#🫶🫶🫶 hope this is ok nonnie
hungharrington · 27 days
i’m almost 22 and have never even kissed a boy (which i’m chronically insecure about). it’s made me feel very nervous regarding intimacy or “doing it wrong”. i feel like steve would be great coach and reassure the reader it’s okay and that they’re doing great. nothing to embarrassed about. (my soul needs this so bad)
hi honey !! i think you r so right & steve would be the perfect guy to give all the assurances <3 i hope u know that kisses don’t matter too much til they’re with someone you’re rlly sweet on so i wouldn’t sweat it angel x this one is sfw! wowzer!
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You’re on your couch and in Steve’s lap and worried about just about everything. 
Steve’s being sweet about it, his hands resting gently on either side of your waist, his thumbs swiping up and down to comfort you. He’s watching you closely, unaware he’s just taken your first, second, and third ever kisses. How could he know? you think, on the side of insecurity— it seems everybody else your age has already kissed someone. 
“You okay?” He asks, hazel eyes tracing over the soft features of your face. He loves your nose and the shape of your bottom lip— strange things to like perhaps, but Steve doesn’t care. 
You nod but don’t say anything. The motion is a bit jerky. Your hands are planted on his shoulders, holding them probably a bit too tight. Exhaling a breath, you nod again and pretend the fondness in his gaze isn’t making you shy.
“Yeah,” you finally speak, voice smaller than you intend. “Just- just wanna like—“ you swallow, eyes darting to the ceiling for a moment, if only to avoid his intense eyes. “I wanna get this right.” 
A car engine drones by outside in the dusky evening. Steve gives a little chuckle and his hands on your waist tug forward, pulling your attention down and your body an inch closer to his. It’s warm— every part of him is glowing warm. 
“I don’t think there’s any way you can get this wrong,” He admits, awfully sincere about it. 
It’s the truth. Steve likes you a lot. You could probably bite his lip too hard and make it bleed and he’d still find it pleasant. You have that effect on him. 
You don’t know that though. So, every stress seems very, very real. Are you kissing firm enough? Too firm? God, are your lips too dry? 
Your tongue flicks out to wet them, your hands giving his shoulders a nervous, minuscule squeeze. In your chest, your heart is torn between rabbiting in its anxiety or shrivelling in insecurity. 
“I mean,” you laugh a little, if only to cover your embarrassment. You duck your head to avoid his face, murmuring, “If there is, I’m sure I’ll find it. I haven’t, uh, exactly done this… too much.”
“That’s fine,” Steve says instantly. His warm, large hands give a tender squish on your waist, before sliding up and around to curl snugly around your body. He sits up a little straighter, his nose nudging against yours. 
“No, Steve,” you say, cheeks a touch heated. You count his eyelashes so you can avoid his eyes, you voice dropping volume towards the end of your sentence. “I mean, like… like ever.” 
Surprise flashes in his eyes for only a moment. His gaze darts down to your lips quickly but then he’s smiling, nudging closer, and stealing a quick kiss off your lips. Now he’s taken your fourth kiss too. 
You flush, something warm pinging its way up your spine. 
“That’s okay,” He murmurs, sounding like he really means it. 
“It is?” 
“It’s great. You’re great.” He kisses you again—your fifth— so sweet it tastes like sugar on your lips, his arms around you pulling you in closer. You drown in it, enamoured by how it feels to have his lips against yours. God, he makes you dizzy. 
Steve breaks the kiss but stays close, his arms pulling you closer still so you’re straddling him properly. He’s warm, so warm— and so freakin’ nice to you. 
“You don’t find it weird?” You can’t help but whisper. Your eyes crush closed, unable to face him. 
“Weird?” Steve echoes. “Are you kidding me? It’ll take more than that to freak me out.” 
One of his hands shifts up, moving up off your waist to cradle your jaw gently in his large palm. He peppers a string of kisses along your cheek and jaw, beginning to suck a sweet spot beneath your ear. Your hips shift before you realising, subtly grinding down into his. Flames begin to burn in your stomach. 
“It’s—I mean it’s kind of, like, a little embarrassing, don’t you think?” You continue, voice a little breathier than before. You’re not sure what you’re trying to convince of him of— you certainly don’t want him to stop. 
Steve’s lips brush over the barely forming bruise on your skin and your breath hitches. 
“Are you feeling embarrassed?” 
One slow kiss against your neck, his plush lips accompanied by the heat of his tongue. You squirm in his lap but don’t answer, fearful of being too truthful. You are and you aren’t. He isn’t making you embarrassed but you are, just a little. 
Your silence makes Steve pause, digging his face out of your neck to meet your eyes. “Hey. You shouldn’t be embarrassed- if you are for some other reason, we can— we can like stop—“ 
“No.” You cut in, God, now you’re seriously giving him the wrong idea. “No, oh my god, I sound so stupid- it’s not you— Steve—“ 
He cuts you off with another kiss, your sixth, and steals your runaway thoughts. It blissfully chases away your nerves for just a moment. 
“Great.” He smiles against your mouth, giving another squeeze of your waist. “Cos you don’t need to be.” He kisses your mouth again, seven. “All you need to be is enjoying yourself, okay? 
You like the sound of that— adore the way he’s so seamlessly finds the thing that sets your nerves alight and soothes it so easily. You whisper back, “Okay,” and gift him your eighth kiss, sweet and fierce. 
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nymphomatique · 9 months
-ahem after reading your nerd/loser!Miguel I just CANT ✊😩 ❤ I gonna need ask orrrr request something !...YOU MADE SOMETHING AWOKEN something in me that I i JUST can't explain😵😳 but NEED TO BE RELEASED (😏) and now today I wanted to request my take on it if that ok with you 😌😏
Ok hear me out nerdy loser/horny!Miguel x YOU GUESS IT popular/richfm!reader 😝!!!..
So let me explain the plot first 😌 .so let just say we never seen Miguel (it been an long time since) only remember that name while reader was in highschool and reader was one of Miguel bully I guess.. (even though she not the one laying an hand on him 😒😔) as she just watch as her popular group of friends bullied Miguel seeing him have tear down acting nothing like an man... ( what an man baby)'Which taught was more *interesting* about this nerd. but reader always think he was cute (I guess reader say it in her mind) even if he was an loser nerd at high school and more of an quite guy and only care for work.but the best part of Miguel in high school is that he ALWAYS obey no matwhat towards you/fm!reader 😩(god I don't know if I have to explain the next scene but I think I just hints some 😝😋 blow jobs overstuim- i mean many !! I want to see. Him cry on the desk while reader under it 🗣✊)
This is could be an flash back honestly I don't care 🗣🗣 I hope your doing great and having an awesome day
you were cooking nonnie‼️ i hope this translated well into writing. and yes timeskip crumbs 🤭
cw: no smut in this one folks! timeskip present, mentions of cannabis use, miguel gets bullied ;(, reader saves him tho dw, genuinely just fluff, teeny bit of d/s stuff, allusions to sex at the end. italic text is a high school flashback! enjoy 🫶🏾
“i cannot believe you had braces!” miguel laughs at your yearbook picture. you smack his arm and roll your eyes at his laughter.
“s’not funny. was only my freshman year.” you mumble,
“i’m just kidding honey, you’re still gorgeous, braces or not,” he says, kissing your temple. the two of you were sitting on your couch in your shared condo, looking at your old high school yearbook.
“you’re flattering me to get in my pants,” you quip. miguel wraps an arm around you and kisses your neck whispering low. “don’t need flattery to do that.”
you push his face away and snort. “when did you get so suave, mr. o’hara?” you question. “you weren’t as smooth in high school if u remember correctly.”
“you’d be right, but meeting you changed me for the better, no?” he flips the yearbook pages, finding his picture in the sea of others.
“maybe you changed me,” you say lowly.
“aww, come on pete, lay off him will you?” flash thompson laughs. “nah, he’s too easy,” peter replies. they had been roaming the halls, cutting class to smoke a joint. since peter was out early, he figured meeting you once your class period was over would be fun, high sex in the bathroom stalls was on his bucket list after all, and you never told him no when it came down to a good time.
in the midst of both flash and peter roaming the halls, they had ran into miguel o’hara, clutching his books in his hands during his free period, roaming the halls like them. nudging flash in his shoulder, peter made a show of miguel. he had pushed him into the lockers, feigning accident. miguel hit the rusted metal with a thud, dropping his books in the process.
“oh, did i bump you? my deepest apologies,” peter mocks, flash not even trying to hide his smile. miguel looks up from his place on the ground between the two, rubbing his shoulder that hit the locker. not worth it, he thinks, and moves to reach one of his books. before he can grab it, peter kicks it across the hall. miguel’s eyes stay focused on the ground. “aww, what happened? you got butterfingers, o’hara?” flash laughs.
“pick up your fuckin’ books, you’re blocking the hall,” peter directs towards miguel. miguel stays unmoved, pushing his glasses up his nose, eyes still glued to the floor. peters angry, feeling disrespected. “hey,” he says, and the hostility beginning to bubble in his voice is clear. “you fuckin’ deaf or what? i said pick up for fuckin-”
“the fuck is going on here?” you interrupt, seeing peter and flash freeze for a split second. you had left a while ago to go to the bathroom and skip class, but had decided to stop by your lockers, where you found peter and flash bullying some random.
