the game's actual cover because it had just been replaced with a picture of Mii Fighter Travis. Eventually I got so fed up that I managed to wake myself up out of pure spite -literally just the entirety of Flipping Death except instead of her very much canon husband Regan was married to a character from another game by the devs entirely -being lost in a hotel and being surrounded by these incredibly uncanny heads attached to really long necks(think the teacher from little nightmares 2) who would just watch me as I wandered the halls and parrot the things that people who had been lost previously had said with no meaning behind the words ok yeah maybe watching a full playthrough of ad infinitum at about 12:59 am had something to do with that one -that Double Fine released a Psychonauts tie-in novel that was just several hundred pages of Sasha Nein talking about why transphobes should die -that I was listening to a dub of Survival Street except every line from Hippy had been inexplicably cropped out and replaced with Chandlo Funkbun dialogue -that I read a Buzzfeed article titled "top 10 British people that deserved better" and #1 was "the one Hatsune Miku wouldn't talk to" -that someone got in legal trouble because they were roleplaying as Irma from Survival Street in the reviews sections of random Amazon products -That I wrote a fanfiction on AO3 where I shipped Penny Doewood from Flipping Death and Mariska from Lollipop Chainsaw and it got so popular that the website had to be shut down for 3 days
and one from last year or so where @eviltoxicmosssauce gained the ability to legally change my name to whatever he wanted and then changed it to like. pissballs or something except then he couldn't change it back so my name was pissballs for the rest of the dream
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Re: Bee
If Erika gets the tiger you could turn Clout into a shout. Tigers do actually have a roar/growl thing that resonates at a frequency that actually causes momentary paralysis.
Plus then she could scream/swear at the top of her lungs like a true punk as a part of her hero abilities.
I thinking like the first boss in Lollipop Chainsaw, only not an asshole /neg, instead an asshole /aff.
I mean the HC/LL version of the Dog is the vocal attack so I could roll with that version instead
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scaredofskeleons · 29 days
horse game posting again but theres a max name drop /silly
the silly thing abt ponytown is seeing Max Jagerman rant abt carnally needing Ellis from L4D2 [ofc this example is just from...personal experience] but like what do you mean Max Jagerman from Nerdy prudes Must Die wants to get freaky with Ellis from hit valve game Left 4 Dead 2 and hes talking about it with Juliet from Lollipop Chainsaw I love this little online game
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novankenn · 1 year
Jaune's friends and teammates always wondered where he would vanish to every few days or so. It was mostly on weekends, and he would be unable to locate him until Sunday night, where they would ALWAYS find him just coming out of the shower.
None would ever have suspected or guessed the true reason behind these disappearances. That Jaune was part of a quartet of uniquely skilled persons, tasks with a single never ending goal...
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Episode One - Introductions
Jaune was confused as he was led through halls he had never seen before. Escorted by gas mask wearing guards. Towards an undisclosed destination. No one spoke a word to him since he arrived. Not a single syllable, even after he threw up all over the floor. It wasn't like he hadn't tried, but he never received a response, and as such gave up trying.
His escort stopped and slip a key-card through a scanner. With a metallic click, the door activated and swung open. Jaune was ushered inside, and the door was closed behind him. Jaune scanned the basically bare room. All it contained was a metal table and four very uncomfortable looking plastic chairs. Three of which were currently occupied...
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Jaune: (Thinking) He looks... dangerous.
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Jaune: (Thinking) Okay, he sort of makes me want to buy hardware.
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Jaune: (Thinking) She's... cute.
Juliet: (Winking at Jaune) Names Juliet Starling, what's yours
Jaune: Jaune. Jaune Arc. Short, Sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it.
Juliet: That's cute. Anyway, seeing as these two grumps have their panties in knots about being here... I'll give the rest of the intros. The one in the blue shirt, that's Ash Williams.
Jaune: Mr. Williams.
Ash: Mr Williams is my father, so knock that crap off. Call me Ash.
Juliet: And the armoured, strong silent type is Doom-Guy.
Jaune: Doom-Guy?
Juliet: Yep.
