sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
You know the story is about to be good when the author writes, "English isn't my first language.".
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
You’re back? I haven’t seen you in so long! I hope you’ve been doing okay 🥺 Take care of yourself and stay hydrated!
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Hiii!! OMG it's so nice to talk to u again!! I'm doing good, ty for asking. And I think I'm coming back slowly? I'll try to be more active on here but life is crazy and u take care of ur self as well !! 😽❤️
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
Hi when will you start opening your request again?
Hiii I think ur talking about my writing account @sunshinee0-0 right? Uh to answer ur question idrk if I'm being honest, like I wanna write but idk about it, you know? If u wanna send in a request (just this once) I'll see if it sparks inspiration, but I can promise anything!! Hopefully this answers ur question bae!!! <33
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
UR BLOGGG!! lemme marry it rn 🫶
STOPP UR BLOG IS SO CUTE !! ❤️ Ty tho love <33
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
Send me a K-POP group and a number!
1. Who’s your bias?
2. How did you decide on your bias?
3. Who’s your bias wrecker?
4. Hyung line or maknae line?
5. What is your favorite era?
6. Your favorite song and why?
7. What’s the first song you heard?
8. Your favorite album?
9. Have they ever made you cry?
10. Favorite music video?
11. What do you love about this group?
12. Who would you marry and why?
13. Who would be your best friend and why?
14. Do you own any merch?
15. What’s a concept you would like to see them try?
16. A subunit you would like?
17. Favorite look from your bias?
18. Your favorite title track?
19. Favorite choreo?
20. Favorite live performance?
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
I’ve read all kinds of posts both from writers and readers lamenting about comments on fic. Authors are upset when they don’t get any, readers don’t know what kinds of comments to leave, etc. And it finally clicked in my brain why I think a lot of people don’t bother writing comments. 
And this is what it boils down to:
Writers do not want praise.  We just want to talk about our story. 
I can’t speak for everyone obviously - but I think the majority of writers don’t care so much for the “omg you’re a brilliant writer!!” comments as much as we just want to hear your thoughts on the story. Even if it’s just your thoughts as you’re reading of “oooh x happened! I can’t believe y said this! What’s going to happen now that z has happened?!” We literally just want to talk about what we’ve written like you would with a friend about a tv show. We’re not out here demanding praise like some entitled narcissist. 
While praising our writing skills or writing style is appreciated, it doesn’t need to be said on every fic and every chapter that you read. If you regularly comment on someone’s work that’s telling enough that you like our technique. Readers shouldn’t feel pressured to have to praise a writer’s abilities every time they want to comment. 
In the grand scheme of things, talking about the fic/chapter is actually more helpful to us writers instead of spewing praise. It’s the same with artwork. As nice as it is that people tell me “wow your art is so pretty!” it’s a LOT more useful to me to get comments like “I love their expressions!” or “the lighting on this is gorgeous!” because then I know WHAT people are liking about it. If no one ever comments on my backgrounds, I now know what to improve. If most people comment on liking the expressions, I now know the strong points of my art and can use it to my advantage to make even better art in the future. 
The same goes for fic. If multiple people tell me they liked a certain part of the story I now know that things similar to that are a hit. It’s feedback I can use to improve the story and give my readers more of what they want. Without that I have no idea what they like about the fic.
Talking with a writer about their story also gives them inspiration!! Nothing gets us more in the mood to work on a fic than to have people wanting to talk about it. A lot of times just talking about one of my fics with someone will give me that push to continue working on it. Getting a comment that just says “great chapter” or “you’re a great writer” doesn’t do much to motivate us to continue that particular fic. But if you talk about the story and the characters it gives us motivation to continue working on it, may even give us ideas for future chapters. I would hope that those of you with “comment anxiety” find this approach so much easier than trying to praise the writer every time you read.
So that fic the author hasn’t updated in forever that you’re dying to read? Talk to them about the fic and the elements of the story! It will make the writer want to talk to you about it and will get their mind thinking about it, hopefully inspiring them to continue where they left off. Fics that are left in silence are more likely to be abandoned or even deleted because nothing feels worse than putting your heart into a story to have no one say anything about it. 
TLDR; Writers do not want praise, we just want to talk with our readers about the story itself, and these are the kinds of comments that inspire us to keep writing more. 