“hey, baby,” peter begins. your eyebrow raises and he drops the act. “we uh- we were just tryna help h-”
“can it. i can smell the pot off you guys, fuckin’ gross. get outta here before you get caught with no hall pass,” you dismiss both peter and flash. peter makes way to kiss you goodbye but you move your head, your eyes telling him to get the fuck on.
when both peter and flash are long gone down the hall, you turn to miguel. “hey,” you say. he finally looks up at you and you see tears welling in his eyes. you wince, and wordlessly kick his book back to him. watching him gather up his books is almost disheartening, usually you laugh at something this pathetic. your feelings get the better of you, so you walk to miguel and buy your hand on his chin, lifting his head up to look at you. the eye contact sends a weird feeling in your chest, his tear stained brown eyes filled with emotion.
“chin up, dweeb,” you say, touching the tip of his nose and winking at him before you get up and leave, off to see what trouble peter found himself in.
miguel is in shock. that’s the first time he’s ever been talked to by someone popular. a popular girl at that. miguel looks back at your figure walking away, hips swaying with determination and he feels his heart swell in his chest.
“you gettin all sappy on me now, baby?” miguel quips. “funny. you must have forgotten what to address me as. i’ve been too nice to you,” you reply, your gaze intense. miguel swallows and his whole demeanour changes. “i didn’t forget, mistress,” he replies. you smile, getting up from the couch, pulling miguel up by his shirt to follow you.
“that’s my good boy.”
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gettinshiggywithit · 3 months
ok so I saw your post abt wanting to write for pjo but you don't know what and you've only read the books so I figured I'd send a request or sum. now idk if you do headcannons cause I haven't followed you for long, but headcannons abt a relationship with percy? 🍓
🌊Dating Percy Jackson~ (HCs)🌊
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Summary: what’s it like dating the son of poseidon and resident blue-enthusiast
Pairing: percy x gn!reader (i think I kept it pretty gender neutral!)
Genre: fluff
T/W: none
A/N: Hi nonny! I hope you like this! Thank you for the request and for getting me out of my writing slump! Pls lmk what you think of it if you feel like it and until next time ciao!
Warning! Not proof read🥹🙏apologies 🥹
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I think its a given that percy is the epitome of boyfriend material
I mean the man literally gave up immortality for annabeth!
But this isnt about annabeth,this is about you!
So for the sake of this post let’s assume you both met the same way!
The moment percy saw you he was entranced!
It was a normal day of practice and he was out in the practice pavilion to try his hand at archery(this was when he was still unclaimed)
He was struggling to even hit the target when he turned his head to talk to his instructor from the apollo cabin,only to see you sparring with the camp’s best swordsman,luke castellan!
You were expertly dodging and blocking his advances and while luke seemed to be getting frustrated,you looked smug and excited almost. It was then that perch jackson developed a hugee crush on you
Over the next few days he made attempts to talk to and interact with you,he joined you at the campfire and during these little interactions was when he realised you weren’t just pretty,you had a personality as bright as the sun and your sense of humour was elite!
When he got claimed you helped him accept it and even though you were still unclaimed it really helped him. You listened to him when he needed a friend and helped him see the brighter side of things.
And over time even you seemed to fall for him, i mean what wasnt to love,he was funny,sweet,supportive; everything a girl could ask for!
So when you confessed to him during a sparring session after having just beaten him,he was both confused and overjoyed!
You helped him up and he confessed to feeling the same.and as you both got older,your bond grew stronger.sure there were little hiccups along the way but you always made it work.
Percy noticed everything about you, your little quirks, your little gestures; everything
He was the first to notice when you were feeling even a little bit down and he always had your favorite snacks on hand for when you needed cheering up!
He always took you down to the beach or near the river,exploring both in his little protective bubble was the coolest,most awesome thing you’d ever experienced and even though you felt scared at times,he’d hold you close and not let go until you were on dry land.
Making blue food together in the off season and spending time at his and his mum’s apartment was heavenly,especially your home didn’t exactly feel like a home in the first place.
Sally loved you! She always teased the two of you when you curled up on the couch to watch movies and was just happy her son found someone.
During quests he always had your back but also knew you were perfectly capable on your own,i mean you practically taught him how to sparr yourself!
Through the losses and the gains,the battles and the hardship,you stayed together and helped eachother grow.
You loved him with all your heart and he the same. He was loyal to fault and would never judge or criticize you,if he did it was merely constructive criticism,nothing to belittle you or make you feel insignificant.
He helped you through your moments of insecurity and made you feel whole,like you were worth his love and like you were perfect the way you were.
In conclusion,being in love with percy Jackson means, unlimited support and love and a companion for life🫶
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!j
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stainedstardom · 1 year
Hi Abbs!!!
imagine ethan and reader going on an icecream date and reader having a bit of ice cream on her lips and ethan wipes it off while smiling and both of them being whipped for each other
(can be any food i just picked ice cream as an example 🫶🏼🫶🏼) ignore it if you want it’s ok
nonnie i love you so much for this one, this is so cute. 2nd ethan request!!!
ethan landry x fem!reader
y/f/i/c : your favorite ice cream
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"okay best ice cream flavor, go" i told the boy who sat next to me, we were supposed to be studying for a chem quiz but my head hurt and I felt like I was going to either cry or my head was going to explode, either way I needed a break and what better then my lovely boyfriend sitting in front of me
"y/n come on you have to do this" he said trying to write down the notes but I wouldn't budge. i fell back on the bed with a groan
"but its so boring e. we have 5 days for prepare for this can't we please just take a short break?" I asked as I rolled over to look at the boy.
"oh dont look at me like that" he stated and I smirked softly. i knew the look, I knew exactly what look he was talking about.
"what look? im not giving you a look" I exclaimed and he shook his head and sighed. he closed the book and stood up , he held his hand out to me
"alright lets go get you that ice cream flavor, by the way rocky road is the best" he stated as he held my hand and we began to walk to the known ice cream shop near our dorms.
"literally no fucking way, its obviously y/f/i/c" i exclaimed and he laughed as he shook his head. we got to the ice cream shop and he opened the door for me
"why thank you sir" i said in a posh accent and he laughed
"youre welcome m'lady" he exclaimed and we walked to the counter. he got rocky road and I got y/f/i/c. we walked outside and sat at a table.
i began to lick my ice cream and look around.
"y/n" he called and i turned my head to him.
"yeah?" i asked as i licked the ice cream again and he smiled at me
"you have a little something" he said as he pointed to my lip, I went to wipe it off and as i looked at my thumb, there was nothing there. i raised my eyebrows as i looked him in the eyes and he laughed.
"ill get it" he said and he leaned as he kissed me and got the ice cream off of my lips with a kiss. we smiled into it and when he pulled away, he leaned his forehead on mine.
"you had ice cream lips" he said softly and i laughed as I leaned in and I kissed him again.
"im okay with that as long as you kiss me ever time I have them" I whispered into the kiss and he laughed softly
"i will" he stated and he continued to kiss me.
it felt nice, i hoped it would never end
A/N: I actually had so much writing this, I know its not exactly what the request is but I couldn't help myself. i hope you enjoyed. i also didn't know how to end it but I hope you liked it
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Idk if you have done this before but a Morpheus x reader one where Dream has been recently set freed and is so touched deprived that when he met up with reader once mode after being separated for a century he can't control himself and it leads to some sexy stuff in which it leads to them breaking the bed (kinda like the honeymoon scene in twilight 🤭)
Just straight up desperate needy Morpheus hours 🫶🏻
Dream of the Endless x Demon Hunter!Reader
Summary: Dream has made himself believe that he is alone in the world, nothing has further solidified this that being imprisoner for a century. Who'd have thought he'd find warmth in one of the coldest people alive.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, smut (biting, marking, dom/sub dynamic, hair pulling, vaginal penetration, oral [m receiving], edging ig?, unprotected sex, brat!dream idk it just happened, praise kink [uh... reader talks to him like a god during sexy time so]), hurt/comfort ig, reader's so angry HAHAHH T_T, fluff, etc.
A/N: im not in the mood for smut but i might be when i write this. update MINORS DNI hello nonnie i am finally in the mood for smut HAHHAAHHA and i am in the mood to ruin dream's life (: i took a lot of creative liberties i have no idea why i made this so long so i hope you enjoy it my dear <3 another day another 5k smut fml Also i invented a lot of stuff for reader, like giving Morpheus a Roman name so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just just just roll with it along with my most definitely wrong google translated Latin ok? ok. Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx anOTHER one (continuation) "Petty And Yours"
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"You know," I swirled a watermelon lollipop in my mouth, "you're so pathetic for that."
A breeze blew back my maxi dress and I crossed my arms at the fact I was being ignored by the uncharacteristically warmly dressed man.
The park bench he was sat in the middle off had some fallen leaves that were slowly tumbling down to the ground with the push of the wind. I give him a moment to respond. I huff at his continued silence.
"Earth to Dream?" I call louder.
Still nothing.
"Somnium Regem?"
A bird makes a sound as a large piece of bread is gobbled down its throat.
"Hey! Sulky trench coat man!" I bark.
Finally, the man feeding pigeons turns to me.
His eyes are dull and bright all at once, a shade of glistening blue that had no life behind them. I raise my brows, lips pulling upward in distaste, "you remind me of that bat in Gotham. So emo for no reason," I scoff, straightening my arms, "everyone's parents die at some point."
"Why are you here, demon hunter?" the being grips his baguette.
I scoff again, "I'm here because I like you, baby."
He turns away from me, tearing up bread, haphazardly then dropping it in front of small creatures. I grimace as the birds flock over to the bread like they had nothing better to do-- which they don't.
