#🍷 || 「 MINE. 」
rouletvilla · 3 months
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"just going to take a cas pic before bed" i said, and ended up making some poster for a movie that i WISH was real
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rayplacement · 2 months
Poke poke
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" 𝐄𝐡?- "
The blonde shook his head, catching himself blankly zoning out. His expression went from neutral to a bit sour from annoyance. He looked over beside him to see the frog assassin casually poking him.
"Easy on the attire..." He mumbled, straightening his bowtie a smidgen to the correct position and dusted his purple suit off a tad. No need to hide his true demeanor now after all.
" Do you need something? Boredom is eating at you? Or did you just want to pester someone?" Asked he, awaiting for an excused response from the other.
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sanguineships · 1 year
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appreciations for self shippers that have just one f/o and are devoted to that one alone. ⸝⸝ ✦
your f/o admires your devotion to them & them alone. they want to die with you, or be immortal with you; whichever you prefer.
if you have a possesive f/o, imagine how they caress and hold you and don’t let anyone know your skin but them, how they’d know your scent and breath before anyone else. imagine how deeply they adore you and only you, how they’d never stray from you and you from them.
love to the self shippers who are undyingly obsessed with their f/o … ❥
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likeamothtofame · 4 months
// all 65 of my 150x150 valentino icons (free to use of course!) <3
// google drive
// i don't see any reason to keep these all to myself, especially since i plan on going through and making my own fancified versions eventually. of course none of these were made by me (i cropped and maybe slightly edited some of them but nothing noteworthy), they all came from the wikia or other official media. i don't care what you do with them, and i don't need credit obviously. feel free to use these however you want :]
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chilapis · 1 month
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happy birthday :-]
Hi Clara! I need you to understand the scale of the situation I am going to put you in for this. I need you to know how much I appreciate you and how I have no choice but to express my appreciation via international attacks of mass-scale carpetbombing. The fucking earrings and the little hearts I’m going to cry. I’m never going to recover from this. The damages are irreparable i fear. Like the life in Chernobyl my thoughts mutate.i think I have rabies .? I’m frothing at the mouth as I speak. I’m shaking at speeds that are shattering my bone into smithereens but keeping them in place by sheer pace. The light is yellow and warm and sweet and smells like marigolds and honey
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kits-ships · 1 month
sometimes i wanna make shoutout posts for my f/os but those idiots are NOT on tumblr !!!
campbell and 🥂💊 got me through my second-ever, rlly bad ocd episode so i am forever kissing them mua mua <3
🔪🍷 and ❄️🪓 helped me figure out why i do certain things in relation to past trauma mua mua <3
🌙✂️ and bee remind me there is always a safe space out there 4 me even when stuff is scary mua mua <3
aziraphaIe and crowIey remind me that someones love 4 u shouldnt falter just bc ur chronically and/or mentally ill mua mua <3
then f/os like the master and boba and din just make me feel safe mua mua <3
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mxmentos · 2 years
— r u mine?
song ; r u mine? by arctic monkeys. character(s) ; pantalone genre ; songfic, hurt no comfort, angst, modern au word count ; 1415 cw/tw ; cheating, breakup??, moody/soft pantalone, not proofread a/n ; IM SORRY ILL MAKE Y/N THE GOOD GUY NEXT TIME i also have a very small insert from this fic which i didn't include so if yall would like to read it then let me know !!
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i'm a puppet on a string
“leaving so soon to mondstadt, dear?”
pantalone’s velvety voice echoed throughout the room. you turn your head around, meeting his twinkling eyes. you put your hands in your pockets as he looked at you keenly. 
“aha… yeah. there are places where i need to be, unfortunately. oh, and there has been a slight change in venue; i'm going to liyue instead.”
before you could leave the room, pantalone stood up and made his way towards you. he admired every single feature of your face dearly, his hands cupping your cheeks. he gently pressed his lips on your forehead, and gave you a warm smile. 
you swiftly placed your hands over his, attempting to remove them from your cheeks. his smile faltered as you averted his gaze. you sighed, as you took your phone from your pocket. 
