fudoh-k · 1 year
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😸 素敵な舞いでしたよ It was a beautiful dance #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #cat #katze #chat #gato #gatto #キジトラ猫 #yellow_tabby_cat #舞殿 #kagura_hall #濡れ縁 #open_veranda #votive_picture #欄干 #parapet #パナソニック #panasonic #dmc_lx3 (Nara Prefecture, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpwu7AOpg97/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pix4japan · 1 year
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Sacred Dance Stage at Miho Shrine
Location: Miho Peninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 14:14 April 5, 2023
Miho Shrine boasts a sacred dance stage known as a maidono (舞殿). This stage is utilized annually during one of the shrine's most significant festivals held on November 1st.
The festival highlights the "Hagoromo Dance," which reenacts the tale of a celestial maiden who flew over the Miho Peninsula and was captivated by the splendor of the white sands, green pines, and shimmering water. The celestial being descended to earth and left her feathered robe (hagoromo) on a 500- or 600-year-old pine tree that is still venerated to this day.
Fujifilm X100V (23 mm) with 5% diffusion filter ISO 3200 for 1/250 sec. at ƒ/11 Provia/Standard film simulation
More info at https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20230405-miho-shrine
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noriaki-nakada · 2 years
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antsloveyun · 2 months
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fa-cat · 1 year
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yokohamamiuken · 1 year
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場所は新宿駅の、ホント真ん前。 名前からしてバブリー溢れる、昭和生まれにはグッと来るお店です。 公式💁‍♀️ @okumanchoja_shinjuku 最近日本が貧乏になったとか、つまらんニュースが多いからね! 心だけでも金持ちになろう! じっさい、店内はものすごくてね。茶室に金箔貼りまくってキンキラキンにした豊臣秀吉の気分です(ノ∀`) やー、このお店はすごいよ! 元気になれます! 世の中、暗いニュースばかりだと気分も滅入ってきますからね。たまには、こういうゴージャス感を味わって元気にならなければなりません。 お店の女中じゃなかった、スタッフさんもニコニコ愛嬌あって良いし、お料理だって実はリーズナブルなのにバエるわウマいわで、もう大変な騒ぎです。 もう、オッサンすっかりゴキゲンよ(ノ∀`)!! お店の数が星の数ほどある新宿で、普通の居酒屋さんじゃつまらないなと思ったアナタ! 一億円で居酒屋建ててみた。億万鳥者 新宿本殿さん、おすすめのお店です! 公式💁‍♀️ @okumanchoja_shinjuku ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 一億円で居酒屋建ててみた。億万鳥者 新宿本殿 050-5589-0346 東京都新宿区新宿3-36-12 杉忠ビル 4F https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1304/A130401/13270920/ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ #一億円で居酒屋建ててみた。億万鳥者新宿本殿 #億万鳥者新宿本殿 #億万長者新宿本殿 #億万長者新宿本店 #新宿億万長者 #新宿億万鳥者 #歌舞伎町居酒屋 #東ぐる #東京グルメレポート #新宿居酒屋 #新宿デート #新宿グルメ #食べログ人気店 #食べスタグラム #食べスタグラマー #일본생활 #요코하마생활 #食べログ #みうけん (一億円で居酒屋建ててみた。億万鳥者 新宿本殿) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmFrST6Bqe8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amiens2014 · 1 year
鳥取県立博物館とは 鳥取県立博物館は、鳥取県鳥取市東町(とっとりけんとっとりしひがしまち)にある博物館だ。 鳥取県立博物館は、県民の教育及び文化の発展に寄与するための施設として久松山下鳥取城跡内に設立され、昭和47年10月1日に開館した総合博物館です。 博物館の紹介/とりネット/鳥取県公式サイト から引用 鳥取県立博物館 鳥取県鳥取市東町2丁目124 0857-26-8042 (more…)
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sadaki-ino · 2 years
