#"Bystander Effect"
tenth-sentence · 1 year
And when it comes down to it, the presence of bystanders has precisely the opposite effect of what science has long insisted.
"Humankind: A Hopeful History" - Rutger Bregman
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hero-israel · 23 days
I don't think the Biden administration has been withholding intelligence, I think that was just some really poor wording in the Washington Post article. all other reporting shows that there has been freely shared intelligence. the Biden administration want the intelligence that's being given to be used differently but it would be absurdly foolish for a very long list of reasons and go against standard practice to withhold it.
anyway so about realignment/reshaping operations. basically it's targeted strikes with the specific goal of creating a power vacuum which sucks other people into leadership positions who are more willing to sit down at the negotiating table and transition away from warfare. neither politicians nor the general public particularly like this method bc it's time-consuming due to the amount of intelligence gathering needed to ensure the ideal people are maneuvered into the ideal position. this method mitigates civilian casualties, doesn't flatten cities, and works far better than a ground offensive in situations like this and, given the small size of Gaza, a peace deal might have been possible by now if this had been done from the beginning.
as I said before, conventional warfare against an unconventional force doesn't work; it escalates the situation by turning the bystanders into sympathizers and turning the already sympathetic into being active in the movement, whatever the movement may be and for better or worse. this holds true in other situations as well; consider any situation with a state force vs a non-state force, such as the Boston Massacre, Bloody Sunday, and anything involving police violence. to quote the article in the post you linked regarding the Houthis: “And the use of force against the Houthis in the past […] has merely allowed the group to refine its military capabilities and portray itself as a heroic resistance movement, bolstering its legitimacy at home.” because even when the non-state force is the agitator or bad guy this still holds true. hence the IDF having to return to northern Gaza bc hamas has reemerged there and the unhinged people in the west supporting terrorists that they claim are heroic freedom fighters. hamas knows this on some level as well. they know they have no chance of winning in combat but they can win the propaganda war whilst recruiting new combatants to replenish what they lose after each new round of violence.
I do disagree with the author of that article about using an entirely diplomatic response in regards to terrorism bc that's unrealistic and frankly silly (and, as an USAmerican I'm compelled to quote the meme, don't touch our boats). but at the same time, to quote the article again, “[…] the United States has only bad options because of its failed approaches to Yemen over the past 20 years. Washington must not repeat its mistakes. Decades of experience have shown, by now, that military efforts to dislodge the Houthis are unlikely to be effective. Instead, they may merely further devastate the lives of the already struggling people of Yemen.” the author isn't wrong there. the USA spent two decades in the region with little to show for it, and unless Israel changes its method of taking on hamas soon then you guys will be speedrunning the same mistakes we did.
you can't fight an unconventional force via conventional means nor can you do diplomacy with undiplomatic people, but there are options other than doing nothing and fighting forever wars. I'm not as versed in armed conflict and counterinsurgency operations as I am foreign policy and propaganda, but there's been a century's worth of research into such things and this is what it indicates according to the experts.
the USAmerican advisors/admin are also aiming for a three-point plan of a multi-national regional security force to ensure everyone stays chill upon a ceasefire, supplying tons of stuff to rebuild, and a functional Palestinian Authority/government to lead the way to actual statehood. which seems to have some growing support among Israeli officials and surprisingly even neighboring states seem to be on board. this could actually result in a real end to the conflict though it may remain tense for some time and people may have to choose between getting justice or getting peace, similar to the aftermath of the Troubles in Ireland. there's no way this ends with confetti and parades. it will likely be depressing for both sides and have many variables that could cause everything to go off the rails and back into a cycle of violence. but despite the risks and current horrors, long term peace and stability seem more optimistic now than they have ever been.
I'm not among the people who expect a simple solution that magically solves one of the longest and most complicated geopolitical issues on the planet. and I don't have an opinion on what the course of action should actually be, I'm just aware of the likelihood of various things helping or hindering peace and wanted to at least try to explain some of the foreign policy stuff that tends to go over most people's heads. (I'm so sorry for this being so long)
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
i redid the AI wataei essay after giving the bot their personality and relationship pages from the wiki here is the result
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It got the quotes right but the comparisons...im not sure of. I can see WHY the AI would make the connections though, on the surface, shallowly. I dont think Wataru is like napoleon (although it was certainly a Sentence to read), that comparison seems more fitting for pre war Eichi's appreciation of idols in general that then disappointed him in Yumenosaki (since, to my knowledge, prince andrei ends up losing his appreciation for napoleon in the book)
The Crime and Punishment part i think only Pili can comment on but i did find this piece that...yeah ok, wataei vibes, i'll give it to the AI, is reminiscent of the epilogue of ep:link. Slightly. Only in form.
