#''... what??'' ''do you mean he got mad you didn't get into stanford?'' ''no''
oedipushansen · 6 months
it's so sad but also pretty funny thinking about how sam "rebelled" by just wanting to be a regular kid & like. go to a good college for a stable desirable career. you would never guess by looking at him & dean that he's the problem kid
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kingsteeth · 2 years
why i don't fuck with ford pines haters and you shouldn't either: a long post by me
hi yeah pull up a fuckin chair or something so the local ford pines apologist himself can tell you something. long post ahead red alert
so. there's too many posts out there just straight up beating the shit out of ford for not being nice, starting the apocalypse, all that bs that i don't like to see! did you even watch the same show i did?
im of the opinion that stanford pines is honestly doing the best he can. if you actually look at it you can see that he's not well adjusted to being "normal" and doing everyday life correctly. you can point to the 30 years spent surviving various dimensions and bill's impact on his psyche to back that up. also, sorry he's not nice i guess? dude gets back to his house and is immediately thrown into this new family dynamic with new people who are all over him (not faulting the kids for being excited, but still), his house doesn't look like he left it, and his brother, who he holds a grudge against, is there. obviously a lot going on.
side note: you don't have to agree with me when i say ford pines is autistic but i choose to interpret him in that way. being autistic myself im sure he resonates with other autistic people.
things probably woulda gone smoother if stan and ford had maybe decided to have a conversation about things instead of going at each other like a pair of rabid skunks, but their relationship isn't at that point yet. sorry that ford's not just gonna forget his life being thrown off track entirely after stan cost him a shot at that college. to stan's credit he did manage to look past that and focus on the present, but ford isn't on the same page for various reasons.
stan would like his brother to be thankful for getting him back, and you know what, ford might even HAVE said thank you. but like i said it's a lot to take in in a short amount of time, and he very obviously needed space.
he ends up getting into the basement and staying there for a while, and despite stan telling the kids not to go down there because HE'S mad, dipper ends up being the one to bring ford up out of there and get him to actually be social. w for dipper!
ford is very obviously preoccupied with keeping bill out of reality, given the rift and all caused by the portal's reactivation. honestly i cannot blame him because bill coming into reality and destroying life as you know it is a terrifying concept and he shouldn't be faulted for worrying about it given their history.
however that doesn't mean that ford deserved all that blame when weirdmageddon actually started! mabel didn't deserve the blame for handing over the rift, and ford didn't deserve the blame for opening up reality for bill to come into in the first place! weirdmageddon was plotted by bill. we are not going to blame the humans that he used and manipulated without their knowledge.
i was honestly? kinda shocked at stan's willingness to just leave ford in bill's captivity during the apocalypse. i get that he was pissed off, but the apocalypse is upon you and the only guy who knows anything about it, your BROTHER, who you dedicated 3 decades to find, is gone? and you're gonna leave him? it frustrated me.
tired of seeing the gravity falls fanbase paint one of the stans as the "good" twin and the other as the "bad" twin. this post is about ford mostly but they both have their faults and they both did shit that wasn't right. i still think they both developed nicely towards the end of the series, but my GOD the way some of you will immediately jump to hating ford because he wasn't nice to stan.
also gonna get into the argument that ford was somehow naive for not seeing bill for what he was. bill presented himself to ford as someone with answers to literally all of ford's problems, and more importantly as a friend and potential partner. that's a huge thing for ford, known for his lack of friends. bill got to ford through his weak points and laid out this future where ford was successful and more importantly, happy. that's not a stupid thing to want, especially not from a powerful being who you KNOW has the capability to make that happen.
ford took that deal thinking it was the smartest thing he had ever done. and honestly if not for bill being a jackass it would have been the best decision he ever made. he took it because he weighed out the information he knew and decided it would further his research and it would grant him knowledge no other human had ever had before. being someone whose entire worth was based around how smart he was, you can see why that would appeal to a person like ford.
during the apocalypse, ford handled it rather well for someone who went through the things he did. he tried to get it over with and done before it was too late, and it almost WAS too late thanks to stan. but like i said before, they both need to be on the same page for things to go well. stan was not where ford was at, and focused on the negatives about ford being back rather than what needed to be done, and almost killed the kids in the process.
essentially, neither of them are good or bad, and i hate the way the fanbase treats ford in specific. stan did his best, yes, and he should be congratulated for it, but ford also was doing his best.
if you watch the show, you can really see the way he behaves and how it relates back to the trauma he's had to go through for literally half of his life. he's stuck in survival mode, and has really had the TRUST NO ONE thing hammered in hard. i think that's a vital part of his character that shouldn't be overlooked.
