#[ 01 ] text.
98-0 · 4 months
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“ Ena ⸻ rentry graphics ! ”
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★ ⠀f2u⠀.⠀credit is necessary and appreciated ! ⠀
★ ⠀requested by anon
★ ⠀art used is official art
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vhscorp · 5 months
Le temps nous vole tout, sans honte ni regret, et il nous prend surtout les êtres qu’on aimait.
Ils sont bien rares ceux qui n’ont jamais vécu le deuil si douloureux d’un proche disparu.
Conjoint, amis, parents, ou pire encore, enfants, la mort nous les a pris, nous laissant seuls ici.
À force de pleurer, le chagrin s’amoindrit, mais nos âmes blessées ne trouvent pas l’oubli.
Mais faut-il oublier, plutôt que de souffrir, effacer le passé, ne plus se souvenir ?
Il me semble que non car tant que nous gardons cet amour pour nos morts, eux, ils existent encore…
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desktopdog01 · 3 months
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updated desktop dog reference sheet!!!
(text from the pics under cut)
image 1: reference march 2024 ; DESKTOP DOG (logo)
image 2: alternate colors... the possibilities are endless !!! ; DESKTOP DOG (logo) ; when choosing a color scheme, try and keep the following in mind: "how would this look as a toy?" ... although not the most important factor in choosing colors - that factor being just what feels right - it is important in keeping in-line with what DESKTOP DOG represents. most importantly, though, just have fun!!! ; reference march 2024
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groggygrimalkin · 2 months
Itchy is the type of guy to soup up a car, bring it to a car meet, rev the engine and it emmediately catches on fire causing everyone to have to leave. Like everyone was impressed until the engine literally blew up. Like Itchy loves cars to death but at the same time he knows fuck all about care maintenance beyond what type of gas to put in and keeping it nice and shiny on the outside but on the inside is probably horrible
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"Just push 1t to the s1de!!!"
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kimberlyannharts · 4 months
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So I may have been slightly hyped for this book the past few months
For the three of you who haven't heard about this, MMPR: The Return is a story set in the future of an alternate universe of the MMPRs; one where Jason, Zack, and Trini didn't give up their powers upon the eve of the Peace Conference, and thus the team stayed together even after high school. But fast forward twenty-two years later, and the team has broken up due to some sort of tragedy - we know from the Re-Imagine prologue in the 30 Year Anniversary book, Zordon and Alpha were destroyed by Zedd and Rita. But other stuff seems to have happened too. What is that stuff? I guess we're about to find out!
Oh, and I should mention this was written by the original Pink Ranger herself, Amy Jo Johnson. (and her partner, Matt Hotson.) That might be important to know.
It's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1!
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= Three pages in and Jason's already getting his ass kicked. You're forty-five years old, man, you should be at the club
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= I know this was debated a bit when the book was announced - how it would line up with Thuy and JDF's passings, especially after coming off the heels of Once and Always, where the focal point was Trini's daughter taking up her powers after Trini's death. (For what it's worth, this book was first conceived pre-pandemic, long before OaA. Making comics takes a long time.) And while Tommy is still a bit up in the air (despite what we'll see in a few pages) Trini does seem to have definitively passed due to illness.
While I definitely get the frustration of Thuy's passing essentially sealing Trini's fate - especially in a comic book, where you don't have to worry about actor restrictions - I'm a little more generous towards it here because Amy and Thuy were close friends and she actually dealt with her death personally compared to how the OaA writers, well......didn't. And this issue is clearly paralleling Kimberly's motivations and feelings to Amy's real-life ones, so this just feels like another part of that.
