#‘I’m 12!’ lol
kissmefriendly · 9 months
I’m not a “showing gentle compassion and understanding” to myself kind of person, I’m a “lol look at this loser let’s kick em in the dick!” kind of person
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dragoncall · 8 months
So it’s been 15 years since S1 of merlin was first airing and here I am, unemployed, reblogging merlin content on tumblr and the Merlin twitter has randomly come alive again
life has come full circle
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puhpandas · 14 days
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are you disappointed that i’m not the same me you had in your head all this time?
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plum-pitt · 4 months
not to talk my shit on main or anything but Miraculous Ladybug totally robbed its entire main villain concept and formula from Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja and nobody talks about it.
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juviavevo · 6 months
the day russell t davies learns to let go of tennant’s doctor for once or not treat his black characters like secondary compared to his white ones is the day hell freezes over
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turtleblogatlast · 1 month
Middle of the night thought that I may extrapolate on much, much later: The next iteration of Leo always has something about them that the previous iteration wanted or was denied of.
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Cried at the gym bc I’m weak :’)
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 1 month
Knowing Chilchuck is a dad really changes the tone of some of his interactions- he really does act like a tired dad sometimes
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xx-sketchy-xx · 8 months
You have peaked me interest..
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And you’ve peeked his!
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spacespore · 11 hours
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Hehe new drawingggf!!!!!
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newimprovedfarkle · 13 days
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Homestuck has permanently rewired my brain chemistry now every time I close my eyes all I see are those little grey fuckers
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anyway necessary abuse analysis after I watched the episode bc like. c’mon I cannot avoid that.
as of episode 12, obviously i do not know much about ozai, azula (I am spoiled to hell on this show i know she exists), and even really zuko (i was not expecting him to be that obviously a child at that moment jesus fucking Christ) but i think there’s a lot you can gather from specifically the dynamic of abuse set up.
ozai clearly sees his children as extensions of himself- less as people and more as status symbols he can throw out if they stop working. and that’s really shown in the way zuko was abused. not just the very obvious severe physical abuse- not only did he severely and painfully scar his like twelve? maybe? year old son, but he likely at the very least also severely hampered his vision (look at his eye, it’s noticeably unable to open properly where the scar tissue is) and disabled him for life)- but specifically how it was set up to publicly humiliate zuko.
the agni kai was a public spectacle- there’s so many people in the audience, it’s horrifying to think about (though thankfully it seems that it's not entirely common knowledge)- one where he humiliated and degraded zuko for his lack of “honour”- which was him showing compassion and him being a child who loved his father and was terrified of hurting him and just wanted to know how to fix things. it’s a very calculated, deliberate act of abuse, and considering the severity it almost certainly was not the first instance- in fact, zuko's immediate apologetic behaviour and terror at the idea of his father seems to suggest he's been abused before, being (understandable) trauma responses.
i think the way azula acts supports this even further- she’s not at all surprised at the, again, very very severe and visceral physical abuse happening in front of her, only reacting by grinning. she has seen this before. not to this extent, nothing that left scars- or at least, obvious ones- perhaps not even prior physical abuse, but her brother being humiliated and made to feel small and worthless in front of her is something that is simply normal to her. zuko gets abused, and she watches proud that it isn’t her. it’s abusive to her too, in that sense- it’s a threat of violence, if she ever makes her father lose face. their existence is to make their father look good and to be useful- and if they aren’t, they’ll be discarded in the cruellest of ways. that is just something the two grew up knowing, one way or another.
and like, this is clearly why zuko is like that. he’s obsessed with honour because that is a tool that has clearly been used against him to justify his fathers abuse even before this- it’s an ideal he strives for because he thinks it’ll make him worthy of love. and that’s all he wants, for his dad to love him, because he is still a teenager and inherently trusts his parents and blames himself for his own abuse because of that. if he was abused and discarded, it’s his fault in his mind. he needs to fix it, he's the problem in the family. he's fixated so heavily on it because he’s convinced that it’s the only way anyone would ever love or care for him at all- and even the love his uncle shows him can’t convince him otherwise, because he can't accept the idea that he even deserves it. zuko might appear cocky, but he’s the opposite- he’s been brought up to view himself and his worth only in the value he served his father, and cut off from that he sees himself as someone worthless, someone completely unlovable, and he's desperate to fix it, because he views it as his moral failure.
i just. ugh. fucking hell. i am killing ozai with my bare hands those are children those are Tiny how can you look at like young Zuko and fucking do that he’s so obviously a child and it’s so clear this is not the first time this has happened and I’m killing and maiming. ow.
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feral-sylki · 7 months
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I will never be over how tender this touch is, as he reaches his hands out to hold her shoulders, even as she holds her knife to his throat, how sad and how scared she looks, the way he holds her gaze, begging her to trust him
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spn-renaissance · 1 year
i don’t think we will ever comprehend the damage the supernatural cast did to parasocial relationships. like its worse than youtubers. half the fucking time THEY were the show.
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oh shit gotta post about the new TMAGP episode wait fuck no that came out yesterday, uh uhhh uhm, oh uh, imagine if it turned out the UK Government was actually the big bad, I don’t know.
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pinktimemachine · 2 years
Hey. Don’t do this. It’s not cool.
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Not only violates the terms of service, but it also hurts fanfic authors by pushing their fic down the page, making it harder to get readers interested, since they mostly stick to the first page of recently updated.
You can ask on your blog or fellow ship spaces, but this is just wrong. No one wants to scroll past countless works like this.
This also counts when people ask for prompts. It’s against the terms of service as well.
Just the facts.
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