"I do not enjoy your bitter sarcasm, eight," Dream says pointedly.
I roll my eyes, walking over to him, fingers rolling the lollipop stick sticking by the side of my mouth, "well, if you didn't ask me stupid-" I push his legs together so that I can sit next to him, "-fucking questions, then maybe I wouldn't want to constantly drop kick you."
Dream hastily moves to the side as I plop down next to him, crossing my legs as I lean back and stretch my arm out on the backrest. I look at him as he looks at me. Wind blows at both of our hair. I move his dark strands along with the breeze so that I would not poke at his already glassy eyes.
He blankly stares.
I shrug in expectance, "Domina told me you've been sulking, and that I'd find you here, just like how she found you here days ago."
Dream blinks, "my sister should not have troubled you with needless concerns."
I furrow my brows at his response. I roll my eyes incredulously, "you are so fucking stupid."
He gives me side eye before turning back to his pigeons.
"You know, for someone who should have a profound understanding of the world, you clearly don't know anything."
The Endless hisses under his breath, "silence."
"What?" I give him a look, "don't like that?"
I can see him almost going against himself as not to sneer at my grilling.
I pout exaggeratedly and speak as though I was a child, "wha' you gon' do 'bout it? You gon' kill me now?" I raise my hands and monotonously hark, "oh no help, I'm so scared."
"I do not know why Death sent for you," he quips, breaking his gaze from the birds to narrow his eyes at me. He continues crumbling bread onto the ground.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I straighten and face forward, "that's because I'm the most irritating bondservant she has," I prop my elbows on my legs, "which is effective for making people want to do my bidding in return for me shutting up."
"I shall not leave," he looks to the feeding animals, "I am keeping the pigeons company," he mutters, "they appear... lonesome."
I wipe my hands on my face, pulling the lollipop out of my mouth as I sigh, "intenta et tenera domina." My eyes twitch in annoyance when I muttered 'the attentive and tender lady' in my mother tongue. "I should have known we were playing therapist today."
I shake my head, popping the candy back in my mouth, grabbing the bread from his hand. He turns to me, helplessly watching, unable to fight against me; he knows I'd bite his finger off if he touches me.
"Ever heard of projecting, Somnia?" I hiss, chucking his baguette as far off as I can.
He watches the projectile disappear into a bush.
He glares at me.
Goosebumps form on my skin when he speaks, "visne noctes noctes te affligere?"
Admittedly, the roll and click of his tongue speaking Latin did make me stiffen, though, 'do you want nightmares to plague you tonight?' was a threat so empty to me.
I sniffle, retorting in the same language, "I haven't visited your nightmarish domain since its castle walls began to crumble."
Dream takes his turn to freeze.
I tilt my head, crushing the lollipop between my teeth, "personally," I pull the stick out my mouth, tucking it in Dream's pocket, who does nothing when I do so, "I take enough trips to hell to not want to visit something that mirrors it so well. Not when I'm supposed to be dreaming of heaven."
I can see how my words strike through him.
I notice how his stoic and pale face hardens and loses its color even more.
I continue to egg him on, "I feel bad for your dreamers who think the drab ones the have at night are the best you can do."
I can almost hear the gloom radiate off him.
I purse my lips and stand, "speaking of nightmares, I caught your nightmare once," I place my hands on my hips, "I thought the gruesome serial killing was demonic in nature, so I tracked the killer, only to find it was no other than your Corinthian."
Dream looks at me, expressionless, as I raise my brows, "did you handle him, Somnium Regem?"
The Dream King looks like he does not want to talk to me at all now. I give him a challenging look and needlessly straighten out his coat for effect.
He straightens up, then brings his hands in his pocket, pulling out a skull that had teeth where his eye sockets should have been.
I look at the thing, feeling a swirl in my stomach, "poor In Oculis."
Dream visibly reacts to the Corinthian's old Latin name, The Eyeless.
He remnant of his creation disappears from the palm of his hand, "how long have you gone without sleep?"
I turn away from him, shrugging at his U-turn back into that conversation, "does it matter? I won't die."
"It matters because Somnium Regem is inquiring this of you."
I turn to him and repeat my answer, "I told you, ever since your castle began to crumble, it's just be me, myself, and coffee."
Somnia stands, towering over me, uncharacteristically high, "you have not slept in a hundred years?"
I look up at him with knit brows, "has anyone slept in a hundred years?"
"Then at once you must-"
"I'm not here-" I grab his collar, tugging him down slightly closer to me, "-to talk about my sleep pattern, Somnia. I'm here to make you stop sulking."
"That is not your forte, demon hunter," he brings his face close to mine, "perhaps if you were from the fifth."
"Fuck you," I snap, getting on my tiptoes to near his stupidly high face, "I'm good at everything."
Somnia grumbles something under his breath.
I release my grip on his coat and snap my fingers, "and besides," I raise my arms out to the side. I take one step back and allow myself to fall backwards. I then dip into the portal I conjured in the ground, swinging up until I was standing on the other side.
I turn over my shoulder, finding Dream was already standing there behind me. I grin, "I'm the only person who knows what it's like to be trapped for a hundred years."
Now in the confines of my home, I strut over to my sofa where an axe was placed and consecutively forgotten, "though, mine was eight hundred."
I turn to Dream, who suddenly looked uncomfortable.
I laugh at him, "wow. You finally feel bad for me? You used to be so indifferent when I mentioned that to you."
My eyes zero in on the note on my axe, hissing at the reminder that I meant to put it away last week. I grab the piece of paper, instinctively crumpling it. I instantly regret my innate inclination to destroy, cursing under my breath, then flattening out the thing.
"Make yourself at home, Morpheus," I rub the paper in my hand, "let me just put this thing back where it came from."
I grab the axe and prop it on my shoulder.
Dream does not make himself at home; he instead follows me as I walk to the weapons room. I give him a look, "I guess you can feed the gremlins in the basement if you want."
"I would rather follow you."
I shrug, "ok then."
I make my way down the hall, and open the light in room once I enter, revealing the age old trinkets and gadgets my family has been using since the first generation. I bring the note to a chamber that then seals the object with the rest of the artifacts like it.
Dream further scrutinizes the thing as I walk to the axe holders. "Constantine?" he says after reading what was written on the note.
I grunt as I put away the borrowed item, "the idiot wanted to borrow this," I motion to the axe in my grip, "I told her she can't touch it, touched it anyway, didn't die" I huff, after securing the axe back in its place. I place my hands on my hips as I turn to Dream, "and now I got a thank you note in return."
Dream turns back to the note that read: Thxxx -Constantine.
"Items of gratitude are the best bait for a soul suckers," I say, then pointing to a bunch of dark hued orbs on a shelf before walking over to him, "almost as good as nightmares."
I reach his side as he looks out to his gift to the sixth, the sixth generation of my family, Nightmare Marbles. They were largish glass spheres that harnesses the darkness of nightmares; a demon's equivalent to chocolate bars.
"And you relived your worst nightmare to procure so much bait, eight?" Dream whispers, turning to me with a tense expression.
I give him a look, "didn't you say my grandma from the third generation was also a sucker for punishment?"
"She did not go through her worst nightmare 78 times to make nightmare marbles."
I turn to the shelf, "damn, you managed to count all that so quickly?"
"Eight, this is-"
"What? I'm genuinely impressed!"
I freeze when he calls out my actual name. He rarely did that. In fact, there were only a few people who knew my real name and did not call me eight. Eight, as in I am from the eighth generation of demon hunters from my family. It became my name because, well, I was the only left, which was why I could not die.
I feel my belly roll at the sound. I clear my throat, weakly speaking, "what?"
"I did not gift that to your grandparents only to have you use it to punish yourself."
"Why would I want to punish myself?" I mutters, "I'm not you."
Dream is silent.
I sigh, walking out of the room, "after living out eight hundred years in hell in one fucking day, you tend to instinctively get fucked up in the brain."
I make my way down the hall, and at the end, Dream was there, already waiting for me. I give him a quick look as I pass him, "the nightmare doesn't hurt me anymore."
"Eight," he calls. I do not stop on this account. I do, however, when he asks, "why are you lying to me?"
I suck in a breath, keeping it deep in my lungs. I feel him walk up to me. I feel him take my hand.
I turn to him, sighing and brows knitting at his affection. He is still towering over me, and don't feel like craning my neck up so I don't look at him. I tighten my grip on his hand, "why are you lying to me?"
When I finally look up at him, he releases a breath. I release his hand and get on my tip toes to grab his cheeks. It was as though his glassy eyes were waiting for this moment to allow the tears to fall.
I knit my brows at the unexpected reaction. I sigh at the sight of him.
"I did not lie to you," he responds like a secret.
"Really?" I speak in disbelief as I wipe tears on his cheeks, "was it the pigeons that were lonesome, or you?"
"... both..."
I fall back onto my feet, hands trailing down to his chest, "you're right. I suck at... comfort..." I take the lapels of his coat between my fingers, "only cause I'm rough around the edges. Sorta like you," I hum, raising a brow at him, "except I can admit to it, whereas you-"
I push his chest, making him walk back all the way to the sofa my axe was moments ago. I force him down, and down he goes, bouncing on the cushion. He looks up at me as I pull away and give him a soft smile, "you need that coaxed out of you."
I was meant walk away from him, but he grabs my thigh before I can.
"Non potes exspectare dicere tale quid me derelinquas."
You cannot expect to say such a thing then leave me.
I look at the hand hooked behind my thigh. I raise my brow quizzically, "I have work."