it's really, really easy for the majority to misinterpret ford as this stuck up asshole who thinks he knows more than everyone, but he kinda DOES know more about bill than everyone. he and bill were close, and i don't really like the way he's boiled down to being an asshole. try to have a braincell or two firing when you watch the show.
this post reads very angrily, but it's moreso directed at the people i've spoken to who hate ford for the reasons i touched on above. nobody has to like him, but you really gotta look into why he does what he does and THEN tell me why you don't like him. cause if it comes down to "he was mean" i'm just gonna assume you don't realize how traumatized people or autistic people behave. (again, my personal interpretation of ford is that he's autistic.)
idk man i love the guy and i hate to see him being done so dirty by the fan base. take care and remember that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIKE HIM! THESE ARE MY DEFENSES FOR ARGUMENTS I SEE AGAINST HIM! no one is gonna force you to like fictional character no. 300 on tumblr dot com! jesus christ. ily and hopefully this reaches the target audience
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cheerfulmelancholies · 10 months
Mysterious New Member-Chapter 3
"Battle Force 5! A Storm Shock is opening," Sage said through the intercom.
Vert groaned and pushed himself off the bed, having spent most of the night awake. He got suited up and ran into the Hub to meet the others. Doing a quick head count, he said, "Ok. Agura, Tezz, Zoom and Stanford, let's get going." He leapt into the Saber as he spoke. "Put the pedal to the metal guys!" He sped off.
Stanford made an annoyed grunt as he climbed into Reverb. "Are you sure I can't trade with someone else?"
"You'll have plenty of time to sleep when we're done, Stanford," Agura quipped from within the Tangler.
Tezz left shortly after her. Zoom watched the copper blur speed away with a brief yawn. "Nothing like a fresh, hot battle first thing in the morning," he said, starting up the Chopper. "C'mon, Stanford, I'll race you." He rode off after the others.
"No fair, I'm not well rested." He slammed the pedal hard and dumped the clutch, rocketing after him.
The five of them drove through the desert, heading towards the whirlwind. Zoom whooped and yanked the throttle, flying headlong into the portal.
"Glad to see someone got some sleep," Vert said with a laugh. He went in after him, Stanford, Agura and Tezz in tow.
They emerged on a metal bridge and stopped to take in the surroundings. A sort of city spread out as far as they could see, the structures made out of black metal with green and blue highlights in the form of windows and odd markings. It wasn't too unlike the Sark home world, though with a noticeable lack of Zurk running around.
"Looks abandoned," Agura supplied. Most of the buildings had collapsed or were missing large sections. It made her think of a lost battle. The bleary gray sky supported her claim.
"That doesn't mean there's no ghosts running around. Tezz, do you have anything?"
"Funny how now you realize my scanners could be useful to you," he remarked whilst working on his console.
"You're not seriously still mad about that, are you?" Vert wasn't in the mood for grudges. "Listen, you of all people should know why I had to leave you behind."
"Me of all people also knows that, had you let me come with you, you wouldn't have chased down a civilian. The Key is thirty clicks South from here." He drove off without waiting.
"And I thought Spinner was petty," Agura commented.
"Zoom, a little recon?" He rubbed his forehead to relieve some of the tension.
"On it." The scout found a broken section of bridge and rode off, bike shifting into flight mode.
"C'mon, guys." Vert led them in the direction Tezz went, doing a visual sweep of the area every few seconds. They may have been hard to spot from below but the bridges didn't go higher than most of the buildings and had no overhead protection. They'd be easy targets if they stayed put.
Splitwire came to a stop at what looked to be the end of the road, the bridge having collapsed. Tezz waited for the others' arrival. "The Key is in that building over there," he said, referring to a massive dome approximately three miles away.
Vert didn't like it one bit. "How's your eye in the sky, Zoom?"
"I got nothing, Vert. The place is dead." He turned around and began to fly back to the others.
"We should go before the Reds or Vandals show up," the scientist offered.
Stanford fought back another yawn. "Tezz is right. The sooner we're done here, the sooner I can get some decent sleep."
"Alright, team, let's go get ourselves a Battle Key." They drove down the debris, most of it solid enough to hold their vehicles. By the time they reached the bottom Zoom had caught up to them.
"It's all clear," he said, sliding to a stop. "No Reds, no Vandals, no nothing."
"I'm not picking up any heat signatures either," said Agura.
Stanford tapped his console. "My sonar's coming up empty too. Weird, you'd think there'd at least be some Zurk or something."
