#♝        answer.
dukeoftheblackstar · 9 months
got any plo koon fic recs? looking for some new stuff that's good. one shots and long fics welcome! I'll take anything i can get
Shamelessly promoting my own:
Dom!Plo ask by yours truly, submitted by the lovely @mild-disorganization
Some tired dad!Plo headcanons maybe?
And for some that I have read and adored:
Plo Koon Masterlist by @my-head-is-an-animal (Mixed)
Thigh Kink with Plo by @saradika (NSFW)
Not a fic, but hella spice by @saradika (SFW & NSFW)
Friendship - Plo Koon & Wolffe by @wild-karrde (SFW)
PloKit Art (their entire blog) by @uiro-mgmg1 (NSFW - mostly art)
SFW & NSFW Alphabets for Plo by @samspenandsword
My favorite ♥:
Sovereign (PloKit, idk if you're into it, but I am) by @tits-fisto (NSFW but very wholesome)
The Tiniest Councilor by Quiet_Shadow (SFW)
Name and Soul by @decepticonsensual (SFW)
Haven't read but is on queue when I have the mood and will power to actually read and not thirst for our Kel Dor Emperor ♥
of claws and tusks by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- Apparently, it's hella angsty and I reserve the angst for weekend when I'm not out here thirsting for this King.
in deditionem by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- I've seen them write ♥, it makes me squeeeeeeee ♥
Helium by @cynderiaopus who also made my current bomb AF pfp of Plo steepling ♥
Other materials and interesting read:
@exosorcery has very interesting comics and posts about Kel Dors in general. Here's one specific of Plo Koon:
A few faves from them:
@veny-many for their AUs and Plo Koon & Wolfpack Art (also includes others) <- Presenting you the bebbis ♥
My faves:
The entire post AU 66 where Plo lives is a quintessential to any post AU 66 imho because I'm heavily invested in this and I'm about to cry because I need to organize my bookmarks (and update this) so I can give you the proper start to fin link.
I'd post more from @veny-many and @exosorcery, but if you spend a good 10 minutes scrolling, you'll be there forever. Quality art content!
You may also want to check World building and ConLang Kel Dor study, apart from their OC x Plo Koon art. Big thanks for this neat document by @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
[[ @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows I hope it's okay to share. If not, I can take it down ♥ ]]
So far just these at the top of my head. Thank you for the Plo-related ask :D! I enjoyed sifting through my bookmarks ♥
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Don't forget to give love and reblog, comment, follow these amazing people who do so much for the Plo Koon, Dorin, Kel Dor tags ♥
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miasmania · 3 months
" What is that? " Accusatory tone.
❝ what's what ? ❞ petrel answers, a little music in his tone.
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❝ gonna have to be a lil' bit more specific. ❞
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azotas · 1 year
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@akashicmuses Number 2 for Dhaos and Sync! Maybe some relative of the swamp behemoth took a bite out of Sync or something
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2: tending to their wounds
Eyes slowly flick open, noting instead of the bloody battlefield, they were instead inside a small cover behind some cliffs. They must have recently gotten here considering there wasn’t a fire. But fire didn’t seem to be the main concern of his latest travel companion. The warmth against him and the light glow told him a healing arte. Embarrassment and shame strangle him as the teen watches the way other for a moment. Vence had lost his touch. To get so injured that he passed out from the pain and blood loss. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic!
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“Did you kill it? Or is it still roaming around the marsh looking to eat us?” Slowly Vence forces himself to sit up, gritting his teeth as pain shoots up his body. The thing ruined his shirt, leaving metal and a glyph in partial display under the drying blood. At least it was getting healed so infection would be the least of his worries. 
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yourcoruscantworkwife · 11 months
L.O.L. Your writing style is hilarious! I read some of your threads with Fox and I see the pattern. I like this pattern. I might consider rping Plo Koon, but I don't know much about his background. Just some basic info I can easily Google. Either that or if you're okay with just asks, that would be much preferred since I have way too many sideblogs already.
[ Eep! Thank you, thank you ♥ No pressure at all! You can play him if you want which ultimately is what I want lmao or anyone. I'm open to ocs being an oc myself. But I'm shit with response time, so.... ]
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pdrrook · 2 years
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WARNING for dark fantasy setting, dubious morality, blood, gore, graphic violence and depiction of death, on-screen murder, possible cannibalism and minor animal cruelty (demon characters), vomiting, suggestive themes, tyranny. Reader discretion is advised.
