#'pursuing art' thats what youre calling it? okay!
readymades2002 · 2 years
oh my god. im a moron
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Disclaimer: All info posted here comes from their respective creator itself so yes, its legit and not just part of my imagination 💯
Interview Rules:
The interviewer can only ask 10 questions.
The interviewer cannot force an answer out of anyone.
The participant has the right not to elaborate their answer.
CW: Long post ahead / Interviewer being a Ketamine simp / Gavin's surprise cameo
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Interviewer: Hi Guys! I hope you're doing well today. Thank you for participating on this social experi- *coughs* interview. Btw, you can call me CC, I'm your interrogator today sent by your beloved MC, so please cooperate :) Are we ready? Lets start:
Question No 1: Aside for being a yandere, whats your dream job/profession?
❤️ Casanova: I wanted to be a chef for the longest time, but i’m happy with my job as an organ harvester!
🕊️ Krow: I-I actually like m-my job as a f-forensics cleaner but... I-I'd love to b-be a stay at home s-spouse a-and just do a-art.
🔪 Ezra: I actually really enjoy my current job. I've had it for going on... 7 years now? Almost 8. (Interviewer: Can we ask what your job is? No? Okay. *thumbs up* bish i value my life more)
🔥 Harper: Hmm, if I had to pick any kind of job, maybe a pyrotechnic?
💐 Keith: To become a plant biologist.
🎮 Tenebris: Be a musician.
🖥️ Virgil: My dream profession is to be Game Developer, I enjoy video games and I have always wanted to make a game for others to enjoy, and so that’s why I’m taking classes of game development.
🎤 Adam: I already have my dream job. Although, I did often think about becoming a vet as a kid. Sometimes I wonder how life would've turned out had I pursued that career instead of singing.
🐕 Henry: I’m not sure! I’ll probably do whatever Buttercup ends up doing!
Interviewer: Atleast some of you love their job *sigh* Me? I just want to be a cat, no work, just meow meow *defeated sigh* Back to the topic at hand:
Question No 2: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (Vacation or permanently)
❤️ Casanova: Barcelona, that’s where i was born and it’s really pretty there
🕊️ Krow: Ah! I-India! I-I'm Indian but... I-I actually don't know m-much about my heritage. I... w-wanna go s-see the land of m-my culture. W-with Dove too o-of course!
🔪 Ezra: Hmm... Anywhere with my Sugarsnap? If that's not too cheesy I suppose. But outside of that I'd like to visit Blaire's extended family in Vietnam.
🔥 Harper: I’m definitely more a big city kind of guy, so I’m pretty happy living where I am… To visit though? Hmm… Somewhere with some snowy mountains maybe, do some snowboarding, chill by a fire with some hot cocoa? Yeah, that sounds nice..
💐 Keith: It will be Kristenbosh National Botanical Garden.
🎮 Tenebris: My old home probably.
🖥️ Virgil: I’ve always wanted to go Iceland for vacation
🎤 Adam: As long as I'm by your (MC) side, it doesn't matter where I'm at~
🐕 Henry: Anywhere where Buttercup is good with me! But if we could both go somewhere, Disneyland might be fun!
Interviewer: So if MC just dissapear out of nowhere, thats the list of places where we can found them? Hmm ..
Question No 3: Song that you will sing to MC if given a chance.
❤️ Casanova: baby - eslabon armado
🕊️ Krow: Uhhh... uhhh... I-I guess... T-Together Forever would be c-cute...
🔪 Ezra: A few different songs, most notably... We'll never have sex by Leith Ross, Let you break my heart again by Laufey & Philharmonia or Habits by Genevieve Stokes. I just want sugar to know I want them for more than... anything. I love their heart and soul, it's not physical for me. Though I do find them incredibly attractive.
🔥 Harper: Actually sing myself?... Umm.. Maybe either Day 1 or No Song Without You, both by Honne?
💐 Keith: Can't Help Falling in Love
🎮 Tenebris: Trust by 7 Seconds
🖥️ Virgil: Rises the Moon, it’s a comfort song of mine, my mum sings this to me and my younger siblings when we were little, by then whenever my mother is busy, I sing the song to my siblings. And Hopefully, I can sing it to my beloved, as a way to help them if they need comfort.
🎤 Adam: *fidgeting because he's written one song in particular that he'd love for MC to hear but is worried that MC will wind up hating it*
🐕 Henry: The Promise by When in Rome! It’s our song!
Interviewer: *secretly adding all the songs to their playlist*
Question No 4: Name one food that you will never ever eat.
❤️ Casanova: Mac and cheese, i fucking hate mac and cheese.
🕊️ Krow: I-I'm never... eating b-bland... white people c-cooking EVER a-again.
🔪 Ezra: Beans on toast. I just don't particularly like beans. Or sweet potatoes.
🔥 Harper: Ugh… Raisins
💐 Keith: Rabbit meat.
🎮 Tenebris: Anything with bugs.
🖥️ Virgil: Anything fish related, I do not like fish, but if someone ever served me, I would just suck it up and eat.
🎤 Adam: *doing 5 stages of disgusted face known to humankind* Anything from Saffrons freezer. (Interviewer: Time to raid Saffron's freezer hehehe)
🐕 Henry: I can’t bring myself to eat cauliflower. It's so bland!
Interviewer: *proceed to eat Mac & Cheese to spite Nova* I dont trust people who hates Mac & Cheese.
Question No 5: This would be a little bit of personal, so you have a choice not to answer this okay? Whats your most treasured possession?
❤️ Casanova: Mi vida’s house key, of course! it’s a little mangled bc i keep chewing on it though.
🕊️ Krow: Oh... w-well... t-this pendant is... p-precious but... well... I-I actually don't have m-many possessions. S-so... everything I have has m-meaning. (Interviewer: I can be your possession Krow)
🔪 Ezra: Eliana gave me a tie she made back in elementary school. Neither of our dads are in the picture so she gave it to me instead. I still wear it to work sometimes. (Interviewer: *starts crying bc this answer is so precious*)
🔥 Harper: This lighter here, we have a bit of history together~
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💐 Keith: A bonsai tree I got from my father and I had for 7 years.
🎮 Tenebris: My guitar.
🖥️ Virgil: My necklace, it’s a gift from my dad.
🎤 Adam: You (MC). But if we're talking about an item...*he tugs on his earring*
🐕 Henry: A picture / polaroid of me + Buttercup as kids! (though, I do have more updated ones too…)
Interviewer: I am suprised no one answered MC's nose hair or whatever. Hmm.. Im not fully convinced but I will trust you on this one.
Question No 6: Nosy ask, whats your phone wallpaper right now?
❤️ Casanova: a photo of mi vida in the middle of taking their meds!
🕊️ Krow: D-Dove let us t-take a selfie! I-it's so cute aaaa--
🔪 Ezra: I managed to snap a photo of Sugar and Ellie cuddled up on the couch after a movie night once. I've never before felt so much love swelling in my chest. It almost hurt.
🔥 Harper: *proudly present his phone* 1st is my lockscreen and 2nd is my Homescreen. I took it myself..
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💐 Keith: A pair of white lilies (Why is this the most normal answer on this whole interview?)
🎮 Tenebris: We share the same phone, so a pair of white lillies also.
🖥️ Virgil: Pixel art of my beloved Galaxy and my puppy Scott, aren’t they so cute in pixel form? (Interviewer: Scotty baby *coos at the phone* )
🎤 Adam: My home screen is of YOU (MC). My lock screen is of a stray kitten I found on my way to the studio that Ethans younger brother ended up taking in. (Interviewer: Do you have any other pics of the kitten? *cat lady vibes intensifies*)
🐕 Henry: A picture of Buttercup sleeping! How’d I get it? (Note: Its in a modern Au bc mobile phone with camera is not yet invented on Henry's time)
Interviewer: MC supremacy yass! If only some surgeon named Ketamine Yetrovzski use my photo as his wallpaper *coughs* (Ketamine shouting "NO" can be heard in the background but still here supporting the interviewer, this fuckin tsundere)
Question No 7: If you could appear in any popular movie/anime/book, which one would you choose?
❤️ Casanova: hmm, i would say the hp lovecraft series! hate the guy but i’m a major monster fucker
🕊️ Krow: Umm... I... I-I wanna be in a Jane A-Austen book. As a p-protagonist. N-no matter what... t-they marry happily in t-the end.
🔪 Ezra: Well... I guess... I'm not sure. I've never really thought about it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I can't imagine my life without Eliana and I don't want to be anywhere without my sugarcube.
🔥 Harper: Ah.. thats a hard one.. If I get powers n shit and I’m not just a normal person maybe Jujutsu Kaisen?... Tbh I play more games than I do watch or read anything haha..
💐 Keith: Sherlock Holmes, because solving murder cases looks like fun. So does creating the perfect murder. *a sudden smoke appear near Keith for dramatic effect*
🎮 Tenebris: Inuyasha. I really want a Kagome. (Interviewer putting their Kagome costume)
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmmm that’s a tough one… Haha I couldn’t think of anything right now.
🎤 Adam: Death note, the anime. I think I could do a lot better with that notebook than light Yagami did. (Hermit, the creator, rolls their eyes behind the scenes and Adam glaring daggers to Hermit)
🐕 Henry: The Princess Bride! That movie is practically about me + Buttercup.
Interviewer: Im with Harper on this one. JJK so I cant prevent Nanami and Nobara Shibuya Arc huhuhu.
Question No 8 : What are some habits you have? Any strange ones?
❤️ Casanova: I tend to scratch at my braces when i’m trying to focus, often i’d end up chewing on my fingers.
🕊️ Krow: Uhh.... I... bite my h-hands... a lot. It's... a comfort t-thing. S-sometimes my forearms too. I-I guess I also make the same expression a-as to what I'm d-drawing.
🔪 Ezra: When eating food like burgers or sandwiches I eat around the edge and then eat the center last. Um... I also tend to rub things with my fingertips when I don't know what to do with my hands. I'm almost always touching my nails absent-mindedly.
🔥 Harper: I have a habit of scratching my fingertips, especially when I’m nervous… Its kinda a bad habit, sometimes I scratch em a little raw.
💐 Keith: Buttoning and unbuttoning my shirt sleeve when Im bored or nervous.
🎮 Tenebris: Leaving my things all over the bed
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmmm, whenever I play a video game that has levels right? And I messed up one thing, I restart the level. Don’t know why, I just like to go through the levels smoothly. It’s pretty frustrating if you ask me ahaha
🎤 Adam: I don't have any strange habits. I'm just a normal guy. (Someone shouts LIAR and its not Hermit, i swear. Or maybe?)
🐕 Henry: Hmmm…I have really bad sleeping habits if I’m being honest! I’m lucky if I can get 3 hours of sleep at night. As for strange ones, nope, I’m perfectly normal! (now the interviewer is also shouting LIAR)
Interviewer: That was the biggest lie Ive ever heard in my entire life Henry. *headache incoming* No one is normal here. Im not even normal smh.
Question No 9: This question was submitted by Gavin Hyeon of Camp Willlow Peak. Its time to test your flirting skill, give me one pick up line that you will probably use when flirting with MC. Gavin said he is watching you right now.
❤️ Casanova: if you were a heart i’d eat you out!
🕊️ Krow: N-no wonder i-it's overcast t-today. All t-the colors are in y-your eyes.
🔪 Ezra: Sometimes I wonder what good deed I did to deserve such a perfect soul like you to enter my life.
🔥 Harper: Pickup lines really aren’t my thing… Gavin did write down this one for me once though… Lets see it’s here somewhere…” *digs through his pockets and pulls out a piece of scrap paper* “Here it is… ‘Hey baby… You got any Italian in you?.. No?... Do you want some?’ …… I don’t get it 😐 *Gavin cheering in the background*
💐 Keith: Im really not a fan of pickup lines, but okay, "You're sweet enough to give me diabetes".
🎮 Tenebris: Tie your shoelaces, I don't want you falling for someone else!" (Legend says that until now, Tenebris is still waiting for MC to wear shoelaces and for them to be untied.)
🖥️ Virgil: Hmmm let me go grab my telescope, so I can admire the beautiful star.
🎤 Adam: *combusts into one giant human blush* (Hermit doing a voice over: He can only flirt on the fly. If he has to think his actions through he'll get self conscious and overheat from overthinking it)
🐕 Henry: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together!
Interviewer: *currently helping Gavin to write his will of testament before he becomes Gavin Flavored Toasted Marshmallow, recipe by Harper*
Question No 10: This would be the last question, and I want to thank you again for giving me a chance to interview you. Before we end this, do you have anything you want to say to the people reading this?
❤️ Casanova: if you ever need fresh organs without having to do it yourself contact valentine’s anatomy distribution! we have a wide selection available, and if you’re a fellow yandere homie you get a discount!
🕊️ Krow: Uhh, well? I-I guess... t-thank you for... f-finding me interesting.
🔪 Ezra: Not particularly. I'm not sure why Lilith arranged the interview but I don't mind answering questions. I should probably head back into work soon though... Oh, I will say this. Thank you for coming into my life Sugar, I didn't think I could love someone like I love you.
🔥 Harper: .. Unshrimp your fucking backs, love you~
💐 Keith: Um, hello. I hope my answers weren't too boring.
🎮 Tenebris: No? I don't know 'em.
🖥️ Virgil: Hello everyone, I hope all of you have a wonderful day, afternoon, or night, make sure to take care of yourselves or else I will if you don’t mind hehe~
🎤 Adam: Is...YOU (MC) reading this? Because if you are, I hope to see you again really soon~
🐕 Henry: You guys are kinda weird for wanting an interview! I’m not quite sure what else to say though!
Interviewer: And that would be all. Thank you to our lovely guests for joining us today. And here is the bribe. List of all 2d characters MC currently simping for. Do what you want with that info.
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Interviewer: Hi Hi guys! Again, CC here. Thank you again for entertaining this interview. To end this, may we ask for a few advices you can give for those aspiring artist out there or those who want to create their own vn.