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強力なパワースポット「難波八阪神社」 【新型コロナ騒動以前の平和な楽しかった時代の懐かしい思い出】 【難波八阪神社】2019年6月9日 https://youtu.be/nGjPvj1ox7Y なんば駅から5〜7分の難波八阪神社の獅子殿は迫力満点。 口を大きく開き、目をカッと見開いた姿は、高さが約12メートル、奥行きは約10メートルあり、だいたい4階建てのビルと同じくらいの高さ。 大きな口で勝利を呼び込み、邪気を飲み込むとされており、特に「勝利」に関係するご利益が期待できる神社として人気。 また難波八阪神社の祭神である素戔嗚尊はヤマタノオロチを退治したことから、あらゆる厄を祓うとされています。そのため厄払いや疾病退散など、あらゆる災厄から逃れるご利益があると言われます。また奇稲田姫はその素戔嗚尊の妻であることで、縁結びや夫婦円満、安産などのご利益が期待できます。 また、夏祭りは難波祭、難波祇園祭とも言われ、毎年7月13日(宵宮祭)、14日(本宮祭)に行われます。氏子だけでなく、周辺からも多くの参拝客が集まり、神輿や太鼓が千日前や道頓堀などを巡行します。また獅子殿では獅子舞などの芸能が奉納されます。 2001年には江戸時代から数えて約230年ぶりに船渡御が復活しました。以来13日には道頓堀川で船渡御も行われるようになり、こちらも多くの観客が集まり、人気の祭りとなっています。水上祭なども行われるので、タイミングが合うようであれば一度参拝に行くのをおすすめとか。 『大阪難波にある難波八阪神社は、獅子殿が有名で、街のど真ん中にありながら強力パワースポットとしても知られています。』 #難波八阪神社 #獅子殿 #なんば駅 #獅子舞 (難波八板神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CelOkZGvtsU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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神志那 結衣
HKT48在籍時に、そのスタイルを活かしてTGC 北九州にモデルとして出演。また、堤幸彦氏演出舞台「ロミオとジュリエット」主演ロミオ役、指原座長公演「博多少女歌舞伎 博多の阿国の狸御殿」石田三成役に抜擢されるなど女優にも積極的に挑戦し、評価を集めた。
女優としての活躍の場を広げるため2022年10月より上京。株式会社FOR YOU所属。
ニックネーム じーな
生年月日 1998年01月24日
出身地 福岡県
趣味 映画鑑賞、料理、甘い物を食べること、1人旅
特技 ダンス
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catbell413 · 6 months
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fateandloveentwined · 9 months
long darkness — cháng yīn 长喑 translation
cháng yīn 长喑 // long darkness
a fan-made song on Xiao Jingyan. I have always been a Mei Changsu over XJY person, but this song from his pov really worked for me and let me see the weightedness of XJY's crown, so I wanted to share it with more.
song link in comment below. (bilibili . com / video / av10441457/)
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长剑出鞘冷锋芒 十三载意难忘
缓歌曼舞九重宫 朔风黄沙麾旗扬
手足血脉埋青冢 挚友良弓唯锈藏
the long sword unsheathes from the scabbard, its cool blade revealed. thirteen years, and hard it is to forget.
leisured, soothing melodies with graceful dances at the ninefold palace; north wind and yellow sand with the billowing ensign in the desert. *[1]
brothers-in-arms and brothers in blood in tombs buried, graves long covered in grass; dear friends and cherished bow stored away, now left only to rust —
how is one to bend and kneel, and bury the names of the honourable and the good?
挑灯不眠千军帐 逐千里护家邦
玉壶冰心铁骨铮 扬眉冷看覆风浪
当时少年且横枪 凝尽碧血守四方
light a lamp through the unrested nights at the commander’s tent; repel foes a thousand miles, and shield the kingdom.
nobility and aspirations stayed true to, bones of steel resounding. head high, brows lifted, he coolly looks to the tempestuous, overturning storms. *[2]
the youth of the past still danced their spears: blood of the honourable, thoroughly consecrated, defends the four corners of their homeland,
guarding rivers and hills to secure peace of the kingdom’s earth.
V/O — I do not expect you to understand a soldier’s honour or the smoke signals on the battlefield. But there are some people you cannot hurt, some things you cannot manipulate. If you cannot even respect the soldiers dying at the battlefront, I, Xiao Jingyan, will never work with you. Do you understand?
铁马金戈谈笑并辔封疆 几回魂梦
鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲
armoured horses and metal spears, riding in parallel in friendly chatters at the borderlands — how many times has the soul dreamt thus?
depths of the palace, whistling of the nightly rain, a few stray rings of the bells. *[3]
an erudite scholar, now sat opposite in small smiles converse, yet know not to reunite. what leaves is the etiquette of lords and lieges. *[4]
voice and countenance long since distanced — who is to know the desolation and vicissitudes concealed?