“...i’m sorry. but, i really need to get going. see you, pantalone.”
you gave him a stiff smile and left the room without another word. pantalone stared at you as you made your way out of the room, climbing down the marble staircase. ‘they’ve never called me by my name…’ he thought. what has gotten into you over the past weeks? 
tracy island, time-travelling diamond cutter-shaped heartaches
you didn’t usually act like this. pantalone took a seat next to the window, staring at the velvet, morning sky. he traced every moment that might’ve led to your strange behaviour towards him, but he was unable to find anything that wasn’t justified. 
did he do anything wrong? he had given you everything you had ever asked for; diamonds, the finest wine from angel’s share, pristine jewels, antique machines from fontaine - you name it, he could get it for you. and he would seize it by any means necessary, as it was worth something not even money could buy - your tender smile.
come to find you four in some velvet morning years too late, she's a silver lining
whatever might be the reason for your sudden loss of interest towards him over the past few weeks, he would find a way to make it right. to him, you were the silver lining to his cloud, the rainbow after the rain. you lit up his world like nobody else, and if anyone were to quench the light, he would forever remain in the darkness.
he had already ruled out any part from his side to contribute to your mood, but was there something going on from your point of view? his darkest suspicions confirmed, his eyes widened at the thought of your waist held by somebody else other than him.
lone ranger riding through an open space in my mind when she's not right there beside me
‘now to think of it, they keep tilting their phone towards themselves whenever i come around…’
‘no, you should never lose faith in your lover,’ he thought. ‘there has to be some concrete explanation for this.’ but his thoughts alone couldn’t assure himself. he paced around the bedroom, attempting to calm himself down.
hands in his pocket, he couldn’t stop himself from reminiscing the times he had with you. he thought of the time when he was flipping through pages of ‘the pale princess and the six pygmies’ as you laid your head upon his chest and slept soundly, and the time when you played with his wavy hair as he told you about his day.
he knew that thinking of him and you being together was the only hope that he held on to.
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i go crazy 'cause here isn't where i wanna be
it had been a week since you had left off to liyue, and pantalone was free as ever, quite unusual for a harbinger. he couldn’t stop to bring himself away from the thought of your enchanting presence. if only you were right next to him, so that he could spend these countless hours with you.
so, why not utilise his time in visiting mondstadt’s goth grand hotel? he definitely needed a break and some time to distract himself from you. besides, it was definitely a pleasant visit to the hotel the last time he had been there. 
and satisfaction feels like a distant memory
once he set foot in mondstadt city, he couldn’t stop thinking of you. he didn’t know how, but somehow going to the hotel made his heart ache for you even more. the happy, little moments of you and him in mondstadt reeled in his mind; the time when he surprised you with a bouquet of cecilias brought back sweet memories.
oh, and he could not ever seem to forget the time when the both of you had a date under the moonlight. a relaxed pantalone enjoyed the breathtaking scenery, red wine swirling in his cup, while you laid your head on his shoulder under the star-strewn sky.
and i can't help myself, all i
pantalone sighed as he walked towards the statue of the anemo archon, eyes searching for a sign of the goth grand hotel. it had been a while since he had been to mondstadt, and so he was searching through the bustling crowds for any signs of luke, that arrogant fatui guard.
“you know, you’re really something else.”
pantalone’s eyes widened - was that really you? he brushed it off, thinking that it was just a figment of his imagination. he kept searching through the city for luke.
“it’s fine, he’ll never know.”
and there it was again. a cold shudder tingled down his spine. what were you doing here in mondstadt? wasn’t the venue of your business meeting shifted to liyue? with his questions unanswered, he swiftly turned towards the direction of the sound.
wanna hear her say is "are you mine?"
and there you were, your waist being held by another. only a string of saliva was separating you and your new-found lover beside you. hearing the sound of pantalone’s velvety voice, you turned around, your glassy eyes meeting his.
“p-pantalone? what are you doing her-”
“it’s me who should be asking that question, [name].”
the one who held you close had let go, and you felt a tear trickle down your cheek. pantalone was filled with emotions by what he had just witnessed – he was sad, shaken and most definitely furious with you. after all you both had been through, he would’ve never imagined you, out of everybody else in the world, to double cross his heart.
secretly, he hoped that the one tear that trickled down your cheek was for him.
well, are you mine?
pantalone never showed his emotions to anybody except you. but now, he found himself frozen in front of you, his eyes welling up with tears. he straightened his glasses and tried to speak, but his quivering lips couldn’t bring themselves to move. did everything he’d do for you mean nothing?