(Also to contrast OaA's handling of Trini - a) her passing here isn't caused by a graphic onscreen explosion, proving the whole "well they HAD to show it onscreen for more impact!!!" was bullshit b) her friends AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY are actually grieving and talking about her impact on everyone as well as using the non-actor-restriction to SHOW it and c) The book actually gives her a JOB. TWO jobs!!!!!!! Yeah OaA why the fuck did you send ZACK to Congress WHEN IT CLEARLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN TRINI
also I like her middle-aged design. prettyyyyyy)
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= onto lighter topics HEYYYY IT'S THESE GUYS!! Bulk and Skull are married and you just can't see the ring through Bulk's gloves, it's real and true
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= speaking of which this whole flashback is adorable and nostalgic but I want to point out some background details
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= Ernie is just trying to run a fucking business here
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= go white boy go
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= ZACK/KIM HAS FINALLY COME BACK TO ME MY FUCKING BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, when WAS the last time they actually talked one-on-one in the main series
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= FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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= so along with some other stuff I'm definitely taking this as foreshadowing that Trini wasn't cut off from Kim like the boys were. That's the power of WOMEN (and also if we get Aunt Trini flashbacks with Olivia I'll fucking CRYYYYYY)
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= Absolutely obsessed with Billy's face here
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= D:
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= So besides the Trini stuff I want to the keep the Once and Always comparisons to a minimum but it's very funny how both storylines involve Billy using a company as a front for his embezzlement schemes. At least his telecom company PROBABLY isn't war profiteering
= also Alpha's rose <3
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= so anyway Jason's gone rogue and was pretending he's the main character until he suddenly went missing, as shown in the first few pages. And Billy and Zack want to become Rangers again to try and find him.
= but the thing is guys, Kim has won the idgaf war. She's depressed, she's traumatized, she spent twenty-two years raising a child with Tommy's genes all by herself, she's tired. She does NOT want to be wrapped up in Jason's midlife crisis drama
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= Zack getting so mad and wanting to risk it all for Jason hell yeah those are my Jason/Zack crumbs
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= Mysterious shadowy figure watching the old people drama from a distance, you are just like me fr
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= OLIVIA THAT'S FUCKING OLIVIAAAAAAAAAAAA and she already sounds so CUTE. If you go back to the diner scene you can see the phone constantly buzzing until Kim finally puts it away. She's like mom. mom. mom. MOM
= also just because the tragic Tomberly family storyline already makes me want to kms do you think that ring is kind of small and plain because Tommy and Kim were so young when they got married and it's all Tommy could afford. And Kim still wears it to this day. I want to die
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= It's already been confirmed that Selena is indeed referring to Sylvia here, so I won't talk about that. What I DO want to talk about is Kim's casual momwear. Those sweatpants!!!!!!!!!!
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= It would be really funny if Kim just. immediately slammed the door shut
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digi-lov · 1 year
A bit more of an unusual pair, Bakemon and Soulmon!
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According to the Digimon Reference Book, Soulmon is a Bakemon that took on the data of mages. It has significantly higher magical power, thanks to its black hat.
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So far, the Card Game has treated us to two cards of Soulmon!
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The BT8 Soulmon card references the three Soulmon in the Greylord's Mansion's basement, while the BT11 one references the Soulmon you can encounter out in front of the mansion.
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jcksonfields · 5 months
JD 📨 @fionamooore
JD: Ayeee Fi, just checking in after NYE to see what you been up to
JD: Didn't see you at the polar plunge so wanted to make sure you didn't skip town
JD: Btw your apartment all painted or do I need to come back over to help out?
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thisisrealy2kok · 7 months
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Daddy DJ - The Girl In Red (2001)
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bphantom01 · 1 year
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Yugo realizes it too late
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dzamie-oc · 8 months
Voretober 01 - Welcome
Length: 2700 words Vore type: Oral Vore, F/F, Willing Prey, Implied Digestion Fandom: Zootopia Other info: snake pred, anthro prey, like 80% of this is plot
Ophilia took a deep breath, hoping to calm her beating heart. So she was moving to a city she'd only visited for a week. So she wasn't even living in the city proper. She was a grown snake; she could deal with all that. What was eating at her?!
The answer came easily, of course, no matter how much she tried to push it back down: her landlords-to-be were… bunnies. Really, it was more like she was moving in with a family of them. Her harness grew tighter around her dark, scaly neck and chest as she slithered up to the door, pulling her rolling bags behind her. In her mind's eye, she recalled every bunny tourist she'd seen back in Squamatoa, the way they huddled away from the reptiles around them, the way they flinched and apologized for a gentle (and soft! Very soft fur!) nudge on the street. Seeing that every day, knowing that she was the reason for it… it would weigh on her.
Nonetheless, Ophilia was at the doorstep before she knew it. She cast one more glance behind her, as though measuring out how hard it would be to simply give up. Too hard, she decided, the time for that had well and truly passed. So, with another breath failing to soothe her nerves, she pressed her snout into the doorbell.