"I don't like this," Vert muttered. Why was it so quiet? "Stay sharp, everyone." He drove to the building while the others followed.
The dome was much more daunting up close. It, unlike the rest of the architecture, was a nondescript gray with no windows or markings. Only a smooth and unmarred shell. The only break in the structure's monotone was the massive doorway leading inside. They entered one by one, lights cutting through the darkness as they traveled deeper in. It just kept going and going, the pathway becoming a gentle spiral into the void.
Agura clicked on the Tangler's search lights when the shadows became almost claustrophobic. After many tense minutes, the team's unease growing as their minds expected increasingly horrific terrors to emerge from the darkness, they reached the end of the incline. They were inside a massive room, the ceiling so high it vanished. There were no windows, no sources of light other than their cars. Every corner she checked turned up devoid of life. Twisted chucks of metal, debris and cobwebs littered the area. Parts of machines and other miscellaneous items were scattered about and weird markings were etched into the walls with frantic strokes.
"This place gives me the creeps." A chill ran down her spine when she saw the Key floating atop an unusual structure. Jagged spikes and strange markings littered the construct, all seeming to point at the Battle Key, whose eerie design matched that of the décor. A dull glow emanated from it.
"These symbols are similar to those of Sentient hieroglyphs, the ones on that structure in particular. But the ones throughout the room... Huh, I do not have any possible matches for what they could mean." They looked like they'd been carved into the metal surfaces by hand.
Vert regretted not bringing the Cortez brothers. Sherman's extended knowledge on the Sentients might have been able to fill in some of Tezz's blanks. Speaking of, he found the scientist getting out of his car to take pictures. He opened his mouth to warn him of the possible danger.
"Is now really the best time for souvenirs, Tezz?" Stanford piped in for Vert. "You must have one heck of a photo album."
"I am taking these photographs in the hope that we can decipher them later. I'm curious as to what they could mean."
"Curiosity killed the cat," Zoom said. He glanced up at the structure. So far, nothing had attacked them. There didn't seem to be any traps; surely they'd have set one off by now. His sensors hadn't picked up anything other than their vehicles. They really were the only ones here.
"What do you suppose this place is?" Stanford questioned. "It looks like some sort of workshop." He eyed what appeared to be an axle and part of a bumper propped up against a table.
"Whatever it is, I don't like it," Vert replied. "Hurry and get your pictures, Tezz. We need to jet out of here before somebody comes knocking."
"I am almost done, just let me-"
Zoom nicked the key from its spot and it stuck to the Chopper with a snap. Something clicked.
"Everyone out now!" Vert ordered when a distant rumble sounded, rapidly growing in volume.
Tezz dove back into Splitwire and reversed just in time to avoid a falling chunk of ceiling.
Zoom yelped and cranked the throttle wide when a particularly sharp piece of the structure fell towards him. He ended up awkwardly maneuvering around obstacles and going up the adjacent wall, flipping mid-air and being one of the first to hit the path leading back up.
The team hightailed it out as fast as they could while the building crumbled around them. They nearly lost control and swerved off the edge several times as the spiral path shook and fell apart in places.
Part of the ceiling's support collapsed just before they could reach the exit, and Stanford launched a few well-aimed shots to keep the area clear. They made it out and drove away as the massive dome turned to ruin behind them.
"That was too close," Zoom panted, still shaky from the experience. He'd gotten quite a few scrapes from falling metal and concrete.
"Somebody certainly hates visitors," Stanford added, looking at the collapsed structure in his rearview. "Can we get out of here before the rest of the place self-destructs?"
"I never thought I'd say this, but I couldn't agree with you more, Stanford." Agura revved the Tangler and they drove back to the Earth portal.
"Why did you grab the Key, Zoom? I was not finished yet." He'd gotten several interesting shots of the symbols, but nowhere near as much as he would've preferred. He hoped he had enough to work on.
"Hey," Vert scolded. "We weren't here for research. The Key takes top priority. If these markings of yours turn out to be something, we can always come back." He got a grunt in response.
The team reached the portal with no further incident and rode through, landing in the desert. They drove back to the Hub.
Tezz checked in with Sage to see if she knew anything of the unusual language, only calling in Sherman when she proved just as clueless as he did.
"It is strange," she said, observing the images before her. "I recognize the writing on the structure that was holding the Key. They are snippets from Sentient lore, though they are not coherently placed. Whoever built the structure did not know what they were doing. As for the markings on the walls, I am unsure as to what they could mean." They were similar to that of her own language and yet nothing like it.
"It looks kinda like certain Earth languages," Sherman commented.
"What, is it French or something?"
