#@ most of my highschool teachers and also my tutor last term
soggypotatoes · 6 months
my tutor asked me if she could ask a question abt queer culture and she was all 'but i dont want to like, burden you with the expectation of explaining things to me, or treat you like a mouthpiece' and i was like omg PLS ask me questions i LOVE being treated as a mouthpiece hahhaha
and then she asked me about terfs and how older feminists may not align with terf values but feel protective of their experiences as afab women when the cultural conversation around feminism and queerness is changing.. and i was like.. oh god, do you have a few hours to spare?
so she asked me to email her resources and information about this topic hahaha
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Invisible (A True Beauty Fanfic) 하나 [Hana] {One}
Summary: YN YLN has always been third in Class 2-5, right behind Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin but with both of them having left Saebom Highschool, this is her time to shine. That is until Han Seosangnim asks her to tutor Han Seo Jun. A guy who doesn’t even know she existed.
Authors Note: I love Seo Jun and just want him to have his happy ending. I’m prefacing this by saying that I haven’t read the webtoon and I’m basing this fanfiction and any future fics I write on the drama. Also, I need more Seo Jun fics in my life so here I am writing my own.
Authors Note 2: I hated the last 2 episodes, apart from the happy ending everything else was rushed and a mess. This is AU because Su Ho and Ju Kyung didn’t break up and are now in a long-distance relationship. This takes place after Su Ho and Soo Jin have left the school.
Ship: Han Seo Jun x Female Reader.
Wordcount: 1075 (I wanted to write less than 1k but I am clearly incapable of writing short things unless it's for uni 😭😂.)
This is probably a mess, but I hope someone likes it. Comments and reblogs with reactions are appreciated. 😂
OC Profiles. True Beauty Masterlist.
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Chapter 1:
Being asked to go and see Han Ssaem wasn’t new. Since Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin had left Saebom, you were Han Ssaem’s go-to person in terms of figuring out the mood of the class.
It didn’t make sense to you, most people in class 2-5 didn’t even know you existed or that you were in Class 2-5 and had been with these same people since the beginning of High School.
This is probably why Han Ssaem thought you were the perfect person to ask about the inner workings of the class, you were there but never took part in the madness that was being in Class 2-5.
Making sure there weren’t issues in his class became a priority after the reveal of Lim Ju Kyung’s make up less face, Han Ssaem never wanted any student of his to feel like they couldn’t come to him or for someone to suffer silently.
Reaching the Teacher’s Room and going to Han Ssaem’s desk, you were surprised to see Han Seo Jun standing there. You stand next to Han Seo Jun and wait for Han Ssaem to reveal why you’re here and why Han Seo Jun is there too. He smiles brightly at you and Han Seo Jun, you just nod politely while Han Seo Jun looks bored and his regular resting bitch face was kind of scaring you, he was one person you didn’t want to anger, and he clearly didn’t want to be there.
“Well, Seo Jun, the reason you are here is that your grades have been dropping a bit and I believe a little bit of help will do you good” Said Han Ssaem to Han Seo Jun before he turned to me.
“That is why you’re here YN, I would like you to tutor Seo Jun in most subjects until the end of the year,” He said to you smiling, you were shocked.
You didn’t know what to say, this was not what you thought Han Ssaem wanted when he told you to meet him at the end of the day. Your mind was whirling with all the ways this could end in a disaster.
Once it’s sunk in for him, Han Seo Jun just shakes his head and glares at Han Ssaem, well there’s his answer. Maybe if he was so against this, then you’d be able to get out of it too, this was probably the only time where Han Seo Jun’s reputation comes in handy.
Unfortunately, you thought too soon because the Vice Principal had come out to see Han Seo Jun glaring at Han Ssaem. Had declared that Han Seo Jun would be tutored if he wanted to be able to graduate, without being held back a year. If he still didn’t want to be tutored, then he was happy to expel Han Seo Jun.
Han Ssaem laughed awkwardly at what the Vice Principal said but still looked at Han Seo Jun hopefully and quite reluctantly Han Seo Jun nodded his head and just walked out of the room. Han Ssaem looked at you, motioning at you to follow Han Seo Jun, you stare blankly at Han Ssaem before sighing and walk quickly outside to catch up with him.
