liyatv · 1 year
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てんちむ: 韓国から最強美容家来て美容モチベ爆上がり
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mofffun · 2 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.21
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
timeline: ep5 (Gira's trial)
Rita visits Racules for one final piece of evidence while Morphonia chats with Gira in detention.
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p1 「シュゴッダム国 王宮」 ようこそ リタ国際裁判長 ギラはもちろん死罪になるんだろう? それはお前が決めることではない p2 ギラ兄ちゃん! 早く返ってきて一緒にレインボージュルリラ食べようね! 私 信じてるから! 「ぎゅっ…」 「ブチっ…」 痛ッた! p3 元気出たー? そんなわけないでしょう! 怖っ 仕方ないかー 死罪だもんね っ… p4 知ってます? この国の人ほぼ全員罪人が元罪人なんですよ じゃあ… みんな一度は最高裁判長に裁かれているのか だから 国民全員リタのことが嫌いなの あなたも恨むなら リタを恨んでくださいねー p5 ……恨まない へ? 正しさを守る人ほど嫌われる あの人はきっと正しい人だ だから あの人がそうだと言うなら どんな罪でも受け入れる p6 「ぎゅっ…」 でも……悔しい …私は 脅威(きょうい)とみなしたものは例外(れいがい)なく力で排除(はいじょ)する ギラも… もし奴を解き放つようなことをするなら …君の国も 「カッ カッ カッ」 p7 「パン」 p8 …! !?何をッ! 失礼 蚊(か)がいたもので 法に則(のっと)れば暴行罪(ぼうこうざい)ではないのかな? この程度で痛むのか? 失礼する やった… ラクレスなぐれた! p9 ……わかった 「シュン」 p10 はぁーー モルフォーニャ (書類にハンコ…) あっ!リタ! ここにいたんですね 裁判の準備ができた 全国王集めろ
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yoga-onion · 10 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (21)
Skogsrå – the fatal nymph of the Scandinavian forests
The Skogsrå (Swedish: lit. 'the Forest Rå'), Skogsfrun ('the Mistress of the Forest'), Skogssnuvan, Skogsnymfen ('the Forest Nymph'), Råndan ('the Rå') or Huldran, is a mythical female creature of the forest in Swedish folklore.
It appears in the form of a small, beautiful woman with a seemingly friendly temperament. She appears like a woman from the front but seen from behind she often has a tail and a hollow back or skin like tree bark.
Those who are enticed into following her into the forest are never seen again. It was said that any human man who had intercourse with the Skogsrå became an introvert, as his soul had remained with her. If the seduced man is a hunter, he may be rewarded with good luck in the hunt, but should he be unfaithful to the Skogsrå, he will be punished with numerous accidents. He may put an end to a stormy night caused by her vengeance by firing a shot against her. Late folklore in Nyland, Finland describes silver bullets as effective means of killing a skogsrå.
Tolkien describes the Old Forest, a space filled with deep-rooted mysteries and danger in Middle-earth, as follows:
“The ground was rising steadily, and as they went forward it seemed that the trees became taller, darker, and thicker. There was no sound, except an occasional drip of moisture falling through the still leaves. For the moment there was no whispering or movement among the branches; but they all got an uncomfortable feeling that they were being watched with disapproval, deepening to dislike and even enmity. The feeling steadily grew, until they found themselves looking up quickly, or glancing back over their shoulders, as if they expected a sudden blow.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien FOTR. Ch. 6
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伝説の樹木の神々 (21)
スクーグスロー 〜 スカンジナビアの森に住む致命的な妖精
スコーグスロー(スエーデン語: 森の‘ロー’)、スコグスフルン(「森の愛人」)、スコグスヌバン、スコグスニンフェン(「森の妖精」)、ローンダン ‘ロー’またはフルドラは、スウェーデンの民間伝承に登場する神話上の森の女性の生き物である。
- J.R.R.トールキン FOTR. 第6章
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Today I read
略奪された花嫁 Ch 1-3
Today, I read 略奪された花嫁 chapters 1-3 on Ebook Japan. (for free!)
