#&&. nice things
dykes4jamescorden · 1 year
I wanna do something nice.. say something you appreciate about the person you reblogged this from!! even if it's smth as small as their profile photo :)
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injuries-in-dust · 1 year
A sound to give you some serotonin.
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purr-in-ink · 8 months
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kk1smet · 5 months
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“Give me a nice thing,” Harry said that night.
Draco blinked up at him, sleepy and lazy, like a lizard in the warm. “This is the happiest I’ve ever been,” he said.” - Nice Things, aideomai
Here’s a little gift for everyone here ♡ I’d like to think that often, Draco would stop, pause, and think, it’s a sheer wonder that they get to be together like this.
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tinyhorror · 1 year
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words of encouragement
insta | twitter | inprnt | redbubble        
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onenicebugperday · 12 days
I just want you to know that every day at work I have "Graves' special little bug of the day" where I post a bug and a fact about it on the intranet chat and people love it. If I'm not in that day they ask where the special little bug is. Spreading insect love and appreciation is possible we are in these trenches together
This is EXCELLENT news. Seeing a special little bug in my work chat every day would make me 200x more productive
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ex0skeletal-undead · 4 months
Hey, I just want to say that I really appreciate your diligence in curating quality art. I saw your post about how difficult it is to distinguish real art from AI. I've seen so many art pages/galleries get lazy and decide to post AI art because they don't want to do the research anymore.
Thank you! I'm doing my best. And yeah unfortunately I've had to unfollow a few blogs that I used to like because they don't seem to care whether or not they're posting AI, even when it's pointed out to them. I think a very big part of loving art is respecting the artists, and knowingly spreading AI trained on stolen work is hugely disrespectful. And not just disrespectful but potentially damaging to their careers.
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vaspider · 5 months
Happy new years! I just wanted you to know that seeing your posts about tucking in your anxious doggos has helped out the anxious sweetie pie I'm looking out for immensely. We don't use a weighted blanket for her, but she can sleep soundly when the neighbors are making loud noises (even fireworks and wild partying) if she's tucked in, snuggled up by humans who care for her. She also no longer licks herself enough to get raw, concerning spots, which was a problem her owner's struggled with for a long time.
I left this sitting at the top of my inbox for a while so I could see it and it would make me happy. :)
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bigdaffysworld · 2 months
I’m protected
I’m abundant
I’m chosen
I’m loved
I’m safe
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adorkastock · 4 months
Oh my God, I think I used your photos for reference on deviantart like 15 years ago?! Thank you for my life.
Hehe you're welcome. 🥰 I have this picture saved from 2019. It's in my "Nice Things People Have Said To Me" folder. You reminded me of it :3
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marimbles · 8 months
listen to me. people are kind and love is everywhere.
today when I was leaving the pharmacy a stranger held up traffic so I could turn. sometimes my mom orders groceries to my door so I don’t have to go shopping when I’m tired. a friend recently mailed me zelda keychains even though he doesn’t even play, just because he knew i’d like them. someone once told me that my fanfic was their favorite song. when i was going through the worst burnout of my life, i crashed after work one day and when I woke up my sister had made me a quiche, because I’d been craving it all week but never had the energy to make it. once time my friend sewed me a plushie and mailed it to me to cheer me up because they knew I was sad. months ago i watched a stranger get out of their car to help someone else push their car off the road. people sometimes leave keysmashes in the tags of my art posts. when i came out one of my coworkers told me “i am your ally in all things.”
things are really hard sometimes. but people are kind, and love is everywhere.
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prisonhannibal · 3 months
nice thing of the day is I had the best table ever it was a group of six older women and they kept using my name when talking to me (I love when guests do that) and I was back to that table a million times and just talked about various stuff (at one point we talked abt seagulls lol) and they asked me for my boss’s email so they could write a review about me and I told them we have a QR code where people can leave feedback. and all six of them wrote their own review about me using my name and saying stuff like I have an amazing energy and I’m professional and extremely warm and friendly 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ and when they left one of them gave me a half hug 😭😭😭😭😭 I didn’t even wanna go on my food break because I was worried they would leave while I was gone but actually they left right before my break. I feel like I remembered why I like my job today
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losergames · 3 months
ughhhh as a black IF player I need to say your black & brown character writing and designs have my entire heart. seriously. all of the characters and designs are great but to see black&brown poc depicted in such a dope & realistic way rather than just vague "brown skin person with afro/undefined curly hairstyle/locs" descriptions really touched me. Ty for bringing color and light into the IF community w your amazing characters, writing and art!! ❤️
hiiii!! i hope you don't mind that i held onto this ask for a couple of days - it just made me so happy! ❤️
just as a reader i know we're a small group and the pool is even smaller when it comes to developers. sometimes i do wonder if my work reaches other people like me LMAO and then i'm like, man i hope they like it too! so, genuinely i'm really touched that you resonate and enjoy the writing/art of my characters - enough to send me a message too! thank you so much and i hope you're having a wonderful day!!! ❤️
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shima-draws · 4 months
I haven't watched more than like, 8 episodes of once piece, but i just want to say that i'm loving your live(?) blogging of the episodes as you go. especially all the sanji x luffy, it's all very cute in general but also how excited you get about it is fantastic.
that's all! i just love seeing people passionately enjoy things.
AAGFGHGHF THANK YOU OMG........I feel like I've been REALLY annoying talking about Sanlu nonstop but I'm glad at least somebody is enjoying it lmao. But if there's one place where I SHOULD have no filter and feel free to talk about my ships constantly, it should be my own blog right. LOL
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smalltimidbean · 7 months
You’re clone designs are so fun and unique! I love the peacock and pumpkin ones! 🦚🎃
Gawwww ehehe, thaank you so much!!! I do love making silly little guys, and I try to make them unique, even if I am basically making the same dude over and over jkfdkjfd (but it's also kinda the point, considering they are clones kjfgkgf)
03012 (peafowl clone) is flattered by your nice words too! (I woulda added 03110 (pumpkin clone) too but 03012 is a bit of a spotlight hog - but 03110 appreciates the words too!)
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
Did I spent 20 minutes this morning moving earthworms off of my driveway back onto soil because it rained a lot overnight?
Did I get soaked because it was still raining?
Did I have to go to work all wet because of that?
Do I regret any of it?
Of course not. 🪱
I can feel in my heart that the earthworms are very thankful :) I rescued one off a drying sidewalk just today!
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