"No, Spin. It looks closer to Chinese or Arabic, something with a more symbol-based approach. It's almost like it was mashed together with Sentient hieroglyphs."
"I will run it through a language converter and see if it matches anything," Tezz said, already moving to his lab.
"Did you pick up anymore readings, Sage?" Vert questioned, stepping up to take Tezz's place.
"No. There was no unusual activity, but that does not mean it has stopped. I will notify you the moment my sensors pick up something."
Vert nodded and walked away to do some light maintenance on the Saber. Sherman stayed to run a system check on the Buster with Spinner, while the rest of them went elsewhere. Stanford made a beeline for his room while AJ, Agura and Zoom went to the game room.
The rest of the day went by somewhat peacefully.
Chapter 4: here
Chapter 2: here
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s6e12 like a virgin (w. adam glass)
i can never watch a stormy scary nighttime flight scene without thinking of the thing on plane wing in the twilight zone movie from 1983. that movie must have been in heavy rotation on tv at some point in my childhood (clip on youtube if you're curious)
(this is why it takes me 2 hours to watch an episode)
CASTIEL Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright.
great, great.
oh, dean. not gonna tell him about being soulless. why do you do this! writers, why must you do this kind of thing over and over and over 😩 please do not drag this out for ages, i'm begging you
BOBBY He's gonna find out, you know. One way or another, someone'll tell him, or he'll figure it out on his own. He's not dumb. He should it hear it from us.
DEAN Can we just leave it alone for the moment, please?
better be a short fucking moment, my guy.
the filming on this car conversation is SO DIFFERENT whoa. it's like they changed how it was filmed, different angles, you can actually see real stuff outside the window, exterior light showing inside the car. what's going on! it's nice, but whoa
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DEAN I was with them for a year���Lisa and Ben.
SAM A year?
SAM So then what?
DEAN Didn't work out.
DEAN turns up the music.
MUSIC It was a new day yesterday but it's an old day now
(a new day yesterday, good choice)
every time dean lies to sam "for his own good" i just want to smack him.
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PENNY'S SISTER They were just starting to get serious. She didn't want to seem, you know…Not interested. I just wish I'd told her to stay home. We don't even have a body to bury.
not sure what that look was about (wishing sam stayed home [???]->my brain could suggest leaving him at stanford but i mean no escape from their fate). dean giving sam all sorts of meaningful looks in this interview with the sister
man i hate when they have wacky hijinks in the middle of the serious episode. like when becky showed up previously. yucking it up about virgins
the show is so not subtle sometimes, sam's really gonna flex his empathy this episode
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(desktop background update, no change) pins in the motel wood paneling? bold.
BOBBY Yeah, yeah. Hey, how's Memento doing over there? He caught you in any lies yet?
DEAN Everything's fine. Sam says hey.
SAM Hey, did we hunt a skinwalker lately?
DEAN Doesn't ring a bell. Why?
SAM I don't know. Just...déjà vu or something. Are you sure? I could have sworn—
DEAN You got to remember, your eggs are still a little scrambled, right? But, yeah, I'm sure.
that deserves several smacks. damnit dean.
the coloring is very unfortunately orange again in a lot of these scenes :( and i don't even know what to say about bobby's ex. weird styling choices. not great lines. mmrgh
preemptively cringing at this sword in the stone bit. god it went on for SO LONG.
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SAM Um...Look, I-I would hug you, but—
CASTIEL —that would be awkward.
was that really necessary?
welp, no surprise cas spills the beans. thank goodness. but also DAMNIT DEAN.
huh, so i really expected sam to get mad at dean for lying to him but i guess he's too swamped by guilt over what he feels like he did.
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thought this was nell from hill house for a second. so i guess this must be eve. don't know much about her from fic lol
DEAN Cas. Friggin' child.
DEAN Sam, Death didn't just shove your soul back in, okay? He put up the great wall of Sam between you and the things that you don't remember. And trust me when I say that the things you don't know could kill you. That's not a joke.
SAM All right. But I have to set things right. Or what I can, anyway.
DEAN It wasn't you.
SAM You know, I kind of feel like I got slipped the worst mickey of all time...and I woke up to find out that I had burnt the whole city down. And you can say it wasn't me, but...I'm the one with the zippo in my pocket, you know? So I'm not sure it's that cut and dry. And, look, I a-appreciate you trying to protect me. I really do. But I got to fix... What I got to fix. So I need to know what I did.
DEAN But you don't know how dangerous that could be.
SAM What would you do? Right. Same thing.
DEAN Sam...