"I am your work," he says, other hand coming to my other thigh, "your Lady commanded you to take care of me."
I snort, grabbing his chin, "no, she told me to make you stop sulking."
"Yes, she did," he hums, hands trailing down my legs, grabbing the ends of my skirt.
"You were literally crying a moment ago."
"You're a tear in my heart."
"That's a twenty one pilots song."
"And I am eager for you to make me stop sulking."
Dream's eyes are fixed on me s he leans in and begins bunching up the fabric in his palms, slowly bringing them up with his hands.
I release a sigh when his hands make it back where it was before, though perhaps a bit higher this time. I place my hands on his arms, stopping him from continuing. He turns stills like a statue before me.
I nibble my lower lip before speaking, "if we're going to do this, we do this in my terms."
His lips instantly curve up in response. He nods slowly, "in imperio tuo."
On your command.
I push him back upon hearing that, a lump in my throat forming at the words from my mother tongue. I quickly climb on to him, straddling his legs, fingers combing into the roots of his hair by his nape.
I immediately lock his lips with mine. His hands work much quickly this time around, ripping my skirt all the way up, making me raise my hands so that he can pull my dress off me.
I moan against him when his hands begin to scratch up my back. He moans against me when I grind down on him.
I pull away, catching my breath so I could take my turn in undressing him. He moves to help me rid of his ridiculous coat and when he grips his shirt, I hiss at him, giving him a stern look, "don't spoil my fun."
I then push myself off him and bunch up his shirt in my hand, dragging him all the way back to my bedroom.
Once we're there, I push him onto my bed and crawl on top of him, perching on top of his groin, slowly digging my hands into his sides, underneath his clothes.
I reveal his stomach to me, pressing my fingers down the middle of his skin, "so pretty."
His hand trail up my thighs, kneading at the flesh, humming, "yes," he tugs at my panties, "you are quite exquisite."
I chuckle, lips curving into a smile, "aww, you're going to make me blush," I swat at his hands, "hands off."
He reluctantly obeys.
At this point, I rid him off his shirt and his hands immediately move to come back to my thighs. I swat him away again, to crawl down and begin to attentively kiss his chest.
I sigh against him as his hands come to my sides. I feel the purr-like sounds he produces as I suck and graze my teeth on his muscly pec. I hum in approval when I pull away and see the blazing red mark I left on his burning white skin, "if you morph my art off your body, I will give you nightmares."
I begin working on his skin again when he laughs at my words. I feel the vibration on my lips. He rubs my shoulder with his hand, "a titillating thought."
I look at him from where he was looking down at me and bite down on the side of his ribcage. He grunts in response. I raise a brow at him, "it's a threat, Somnia."
His eyes darken, where mine sparkle.
Without warning, he pulls my head back by my hair, and pushes himself up by his other arm, "who do you think you're threatening, child?"
I wince, chuckling under my breath, "clearly this wanton creature beneath me."
He pulls me back by my hair more as he sits up all the way. I make a sound as he grabs my thigh and skids me closer on him.
Dream brings his face close to mine, nostrils flaring, as if in warning.
I chuckle, licking his lips, "remember, sweetling," I tug on his lower lip, releasing it to say, "on my command."
He sucks in a deep breath.
I raise a brow, "you wouldn't want me to leave you, now do you?"
He sighs, releasing my hair.
I push him back down, clicking my tongue as I do so, "naughty boy," I chastise, "wanting to take the reins so badly."
I begin to undo his pants, holding in my laugh at the visible imprint on him, "maybe I should take precautions before undoing you, hmm?"
I push myself off him and leaning to my side. His hands take hold of my waist as I grab something from my bedside table. I look down on him with a grin as his hands knead at me. I shake my head, "off."
Dream stills.
"Get your hands off me, Dream."
He obeys and so I take both his wrists in front of me. The golden serpent bracelet begins to then slither around his wrists. He watches this contraption shackle him and grunts, "you mock me, demon hunter."
I chuckle, moving off him, "well, you're being quite difficult."
Dream helplessly watches as I get off the bed and walk to the side of the room. I hear him try to rip at his cuffs. I laugh as I grab a silver spear, "that was a gift from Jupiter. Try not break it."
I then plummet my spear at the base of my bed. I wiggle a finger at Dream, beckoning him over, "now come over, beloved Somnia."
He does not struggle as he crawls over to me with bound hands.
"On your back," I say, "hands up."
Dream does just that, rolling on his back, bringing his bound wrists to the spear where the serpent then begins to constrict itself.
"Very good, my king."
The king makes a sound of distaste, which I heartily laugh at.
I waste no more time and quickly go to him, ridding him of his remaining clothing like a kid on Christmas morning.
My lips involuntarily part at the size of him, "fuck. I forgot you made yourself... bigger."
I find offence when he chuckles and croons, "will this be a problem?"
"No," I quip quickly.
"Very good, then," he smiles.
I mock, "very good then."
Once it was now just me, him, and his pulsing length, I begin my ministrations. I crawl back on him and grin, grabbing his hardened member, "not quite a watermelon lollipop but-" I cut myself off and take him in my mouth.
He heavily breathes out and shuts his eye. I giggle in approval over his reactions, one hand coming to my core, already slickened with arousal.
I lap my tongue around him before taking him deeper. I press both my hands on his thighs when his legs begin to stir.
I dig my nails into his hips and slowly constrict my teeth around him as I bob my head up and down him. In a sort of challenge for myself, I make an attempt to take him all. The moment he hits the back of my throat however, I begin to struggle and will myself to relax to further take him in.
When I begin to gag, I pull myself off and catch my breath, leaning my weight into, "you did this on purpose," I scoff, "you knew this would happen."
"I am not omniscient," he laughs, "I did not foresee this-"
"Oh fuck you," I cut him off, "I'm going to fucking make you cry."
Oh, you can bet that he found that funny.
His laughter was cut off when I removed my underwear, chucking my panties and bra to where ever, then mounted myself on him. I am glad I am wet enough to take him in but I cannot withhold the whine that I tried to conceal as I did so. Fuck him and his magnum cock.
Well... that was what I was doing.
Once I am on him, he lets out a moan and the pulls at his shackles, making the snake bracelet glow and constrict tighter on him.
I take my turn to laugh this time around, and my core, which was still busy adjusting to the size of him, flutters around him. I don't say it as self-satisfied as I wanted to, "serves you right."
He calls out my name. It makes my stomach roll.
I fell him slowly rock his hips into me and I push down on his chest, whining at his attempts, "stop! Stop! Give me a fucking chance."
He instantly stops and looks up at me with a worried look, "I apologize, I-"
"Shut the fuck up," I shake my head, "the more you speak, the more I want to fuck you up."
Dream presses his lips into a thin line, but he obeys.
After a while, I allow myself to ride him like an eager jockey.
I rock myself on him at a slow pace. I heave in and out at the overwhelming feel of him. My toes curl at the bundle of nerves he hits every time he fills me up to to my fucking stomach.
I sigh as I rub on my sensitive nub as I press my weight forward. I close my eyes and chew on my lip at the sensations. I drag my flesh out of my teeth as I begin to feel pressure build within me.
"More," Dream whines, craning his head up to look at me.
I look down on him, narrowing my eyes, "pretty boys like you don't ask," I mutter, "they beg."
I push my hands on his chest and lean down to give him a kiss, all while keeping the slow pace of my thrusts. When he meets me halfway to take my lips in his, I dodge him, then rub my nose on his, "I said beg. Beg for me."
He moves his head closer to catch my lips, and I pull all the way back, sitting up again to look down on him in disappointment. He whines, pulling his arms, making my contraption glow and constrict all over.
He drops his head in defeat. I chuckle.
"Beg," I call out louder.
Dream gulps, "please."
"Please, what?" I cease the roll of my hips, "please stop?"
He heaves, lifting his head back up, ripping at his wrist, "please don't stop."
"Mmm," I nod, "but I'm a little confused, my lord," I massage my breasts, "what exactly should I be doing?"
He watches my hands for a moment. I'm amused it actually distracts him. I chuckle, "Earth to Dream?"
Dream sighs.
"Somnia?" I drag out.
"Move your hips," he says breathlessly.
I hum, pretending to debate his words.
"Please," he adds, making me smile.
I rub my wetness on him, "you mean like this?"
Dream sighs, gulping roughly, "no."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, but I have no idea what you mean, my king," I pout, making no attempt to give him what he so clearly wanted.
"Thrust into me," he sputters, "ride me like an eager jockey."
I snort, breaking into a laugh. I feel a rush shoot through me. My hands come up to my cheeks, "you heard that?" I giggle, "dirty, dirty boy, listening to my thoughts."
"Please," he strains, pulling at his binds again. He drops his head, huffing, "please move."
"Well, now that you're asking me so nicely," I muse, shifting on him, hands falling back on his chest. I begin to move up and down, slow and steady, emptying out and getting filled right back in with his stiffened length.
He moans in approval, eyes closing in pleasure. I sigh and lick my upturned lips, "better, baby?"
"Yes," he drags out a breath, "yes, thank you."
I groan at his words, moving a bit faster, "oh fuck, that's hot. Am I making you feel good?"
"Yes. Very good."
I whine, "fuck."
As I move on him, I savor his feel, how he's deliciously stretching me out and how my insides were sucking him in.
I momentarily slow when I hear a strained crackling sound in front of me. What the fuck was that?
It takes me about two seconds to realize it was my bracelet. Oh fuck.