谈笑自若朝堂对气轩昂 霁月风光
漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 提笔写兴亡
composed in dialogue and pleasantries, assured and imposing at court. he is noble and virtuous as the bright moon and warm breeze.
wading through the unpredictable winds and turmoils, zhang sceptre of jade at last in hand.
drums signifying the night hours sound, red comments from the emperor’s brush move through the boundless night yet to end. a lift of the brush, and prosperities and declines are writ. *[5]
pensive and lost he looks to four sides. remnants of past sounds remain, resonating through the beams of the palace.
(verse 2)
潜龙在渊敛锋芒 风雷动引龙翔
风云际会参参商 瞰天下世道无常
掌中龙渊凛如霜 立丹陛守盛世长
like a submerged dragon in the abyss, he enshrouds his splendour. wind and thunder call his wings to flight. *[6]
in the winds and clouds, he engages in the tumult of the Shen and Shang constellations. from above he looks down at the fickleness of the world.
in his hands, the abyss of the dragon is cold as frost; he stands at the red stairway before the imperial palace, and overlooks an everlasting prosperity.
the wine offering to the dead is yet to cool — I sigh, who is to drink with me?
袖手天下为帝王 垂衣且驭八荒
气宇舒金殿垂拱 揽尽山河只手倾
长歌挽弓射天狼 潜龙一朝御风翔
hands folded in sleeves, he gazes at the kingdom before him. as emperor he rules from his attire and directs even the most distant lands. *[7]
with poised air he commands the court, hands held together; the entirety of the kingdom shifts with a tilt of his hand. *[7]
sing high and long; draw your bow to the invading Sirius. the submerged dragon one morn rises to ride the winds. *[8]
heaven and earth, and sun and moon clears, and the world before brightens.
铁马金戈谈笑并辔封疆 几回魂梦
鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲
armoured horses and metal spears, riding in parallel in friendly chatters at the borderlands — how many times has the soul dreamt thus?
depths of the palace, whistling of the nightly rain, a few stray rings of the bells. *[3]
an erudite scholar, now sat opposite in small smiles converse, yet know not to reunite. what leaves is the etiquette of lords and lieges. *[4]
voice and countenance already bygone, all but a body of desolation remains.
谈笑自若朝堂对气轩昂 霁月风光
漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 提笔写兴亡
composed in dialogue and pleasantries, assured and imposing at court. he is noble and virtuous as the bright moon and warm breeze.
having waded through the unpredictable winds and turmoils, zhang sceptre of jade at last in hand.
drums signifying the night hours sound, red comments from the emperor’s brush move through the boundless night yet to end. a lift of the brush, and prosperities and declines are writ. *[5]
from forth he establishes himself in the imperial city of dragons. alone, he awatches the eight corners of his realm. *[9]
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Extra notes
for those keen on classical chinese and literature allusions
I’ve cited some allusions and references I was reminded of as I listened to the song. These are subjective, my knowledge of classical texts is very limited, take everything with a grain of salt and please do comment if you’d like to supplement any information.
[1] 缓歌曼舞九重宫 朔风黄沙麾旗扬 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi
缓歌曼舞: from “缓歌慢舞凝丝竹”. This is at the start of the romance tale, where the palace is in carefree bliss and prosperity.
slow and graceful songs / slow dances / slowly the music of the strings and the bamboo reverberate in step with the dances.
朔风黄沙麾旗扬: might be a stretch; I was reminded of “黄埃散漫风萧索”. This is from the same poem as above, we are one fourth in here, and it talks of a war.
yellow dust, scattered, drifts through the air. the bleak wind howls.
[2] 玉壶冰心铁骨铮 — 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》 王昌龄 Bidding Xin Jian farewell at Furong Tower by Wang Changling
玉壶冰心: from “洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶”
if the relatives and friends from Luoyang ask, tell them that my noble intentions are unchanged; a heart of ice in the vase of jade.
[3] 凤阙深深夜雨潇潇数闻铃 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi
夜雨潇潇数闻铃: again could be a stretch; I was reminded of “夜雨闻铃肠断声” from the same poem as [1]. (don’t ask me why, this entire song is infused with this piece it feels). This talks of the same romance tale, in which the emperor mourns the death of his beloved.
in the nightly rain, the sound of the bells could be heard. it sounds as sorrowful and agonising as the breaking of intestines.
[4] 鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲 — 《陋室铭》 刘禹锡 An Inscription of the Humble Abode by Liu Yuxi; 《江城子》 苏轼 Jiang Cheng Zi, by Su Shi
鸿儒谈笑: from "谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁" credits to @fwoopersongs because my brain happily omitted it!
well-learnt scholars congregate in joyous talk, traversing there is no uncouth and unread.