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With your appointment as the royal Summoner, you were to expect glory. Instead, your short career ended with your death. Your achievements and past were buried under the wreckage, somewhere on a plot of barren land called the Crossroads. Death, however, wasn’t your end. It’s only the beginning. 
Now, stifled under the thumb of Mastravisch Azvael Ories - the supreme ruler of the Overshadow realm, where ghosts and demons run rampant - you are bound by a life contract - that for an undead means eternal servitude. 
Just when you begin to settle into your new life, building some semblance of normalcy, you are betrayed, left to perish. Though weakened, but with a body that finally belongs to you alone, you vow to get revenge on both your almost-destroyer and the damned tyrant that once held your leash.
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- die (you’ll be fine, I promise), 
- serve under a lunatic tyrant (under an unfair contract),
-  end up betrayed (golly gee),
- hunt for revenge (or just answers),
- steal the tyrant’s crown (or not!), 
- change the course of history (or fck it up!), 
- dare to trust, again and again (and hope for the best).
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☾ The Summoner - MC [placeholder name Sarto Demvir, customizable]: 
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≀ Lotár [♡] she/he - a demon (snake)         [Playlist]      [Pinboard]
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⚔ Mirren [♡] she/he - construct         [Playlist]      [Pinboard]
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⚔ Rez [♡] she/he - construct         [Playlist]      [Pinboard]
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♝ Saltire Farros [♡] she/he - hunter         [Playlist]      [Pinboard]
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✺ Malitiōse ‘Mal’ [♡]  she/he - shapeshifter         [Playlist]      [Pinboard]
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MISC: [Ko-Fi] [Patreon] [Itch.io] [Carrd.co] 
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twstwinnie · 2 years
The way you wrote for floyd in a relationship was so well written! Could I request one for Jamil?
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♝ With You ~ Jamil Viper
summary: in a relationship with Jamil Viper! Same three categories! Crushing, Confession, and Relationship shenanigans!
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, mutual pining, gn! reader
a/n: thank you so much for this request!! And I’m glad you enjoyed the Floyd version of this! I’m really glad y’all are enjoying these! I wanted to do one for Jamil, so I’m really happy someone requested it! I hope you all enjoy this one! spoilers for book 4 ahead!
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♝ starry - eyed !
» If you want the picture perfect definition of denial, Jamil is it. It takes him incredibly long to actually realizes that he has a crush on you. So long in fact that pretty much everyone else realizes it aside from you and him. It’s clear as day though. The way he looks at you— treats you. It’s clear that he adores you.
» However, it’s not as if his denial comes from a refusal to admit his feelings. Rather, they come from a place of self-preservation. Jamil has never been granted the things he wanted in life. He’s always used to giving up what he wants to serve Kalim— to stay in the shadows. That’s how his life has always been, so why would it be any different with you? Wouldn’t he be a fool to give himself that false hope? To think for a second that maybe he could be with you?
» He doesn’t want to disappoint himself, so it’s better for him not to face his feelings. Though, that proves to be very difficult.
» At first, he can get away with claiming that he just enjoys your company. That he likes being around you because you don’t expect him to act a certain way or do things for you. He likes spending time with you because it’s a break from reality— it’s a break from being a servant. Though, as you two steadily spend more time together, he finds less and less excuses to justify spending time with you.
» He could study on his own, yes, but he chooses to walk with you to the library to study instead. Why? Well… he doesn’t have an answer. He lines up his schedule so that he just happens to be free after your club activities so he can walk you back to your dorm, or maybe spend time with him. Jamil may claim it’s because he wants to keep you safe, but in reality, he doesn’t have a solid answer. He could spend his weekends having time to himself, but before he knows it, he’s texting you, asking if you have any plans.
» Eventually, he can’t deny having an answer as to why. He knows why. No longer able to run from the truth, he just admits it. He adores you. Absolutely smitten with you. The way you always help him without a word— the way you make time for him— the way you treat him not as a spectacle, but just as a normal person— he can’t help it. You’ve made his life easier, given him more reasons to smile. Occasionally, you even help Kalim study or keep him distracted just so Jamil can have a few hours to himself.
» You’ve done so much for him. Isn’t only natural that he develops such strong romantic feelings towards you?
