#[ m: isaiah ]
isa-ah · 1 day
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more gay people!
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cuties-in-codices · 15 days
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the prophet isaiah being sawn in half
13th – 15th century manuscript illustrations
manuscript signatures & links: Sarnen, Benediktinerkollegium, Cod. membr. 8, fol. 24r /// Engelberg, Stiftsbibl., Cod. 339, fol. 94v /// Los Angeles, Getty Museum, Ms. Ludwig XIII 5, v1, fol. 137r /// Munich, BSB, Cgm 503, fol. 134r ///Lausanne, BCU, U 964, fol. 266r /// Vatican, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1806, fol. 25r /// Chantilly, Bibl. du Château, Ms. 139, fol. 24v /// Vatican, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 413, fol. 27r /// Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibl., Codex 206(49), p. 47 /// Los Angeles, Getty Museum, Ms. 1, v2, fol. 43r /// Luzern, ZHB, Msc. 42. fol., fol. 8v /// Luzern, ZHB, Msc. 42. fol., fol. 186r /// Darmstadt, ULB, Hs 2505, fol. 43r /// Berlin, SBB, Ms. germ. fol. 245, fol. 43v /// Heidelberg, UB, Cod. Pal. germ. 432, fol. 30r
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daughterofcainnnn · 2 months
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my idea of isaiah based off 'thoroughfare'
idk if i should do a ptolemaea ver of isaiah.. that sounds super fun
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warnersister · 5 months
“Best interest” - Thomas Shelby x Sister!Reader
Thomas Shelby x Sister!Reader, Arthur Shelby x Sister!Reader, (background) Isaiah Jesus x Reader
During an altercation between you and your older brother Thomas turns physical, you turn to your oldest sibling for help.
Request: from anon
“Hey I got a request for Tommy Shelby
So you and Tommy sister and u are 15 and u are living with Tommy and you and Tommy was having an argument and he slapped u and you walk out and Tommy was worried were u was as u didn’t come back for the night and turns out u was at Arthur and Arthur was shocked to see u at his door crying and u told him after and he rang Tommy up pissed off he has hit u
Hope that makes sense x”
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“Isaiah Jesus is bad news.” Tommy told you, cigarette dangling from his lips. “He’s Finn’s best mate!” You retort “plus he works for you!” “Exactly.” He barks in response, stubbing out the remainder of the tobacco onto his desk before rounding it to get to you. “While you live under my roof, under any Shelby roof; you will not date no blinder nor man, you shall stay here and out of trouble.” He told you, wagging a finger at you like you were some dog who refused to do a trick.
“You don’t tell me what to do, you’re not my father.” And before you could think about at a large pain came into the side of your face, followed by an incessant buzzing and potentially red hand mark. Your brother has slapped you. “You are a fifteen year old girl. I am the closest thing to a fucking paternal figure you have and you will not fucking go against me, yn.” You said nothing in response, eyes welling up with tears as you cradle the soreness of your face.
Silently, you grabbed your coat and spun quickly on your heals - pivoting to face the door, rather than Thomas and making a dash for it before your brother was able to stop you. The door slammed shut behind you but Tommy didn’t move - you’d done this before, ran out but returned twenty minutes later with a bit less anger and a bit more Dutch courage in your system.
But when ten minutes had past, twenty, sixty, two hours; Thomas started to worry. He grabbed his coat and his cap, leaving in a similar fashion to yourself - slamming the door behind him to try find you on the unsafe streets of Birmingham: an unpromised virgin Shelby with a target over her head was potentially the worst possible person to leave alone. And even if you were angry, at least you’d be safe in his protection. And for once in his cold little life Thomas started to regret his actions.
You, on the other hand, knocked onto your other brothers - eyes welled to the brim with salty teeth’s that stung the mark on your face. He was notice drink from the hiccup he make when opening the door, but he sobered up rather quickly when he saw the state you were in. “Yn? What’s happened sweetheart?” Arthur asked you. “He hit me, Arth” you sniffed, upset. “Who did? Isaiah? I’ll fucking kill him-” “Thomas.” Arthur stopped in his tracks. “You fucking what?”
“Thomas hit me. Slapped me round the cheek when he found out about Isaiah. Said I wouldn’t stop seeing him just because he told me too-” you explained as your brother embraced you tightly and brought you in fr the cold to be able to properly comfort you. “Let me look” you moved the hand from your face and there laid a vibrant red handprint of the brother who would die tonight if Arthur got his own way; but right now his baby sister was in need and she would always come first to him.
“Come on love, I’ll get you an ice pack.” He mumbled, sitting you on the sofa before heading to the kitchen to grab some forgotten peas from the freezer to heal your dampened mood. “I’ll always look after you, y’know that?” He asked, stroking your hair and kissing your forehead. You nodded up at him. “That’s why I came to you first, Arth” he smiled, glad you trusted him as thus.
When you’d eventually settled and drifted to sleep at this ungodly hour, Arthur made a rather cruel phone call - but not before making a more gentle one. “Isaiah can you come round to mine please… yeah, she just needs you…”
Thomas paced around his house, unable to find you and the police told him they’d do anything in their power to find the Peaky sister before dawn but it wasn’t good enough, he needed you alive and well three hours ago. Not by morning.