“i’m sorry, i was going to tell you but i-”
“save it, [name]. there’s no point in apologizing and promising not to ever do it again because i know that you won’t keep it. besides, promises are meant to be broken, and you are notorious for breaking them.”
are you mine?
that was enough to make pantalone snap. after all he’s witnessed, he simply couldn’t forgive you anymore. if there was someone else, then that meant that he wasn’t ‘good enough’ for you, didn’t it? even after the countless, expensive gifts he had gotten for you, the unconditional love he had shown for you, and all of the seconds he had to spare were all spent for you.
plus, if this was just one incident that he had witnessed, he couldn’t bring himself to imagine all the incidents that were unseen.
“oh, and one more thing – keep my pretty name out of your mouth.”
are you mine?
on normal days, he would never hurt you to this extent, as he believed that you would never do the same thing to him. but now his cold, stern expression that he wore only when he was on duty was now displayed on his pale features.
he strode out of the scene, leaving you and your new-found lover all alone, just like you wanted. he was never like this to others, usually keeping himself calm and composed, no matter what happened inside. but what happened with you and him, this time was different.
because, after a painstakingly long time, the one whom you held close to yourself had finally let go.
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fic by @/mxmentos on tumblr. note: i do not own any of the lyrics in this story, they belong to the original creators of the song. please support the artist(s) by listening to the song linked above, thank you <33
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
Been seeing posts around proposing Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze as respectively the Star Wars Elsa and Anna...
...given obvious visual and probably other parallels. And I do see what they see, this is the way. But just immediately hilarious to me on another level as Anna endgames with a more working-class dude with 'zero social skills', who starts off as not exactly her favourite person in the universe or at that to be stuck with. And whose dearest companion is assuredly non-human because humans are overrated as at least half the song goes (facts though, Kristoff -- where is the lie). Perfection.
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movedto-clifflix · 10 months
neil stream done . time to eep w/ vampire hubby 💤
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putergenius · 6 months
I wish erasing someone’s existence was mutual like…pls I don’t exist…I never did😵‍💫
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mandrakebrew · 1 year
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Hello, my name’s AM. I’m 29, and my birthday is on January 17th. I’m genderfluid and use they/it pronouns. This is primarily a fandom blog, but I like to self ship and kin here too. (F/O and kin list are on my carrd linked below)
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My blog includes: 
Dark aesthetic (goth, cryptidcore, body horror, gross stuff)
Video games (RPGS, horror) 
Me kissing fictional characters
Currently fixated on:
Metal Gear Solid V (Mainly Skull Face)
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Carrd | Pronouns | Characterhub | Writing Masterpost | Side Blogs | Other Links
(art by mikaorangeart)
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
When I say Leone understands my gender, I mean he calls me his princess and his handsome boy interchangeably and doesn’t bat an eye. I’m his good girl. His prince. And so on. I’m his girlfriend who’s a boy but also his boyfriend who’s a girl. He’s the same to me. 💞
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likeamothtofame · 4 months
// it’s so funny to me how any discussion of val on twitter immediately turns into a complete trash fire of baseless accusations and attacks on people’s character but on this site everyone is in agreement that We Want This Man’s Hole Now
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sapphic-space-syren · 7 months
finishing the night with some orange juice mixed with $4 sav blanc from trader joe’s
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kits-ships · 7 months
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ok. halfway through an f/ovember announcement post.
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adecila · 2 years
Of course I am listening to august by Taylor in august but I was jamming the bridge and remembered your wonderful august inspired jonerys drabble and I want you to know I think about it often <3
Anon I love you so much
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I think about it a lot too. I don't know what it is about that fic but it just always comes back to haunt me. Maybe because I never got to doing what I wanted to do with it.
Speaking of, I went digging for it (ugh I should have posted it on ao3 because I can never find it on this hellsite) and I didnt remember it being this painful like fucking hell what I was on when I wrote it...
It doesn't sit right with me how I've left it off. August!Dany deserves better. She deserves a happy ending.
I dont think I ever said anything, but last year I really wanted to turn it into a longer fic but unfortunately my life got derailed at about the same time and then it just never felt right.
That last paragraph just...
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