AMENDMENT >>> Some people are misinterpreting my words so I just wanted to make something clear. I am not trying to police how people comment - I am merely reassuring readers that not every writer is an entitled asshole who expects you to comment about how talented they are and what a gift they are to the fandom. I’ve seen this attitude in writers occasionally and I want people to know that most of us writers are not like that. We love any and all comments but you do not ever need to feel pressured to say how amazing we are and lick our boots. There is nothing wrong with praising the writer, in fact a lot of us love it, but it is not something that should be required if you feel inclined to comment.
A good writer will love any positive comment whether there be praise or not. A good writer will never have expectations or demand something of their readers. A good writer will appreciate their readers and cherish the comments they receive. 
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
a guide to leaving feedback / interacting with fics.
recently in the kpop fanfic community, there have been a lot of authors that depart from their blogs due to the lack of feedback & interactions they receive on their fics. this could be due to a number of reasons, but since we are a fic-recommendation blog, we figured we would do our part in helping the community be more aware of a couple ways on how they can spread love on their favorite works and prevent more authors from leaving due to this specific reason!
please understand that is just the perspective of the admins of ficscafe. other people have different preferences and opinions, but we compiled information gathered from perspectives of an abundance of authors and this seems to be the middle ground / popular belief. if you have any questions or concerns, please drop by the ficscafe ask box.
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reblogs + text response. if we’re talking about the best way to promote authors and make them feel good, reblogging the fic itself and writing your feedback in the body of the post is the way to do it. there’s nothing better than an author clicking their notifications and seeing a reblog + comment on a fic they’ve written. it not only helps with promoting, but it also gives them an idea of how their audience feels about their work! comment within the reblog vs. tags. there’s nothing wrong with either of these! they both have the same purpose—promotion with feedback for the author. the only setback for tags is that if the author wanted to respond to your comment, it would require them to take a screenshot instead of reblogging with your feedback above theirs. stuck on what to write in the comments? easy! write literally anything pertaining to the fic. you can quote parts of the story where you felt a certain way, you can compliment the writing style, or you can discuss your thoughts on the fic. you can also talk about how much it impacted you, how interesting the storyline was, or even the uniqueness of the fic. literally anything. authors love hearing from their readers, and it motivates them to continue writing more !!
comments. only leaving comments is fine, however, it’s not particularly the best when it comes to promotion. authors do love seeing how their audience feels about their fic–but it’s a bit discouraging when their readers comment but it wasn’t good enough to warrant a reblog. authors sometimes depend on their tags, networks, and pages like ours to help with sharing their stories, but it only goes to a certain extent. please reblog !! your reblog will be more helpful than you think.
likes. probably the absolute worst way to express your adoration for a fic. tumblr is not like instagram—in order for the fic to be spread throughout the community, liking won’t take it far. liking a fic and leaving it as that is almost as if you’re hiding the fact that you enjoyed it. if you really did enjoy the content, please refer back to #1 as to which is the best way.
leaving asks. this is sweet !! we understand that sometimes readers can be shy, but again, it has the same result as #2 comments. leaving asks means interacting with the author, and this can create an ongoing conversation and build a relationship with your favorite author. nothing is better (other than a reblog + text response) than seeing a little bubble above your inbox with a new ask.
donations. this is probably the least popular action. there’s nothing wrong with authors asking for donations, but they shouldn’t make you feel like it’s an obligation or guilt trip you into doing it. donations should be within your means–but if you can donate and the fic was worthwhile enough to donate, feel free to do so! most authors have a kofi, but if they don’t, feel free to drop by their inbox and ask!