Source: https://ebookjapan.yahoo.co.jp/stories/136913/
New words for me:
虫けら - むしけら- Worm or insignificant person
側女 - そばめ- Mistress
硫黄 - いおう- Sulfur
隙- すき-a gap or chance
容姿の美しさ (ようしのびじょうさ) - beauty of appearance
晒しておけ (さらしておけ): Leave it out for public display / crucify them
城壁に (じょうへきに): on the castle wall
打ち首にし (うちくびにする): behead
侮辱 (ぶじょく) - Insult
降伏 (こうふく) - Surrender
分際 (ぶんざい): Social standing
命乞い (いのちごい) - begging for mercy, pleading for life
そそのかす- To incite or instigate
仲人 (なかどう) - middleman, mediator, matchmaker
省略 (しょうりゃく) - Omit
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chouhatsumimi · 4 months
Words from Noragami, ch. 45
Words in bold are particularly relevant to the story, and words in italics seem like they’d be worth remembering outside the context of the manga. Bold and italic together means they’ve probably appeared somewhere in Noragami more than once. [Though it's been a kajillion years (okay three actual years) since I read it so I can't promise I can highlight them well anymore...]
暇, 閑, 遑 ひま, いとま, ヒマ spare time, free time, leisure, time (e.g. time it takes to do something), time off, day off, vacation, holiday, leave, quitting (one's job), firing someone, divorcing (one's spouse), (being) inactive, (of one's business) slow, leaving, departing / tiempo libre 果報者 かほうもの lucky fellow / persona dichosa, persona afortunada 父君 ふくん, ちちぎみ father / padre 経, 歴 ふ to pass, to elapse, to go by, to pass through, to go through, to experience, to go through 穿る ほじる, ほじくる to dig up, to dig out, to pick (nose, teeth, etc.), to clean (ears), to pry into, to examine closely, to dredge up / escarbar, hurgar, rebuscar ひん剥く, 引ん剥く, ひん剝く, 引ん剝く ひんむく to strip, to peel, to tear off / pelar, mondar, descortezar 尻子玉 しりこだま, しりごだま mythical ball inside the anus that is sought after by kappa 無作法, 不作法 ぶさほう ill-mannered, rude 逸らかす はぐらかす to dodge (e.g. a question), to evade, to sidestep, to give (someone) the slip / esquivar, evadir, escabullir 幼気 いたいけ young and sweet, adorable, cute, tender, innocent, pitiful, touching, pathetic, helpless 童 わらべ, わらんべ, わらわ, わっぱ child / niño, crío, bebé 手管 てくだ wiles, trick, artifice, coquetry, lover (male) (esp. of a prostitute) 使い魔 つかいま familiar (spirit or otherwise magical creature which aids a magician or sorcerer), familiar spirit 斯う こう in this way, thus, such, uh… / de esta manera, así, tal, pausa verbal 縛め いましめ bonds, bondage, binding / atadura, amarradura, ligadura 斯 シ / か, こう, か.く, この, これ, ここに this, thus, such, verbal pause [this is written as 'saku' in the manga] 死に際, 死にぎわ, 死際 しにぎわ verge of death, brink of death / postrimerías, últimos momentos de la vida 溺れる おぼれる to struggle in the water, to sink below the surface and become unable to breathe, to (nearly) drown, to indulge in, to lose one's head over something, to be addicted, to wallow in / ahogarse, zozobrar, abandonarse
- Ch. 44 || Ch. 46 -
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
Vatican Miracle Examiner Vocab: Chapter 1
100+ vocab terms from Ch 1, Vol 1 of the 5-part manga series.
Mostly Catholic terms in Japanese and unique usage related to the series.
This list is not exhaustive. I focused on terms that would be unfamiliar (or unfamiliar as used in this series), and/or directly relate to Catholic terminology in Japanese.
I list part of speech, pronunciation, and simple definitions. I have not included additional of these if they are not relevant to this series.
Character names will have titles where applicable and those will be in brackets to minimize confusion; titles will be listed under general vocab as well.
At the end of the list I’ll have a few sources for some of the more obscure terms in case you want to read more or get better context.
As of now I have things listed in the order in which they appear, roughly, in the manga.
Note: This will be a long post since it’s the first chapter in the series and 31 pages long.
Character Names/Places
Note: I’ve chosen to spell names close to the katakana spellings; keep in mind some may be transcribed with slightly different spellings (like Joseph instead of Josef).
