#;thinking outside the box
lovecolibri · 4 months
Brennan's face when Ally tries to pull a fast one on the rules
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bumblebeebats · 1 year
I love that only like about 10% of the tumblr polls I've seen have been legitimate surveys of people's opinion. It's always like: team-building exercise that goes freakishly well, team-building exercise designed to fail hilariously, psychological experiment, vanilla extract, "Hey look at this cool bug [literal]", "Hey look at this cool bug [computer]", multi-stage tournament, vanilla extract again,
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heydocpotts · 11 days
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Ana took the picture ❤️
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6sp1ral6 · 12 days
saw is a story about how we often waste our lives and take them for granted, and about the strength of human nature. if you’re boring. if you have an imagination, it’s about how easily two normal men can be indoctrinated into a murder cult and develop a loving homosexual relationship
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spiritualseeker777 · 2 months
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threebea · 1 year
I love how Obi-Wan Kenobi is a symbol of Hope and a figure of Goodness in the universe of Star Wars, but he is also anxious. He has imposter syndrome. He is sarcastic and smug. He's overconfident. He's kind. He cares about people. He has depression.
He's this complicated person that's fucked up and who has always done the right thing simultaneously.
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
this is like. all fully speculation. but i was rewatching some of jaiden’s nuzlocke videos, and them combined with a recent clip of hers i saw talking about how she’s not even sure why quackity chose her for the qsmp made me connect why he might’ve picked her. because like. i think nearly everyone was a bit shocked, if not confused, to see her on the lineup. despite having been in the scene for a while—her first public animations were for ihascupquake, after all—jaiden isn’t your first thought when you think of minecraft youtubers. as far as i’m aware, she was on one smp before the qsmp—epicsmp, and we all know how that ended.
no, jaiden isn’t who you’d think of when you think minecraft youtuber. but she is who you’d think of when you think storyteller. which, yeah, is kind of obvious. there’s a whole subcategory of youtube for animated storytellers, and jaiden’s been one of the front runners for years now. but the thing about jaiden specifically is that she doesn’t just tell stories. she shapes them. you can really see that the most with her animated nuzlockes. she’s given scenarios and events that are largely random and arbitrary, fully just game coding and out of her control, and she turns them into her story. her platinum nuzlocke specifically highlights this with the giratina, two jaidens storyline she creates to explain her resetting the run and attempting the elite four again.
live mcrp HEAVILY relies on having to go with the flow of the game, and learning to work around in-game mechanics and limitations to create a storyline out of. things that are story-important, like pets or npcs, are fragile and can be taken away at any moment, be it by a mob, glitch, or player error. you have to be able to think on your feet to not only work around it, but create a narrative to explain that decision fitting into the canon and story instead of just taking it at face-value. and that’s exactly what jaiden’s been doing for years now with a lot of her gaming-based content. quackity would need people accustomed versatile storytelling as much as he’d need people accustomed to survival minecraft itself, and jaiden is nothing short of an expert at her craft
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undercat-overdog · 11 months
Luthien the "mere maiden"... as infuriating as Tolkien's description of her was, he's closer to the truth than Luthien as an OP Mary Sue. Because Luthien isn't OP. She's the underdog in all her battles and encounters and she doesn't always initially win. What she is is sneaky and creative and able to imagine a world in which she succeeds.
Her father imprisons her, later Celegorm and Curufin do the same. She's not able to stop them and doesn't confront them directly but in both cases plans and executes an escape without confrontation. She needs to free Beren? Ok, good thing she made an ally in the form of Huan. She and Beren use a disguise to get into Angband and use a trick to beat Morgoth - and when he wakes up, they run away. Beren dies? She persuades Mandos. She and Beren win the Silmaril because 1) they actually try to get it; and 2) because they consider tactics that have a chance of success (aka not direct military confrontation).
She wins because she thinks she can, because she loves and is in love, because she's daring, because she's tricksy, not because she's overpowered. No mistake that Frodo and Sam's story, those mere hobbits, parallels her and Beren's.
