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reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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Spiderverse thots
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Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.
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Me to my sister while I watch TWS with her for the first time: Look he is such a baby!
Her, visibly confused as to why I'm calling the assassin dressed in all black leather who is trying to stab the OG Miss America and failing repeatedly: Mady what the fuck?
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Sam: I have no fear
*Bucky creepily staring at him for the rest of his life*
Sam: I have one fear
Untold story of Sam and Bucky - (11-?)
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Don't think about Peter seeing a strange sad kid around his age at his mentor's funeral. Don't think about Peter summoning his inner spiderman even in one of the lowest points of his life and walking over to the boy. Because that's what heros do, they help people. 
Don't think about Peter trying to make idle conversation by asking how he knew Tony, expecting something similar to his situation. Well, not the secret superhero and avengers thing, but that he was one of Starks interns or assistants or something like that.
Maybe do think about Harley wiping a sniffly nose and telling the kind boy his story, the story of The Mechanic who taught him to stand up for himself, the Super Hero who saved him from the weird exploding bomb guys, and Tony. The man who had panic attacks and PTSD over New York. The man who gave a 11 year old a lesser version of a flash grenade to let him stay the night in his barn. The man who turned said barn into his personal wonderland once he left. And the man who kept in touch with him over the years through letters and phone calls and maybe an occasional facetime.
Think about Peter letting out a wet chuckle and wiping his teared up eyes at the story. “That sounds like Mr. Stark.” He would say as the boys exchanged stories of the acclaimed “Iron Man.”
Think about Stark's two smartest not-technically-technically-kids bonding over the memory's of Tony, the real Tony. The Tony who set up a STEM lab for Harley, the Tony who grounded Peter because he got a little too close to dangers edge, who saw a little too much of himself in those boys.
The Tony who helped spark both their dreams and fed the fire until he died. And even in death, he's their Hero. He always will be. Maybe do think about that. Think about the Starks, biological or not.
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Spider man doodles
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These were from a while ago but i was happy with them so they go here
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After rewatching Spider-man 3, I have a very important question for the other Raimi bloggers out there:
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I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
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photographs that are permanently grafted to the inside of my eyeballs
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(Across the Spider-Verse spoiler)
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tony and peter share a habit of escaping their rooms and heading to the roof whenever they can’t sleep.
Peter sometimes ends up on the fire escape of his apartment, but when he’s in the Stark building, he finds the roof and lays flat, watching the stars.
and tony? ends up sometimes in his landing pad, but if he has the patience, his favorite of the roof. He likes to sit on the ledge and watch the city.
Sometimes, peter and tony end up on the roof on the same nights. they try not to acknowledge each other, as one sits on the ledge and the other lays flat on his back. But it’s nice for both of them when they’re there together. It’s helps, to know other people are there.
(And then, one day, Peter goes missing. Kidnapped, presumably. There was never a note left, but tony is sure he’s out there. He has a feeling. Tony loses sleep many nights, trying to find his boy. Trying to track him down.
The first night that Peoper insists Tony sleep, tony tries. he does. but he just can’t sleep. he can’t do it, not with his kid somewhere out there, probably in pain, probably scared. He can’t just lay here.
He makes it to the roof, as he always does. And there, he finds the very boy he was worried about. Sitting in Tony’s spot but facing into the roof, seemingly unharmed. Peter only has time to say “Mister Stark, I can explain-“ before Tony tackles him in a hug.
It took Peter 20 minutes to explain the whole story, but he had a good reason for disappearing. a very good reason. And now, Tony has a lot of work to do, while Peter goes back into hiding.)
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The interviewer: do you have kids?
Tony: no
The interviewer: but in the last interview you mentioned one boy quite a lot.
Tony: oh, Peter? Yeah, he’s my intern.
The interview: so he isn’t your child?
Tony: I have already told you, no.
The interview: but in that interview you said that you would kill for that child and you are still refusing to admit that he is your kid?
Tony: yes, he isn’t my kid, but I would kill everyone for him, I would take hundreds of bullets for him, I would get myself killed for him. but he isn’t my child.
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