» Once he finally comes to terms with his crush, that’s when his behavior starts to change. He’ll go out of his way to ask you if you need assistance and take pride in being able to help you, no matter what it is. If you’re worried you’re giving him extra work, he’s quick to reassure you. If it’s you, he’s more than happy to help out.
» With his crush, your compliments start to take more effect. If you watch his basketball practices and compliment his skills, he’ll immediately pull his hood up and hide his face to conceal the raging blush on his cheeks. Seeing you in the crowd at his games always makes him incredibly excited and motivated, and it shows in the way he always searches for your eyes after every point he makes. He has more fun when you’re there watching him.
» Although you do see him when he’s having fun, he also knows that he can talk to you about his struggles. You never bat an eye, and you’ll give him your full, undivided attention as he vents about his frustrations. You never judge him, always quick to reassure that you’re there. If you can make his life easier, you will do anything to help. It always makes Jamil’s heart flutter. You already make his life worlds better. He wishes so badly that he could just… tell you.
» Being friends is nice, but he finds himself envisioning what dating you would be like more and more. Holding hands, hugging, kissing you, having you spend the night in his dorm, no longer having to worry that you’ll be swept away before he knows it… for the first time, he longs so badly for something and knows that he has to do something about it.
» But… would confessing ruin what you two have? Would he lose you? He thinks about that one day while gazing at you from afar during lunch. After one longing sigh too many, both of his clubmates groan, having joined him for lunch that day.
» “Sea Snake, just say something to them! Sittin’ here whinin’ gets you nothing!” Floyd insists. Ace nods in agreement.
» “I have to agree, Viper-senpai. I mean— staring from afar won’t do you any good! Pretty much everyone aside from them knows that you like them! If you never say anything, they’ll never figure it out! If you want something, then take the leap! It’s only a matter of time before someone else does and you lose your chance!” Ace insists, a rather annoyed expression on his face. Jamil deadpans at them both and they’re quick to change the topic, but he keeps their advice in mind.
» He knows they’re right. He doubts he’s the only one that adores you— that wants to be with you. Jamil is used to losing for other people’s sake— not showing off or flaunting. You always insist he should, but understand his circumstances. However, he knows that this is something he doesn’t want to miss out on.
» Jamil cannot miss his chance with you. So he will do whatever it takes to confess— to finally take that step forward and have the honor of calling you his.
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♝ say the words !
» Jamil wants to go about his confession carefully. He’s always been the type to plan things far in advance, and admittedly, he’s a bit of a perfectionist. He wants to impress you— to show you just how much you mean to him. He can’t just… be impulsive and spew out a confession without another thought. He was sure if he tried, he’d stumble over his words and back out due to embarrassment. He wanted to do this right.
» He scraps many ideas. He doesn’t want to be cheesy, or go with something too fake feeling. It has to be genuine— he wants to be able to portray his feelings in the most honest way possible to you. Being too flashy, overly romantic… it just isn’t him. He could shower you with gifts and flowers, cook you a large feast and write you a beautiful confession to boot, but none of that feels true to him. It’s far too out of character.
» Eventually, he settles less on scripting the confession, and more on giving himself the proper opportunity and atmosphere to confess. He decides that he’ll invite you to the next party at Scarabia, pull you aside to the balcony for a moment alone under the desert skies, then he’ll just let the words flow. A genuine, intimiate conversation alone, away from the fray. That feels more comfortable. More like himself. So it quickly solidifies as his plan.
» The next party comes quickly and he invites you as planned. You insist on helping with party preparations, but Jamil manages to convince you otherwise. He needs the time alone. He comes up with a bunch of excuses, of course not wanting tu admit that he needed some time to mentally prepare and rehearse what to say— how to open up the conversation.
» The entire school day before the party he’s incredibly nervous. He knows that he wants to do this, but isn’t quite prepared for how you might react. His fellow classmates notice, and his club members are quick to realize he’s out of it when a ball hits him square in the face. Floyd and Ace tease him to no end about it, knowing exactly why he’s in the state he’s in. It’s not hard to conclude given his fluster, but he denies it anyway.
» Soon, he’s preparing for the party and stumbling over things he usually wouldn’t. He’s grateful though because his dormmates are quick to assist him— showing him sympathy and wishing him luck. Jamil has no idea how him confessing became such widespread news, but he figures that maybe it’s best not to question it. He needs all of his focus on you.
» When the party comes around, he enjoys it with you by your side for a while. As the night progresses, things get more lively and he’s quick to notice you getting a bit tired. The perfect moment. He invites you to join him outside for a breather and you agree with a smile, following him out onto the balcony into the cold desert air.