NOVA belongs to @cannibalsweetheart : if you’re starting a project don’t feel unmotivated if you don’t get a lot of traction in the first few weeks, building a platform takes time, but soon enough you’ll gain an audience! (Demo link here)
Krow belongs to @thekrows-nest : While I don't have immediate plans for a VN (despite folks begging for it), for artist stuff, keep experimenting and trying out things. Don't be afraid to go to friends for advice. (:
Ezra belongs to @restartheartvn : lshdfksdfhj okay for my answer! My advice? Don't make something for other people. Make what YOU want to see. Make something that YOU are interested in. If you like... make something that you don't love and enjoy making people can tell. It doesn't come off as genuine and you'll burn out that way. Don't think about numbers or anything like that. Make stuff because it makes you happy. I make Restart Heart because I love my little passion project. I love it so much I get my nails done to match my game and spend most of the day thinking about it. I would still be making Restart Heart if no one played. Make something that you would want to make even if no one saw. Even if you were the only person in the world who loves it, make it because it brings you happiness. Sorry if that's cheesy or like super standard but it's genuine. (Demo link here)
Harper belongs to @campwillowpeak : Hmmm, other than the good ol’ practice practice practice?…Try and remember to have fun yeah? Don’t focus on numbers, yeah everyone wants more eyes on their work, thats normal, but if you focus only on how big you are you’re gonna burn out and get discouraged, stuff like that takes time, consistency, and a little bit of luck. In the meantime just have fun and make friends! Besides, people can tell if you’re trying to force it, an audience’ll more often stay if they can tell you’re legitimately having fun! And never just look at where you are now… Look at how far you’ve come from too!~
Keith & Tenebris belongs to @dualityvn : Make sure you set realistic goals for yourself. Taking on too many tasks and planning a project that is bigger than what you can currently manage can be your downfall. Stay positive and always create the things you yourself love! (Demo link here)
Virgil belongs to @wouldyoustayvn : Take your time! There’s no need to rush to make the game quickly! Make sure to take breaks!))
Adam belongs to @unknownhermit : Please get a good chair. It'll help in the long run when you're often crouched over your desk for hours on end. Don't be like me who hovers over my desk like a hermit crab shell.😅 Second thing is to just have fun creating and don't worry about what others think! I used to obsessively worry if my work was good enough and wound up never releasing it because I got self conscious. It wasn't until YOU and HIM that I actually had fun with what I was doing and I think that translated into my work. Create to create for yourself. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks because it's important to create what you love and are passionate about. And I'm sure a lot of us would love to see what sorts of things you'll come up with. 💙 (Demo link here)
Henry belongs to @homecomingvn : Ahh, I’m a really bad person to ask for advice if I’m being honest! I guess all I can really say is that no matter how silly you think your idea is, there will be an audience for it! It can be scary to put yourself out there, but honestly, this community is so incredibly supportive + I’ve met some amazing people here! Also, I’d recommend keeping various docs about your project! It’s nice to have it all in one (or 3 + a google slides in my case) place so you can have a clear idea about your wip + its characters. And lastly, be prepared for people to be horny! ^^ (okay, you dont have to call me out >…< will still send horny ask bc someone needs to 😙)
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Just a little self indulgent ramblings. I dont know if anyone already know about this game, but one of my moots recommended this, its DONT LOOK VN and I tell you, its so good. The story premise, the creepy atmosphere and the voice acting are all on point. They have on going Kickstarter and they only have 8 days left to reach the goal. This is my way of helping since im unable to pledge bc the banks here in the country im currently residing are shitty and they keep declining, so please if you have means to support, please do. Lets help them to reach their goals.
Here is the link of the demo also and their socials:
Kickstarter | Demo | Twitter | Tumblr
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A/n: Hello! Here is part 3 for the Charlie Weasley fic I promised. Sorry this took so long. I promised angst, so I'm giving it. Hope you enjoy!
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Another day, another exam, or so it seemed that way at Hogwarts. As May came to a close, and June starts, your O.W.L.s were giving you more stress than you had ever felt. Your future was on the line if you didn't do well with your exams.
Not only were your exams crushing you, your relationship had been rocky for a couple of months. After the valentines day dance with your date, Charlie Weasley, nothing could have made your life better. You were dating your best friend, all of your friends supported you, and you had no tests coming up. In other words, very different from your life currently.
You were still technically dating your best friend, but from long classes and homework that came with them, to Charlie's quiditch practices lasting forever in hopes of winning the house cup, you hadn't had time to spend a moment alone together in what felt like years.
Your friends would always be there for you and you knew that, you cared about them with your whole heart and knew they felt the same way, but they had their own exams and futures just as you did. You would never ask them for anything because you didn't want to be a burden.
And of course, your exams. Your dreams of becoming a curse breaker were very important to you. You wanted nothing more than to help people, on top of finding your brother and protecting hogwarts. You were a natural curse breaker so it only makes sense that you would pursue your passion. However, if you wanted to do that, you needed to not only pass your exams, but exceed the expectations.
With that responsibility came nights on end in the library, studying, preparing and hoping that it would all work out. Your exams, finding your brother, hell, even your relationship with Charlie. You knew how rocky it was and you were devastated by that, but you knew if you two truly wanted to, it would work out, or so you hoped.
So, another night in the library, was your fate. You wanted to be with Charlie, but you knew he had quiditch practice, and you had a potions exam in the morning that you weren't ready for. As you flipped through your book, trying to soak up as much information as you could, you didn't notice a certain redhead sneak behind you.
"Hey baby," you felt the hot breathe on your neck and jumped more than out of your skin.
"Blimey Charlie, you scared me." He chuckled as he pulled a chair beside you.
"Sorry, I just wanted to see you after practice, and I haven't seen you all weekend." He smiled at you, which you couldn't help but smile back.
"I know, its just tomorrow starts like the most stressful week of the year. If I don't do well on my exams, my future can be forgotten. Speaking of, I am not ready for potions tomorrow, hence why I'm here." You smiled as you looked back towards your book.
"Hey, you're gonna do great on your exam because you are great, and smart, and beautiful," Charlie said as you rolled your eyes and laughed. "Its just we haven't seen each other in a while, thought i could keep you company." You sighed.
"Look, I know we haven't been the most talkative lately, but what exactly do you want me to say, you know how important this is to me." He put his hand on yours.
"I know, I get it baby, I do, and after this week, we're gonna celebrate." He said with the biggest grin on his face. Suddenly, Madame Pince came around the corner with the dirtiest look on her face.
"Shh!" You smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry Madam-"
"Shh!!!" You sighed as she walked away. You turned back to charlie.
"You better go, I have to study and don't wanna get kicked out." You smiled at him.
"Okay, but I meant what I said about celebrating." He smiled hugley. You returned the smile, only a fraction of what he had given you. That made his smile falter and eventually he turned and walked back to his dorm.
Eventually you had to except the time as 11pm rolled around and Madam Pince kicked you out of the library. You took the book along with all your other stuff and headed towards your common room.
Once you were in, you sat down near the fireplace and opened your potions book once again, flipping to the section about dragon livers and how they were hard to get.
Eventually, you heard the clock strike 2am and had to call it a night. As you closed your booka nd sat back, looking into the fire, you thought of your life as a cursebreaker, how great it would be, how much you wanted to do it, and what you were willing to do to achieve that goal.
As you stood up and headed towards the stairwell, your way was blocked by charlie, the last person you expected to see, especially at this hour.
"Hey, what're you doing up?" Charlie asked groggy.
"I could ask you the same thing. I was just going to bed." You said as you pushed past him and climbed the stairs. He followed you up.
"I thought you'd be up, I was just checking on you." You turned around as you got to the last step before your dorm and smiled.
"Thats sweet, but go back to bed. Goodnight." You leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, then headed into your dorm, falling on your bed and instantly falling asleep.
The next morning, you woke at around 8. Shit. You were late. You quickly got up and dressed faster than ever and ran to the dungeons. You mad either to class just in time, not eating or anything.
"Well, well, Ms. Brooks, you have decided to grace us with your presence, how considerate." Snape sneered at you as you walked to your seat beside Rowan, breathing heavily, across the room, you saw Charlie looking worriedly at you, which was the last thing you wanted in that moment.
Once your potion exam was finished, you walked out of the room, feeling exhausted and like you failed. You started walking to your next exam, which was charms, the easiest of your exams. Soon enough a certain redhead caught up with you.
"Hey, y/n, why were you late today?" You turned to him.
"I over slept, which I dont do, so I didn't realize at which point I had to sprint to make it, which I didnt." You sighed tired lying. "Why?"
"Just wondering, I missed you at breakfast. Did you eat anything?" You smiled softly.
"No, I haven't but its fine, look i have to go to charms and I really don't wanna be late again, see you." Without another word from either of you, you walked away to charms.
At charms, you felt most confident of all classes, which honestly wasn't saying a lot. You finished your exam pretty easily and walked to the great hall, intending on studying until your Defense Against the Dark Arts exam in an hour. Once the clock struck the time to take your next exam, you left the great hall.
Once you reached DADA, you walked in with Tulip and took your seat. You should feel bad, but you just were so glad charlie wasn't there, staring at you like a sorry case. He meant well and you knew it but you just wanted space.
As you finished your final exam of the day, you headed to the library, studying for transfigurations next. When you reached the library, unfortunately you fell into the same pattern as the previous night, except this time no charlie.
When the clock struck midnight, you went to the dorm room and headed straight for bed, not bothering to study anymore. Once your head hit the pillow, you were out.
When you woke up the next morning, the sun was shining into your window nicely. It was a good way to wake up honestly. You say up and saw Rowan asleep. You figured you had a few minutes before breakfast so you got up and got dressed.
You and Rowan walked to breakfast while revising your transfiguration knowledge. You didn't feel as bad about it as potions but you also didn't feel as great about it as charms. Walking into the great hall, you found Charlie sitting with his younger brothers. You knew you had to go sit with him.
"Hey y/n, how'd you sleep?" Charlie asked as he saw you sit next to him and his brothers giggled at him, to which he sent a dirty look.
"Um, not the best but ye know. Its whatever." As you sat down you ate the blandest breakfast ever, granola and coffee, it would just have to do for today.
"Are you guys ready for the big game tomorrow night?" Fred asked the table. You looked at him with a confused expression whereas everyone else seemed to understand.
"What game fred?" He turned to you.
"Uh, the house cup game, we are so gonna kick hufflepuffs ass." Ah.
"Right, good luck." Charlie turned to you.
"You'll come right love? What me win?" You smiled as you sipped your coffee.
"Uh yeah, maybe, I might have to study for History of magic but we'll see." Charlie stopped.
"Y/n, you can't miss the game, its only the biggest game of the year. Please come." Ugh when he gave you those puppy dog eyes, you knew you were done for.
"Okay, yes I will go, of course I will." You smiled and kissed his cheek.
As breakfast finished and you and Rowan made your way to transfiguration, you felt confident in the upcoming essay. Going over info with Rowan definitely helped.
Once you were finished with the exam, you went to the great hall, being assigned twenty five inches of parchment for the second half of the exam was not ideal. You were stressed out, but at least you only had care of magical creatures left for the day, something you were sure you'd excel in thanks to charlie.
As you walked down the grounds for your exam, you felt very confident that you'd do well. Your confidence was correctly placed as you walked to the common room to start on you parchment for transfiguration, doing very well on your exam in care of magical creatures.
The real problems didn't start until the following day, charlies big game was today and you hadn't made a dent in your parchment, due to not being able to focus and eventually falling asleep far earlier than you would have liked. Today you had exams in astronomy, history of magic and a regular potions class. You were extremely busy today, it didn't help you woke up 20 minutes before your exam in astronomy so you had to sprint once again to be on time.
Once you were seated in astronomy, your exam begun and you didnt feel very confident. You gave it your all and after about 75 minutes, you were done. You walked out and saw your boyfriend charlie who lit up when he saw you. You walked over to him with a small smile on your face.
"Hey babe, whats up?" You asked him.
"Not much now that your hear, just nervous for later." You looked at his smiling face confused.
"Later?" His smile dropped. You had forgotten about the quitditch match.
"The match that determines who wins the house cup? I thought you were coming, its really important to me." Shit. Right, yeah of course you would go.
"Right, of course I will be there, sorry I'm just tired you know how it is. I will be there, but right now I have to go to potions, ill see you later." Damn, how had you forgotten?
Potions seemed to last forever as Snape lectured on Beatle brains, you swore you were going to die of boredom, all you wanted to do was study for history of magic.
When class was finally dismissed, you headed straight for the library, not having your final exam for an hour and a half. When you sat down in the library, you immediately fell into studying, the time slipping by quickly until it was time to go to your exam.
Arriving to your exam, you set your things down and got ready for it, feeling confident as you had spent a lot of time studying for this. You finished your exam in 65 minutes and headed to the great hall, feeling hungry.
When you got to the great hall and saw what was happening inside, all hunger left your body.
Inside, Gryffindor students were celebrating the win of the house cup, you had forgotten the game. You walked in to the great hall and saw Charlie, held up by his teammates above everyone like a king. You smiled at how happy he looked, but when he saw you, its like every drop of happiness was taken from him and you felt your heart break.
Charlie told his team mates to let him down which they did as he made his way over to you, looking hurt and disappointed. You couldn't do much besides stand there and look at him sheepishly.
"Y/n, why didn't you come to the game, you knew how important it was to me and how much I could have used your support." He said loudly, causing those near you to look on at the conversation.
"Charlie, can we go in the hallway?" He looked pissed but didn't object. Once you were away from everyone, you turned to him.
"Charlie, I am so sorry I didn't go to your game, I was in the library studying and the time just got away from me and before I knew it I had to go to my exam and I completely forgot l. I'm so sorry. But you won anyway so you didn't need me at all, cause your just that good." You said with a smile, trying to defuse his anger. It didn't work.
