I'm probably going to piss off more than just vegans with saying this, but vegans are irritating and omnivores are too defensive. Am I saying ALL vegans are annoying, or that ALL omnivores are too defensive? NO. If it applies to you then it applies, if not then don't get mad and move on to my next statement. There are a lot of chill vegans who just mind their own business and live their lives. However, the annoying vegans who are hell-bent on getting sucker punched seem to be the louder of the two types. This leads to a certain stereotype about vegans which makes omnivores really defensive against vegans and see the existence of vegans as a nuisance. Thus, omnivores start making fun of vegans in hopes of the annoying vegans shutting the hell up or just to cope with the lectures. I hope anyone reading this doesn't mistake my intentions because I don't have any. I'm just experiencing insomnia and my brain won't stop clicking with all of my opinions on the topic that I have no one to tell to. That's why I've revived my dead Tumblr account for the soul purpose of saying these things. But you don't care, and here's onto my opinions of vegans. First of all, if you are a vegan who in any way, shape, or form thinks that you're superior to omnivores and don't have a problem making that everyone else's problem, then you're definitely the annoying vegan type. Nobody wants to hear your opinions on cows or chickens unless they directly ask for it. And you're not better than omnivores in literally any way just because you choose not to eat certain products. There are also a large number of you annoying-vegans who are just ignorant about the topics you're speaking about. Humans have canine teeth for a reason and small honey companies aren't torturing bees. Also, stop pretending like being vegan is anything other than a choice. Being vegan isn't like being black or gay, you were not inherently a vegan when you were born, even if your parents raised you to be one. You are not discriminated against, you are sometimes made fun of. There's a difference. Learn it, live it, love it. P.S. I know there's a lot more to veganism than just diet, but we're going to talk strictly about diet in this post.
Omnivores, we also have two categories. The kind that don't solicit vegans just to start a fight, and the kind that do. Quit going out of your way just to make fun of vegans for no reason. If you want to call out a certain toxic behavior that the annoying kind of vegans exhibit, fine. But stop thinking that you're better than vegans just because you "aren't a pansy" and "have meat on [your] bones." You're being just as obnoxious as the annoying vegans. Also, stop bringing up companies that use slave labor as a way to diminish veganism unless you plan to stop supporting those companies, too. Although, I can see how it's different. You see vegans as people who signed up to care about everything and be extra conscious about their decisions. You, however, never did any of that so it just makes them look hypocritical and you nothing more than what you're already appearing. Of course, by calling out their behavior and not adhering to it yourself that's also hypocritical in a way. I guess there's no cut and dry angle with that argument.
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Only Musical Nerds Will Understand
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Evelyn Deavor
She's so underrated! If you look her up on media sites, all that comes up are fanfic of her and Elastigirl, and cosplays of her. She may have been a villain, but her whole message was that humans weren't that helpless and could rescue themselves, proving this through her tech savvy. While this message was done through anger and spite from losing her parents, and she was prejudiced against supers because of this, this message isn't all that bad. Also, she's a total queen. She was a brilliant inventor, she had an awesome sense of style and humor, and she genuinely loved her brother. She's not a true villain. She's a misunderstood and lonely human. Say it with me now. Evelyn. Deavor. Is. An. Underrated. QUEEN.
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I feel like these have the same energy.
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Dr. House is an INTJ
Gregory House is a fictional TV genius that people argue is either an INTP or INTJ. Here’s my argument and take on it. House is an immature INTJ:
-He focuses on what IS to be true, rather than INTP’s who look at all the information and decide what isn’t true
-He is sensitive but doesn’t have emotional outbursts, unlike INTP’s (when they do allow for emotion and things become too much)
-He shows that he has extraverted thinking by testing his theories in the external world. If they don’t work, then he rethinks a new theory and tests that one out until he gets something right. That is a personality trait of an INTJ. 
-He looks for useful people rather than people who have information, unless the information is what makes the person useful.