» At first, it’s silent. You’re both staring up at the stars, enjoying a quiet moment away from the bustling celebration indoors. Jamil can’t help but look over at you. His heart flutters— seeing you underneath the starry sky, bathed in the moonlight. You look amazing, and that longing sings loudly one more. It’s now or never.
» “Hey… can I tell you something?” He starts, a bit hesitant as he stands beside you. You hum in response.
» “Sure. I’m always here to listen, Jamil. You know that.” You glance over at him. He takes a deep breath, placing his hand over yours on the railing before finally meeting your gaze.
» “I… like you. I have for a while, now. You don’t have these crazy expectations that everyone else does. You know who I really am. You know how much I have to downplay my own abilities because of my job as a servant. You’ve always been so understanding and I… I’m not used to getting things I want. But I want to be with you. I don’t want to give this up. I can’t give this up. I like you. Will you go out with me?” He averts his gaze, afraid of your response.
» After a few moments of silence, he finally looks at you, feeling his face flush upon seeing your wide eyes and bright smile. You nod excitedly, intertwining your fingers with his and leaning against him as you laugh softly.
» “Absolutely. I thought you’d never ask.” You respond joyously. Jamil feels waves of relief, leaning his head atop yours as he enjoys your warmth by his side.
» This time, he doesn’t try to hide the smile adorning his expression.
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♝ at last , with you !
» As private of a person as Jamil is, news of your relationship spreads like wildfire. Why? Because Jamil isn’t subtle at ALL with how happy he is to finally be with you. He can brush it off with people like Kalim, who won’t bat an eye, but then club time rolls around. You stop by to drop something off for Jamil, and the way he smiles as he watches you walk away speaks volumes for his peers.
» Floyd and Ace are the first to find out because of this. They tease him endlessly, but he can’t find it in him to care because for once— for once in his life— he got to have something he wanted. A genuine relationship with a person he loves so much. Admittedly, as much as the pair tease, they think it’s nice. Ace looks up to you with how kind you are. You always lend a hand and occasionally, you’ve tutored him when he was too scared to ask Riddle. He’s glad Jamil found you. Floyd finds you just as intriguing as he finds Jamil. Seeing you both together is very fitting, he things. But additionally, it’s nice to see Jamil have a sort of genuine happiness around you. Maybe others don’t notice it, but he usually fakes how happy he is. Floyd thinks you must be fun if you can make someone as serious as Jamil genuinely joyous. So he’s happy for you both.
» However, Floyd and Ace have never been ones to keep quiet, so the news spreads. Floyd tells the others at Octavinelle, Ace tells Heartsabyul, Cater tells Kalim— and oh boy if anyone is excited, it’s one Kalim Al-Asim. He’s wanted Jamil to find someone to make him happy for a while now, and you? You’re exactly what Kalim had in mind for his friend and more. You’re always so patient with Kalim when you tutor him. If he asks, you come to his Light Music club performances— plus, you always help him out when he’s having trouble! He’s so happy that Jamil has someone like you tu rely on.
» So happy that he insists on throwing a celebratory party on Jamil’s behalf. He tries to insist otherwise, but eventually laments and tells you about it. You both laugh about it because it’s so unequivocally Kalim. You help Jamil with the party preparations, so he can’t find it in himself to mind too much. Cooking with you feels so… natural in a way. Having you there, in perfect sync with him, not having to worry about you messing up or anything— it’s enjoyable. You two finish pretty quickly and enjoy a rather upbeat party.
» Honestly though, you both sneak away to spend some time alone. While the party goes on I’m the background, you stay with Jamil in his room, laid next to him, curled into his side. You two talk about whatever to pass the time, laughing together, getting a few hours of privacy to enjoy just… being together.
» Moments alone with you are Jamil’s favorite thing. So many of your dates will reflect that. They’re always private, intimate. Movie nights in, star gazing together in the woods, sometimes even late nights spent in each other’s arms. You don’t need an excuse to spend time together anymore. You both plan out dates when your schedule aligns and do whatever you feel fits best for how you’re both feeling.
» A lot of the times, you two will go off to isolated parts of campus and sit together. During lunch, before clubs— whenever possible. Jamil will lay his head in your lap as you gently run fingers through his hair. He enjoys the attention, and you’re happy because it gives him a break from the countless stresses of his day to day life. You’re more than happy to indulge him.
