vegehana-food · 2 months
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✿ 粕汁 | 兵庫県 ・「粕汁」は、大根、ニンジン、ゴボウ、こんにゃくなどを日本酒の醸造工程で出る酒粕で煮込んで作る郷土料理である。野菜以外にシャケやブリ、サバなどの魚を入れる場合もある。冬の間、寒さの厳しい山間部から、酒造りのために酒造地に出稼ぎに来ていた人々が、酒粕をお土産に持って帰ったことから、山間部でよく食べられてきた。 ・兵庫県は国内の清酒生産量の約3割を占める酒造地、灘五郷を抱え、酒米の王者といわれる山田錦の栽培も全国の6割以上を占める、国内最大の日本酒の生産地である。その歴史も古く、1300年前に書かれた「播磨国風土記」には、日本で初めて米こうじを使って日本酒を造ったとの記述がある。そのため、酒粕の歴史も古く、平安時代から魚や野菜を長期保存する粕漬けとして利用されてきた。酒粕は酵母のタンパク質やビタミン、ミネラルが豊富に含まれる滋養食品でもある。 ・「粕汁」は、正月の終わる節目である1月20日の「二十日(はつか)正月」に、正月に食べていた鮭や鰤などの残っている頭や骨からだしをとり、酒粕と野菜を煮込んだものを食べるという祝い納めの風習であり、ハレの気分を引っ込め日常の生活に戻るけじめの食事であった。
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chuck-snowbug · 6 months
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Kasujiri(Chicken & Vegetables' Soup Seasoned with Miso & Sakekasu) feat. Mischa-Chan - October 2023
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ellie-lili · 2 months
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udonangya · 1 year
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Salmon Kasujiru, sake lees soup, udon noodles and Boiled egg.
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doris0919tears · 1 year
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march-brown · 1 year
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寒くなったので、今シーズン初の粕汁です。 芹がなかったので、九条ネギのトッピングです。 #粕汁 #具沢山 #酒粕 #大吟醸酒粕 #五紋神蔵 #京の酒蔵 #松井酒造 #白味噌 #石野味噌 #うす口醤油 #発酵食品 #翌日も美味しい #金時人参 #大根 #こんにゃく #九条ネギ #薄揚げ #鮭 #ちくわ #おうちごはん #汁物メニュー (Kyoto, Japón) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmJTi_vPBXN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marimi5 · 1 year
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#鱸味醂干し焼き #かぶの漬物 #うりの粕漬け #高菜ごま油炒め #長ねぎの味噌汁 #土鍋ごはん #朝ごはん #おうちごはん #家庭料理 #料理写真 #クッキングラム #料理好きな人と繋がりたい #cookingday #cookingisfun #cookingbyme #yum #food #foodporn #foodie #foodasia #cookingathome #yummy https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJOjr6PNQJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pyuta69 · 1 year
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粕汁(ゆで卵入り) 最近のMy favorite晩飯に粕汁を鍋として食し、翌日の朝食に粕汁として食す。 気温が上がってくるとこれは出来ないので今のうちに。 #粕汁鍋 #粕汁 #粕汁にゆで卵はあり #朝食 #美味いよ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_TwbDByFM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kyudo-order · 11 months
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シャフト: HAYABUSAカーボン8025
羽根: FC-K703黒尾羽 特選プリント 粕尾2
糸・和紙: 糸 152
毛引き: 金(基本色)
プチデコレーション: 金桜
筈: 専用含み筈アイボリー
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n-nakajo · 1 year
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リサ食堂の晩ごはん 頂き物のみりん粕漬け白ひらすと銀しゃけ♪︎ 自家製カラフル大根の浅漬け、手作り人参ドレッシングで食べるサラダ、納豆、豚汁。 #lisa食堂 #みりん粕漬け #白ひらす https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn14TYBPR5x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asnowperson · 2 years
Luciana's Tears by Kasuya Noriko (1976)
I am questioning why I even bought a random magazine issue from 1976, but well, let's turn it into a contribution to shoujo history.
28 August 1976 issue of Weekly Shoujo Comic's Flower Deluxe edition has a 51-page story titled Luciana no Namida (ルチアーナの涙 - Luciana's Tears) by Kasuya Noriko. Even googling it didn't give me much results, and her fan site says that this story was never compiled in a tankoubon, so beware, we are very likely getting into the forgotten shoujo titles territory. The said fan site has a much better summary, you can check it out (in JP).
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Story by Kuni Kazue (邦一恵)
This manga piqued my interest because it looked like the story was taking place in Renaissance Italy, something I realized how much I liked after recently watching the 1968 adaptation of Romeo and Juliet.