“Yah Han Seo Jun, I don’t want this any more than you do but just work with me please” You shout at Han Seo Jun from one end of the corridor. He turns and glares at you, shakes his head and just carries on walking.
Great, now you were going to have to figure out a way to get Han Seo Jun to co-operate with you. This was not going well, and you doubted it would even once the tutoring started. Sighing you started making your way to the classroom where you’d left your bag.
Once you get to the class you see Lim Ju Kyung still there writing something in her notebook. Ju Kyung looks up at you, smiles at you then carries on writing. Lim Ju Kyung was probably the nicest person in the class and once you’d picked up your things you went to Jukyung’s desk and tapped her shoulder.
She looked up at you and took her headphones out of her ears smiling at you and starts to pack up her things.
“Hi YN, are you okay? Normally you’ve left school by now”. You smile at her, waiting for her to finish packing up her bag and start to walk with her out of the classroom.
“Yep, Han Ssaem wanted to tell me and Han Seo Jun that I’m tutoring him, only for Han Seo Jun to disagree and the Vice Principal to threaten him, he just walked out and proceeded to ignore me when I tried to work with him,” You told Ju Kyung as you walked, Ju Kyung linked arms with you and nodded her head before sighing when she heard at Han Seo Jun’s reaction.
“You know, Han Seo Jun is one of my best friends. I can tell him to co-operate with you and if that doesn’t work then I’ll tell his mother and we’ll get him to not only co-operate and even be nice to you” Ju Kyung said as you got to the bus stop by the school and sat on the bench to wait for your bus.
You smile at Ju Kyung, she really was the sweetest person, you often wondered how she and Han Seo Jun ended up becoming best friends especially when her boyfriend Lee Su Ho was enemies with Han Seo Jun at least they had been until Lee Su Ho left for America and they had apparently buried the hatchet.
It wasn’t weird to Han Seo Jun and Ju Kyung comparing the things that Lee Su Ho had sent them from America. This generally consisted of Han Seo Jun complaining about how Lee Suho sent Ju Kyung better gifts because she was his girlfriend, and he was so whipped for her that he sent his best friend random rubbish that he didn’t even need.
Just as you are about to reply, you see your bus coming so you start to search for your bus pass and stand up to get the bus. As it comes you turn to Ju Kyung.
“Thanks for the offer Ju Kyung, I would really appreciate it if you could convince him, he doesn’t even have to be nice about it, I can figure out a way to deal with that,” You tell her as you go to get on the bus, once you’ve found a window seat you wave at Ju Kyung who waves back and shows you her phone, indicating that she will message you. You smile and nod your head at her.
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kpop-zone · 4 years
100% | Yeji
Warnings: bullying
Genre: pretty fluffy with a sprinkle of angst
Wordcount: 1,960
Request: Yeji Highschool AU: Yeji‘s part of the cheerleading squad but her grades aren‘t that good. Her teacher assigns her to a tutor who is the female reader. The reader gets bullied by the jocks and part of the cheerleading squad but Yeji doesn‘t know that (she‘s a cinnamon roll and would never). Yeji develops feelings for the reader and catches her getting bullied. When the jocks ask why she‘s defending her she just says „because I‘m in love with her“. 
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“This is your last chance, Yeji. Otherwise, you’re out of the cheerleading team.”
The words of the teacher rang in Yeji´s ear like they were mocking her while she was walking through the halls of the school. She knew that she wasn’t dumb, but her grades just didn’t really matter to her that much. The only thing she really loved doing was dancing. She could spend all day in that old, smelly gym in her school, trying new choreographies for her team. And now her teacher wanted to take that from her.
But she couldn’t let that happen. In a heartbeat, she was willing to agree to her teacher’s proposition to try it with a tutor. Although she wasn’t keen on actually having to study, because if she was honest, she had just been winging all the test till now. But if it meant that she could stay in the cheerleading team, she would meet up daily with her tutor if it had to be.
She was on her way to meet with her tutor for the first time right now. All she knew was that it would be a fellow student. When she entered the library, she looked across the tables, searching annoyed for someone that looked like they enjoyed studying. But when she met your eyes, her breath caught in her throat for a second. She was pretty sure that you were her tutor, because opposing to all the other students, you weren’t studying yourself, but seemed like you were waiting for someone. But that wasn’t the reason, she suddenly felt like having a heart attack.