"Y/n, that's not the point, you said you would be there and I wanted you there. You didn't need to study for your exam, you've been studying all week, this is all I asked of you and you couldn't even give me this." As he finished, you felt sorrow drain and anger rise.
"What exactly do you mean I didnt need to study for my exam? I have been studying all week, unlike you, because I care about getting good grades. You know how badly I need to do on my exams to have a future! I didnt go to your match, because I wanted to make sure I did well. I apologized but now your being irrational." He scoffed.
"Irrational? I asked one thing of you, I asked you to attend a quiditch match to support your boyfriend, but apparently if it doesn't benefit you, it doesn't matter, huh is that it?" You were now fully screaming at each other, thank god the hallway was deserted.
"Are you serious? You know maybe if you cared more about your future and grades like I do, you would see where I'm coming from, but all you care about is a God damn match and dragons! No wonder we've been like this for months. You say im selfish, I've done everything for you. I miss one thing and the worlds over to you." Charlie turned away and scoffed.
"You're right, we have been like this for a long time, because we just don't work anymore." You froze. "Y/n, you can't even support your own boyfriend, you care more about tests than anything, this clearly isn't working." You looked at him while a tear rolled down your cheek, which you quickly wiped away. You didn't want to break up with Charlie, God no. But he didn't seem to want to stay together.
"Charlie, it's not like that, you know how stressed I've been, I'm sorry I didn't come to your game, I truly meant to go. I care a lot about my future, but you don't and thats not on me. You can't put this on me, its not just the match, you've been like this ever since the dance, its not only me." More tears rolled down your cheeks as one slid out from his eye.
"Y/n, this just isn't working, I'm sorry." No, God no please.
"Charlie, no, please, don't do this. I swear I-" he cut you off.
"I'm sorry, its already done." He turned and walked away, leaving you standing alone in an empty corridor, feeling your heart leaving your soul. You don't know how it happened, you don't know where it went wrong. Was it truly the match? Or was it ever since the day of the dance? Did he even ever like you?
As you stood in that corridor, you felt cold, you felt like you soul left you. You watched him walk away and eventually out of eyesight, thinking about how you would never feel his kiss again, never feel the comfort of his embrace, never feel his love again.
You didn't want this, God no, but your gut told you it had to happen, you just wish it didn't hurt this much. As you wrapped your arms around yourself and sank to the floor with tears on your face, you felt nothing but hollow, wishing the presence of charlie was still there. Wishing he could hold you and tell you he loved you again, as you loved him still.
You didn't know how you were going to go on without him, but you knew one thing for sure, the last thing you cared about was your fucking grades, because you just lost the best thing in your life.
A/n: okay, sorry this took so long, I suck i know! Im sorry this was shitty, I will try to finish the series relatively soon, there will be 2 more parts. I hope you like it, thanks for reading!
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thejugheadparadox · 3 years
ok i talked abt rossetti + elizabeth siddal’s self portrait as part of my art history final 2 years ago and i am dying to know about christina. please
CHRISTINA ROSSETTI!!! i honestly barely knew anything about the portrait before seeing that post i would love to know more. i am so fascinated by christina georgina rossetti born 1830 died 1894, so she’s like ridiculously quintessentially victorian, she basically never knew another monarch. when she was a child she was angry and had a lot of tantrums, her and her brother the painter one dante gabriel were know as the two storms whilst their others siblings maria and william were known as the two calms (suuch classic irritating twee victorian fake middle class art family shit but i find it faintly endearing). she dropped out of school at the age of 14 due to a religious breakdown, and never went back. during and after that she was really fixated on christianity especially anglo-catholicism and its very specific doctrines. she was REALLY into it in a way the rest of her family werent (except her sister who became a nun i guess). she’d been writing poetry since she was very young, cus she’s from this eccentric art dynasty they played writing games as kids and shit - her maternal uncle was john william polidori who wrote the first published vampire story and was lord byrons doctor if that rings any bells? that relation specifically is sooo interesting to me bc its about legacy and who you are remembered as and whether youre noticed and also maybe youre gay? yk. i love it. 
ANYWAYS. she was so into religion that it stopped her getting married twice. she was engaged to the prb painter james collinson for a bit but broke it off bc he reverted to roman catholicism and she couldnt be doing w that shit. she later got engaged to charles cayley and also broke that off for religious reasons! Or At Least Thats What They Say. she also turned down a possible proposal (ppl dont know if he proposed and the whole affair is a guess) from john brett, which she wrote a fun mean poem about called no thank you john. anyway she never married and she pursued lots of Things but none of them really went anywhere, she wanted to be a nurse w florence nightingale in the crimean war but got rejected, she worked with “fallen women” in her 30s and 40s. shes not one of those tragic figures who never knew fame while they were alive tho, she was pretty successful and released multiple collections. she was publicly antifeminist and declined to sign petitions in support of womens suffrage but wrote this one unpublished poem called from the antique that explicitly expresses her dissatisfaction with her limited life as a woman. 
she got ill lots, as is classic for old timey lady poets, like emily dickinson style. she got depressed lots and after her dad died her family didnt have much money. she wrote a lot about inadequacy, as a woman and as a person and most often as a servant of god (every fucking poem ends up about jesus i swear to god it gets annoying). her brother was more successful and her sister was more devout and she never seemed to get the things she wanted and she never really had any friends, especially female ones. almost every time she was published, it was by her brother, william michael, who also published her works en masse after she died, and we have explicit sources showing both her brothers would tell her not to publish poetry they deemed out of character or unwomanly. i dont mean to entirely demonise them as the Bad Guys of the story but i find it very.... interesting that when u look at her poetry that is available but not officially published there are both feminist poems and a couple of pieces that coiuld be interpreted as love poems towards women. there are (admittedly pretty unfounded as far as i can tell) theories that even more of them existed and were destroyed, but i should say we DO know that there are missing poems and destroyed scraps that pique ones interest i will say!
ive read her collected family letters and what stood out to me is HOW ridiculously fucking boring they are. i think theyre hiding something.. i am fascinated by all of it. she interests me. i have some kind of parasocial relationship with her and i feel like her work is SO easy to translate to modern day and what ppl our age are writing about like she wrote what is essentially lonely notes app poetry about religious guilt and sexual repression and hating herself like. god i sound like those ppl who say dantes inferno is fanfic but i think about it a lot and i think about her a lot and i would recommend a lot of her poetry... if anyone wants specific recs do ask. to me its a story about hiding and repression and wanting to be good. jesus christ okay u did not ask for this but youre getting it. you made me start thinking about her again this is on you. 
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huenjin · 3 years
rue, im sorry that im gonna lash out but i saw the asks on my dashboard an i want to tell something. im also not active here and im sorry imma try to be more active 🤸‍♀️🕳️
okay, i may be a psychology student but i am also a singer, dancer and musician. i also came from a family of musicians and performers. im not those people who is very active in performing arts since i didnt take performing arts (maybe they also want me to pursue something else and not follow what they do cause its like a tradition or something but they put me into a training school for that and like....nvm lets leave that), but i think my experience for over 13 years might have taught me something. (im turning 21 rn but forget that) now that anon who is a performer in theatre arts, i do think you have a point. a very good point. (and ily too for telling the people what is supposed to be told). if you are not a singer/dancer/rapper/performer that is trained and a pro in all those things, you do not have the right to tell artists, performers that they are bad in this or good in that. you will never have the right, yes opinions do exist but think, we active and pro performers (or whateva you call us) we see things differently than you do. even the tiniest details we can see through it. the hard times those people went through and you just drag them, invalidate them and dishonour the work they have performed. not only to stray kids but others too. this applies to all performers that are performing right in front of our eyes.
screeching? really? is that screeching to you? that is a supported high note (as said by the moot of rue, the person did really explain it well). many singers have a hard time supporting high notes when its not in there vocal range. when the person is singing live and also dancing, it is very hard to support a high note when you are already loosing air in your lungs. there are many types of high note, jongho did the chestal voice which consists of the chestal voice and head voice but chestal voice is more used than the head voice. (this is making my head hurt T-T ) jongho started the note with his chestal voice then he raised the note still using his chestal voice but with support. because he used chestal he sounds like he belted note, the highest note in that performance. its not screeching because if you screech you will sound like a dying chicken or something. its like when you see a ghost or smth teribble you will start to scream then screech. you get it? i hope so
now last one, do not invalidate the work of others if you do not know how hard they worked for it. if you know then still shut your mouth if you want to invalidate others. you can praise one but dont drag another one. if you say smth you need to have proofs. respect others and you will be respected. do not use the word opinion if its not a opinion at all. thats all. thank you for reading.
rue ily so much keep up the good work in everything you do. and also you ask me how im doing? this is me doing rn🕳️🚶‍♀️. i also havent written this long. this feels like a fic wtf. i promise that im gonna try to be more active here. i hope i dont break this since uni is eating me up 😭
yours truly, 🕵️‍♀️
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
Are these people deluded? This is hilarious.. Kurt and Blaine were in NO way abusive, I dont even understand how thats become a thought in someones mind, let alone a description of them! They are 2 young people, finding themselves and facing challenges together. I'm 23. I've been emotionally/physically abused before. Now I'm in a healthy realtionship where it's okay to be frustrated, passionate, angry. Thats not abuse, people throw that word around too easy.. klaine are imperfectly perfect.
Also the scandals car scene, completely not sexual abuse.. im rolling my eyes even typing these words, I lit do not understand. If thats a trigger for someone with bad experiences, i can understand but the difference is Blaine did stop. The only reason he become 'too handsy' was because he was insanely in love with his fit ass boyfriend and the days prior both had been thinking/ talking bout sex. I happen to love that scene and the fight one in tested especially, it's passionate and done well.
Sorry for all the messages just gets my hair up.. and not getting at you for the 'too handys' comment i agree with you on what you said. Enjoy your posts x
Hi Nonny! Thank you for all the posts! :) 
While I don’t want to trivialize anyone’s experiences (let’s not resort to name calling) -- I do pretty much agree with what you’ve said here.  
I do understand that some people might be easily triggered by things and that is fair. Otherwise, in general, I think people throw around the words ‘abuse’ and ‘toxic’ too easily -- to the point where they become synonymous behavior the audience member doesn’t like vs actual abusive and toxic actions.  
What Cooter did to Coach Beiste is abuse, not only did he physically harmed her, but he was emotionally manipulative and abusive as well.  What Karofsky did to Kurt is assault, there was zero consent before hand, and he sexually pressed himself without Kurt having any say or control in the matter.  And Will and Terri were in a toxic relationship -- the relationship being built on both sides wanting the other to feel bad about themselves in order for the other one to feel good.  
We should be looking at all art and media with a critical eye, but should take a step back and examine our biases before throwing out such connotations.  
Taking a look at Finchel for a moment.  Was their relationship abusive or toxic? No, I don’t really think so.  Did Finn some questionable things? Yes -- beating up Rachel’s boyfriend and claiming her as his ‘wife’ when they weren’t together is very bad behavior and should not be condoned, especially as romantic.  Do I think they were the worst for each other? Not necessarily -- but I think their personalities made it so while they meant something to each other in high school, they were better off being friends as they pursued relationships with partners better suited for them.   
As a non-Finchel fan, am I going to be storming the Finchel camp and claiming that they are terrible and bad for liking the thing? No -- that boils down to not respecting that people have difference experiences and different emotional connections to different things.  And as an old(-ish) person on the internet, I grow wearisome of the same arguments coming from people who wish the content worked in their favor instead of wanting to have an actual intellectual discussion on what is really going on in the text.  
Thanks for the conversation and bringing your view to the table, nonny! :) 
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
Okay but it literally, LEGALLY, isn't classified as sim cp. You don't have to look at it if you want. And none of those things on that list are okay: antis shouldn't be sending death threats, babes shouldn't be either. Name calling is also out of the window because its childish and stupid. And making fun of people or invalidating their identities is wrong too. But I dlnt think you understand that /both/ sides do all that. You cant sit here and have a double standard like that.