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tallymarksystem · 8 months
(prefacing this post with not all allistic people, and not all autistic people)
I feel like part of the reason you see so many autistic people who identify with non- or alter-humanity is because we have a fundamentally different understanding of things that society accepts as "just the way things are," especially if society made things that way in the first place and they're not any kind of universal truths or set-in-stone facts (think gender, social norms, conversation/communication rules).
Like with gender, we know that autistic people frequently have a different relationship with it than allistic people do. That's why there's so many autistic trans and gender non-conforming folks. Allistic people see boxes around that kind of thing that autistic people just don't, as much.
I think that's at least one big part of why there's so many autistic people who identify as non- or alter-human. Our brains don't always do that automatic "this is the way things are" thing that allistic brains do.
Allistic folks go "You're a human person, therefore your identity is contained within those terms," and a lot of times autistic people will go "I don't feel human in the way that I see other people experiencing human-ness. I feel a connection to something else, even with the knowledge that I physically am human. My identity cannot be contained in your terms in a way that fits comfortably for me."
Whether it's animals, concepts, objects, or whatever else, there are a lot of ways people can experience their identities that don't really mold very well to the shape of the box that allistics decided was meant to go there.
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myimaginationplain · 6 months
I've come to the conclusion that being assigned the fandom-mandated "sunshine character" is the worst possible fate a character could face
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savagechickens · 3 months
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On The Agenda.
And more meetings.
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elodee · 1 month
Zedaph x Professor Layton
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I drew Zedaph in the style of the fabulous puzzle adventure game series Professor Layton! I think this is perfect for Zedaph because, like Professor Layton himself, Zed loves to make everything much more complicated and mind-bending than it needs to be simply for the whimsy of it. And we wouldn't have it any other way! If you want to learn more about the Professor Layton games and look at my reference images, continue below the cut.
Professor Layton is a series of adventure puzzle games that follows the titular gentleman professor and his child protégé, Luke, as they solve mysteries. The games are packed full of creative challenges ranging from logic problems to visual riddles, which the characters encounter through the events of the story. While difficult (if you're like me and refuse to use hints or walkthroughs), the game is very rewarding and set a cozy pseudo-steampunk world that's a delight to explore. These were some of my favourite games to play on my DS as a kid. Style references:
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A collection of characters from Professor Layton and the Curious Village, the first game in the series.
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A de-pixelated remaster of a screencap from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, the second game.
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The Professor Layton title logo
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spiritualseeker777 · 4 months
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deoidesign · 7 months
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I've been... Busy 👀
Trying to get all 4 arcs from season 1 into books!
(not available for sale, these are print proofs. I'm planning a Kickstarter early next year!)
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sinorim-pisani · 10 months
tl;dr Linguistic anthropology except it's about Danny Phantom???
Wake up, new danny phantom obsession just dropped ya'll:
It's time to talk about GHOST LANGUAGE!!
But not the canonical Esperanto, which is a cool and interesting decision on the show's part.
I mean the idea that the ghosts have an entirely new form of communicating that sounds like static and space and ice and fire and everything a creature can feel, all condensed into what is essentially a massive creole language!
I'm a huge fan of authors who, when describing non-esperanto based "ghost speak", choose to take a more eldritch noise approach. Danny, for instance, when using the language of the ghosts, is often said to sound like all the noise of a wintery atmosphere; words like frost, ice, static, tingle, sharp, quiet and cold are employed to connect Danny's speech with his ghost core qualities. It is a fantastic way to bring an eerie and disquieting sense to Danny, and to indicate to us readers that ghosts have a unique and deeply ingrained method of communication beyond the use of human tongues.
To read way too much into something so little, I think that this could indicate that ghosts communicate with their cores! (I know, you're like Sinorim are we back to the ghost cores??) YES, we are back to how interesting ghost cores are!!
Big Question #1: If every creature-turned-ghost that spoke some form of human tongue throughout ANY period in human history, ended up in the Infinite Realms, how would they best be able to communicate?