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide" - Donald Winnicott
Izzy going with Maryse and Alec staying😭 the opposite-parallels hurt me ok?!?!? Also the reason he says is also kinda sad and shit is all complicated!!!
Sometimes that’s what it means to be a son. To make sacrifices for your parents.
Sometimes that’s what it means to be a parent. To make sacrifices for your children.
The way he never walked away and he never gave up are some of his best qualities but at the same time the reason it all went down. Love me some good analysis...
Alec-Maryse post-divorce parallels... Wow
SIZZY RIGHTS!!!😎 Also not them stalking him djhdjdjd
He reminds himself of what Ragnor told him. Love how he is always learning and trying to understand better🥺
Rules and shit really are complicated...
"And you Isabelle, you live inside my heart. You always will.” Lightwood siblings is something that can actually be so personal..
But she doesn’t know how to be sad. So, she decides to be angry. He wonders if all younger siblings are like that. I dont like this call out...
Love is blind, and love is stupid, and love is dangerous, and love is beautiful.💜💜💜
But Jace could ask him to part the ocean and Alec will die trying. *sobbing* I'm fine :)
Competitive little shits kdhsjdjkd, although Alec does win this one... He has the psychopath father and all shit
Simon and Clary supremacy only!!
OMG Anjali and Rafael are absolute nerds and I'm love them jdhdjs
If we don't have a google folder together, then what the point??!?
They get turned on by the weirdest shit jdvsjdjs
Charlotte Fairchild is the most badass of all tbh
We all should be scared of Anjali😌
I like that Alec didn't make it hard for Rafael when he wanted to go to Stanford but I also expected more fight form him... And from Magnus oh gods why is this so fucking sad😭
I support Rosewood rights and wrongs!😎
The parallels of their pictures!! Max not giving a fuck and Rafael being so careful!! And the way Max is jealous of Rafael "having everything together" and Rafael being jealous of Max for being so "unafraid and chaotic" Brb I'm gonna cry..
I hate everyone. Magnus just gets dragged over and over. And the tweets holy fuck!! I hate that I laughed with the cinnamon roll one smh
“Will you keep an eye on him for me?” Rafael asks him instead. "Always,” David replies. 🥺🥺🥺
I understand Max being mad, but fuck if he didnt stressed me out so much here!!! Just, kindly stop :)
For whatever his issues, Max knows how to keep a promise. Not me crying over this😭
How do you make someone feel better if they aren’t feeling anything at all? Ok, that and the fact that the divorce issue starts here hurts a lot🙂 I love this chapter<3
I can't finish this Timeline for a few hours bc I have to get up (eww) but just some thoughts till now:
Note to self: This man is the bane of his existence. Pun intended.😂😂
Him always answering to the ones who need help got me emo for some reason🥺
I think of you everywhere💛 David really know how to go from horny to soft in 0.1 secs djhdjsksks
The staff is the real MVP here!! I love them all so much and they live in my head 24/7 and they are all amazing<33
Anyway, song rec: Be alright By Dean Lewis. Its really a shame cheating is not a trope here (its not, Idk how I would survived that shit jdhsjsj) because the playlist would be ✨stunning✨
Remeber to take a break when you need it. Byeee💚
If TLND had cheating, I would have thrown myself into the river (and i am like scared of rivers) gotta draw that angst line somewhere lol.
also, i may or may not have a magnus and camille playlist with a lot of cheating/toxic songs lol.
I feel like Be Alright is in the divorce au playlist (or maybe lbaf?) but there are too many songs there and I can't find it lol.
Sending you some sertonin. Have this song rec from my David playlist: Pomme - Ceux qui rêvent
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1. Withdrawal
I was born an angel of lust, raised in the heat of passion. I cannot adapt to the whims of mortals anymore than you can adapt to me.
That's what I tell the plain and bitter bitches who hatefully judge my personal expression. I am an artíste. Would a swan so readily change herself to belong amongst toads? Certainly not.
The name given to me at birth was Phoebe Avery Flynn Miller, but you can call me Gemini.
I study Biochemistry at Stanford, yes, the Ivy League.
Despite the 5% rate of acceptance, little ol' me has wiggled herself in with the big wigs and is now on path to a promising career in forensics.
Relaxed dress code, they said.
It's true, the culture of campus aesthetics is rooted in khaki shorts and ratty flipflops. Still, despite the sea of tie-dye, I can't help but notice that the way I present myself on campus is heavily judged.
But why hate on little me?
Well. It's my clear and supple toffee brown skin. It must be.
Or it's my dipped strawberry ombre wig curled to bounce like jello.
How offensive.
Or no, it's my deep and winding curves. Yes, the jealousy is unreal.