oh i understand perfectly well
i just dont think you do
yeah the behavior in both sides can be pretty crummy but if you literally think that people shouldnt be called out for tolerating this sort of behavior that is literally harmful to so many people myself fucking included like oh fuck would i have loved to have never had to look at the content but its all the fuck over the place and so many of the shippers are so fucking entitled and so conceited that they are actively ASKING for it that one chicks ask box is a fucking taunt she lives for the attention good or bad
at this point I have a side that i favor because the other side sent my friend death threats sent me threats of violence belittled my mental health stole my friends art and maliciously reposted and edited their artwork that same side made incredibly upsetting artwork about causing harm to an actor i
the same side that bullied a fourteen year old after they had the nerve to speak up about the shit going on the same side that came for me for not knowing every single detail of said fourteen year olds very complex and not at all my business mental illness
the side that took something that gave me so much comfort and happiness and made me remember the abuse i endured when I was thirteen i hate that the internet is still such a ducking shitty place to be a lonely kid who just wants to be liked
the same side that writes romanticized rape and writes a black lgbt+ character being a subject of abuse the same side who thinks stories of characters of color need to struggle and endure pain for it to be a valid piece of writing or the side that talks down to young people and minors and then turning around and writing graphic content involving a teenage girl
a side that includes a transmed guy who is so vile that i honest to god use the word hate to describe me feelings for him
but yeah the side that pointed out that maybe saying that you basically only view women as sex objects in that you would perform sex acts for compensation with them but not actually pursue relationships with is a problematic statement or maybe the jewish teenager who asked someone to stop throwing the term nazi around THOSE are the real villains of the story theyre the ones that need to be taught a damn lesson jesus h christ
if you are still talking about the rae biphobia fiasco literally none of us ever said she wasnt bi that I know of i know i didnt we simply pointed out that what she said was an inherantly biphobic statement being lgbt+ doesnt mean you cant belittle other identities look at nasti and how he feels about the trans experience as if he owns the damn thing ugh fucking hell you made me mention these people by name thats how cranky i am
basically on top of all the shitty things done to me and my friends I dont want people using their shit triggering content to hurt people like i was hurt
also in the United States simulated cp is only okay if it passes this thing called the miller test and buddy pal chumbo nearly all the work ive had the great misfortune fails at least one of the three prongs of the miller test the whole area is very murky and not well defined but our neighbor nation of Canada (if youre in the us) is full stop no cp of any kind no ifs ands or butts
why dont you go tell nasti to shut his yap about solar or tell rae to gather her cronies and fucking chill and stop bugging me because im getting very sick of having to tell people how i feel and why i do what i do if you really think both sides are that bad why do t you go try and talk to them because im not budging that shit is wrong and i wont sit by in silence as if it isnt
if youre a beetlebabe shipper trying to get my to badmouth antis fine yeah we can be a bit intense and yeah there have been antis who’ve done shitty things in the past but if anyone is caught being shitty its over dude you are ejected from the good graces
and if youre a neutral youre doing a great job at being neutral but it is making me very angry and neutrality is comparable to complacency so im not in your camp at all
thanks again for writing in im not really sorry for being harsh but i really am sick of this shit so maybe go try talking to someone else for a little bit like literally any beetlebabe and see what they say back to you id love to see it
editors note because i couldnt fit this anywhere but if an anti does something wrong in the same vein as the beetlebabes and i hear about it im done with them full stop they dont get my support or anything and i wont state publicly who they are but there are several people that have been cut off because of their behavior
the thing is i dont seem to see the bad stuff they do or maybe i just dont see what they do as bad because in my book telling someone pedophilia is wrong isnt harassment its just a statement of fact anyway if you have receipts of antis being as hateful as babe shippers* im all eyes pal but dont give me the same stuff ive covered because ive made my stance on those things quite clear
*threats of violence belittling mental illnesses harassing a mentally ill 14 year old making fun of eating disorders and many other bad things
(Note: pointing out the inherant biphobia of a phrase is also not harassment)
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sir-adamus · 4 years
uhmmm.... that one anon DOES realize tyrian is in like his late thirties right? das gross and I don't like it someone please get that one MIB thing that erases memories.
yeah like
ive talked about this a long time ago with regards to that one creep who was shipping Blake and Qrow (this was like a year before they pulled that fake suicide hoax) and i think also in regards to that asshole who shipped Weiss and Ironwood and then claimed to have gotten doxxed with absolutely no proof that it happened and was very obviously pointing the finger at Bumble/by shippers without explicitly saying it (and shes still doing that shit on reddit, like the moment aforementioned hoax hit there she immediately went “it has to be true because it happened to ME” and then went on a long rant about how she was totally the victim for putting creepy art in the main tags  and people called her out on it and how its totally not weird because she married her forty year old husband when she was barely out of her teens)
so im just gonna quote the relevant part of what was said re: the first thing i mentioned
“age of consent means you’re legally allowed to have consenting sex - it doesn’t mean it’s suddenly morally okay for a man in his forties to hook up with someone who hasn’t even reached full adulthood (yeah newsflash dumbasses, the age of consent is an arbitrary limit, it’s not an “at this age you are fully an adult”, growth and development doesn’t work that way, it was picked because there had to be one, not because)“
just because someone is “legal” (and the implications of that term is so creepy) doesnt mean middle aged adults are suddenly okay to start sexually pursuing people who are… well, theyre still teenagers, developmentally speaking (and it has always been so fucked up and creepy that grown ass men make websites and countdowns counting the days and hours and minutes to underage actresses and singers turning 18, it is so twisted and gross). turning 18 isnt a magical transformation where you immediately reach full physical and emotional maturity, youre still growing and developing for a good few years after that (i think its that typical neural development finishes - ie, when the brain can be considered an “adult brain” - at about age 25, and even then theyre not gonna necessarily be fully mature)
there is a world of difference between someone who has barely any life experience, barely out of their teens (and so as mentioned above, still growing and developing), and someone even ten years older than them. no near-thirty year olds should be pursuing and engaging in relationships with someone a decade younger than them, hell even to someone my age (26), someone at age twenty seems like a kid to me - the only reason someone would do that is to take advantage of that lack of maturity, their lack of life experience because theyre easier to manipulate and control and coerce
age gaps become less important as we get older but thats after life experience; theres no big deal in a 30 year old and a 50 year old hooking up really, because theres been time to reach full maturity and get some life experience. but that same age gap where the younger person is 19? thats horrifyingly creepy
and obviously the (stupid) defense in all these situations is “its just fiction” (or claiming in the real life examples  that the younger person is “mature for their age” which is, in fact, code. for “quiet and easy to manipulate”) as if constantly putting art and fanfic and gross porn, untagged and often with no warning whatsoever, on a website with a wide reaching audience filled with numerous impressionable people just looking for context of a show they like. that shit informs reality, that shit is telling those impressionable people out there that kind of thing is okay when its not, its skeevy and disgusting.
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reonlaw-blog · 4 years
1st Entry “The outside was taken from me”
I’m guessing everyone started off with how online class has been going for them and all that, and I will talk about it too, but I’m going to reserve it for later on just to shake things up. It has been 5-6 months since quarantine started, it was a jarring, problematic, yet quiet “change”. People say a lot has changed, when in my opinion, quarantine took something away from us. The outside world. All the things we could do normally were now abnormal, and turtling inside our homes became the new normal. For full-on introverts, this is a dream come true, almost all social interaction is out of the table, but for me and a lot of people, it was not an easy adjustment. I had been one to at least be comfortable being with myself, especially considering my childhood, but being with myself all the time was not something I find joy in. The confiscation of the outside world led us all to shelter in our homes, and many found it hard to adjust, including me. It was jarring yet quiet in the way that its not like a war is happening where gunfire is heard everywhere, its a calm freezing wind, akin to a blizzard, unable to do anything but shelter inside. I was a shy kid back then, always one to be afraid of social interaction, but I slowly opened myself to socializing because of my friends. By 9th grade I had formed some relatively close bonds with people, and by the 10th I had made new very close friends almost instantly. My old and new close friends stay near and dear to my heart, but they were all taken away by quarantine. From having to always interact with other people, I was stripped down to being with myself, and it really messed with me. I had some personal problems I was dealing with (that I will not disclose for privacy reasons) even before quarantine, coupled with the fact that I was not at home and living at our barrio where internet connections aren’t that good or even barely work at all, it all eventually snowballed near end of April up until the end of May. I was devastated. I wanted to find a way out, without going out. One of the worst things about this is that I can’t do much about it. With the outside taken away, almost all options was off the table. There was nothing much to do than what I had already been doing, surfing the internet and social media, chatting and calling with friends, doing my hobbies and all that. And somehow, it all got better. With my situation, I was fortunate I did not have much family problems, and was more so dealing with stuff outside of it. I had a lot of time to reflect on myself and I learned things about myself more that way. Time healed me. Finally I realized, this whole situation everyone is in is what it feels like to be abroad. We’re disconnected from everyone, which is almost basically the same as being abroad. Unable to see friends, family and whatnot to a bit of a higher degree since everyone is hard to reach in person. Yeah it sucks but instead of focusing on what we can’t do, I started trying to focus more on what I can do. I was constantly doing more calls with friends, focusing more on my hobbies with all this free time eventually leading to me opening up my art socials for me to share my art and commissions. I took advantage of what I had and this is probably the most content I had been in a long while. Granted, I still want to do things I’d normally do like going outside not being scared of possibly getting a life-threatening disease, but I got things going for me now. I have an art project I have lined up for myself and its been going okay I guess, I’m still working on it, but pursuing my passion and craft like this in a period where we are constantly stuck inside, is sort of an advantage. I think the best way to proceed with quarantine is to do everything we can do inside while we can and not just sulking around the house on our phones all the time. If you want to try something thats within the bounds of your house, go ahead. Call your friends, catch up on them, ask how they’re doing, its the closest we have to face-to-face interaction so might as ell take it. Yeah this all sucks but lets do what we can while were at it.
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fan-fantasies · 5 years
BTS Scenario: They catch you drawing them
BTS reactions to them catching you drawing them
A/N: Well here is another Scenario because these are fun to write and I can’t get enough of these boys for real. I will probley write more because they are fun sssooo yeah. These are a fun change of pace. I hope everyone enjoys. If you have any requests for  a scenario for either all of them or just one don’t be afraid to message me. <3  ~Breezy
Warnings?: fluff
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Seokjin -
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it was a normal day with the guys. It was their day off, no studio or rehearsals, just a day to sit back and relax. Usually you all would take over the living room to watch a movie, you would either order take out or Jin would cook for everyone. It was usually a good time, some members picked movies together. Other times they were picked in advance, no matter what the others said. Tonight was one of those days. Tae had decided tonight was the best time for a horror movie, everyone in the room agreed, except for the poor souls who weren’t in the room. You had known Jin was a bit of a scardey cat, so you knew this wouldn’t go over well for him. Not ready to hear Namjoon yell at the group, you went to the kitchen to sit with Jin as he cooked the group a nice meal. 
“Did they pick a movie?” he asked you, you giggled, “Yes but you won’t like it.” he froze but then continued to cook. You on the other hand pulled out your sketchbook and began to sketch Jin as he moved around and made the food. The boys knew you drew sometimes but you had been considering making it a career out of it.The studies were quick and easy gesture drawings or head sketches. He didn’t seem to notice until he was nearly done with the food. He looked over at you, a small smile on your lips. 
“Are you drawing me, beautiful?” he questions as he walks over. You blush as he looks over your shoulder.  His smile widened at the sight of your studies. 
“Just make sure I'm the only one you’re drawing.” he said with a smirk. 
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Yoongi was off with the guys on tour while you were stuck at home deciding to take a few classes at the university. You had always loved art, so you decided to act upon that love. Your life drawing class assignment was to do profiles of people you either knew or observed. You had only done a few but decided to take advantage of when Yoongi video called you. He wasn’t paying much attention to you seeing as though his bandmates were walking in and out of the room.  You took this chance to draw him, they were fast sketches but they were good practice. You were so invested in sketching and perfecting it that you hadn’t noticed he was watching you. You glanced up from your page only to lock eyes with his. His dark orbs gazing at your curiously, 
“Oh, sorry Yoongi,” you say with a giggle, he just gave you a curious look. 
“Were you drawing me?” he questioned with the smallest smile, you nod. 
“I picked up a class at the local university. Decided to finally pursue what I love,” he smile grew bigger, 
“Well, when I get back, I better see more of these drawings,”
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You had met Jimin, funny enough, at a life drawing course. Your usual model had called out according to your professor but this one time model been recommended by him. Jimin knew of your artistic talent but he didn’t know that you would often draw him for fun. Today was a lounging kind of day for you, Jimin had gotten up early to go to the studio but he said he would be home early. Currently you were cuddled up on the couch, his head on your lap as you see that he was starting to fall asleep. You laid him in his back so he would be more comfortable. His features were calm and beautiful. Reaching to your side you grabbed an iPad and began to sketch his calm face there. This was a newer program you had found out but you loved using it for digital sketching. This sketch turned into a detailed drawing since Jimin seemed to be unmoving. You had felt him fidget a bit, you figured was just shifting in his sleeping state. 
“What are you doing beautiful?” he questioned in a soft voice, you glanced down him. 
“Well, I was trying to capture your beautiful face in a drawing,” you tell him, he slowly sat himself up. You gently handed him your iPad, his face instantly brightened at the sight. 
“I think you did a wonderful job!” he said as he learned over and kissed your cheek. “You should draw me more often,”
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Hobi had been stuck at rehearsal for the last few days, you were alone at him and your really wanted to be around him. You had decided to pay a visit to the studio, a sketchbook in hand and a lunch prepared for him. You always loved watching Hobi dance but you only ever saw him on stage or video. 
Namjoon had given you the okay to come to their rehearsal, seeing the others had decided to end early but Hoseok wanted to stay later to perfect something. When you arrived, you giggled running into the other members who gave you hugs and such. Upon getting to the right studio, you could hear the music from outside. Slowly and quietly, you enter the room in hopes to not disturb him. He hadn’t noticed you enter so you made yourself comfortable in the back where he wouldn’t notice you right away. You pulled out your sketchbook to do quick gestures drawings of his fluid movements. You had been dabbling in animation work so this was a great opportunity to practice motion. He was dancing for a good few minutes before the music stopped and you. saw him practically run over to you, 
“What are you doing here babe?” he questioned as he sat across from you, 
“Well I decided to bring you something to eat, you’ve been working so hard.” you say as you sit with him. His wide smile made you giggle more, 
“Seems like you’ve been hard at work too,” he looked at your sketches,  you could tell he was so proud of you. “Those are amazing, I can’t wait to see them when you’re finished.”
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Joon had always been so supportive of what you wanted to do that it was a surprise to him when he saw you drawing him as he was getting ready for the show. Though there were many people circling him, whether it was his hair stylist or makeup in the room, you had managed testily draw him in all of his. glory. 
“You’re still at it beautiful?” he questioned as his hair was being messed with, 
“Of course I am Joonie, this is the perfect time to draw you,” you say with a giggle, he raised his eyebrow in question. 
“Well Joonie you seem so calm, and at home you don’t sit around as much. Plus its like a glow up video but with drawings,” you giggle out, “But you don’t get to see it till you get off stage,” he huffed but let the stylists do their work. 
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It was a quick outing to a fast food restaurant, everyone was hungry and no one wanted to eat in. The whole group was in a great mood, they were all laughing and joking with each other. You and Tae were having an exceptionally good time teasing each other about god knows what. When you all arrived you ordered in, sitting at a large table and enjoyed the quick meal. You, having not ordered much as the others, pulled out a pad of paper and began to sketch the group. Each member having wide smiles on their faces.  You hadn’t realized how quickly you drew them but you decided to spend more time on each and every one of them. Starting with Kookie, Jimin, Suga, Hobi, Namjoon, Jin and lastly, Tae. 