» Though, your relationship changes after his overblot. Jamil fully expects to lose you. He mentally prepares himself, but you stay. Admittedly, you’re hurt. Of course you are, but you’re able to recognize that Jamil was pushed to this point because he was hurting more. An unimaginable amount. It’s from that day forward that Jamil absolutely trusts that he can tell you anything— even his most venomous thoughts— without judgment. He won’t scare you away. And that’s relieving to him because he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.
» With you, he’s able to recognize that his hatred for Kalim isn’t that at all. That it’s a projection of his hatred for his circumstances— a desire for things to be different. His relationship with Kalim has to slowly be repaired, and you help with that. You help ease his fears and worries, take care of him when things get rough— hug him tightly when he cries. When he becomes too overwhelmed, when he’s heard people call him a monster one too many times, you hold him, whisper soft reassurances to him, make him food and keep him company.
» You make sure he’s taken care of. You make sure he knows that he’s loved. With you, Jamil feels like himself. He feels like he doesn’t have to face his issues alone anymore. Because in the face of an overblot, betrayal, distrust, and lies, you didn’t turn away. You stood strong and embraced him after he snapped out of his overblot. You stayed by his side during his recovery, and loved him even stronger in the wake of the event.
» You’ve always had him in mind. And Jamil is incredibly grateful to have you. You keep him in check, warm his heart, but most importantly to him—
» You show Jamil that he is more than the circumstances of his birth. That he deserves to be praised for his accomplishments— that he can do as he desires. To you, Jamil isn’t someone else’s shadow.
» He’s your partner. And as much as Jamil hates titles, even he has to admit that being called “yours” is a title he will always be proud to have.
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— fin.
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rosietrace · 5 months
『 Dearest Zenith 』
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◊ — The following is a recording of Zenith Devi and Headmaster Dire Crowley of Night Raven College, regarding Zenith's life before attending Royal Sword Academy — and transferring to Night Raven.
◊ Recorded by Dire Crowley
◊ The recording has been stored within the Night Raven College archives.
❥-҉-༄༝ㅤ・ㅤ˚ㅤ。ㅤ.ㅤ⋆ 【♝】
『 Recording Begins 』
“You asked to see me, Headmaster?”
“Yes,” Crowley nodded his head, gesturing to the empty seat across his desk. “Do have a seat, Mr. Devi.”
And so he did. “So,” Zenith's voice sounded about as cheerful as his unmoving smile. “Why'd you ask to see me? I'm pretty sure it isn't because I just transferred here.”
The Headmaster let out a breath. “You are correct,” leaning back against his chair, Crowley crossed his arms. “I'm here to ask about your background.”
That got a snort out of Zenith. “My background? Why?” his smile remained, never fading no matter the atmosphere, no matter the situation.
Crowley didn't take kindly to such a situation being treated so casually. “Because,” Crowley began. “There seems to be no information regarding your background in your school file.”
“Don't you think that's a bit strange?”
The smile on Zenith's face faltered, but soon returned. “Strange, indeed!” he agreed. “Am I correct in assuming that I'm here to interrogate me, headmaster?”
Crowley nodded. “You are correct.”
Zenith took note of the hidden camera in the voice recorder but did not comment on it. He knew Crowley's suspicions and took them in stride.
“When were you born, Mr. Devi?”
That was a softball question, Zen thought. “February 24th, sir.”
Crowley continued. “And you were born in Rose Queendom soil…”
Zen's smile remained but twisted into something more tight-lipped. “Yes,” he leaned against his chair, continuing, “In the countryside. Nobility.”
Crowley arched his brow but said nothing about that.
“I've heard from Miss Shard that you and her are childhood friends.”
Zen's smile softened, reaching up to his eyes, crinkling. “Indeed we are,” he nodded, his demeanor calm. “We met during her fifth birthday.”
“I see,” Crowley didn't stop. Not yet. “What were the names of your parents?”
“Caelus and Ekta Devi,” Zenith answered. If he was disturbed by the way Crowley asked him these questions, he didn't show it.
“And were your parents in attendance during Miss Shard's birthday?”
“Not exactly.”
“And why is that?”
“Father was busy tending to his affairs,” Zen drawled, “And Mother…. Well, I can't say much about Mother.”
The headmaster's eyes narrowed, behind that crow-shaped mask. “What kind of relationship did you have with her?”