The bell barely got through half of its "ding-dong!" before the door swung open. Behind it stood a bunny in jeans and a green flannel; Ophilia watched him look up to meet her face and his own cycle through curiosity, surprise, and more curiosity, before settling on a warm smile. "You must be Ofelaia, right?" he said, with just a hint of country twang, "C'mon in, let's get you set up."
"Oh! Thank you. Ophilia, though. Philip Lapis, right? I think I talked mostly with Jane." The snake managed to push her anxiety down enough to carry a conversation; besides, she knew him moderately well from their chats online.
"Yep, that'd be my eldest. Speaking of…" Philip turned and shouted back into the house. "Jane! Ophilia's here, can you show her around? Robert, Nathan, help her with her bags!"
A pair of bunnies, around the same size as Philip but visibly younger, scampered out the door. One nearly tripped, gawking up at her (feeling self-conscious, she lowered her head closer to their heights), and earned himself a light smack from his father to hurry him up. Ophilia detached herself from her bags and thanked the pair as they vanished inside, luggage in tow. Philip followed them, cautioning them to be careful around the walls.
Seeing a few faces not visibly terrified settled the snake's heart, so she wound her way inside. The entryroom was deceptively big for the front facade, and held a half-dozen bunnies; through a couple of doorways, she saw another quartet sitting around a game console, a few enjoying salad bowls, and one in the windowsill glance at her before returning to his book. Yet one more bunny, this one in a yellow sundress, hopped down the stairs in three jumps, then skipped up to and past Ophilia; a well-measured kick closed the front door with a click rather than a slam. The bunnies all looked similar, but Ophilia was confident on this one.
"Jane? I'm glad to see another familiar face. U-uh, I mean-" she stammered, painfully aware of how many bunnies were staring at the black snake in their home.
"Good to see ya, too! No worries there, you'll figure out most of 'em in time, I'm sure." Jane bounced in a weak approximation of a curtsy, then skipped down the hall and beckoned Ophilia to follow her. "Anywho, your room's down this way. Ground floor with a lever handle - wish I could say all of Zootopia's as accessible to a snake, but I ain't gonna make a liar of myself."
Ophilia followed on autopilot, weaving past a number of bunnies in various outfits and activities, from a small child doodling on a whiteboard in an oversized shirt, to one taking selfies in far too much makeup, to one who tried to kickflip over her tail (and, luckily, succeeded). She still felt all those eyes on her, but at least they seemed to be looks of curiosity rather than mortal terror… mostly. There were still a few who leapt away, with one even clinging to a ceiling fixture. On the whole, though, not as bad as she had feared. Finally, Jane turned and stepped into a room, rather than a hallway.
It was a modest room, a little smaller than Ophilia's last bedroom, but certainly comfortable enough. Carpeted, too, which she knew she'd appreciate at night. The bed was too small for her, not that she had been intending on using it. And on it were her two unopened suitcases, the rope that had been tied to her harness, and…
"Delilah, Franklin, and Janet Lapis! Just what do you think you're doing?!" Jane shouted at the trio sprawled on the bed, clad only in underwear. One of the girls tried to hide behind the other. Ophilia noticed her own jaws hanging open in surprise and quickly closed them. Jane had warned her that some of her siblings were… less than subtle, but this was beyond what she'd expected.
Franklin rolled his eyes. "We're trying to be familiar for our guest in a strange and unknown new place, duh." Next to him, the braver sister added, "you said we could, remember?"
Ophilia gave her best bewildered look to Jane, who glowered at her siblings. "That was for after she- ugh, fine!" Arms crossed and foot rapidly tapping, she turned to address Ophilia. "They want to be eaten. This ain't a trap or nothing, they're just weird; feel free to toss 'em out of here if you don't wanna indulge 'em - hell, I would've done it myself if I knew they were here."
Thoroughly confused, Ophilia stared back and forth between Jane and the three underwear-clad bunnies. "They- I- wait, what do you mean if I don't want to-?"
Jane shot her siblings a flat look. "Toldja it was an outdated stereotype. Go find a fox or something - I know you're already banned from that wolf bar."
Ophilia noticed she'd tightened into a coil without thinking. She tried to force herself to relax from the tonal whiplash, and asked again, "no, I mean… it seems beyond bad manners to kill my landlords' family, to understate things. Also, probably illegal?"