Jaune: Seriously?
Ash: Don't look at me. I just got here... AND I WOULD LIKE TO GO HOME NOW!
Juliet: Stop hollering. You're giving me a bigger headache than my PMS.
Doom-Guy: *Grunts
Juliet: Good question, Doomy.
Jaune: He asked a question?
Juliet: Sure did. So, do you KNOW why we're here, because to be honest this place is dulls-ville.
Jaune: No. No one said anything to me.
Juliet: (Pulls out a lollipop and puts in her mouth) Poopy.
????: (intercom feedback) Alright now that you are all assembled, it's time to get to business.
Ash: Assembled? You fuckwads kidnapped me right before Global Topless Oil Wrestling was starting!
Juliet: And I was just getting ready to get kissy with Nicky!
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Jaune: What did he say?
Ash: He was knee-deep in demon guts, and would like to go back.
Jaune: (Going a little pale) Um, Mr Voice? I think you made a mistake?
Intercom-Voice: I don't make mistakes! You have been brought here because of your unique skill sets. Skills that make you monsters for the foes you will be facing on the behalf of humanity.
Jaune: Skills? Have you watched me spar? I mean really. Have you seen me spar? I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag.
IV: You have the skills we require, plus you have high strategic and tactical scores, which is a bonus.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Juliet: Super question! So Doomy would like to know what these skills we have that you want to use, and what the actual FUCK is going on?
IV: You are all skilled with the most horrific and effective weapon in the universe when it comes to fighting zombies... the CHAINSAW!
Juliet: Makes sense.
Ash: Can't argue with that.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Jaune: um...
IV: Don't even, Jaune. We are well aware of your extra abilities.
Juliet: Ooooooh! Do tell!
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Jaune: I'd rather just go...
IV: Mr Arc, you will show your teammates your abilities.
Jaune: Wait, what do you mean...?
IV: Now Mr Arc.
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Juliet: (Squealing) OMG! You are totes adorable! I just want to dress you up and coordinate accessories with you!
Jaune: Please don't.
Ash: Not judging, but you're a cross-dresser?
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Ash: Okay, Magical Garment Girl. Like that makes much difference, he's still a guy dressed in a frilly maid outfit.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Juliet: I totes agree, Doomy. It shows off his legs, and I must add a delectably enticing tooshie!
Ash: Okay, whatever. Can we now know why you brought us to wherever here is?
IV: This place is known as the Central Hub. From here with the dimension gate can reach anywhere in the galaxy or multiverse.
Jaune: Say what now?
Juliet: So are we like in space?
IV: You are in a limbo between realities.
Ash: So let me guess we've been "selected" because we are good at messing up zombies?
IV: No, you are here because you know the art of the Chainsaw. Thrashing zombies is just a side benefit, and in a nutshell, that is your job. We will gather you when we have found a target and then send you there to eliminate the threat. Any questions?
Jaune: How long, or often, is this going to happen?
IV: As and when needed. And don't worry about time. While you are here and on missions, time in your home realm will be slowed. In fact, you could be gone three months and only two days will have passed for you.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Jaune: Did he just ask when do we start?
Juliet: You're a quick study. Took me a couple of hours to figure him out.
IV: You start tomorrow. Tonight you will rest. The guards will return shortly to escort you to the mess hall and then to your private rooms. I bid you a good evening. (Feedback)
IV: (Feedback) Oh, and welcome to S.A.W.
Ash/Jaune/Juliet: Saw?
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
IV: It's your team designation... Squad for Annihilating Walkers. S.A.W.
The four looked at each other and nodded. It was a pretty good name, as far as team names went.
IV: I bid you a good evening. (Feedback)
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Jaune: Yeah, I guess you're right. Nothing much to do now but see how this plays out.
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You know honestly I still think there would be less controversy about Yandere Sim if the Dev had just stuck with it being set in a high school instead of trying to jump through a bunch of hoops to make it where all the student characters involved are adults.
If he just said "Well this is what the game is about, and if you don't like that, you don't have to play it." I feel like the majority of people who found that kind of thing icky would have loudly bitched about it for a while and then moved on.