平賀•ヨゼフ•庚 [神父] - Hiraga, Josef Kou [Father], Franciscan order
ロベルト•ニコラス[神父] - Roberto, Nicholas [Father], Franciscan order
良太 - Ryota (Josef’s younger brother)
サウロ[大司教] - Saul [Archbishop] , Franciscan order
ニコラス[枢機卿] - Nicholas [Cardinal], secretary of the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints (also potentially the head of the miracle examiners), also known as “the prefect (of the Curia)” in English
ドンナ•ドロレス - Donna Dolores, a nun from St Rosario Church
[大天使]ミカエル - [Archangel] Michael
[聖]ペテ - [Saint] Peter
パウロ[大司教] - [Archbishop] Paul, Dominican order
アントニウス[神父] - [Father] Antonius
セントロザリオ教会 - St Rosario Church, a church in South America where Josef & Roberto are sent to investigate
バチカソ市国 - Vatican City, the City state of the Vatican
Other Vocab
奇跡、きせき (n; の adj) miracle
常識、じょうしき (n) common sense, common knowledge, common practice
科学、かがく (n) science
説明、せつめい (n, する v; trans v) explanation, account, caption, legend, description
不可思議、ふかしぎ (な adj; n; yojijukugo) mystery, miracle, something inexplicable, unfathomable
現象、げんしょう (n) phenomenon
神、かみ (n) God, divinity
御業、みわざ (n) the works (of the gods)
真偽、しんぎ (n) veracity, authenticity
確かめる、たしかめる (Ichidan v; trans v) to ascertain, to check, to make sure
神父、しんぷ (n) Catholic priest [Note: this is the term used when speaking to someone , like “Father” So-and-So, as opposed to a general word for priest, 司祭, which you don’t use when speaking TO someone but rather about them.]
害、がい (n) evil influence
礼服、れいふく (n) cassock, vestments, etc
暗号、あんごう (n; のadj) code, cipher, password
解読、かいどく (n; するv; trans v) deciphering, decoding
聖年、せいねん (n) holy year, jubilee [see additional notes below]
大聖年、だいせいねん (n) the Great Jubilee (of 2000)
聖堂、せいどう (n) church
バチカン (n) (the) Vatican
市国、しこく (n) city state (as in the Vatican)
宗教、しゅつきょう (n) religion, faith
ブラザー(n) brother (as in, a monk or priest)
天使、てんし (n;のadj) Angel
悪魔、あくま (n) devil, demon, the Devil (Satan)
骨肉腫、こつにくしゅ (n) osteosarcoma
治療費、ちりょうひ (n) cost of medical treatment
ルルドの泉、いすみ (n) Fountain of Lourdes, aka home of “Lourdes Water” in France
奇跡調査官、きせきちょうさかん (n) miracle examiner
調査、ちょうさ (n; するv; trans v) investigation, examination
聖痕現象、スティグマータ (n) stigmata (phenomenon)
未知、みち (のadj; n) the unknown
知れる、しれる (ichidan v; intrans v) to become known; to be discovered; to be known; to be understood
舞い込む、まいこむ (godan v む ending; intrans v) to happen unexpectedly
大司教、だいしきょう (n) archbishop
キリスト (n) (Jesus) Christ
聖書、せいしょ (n) Bible, scriptures, holy writ
黙示録、もくしろく (n) book of revelation; the apocalypse
悪魔が書いた魔法書 - literally, “magic writing written by the devil” [see additional notes below]
古文書、こもんじょ (n) historical document, ancient manuscripts
断片、だんぺん (n) fragment
読む、よむ (godan v, む ending; trans v) to decipher, to read, to recite (a sutra, prayer)
原文、げんぶん (n) original text
会、かい (n; n suffix) meeting, assembly, conference, clerical order
イエズス会 (n) society of Jesus, aka Jesuit order
ドミニコ会 (n) Dominican order
フランシスコ会 (n) Franciscan order (which Josef and Roberto belong to)
派閥 (n; のadj) faction; used in the manga as in orders of priests
破門、はもん (n; するv; のadj) excommunication
枢機卿、すうききょう (n) Cardinal (title)
執行部、しっこうぶ (n) leadership (for example, the Roman Curia, that is the administration of the Vatican)
列聖、れっせい (n; するv) canonization (of a Saint)