The reason was how the light in the whole room seemed to radiate towards you. How your hair fell in your face and how your oversized sweater made you look a little lost in it. It was a thousand tiny things that she noticed when looking at you and made her be glued to the spot, shamelessly staring at you. Confused you looked around you, making Yeji realize that it was creepy to stare at a stranger, forcing her to walk into your direction.
She asked with a smile once she reached the table, her confidence almost being at a normal level again.
“That’s me.”
You answered with a toothy grin and Yeji felt her face heating up, because you looked so cute.
“I’m Yeji. You have the difficult task to tutor me.”
She said while shyly looking to the floor, a little ashamed that the first thing you would probably get to know about her was that she’s a complete idiot in terms of school.
“Don’t worry, I’ve never had an uncrackable case until now.”
You answered confidently, patting the spot beside you for her to sit down.
The table became your regular spot three times a week. Because she was a catastrophic complete loss in every subject, you helped her wherever she had her next test and you actually managed to get her interested in some topics, because you didn’t just bluntly read from the books, but tried to use references to topics that Yeji actually was interested in. Which also led to the two of you getting to know each other pretty well. For every practice test in which she managed to reach 100%, you granted yourselves a break, getting something to drink and chatting about something else than school.
She got to know that you actually didn’t particularly enjoy studying but that it just came easy to you. Outside school, you liked to do completely different things than her friends from the cheerleading team. You didn’t care to belong to the popular kids that did reckless things and probably ruined their own future with it. You liked music, drawing and going on walks with your dog instead.
And soon Yeji found her outside school activities to change. She had never been a big fan of all the partying her friends did, but they were her friends, so she always tagged along. But now with you in the picture, she had alternatives. She canceled the plans with the jocks and other cheerleaders more and more often and instead decided to lounge around in your house.
The two of you would watch movies, play with your dog in the backyard or start random dance battles that Yeji of course always won. But winning was never the aim of it. After all, she just wanted to spend time with you. Share the important things in her life with you, while you showed her yours.
During all the fun that the two of you had, one little thing almost got forgotten. Yeji’s crush on you. While she tried to convince herself after the first encounter that it was completely normal to notice all those things about a person, it became harder and harder over time to deny the fact that she had fallen for you.
Yeji swore that she would tell you about her crush eventually, but she somehow missed the right time. In the beginning, she didn’t want to scare you away, because she was actually in need of a tutor. But now she couldn’t lose you either, because you were much too important to her in the meantime. So she would just silently steal glances at you. When you overflowed of happiness when she managed to get 100% on one of her tests. Or when you simply just sat on the couch, reading a book. No matter what you did, you were always the most stunning person she had ever met.
You just never wanted to hang out with her in school beside your tutoring lessons. Whenever Yeji invited you to sit with her at lunch, you always said that you weren’t hungry. Although she knew that you were always hungry. Or when everyone was meeting up before a football game, she asked you to join them, but you said that you had to study. Which was a lie again, because you never really needed to study, being the smartest person, she knew. It made her sad, though. Yeji questioned whether you didn’t want to spend time with her friends, or if it was really her you were avoiding.
So she wanted to start one last try. The cheerleading championships were coming up and she wanted you to be there. She didn’t really care about the trophy, but she cared about you seeing her being good at something for once. So she tried to catch you after one of your classes. She knew that you were always the last one to leave the room, because there was always one classmate that needed you to explain something to them.
Therefore, she waited in front of the room, although most students had already left. But suddenly she heard a loud thud. Startled she opened the door to the class room, afraid that you might have stumbled and fallen, but what she saw, felt like a punch to her face. There were some of her so called “friends” standing in front of you, while you were laying on the floor. They must have pushed you, because you were holding your arm in pain.
“What do we have here?”
Troy, one of the football players said, while opening one of your books, suddenly ripping a page out of it.
“Who cares?”
He laughed loudly, continuing his vandalism, while some of Yeji’s teammates stood behind him, giggling like he was the funniest human being. Yeji couldn’t move a muscle. She was just looking in shock at the scenario in front of her. Troy suddenly snapped his eyes up, seeing her standing in the door.
“Hey, Yeji. Great timing. I’m just giving your little tutor a lesson in life.”