Because now all those same people are hanging around going "But if they're adults then why BLAH and BLAH BLAH BLAH" about every little detail of the game that would have made complete sense if the setting was still in a high school and the characters were still primarily high school students but don't really make sense anymore because of the narrative changes to make all the students adults.
There are hundreds of outright horny games that have high schoolers (and younger) as the characters, that put them into far more explicitly sexualized positions and contexts than Yandere Sim ever has.
And I just never understood all the drama and freak outs about the characters being high school students.
I mean the player character is a budding serial killer who was raised by a successful serial killer, and people are freaking out about the fact that it was originally set in a high school and taking panty shots were a game mechanic.
Nothing that's happening in a video game is real, so I've never understood why people got caught up on those things.
I understand the people who're mad about the actual unethical shit the Dev's been up to, like the shitty things he's done in real life like mistreat volunteers and the people he works with.
But if you just think Yandere Sim's whole concept as a game is gross, I feel like you should just ignore it, because some guys pet project indie game that's been in development hell for a literal decade can't actually hurt you.
Like there's been people diligently just following the Yandere SIm drama for years on end, and I just don't understand why?
If you hate him and his game so much why don't you just ignore it? Why are you wasting literal years of your life for something and someone you seem to absolutely despise?
Is it enjoyable? I've never really hate followed something before, at least not as closely or as long, as I've seen some people hate follow Yandere Sim and all the Yandev drama and controversies.
But it just sounds like an exhausting waste of time.
Edit because I literally don't ever pay attention to like the actual game because it's a bad game and I'm only here for the fanfic and fanart.
Apparently YanDev is an actual creep who tried to groom a 16 year old, or at least that's what I'm hearing after googling what's up with Yandere Sim.
Anyways, I'm sticking with the opinion that it would have been better for Yan Sim and Yan Dev if he just stuck with keeping the setting a high school.
None of this massmarket appeal stuff, there's already an audience for what YanDev was making, so I feel like trying to appeal to people who disliked half of the original concept pitch (yandere teenage girl kills a bunch of other girls for love in a high school) was basically shooting himself in the foot.
I still think the likes of Lollipop Chainsaw is far, far more objectifying than anything that ever appeared in Yan Sim.
That is a game that makes it blatantly obvious that the only reason the protagonist is canonically 18 (waking up on their 18th birthday in fact) is so they can sexualize a high school girl as much as possible.
It opens on Juliet waking up and doing yoga stretches on her bed wearing only her bra and panties, while she talks to the player about how the invitation into her room wasn't an invite to do funny stuff.
And sure when creepy weirdos fap to it, they're fapping to a game with a teen character, but pedoes will fap to literally anything if they can connect it to children within their own brain.
Actual pedos will fap to literal children's cartoons without a hint of sexual content or implications anywhere in them, because children's cartoons are tangentially connected to real children.
Like there's a reason there's horny art of literally any and every children's cartoon out there. Sure some percent of it is made by teens exploring their own sexuality, but a pretty good percent isn't.
Not to mention all the drama shows that have high school settings that have stuff like shirtless make out scenes, and outright sex scenes in a few of them, where the objective of those scenes is to literally objectify the teen characters as much as possible.
Yeah YanDev is a creep, but also I can't think of a single thing in Yandere Sim as a game that is any worse or more objectifying about teenagers than I've seen in literally tons of more mainstream media with a teenage protagonist that's set in a high school.
The steamiest the YanSim game has ever gotten as far as I know is all the stuff involving panties. Like the panty shot mechanic, and the Ayano skirt inventory idea where her panties could be seen are the only ones I can really think of.
Maybe the ero manga that Ayano can read to level up her seduction skill? But that doesn't actually show anything beyond just the cover, so I don't think that counts.
Anyways YanDev is a certified creep, but YanSim as a game has never had anything overtly sexual beyond the panty stuff from what I can remember. So it's never really ranked all that high on my "Media where Teenage girls are sexualized" scale.
People who aren't authorities investigating him, should still be ignoring YanDev's creepy ass though, even if you do hate his guts.