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Now, Onegin i actually knew nothing about but after reading a summary...the whole point is that tatyana and onegin dont end up together on the same path, he only reciprocates once she's married to someone else, it's not wataei at all. I can see why at a first glance it'd seem like there's a resemblance between Onegin and Eichi (again, just going off of summaries and character analysis i've found online). Although the biggest difference is that Eichi is not a superflous man incapable of engaging in effective action. Eichi changing the narrative is the whole point of enstars if u ask me, he doesnt remain a bystander. His relationship with life isnt that of boredom but desperation. I also dont see Wataru as Tatyana, she lives in daydreams whereas Wataru is very present in reality among other people. But i do see a similarity in the way she lives through the characters she reads about in books and he does through the characters he plays as an actor...
Anyway enough. Whatdahell am i talking about here. Mihai vs Chatgpt seems to have become a series huh. Turns out no russian classic can come close to the subtleties of wataei... i think i need to go to sleep.
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prnanxiety · 4 months
I wasn't at work today, but I wanted to write something about Aaron Bushnell.
I won't deny, I don't know what to make of it. I'm all about "from the river to the sea," but I'm also a psych nurse. My job is to prevent, and intervene in, suicide (among other things of course, to anyone who reads this blog). When someone wants to kill themselves, my jobs is to say "Hey! No. Lets try to help you first." The only suicides I ever find myself approving of are terminally ill, stage 4 cancer, age 90, on hospice, 6 months to live, hooked up to a respirator, doctor assisted, etc. The "You're on your way out anyway" crowd.
People like me do our jobs with that David Foster Wallace quote in our heads, about the fire rising in the burning building.
"Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire's flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It's not desiring the fall; it's terror of the flames."
It's why we do our jobs so closely with social workers. It's not uncommon that our suicidal patients are here because they've given up on solving one problem or another, whether that's drug addiction, or homelessness, or what have you. Problems where, I personally am just kinda there to keep them calm and medically stable, while the social worker flexes their muscles and makes options available for this patient where there previously weren't any.
So, suicide specifically to make a public statement is tough for me. I haven't met that patient yet. Would I stop aaron bushnell? I like to think I'd try to put him out first, though I don't know what I'd do to do that if I didn't have a fire extinguisher. I respect EMT's, and I'm not an EMT, so I'm not going to pretend that I have the training to know first aid for 80% surface area 3rd degree burns.
But that's not exactly the question here, is it? Seems like a lot of focus on Aaron by the people I know is "Did his suicide do anything." Normally, I'd pretty safely answer the question with "No." Suicide "at" something is sort of a case I've seen, in that I have patients who want to do things like "Hang myself on my ex girlfriend's porch, so when she comes home she can see what she did to me." We're trained to understand suicide as revenge doesn't work, for every other reason suicide doesn't work, but also because it probably isn't even going to have the desired effect the patient wants it to have. But that's a talk about dependency and codependency, and it's a tangent.
But this also isn't exactly suicide as revenge, so much as it is suicide as a statement, isn't it? "I'm an active duty serviceman who signed up to give my life for this country, and I can't be complicit in what this country is asking me to do, so I'm giving my life like I volunteered to do, only, in protest and demonstration." What do I say? How do I respond? If I was standing next to him, whether as a nurse on duty or a pedestrian, and either way a bystander, would I stop him? Is that complicit behavior, too?
Aaron Bushnell's given me a lot to think about, for this. I can tell he'll be on my mind for a while.
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retrorealityrecap · 8 months
Jersey Shore S1
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Episode 2: "The Tanned Triangle"
Characters introduced: Ron Ron Juice
The episode opens with Snooki on the phone with her parents and they all agree she should come home.
Mike is still laying the moves on Sammi heavily; made her breakfast and he's calling his her work partner. Sammi is EATING IT UP - she shows her poor taste from the beginning.
It's the first day at work and "Jolie" is absolutely over it and says it beneath her, despite signing up for this.
Sammi gives Snooki a pep talk but she's throwing shots the whole time, so I'm not sure if it really had the desires effect. Either way, Snooki is emotionally drained by not being the center of attention 😂 Seriously?
I was wrong. It worked! Snooki is going to stay. After that, Sammi and Mike go to work in basically matching outifts - both wearing black tank tops. Of course the confessionals are about how well they vibe...
JWoww and Angelina's boyfriends are worried that the two girls will cheat but they both say they have something good with their boyfriends....we'll see.
As expected, a few hours later while they're out; JWoww is all over Pauly and Angelina is all over random guys buying her drinks. Back at the house, JWoww and Pauly are making out in bed and we discover that his penis is PIERCED.