列聖省長官、れっせいしょうちょうかん (n) literally, “canonization ministry secretary”; I believe this is intended to refer to the Secretary/Director of the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints; a position in the Vatican overseeing things related to canonization [see additional notes]
祈り、いのり (n) prayer
申請書、しんせいしょ(n) Written application
申請、 しんせい (n; する v; trans v) application, petition, request
教会、しょうかい (n) church, congregation
修道女、しゅうどうじょ (n) nun
大天使、だいてんし (n) archangel
神の子、かみのこ (n) son of God (Jesus Christ); child of God (Christian)
処女懐胎、しょじょかいたい (n) virgin birth, such as Mary with Jesus (immaculate conception)
受胎、じゅたい (n; するv; intrans v) conception
聖母、せいぼ (n) Virgin Mary; holy mother
カソリック (n) Catholic, Catholicism, Catholic Church [note there are a couple diff katakana spellings of this word, but this one is used in VME]
受肉、じゅにく(n) (Christ’s) incarnation (as Jesus of Nazareth)
降臨、こうりん (n; するv) descent to earth (of a god); advent; epiphany
罪、つみ (n; なadj; のadj) sin
永遠、えいえん (n; なadj) eternity; immortality
贖う、あがなう (godan v, う ending; trans v) to atone for
最後の審判、さいごのしんぱん (n) judgment day; final judgment (religious sense)
聖、せい (n) Saint (may also be written with katakana, as in 「セント」, like “St Rosario’s Church”
ローム (n) Rome
司教、しきょう (n) bishop (catholic)
代理人、だいりにん (n) proxy, representative
存在意義、ぞんざいいぎ (n) raison d'être, reason for existing
冒涜、ぼうとく (n; するv) blasphemy, sacrilege, desecration
主、しゅ (n) the Lord (God)
カルト (n) cult
教徒、しょうと (n) believer, adherent
法王、ほうおう (n) Pope; aka ローム法王
司祭、しさい (n; のadj) a priest [do not confuse with 神父, the title of “Father”]
大罪、たいざい、(n) mortal sin, grave sin
契約、けいやく (n; するv; trans v) covenant, contract, pact [as in a deal with the devil]
最高責任者、さいこうせきにんしゃ (n) chief executive [such as, of the Vatican Bank]
教皇庁、きょうこうちょう(n) the Curia, the administration of the Vatican
地位、ちい (n) position, such as within the Vatican hierarchy, or in line to be a papal candidate
潜り込む、 もぐりこみ (Godan v, む ending; intrans v) to go undercover, to infiltrate
マリア (n) (the Virgin) Mary [sometimes seen as 聖母マリア]
聖母子 (n) Virgin and Child, Mary & Baby Jesus
全知全能、ぜんちぜんのう (n; のadj; yojijukugo) omnipotence and omniscient, all powerful and all knowing
救世主、きゅうせいしゅ (n) savior, the messiah, Jesus Christ (the messiah, savior)
背徳、はいとく (n) immorality, corruption, lapse of virtue
堕落、だらく (n; するv) depravity, degradation, corruption
偶像、ぐうぞう (n) idol, image, statue
天罰、てんぼつ (n) divine punishment, wrath of God, judgment of heaven
主よ、しゅよ (なadj; n) Lord, head (of a group)
信仰、しんこう (n;するv; trans v) (religious) faith, belief
印、しるし (n) a sign
聖所、せいじゅ (n) sanctuary, inner sanctum
邪悪、じゃあく (なadj;n) wicked, evil
Additional Notes
Holy year, 聖年 ; Great Jubilee, 大聖年
“Devil’s book,” 悪魔が書いた魔法書
I did a lot of searching trying to figure out what book, specifically, was meant here, and came up with 2 possibilities:
the Gigas Codex, ギガス写本 or 悪魔の聖書, a book that is not held by the Vatican but was supposedly written with magical assistance from Satan himself;
the Grand Grimoire, 大奥義書 or 大いなる教書, not written by Satan but that is held by the Vatican.
It’s possibly intended to be vague, but the exact phrasing here is different than used for either of these actual books and I couldn’t find any other possible real option. Note the anime does call a book “the devil’s book” and describe it as a “Bible written by the devil” but it doesn’t seem to really be a reference to Gigas, so maybe it’s intended to be a fictional book inspired by these real texts for the purposes of the story.