I feel my inside flutter at the possible threat literally about to unravel before me. I lick my lips, "you enjoying yourself, Dream?"
He only moans in response.
"That's not an answer, darling?" I hum, slowing down all over again.
His eyes break open and his jaw tenses. I hear a fucking cracking sound. Is that my spear or my bracelet?
"Come on, use your words, Prince of Stories."
"I want you to move faster," he mutters gutturally.
What the fuck, is that my floor?
I dig into the side of his ribs and give in to his pleas. He moans and shuts his eyes again, but the strain on my bracelet does not waver. I watch as the object burns brighter.
I whimper when Dream begins to move beneath me. I tear my gaze from his wrists to his face, scowling at him, "behave."
To my surprise, he obeys, then whispers, "please kiss me."
I coo at his sentiment, feeling my core for him. I lean over and plant my lips on him. I moan at the feel of his tongue sneaking into my mouth.
I bring my grip onto the mattress and begin moving faster than I have yet. I whine and pull away from him to catch my breath, "giddy fucking up horsey."
It takes me a second to realize what I just fucking said.
The next moment, I grunt and find myself giggling. I crack myself up with how wholeheartedly stupid and dick delirious I've become. As I continue to laugh, I find myself slowing to prioritize my amusement while I screw my eyes shut.
I was soon very clear that it was a poor choice.
All at once, there was a loud snapping sound. The moment I opened my eyes, I behold a broken bracelet and a bent spear. Oh, yeah, and he unamused Dream of the Endless that was now slowly sitting up in front of me.
I release a final chuckle.
My sounds go dry as his hands take my hips and he brings his face closer to me, "I do not appreciate the fact you're so easily distracted while making love to me, my dear."
I grunt when he bucks into me. My arms wrap around his shoulders as my voice hikes up with his movements. I wrap my legs around his torso as I mumble halfheartedly, "we're not making love, we're... we're fucking."
He groans at that, moving in to kiss me feverously. I whine when his fingers rub at my core. Dream pulls away, forehead resting on mine, "you mock me so readily."
"Yeah," I huff, "well you deserve-"
I choke on my next words as I plummet back into my bed where Dream takes the reins fully, rocking into at a tempo that pleased him, and, well, me.
I mindlessly call his name, legs and arms wrapping around him as he moderately fucks into me. My bed creaks at his force.
It doesn't take long for him to speed up.
I whine and screw my eyes shut.
"Is this a good pace? Am I pleasing you?" he mutters against my neck.
I open at the sound of his words. He did not speak with the same taunting tone I had. He asks me this in genuine inquiry, genuinely intent on finding out if he was, in fact, pleasing me.
I pepper his jaw with kisses then nibble on his earlobe before replying, "yes, my sweet boy," I moan, "you can move a little faster if you want to."
"I want to," he quickly responds.
I sigh, "then faster, baby."
He moans and kisses me in response. His movements rip out a deep cry from deep within me as he hastens.
"That's it," I struggle, one hand digging into his unruly hair, pulling at it, "you're doing so good for me. So good."
The king growls against me, sucking at my neck, just below my jaw.
"Fuck," I sigh, "dulcis somnium meum."
My sweet dream.
He adjusts me beneath him, hands coming to thighs, squeezing the area as he presses deeper, "you feel so good around me."
My toes curl at his words and my skin breaks out in goosebumps at his hot breath.
"Pretiosum venatorem," Dream dictates 'my precious hunter,' sucking on the base of my throat, "such beautiful sounds."
My breath quickens with his actions. I roll my head back as my fingers dig into his spine.
"Dic quomodo sentio," he breathes against me, "quaeso."
Tell me how I make you feel... please.
"Good," I whimper, "great," I whine, "et stupri magna." So fucking great.
"Beautiful," he retorts, "so beautiful like this, so beautiful beneath me."
I feel myself coil up around him. He seems to feel it too, since his one hand leaves my thigh to rub at my pulsing heat.
He muses to me in Latin. He speaks poetry to me in my native tongue, praising my lips, my breath, my warmth, and how I was taking him so well.
I return his poetry with deep grunts and age old curses that would make the Roman deities shun me in sore displeasure.
And yet Somnia kisses me, practically eating up my vile words like honey and delivers me into pure adoration, pure fucking ecstasy.
I yelp when I break beneath him. I whine and rip at him, teeth digging into his shoulder, legs constricting around him tighter. The sensation is further intensified when I feel him release into me, pace now maddeningly fast, brutal, and delicious.
"Yes, Dream!" I call, helplessly spiraling under him. "Praise to the Dream Lord," I find myself whining in Latin as I ride out my high and quiver out all the breath that's left in my lungs.
He moans, kissing my cheek, replying in the same language, "I accept you adoration." He takes a moment before dragging out my name from his lips. It makes my stomach roll even further and my body tense tighter.
The Dream Lord takes my thighs into his hands again as he rides the both of us through our peaks, brutal yet caring all at once.
I melt into a bag of boneless flesh the next moment.
When he eventually relents, I catch my breath against his jaw, rubbing my nose on his skin affectionally.
Once he is stagnant above me, he turns to me and places kiss on my lips. After a moment, he pulls away and opens his mouth to speak. He doesn't get to however, as suddenly my bed creaks and all at once, one leg snaps and I squeal as we both slide roughly down to the floor.
I cling onto him for dear life as he pushes up against me, both keeping us from falling any further and poking into the root of my womanhood. My mouth releases a lewd cry in response.
I catch my breath as he lifts his head up and surveys the damage.
"Did you," I pant, "fucking break my bed?"
Dream turns to me, lips barely parting, "I..." he starts, "my apologies."
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thisismeracing · 1 year
can you please write about Mick getting carried away making out with you in his drivers room
hi, nonny, since you did not specify I went for a small blurb, I hope that was ok and hope u like it 🫶🏾 here you go.
pairing: reader (no pronouns used!) x mick schumacher
wc: 0.5k
warnings: suggestive language, mentions of crazy places to have sex, dry humping, not proofread. +18. Minors DNI!
It was a bit after quali, the atmosphere hectic in the garage since Mick got P6 to start the next day, but he was just happy you could make it the whole week with him after struggling to match both of your schedules. So after talking with everyone and basking in the happiness of a good, almost incredible, position, Mick went to his driver's room to get back to himself, breathe, drink his water, and eventually change from his race suit.
Both lying on his couch, half of you draped over his still fireproof suit-clad body, you were lazily running your nails on the nape of his neck and even threading your fingers through his short hair. Mick was anxious, but a good kind of edgy, more relieved after all the stress, but he was happy with the fact that he had you around to pamper him. The truth was, he missed you like crazy.
So when his hands tightened around you and his lips found yours in a heated kiss, you were not even slightly surprised. He surprised you though when he moved his body to have more access to you and pushed your dress higher exposing your thighs and panties.
“Mick,” you breathe, trying to catch up with both: the fact that he doesn’t usually make out like this outside your house especially not at his driver's room where god knows anyone could walk in, and the fact that his kisses were hungry, taking everything he could. Curious, but precise, hands wandering around your torso, or legs.
“I just- missed you so much, and I am so relieved I got a good start for tomorrow,” he mumbles against your neck, lips biting and kissing your flesh and consequently getting a whimper out of you.
He hardens against your tighs when he hears and feels how your body answers to his. It’s just a beat before his lips find yours in another kiss, and his fingers brush against the inside of your legs nudging them apart and fitting his body there. You moan when your most intimate parts brush together and Mick swallows it grunting and smashing your bodies even closer.
“Fuck, Micky, you’re making me horny,” you hiss, grinding your pussy against his hard cock, still covered by his race suit.
Schumacher smirked against your lips, biting your chin and kissing your jaw, his hands starting a path to your chest, he was well aware of how hard your nipples were against the fabric of your dress, however when he was almost there, finally on the verge of throwing everything throw the window and fucking you on his driver's room couch, someone knocked on the door.
“Media duty again in 15, Mick!! We will be waiting.”
“Scheiße,” he cursed, dropping part of his weight deliciously on top of you.
You giggled, bringing his body closer and hugging him.
“Guess we won’t be able to tick driver's room from the crazy-places-to-have-sex list just yet,” you joke.
“Well, we still have 15 minutes,” Mick grins suggestively.
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uchihaharlot · 4 months
I asked about Obito and Itachi’s crush offering a massage. And loved it. And now I am here to beg for a more…NSFW version? Please?
Consider your wish granted. 😈 I probably should have done that first time around, but sometimes I like writing fluffier cutesy things.
Also, my apologies nonny! I try to answer these in the order that was received, but there are often shorter drabbles I like to work with first. ❤️🫶
NSFW; dom-ish…Obi (wuuuuhhh??); assplay; penetration; soft/needy Itachi (🥹); soul sucking blow job; these men live the good life, I swear!! Someone come rub my busted ass hip!! 🥹😭😭
His crush is a bit perturbed this time around. Why the hell didn’t he get the message the first time she took his damn shirt off?? He’s a bit…dense, ok? Obito is not stupid though, he definitely had a feeling she was up to something. Mm, still up to it this time too, man just didn’t want to get his hopes up. This time he doesn’t stop her when she rucks his shirt up, a little more rough than necessary. Her greedy hands mapping every small dip and minor scar on his back. Roaming down his hard muscles and up to his neck. Despite having small hands, his crush works out those tired muscles and soothes his aches.
‘Let me return the favor.’ It was bold, yes, and laced with a devious tone. Obito couldn’t think of a better way to make her squirt squirm than to return the gesture. ‘Finally.’ She thinks.