“She was lovely,” Zen looked off to the side, his tone vague. “But she died when I was six.”
“My condolences,” Crowley said quickly. “But do continue.”
Zen's smile turned crooked, and it didn't quite reach his eyes, this time around. “Fire away with the questions, then.”
“How did your Mother die, if that topic isn't too sensitive.”
“Natural causes. Fatal illness, died on Valentine's day.”
Perplexed, Crowley leaned back into his seat, arms crossed. “Is that so? Quite the bewildering predicament that must've been.”
“Very much so,” Zen confirmed. “I miss her dearly.”
If you do, Crowley couldn't help but ponder. Then why be so vague?
“Is that all the questions you have to ask, headmaster Crowley?” Zenith's smile faded, beginning to stand from his seat. “Me and Tori are going flower picking off campus.”
He paused. Then continued.
“If you so allow us, of course,” he tilted his head innocently. “For you are so gracious, are you not?”
Crowley's jaw clenched, sending a look of warning from behind his mask.
“You may.”
Zenith hummed in satisfaction, his hands behind his back. “Wonderful!” He declared, turning his back on Crowley and walking to the doors of his office — seemingly opening for him in one swift motion.
“Thank you for your time, headmaster Crowley,” a condescending tonality was laced between Zenith's lips. “Truly.”
The doors closed behind him, leaving Crowley alone. Isolated.
『 Recording Ends 』
「✥」 Information regarding Zenith Devi post-interview with the Headmaster
◊ His school file had been updated, as before the interview, his date of birth was unknown — even to his previous headmaster, Ambrose the 63rd.
◊ There are no official records of a noble family known as ‘The Devis’ living in the Queendom of Roses’ countryside.
↳ This could be an oversight on the part of Crowley's research but that remains unseen.
◊ There are also no official records, historical or word of mouth, of any nobles with the names Caelus or Ekta Devi.
◊ Dire Crowley had an interview with Victoria Shard shortly after Zenith's interview, so as to confirm that he was in attendance during her fifth birthday.
↳ And although he was in attendance, Miss Shard had informed him that — apparently — there was no one with a name like his on the guest list.
◊ Headmaster Crowley believes it best to keep an eye on Zenith Devi until further notice of any ‘conspicuous’ behavior on his end.
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rwuffles · 1 month
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➹ you must have a cup of tea!
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♝ request info。
we do   ➸   flag coining。 nputs ( name , pronoun , username & title suggestions )。 rentry graphics。 rentry templates。 tumblr layouts。
we don't   ➸   userboxes。 mood / stimboards。 anything not listed above。
♜ inbox & request rules。
01   ➸   refrain from using the following typing quirks — or provide a plain text beforehand — in our inbox; o -> ♡ ( or similar )。 letters -> numbers。 s -> z。 all caps lowercase i。
02   ➸   do not used colored text or fonts
03   ➸   do not ask invasive questions ( i.e. "are you dating [x]?" "did you & [x] get into a fight?" etc. ) — we especially won't answer them if you're on anon. we might if you're not.
04   ➸   specify the full media & character name if you're requesting for something from one
♚ blacklist & whitelist
blacklist   ➸   none! we'll just deny it if we're uncomfortable with doing it :3
whitelist   ➸   reqs from moots。 puppy / dog themes。 aquatic themes。 dragon themes。 general gaming themes。 medieval fantasy。 century: age of ashes。 ( modded ) minecraft。 tmnt 2012。 pokémon。 fnaf。 tmasc。 achillean。 gay。 aromantic。 nonhumanity & / or seasian / vietnamese requests
♛ extra info
we'll take general , non-character themed rentry & layout requests!
we're willing to coin almost anything — just ask!
♟ ask game
🍰   ➸   label from my hoard
🍄   ➸   a song from my playlist
🐇   ➸   current hyperfixation
💌   ➸   a form of ours
🫧 + date   ➸   queued posts for that day
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luck-and-larceny · 2 years
♝: What’s most important to them? ♟: What music do you associate with them? ♦: What qualities would they notice in another person that would drive them away?
Most important
"Gotta be rolanberries. What's the point of going on in a world without them?"
OOC: She's not going to be forthcoming about big questions, but I feel like I need her IC answer there for fun anyway. I can't decide the most important thing to her so I'm cheating and making a small list.
Personal expression
Balancing the scales by knocking the powerful down a peg
Really excellent boots
"What music would I associate with myself? Never been asked that before! You know when you're watching a production in Gridania and the strings in the orchestra play a few notes to invoke creeping dread or impending doom? That's me!"