He smirked while throwing the crumpled-up pages at you.
Hearing her name, your eyes shot up and you looked at her with desperation and shame in them. Finally, rage instead of shock built up in Yeji, making her lunge forward, snapping the book out of Troy’s hand.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
She growled at him and he actually flinched in the first moment.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? Why are you getting all worked up?”
Yeji immediately helped you to your feet, checking you for any severe injuries, but she couldn’t see any. She ignored the mumbling of her teammates in the back, instead focusing on picking up all your stuff that laid scattered around on the floor. Until she suddenly felt a hand on her forehead. Troy had been lightly knocking his fist against it.
“Hello? Knock. Knock. Why are you helping this loser?”
Yeji looked at him with a death glare, erasing the smug grin from his face, taking your hand in hers, making you look at her in surprise.
“Because I’m in love with her, you dimwit.”
And with that she turned on her heels, pulling a stunned you behind her until both of you reached the schoolyard.
She sat down on one of the tables, still fuming in anger and not even realizing what she had just said. You on the other hand were standing dumbfounded in front of her.
“Are you?”
You asked shaky and Yeji looked at you the first time since both of you had stormed out the building.
“Am I what?”
She asked confused, not knowing what you were talking about.
“In love with me?”
You asked a blush spreading on your cheeks, making Yeji suddenly remember her words from a few minutes ago.
“I didn’t mean to say that...”
She thought out loud, internally facepalming herself for blurting her confession out that carelessly.
You just let out and when Yeji looked at you, she could see the disappointment in your face.
“I mean, I didn’t mean to blurt it out completely unromantically like that. But I did mean it!”
Yeji was quick to explain herself and a wide smile appeared on your lips, making the sun look dull in comparison to your brightness in Yeji’s eyes.
“That’s good then, because I might be in love with you too.”
You said shyly and Yeji jumped off the table to grab your hands while standing in front of you.
“Does this mean, you’ll be my girlfriend then?”
Yeji asked, giggling like a little school girl, but she couldn’t help herself. You always managed to make her feel all giddy.
“I don’t think your friends would like that...”
You suddenly remarked with a sad face, wanting to pull your hands away, but Yeji tightened her grip.
“Y/N... Do you really think those monsters in there are more important to me than you? If I had known that they treated you like this, I would have never, ever spent time with them, even less always bugged you to join us.”
Your hesitance suddenly made sense to Yeji and she regretted not knowing earlier about all of this.
“Are you sure?”
You asked quietly and Yeji laid her hand underneath your chin, softly pushing it up so you looked at her.
She stated confidently, pulling you into a hug.
“Just because we’re girlfriends now, doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you during our lessons though.”
You warned her when you pulled back, making Yeji huff jokingly.
“Do I at least get kisses as rewards when I manage to pull up my grades?”
She smirked at you, but her smirk was soon replaced with a look of shock when you suddenly pecked her lips, instantly turning around to walk away.
You yelled behind yourself, leaving a dumfounded Yeji behind who still couldn’t control her heartbeat whenever you were around her.
“I’m going to be in a lot of trouble...”
Yeji mumbled to herself, before chasing after you, grabbing your hand that you had held out for her to take.
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255940g · 4 years
Danny Phantom Side hoes week day 1 (I am exceptionally late on posting this one)
Warnings: the slow realization that your supposed close friends are actually jerks and dont really care about you, badass!Sam, Danny is briefly mentioned
t came unbidden when Kwan saw the ‘geek trio’ in nasty burger one afternoon. Now they were seemingly oblivious to their watcher called Kwan. They were sharing a large fries while talking and laughing, they looked as if they were genuinely enjoying themselves and the company that they shared.
Quickly looking back at the table he was with, he realised with a start that he was the only one still there. A call from Dash had his looking at the exit. Relief flooded his veins as he collected the remains of his food upset that he had to throw away the majority of his fries. 
He was quickly enthralled with the conversation with the other ‘A-listers’ and his train of thought was put away on the back burner and mostly forgotten.