不知相逢: there are many poems on this topic, one of the most notable ones would be “纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。”
even if we met (Su Shi and his deceased wife), you should not be able to recognise me. dust covers my face, and the hair of my temples is white as frost.
[5] 漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi (added in edit)
漫漫更鼓: Okay, "迟迟钟鼓初长夜" immediately came to mind when I saw this phrase, but I went like here's too many footnotes already and thought it was too much of a stretch to put in (there's only one word in common!). Then I looked into the original poem, in which the timely bi-hour rings of the drum felt lengthened because of the emperor's agony over losing his loved one -- and so I went like, okay, this is relevant, I actually need to add this in.
the drums reporting the hour of the night come late, and it is early in the long night.
漫漫 meaning endless, without an end in sight. This echoes the sentiments of the emperor in Bai Juyi's poem in feeling that the night is everlasting and without end.
[6] 潜龙在渊敛锋芒 — 《易经》 Yi Jing, the Book of Changes
潜龙: There’s an awful lot of “submerged dragon” metaphors in this stanza. Technically it's a figurative "talents hidden dragon" rather than literally, under the waters. This is from Yi Jing essentially, a super old book on divination that does have some wisdom of old sayings in it. The submerged dragon talks of how the dragon, currently veiled, is a powerful being simply not revealed to worldly eyes yet, and is waiting for opportunity to strike (more like, soar, in this context). These lyrics parallel Xiao Jingyan with the allusion to talk about how he stayed silent for thirteen years before his time of brilliance.
[7] 袖手天下为帝王 垂衣且驭八荒 / 气宇舒金殿垂拱 揽尽山河只手倾 — Taoism concept
Okie this is super complicated and involves a Taoism context, some history from the beginning emperors of the Han dynasty, and a very enthusiastic Emperor Taizong of Tang; I don’t really know how to go about this.
袖手, 垂衣驭八荒, 垂拱, these all lead to the same concept, and the middle chunk in particular is from a poem written by Emperor Taizong of Tang. Theory suggested by Laozi and Zhuangzi of Taoism, overall it talks of inaction, which is action the emperors at the start of the Han dynasty employed. They demanded less of their citizens and let the economy recover naturally (agriculture and such), and since these policies worked, the starting few Han emperors were regarded highly with this kind of purposeful and benevolent “inaction”.
In short, this song here uses these descriptions to talk of Jingyan as a competent and masterful leader.
[8] 长歌挽弓射天狼 — 《江城子·密州出猎》 苏轼 Hunting outside Mizhou (yet another Jiang Cheng Zi), by Su Shi
挽弓射天狼: from “会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。”
I shall draw my carved bow like the full-moon, point towards the northwest, and shoot in the direction of the intruders.
天狼 means Sirius star. In chinese astronomy/astrology it was somewhat related to evilness, hence the use of Sirius to denote intruders.
[9] 从此立龙城孤守八方
I just added this this is not a reference it just really reminds me of this fanfiction oneshot 此生一诺 (this life, a pledge)! It talks about XJY at the end of everything, he draws a circle about the ground and entraps himself with the promise he made to see the world a better place under his reign (from the chinese idiom 画地为牢). I recced the oneshot here if you wish to check it out.
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arghhh the entire course of me writing the tl was me going oh goodness why is there yet another footnote but I’m glad to be done for now.
Like, goodness. There is not one “he” or “him” reference in the lyrics. I would love to do the same, but you can see me getting more and more resigned towards the end of the translation.
I am sooo inclined to passive voice and invert subjects for every sentence when it comes to translations, I realise, and I apologise for the almost-signature abundance of semicolons and em dashes in the translation (I blame it on the difference in punctuation nuances. — I subconsciously use semicolons for semi-parallel sentence structures, so you can spot out imperfect couplets that way.) Massive respect to all those who translate, because easy is it to hatch out a crude translation in five minutes, it is not treading about the delicate balance between literal and metaphorical, and in all honesty I feel that it is just way easier for me to write literal once, then go off the rails and do super-figurative for the other.
There are far more annotations and word definitions I’d like to add (I could literally do a classical text/poetry meta for every word lmao), but evidently, time constraints, and truthfully it would take forever to complete, so on a “ask me and I’ll try to elaborate” basis again.
The V/O — I’d love to make it more archaic, but the dialogue from the drama in this part was so modern apologies I’m sort of disappointed with the translation over here.
Re: song title. Yes, it sounds a little weird, excuse that.