He does the same to her as she did him, removing her shirt and bra. Spinning her around pressing stomach flat to floor. Firmly dragging calloused hands over warm flesh. How soft and delicate she left in the hands of a man who has seen caused destruction. How he could destroy her with just a few thrusts. The first kiss on her shoulder has her heart racing. Obito’s warm breath was katon heat on her skin and caused goose flesh to break out. Searing smaller teasing kisses in his wake, Obito lifted her hips and pressed his severely aching girth to her and bent down to whisper in her ear.
‘Is this what you want?’ Dragging his lips down her backside again, lowering his briefs to let out cock and run it against her thigh until it pressed against her clothed heat.
‘..yes.’ Panting already, how badly this girl tried the first time around, she shouldn’t be this breathless. Obito didn’t want to make things any more tantalizing than they already were, but nonetheless, he pressed into those moist panties before slipping his arousal down between her thighs and shutting them.
Bodies pressed close, Obito gently rocked with her. Dragging his girth in and out of her thighs, the head of his cock was a great visual when she looked through her arms. Mimicking hard thrusts, she only imagined how full of him she would be. Why was he taking so long, ‘Obi..?’
‘Ask nicely.’ High on himself, Obito lowered the remaining barrier between them. Stuck his thumb in his mouth and ran it over the sensitive skin between her cunt before slipping it into her ass. The sound that ricocheted out the back of her throat made him press in further. Obito gently tugged her clit with his freehand, ‘or I’ll stop.’
‘No!’ Desperate, sheer lifted her head to look over her shoulder. ‘…please. Obito, gods please.’ He ran that hand to push her panties down to her knees and parted them a little, tracing her entrance.
‘Please. What?’
When her response was his fat cock, only then did Obito brazenly sheath himself to the hilt and slowly drag in and out. The loud mewl she let out told Obito he needn’t be too careful, if she was taking him this well. She could handle a little more. His thumb rocked in and out of her ass, hurried but precise. The way her soft but taut cunt sucked him in more as his thumb worked a different nerve, delivered coinciding sensations.
Her body quaked with his. Obito can only act tough for so long. The second her fluttering walls encapsulate his throbbing cock, its game, set and match. Neither one of them can keep quiet. Whispers of ‘I’m going to pump you full of my cum’ to ‘gonna put a baby in you’ seemingly come from a deep seated desire.
Her into reprieve is to thrust back into him with as much force, feeling the tip of his length kiss the spongey muscle of her cervix. Tap, tap and then the warmth of his loins spreads through her insides. Leaving a line of it down his shaft when he slips out.
They’ll lay on the floor in blissful silence, softly petting one another hair, face and body. Deep slow kisses until the euphoria has subsided.
Gurl is making Itachi flustered this time around. Two back rubs back to back, barely 24 hours apart. His genius didn’t leave room for debate, she was DTF. Just how far was this girl willing to go to please him? When she ran her hand over his abdomen, Itachi pulled her closer. There was no need to beat around the bush. If she really wanted it, just come out with it. Itachi was never one to mince words, he rather found being direct and concise yielded better results.
‘I know what your hands can do.’ He whispered, running a thumb down her palm. ‘I’m more curious about your mouth.’
Under the gaze of the sharingan, his crush drops to her knees. She’s gentle but eager with unfastening his slacks. Tracing the hair that peaks, he slouches in his chair. It wasn’t like he had anywhere to be. In the privacy of his own home he could give in to a prohibition or two. As his crush runs her hands over his briefs, both hands pulling down at the hem. He took himself in in hand and tapped the tip of his cock to her lips. She eagerly swiped up his shaft, Itachi growled lowly. Choked out when she sank the warmth of her mouth over his aching cock, to the base and back. Looked up at him and did it again. And again, taking the plunge over his aching head, and fully reaching the back of her throat. Gag reflex seemed nonexistent relatively quickly.
His eyes rolled shut when she tugged his testicles a little and took him in stride again. The urge to ram his cock in her mouth almost took precedence over the desire to last a little longer. Itachi was not virginal by any means, but goddamn his crush was making him feel like a half cocked 16 year old again. When she took him in both hands he went incoherent. Her breathy laugh and whispers fell on deaf ears, ‘does this feel good ‘Tachi?’ Followed the sounds of his low moans and pleas. Itachi gripped a hand at the back of her head to pull her off, but she neither yielded nor slowed down.
He wasn’t a push over, but that familiar itch of the floodgates opening up was the harbinger to the loud grunt that crawled out his throat. Her hands delicately worked his throbbing cock, the tingle scrunched up his balls and soothed the ailment for release. She drank him in full. Allowing the tip of his cock to ram the back of her throat once more as his creamy sperm coated and sloshed down her throat. Unfazed by the bitterness, and her little seductive pop off his cock. It drove him bonkers, Itachi bent down eagerly for a kiss. What was it about a woman drinking from your cock like a straw and swallowing it like the worlds freshest smoothie? Itachi gave two shits about the lingering flavor.
When she thinks he’s satisfied, he’ll bend her over and sweetly offer his gratitude…
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perfectlysaltycat32 · 3 months
any blog recommendations?
i am so so sorry nonnie for the late response!!! I hope you've been having an amazing week 🩷🫶
@mooseyhischier - she is literally the sweetest person ever and I'm so happy she's my bestie! I love her au's and is just a fun person to talk to
@crazy4smitty - also one of my besties and she has amazing smuts! A very entertaining person to talk with!!
@patosduck - another one of my besties (I have a lot lol) and she is a hilarious person to talk with! Never fails to make me smile :)
@lennysfridge - she has some amazing au's and I love her writing! The girls in her au's are very relatable
@brenbrissonwhore - my Ellie 🥺. I love her so much and she is such a sweet person! Also a big will borgen fan (who is underrated and needs more appreciation)
@whoreforcaufield - one of my besties! Like Telly (crazy4smitty) she has some amazing smuts and is a really funny person. I love talking with her
@ijustreallylovethem - she is another entertaining person to talk to! Her au's have such amazing characters and I love her writing so much :)
@yankstrash - my bestie!! She has a lane hutson au (I think and he is severely underrated) and I just love talking with her because she is such a kind person 🩷
@thatintrovertedwriter - I love seeing her interact with my bestie cami (bedsyandco) and again another very sweet person! Always makes me smile
@simp4hughes - MY SWEET LITTLE KENLY!! I literally love her so much. I just wanna pick her up and hug her 🥰
Ok so there's still like 10-20 blogs I want to recommend so I'll reblog this in a bit with more recommendations!! Thank you again nonnie for your patience
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dylan-duke · 13 days
You might’ve already done these things, but can we have Nora’s reaction to Jack having to get surgery? Or a little blurb of Nora during the hughesbowl like her just running around Roger’s arena bc uncle Jacky and uncle Lukey are there? please and thank you🫶🏻🫶🏻
ok nonny this is a lot so I'm going to answer ONE question at a time lol I'm drunk
i know i wrote a tiny blurb about nora sending jack a video after his surgery. hoping that he's ok and that she misses him i don't think the reaction would be all that just her wanting to be with him and worried about him being ok lots of facetimes
i've also wrote about nora running around both the prudential center and roger's arena and bothering her uncles
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jhjluvs · 6 months
possessive boyfriend ricky and baby trapping 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
nonnie this broke me the best way i hope u know that!! not suuper proud of this n it’s a bit messy sighhh but i hope i enjoy 🫶
possessive boyfriend ricky who loves you his perfect pretty girlfriend so much n wants you to be his forever so he decides to trying gettin u pregnant so you’ll have to get married and then boom ur legally his wife n his 4ever (it doesn’t always work like that but shh he don’t need to know)… he promises he’ll pull out when he fucks you but your pussy just feels so good around him n he just has to cum inside poor kitty baby can’t help it :(( bonus points if he’s subbing and you’re a mean mommy that makes fun of him after noticing he didn’t pull out,, you’re not stupid like your kitty is (it’s ok he likes it when ur mean <3) :( poor baby acts all confused of course when you take a pregnancy test a few months later n it comes out positive he’s like :0 i swear i pulled out!! what a silly boy… but you know he didn’t (and secretly you’re not even that mad,, you weren’t on the pill after all). and deep down you know your hot sexy boyfriend just wants you allll to himself and has since you met,, he’s sooo possessive all the time, has to be touching your waist or thigh or kissing you often to let everyone you meet know you’re his girl… can’t help it when he’s got such a pretty gf like you by his side!! but when you two first started dating ricky began thinking abut you as his perfect little wife to have n hold forever n for you to carry his kids (if you want to do that... he’s open to adoption as a last resort lol) bc you’re so wonderful he knows you’d be the best mommy n he loves you so much,, to be have you and a few mini shens by his side forever would be a dream come true for him :( ricky’s sooo excited his plan worked too, he had no idea you wanted it just as bad he’s so silly!! ricky wants to be a dad so badly and when you tell him you want to keep the baby he’s over the moon :3 spoils you and baby at every opportunity (read: all the time) bc you’re His Babies n you both deserve only the very best <33 he even proposes to you so sweetly after baby is born to make sure you’re his for realsies like … you’re His wifey and no one else’s nope!! no one can take you from him now that would just be wrong!! you’ll be his perfect beautiful wife 4ever n ever just like he’s always wanted 🥺🥺
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lostmykiliel · 1 month
Thank you for putting that humongous insta dump into context 😅
If you don’t mind, could you elaborate on that whole shared suite thing you alluded to? 👀 no pressure though xx
Hey nonnie,
You're welcome. Glad you liked it! ☺️
Honestly I contemplated if and how I should post about it for a long while now, but I guess I teased a little too much with my last post so it's probably only fair to give context.