It's not my fault these hips navigate this yellow romper like a country backroad.
It's not my fault half the girls here are built like skinny little boys and the others are built like Frosty the Snowman.
Passing Becky in category one as I walk through the hall, she turns to glare. Who are these sad hoes truly mad at, me or their genetics?
The bold who find their words try their hardest to tear me down.
And let's not forget the ethnic slurs, I hear it all. But can you guess my response?
"At least I'll graduate with a job and no debt, ya pasty bitch. Ask your man for my business card."
It's true, I strip at Mickey's to pay my tuition, okay fine. I've seen several students there peppered in the crowd, a few possibly the boyfriends of some of these Becca faced bitches who come for me on the regular. Again, who are they really mad at?
Yes, I sell fetish content and I work as a domme when I'm not interning because I'm organized and damn good at everything I do. So good and organized in fact that I can drink, smoke, fuck all day and night if I please and still look like a slice of heavenly pie in the morning bright and early in my seat for class.
I'm wonderful. I'm free in who I am, I'm not ashamed.
That's what I preach to my clients. You can't be ashamed. Revel in sensuality of it's who you are. Intelligence, success, and kink are not mutually exclusive.
Unfortunately for my clients, exams are nigh and I've had to pause all sessions including my stripping for the sake of my study schedule. Two weeks is what I've gifted myself and four days through.. it does not feel like a gift.
In four days, I've perfected the art of celibacy. Not a drop of alcohol has touched these luscious, full lips.
No dollop of cum has passed over this skin.
No ocean spray has squirted from this peach.
I've taken no finger, no dick, no strap, no toy.
I've smoked no joint, no bowl.
For 96 hours, I've done nothing but study and prepare as if going to war. I'm hungry for a release, but my A means more.
I sit in the first row in class, front and center with my laptop open on the syllabus because I fear nothing.
Call on me, I dare, staring down the professor as he poses his question to the class. Nothing he asks can throw me off.
I fold my arms leaning back and he finally looks to me.
I know I've said this a million times this semester, but I'd fuck the shit out of him for free. Mm, focus.
I cross my leg at the knee for some control.
"Correct, Ms. Miller."
Of course it is.
"Someone tell me what is the linkage between the amino acid and the tRNA in an aminoacyl tRNA? This will be on the exam which is not multiple choice."
The class upsets, voicing their dissent with complaints that it's too hard. They need multiple choice.
"Aminoacyl ester," I smile cutting off a voice behind me.
"Correct Ms. Miller," Mr. Stevens points, aiming his pen at me as he backs toward the table at the center of the floor to sit on its corner.
"Too easy, what else you got?"
I can feel the pissed off vibes behind me and I show teeth, smiling more. Fuck these assorted crackers. I flip my strawberry curls and stare at Mr. Stevens in wait.
His eyes narrow, but I'm not dumb he's loving this. I am black excellence.
"The genetic code is not read in the...?"
"3' to 5'," you blurt. His brows raise briefly.
"The genetic code is degenerate meaning that..?"
"Most amino acids are coded for by more than one codon."
The corner of his lips turns up and he begins to fire off questions like lightning, but I fire back instantly. You can hear a pin drop the way the room gets quiet.
"Codons representing the same amino acid or chemically similar amino acids tend to be similar in sequence often differing-"
"In the third base? Third base degeneracy."
"Class I synthetases first attach the amino acid to the what on ribose whereas class II attach them to the what?"
"2'-hydroxyl and 3'-hydroxyl."
"The Salmonella test strain used in the Ames test contains a mutation in the histidine biosynthetic pathway, which is used to...?"
"Identify compounds that induce back mutations to permit bacterial growth on histidine free plates."
"What's needed to repair chemical damage in DNA effecting more than one nucleotide, such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers?"
"Base-excision repair."
"Nucleotide-excision repair," a voice says from the back."
Someone snickers.
"Correct," Mr. Stevens points to the back making no further eye contact with me as he goes into review.
The whole time I'm sitting there, I'm wondering how the hell I messed that up. That was a dumb mistake and I don't make dumb mistakes. I can't get by it, I'm lowkey embarrassed.
At the end of class, students file out of the door.
I stand behind a blonde preppy girl who's asking about a quiz grade. She's trying to debate point loss and based on what I gather, she's wrong. Her answers were wrong. What can he do outside of give her a grade she didn't earn?
"I can't change your grade, Ms. Bertelli," he deadpans from his seat on the edge of the table. His hands are rested comfortably on his thigh.