So, the story is set in 15th century Italy. In the Duchy of Ferrara, to be more exact. The Duke, Ercole (very likely this guy), marries a 17-year-old girl. Of course, this is a political marriage. Everyone pities the new bride as she had to marry a man over 40, but she tries her best to be a good wife and to find love in her marriage. However, Ercole is cold towards her and spends his nights away from home.
The Duke has three sons, each born from a different mistress of his: Giulio, Pesaro and Roberto. Ercole favors his eldest, Giulio, and names him as his heir much to the chagrin of Pesaro. The latter gets even more annoyed watching his elder brother be on friendly terms with their "mother" who is pretty much the same age as them. One day, Pesaro goes to her to tell that his father has at least 20 mistresses that he knows of, a fact Giulio had been hiding from her to protect her, just to torment her.
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What is love? Baby don't hurt me~ Kiss the haha-ue.
Luciana is devastated, but tries to remain strong. In her moment of weakness, his "son" kisses her, further confusing her heart.
Despite her grief, she stands firm and says that she won't take his husband into her bed until he cuts ties with all the other chicks. But surprise: Ercole is indeed impressed by her gall, and breaks up with her mistresses to be with his waifu. However, Luciana refuses her again because this time around, her heart already belongs to Giulio!
Pesaro doesn't take long to notice this illicit affair, and snitches on them to his father. Duke Ercole is furious, and imprisons them both in his fancy towers. He doesn't want to blame and kill his precious son, he implores him to put the blame and Luciana and say that she seduced him, but Giulio insists that all blame lies with him. In a final effort to save him, Ercole secretly sends word to his son to flee to Venice before their lovers' execution at dawn.
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This is the face of a man true to his word: "Luciana, I promised that I would follow you anywhere you go, even if it costs me my life..."
On the morning of the execution, Luciana is acting all smug with her "I regret nothing" face. Her face is also giving me that "hehe, I fucked you're son" vibe, but no one remembers Goro memes anymore, so I'll probably be alone on this.
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As Luciana is beheaded, Guilio commits suicide in his cell. The Duke is shooketh. Pesaro, who caused this tragedy, leaves home and no one ever hears of him again. Ercole orders the two lovers to be buried side by side. As their lifeless bodies are being taken to the catacombs, Luciana's nanny notices that, although they have forever lost their light, there are tears trickling down from her lady's eyes... Ayyy, title drop!
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The sad tale of these young lovers is told all over Italy for many years to come... FINE
This was a very simple, yet very shoujo story. What I liked the most is the fact that Kasuya never dragged things out in the pages she's been given. We all read all the famous/successful titles from the 1970s, but reading stuff like this really gives you a sense of what was popular during that period of time and makes you feel like a little girl who got the latest shoujo magazine with her allowance. More known works all have something they do differently, which becomes the standard later on, and that means those were not the standard back then. So it's nice to read random manga like this one to have an idea about state of the shoujo manga scene of that time.
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jackybean · 1 year
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… 今日は気になったインドカリーのお店に行ったら、またも臨時休業。なぜか私が突然行くもどこも臨時休業w でもそのおかげでその近くにイケてるお店あるん見つけた😊 王子商店街やるな。あの辺、お洒落なお店増えていけてるからな。 粕汁最高❗️ で、ここのテイクアウト専門の姉妹店でデザート買って帰ったんだけど。王子サンドてネーミングでどうせ商店街の名前つけただけの普通のカステラサンドかなと思ったら、めちゃめちゃおいしかった😅チーズケーキとショコラショコラ?も買ってるので楽しみだなー。 … #foodistagram #foodie #阿倍野 #東天下茶屋 #王子商店街 #王子 #まるしん #kitchenまるしん #阿倍野ランチ #王子商店街ランチ #粕汁 #北畠 #カフェ巡り #カフェ #コーヒー #coffee #コーヒー好き #cafe #大阪カフェ #osaka #cafestagram #café #cafegram #フォロー #フォロワー #follow #followme #いいね #instagood (KITCHEN まるしん) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnrG9LuB5WO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chuck-snowbug · 2 months
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アフリカのカバさんたち付きの、日本酒二種飲み比べ(群馬泉 山廃酛純米& 吉田蔵u 能登応援酒1 貴醸酒イエロー)、たっぷり野菜の味噌粕汁・自家栽培のわけぎのせ、若鶏もも二色巻き(頂きものの冷凍食品)、アミエビとミニトマトとめかぶのサラダ。
Two Kinds of Japanese Sake(Gunmaizumi & Yoshidagura-u) feat. African Hippos & Miso & Sakekasu Soup - February 2024
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ellie-lili · 2 months
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momokuri-sannen · 1 year
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doris0919tears · 2 years
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