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Sammi is asking who else in the house likes her and Mike takes this opportunity to start trashing him - and he openly admits it. The beginning of his villain arc is already here!
Fortunately, Sammi is aware that she needs to be careful with this situation. While these two are gossiping on the roof, Snooki brings her pick of the night up there. While she's trying to make a move, the guy is unsuccessfully trying to hook up.
Then she claims they weren't ever going to hook up...okay girl.
The next day, Angelina doesn't remember cheating and Vinny has pink eye - supposedly from burying his face in an older woman's behind as they danced. Yeah...I don't know.
Second night out:
The Ron Ron Juice makes its debut and Mike is very confident that Sam wants to hook up with him. He also says he has it and Ron doesn't. To his credit, when he does kiss Sam, she happily reciprocates it - just gross.
Pauly and JWoww are once again playing their game of will they or won't they. For some reason, when they share a kiss, she blocks their faces with her hands. She then leaves because she doesn't want to cheat on her boyfriend...which is about 2 mins too late.
Sam then makes a move on Ron, fracturing Mike's very fragile ego. He confronts Sam but she's unphased because she's single- of course, Mike is now playing it that he's shut it down with her. Obviously, Mike then picks a fight with a random because he can't regulate his emotions and it ends with Pauly hitting someone and getting kicked out.
NOW, he's convinced Angelina is into him but she's definitely being a raging b*tch to innocent bystanders.
Notable Quote:
"I think this job is beneath me, you know? I'm a bartender, I do great things." - Angelina
"I'm the princess of fucking Poughkeepsie." - Snooki
"I don't give a f*ck if you fat, ugly or old. I'll dance with you. It's hilarious!" - Vinny
"I guess I technically cheated on my boyfriend." - JWoww
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careforcetraining · 5 days
Basic Life Support (BLS) Training: A Comprehensive Guide
Basic Life Support (BLS) training refers to the immediate care provided to individuals experiencing life-threatening medical emergencies, such as cardiac arrest or choking, until advanced medical help arrives. BLS training is essential as it empowers individuals to intervene effectively in emergency situations, potentially saving lives and preventing further deterioration of the patient's condition.
Types and Categories
Healthcare Provider BLS Training
Targeted towards healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and paramedics, focusing on advanced life support techniques and interventions.
Layperson BLS Training
Designed for individuals with no medical background, providing essential skills like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), choking relief, and automated external defibrillator (AED) use.
Symptoms and Signs
Identifying Life-Threatening Emergencies
Recognizing signs of life-threatening emergencies, including sudden cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, and severe allergic reactions, prompts the need for immediate BLS intervention.
Assessment of Patient Condition
Performing a quick assessment of the patient's level of consciousness, breathing, and circulation guides the appropriate BLS interventions.
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Causes and Risk Factors
Cardiac Arrest
The leading cause of sudden cardiac arrest is a sudden malfunction in the heart's electrical system, often precipitated by underlying heart conditions or external factors like trauma.
Respiratory Distress
Respiratory emergencies can result from airway obstructions, respiratory infections, or underlying medical conditions, compromising oxygenation and ventilation.
Diagnosis and Tests
Primary Assessment
Assessing the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs) forms the basis of the primary survey in BLS, guiding subsequent interventions.
Vital Signs Monitoring
Measuring vital signs, such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, provides valuable information about the patient's physiological status.
Treatment Options
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
CPR involves a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths, aimed at maintaining circulation and oxygenation in cardiac arrest patients.
Automated External Defibrillation (AED)
AEDs deliver electrical shocks to restore normal heart rhythm in individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia.
Preventive Measures
Training and Education
Providing BLS training to individuals empowers them with the knowledge and skills to recognize emergencies promptly and initiate timely interventions.
Public Awareness Campaigns
Raising awareness about the importance of BLS and promoting community-based training initiatives increases bystander involvement and improves survival rates.
Personal Stories or Case Studies
Success Stories
Sharing stories of individuals whose lives were saved due to prompt BLS interventions highlights the significant impact of training and preparedness.
Challenges Faced
Conversely, recounting challenges or missed opportunities underscores the importance of ongoing training and reinforcement of BLS skills.
Expert Insights
Advice from Healthcare Professionals
Quotes or insights from healthcare professionals emphasize the critical role of BLS training in enhancing emergency preparedness and response.
In conclusion, Basic Life Support (BLS) training is a vital skill set that empowers individuals to respond effectively to life-threatening emergencies. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize emergencies and initiate timely interventions, BLS training saves lives and promotes community resilience.