"I'm not saying change my grade! I'm saying the way you worded these questions made me come to a wrong answer and I would have gotten 100 otherwise, so I should at least get a half point for each," she explains angrily jamming her finger at the paper as she holds it in his face. "It's only right."
Mr. Stevens is unmoved and you can see it in his eyes, the melanated 'bitch please.'
"It does not get anymore clear and if you don't get a handle on this information, Ms. Bertelli, you won't pass this class."
"This is fucking stupid! I'm going to the dean," she threatens.
"Girl, gone somewhere," I laugh. The entitlement!
"Do that. Your responses were incorrect and I suggest you learn this material before this exam. Use this time to take advantage of our reviews," Mr. Stevens says cooly.
"Anyways," I step forward for my turn. "I need an A in this class. A strong A. You and I both know I'm earning it," I dig watching the girl leave the room so it's just the professor and I. "But I'm nervous about this exam."
"A or no A I'm sure you'll get the strongest grade in my class," he mumbles seeming uninterested in anything I say.
"But see, that's not good enough."
"It will be," he stares. "I've seen students as cocky as you. Some make perfect scores, but that's rare, Ms. Miller. I see it happen more often that they... choke," he pantomimes with his hands at his neck like it's a joke.
"Mr. Stevens.. There are two things I don't play bout, my money and my grades. Please be serious with me."
"Serious... Okay. You want me to be serious."
"I do."
For seconds, we stare at each other, him looking at me and me trying to drive into him by eye contact alone how damn serious I am.
"Hm... Let's talk about it.. seriously," he says quietly. "We'll go over a few things related to the.. format.. of this exam."
He doesn't need to say more, I get it. He's giving me the test.
"Meet me in my office today at 7."
With that, he hops up and in a lithe motion, towers over me before walking by to grab his things. I clutch my imaginary pearls watching his back as he moves. My peach is acting up and I don't blame her after four days of denial. She's hungry. I need to get her away from this temptation.
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dorotheajanegilmore · 5 years
Devil’s Daughter
Previous: 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
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Chapter seven
I had been staying with the Winchester's for just over two weeks now. My purple case looked great against the brown walls of the guest room, really made it feel like home.
The first night I stayed at the bunker (Before visiting parents in NY)
"Sorry it's so plain." Sam has said when he first brought me in here.
I shrugged. "It's much better than my dorm."
He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah I know how ya feel. Stanford."
"NYU." I admitted and he nodded with an impressed face. "Creative writing."
I cringed. "Smarty pants."
Instantly an attractive smile broke out across his face and he shook his head, blushing wildly. "No. I never graduated."
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"I don't think I will either, at least not yet." I told him truthfully.
"I hope that decision isn't because of us? I know how it feels to have your studies cut short and if I could go back..." Sam paused before he shook his head, laughing at himself. "I actually wouldn't go back."
I laughed at his honestly and shook my head. "No, I've been contemplating dropping out for a while. This whole angels exhausting and paternity testing is just the push I needed."
"Right." Sam wondered over to the bed and sat down beside me. He looked at me with a face of concern. "How are you feeling? Honestly."
"Honestly?" I asked and he nodded. I let out a deep breath, letting my shoulder sink. "I feel...like it's not real. I haven't thought about too deeply or really acknowledged it properly. I know that's not healthy but I just don't know how to accept this. My family life has always been rocky, my mother hates me."
Sam recoiled and pulled an offended face, as if I had just delivered a blow to his stomach. "I'm sure she doesn't hate you." I knew that his situation was difficult at the moment. Dean told me that their mother was trapped in some sort of apocalypse world.
"Don't defend her, I promise. You'll see tomorrow, she hates me." I emphasised it again but he shook his head, not having it. I decided to just continue because there was no way in changing his mind. "So, how did Dean recover so quickly? Those guys tortured him too."
Sam shifted on the bed and adjusted his watch on his wrist. He was clearly uncomfortable the way he was sat because his legs are way longer than mine and even my legs ached. We were both sat criss cross and I couldn't take it any longer.
I moved to sit at the edge of the bed, Sam sighing in relief and copying me as he answered. "Castiel healed him. Dean was supposed to save you from those guys but they ended up injecting and torturing him too. Demons aren't really fond of us, we've made a name for ourselves as hunters and they didn't know he was working with Crowley."
I nodded understandingly. I bit the inside of my cheek as I thought about asking the next question. My curiosity got the better of me and so I asked. "Did you, do you and Dean think I'm evil?"
Sam thought for a moment, before gently taking my smaller hand in his larger one. "I won't lie to you. When Rowena told us that Lucifer had a daughter and we needed her help...I definitely believed you to be evil. I thought that we were gonna find you at a bar murdering people or eating babies." Sam laughed at that last part.