OOC: In character Malika plays the bamboo flute, ocarina, and pan pipes. So I associate that with her, of course.
Some songs with lyrics I associate with her are:
Portions for Foxes by Rilo Kiley
Tongues and Teeth by The Crane Wives
Get Lucky (specifically the Halestorm cover)
Tightrope by LP
What qualities would drive her away:
"Noisy eaters. The wet sound of someone smacking their lips loudly while eating makes my ears hurt. Gross."
Be too into her too fast. She's a bit of a master at insincerity and is quick to spot it in others too. She doesn't really have a high opinion of herself so if a stranger or acquaintance is singing her praises that's an immediate write off to her.
Be clingy. Malika comes and goes as she pleases and assumes you should too. The only questions she'll ask about where you've been will be about whether it was fun and exciting (she loves stories). If it appears that you are jealous she was somewhere else than with you she'll flee.
Tell her what to do/what not to do. She's kind of a pain in the ass. If she thinks you're trying to control her behavior in any way she'll do the opposite of what you say just to spite you. Charming!
((Malika comes and goes as she pleases and so does my drive to answer Asks. I got to this so late and am so sorry! Thank you for it!))
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i-need-more-caf · 11 months
[ Very much so! Is that a yes on sending an oc for Fox? I specially I'm gonna build this oc for your Fox because you are hilarious! I love it! Poor baby. I will love on him too! Stressy-depressy baby, be my work wife ♥ ] - ♝
[ooc ness | it’s a yes ^~^ i like tormenting my kyute little meow meow. Tho since it’s 4am already for me, I will answer the other ask later. Thxuuu sm <3 ]
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dukeoftheblackstar · 8 months
Do you have any thoughts on shipping Din with Boba Fett?
@cmdrcuriosity ♥
I'm open for all ships as long as it's consensual and of age. You're asking someone who is very much open to Plo Koon x Wolffe [ Ploffe ] and Darth Fett [ Vader x Boba ].
I've read quite a number of BobaDin fics and I enjoy them! Assuming this is TBOBF-era, I think it's a nice and most of them are wholesome because you have old Boba who, at this point, wants tenderness, companionship, peace, and a little chaos and Din is at that right age and mindset to do so.
Din is also someone I believe would help Boba flourish in terms of cultivating his roots as the son of Jango Fett wherein Mandalorian blood runs in his veins no matter how many times they retcon that shit (which is stupid).
Boba would be so supportive of Din and perhaps and in that process, he rekindles that fire of living up to Jango and Jaster's legacy and honestly, that is gonna give Boba some more purpose to live and remain bad ass as opposed to being a daimyo.
I get it, running a town ain't easy, but imagine being part of the whole rebuild of Mandalore AS Boba FETT. Jango would roll in his grave and applaud, with Jaster maybe.
And in terms of dynamic, I bet they'd be so soft and silly. Boba being "I heard you're talking shit about my boyfriend", rifle ready and shit. Then Din's all peace talking and trying to negotiate.
Then think about idle days, Boba just navigating around Din who can't take his helmet of fully and they're so in sync. I've always pictured Din having a day of forgetting or maybe like inadvertently lifting his bucket too high up that it nearly tips off but Boba is there casually walking behind him and pushes the bucket down so it doesn't tip over?
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miasmania · 1 year
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unprompted. ↪ @cardinalvice
ariana smiles at him, " oh petrel, won't you wipe the blood off my face? my nails are drying. " how did she get into this specific situation.
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❝ SHOULD I ? ye look so pretty like that ... ❞
still, PETREL OBLIGES. he pulls out a soft handkerchief from his pocket, wipes her face oh so gently. god knows you don't touch a woman carelessly, not even with a rose -- but with her, EVEN FLOWERS WOULD BE IN A WORLD OF HURT.
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❝ now in WHAT KIND OF MESS didja get yerself into ... tell me everything. ❞
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azotas · 1 year
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@iniquitousideals asked “you shouldn’t have seen that”
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"Yet I did, Fallen Hero. What about it?"
Sync only gives pause at those words, watching for a moment before he laughs. It's light and amused like Mithos had told him a joke. To Sync, Mithos had. Maybe a normal person would be upset, and would be afraid of what Mithos was doing, but Sync was just as dark and twisted. Something like this, it was hardly worth being upset.