FAQs About Basic Life Support (BLS) Training
1. Who should undergo BLS training?
BLS training is recommended for healthcare providers, first responders, workplace safety teams, and laypersons interested in learning life-saving skills.
2. How long does BLS training certification last?
BLS certification typically lasts for two years, after which individuals are required to undergo recertification to ensure their skills remain current.
3. Can BLS training be done online?
Yes, many accredited organizations offer online BLS courses, providing flexible learning options for individuals unable to attend in-person training sessions.
4. What topics are covered in BLS training?
BLS training covers essential topics such as CPR techniques, AED use, relief of choking, recognition of life-threatening emergencies, and the importance of early intervention.
5. How can I find BLS training courses near me?
You can search for BLS training courses offered by reputable organizations, hospitals, community centers, and online platforms specializing in emergency medical education.
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a-mountain-girl · 15 days
There's too many pieces for me to actually put this together well, and this could be a whole book examining some specific effects of online "activism" but: one of the worst effects of social media (and the 24/7 news cycle) is that a lot of young people have conflated existing in the world/ having an online presence + living in a Western or "developed" country with being in a position of power. Many of us are familiar with quotes about standing by and doing nothing because the writer was not personally effected at the time. But being in a position of relative privelege by existing while [insert Privileged Group here] doesn't actually make every single person into a Bystander.
There is a difference between sitting in a classroom and watching a peer be bullied and laughing along, or walking through a parking lot and seeing cops cornering and brutalizing someone and proceeding to do nothing about it because you assume the cops are justified and having a social media account while a war happens on the other side of the world.
You can talk all day long about how these global systems work, how one country influences and can manipulate what happens elsewhere. What I'm saying is that we talk about systemic problems as systemic because the individuals are all tiny parts, and changing systemic issues takes long-term, concerted efforts from many, many people and the results are never going to be perfect or perfectly agreed upon. It is, at the least, unreasonable to hold individual people, especially people who are not in any position of power, as personally responsible when tragedies happen far away.
For example, when a school shooting happens in, say, Florida, it would be insane for me to march up to a relative and tell them that this is all their fault because they keep pig-headedly voting for one of the idiots in congress who keeps voting "no" to any gun control legislation that is proposed. There is a systemic problem at play, a relative has contributed to it, but their contribution is much more like a grain of sand in a dune.
Conclusion-ish is that life is complicated. The last several years have seen a shift in how people, especially young people, view and talk about the world at large. Teens and young adults today do seem to have a much greater understanding of wide-reaching, systemic issues than they did when even I was in high school and I'm not old. However, this knowledge about systemic issues doesn't come with understanding for people or Life or the "real world." And this failure or inability to deal with how complicated these large, wide-reaching issues are, or to narrow focus, drives more discontent, radicalization, and isolation.
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grackielechuga · 2 months
I've been rereading RHS for the nth time, unsurprisingly. I have over 20 WIPs for this goddamn Webtoon istg.
But I finally finished one and posted it the other day, so it's time I yap about dragon of my dreams. Aka, my Mook x Aru emotional hurt/comfort one shot that takes place the night of the series epilogue.
This post is long af. Obligatory "Honey, you've got a big storm coming" warning.
So originally this fic was supposed to be somewhat inspired by Mitski's Abbey, specifically this section:
There is a light that I can see But only, it seems, when there's darkness in me There is a dream that I sometimes see That only appears in the dark of sleep
In the end, the only allusion I included to the song at all was this
"… he is the light she sees when the world seems even the tiniest bit dark."
And the whole aspect of them being able to meet in Aru's dreams, which was honestly one of my "Gracie wants her ship to sail, so she'll bend the rules to make it happen" ideas.
The original concept portrayed Mook as only appearing before Aru in his dragon form and remaining completely silent, only showing her his human form and speaking to her for the first time in the dream after he saves her.
I'm too greedy to let that happen, however, and wanted more of an established friendship between the two. So then came the concept of a role reversal hurt/comfort one shot which is described pretty well by the summary.
Aru's oldest friend is a dragon who comforts her in her dreams. After she escapes a potentially fatal traffic incident unharmed, however, Mook is the one who needs comforting.
Mook honestly has such a huge burden by choosing not to reincarnate with Aru. He has to wait (presumably) nineteen years of her life just for one chance to change hers. If I were in that position, I would have so many doubts and worries. What if I'm too late? What if it doesn't work?
And even though he is relieved due to his success, now he might start worrying that he's of no use to Aru anymore. He's served his purpose of protecting her, but at the cost of his happiness.