-Once again, he’s sensitive, but he doesn’t show it. He keeps things a secret and doesn’t want to let anyone in because he’s afraid of getting hurt.
-He puts up the arrogant front to deflect people from getting close to him and hurting him.
There is a lot more evidence to suggest that he is INTJ rather than INTP. He so often is mistaken for INTP because he is an immature INTJ, meaning that he doesn’t know how to properly control or handle his cognitive functions.
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In Dumbledore’s Defense
Okay, every meme about Dumbledore out there is either him doing a weird dance, saying something incredibly inappropriately true, or of people saying how terrible a person he was for raising Harry to die. I am here to debunk these disgusting statements. HEAR ME OUT YOU HEATHENS! Let‘s take it back to before Harry was born. Avid Harry Potterheads know that before Harry was born, there was a prophecy made saying that Lord Voldemort would mark a child born at the closing of the seventh month to parents that thrice defied him. There was two possible people he could’ve accidentally marked as an equal, he chose Harry *cough cough*he also accidentally made him into a horcrux*cough*. Anyways, Harry’s fate was sealed. Voldemort marked him as an equal, meaning him or Voldemort could only die at the hand of the other. Dumbledore didn’t raise Harry or guide Harry as a pig for the slaughter, he raised him so Voldemort would be the one dying, not Harry. Dumbledore even stated that he knew not when Voldemort would rise again, just that he WOULD rise again. Dumbledore had to prepare Harry to deal with this burden forced upon him. Dumbledore loved Harry, it must’ve killed him to have to take the childhood away from this boy and throw him into the fighting ring so soon. Yes, he planned for Harry to do all these things at a young age. Dumbledore was showing Harry what facing Voldemort was like. He wasn’t trying to hurt Harry, hurting Harry hurt him, he was ensuring that Harry would have a chance at beating Voldemort. Dumbledore was the bravest of all of them, of all the people who cared about Harry. He forced himself to look beyond Harry’s present pain to see the possibility of his future happiness, along with the entire wizarding world’s happiness. So no, he didn’t push Harry or manipulate Harry into doing these things just to save the world, but to save Harry as well.
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Am I the Only One? Mandela Effect?
Okay, I have seen every episode of Full House a billion times. I hadn’t seen the show in a year, and I decided to go back and re-watch it. I distinctly remember the theme song cutting after the first line and going to everywhere you look. I remember this intro for every season. On Hulu it has the extended version for nearly every season. I’m not sure if I’m going crazy, or if Hulu somehow changed the intro to the extended version. Comment how you remember the theme song.
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Sherlock: Once More Unto the Breach
I looked up what Once More Unto the Breach means, and it means “let us try one more time” or “try again”. I believe this may reference the episode the sub message was in, “The Lying Detective.” Sherlock and Watson trying again to be what they once were, Watson trying again to trust Sherlock, Sherlock and Watson trying again to solve a mystery....
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Sherlock Knew About Mary All Along?
Theory: In the scene where Sherlock is deducing Mary, we can see that the words liar and secret actually pop up a bunch. This makes me wonder if Sherlock was being nice to her to figure out her secrets before he went to John with his concerns. I mean, Sherlock is a master at deduction, are we really supposed to believe that he wouldn’t get some kind of clue that she’s hiding something huge? And would he really just ignore the fact that he knows she’s a liar and hiding something, because we know he knew that? Or perhaps he knew but he also knew that a secretive and difficult person was exactly John’s type like he later admitted to John that he knew.
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Supernatural/Fairly Oddparents
We know that “imaginary friends” in Supernatural are called Zanna. They’re there for kids who need them. Ring any bells? Timmy Turner has 2 Zanna, and all the wishes are just him and his Zanna playing. He also imagines what it would be like if anybody ever found out about his Zanna, which explains how people could see them in certain episodes. This is probably taking the theory too far, but what if the reason why Timmy’s parents are never home is because they’re hunters. And Vicky is actually a demon possessing a girl, but his parents never suspected her as a demon so they never tested her.