It was tricky to draw Kookie and Tae seeing as though they were right next to you. Your sketching hadn’t gone unnoticed, Tae gently laid his head on your shoulder. “Wow, those look really good.” he whispered in your ear, you glanced over  to him, 
“You think so Tae?”  you questioned having always been a little hesitant on your skill. He nodded, 
“Yes, I think you should practice more by using me as a model,” he chuckled. 
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Jungkook as always playing video games in his free time, he was always looking at the screen, it was so hard to get his attention. So for your free time you started to study. You took a few classes ranging from art to languages, your professor really enjoyed your art so you made it appoint to continue to practice. It was a quiet afternoon,  Kookie was playing Overwatch and you sat beside him watching him play. You took this as a great time to draw him, changing your angles and really focusing. You were so into drawing that you hadn’t noticed he had stopped. 
“Babe? What are you doing?” he questioned giving you a curious look. You looked up at him, 
“Oh, just drawing,” you say brushing it off as easily as you could, he stood up and looked at your sketchbook, 
“Thats me?” he asked cutely, you nod happily, 
“Do you like it Kookie?” he nodded a bright smile plastered on his face. 
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rosepetalmark · 5 years
Not in the Stars
2.5k words
Renjun x Reader
warnings: alcohol mention
in which you plan to confess your love for your best friend to him at a party, but the universe has other plans in store for the both of you. 
You like Renjun. A lot. 
That was one sentence in your five years of friendship with Huang Renjun that you never thought you’d say to yourself, let alone admit to. 
You don’t know where these feelings came from, but all you know is that they’re strong and on your mind twenty four seven. Everything he says and does captivates your mind, causing your feelings for him to grow even stronger.
It’s as if these feelings for him suddenly hit you like a brick one day. You were strictly best friends last week, and now you have these unexplainable deep feelings for him, eating you alive and begging for you to confess to him.
It’s not that you’re opposed to dating Renjun, it’s just that he’s been your best friend for several years and he means so incredibly much to you. You just don’t want to risk losing him or making things between you two weird if he doesn’t feel the same. 
So you suppress your feelings. As long as you have Renjun as your best friend, that’s all that matters, right?
Jaemin always makes you second guess yourself, explaining that the dynamic duo that you and Renjun are would be ten times more incredible if you were dating. Since you’re already best friends and know everything about each other, why not date? Only bigger and better things can come from it he always says.
Although Jaemin makes strong points, you’re still scared Renjun will turn you away, mainly because you’re ninety nine percent certain that he only views you as a friend, nothing more and nothing less. 
Yeah you have sleepovers  and spend hours late at night talking on the phone with one another, but that’s what best friends do. If Huang Renjun has any feelings for you, you’re sure someone would have said something by now. 
You get the typical stares from old people when you make your daily trek to school in the morning, him waiting outside your house for you at exactly seven forty two, smiling so bright the second you walk out your front door.  
You constantly get mistaken as his girlfriend whenever you go out together on the weekend, which always causes a deep pink blush to appear on Renjun’s cheeks. He’s always quick to brush it off though, making it clear to everyone around you that you’re strictly best friends, and that neither of you view each other in that way. 
Boy is he wrong.
Everything about Renjun makes your heart flutter, and that’s something that scares you.
For starters, he excels so well in school. For someone who spends eighty percent of his time doodling instead of taking notes, he aces every test and can recite every piece of information that’s been discussed in class with no problem.
He’s caring and funny, and so unapologetically himself. He takes you to art museums on your spare time, talks about the latest conspiracy that’s on his mind, and always insists you go for milkshakes every Sunday night.
And boy was he cute. The way he tilts his head all the way back and crinkles his eyes when he laughs makes your heart absolutely melt.
Huang Renjun makes you happy and positive and there’s nothing more in this world that you want than to hold his hand and kiss him in public, as well as call him your boyfriend so bad. 
It wasn’t until you were out late with him, hanging out on the roof at Jeno’s house, trying to escape the loudness that was coming from inside. Jeno was throwing a kickback to celebrate the beginning of summer, something he does ever year, in which there’s always too many people inside, and you and Renjun find yourself on the roof trying to seek solace in the stars. 
Renjun looked so ethereal in the moonlight. There was nothing more that you wanted to do than press your lips ever so gently against his, and hold his hand while staring up at the stars displayed so brightly above you both in the dark sky. 
“What are you thinking about bubs?” Renjun asked, referring to the nickname he gave you when he found out that’s the name you gave your favourite stuffed rabbit when you were a child. 
God the way his voice sounded in this moment made you weak. The tipsiness you both experienced earlier was wearing off, causing your lack of hydration to become present through your raspy voices. 
But you don’t care. You’re with Renjun, and you are warm and comfortable and in love. 
In love. 
You’re in love with Huang Renjun and you can’t keep it in any longer.
Maybe this would be the best time to tell him. Every time you’re completely sober, you push the idea to the side, trying your best to forget your feelings for him even exist. What if Jun doesn’t feel the same? What if he does but months down the line you figure out you’re better off as friends, and then when you try to get back into your non-romantic routine, everything feels off? You always worry that things will go wrong and Renjun will eventually stop being your friend.
Not tonight though. Renjun looks gorgeous in the moonlight and the little bit of alcohol that remains in your system is acting as your source of encouragement, convincing you to confess to him right now and hope for the best outcome possible. 
“Love,” you reply nonchalantly. 
“Love?” he questions, staring back to you, seemingly surprised with your response. 
“Yeah. Just wondering what the universe has in store for me, you know?” you ask, turning your body to face his direction, criss crossing your legs over one another. “The idea of love both intrigues me and freaks me out. It’s exciting anticipating what will come from it, but the fear of something going wrong down the line makes me not want to pursue it, you know?” you say, staring innocently into his eyes.
He cocks his head, an intrigued look falling on his face. He purses his lips, looking as if he’s going to say something, but remains silent. 
You both remain in silence for the next several minutes, which causes your thoughts to wander. What if Renjun has caught on? Maybe he’s thinking of ways to turn you down gently. Or he’s trying to express that he somehow knows you’re talking about him, and he’s trying to do so in a similar manner. 
But the silence is killing you, and you want nothing more than for Renjun to say something. Anything to get your thoughts to shut up, and your heart race to stop rapidly beating.
“I think you shouldn’t be scared of love,” he finally says. 
Taking a deep breath, he looks off into the sky, admiring the many stars laying millions of miles away from you both. “I get that you never know what may come out of it, but I think it’s worth a shot to know you tried, and to experience something you’re not fully sure is going to work,”  he speaks softly.
“Take a look at the universe for example. It’s so big and undiscovered, yet millions of people are fascinated by it. We’re obsessed with the stars and galaxies and the possibility of aliens- which I know for a fact exist by the way, yet we’re not afraid to spend our time discovering them and giving them our attention. I think of love in a similar manner. Yeah the thought seems so broad and scary, as there’s so many things to experience and discover, but I think it’s worth it. You’re only going to learn new things about yourself and life, so why not give it a shot?”
He clears his throat, and pays his attention back to you. He has a look of determination in his eyes, and that only makes you grow even more anxious.
“Aren’t you a wise expert on love, Mr. Huang,” you chuckle.
“Well what can I say? I do a lot of thinking on my spare time when I’m not bickering with you,” he laughs, positioning himself on his arms so he can get a better view of the night sky.
“Hey!” you shout, pushing onto his arm, causing him to lose his newly comfortable position and to fall on his back. “What are you thinking about Ren? You have this sour look on your face.”
“Well your idea of love got me thinking,” he says softly, staring into your eyes.
Nervousness takes over your body. You have no idea what he’s going to say, and every second of silence is eating you up.
“And?” you say abruptly, eager to know what he’s about to say. 
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I don’t know, I never thought much of it because I’m a wimp, but I think I’m going to ask Yeri out” he confesses, a small smile forming on his face. 
The mention of Yeri makes your heart sink. Yeri. He wants to ask out Yeri. Not you. 
Of course he likes Yeri. What isn’t there to like about her? She’s really pretty and polite, and they’re both the editors of the school newspaper, so they spend a great amount of time with each other. 
God this hurt. 
“Oh really,” you respond, with a less enthusiastic tone replacing your prior happy one.
“Yeah. We’ve been getting to know each other a lot more ever since we got asked to do this editorial on the basketball team, and I think I may have feelings for her”
“Well, um I think you should go for it Renjun, “ you reply, looking off into the stars to help keep what’s happening off your mind. If you look into his eyes, you’re certain you’ll start crying.
If it’s not you, you’re glad he has an interest in a girl with a golden heart and personality. 
“You think? What if she doesn’t like me?” he asks nervously, fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
“Like you said Ren, you never know what will come from love. Why not give it a shot if it’ll lead to potentially greater things not only within yourselves, but life in general? And if she ends up only seeing you as a friend, it’s okay. You’ll find someone one day who loves every part of you.”
And you can’t help but know deep down that that person is you. If Yeri rejects him, you’ll be right here to help him pick up the pieces, if not, you’ll still be here. As his best friend. Renjun deserves all the love and happiness the universe has to offer him, and despite being sad he shows no romantic interest in you, you’re glad he finds it in an amazing girl. 
“Alright cool, I guess I’ll ask her out on Monday when we meet up to discuss the paper then.” he says, smiling to himself. 
He looks so happy. Ecstatic even. You haven’t seen him smile this big since he won first place in your school’s art show.
“She’s here you know, at the party,” you say to him. “You should do it now.”
“You think?” he asks, eyes wide. 
Renjun was never one to act on impulse. He’s a man with a plan, and always has to do things by the book or else he’ll lose his hair. He likes structure and time, a complete flip from your bold and impulsive self. 
“Yeah, why not? You’re both here, you look really cute right now, and the stars are out in your favour, shining bright to provide you with the courage to do so.” 
This makes Renjun smile. You’ve always been a help in boosting his confidence, and you’re glad to be of assistance in such a nerve-wracking yet exciting period in his life. 
Standing up, he dusts the possible dirt off his legs. He crouches over, looking into your eyes and grabs your hand. “You’re the best y/n. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“As I with you,” you reply, a soft grin forming from your lips. “Now go downstairs and ask her out before she leaves.”
Standing back up, he begins walking to the door. “I’ll let you know how it goes!” he half shouts, pressing his hand to the door handle,  and making his way back into the house. 
You’re now left alone, on the rooftop, with just the stars and your thoughts. 
Why didn’t you bring up your feelings to him sooner, you thought. Now you’re only left sad and alone, because you were too scared to tell your best friend you’re in love with him. Confessing to him seemed so perfect in your mind a couple minutes ago, but sadly the universe has other plans in store for you. 
You decide to get comfortable and lie down, and begin to look at the constellations that are possibly present within the night sky. You can still hear the loud, most likely drunk people just a floor below you, and the vibration of the music hitting your body despite being away from the noise. But you don’t care. It’s just you and the sky, and you’re doing everything in your power to forget about the party below you, and to focus on the stars. 
As you point out the orion in the sky, you feel a buzz in your back pocket, indicating that you’ve got a text. Reaching for it, you unlock your phone, and see a notification stating that Renjun messaged you. Pressing on the messages app, you click on his name and read the following:
jun bug: she said yes!! we’re going out on tueday after we’re done editing :) (2:17 AM)
“Yes.” Yeri said yes. 
You’re happy for your best friend, but for yourself, you’re heartbroken. The possibility of dating him is now slim to none, especially since a potential girlfriend is in the mix, only making you more sad for yourself. 
You make sure to reply quick, and in a way that’ll make him happy, and hopefully provide you with the positivity that everything will be okay.
y/n: i’m so happy for you ren <3 (2:18 AM)
As you press send, you feel the tears start to slide down your cheeks. You’re happy for him, you really are, but you can’t help but wish that things went differently, and that you were in Yeri’s position. 
But as Renjun said before, love can be scary. It’s a learning experience, and if it doesn’t work out, you just need to take what you can from it, and hope for the best in the future. 
So you’ll take his words, and you’ll try your best to move on. 
It’ll be tough, but you hope to god that one day he’ll just be your best friend, and that this heartbreak won’t last with you forever. 
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cloudbattrolls · 5 years
Coward Mont Blanc
Maidel Juzuxt | Present Night | Derevnya | Octavian Musical Arts Studios
Everyone calls it OMAS, or Oh, Masterfully Aimed, Shithead if they’re not fond of Treble. Even if they’re on the list of people who won’t kick him out of a room after ten minutes, they might still toss it off, teasing, but with an edge of bile.
It’s one of the reasons you get along with him, despite how different the two of you are. 
“So!” He says, plucking at his suspenders. “What’s got you in such a sulk, Maidel-girl? Or is it boy today.”
You’re in one of the studio’s dance rooms, one that’s empty at the moment since the next class won’t be for hours. Mirrors cover its walls, and overhead glowworm lamps dot the ceiling, giving off light even as they’re in stasis. Treble can feed, wake, and rearrange them at his will if needed for a choreography practice, as well as brighten them with the right formula. 
Right now they’re giving off a low yellowish glow as they sleep, clinging to the gray ceiling. It bathes your face in a sickly cast, or maybe that’s just your mood as you stare into one of the mirrors, clad in a suit that you look absolutely horrible in.
“Boy.” You say, but there’s not much spirit in it. Gender isn’t very important right now; it’s part of your bigger problem, but only in a small way. 
Sometimes you think it’d be easier if you just had no chest to worry about, and certainly sometimes you hate having to leave off your binder or worry about damage, the kind your psi can’t really repair fully. 
Other times you think rumblespheres at least give people something other to look at than your face or stomach. Not that they’re impressive, but at least it’s something. 
“What’s got you so down in the dumps, Maidel-boy? You nervous? Don’t be nervous, my cool cat! This joint will love you.”
That gets a small snort out of you, mostly because of Treble’s ridiculous speaking manner. It’s been perigees and you still don’t believe he can naturally talk that way, no matter how much he swears up and down he was hatched with it.