“'I thought I’d be okay with watching you grow up. And I am so, so glad I can. I’m proud of who you’ve become. But it’s never been enough. Even this, being able to see you here…'”
Aru, despite not knowing anything of their time at Reincarnation High, recognizes that his selflessness is his biggest downfall. He has given everything to protect her, leaving him with little for himself. And, if not for my dream shenanigans, he would be left with nothing but remaining a bystander.
"'... You should make a choice for yourself, even if it's selfish.'”
Then, after some realization on Aru's part that Mook did in fact save her that morning, Aru asks him,
“'Why did you decide you needed to rescue me in the first place?'”
And it leads into the self-indulgent scene where Mook manipulates Aru's dream into some critical moments within their relationship. In order, these are:
The hand kiss scene from ep. 129
The Red Eclipse Festival dance scene from ep. 85
A scene from the Trip to Hell arc from ep. 48
The two flying above the garden in ep. 120
Mook's confession scene from ep. 104
The hair clip scene from ep. 52 (this one is a lot more subtle than the others but still included)
The balcony scene from ep. 130
And yes, I have screenshots of all of them...
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Listing them out is a little jarring since, at first glance, they might seem like they have little to no correlation with each other.
And there's even more self-indulgence when Aru, because she's Aru, still doesn't understand why. Mook gives his reasoning (because he loves her), effectively freaking Aru out enough for her to wake up before she can actually respond.
And my final quote:
"Love is something I can try and understand. And if you do love me, Mook… you can have all of me, if that's what you really want."
Again, I'm really happy with how this fic turned out! I miss RHS so much, and I'll definitely be releasing more fan content for this series in the (hopefully) near future. And maybe one day I'll end up adding a second part going further into this concept because I think it's cute.
For those who read the fic or make it to the end of this post, thank you and stay safe! :)
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ultraferal · 3 months
IDENTIFIABLE CHILDREN. Children that are either REAL, RECOGNIZABLE children (like child actors) or art that is of a REALISTIC child, as in one that could be looked at and mistaken as a REAL, BREATHING CHILD. You're taking away from victims. You said that one of those accounts talked about a real minor, THAT is what would be punished. You can quote google searches all day, but until the government has run out of actual predators to catch, they are not going to care unless one of these blogs is caught with REAL CSEM. And writing is not considered CSEM. You feeling uncomfortable at fanfiction or a cartoon drawing does not make it punishable by law.
did you miss the part where they said ANIME? the PROTECT act includes drawn cartoon cp, anime characters, etc. you once again pushing the bystander effect. because you think they won’t care, should it be looked past? ciel star began his grooming process with anime, telling the victim they are this character, and EVERYONE ships it, so it’s normal to engage sexually. he used fiction to normalize it and use it against children and young adults. if any of his victims, including me, knew behind closed doors he was doing the exact same thing these “proshippers” are doing, they and i would have never allowed them near me. which is literally the case for all his victims, not just the crime he was charged for. there are many rape, molestation, young adult and minors, cases that they will not share out of fear. but this is how it began for all of us.
how the law was created because you looked past it: The act was passed in part to make virtual child pornography illegal, even though it did not depict an actual child.
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pcttrucks · 4 months
The Key to Efficient and Safe Heavy Lifting in Melbourne
Melbourne's skyline is constantly evolving, with new construction projects shaping the city's ever-changing landscape. But behind the impressive structures lie intricate operations demanding precision, efficiency, and above all, safety.
That's where crane truck services come in, playing a crucial role in lifting and transporting heavy materials with unparalleled effectiveness.
Why Choose Crane Trucks for Your Melbourne Project?
Efficiency: Time is money, and crane trucks offer an unmatched combination of speed and agility. Compared to static cranes, they eliminate the need for separate transportation and lifting equipment, streamlining operations and saving valuable project hours. Their maneuverability within tight spaces makes them ideal for urban environments like Melbourne's bustling streets.
Safety: Safety is paramount, and crane trucks prioritize it in every aspect. Certified operators, coupled with advanced safety features like overload protection and stability systems, minimize risks and ensure the well-being of workers and bystanders. Additionally, the compact size of crane trucks often reduces the need for extensive road closures, minimizing disruption and potential hazards.
Versatility: No two projects are the same, and crane trucks adapt with remarkable flexibility. Their telescopic booms reach various heights and configurations, tackling diverse lifting tasks, from placing delicate HVAC units on rooftops to maneuvering heavy steel beams into place. This versatility eliminates the need for renting multiple specialized machines, saving costs and simplifying logistics.
Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment might seem higher, crane trucks deliver significant cost savings in the long run. Their efficiency translates to reduced labor hours, faster project completion, and minimized equipment rental expenses. Additionally, their ability to handle various tasks eliminates the need for renting specialized equipment for each project, leading to further cost optimization.