Secretary of Dicastery of the Causes of Saints - 列聖省長官
As always, I’m human and make mistakes. If you find anything feel free to let me know.
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ryecha · 16 hours
そういえばさっきちゃんと発音できてたか覚えてないんだけどRauschだったら読み方は「ラオシュ」のはず💭 まぁドイツ語読みだったらの話だけど💦 ちなみにドイツ語もRは巻舌じゃなくて喉から音を出すんだよ🥺 私はめっちゃ練習したけどまだ苦手なんだよね😭 ドイツ語のR、chとフランス語のRとスペイン語のJの発音が得意な方に教えていただきたいレベル😌 やっぱり普段とは違う声の出し方って慣れないと難しいよね💦
そんなことよりRAUSCHBERLINのホームページに写真載ってなかった?? 一応Brandenburger Tor(ブランデンブルク門)の写真は置いておくね🍫
JEAN-POUL HÉVINのチョコレートもおいしいのでぜひお金に余裕があれば食べてみてください🥳
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superbeaverstan · 2 months
小さな革命 / Chiisana Kakumei / A Small Revolution
歓びがもし倍になったって 哀しみは半分になったりしない 本当の意味で 痛みは分かち合えない 誰が立ち上がるんだ 時に弱音 零したって 構わない それでも何がしたい?
損得も 忖度も 死ぬ間際に抱きしめるようなもんかよ ただ吸って 吐いているだけで 十分ならば 君は苦しまない
愛とか 夢だとか 希望とか 未来のこと そっと声にして
小さな革命を 胸の内を明かす勇気 小さな革命を 変わりたいと望むのなら 小さな革命を 自分はどうありたい 小さな革命を 当事者であれ 当事者であれ 大きな世界は変わらないとしたって 君の夜明けのきっかけになれたら
邪魔しないから 邪魔をするなって オマエ 他人の幸せは自分の不幸じゃない とばっちりの涙を 生み出した正義は 嘘だ 邪魔しないから 邪魔をすんなって
損得と 忖度に いつまで好き勝手にさせてやるんだよ ただ吸って 吐いているだけで 十分ならば 君は苦しまない
愛とか 夢だとか 希望とか 未来のこと 上手くいかないことだらけ かもな でも 死にたいとか 絶望とか 今日まで堪えたのも、誰だ
小さな革命を 胸の内を明かす勇気 小さな革命を 変わりたいと望むのなら 小さな革命を 自分はどう在りたい 小さな革命を 当事者であれ 当事者であれ 大きな世界は変わらないとしたって 君の夜明けのきっかけに 音楽で世界は変わらないとしたって 君の夜明けのきっかけになれたら
当事者であれ 当事者であれ さあ何がしたい?どう在りたい? 小さな革命を
Yorokobi ga moshi bai ni natta tte Kanashimi wa hanbun ni nattari shinai Hontou no imi de itami wa wakachiaenai Dare ga tachi agarunda Toki ni yowane koboshitatte kamawanai Sore demo nani ga shitai?
Sontoku mo sontaku mo shinu magiwa ni dakishimeru you na mon ka yo Tada sutte haiteiru dake de juubun naraba kimi wa kurushimanai
Ai toka yume da toka kibou toka mirai no koto Sotto koe ni shite
Chiisana kakumei wo mune no uchi wo akasu yuuki Chiisana kakumei wo kawaritai to nozomu no nara Chiisana kakumei wo jibun wa dou aritai Chiisana kakumei wo toujisha de are toujisha de are Ooki na sekai wa kawaranai toshitatte Kimi no yoake no kikkake ni naretara
Jama shinai kara jama wo suru natte omae Hito no shiawase wa jibun no fukou janai Tobacchiri no namida wo umidashita seigi wa uso da Jama shinai kara jama wo sunna tte
Sontoku to sontaku ni itsumade suki katte ni sasete yarunda yo Tada sutte haiteiru dake de juubun naraba kimi wa kurushimanai
Ai toka yume da toka kibou toka mirai no koto Umaku ikanai koto darake kamo na Demo shinitai toka zetsubou toka kyou made kotaeta no mo, dare da
Chiisana kakumei wo mune no uchi wo akasu yuuki Chiisana kakumei wo kawaritai to nozomu no nara Chiisana kakumei wo jibun wa dou aritai Chiisana kakumei wo toujisha de are toujisha de are Ooki na sekai wa kawaranai toshitatte Kimi no yoake no kikkake ni Ongaku de sekai wa kawaranai toshitatte Kimi no yoake no kikkake ni naretara
Toujisha de are toujisha de are Saa nani ga shitai? Dou aritai? Chiisana kakumei wo
If happiness can be doubled It doesn't necessarily follow that sadness can be reduced to half What it really means is that pain can't be shared Will there be someone who'll stand up Who'll see no problem if I let out all my complaints And then asks what do I want to do?