I considered other translations for the song title, but none of them really gave the impression I really wanted. Words like “eternal” and “everlasting” were too permanent, I wanted to express the idea of the darkness being lengthened, yet with Jingyan’s reign it would come to an end, hence my hesitance. “Continual” is one I fiddled with: it did not give the same curt, direct feeling as “long” however, so in the end I just ended up with the simplest title.
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fudoh-k · 1 year
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😸 精魂尽き果てたキジトラ猫 Yellow tabby cat that has run out of spirit #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #cat #katze #gato #gatto #神社 #shrine #鳥居 #shrine_archway #舞殿 #kagura_hall #濡れ縁 #open_veranda #欄干 #parapet #ニコン #nikon #coolpix #s10 (Nara Prefecture, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwwgaoJSQo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pix4japan · 1 year
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Cherry Blossoms at Shinto Shrine
Location: Miho Shrine, Miho Peninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 14:15 April 5, 2023
This photograph captures the exquisite beauty of the yaezakura cherry blossoms, possibly belonging to the fugenzo variety. Each blossom boasts an impressive 30 to 40 petals, initially appearing a delicate shade of pink before deepening into a richer hue as they mature. The foliage of these trees is also striking, with fresh leaves displaying a warm, coppery brown.
Behind the blossoms, we can see two important structures of  Miho Shrine. On the right, there is the haiden (拝殿), or front shrine, which serves as a prayer hall for visitors. To the left, we can see the shrine's maidono (舞殿), or dance pavilion, which is used for traditional court music performances. Both of these buildings are beautifully adorned with intricate architectural details that highlight the rich history and cultural significance of the shrine.
As simple and mundane as this photograph may seem, it  reminds of the stunning tribute to the natural and cultural wonders of Japan that one can find even at a small local shrine.
Fujifilm X100V (23 mm) with 5% diffusion filter ISO 800 for 1/250 sec. at ƒ/11 Pro Negative High film simulation
Access details, further reading references, etc., are available for free at my blog:
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hachikenyakaiwai · 2 months
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京博本の「阿国歌舞伎図屏風」は、昭和三十年代に、山本発次郎コレクションとして、しばしば観照する機会を得た。出光本と違って、芝居小屋の内部描写を主題に、役者と観客の交歓を描く。その人物描写(姿・形・配置) や小屋の外の松の姿形に長谷川派の筆を感じたが、拙著『桃山の風俗画』(平凡社、昭和四十二年十月刊)ではなお町絵師出身の逸名の風俗画名手の筆と逃げた。華やかな阿国歌舞伎の図としては、すべてに出光本より適切な表現を見せると言えよう。とくに登場人物が出光本より有機的な関連をもち、見物と舞台が一つに融け合うさまは秀れている。その後、やはり長谷川派の筆だと考え、近稿の「宗宅研究」ではいずれ筆者を特定したいと書いた。もとより、長谷川派でもっとも風俗画に熱意をもつ等学を意識していたのである。
これより、判定の過程を省略して、もっぱら私が等秀や等学と考える風俗画 (歴史画も含める)について述べたい。 まず宗宅の風俗画に触れると、さきの秀吉の醍醐花見図屏風以外では、同じく秀吉が宮中で貴族たちや南蛮人と 一緒に能楽を見る「観能図屏風」(八曲一隻、紙本著色、神戸市立博物館蔵)が同筆と思われる。宗宅は秀吉関係の風俗図だけを描いたのかもしれない。等秀となると、出光本の「阿国歌舞伎図」一点で、ほかには見出せない。地味な等秀は、派手な風俗画には不適と自認していたのであろう。