You turn a little, looking at yourself from another angle in the mirror, your hair pulled back into a ponytail so everyone can see your face. Great. You put a finger to one cheek, but lightly, to not ruin the makeup covering your freckles.
Treble leans in slightly, his eyebrows raised and ears flicking slightly. His aren’t nearly as mobile as yours, but you know what he’s thinking.
“I look better this way.” You say. “A little. Don’t try to tell me freckles are cute again, I’m not buying it.”
Not much you can do about your face in general. Your hair is okay. then there’s your body.
You’ve always been on the heavier side, and maybe that wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t look so stupid on you.
Highbloods being big fits them like a shell on a scuttlebeast. They have the tusks, the intimidation, the big sharp horns to go with it. Their fat doesn’t look like weakness; it only makes them look stronger, heartier, able to dominate.
You’ve been mistaken for blue twice, when you were wearing heavy clothing and goggles against the steam and snow. You were alarmed, then flattered, then a little depressed. 
Treble just clicks his tongue and shakes his head like you’re a silly, mildly disobedient lusus. “Maidel, Maidel, Maidel. Even if you don’t like them, doesn’t mean not a single troll in that joint won’t! You got to be honest about who you are! That’s the only way to make your brand.”
It takes a force of effort to not remind Treble that just because he keeps showing off who he is to the whole world, (despite getting laughed at and kicked out of multiple places) it doesn’t mean you want to go through the same.
That’d be cruel; Treble’s odd, but he’s been kind to you, and it’s hard to hate a troll who isn’t any more good looking than you but so much braver.
Even if sometimes you wish you could. 
“I don’t need a brand.” You mutter. “I just want to sing.”
When you’re finally on the stage, finally manage to forget where you and who you are and what you look like, that makes it all worth it. When you sing, you’re somewhere else, someone else. People have actually clapped for you before, and it wasn’t all just polite applause.
Treble loves to babble about how you could be the next big thing. All you want is to keep feeling that way for the rest of your life, even for little bits at a time. It’s enough.
He pauses, perhaps aware of the usual argument and realizing you don’t want to hear it. He almost chews on his claws, raising two to his mouth but he’s been trying to stop lately and drops them. 
“Maidel.” He says, gentle, which makes the hairs on the back of your neck prick up. “Singing aside, you really want to have this sort of bad juju brewing in you the rest of your natural life, my man?” 
“It doesn’t matter.” You say, trying to be dismissive, but dismissive from you sounds about as believable as a honk from a limeblood and Treble’s face is understandably if irritatingly skeptical. 
“‘Course it matters! You telling me you’re okay just going ‘aw, nuts, I hate how I look’ for all your sweeps? You gotta change yourself, or - ”
“ - change your bulbs, yes.” You sound a bit more testy than you’d like, but he’s told you this about ten times before.
“I tried to diet and exercise for a whole perigee, Treble. Aside from making me miserable, it barely did anything. I lost three pounds. Three pounds in that whole time! I don’t know what’s wrong with my stupid, garbage, messed up - ”
“Whoa! You really want to hate yourself that bad, man?”
You realize you’re breathing hard, eyes wide and - in the mirror - you see a hint of orange in them. 
Groaning, you cover your face with a soft palm, dragging your fingers through your curls.
“Olives are supposed to be lithe and muscular. Or else average looking, since everybody likes to say we’re the most boring caste.” You say, bitter. “Even being average like you would be better. Nobody thinks you’re ugly. They just think you’re normal.”
Maybe that’s rude, but you don’t care right now.
Treble plucks at his tie thoughtfully, but you can see a trace of pain in his eyes that wrenches your digestion sac. You’ll apologize to him later.
“Do people really tell you you’re ugly, Maidel-boy?” He says, curious. 
You snort. In a way, that’d almost be better.
“Hardly ever.” You admit, and he opens his mouth but you wave a finger and press on. “They don’t have to! They don’t even notice me, good or bad, compared to everyone else I know. They’re all pretty. None of them would ever consider a troll like me to be an option in any quadrant.”
You sound pathetic, even to yourself. It’s not like you expect the trolls you know to date you, or that you’d particularly want to date them in the first place. 
It’s how you’ve seen Riccin flirt, seen Pheres flirt, seen them have quadrants. Have people interested in them. Seen them know they’re beautiful, that they can get trolls just by being themselves.
Must be nice.
“So...what brought all this up from its deep dark spot, huh?”
You look at him blankly.
“Usually you’re a little down in the dumps, but not fit to yowl about it.”
You flush slightly. You guess you did raise your voice more than you meant to. 
“I’m sorry.” You say, throat tight. You shouldn’t even be talking to Treble about this. He has a moirail, a teal who works at one of the universities. You have no idea why he takes so much time with you to start with.
Especially if this is how you treat him.
You’d rather dive out the window than answer, but you owe him that much.
“I have an ash crush.” You admit, and it feels like a dirty word, a curse. Maybe it is. You have to be cursed if you’re stupid enough to have feelings for Riccin, who’s practically a clown, and who’s never cared about you.
Maybe it’s some messed up form of self-harm.
Treble looks puzzled, and for good reason.
“So why’re you all torn up about how you look?” 
Ash isn’t about that, is the clear implication. You almost laugh. If only he knew.
“Riccin wants pretty trolls in every quadrant.” You say, staring into the mirror at the disappointing image with a suit on a too-round figure. “Their kismesis and their ex ash are both little, skinny trolls, with pretty faces. And they’re close with Pheres, and he’s the same.”
Then there’s you, who’s as heavy as any two of them, not to mention that they think you’re dull as ditchwater. Even if you wanted to pursue this - if you were so blindingly stupid - how could you prove them wrong? You’d wear yourself out trying.
Not to mention that Vide would probably cull you. She seems like she’s still interested in them, and for all you know they might still be interested in her too. Riccin doesn’t give up easily.
“I think you’re feeling a bit too sorry for yourself, Maidel-boy.”
You glare at him, then sigh. He chuckles.
“So you got a hopeless crush. Happens to us all. Why let it mess your groove up so much, man? If there’s no worth wondering if you can, put your bulbs into what you are good at! Which is: belting out the tunes and making us both a little cash, hm?”
You snort. With Treble it all comes back to money or fame. Given how hard he works for it, you can’t blame him too much. The chances of an olive making it big - or even being an agent for anyone who does - are minimal. Somehow he still tries, still teaches and manages and performs, no matter who mocks him, no matter how many times he gets chased off.
“Okay.” You say. “Let’s go.”
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asks (19)
Anonymous said: Hey can you do something like Bruce reacting to Jason's death? Or just dealing with it in general (I'm feeling awfully sad)
Ahhh I get that you probably want new material, but I don’t have the time for it just now, so I’m just gonna link to all the sad Bruce and Jason content. I hope you feel better! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help :///
The fic about Bruce right after Jason died
The fic from Under the Red Hood
The fic with Tim as Robin
The fic where Jason gets injured
Generalized angst with a Bruce and Jason section
Anonymous said: Your new list of punishable offenses really, really improved my day
I’m so glad! We all need a lil help, you know?
@thephilosophersapprentice said: Headcanon that Dick uses those relaxing videos from youtube to get Tim to fall asleep
Sleep?? He doesn’t know her (what videos tho hmu)
Anonymous said: Have you done your torts reading yet? Should I poke you? I believe in you!
I did it that day but regrettably there is new torts reading every day :///
Anonymous said: I read the thing about Damian liking plants, and I'm just imagining him and Poison Ivy talking about their favorite plants and like, having a full-on discussion about plants
Selina says it’s “good for them both” and “vaguely cute” but honestly? Makes Bruce nervous
Anonymous said: JOSS WHEDON IS NO LONGER DIRECTING BATGIRL!!!! I am screaming with joy!!
Ahhhhhh it was just a rumor but I WISH
Anonymous said: Hi, I just read through like, all of your Damian hc's and I also read the one about him giving people thoughtful gifts and then I cried for a while. Thank you
One of my favorites! He’s a good kid
Anonymous said: Hey, gotta question. How old is Jason? I had a friend ask me and I wasn't sure.
Really hard to say on that one :/
My personal guess would be somewhere in the 19-22 range in the n52/rebirth, maybe 25ish in the preboot
Anonymous said: Have you read Worlds Apart by Fernandidilly_yo??? They just updated it and it is SO good, I think you would enjoy it. :)))
I haven’t, but I’ll give it a look :)
@giotanner said: Thank you very much for reblog my art (Tim Drake -inktober). This means a lot for me, 'cause I love your blog and always I follow it. Have a nice day!
It was a beautiful picture!
Anonymous said: what did you like about justice league tho ///
Spoilers below
I liked seeing Ben Affleck’s Batman and Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman on screen, acting like friends. I loved new-Barry and new-Arthur and new-Victor (especially Victor), especially when he called Bruce an asshole?? Iconic
I’ll be the first to admit that the movie had substantial problems, but here’s the thing: I just genuinely enjoy watching the characters I love on the big screen. The movie made me happy, and that’s all I really care about just now.
Anonymous said: hey mom, can i rant a lil? i am.... disappointed after watching justice league. i mean, i loved the new characters but coming out of the theatres i felt.. icky??? something just didnt sit well with me - the movie was too.... altered i guess is the only word i can think of right now. it didnt feel right. the tone was too light too different (forced?) for me too but thats just me. idk i just... im just upset right now. what did you think?
I’m really sorry you felt that way! I know what you’re talking about, and I’m sorry it ruined the movie for you
@batfightart said: I am so so so so so so so so sorry to hear what you have been going through with this "friend" of yours. That is truly despicable of him to disrespect what you have already told him about yourself and attempt to pursue a relationship despite it. And it's especially terrible since he's your partner for a class and that you share so many friends. Please feel free to vent to us anytime you need, we all love you so much and care for your well-being. I don't know if there is anything I can do, (1/2)
batfightart said: (2/2) but please let me know if I can help in any way or if you need anything. Please remember that you are so loved and that you are VALID as you are. We all appreciate you so much on here, and just want to give you support. I'll be thinking about you and wishing for the best for you. Thank you for sharing with us. We are here for you <3
Honestly this was.... exactly what I needed to hear a few days ago. Thank you so much for your support :’)
@justhavingfun123 said: I understand a bit of what you going through. I've had something similar happen with a guy; he thought he was "the exception". But just because he's friends with your friends doesn't mean you have to distance yourself from them, it might seem like to right thing to do(I've done it before), but stick to your friends. He'll hopefully see he was cruel in the end, and you need friend at a time like this. Hope everything will turn out good in the end and love your work ✨
My friends have been super supportive, which is really great because I don’t think I could have made it through this week without them. Sorry about your shitty experience with that guy :///
@12freddofrogs said: : ( That thing with the girlfriend-zone sounds horrible. I'm really sorry for you having to go through it. I wish I could give you advice or help, but all I can do is offer a virtual hug and prayers. I'm sure it will work out, but it sucks right now, and that's what hurts.
Hug and prayers both greatly appreciated <3
Anonymous said: In regards to your personal distress: you are valid. What you want and don't want is valid. I don't know the full extent of the situation, but if you can take a few precautions then tell him to back the f off, do so. I hope that that will help you feel better(?) about the situation.
I really needed that, anon
Anonymous said: God I’m so sorry that this guy has been playing you that fucking SUCKS and you did NOTHING wrong and we’re very different people but I know the feeling of just feeling so violated over being touched and it’s just the worst UGH I hope this guy fucks off forever and things go back to being good and happy
It was really bad for a couple of days, honestly. I still get all shivery and gross when I think about it, but I’m getting better
Anonymous said: I hope everything works out for you. I wish you the best!!!!
It’s been rough. Haley and I talked to him about it yesterday, because before that, he didn’t know that I was onto him. I made an outline and everything, and I practiced the speech a bunch of times. I made it through the whole thing without breaking down or losing my temper, and he just sort of.... sat there for awhile, until Haley made him apologize. 
It was a really good apology. He said that he had justified the whole thing to himself, but now he understood that his actions were wrong, and he was sorry that he hurt me. I think it was genuine. He was visibly upset when he found out I’d been having panic attacks about it. 
On the one hand, I don’t think he’s a threat to me anymore. He won’t pull that shit again. On the other hand, we aren't talking to each other anymore, and he’s avoiding me. In all honesty, I appreciate that, but even though I know I shouldn’t, I feel guilty for hurting him.
Haley said that he cried a lot after I left. I know that doesn’t change anything. No matter how genuine his feelings towards me are, they don’t excuse his behavior. He manipulated me, and even if it was for honest-to-God-Disney-princess-True-Love, he had no excuse to violate my trust or my autonomy like that. 
I still feel guilty. I’m actively repressing the urge to call and see if he’s okay. I’m not gonna do it, but the urge is there. 
It’s just been.... a week. I don’t know, guys. I’m struggling. 
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katiewattsart · 4 years
who watches the watchmen?
Ever tried, ever failed
Teddy boys and haul girls
Utopia and dystopia
Nothing is original and thats okay
to begin to think about the concept of originality
to begin to think about the concepts of the cope and how this might impact your practice
To begin to think about the terms pastiche and appropriation 
The ‘HOOK’
The earliest definition of palimpsest dates from he 17th century, a literal description of a physical object: ‘paper, parchment, or other writing material designed to be reusable after any writing on it has been erased.’
By the 19th century, the definition had tightened to refer to ‘a manuscript in which later writing has been superimposed on earlier (effaced) writing.’
During the 1800s, the word also evolved into a metaphor, as in ‘a think likened to such a writing surface, esp. in having been reused or altered while still retaining traces of its earlier form; a multi-layered record.’ (Jeffery a Kroessler. The City as Palimpsest. John Jay College of Criminal Justice.) 
What is Originality?
How would you define originality?
Should we try and pursue originality?
Does originality exist?
If so, what does it look like?
The Artist as Conman
‘Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.’ C.S.Lewis
So why does this matter?
Where am I going?
Why should you listen?