The phone ringing dragged him out of his frantic thoughts. “Speaking?” “What are you fucking playing at?” “Arthur?” “I said, what are you fucking playing at Thomas?” He spat again. “Arthur this isn’t the time-” “laying a fucking finger on our baby sister. I’ll rip your cruel fucking hands off and kill you with ‘em” the man on the other end was quiet for a moment. “Is she with you?” “and I’ll slap you twice as bastard hard as you hit her-” “Arthur is yn with you?” Silence. “Yes.” He let up. “Oh thank god, did she come straight away?” “Four hours ago” “oh fucking hell, I’ll be there in five-" he said, pulling his coat back on. “No need. I don’t want to see your ugly fucking mug until morning.” “But," “no fucking buts. My little sister is staying the night with me and that’s final. Not sending her back to someone who’s gonna hurt her” and the line went dead.
The door rattled. “I swear to god Thomas if that’s you-” Arthur seethed, opening the door. “-oh Isaiah, come in lad” he welcomed, letting the sixteen year old blinder into his home - face drained and pumped back up with concern. “Where is she?” “In the living room.”
Isaiah ran into find you on the settee, awake from the commotion. He kneeled in front of you, gently holding your face in his hands checking you over, thumb carefully ghosting over the shadow of a hand on your cheek as his eyes progressively filled with rage. “I’ll fucking kill him for touching you. I’ll cut his hands off and make him eat em from breakfast-” Isaiah began to promise before truly looking into your eyes and seeing the upset in him: to which he immediately relaxed, for you: spoke a bit gentler. “Are you alright?” He questioned, voice barely above a whisper. You nod. “It’s alright, I’ve got you” he promised, taking your body into his chest and caressing your back with a free hand, allowing your distress to seep off into much-needed sleep.
He looked over his shoulder at the older man watching from the doorway, anger returning to his eyes. ‘I’ll fucking kill him’ Isaiah mouthed and Arthur nodded ‘tomorrow’ he lipped back.
In the morning, as soon as the sun reared its head over the horizon, Thomas was at his brother’s doorstep - cap in hands. Awaiting the wrath as the commotion approached the door. “You slimy bastard.” Arthur allowed him through the door, locking it behind him. “Is she here?” “Yeah. With the boyfriend who cares about her more than you think he does.” Thomas ran through the downstairs portion of the house, informing the living room - seeing you sleeping peacefully in the arms of the boy he’d forbade.
Isaiah looked up at him, calmly. “No offence Tommy, but if she wasn’t here right now I’d be chopping your filthy fucking hands off with a butter knife” he said, voice cold and monotone. But he wasn’t able to reply, seeing you wake from your slumber to your abuser in the room you didn’t want him.
“What is he doing here?” You spat, venom leaking from your words. “Yn let’s go home-” “no.” “No?” Arthur stepped forward between the two of you. “I dare you to try lay a finger on her again.” “Yn I’m so sorry. I was worried after you ran off, y’know.” Tommy said, trying to sound guilty - which he was, truly. “But I can see I was being unreasonable and perhaps Isaiah does treat you better than I thought he could. I was only looking out for my baby sister.” He said. “I’ll never touch you again Yn. I’m sorry.” He opened his arms and the two other men looked at you, allowing to make your own choice here.
Slowly but surely, you inched towards Thomas who embraced you in a bone-crushing hug, kissing the top of your head as though it’s the first time he’d seen you in years. But in the embrace, he looked up at Isaiah and pointed a threatening finger at him. “But you ever hurt her and I’ll hold you down while she cuts your fucking balls off.”
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ayandagama · 4 months
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May our future be so bright and beautiful that we stop mourning our past
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heart-for-god · 5 months
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Isaiah 41:10
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Space Lighting Study 4 by Isaiah
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protectionsquad24601 · 6 months
I don't think people understand how intrinsically Jewish the Les Misérables musical is. The writers of the original French musical were Claude-Michel Schönberg (Hungarian Jew), Alain Boublil (Sephardic Jew), and directed by Robert Hossein (Moldovian Jew). Schöneberg also composed the music. It was adapted into English by Herbert Kretzmer (Lithuanian Jew).
The lyrics include many references to Jewish beliefs and values. Schöneberg said in an interview, "When I’m writing a show there is always a part that is typically Jewish."
However, the one that sticks out to me especially is a line from the Epilogue:
"They will live again in freedom,
In the garden of the Lord;
They will walk behind the ploughshare,
They will put away the sword."
The origin of the phrase - specifically, the bit about 'ploughshares' and 'swords' - can be traced back to a nevuah (prophecy) by Yeshayahu (Isaiah), a Jewish navi (prophet) from the sefer Yeshayahu (Book of Isaiah). (Sorry, yes, I insist on the Hebrew words first.)
"The Torah will go forth from Tzion (Zion) and the word of Hashem from Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)... They will then cut their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning knives. No nation will lift a sword against the other, and they will no longer learn warfare."