I say this as someone who actually somewhat enjoys YanSim as a fun sandbox of characters and ideas to play with.
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justabeautifulgirl · 28 days
The Command
Mari woke up before her older sister, completely naked and cuddled up to her. She sneakily got out of bed and locked the door to the room before getting dressed and standing over her sister. "Hey. Wake up." Mari used the back of her hand to tap Emily's face. She did this a few more times before the eldest sister stirred awake, the sleep clinging to her face. "Wake up sleeping beauty, you need to get to your room at least, I can already smell Dad cooking breakfast." Emily sleepily slumped out of bed and went to the door trying the handle to find it wouldn't budge. Mari huffed out, exasperated that her older sibling couldn't figure out it was locked. She unlocked the door and looked around checking the coast was clear. "Alright now go! And make sure to come back to my room tonight at 10 PM." And Emily went. Breakfast was as awkward as ever for Emily who just last night, was almost caught wearing nothing but a skimpy piece of lingerie which showed off her budding breasts. Other than that brief moment of solitary embarrassment, the day went on as normal: Mari off to college for her classes, Emily had to work, and their parents... well, they did whatever it is they do when their kids weren't home.
At 9:58 PM that night, Emily had showed up to Mari's room as she was told, dressed in a mini-skirt and crop top that made her look like Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw. As she sat down on the floor of the bedroom, she felt something was different in the room, like they weren't alone. "So what is it tonight? You gonna force me to do your laundry naked or something?" Mariel giggled to herself. "Oh believe me the thought crossed my mind once or twice but no. I have something much more entertaining planned for you." She said this with extra emphasis at the end. "Go ahead and show yourself then." Emily was confused and then mortified as a guy stepped out of the closet, grinning from ear to ear at Emily. "Mari, what's going on?" Emily said frantically. "This is my boyfriend Collin. He seemed really interested in meeting you, after I let it slip you were actually a girl." Emily couldn't help but feel betrayed, despite how mean Mari could be, she didn't think that she'd actual tell anyone else. She was stunned into silence and so the room followed for a few moments longer. "I'm glad to finally meet you Emily. You're very pretty." "It wasn't without months of hard work on my part but yeah, she's pretty cute." Mari bragged. "You're going to do what he says, because that's what I'm telling you to do tonight." She directed this bit at Emily. "Mari!" Emily whined desperately. "I'm a lesbian, I don't like guys." "Don't be silly, you're not a lesbian. If you were then your little clit wouldn't have gotten hard when we watched Brokeback Mountain." "But, that's-" "Shhh. You're going to do what he says, or I have Collin here help me drag you to the living room and show Dad your pretty skirt." The threat knocked Emily right back into speechlessness. She nodded.
"I want you to stand up and and give me a little spin." Collin commanded. Already seeing the hesitation in her eyes, Mari gave her a fierce look and Emily relented. She stood up, her face flushing a hot red, and twirled around, her bulge clearly visible when her already skimpy skirt flew up with her spinning. Collin grins and just stares at her when Emily comes to a stop, starring down at the carpeted floor. "Okay, now I want you to come here." Emily walked over toward him, her eyes still focused on the floor. "Look at me." He said it almost gently as if whispering to her. His voice made her look at his eyes and realize, they were a beautiful golden brown color. "Kneel for me." As she did, she started to look down again but his hand quickly and softly grabbed her chin and forced her eyes up at him. "Good girl." The sound of the affirmation made her bulge twitch. Mari saw it happen and laughed. "See? At least your clit is truthful." Mari said ruthlessly. Collin, while Emily was distracted by her sister, unzipped and pulled down his pants just enough for his cock to come flopping out. She saw it happen and startled, starring at it. She could barely concentrate, it was so big compared to hers, maybe seven or eight inches long. "I want you to suck my cock. I want you to do it like you're in love with it." Emily blanched at that. She looked at her sister, who gave her a look, then she stood up and walked over to where her sister was kneeling at her boyfriend's cock. "Here hun, I'll help." She put her hand at the back of Emily's head and gently pushed it until her lips touched the tip of his musky cock. "Open up Em'" The surprising gentleness coming from her sister, made her want to obey this command. She opened her mouth and his cock slid in like it was always meant to be there. The taste of it was like normal skin but with the intoxicating scent of musk. Without realizing it, she was sucking it like she'd seen the porn actors do, although when she tried to take it deeper, she gagged and it broke the spell over her. It flopped out of her mouth as she coughed and sputtered. Collin put his hand on her head and scratched it gently. "Good girl. You did really good for your first time. Now, get on the bed on your back for me." The thoughts of last night made her hesitate but best not to ruin the good mood and atmosphere they had built. She did as she was told.
