#<- y’all will feel my pain
idieokonkwo · 1 month
any time i’m asked if i like marvel i am suddenly deliberating my three choices:
say i like marvel and just let them assume i’m talking about the mcu
say i don’t like marvel so they know of my hatred for the mcu
say i like marvel and then go on for at least five more minutes about comics and how bad the mcu is
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pumpk1nappl3p1 · 10 months
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Love team art!!!
The latest chapter had me screaming
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patchodraws · 5 months
Aylin curls her fingers around Isobel’s hand, draws it towards her cheek with a tender regard set upon her; Isobel nearly flinches for a moment, that same fear pounding beneath her chest, until her fingers find the soft, porcelain skin of Aylin’s cheek, and that dark fear subsides.
“Tell me you do not see the brilliance your touch grants my soul,” she says. It’s a challenge, but spoken like a prayer. “Tell me you do not feel your chest aflutter in its presence.”
“I do, but—“
Aylin cracks the faintest smile, so distant from the radiant bluster she exhibits in the everyday and far closer to the intimate grins they once shared in private moments of reverence and selfish prayer.
“Then your heart is all your own, my darling.” Insistence, assurance, and — yes, even relief colour her words, soak them in the soothing balm of her presence and esteem. “Ketheric’s had rotted long before he had ever known the grave. Yours is your own even long after. You are my Isobel, and you could never harm me.”
The grip on her hand tightens faintly, and a small trickle of gold leaks from the corner of Aylin’s closing eyes before meeting the edge of Isobel’s thumb; an old but nigh-forgotten impulse tightens her chest, sets a warmth beneath her cheeks, and she wipes the tear away with a feather-light flit of her thumb, wondering how many of those Aylin had to shed in the years she’d been gone.
How many she wishes she could have wiped away in that time.
“Have I not hurt you enough?” Isobel whispers, though the words ring hollow. She never intended to leave the greatest joy in her life, the most brilliant beacon in her faith. Still, it’s hard not to wonder how deep that loneliness struck, how far that heartbreak had settled beneath the ancient scars she wears.
Aylin shakes her head as her eyes drift open, and the adoration she sets within Isobel’s own longing gaze steals her breath for but a moment. “After all the hurt I’d endured, being with you again heals me. No matter the years.”
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could i offer you an L in these trying times?
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lavender-femme · 1 year
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something something lesbian pride flag hair
🪸men | minors | terfs | do not fucking interact 🪸
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4izawas · 1 year
so we all know abt how kaeya got his vision n diluc’s involvement n i just… the thought of kaeya hiding the burn scars and diluc not really realizing the magnitude of his attack until later by some off chance where kaeya has to like. take off his shirt for some reason and diluc realizes the amount of damage he actually did to his little brother when he sees the scarring for the first time is on heavy the mind rn
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
Ok so here’s my list of videogames I’m going through rn:
Half-Life series
Batman Arkham
And now Zelda
All of which I know jack shit about the stories or spoilers. I’ve started Batman Arkham Asylum and I’m in the middle of Half Life 2 Episode 1. So far I’m having a blast
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Nothing fandom-related has ever brought me more fear than the concept just introduced to me by an edit of Buddie to “set fire to the rain” bc the line “even now when we’re already over” at the GRAVEYARD SCENE???? When Buck tells Eddie that Natalia sees him more than anyone one else (basically) and Eddie looks pained? THAT SCENE makes me so afraid that Buddie is just going to become a missed opportunity love trope bc Buck never got his act together enough to realize that he’s in love with his best friend who is RIGHT! THERE! Before the s6 finale, I was 100% convinced that Eddie was already aware of his feelings, and a lot of that was because of what the entire graveyard scene was but holy shit if Eddie KNEW but couldn’t say anything bc he realized Buck didn’t know/didn’t feel the same anymore??? pain SO MUCH PAIN what if what if what if
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tvrningout · 6 months
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pls send me good vibes bc mine are so far gone today and the day has barely begun 😔
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homosandhomies · 8 months
💙🤍 עם ישראל חי 💙🤍
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vampirepunks · 3 months
Forever getting D grades on the Higgs fight for letting the boy catch his breath
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channie-143 · 3 months
Update on my day ✨ left work early to go to the er cause I was experiencing symptoms of appendicitis, I’m all good for now (appendix looked normal on ct scan so I was discharged and told to come back if things worsened) but I was there for like 3 and a half hours. Now I’m just home and resting 👍🏻
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cybervom1t · 3 months
i’m just so tired lmao
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thedeadthree · 6 months
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happy wrapped 🎮 edition to the tadfools of balduring gates the third and mail deliverers of the wasteland <3
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aheathen-conceivably · 11 months
Well thanks for those posts, now I'm depressed! Dear god poor Antoine. I feel so bad for him - LGL
Aw LGL my beloved….
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I do hope I didn’t truly make you depressed! I know how rough that can be and I don’t want to inflict that one on anyone else (except maybe my pixels themselves who I am torturing bless their little digital hearts.)
If it’s any consolation I can promise you that by 1930 I won’t leave you in such a state! ❤️
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Also I got this after I had already typed up a response to your regular Nonny Reacts (but never had time to post it), so I’m going to tack it on here! But please know that you are the absolute sweetest and that hug is for both messages.
I unfortunately think part of the problem is that I burnt myself out making content. Damn EA and their horse pack because of them I moved my post schedule up almost two weeks, so I’m reaching the end of a Darlington creative spree/mad dash. But y’all actually send thanks to EA for once because otherwise I would have y’all sitting on cliffhangers much more often in the great and grand year that is 1929 😜
Needless to say it’s definitely time for a little break before the 1930s!
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don’t let him fool you, he totally squeezed you after you took this photo (and he didn’t give the cardigan back)
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also here’s the leech twins together bc it would feel wrong to separate them
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