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“Considering who I am, do you really think I’ll be upset about this?” He watches for a moment before stepping forward, close to the much older being.
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yourcoruscantworkwife · 11 months
Tempted to RP with you as Plo Koon since you've been on about him on your main lol
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[ Pleease do not toy with my emotions like that. I am very vulnerable and will just aksjdalkjdaksldjasklj all over you if you do xD. But yes, if she's unhinged with Fox, she's probably the complete opposite to Plo because oh my god, I cannot xD. Watch he be the sweetest angel in the galaxy because she can't be all asdjakdja PLO xD ]
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falseapostle · 2 years
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✥ @catncore​ asked: ✥
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✥ ❝  your noise..... it's so unique.   ❞   the rat king. it reminded him of that human story, the nutcracker. he wondered if that was part of the influence of it.    ❝  i can see it clearly. did you get to pick it yourself or did you inherit it?  ❞  in his usual frequency he would have known better than to engage with this one, but he was curious as kittens tended to be. it made him want to get a better look. this guy was also an angel so..... it should be alright..... right? eanas would probably scold him later but he couldn't help himself right now. ✥
Wait a second. Wasn’t that... Apichisiel? Tuned down, no less. And approaching him. Haruto couldn’t tell if he was being brazen or just an idiot.
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“Aren’t you...? What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in your own universe?”
Well... if he was asking questions, and he did seem genuinely interested, Haruto would be willing to answer. And as much as he doubted he could impart wisdom onto a being so much older and more pure in nature than himself, the least he could do is try to plea his case. But he wanted to see where this was going first. What was precisely on the traitor’s mind.
“Er, well, I suppose ‘inherited’ might be a bit of a stretch, but I didn’t exactly actively create it, either. This form was the natural shape that my soul took when I became noise. The form altered by my sense of nature, I suppose. I never really questioned it. Perhaps it was merely the shape that God intended for me. I admit, I find it quite useful. It is far more suiting to my way of doing things than many of the other creatures that I’ve seen. And why, exactly, are you asking?”
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@cantillat asked: ♗ - summer outfit & ♝- crisis / war / battle armor
Outfit Headcanons meme - Selectively Accepting. Some options are more visually interesting than others.
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What to wear when it's too hot and she can't wear a swimsuit (or her preferred wet suit) all day? Simple.
For the hottest, sunniest and most humid of days, Sonia opts for a light, vintage-inspired sundress, comfortable shoes, simple accessories, and sunscreen. She will never forget the sunscreen!
Her jewelry may change from gold to silver, maybe with some pearls here and here (no precious gemstones: no reason for it on the hottest of summer days!), pair of heeled sandals, or a summery evening bag, it's usually a combination of these sorts of styles:
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Tiny flowers, dots, or other pretty patterns are welcome, as are solid colors. Wrap dresses, bows, and some tasteful skin showing are common Sonia summer fashion cues.
Sonia definitely owns at least one of the dress in the middle: that's the Gabin dress from Rouje, most famously featured in another color and print in the film No Time to Die on actress Lea Seydoux. Again, vintage-inspired and never really out of style, and quintessential European summer fashion.
See? Sonia has one Bond Girl moment!
For crisis/war/battle armor...that's a little less straightforward for me to answer, but I can break it down three ways.
Sonia definitely has military training attire: black and olive camo fatigues are the most common, with combat boots, weatherproof cargo pants and jacket, various cotton or thermal t-shirts in short and long sleeve versions, helmet, gloves, etc.
She would also have a military dress uniform for a few Royal events that would necessitate her to wear it (surveying the troops, perhaps). Green and navy blue would be the preferred colors worn by the Novoselic armed forces. For inspo, I pulled a few photos of Britain's Princess Anne who has a similar look:
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But for a real crisis moment...well. There's only one option for Despair.
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I can use this for pretty much one reason: this is my Despair Sonia gown.
And I still don't have a mannequin of my own to display it on. But this is pre-arrival to me before I blinged the pink points and the shoulder rose out with a ton of rhinestones. But my commissioner did a great job!
I need better pictures of me in this thing. I've hated pretty much all of my shoots because they were pre-weight I wanted to be at, and this was unfortunately not well-designed for someone with boobs. But yeah: lose more weight, spend the time to do the intricate makeup look I wear with this outfit, and finally get better pictures. Goals.
And hide the black shoe print mark on the back of it because people at cons can suck sometimes.
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