“Why eating babies?" I tilted my head to look at him, confused as to where he'd get that from.
"Because ya'know, Lilith eats babies? At least in mythology and all of my text books-"
As Sam rambled on I looked down at the ground. I had forgot about Lilith being my true mother, I was so busy worrying about the devil I forgot about his first demon.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Sam put a gentle hand on my shoulder and I shook my head.
"It's not your fault, Sam. I just can't believe I'm not a product of Christian and Rose. That Hallie and Alex aren't my blood related siblings. They'll always be my family, regardless of what a test says but I had that I don't have an actual connection to them. I hate that my blood isn't their blood. I hate that my blood is...evil." I sobbed as the word evil left my mouth.
Sam shook his head and wrapped his big arms around me, pulling me into him for a supporting hug. I cried into his red plaid chest as he held me tight. "You're not evil, Elle."
"You don't (hicup) know that!" I shook my head, feeling him hold me tighter. He began to rub his palm up and down my back, as if he was soothing a crying baby.
"No I don't, you're right. But if raising Jack has taught me anything, it's that we can't make quick assumptions."
Present day
(Two weeks living in the bunker)
I sat in the library with a book under my nose. Every waking moment of the passed week has been spent reading up on Lucifer, and learning my powers.
So far I have discovered my psionic energy blasts can be used in blasts, streams, waves and bolts to move things, lift and even throw things. Allowing me to hit, push or pull a target, potentially exerting enough force to destroy them. I had also improved my telepathy, I can control when to and when not to listen to thoughts so I could actually focus now.
As I was reading about Lucifer's cage I felt a presence enter the room. I was already on edge from all of the reading, Satan's not a happy guy. Feeling threatened I spotted a pair of scissors on the end of the table and used my new found powers to lift them up and send them at the person watch me.
As I span around, hands glowing red I realised who it was. Dean was stood at the door with wide eyes and hands held up in the air alarmed.
The blade of the scissors, surrounded by red wisps, hovered just inches away from his neck.
"I didn't mean to scare you, little red." He pushed the scissors away with his index finger. They landed in the floor with a snap and I sighed in relief.
"Dean, sorry about that." I felt immediate relief, so happy that it was him and not some creature I had been reading about. I cringed, hoping he wouldn't be to mad at me. "I'm reading about monsters so I'm a bit on edge.
"A bit?" He smirked, amused. He pulled out a seat opposite me at the table and sat down. "Is that why I was nearly executed in my own home?"
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I nodded and slid the book over to him. I pointed at a paragraph and he quickly skimmed over it. It said;
The powers of a nephilim would be to great to raise such a creature on earth among mortals. A human woman could never contain a baby nephilim for very long as it could tear them apart. A nephilim will grow at rapid speeds, much faster than a human woman's body could contain. Once born a nephilim will reach adulthood within a matter of hours.
"Yeah." Dean nodded, confirming that the information in front of me was in fact correct. "Jack was born and within twenty minutes he looked like he was twenty years old.
"So how come I have baby photos? Actual picture evidence of me growing through the years. Every birthday party photo shows a year of progression. Am I slow? Am I broken?"
Dean chuckled at my outburst and shook his head. "Elle, there's never been an angel, demon cocktail baby. You're the first. Perhaps Lilith's genes are much slower."
"Or." Came a Scottish voice from the doorway. Rowena stood with a mischievous smile on her face as she danced her way over to the table.
"Perhaps I did a wee spell to aid in your human growth. I was there when Lucifer chose your parents and he made sure that Rose would be strong enough to encapsulate you for nine months, not to raise your relatives eyebrows at a two month unholy pregnancy. The spell made sure that Lucifer's child would grow as a normal human until she reached adulthood, then her powers would slowly blossom. That's why it's important that we found you." She lifted her martini up as if to cheers us before taking a large sip.
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"I thought you want me to put him in a cage?" I raised a brow, wondering why she was adding to her story now.
Rowena shrugged. "That’s for the after party. Once we’ve rescued Mary from the apocalypse world, you and Jackie boy can work together to put him in a new cage, a stronger sturdier cage. Come on, had I told you this earlier you would’ve been overwhelmed and scared away. We need you, Red.”
Dean shook his head and pushed the book away. "Damn it, Rowena! Any other information you'd care to share?"
Rowena bit her lip and tapped her finger against her chin in thought. ”Aside from Lucifer wanting Jack and Elle back? No, not that I can think off.”
Next: 7
Tags: @lilulo-12 @vicmc624
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