Jane scoffed. "Do I look like a cop?" As though remembering she wasn't just talking to her family, the bunny froze and tried to rephrase, "that is… look, we bunnies tend to have big families. Even if nobody gets outright murdered, we've probably got a half-dozen-odd cousins kick the bucket every month or so, and that's not even counting up or down a generation. People die, we keep moving. Especially if they wanted to go."
"Like Uncle Saul, who kept free-diving for as long as possible. 'Til he didn't come back up." Franklin chipped in. He hopped off the bed and shot Ophilia a smile as he passed her out the door. "Anyway, come find me if you change your mind, or just wanna save me for later. You seem nice."
Soon after, a loud crash echoed down the hall, followed by a woman shouting Jane's name. The bunny in question pinched the bridge of her snout and sighed. "Ugh. I'll have to show you around more later. Just real quick, if you do eat 'em, do the rest of us a favor and wait for 'em to stop moving before you slither out, okay? And if you don't, I promise we'll all understand if they need a shove out." With that, she left the bewildered snake alone with Delilah and Janet.
Ophilia stared at the closed door, then turned to the two bunnies. The ears on both of them drooped, and the shy one was actually the first to speak. "Sorry we came on a bit hard, miss Ophilia," she said, "Janet and I don't get many excuses to visit the more predator-heavy parts of the city, so… we were a little excited that an actual snake was coming to live here."
Janet pointed at a small pile of clothes in the corner, and smiled sheepishly. "I told her not to expect much, but when we saw how big you were in the front hall… well, I got my hopes up, myself."
"Weren't your brothers just in here to drop off my luggage?" Ophilia asked, then immediately questioned herself, "wait, why is that the biggest issue I have here?"
"Cousins, actually, and it's nothing they haven't seen before. Stay here long enough, and you'll see laundry day surprise everyone. They basically just called us fools and left."
"Taking it light because they didn't think anything would happen?"
"Nah, we just don't get along." Janet cracks a wry smile. "Honestly, when I get eaten, I hope my spirit sticks around long enough to see if he'll actually congratulate me on fulfilling my dream, or if he'll still say it was a stupid dream in the first place."
Ophilia looked again between the door and the scantily-clad bunnies. "Huh, you guys really were serious about not getting in trouble for eating you…"
"Yeah. Just 'cuz we actually want to go out that way, though, I wouldn't go after Nate if I were you." Janet's ears flicked upright and at attention. "But wait, is this leading into something?"
In response, Ophilia hooked her tail into her harness to take it off, and let her body swell and shrink with a nice, big breath. "Maybe. I don't want the others to be scared of me, but… if it helps you out, and takes care of my meals for a bit…"
The grin on Janet's face stretched remarkably wide on such a comparatively small head. She grabbed her sister by the shoulders and gently shook her. "Y'hear that, Delilah? We get to be part of the food chain, like in the old stories!"
If not for her dark scales, Ophilia would have blanched at that thought. "N-no, just you, for now. Even if you say they'd be fine with it, I just got here; I don't want to push it."
Janet let go of Delilah, who flopped back on the bed before propping her head up on her arm. "In that case, d'you want me to tell the folks that we talked you into it? For a bit of extra convincing?"
Ophilia brought the tip of her tail to her snout, a smile on her face but still in thought. "Would you do that for me?"
She got a giggle in reply. "Franklin wasn't just being polite, he was right: you are a nice person. And of course - especially if it means I'll wind up on your menu later!"
"Thank you. Um, now then…" She slithered up to the bed, looming over Janet. "Those are polyester, right? Could you take them off? I don't think my stomach would agree with it." In a flash, the bunny sat, bare, before her. Once again, Ophilia felt her heart race from nerves, even though it wasn't fear the bunnies around her were looking at her with. "Okay. S-sorry if this hurts; I've never done this with anyone alive."
Janet nodded and Delilah scooted a bit away - still paying rapt attention, but out of the way. Ophilia leaned in, opened her jaws, and clamped them down around Janet's shoulder and chest. Almost automatically, she drew back and twirled, surrounding grey and white fur with lengths of black scales. Janet shuddered in her grip, and Ophilia pulled back, but with another smile and a nod, the snake readied herself for the main event.