 (I am going to take inspiration from an amazing post I read where someone in highschool wrote a paper about how cheerleaders and football players were basically given their grades to improve how their highschool was viewed while the other sports and clubs were treated like a normal student and was told by teachers ‘being out of state for a competition doesn’t mean that I will extend or delay my grading. While just before to a football or cheerleader they were excused and was given tutoring help and times -specific to the teams free times where there wasn’t practice- and a weeks extension on assignments due. Which of course caused for the other sports and clubs banding together to defeat this obstacle. Idk how it ended but the author of that paper is now going to be Sam if anyone knows what post this was I will credit them but idk where that would be found)
Kwan only resumed that train of thought a few weeks alter just before and during what would be called as ‘the revolution’.
 The revolution started with Mr Lancer having Sam read her research paper to the class ... Or something like that. Maybe it was really a synopsis of what they would be writing for their final. There was the usual amount of boredom but no one took out their phones as just listening to their classmates in boredom was worth a large number of points - the caveat was that as an acting audience there were to be no distractions. With the immediate loss of all those points being unable to make up in any way possible.
There an unusual amount of sighing as she walked up or for the newspaper club members they straightened up in their seats and were obviously taking mental notes to research later. There was an unspoken collaboration between her and the club. As Sam brought topics of high interest that brought many reads. While the club seemed to bring more sources to cite - thus bringing a cycle of collaboration. No one would be surprised that Sam Mason was a secret member of the said club but decided-for no one could see her being delegated work and accepting it-that she would be more of a spy in enemy territory.
However, for the other students, it was a gong declaring the newest upheaval or stressful time. The last one was the previous semester where the school was divided about the lunches available. It forced the school board to create a week of vegetarian meals. 
This week was no different. Sam started on a topic that attacked the power that the ‘A-listers’ had. Sam did it smartly- of course- while she could have done it as a general count of all sports but no. What she did was specifically target football, basketball, and the most aggressive members of basketball. 
It started out simply enough. With her ~unofficial~ reputation Lancer had her recall facts from her list of sources and to prove their validation. With that, the classroom became an alert silence. 
The information sunk in slowly as classmates who weren’t ‘A-Listers’ considered this closely. Newspaper club members were actually taking notes as Lancer was putting Samantha through the interrogation. The atmosphere remained tense until Lancers class was over. Then it only grew tenser as the news spread as the day continued. 
By lunch, the smirks on the newspaper club members didn’t help it at all. The students who had no social life were rolling their eyes in exasperation at the newest upheaval.
Dash didn’t stick Fenton in the locker or even try to throw a punch at him, not even once.
There was no reprieve until in the bubble of tension was popped by the latest edition of the school newspaper was released. By that time the battle lines were drawn and it was clear that the ‘A-listers’ were greatly lacking in allies. 
It was only as Kwan read the newspaper articles and was forced to come to terms that something was definitely...fishy with his current group of friends. 
Once again the ‘A-listers’ were at Nasty Burger after school, the topic of choice was, of course, the school newspaper. Mostly Paulina and Dash were saying that it was ‘full of bullshit!’ Star was uncharacteristically quiet and there was the really seen shrewdness glistening in her eyes. Kwan took the time to see the rest of their classmates who were also at Nasty Burger. There were tables pushed together (cause fuck canon!) and groups not normally seen together were allied together. They were speaking and laughing contentedly with fire and understanding seen and mutually understood that Kwan had never seen before. 
Kwan quickly excused himself and Star did the same. “Oh! Would you like for me to walk you home Star?” Kwan asked. 
Star evaluated him with her teal coloured eyes before smiling and accepting. They walked in companionable silence for a block away from the Nasty Burger before Star broached the subject with him. 
“What are your thoughts on the current article?”
Taking a deep breath Kwan answered “I’m not really sure. IF it is true - which I believe that it is- then I want for the equality. If it’s not or blown out of proportion -I am hesitant to discredit it - then I want bygones to be bygones. However, I’m glad Fenton wasn’t targeted by Dash as of late. You know my thoughts on that.” Star did indeed. For on a day almost like this, she asked how he could just accept that Dash bullied Fenton almost as bad as Kwan was bullied in elementary school. “However, what I do know is that I need to have more information. What are your thoughts?”
“I have mostly concurred with you. There is definitely a lack of information available to me right now. However, a quote that keeps coming to my mind is ‘those in power have difficulty realising they are in power’ and that time the psychology teacher had everyone toss a paper into the recycling bin without leaving their assigned seat. Do you remember who complained? Wait you weren’t there. The only people who complained and said that it wasn’t fair were the people not in the front two rows.” As we were at Stars house we said our farewells and the conversation was over. I continued walking home still thinking about the image presented to me in Nasty Burger. 