(things like) Considering one's losses and gains, as well as being too considerate - it's not like you're embracing something that'll put you on the verge of dying If just breathing in and out is enough, you won't be suffering
Things like love, dreams, hope, and the future We gently speak of it
A small revolution - a courage to speak one's mind A small revolution - If you desire change, you have to really want to change A small revolution - How do you want that to happen? A small revolution - You can take part in it, you surely can Even if this big, wide world won't change With each daybreak, you'll (always) have a chance to do just that
Hey you - I don't bother you, so don't bother me Another person's happiness isn't our misfortune That "(sense of) justice" which brings about tears - that's a lie I told you - I don't bother you so don't you bother me
Thinking of losses and gains and being too considerate - until when will you be letting them do what they want? If just breathing in and out is enough, you won't be suffering
Things like love, dreams, hope, and the future It may not always go as smoothly as we want But there are still some who fight against thoughts like wanting to die or despair
A small revolution - a courage to speak one's mind A small revolution - If you desire change, you have to really want to change A small revolution - How do you want that to happen? A small revolution - you can take part in it, you surely can Even if this big, wide world won't change With each daybreak in your life as a start… If even music won't change this big, wide world With each daybreak, you'll (always) have a chance to do just that
You can take part in it, you surely can Well, what do you want to do? How do you want it to happen? A small revolution
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flamingo-rex · 17 days
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その数年後にCat ch.22としてブース出店し
モーターサイクルの祭典 車輪村も
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いつもCat ch.22のレッスンで使ってたスティック
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russenoire · 1 year
words from mob psycho 100, ch. 100: 告白 (the confession), part 2
いっぱい乱読しているんでしたの… because i've been skipping around [in this book] quite a bit...
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ここにこの一連の記事の第一弾です。 part 1 is here.
これ言葉が単行本16巻、43〜61ページですから。 these words appear in volume 16 of the manga, pages 43-61.
本章からまだ学ばなかった語彙 words from this chapter i hadn't yet learned:
届く 〖 とどく 〗 among other meanings: to reach, to make an impression; to be delivered.
止むを得ない 〖 やむをえない 〗 an expression conveying a sense of inevitability, resignation or futility; 'it cannot be helped'. see also しょうがない・仕方がない。
保護(する)〖 ほご 〗 to safeguard, protect, preserve.
収まる 〖 おさまる 〗 to fit into; to settle down (into); to subside (in this meaning, also spelled 治まる).
拘速(する)〖 こうそく 〗 restraint(s), restriction, binding, constraint.
には an emphatic version of the particle は, here used to show respect towards the subject of a statement.
頼り切り 〖 たよりきり 〗 overreliance, overdependence. from a noun-y form of the verb 頼る (related, of course, to 頼む and 信頼) and 切る, meaning to cut, slice, truncate, end…
こそ used after a word or phrase, emphasizes it. think 'especially ~' or 'very much so ~'.
凡人 〖 ぼんじん 〗 ordinary, average or mediocre person. for some reason, translated in crunchyroll's english localization for MP100 as 'commoner'... this word has almost no positive connotations in my native tongue.
向き合う 〖 むきあう 〗 face off against, confront.
努力 〖 どりょく 〗 effort, hard work, striving.
避難(する)〖 ひなん 〗 taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation. you may recognize 難 from 難しい。
関係ない 〖 かんけいない 〗 unconcerned, unconnected, irrelevant. 関係 can mean connection, relationship, concern...
災害 〖 さいがい 〗 calamity, disaster, misfortune.