This is a quote about the 'end of days', and the idea of a peaceful paradise free from war was emulated in the song to convey a similar paradise for our barricade boys, the casualties of the June Rebellion. This is only one of the many examples of Jewish themes and references in the Les Misérables musical!
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heckoffmate · 5 months
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When Isaiah put a letter in Lars' locker in Birthday Boy, I really thought this is what it was gonna be
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mochablogger · 23 days
[I know I'm supposed to do day 3 of art style mimicking but shhhh]
By me, Mocha, ft. @moonsprout-sys (I TRIED DRAWING ISAIAH FROM MEMORY I'M SO SORRY IF I MESSED HIM UP), @trashbins-stuff (I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DRAW RACOON TAILS] and lastly @blairdrawzstuff-part-two (idk if this is your main blog]
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Based on ✨this✨
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Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”  Isaiah 43: 18-19, ESV
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isa-ah · 2 years
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that’s what the aids are for!
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cuties-in-codices · 9 months
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isaiah sawn in half
in a copy of "speculum humanae salvationis", northwestern germany, c. 1360
source: Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Hs 2505, fol. 43r
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daughterofcainnnn · 2 months
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warnersister · 5 months
Dark! Isaiah Jesus x Reader “forever”
Where you try to leave him but Isaiah refuses to fathom the idea that you don’t want to live in his fantasy forever.
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Isaiah rounded the corner onto the street where his house was, pace steady as he looked forward to spending the evening with his little fiancée after a tiring day dealing with some business with the other Peaky boys.
He’d expected you to be in bed already, waiting up for him like a good girl to ask about his day and dote on him the way he’d like you too. But when he opened the front door and let out a loud “I’m home sweetheart” he could hear your pottering upstairs becoming more wicked, and sounded almost frantic to him. He inhaled deeply, anger slowly seeping through his veins and he attempted to establish that gentle dominance he tried to have with you instead of getting truly angry.
In his head it wasn’t true; blindly convincing himself over the past few weeks that the news he’d been receiving wasn’t real. They were just making it up. He’d hired a few men to follow you when you’d started dating - needing to know where his missus was at all times when he couldn’t accompany you. And since the beginning of the month they’d trailed you to a bank, a lawyer and a travel agency which you’d left with a one way ticket to France by ferry. But no, you wouldn’t do that to him. You loved him. You’d promised him forever when you accepted that ring. Of course you wouldn’t do that.
But now, stood in the entrance to your house, he flared his nostrils and shook his head, gritting his jaw as he calmly went around and locked all the doors, windows and exits on the ground floor before putting all keys in his coat pocket, hanging it by the door.
He walked upstairs at his usual pace, rolling the sleeves of his bloodied shirt to deal with your nonsense. He’d walked to the shared bedroom, noticing the light pooling into the hallway, slipping in as he watched you click your suitcase shut. He entered the room fulls and quickly shut the door behind him. You jumped at the sound of the door closing, too absorbed in your own mind to notice him there.
He crossed his arms across his chest, watching you straighten yourself up and could almost see the internal convincing it took you to speak to him. “I can’t do this anymore Isaiah.” You started. “Put the suitcase away yn.” “I can’t keep living your lie. I had a successful business, I was happy. And now I’m just as much use as a chocolate fire guard.” Isaiah stayed silent. “I appreciate all that you’ve done for me. But it’s time for me to go.” You say, picking the suitcase up and pulling the engagement ring off of your finger. And Isaiah started laughing. “You’re funny love.” He shook his head, refusing to believe that you would ever consider leaving him. “I’m serious Isaiah.”
His eyes darkened suddenly, a hazy mist filling the dark voids in place of his pupils as he inhaled deeply. “You think I don’t know what you’ve been doing, taking money out of my account. Hiring a lawyer that works for the blinders. Buying ferry tickets to a country which language you can’t speak.” “I’ve been taking lessons.” “Which I pay for.” He moves away from the door and back towards you, you don’t back away. “You’ve bought a suitcase with my money. Wearing clothes that I’ve paid for, running away in shoes I had made, with a confidence I created. I made you Yn. You will not do this to me.” You stayed silent.
“You’re just confused. You’ve never had a man love you and you don’t know how to feel. You’ve never had such a sense of security and you’re not used to it. Cause you think you’re a strong woman when internally you’re trying not to let go of that little girl’s hope.” You looked down at your feet contemplating his words, wondering what you would actually do once you reached France.
He lifted your chin to meet his eyes with his thumb and index finger, analysing your face. “So what you’re going to do my love, is you’re going to unpack that suitcase, put your clothes away. Give me the money and the ticket and you’re going to put that diamond back on your finger and you’re going to be Mrs Jesus like I know you want to be. Then you’re going to get ready for bed, lay in that bed beside me while you apologise for being so silly and then I’ll consider forgiving you and we’ll go back to how thinks were. Yeah?”
You looked at him for a minute before silently moving away to open your suitcase back up and he knew he had you wrapped around his finger.
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sawthingsiimagined · 2 months
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