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
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Keep reading
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
opposite of dni. welcome to interact: oldest siblings, deranged fire signs, dishes girls, bottle blondes, brunettes who wear jeans, male pinterest users, dangly earrings wearers, tight black turtleneck wearers, nonbinary bisexuals, people who don’t pay for a single streaming service, people who wear socks to bed, girls who are just like their dad, cat lovers, bird lovers, raccoon lovers, soda haters, people who played water polo and soccer in high school, linguistics majors, if you can make that water droplet noise with your mouth, know how to do cool skateboard tricks, have 3 or more siblings, weird little girls who aren’t girls anymore, light yagami haters, virgo moons, people who are 6′5, hyperpop listeners, jimmy macelroy kinnies, amv makers, lonely women in their 20s, and people who weren’t allowed to watch spongebob as a kid
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
opposite of dni. welcome to interact: oldest siblings, deranged fire signs, dishes girls, bottle blondes, brunettes who wear jeans, male pinterest users, dangly earrings wearers, tight black turtleneck wearers, nonbinary bisexuals, people who don’t pay for a single streaming service, people who wear socks to bed, girls who are just like their dad, cat lovers, bird lovers, raccoon lovers, soda haters, people who played water polo and soccer in high school, linguistics majors, if you can make that water droplet noise with your mouth, know how to do cool skateboard tricks, have 3 or more siblings, weird little girls who aren’t girls anymore, light yagami haters, virgo moons, people who are 6′5, hyperpop listeners, jimmy macelroy kinnies, amv makers, lonely women in their 20s, and people who weren’t allowed to watch spongebob as a kid
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
It’s The Way You Learn To Love
pairing: any (male) idol x you
word count: 1.1k
a/n: ik this is something very different and HYYH is gonna be updated a lil later I have just been in my feels so. here’s a short lil thing you can input your bias into (i originally wrote it for wonwoo actually haha) :) please. tell me what you think cuz tbh I am so insecure about my writing it’s been a hot minute since I did so regularly lol, also to my fellow abused babes whose view of love has been warped because of what they’ve been through you’re not alone and you deserve to have this! without further ado here is a very self indulgent drabble lol
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It’s the way you thought he forgot your birthday. He comes home from work with a soft smile, excited to see you as always, and your heart sinks when you see his empty hands. He pulls you into a hug and tells you you’re going out for the night, and to wear whatever you like. You swallow the lump in your throat and do your makeup, and he takes you to the cinema; the fancy one you like, with the cushy sofas and drinks delivered to your seat. He buys a bottle of wine and pulls you back against his chest and presses a soft kiss into your hair, whispering “happy birthday, baby”, and you feel a wave of guilt wash over you.
“I thought you forgot, you didn’t get me anything”
“We just never did that in my family, so I didn’t really think to. I’m sorry, we can go shopping together after this if you want,” And you realise you hadn’t really discussed it, he wasn’t raised that way, and the memories you made that night meant more to you than any material possession could have. When your anniversary comes a few months later he arrives home holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates.
It’s the way he holds your hand in crowds because he knows you get anxious and, while he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he is scared of losing you in the sea of people. He traces circles on the back of your hand absentmindedly; a subconscious way of calming you down. And when you glance back at him he grins and gives your hand three squeezes - your own nonverbal way of saying “I love you”. You squeeze back. One. Two. Three.
It’s the way you got all done up because you weren’t feeling great about yourself and he doesn’t mention it. You are in a bad mood all day and even you don’t realise why. You go to see him in the practice room and the members are all slightly teasing.
“You’re looking just as good as he’s been saying,”
“He hasn’t shut up about you all day!”
And he kisses you in front of them all, which he never usually does, eyes adoring and bright as he gazes down at you. He sees the vulnerability in yours. He’s absolutely lovesick, he’s just shy, and you blush as he cups your face in his hands.
“You look so good, always,” he whispers, shutting out the oohing and aahing of the other men watching you.
It’s the way he reads to you in a deep, gentle voice as you lie in his lap and look up to watch his concentrated face. Every so often he moves his hand to card it through your hair, or lean down to kiss you briefly, and when you’re lulled into a peaceful sleep by the husky susurrations he chuckles softly and pulls the blanket off the back of the couch to cover you with. “I knew that would work,” he murmurs. You have been struggling to sleep recently. He keeps his fingers running through your tresses idly, unable to take his eyes off of you.
It’s the way he brings you random clay figures and kitschy knick knacks from antique shops because they made him think of you, your favourite chocolate bar from the corner store near your apartment because you had a bad day, your coffee in the morning from the coffee shop down the street because you’re too busy. And he never asks anything in return, but he never has to, because you do the same for him. You’re always on each other’s minds. Your apartment is full of tiny things. Your favourite is a set of baby blue and grey porcelain cat salt and pepper shakers, because they are so reminiscent of you both.
It’s the way he sits on the floor and holds you tight to him as your body shakes, wracked with sobs, as the stress overwhelms you. And he tells you your anxiety, your depression, your stress - they are not going to make him leave no matter how much you’ve been made to feel like they’re flaws. He tells you love is not the dopamine rush that makes you addicted to someone and he is not chasing a high - his love is caring, his love is patient, his love is not only available to you when you are happy and doing everything he wants. He tells you he hates that you’ve been made to feel like you’re only lovable when you’re useful or ‘nice to be around’, and that you never have to hide your bad days or be afraid to be vulnerable with him. Your fists are balled into his shirt and you apologise incoherently for ruining it with your tears. He kisses your forehead and rocks you in his lap, fingers tracing random shapes on your back. At one point he draws “i ♡ you” on your skin and you can’t help giggling through the tears. He knows you would do the same. In fact you have, many times.