中心部 〖 ちゅうしんぶ 〗 in medias res; in the heart of, central part of.
発作(する)〖 ほっさく 〗 fit, spasm, seizure.
例文(れいぶん)のを読み続けてください。 example sentences below the cut.
言葉が届いてない…? my words aren't getting through to him...?
止むを得ない… 保護するよ。 there's nothing else to be done. i will keep you safe!
力が収まるまで… このまま拘束。 until your power subsides... this will hold you. (literally: until [your] power subsides, in this way restraint.)
影山君には… 大事なことを教えてもらった。 kageyama-kun-niwa… you taught me some important things.
この”力”に頼りきりの僕こそが凡人だってコト… that i, too dependent on these powers, am just an ordinary person… 超能力の無い自分と向き合うことの大切さ……難しさ… that confronting the me without psychic powers is necessary… and difficult… (literally: psychic powers-without-self confronting-thing importance of... difficulty of...) 僕は知ってる。影山君はその努力をしている。」 i know. you are making that effort. (literally: i am knowing. kageyama-kun [teru is directly addressing ???% here], that effort...)
まだ避難していない人がいるよ…  there are still people here who haven't evacuated… って関係ないか今のキミには… does that mean nothing to you right now… ?
避難してください!! いまここが災害中心部です! please evacuate!! you are now in the middle of a disaster area!
影山君…それは発作か何かなのかい? kageyama-kun… are you having a seizure or something? (literally: kageyama-kun… this, seizure...)
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javerend · 1 year
勉強ログ ・ 12/8
NHK News Web Easy: 「今年の一皿」は「冷凍グルメ」 - some considerably lighter fare today. Good Words: 冷凍 「れいとう」 ー refrigeration, cold storage 自動販売機 「じどうはんばいき」 ー お金を入れると、自動的に品物を出して物を売る装置 装置 「そうち」 ー equipment, device, apparatus 捨てる 「すてる」 ー to throw something away 新型 「しんがた」 ー new type, new strain (新型コロナウイルス, almost surprised it took this long to see this)
ホリミヤ ch 21 Good Words: 卑怯 「ひきょう」 ー cowardly 痩せる 「やせる」 ー to lose weight 満腹 「まんぷく」 ー full stomach 組む 「くむ」 ー to link, to cross (here, 腕. looks like same phrase can mean both crossing one’s own arms and linking arms with another person)
Quit your Band! Notes from the Japanese Underground (Ian Martin) 188 -> 244 (end) - sometimes a messy book, but probably any attempt to put a complete narrative onto the history of subcultures is doomed to be a little messy. Martin admits that he's conveniently left out some bands of historical significance which he simply doesn't care for, and some areas with their own music scenes that he isn't familiar enough with, but ends with a nice call to action: "Don't like it? write your own book" (240). Which, fundamentally, was what he was trying to do with this book. He says from the beginning he wanted this to be a starting point for discussing music in Japan, and not the final say. It's a nice sentiment and I look forward to listening to more of the bands he's mentioned here.
History of Japan Podcast (Isaac Meyer) episode 60
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liyatv · 6 years
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てんちむ: 【生配信】音フェチ集合!〜台風の日のASMR〜
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mofffun · 4 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.16
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
timeline: ep5 (Ishabana ch2 of 4)
Rita's request for help from Himeno doesn't exactly go well
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p5: remember when Yanma refused, Rita threatened him with an arrest?? and grab his collar and ready to fist fight versus just quipping with Himeno. They are completely speechless when Himeno questioned them. And they are even trying to find a peaceful solution this time.
p7: やむを得ん 調査は 足でするもんだ
I used a more literal translation. 足でするもんだ sounds an idiom/metaphor, but I can't find a dictionary entry to it.
p9: 私はリタのこと好きだよ
yep that's a confession there. rita moru real.
あっそう じゃあ帰って
。。。そうか そちらが協力しないのなら
自らわがままを叶えため 国民は苦労が絶えないと聞く。。。
も~リタ 協力なしで どうするんですか
やむを得ん 調査は 足でするもんだ
いま あいりがとうって言った!