‘The Justification”
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Angst. (Portrait of the Artist) (1971) Arnolf Rainer.  
A Quotation
Appropriation, pastiche, quotation - these methods can now be seen to extend to visually every aspect of our culture, from the most calculated products of the fashion entertainment industries to the most committed critical activities of artists.’ (Crimp, Douglas. Appropriating Appropriation, in Hertz, Richard (ed) Theories of Contemporary Art, Prentice Hall Inc. USA, 1985.
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Greyson Perry. Red Carpet.
But to be clear…or ‘to quantify’
Appropriation Art VS Forgery
FORGERY MEANING : the action of forging a copy of imitations of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
forger copy in close detail the makings on the back of the canvases, and made the frames appear to be decades old.
The art dealers also issued fake ‘certificates of authenticity’ for the forgeries. (New York Times) (on Ely Sakhai)
Historical Context
the practice of copying existing artworks was seen as a necessary formation of an apprentice artist.
To copy old masters has traditionally been a key part of the artists training 
The practice can be traced back to Cubist collage.
I.e. the construction of Picasso and Braque (1912)
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I.E. Salvador Dali Lobster Telephone
Jasper Johns
Robert Rauschenberg
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Salvador Dalí Lobster Telephone 1936
Ready mades i.e. Marchel Duchamp
Fountain - men’s urinal signed, titles and presented on a pedestal
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Marcel Duchamp. In Advance of the Brocken Arm. August 1964 (fourth version, after lost original of November 1915) 
The deliberate reproduction of (elements of) another artists work
Artists ‘copying’ artworks for their own artistic expression
It involves adopting intellectual property from elsewhere
It borrows images, styles, or forms from art history or popular culture
This ‘movement’ evolved in the 1960’s and peaked in the 80’s
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APPROPRIATION : or making artworks using already existing artworks
a significant post modern theory 
Response to what Barthes called the Death of the Author - that nothin is original
It can feel shameless
Pastiche/Collage/deliberate reworking of other people’s works
Key historical art practice
Artist using an existing form/image/sound in new ways
It is the ‘selection and manipulation of found materials’
The end result: strangely familiar yet altogether new
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Jeff Coons
The readymade
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Bicycle Wheel. Marcel Duchamp. 1913
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Them. Danny Treacy
Pastiche, Parody, and the Remake
Postmodernism has been characterized by a kind of fatigue with the new and the sense that everything has been done before.
Postmodernism asks: Can there ever be new ideas and images, things that have not been thought of or done before? Does it matter?
The world of images today consists of a huge variety of remakes, copies, parodies, replicas, reproductions, and remixes. In the arenas of art and architecture, as well as popular culture, the idea of an original image or form seems to have been thoroughly subverted.
One of the key terms used to describe this culture of imitation, remake, and parody is pastiche. Film theorist Richard Dyer has written that the primary way to understand pastiche is as an imitation that announces itself as such and that involves combining elements from other sources.
The term pastiche is derived from the Italian word pasticcio, which refers to a combination of elements that evokes, - according to Dyer, assemblage, collage, montage, capriccio (a style of composing that combines elements from different places), medley forms, and hip-hop forms of sampling, scratching, and riffing. Dyer thus points to the fact that pastiche has a long history in image making. Within the realm of imitation and quoting that constitutes pastiche, we can find different kinds of combinations and relationships to the original texts-from ironic quoting to parody to remakes to mashups. 
Pastiche has a very particular relationship to history. As a strategy it can often involve pilfering from history and combining historical elements in ways that have little historical meaning but are rather a kind of play.
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John Stezaker
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John Stezaker. The Trial 1978
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Jeff Wall. A Sudden Gust of Wind (After Hokusai) 1993
Sherry Levine 
‘The world is filled to suffocating. Man has placed his token on every stone. Every word, every image, is leased and mortgaged. We know that a picture is but a space in which a variety of images, none of them original, blend and clash.’ 
Artist Sherrie Levine made a series of works in the 1980s that are emblematic of this kind of postmodernism pilfering and borrowing that questions ownership and the original. Levine simply rephotographed famous images-in blatant violation of their copyright, the signifier of authorship and authenticity-and displayed them as her own. In After Edward Weston (#2), Levine rephotographed Weston's famous image of his son, Neil, enti- tled Torso of Neil {1925). Weston's image is situated in a long history of male nudes, which Levine's "theft" disrupts precisely because it is explicitly presented as copied, rather than concealing its status as a copy.
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Robert Rauchenberg. The White Painting
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1936 essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. 
Our fine arts were developed, their types and uses were established, in times very different from the present, by men whose power of action upon things was insignificant in comparison with ours. But the amazing growth of our techniques, the adaptability and precision they have attained, the ideas and habits they are creating, make it a certainty that profound changes are impending in the ancient craft of the Beautiful. In all the arts there is a physical component which can no longer be considered or treated as it used to be, which cannot remain unaffected by our modern knowledge and power. For the last twenty years neither matter nor space nor time has been what it was from time immemorial. We must expect great innovations to transform the entire technique of the arts, thereby affecting artistic invention itself and perhaps even bringing about an amazing change in our very notion of art.[5]
‘the action of mechanical reproduction effectively dimities the concepts of originality’
‘the mass, mechanised reproducibility of art has reduced its authenticity’
‘mass production removes what he calls the aura - a sort of unique authority - from the work’
‘ Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be.’
‘The presence of the original is prerequisite to the. Concept of authenticity,’ and, thus, ‘the whole sphere of authenticity is outside of the technical…reproducibility.’
Walter Benjamin, ‘The Work of Art…’
The Death of the Author 
Barthes extended this concept of ‘The Death of the Author’ to question the very possibility of originality and authenticity, he staged that any text (or image) rather than emitting a fixed meaning from a singular voice, was but a tissue of quotations that were themselves references to yet other texts, and so on.
Evaluate/ deciding 
Any more for later?
The finishing touches 
What do you make?
Is there an original?
Or do you make copies?
Does your work have acratic qualities?
What do you look for in your discipline?
Form? Content? Expression? Representation?
What gives you work originality?
"Based on today's lecture, find examples of relevant work in your discipline and apply this to your reflection; consider how you would explore some of these themes in your own work"
0 notes
comicteaparty · 5 years
January 24th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on January 24th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Pike’s Reach by Mabs.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Pike’s Reach by Mabs~! (https://tapas.io/series/pikesreach)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
my favorite scene is probably the fight with ezo and nefayn. largely because of https://tapas.io/episode/1179545 this page. i really just like the first few panels illustration wise cause even though theyre simplistic, i kind of feel like they convey this ominous sense of defeaning silence that is appropriate for conveying tension right after something climatic happens
yes there is also that scene. XD which was some good comic relief considering the comic was being very dramatic at the time.
also a good lesson about making sure someone gives permission
instead of just knocking and opening the door
Because naked people
another comical scene i enjoyed was the where they were showing off their drawings of pella's uncle. https://tapas.io/episode/962506 because man are those some not great drawings. especially that left one scares me
Oh my god
another moment i liked, which isnt a scene but more a scene transition you could say, is when the comic switches from adelaide goofing around and then suddenly the warning bell rings.
in particular that page
i really love the shots and especially the ominous overtone the first panel has
cause it really helps visually convey the serious has come
I love the art style and general color scheme, lots of pinks and purples
Made it, though I may not be mentally all here, today's been crazy.
hey Math
One of my faves was actually to start Chapter 3, when we looked at the "villains" and the main guy was talking about how he didn't want them dead, more turned to his side. I liked the humanizing aspect of the antagonists.
Too often we just see things kind of one sided. This didn't go that way.
Villains that do more than just want the main character(s) dead are always good
As far as comedy goes, I liked the brief scene where Adelaide "winked"... maybe... because she could have been blinking and her hair was in the way.
Though I also liked the "cold feet" bit where Nefayn was laughing and Nassar didn't know. In particular it was sort of called back later when he was thrilled that she liked his jokes.
yeah i really enjoyed that moment with the antagonists. also partially cause i like it being explained why they dont just crush the army cause adelaide is already being silly meeting them on an open field and not using the fort's defenses as was intended
Little one's fussing.(edited)
Rebel gets it
but yeah i liked this humanizing affect too of course. because conflicts of territory are rarely straight forward evil guy wants to rule over all the things
that and selfishly i really wanted to like pella and that scene proved to me that it was okay to like him cause hes just a goofy sparkly dude just trying to unite the lands.
Hi there! I'm Mabs and the creator of Pike's Reach! I can't stay for too long because sudden school stuff came up, but I wanted to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for reading PR! Your comments are making me really happy ;w;
QUESTION 2. Unfortunately for Nefayn, she is cursed twice over both in body and magic. Who do you think cursed her with the first seal and for what reason? Could the culprit be Ezo considering she and Pella seemed to know Nefayn? Why was said culprit pursuing her? In other words, what are their long-term goals in using her? How powerful do you think Nefayn was before the first seal came to be? Now that Nefayn is sealed twice over to be all but human, how will this affect her helpfulness in a battle? Do you believe that Nefayn will be able to undo the seals eventually and return herself to her original form and power? If so, how might this affect her growing relationship with Adelaide?
glad you could stop by, mabs~!
im torn on the culprit issue. on the one hand ezo seems likely cause from her characterization that seems like something shed do. but on the other hand their army is kind of near the end of their campaign since pike's reach is the last one standing and they dont want to murder hobo them. so idk why theyd need nefayn. i kind of like to think theres something bigger gonna show up and pella and adelaide are gonna join forces to defeat it. and that whatever the it is is what's after nefayn. but that could be wishful thinking cause i always cheer for antagonist protagonist team ups when both are basically good dudes with different goals
(I swear, my life after 8pm is running back and forth to my little daughter's room.)
as for goals, maybe using her as a magic conduit. cause thats the only thing i can think of.
I get what you were saying about the climactic magic fight scene earlier btw. Just I've never been huge on drama, you know me. ^.^
also lol math
Oh, hi Mabs! I ship everyone!
Hi there! Yes good, please ship all the characters.
Will do~
especially this page https://tapas.io/episode/1221349
I wonder if Nefayn was originally that uncle that the General was talking about. Except that would destroy the best ship, so I'm not sure I like that possiblity.
if were shipping all the ships i now accept https://tapas.io/episode/1077847 this page as canon
Yeah, I don't know that it's Ezo. There was also that scene where Nefayn said she thought the big Pike's room seemed familiar, so I feel like she was a citizen of the place somehow.
A teamup would be pretty cool between the two groups. Maybe the West has been getting more organized than they realize, there was some mention of the latest attack being more of a ruse.
Hah. That was a funny one.
Part of me actually ships Ezo and Nefayn, in that sort of 'mortal enemies become friends' kind of deal. So I guess Adelaide ends up with the General's second in command? This was probably heresy to propose.
idk. shooting someone in the chest seems like a romance deal breaker there XD
all ships set sail here
It was an arrow of love and respect. Deep down. After all, it didn't kill her.
but yeah the west could certainly become a threat. or even just one person in the west. like maybe one nation got themselves some guns and are bringing their guns to all the sword fights
("It was worse than death, I was made human.")
As long as they don't bring the gunpowder, it's fine.
Ezo wanted to make Nefayn human cause she too supports the adelaide/nefayn ship
it was the plan all along
Actually, it's not a bad plan. Good way to make the enemy commander very distracted.
and tbf it does probably take nefayn out of the battle a bit. cause being human has its mortal perils.
Here's a possibly related question, who keeps sending the evil things to attack Adelaide? Which makes her sleep with a sword? I don't think it's the general, he seems honourable enough to keep his distance after losing, at least for a while. Maybe it's the same person who did the thing to Nefayn.
Flying is more of a problem for humans.
i just assumed the magic things showed up of their own accord.
pella and ezo dont seem to be plagued by birds
so maybe someone is sending them
or adelaide is special and theyre super attracted to her
Everyone's super attracted to the heroine.
this is an interesting line of thought
cause i definitey doubt it's pella
cause the impression i got is that this has plagued adelaide for much longer than pike's reach has been under siege
since the sword thing is usually the sign of a long term habit
I wonder if maybe the charm that was mentioned as something to keep her safe is actually attracting all the problems. Though it'd need to be something fairies can't pick up on.
@mathtans must be one really sexy heroine
these are some good catches math. i really didnt pay much mind to any of these mentions. that could be though. and tbf nefayn's powers were already partly sealed from the get go so i wouldnt be surprised if shes missing out on some magic things
Thanks. ^^ I guess it just struck me as interesting that she's got the sleep issues, and no one else seemed to.
I was wondering if one of Nefayn's powers was to grow big.
maybe. although i keep thinking its gonna wind up shes a goddess or something O_O
not a fairy sized goddess mind you cause she does mention that fairy form is not her original size
although to the stuff b4 that brings up an interesting point about how much can the magic world interact with the non-magic. cause obviously adelaide being able to see magic and stuff makes her able to interact with it. but how aware does a non magic person have to be before magic stuff can affect them
Goddess of sparkles.
like obviously the others cant see nefayn
but can nefayn like punch them
and theyll be like "oww what a random pain"
Well, since magic mines could influence people, I imagine if you make the effect large enough, it'd register.
What if Nefayn caresses?
(I mean, kinda moot now, but still.)
yeah the magic mines worked. cause if the magic can affect the non magic regardless of their ability to see it, it adds evidence to the idea those birds are super out to get adelaide specifically
QUESTION 3. Magic seems to be at the center of several other mysteries that are presented in the comic. What is Pike’s Reach’s past with magic regarding the mention of a catastrophe involving it? Is Pella onto something about everyone being Adelaide’s age? What might this have to do with the previous lord of Pike’s Reach and Adelaide becoming its lord? How might any of this relate to the fact that Nefayn appears to recall being at Pike’s Reach for a brief moment? There is also the issue of Pella’s missing uncle. What do you think happened to his uncle? How might Pella’s uncle be related to past or present events that occurred in Pike’s Reach? Lastly, will Pella ever discover the truth about his uncle?(edited)
That's a cool skill imo
Oh yeah, my memory had kind of glossed over that whole catastrophe thing. And the age thing too. Hm, really good points. Maybe they don't physically age in Pike's? Like, they're actually 60, but have the bodies of people much younger?