In Danny Phantom, what makes a ghost a ghost (beyond the whole being dead thing) is their core, and their Obsession, which can be said to be an emotionally charged motivation that stems from strong emotional stimuli during life. Ghosts are creatures of feeling, of sentiment and emotion and memory, and all of those both factor into and stem out of a ghostly core. So to make a couple leaps: if a ghost could not communicate with a human tongue to its neighbor (who would be unable to understand the words), but they both have that commonality of a core and therefore a heightened sense of emotional minutiae, I would say logically the ghosts would then begin to develop a "language" based on feeling and sense. Multiply that effect by.....infinity, tack on a couple millennia, and you end up with a ghostly wordless creole language.
Big Question #2: Since a ghost's core, and subsequently their emotional cognizance and memory, is pretty much like a human fingerprint (individual and quite distinct), how would their language output be affected, and how would others actually be able to comprehend it?
This one is as easy as the difference between po-tay-to and po-tah-to, to-may-to and to-mah-to! What?? But that's just a joke, you say?? While it is a silly set of phrases, it also really concisely demonstrates the vast diversity of pronunciation, and is basically the reason why an international phonetic alphabet exists. Between pronunciation, accents, and the development of linguistic dialects, I think I can say that, at least on the comprehension side, a universal understanding of the Big Emotional Sentiments would have developed over time.
The interesting part lies in the idiosyncrasies of memory. A little side discussion - Danny has an ice core. Why? No idea! but I'm hazarding a guess that it may have something to do with his MEMORY and the emotions he felt when he died. Perhaps he felt the cold metal of the portal walls against him, perhaps the shock itself reminded him of the numbness associated with freezing temperatures or frostbite, maybe he felt a wintery sort of loneliness (it makes sense I swear), and all of that contributed to his development of an ice core. I can use Vlad as an example too, but I'll save that for another time.
So when Danny uses the Language of the Ghosts, he is understood by other ghosts because of a collective awareness of emotional sentiments. However, because of his ice core, which was determined by his individual emotional cognizance and henceforth informs his development, his form of ghost language will always be touched by his memory of the cold. When other ghosts hear Danny in their language, they'll not only understand what he is communicating, but they'll also be able to understand who Danny is, from the little touches of his cold memory that are infused in his communicating, once again thanks to his ice-based ghostly core.
And when humans hear it, they get super bad vibes because they can't understand the sounds and memories and feelings that the ghosts trying to broadcast to them!
I'm imagining poor Danny first learning he could speak the language, and then trying to show it off with his friends and being sad that it freaks them out when all he was trying to say was "You guys are the best" T.T
Good god this turned into an entire essay.
Does any of this even make sense?
Ultimately I just think that it's super cool that authors make Danny sound like the wintery freaky eldritch creature that he could be when he's speaking to ghosts XD
To be continued!
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dollypopup · 2 months
yes yes, yeah yeah, blah blah 'Colin didn't see Penelope as a woman in S2 but Monopoly Man Plot Device did in S3' okay
I think we're all forgetting that Colin Bridgerton is miles and away better than Mr. NPC for this reason, in fact.
1: the 'I have given up on women (romance with women)' 'I am a woman' 'You are Pen, you do not count, you are my friend' is actually a really beautiful reassurance of Colin affirming his friendship and appreciation of Penelope OUTSIDE of romantic or sexual expectation. Which is RADICAL and wonderful. He loves Pen because she's PEN, not because she is a means to an end for marriage or a romp. Penelope is important to him and that he cannot give her up or bear the thought of never talking to her again. Yes, she found this hurtful because she wants to be an option, but
2: I actually think this will be the way that she realizes that being seen as a 'woman' is not enough. Debling is in his 30s, a man with a title and money and he says the right things and he courts her and he thinks she's pretty and it's NOT ENOUGH. She is not content in simply being seen as just a woman.
the entire purpose of Polin having interactions with other parties is to prove that it isn't enough for them. They require and desire and crave and NEED the emotional intimacy they have with each other that they can't get from anyone else. Because only with each other can they truly be themselves and unmask and be appreciated for the full people they are
because what Colin did, what he said, proves that he will forever be the better option. sure, maybe he didn't see Penelope as just a 'woman'
but he sees Penelope as a person
and that is infinitely better than anything Lorax Understudy could do in S3
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