Disclaimer: This is solely based on my interpretation of what they posted. It's not like I was there or have any kind of insights. Furthermore I give you the material without lengthy explanations, please compare it for yourself and form your own opinion.
Intro: MileApo (& Tong & Bas & team) did a Hong Kong Trip in November 2023. They went there for a Dior Event, The Magical Man Suang Tour and Disneyland (where parts of the 'Without you' MV were filmed). While they were there, they stayed at the Rosewood Hong Kong hotel.
So why do I believe Mile & Apo most likely stayed in the same suite?
The suite in question is called Harbour Corner Suite and looks like this:
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This is a full room tour with all the corners and details:
Match the view, furniture and details to this:
The Dior promo clips:
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[Mile full clip] [Apo full clip]
Ok so honestly both using the same suite for filming promo isn't uncommon, right? However both of them posted from it various times afterwards, in private moments as well.
Bedroom view:
Mile: Apo:
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Living room view:
Mile: Apo:
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Bathroom/Bedroom Mile:
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Bathroom Apo:
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Living room Apo*:
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*Apo deleted this one shortly after posting.
Little side note at the end: Please feel free to compare it to other suites as well.
So have fun comparing. Hope this helps! 🫶
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tojigasm · 1 year
bro i was daydreaming of this and i wanna share it w you omg
ok imagine that toji and reader are hosting some sort of cookout or bbq or whatever. theres music playing, they invited a few of their friends and family and theyre just having a fun time. there are kids running around, ppl dancing, drinking, eating the whole shabang.
however, the reader is alone in the upstairs bathroom taking her third pregnancy test of the evening bc shes been having symptoms all week but she hasnt told toji. its not like she's upset - if anything shes overjoyed but she wants to make sure she is actually pregnant before she tells him. she doesnt know how he will react bc he already has baby megumi so maybe he wont want another kid but shes not like stressed over it, uno? she waits 2 minutes after peeing on the stick and its just suspense. like the music from downstairs is thumping, her heart is racing and the only thing homegirl can focus on is the slow drip of the faucet as she bounces her leg in anticipation. and once again the test is positive and atp shes crying tears of joy.
in the heat of the moment (idk how to say it), she grabs the tests and runs downstairs squeezing past guests, through to the backyard where more ppl are. theres tears streaming down her face, shes looking for her bf and when she spots him sitting at a table talking w his friends, she literally jumps toji, clutching the tests as she sobs.
he obv didnt notice what shes holding so he's like "sum wrong, kid?" and hes lowkey worried (ppl are looking over atp like why tf is this bitch crying). she just shows him the tests and she says "im pregnant toji, im pregnant omg, look😭" and when he sees the positive sign on the tests, he grabs her by the waist and spins her and ppl are cheering and stuff.
for the rest of the night the news spreads to all the guests and ppl are congratulating the couple as they leave one by one. there are still a few ppl around but most have left. toji and reader are still outside, her in his lap and its breezy outside and the moon is fully out now, casting soft moonlight over their features. hes saying sweet nothings into her ear as he holds her tight and they're making idle conversation abt what they're gonna do and what they're bby is gonna be like. stuff like "ilysm pretty girl. im so fucking happy, u know that?" or "i hope they have ur eyes, toji" and theyre both just watching toddler megumi inside watching tv (or whatever toddlers do idk) and theyre just so happy abt what the future holds for em 🤭🤷‍♀️
ew now that ive written this its lowkey embarrassing but what do u think😭☹️
:(( this is so cute nonnie
Ty so so much for sharing this with all of us 🫶🫶 and toji would be so so happy!! I have a feeling that he absolutely adores kids. He doesn't voice that out loud, but he's a sucker for Megumi and would do anything for his babies <33
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buckgasms · 2 years
I love ALL of your work!! So...can i think i have an idea that I'd like to read about😌
What about arranged marriage!to Bucky, where y'all don't like each other at first but then you slowly build a close relationship? I'm also thinking some angst, or maybe even hate sex at first and then when the time progresses, them falling in love and having more passionate, intimate sex😍😍
Hello sweet Nonnie ❤️ yes this sounds amazing! I decided to put it with the Royalty AU for the 2k celebration I hope that's ok! Thanks so much for your kind words ☺️❤️😘
Warnings: angry sex, arranged marriage, pregnancy mention, mostly just soft 🫶🏻
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- Maybe you have known Bucky since childhood when you were betrothed and you never got on.
- Everytime you met at parties and balls you would have to dance with him and sit near him to appease the people watching.
- But you would spend the whole time bickering and poking holes at each other and being rude but smiling and kissing hands and cheeks all the time.
- Neither of you are thrilled about the wedding but Bucky had to admit you looked beautiful in your dress. He wasn't going to tell you that though.
- And you would never tell him how handsome he looked in his suit, hair slicked back and eyes like the ocean....
- No, that was none of his business...
- Despite tradition, you didn't consummate the marriage for a while after your wedding.
- You did share a bed, which was challenging enough.
- You stole blankets, he snored, you talked in your sleep, he wouldn't stay on his side of the bed....
- The first time you had sex it was actually chaos.
- You were having a huge fight. Shouting at each other all the way from the ballroom to the bedroom.
- You slammed the door and said "fuck you" and he threw his jacket across the room and said "you wish".
- Then it was basically a game of chicken. You both stripped off bit by bit, glaring at each other.
- When his pants came off you smirked at his cock, internally sweating at how good it looked. But you weren't to be outdone.
- You dropped your underwear to the floor and stood in front of him, eyebrows raised in a "are you going to do something or not?" face.
- Then he's on you, pressing you up against the door and kissing you so angrily and you biting his lip and digging your nails into the soft skin of his back.
- You push him to the bed, he drags you with him. You both fight to be on top but he wins eventually.
- His kisses are.... Good 🤌🏻
- You don't want to admit it but my god he knows what he's doing. You tell yourself you don't care if you enjoy it. He should be pleasing you and making you feel good... You'd earned it.
- He teased you though, whispering dirty things at you:
- "Didn't know my wife was such a slut"
- "Been dying for this haven't you?"
- "Listen to you...so fucking needy"
- You told him to shut his mouth and fuck you already, so he did.
- After that your relationship changed a little.
- Because neither of you could deny that you were definitely compatible in one way.
- A simple hate fuck had lasted all night long, and at some point you were just kissing and touching each other before going at it again.
- Nothing had been said but the air between you had changed.
- You snapped less. He smiled at you more. When you sat together there was less mocking and when you danced you actually enjoyed each others company.
- Not always though.
- You still had huge fights, but they always seemed to end the same.
- Bucky and you fucking each other like angry rabbits until you'd calmed down again.
- I wonder if something big has to happen before you can both admit you are in love with each other?
- Maybe thanks to all the fucking you realise you are pregnant?
- You're crying your eyes out because you are scared shitless, you think your husband hates you, it's all just too scary.
- And then Bucky appears, he's smiling at first until he sees you crying and he kinda forgets himself and strides over pulling you into his arms and holding you while you have your meltdown.
- When you finally calm down he brings you to sit on his lap in a little window seat, the sunlight shining down on you both like a reinassance painting.
- When you tell him you're pregnant he flushes, fear and joy running through his body.
- But then you tell him how you think he hates you, and he feels awful.
- He pulls your face towards his and strokes your soft cheeks with his fingers.
- "I don't hate you, you silly thing.... I love you..."
- You sniffle and hiccup before you look up at him and smile.
- "Really?"
- He laughs and leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, which you return happily, clinging to his shirt and pulling him into you.
- From then on, your nightly sessions become gentler, slower and even better than before.
- You spend the nights exploring each others bodies, kissing everything, touching whatever you can reach.
- "God you're so perfect"
- "Take me so well, fucking made for me"
- "Gonna keep you like this all the time"
- Even his whispers become softer and sweeter, but they still drive you crazy.
- You wail and whine for him, run your hands over his body and pull him down for kisses and bites.
- The quiet moments in the night are filled with giggles and kisses.
- Afterwards, everyone would say they knew all along that you loved each other. Maybe you did, but you were happy that you'd reached that in your own time...
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farfromstrange · 3 months
Ok so
Daddy issues is so relatable, as in like growing up in a rough childhood (specially with a dad like that) I felt it to my bones.
Srsly, your writing made me feel like I was being heard. Like, now people are gonna realise why I don’t like when people get mad and raise their voices, why I’m such a people pleaser, why I wanna be liked more than hated.
And I can’t thank you enough, because not only did I feel like my story is kinda being said. But THE MATTHEW MURDOCK is the king comforting me, and I felt a huge sense of comfort (it sounds weird Ik) when I finished reading that.
I keep on rereading it a lot and it makes me feel so safe and secure for some reason.
Ik, you’re probably not gonna read this 😭😭.
But this is my thank you for being such an amazing writer!!!
Nonnie, it took me two days to figure out how on earth to reply to this because it made me so emotional, I struggled to find the right words.
First of all, I’m so horribly sorry that you had your childhood was the way it was. It’s not something you would wish on anyone. I think no one really wants to relate to what I discussed in Daddy Issues, but there are a lot of people who do, especially from the experiences they’ve had with their fathers. It’s needless to say that you deserve the world and that being treated like that is not the way to treat your own child.