Expert Support: Operating a crane truck demands expertise and experience. Reputable crane truck companies in Melbourne provide not just the equipment but also highly trained and certified operators. These professionals work closely with project managers to understand specific requirements, ensuring smooth execution and optimal load handling.
Choosing the Right Crane Truck Service in Melbourne
With numerous crane truck companies in Melbourne, selecting the right partner is crucial. Here are key factors to consider:
Experience and Reputation: Look for companies with a proven track record in Melbourne's construction industry. Positive testimonials and industry recognition are strong indicators of reliability and expertise.
Fleet Diversity: Ensure the company offers a diverse fleet of crane trucks with varying capacities and boom configurations to cater to your project's specific needs.
Safety Certifications: Verify that the company and its operators possess all necessary safety certifications and adhere to strict safety protocols.
Insurance and Licensing: Ensure the company carries adequate insurance coverage and operates with valid licenses for both the vehicles and operators.
Transparent Pricing: Request clear and detailed quotes upfront, avoiding hidden fees or unexpected charges. Open communication about pricing builds trust and ensures smooth project budgeting.
By partnering with the right crane truck service, you can leverage the numerous advantages these versatile machines offer, ensuring efficient, safe, and cost-effective heavy lifting for your Melbourne construction project.
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forkliftteleh7 · 5 months
Forklift Telehandler
The Forklift Telehandler: A Versatile Workhorse in Material Handling
In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial and construction settings, efficiency and versatility are paramount. One tool that stands out in meeting these demands is the forklift telehandler. Combining the capabilities of a forklift and a telescopic handler, this robust machine has become an indispensable asset across various industries. In this article, we will explore the functions, applications, and advantages of the forklift telehandler, shedding light on why it has become a preferred choice for material handling tasks.
Versatility in Design
One of the key attributes that set the forklift telehandler apart is its versatile design. Unlike traditional forklifts, telehandlers are equipped with a telescopic boom, allowing for increased reach and elevation. This design feature enables the machine to lift loads to greater heights, making it invaluable in settings where vertical reach is essential, such as construction sites and warehouses.
Applications Across Industries
The forklift telehandler finds applications in a myriad of industries due to its adaptability to various tasks. In construction sites, these machines are employed to lift and place heavy materials in high or hard-to-reach locations. The telescopic boom allows operators to extend the reach horizontally as well, facilitating efficient material placement.
In agriculture, telehandlers are utilized to handle bales of hay, pallets of feed, and other heavy loads with ease. The ability to extend the boom makes it possible to load and unload materials from trucks or storage areas efficiently.
Warehouses and distribution centers benefit from the forklift telehandler's maneuverability and versatility. The machine's ability to lift loads to different heights is particularly advantageous in densely packed storage spaces, optimizing vertical storage capacity.
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
The forklift telehandler's versatility translates directly into enhanced efficiency and productivity in various work environments. Its ability to lift and transport heavy loads to elevated positions reduces the need for additional equipment or manual labor, streamlining operations and saving valuable time.
Furthermore, the telescopic boom feature allows operators to complete tasks without repositioning the telehandler frequently. This not only accelerates the workflow but also minimizes the risk of damage to the surrounding environment or structures.
Safety Features and Operator Comfort
Modern forklift telehandlers come equipped with an array of safety features, ensuring the well-being of operators and bystanders. These may include load sensors, stability systems, and advanced control mechanisms. The inclusion of these safety measures enhances the overall reliability of the machine, making it a preferred choice in workplaces where safety is paramount.
Operator comfort is another significant aspect of forklift telehandler design. Ergonomically designed cabs, adjustable seats, and intuitive controls contribute to reducing operator fatigue during extended use. This focus on operator well-being not only enhances productivity but also promotes a safer working environment.
Cost-Effective Solutions
While the initial investment in a forklift telehandler may be higher compared to traditional forklifts, the long-term cost-effectiveness of these machines is evident. The versatility and efficiency of the telehandler often result in the need for fewer pieces of equipment overall. This consolidation of tasks into a single machine can lead to substantial cost savings in terms of maintenance, training, and operational expenses.
Moreover, the adaptability of the forklift telehandler means that it can easily switch between various attachments, such as buckets, forks, or lifting hooks. This versatility further contributes to its cost-effectiveness by eliminating the need for multiple specialized machines for different tasks.
Environmental Considerations
In an era where environmental sustainability is a growing concern, the forklift telehandler offers advantages in this regard as well. Many modern telehandlers are designed with fuel efficiency in mind, utilizing advanced engine technology to reduce emissions and fuel consumption. Additionally, the ability to complete tasks with precision and minimal repositioning reduces the overall environmental impact of operations.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
All this only fuelled Kitty's fame.