It’s the way he stays silent as you yell at him, random things that don’t mean anything but you’re just too pent up to care. And he knows you’re getting overly emotional and starting arguments over nothing because of how you were raised and your tense home environment, he never blames you, he just waits until you’re all cried out before asking if you need space to calm down or are okay to talk about it now. You never insult him, it is never personal, and he gets it. He doesn’t have to, but he does.
It’s the way you need to vent and he just sits and nods. He listens intently, and he isn’t waiting for his turn to speak. He isn’t thinking about what he could say. He’s genuinely listening, and when you’re finished he tells you it sounds stressful, and he’s proud of you, and he’s always there to hear you out, and you feel a million pounds lighter.
It’s the way you’re both screaming, the atmosphere is tense, and neither of you can really remember why you got so angry. His pride doesn’t get in the way though, and he makes sure every time you fight to tell you he loves you, because he knows you’re scared he’ll leave. And he reminds you it’s normal to fight, and you will talk it out and be okay, and no matter what he adores you and is not going anywhere just because you disagree on something. Because you’re two different people, of course you will have different opinions, but at the end of the day you are one. You tell him you love him too.
It’s the way you have to unlearn everything you were ever taught.
It’s the way he gives you the space to.
It’s the way he loves you.
He loves you.
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
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22/30 days of Jung Hoseok ➝ it’s the eye contact vid cr.
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
stray kids imagine : attractive things they do in a relationship !
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𖧷 CHAN grabs you by the waist as he’s passing by you, when he needs you to move away a bit, when you’re walking on the road and he spots a car coming and has you move to the other side so you’re safer. his hands automatically find their way around your figure in a gentle yet protective manner and he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it sometimes. it’s something you’ve gotten used to but no matter how many times he’s done this, it never fails to paint a faint blush across your face.
𖧷 MINHO checks on you and takes care of you when you’re out in public, very especially if you’re staying apart from each other. his eyes will be finding yours ever-so-often and he’s checking for any sign of discomfort or anxiety building up in them. if he sees it, he’s instinctively pulling you closer and has already found a way to calm you down, ready to leave anytime if you just ask for it.
𖧷 CHANGBIN throws you a knowing smirk from across the room when he catches you staring at him. a smug expression blooming on his face when he sees you glancing over at him every 5 seconds. and soon after, he somehow finds his way besides you and now he’s got an arm thrown around you, pushing your body as close to him as possible so that you’re almost sat on his lap. he’s sure no one else is able to hear but you as he whispers against your ear about how you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him just a while back.
𖧷 HYUNJIN offers to hold things for you—bottles, phone, shopping bags, papers, files, books, your hand—and tries to help you out in any way he can. if you’re going grocery shopping together, he’d hold the cart for you. you’re at the movies? he’s carrying the snacks for the both of you. you’re getting take-out? he goes to get your order and carries it to the car. he offers to do the work, tells you to just make sure you’re resting.
𖧷 JISUNG, unknowingly himself, reaches for your hand when you’re kissing and holds onto it almost the whole time. you’re not sure why he likes to do it, or if it gives him more confidence, comfort or gets him more comfortable, but you just go along with it and let him do as he pleases because he’s adorable, and you had to admit, him grasping onto your hand made you quite soft too.
𖧷 FELIX remembers details and all the important dates that matter to you — the day you both met, how you met, what you did, when your anniversary is, when your parents’ birthday is, when yours is, what your favorite flowers are, your favorite take-out orders, what kind of gifts you like, etc. it’s the bare minimum, really, but it’s always been more than enough to make you feel special and appreciated.
𖧷 SEUNGMIN puts down his phone, laptop, book, or whatever else that he was busy with before when you come to him and start talking. he listens, and shows that you have all his attention by keeping eye contact with you and nodding along softly as you speak. so you have innocent doe eyes staring at you adorably whenever you want to talk about anything with him. he’s aware he might not be the most expressive with his feelings and he only hopes you know that he genuinely does care about you and notice his little ways of showing you love.
𖧷 JEONGIN grabs both your wrists and pins them down when you get a bit too squirmy and energetic and he doesn’t have the energy to deal with it. he loves you but you get kind of hard to handle sometimes,, and he has huge hands and is easily able to trap both of yours with just one hand, so obviously he uses that as a way to calm you down. (have you seen that one video of him holding chan’s wrists down like that? yeah, that’s exactly what he does to you but so much more frequently.)
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
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sunshinee0-0 · 2 years
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