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winters0689 · 1 month
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More Sebastian Castellanos headcanons! (I love him so much)
For some time he went looking for Leslie/Ruvik after the events of the first game, but gave up and focused on MOBIUS when there was no sign at all where he went
While struggling with quitting using cigarettes Lily got him a lollipop so he can have it in his mouth. He has a packet of lollipops in his house if he ever feels like having a cigarette. It slowly begins to work, though his mouth tasted like lollipops for a few weeks and the taste didn’t go away for a while
He sometimes feels phantom pain from the injuries he sustained in STEM if his body gets hurt in specific areas. The worst one is the chainsaw injury he got in his leg because it spikes up if he strains his leg or hurts it. He sometimes has to remind himself that the injury wasn’t real and that it was just in STEM
He homeschooled Lily until she reached her final year of middle school so that he could catch her up on school stuff
For the first few months he was so scared of taking Lily to school and something happening that he would wait outside her school from when he dropped her off to when he would pick her up. He stopped doing it eventually, but the first few months were rough
He was sobbing and practically hyperventilating when Lily was born. He cried so hard those next few days that he got dehydrated and Myra told him to go to Joseph’s and take a nap
He had a sweater of Lily’s in his car that he didn’t take it out of the car when he went to work. He was grateful he didn’t take it out after the house fire. He would hug it and pretend it was Lily and would break down. He put it somewhere safe when he realized that his smoking got the sweater to start to smell like cigarettes
Ironically, growing up he had a huge fear of fire. He outgrew it, but the house fire was his worst fear come true. He still somewhat harbors a fear of fire that stays for the rest of his life
He has a weapon on him at all times. He has startled innocent citizens who were just walking down the street who startle him. He awkwardly apologizes and walks away
When Lily was in high school, he got called a DILF. He didn’t know what that meant and is too scared to look up what it means
I love Sebastian so much! I definitely plans to make more headcanons about him!
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What about Dork squad with joker whose S/O is like Juliet from lollipop chainsaw??
Thank you ❤❤
❤ anon
I looked kinda into it, so it's just gonna be basics.
Gets so pumped out when he finds out she fights zombies
Wants to know everything, might help with traps
Would be telling Batman how his S/O is bigger hero than him
And not only that, she's also hot!
What more can he ask for?
He wasn't sure how he ended with someone like her, pretty lady with cutesy aesthetic who is formel cheerleader; come on, she would most likely bullied him!
But he got interested because of how casual she was with things that were supposed to be scary
They bonded over scary movies, although she always seemed to be nickpicky about zombie ones
Boy, he didn't had an idea
Would the ground she walks upon once he finds out, basically begs her to bring him with her
He is overjoyed seeing them in his own two eyes, probably captures one and tries fear toxin on them trying to see results
Promises she can kill them afterwards
So proud of her
Mad Hatter
He loves her aesthetic, always gets her something cute when he can
Is impressed how well she handles chainsaw, ask if someone teached her that
Is shoked when seeing her kill zombie, runs to her to make sure she's alright
She saves him many times and so he calls her his personal hero
Gets used to it and always talks about his amazing girlfriend
When people first saw her they were like "Oh no, not another Harley"
Turns out she's worse
Might not have a doctorate but have a fucking chainsaw that she isn't afraid to use
He wants to catch a zombie for the joke but that would mean more work for her
Gets pissy and ignores her but soon comes back to good mood when she says be can beat the shit out of zombies
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