"Humankind: A Hopeful History" - Rutger Bregman
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Art in Italian Cinema
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The second film I chose to watch for this assignment was a film that had actually been on my watchlist for some time already, the Italian film Bicycle thieves. It’s a story about a father to a young boy, both impoverished and he tries to survive by getting a bike to drive to and from work. One of the quotes from the article "Realism and Neorealism” in Italian cinema by Torunn Haalan mentions a style that was used in this film’s portrayal of the bleak impoverished father and son: “Italo Svevo (1861–1928) had experimented with since the turn of the century as well as the ‘analytical and psychoanalytical’ proceedings and the ‘occasional complacency over the morbid’ that critics of Gli indifferenti referred to as ‘neorealist,’ indicating the opposition such deformations of the present formed both to past realisms and to contemporary ‘art-for-art’s sake’ movements”. This quote is represented by the chosen shots for each moment in this film, the bicycle thieves. One of the moments that shows lots of complacency over the morbid is a scene where the father and son are on the street looking for his bike. He, in defeat, sits down and watches as plenty of people riding bicycles are happily with their item and he is without. This is done intentionally to portray a deeper sense of loss and the combination of shot type and editing are done in a way that make the main character’s struggle seem that much more intense when viewing from an audience’s perspective. The film concentrates highly on the waist shots that are level with the little boy in the film to put you right where he is when the adults in the film are having arguments, and it is effective in creating a helpless bystander feeling. A bunch of this film’s story is not based in positivity, and a lot of the main problems are internal and external and stem from the main characters. The father, equally distraught but in a different way, is wearing clothes that are not cleaned and it is apparent that he is tormented from the closeups we see of him when interacting with other characters, and interacting only with himself. Another quote that can explain this genre of filmmaking is “the development of neorealist fiction and, more generally, to the creation of a hunger for truth and freedom and a new sense of self within an entire generation of intellectuals” (Haalan 35). This type of filmmaking is much less story-centric to the viewer, but rather a string of events that unfold and in this quote is described as a generational sense of intellectual thought. This film puts into perspective the audience with the characters, so no matter if you come from that background of impoverished living or not, you are able to sympathize highly with the main characters and their journey. The film also had an interesting use of wide shots when showing the other people surrounding the father and his son who are also in the same spot as him. The people in this city are fighting each other for a seat on the bus, and there seems to be little to no transportation affordable for them to get. The ability to portray post-war poverty in this way without directly saying it is important and also historical to the time when Italy was coming back from the war. There is also an interesting element with references to Rita Hayworth's image on walls and cars for commercialism that contrasts the very fabric of the reality for our two main characters. Here she is a symbol of glamour, beauty and wealth, and around them is nothing but poverty, unemployment, and lack of resources to get by. The visuals in this film are amazing.
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What Elements Affect the Cost of Cars And Truck Insurance Policy?
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There are a number of different kinds of vehicle insurance policy protection. You should make a decision which type of protection is best for you. This depends upon your spending plan as well as driving document. For older autos, responsibility insurance coverage suffices; however, newer designs may call for extensive, crash, or void insurance. Car insurance is required in a lot of states. Nevertheless, motorists in some states, like New Hampshire and Virginia, are not legitimately needed to lug cars and truck insurance policy. Choosing insurance toledo ohio safeguards you from the monetary burden of paying medical bills and problems. 
Your age is additionally a major factor in identifying your automobile insurance policy rate. For instance, a 19-year-old motorist may encounter a lot higher rates than a 75-year-old. Luckily, insurer are ending up being more forgiving, yet if you have a negative driving record, you might intend to search. In addition to the sort of insurance coverage you require, you should pick the quantity of your insurance deductible. A deductible is a percentage you pay upfront to get coverage. You need to choose a deductible that matches your monetary circumstance. Sometimes, this will lower your premium price. 
Alternatively, a high insurance deductible ways you'll need to pay more out of your pocket if you have a mishap. Collision insurance coverage spends for mishaps that you were at fault for, or mishaps triggered by other vehicle drivers. It will spend for bodily injury or residential property damages to an additional car, and also in a lot of cases, it will also cover injuries to pedestrians and also bystanders. This is a wise enhancement to any type of insurance plan. In addition, you may want to include emergency situation roadside aid. This aids cover the costs of towing, battery jumps, gas delivery, and also locksmith professional solutions. 