That being said, you being so brave as to tell me this made my heart swell to, like, twice its usual size because I realized once again that this right there is the reason I even decided to post Daddy Issues. As self-indulgent as that fic is, and as much as I struggled with whether to post it or not, I figured that some of you guys might feel the same way or have experienced something similar, so I posted it in the hopes of not crossing a line by being too personal.
Reading all the responses ever since I posted it made me come to the realization though that a lot of you have also been traumatized by at least one parent in your lives, and it’s a cathartic experience every time to see and hear that I’m not alone in this, in what I’m struggling with—what we’re struggling with—and that you guys now know that you are not alone in this either. That’s why posting this fic was 100% worth it.
People who have not gone through the same thing often have a hard time understanding why we cry when someone yells at us, or why we feel like we always have to please everyone. They don’t understand that daddy issues often stem from serious trauma—it’s not just being drawn to dangerously older guys, and it’s not something to be sexualized in that context because daddy kinks are an entirely different thing—and that tends to make you feel extremely lonely because you feel like you’re exaggerating and ‘oh a lot of people have had it worse than me’. That’s hurtful though because everyone’s feelings are valid, and trauma will always be horrible, no matter the extent.
(And there is hardly enough representation of that particular psychological issue)
I didn’t think this fic would bring that many people together, but I’m so glad it did. I’m so glad it gave you, nonnie, some semblance of comfort, and that you’re finally feeling some kind of heard. Because you are. I feel you.
Sometimes all it takes is someone who understands. Sometimes we all just need a little bit of comfort. And sometimes people don’t understand, but the important thing to note is that you’re not alone. You’re never alone.
Anyway, you just made me cry. I’m not even kidding. I feel so grateful that I get to share my experiences with you through fiction, and that it actually helps you guys in a way. And it’s words like yours that inspire me to keep writing, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Whoever you are, I hope you’re having an amazing day, and I’m sending you a big hug 🫶🏻 And this is also a gentle reminder that you’re going to be okay!
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moonlightdarlings · 1 year
hi!! thank you for doing my request once again!!🥰💙
i have another idea, this one goes more into hurt/comfort, i think: what are the bad batch boys most insecure about? and how would they react when the reader comforts them when they feel insecure (and what would be the best way to comfort them?) ❤️
bad batch insecurities
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warnings: slight angst, not proofread!
a/n: i’m not exactly happy with this but we move on! this was actually kinda cute and i’m shocked it took me awhile to write 😭 thank you nonnie for requesting and i hope this is up to your standards🫶🏼 as always, if there’s anything i should fix, please let me know :)
what he's insecure about: i think echo is insecure about his cybernetics but more so about his battle scars. his battle scars aren't physical, but it's the scars left behind from losing his previous squad. he's witnessed loss ever since he was a rookie, and he's tried to be numb to it...but he just can't get rid of the fact that they're no longer there. don't get me wrong, though, you recognize his pain easily. echo doesn't want to lose anyone more, hence, why he strives to protect you and the batch so often.
how you comfort him: there are always a few moments of silence while the ship goes through hyperspace and that's when you realize that echo has been silent for a while. you've always seen the hurt he hides behind his eyes, and often, you wonder if hunter's heightened senses pick up on emotional pain too. it's best if you pull echo aside, perhaps outside the ship, and just offer him company.
"why did you pull me outside?"
"echo, are you doing okay?"
"ok? of course! why do you ask?"
"echo...you've never discussed your past and all the pain you've been through so i want you to know that i'll always be your light when you find yourself in the dark, alone."
it's best to tread lightly, but he's understanding. he knows he's never mentioned his past and all the deaths he's seen. let him tell you at his own pace and all he asks is that you never push him aside. his past is littered with horror, but it's also filled with fun and so much love. he'll tell you the pain he goes through when he's ready. for now, he has lots of silly stories about his squad to tell you. give him lots of love, and kisses, and make sure to tell him daily that he's beautiful. men need affirmations too!
what he's insecure about: he thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved after he remained loyal to the Empire. he knows it's enough that he sent out the coded message, yet he still thinks it doesn't make right all the terrible things he's done.
how you comfort him: to begin with, crosshair isn't the best at sharing his emotions, so at first, it's hard to think of a way to comfort him. you aren't sure how to approach the topic, so you start by asking him if he's glad to be back with his squad. he’d probably be more comfortable if you start by sharing some of your fears too. he’s done things that shouldn’t be done, convincing himself that he does it because he only knows the orders given to him. deep down, he knows that what the empire is doing is wrong, but wonders if he deserves a second chance.
“hey cross, can i tell you something?”
“yeah,” he frowns, “what’s up?”
“even if you don’t see it or are aware of it, you’re loved so much. it’s easy to hide the pain and i’m sorry, love. you’ve been through so so much. the batch and i never considered you evil, and despite your flaws, i love you. know that i’ll be with you every step of the way and that you’ll never be alone again.”
"but how? how could you choose to stay when i'm a sinner, a failure. the day i chose to follow order 66, a part of me knew that i had let you and my squad down." he trailed off, eyes glossy as he fought tears.
you grab his face, making sure his watery eyes looked straight into yours, "listen. in this cruel world, you went through hell and back. even if you think you're a broken, flawed sinner, and you wonder if anyone loves you, my answer will be yes until the end of time. your soul is akin to an intense, melancholic symphony filled with sadness, hurt, tears, and loneliness. don't be afraid, love, for you have us. for the rest of your life, you'll never be alone. you're home now."
what he's insecure about: he’s mostly insecure about saving you and his squad. if anything were to happen, he’d take the blame instantly. he gets so worried when any of the calculated odds aren’t in his favor.
how you comfort him: tech is someone who is so good at hiding his feelings that you don’t really think about his anxiety until he gets a little too quiet. you sense his worry, after all, he's seen his squad have multiple encounters too close to death for his liking and seen omega take many risks in missions.
“yes? may i ask what this is about?”
“well…i’m wondering if you’re okay after everything. you've been through a lot recently. i really hope you know that you never fail to amaze me. it's only human to care so much for your brothers- they're family to you."
"i know...it's just sometimes it dawns on me that any mission could be the last. wouldn't it be nice to not be on the run for once? i wouldn't mind living a life besides the one we were engineered to have..."
"hey. it'll be okay. the dangers of what's out there are inevitable, and that's why you have to live life to the fullest. everyone deserves to relax and enjoy the happiness that life brings. even if you lose your brothers, you have to look for them in the billions of stars in the galaxy. maybe they’ll show up as stars, perhaps butterflies, so cherish their presence now. never stop caring for your brothers and stand by them. they need you now more than ever.”
what he's insecure about: this will sound so simple but he gets scared of losing you, and his squad. similar to tech, he gets nervous when anything in the plan goes wayside. his worries are so noticeable when his brows begin to furrow and his eyes are more focused.
how you comfort him: at first, you’re not sure how to communicate and comfort him. he’s the leader so he’s used to being worried, but he’s not one to share his feelings.
“hey, sarge? can we talk for a minute?”
“you’re worried, aren’t you?”
“well…yeah of course. i should be since i’m in command.”
“no- you’re worried because you’re family.”
hunter stays silent, his eyes cast towards the horizon. he knows you’re right on the money and mentions for you to continue your thoughts.
“well, as i was saying, it’s obvious that you uphold loyalty to your squad as a high priority. but there’s something else, your unrelenting empathy towards those you help. you’re clones- engineered to fight but along the way- the individuality and the sense of compassion seeped into the ranks of clones. what i’m trying to say is that your heart of gold will always help you make the right decisions. your squad will always be there for you, love. and so will i.”
what he's insecure about: he gets insecure about his intelligence, as he is usually seen as the brawn. there are times when he wishes people noticed his smarts because people underestimate him. wrecker is aware that clones are dispensable and used as the “muscle” of any mission. however, that doesn’t make him stupid or silly- he’s not childish for having a plushie. he is smart, but like other clones, often don’t get the chance to show off his smartness.
how you comfort him: the key to comforting him is to be as gentle and genuine with his feelings. he knows you and the batch care for him, but it's true that wrecker is massively underestimated. you just have to convince him that he's not lacking, tell him that he's valuable to the team, most importantly to you.
"wrecker, i have to tell you something."
"yeah, what's up?"
"i've noticed you go silent during briefings multiple times...is everything alright?"
"well yeah...it's just i don't like how the people we help only expect me to be brawn because i'm more than that. i know i'm not at tech's level of intelligence, but i'm smart too."
"oh, wrecker...think of a salvage field, okay? we're all missing parts in many ways, but if you look at yourself from a different angle, there are no missing parts. maybe we're lacking in areas of ourselves that we wished others would notice, but maybe it's time to realize that you can show your smarts on your own. why wait for someone else to notice? you've never lacked in skill, wrecker. be yourself and people will come to appreciate it."
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not-so-rosyyy · 7 months
I would genuinely be sad if you deactivated. Hope everything works out and please if you decide to leave at least make a goodbye post so that we know you're ok 💕
it's just...I've been having a health scare the past two weeks and been undergoing lab tests and such, and then earlier one of my bestfriends since childhood broke the news to us that her mom who I'm very close to has stage 4 lung cancer. on top of other things at work and my personal life. like man, sorry to dump this on the dash but when it rains it really pours, huh.
I honestly don't want to permanently delete the blog, so I was looking for a way to temporarily deactivate it but apparently that still can't be done (which is so?? @ staff it's 2023, c'mon now!!) anyway, thank you, nonny 🫶🏽 maybe I just really need the distraction from here
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