Again, suspected the uncle might be Nefayn, but that sinks the ship.
if the uncle isnt adelaide's father i will be so surprised
Oh! Maybe the uncle is the one who cursed Nefayn.
I wondered about that. If the seeing magic lineage was a direct ancestry. But it might make sense for the uncle to be the one attacking Adelaide too.
like legit look at that family resemblence
https://tapas.io/episode/822837 and pella and adelaide have the same eye color too
and theres no reason it cant be both
adelaide's father and the real antagonist
Valid arguments. Maybe it's a red herring though. (Or a red pike! Hah!)
id even peg him for the causer of this supposed catastrophe. not on purpose. but he vanished and hes after nefayn to try and fix his mistakes.
Or maybe he's dead, and he left behind the ultimate weapon to use in case of dire magic circumstances, down in the catacombs.
Or maybe he's undead. He's a necromancer.
Could be that now that you mention it
As Nassar would say, a very grave matter.
the charm is the key and thats why the birds are after adelaide. they want that ultimate weapon
birds love ultimate weapons
alternatively he couldve been the one to stop the catastrophe from becoming worse too
Adelaide's love is the ultimate weapon.
cause the fact the catastrophe only took out the elderly or so is implied makes that a very targetted attack. and him being the savior makes sense for why everyone made adelaide the lord.
Ah, right, I guess I was still on the "elderly look young" track not the "elderly died" track.
Maybe they were all turned into fairies instead.
Maybe the uncle was turned into a pike.
or everyone was
theyre all pikes
in the nearby lake
the place was previously called nefayn's love nest, but they renamed it to pike's reach cause theyre always trying to reach those pike
Lovely vacation spot it is either way.
You all are absolutely hilarious and I have really been enjoying reading this. Thank you so much for reading so thoroughly gosh. I have to go to a school thing but I'll be sure to check back later and read the logs! Thanks again
np and good luck with school~!
Cya, Mabs!
And good luck from me as well~
Thank you for the creation! Hope school goes well.
Thanks again! Bye all~ Good luck with the rest of your discussion
ya know, since nefayn doesnt quite remember pike's reach outside of haziness, i wonder if theres some magical third seal that was meant to hide her own memories. a third seal set up by certain uncles.
Speaking of school, if there's no older adults, who runs public institutions?
Maybe she set the third seal herself. Nefayn was the cause of the magical catastrophe, doesn't want to remember it.
Everyone fighting about the love nest.
idk. hard to say without an exact timeline. also without exact knowledge of their system of governance. like for example, education could just be an at home by parents thing. so no actual public institution for it. but i also dont know the cut off date. and maybe no all the old ppl are dead. more its just heavily skewed to one age group
"We're in favour of same sex marriage." "Oh, well, we're leaving then." "You realize the founder of this place was gay?" "We're definitely leaving."
I liked Nassar's story, incidentally.
Some good zingers too. "Reel", heh.
i really hope we get to see more of adelaide's group. cause i feel there isnt enough nassar yet. we need more puns
Yis. Looked like we were getting some focus on Berlin towards the end.
QUESTION 4. Despite the romance and good feels in Pike’s Reach, they are the last fortress standing against the Eastern hordes. Do you believe Pella is genuine about his desire to unite the east to make the country a better place? Why do you think Pike’s Reach is so ardent about not uniting with the rest of the eastern lands? As time drags on, do you think Pella will give into his advisors and stop going so soft on Pike’s Reach? Will Ezo being injured drive them to it potentially? Alternatively, do you think Pike’s Reach and the Eastern hordes might join forces and put their differences aside for some reason? All in all, who do you think will emerge victorious?
Ezo's injury could do that (escalate things), since Pella seems to have that thing for her. Honestly, I don't quite see why he's so keen on the uniting to this extent... is it all ego? I mean, why not just be glad you've got 95% of the continent?
It might be interesting if they join forces though.
I hope love emerges victorious.
i do think ezo's injury is gonna make pella made. at least enough to challenge adelaide to another duel. but then he might also be mad at ezo and be like wtf ezo we were retreating
i dont think its all ego
just more its kind of awkward to not have pike's reach not united with the rest
cause according to that map pike's reach is basically surrounded on all sides
by pella's united country
They'll have to redraw all the maps if Pike's given in though.
What the PUC?
I feel like Ezo needs a friend even more than Adelaide. One who won't keep patting her on the head.
Maybe the injury will mellow her out, but I doubt it.
i feel like ezo first needs to take a chill pill and stop going all life or death on everything
https://tapas.io/episode/850159 by this map id also assume pike's reach is a strategic advantage cause its closer to the west so if the west tries something its a good outpost to use to stave off an attack traveling in further eastward toward the capital
but all in all i think pella is genuine and really does want to make the country a better place.
I can see that. It's a cool map too.
Feels a lot like Europe/Russia/Asia merged into one
"I will bring you love even if I have to smack you around."
i actually dont know why pike's reach wouldnt want to unite with them to be honest. XD cause trade would be a nightmare at this point cause youd always have to try to skirt and sneak through the eastern horde lands. if the eastern hordes go to war with someone, land troops would be moved through pike's reach anyway. and to me it just seems pike's reach is more holding out for pride
but i guess tbf we dont know much about pella's country. maybe they eat babies and pike's reach has a strict no baby eating policy
That's a fair point. Maybe there's something to the whole magic catastrophe, like they used to be a united continent and it went badly for them.
Jelly babies.
Incidentally, they seem to have all the major seasons, so don't live near an equator.
i mean i guess it could just be an issue they dont want to be governed except by their own ppl or something. idk. i do feel the magic catastrophe has left some scares and suspicions. and ezo is proof pella isnt opposed to magic.
Maybe, heritage and traditions or something. Ooh, maybe aliens will come and attack. That would unite everyone.
this might be the wrong genre for that
maybe nefayn gets kidnapped
and they unite to save nefayn
cause love is the only thing that matters
Could be. Oh, that's a thought, since she's vulnerable now and Adelaine owes her one or two.
Oh, and one nice bit I wanted to mention, the gag about her height.
youll have to be more specific cause my mind is blanking on which specific gag youre referring to XD
although speaking of gags i liked the one where adelaide and nefayn were having the eating contest. except no one could see nefayn. XD
Alright, I'm gonna take my leave for now, thanks for the CTP and best of luck to Mabs on the story~
(Sorry, little one again.)
The gag with Nefryn still being short... but being at an okay height. (Like, who isn't thinking that... )
That was amusing too. I wonder if you can get away with stuff when you see magic. "Uh, I wasn't talking to myself, no. Sure."
Have a good one, SJB!
ah okay i know which gag you mean. that one was funny. XD
Final closing thought, slow burn romance can be fun for when things come to a peak. Or a pike. ^.^
i feel in general theres been a lot more jokes like that since nefayn became human
It's been good for alleviating some of the tension.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Mabs, as well, for making Pike’s Reach. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Mabs’ efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/pikesreach
Mabs’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mabsart
Mabs’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mabs_art
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hoetron · 7 years
okay christ i got tagged in htis massive tag game by @mothable but i love a good ol challenge lets do this buckfucks
a. NAME AND PRONOUNS: Rae, she/her
b. AGE (and birthday!): 13, Aug 28th :3c im a fucking fetus ny’all
c. SEXUALITY: am i bi? am i lesbian? am i just craving existential death 24/7? i dont fucking know a thing my guy
d. GENDER: cis female hooooh
f. FAVORITE AESTHETIC: pastel colours and really nice fashion i guess..??? (also smoking is kind of aesthetic eyes emoji eyes emoji)
TRIGGERS/MENTAL ILLNESSES: i’m not actually sure :x
1. DRINK: salt water hah normal water is for the WEAK (dont drink salt water please im begging y
2. PHONE CALL: my brother asking what kind of pizza i wanted
3. TEXT MESSAGE: “:3c” im such a fufcking furry...fuckck,,,,
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Daydream warriors by Aquors listen nyall im reconnecting with my hidden buried weebass side of me okay im crying
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: i dont actually remember? probably like last year unless you count me having tears from laughing too hard as cryng then thats yesterday during the meme aka now called lightning mcqueen server
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: dont think ive ever kissed someone thats not my family before im #Pure
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: nope lmao
9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: my grandfather i guess? but he died when i was really young so at that time i didnt really undersyand the feeling of loss and mourn so ksdjfk but we had some goodass memories together
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you just cant get into it because they would never understa
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: im severely underaged please
12. red
13. yellow
14. either black or lavendar,,
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: okay im known as the most giggly person in class i laugh so easily that i easily have tears over everything
18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: nahh dont think i wanna know if its like in a bad way :x
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: ya :,) (Thanks em, lily, mae and imogen for making this year truly greater than last year and for being the best friends i could ever ask for)
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: facebook is dead to me
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: serious facebook is dead to me i roasted above the flames of negligence (also because i have like two facebook accounts one using my pesonal email and the other using my more general email , the one using my more general email keeps recommending to me my OWN personal account and its personally so hilarious)
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a cat called lucky! (i love him even though im p sure he hates me)
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: i guess my irl name uhhh im 50-50 with it? but granted on the internet i waaay prefer using the name Rae over my irl one because its short and simple and nice-
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: just want to a chinese resturant with my fam and my uncle because we’re simple that way and like. back then i didnt had that much friends so uh l m a o (but vidhi gave me a nerf gun so that was Really Cool and i love her)
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: 9 oclocK BECAUSE A HOUSING AGENT WAS COMING OVER (but then i fell back to sleep and woke up at 12 so lmao)
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: watching a video on why ‘anime art isnt technically allowed in art school’ because i was just curious and then drawing 
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: an hour ago lmao shes like just outside my room 
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: sighs my shyness and social anxiety and awkwardness (all three of those are counted in a pack right? the pack of “socially inept” people)
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: daydream warriors... by aquors..... (listen im RECONNECTING with my weeb side like said above im actually weeping)
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: i havent brushed my teeth yet but im lazy to move my legs lmao
34. MOLE(S): um quite a lot like a few small ones on my arm and like one on my face below my right eye and theres one underneath my boob i think lmao tmi and the rest i cant be bothered to find
35. MARK(S): a kind of burnt scar mark on my left shoulder from like 6/7 years ago when i got too close to someone smoking and their cigarette burnt me oh and a scar on my knee from the time i fell off my bike while playing bike catching in the neighbourhood with a couple of other friends like 4 years ago?
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: vet (now im eh about that tho im probably just going to pursue some art career)
37. HAIR COLOR: brown eyy
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: yeah. hopefully its dying down now especially since the person is straight (its hard when she sits next to you in class and you guys are sort of friends now and u somehow feel really satisfied when you make her laugh :,) shit )
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: im generally kind with people regardless of whether or not i dont like them or i dont know them well or i know them i guess? (at least in my group of friends im probably the most willing to socialise with others) and uhhhh i guess i can make people laugh? im a huge fucking loser meme nyall
41. PIERCINGS: none and personally dont really want to 
42. BLOODTYPE: shit  i think it was either a B or an O i cant remember (i think its B tho)
43. NICKNAME(S): maggie, migi, bela, bob, bobbo
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single pringle 
45. ZODIAC: virgo
46. PRONOUNS: she/her (lmao yay for repeated question)
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: fuckngin,,, voltron,,, (probably going to stay my favourite for a long while tho)
48. TATTOOS: none atm (unless you count waterbase tattos then yes stick all the water based tattos on me) but like when im Much Older maybe? just a really small tattoo tho not anything big that covers an entire limb
50. SURGERY: had a surgery on my foot forgot which side when i was in kindergarten because the skin was *censored for tmi* and yah stitching up your skin fucking hurt babes
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nahhh i dont think id dye my hair tho who knows
52. SPORT: im probably going to retake up basketball again eyes emoji eyes emoji
53. VACATION: ooMMF nothing planned so far
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: like uhhh what kind of sneakers?? just normal canvas sneakers i guess????? im, what.
57. I’M ABOUT TO: complete this fucking 88  questions then chat on discord and scroll tumblr and tell myself “hey finish up your art!” but then 5 hours later im still scrolling tumblr. oh and im watching wonder woman later so :3c
58. WAITING FOR: nothing atm i guess?
59. WANT: my family’s financial situation to be solved and so that money isnt going to be a huge bother anymore...
60. GET MARRIED: sounds nice but probably only marriage idk the idea of kids doesnt really sound v appealing atm
61. CAREER: artist! (i wanna either work in a game development team or an animation studio eyes emoji ) 
63. LIPS OR EYES: lips erally nice to draw really nice to look at
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: buhhh im short so i guess taller would be nice (tall people have such nice legs too im frankly a little jealous)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: what is this in regards to
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: shrug emoji idk man
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: troublemaker pardnyars in crime amirite
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yeah p sure i had to go through a whole day of school half blind once without my glasses
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: dont think so?
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: nah babes
78. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: somehow when someone dies i decide to laugh instead of breaking down in tears i guess laugh away the pain?
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ...shit its a bad idea babes dont do it
80. YOURSELF: shrug emoji
81. MIRACLES: sometimes? sometimes no?
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: even bigger shrug emoji
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah lmao listen i caught my father and mother wheeling in bicycles for my sister and i when i was like what 8? usually i just played along because hey i was a child
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: ehh depends i guess
85. ANGELS: not really lmao
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): Emily, Mae Shuen and Lily
87. EYECOLOR: dark brown?
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: this changes all the time
only tagging uhhh @pluminkdot (KASJD I FORGOT IF YOU HAD A MAIN REBLOG ACC IM SORRY RACH), @jaspereffect , @blabrabs / @spaceboomerang (it isnt letting me tag ur main boomers skldfjksd) and uh im too lazy for the rest
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