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Season 14 Theory
Season 13 ends with Michael walking around in Dean’s meat suit. (If you haven’t finished the season by now, what’s wrong with you?). Michael wanted to come to this world to cleanse it or whatever. My theory is that he’s going to go searching for heaven’s gate. When he reaches heaven he’s going to take over, and the angels happily let him do it seeing as heaven’s crumbling like a stale cookie and needs the angel juice, and they want somebody to lead them again. So the first half of the season is Mikey leading the angel Breakfast Club into whatever plans he wants to be carried out. I’m sorry to say it, I was as sad and infuriated by Gabe’s death as anyone, but if this were to happen, it would make sense for the writers to kill him off to pave way for Michael being Heaven’s only refuge
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I know the majority of Potter fans think that Hermione should’ve ended up with Harry instead of Ron, but I think that that would’ve only ended in disaster. I think that Ron and Hermione balance each other out. Hermione is the girl that everyone tells to shut up because she’s too smart for her own good, a walking encyclopedia. Sure, Ron was one of those people in the beginning, but Hermione proved that she wasn’t just an insufferable know-it-all like Ron and Harry had assumed, and he became forever loyal there on out. He became the person that was always telling her how brilliant she was, he was the person who told her how much they needed her, he boosted her in a way that no one else did. Sure, Harry was grateful for her help, but he never gave acknowledgement to her wit like Ron did. Then there’s Ron. One in a family of many children, always having to boost his own ego and appear greater than he was just to be noticed, Hermione knocked him down a level. Brought him back to reality. And she let him know when he did something truly great. Something that made him feel okay by himself and noble about his actions, something that made him truly stand out. They may argue a lot, but it’s out of passion, for they know that they would be lost without each other.
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Man, if Sam and Dean had been alive while It the clown was on the loose, everything would’ve been all cleared up in, like, a week.
Edit: Except for Sam's phobia of clowns. It still would have been taken care of within days, though.
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Season 1: Looking for Dad; takes entire season to find then dies
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Season 5: Looking for Dad again; takes 6 seasons to find then leaves
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Castiel Trench Coat Theory
Theory: Castiel is most well known for his trench coat among the Supernatural fans. And as a Supernatural fan I noticed something kind of interesting about Castiel and the rest of the angels as I’ve been going through the seasons of the show. Almost all of the angels that still followed under heaven’s orders wore shades of black, white, and grey business attire. And almost all of the independent angels wore things that shied away from the monotone colors and business attire. Then there’s Castiel. And while he did wear the trench coat while still being under heaven’s orders, I think it was foreshadowing. I think his clothes stand for his changing life throughout the seasons. The suit underneath the coat stands for heaven always being his home, even with all the conflict and him disobeying the angels in heaven. I think the trench coat shows his independence from the orders of heaven, and his life with the Winchesters. I think his clothes show that there are two very prominent sides to Castiel. The angel warrior from heaven, and the friend and family to the Winchesters. The two sides that he shows us continually throughout the show.
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Castiel is Jack’s Father?
Theory: Sam asked how Jack looked as old as he did given that he had just been born. Jack said that when Kelly was pregnant with him that she said he had to be grown up, that he couldn’t be a child because there would be people coming after him. So what if he took that literally and MADE HIMSELF A GROWN UP. While Jack and Sam were in the cell Jack said he CHOSE Castiel as his father because his mother said that Cas would protect him. What if Castiel is ACTUALLY Jack’s father because Jack CHOSE Castiel as his father, just like he CHOSE to be grown up because his mother said he needed to be. It would explain why he looks like Castiel and has some of the same mannerisms as him. Even if Lucifer is still biologically Jack’s father, Jack chose Castiel as his father, so he chose to take after him. He certainly has the angel juice to do it seeing as he woke up Castiel in a place that not even God could reach.
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