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nzchao · 10 months
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東京 吉祥寺 NEPO
マサイの戦士(乳製品) presents 「City Noise まつり」
open. 18:00 / start. 18:25 ticket adv / door¥2,200- Live Stream(配信)Ticket ¥1,000-
●Act もっちゃん マサイの戦士(乳製品) YUTASTAR + eifonen ムラカミロキ + Tanao + NRYY DISCO WI✝︎CH (Special guest: Rippin’ Dots, Masafumi Teruyama, Roreda 他)
●Painter ういりお なかがわ寛奈
チケットのご予約 https://nepo.co.jp/contacts/index/1983?tab=booking
【配信】Live Stream Ticket https://nepostream.myshopify.com/products/230626
●timetable 18:25 - もっちゃん 19:10 - マサイの戦士(乳製品) 19:55 - YUTASTAR + eifonen 20:40 - ムラカミロキ+Tanao+NRYY 21:30 - DISCO WITCH × マサイの戦士(乳製品) (Special guest: Rippin’ Dots, Masafumi Teruyama, Roreda 他)
18:25~21:50 なかがわ寛奈 ういりお
本日、吉祥寺ネポにて、マサイの戦士(乳製品) 企画に「ムラカミロキ+Tanao+NRYY」で出演します。 配信もあるのでよろしくお願いします。
NEPO Kichijoji 〒181-0013 東京都三鷹市下連雀1-17-4 GRATO井の頭公園 B1F GRATO Inokashira Park B1, 1-17-4, Shimorenjaku, mitaka, Tokyo 181-0013 Tel. 0422-26-9614 Mail. [email protected] Twitter: @nepo_kichijoji https://twitter.com/nepo_kichijoji/ Instagram: @nepo_kichijoji https://www.instagram.com/nepo_kichijoji/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/nepokichijoji/
JR中央本線 / 京王井の頭線「吉祥寺駅」より吉祥寺通り沿いに徒歩約13分 吉祥寺駅より 小田急バス 約5分「万助橋」下車 徒歩約0分
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Today I read
暗黒デルタ Ch. 4 (For free!)
Vocab new to me:
荒野 (こうや )- Wilderness
虚無 (きょむ) – Nothingness
手のかかる (てのかかる)– Troublesome (person) Laborious (Task)
枯渇 (こかつ)- Drying up, running out
返済 (へんさい) - Repayment
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chouhatsumimi · 4 months
Words from Noragami, ch. 49
Words in bold are particularly relevant to the story, and words in italics seem like they’d be worth remembering outside the context of the manga. Bold and italic together means they’ve probably appeared somewhere in Noragami more than once. [Though it's been a kajillion years (okay three actual years) since I read it so I can't promise I can highlight them well anymore...]
楽しみ, 愉しみ たのしみ enjoyment, pleasure, diversion, amusement, hobby, anticipation, looking forward to / gozo, alegría 打ち手, 撃ち手, 打手, 撃手 うちて shooter, drummer (taiko, etc.) 止む, 已む, 罷む やむ to cease, to stop, to be over / cesar, amainar, parar, estar terminado 尋常 じんじょう common, usual うざがる to behave annoyed, to feel annoyed 化身 けしん incarnation, impersonation, personification, avatar 家捜し, 家探し やさがし, いえさがし searching an entire house, house-hunting ぼそっと, ボソッと, ボソっと, ぼさっと, ボサッと, ボサっと absent-mindedly, vacantly, idly, lazily, in a whisper 無造作, 無雑作 むぞうさ easy, simple, ready, casual, off-hand, easy-going, careless, artless / casual, natural, sencillo, espontáneo 諸悪の根源 しょあくのこんげん root of all evil 目下 もっか at present, now 解消 かいしょう cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress) / saldo, liquidación, cancelación, anulación, abolición, nulidad 引けを取る, 引けをとる, ひけを取る ひけをとる to be outdone (by), to be in inferior (to), to compare unfavorably (with), to be behind / ser superado por, comparar desfavorablemente con ささくれ立つ ささくれだつ to split finely, to splinter, to get frayed, to become irritable, to feel on edge 繕う つくろう to mend, to patch up, to repair, to fix, to darn, to fix (hair, clothes, appearance etc.), to adjust, to tidy up, to groom, to keep up appearances, to cover up (e.g. a mistake), to gloss over, to treat (illness, injury, etc.) / reparar, remendar, parchar
- Ch. 48 || Ch. 50 -
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