The bunny's ears folded back easily at her lips, laying flat against her head. Soft fur slid over her forked tongue, the taste remniscent of a grassy field on a warm day. Ophilia licked under Janet's muzzle, then muffled her resulting giggle with a gulp. Feeling her neck stretch and separate her scales was a rare, but satisfying feeling, and with Janet's head giving her a preview, Ophilia salivated further at the promise of shoulders and hips. One loop of her body twists and releases, just in time for her mouth to stretch over the bunny's shoulders. She half-expected a change in taste, for the worse, but since her meal had slipped off her top, it was just soft, tasty fur getting wetted down between her jaws. She felt the bunny's chest expand slowly, in sharp contrast to her quick-beating heart, and quietly wondered how her own nerves were doing - well enough to keep eating, for sure.
Another swallow, and her snout hid Janet's fluffy tail from her view, just as her own coil had prior. Regardless, her throat pulled the excited bunny deeper, and though she couldn't see the tail, she could feel it against her lips. And she was right: the wonderful stretch of a nice, big meal got better with more of the bunny inside. If she could, Ophilia wouldn't mind staying like this for a few more minutes; her body, however, had other plans, and the rippling waves of unconscious muscle dragged Janet's hips and rear inside.
The snake pivoted and pointed her head up, pressing her prey's furry feet against the ceiling. It wasn't a nice gravity-assisted swallow, but the pressure still helped her get Janet down faster. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Deliliah on her knees, straddling a pillow and staring right at her - or perhaps at her bulging neck. With a few more gulps, Ophilia finally managed to close her jaws around Janet's paws; from there, it just took a strong swallow or two to be able to lower her head back down. Delilah was still looking right at her, with a heavy blush.
As the snake and bunny looked at each other, Ophilia felt the lump in her neck descend lower and further, until coming to a slow stop in her stomach. Delilah was the first to speak, reaching out with a paw. "Can I… may I feel her?"
Black scales coiled around each other, hiding her prey from sight. "I don't think so. Not yet, at any rate. Would you mind leaving me- leaving us alone for a little?" To her relief, Delilah nodded and left the room, though her sing-song bragging about what her sister "got" to do was still audible for most of a minute after.
Ophilia slithered further from the door and nudged open a suitcase, then turned to the thick, bunny-sized lump in her belly. "Are you- I mean, you're not going to be okay, but was that what you thought it would be like?" Silence stretched for several seconds, and her head drooped with her mood, then she felt Janet move. Only a muffled "mm-hm" made it through the layers of scale and muscle, but it was enough to relax the predator, who went back to unpacking. "I'm glad to hear that. I've never - the others I've eaten had stopped breathing before I so much as touched them. Just… big pieces of meat, sorta. I don't know how I'll react when you- when my body treats you just like that. I guess, it was nice to meet you Janet, and goodbye?"
Muffled laughter answered her. Then, for the remainder of the hour, the only sounds in the room were the gurgle of a snake's stomach working on a large meal and idle conversation filtering through the door. It was a strange welcome, to be sure, but somehow Ophilia felt her new life would turn out just fine.
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commanderpelia · 10 months
Pike is an Enterprise NX-01 enjoyer he’s just like me fr!!!
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aiylademirci · 3 months
Aiyla ↔ Liam
Aiyla: Just checking in to see how you're doing <3 Aiyla: And, you know, not in prison or dead...
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vhscorp · 8 months
Ma petite brune, mon éclat de lune, je n’aime que toi.
Petite merveille, même le soleil est jaloux de moi.
Un petit poème, une tendre antienne, comme un doux refrain,
Pour te dire que j’aime ce plaisir suprême de tenir ta main.
Ma petite lune, ce soir à la brune, je viendrai chez toi,
Et dans le silence, je prendrai, je pense, bien plus que ta main…
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bangaloba · 11 months
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Neon Genesis Evangelion - N64
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groggygrimalkin · 5 months
Stabdads is funny to me bc like yes Duece raising Sollux and Mituna would be cute but even funnier would be if Itchy raised them he would be so bad at it. He's driving them someplace and keeps wondering why Mituna is holding onto the grab handles of the car like his life depends on it and Sollux has flipped over five times in the back seat. He constantly says his kids could beat anyone else's kids ass and it kinda hypes Mituna up but it just annoys Sollux. He wouldn't even see their psionics as cool he'd just be having them grab stuff for him.
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funnydog-comics · 1 year
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Funnydog comic #01: Scene Bangs
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