I soon realised that it was easy to draw a comparison chart between the ‘A-listers’ and the rest of the groups. 
The ‘A-listers’ were always catty and there was that string of unease that I always felt while with them. The other groups had many people waling up to empty spaces and dragging over chairs to join conversations. Hardly anyone was turned away. There were no assigned seats if a person got up then they almost expected to not have that exact spot available to them. They were freely sharing and laughing without the edge that came when it was forced.
Just before bed, it became clear to Kwan that if it wasn’t for Star then he would have no true friends. ‘I should ask Sam tomorrow after school about what it feels like to be with her friends.’
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im-a-goner--foryou · 6 years
Okay continuing/adding on the last ask maybe Peter developed a crush on Tony over the years but doesn't know how to get to meet him so he gets worse in school and finally Tony gives him lessons? And Peter's all like shit stop answering that fast but he's a genius so he literally knows every answer and Tony notices and somehow sometime just /knows/. Ahhh I love school tony+peter
*takes a slurp of my coffee* *sets it down on the table and stares you in the eyes* highschool aus give me cavities, they’re so fucking sweet. Peter being a nervous wreck about confessing his feelings ‘cause he’s afraid of rejection, so he just pines away on the smart boy in his class with the prettiest dark hair and the brightest smile. He spends hours in class staring at Tony with the most adoring eyes doodling hearts on his books, and okay Peter may be a genius but still his head is so far up in the clouds his grades inevitably drop. And his teachers just don’t understand why Peter, their usually hardworking student is suddenly submit sloppy unfinished assignments and falling behind so bad, and they’re at their wit’s end until they have to stage an intervention and ask Tony Stark to tutor the kid. And Tony’s all “ew I have better things to do” at first, then he finds out just who he’s tutoring and yeah, his mindset’s totally changed and that may not have to do with the fact that he’s absolutely smitten with Peter Parker– and when Peter finds out who’s helping him he nearly pumps a fist in the air he’s so happy. The whole time Tony is tutoring him he’s stifling the hugest smile, blushing and giggling and looking up through his lashes and Tony’s actually in p a i n at how cute this boy is. He can barely focus himself, peering over Peter’s shoulder and guiding him through the questions, heart thudding so hard in his chest he’s pretty sure his classmate can hear. But Tony also can’t help but wonder why Peter needs help, because he knows how smart his crush is okay, he’s seen him go through work problems without blinking an eye; so it’s just suspicious why Peter would need tutoring. And it’s not until after the mid terms, when Peter gets back his test papers (all straight A’s, near perfect scores, a drastic difference from his usual graded assignments) and the boy squeals, running up to him and throwing his arms around his neck and shyly pecking him on the cheek, mumbling a quick “thank you”, that Tony finally understands that ‘Peter likes you too, you godammn fool’, and yeah he sweeps the boy up, pulls him close and kisses him fully on the lips
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learn-tastic · 6 years
Studying with Depression (Part 1)
Hi, my name is Depression, and I have jasmine. Just kidding, but that’s how it feels sometimes, like depression is who you are. It’s not. And you can’t let it take over your life like I did last semester.
I stopped going to class, doing homework, leaving my bed, and eating sometimes. I did essentially nothing all day. I hated my life. Ironically, my depression was caused by bad grades, which of course worsened. And I also have anxiety, so even when I was motivated to go to class again or to talk to/ email a professor, I was petrified to talk to them, to have a confrontation, to reach out. Through the help of a campus therapist, my academic advisor, my sister, my friends, and eventually my mother when I told my her about how bad I’d gotten (which pissed her the fuck off for the longest time but also she was worried about me), I determined that I should apply for a medical withdrawal for that semester (basically I got all W’s for my classes so my GPA wouldn’t drop. And wasted a semester’s worth of tuition). It was hard. I don’t recommend letting it get to that point. I actually ended up making mostly C’s, but my GPA was like a 1.5 I believe. For comparison, my GPA in highschool was a 6.6/ 6.0 (weighted).