Another aspect that might impact your car insurance policy costs is the type of automobile you drive. Older cars are normally more economical to guarantee than younger ones. Drivers under 25 years of age are likewise more probable to be involved in mishaps than vehicle drivers aged 75 years and older. Additionally, drivers in cities often tend to pay higher costs as a result of increased risk for accidents and also vandalism. When picking a car insurance coverage, make certain you contrast quotes from different business. This will ensure that you get the best value for your money. Bear in mind that each insurance firm considers similar aspects in different ways, so it is vital to search for the best price. Also, see to it to contrast your driving history and age to make sure you get the most effective offer. Visit this link now to learn more about toledo car insurance.
Fees additionally vary between states, but if you are over twenty, you can still anticipate to pay more affordable prices than more youthful motorists. The good news is, there are numerous budget-friendly insurance companies that offer complete coverage. Geico, for instance, provides a full-coverage policy for only $2304 annually, while Allstate uses complete insurance coverage for $3506 each year. Having auto insurance is a legal requirement in Germany. The regulation calls for that you maintain a third-party personal insurance policy before you can maintain your automobile. 
There are lots of exclusive insurance companies in Germany that provide this sort of coverage. The quantity you have to pay depends on your area, sort of car, and also your driving design. Check out this blog to get enlightened on this topic: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_insurance.
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How to Select a Flooring Specialist
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It is vital to select a floor covering specialist that has a great record as well as is reputable. A few elements can aid you to locate a reliable one, such as Google evaluations as well as licensing. You need to additionally request for referrals from previous consumers and be guided to an individual that can address your concerns. A reputable service provider will also walk you with the entire procedure, consisting of the agreement as well as the service warranty. When picking st. louis flooring contractor experts, it is very important to access the very least 3 created price quotes, so you can contrast various proposals. These estimates must consist of start as well as completion days, list products, and detail the job. 
Make sure to ask about just how waste administration will be taken care of, settlement procedures, and residential property protection. If you are intending to mount a floor covering in a residential or commercial residential property, you require to call a minimum of three service providers for more info. A floor covering service provider with a high quantity of setups will have the ability to conserve you cash because they will certainly have the ability to get larger quantities of flooring items at affordable prices. Efficiency is additionally an essential element. A great floor covering service provider will be able to purchase the product at the most effective rate, phase it until it is ready for setup, and utilize the right tools as well as materials for installment. Some companies also have a team of floor covering specialists that can aid you pick the most effective option for your floor covering job. 
Some neighborhoods might call for floor covering contractors to get a business permit. Some may likewise need them to take an examination or pay a yearly cost. In most cases, a secondary school education and learning suffices. On-the-job training is generally enough, yet a small business accounting training course may help you establish a reliable monetary accounting system. In addition, some states need flooring professionals to have specific types of insurance coverage, such as commercial obligation insurance and also a guaranty bond. Picking the right floor covering specialist for your residence is essential if you wish to improve its value as well as look. In addition to the visual appeal, a brand-new floor will enhance your residence's performance and efficiency. 
Furthermore, it can assist improve the total home value, so it is very important to choose a dependable specialist. If you have any questions, ensure to ask questions prior to employing a floor covering contractor. You can hire a floor covering contractor for both installment as well as fixing solutions. In addition to insurance for workers, you ought to also make sure that the flooring specialist is insured. Getting basic responsibility insurance is a wise start. This insurance coverage secures you from third-party cases associating with residential property damage as well as physical injury. As an example, while chopping tile with a ceramic tile saw, you might unintentionally hit a bystander's eye. General obligation insurance will certainly cover any injuries caused by the saw. Even a tiny basic liability insurance claim can set you back 10s of thousands of bucks. Many professionals don't have the resources to spend for these claims. Software program made especially for floor covering professionals can assist your service run even more smoothly. Step Square makes it easy to measure a task, and the mobile app makes it possible to get a quote precisely the website. Additionally, the application has a comprehensive library of flooring products. This can aid you save money and time by automating estimating.Check out this post https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flooring for more information about this topic.
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malieck · 3 years
Among the most destructive effects that appear later in the behavioral economics library are these:
the bystander effect, or our tendency to wait for others rather than acting ourselves;
confirmation bias, by which we seek evidence for what we already understand to be true, such as the promise that human life will endure, rather than endure the cognitive pain of reconceptualizing our world;
the default effect, or tendency to choose the present option over alternatives, which is related to the status quo bias, or preference for things as they are, however bad that is,
and to the endowment effect, or instinct to demand more to give up something we have than we actually value it (...)
We have an illusion of control, the behavioral economists tell us, and also suffer from overconfidence and an optimism bias. We also have a pessimism bias, not that it compensates—instead it pushes us to see the challenges as predetermined defeats and to hear alarm, perhaps especially on climate, as cries of fatalism.
David Wallace-Wells: The Uninhabitable Earth. Life After Warming. New York 2020, p. 213 f.
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