つぎもすぐ風俗画とは言い難い変った屏風絵だが、「誰が袖美人図屏風」(六曲一双、金地著色、根津美術館蔵)(挿図七八) を取り上げたい。左隻はいわゆる誰が袖屏風に美人図を組み合わせたもので、中央に派手な小袖を着た兵庫髷ふっくらした女性と三味線を左手に持つ禿姿の童女が静かに対峙し、その右方と背後に衣桁・屏風・衣桁を配す《略》ここでさきの等学唯一の署名をもつ帝鑑図を想起したい。それは正面向きの古風な宮殿を奥へ重ねたものだったが、これは最新流行の誰が袖図と扇面散図屏風による知的な構成である。人の女性の姿態や配置は京博本阿国歌舞伎図屏風にも現われているもの。さらに右隻の桜や杉の描法や構図は、前出の「太閤花見図屏風」や等学の妙蓮寺の松・桜・杉図絵などに類似する。以上からこの「誰が袖美人図屏風」が等学筆であるのは納得されると思う。その制作年代は慶長十年ごろの京博本の「阿国歌舞伎図屏風」より後で、サントリー本の「東山・吉野遊楽図屏風」より前であろう。一応、慶長十年代とみておく。コメント欄に写真。
以上、主として等学の風俗画について、彼の金障壁画より得た画風の特徴を基礎に、もっぱら直観による大胆な想定をなしてきた。ここに至ると、理論的にも妥当な等学を京博本「阿国歌舞伎図屏風」の筆者と判定することに、これ以上躊躇する必要もなかろう(山根有三)。「長谷川等秀・等学研究」『国華 第1228号』1998より、抜粋して編集。
(写真)「阿国歌舞伎図屏風」1605頃(京都国立博物館蔵)より 舞台上を見ると、刀を肩にかけたかぶき者、柱のそばに坐す茶屋のかか、頬かむりをした道化役の猿若がおり、これは阿国歌舞伎の代表的演目である「茶屋遊び」が演じられていることを示す。出雲の阿国が北野社の能舞台を代用して「歌舞伎踊り」を始めたのは慶長8年(1603)、本図はその舞台を描いたもので、制作もそれからさほど降らぬ頃と考えられる。囃座も三味線などなく、笛、小鼓、大鼓、太鼓ばかりで、いかにも初期的様相を示す。図中に印象的に配された松の表現が、たとえば妙蓮寺障壁画中のそれと通有する性格を有しており、長谷川派による風俗画の一例とする有力な説がある(e国宝=画像も)。
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22oq · 8 months
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Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the souls. 
╔╗╔╦╗╔╦══╦═╗ ║╚╝║║║║╔═║╚╣ ║╔╗║╚╝║╚╝╠╗║ ╚╝╚╩══╩══╩═╝
And like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.
And then ~ Hello, Master Gibran who is far away in heaven, I must say frankly: this is a great "ideal", it is almost "fraternity", the "love of humanity" beyond common sense, I am in awe and learn its part Spirit, but I don't want to do it, and I don't want to carry that sacred love again! Private love is private, I don't want to share it with others, and I'm not a dog who wears a crown and goes around making love and preaching "love is freedom"! ─ Your rebel student - Chu Lan (你好,遠在天堂的紀伯倫大師,我必須坦承的說:這是種偉大的"理想",它幾近乎已然是"博愛",超越常理的"人性之愛",我敬畏且學習它的部分精神,但我不要做到,也不想再度承載那份神聖的愛! 私密的愛就是私密的,我不願意與他人分享,我又不是戴著王冠到處做愛卻闡揚"愛是自由"的狗! ─ 你的反叛學生-朱蘭。)
╭∩╮Fucking LOVE  ღ˘⌣˘ღ
對於愛情 On Love      - KAHLIL GIBRAN 紀伯倫 - 
艾蜜特拉說,跟我們說說「愛」吧。他抬起頭,看著眾人,人們悄然無聲。他大聲說道: 當愛情召喚你,跟隨它,即使它的路途艱險又陡峭;當愛的翅膀擁抱你,順從它,即使它藏在翼梢的利劍可能傷了你;當愛情對你說話,相信它,即使它的聲音可能粉碎你的夢,如同北風將花園吹得荒蕪。 因為愛為你加冕時,也能把你釘上十字架;它呵護你的成長時,也會修剪你的枝葉;它爬上你的梢頭、輕撫你在陽光下微微顫動的嫩枝時,也會伏在你的根部,搖晃緊抓泥土的樹根。
願心柔軟,像奔流的小溪,對著夜晚吟唱它的旋律。願了解過多溫柔帶來的痛苦。願自己因領悟愛而受傷,並且心甘情願地淌血。願在黎明醒來時心情飛揚,感謝又有一天可以去愛;在中午歇息時,冥想愛的狂喜;在傍晚回家時,滿懷感激之情;然後在心裡為所愛的人禱告,並唱著讚美歌,安然入睡。 然後,艾蜜特拉又問,大師,那麼「婚姻」呢?他回答說:
Then said Almitra, “Speak to us of Love.” And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep.
And When his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And When he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself. He threshes you to make you naked. He sifts you to free you from your husks. He grinds you to whiteness. He kneads you until you are pliant; And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God’s sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, “I am in the heart of God.”
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
Then Almitra spoke again and said, “And what of Marriage, master?” And he answered saying:
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days. Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God. But let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.
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