TL;DR: Don’t be depressed it sucks for your GPA
Anyways, here are some tips for that bc I don’t really like the other posts I’ve seen on this sorta stuff.
1) Seek help.
The first step that helped me was to start seeing the campus therapist. If you don’t have one, see your advisor or go on your insurance’s website to see if they cover therapy/ to find someone who takes your insurance. Or if not that, tell a parent/ guardian/ sibling/ friend/ old teacher/ literally anyone who can help. I’ve even seen a lot of adds on instagram for counselors that you can text. This is the first most important step. 
If you think you may be medicated, see your regular doctor, that’s where I got my prescription. Eventually try to see a specialist (psychiatrist) but this helps you get back on track. It helped me to sit down and schedule my eye exam, dentist appointment, yearly check up, gyno appointment. I was taking care of my self. Which brings me to my next point...
2) Take care of yourself.
You are babysitting yourself. Kids have school, a bedtime, snacktime, homework and chores after school.
EG) When you wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth, take your meds/ vitamins (I actually got vitamins before I took antidepressants bc it helped me feel like I was actively taking care of the problem). Get dressed, shower if you have the energy or at least use dry shampoo or put your hair in a tight ponytail. Put effort into your appearance, whether this means getting a haircut you badly need, doing a facial, or doing your nails. You can do your brows, beat your face, or buy one new outfit/ jewelry/ whatever makes you happy (1 only bc I developed a bad shopping habit while depressed). Make sure you eat at least 2 or 3 times a day, and drink at least 1 glass of something with each meal. (of course eating 3 main meals with lots of fruits, veggies, fiber, and proteins and having snacks and drinking pure water and teas are recommended but people are assholes it’s hard for us sometimes and have small goals and then work yourself up). Kids like juice and dino- shaped nuggets and goddamn it so can you (but also don’t overeat bc that makes you feel like shit too don’t eat just garbage)Don’t drink or do drugs, bc depression and drugs/ alcohol do not fucking mix I STG. 
It helps to pretend like you have somewhere to go that isn’t school in the morning. Just roll out of bed, don’t log on, and just get ready whether it’s bare minimum or dressed to impress, but just do it and eat and go out
3) Go out
Go to class, or even if you don’t go to class get out of your damn room. Go to the smoothie place, the student center, the library, the campus park, anywhere on campus. get out of your room. Do something with friends. Change and deviate from your normal depressed state of dissociating into the void in bed or being online too long out binge watching. Or at least do it with a friend. Working out is great if you have the energy, especially as it scientifically helps with your mood and motivation.
4) Get a week long plan
You can’t fix your depression and school in a day. You need momentum. One thing I hated last semester was I felt like I never had enough clones to do all my things. I still agree, but I’ve gotten better. Do one day of light cleaning (putting things away- ish), one for actually cleaning (wiping, sweeping, mopping, vaccumming, scrubbing), one or two for laundry ( can either wash clothes or put them away, I never have energy for both), one for hella self care (take a shower you really need it, maybe a bath, mani- pedi, skincare, shave if you like, lotion, deodorant, perfume, sunscreen, floss and shit, light a candle, wear comfy clothes), one day to figure out a game plan (download apps, find websites, find tutoring services/ study groups, look at the syllabus and see what you can do to raise your grade, email teachers if you’re up for it, look into study strategies) and then maybe one day try to focus on MWF classes and another do TTh classes, or break it down however you like. Once your room and yourself and your clothes aren’t so nasty, it’s easier to keep it up. What’s hard for me is feeling overwhelmed.
5) Little goals, little wins
What helps me long term is the little wins. Focus on what you did right and how to improve, and don’t dwell on how you messed up. Going to 1 class is better than none. Or maybe you skipped classes but at least you worked out. Maybe you still didn’t shower but you called your sister and remembered to eat. Maybe you slept in late but now you went to bed early. Maybe you failed an assignment but at least you did it and got higher than a 0. Maybe you didn’t go to class but you went to the store. It’s a process and you start small but it gets better. Once you build up a momentum/ streak and start tackling little problems it’s less overwhelming and easier to stick to it and most importantly...
6) Forgive yourself
You will fuck up, it’s okay, literally it doesn’t matter, keep trying. Rome wasn’t built in a day; your life won’t change in a day either. Every one has bad days. Just work to make tomorrow a good one.
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